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posted 03-11-2001 06:10 PM    
We need some more Role Players or somethin....

[monger=ff0000,ffffff]Holonet Jedi Master[/monger]
Forum Administrator

-Have you mowed your lawn today?-
-Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.....-
-People bring out the worst in me-


posted 03-11-2001 06:22 PM    
I'm working on something

If I cared I'd be smiling right now :(


posted 03-12-2001 09:19 PM    
There is an online, but now highly alterable storyline going (all the characters other than Graysith and Galen are gone for good, I believe) anyway, it's in SW Universe for anyone to leap into...

[monger=000FFF,FFF000]"I Ride the Stormcloud and the Night!"[/monger]


posted 03-12-2001 10:08 PM    
Jeroc is still around...

So is my admiral character...I just forgot his name IMAGE:

[monger=ff0000,ffff00]I'm from the Lou and I'm proud...[/monger]

Holonet Admin


posted 03-12-2001 10:14 PM    
My admiral guy is still alive. I'm also Thrawn unless someone else wants to be him cause DW isn't around anymore....

[monger=ff0000,ffffff]Holonet Jedi Master[/monger]
Forum Administrator


posted 03-14-2001 12:05 AM    
I'll play Thrawn...I've read all the books he's been in so I know the character pretty well...

[monger=ff0000,ffff00]I'm from the Lou and I'm proud...[/monger]

Holonet Admin


posted 03-14-2001 11:45 PM    
Hey, someone PUH-LEEZE come leap into the SW Universe forum, in the thread "Intermission." We need a good guy; Galen doesn't have her boyfriend Sorben anymore, and is going off on her own, and is preggers with a super-powerful-in-the-Force baby, and is now being chased after by the Dark Forces of Lady Gouyen Chee because she stole Graysith's CloakShape fighter (that Lady Chee gave to her sister, Graysith). Anyway, the story is young and wide open for players, and has only Galen in it as the "good guy;" and SHE'S GONNA NEED SOME HELP! (Graysith is recovering from nearly being killed, and when she is better, she'll be hot on the trail of her sister, too!) So puhleeeze, anyone, feel free to join the fray! A jedi or two would be nice....

[monger=000FFF,FFF000]"I Ride the Stormcloud and the Night!"[/monger]


posted 03-15-2001 03:32 PM    
Will a wise ass smuggler do?

If I cared I'd be smiling right now :(


posted 03-15-2001 05:38 PM    

A wise ass smuggler would be perfect! He'd get along great with Galen; she's got a bit of attitude on her as well!

C'mon over and join the fun! (Read the thread to get an idea of what's happening; if you need more background, I'll fill ya in.)

[monger=000FFF,FFF000]"I Ride the Stormcloud and the Night!"[/monger]


posted 03-15-2001 06:44 PM    
I think I'll do it.

If I cared I'd be smiling right now :(


posted 07-07-2006 12:25 AM    
I know this thread is ancient, but I stumbled upoon it and was amused.

Galen and a smuggler (ex-smuggler?!?!)...

...imagine THAT idea! ::winks::