The Holonet Boards   » RP Headquarters   » A Note to the Jedi Praxeum

Rogue Angel

posted 08-16-2000 05:49 PM    
Hi guys, Wicked, Jeroc/Bob, Logan...

Because this state has some kind of stupid mandatory attendance law IMAGE: I have to go to school now instead of sitting at home frittering away time on the Internet. So I won't be able to post as much as I used to. Also, when I am posting, I will have some terrible brain cramp, from being at school all day. So post quality might be lower. Like I said, there's nothing I'd rather do than post on this board all day, but no, I have to go to school. Sorry!

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

Darth Wicked

posted 08-16-2000 06:13 PM    
Hey now,

I work 7 days a week and I start school on the 21st but I still do it! NYAH!!!

-Darth Wicked

And saith unto him; 'All these things will I give thee if you will fall down and worship me...'

Lord Wicked is NOT a Chiss, but human. I just love Thrawn.

[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]

Rogue Angel

posted 08-18-2000 07:41 PM    
Yeah, well, I have a life.

Just kidding! (I mean, I have a life, but I'm not implying that Wicked doesn't b/c I don't know him personally.)
"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Rogue Angel on August 18, 2000]


posted 08-18-2000 08:08 PM    
school's a *******

[monger=ff0000,ffffff]Holonet Jedi Master[/monger]
Forum Administrator

-Have you mowed your lawn today?-
-Trying is the first step towards failure......-
-Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.....-