The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Summer Sabbatical

Cella Poliani

posted 05-22-2002 10:52 PM    
Starting in the last week of June, I will not have access to the Internet regularly, as I'm going to participate in a summer college program at a state university and I have no idea if they'll let me use the internet for fun. So...I'm thinking about having Cella take a "sabbatical" for a while. She does need a rest cure after all! I'm trying to steer her in that direction.

As for Nassy, I'd like someone to write for her, which shouldn't be a big deal as she's not a major character. But she is fun, so I wouldn't mind lending her out. Jeroc and Logan, I've decided not to even worry about writing them anymore. They have stopped being my problem.

Suggestions? Help? Any comments would be appreciated, my friends! Everyone was very understanding during my extended absence last summer and I know you'll come through for me again.


posted 05-23-2002 07:10 AM    
Congrats on the summer program. I'm betting that you will still have internet access though; any university worth its salt will have this available for its students, especially if you are going to be staying on-campus.

I don't know what to do about Nassy, however. Personally I have enough characters as it is, and do not wish to take on another at this time. If no one does, we'll have to figure out what to do with her as well.

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 05-23-2002 12:02 PM    
Yeah I leave for work this summer again for 7 weeks - no electricity so no computer - start the last week of June but I will be home for scattered weekends - but seeing as Thea isn't doing much at the moment anyway just don't kill her off on me...

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 05-24-2002 09:22 AM    
K I'm going to be gone for a week - today is my last on a comp in France so use the Force or the All as your preference would be to keep all planes safely in the Air on the 31st and I will see you in June!!


posted 05-24-2002 01:26 PM    
You'll be just fine; I'll see to that!


Fly safely, and let us know when you're back!