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posted 05-02-2001 12:35 PM    
Are we starting over or are we starting where we left off?

Rogue Angel: Come quick IMAGE: We should just start over with the Jedi...we can discuss what we wanna do...

I'm gonna ask Mara if she'll be a Jedi with us so we'll have people IMAGE:

[monger=ff0000,ffff00]I'm from the Lou and I'm proud...[/monger]

Holonet Admin


posted 05-02-2001 02:13 PM    
Well, let me know because I'd love to jump in wherever it starts...

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...


posted 05-02-2001 02:59 PM    
If your gonna be a Jedi we can start anytime I think were just gonna start off at the temple again.

My character Jeroc Mahoy is the head of the Praxeum when Skywalker isn't there. So depending on your age I'll prolly be training your character. We do leave the temple tho...

I'll be doing a student character also called Logan Murroe since Jeff never gets online anymore...I'm just gonna use his character...and when he stays with me this summer he can write for him.

I'll prolly hand over my other student character Cordea Nova over to Tina. She's better at girl characters than I am IMAGE: In the old Jedi RP last summer she was Jeroc's wife but it wasn't I'm makin her a student this time round IMAGE:

I also have a Admiral(he used to be a general but I'm gonna have him as an Admiral now IMAGE:

Yea but we definitly need more characters...

Admiral Noric needs a right hand man...and if you want can make an X-Wing commander IMAGE: and have his squad on my flagship IMAGE: It'd be fun. Do it kinda a Wraith Squadron'd be neat...I'd even do a character for the squad IMAGE:

Tell your friends bout the RPs too...their fun once you get em started!

[monger=ff0000,ffff00]I'm from the Lou and I'm proud...[/monger]

Holonet Admin


posted 05-02-2001 03:10 PM    
Well, my character isn't a Jedi YET, but I can definitely place her at the temple if that is where we start. I have a plan already...

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...


posted 05-02-2001 08:39 PM    
Hey peeps!

I have several characters, all involved in a thread in the Complete SW Universe ("Intermission" thread.) My one character is kind of a good person, all the others are evil. Everyone is out to get galen (my good one) because she is pregnant with a child who will be super powerful in the Force, and all the Dark Siders want the baby to train for the Dark Side. She has a sister who has been "chosen" by the Original Sith (long story here) to implement the physical return of their magickal civilization (very powerful and dark indeed)-- she is now Graysith and super ba-aa-aad... hehehe... anyhoo, she is after the baby, too; she wanted it gone as she was also pregnant with a powerful child, but due to an action by galen lost her baby and now is healing at Korriban under the care of a Sith Sorcerer, Aelvedaar.

ANYHOO, Galen is now a prisoner of Admiral Actar, who "rescued" her from the dark Lady Gouyen Chee (who is the top dog of the Assazi Compendium, all dark siders, and a close friend of graysith)--that's the background in a nutshell, but once galen figures out how to get away from Actar she's gonna have all these bad dudes out on her tail...AND SHE COULD USE A LIL LIGHT HELP HERE! So SOMEONE PUH-LEEEEZE feel free to leap into that thread; Rogue, you're such a good writer, COME ON IN AND PLAY!

[monger=000FFF,FFF000]"I Ride the Stormcloud and the Night!"[/monger]


posted 05-02-2001 08:41 PM    
Yes, but beware of Admiral Actar, cause he's an emotionally unstable guy and you know how those types can get IMAGE: He'll cut off your fingers and use them to pick his nose. j/k

- Anakin IMAGE:
Head Administrator - Bow to me!


posted 05-02-2001 08:43 PM    
Oh yes, just to remind everyone... all forums here are "real-time," and thus you can hop from one to another and go in and out of threads... kind of like you're travelling from one part of the Star Wars Galaxy to another...

Hehehe... maybe I can get Galen away from Actar and hop into whatever thread you begin! But look out; there will be some bad apples on her trail!

[monger=000FFF,FFF000]"I Ride the Stormcloud and the Night!"[/monger]

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 05-03-2001 01:19 PM    
I would like to join you but first could someone tell me what this is, how it works, what it entails and all that good stuff?


posted 05-03-2001 01:55 PM    
Its a regular RP but in a real-time world where when one thing happens in one forum it can effect the other. Personally I think this is a way more organized RP than lots of them out there but thats just me....

You create a character and it can be anything that has to do with the SW can be a senator, pilot, jedi, sith...

Depending on your character you might wanna ask how you can jump in...

Like right now if you were to make a Jedi...write a thing of your character and how he got there...and then I will take it from there to greet you...

There are some rules too...

1. No posting with another person's character. It if for them to use only. You can use them when they say you can...but if they haven't don't use their character to say stuff...they'll answer you themselves.

2. No constant fighting. We want stories behind our RPs...constant fighting can ruin it.

3. No unstopable characters. Make it so your character has weaknesses as well as strengths. Everyone has gotta lose battles sometimes.

4. Be as realistic as you can please.

5. Jokes between characters are ok...but try to keep a serious tone to it too. Don't make it all goofy like. Like don't make fun of the Matrix within your post ("I know Kung Fu") IMAGE:

6. Try and keep all posts clean. Cursing and Swearing are allowed sometimes...but don't overuse it. Sex and stuff...lets try to keep that um...yea. IMAGE: Blood and Guts are gonna happen so thats not too bad. Least I don't mind it.

These are offcial rules(cept #1)...but their good rules to follow, trust me IMAGE:

[monger=ff0000,ffff00]I'm from the Lou and I'm proud...[/monger]

Holonet Admin

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 05-03-2001 04:23 PM    
ok so I just pick a name and make a person behind that name and jump in somewhere I think I can do that - I'm very good at telling stories but I think i can handle this... IMAGE:


posted 05-03-2001 04:30 PM    
Heh...yea its not hard but its different.

*Pssst...we need Jedi* IMAGE:

Have fun IMAGE:

[monger=ff0000,ffff00]I'm from the Lou and I'm proud...[/monger]

Holonet Admin

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 05-03-2001 05:10 PM    
Already there Blake - will you take a 6 year old first time padawan?


posted 05-03-2001 05:23 PM    
Yea we'll take a 6 year old trainee...she's not old enough to be a Padawan yet but we need some younger characters that have no prior knowledge of the Force.

I have a character that can end up being a mother-like figure to her...I just gotta ask Tina if she wants to play it IMAGE:

[monger=ff0000,ffff00]I'm from the Lou and I'm proud...[/monger]

Holonet Admin

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 05-03-2001 05:55 PM    
Sounds good to me!


posted 05-03-2001 06:46 PM    
Blake, where in the galaxy is Admiral Noric? And he's with the Empire right?

- Anakin IMAGE:
Head Administrator - Bow to me!


posted 05-03-2001 07:39 PM    
First things first...

THANK YOU SO MUCH, BLAKE! You did a wonderful job answering the question and acting as moderator for me... I'm afraid I've been guilty of being absent, and am relieved you were here to pave the way. Thanks again for handling it!

Everyone, I am thinking this could be fun if we all get into one thread... my character galen is about to come join you in an escape... she might be "trailing" some rather bad dudes... we could all have fun with this... if you're curious as to what's going on, just read the "Intermission" thread in SW Universe (I repeat myself, keke) and you'll get the background.

This is going to be fun, and I hope it's ok with y'all...

Grins through whiskers...

(Sorry about that, Blake; it's a leftover from my Tigress days...! heh!)

[monger=000FFF,FFF000]"I Ride the Stormcloud and the Night!"[/monger]


posted 05-03-2001 08:24 PM    
I gotta make another Terrin Danner post...

If the wind no longer calls you, it is time to see if you have forgotten your name...

Rogue Angel

posted 05-05-2001 08:25 PM    
Hey, Blake! I'm here and ready to role-play IMAGE: I like the ideas you've got so far...I still want to do Cella because she's my alter ego but I'll take some more female characters. I'm glad that you're taking on Logan--I never really felt I could do him was weird for me to do a guy IMAGE: So I'm going to pop over to the Praxeum and see what we got...

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"


posted 06-03-2001 11:23 PM    
Hey,How can you become a jedi?