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Erik Kartan

posted 06-04-2006 08:52 PM    
(((OCC: Erik, Shayla, and a bunch of others enter from The Seige of a Soul in the Jedi Praxeum and Sith Temple forums.)))

Erik lead Shayla through the portal Lord Aelvedaar had opened and into the warm light of Tattooine's twin suns, all the while a dark look plastered on his face.

He didn't like this risk Shayla was so willingly taking. He had a bad feeling about it, regardless of his lack of training.

Perhaps it was just part of him that just didn't want to see her hurt. He'd seen enough of that.

Jerking himself from these thoughts, Erik turned and looked as others began to step through the portal. He still kept a steadying grip on Shayla, who still seemed to be slightly befuddled even though her greeny-blues were clearing. "So where do we go from here?" he queried to no one in particular. "A room? A quiet eating establishment?"

Jasyn Lancaster stepped through the portal about this time, hearing Erik's words and adding two of his own. "A bar?"

Erik frowned a bit, shaking his head. "Somewhere quiet," he reiterated, waiting for suggestions from others.

[ 06-04-2006 08:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Erik Kartan ]


posted 06-04-2006 09:04 PM    
Deep within the Graysith-essence, Jharmeen JhinDar cried out, reaching out, upward, forward, twisting and coiling, reaching for that wondrous Link she had with the Universe to come to her aid.

It did not heed the call. For it could not hear.

Groaning in frustration, she tried another tactic; knowing her "voice" would not be heard, she strained to reach a neural pathway of some kind, any kind, in Shayla's head, trying to find an image of herself in pain.

"I know she has seen me in pain before--" she thought as she struggled, seeking, trying with all her strength.

But the oily Dark simply blocked her at every turn. Instead, it filled her being with black laughter, cold and cloying, reveling in her distress, ravishing her awareness with the hard core fact that it had found her, and managed to gain entry to her, had in fact pushed her away from her link with the All...

...and would continue to keep her away from it, quite easily, as long as she remained in spirit form. For thus do souls battle for dominance; once one has gained corporeal existence, then other factors make it more difficult to be affected by something as ephemeral as a spirit.

Even a dark one.

It knew time was short, for the spirit of Graysith had ears, ears which conveyed the plans of the others into its being. It knew the one called Aelvedaar was en route to bring the corporeality to the spirit, that they might be reunited.

It had to work quickly, to gain full control before the two became as one again. And so it laughed and gibbered and thrust her back underneath mounds and mounds of its deathly folds, overwhelming her with tendrils of itself, reaching into her being and finding those dark spots therein, many dark spots, some of them being the strongest of them all:

Those linked by love.

Easily then, insidiously then, it began working, molding, nipping here and tucking there, slowly covering her good with her evil, slowly beating down her humanity with the part of her that was not. Leaving just a touch of light, the strong love she felt with her child, it blanketed the rest, until once again Jharmeen Jhin'Dar retreated into the Black, quiescent.

And then it sent out a subtle tendril into the mind of the one who carried them both...

[ 06-04-2006 09:06 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-04-2006 09:12 PM    
Shayla blinked with the sudden assurity and strength.

"I'm fine," she then said to Erik, in one smooth motion stepping away from him and out of his grasp, surprising even herself.

She looked up to the two blaring suns of Tattooine, frowning. "Let's get somewhere away from all this heat," she said simply.

And away from all of this light... another voice cackled deeply within.

Terrin Danner

posted 06-08-2006 10:14 PM    
(((OCC: Enters from The Seige of a Soul in the Jedi Praxeum/Sith Temple)))

Terrin stepped through the portal with Galen, the light of the two Tatooine suns almost blinding. He squinted a bit, immediately surveying the landscape...

...and wondering something very specific, and very important.

"Where the kriffing hell are we?" he queried out loud, raising a hand to cover his eyes to see if anything was immediately visible in the fortunately setting suns. "After all, I don't particularly care to be standing out here in the middle of nowhere--if that's even where we are--in the middle of the night. Strange things go on in the desert in the evening, and it can get cold."

Terrin could almost hear Jasyn's comment before he grumbled it. "I hate the cold..."

"I'm not even sure what planet we're on...

...but twin suns and deserts screams Tatooine to me, although I suppose I could be mistaken."

Pausing at that, Terrin frowned thoughtfully. "Any way any of you can get lifesign senses to direct us somewhere safe to go?"

[ 06-08-2006 10:15 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


posted 06-13-2006 01:41 PM    
I rolled my eyes at Terrin, and crossed my arms.

"Oh sure this is Tatooine; I mean, of course it is, how could it not be? Tatooine, after all, is the only desert world in the entire galaxy with twin suns now, isn't it?"

Snorting a little, I uncrossed my arms, using them now for balance as I stepped out onto the shifting surface. Tiny granules of sand flowed down and away with each step I took, causing my feet to sink a little before twisting slightly one way or another; sand wasn't the steadiest surface to walk on, you know.

Maybe three of four meters away I gave up and came to a stop. Still in sarcastic mode -- for sure as there's Treasure on Roon, what we've been through would take the patience of Khaandon himself! -- I pointed off in one direction, wobbling a little.

"Yeah, can't you see? I recognize that sand dune; Mos Eisley is over there--"

I whirled a quarter turn, still pointing toward the absolutely featureless horizon.

"--which would mean the Dune Sea is that way, and Beggar's Canyon--"

Hw I managed a full one hundred eighty degree turn without moving my feet I couldn't say, but it wasn't easy.

"--is that way."

Unwinding myself, I planted my fists on my hips and glared at the sand which spread out in all directions. It didn't do anything other than look innocent, remaining quietly smooth and inoffensive that tiny night creatures could begin their evening foray out for food.

Sighing, I plopped down where I stood, waved one hand wearily about.

"I suppose it could be Tatooine, but who knows? And even if it is, who's to say we're even on the same side of the planet that Mos Eisley is? Assuming we'd even want to go to that hellhole.

"I say we see what we can do to just stay alive where we are, and wait for Aelvedaar to get here with Jharmeen. I'm sure he wouldn't be placing us in a compromising situation now, would he? I mean, yeah he's got some strong powers and all, but let's not go making it any more difficult for him to find us again.

"That's what I think."

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 06-13-2006 07:22 PM    
Jasyn just scowled, crossing his own arms and glaring at the two setting suns before him. "He could have at least left us here with a little Sith brandy, or something," Jasyn said sullenly, although not entirely serious.

"I just hope Aelvedaar doesn't take too long; I sure have no pressing desire to meet any sand people or desert creatures. But, hey!" he then said suddenly, "Maybe they'll at least bring some food with them."

Still scowling, he looked off into the distance. "I hate the desert..."

[ 06-13-2006 07:25 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-13-2006 09:02 PM    
Something black and oily slithered in the recesses of Shayla's mind, something other which had moved on to effect not only its original prey, but her host mind as well.

Of course Aelvedaar would leave you in a compromising situation, it whispered into her mind insidiously, He did it before, back in Prinnchatka.

Then her look shifted to Galen, and another thought surfaced, equally as black and oily, And of course she doesn't care about moving. She doesn't care if there is a threat to Jharmeen, she's tried to kill her before, and she killed her child. And he...

Her eyes shifted miniscuely to Terrin. ...he helped her, as did all of the others.

And Erik tried to take you from Khar Delba, and from the only true Sister you ever knew.

And Shawn...

"Oh, now I get it," Shayla spoke up suddenly, darkly. "You all would prefer her to be dead anyway."

She paused, her greeny-blue eyes so distant they didn't see the looks anyone might be directing her way, her mind now formulating a plan that didn't even make sense to her.

"If no one else here will make a move to protect her...

...then I will."

And in that moment, something totally unpredictable occurred. In that moment, Erik reached out a hand to stop Shayla from whatever it was she was doing, to stop the words she was speaking...

...only to be force-shoved several meters across and into the desert sand. Much the same happened to a stunned Shawn Petrolu, as well as Terrin Danner and his men, the action so fast that perhaps not even a second had passed.

Shayla turned icy greeny-blues Panthar and Galen's way.

"Don't either of you dare follow me," she darkly, under her breath, her final look clearly directed Galen's way, "Or your fate will be worse than theirs."

And with nothing other than that, Shayla Stargazer Petrolu Kartan turned and began walking away from the group, as quickly as possible, using the Force as her guide to light her way to an area with sentient life.


posted 06-13-2006 09:26 PM    
I froze a nanosecond to let this unexpected event assimilate, then a nanosecond longer in order to give common sense an opportunity to intervene before I said or did something stupid.

Blinking, I cut an incredulous look to Shayla's departing back, watched in utter shock just for another nanosecond or two as she disappeared swiftly into the heat-hazed distance.


Common sense waved a flag; my muscles thawed, finally loosening enough to let me run to Terrin's side. I dropped to my knees beside him, laid a concerned hand on his cheek.

He was down for the count...

"What in Hell's Seven Circles was that all about?" I whispered to no one in particular, then letting my hand slide to Terrin's shoulder.

"Terrin hon, wake up," I said, giving his shoulder a shake.

[ 06-13-2006 09:29 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Terrin Danner

posted 06-13-2006 09:47 PM    
One minute Terrin had been standing there in utter surprise at the words he was hearing...

...and the next moment he was seeing stars, and all went black.

Man, it's been a while since you slept, a little shoulder devil popped up and snorted, one which was immediately truncated with the certain knowledge that this just wasn't right. And then there was that little bit of a gentle shake trying to grab his attention...

He strained for it for a few minutes, trying feeling for the universe like he'd been hit by a ton of durracrete blocks. Finally his eyes fluttered a little bit, and the first word he thought of sorta croaked out of his mouth before he ever got his eyes open.


A few more flutters of the eyelids, and Terrin finally managed to get them to stay open. He was still seeing stars...

...but ringed in those stars was something that looked a whole lot like Galen's face.

"You allright?" he asked worriedly, trying to sit up but then grunting, that feeling of durracrete blocks slamming into him returning to his senses. He grunted and winced, settling on looking Galen's way. "What the hell?"

He frowned then, considering the words Shayla was flinging at them, and came to a simple realization. His look darkened. "She sounded like Khar Delba, all over again," he muttered, his blue eyes locking on Galen's, a new concern filling them.

[ 06-14-2006 08:54 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]

The Master

posted 06-14-2006 12:27 AM    
The Master stepped through the portal, on the heels of Thoran, just in time to hear Shayla and watch her walk off. He scowled in her direction, then walked a few steps into the night, not taking his eyes from the retreating Shayla.

He focused on her form, staring hard and intently, and let her essence waft into his senses. He closed his eyes and allowed his powers, weakened yet strong enough to feel her aura, search for the answer.

He gasped, his eyes flying open. His hands went to his temple and he staggered backwards. Thoran caught him before he went down completely, and the Master allowed one knee to settle onto the sand.

“It cannot be,” he panted. “It-- it did not die with the Tower…”

Panthar Dantares

posted 06-14-2006 12:33 AM    
Panthar turned to face the Master.

“What do you mean, old man?” he demanded. “Just what the sand blast do you know about this?!”

Panthar paused, realization setting in.

“Oh no,” he said. “It’s that black tar stuff, isn’t it? The stuff that was in me? That stuff that was all over you?! You said it was dead, you lying piece of poodoo!”

Panthar doubled a fist, then stayed his anger. He looked around at the others.

“I can go after her,” he said. “We need to know where she is going, and we sure as hell can’t lose her! If she’s got that stuff inside of her, then she’s in so much danger it’s not even funny. And if it somehow works its way into Gray, then we’re in even in worse trouble! We have to stop her from doing whatever it is that the stuff is telling her to do!”

Panthar turned to the Master.

“Can you open a portal to her? Send me through it!”

The Master

posted 06-14-2006 12:42 AM    
The Master shook his head.

“My strength is gone,” he said gravely. “But yes, I can sense the darkness. It is still small within her, not yet strong enough to give her the powers it holds. We can still stop her if we can get through her own abilities. But I know not how much time we have before it completes its influence on her, and worse yet before it overtakes the spirit of Graysith. It cannot use the All, for that we can be grateful, but it can have a very strong influence upon its host, and if its host has the All… well.”

He sighed, waving a shaking hand before him.

“I cannot open a portal at this time,” he said shortly.

Erik Kartan

posted 06-14-2006 09:04 PM    
Erik laid there out cold for a few minutes, his mind and body stunned from the jolt as well as Shayla's actions. Then, some little voice from within brought up an important fact.

You're a Force-user, man, and you're laying here while your wife is walking into the night in something that seems to approximate nothing other than madness.

Oh Shayla, not again...

Erik reached to the Force, quickly becoming more and more conconscious til at length he was able to open his eyes and sit up, his dark browns immediately scanning the area for Shayla.

She was long gone. But to where?

Panthar's words wafted into his ears, as well as those of the Master's. A warning flag begin to wave in his mind's eye, and he turned to Panthar. "I have a Force link with her, and she is my wife," he stated. "I can track her and find her..."

He paused, trailing a moment, memories rushing up from a place deep within where they were buried. "...I've done it before," he then finished, beginning to make an effort to get standing once more. For although he had the Force to help bring him back to wellness, even the Force takes some time...

...and Shayla could obviously land a wallop when she needed to do so.

Panthar Dantares

posted 06-14-2006 09:23 PM    
Panthar extended a hand to Erik to aid his efforts in standing.

“I’ll help you,” he said. He looked around the group, seeing the same expression of shock and concern in everyone’s face. All except the Master, that is, who had collapsed with dignified exhaustion into a heap in the sand.

“With him out, the only magic type person we have is Thoran. Just as well, I don’t trust that Master guy. But I wish Galen or Darra could control their powers, it would be handy.”

Panthar sighed and tried to give a smile.

“I guess it’s up to cunning, Force, and good looks. At least I know what part I can offer.”

Panthar looked back to everyone.

“We need to get going after her, but someone had a point about staying here, too, in case this is where Aelvedaar expects us to be. Who is going with us?”

Terrin Danner

posted 06-14-2006 10:05 PM    
Terrin was starting to come to enough to sit up a bit, and frowned at Panthar's final suggestion. "Is splitting up such a good idea?" he queried simply. "After all, if she has in her what you all seem to think she might... might take something more than what any of us have right now to stop it."

He frowned. "But then, she's got Jharmeen in her head, so we need to do something to keep tabs on her..."


posted 06-14-2006 10:16 PM    
Thoran winced, the immediate events unfolding in his mind.

"Do we have to go after her at all?" he asked simply. "I mean, she said she would fry us if we followed, and if that stuff wants Jharmeen then it probably already has her. I can find her, if we need her. You see, I put Jharmeen's spirit in Shayla, it's my magick behind it. I can sense that, if we need to find her, I can. Why can't we stay here until Aelvedaar comes back?"


posted 06-14-2006 10:42 PM    
I was still hunkered on the altogther too granular, extremely much too sharp, and more than I liked it hot sands, trying to help ease Terrin into a sitting position, but this little banter made me nearly drop him back in a heap.

"No way, no kriffing way in hell!" I shot out, sending dark glances toward everyone. Especially toward Phalomir's dear ol' daddykins--

You bastard. You're the one who got us into this mess to begin with! No way am I moving an inch away from where I can keep my peepers peeled on you--!

But that wasn't the only reason I wanted to stay put.


Groaning a little, I got to my feet, brushing off sand from my person as I did so. Then I took a stubborn stance, hands on hips, chin out, eyes glaring.

"I've seen Sissy pissed, and I've seen her ornery, and I've seen her mean and nasty, and I've even seen her all high-falutin' and full of herself and just plain dark.

"But if she's got that stuff inside her now... no way am I getting anywhere near her. I know what she can do; no way, no kriffing way in hell.

"Sure as there's Treasure on Roon!"

Shawn Petrolu

posted 06-14-2006 11:09 PM    
Shawn had never seen his sister like this, not even when she had been taken from the Praxeum. But then, he'd never actually been there to see her like that, either.

Ever the true Jedi that he was, ever devoted to the ultimate goal, he stretched to the Force for strength as he became conscious once again. His greeny-blue eyes opened, his vision cleared...

...and for a long moment he simply listened to the conversation around him, particularly the varying views on what to do next.

He came to a conclusion.

"Galen is right," he then spoke up, sitting up as he did so and brushing sand from his blue jedi robes. "And I know my sister well enough to know that once she's convinced of something, nevermind that this is perhaps having to do with something other within her, she won't be easily stopped. If whatever is going on with her has anything to do with the tar that was in Panthar, we're going to need Lord Aelvedaar to help her. Going after her unprepared may only worsen the sitaution.

We don't want to push Shayla so far away that we can't get to her when it is time to help both her and Jharmeen."

[ 06-14-2006 11:19 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]

Erik Kartan

posted 06-14-2006 11:25 PM    
Erik turned and looked at Shawn increduluously. "How would you know what she's like when she's convinced of something you don't agree with? The last time that happened you were nowhere to be found for months and months, off busying yourself with other matters of..."

He trailed, his look darkening, "...more importance," Erik then finished. "No way am I letting Shayla wander off on her own to do gods know what and go gods know where. You forget she is an exceptional pilot, and can quite easily blast her way off this planet and go to any destination she damn well pleases.

If that black stuff is as insidious and dark as you claim," he continued, turning to the Master, "I think it'd be getting her the hell off this planet. And to where, I have no idea. But I'm going to find out. I've lost her once, a long time ago..."

"...and I'm not gonna lose her again."

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-15-2006 11:22 AM    
Shayla knew that whatever collection of sentient life-forms she was headed for was still quite some distance away by the fact that they were still faint. She really hadn't any particular idea where she was other than she might be in some portion of the vast Dune sea that covered a rather large portion of Tatooine, that was, if she was on Tatooine at all as some of the others suspected. Which basically meant she could be headed to Mos Espa, Mos Eisley, any other small settlement made on the planet of Tatooine...

...or any number of any other random settlements on whatever desert world she might be on. The only thing she was quite certain of was that there was sentient life out there, and she was heading for it. In short, these possibilities didn't mean anything in regards to just where she was going, or where she was, in the least.

Regardless of these facts, however, Shayla certainly knew where she was not staying.

This sudden decisive decision on her part lead to the the realization that, if she intended to be on her way unmolested and uninterrupted, she'd better take precautions. The desert, regardless of which one she was in, was known for its creatures and rough natives; she wasn't going to risk having to deal with any of them. And she was not going to risk being tracked by those she left behind, either. Not while there was still something she could do to stop them from doing thus.

So, stretching out with her Force-abilities, Shayla quite easily and effectively blocked any of the major Force-links she had, especially those with her own husband and her Jedi brother.

If someone was going to stop her, it would not be either of them. And knowing them both, they would be dragging their feet and debating for so long before they did anything she could make good distance from them in the meantime.

She had done so quite effectively in the past.

Now turning her attentions to the other possible hinderance to her goal, Shayla then drew the Force to herself as a shield to ward off any unwanted attention from whatever beings and creatures might be lurking out in the deserts. The suns now setting for the evening, Shayla knew that the time was right for scavengers to come out seeking unsuspecting prey.

Only she was not unsuspecting, nor was she unarmed. The sudden reminder that she had no material weapon of any sort was immediately thrown to the wind with a resounding memory.

You will soon have no need of such... toys.

At this thought, a somehow dark and knowing smile crossed the features of Shayla Stargazer.

Indeed. Why have need of such toys when other, much more effective avenues, can be utilized?

Still keeping her quick pace across the sands, Shayla still saw nothing but sand in her visual field. She had far to go just yet, but Shayla would get wherever it was she was going...

...and she would take care of Jharmeen in the process, with the plans now formulating in her mind. She had no need to trust those she left behind, for she was suddenly so certain of the fact that in the end she would not be able to trust them regardless.

Besides, she had her Chosen Sister. And she needed nothing else.

[ 06-15-2006 12:21 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

Shawn Petrolu

posted 06-17-2006 11:03 PM    
Shawn's look remained remarkably inscrutable, especially considering the circumstances. "You would chase after her at the risk of making things worse?" Shawn queried, now frowning just a bit. "I know you don't understand my reasons for being so slow to come to help before, and I understand that. But we all know the strength of what is in her, and we know just how capable she is even without it. Even now I'm certain she is making every assurance that she is not followed."

Pausing a brief moment, Shawn stretched out to assess that possibility. His suspicions were confirmed, and he shook his head, his eyes now defocused. "I can't sense her, she has me blocked."

His greeny blue eyes snapped alert then, and he looked back to Erik. "Lord Aelvedaar has a connection with Jharmeen, that is the link that will lead us to her. And he is the one we must wait for."

[ 06-17-2006 11:08 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]

Erik Kartan

posted 06-17-2006 11:07 PM    
Shawn's words made sense, but at the moment, Erik didn't care. It had been so long since he had had to deal with Shayla not being with him, so long since she had shown such vehemence against him, he just couldn't bring himself to believe it. Not yet.

"She may have blocked you," he said to Shawn, "But she wouldn't block me, she wouldn't..."

He trailed, sensing out as Shayla's brother had already done...

...and coming up with much the same result. He shook his head in disbelief. "She...she wouldn't ," he persisted, "Not of her own volition. And I don't think I can stand idly by and just wait, Force link or not..."

Panthar Dantares

posted 06-20-2006 12:23 AM    
Panthar looked back and forth between Erik and Shawn, anger rising.

“Hold it you two!” he finally burst out. “You mean she blocked the links she had with you? It’s got her, that’s all there is to it. And I’d lay odds it’s either pounding on Jharmeen’s door or already has her, too. And if Shayla can block links like that, I’m sure it will convince Jharmeen to knock out hers as well, including the one with Aelvedaar. It’s mighty persuasive…”

Panthar looked out into the distance in the general direction Shayla departed. The night was coming down on the sand, and the wind seemed to carry tendrils of the darkness with it. Panthar squinted and exhaled slowly, feeling tears suddenly wanting to well up. He choked them back shook his head.

“It’s so strange,” he said. “I can almost see her in my head…”

Panthar stopped, realizing that he actually could almost see her in his head!

“It’s still with me,” he said slowly. “The darkness, I mean. It’s gone, but it’s not. It left a mark on me, I can feel it.” He looked to the others, his face serious. “And I can feel Shayla… or at least I can feel that creepy stuff in her. I don’t think I could track her, but I know she is still out there.”

Panthar turned to the Master.

“If I can sense it, and it had me for only a short while, then you should be able to practically talk with it!”

The Master

posted 06-20-2006 12:28 AM    
The Master opened an eye and regarded Panthar.

“It is completely gone from me,” he said. “I feel no trace of it whatsoever.”

The lie was simple, but if he expounded on the nightmares that still plagued his thoughts then they would kill him for certain.

“You are feeling the ghost of the darkness,” he continued. “If it was within you, then you must be powerful indeed to expel it from your body. I bow to your will, child. But tell me, just how did you do this, and what happened to the substance?”

Panthar Dantares

posted 06-20-2006 12:32 AM    
Panthar began to speak, then stopped.

“Um,” he started. “I, um… I’m not sure how it happened. I mean, I was sorta watching things happen, and my buddy Diffy was there and found me. I mean, he used that link thing we have, and spoke to me in my head, where I was at the time… I mean.. Oh, hell! I don’t know what happened! I think he came over and tried to eat me, and that’s when it left me.”

Panthar looked around helplessly.

“Does anyone know what happened?”

Shawn Petrolu

posted 06-20-2006 12:49 AM    
"The creature had to nearly kill you to get the darkness from you," Shawn answered. "When you began to bleed, whatever it was came out of you like some sort of oily, tar-like substance, and Lord Aelvedaar trapped that darkness away. My sister, along with several others here, provided the strength and the healing powers to bring you back to us.

"That is all I know of what happened."

Pausing at that, Shawn's eyes defocused briefly, and he frowned. "Please, do be mindful. My sister has always had a proclivity from blocking others from her when she desires to be left alone, darkness within her or not. I do not want to jump to any sort of conclusion...

...but at this point we can't be absolutely certain how much of this is Shayla, and how much of it is not. Some of what she said did sound very much like some things she has said in the past, after all."

Even as he finished this observation, Erik frowned at him darkly, but said nothing.

[ 06-20-2006 12:52 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]


posted 06-20-2006 02:14 PM    
As the young once-Adept continued her swift foray across the featureless desert, that oiliness hidden so cleverly within the spirit of Jharmeen now turned its attention back to her once again.

Goo-oo-oood... it breathed, sending waves and waves of pleasurable warmth cascading throughout her. For the spirit had subsided, appeared to sit back, was no longer wailing. In fact, it appeared a bit...


If the blackness could have smiled, it would have at that point.


Again the image of her standing before Darth Wicked flashed before her, bringing with it the dark and heady rush of joy she had felt when she had blanketed him in the stripes of pre-All, effectively entrapping him. That image segued to the following day, as in the breaking of her fast she ripped off the head of the little marsupial, consuming it not merely for his approval...

But, surprisingly enough, for her own.

Another rush of power, of indomitable strength swept through her. The door peeped open a bit further, and she peered through despite herself.

Now she was at the side of Lord Roan, in the days before his betrayal of her. Again the swell of sheer black power was more than enticing. It filled her, fulfilled her, left her satiated in its wake. And then later, when he turned against her...

The shadowy image of Dagobah now rose up, the memory still hot and fresh in her mind. Once again the foursome stood before her, their hands behind their backs, hiding the weaponry they held: Lords Recinis, Roan, Aelvedaar, and Darth Wicked. All presented her with a choice; she had at the time chosen power over love.

Later, she had changed her mind.


Whether that insidiously whispered sentiment was her own thought or that of the Dark, even she did not know. She only knew what was being presented for her edification: a refresher course, if one would have it.


What had power wrought? She had done her part in the revival of the Sith. She had stood up against adversary after adversary. She had become the Dark Lady of the Warriors, and by her own hand.

And she had begun to lay plans of her own...

Remember, the sweetness...

The spirit of Jharmeen stilled it's virtual heart, nodding in slow acquiescence as that door opened a bit further.

Where has love gotten you? Who did Lord Aelvedaar take as his true Chosen Heir? How did the Lords Aelvedaar and Recinis, aye, and Darth Wicked himself, respond to the love you had for them; how true was that which they professed to have for you?

Sheer wisps upon the wind. They betrayed you, one and all.

And now, Lord Phalomir, did you see him with the group who had come to receive your spirit?


Ice rushed throughout her being, filling Shayla with a sudden chill. That was immediately followed by a hot flare of fire as Jharmeen now peeped out even further, coming to her own conclusions about matters, more and more of her own being filling with anger and hatred and the growing need for power.

For the perceived lack of the love she needed had to be filled by something.

Somewhere deep within her psyche, a door slammed solidly closed. And another. And then another, as all Links she had with anyone other than Shayla were cleanly snipped asunder. That accomplished, she reached out to Shayla, the voice that whispered into the young woman's mind belonging to Graysith and nothing other.

"Hurry, my dear Adept," it coiled sinuously within her mind. "Find the means to return to Dagobah. Return my spirit to my form.

"Great riches and power await us when this is fulfilled, my dear, Chosen Sister and friend."

Almost purring with content, the spirit of Jharmeen Jhin'Dar Q'utaro curled around Shayla's mind, hugging her fiercely, filling her with the hot fires now fueling herself.

"We do not need any other..."

As if in homage to that sudden certainty, the great Beast within her rose to its feet, cast its flat eyes about its pewter world, lifted its virtual lips on high and yowled forth in victory. For what other was that Beast but Jharmeen herself? Indeed was this a cause for dark joy, that no one had come to realize what truly had been lurking within her after all.

The dark oiliness grinned evilly, knowing its goal had been accomplished. Then, as the link with its other remnant parts were so obviously felt, it oozed from the spirit of Jharmeen, seeping unnoticed from the pores of Shayla to puddle upon the shifting desert sands. For they no longer needed it, or its guidance.

They had found themselves.

[ 06-20-2006 02:32 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-20-2006 03:22 PM    
Warm fires burned deeply within Shayla Stargazer's mind, body, and very soul, fueled by a lust to be something greater, beyond that which everyone saw blindly with their own eyes.

Erik loves you, it whispered softly, seductively. But he does not understand and cannot see who you truly are. Indeed, he does not even truly accept all that is within himself, so how can he truly know you?

And who are you, Shayla Stargazer?

Blinking at this question, the young woman dug deeply within, quieting her mind to find the answer to the simple yet very complex question. For indeed, what and who had she been the past few years? She was a mother, a wife, and a friend...

...but these things did not define who Shayla was. They defined who she was to everyone else.

Who are you, Shayla Stargazer? What is it that lurks within you that speaks of your true potential?

She dug deeper, this time searching for something with clear intent, remembering her days when she had found the All, and the reasons she had struggled. And, in the end, the reason she had been able to succeed in this.

You were just beginning to find yourself when it was all stripped away and blocked from you, Shayla, and not the voice within, observed.

You are a Healer, a Sith Adept, and a Chosen Sister...

...but again, these are names by which others define you.

But who are you?

Slowing ever-the-slightest, Shayla paid keen attention to the query.

You are Shayla Stargazer, and that is enough. You are a part of That Which Is, and All That Is. And your True Potential is the very essence of all that you feel and do.

When you were aware of these things, and they came for you the first time, you were strong and steady. You did not waver in your path. You stayed by the side of your Sister.

Indeed, you do not need the rest of them, nor their estimations of you. For in the end, all that matters is who you believe you are. If they cannot accept this...

...well, then Damn them to Hell.

In the dimming light, Shayla again began to pick up her pace, a dark yet somehow content smile crossing her features and remaining there for some time.

Jharmeen is the only one, the only one, who has encouraged you to find yourself, and to be yourself. The only one who has not defined you in her own terms.

Strength and poise flooded Shayla's very essence.

You are powerful when you define yourself by your own terms, and concern yourself not with any other's estimations.

So it will be thus.

At this final realization, the strength with Shayla pushed aside the barriers she had built within, the barriers that allowed her to do and be what the others important to her wanted.

They matter not, she thought darkly to herself. All that matters is getting Jharmeen back to her material body, and getting back to K'eel Doba...

...and in reclaiming what it is that belongs to us. All of it.

As this one, final thought filled Shayla's mind, the oil within her being, much like with Jharmeen's own essence, pooled out onto the desert sands, no longer needed.

For Shayla Stargazer had found and accepted herself at last.

The desert then, now falling into darkness, cooed and purred in seeming approval, though Shayla heard it not and needed it not. Instead her deep, greeny-blue eyes caught the flash of something overhead, something which would give itself as an offering to that which she sought to do now.

Leave this place and return to Degobah.

Stretching out to the small ship passing by to go to a destination possibly yet on the other side of the planet, Shayla stretched with the Force into the mind of a man who had no idea why he suddenly felt the need to land. However, he did just that...

...and never saw the hand of the one who reached within his essence, channeling her healing Force abilities to not only drop him into a healing trance...

...but then to stop his very heart from beating ever again via telekenetics. After all, with each of her Force links now broken, she could not spare to leave any evidence of her departure behind. As his life drained from him, Shayla left him where he was, entered the small freighter and began to aquant herself with the ship's navboard.

All the while she stretched out warmly to that treasured link with Jharmeen.

We'll soon be on our way, my dear Sister...

...and I will not fail.

[ 06-20-2006 05:04 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-20-2006 05:51 PM    
Now comfortable with the freighter she had acquired and quickly renamed the Graystar, Shayla promptly busied herself making plans to get off planet. Knowing she would most likely encounter the authorities at some point, her last desire was to alert them to her business or suspect her for any reason. Knowing her true destination might rally some suspicion, Shayla consulted the navboard's databases to find a reasonable location to travel towards and then reorient. Her choices: Sullust, Hoth, Endor....

She stopped on the final choice, nodding in satisfaction.

...and Bespin.

Now certain she was on Tatooine and that no immediate blockade was present on her side of the desert world, Shayla began the take-off cycle in her newly-acquired YT-4000. The ship, a nice classy frieghter with the trademark YT oval hull, sported ion cannons, 2 laser cannons, a retractable blaster cannon, and one missle launcher. Nothing too extreme to warrant any concern.

As Shayla soared through the sky and the atmosphere began to shift to space, she opened a standard communications frequency, seeing the looming blockade some distance from her, yet not out of her visual field. As she did so, she checked the identification of the frieghter as well. "This is the Radical requesting a departure vector to Bespin," she said, sending the request off with the puosh of a button...

...and waiting then for the clearance she was certain would be forthcoming.

The Empire

posted 06-20-2006 06:04 PM    
The reply was nearly instantaneous, for the brand-spanking new ensign was bored nearly out of his mind. Ever since Tarnus's forces had arrived in Tatooine space, life had taken a turn to the hum-drum.

I'm wasting myself out here, he growled to himself as, shooting a rather haphazard glance at the readouts scrolling across his boards, he cleared his throat and opened a channel to the patiently waiting freighter.

Hmmm... a new one. Nice ship--

"Roger, we copy Radical request Tatooine-Bespin vector," he then stated crisply, all business now.

"Come to geosynch orbit at N32deg14min57sec by E19deg16min07sec. Maintain orbital position seventeen minutes forty-five seconds, then roll to 87 niner ninerZ and impulse to 47 megaklicks. From there, port yaw 57deg zero min 32sec before engaging hyperdrive.

"Flight plan stated brings your ETA Bespin space at fifty-seven hours, twenty-three minutes time relative to ship.

"Imperial Flight Control will monitor your progress until engagement of hyperdrive; confirmation of Bespin stationfall required.

"This is Imperial Flight Control confirming coordinates to Radical: Come to geosynch orbit at N32deg14min57sec by E19deg16min07sec. Maintain orbital position seventeen minutes forty-five seconds, then roll to 87 niner ninerZ and impulse to 47 megaklicks. From there, port yaw 57deg zero min 32sec before engaging hyperdrive.

"Imperial Flight Control, over."

[ 06-20-2006 06:10 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Empire ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-20-2006 06:30 PM    
Conformation of Bespin stationfall? The Bespin officials could do whatever they liked with her arrival in system. But she would still be reorienting.

Following the commands given to her by Imperial, Shayla stayed in orbit the requested seventeen minutes and 45 seconds, meanwhile keying her own commands into the navboard for the ship to roll 87 niner ninerZ and impulse to 47 megaclicks. On the heels of that input, she added port yaw 57 degrees zero minutes 32 seconds.

And she sat back a bit, waiting for the ship to give her countdown to throttle for hyperspace...

...and keenly pondered just how she was going to return Jharmeen to her material body. The plan had been for Thoran to place her spirit back...

...but Shayla did not want to return to the means of trusting anyone other any longer. She was a healer...

...and Jharmeen did have the All. Surely with Shayla's ability to connect with Jharmeen's body and send healing energies into her mind, Jharmeen could then use the All to place herself back in her own body via a healing Force connection and via the All.

Shayla submitted this as a proposed plan to Jharmeen, whom she knew was most certainly within...

...and then turned her attentions back to the navboard, the time for her roll and port yaw now arriving. She took the ship from autopilot, and completed these manuevers manually with the aid of the ship's countdown. As she began her port yaw, the hyperdrive indicator began counting down from 32 seconds...

...and Shayla's mind and soul became one with the Force, one with the ship, and one with space. She barely needed the ship's countdown indicator, she was so in tune to all that surrounded her, and in fact, all that she was a part of.

She reached out for the hyperdrive lever, throttled in perfect timing...

...and the Graystar exploded into the majesty of starlines to dance within the shadows of the hyperspace continium to Bespin, and then to Degobah...

[ 06-20-2006 06:32 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 06-20-2006 07:10 PM    
The spirit of Graysith listened to this proposal, smiled approvingly.

"Do not fret, my dear Sister," she purred back at Shayla, sending a quieting tendril of herself throughout the young woman's psyche to allay any rising doubts.

"I will easily be able to reunite myself; remember, it was through the magicks of the Sith that disembodiment is achieved. Magicks and that pitiful remnant the Jedi call the Force are but a speck in the reality of the All..."

That in turn being but a mote, a tiny drop, a mere snippet in the vastness which presented itself in a manner understandable to lesser life, but which in and of itself was, is and evermore would be All That Is.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-20-2006 10:52 PM    
Ever the steady, at ease pilot that she was, Shayla quickly decided that there was little need to continue to her declared destination of Bespin. After all, if she reverted, reoriented, and went back to hyperspace enroute to Degobah now, she would be much more difficult to track than if she waited to reorient near Bespin. There was no time for any sort of delay; after all, Lord Aelvedaar was already on Degobah working to get Jharmeen's body. If he departed with her before Shayla arrived...

...well, in short, that would never do.

Sitting up then and keying several commands into the navcomputer, Shayla easily pulled up the information in regards to her current location within hyperspace, as well as to her corresponding location in realspace. After requesting the navcomputer to show her via a split screen on the navboard monitor her current hyperspace and coordinating realspace location, Shayla could calculate the timing for her reversion.

But, leaving the monitor for a brief moment to then return her attentions to the navcomputer, Shayla pulled up the coordinates for Degobah and programmed them in for easy access. After this was accomplished, she turned back to the navboard monitor, calculated for the closest, safest reversion point, keyed the change in flightpath into the computer...

...and reached for the hyperspace lever as the ship began counting down to the safest reentry point into realspace. A few minutes passed before this reentry was possible, but Shayla's mind was calm, focused, and patient as she again became so much of the expert pilot and navigator that she was she was literally one with the ship and the space around her.

She throttled forward, and the Graystar made her smooth reversion at Shayla's adept piloting hand. Turning back to the navcomputer, Shayla pulled up the current coordinates of the Graystar, programmed them in, and retrieved the preprogrammed coordinates for Degobah, settng them as her new destination. The ship took a brief few moments to plot the new course, properly oreint herself...

...and began clicking down the seconds for the jump to hyperspace. Shayla's hand was already on the lever as the countdown began. The motion smooth and assured, Shayla throttled back and the stars of realspace spread out into the fabric of the hyperspace continium once more, blanketing the Graystar and her passengers.

Shayla smiled to herself, and stretched out to her link with Jharmeen once more.

We are enroute to Degobah, my Sister. You will be reunited with your physical body at last...

[ 06-20-2006 10:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 06-20-2006 11:19 PM    
By now Terrin had managed to regain his feet, and together we stood listening to the conversation of the others. And I can't say that I was much liking the direction into which said conversation was heading.

I frowned, opened my mouth to add in yet another two cent's worth when I noticed something. Oh, it wasn't much, nothing dramatic or anything, in fact it was a quite usual circumstance. But one which, due to the continued yammering of "yes we go after Shayla" and "no we do NOT go after Shayla" and "where in all the known Universe would Shayla be going anyway?" seemed to be totally ignored.

I moved away from Terrin then and clambered up a nearby dune. Though it was a small dune, as far as the dunes surrounding us went, it was still nearly 300 feet in height. It took me a moment or two longer than I thought to reach it's shifting apex, where what I most definitely did not want to see now splayed out before my eyes.

"Uh, guys--" I began, cutting into the aformentioned yammering. Whether they stopped or not I couldn't say, I was tottering 300 feet over their heads, after all.

"Uh, guys, the suns are setting," I called louder, now turning and waving my arms in a somewhat theatric and expansive gesture. Ok, so the arm waving wasn't to get their attention; once again the sinuous sand shifted beneath my feet. It was all I could to to keep upright.

Sighing, I headed down-dune, letting my feet sink and slide where they wanted as momentum finished the job it was hired to do by gravity. The going was much easier than the reverse; soon I was huffing into their midst.

"It's going to be dark soon, and cold, if I remember from the last time I visited this wonderful Shangri-La.

"Anyone happen to have anything in the way of supplies or shelter on his person?"

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 06-20-2006 11:33 PM    
"Oh, I hate the cold," Jasyn grumbled from where he had been sitting, still somewhat reeling from being Force-blasted to the ground and wishing he had some good Sith brandy to warm him up. But then, that little thought made him think of something he did have. Retrieving a small flask of something he'd pilfered from K'eel Doba, he started to open it...

...and paused, if not for the frown now developing on the Boss's face, then for the idea which was now forming. "Hey, we could start a fire with this stuff...

...and maybe if we had some rocks or something to keep it burning..."

He trailed, frowning to himself. "Hey Jedi, how are your hunting abilities? I'm getting hungry. I hate the desert..."

Shawn Petrolu

posted 06-21-2006 12:20 AM    
"I don't know that there is anything out here you'd actually like to eat should it come in our range...

...but I do have my lightsaber. As for the fire, if we can get one started, I can protect it with a Force shield so it'll keep us warm. If all else fails I'll lend my robes to keep it burning. If someone can help get a fire started, we can at least huddle together and not freeze for the night."


posted 06-21-2006 12:35 AM    
I stood there a moment next to Terrin, watching everyone standing around apparently picking their collective noses.

"Oh, Hell's Seven Circles!" I finally burst out irritably. Grumbling, I slithered over to where our intrepid Jedi stood, energy source in hand, waiting for someone to start a fire.

"Geez--" I began as I slid to a halt next to him, then drew myself up short.

Galen, not everyone here had a father who taught at a university, and who knew and taught him or her physics, however simple...

"Ahh... er, hey. How about this?" I tried another tact, one rather strange for me.

Courtesy. Imagine that.

"Here, look. If we do this..."

I went to my knees, began scooping up sand into a mound. Much of it rattled down into a tiny angle of repose slope, but enough remained to hold itself together. Encouraged I began piling more and more sand into the steadily growing mound, tamping it as firmly as I could as I went along.

"If we make a nice mound, kind of like a rock, and then Jedi Petrolu sticks his lightsaber into it... well, wouldn't that heat it up?"

I paused and turned to look up at him, my hands full of tiny, gritty particles, which were of course nothing other than a myriad eensy, beensy little rocks.


posted 06-21-2006 12:41 AM    
“Well,” said Thoran, “I like that better. I mean, I can get a fire going. Even without magick, I’m used to surviving in pretty harsh conditions. Believe me, compared to some of the places I’ve had to make camp, this is paradise.”

He snapped his fingers and the tip of his thumb burst into a small flame.

“Yup,” he said. “Still got it in me.”

He snapped his fingers again and the fire went out.

“But I like the light saber heated rock idea thing. Assuming this is Tatooine, which it probably is, then maybe a fire would attract unwanted visitors. A hot rock, on the other hand, would just glow a little. You should be able to melt that pile into glass, and that will be hot for a long time. At least long enough for Aelvedaar to come for us, or for the Master to rest enough to open a portal out of here.”

Shawn Petrolu

posted 06-21-2006 12:54 AM    
Shawn merely arched an eyebrow at Thoran, then turned his attentions to the mound Galen was working on getting together. He ignited his lightsaber at that, and it thrummed to life in a brillant blaze of green. Then he turned it downward and stuck it directly into the mound Galen had built.

"I doubt that we'll attract any attention whatsoever, even if we did have a large fire," he commented, looking momentarily to Thoran. "The life I sense on this planet is quite some distance away, for it is very faint."

Pausing a moment, he frowned. "Shayla has a long way to go, if she is intending to get off this rock."

As he finished these words, he glanced at his sisters sulking husband, a bit uncertain as to just how long Erik would hold back from what he so transparently was wanting to do.

He glanced down to his lightsaber blade, which was visibly beginning to heat the sand mound. "I think we're about to heat up," he observed quietly then, glancing to Galen. "Shall we add anything other to keep the warmth going a little longer?"


posted 06-21-2006 01:01 AM    
I shook my head at that.

"Nope," I replied as I then clambered back to my feet, brushing off sand as I did so.

"That sand is going to heat to slag and radiate forever. We ought to stay nice and warm, especially if you put up the shield you were talking about, so I don't think it's necessary to do anything other than what we're doing right now. I mean, yeah, Jasyn offered his whatever it is in the flask thingy he has going on over there, but actually--"

Now a sly look crossed my face and I went over to him. He gave me a look which seemed to say, "uh-oh," and drew his flask closer to his body.

I just stuck out my hand and waggled my fingers.

"A little interior warming would do us all some good, pal. Now hand it over!"

Terrin Danner

posted 06-21-2006 01:13 AM    
As Petrolu busied himself putting a Force-shield around the heated sands, Terrin directed his eyes towards Jasyn and Galen, reaching up a hand to cover the grin now spreading across his face. Jasyn looked up at him a bit desperately, as if to ask if he really had to. That only made Terrin's grin widen further.

Forcing himself to put on a more bland expression...although probably not a convincing one...Terrin crossed his arms, his eyes moving from Jasyn to Galen, the mirth in his eyes evident as he just looked at her for one moment before looking back to Jasyn.

"Hey, ladies first pal. Didn't your mother teach you any manners? After all, if you're going to pilfer items from the Sith liquor closet and then show them off to everyone else, you'd better be ready to share."

He couldn't keep the grin off his face at all at this point.

Jasyn merely scowled and forked over the flask of what Terrin had no doubt was Sith brandy to Galen. His grin was lopsided by now. "So glad to see you had the foresight to bring some substainance along, my friend," he quipped, falling silent then.

[ 06-21-2006 01:14 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 06-21-2006 01:15 AM    
Panthar, staring out into the growing darkness, finally let the situation sink in. He forced his eyes away from the horizon, and walked to the others.

“Hey, guys,” he said. “Not to spoil the mood, but if you guys really think we’re on Tatooine… Well, um, you should know something. I used to do a lot of work for one of the big time Universities, freelancing and such. Back when I was, well, human. I spent nearly a year of my life in the northern Dune Sea, working with the locals on a University project. It involved a lot of… well, digging. But I got know the desert more than I wanted to, and I might even have a contact or two left in Fort Tusken. Not to say that we’d get there, but hey.”

He sat on his hauches, looking at the mound of sand that was growing hotter by the second.

“I um, met some Tusken Raiders once. Nasty bunch. Faint life signs aside, are you sure this won’t be too bright?”

His eyes grew dark as he remembered his experience in the desert.


posted 06-21-2006 01:18 AM    
"You're not the only one!"

I widened my eyes, wiggled my brows at Terrin before turning back to the still seated Jasyn. One arm waved outward in an obviously grandiose manner, and I bowed from the waist to him.

"The lady would thank the gentleman with a curtsey, but then--

"I ain't no lady," I finished before cutting myself off with a great swig from the flask. For a moment I simply let myself give in to the heady warmth rushing down my throat; then, Panthar's words leaking into my ears, I lowered the flask with a sigh.

"I think you're seeing things, Red," I commented to him as I moved to Terrin and offerred him a slug of brandy.

[ 06-21-2006 01:31 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 06-21-2006 01:33 AM    
“Just the same,” said Panthar. “It will be hard to sleep. If I wouldn’t have had the artifacts to bargain with… well, anyway.”

He plopped down on his backside into the sand.

“I can’t be the only one worried about why Shayla did what she did, and where she is going, right? That oil stuff seemed to have a purpose when it was in me, like it had something it was trying to do. So I’m thinking of what that could be. Since Gray is a spirit, you don’t think she could use her powers? And if not, then wouldn’t she be wanting to get back into her body as soon as possible, especially if the darkness is influencing her? And wasn’t Shayla’s last words here something about getting Jharmeen back?”

He scratched at his horns.

“I hope Aelvedaar gets here soon,” he said, closing his eyes. Then he opened one and sat up.

“And give me a drink of that,” he added.

[ 06-21-2006 01:33 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Panthar Dantares ]

Terrin Danner

posted 06-21-2006 01:41 AM    
Terrin took the proffered flask and then a good sip. Then he glanced Panthar's way. "No, you aren't the only one with concerns," he responded, handing the flask to Panthar before stepping back beside Galen. "But the reality of it is that we are defenseless against Shayla, Jharmeen, or whatever is inside of either of them at the moment. Shawn here has some abililities, as does Thoran and Kartan..."

He trailed a moment, glancing towards Erik, who was skulking somewhere nearby in silence. "...but that's not going to be enough, considering it took Aelvedaar's powers to get get the oily stuff out of you. And considering that both Shayla and Jharmeen have extra abilities of their own, that several of us know from past experience can be used very effectively.

"And all that aside, night is falling, and it's getting colder. We've been at this awhile, and everyone needs to get some rest. We won't be doing anyone any good if we rush off blindly now."

[ 06-21-2006 01:42 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


posted 06-21-2006 02:02 AM    
I nodded in agreement, growing suddenly drowsy by the infusion of the potent green brandy.

"Yeah, Terrin's right," I slurred mildly.

"It's too late to go anywhere or do anything, really. I mean, if you guys want to go rushing off into the dark, be my guest, but this lil red sandcat is going to hit the hay.

"Or sand, as the case may be--"

Chortling a little at my own joke, I moved away from where the others were grouped and plopped down onto the ground. The granules of sand had warmed conductively from the slightly glowing mound I had started and Shawn had finished; rooting my rear around a little, I dug myself out a nice little body-hugging depression and nestled down for the night.

"Red there can keep guard, and if anyone else is worried I'm sure Firestarter can assist.

"Me, I'm going to sleep. See y'all in the morning..."

[ 06-21-2006 02:03 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Terrin Danner

posted 06-21-2006 02:15 AM    
Terrin yawned himself, glancing to Shawn. "The guys and I can switch off shifts keeping watch, if you need," he said then, waving off Jasyn's rebuttal.

Shawn raised one hand as if to say "That's allright."

Terrin nodded. "Well, if you need anything..."

And he trailed, suddenly feeling pretty blasted. And really, he was exactly that, having been Force-whammied across desert sands only a short while ago.

And they wanted to go trotting across the desert in the middle of the night after all of that, with no specific Force links or trails? No kriffing way in hell...

Hunkering down then beside Galen, Terrin yawned once more, finding sand more comforting than it probably was for the fact he was exhausted and brandy was doing his work to help him along.

"Goodnight, love," he said softly in a half-spoken, half-yawned whisper. Then, he began to drift off to sleep.

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 06-21-2006 02:23 AM    
"Well, Jedi," Jasyn said, glancing over to Matt a moment. "Without a blaster we aren't very sufficient assistance, but I've got a good sucker punch..."

His frown actually shifting to a bit of a smile at that, Jasyn tried to make himself a little hole in the sand, his scowl returning as he did so. "I hate the sand..." he growled, glancing up to see Matt join Shawn, clearly intending to be certain no one was needed before he went to sleep as well.

"Goodnight, Firestarter," Jasyn quipped then, glancing to Panthar. "And really, buddy, you look like you could use some sleep too. Matt and the Firestarter have it covered there, I think."

And with that, Jasyn plopped down into the sand, no doubt to dream of better sleeping conditions...

...and Sith brandy.

Shawn Petrolu

posted 06-21-2006 09:52 AM    
As each of them began to fall asleep, Shawn turned his attentions to his brother-in-law, who yet skulked about the perimeter, occasionally stopping to scan his surroundings with his brown eyes as if hoping something...

...or perhaps someone...

...would appear there. Shawn had a pretty good suspicion that the latter was indeed the case. Moving away from the fire, Shawn stepped into Erik's personal bubble of space, making him stop short from his path of walking back and forth. He placed a hand on Erik's shoulder, and waited a moment til Erik directed brown eyes full of worry and hurt his way.

"We're going to go after her, Erik," he said softly, then continued with, "But we need to wait until the time is right. I don't like the idea of her wandering out there alone any more than you do..."

Shawn trailed a moment. "...she is my sister. I would do anything to keep her from harm, but Shayla is a big girl, and an independent one at that. You know this...

...and you know that you're letting your love for her cloud your feelings and your logic."

At this Erik pulled away from Shawn and crossed his arms. But he didn't wander, he just looked Shawn dead in the eye, the look in his own brown eyes becoming somewhat more pained.

"Be careful where you let your thoughts and feelings take you, Erik," Shawn said quietly. "Shayla loves you, and she wouldn't want you to go running blindly into danger on her account. We will go after her," Shawn then reiterated, falling silent but not leaving Erik to his own thoughts just yet.

[ 06-21-2006 11:11 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]

Erik Kartan

posted 06-21-2006 10:18 AM    
Erik felt cold, even with the warmth of the mound of heated sand. For the first time in a long time, he felt alone even though he was surrounded by people...

...and he didn't like it much. For a long moment, Erik didn't say anything, but then he quietly spoke up at last. "I can't imagine life without her, should anything happen..."

He trailed then, his brown eyes defocusing for a long moment. Then they snapped alert and he looked at Shawn once more. "And logic is the only thing that's keeping me here now. If I had any way to track her..."

Again Erik trailed, this time closing his eyes. "She is the only thing that matters to me," he then stated, opening worry-filled brown eyes and directing them Shawn's way again. "I'm sure you think I'm tumblingly perilously close to the Darkside. And you know what..."

He paused, pursing his lips. "Maybe I am. But I'm no Jedi, and my wife holds no particular love or dislike for the Jedi either. There's a time to follow your convictions...

...and a time to follow your heart."

Simply letting that statement fall into the void for a moment, Erik's eyes defocused once more as he recalled his exchange with Shayla on K'eel Doba, when he had told her what he'd done in the Darker Realms. "I think Shayla has been trying to get that across to me for some time now," he observed then, looking back to Shawn.

"I'm afraid this is going to end up being like my first visit to Khar Delba all over again," he admitted flatly. "The Jedi disappointed me then," he continued. "I don't doubt that you love Shayla as your sister...

...but I'm hoping the Jedi that is a very real part of your life doesn't disappoint me as well."

At that statement, Erik squatted, looking out towards the darkened skies, his brown eyes scanning once more before he sat completely on the sand, crossing his legs and turning to Shawn one final time.

"There is no way I'm going to sleep tonight," he admitted, turning away and then closing his eyes, seeking something he was fairly certain he wouldn't find, but yearning for it nevertheless.

[ 06-21-2006 10:21 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Erik Kartan ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-25-2006 07:07 PM    
(((OCC: Follow Shayla as she reverts to realspace near Degobah in Within the Web of Life in this forum, thank you.)))


posted 06-25-2006 07:57 PM    
A new day had come, seemingly from the very bowels of eternity for the way the suns were dragged up over the horizon. I had been long awake, too tense to really get much sleep no matter how carefree my banter with the others had seemed. I mean, who wouldn't be tense; here we were, stuck in the middle of nowhere without so much as a ration bar, with nothing to do but count the grains of sand until his High and Mightiness decided to make an appearance with Sissy-poops.

I sighed, staring at the twin suns which were now dragging themselves down into sunset, then frowned.

A little food would have been nice, and some water; I don't know how long we can hold up like this...

Glaring into the reddening sky, I stooped down and picked up a rock from the myriad spread out before me. Giving it a hard throw toward those damnably implacable twin balls of flame, I followed through by digging my toe into the spot where it had lain.

Nope, not nary a drop.

I sighed again, and plunked down onto the ground. To my left a dune stretched upwards of forty feet; to my right, nothing but desert hardpan and the taunting white flecks of playa stretched out as far as I could see.

No water. What in Hell's Seven Circles was that Sith thinking of anyway, letting us traipse here with no provision, and then taking his sweet time in getting here.

Gads, I hope nothing has happened to him...

I sighed again, rose to my feet and after brushing myself off began stumbling back to where the others were sitting, trying to conserve their strength. All eyes cut up to me as I approached and plopped down again; Erik's were rather red, landscaped with worry and lack of sleep.

I lifted a shaky smile to everyone.

"Another day, another credit, right guys?" I tried bravely and then shut up. Not even my brand of irreverent humor could erase the cloud of gloom and worry that was growing deeper and blacker with each passing, silent hour.

[ 06-25-2006 07:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Shawn Petrolu

posted 06-25-2006 08:38 PM    
Shawn knew if they were going to survive they would have to do some things to take care of themselves, and soon. Covering his eyes with his hand, he turned and looked ahead, his greeny-blues scanning the sky for any visible signs of wildlife, particularly any signs of wildlife heading towards any specific direction.

After all, the path of wildlife would mean the pathway to water, most likely.

He turned back to the others. "If we have to stay here much longer, we're going to need to get out of the sun somehow as well as the sand during the day."

He paused then, pursing his lips in thought. "I have my robes, if we had the right materials...sticks, stones, or something, we could make a makeshift tent. We might also consider following any local wildlife that might lead us to water when the sun sets as well.

...but only after the sun sets, with the heat. Maybe going into a healing trance would be the best solution to keep our body metabolism low, and our brains from the thought that takes so much of that metabolism to begin with..."

[ 06-26-2006 12:50 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 06-26-2006 12:30 AM    
Panther stirred, having drifted off to sleep while listening to Erik and Shawn talk through the night, then mercifully sleeping through the heat of the day. He listened to Galen and Shaw now as he shook the sleep from his mind. The dimming sunlight still stung his eyes and he rubbed them.

“Wow,” he said, yawning. “I thought the days here were longer than that. I couldn't have slept that long... could I?"

Panthar looked around, coming to terms with the idea that he could have possibly slept for so long.

“No Aelvedaar yet?”

He looked at the Master, who was still sleeping, but looking more red around in the face. He only assumed that with a Sith, that was a good thing.

“Maybe something did happen to him. I mean, I don’t think Alvedaar would strand us here with nothing if he didn’t intend on coming right away. What if Shayla somehow was able to get there? Maybe Thoran was wrong, and Gray really could use the All in her spirit form, and opened a portal? What if we woke up the Master and made him take us there?”

[ 06-26-2006 12:48 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Panthar Dantares ]

Terrin Danner

posted 06-26-2006 05:55 PM    
Terrin frowned. "Hold it, hold it. The what ifs aren't going to help us. I won't deny my concern at the length of our wait, but finding Jharmeen's body may very well take Lord Aelvedaar some time.

Unless of course he has other plans afterward, a shoulder devil popped up and stated with a snort.

Terrin ignored this. "We do have a Jedi here to help guide us, Thoran has some magic, and Galen, the guys, Kartan and I are not without survival skills. Aelvedaar knows this. I think for now the best thing to do would be to follow through on some of Shawn's advice, and draw from some of the other brains we have here to think of any other survival techniques we can use. First and foremost, we can pool some resources and build a shelter...

...and then maybe we should venture a bit--together!--and try to find some water sources. Eating is probably not a good idea, just because that will increase our need to drink. And, speaking of drinking..."

Terrin trailed a moment, cocking a brow, "What happened to Jasyn's flask of brandy?"

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 06-26-2006 06:14 PM    
Jasyn simply scowled, and pointed in Panthar's direction. "Last I saw it, he had it."

The scowl grew a touch darker for a moment, and then Jasyn shifted to other thoughts, recalling how he and Matt had survived in the Korriban desert once before. "Matt and I had to dig for water once when stranded on Korriban," he stated, now actually pursing his lips. "Not sure how productive trying that would actually be. But as for shelter...

...If we can get some sticks or stones, use Shawn's robe for a cover, we'd have a really smallshelter, but a shelter no less. Besides, there are others here present who could lend us some material," Jasyn observed, eyeing first Thoran, then the Master, and finally Panthar. "And doing something will keep our minds off everything else," he then commented, glancing towards Erik, whose look was still dark. "What the hell," Jasyn said with a shrug, getting to his feet, "Let's do it. Any help would be greatly appreciated..."


posted 06-26-2006 10:37 PM    
I continued to watch the suns slow slippage to the horizon, nearly closing my eyes then in relief as the air cooled by degrees as they sank. The only problem remaining was my thirst, which was beginning to be a major thorn in my side--

One that's going to drive into your heart in the very near future if something isn't done to stop it!

Sighing, I stooped and retrieved a rock, then stuck it in my mouth in the hopes of generating up a bit of saliva to swallow. No dice; the rock was hot and distastefully dry, and I was as dry as a stone anyway.

I spat it out, glowered at the sky, grateful for the rapidly cooling air...

Rapidly cooling air. Hey-yy-yyy, wait a minute...

Frowning, I closed my eyes in earnest, striving to remember something dad had showed me once way back during one gawdawful dig or another. It had been a desert world, per usual, and our water supply was not keeping pace with the degree of work that dig had warranted.

"We'll use nature to help us, kiddo!" he had laughed when I had moped to him with my concerns that we were probably going to die of dehydration if he didn't let me fly us out of there. Instead of leaving, he went to our little ship and rummaged about inside. Returning, he had held out his hands, displaying the silvery gleam of a survival blanket he held.

"Come along, dear," he said, then dragging me into a small hollow he had begun excavating, only to abandon when the initial foray was coming up empty handed. Now that little hollow was destined to save our lives.

He pushed me inside, then with rocks he barred the opening with the survival blanket. I immediately burst into a sweat; Khaandon, but it had been hot in there, and now it was both hot AND humid. I couldn't help but pant, which only raised the humidity, then began hinting that perhaps we'd better depart...

Dad had only smiled, checked his chrono. Time ticked inexorably past, one dreadful, close, sweating hour after another. Then---

"Time, my dear," he announced as with a sudden move he ripped the cover from the opening, revealing the extremely dark star-studded night without. I practically swooned as I stumbled from that humid hellhole he had created, gasping in lungsful of the cold desert night air which rushed past my ears to fill the void in my wake...

I remember his triumphant cry to this very day.

"Water, Galen; here is water!"

I turned in disbelief, to find him carefully scooping and scraping active condensation from the walls of that hollow. For a moment I had paused there, then hurried to assist.

Khaandon be with us, there had been enough to fill our canteens. Enough to fill a small reservoir. Enough to keep us going yet another day...

"Hey guys, how about this?"

Rapidly I told them my little survival story, then fell silent, knowing that having the knowledge but not necessarily the means to utilize it are two entirely different animals.

[ 06-26-2006 10:48 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Terrin Danner

posted 06-26-2006 11:10 PM    
Terrin rubbed his chin thoughtfully, pondering just how they could make Galen's very valid idea work. As with any idea anyone had given, they didn't have alot to go on excepting sand--lots of sand--and a lightsaber. Oh, and Jasyn's brandy, should they ever find it.

Wait a minute. What about Jasyn's brandy flask...?

"I'm honestly not sure how we'd make a good hollow and cover it, unless we use what few stones are around here and combine it with someones shirt or robe or something...

...but we do have Jasyn's brandy flask, which could trap water as well, although not very much."

Terrin frowned at this, not liking the lack of possibilities facing them. "Are we sure we should just stay here, where we are? Maybe there are some rocks or caves here somewhere that could help us do exactly what Galen is suggesting."

[ 06-26-2006 11:11 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


posted 06-27-2006 02:55 PM    
((OOC: Aelvedaar comes crashing in from Within the Web of Life in the "CSWU" forums, thank you.))

The silence of the shimmering Tatooine eventide was shattered as, upon a dune perhaps three kilometers from where the others were attempting to make and maintain their camp, a rip in the very atmosphere suddenly appeared. For the barest of seconds the inexplicable raucous sounds of swamp-slingers and treebirds shattered the quiet of the desert, sending a distant bantha to roaring in defense of it knew not what. Then in a waft of moisture-laden air a figure tumbled out, one writhing and twisting against the thousands and thousands of tiny white things which carpeted it.

The eerie Portal snickered to a close.

The being fought on...

I dare not open my mouth, for the damnable arachnids would soon be there. How I kick myself now, knowing them for what they have revealed themselves to be; how angered I am that I did not recognize this before, how arrogant to believe they came in response to the will of those who think they command reality...

I twist, a great roar of defiance rising in my chest, my eyes shut tight-tight-tight. Now something filters through the writhing mass upon me: heat. I feel heat, a dry heat, not that of the Dagoban swamps but of another place.

I know I have failed. I have been expulsed. Why--

I would shake my head, but that would only enrage the spiders into new heights of sadism. For Life they are, Life they protect, and to do so upon Life they must feed.

A glaring reality: Life begets Life; how well I understand the simplicity of the concept now, coming too late.

Such arrogance has filled me; I cry out in anguish, seeking to expunge it from me as the Planet of Living has so handily done with me.

I do not succeed; there yet is a mote of dark within.

I was right, I was correct, She was the One; oh, how I knew this and overlooked the assurety, the deeply convoluted nuances of All that tiny statement held within its tempered hands...

Struggling, flailing against the mass of white spiders, spiders who laugh against the All, for are they not the very embodiment of it? -- I do the only thing I can do.

I send out a mental cry for help, and hope that those I have sent to Tatooine can somehow miraculously hear it...

...and come to my aid, wherever in all the Known Universe I might be.


posted 06-27-2006 04:18 PM    
Darra sat up quickly from where she had been laying quietly, trying to conserve her strength. For a long moment she merely looked about herself quizzically before scrambling lithely to her feet.

She took a small step in one direction, stopped, stepped out in another, as if trying to instinctively home in on something.

The weight of questioning eyes beat at her back.

"I-- I felt something, like a cry for help...

"Somewhere, I'm not certain where."

Pausing helplessly she then turned to face the others, her blue eyes wide with wonder. For possessor of the All that she was by birth, as yet unknowing as how to employ or even touch it...

...just by being born who she was with what she carried made her innately empathetic to the pain of others.

"Someone is crying out in pain..."

[ 06-27-2006 04:20 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by JhinDarra ]

The Master

posted 06-27-2006 04:21 PM    
Immediate following Darra’s words, the Master’s eyes snapped open, and he sucked in a raspy gasp. He sat upright, looking out into the desert, then looked up at the concerned Darra.

Reaching out a hand before him, and following the sudden thought stream that flooded into his mind, he ripped open a tear into the Tattooine air and beheld a sight that warranted another gasp.

The Master stood, then stepped through the portal. Aelvedaar was covered in small white shapes, spiders of some sort. Frowning in disgust, the Master held his hand forward and let loose with a small blast of energy, sailing through the air in the form of lightning. It landed on many of the spiders, intended to boil their insides and let the dead shells fall to the ground.

But it did nothing.

The Master blinked, then shot another blast into the white creatures, having much the same effect as before. His frown deepening, he bent down and scooped a large handful of sand and threw it into the white moving sea. The spiders the sand touched paused, the continued their business. The Master, face set in a rage, called through the portal.

“It is Aelvedaar!” he cried to the surprised faces on the other side of the portal. “Help!”

He turned back, resorting to what his mind could produce in the tired and twisted state it was in, and threw himself to crushing and plucking the white spiders from Aelvedaar. He ripped them from Aelvedaar’s skin, one by one, throwing them away into the burning sand. He speed through his task, delighted to see that the number was decreasing drastically, until he realized with a jolt of pain that they had moved to him. He flung himself into the hot sand and rolled about like a madman, shifting and flailing, attempting to free himself from the seemingly mindless creatures.

[ 06-27-2006 04:21 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Master ]


posted 06-27-2006 07:13 PM    
My thirst was immediately delegated to low man on the totem pole of priorities in the wake of this unexpected event.

"Wha--?" I started, whirling from the others and heading toward the Portal.

"Does he have--"

I stepped through.

"--Jharmeen..." I finished weakly before both my feet and my mouth came to a screeching halt.

The Master yelled in pain, Lord Aelvedaar waved an arm ineffectually. I stood there, momentarily at a loss.

"Oh, Hell's Seven Circles!" I finally blurted out before running forward again, heading toward the Master -- who seemed to be covered more thickly than the Sorcerer with tiny, white bodies. Grimacing in distaste I forced myself to reach out and grab one, yank, and send it flying as far as I could throw.

It came scuttling back, something dark and foreboding appearing to radiate from it.

"Khaandon!" I yelled out a louder expletive, one pushed out of my mouth by nothing but sheer anger.

"What in blazes are these things, anyway?"

Then I was too busy to talk, constantly grabbing a spider, squishing it between my fingers, letting the limp form drop, grabbing another, repeating the process, nevermind the fact that more and more of the hideous little things were beginning to find me rather tasty...

Shawn Petrolu

posted 06-27-2006 10:40 PM    
Shawn stepped through the Portal the Master created only to see a sea of white spiders, people rushing to the aide of both Lord Aelvedaar and the Master...

...and all and all, chaos. But Shawn knew what to do. Being a Jedi student well after the times of Anakin Skywalker and Luke Skywalker himself, the Jedi Master's were not so unwise as to fear teaching the ways of the Living Force.

That which binds all living things to each other.

Many Jedi were known for their proclivity in the Living Force, and their ability to "speak" with other creatures and understand them. And while this was not necessarily Shawn's greatest ability, he was not lacking in that demension of the Force either.

Stretching out to the numerous little beings, Shawn tapped into that Living Force and, as it is often said, became one with it reaching to gently touch and influence them. Even as his eyes closed and the others yet struggled, probably wondering just why it was he was standing back in the midst of it all...

...the reason became clear. Using nothing other than the simple Living Force to "speak" to the spiders a resolution to the very real problem at hand would result.

And as if hearing the beckoning call of some much more delicious, meaty creature beyond the dunes, the spiders, en masse began to simply retreat...

Panthar Dantares

posted 06-28-2006 12:46 AM    
Panthar darted through the portal, responding to the yelling and cursing. He swallowed hard and prepared to help Galen, but Shawn made that unnecessary. Instead, he shook his head to clear it, and then gently grabbed Aelvedaar and practically carried him through the portal.

“Come on,” he cried back. “Let’s go while they are gone!”

As an afterthought, he added, “And someone help the Master, too, he needs to close the portal behind us!”

Erik Kartan

posted 06-28-2006 11:34 AM    
His brown eyes full of perhaps even more worry and concern than they previously had been with the recent events, Erik grabbed hold of the Master--honestly in not the most gentle way--in eagerness to get the hell away from the spiders.

And to find out just what in the Fates was going on. He still couldn't sense Shayla, and he had a bad feeling about all this without really having to stretch out to the Force to sense a thing.

You do rely on it quite a bit, pal, a little voice whispered in something Erik knew he'd heard before. And you rely on her more than you know too. What will you do if something has happened to her...?

Erik briefly paused, closing his eyes and trying his best to shut out his rising fears. He helped the Master steady himself as Terrin Danner helped Galen to her feet and through the portal, Jasyn Lancaster, Matt Stanza, and JhinDarra following in their wake. Shawn, meanwhile, waited a moment to be certain everyone got through the portal safely.

Always concerned about everyone else, and never your own sister, came the thought as Erik turned and regarded the Jedi...

...and his brother-in-law at that.

"Let's get out of here," Erik then spoke up unnecessarily, motioning Shawn through the portal before he stepped through as well, assisting the Master as he did so and then waiting for the him to close the portal behind them all.

[ 06-28-2006 12:12 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Erik Kartan ]

Shawn Petrolu

posted 06-28-2006 11:47 AM    
Jedi though he was, trained to attend to the immediate environment and the most pressing issues at hand, that did not for one moment mean that Shawn was unconcerned about his sister's possible fate. Quite to the contrary, actually...

...but then, there was something at that moment he had to deal with first and foremost. Shawn was keenly aware of the fact that Erik did not understand this, and he hoped that someday he would.

But hope would do little to help anyone in their current situation. Looking to Aelvedaar, who had been bitten the most by the white spiders, Shawn turned to Erik as he headed through the portal with the Master.

His Jedi Master instincts took over. "I've gotta get to Lord Aelvedaar, he is wounded significantly," Shawn said to Erik, then nodding to everyone else who had wounds themselves. His greeny-blue eyes locked on Erik's brown pair, and they demanded no arguments at his next dirction. "If you want to do something to get us out of here more quickly, then help them," he stated. "The Force is with you, and you can do this; I have faith in that."

Turning to the Master then, Shawn made one final suggestion before attending to Lord Aelvedaar. "If and when you've got it in you to open a portal and get us off this rock, now would be a good time."

Saying nothing more than that, Shawn then went over to where Panthar had the Dark Lord, and knelt at his side, stretching out to the Force to then channel healing energies into him.

[ 06-28-2006 11:50 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]

The Master

posted 06-28-2006 11:36 PM    
The Master shrugged off the aid.

“I am well enough to tend to myself,” he said. Then glancing at Panthar he added “Although I appreciate the concern.”

He waved his hand and the portal schicked into oblivion. His face swelling from welts, he turned then to Lord Aelvedaar. He walked to him, helping Panthar lay the Dark Lord down upon the ground. He put his hand upon Aelvedaar’s forehead, feeling his way into the outer layers of Aelvedaar’s mind, touching the basic instinctive levels and sensing the damage done by the insects.

“He is weak,” he said. “But I believe that with luck and healing he will live. I suggest we make haste in this effort, and learn what has happened. I must attend to myself for the moment. Jedi, are you competent in the ways of healing?”

Shawn Petrolu

posted 06-28-2006 11:51 PM    
Shawn hardly looked up at the Master, for he was already at Lord Aelvedaar's side, and already had begun the process of stretching out to the Force for its healing energies.

"Healing is my strength," he said simply to the Master, now reaching a hand out to the Dark Lord and laying it on his forehead. As my sister is as well... came an instinctive response, one that Shawn was able to dismiss for the moment as he cleared his mind and attuned himself to Aelvedaar.

In that moment, nothing else existed in the Universe for the Jedi. Instead he was merely a vessel, a channeler for the healing energies of the Force. Those energies poured like a fountain through every fiber of Shawn's being, transmitting the tacticle synapse created by his hand first, and then through the Force link he now opened with the Dark Lord as well. And, although Shawn did not know the workings of the Sith mind completely... indeed was not all that dissimilar to the human mind. Shawn was certain that Aelvedaar's healing would progress more rapidly if his body was able to use some its own defenses... he stretched out to those cells which acted in the healing process, bolstering them with healing energies as well, promoting their spread throughout the Sith's body to deal with the damaged tissues and blood vessels. Even as Shawn continued his quiet work, he was keenly aware of Aelvedaar's weakened yet very discernable life-signature...

...and he did nothing to put it into a trance or healing state, knowing that, if he could bring the Dark Lord to a place where he had enough strength, perhaps he could assist in the healing process as well.

[ 06-28-2006 11:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]

Erik Kartan

posted 06-29-2006 12:10 AM    
Erik scowled at the Master, and then, sensing the urgency in Shawn's words and finding himself in total agreement, turned to the others who might have been bitten by the spiders. His brown eyes fell into a very concerned pair of blue ones, and he headed over to where Terrin was holding Galen on the ground. Erik suddenly could relate to the look in the ex-smuggler's eyes very much...

He came to them, kneeling, placing a hand on Galen's head as Shawn had done with Lord Aelvedaar and stretching out to the Force, reaching for healing energies...

...but he wasn't quite used to this. He'd done it before, but always with someone else helping him. But suddenly sensing something very closely aligned with empathy, Erik Kartan was going to try his damnedest...

Terrin Danner

posted 06-29-2006 12:23 AM    
Terrin cursed himself for not being able to get behind her sooner, knowing that whether he'd been there sooner or later that probably wouldn't have changed the fact she'd been bitten. While the marks on Galen weren't nearly to the extent of the Lord Aelvedaar's or the Master's, her frame was smaller and she was looking a bit pale. His blue eyes shifted to Erik Kartan, who knelt to help, and for once in his life Terrin wished that he was a Force user or something so he could help her as well...

...but that thought lead to another with a sudden jolt.

JhinDarra,as an infant with Tarnus back on K'eel Doba, after he'd been whammied by ShaRhylla. The strength that she had given Galen, although not consciously, back when that bastard Roan had done...

...what he had done to her...

Terrin's blue eyes shifted up from where he was keeping a concerned eye on Galen to look into the equally concerned blue pair of their daughter's.

"Darra, she needs your strength, and you already have a connection with her. I know you can do it."

Falling silent then, Terrin simply waited, knowing that JhinDarra would help in every way that she could.

[ 06-29-2006 12:24 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]

The Master

posted 06-29-2006 12:34 AM    
The Master closed his eyes, stretching his own powers internally to find the myriad wounds upon his body. He felt the venom from the hundreds of bites trying to work its way into his bloodstream, and allowed his powers to separate his own living molecules from the foreign substance.

The spiders themselves were not touched by the All, but their venom is easily expelled.

“What were they?” he asked himself out loud. “Single-minded, set upon a course to – feed. Taking life, sucking it from me. I can feel the venom, I can gather it within me and expel it… but a strange venom it is. Not meant to bring death, but to allow for the sapping of life.”

The Master shook his head slowly, sending the venom molecules out through his skin. When it touched the air it evaporated into steam.

The Master opened his eyes. “The venom is the key, bites shall heal. Concentrate on the venom, ask for my assistance if you are not capable. Aelvedaar must live.”

Panthar Dantares

posted 07-03-2006 01:44 PM    
Panthar stood, watching Galen one moment, Aelvedaar the next, then glancing at the Master in between. Shawn seemed to have been able to do something to help Aelvedaar, his face relaxed and he looked more… red. But there were still welts all over him, and he was not moving. Galen was not doing as well. Although she had fewer bites, she was still and pale, growing more pale every second it seemed. Darra was just staring, as if frozen with fear.

But the Master, he was just fine. In fact, he had just opened his eyes and was looking about, a weird shine on his body. It looked like sweat, but it seemed a bit more sticky.

“Hey!” cried Panthar, stomping over to the Master. “They’re having trouble with Galen! Help her!”

The Master

posted 07-03-2006 01:53 PM    
The Master scowled, looking to Galen and Erik.

“The Jedi can save her,” he said flatly, “if he is strong enough. It is Aelvedaar who must live. He is filled with venom, that must be expelled.”

The Master stood, taking a step to Shawn and Aelvedaar. “I will assist you.”

Panthar Dantares

posted 07-03-2006 01:57 PM    
Panthar’s mind flashed red. In an instant he stepped in front of the Master and grabbed him by the throat. The Master’s hands went to Panthar’s arm, but his face remained steady.

“Aelvedaar is doing better,” said Panthar through clenched teeth. “You can help him AFTER you help Galen!”

Panthar’s grip tightened, and the cool eyes of the Master seemed to glow for a split second. His finger moved, and his eyes narrowed as if contemplating some grim end for Panthar, but then his gaze softened.

Panthar took this to mean compliance, and released the Master with a less-than-gentle nudge in Galen’s direction.

The Master

posted 07-03-2006 02:06 PM    
The Master stood for a moment, pondering this Sith who would dare do what he just did. Yet a certain admiration came forward from the anger, for this one must indeed value his friends greatly to risk certain death.

This was a value shared by the Master. But for lack of friends, his devotion turned to the one thing with which he remained true, the saving of the Sith. And to accomplish this, he needed to ensure the safety of Phalomir, and only these people knew his wherabouts.

The Master brushed the sand from his robes and moved slowly to Galen. He placed his hand upon her head, ignoring the looks he was receiving from Erik.

“Trust me if you wish her to live,” he said, without looking at Erik. “Keep yourself focused on healing her wounds, she is infected with venom that I will expunge.”

And with that, the Master set to locating each drop of the venom within her body, isolating it from the human building blocks, and drawing it forward through her skin. In a few moments she was sweating a sticky clear substance that permeated her clothes.

The Master stood then.

“Remain with her, heal the bites, for they will annoy her to no ends. And upon the soul of R’Lous, she is difficult enough to deal with when she is happy.”

The Master turned back to Shawn and Aelvedaar.

“Are you capable, Jedi? Is the Dark Lord improving?”


posted 07-03-2006 06:02 PM    
JhinDarra stood where she was, unmoving, seeming to just watch the little drama unfolding in front of her. But those with acuity would have seen the blankness in her eyes, blankness tinged not without a modicum of fear.

I did nothing, she berated herself silently, staring off into middle space now. Just the thought of actually watching what was hoped to be the healing of her mother only underscored and strengthened the fear and hopelessness now rising within her.

What could I do? Mo- Aunt Jharmeen told me I have this power, mother and father both have mentioned it came to their aid in the past...

...but where is it? Where is it!? I do not feel it within, I merely feel--

As the Master approached Galen's pale and limp form she jerked, her body moving forward just the tiniest bit, as if in protest.

Mother! I feel this-- it is...?

She paused, frozen in bewilderment and confuseion, her helplessness laced now with a fright of such proportions as to be utterly unwarranted by what was happening. She blinked, focused now on the Master.

He backed away from Galen, who sticky and sweating, was beginning to groan. One hand lifted feebly to scratch without any real strength at a line of welts running down her throat before it fell to the desert hardpan like a wounded butterfly. The Master turned away from this as if it was beneath his notice, heading to where others were working on Lord Aelvedaar.

I feel-- wrong.

Tears flooded her eyes then as, the movement light and inherently graceful, she turned away from the others then, heading at an angle across the face of a nearby dune until she came upon a small "hollow" created by the confluence of the dunes. There she dropped, staring at the shifting sands, feeling not so much helpless any longer as utterly useless to the others.

[ 07-03-2006 06:04 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by JhinDarra ]

Shawn Petrolu

posted 07-03-2006 07:01 PM    
Shawn, who had taken the Master's advice to concentrate his energies on the venom within the Dark Lord's blood, was beginning to feel Aelvedaar strengthening beneath his healing abilities. Only when he was certain of this did he reply to the Master.

"He is gaining strength and the intensity of the venom is lessening."

Even as Shawn stated as much, he felt Lord Aelvedaar move slightly beneath his touch.

He is growing stronger.

"He is beginning to come to consciousness, but your assistance would aid him in returning even more quickly."

Saying nothing more than that, however, Shawn turned his attentions completely back to Lord Aelvedaar once more.

Erik Kartan

posted 07-03-2006 07:16 PM    
Erik, although most certainly not fond of the Master, greatly appreciated the assistance he had given. Now that the spider venom was eradicated from her bloodstream, Erik knew he was quite capable of helping to heal the spider bites themselves. He glanced up at Terrin.

"She's going to be allright," Erik than said simply, turning his attentions back to Galen's spider bites.

Shawn Petrolu

posted 07-03-2006 07:44 PM    
The Dark Lord was beginning to sweat, much in the same manner that Galen was. Keenly aware of this, Shawn opened his eyes, another sense lingering on the edges of his Force-senses, and a quite logical one at that.


Glancing around the group, he saw that Erik was still with Galen, and she was beginning to moan and stir, and that Terrin Danner and his men, along with Panthar, were sticking close by. But someone was missing...

Shawn looked back to the Master. "If you could look to his wounds for a few brief moments, I will be right back," he said, standing, sensing a probable response to this sudden movement on the Jedi's part.

"Only a moment," Shawn then reiterated, following the nearby familiar Force-signature and coming up to JhinDarra.

He knelt on the sands next to her, his greeny-blue eyes clear and totally calm. "Your mother is going to be allright," Shawn then opened with, sensing smething else. "What troubles you?"


posted 07-03-2006 07:51 PM    
Dara merely shook her head and continued to stare with watery eyes at the sand beneath her feet.

"I-- I don't know," she said at length, her voice so soft and low that Shawn was unsure at first if she had spoken at all.

"I-- I did nothing, I just stood there, Mother and the Dark Lord were hurt, and I did nothing, even though I am told, and had just been, that I have the ability to help, only I--

"I couldn't. I don't know how!"

Another pause, a slight gulp before she quickly raised a hand to wipe tears from her eyes. Feeling a bit more under control then, she finally looked up into Shawn's kind face.

"There is something wrong," she whispered, fighting against another onrush of tears the overwhelming concern so evident in his face was threatening to provoke.

"I don't know what exactly, I just feel there is..."

[ 07-03-2006 07:52 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by JhinDarra ]

Shawn Petrolu

posted 07-03-2006 08:11 PM    
"Dealing with all that you feel is very difficult," Shawn admitted to JhinDarra, the concern in his eyes not fading. "I do not know of all the abilities you possess, but I can guide you in this:

Focus on the moment, the here and now. You have the ability to feel, and that is a good thing. But while you continue feeling no matter what, there are moments when you must concentrate on the things that are happening where you are."

Pausing at that, Shawn sensed outward with his Force senses, nodding once then. "As for the something wrong you feel..."

He pursed his lips slightly. "I feel it also."

Quieting a moment, he attuned his senses, then continued with, "As to where or what it is, however...

...I am not yet certain. I can, however, help you in regards to your struggle with healing."

Shawn stood then, nodding back towards the group, his greeny blue eyes falling into JhinDarra's wide blue pair. "You already have a link with your mother by blood, and therefore already have a healing channel with her. Your strength alone will be helpful for her, even if you do not know how to direct it yet. Would you like for me to show you?"


posted 07-03-2006 11:43 PM    
Still seated on the hot desert sands, Darra ducked her head, sniffled, wiped surreptitiously at her nose. Then she looked up at Shawn.

"Could you?" she queried softly, getting gracefully to her feet.

"Can you help me learn to use that power everyone keeps on telling me that I have? I would like nothing so much as to help others with it, help Mother--"

She trailed into silence then and just stood there, sending a steady and hopeful look directly into Shawn's eyes.

[ 07-03-2006 11:44 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by JhinDarra ]

Shawn Petrolu

posted 07-04-2006 12:00 AM    
Shawn smiled at JhinDarra. "I admittedly do not know of nor have the power you possess. I am certain, however, that in time you will be taught...

...and I can help you help your mother, for healing is within my realm."

He paused, his greeny-blue eyes calm and understanding. "Come," he said softly, motioning the young JhinDarra to follow him back to where Erik was still attending to Galen, Terrin supporting her as he did so.

"Erik, if you could go help the Master for a moment?" Shawn queried then. Erik Kartan looked up, nodded, and switched spots to then go attend to the Dark Lord.

Shawn knelt by Galen's side then, motioning for JhinDarra to do the same.

"With your ability to feel, I know that you most likely are already able to feel your blood connection with your Mother. Many healers speak of how they "channel" energies into a wounded individual...

...but this is not entirely so. For when one is adept in the Force, as well as in that which you possess, the strength truly comes from within. You are part of that grand energy that we use to heal others with.

Therefore all you need do is lend your mother the strength that is in you. Worry not about directing or channeling that strength anywhere for the moment; just feel for that link you have with your mother."

Quieting then, Shawn reached out and took one of JhinDarra's hands in his, and moved her hand to lay it atop Galen's forehead.

"Do you feel the link?"

[ 07-04-2006 12:03 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]


posted 07-04-2006 12:34 AM    
JhinDarra knelt beside Shawn on the sharp-cutting desert sands, doing her utmost to displace her awareness of the gritty feeling beneath her knees, the heat rising up in her face, the hotter sensation of the suns which, even as they approached the horizon were yet capable of delivering quite a wallop. Instead, she struggled to reach out, to feel the connection of which Shawn spoke--

It hovered there, wavering like liquid silver against a velvet sky, taunting her for it's proximity, chastising her for her inability to grasp it. Feeling the rise of frustration, she gritted her teeth, strained harder, stretched harder, only to have the silvery tendril snap away, laughing. It flipped back against a dark, gleaming door, adhered to it, scrolling about into a semblance of a language she couldn't begin to decipher.

But there it stayed; laughing now, she approached it, reached out a hand to touch the knob it was wrapped around, but her hand slipped sideways.

She frowned, tried again. To no avail.

A brief blurt of anger rose; the tendril merely slipped about the door, preventing her from touching it or coming anywhere near opening it. She tried again and again and again, biting her lip with the effort, sweat beginning to pour down her face...

And then she quit. Folded her hands and placed them in her lap. And bowed her head.

"Mother," she called out silently, tears of anguish rising within.

"Open the door..."

Only then did the tendril flash out in glowing splendor, whipping toward her, into her, wrapping itself around her thoughts and her heart. From somewhere not inside or betwixt and between but somehow around them both, a doorway opened and bolt after bolt of brilliant copper light now flowed back from her, following along the silvery tendril as does a major bolt of lightning follow the preliminary trail of a feeder...

"Is this it? Am I doing this correctly?" Darra asked in the whisper of a zephyr, unknowing as to the extent of what was happening, only knowing that something was.

Shawn Petrolu

posted 07-04-2006 12:57 AM    
Shawn opened his eyes, sensing the connection between mother and daughter...

...and keenly aware that Mother was the one who reached out first. But, that wasn't the only thing that happened. For the healing energies Shawn was familiar with took time and patience. But even as he sensed the connection between Darra and Galen further solidify...

...he began to see Galen's wounds reduce visibly.

And thus it is that in many times the Teacher ends up being the one who is taught.

Looking to JhinDarra, Shawn smiled and patted her on the shoulder reassuringly. "Yes, that is it. Look, already you are making progress."

Quite amazing progress.

Even as Shawn made his mental observation, Galen began to moan a bit less, and her muscles relaxed as the pain lessened. But that link... remained. "Sometimes we must simply open ourselves to what is already present, and wait for it. And there are the times that the Master is indeed the learner.

"You're doing it. Just keep letting that connection with your mother be what it is, because it is most definitely strong and present."

[ 07-04-2006 01:00 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]


posted 07-04-2006 01:07 AM    
I had been swimming circles within a pool of indigo, circles which were gradually spiralling closer and closer, down and down toward a cold dark center inside of which I somehow knew I would find the answer to everything I had ever wanted to know...

...and then a great flood of warmth burst into the pool, turning it from arctic iciness to the bubbling warmth of a mineral spa, sending strength and comfort and life...

Ohhh-- it felt so damned good...

My eyes shot open. There was a blur of red above me as something or someone flashed quickly away. Following that flash as if tethered to it, I found myself sitting upright, staring about myself, blinking.

Two pair of eyes stared back at me, running the gamut of worry and pain to joy and relief--

No, make that three: verdant turquoise, baby blue, and another pair, the intense blue of a tropical sea.

"Wha--" I croaked, blinking eyes sticky with near death.

"What in Hell's Seven Circles happened?"

For of course I couldn't remember a thing, sure as there's Treasure on Roon.

[ 07-04-2006 01:10 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

The Master

posted 07-04-2006 01:13 AM    
The Master leaned over Aelvedaar, testing Shawn’s handiwork. He paused, though, feeling a strong reverberation within the All. He looked slowly about, following the raw power sent uncontrolled as echoes, and realized it was emanating from both the red headed woman and her daughter. An eyebrow instinctively raised.

When she awoke and sat up, he let out a “hmmm” and return his attention to Aelvedaar. A quick internal check and he was satisfied, and sat on his haunches next to the Dark Lord.

“My Lord,” he said quietly only to Aelvedaar, laying his hand on the Dark Lord’s arm. “Aelvedaar, the worse is gone, how do you feel?”

Terrin Danner

posted 07-04-2006 01:27 AM    
Relief flooded Terrin's eyes at Galen's query. "Apparently the venom of those spiders was rather deadly. Shawn managed to get them to scram...

...and we left them wherever it was that we found Aelvedaar and got back here. If it hadn't been for Erik, Shawn, and Darra..."

Terrin trailed, his blue eyes shifting to Darra in appreciation. On the heels of that look Terrin's eyes shifted to the Master as Lord Aelvedaar began to stir as well. "But only upon threat of bodily harm, in some circumstances," he then commented, scowling blackly. Then he looked back to Galen. "Feeling okay now...

...excepting the scorching heat and need for water?"

He paused, speaking up then, to no one in particular. "You know, it would be a good idea to get the kriffing hell off this blasted ball of sand soon."

[ 07-04-2006 01:35 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]

The Master

posted 07-07-2006 11:40 AM    
The Master scowled, feeling Aelvedaar’s life force strengthening, yet knowing the Dark Lord had still far to go.

Blast it, anyway.

The Master stood and walked to the others.

“Lord Aelvedaar shall recover,” he said. “But there are truths we must now face. Obviously something unexpected has happened on Dagobah, and I for one find it safe to say that Shayla and/or the spirit of Graysith was involved. I can also find it within speculative reason that if Shayla found a way to reach Dagobah and attack Aelvedaar, then she is more powerful and resourceful than she seems, and Graysith has very likely been restored already.”

He sighed, long and deep.

“I for one am not satisfied with speculation, and am willing to take myself and whoever would follow to ascertain the truth of what took place on Dagobah. I would first move Lord Aelvedaar to safe location, leaving those who would not go to Dagobah to watch after him.”

The Master looked long at the group of individuals before him.

“I understand your fear and hatred of me,” he said calmly. “But realize that my actions were those of a man not only obsessed , but possessed and consumed by the power and darkness of a realm best left to the dead. Don’t you see? I have the curse of knowing certain future events, and the responsibility to stop them.”

After a half beat, the Master looked back to Aelvedaar.

“Now, is there a place that anyone can reason that is safer than the Temple of Sorcerers?”

Erik Kartan

posted 07-07-2006 09:28 PM    
Erik looked to the Master, his look dark. "And why would we need any place safer than the Temple of the Sorceror's?" he began. "Aelvedaar is the Dark Lord after all, and his heir is there as well."

He paused then, his look growing even more dark, his eyes growing vague. "Shayla wouldn't have done such a thing to Lord Aelvedaar as this...

...she couldn't have," he insisted, his eyes now snapping alert and locking on the Master. "If perhaps Jharmeen's spirt had something to do with all this, that does not mean that my wife also did. She was the vessel, and possibly only that. And even at that...

...there were implications of forces from the Tower also possibly being a part in all this. It is not safe to assume anything just yet, my friend. The only thing that I dare assume is that my wife could be in as serious a danger as the Dark Lord was...

...and that we should get to Degobah now. But first you must promise to me you won't do anything to hurt her..."

Shawn Petrolu

posted 07-07-2006 10:26 PM    
Shawn had just been getting up to go assist Lord Aelvedaar once again when this little exchange took place between his brother-in-law and the Master took place. The barest of frowns crossing his features, he turned to them both. "Rushing into anything and making any assumptions is unwise."

He paused, pursing his lips, looking very thoughtful for a moment before he continued. "The one person here who will seperate fact from fiction for us is Lord Aelvedaar. We need his input, above all else, before we rush blindly into any of this. He alone knows what happened to him, and he may very well know if Shayla went to Degobah at all and if Jharmeen's spirit has been returned to her body. As for a safe place...

...I am in agreement with both Erik and the Master," he clarified, eyeing Erik a moment as if to say, "Don't be so suspicious."

Then he continued further with, "The Temple of the Sorceror's seems like the logical place to take Lord Aelvedaar to continue his recovery."

[ 07-08-2006 02:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]


posted 07-11-2006 11:00 PM    

Stangely muffled, yet somehow enhanced, as if coming to my ears through the unthinkable vastness of a great and unbounded sea...

I try to open my lids, to see who it is who is swimming alongside me in that watery world, but they are too heavy to raise. Instead, the effort no small thing, I swallow, then manage to wet my lips with my tongue, lips that are strangely parched for the wild, wide waters in which I seem to be immersed...

I grope out with one clawed hand. It finds another, equally clawed.

"Ahhh," I think to myself. "It is my unseen companion, he who would swim these dark waters with me. But--"

A thought strikes, a thought which sends ripples of unease through me.

"But this cannot be, cannot be. I would have no one follow the path I now tread upon; I will not allow this!"

For this path, the causeway across and through the misty, foggy depths, is one which can only lead to one place. And so it is that for the sake of a stranger I turn away, away from the path more easily trod, lined with soft whirlpools which beckon me to descend upon and then into them. Away I turn, away from the dark, my hand grasping that of the stranger's with a vengeance born of a desperation I am not quite yet completely aware of.

I wet my lips again. Words thunder in my ears. A wavelet laps away, leaving me cast upon the beach. Of course I am; I can feel the hot sand beneath my body...

"To-- Tem-ple..."

It is all I can manage. I trust the stranger who yet clasps my hand will know how to get there.

Not to mention what to do once we arrive.

[ 07-11-2006 11:01 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelvedaar ]

The Master

posted 07-12-2006 12:50 AM    
The Master, leveling his gaze at Shawn, was interrupted before he could speak by the faint words spoken by Aelvedaar. His eyes widened, and he dismissed the words he had conjured for the Jedi and moved his eyes back to Aelvedaar.

“My Lord,” he said, leaning close. “I shall take us there now, for well do I know the Temple.”

Indeed, though in a future timeline now lost to the shifting sands, the Master was Aelomir, Dark Lord himself. He long ago abandoned that title, giving his allegiance to the Darkness in trade for powers that would save his people. But even that partnership was dissolved.

But now he could return, and that filled him with hope.

The Master focused on the inner lounge of the Dark Lord, where he had spent many hours in study in future days. He waved his hand, now steady with the resurgence of strength, and a portal shimmered before him. The Master looked to Panthar, his eyes sharp and keen, then stepped through the portal.

Almost immediately came an urgent shout echoing from within the portal, as the Master ordered a shocked servant to fetch Aeylmaar.

(((OOC: Follow The Master into Silence of the Lambs in the "Jedi Praxeum and Sith Temple" forum, thank you!)))

[ 07-12-2006 01:04 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Master ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 07-12-2006 12:50 AM    
Panthar raised his eyebrows in understanding and hurried to Aelvedaar. He gently scooped the Dark Lord into his powerful arms and followed the Master through the portal.

(((OOC: Follow Panthar into Silence of the Lambs in the "Jedi Praxeum and Sith Temple" forum, thank you!)))

[ 07-12-2006 01:05 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Panthar Dantares ]

Terrin Danner

posted 07-12-2006 01:28 PM    
The sooner Lord Aelvedaar got back on his feet...

...the sooner Terrin would feel any better about the situation here. This Master guy, as Galen so often said, sure liked to change rontos midstream...

...and that wasn't a very comforting observation.

Gently picking Galen up from the ground, Terrin looked to her and stated as much quietly, then added, "I don't trust him yet...

...and I'm not sure that we should, considering he was more than willing to dismiss your injuries to deal with Lord Aelvedaar's alone, feeling he was the more important of the two of you."

Terrin paused, his look darkening. "In my book, every player in the team is important, no matter who they are or how they contribute. You never know when you might need them."

Another pause. An admission. "I don't like him."

Then, turning to a scowling Jasyn Lancaster a patiently waiting Matt Stanza, a quiet Thoran, a deceptively calm Shawn Petrolu, a distant looking Erik Kartan, and JhinDarra, Terrin nodded towards the portal. "Let's get out of here."

And with nothing further, Terrin carried Galen through the portal to the Temple of the Sorcerors on Khar Delba, hoping for all kriffing hell that he never spent another moment on the dustball of a rock they had just left behind as everyone else followed in his wake.

(((OCC: Follow Terrin, Galen, Matt, Jasyn, Shawn, Erik, Thoran, and JhinDarra back to Silence of the Lambs in the Jedi Praxeum and Sith Temple forums.)))

[ 07-12-2006 03:33 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]