The Holonet Boards » RP Headquarters » Story Synopsis |
posted 10-23-2001 07:04 PM
Greetings! ~ and welcome to the Role Playing Boards of the Pod! If you are browsing here now...yes, right now! one might assume that you are considering jumping into the fray with the rest of us, but perhaps aren't quite certain as to what is going on, and how you can fit yourself in. Fear not, intrepid writer: it's not as intimidating as it might appear. Read on, and you'll understand.... First of all please realize: this is on-going, interactive role playing in the format of writing. Our story takes place in the Universe of Star Wars. This is not "gaming," per se, as there are no "attributes" one's character is specifically endowed with, and we do not roll any dice to determine the direction in which events will proceed. All is determined by the writing, and responses of characters to what is/has been written. I like to think this is kinda like when we were kids and "played pretend." Heh. Only we write out what we see enacted in our heads. We do have a few rules to adhere to; please read them in the RP Headquarters forum... along with the timeline. PLEASE NOTE: The time is in the future. That is, after the movies, after ANY AND ALL books. This way we can refer back to characters and so on, but do not role play them. We create our own. As the role play opens, there is no Empire in control nor a really strong New Republic, as yet. All are factions scattered throughout the galaxy. We'll see where this leads us. OK, secondly, it is recommended that you pop over to "Character Descriptions" forums and read through the brief descriptions of all the characters who have had input into our storyline. This is easier than me trying to go through all of them here. If you do decide to join in our fun, please add a short description and maybe a little background information of your character. You can create however many you please!*Crosses fingers in the hopes that someone will bring a couple Darths into this story line...* OK, now in a nutshell, here is a synopsis of what is going on so far, and the order in which you might find it. Since all forums are concurrent, characters can leap from one forum into another, depending on where they are in the Galaxy. Some threads might not readily show when you go into their forums; just go to the little browser at the bottom and scroll to "show all topics." They'll pop up. Now, I'll do my best not to confuse you here...: The story begins in Complete SW Universe in the thread, "Intermission." This introduces my characters Galen and Graysith. From here go to the Jedi Praxeum and Sith Temple forum. There, the thread, "Out With The Old, In With The New" introduces most of the other characters in this story, giving a little background. In this thread, Galen en route to seeking haven on Yavin 4, (and being followed by her Sithster Graysith) is captured by the nasty Gouyen Chee for bringing harm to Chee's "blood-oath sister," Graysith. Galen is rescued by Admiral Actar, who she doesn't trust, and from whom she escapes, finally reaching Yavin 4. The Jedi (Jeroc and Cella) and their students (Logan and Shayla, and a very young Thea) are introduced. Graysith arrives and attempts a diversion so she can snag Galen: she kidnaps Shayla. Admiral Actar arrives and once again rescues Galen. Graysith, angered, sends Shayla to the Sith Sorcerer, Aelvedaar, and pursues Actar. Jeroc and the others take off to try to find Shayla. Multiple branching off now follows: Galen's experiences with Actar and escape are recounted in "Ambria Headquarters" in the Empire and New Republic forum. There she is taken on by Terrin Danner, who had "business" to attend to with the local moff regarding Shayla, and, when not getting anywhere, leaves in disgust. He takes on Galen to be his pilot, and brings her to his fleet. Their portion of this storyline continues in "To The Other Side Of The Universe" in the Complete SW Universe forum. Meanwhile, the Jedi split up in the hopes of being able to more easily find the missing Shayla. The story of Cella, and her linking up with the smuggler Yaoksi Joao is told in "Out With The Old," and continues in "Rendezvous on a Rogue Moon" in the Empire and New Republic Forum. In this thread, all the pursuers finally come together, still seeking Shayla. Yaoksi reluctantly leaves; follow him to "Stranger Than Fiction" thread in Complete SW universe forum. Here he ironically takes on as a new partner the Verpine "K'Kihl," who was the former partner to the bounty hunter Sorben Tarnus (Galen's first love and father of her child. See character descriptions). Here too, still seeking crew members, he begins a tempestuous "relationship" with the Twi'lek Naisra'len, the best gunner in the Galaxy. (This is a sideline which may or may not join with the ongoing main story.) OK, so we have Jedi hot on the trail of a missing Shayla. We have Graysith after her sister, who has joined up with Terrin Danner and "his" fleet. In another "character entrance thread," we meet Erik Kartan, Shayla's love who is desperate to find her. He goes out with some of their joint fleet, seeking her as well. This can be found in the "Love is Eternal" thread in the Complete SW Universe forum. And what has happened to Shayla? Woven throughout the "Out With The Old" and "Ambria Headquarters" is the tale of how a "discarded" Shayla is flung to Aelvedaar, the Sith Sorcerer, after having her memories ripped from her by Graysith. He has no need of her, and traps her into the "Elseness," that moment and place in/of spacetime existing between one second and the next. There she undergoes painful self-inspection, as well as coming to terms with deeply-rooted senses of being abandoned. Graysith plucks her from that horrid state, returns her memories, and proceeds to try to persuade her into learning of her ways regarding the Force. Shayla finally accepts the offer, feeling no one else cares about her. Graysith continues with her persuasions, finally breaking through to Shayla in the "Great Temple At Khar Delba" thread in the Jedi Praxeum and Sith Temple forum. Shayla begins to learn from Graysith, much to the dismay of the Jedi who are fast approaching Khar Delba to "rescue" her, as are with Erik and Terrin et al. OK, that's about it for a brief (!!!) synopsis of what's been going on here for about a year, hehe. Oh yeah... head on over to the Complete SW Universe forum and read the very short thread, "Standing at the Edge of Forever." Here comes a brand new character, ready to interact... hehehe. *evil laugh* Who knows where he'll go or what he'll do; at this time he's still in inter-galactic hyperspace. All I'll say here is that his name is Abaddonis, and he is a Darth... who has joined with the Yuuzhan Vong, and of course has been biogenetically engineered by them. Hehehe... It is our hopes that this synopsis has perked your interest enough that you create your own characters and join us in the wonderful world of Star Wars Online Interactive Role Play! You don't have to be a writer to join us... just someone who has a love of Star Wars, as well as a love of pretending! Please register, and come on in! The water's FINE!! [ 05-23-2003 07:45 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ] |