The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » How do I join.....

Taylor Zell

posted 07-15-2001 02:42 AM    
I was at on mirc and was convinced to come here... now it happens like usual... I see, i like, and I wanna join.. but I don't know.. so of course I look like a newbie and come here and ask.. but yet the forum seems so busy I wonder if anyone will notice...

*shrugs and turns around as he puts his thumbs into his pockets and steps back onto the empty streets*


posted 07-15-2001 09:43 PM    
I'm not good at explainingg thuings but.....I'd suggest reading some posts (Jedi Praxeum and Empire/NR are best to read for newbies) and then jumping in somewhere. Usually the first post sort of introduces the character or something....

If you're lucky, someone will give you a quick run down on what's happening n stuff...

Taylor Zell

posted 07-16-2001 01:17 PM    
Okay then I'll just post a quick run down on my character and if I don't find a place to jump in I'll create an intro...

Name: Taylor Zell
Race: Gungan
Age: 19

Desc: When he was very young, he was discovered by the jedi, and was quickly taken in to be trained. He is tall with flopy ears like most Gungam are but seems to be the most intelligent of the race being he was raised with the Jedi Council. Not too long ago he broke away from his Padawon status and became an officail jedi. First one of his race if I'm not mistaken. But he quickly found use of his gungan abilities for he has no problem breathing underwater, or leaping great distances. Food consumption is also very easy with that toungue.