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Rogue Angel

posted 07-23-2001 05:30 PM    
I'm back from my vacation to Taiwan! I spent time with my relatives and basically just relaxed--it was great. A BIG thanks and hug to Mara for taking over Cella in the Praxeum. Mara, you've done a great job, and I couldn't ask for more! Will you do me a small favor and continue writing for Cella for a little longer so I can reacquaint myself with the storyline? I'll be back RP'ing shortly as soon as I get caught up.


posted 07-23-2001 06:38 PM    
Welcome Back


posted 07-23-2001 10:37 PM    
Welcome back Tina, glad to see you! I'll be glad to write a couple of posts more for Cella til you get back in with the story, just OCC or post here or something when you are ready to take her back.

Rogue Angel

posted 07-25-2001 02:22 PM    
Well, you didn't have to wait too long, Mara. I'm ready to "take back" my favorite alter ego now and you should see my first new post there soon. A big thanks again for filling in for me. You did a great job--Cella is just as I remember her!


posted 07-25-2001 02:37 PM    
Glad I kept her in character for you. I really enjoyed writing her, as her personality doesn't seem to be all that different from Shayla's (under normal circumstances which she is definitely NOT in at the moment).

She's all yours. Again, thanks for the opportunity to write Cella, it was a challenge fitting into a character that wasn't mine.


posted 07-26-2001 11:36 PM    
Sorry that I haven't been writing, I've been busy this week, and my next post as Actar is a werd one so I gotta bein the right mood, and I haven't been in that mood, and to add to it I started reading books again this week


posted 07-28-2001 09:30 PM    
S'ok Ani. I owe a Shayla post still. Maybe I'll actually go do one now...