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Rogue Angel

posted 05-03-2002 07:06 PM    
If I am scarce in these parts for the next week or so, I have several very good reasons, namely two major school projects, four abstracts, and two AP exams to study for. I'll post whenever I can, but if I can't be found on the boards, I am more than likely studying...*groans at her sad lot as an overworked high school junior*


posted 05-03-2002 10:18 PM    
Hey, I got a question about AP. I might take AP US History next year, but I was wondering what kind of class it is. I always forget to ask my counselor about it at school. Is it like a regular excel class, only you have an exam at the end of the year, or is it like, more work to do alone and out of class?


posted 05-03-2002 10:29 PM    
*holds up thumb with pointer finger atop it, making small circles with the pointer just above the thumb*

This is the world's smallest record player playing "My Heart Bleeds for You"

Rogue Angel

posted 05-10-2002 07:03 PM    
It might be different in your school, but in my school, AP US History is a lot like any other honors class except for the special things you do to prepare for the AP exam. I think the hardest thing about AP US History is all the essays you have to write and the DBQs (document based questions). I'm pretty good at history, so I didn't find it terribly hard, and there wasn't an unreasonable amount of homework.

In my school you're not forced to take the AP exam at the end of the year (less than half of our class did) but your school might be different.

BTW, I took the AP US History exam this morning...either it kicked my butt or I did OK I'm just glad it's over with.

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 05-16-2002 10:02 AM    
Yeah - my school was one of those - you have a TON of extra work in the AP classes schools and the AP exams were mandatory if you took the class so I would check out your particular program cause it could go from either extreme to the other depending on your districts philosophy on the whole deal.