The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » Invite from GraySith

Anakii Lytre

posted 06-23-2001 05:24 PM    
I came her by the way of Graysith. I have no idea how to start rpging here. So a little help would be greatly appricated. HELP! I know its not right for a sith to beg for help, but I need it.


(Graysith, I go as Reela in my Yahoo rpgs. Its me gundam_guardian)


posted 06-23-2001 06:06 PM    
Welcome to the Pod Role Play Boards! I am sooo pleased that you have come!

One thing you may have overlooked that I mentioned in the email to you, is that the boards are going to be down for about a week while we get a better server. This was to occur June 26th, but unfortunately has been pushed up to June 24th--TOMORROW! *gakk*

Nutshell: server is not going down for a few days yet, but they are downloading all the threads and forums. If we post anything new after this begins (which is what begins tomorrow) we will lose it. *sobs--not fitting of a Sith, either*

So we won't get to RP untl the boards are back, supposed to be July 6th. THEN we can all get going together!

As far as how to's, it's easy. You have already registered with us here; you can register other characters if you wish as well. Basically, a person writes a post, and other characters in the story thread respond to it. Idea is to keep within the on-going story (ie: don't totally disregard what the others are writing in the thread) but try to get your input there as well. Hehe.. this is where creative thinking and imagination come into play! Basically, in this manner we are all writing a story together, and play off of each other. But then you know this. You said you have done this on other sites.

All the forums are "real-time;" that is, all going on at basically the same time. So characters can jump from forum to forum (going from one part of the SW Galaxy to another). You cannot use another person's character without the author giving you permission to make that character think and respond to what you are saying. Otherwise you can "manipulate" another one's character in a simple mode (he turned and looked at my character as I was speaking, and so on.) I guess you can physically move another person's character about. You just cannot think or reply for them. Oh yeah, you can't kill another person's character without permission, either. Hehe... hardly anyone ever gives permission.

My suggestion: read the stories here. There is one thread in SW Universe, "Intermission," which my character Galen started. That ongoing story has spread out into the Empire and New Republic forum. Meanwhile, another storyline began in the Jedi Praxeum. Galen briefly jumped there, then on to Empire (with a lil help, kekeke) Basically the storylines merged. Now it is operating on a two forum basis. heh.

This kind of thing is fun; I hope you'll leap right in. But again, I suggest you read the current storyline/s, the rules (in RP Headquarters, I believe) and don't forget to read (and post your own!!) character descriptions so you'll know who is running around in our lil Star Wars Universe.

Once more, welcome! Any other questions, just email me.


posted 06-23-2001 06:14 PM    
Yea, welcome

I think she covered everything. Your best bet on understanding the whole thing is to read some.