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Aaron Barnes

posted 06-03-2006 11:00 PM    
(((OCC: This thread continues from Dark Star, Black Sun in this forum, thank you.)))

Aaron made his way quickly and quietly behind Yaoksi, also keeping an eye on Jebbua and Link. Unconciously, his blaster had somehow wandered to his hand...

...and he had to suddenly wonder if this was anything like what Terrin and Galen and the boys and gone through, always stealthing, always running from this threat or that.

Maybe things would have been different if he had helped them out more, been there more, instead of keeping a tight check on Eagle Enterprises and never going anywhere...

Aaron dismissed the thought, and focused his mind on the task at hand. He wondered if they had done anything to repair the blast hole in the entrance, and figured it would probably be pretty foolish if they hadn't done something to it.

Yaoksi slowed down in front of him at last, and Aaron found himself gripping his blaster just a little bit more tightly.

"The entrance?" Aaron queried quietly, not seeing anything yet even though his body's kinesthetic memory told him they were close.

[ 06-03-2006 11:02 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-03-2006 11:03 PM    
I followed Yaoski and Aaron to the secert passage and Link was not far behind me.

"Ok, so the plan is for Link to slice into the place and what? search for info and Thea or what?"

I took out my lightsaber but left it off, I would probably need it.

Thats when I felt it, or actually felt nothing.

"Uh guys, we have a problem. I might not be as useful as you think I might be. I think they have some yslamiri in there. Trust me me and Dash ran into them and their prederators before. There is a big bubbe of nothing-ness. No doubt that's where Thea is, but I'm about as good as a baby talking with this lightsaber with no force powers."

So far things weren't going as planned.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-03-2006 11:34 PM    
"Wait a minute, that's it!"

I whirled about, approaching Jebbua and taking him by his shoulders.

"Don't you see? That has to be where Thea is! Someone has been trying to be cute, and block her in the force, but just by the act of doing this they've practically sent up a flare!"

My spirits reviving considerably, I turned back to the little passageway we had entered and studied it.

"I don't see the hole... but--"

I moved forward toward a place which seemed a little bit... different, somehow. Newer, not quite as weathered, almost as if it had been renewed...

"Hey guys, I don't know if it's my eyes or what, but does this section of wall look any different to you?" I asked, waving one hand to indicate the place I referred to, the other hand busy holding my blaster at the ready.

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-03-2006 11:45 PM    
Aaron raised a hand. "Maybe we shouldn't just go blasting it," he said cautiously. "I mean, blasting makes big noises. Lightsabers...

...well, they don't."

Aaron arched an eyebrow Jebbua's way, his suggestion clearly evident.

Bon Foyagee

posted 06-03-2006 11:47 PM    
Bon still sat at the table, keying in numbers into his data pad. Needing very little sleep, he decided to take the quiet time to prepare. He had calculated the distance of the search radius he wanted to perform, and the fuel and other factors. He had also monitored the progress of the repairs, and taken inventory of the stores of the Sullust base. He was ready to leave, having placed orders for the ship to be prepared. In the morning, when the others were awake, they would ship out.

A sigil on the pad blinked. He raised an eyebrow and pressed a sequence on the pad. A view from the camera in the back alley came up on the screen. The other eyebrow raised, and he pressed another button.

“Mr. Yaoksi?” he said into the pad microphone, conveying his voice to the speaker hidden above the secret hatchway in the alley, recently repaired. “What a pleasant surprise, man! Have you changed your mind? That’s so awesome, man! I was hoping you’d come, dude, it’s just too hard to figure it out without you in the equation, man!”

[ 06-03-2006 11:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Bon Foyagee ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-03-2006 11:58 PM    
I about jumped out of my skin.

Crouching, blaster at more than ready now, I raised my head and looked upward and all about, trying to trace the source of Bon's voice.

"Ahh-- yeah. Yeah," I replied, now sending a fast shrug to the others in the party.
Leaning toward them, I whispered, "They know we're here, get ready..." before turning my head upward again.

"I told you we weren't finished yet; wasn't there something you wanted to tell me?"

Falling silent I then turned my attention to the odd patch of stone, waiting to see if it really was more than what it was trying to appear to be.

Bon Foyagee

posted 06-04-2006 12:04 AM    
Bon looked around, to make sure nobody else was in the room.

“Yeah, man, I do have to tell you things,” he said. “It’s pretty far out, man, and I don’t blame you for not believing me, but I gotta tell you or I’ll burst, man! It’s about the book, man, the case and stuff. Um, I’m not so sure it’s a good idea to come in here, man. Um, can we meet somewhere?”

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-04-2006 12:07 AM    
I shot a quick look toward the others, but nothing was going to keep me from answering, and in the only manner I could then.

"Look, I don't care how dangerous it is; there's a kid in there who's supposed to be under my care. I'm not going anywhere until I have her back!

"Maybe, ahh-- Maybe you can lend a hand?"

Bon Foyagee

posted 06-04-2006 12:21 AM    
Bon raised his eyebrows further.

“You mean that little dudette, Thea? Um, man, I’m not casting any judgement type things, but if she’s under your care then why did you blast a hole in the wall and run off, man? Hey, don’t worry, man, nobody’s wanta to hurt anyone, man. Seriously! Allright, look, let me tell you this thing, all right? It might like, make a difference or something cosmic like that. I’ll be there in a minute. Then after I tell you these things, like, if you still want to take her and leave, sure thing, man.”

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-04-2006 12:31 AM    
I sighed, turned to the others with a shrug.

"Well, at least the door will get opened--" I said in a low voice, before turning around again and raising it.

"All right then, pal, c'mon outta there and let's talk. But I hope it won't take all night, there's a kid in there who needs our help."

[ 06-04-2006 12:57 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-04-2006 12:37 AM    
((OOC: Thea, you have a PM.))

Rico Riven

posted 06-04-2006 01:33 AM    
I thought about that, what Stern just said. Maybe I was tired, I don’t know, but it made sense. Somehow.

“Thanks,” I said. “Get some sleep.”

I left, shutting the door behind me. The hallway was a little dark, just like before, duh. I turned to go back to the room, but paused. Here I was, in some secret base or something, with all sorts of… well, secret stuff to start a rebellion with. I could wander around, check things out… and probably get caught.

Or I could let this bad feeling pass, go back to bed, and stop making myself worry.

Yeah, that sounded all right for now. I turned for the room and took a step.

Then I heard a footstep. I turned around silently and watched Blueberry sneaking down the other end of the hallway. He tapped a panel on the wall and disappeared into a door that slid open for him. I waited a second then padded down the hall and to the panel. It didn’t take a genius to realize that there were only two buttons – OPEN and LOCK. Duh again. I pushed OPEN and guess what happened?

I walked through the open door and into a small tunnel. I followed it, and got to another door as it was about to close. Through it I saw Blueberry’s back as he was walking to meet some other people, whose backs were to both of us. I let the door shut, and was happy to see a peephole in it.

Bon Foyagee

posted 06-04-2006 01:36 AM    
Bon walked out of the door and let it slide shut behind him. He had taken a different passage, and was momentarily perturbed when everyone was facing the opposite direction, as if waiting for him to open the other door.

“That door’s broken, man,” he said quietly. “It won’t open until next week. Had to order a part.”

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-04-2006 01:51 AM    
I almost jumped out of my skin.


Whirling, it was to discover the blue Bothan just standing there, a grin planted on his furry little face, looking for all the world like he had come out to announce the winner of the Tattooine Pod Racing Nationals.

I scowled, and moved up to him. Stopping a couple of meters from him, I widened my stance, placing my hands on my hips.

"Don't do that!" I growled, waiting for the others to come up behind me. When a quick glance around ascertained that they had all arrived within this latest cozy little circle I turned back to Bon.

"You were saying?" I said, casually showing my blaster and then pointing it at a position about half a meter above his head.

Bon Foyagee

posted 06-04-2006 02:03 AM    
Bon smiled.

“It’s good to see you all again!” he said. “I was afraid you didn’t want to be involved after all. You see, I sought you out, you and Rico. I spent a long time studying that book, man. Oppression is everywhere, man, and it needs to be fought! So, like, when things were looking down, man, I took it to a psychic. Don’t laugh, man, they’re in tune with the cosmic wholeness of the whole big psychic cosmic… thing. Anyway, I got some useful info from this dude, right? He put his hand on the book and started telling me that the dude was named Panthar, and he was an archeologist, right? But then he goes off on something else, man, something that was just, well, weird. He started spouting off on random stuff like Dark Lords and rebirth and Warriors and Sorcerers and returning from time, and that got freaky. Then he went bonkers and started saying stuff about humans and adepts and threw out some names, man. He said they’re all in danger, man. I don’t know what he was talking about, believe me, but I wrote them down.”

Bon unrolled a small scroll from his sleeve.

“Allright, here they are: Gaylen, Jharmeen, Shayla, Darra, Terrin, and one I couldn’t make out. It was strange, like Almejar, or Alvethar, or something. But then his eyes flew open, and he dropped the book and grabbed my arm, and he looked me straight in the eyes and said ‘Find Yaoksi’. Then he like, just went blank and wouldn’t talk to me no more, man. I searched for someone with that name, and came across a smuggling ring that said they used you. So like, does that mean anything to you? Am I really nutso?”

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-04-2006 02:16 AM    
I couldn't jump out of my skin at that point if I wanted to, for it had frozen, completely iced. The only thing on my body that seemed to be moving was the tiny hairs on the back of my neck, which were suddenly rippling like wheat in a high wind.

I worked my mouth, the blaster lowering without my even being aware of it. Likewise I hadn't a clue as to what the others were thinking at this point, for I sure as hell wasn't the only one to recognize damned near every name the Bothan had just listed.

Slowly it dawned upon me that Bon was still patiently waiting for an answer.

"Y-yeah, I'm Yaoksi--er, that Yaoksi," I muttered, swaying a little. A small sound echoed from the stone walls, the sound a blaster makes when it falls upon something hard. I scarcely noticed it; suddenly I was against the wall, shaking my head in disbelief. After a few more minutes passed in this manner, I finally managed a deep breath, and yanked myself back under control.

Bon just stared back at me, a strange admixture of fanaticism and naivete planted on his face. I stared back a moment or two, and then managed to stand upright, took a step toward him.

"What about these people?" I asked, coming closer, squatting down to meet his eyes straight on.

"What else do you know? Why did this psychic--"

I wonder if it was a Jedi?

"--send you to me?"

Daggers suddenly began burning holes in my back; I waved a hand behind myself toward Aaron and went on.

"Did he say where these people were, particularly the one called Galen?"

I finally shut up, realizing I was coming close to babbling. Shaking my head, I retrieved my blaster with one hand and holstered it. Then I just remained squatted down, hoping this little guy knew more than he thought he did.

Bon Foyagee

posted 06-04-2006 02:29 AM    
“All he did after that was draw this on his table, in the dust, with his finger, with his eyes closed. I copied it down.”

Bon showed Yaoksi the paper. On it, below the names, were several dots. Four of the dots were joined by lines.

“I did a lot of figuring and refiguring. I figured these could lots of things, like chemical symbols, molecular structures, or plans for a summer home. But then it dawned on me, man, maybe it’s star positions! So I ran about a billion combinations, man, then found a spot in the galaxy where this combination might take place. There’s a system, man, binary stars, remote area, and the like. Well, I did some more digging, man, but found out that the oppression had already begun there! I asked myself, now why would the oppressors set up ships in a remote part of the galaxy, man? In a place where there’s like no life?”

Bon pointed to the paper.

“That’s my quest, man. That’s where I’m going. And the psychic wanted me to find you, man, and that tells me that you need to go too. Like I said, man, maybe I’m crazy like they say, but it’s all fallen together so far.”

Bon raised his eyebrows.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-04-2006 02:43 AM    
I closed my eyes, seeing planted on my lids not the strange rune the Bothan had just shown me, but a memory of a time not too far back in my past.

Traveling with Terrin and Galen, the little gal was pregnant as I recall, very pregnant. And they had told stories, weird stories, about the Sith who weren't the sith; I mean, they were not like the Jedi, they were different, and they were after the little gal, and had sent something from hell to rip off Captain Danner's arm, and it was on my watch, dammit, my watch...

I shuddered, struggling against the horrors of that day, trying to remember more of what they had said.

Hadn't Cella said she was after Shayla, that Shayla had been taken from the Praxeum, before it had been destroyed? How did she fit into all this?

I shook my head at the memories, now grown fogged by the passage of the years and being a father to Thea.


My eyes flew open, pinned themselves to Bon.
Flicked back to the others, returned.

"Our Jedi here--" I stuck a thumb over my shoulder to indicate Jebbua.

"--was knocked out and imprisoned after Aaron and I left the base; hell, after we escaped from the base you call home. I truly can't see that the little girl who was with us is being treated any better.


I drew in a breath, let it out, laid a hand on my blaster, not as a threat, but a promise.

"You help us get Thea out of there, and I'll go with you on your quest. And since I just happen to know my friends here are a touch wee concerned about some of the peeps you named, it wouldn't surprise me if they came along for the ride as well."

[ 06-04-2006 02:44 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Bon Foyagee

posted 06-04-2006 02:50 AM    
“It shouldn’t be any problem getting her out, man,” Bon said, confused. “I mean, this whole thing was to get a trip together. I don’t know what you’re thinking, man, this is our rebellion against oppression! I started this thing a long long time ago, began recruiting people when the oppression first started. Then this Cardissa comes in, man, and she’s got as much passion about the oppressors as me, man, and even more money. I don’t know what to say, if this dude was knocked out then there, like, must be a reason? Was he walkin’ in the hangar? I mean, it’s early and he hasn’t been, like, introduced to security. Maybe they thought he was intruding?”

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-04-2006 07:39 AM    

I was shocked at what Bon had just said, besides the fact that he had just named a list of names of half i knew.

"You're kidding right." I wanted to turn my lightsaber on and slice this guy.

"I was standing in the foyer looking around and listening to the conversation in the dining room when someone stunned me with a stun bolt and knocks me out. first you invite me in and then you stun me."

With the force I picked up Bon off his feet and dagnled him a foot off the ground.

"Now WE want Thea back now and you're going to help us get her back or you'll be joining the fishes real soon."

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-04-2006 09:20 AM    
Galen, Terrin...


Oh hell...

Aaron was having a difficult time coming up with anything intelligent to say, considering the list of names the Blueberry had just spewed, and considering the facts he had just spewed as well, unbeknowst to possibly even him. But Jebbua's ensuing actions were enough to get his thoughts back on track.

"Hey, knock it off and let the blue guy talk!!!" He growled Jebbua's way. "I don't know what is going on in there aside from the fact we need to get the kid back...

...but somehow he's telling the truth, dammit. Only Terrin is..."

He paused, closing his eyes, struggling with himself. "Terrin is dead..."

[ 06-04-2006 09:20 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-04-2006 09:23 AM    
I was so concentrated on Bon that I almost didn't hear Aaron.


I sat Bon back on the ground and relaxed my tense shoulders.

"Ok then, now that you have a chance to talk I suggest you do so before you go flying and nothing Aaron or Yaoski says or does will save you."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-04-2006 12:33 PM    
I scowled, lowered my face to the stone floor.

"Jebbua, calm down!"

I shook my head a little, waited until there was complete silence at my back. Then I lifted my head again to Bon's beady little eyes.

"Look," I started, pursing my lips as I thought.

"I don't know about any oppression that you keep on hammering on about; there's no oppression that I'm aware of. Ok, so some things have happened, but ya know what?"

I rose to my feet and glared.

"Maybe it's all for the better. The guy with the biggest gun ends on top, right? If ya can't keep up with the Big Dogs, stay on the porch, and all that!"

Suddenly I leaned forward, took Bon by his furry little chest, lifted him up on his tippy-toes.

"I don't trust anyone who imprisons a Jedi, fella! That sounds to me like yet another Big Dog wannabe. Now, I'm not sure who this employer of yours is, but I don't want a damned thing to do with her or your silly little rebellion.

"I want Thea back..., and then I want to go find these people you have mentioned. It just so happens that some of them have gone missing, and most of us--"

I waved my hand grimly at the others.

"--have been hunting for them for years.

"Soo-oo-ooo I'll just have this, thank you buddy--" Here I snatched the paper with the star positions from him, and raising to my full height released the little guy.

"And now we can talk some serious turkey."

[ 06-04-2006 12:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-04-2006 12:50 PM    
Aaron was still reeling.

How in the hell was this all possible? Who could this little blue squirt have been talking to that could know all of this stuff?

Aaron just glared at Bon. "Allright, furball, since you said it would be nothing more than us taking her if we didn't like what we heard...

...give us the kid, and we'll be on our way..."

[ 06-04-2006 12:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-04-2006 01:09 PM    
I closed my eyes when I heard this. Granted, it was late, we were all hungry and tired and running on the aftermath of too much Whyrene's, but still--

I twisted around, leaned into Aaron, spoke in a whisper too low for the Bothan to hear.

"Aaron, he's got no reason to help us rescue Thea if we tell him that we're cutting and running; besides--"

I paused, stared meaningfully at Barnes a bit before turning back to Bon.

"I said I'd help him on his quest if he helps us get Thea back, even if I don't think it's anything either warranted or intelligent. But out there somewhere are two sets of binary stars, somehow connected--"

I rustled the paper that I held.

"And they seem to be the starting point to finding our friends. Massing 'oppressors' or not."

I drew in a deep breath before finishing.

"I just have a reeeeally ba-aa-aad feeling about this Cardissa person; somehow I feel she's not in it to help you. Call me paranoid, but my gut has saved my hiney on more than one occasion, not that you need to know all the particulars about that. And besides--"

I hunkered down into Bon's face, stared deeply into his eyes, searching.

"There's something else going on here, isn't there?" I whispered softly, remembering how the little guy had flip-flopped from Idiot Mittens to Professorial in the blink of an eye.

Yeah. Something weird and spaced out and possibly dangerous but possibly something we could use. Because if what the little guy said was really true, and there really was an inordinate amount of Impys hanging around the unknown worlds indicated within the dots, that fact combined with the other hell I was too aware of only went to prove one thing:

Ships and weaponry and munitions be damned. We were going to need something different.

[ 06-04-2006 01:11 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Bon Foyagee

posted 06-04-2006 01:46 PM    
Bon’s eyes narrowed, showing signs of red glassiness.

“First, bullying me will get you nowhere,” he said. “Second, Miss Mitra is not my employer, per se, but a financial backer and comrade in the fight against the Empire, a tyrannical conqueror imposing its way of life upon the galaxy through the guise of bringing forced peace to all. Third, I am at a loss to explain you imprisonment, but I have had no reason to doubt the sincerity and motives of Miss Mitra. There must have been a reason for it, are you absolutely sure you did not try to encroach upon a secured section? As for Thea, again, I have no reason to suspect any foul play, she was tired, she was given a bed. If you would have stayed longer you would have seen this happen.”

Bon sighed.

“I am sure you operate on sort of intuition,” he continued. “Having experienced this strange phenomena first hand myself, I cannot cast doubt upon its validity. However, I cannot take your intuition as hard fact, either. The facts of this mission are simple: I extended an invitation to you to accept a job. Those who wished to stay were given quarters. No contracts have been signed, no currency has changed hands, and all are free to depart. However, since these names apparently do mean something to you, then it would behoove you to accept my proposition and join with me, expanding the scope of this mission to find both my artifacts and your people. If the Empire is also searching for these items, there would be no stopping them if they succeed.”

Bon sighed again.

“It is late, and the occupants of this end of the residence chambers are asleep. I can take you – and only you, Mr. Yaoksi – in to retrieve Thea. I am skeptical of Miss Mitra’s guilt in your assertions, but I am willing to explore the validity of your concerns, and a large party will only increase the chance of events turning awry. Assuming events unfold to your satisfaction, I will hope you agree to leave with me tomorrow.”

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-04-2006 02:34 PM    
I wavered, red flags waving all over the place.

This was no good, no good at all. What was with this guy's adamancy in disbelieving a Jedi, fer pity's sake, who was standing right under his furry little nose telling him what had happened?

I mean, c'mon here; is it normal SOP to blast a suspect, slam him away in a dark room, without so much as a chance to explain himself? No inquiry? Just -- Poof -- stick him away to rot and go nighty-night?

The hairs on the back of my neck raised up in full force.

"I don't think so. Not without my backup, pal!" I growled. Then before I could stop myself, I yanked my blaster out of its holster and slammed it down on Bun-Bun's fuzzy little noggin. He dropped like a proverbial stone.

"Tie him up, and stash him someplace!" I hissed, keeping my voice low. Then--

"Link, now's your chance."

I nodded toward the place in the wall where the stone looked different.

"I don't think that doorway's broken at all, it sure looks fixed to me, doesn't it guys? Link, get yer sweet lil bod over there and find that control panel, and slice us into that base!

"And Jedi--"

I turned to Jebbua, who was standing a little back, quite unable to keep the I told you so look off of his face.

"Keep sensing, or whatever it is you guys do. You said there's a bubble of blankness in there, or something like that; I'm willing to bet Thea's in the middle of it."

I paused, shot a glance all around, and drew in a breath.

"We slice in, follow Jebbua's nekky-nose, snatch the kid, and skedaddle. If things get rough, well then, so do we."

I waved my blaster for good measure.

"After we get Thea out of there we go find our missing friends. I've got the general position in space; we should be able to figure out where it is. I think our little padawan will change her mind about going willingly with us, when she understands that your missing Jedi, the one she wanted to get back to so badly, is more than likely going to be found with all the other missing peeps."

That drew a couple frowns; I flashed a smile.

"Call it another hunch; now, let's go!

"You're up, Link!"


posted 06-04-2006 02:49 PM    
"Time for me to MacGyver my way in."

I started feeling around the wall looking fo anything to let me gain access. It didn't take long for me to locate the control panal, and even less time for me to find an access point. I took one of my computer access ports and plug it into the control panel.

"Ok I'm in now to open the door."

The computer code started to appear on my visor, for most people its to complex to understand but I had been working with it for years. With the slightest movement of my hands the gloves interpreted these as commands and maniplulated the code until I got the desired effect. After 30 seconds or so of slicing the wall opened and gave us the way in. I took my computer access port out of the control panel and turned to the rest of the group.

"And here is our way in."

Thea Morgan

posted 06-04-2006 03:02 PM    
Thea's dream-fears slowly subsided. She still clutched her bag tight to her chest; drugged, asleep, she moved a little, reaching out to again instinctively slide the straps over her arms and shoulders taking a strange and innate comfort in the layers it created between her and the world. She was confused and couldn't remember all that had happened in the last day. Her closed eyes squinched more tightly to shut out the night, and somewhere deep inside of her she was hoping someone - anyone - would come soon to talk to her.

Even in her drugged state, she wasn't used to being so alone.

[ 06-05-2006 02:57 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-04-2006 04:12 PM    
((OOC: Thea's original post has been slightly edited by the admin to reflect her being drugged. Thank you.))

[ 06-05-2006 03:01 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-04-2006 04:58 PM    
"Way to go, little lady!"

I smiled grimly, adjusted my grip on my blaster, stepped forward into the doorway, peered down the passageway ahead. Well I remembered our earlier entrance; then we hadn't moved too far along it before Thea had taken off into a room close to us, announcing her presence and life's ambition to a complete stranger.

It also hadn't taken long for the hairs to start standing up on my neck then, either.

Which they were doing now.

"C'mon," I whispered, moving as quietly as I could into the dimness ahead of us, for the lighting had been obviously muted for the night.

"Let's see if we can find where Thea is; Jeb, you sense anything anywhere? Or not, as the case might be?"

[ 06-04-2006 05:02 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-04-2006 08:18 PM    
Cardissa was rarely disturbed from her sleep by anything, but the insistent chirp of something on her nightstand did just that. Opening her eyes slowly, Cardissa reached for the security device...

...and slitted her eyes at the information it displayed. The front door--the not completely repaired front door--was standing wide open. And the back passageway door had also been opened and was now closed. Smoothly, gracefully, Cardissa slid out of the bed and her feet touched the floor to automatically slide into soft nerfskin slippers. She stood, wrapping a crimson spidersilk nightrobe around herself...

...and pulling a small, elegant blaster from her nightstand. She slipped from her room, closing the greelwood door behind her. Not hearing any blatant motion, she quietly eased her way down the hallways, towards the front door that was gaping open. After all, this most certainly did not fit the status quo.

As she continued to proceed forward, she did hear whispering voices however, in the passageway just beyond, the passageway which lead to the "front door" so to speak.

Cardissa paused where she was, not moving futher, and cocked her head slightly to listen.

It was the voice of the one with the little Jedi girl, she was almost certain of it. Where was Foyagee...?

Cardissa frowned, gripping her blaster more tightly, her eyes turning impossibly darker...

...and then a thought came to mind. Lowering the blaster, she simply waited...

...and kept her ears attuned to anything further that might be said or done.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-04-2006 08:45 PM    
I'm not sure if Jebbua was readying a reply to me or not, but the question suddenly crashed to the bottom of the priority list when something came whispering into my ears.

I froze, waved frantically at the others, trying to shush them up without saying anything further, straining my ears as hard as I could. For a long moment all remained silent, the strange, oppressive kind of silence only the tiniest hours of the dead night can bring--

And then there it came again.

Every nerve cell rippled, the hairs on my arm stood up. It wasn't much of a sound, the smallest, slightest nuance of a sound, almost the very thought of a sound.

But a sound nevertheless. Soft, silken, a sleek little rustle of noise in an otherwise dearth of it.

And in case I missed it the first time, it was repeated.

Not wanting to say anything aloud, I just stood there, half-crouched, one hand holding my blaster at the ready, the other one holding the others back from speaking.

My heart lodged somewhere between my stomach and my throat.

Dammit, give me a good fast ship and a back door outta here! I grumbled silently to myself. I never did like subterfuge, it just wasn't my forte.

[ 06-04-2006 08:46 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-04-2006 11:46 PM    
Aaron gulped as silently as he could, which was, quite honestly, very difficult. He made certain his blaster was secure in his hand, and clutched as though it was his lifeline.

And maybe it was at that.

Wide-eyed, he looked to where Yaoksi was crouching and everyone else was standing frozen.

Awww, heck, but this wasn't going to work. Sooner or later, if someone was around that corner, they were going to come the rest of the way around the corner.

Where was Thea? Where was everyone else?

Aaron frowned...

...but an idea surfaced. The motion totally silent, he switched his blaster to the other hand, and reached a finger to his wristcomm. Keyed in something very quickly, and sent it squirting off along a very, very secure pathway in hopes for a fairly quick response. Then he switched the blaster back to his dominant hand.

If those symbols of the Blueberry's were charts to any of the distant planets Aaron knew of, he already had their coordinates on hand, back aboard the Hornett...

[ 06-04-2006 11:48 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-05-2006 12:20 AM    
I closed my eyes and opened them immediately.

I procced to the corner and with a snap-hiss I had mt lightsaber centimeters from Cardissa Mitra's face.

"Put the blaster down and no one will get hurt." I said to her and then without taking my eyes from her I called out to the others.

"Hey guys, I think i just captured some one we were just talking about." I smiled as they came running over.

Rico Riven

posted 06-05-2006 12:20 AM    
I watched Yaoksi smack the little blue guy on the head, then they tied him up and stuck him in the shadows. After Cottonball worked her magic on the other door and they all went inside, I tapped the OPEN button on the door in front of me and hurried across the alley to where Bon was tied up. I grabbed him, threw him over my shoulder, and ran back to the door and shut it.

He was out cold, but at least he was safer in here. Nothing was going to come between me and a new ship, dang it! I wasn’t sure what was going on, but Yaoksi sure was mad about something. Could it have been the kid? Did he tell the blue guy to get her, and he refused? If so, why? Ah heck, I didn’t know. I just wanted him alive so I could get my ship, do this job, and be on my way.

Yeah, OK, thoughts of Cardissa jumped into my head about then… wow, I was on first name basis with her? I shook my head to clear it and waited. If there was blaster fire going to happen, I wanted to be away from it.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 12:26 AM    
I blinked in surprise, still frozen to the spot.

Sheesh, how could that guy move so fast--?

I didn't waste any more time in committee wondering about it. Sending Aaron a look, I girded my proverbial loins and took off, soon rounding the corner, blaster first, to find Jebbua standing there, a smug but somehow displeased look on his face, his lightsaber smack in the face of the prettiest woman I've seen in a long time.

I blinked again, feeling my jaw drop. Then I got a grip on myself.

"I'm here for the girl," I said, wincing at how melodramatic that sounded, but the tip of my blaster never wavered from her pretty little pert nose.

Oh well, no more melodramatic than our nontraditional entrance in the wee hours of the morning...

[ 06-05-2006 12:29 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-05-2006 12:32 AM    
Just one more reason to not like Jedi...

Cardissa batted her dark eyes, her look reading surprise and shock. She offered her blaster out to whomever would take it, playing the part well.

"I...I was alerted to the doors being open. i thought we had been found..."

She trailed, then continued with, "It's two in the morning...the child sleeps. Would it ease your mind to see her?"

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 12:39 AM    
I shot Aaron and Jebbua yet another look that read don't trust this one, she's too beautiful--!

For a moment I wondered what brought on such a vehement response in me. Then I realized:

She was being too shocked. Too soft and helpless. Too...


And nobody is nice when unknown people break into their illegal bases in the wee hours of the morning!

My eyes darkened.

"Yeah, lady, I want to see her. I want to take her with me; she came with me, er us... I mean, there's someone who came here with us who's still here, I mean he's not here now--

"Oh, Hell's Seven Circles, I just need to take Thea home where she belongs!"

Ranting? Me? Bet yer sweet hiney, babe. This day had already been too, too long for my tastes.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-05-2006 12:46 AM    
"Get up."

Then realizing I could just do it myself.

I picked her up and placed her on her feet.

"Take us to Thea." I pushed her with my free hand to get her going and then leaned back to wisper to Yaoski.

"Once we get close I won't be able to use all my jedi powers because of the ysalmiri so it willmostly be up to you guys to watch her with your blasters."

I leaned back forhead.

"Let's go now. I nudged her gently with the force.

"So far the plan wasn't going that bad as I thought it would.

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-05-2006 01:06 AM    
Cardissa actually turned and shot a look Jebbua's way. "You don't have to be so pushy," she growled. "After all, you are breaking in to my base. I'll take you to her."

Then, without anything further, Cardissa lead the little group--so full of its own self-righteousness in her opinion--to Thea's room. Keyed in the lock code that opened the door.

"Thea?" she called softly into the room. "Soimeone is here for you, to take you," she said simply. "I know you wanted to stay but it's really best..."

She trailed and waited...

...a dark portion of her really angry that not a soul on her base seemed to be aware of what was going on but her...

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 01:56 AM    
I cast a look to Aaron, remembering what Jebbua had said about his Force abilities.

"Keep an eye on her," I hissed, nodding toward Cardissa. Then I simply walked past her and entered the room Thea had been given.

She lay on the bed, looking lost, fragile. Sweat beaded her pale brow, and her eyes flickered beneath their lids in a terrible parody of REM sleep.

It was as if she was having nightmares or something; my heart ached, ached more so as a little ghost traipsed up from somewhere in the deep recesses of my unconscious, gloating and chiding me for what I'd done to her.

She belongs with her family! I yowled back, suddenly enraged. Who I was so angry with, I didn't know.

Or simply didn't want to face.

Later, later--

"Thea, honey--?"

Gently I knelt at the bedside, reached a hand out, one that only ceased its trembling when it laid atop her sweat-slicked brow. She didn't move, didn't budge, didn't make a single sound.

She just slept on, her eyes moving back and forth underneath the lids in a manner that sent chills up and down my spine.


I shook her a little, then a little harder.

Nothing. No movement. No awakening. Just those rolling eyes.

The chill grew to glacial proportions. Snarling, I yanked back the covers and scooped her slender form up into my arms. One of her own fell limply from her chest to dangle toward the floor, taking with it something she had been clutching to her.

Her bag. And where was her lightsaber, the one she had built and was so proud of?

A glance toward her bag only proved it wasn't there. Neither was it anywhere within casual visual range. Cradling her utterly limp body against me, I patted about the bedclothes, tossing the pillow aside, sweeping the flat of my hand along the sheets. finally pulling the entirety off the bunk, then, grunting, shoving the mattress itself off of the frame.


I scowled futher, laid her on the bared mattress, and ran a quick but thorough search of the room.

She would never be parted from that damned lightsaber, not as much as she considers herself a Jedi. Or one wantint further training.

Everyone knows a Jedi is never parted from his or her lightsaber.

At length I gave up, returned to the slumbering child and hoisted her in my arms again. Exited the room and came to a stop in front of the woman.

"She won't wake up; what have you done?" I hissed, motioning to Aaron and Jebbua that it was time to leave even as the words shot out of my mouth.

[ 06-05-2006 07:21 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Commisar Stern

posted 06-05-2006 10:20 AM    
I tossed in my sleep fitfully, faint sounds out in the hall and comming through the wall next to me causing me to stir. After Rico had left, trying to get to sleep had taken some time, but I had finally managed.

But I had always been a light sleeper. After a few minutes of the sounds, the slight vibration of deep voices attempting to be quiet humming in through the wall, I got up. Who, aside from prettyboy, has a conversation in the middle of the night in the middle of a hall and in the room next to mine? I didn't think anyone was there.

I picked the dissuader up, checked the slide habitually, and moved to the door. On a whim, I did not open it by control, but set it to manual and eased it open just a crack so I could hear what was going on outside.

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-05-2006 10:35 AM    
Although Aaron wasn't used to this sort of thing, he was most certainly an EE employee through and through. Terrin had taught him well over the years to be suspicious of every damn thing that came his way.

Well, perhaps he hadn't gotten to teach him quite well enough...

Just as Aaron was thinking this, his commlink vibrated miniscuely on his wrist so that only he would be aware of something incoming. Never letting go of his blaster, Aaron glanced down at the commlink, moving only slightly to punch the "accept text message" feature.

Upon the comlink's small screen, coordinates for a pair of planets scrolled. Ever the technician that he truly was, Aaron matched them with his fairly good working memory of the symbols Bon had scratched on that sheet of paper.

Suspicion confirmed.

Looking up from where he'd barely been looking to his wristcomm, Aaron muttered quietly to Yaoksi, hoping he'd hear. "Yaoksi...coordinates..."

He trailed, not wanting to say too much in front of this suspicious lady, suddenly becoming even more wary of what was going on. His grip tightened on his blaster even as he began to move carefully at Yaoksi's obvious unspoken suggestion, and he scanned the area hoping the Jedi had the sense to back away from what he may not be able to sense to what he could sense. After all, a ysalamiri bubble only spanned about 10 meters, and Aaron was well aware of their capabilities considering an employee of his still had a little farm of them despite his absence from the Hornett.

[ 06-05-2006 10:39 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-05-2006 10:43 AM    
Cardissa merely blinked, her look otherwise totally unreadable. "Perhaps she is having a vision?" she queried then in Yaoksi's direction, going further then. "She came to me, wanting to be connected with those who could train her...

...and I would have done everything to grant her that. You would take her from what she wants so dearly? If she is the gifted Force-user that she believes, and if you truly believe her as well...

...shouldn't you be giving her the chance?"

Cardissa paused, her black eyes arrowing into Yaoksi's. "She is a child who will grow to be a strong young woman someday. It would be a shame to have the talents of that strong young woman go to waste..."

Quieting with that, Cardissa merely stood motionless, her mind going back years to the day her Father had begun instilling in her a Destiny that her Mother had been denied to even know of. Of a Destiny her Grandmother had also not been allowed to take part in.

Men always beware of the woman, the one who is strong and able. Her Father had been the only one who was truly wise...

...and these men, well, perhaps they were wise in only one thing. They were wary of the possibilities this little girl had, if she were brought up in jut the right manner. In her manner. Nevermind the manipulation that would be behind it all...

Cardissa's black eyes snapped alert, her look only for the smuggler once more. She suspected what he would do, but then, she was never one to assume anything...

[ 06-05-2006 10:58 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Cardissa Mitra ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 12:58 PM    
I wavered fractionally, deciding to myself whether or not this woman deserved any sort of explanation or not. I mean, she was, after all, mixed up in some kind of preparation to overthrow the government that was slowly settling into its shining new home--

Good luck with that, sister!

Con point one to her.

Here we come along, looped in by Bluebird and his strangely yammering eloquence, and in the doing a totally confused little girl traipses to said lady, spilling her guts about her Jedi dreams... all to a total stranger? And then it's, "oh sure honey, have a seat?" Not, "who's with you, dear," or "where did you come from?" I mean, I hadn't heard anything much other than that as I was backpaddling my way out of here.

Hmmm... con point number two to her, maybe a half to us, just for being there.

Jebbua, for whatever reason, doesn't come back with us, stays here instead, winds up knocked out and imprisoned. A pretty tough accomplishment for a lady, considering he's a Jedi, rogue or not. The way I figure, you gotta be a jedi first in order to go rogue, so--

That earned a full point and a half con to her.

Ok, now we come slicing back into her base -- her illegal base, remember that Yaoksi! -- in the wee hours of the morning. Maybe pro points to us as far as the Impys would view it, but from her angle, ok. Let's go a full point con to us.

And now Thea won't wake up...

It set every hair on my head to standing upright, no matter how pretty this lady was, no matter how gracious she appeared. In fact, that just struck me as too, too weird; again, nobody is gracious under the circumstances she was.

"Don't worry about her education, lady; we'll get it taken care of. We just happen to be associated with jedi ourselves, several of them in fact; see? One came along with us now, remember him?"

I jerked a thumb over my back to Jebbua, who smiled not so sweetly to her.

I shook my head.

"Time's a-wasting here; let's go. And lady, you're coming with us.

"Call it insurance."

I nodded for someone to grab her, all the while keeping my blaster trained on her pretty face, right between the eyes.

[ 06-05-2006 01:00 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-05-2006 01:07 PM    
Aaron was heading to fullfill Yaoki's request when, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted movement from the room next door, ever so slightly. Ever the jumpy EE guy he was, not quite used to all this sneaking around, he squeezed the trigger before he really had the chance to think of it.

Fortunately for someone, the weapon was still on stun, and Aaron didn't have quite enough of a good area to shoot towards. The blaster shot bounced off the cracked door with a resounding thunk. The movement stopped.

Aaron grabbed Cardissa. "Let's get the hell out of here," he whispered to Yaoksi. "Fast. I think we're being watched."

And with that he was on the move, weapon in hand, woman in hand.

Nevermind she wasn't wearing anything but nightclothes...

[ 06-05-2006 01:13 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 01:22 PM    
I shot a glance at Aaron.

"Get that damned blaster to her head!" I hissed, and watched while he shifted it.

"Nothing personal, sweetheart; let's just say I'm all on edge from no sleep, too much caf, and a lack of food."

And Rico and Stern are still here, somewhere...

Cardissa safely covered, we began moving swiftly back the way we had come, as quietly as we could.

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-05-2006 01:22 PM    
Something dark flashed in Cardissa's eyes as the men pointed a blaster to her head and pushed her along. "You would take me

...them? You would take me from my home, not even fully clothed...? Tell me you have never suspected this grand Empire with their big guns, their blockades..."

She paused, still forced to keep walking by Barnes. "...and their Reborn?"

[ 06-05-2006 01:26 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Cardissa Mitra ]

Rico Riven

posted 06-05-2006 01:29 PM    
I hunkered down for a long wait, when I heard footsteps running down the hall. I looked and saw a stream of people in black running past the window, and figured that the internal security finally woke up. Well, if a major firefight was about to take place, then it was a good time to vacate. I untied Bluebell, and opened the door to the alley.

I carried him on my shoulder, light as he was, and closed the door behind me. I really felt bad about leaving, but I had to protect my investment and I didn’t have my blaster with me anyway. I’d come back for Cass, as soon as I put Bluebell somewhere safe.

I was just passing the other door, the fixed one, when I heard blaster fire. I stopped and backed up against the wall next to the open door. I bent down, grimaced, and picked up a piece of wood to use as a club if I had to.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 01:33 PM    
"Shut up, lady; you don't know what we're doing here!"

I couldn't help it; no one so beautiful should be so-- so--

So what Yaoksi? Evil? Had she been evil?

Well... she did wham Jebbua, didn't she?

I shook my head, then lifted my face. The open door to relative freedom was just ahead, Link standing anxiously nearby.

"Move it!" I hissed.

Commisar Stern

posted 06-05-2006 01:35 PM    
I jerked back slightly as the door jolted from the impact of the stunbolt, but quickly recovered. I threw the door open and aimed the pistol out into the hallway, and sent off a trio of shots towards the greatest threat, that being the jedi.

As soon as the shots had left the protective bubble of the Ysalamiri, I saw him begin to turn, the force giving him notice that they were approaching. I do give him props for managing to block two of the shots, but they were rather foolish.

Upon the disintigration of the shots, acid spattered out from the sides and gave a small raining shower to the hall, not enough to concentratedly damage, but enough to hurt those in the immediate area.

But the third shot was the main trick. It was beyond the surprised jolt of the Jedi when the third round slipped through his middle finger that was clasped about the hilt of his saber, and slammed into the small powercell and out the other side to explode on the floor, creating a small puddle of acid that boiled on the floor.

"Don't, move you fethwipes." I called down the hall, still in good cover from the door, weapon trained. "Mistress Mitra may be important, but realize that if she dies, there's nothing to stop me from wasting you all. This is a very small hallway, and this is a rather powerful gun."

I moved the gun just slightly to cover over towards Yaoski and Thea. "Let her go, let them both go, and I wont have to call for a cleaning crew, and you two walk out of here with a bit more than pile of ashes for bodies."

Jedi's main power is down, lets just hope they take that into account and let it go.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 01:43 PM    
Hell's Seven Circles-- OUCH!

I grunted, pressing Thea yet closer to me, arching my body protectively over her as the acid droplets showered around us.

I knew that guy was psycho, I just knew it..

"Th-this goes a helluva long way toward endearing us into believing what you've been saying, lady," I muttered as I froze in place, the door to freedom an enticing couple meters away.

Link, bless her furry little hide, had faded away into the shadows.

I refused to release Thea, however, or my blaster. I just half-crouched there, staring at Cardissa, knowing this sudden change in circumstance would be the one to let her show her true colors.

And I hate going around saying, "I told you so--"

[ 06-05-2006 01:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-05-2006 01:53 PM    
Aaron had lost a few too many friends while sitting back taking care of this thing or that to stand here and let another friend get hurt...

...let alone a little girl. Sounded damnably like another little girl that Aaron's former partner had fallen in love with and adopted as his own...

Aaron pushed the tip of his blaster up against Cardissa's head even more strongly, suddenly not caring one wit about himself.

This was one time he wasn't going to just sit by. Not anymore.

"If you're gonna shoot, then you're killing her while you're at it," Aaron growled,nodding towards Cardissa. "Cause she's on our side of the heavy weaponry, pal."

[ 06-05-2006 01:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Commisar Stern

posted 06-05-2006 01:59 PM    
I grimaced slightly, and continued to hold position. This was the nicest of stalemates. We had a few viable options.

A, I let them go and they ran off to god-knows where.

B, I wasted the lot of them, but that would be quite redundantw ouldn't it?

C, I wait, and hope that the loud bangs of the Dissuader will draw guards very soon.

D, I surrender.

None of these seemed like the best of given options, but it seemed we had little choice. "Alright, here's how it plays. You let Mitra go, you get away scott free. But if you tell anyone about this, then the gloves are off, and I will come for you. A gesture of faith-"

I moved one hand off the handle slowly, and tapped the slide, the magazine with 6 shots in it falling with a dull thud to the floor. "There. No shots. Let her go."

I raised the gun slowly from them, the angle now about 4 meters over their heads and far into the ceiling. One shot left in the chamber, but it's likely they wouldn't know. No one seems to remember how good the old slugthrowers are.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 02:00 PM    
I spoke up again, emboldened by Aaron's move.

"Look, all we want is to take the girl with us, ok? We're the ones she belongs to; she was placed into my care for the past three years, and--

"Oh hell, why am I trying to explain myself to you?"

I straightened slowly when I realized the droplets of acid were no longer falling. Cutting my gaze to the trigger happy Stern, I snorted, tightening my grip on Thea.

"Wow, you've gotten yourself a new employer rather quickly, don't ya think, buddy?" I said, further emboldened by his removing the immediate threat of his weapon from our collective faces.

I began inching closer to Cardissa, my blaster still out and pointed toward Stern.

"All I want is to take Thea and go, is that too much to ask for? What in Hell's Seven Circles do you need with her anyway?

"She's a kid, and doesn't know what the hell she's doing. And she belongs with me."

I paused again, my eyes never leaving Stern but speaking fully to Cardissa now.

"Let us go."

[ 06-05-2006 02:02 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]


posted 06-05-2006 02:10 PM    
With all the action going on no one noticed me sneaking off, one of the advantages of being ryn, no one ever notices you except when you want them to.

Eventually I stumbled across a computer terminal.

"Hello computer."

I plugged in one of my data ports and procedded to download all I could get, I'll decrypt it later if i had a chance after i finished the download i left the data port in just in case and went looking for the others. I found them in about the same place I left them only this time they had a weapon pointed at them, but at least they had thea back.

"looks like i found a bad time to comeback"

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-05-2006 02:16 PM    
"To rid the universe of the Force-dominant, ever controlling Reborn...

...we must begin somewhere."

Cardissa paused, closing her eyes, still keenly aware of the tip of the blaster yet at her forehead. "As for taking the girl from here... had but to ask."

Opening her eyes then, Cardissa leveled a dark look on Stern. "Put your weapon away. There is a time and place for everything...

...and the time for that is not now."

At least, not yet.

Cardissa then looked to Yaoksi. "Are you going to let me go...

...and will you have the Empire in here, rummaging through every nook and cranny within the hour?"

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 02:18 PM    
I painfully closed my eyes for a moment.

Yeesh, wasn't anybody listening?!

Opening them, I stared directly into her own, bracing myself against their innate and glistening beauty.

"Lady, I don't give a womprat's hind end for your silly Rebellion, supposed Reborn or no. I have issues of my own to attend to.

"So okay, I'm asking now: let us leave here freely and safely, ALL of us, THIS MINUTE, and with Thea, and you'll never see us again. That's a promise."

Yeesh. If I get us out of here, I'm never coming back to this blasted planet again!

[ 06-05-2006 02:23 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-05-2006 02:27 PM    
Cardissa had to close her eyes to keep the darkness which flooded them from being readily apparent.

You failed, like your father before you. And you, the one with the Destiny...

She let the door to that line of thought slam closed with a resounding thud.

"Leave now." she said simply. "All of you."

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-05-2006 02:28 PM    
What the heck was that. I thought.

My lightsaber was worthless and my hand felt like it was on fire.

I had fallen on my knees, but got up and backed up to where the others were.

"I suggest we leave now." I continued backup past them to the door we came through and stopped to see if they were coming.
Oh how I hate ysalmiri. Watch Stern, I'll be back someday. I tried to smile, but grimaced while I thought this.

"Sometime today."

Commisar Stern

posted 06-05-2006 02:35 PM    
I bent down to pick up the magazine, slid it in, flicked the safety, and hostered the pistol, a grimace forming on my lips.

The Jedi's time will come soon enough.

I remained in the doorway, waiting for them to get enough distance before I would move. Never trust someone who consorts with that sort of scum.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 02:36 PM    
She didn't have to tell us twice.

"Aaron, back slowly down the corridor, and keep your aim on this lady," I said, my eyes now turning to pin those of Stern's. He still stood there, his own weapon now moving from its upward position to thankfully slide into its holster--

--but I still didn't trust him as far as I could throw him. We still had Cardissa, and by all the gods even though it was only a couple of meters, we were gonna get outta this mess or my name wasn't Yaoksi Joao.

Slowly we continued moving backward toward the opened door, Cardissa yet a momentary hostage. A slight grunt and then an extremely logical suggestion from Jebbua broke my concentration; I cut a fast glance to him, returned my eyes to Stern.

"You okay there, Jedi?" I asked, knowing that somewhere in all the preceding fracas something or someone had gotten hit by something.

We moved a little further, and soon something white and furry came into the corner of my vision.

Link, bless her furry little hide, seemed to be unscathed.

"Hiya Link, and thanks for the door outta here!"

Suddenly I was aware that that was exactly where we were: the opened door. Another quick glance about, and into the passage beyond we backed, Aaron and Cardissa first, with me nanoseconds behind.

That's when out of the corner of my eye I caught the shadowy image of someone far too close to us, with a far too nasty looking stick held threateningly. Not only was it held threateningly, logic precluded that it would soon come crashing down on someone's noggin.

This would never do...

"Oh, hell--!"

Not knowing what to do, I pulled Thea's body closer to me, shifting the blaster to where it was parallel and not perpendicular to her body. Hunching over her, I let out a loud whoop and, turning a little sideways, charged into Aaron, the unexpected act loosening Cardissa from his hold and sending her careening into the shadowy figure.

Which proved to be Rico, imagine that.

I didn't plan on hanging around for lengthy hellos or farewells.

"Let's go!" I shouted and nobody uttered anything otherwise. Off we ran: Aaron, me, Jebbua and the little white Link, without whose help we could never have gotten in to retrieve Thea.

Soon we had concealed ourselves in the maze of stone corridors that was the warren of this major Sullustan city, heading toward who knows where, just anywhere that was a safe distance from that base.

Preferably on the other side of the planet!

[ 06-05-2006 05:08 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Rico Riven

posted 06-05-2006 03:49 PM    
I had my stick ready to bash someone over the head. I poised myself, stick held high, then they all came out quickly. Cottonball, that rogue Jedi, and Yaoksi. I was just about to bash in the Yaokster’s skull when that Aaron backed out, and he was holding onto Cass!

I let loose with a yell that would have made a dead man turn even more pale. I could have taken his head right off, I’m sure, but I wasn’t going to swing with Cass there. There was some movement next to Aaron, and the next thing I know Cass is flying at me. I let the stick go and caught her as she tripped, holding on to Bluebell with the other arm.

The cowards took off running and disappeared into the dark streets. I seethed, but not being a total fool I took everyone back inside and closed the door, just as the black-clothed troops showed up.

“A little late!” I yelled, kicking one in the butt. "Who the hell is in charge of security around here?!"

I dropped Bluebell into the arms of one of the troops, and held on tight to Cass. I was mad as hell, but something really made me not want to let her go.

[ 06-05-2006 05:01 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rico Riven ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-05-2006 04:12 PM    
As we continued to run I yelled at the others.

"Do you think we can stop somewhere, my hand just got shattered by that one guys gun."

I looked at it and it wasn't a pretty sight.

I looked at the others who had stopped for the moment, but I realized they weren't looking at me. I turned around to see the Trandoshan with a blaster in one hand and a remote in the other.

Why now? could he not have waited? I thought to myself.

"See you in the afterlife jedi." the Trandoshan yelled and he pushed the remote.

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-05-2006 07:11 PM    
Oh sheesh, this guy had awfully good timing, considering he had no strategy whatsoever...

As the Trandoshan fiddled with the remote, absolutely nothing happening at that, Aaron did what he was best at.

Only unlike the previous time with Stern, he sure didn't miss.

His blaster still in hand, Aaron merely aimed and fired, stunning the Jedi hunter again. Again he fell to the ground, out like a light for a good long while.

"Something tells me that guy better buy his weapons from a better distributor," Aaron said smugly. "Barnes 2, Jedi Killer 0. Let's get the kriffing hell out of here."

[ 06-05-2006 07:12 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-05-2006 07:17 PM    
Cardissa was boiling. She pulled away from Rico, nothing but anger flashing from her eyes.

"You, you... where were you all this time...?!?!?"

Falling silent a moment at that, she collected herself just a bit, wrapping pride around herself. "They are going to reveal this base," she said quietly, "I just know it..."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 07:41 PM    
"Nice shot, pal," I panted as I just kept us moving. The Jedi's words whirled into my head, bringing another worry up.

I'll check it out later; I want to put some distance between us and the base!

That's all I could focus on. Getting somewhere far away, where I could stop and think as to how to deal with the mess we had gotten ourselves into.

Or nearly into, I reminded myself. We're out, aren't we?

Whether for the count, now that was another issue, one that I wanted to do everything in my power to make certain happened. So I kept pushing, ducking down one passage, into another, keeping to the shadows, trying to avoid crowds and more importantly, trying to avoid those nasty little men in their gleaming white armor.

Where to go? Where to go?

The dilemma struck home with a vengeance.

I'm sure as hell not going to risk going to my place; that's a fool's journey, an assured accident waiting to happen.

Our ship is being repaired; I don't know if it's going to be safe to use even after it's repaired.

Look at what already happened. The little blue dude, working for the lady---


The thought almost made me slam down instinctive brakes, ready to go back and kick some royal hiney. But common sense managed to win the day, surprisingly enough, even over my personal brand of hotheadedness.

Thea... Yaoksi, you have to do everything you can to help Thea.

Dodging down yet another shadowy stone corridor, I cast a quick look down at her. She still slumbered away, her eyes rolling like ships in a heavy sea.

Grunting, I shifted my welcomed burden, kept on going.

"A-Aaron," I panted at last.

"D-do you have any idea as to where we should go?"

Then an idea hit, something he had suggested earlier.

Thank the gods we hadn't gone there then!

A passageway came up, I slid us to a halt at the junction. Peered cautiously around the corner to get my bearings. There ahead of us was an open area, which sported facilities of every kind, dotted with darker rectangles where yet other passageways ended. I squinted, reading a sign across the way, my face brightening as I recognized it as the particular spa where that gal--

Where that tough little gal--

I thrust the thought savagely away, focused instead.

"It's this way, c'mon!" I said, stepping out and strolling casually across the large, opened area. To any casual observer I would be simply a father heading home with a little girl, too tired after too many sweets or too much of whatever it is little girls do.

The hour was late. There was no one around. I heaved a sigh of relief as, after passing the spa I moved quietly down a particular corridor. Moved along further, entering one, then another once again, intersections and junctions and stair coming upon us like ghosts in the night.

And then we were there.

I stood before the door a moment, suddenly stumped.

What the blazes was Terrin's entry code?!

Frustrated, all I could do was turn to Aaron and shrug, shifting Thea once more in my arms as we stood there in front of Captain Terrin Danner's own secreted and private little branch HQ for Eagle Enterprises.

[ 06-05-2006 07:43 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-05-2006 08:08 PM    
Oh hell, Aaron thought blackly to himself. Terrin was no idiot. His passcode wouldn't be anything obvious, he was too smart for that. Still, he had to know that someday someone might need to get back here...

...and that whoever it was just might not be him.

"I...I don't..." Aaron started, pausing suddenly as a lightbulb flickered. "Oh, wait," he then ammended, reaching for the keypad and pressing a sequence in. The door opened obligingly...

...and Aaron stepped to the side, waving Yaoksi, who was still burdened with Thea, to proceed on in front of him. Stepping in behind Yaoksi then, Aaron was met with the view of an actually comfortable looking living space with a nice enough looking couch and chairs...

...and a kitchen with eating table, some of the chairs still out as though they had just been vacated...

...and one with a mostly empty Whyrene's bottle on the table top in front of it.

Aaron blinked. "Well," he said, his voice suddenly quiet. "We know that Jasyn was here for sure..."

[ 06-05-2006 08:15 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 08:17 PM    
My stomach lurched at the sight of the long-emptied bottles.

No more of that stuff, Yaoksi ol' pirate! I silently berated myself, setting Thea down on a comfortable looking couch. It even had a nice blanket tossed obligingly atop it's back; feeling most fatherly and even more at odds with myself, I covered her gently.

Then I plopped into the nearest chair, utterly exhausted.

There was no rest for the weary, though; even though my entire body was crying out for rest, my mind would simply not close up shop for the night. Or at least for what remained of it.

"Aaron," I broke the silence, silence filled with the small noises as he went about tending to Jabbua's wound. Next to the Jedi, a small white form hovered, trying to look tough.

And she deserves it, too; she just proved herself by fire...

I shook my wandering thoughts back on track.

"Aaron, we have to get off-planet, quick... somehow."

He turned a sideways glance my way.

"They've got a base; they're hidden away here right underneath the authorities noses; stands to reason they've got pay-offs at many levels; hell's bells, isn't that how the old New Republic used to operate?

"But whether or not they do or not, the fact remains that they've drugged Thea. We have to get her to a medical unit, and frankly I don't believe it safe enough to go to one anywhere on this planet.

"Oasis is down with a fried hyperdrive, isn't that just the kettle of beans I've been wanting to cook-- ok.

"Any suggestions?"


posted 06-05-2006 08:23 PM    
((OOC: Sorry, Cel! We didn't see you were here, so we opened the door in the next logical manner... Terrin's business partner!))


posted 06-05-2006 08:25 PM    
"I have somethings that might help, when I slipped off at their base I downloaded all their files, there all encrypted still but I can take care of that, and I think I know where to get a ship."

The only problem is I don't know if it will work of if the risk is worth it.

"The problem is that the ship is owned by that weapons designer I told you about earlier, the only thing I didn't mention is in addition to being in the Correllian miltary he also worked for the empire."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 08:43 PM    
I looked at the little Ryn with a new respect.

How in blazes had she managed that during the utter chaos back at the base? I wondered, gaping at her openly because frankly, I was too tired to hide the sentiment.

Swallowing, I closed my mouth, but only for a moment.

"A weapon's dealer who might have a ship, but who works for the Empire... oh goody."

I sighed, leaned back, raised my head to the ceiling and closed my eyes, trying to think. I was so tired it was getting harder and harder as time marched on.

Somewhere in her offering, there was something we could use. I knew it, I just knew it.

But durned if I could see it now...

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-05-2006 08:49 PM    
Aaron looked up at Cel from where he had been taking care of Jebbua's injury, listening to Yaoksi's comments as he did. "I ahh...would prefer leaving Sullust in a more legal manner," he said. "There are are EE connections here already, I set up agreeements with the Sullustan authorities to help them get some ships in so that the vessel that carried the Devil out could get here. As for the computer files...

...we could always slice into them aboard the Hornett, and see to what has happened with Thea. Maybe after we slice the files and find out just what they did to the kid..."

Aaron trailed, his something dark flashing in his eyes, "We could get with that weapons designer and even the Empire, possibly. Because, realistically speaking, I don't think I can just sit back and watch if this lady isn't quiet the idealist she claims to be."

[ 06-05-2006 08:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 08:55 PM    
I sighed, hearing this, for he was right.



"Do we have time for that, Aaron?" I said, my voice lowering as weariness began settling even more closely about me. Working my mouth a bit I licked dry lips, strove to keep lids that felt lined with concrete from crashing closed.

"Remember the star positions I took from Bon; you said something about coordinates back there, didn't you?

"What about that responsibility? To Galen and whoever else the little fuzz-bucket was spouting off back there? Don't you think that's a touch wee important, too?

"You know bureaucracy; if we go traipsing off to the Empire, they'll hold us who the hell knows how long."

[ 06-05-2006 08:57 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-05-2006 09:07 PM    
Aaron, now finished tending to Jebbua's injuries, looked up and leaned against the wall heavily. "Bon's star charts figure to coordinates for Khar Delba and K'eel Doba," he explained quietly.

Falling silent a moment at that, weariness and something else entirely reflecting in his eyes, Aaron wandered to one of the kitchen table chairs and sat, running a hand through his hair, suddenly the most painful look on his face.

"You're right," he then said softly. "I owe it to Galen. And to Terrin and to the guys...

...and to everyone else I let "take care of matters" while I was too busy running the show on the Hornett. And Shawn's out there somewhere too..."

Aaron paused at this, looking up and towards Thea. "When we go looking for them, what about Thea?"

Commisar Stern

posted 06-05-2006 09:16 PM    
Stern came to the entrance of the base slowly, where twenty of the guards milled about while their mistress raged at them for allowing her to be captured like that, for letting the base be penetrated.

At a small break in her angry rant at Rico there and the guards, he spoke. "Mistress Mitra. They are gone for now. May I suggest you retire to your chambers. I shall set a guard, and in the morning we can decide how to deal with this?"

I was not pleased myself with them, but this could not go on all night, lest we were discovered or something went past the point of no return.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 09:17 PM    
I remained as I was, staring upward at my inner lids, my eyes far too heavy to open.

Her uncle was expecting her... but really, was that fair to the kid? She did so want to be a Jedi; maybe one of them, somewhere, would take her on. Or maybe not.

In the latter case, if she kept getting turned down, maybe she'd see her dreams to be what they really were, just that. Nothing more than idealistic dreams, dreams that were going to be extremely difficult to attain considering the upheaval going on over the past few years, not to mention the destruction of the Praxeum itself.

I let out a sigh.

"I can't go packing her off to her uncle, I can see now that that's the last thing she wants. She wouldn't be happy; I'll be damned if I'm going to make her feel like she has to run away from me any more..."

I stopped abruptly, swallowing thickly.

"I'd like to bring her with us. If you feel uncomfortable having her around, then I'll just stay around Hornett until Devil is fully repaired; then she can continue on with me."

[ 06-05-2006 09:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-05-2006 09:31 PM    
Aaron shook his head. "I think we need to stick together. And I don't know anything much about Jedi protocol...

...but I'd think if the kid is going to be a Jedi, she would have to start learning sometime, and she is now approaching teenage years. Petrolu is out there somewhere..."

Aaron trailed, frowning. "And he has the most connections..." Aaron paused, looking towards Jebbua. "Possibly for you both. Now I'll get on the comm frequencies and get us a shouldn't take more than 10 to 15 standard minutes...

...and we can leave for the Hornett ASAP."

Now he looked to the little Ryn. "You're gonna love her, and the technology at your business partner kept her up to speed. You'll have the equipment to slice into anything you damn well please...

...that is, if you plan to stick around with us? I'm certain Captain Joao or myself could use your expertise."

[ 06-05-2006 09:39 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 09:40 PM    
I smiled into encroaching drowsiness.

"I already offerred her a job, but I don't think the ol' Devil can stand up to an SSD..."

The smile still planted on my face, I tapered off, letting myself settle into a state somewhere between being asleep and not-so fully awake.

[ 06-05-2006 09:41 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]


posted 06-05-2006 09:43 PM    
"My equipment is more than enough to slice into anything i need it to."

However they are giving me away out of here and they are nice people, smugglers and a naieve girl, but nice."

"I'm in, no offense, Thea is smart, but when it comes to street smarts she's dumb as a rock. Someone needs to show her how to get by."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 09:47 PM    
It was a good thing I was too tired to rise up at what I first thought to be insolence...

...because that gave me time to think about it.

She's right, she's absolutely right. Thea is naive; didn't I just say that to myself?

I dragged an eye open, directed it somewhat blearily at the little Ryn.

"Any, er... street smarts you could perhaps enlighten her with might be much appreciated, when she finally comes to, that is.

"Just don't go turning her into a thug or anything, she does want to be a Jedi, you know."


posted 06-05-2006 09:57 PM    
"Thug no, borderline smugler maybe."

I wondered what it would be like to have lived like she did, not knowing the true horrors of the world, of being abandoned on a wolrd that despises you for simply being the race you are, looks down on you for being rescued and raised by smugglers, to being a slicer both wanted for my skills and for voilations of laws by almost every goverment.

"At will probably be good for her to ave someone close to her age around too."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 10:05 PM    
That statement dragged open my other eye. I blinked, shifted a bit, let my head roll along the back of the chair I was in until my eyes met Link's. She was standing fairly close, her eyes meeting mine unafraid, bright and intelligent.

I let a moment or two creep silently by before speaking.

"You have a good point, Link. You're welcome to stay with us for as long as you'd like, and not just for Thea's sake, either. I mean, don't get me wrong, I think she's going to need someone her own age too."

It's going to be some kind of ride getting to the Jedi she so dearly wants to join; a kid in a dangerous world filled with dangerous adults alone, well...

I shifted, blinked, stared deeper into the brightness of Link's eyes.

"You did good back there, kid. I just want you to know that; we couldn't have done it without you.

"Thank you."

With that I closed my eyes, rolled back to my original position, stretched out.

"Smuggler, heh," I let out a chuckle as I folded my hands on my lap.

"With me sponsoring her, she can join the Guild..."

[ 06-05-2006 10:17 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-05-2006 10:08 PM    
Aaron was beginning to stand upon the Link's last statement. It was all he could do to keep from freezing where he was and looking at her in surprise.

Yeesh, how old was the Ryn? Obviously he didn't know the first thing about their age.

He smiled then, nodding politely to the Ryn before he headed out to make a quick comm or two. About five standard minutes later, he returned to where he had been before, reseated himself. "We're in luck," he said. "Tons of EE purchasing options with the earlier blast...

...just got us a nice little yacht for our ride out of here. She'll be ready for pick-up at 0600 hours which..." Aaron paused, scowling as he looked at his wrist chrono, "Is only about 2 hours from now."

He paused, yawning. "I'm sure this place has some nice resting areas. And I could sure use a nap..."


posted 06-05-2006 10:34 PM    
"Maybe some sleep would be good."

I found a comfortable couch and procedded to take all the cushions and pillows from it and tossed them into one corner of the room, I then took of my vest and used it as a blanket. curling up in a little ball i rested my head on my tail and fell fast asleep.

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-05-2006 10:43 PM    
Cardissa paused where she was, turned to Stern, and in one smooth motion moved to stand directly in front of him, her eyes suddenly icy. "You, sans your acid-spraying weapon, will be with the guard," she growled. "Didn't you think for one moment about who you were shooting towards?!? I was standing right in that acid rain!"

She paused at that, scowling. Then she turned to Rico. "And you," she continued, "You will prepare whatever may be needed for Mr. Foyagee's trip...

...and I expect everthing to be ready by 0800 hours. Rebellion is tiring work, and with the little girl's caretaker so suspicious, we haven't the time to dilly-dally."

And we haven't the time to be sitting around here should they discovered she's been drugged. And possibly with what.

"I do hope Mr. Foyagee has all the logistics firmly in place, because we certainly don't have the time to figure them all now..."

[ 06-05-2006 10:44 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Cardissa Mitra ]

Commisar Stern

posted 06-05-2006 10:57 PM    
I was hardly phased by the shouting, and merely nodded. "Noted, Mistress Mitra. Deepest appologies." I bowed my head slightly. Honestly though? I cared not.

If anything, I was annoyed that she had gone and gotten herself captured. Had she not been there in the hall, then it would have taken me a matter of seconds to dispose of the enter grouping of them.

I sighed and looked over the troopers, who seemed quite nervous now that she was in such a rage.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 10:57 PM    
Two hours, ugh.

Ah well, Yaoksi ol' pirate, count your blessings that you're here, able to sleep those two hours!

"Ready when you are, Aaron," I slurred, settling a little before turning a final glance Link's way. Surprisingly enough, she was no longer where she had been; a quick look about and I found her, curled up on the floor.

I frowned a little to see how much of her was sticking out from her vest.

Hauling to my feet, I dragged another nearby blanket from its perch and, coming up quietly beside her, covered her with it.

Then I gave Thea a final check-over, returned to my chair, stretched out like before, and before you can say Rancor's Resistance was out like a light.

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-05-2006 11:47 PM    
Two hours later

Aaron was out like a light, nevermind that he was sleeping with his head on the kitchen table. He'd gone to find himself a bottle of Whyrene's, not quite able to get out of his head that Terrin, Galen, the guys, Yaoksi, and others had been here, fighting for security and lives...

...and he'd been back aboard the posh Hornett. And she wasn't even his damn ship.

The vibration of his wristcomm jarred Aaron awake. He opened one eye blearily, finding himself staring across the room to the stove, suddenly realizing what an uncomfortable position he was in. Only half awake, he raised his head, and pushed the 'accept' button on the comm. "Barnes here," he said, albeit groggily.

"The Indira is ready and waiting," came the voice on the other end.

Aaron nodded. "Thank you very much. We'll be on our way shortly.

Aaron turned to the others, uncertain if anyone was really awake yet. After all, Aaron wasn't even totally awake. "Yaoksi, Jebbua, Link..." he started, "The yacht is ready. As much as I'd like another six hours of sleep...

...I vote we get out of here, now."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-05-2006 11:53 PM    
"Hey," I said, lifting a lid in Aaron's direction. Even though I'd probably had less than two hours sleep, the life of a smuggler does have it's perks. Sometimes two hours can be an eternity; I was more awake than Aaron probably realized.

"I said I was ready when you are, pal."

Stretching to get the kinks out I got out of the chair, glanced about the room. Thea still snored on the couch, her eyes still rolling, while Cel was still out like a light on the floor.

"Shall we gather up the kiddies and depart?" I said, a twinkle in my eye, for nothing wakes up an old spacedog more than the thought of getting off-rock once again.

And if I ever get back to this forsaken planet, it will be too soon--!

Rico Riven

posted 06-06-2006 12:39 AM    
I turned to Cass, somewhat dumbfounded. She was mad, that’s for sure, but more on the verge of a tirade than anything else.

“Hold on, sweetie” I said. “First, I was out making sure Bluebell here didn’t get himself killed! He went out there on his own talk with them, and they attacked him and broke in! It was way too easy for them! I'll be happy to tighten things up around here, but why the blue-blazes is security so light around here if this is supposed to be a super-secret HQ of the bloody rebellion?”

I heard a cough and a shuffle behind me, and turned to see Bluebell standing up, holding his head.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-06-2006 01:12 AM    
I sat cross-legged on the floor in a healing my trance.

Aaron did a good job dressing the wound and I finshed up by healing it in a trance, though two hours wasn't enough time I did mange to stop the pain.

I opened my eyes and got to my feet.

"I'm ready, though two things before we go. You mind if I make a little call to the authorties and tip them off about the little place we were at and does anyone have a blaster I can borrow?"

I lifted my use-less lightsaber in my hand.

"I need a new power-cell for this one, and I need something to fight back with."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-06-2006 01:14 AM    
I turned to Jebbua with a frown creasing my features.

"First of all, buddy, right now the authorities around here are the Impys, and since we most certainly want to be departing from this charming planet and not detained for who knows how long, I think it would be a good choice to notify them at a later date.

"Secondly, what fighting back? Aren't you going with us?"

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-06-2006 01:17 AM    
I sighed. He was right we need to get out of here fast.

"Yeah, I'm going with you, it's that I feel naked without some kind of weapon. So I was wondering if I could have a blaster, I'm not that good with one but... Unless you happen to have a power-cell and I can fix it on the way?" I asked curuoisly.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-06-2006 02:45 AM    
I smiled, stretched again and went over to Jebbua.

"Don't worry," I told him as I clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"I've got a pal onboard Hornett who's got so many gizmos and whatnots, you'll be certain to get your lightsaber fixed. Can't see how you're going to need it en route anyway... oops, sorry."

My smile turned awkward for a moment, for I'd forgotten how a Jedi would feel without his lightsaber.

Like I'd feel without my blaster, more than likely, I thought, one hand snaking to my holster to pat it assuringly.

"Anyway," I went on as I moved away from him, now going over to where Link was curled up in a little white ball. Stooping, I picked her up easily, nodded to Jebbua to please take Thea.

"I don't have a handy power cell on me; sorry. Everything I own, such as it is, is back at my place, and I really don't plan on going back there anytime soon."

A noise made me turn; it was Aaron, coming in from the galley area of the little HQ, looking a bit more chipper.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked, feeling like a Pod racer must feel on Boonta Eve.

Rarin' to go; let's get this show on the road already!

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-06-2006 11:22 AM    
Aaron nodded, a bit of a lopsided grin on his face. "Oh yeah," he said, "And this is supposed to be a nice ship."

Just the kind of ship that any Eagle Enterprise guy would have to be out of their mind not to love.

"Let's lock up and get a move on."

With nothing more than that, Aaron opened the little unassuming base's "front door" and let everyone pass through before he stepped out himself, closing the door behind him and locking the place down, making certain to keep the pre-set code...

...just in case anybody ever needed a good hideout. Turning then, Aaron lead everyone back through the tunnels and mazes of Priingsi, unconciously putting a hand on the butt of his blaster, yet keeping it in the holster. Finally, they wound their way through the passages til at length they approached a small, private landing area. They were met by a man who approached Aaron, already seeming to know who he was. And he probably did at that.

"You'll love her," was all the man said, handing Aaron a datapad that had the ship's passcode on it. Aaron nodded, saluting to the other man. "Pleasure doing business with you. If this ship is as wonderful as you're claiming, I just might keep her."

The man merely returned a grin. "Typical EE leadership, keeping ships for themselves."

A rueful smile crossed Aaron's face at that, for he knew well that Terrin had bought another nice little yacht from this man, one he'd kept for himself as well. The ZZ'Shq, Aaron recalled. Heading for the private landing area then, Aaron was met with the sight of a beautiful 5500 Horizon-class Star Yacht, much like the one Mara Jade's Jade Shadow. She was pristine, with 2 laser cannons, 2 concussion missle lauchers and a retractable blaster cannon. Armed nicely enough, but not too conspicous or overly loaded with weaponry, her outer hull was a nice shade of deep green, which would make her a little less blaring against the darkness of space while not appearing too covert.

Aaron's jaw nearly hit the ground at the sight of her. "Man, no wonder Terrin liked to buy ships from here!" he managed, glancing to Yaoksi and Jebbua with a 'Hey, definitely can't complain!' look.

He headed for the hatch of the ship, keyed in the passcode he had been given, and was rewarded with the hatch opening smoothly, the interior of the ship already beckoning Aaron to come in and see what she had inside. That was all the encouragement Aaron needed.

"Oh boy, I'm looking forward to this," he said, heading up the hatch and for the cockpit of the ship to then begin warming her up for space travel and to see just what other wonderful technology she was sporting.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-06-2006 03:48 PM    
I followed Aaron's lead, moving quickly up the gangway to find myself in a passageway, along which he had disappeared. Only his voice wafted back to me, and I grinned, casting a quick look about.

She's well apportioned enough, that's for certain, I thought as I continued along the passageway, Jebbua on my heels, as we hunted for somewhere to place the kids.

Not too enormous, yet not too small--

High on glitz... she's sure not Devil--

I smiled to myself at the instinctive reaction the gleaming greelwood bulkheads I was passing by had triggered, compared the softly carpeted deck beneath my feet to the honest, cold durasteel of Devil-May-Care's decking.

But then, she's not meant to be a smuggler's ship now, is she?

After a short distance I came upon another passageway, which led me a touch deeper into the yacht. There I came upon a compartment which was obviously meant to be quarters: several bunks were lined neatly up in the center, there was a tiny fresher tucked into a corner where two bulkheads met, while overshadowing the lot a row of good-sized portals displayed the view without the ship.


I laid Link quietly on a bunk, still wrapped in the blanket from the headquarters where we had taken refuge. A slight rustle revealed the Jedi following suit.

I turned to him, a finger to my lips, and backed quietly from the compartment into the passageway beyond.

"Let's go find the bridge and see if there's anything useful we can do. Otherwise--"

I grinned, now moving back toward the main companionway.

"I believe a trip to the galley would be in order..."

[ 06-06-2006 03:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-06-2006 09:21 PM    
Cardissa looked at Rico, arching her eyebrow. "Everyone has to start somewhere...

...and this is our beginning."

Pausing at that, she then looked to Foyagee. "For future reference," she continued then, "Going out to greet anyone in the wee hours of the morning--familiar or nonfamiliar--is out of the question. At any rate, however, we will not be here. I want all systems shut down, all computer files copied and locked, and everything else locked down tighter than a Toydarian's cash register."

Once more she eyed Foyagee. "I trust you have the coordinates to our next destination? The ship is ready and waiting, now that we have a crew.

When 0900 hours arrives, I expect to be leaving the surface of this planet, crew aboard, and to the place where you think we will find miraculous ships."

She paused, cocking her head, studying Foyagee a moment longer before finishing with, "I most certainly hope you do not disappoint me."

The Empire

posted 06-06-2006 09:50 PM    
((OOC: This is a follow-up to two posts: The Empire post in What is Good for the Goose in the "CSWU" forums, and to General Ahem's posts in Dark Star, Black Sun in the "CSWU" forums, thank you.))

The Communications ensign paused a moment, coming up for air from beneath the mounds and mounds of data that had suddenly turned his boring stint aboard the destroyer left in Sullustan orbit into one in which there simply weren't enough hours in the day to get everything done.

I'm cursed, that's it, he scowled to himself as his fellows gave him a frown for stopping.

I wanted something to do...

And he had gotten it.

It was about a standard day after he had made that thoughtless comment to himself that General Ahem's order had come in. He was en route, due into orbit within the hour, and he wanted his orders completed by the time he arrived.

The ensign checked his chrono.

It's 0750, he thought, cutting a nervous glance to his fellow officers, who had been working nonstop over the past couple days since the order had come to them:

Check id, ownership, and if possible, destination and last planetfall of every yacht that was sitting on Sullust.

Every blessed last one.


The ensign shook his head, frowned back at his peers who were frowning at him in turn, and went back to work. Finding the yachts themselves wasn't too difficult. Most had landed in the main Piringiisi spaceport. There were a few dozen who were docked at private yards; fortunately the Empire had good relations with Sullustan officials, coming in as they had in the wake of the Aelly Ssyn Affair, and so through them they were given as much infomation as they required about all private yachts not sitting in governmental yards.

But knowing the names and sigs and shipyard of origin was one thing, the Ensign muttered to himself as he began tracing yet another ship's information.

Finding out which was truthful, and which was forged... that proved to be more difficult.

But if anyone traced back far enough in anybody's history, or in the history of anything, there was always a Nexus. A crux. A basis, from which truth either continued to flow or otherwise turned into fraud.

So far he had personally traced the information for 150 yachts. 146 of them panned out; the other 4 were suspect, sitting alone by themselves while he waited digital images of ship buyers to come across the immensity of space into his terminal.

He still had 78 to go... and his fellows had who knows how many "clean" ships, how many suspect, and how many yet to investigate.

He took another glance at his chrono, and sighed, sending yet another ship's sig to another officer who would follow up with the destination its captain needs to give before it can be given an escape vector to leave port.

And then we have to follow up on those, too...

Pursing his lips, he went back to work, keenly aware of the ticking of the clock, counting down the moment of Sormontonto's arrival.

[ 06-06-2006 09:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Empire ]

Thea Morgan

posted 06-06-2006 09:52 PM    
The nightmares that had plagued Thea since she had first been told she had the potential to be a Jedi came back again. She was running from something, or towards something, or most likely both, but she was being held back - slowed down by unseen forces. She had taught herself to stop these dreams before they could frighten her, but the drugs she had been given were too strong. She was trapped in an ever spiralling terror, unable to even think about fighting back.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-06-2006 10:27 PM    
I was about to follow Yaoski up to the bridge when Thea began to stir.

I walked over to her.


It was no use she was still knocked out. But she was tossing and turning as if haveing a nightmare she couldn't wake from.

"Thea it's ok, you're safe."

I put my hand on her head and focused trying to see if I could help in anyway. I'll I was able to do was see what she was seeing.

She was running, but I didn't know what from, or what to.

I removed my hand and sat beside her.

"I'll be here when you wake up."

I closed my eyes again and went back to healing my hand while waiting for Thea to wake up.

[ 06-06-2006 10:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-06-2006 10:39 PM    
Aaron happily busied himself warming up the Indira's engines, eagerly awaiting the moment when he could get back and look at her workings. She purred like a kitten, audible but oh-so-very in tune.

Aaron reached for the comm then, knowing what would have to be done next. "Sullustan ground authorities, this is Captain Aaron Barnes requesting clearance to depart, escape vector to Sluis Van."

Finishing the request, he pushed the "send" button on the comm unit and went back to inspecting the Indira's systems while he waited, suddenly finding himself wanting a drink, and some time to be with the people who were going to help him find his employees and friends.

They would find them, somehow. He owed it to them, after all they had faced and done...

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-06-2006 10:39 PM    
I stood in the companionway, mouth opened a bit, to tell the truth more than a touch miffed at Jebbua's blowing me off like that.

What the--?! I thought to myself, turning to go peep into the quarters we had only just vacated.

Sure as there's womprats on Tatooine, there he was, sitting next to the slumbering Thea, looking for all the world like her guardian angel.

Or a reasonable fascimile thereof. Ok, maybe not so reasonable-- sheesh, when did he change his tune about her anyway?

I frowned a little. I mean, sure, maybe it's a good thing for the kid if the jedi takes a sudden interest in her, helps her fulfill her dreams...

But Yaoksi, do you really believe that? He's sure a fair-weather type, seems to change his views a lot...

I knew there was a reason I didn't cotton up to these mystical muckers much.

I stood there in the doorway a moment, debating whether or not I should go in. From how the kid looked, she wasn't going to be waking up anytime in the near future, either. She was still pale, sweaty, and her eyes were still rolling around in her head like marbles.

I hope the medical droids on Hornett can figure out what the hell is wrong with her, sheesh, she's almost acting like she's been drugged or some-

I paused at that, the hairs on the back of my neck rising up at the thought. Still frowning, I decided to forego breakfast for the moment, and instead headed for the bridge, to find Aaron and tell him not only about what Jebbua was apparently doing, but what I was beginning to suspect as being the reason behind Thea's unnatural behavior.

The Empire

posted 06-06-2006 10:47 PM    
"Roger Indira, this is Imperial Air Traffic Control, acting per emergency agreement with Sullustan government officials.

"We have you at 05deg 22'45"N by 76deg 23'59"W. Depart vector zero niner niner, apical turn along 54-33-19Z; follow on impulse through to 0.0015ly distant; reversion to hyperdrive a roger that point, ETA Sluis Van 01213 two standard cycles hence.

"This is Imperial Air Traffic Control, turning you to runway 013, Indira to depart ten standard minutes.


[ 06-07-2006 12:53 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Empire ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-06-2006 10:54 PM    
Aaron nodded to himself as his clearance came in, then turned as Yaoksi entered, something in his eye telling Aaron that perhaps not everything was hunky-dory.

Oh, I hope something isn't going on with the kid. Where's the Jedi?

Aaron quirked a brow Yaoksi's way, and nodded for him to take a seat in the nice, plush copilot's chair.

"What's going on?" he queried then, falling silent at that and simply waiting for Yaoksi's reply.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-06-2006 11:04 PM    
I shook my head as I settled down against plushness that never seemed to want to stop...

...until it was evenly supporting every inch of me.

"I don't know about that Jedi," I began without preamble, taking a sip of the bottle of something cold and pink and fruity I had snagged from the galley en route.

"All of a sudden he's got this interest in Thea; he's back there sitting next to her--"

I stopped.

Yaoksi... are you jealous?

I snorted, shoved that thought deeply away, and went smoothly on.

"I'm worried about Thea anyway, Aaron; maybe that's clouding my feelings. But the way that she's so pale, and sweating like it's a tropical jungle in here, and her eyes won't stop rolling around and she just won't wake up.."

I trailed, took another swig. The liquid rushed down my throat, cool and refreshing, knocking away the dregs of yesterday's errors.

"Aaron, I think she might be drugged," I said flatly, staring straight ahead and gripping the arms of my seat.

Whether I was doing that out of worry for Thea, or to hold myself back from trying to fly this baby, or both, who could really say.

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-06-2006 11:26 PM    
Aaron frowned at Yaoksi's spoken thoughts. "You know, I was kinda wondering why Thea wouldn't wake up back there in that base," he admitted. "And as for Dehutt..."

Aaron paused, the look in his eye darkening a touch. "Way back when, after Terrin was...

...gone, he came to the Hornett with Galen. He and his buddy, a guy by the name of Kelderon, were supposed to be helping her out with...

...something...but they never could seem to get it quite together. Jasyn was angry that they seemed to miss obvious injuries and needs, and I can't deny that they did just that. When Galen took off from the Hornett on her own, presumably to go to K'eel Doba, Jasyn and Kelderon had a clash of sorts. I don't know exactly what happened, but Jasyn and Matt blasted off after Galen on their own, Jasyn feeling that Kelderon had threatened him. Dehutt seemed to just make excuses for Kelderon's actions...

...and now here he is, again saying he wants to help, and yet admitting that he was interrupted from his and Kelderon's promised help before by "family matters."

Aaron shifted a bit in the pilot's chair, his mood suddenly sinking. "I frankly don't trust him, not yet. Not the way he acted down there threatening every person who might have gotten in our way. I mean...

...that's not always a good solution, and is most certainly not what I would think of as very Jedi-like, Rogue or no."

Another quiet moment, and Aaron glanced to whatever it was Yaoksi had in his hand. "Ahhh...I'm parched, and we're set for take off in..." he trailed, checking his wrist chrono, "5 standard minutes. Think I have time to grab something, or might you be interested in piloting this sweetheart outta here?"

[ 06-06-2006 11:36 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-06-2006 11:33 PM    
Now that unexpected offer went a long way toward jerking me out of my momentary funk.

"Would I!" I smiled, turning toward Aaron and unfastening my blast harness.

"Go on, get out of here, get yourself something to drink; hell, get yourself a seven course breakfast!

"Sure as there's granite slugs on Coruscant, I'd love to be the one to get us off this god-forsaken rock!"

And I swear by all that's holy, I'm never, ever coming back!

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-06-2006 11:45 PM    
Aaron smiled, getting up from the pilot's chair and waving a hand to motion Yaoksi over, knowing the smuggler was probably much better of a pilot than he ever could be.

Damn, but I hope his Devil is fixed soon. A smuggler without his ship is like Kessel without the mines.

"I'll be back," Aaron said then, giving Yaoksi a little salute before wandering to the galley to find a nice enough array of beverages, both alcholic and non...

...and settled upon remembering that it was still morning. Aaron headed for the caf maker, set her to brew, and leaned back on the greelwood cabinetry, waiting for it to perk. For a long moment he just stood there, arms crossed, mind lost in thought...

...and then he headed back to find the sleeping quarters. Thea and Link were still out cold, and Thea was admittedly looking rather sweaty and lost in an unrestful sort of rest...

...and there was Dehutt, eyes closed, sitting right beside her.
Sheesh, it's not like she's gonna walk off the ship when she wakes up! Aaron couldn't help but think to himself. And besides, if the Jedi was really concerned about her condition...

...shouldn't he be doing something for her, instead of meditating?

Aaron frowned, then spoke up. "Hey, want a cuppa caf?" he asked in Jebbua's direction. Then, "Can't you do some of that Jedi healing stuff on her, or something?"

Aaron let the question hang in the void, pretty much figuring he'd be wouldn't be heard.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-07-2006 12:16 AM    
"No thanks on the caf." I said opening my eyes.

"And as for the healing or doing something I can't. All I know is that she is drugged. Yes she was drugged. All we can do really is get to the Hornett as fast as we can and maybe they can do something."

I looked at my hand. It was feeling better and no pain at all. I looked at Thea and then finally looked up at Aaron.

"How long will it take to get the the Hornett?"

[ 06-07-2006 10:17 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]


posted 06-07-2006 12:18 AM    
Waking up in a strange place can often make people do weird things, like believe they have been captured. So when I woke up I almost snatched my blaster from its holster and lined up a shop at the first figure I saw when I noticed I was in a room with Thea, Aaron, and Jebbua. Realizing how stupid that must have looked I put my blaster back in its holster.

"Sorry last time I woke up in a different place then I fell asleep it was a prision."

I took a quick scan of the room and came to the conclusion that I was on a vessle of some kind. I also came to the conclusion I was very hungry.

"So you got anything to eat?"

Rico Riven

posted 06-07-2006 12:37 AM    
I had a nervous twitch, the kind I get sometimes when things are about to get messy. I glanced at my chrono.

“That’s a heck of while away in my book, and if everyone’s so concerned that Yaoksi and crew will try to get the Impies on us, why aren’t we setting these goons to work on cleaning up and getting ourselves off planet now? I mean, you just said it’s ready, right?”

I finally noticed what Cass was wearing, and had to smile.

"I mean, you look just fine in that!"

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-07-2006 01:07 AM    
Cardissa merely blinked at Rico, as if she didn't quite know why he wasn't following her. "There is alot on this base. Would you have us leave it here as it is, open to any Imperial sweep, without being absolutely certain that all possible connections to any rebellion have been wiped out?

There is a time to hurry, a time to be efficient...

...and a time to be certain everything is taken care perfectly before simply dropping everything and leaving.

0900 hours, or perhaps a little sooner, is what our departure time will be. I will not leave something behind here for anyone to trace us...

...and I will not leave here like this. We leave in but a couple of short hours."

Saying nothing further at this, Cardissa turned and headed back to her suites, opening own of her nightstand drawers and pulling a false-bottom open to find a favored pilfered item:

Thea's lightsaber. Hitting the ignite switch, Cardissa held it out in her right hand, making a graceful arc with the weapon, her black eyes watching the blade as it moved. Then she turned it off...

...and headed to her dressing area, not coming out for several minutes until she had donned a form-fitting one-piece red flightsuit, its leggings edged on the side in gold. Attached, she wore a weapons belt with a blaster attached on one side.

She still held Thea's lightsaber in her hand.

I might not be a Jedi, Cardissa thought darkly, But even I can learn how to manipulate a weapon to kill, at the appropriate moment in time, of course.

Amazing how so many forget that last addendum...

Stepping back out from her suites, Cardissa now headed for her office to make back-up files of the most important information in her office, keenly aware that, despite Rico's complaint, time was short.

And she was going to be certain she made the most of all of it.

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-07-2006 01:52 PM    
"It will take two cycles before we reach the Hornett," Aaron said, looking at Jebbua, frowning a bit then. "I always thought the Jedi could heal others with the Force, or something. Heck, I've seen it done."

The frown remaining on his face a moment longer, Aaron then turned to Link, his expression lightening. "Ahhh, don't worry about being trigger happy, as long as you don't shoot. I'm sorta used to it; us EE guys can tend to be that way ourselves. As far as whether there is anything around here to eat, if the rest of the ship serves as any indication for what the galley will have to offer, it's fully loaded."

He smiled at Link, then motioning for her to follow him to the galley area. "Shall we see what she's got? We probably should get somewhere and take a seat anyway, we should be taking off any minute."

[ 06-07-2006 01:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]


posted 06-07-2006 02:05 PM    
"Sure lead the way."

Hopefully this time tho food isn't toxic and sends me into another coma.

[ 06-08-2006 02:57 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-07-2006 04:23 PM    
I was happy as a clam in sauce as I busied myself with last minute preparations for Indira's take-off, waiting all the while for our final conversion coordinates to come in as the clock ticked steadily down.

Ahh, here they come now, I thought as a series of values began suddenly scrolling along my board. I nodded, and quickly input them into the navigational computer.

Lessee, out a couple billion klicks -- wow, must be heavy traffic; that's about fifteen minutes on impulse! -- and then revert to hyperdrive, following said coordinates.

And then it's Sluis Van, here we come!

I finished typing in the last value when a green light blinked quietly at me.

0800. Time to go!

And that's exactly what we did.

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-07-2006 10:58 PM    
After making certain that all perrtinent computer files were copied to datachips and taken to an safe location for later retrieval, Cardissa packed a few things to take along with her and boarded her yacht the Rasia. Heading into the cabin of the ship, she took her spot at the copilot's seat and merely waited, figuring in her head if everything had been done to her satisfaction before they departed.

Then, frowning to herself, Cardissa reached out and pressed a button on the ship's comm unit, connecting her to Bon Foyagee's frequency. "Foyagee, it is time you collect your team and we begin preparing for departure. Recall, you need to bring the coordinates we will be using along with you, we will need them later when we revert to realspace and reorient ourselves.

While we are enroute, we will further discuss our plans once we have reached our intended trajectory.

I expect to see you on board in a few short minutes. Mitra, out."

Sending her message on its way, Cardissa leaned back in the co-pilot's chair, finding herself waiting once again.

[ 06-07-2006 10:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Cardissa Mitra ]

Bon Foyagee

posted 06-08-2006 02:56 PM    
Bon, decked out in a purple jumpsuit, had collected Rico and was on his way to meet Stern at the ship. He paused to tap on his wrist com.

“We’ll be aboard in two shakes of a nerf, your grandness!” he bounced. He tapped again then looked at Rico.

“Can’t keep the lady in waiting, man!” he said. Rico merely grunted.

They arrived at the ship, where Stern was already waiting, scowling at the three crewmen waiting with him. The crewmen all looked relieved at Bon’s arrival.

“Like, don’t just do something, stand there!” Bon laughed. He skipped up the entrance ramp and into the ship.

Rico looked at Stern, one eyebrow raised, then entered as well, followed by the three crewmen.

Rico Riven

posted 06-08-2006 02:56 PM    
I wasn’t sure what I had gotten myself into, but I got on that ship anyway. I didn’t have much to pack, since most of what I had was on the ship that blew up. I did have my blaster, though, and a blade or two… or three. And I had some traveling stuff, but other than I was light.

I guess I was the pilot, so I went on to the cockpit. I smiled when I saw Cass, and hoped she wasn’t growing on me, but it was probably already too late. I plopped down in the pilot seat, turned to her, and flashed a big grin.

“Just like the old days!” I said.

I’d never piloted anything so fancy! This was going to be a trip, I tell ya!

General Ahem

posted 06-08-2006 03:37 PM    

Sormontato slid gracefully from hyperspace not far from Sullust. Indeed, it was due to the mass of the enormous incoming SSD that departing ships had been directed to not engage their own hyperdrives until well away from the Sullustan system.

That would certainly have boded them no good, Ahem thought idly to himself as, standing yet on the Observation Deck, he sipped his ever-present cup of tea, the planet coming into view in greater detail now as the massive ship brought itself into a high, geosynchronous orbit above Piringiisi.

It's never a good idea to engage hyperdrive close to a large body, and it doesn't necessarily have to be a planet or moon, either...

His thoughts drifted away into the complex calculations regarding the proper SOP for lightspeed jumps, then cut off as a tiny light soared up and away from Sullust.

He slapped his comm, raising the bridge.

"Was that a yacht?" he asked the deck officer before he scarcely had the time to reply verbally to the hail.

"Bridge-- ah, yessir. I mean, no Sir; that was a smaller, private craft."

Ahem nodded, took another sip of tea. Then--

"Please reinforce standing order F4587. We are hunting for a yacht; any and all, especially those departing this planet, are to be considered suspect until either cleared by standard investigative procedures, or until we find that blasted Aelly Ssyn."

He hesitated a moment longer, debating to himself over his cooling tea before he went on.

"Every yacht departing is to be given extra-system hyperdrive reversion coordinates, and is in turn expected to report full clearance request information. Then all the above is to be followed upon. Furthermore, every departure trail is to be scanned and logged; I don't want any error in this.

"Let me know immediately if there is anything out of the ordinary; do I make myself clear?"

There was no pause whatsoever.

"Yes, Sir. Bridge out."

Ahem nodded in satisfaction and turned back to the immense viewing port. His scowl grew almost as black as the cooled lava covering Sullust, but there was, as with that volcanic planet, a hint of something molten peeping out from his gaze. His tea grew tepid, forgotten in his hand, as time ticked on, bringing with it the question of whether the days ahead would finally take him to the elusive, suspected head of Black Sun or not.

[ 06-08-2006 04:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by General Ahem ]

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-08-2006 09:27 PM    
Cardissa was ready to get moving. Looking to Rico, she started giving orders. "We need to request a departure vector to Kati'Shyn. From there we'll reorient and make the jump to our true location which..."

She paused a moment, shifting to look at Bon Foyagee, "...I trust you have. All the pertinent information from the base was copied onto datachips, but that information was stored in a safe location on Sullust, for later retrieval. You have the coordinates, do you not?"

She quieted a moment, her black eyes arrowing into Bon's. She looked back to Rico for a brief second. "Go ahead and request the departure vector."

Then she looked back to Foyagee, merely waiting, expecting for him to deliver the answer she required.

[ 06-08-2006 09:29 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Cardissa Mitra ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-08-2006 10:23 PM    
Aaron was glad to oblige, and glad to feel the Indira in motion. He lead Link from the sleeping quarters and into the galley, showing her the vast array of beverages--non alcholic, of course!--and then beginning to sift through the edibles. The ship had a nice amount of nonperishables including packaged meats, vegetables, and breads. But, just as Aaron expected, she came with quite a few fresh foods as well including fresh fruits and breads.

"Well, there's no meat to speak of here other than stuff in a package," Aaron observed, "But there is some fruit and bread, and I've made some caf."

He paused, quirking a brow towards Link. "What suits your fancy?"

[ 06-08-2006 10:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]


posted 06-08-2006 10:46 PM    
Seeing the bountiful supply of food I pratically pounced on it tooking almost as much as I could carry and headed to the closest table and set it down on it. I took one of the chair and fliped it aroundso I could sit on it without crushing my tail.
Why does every place I go only have chairs

I quickly started devouring the assortment of bread and fruit I grabbed with little disreguard to propper manners and etiqute.

"hmm... care to join my?"

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-08-2006 10:55 PM    
Aaron arched an eyebrow at the Ryn, then replied with a, "It would be my pleasure."

Then he turned to get a mug and pour himself some caf, taking a moment to take a sip of it right then and there.

"Mmmmmm," he said then, "A nice cuppa caf is almost as good as..."

He stopped himself, looking to the Ryn then grinning and finishing his statement with, "...ahhh, nevermind, you couldn't have any of that, you're too young."

Then, deciding that perhaps someone else aboard the Indira might like breakfast, he excused himself from the galley for a moment to head back to the cabin of the ship. "Care for some caf and breakfast?" he queried, "This baby is fully loaded with goods."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-08-2006 11:07 PM    
I had just finished double-checking the coordinates given to us, and was in the very act of reaching to engage the hyperdrive when a welcomed voice with an even more welcomed suggestion presented itself.

"Would I ever!" I exclaimed as I unbuckled my blast harness and got to my feet. Turning away from the forward screen, which was all wrapped up in showing us the beautiful star-smears of hyperspace, I joined Aaron at the entrance to the small but efficient bridge.

"That pink stuff was only good to get my innards rumbling; I'm starved!"

We chatted amiably as we moved down the companionway, soon coming to the wardroom and the accompanying galley.

"Hi Link," I greeted the Ryn, who looked up but was too busy gulping down her breakfast to reply immediately. I just nodded and smiled, heading to the galley to make myself something tasty and hot. It didn't take long before I was back in the wardroom, finding a seat across from Link and setting the steaming plate I held down on the table.

"Mind if I join you?" I chuckled, for indeed there were no other tables save for the one at which she sat, one lined with seating for perhaps sixteen individuals. Taking a seat I dug in, savoring whatever it was that I had found and had tossed into the nearest pan to sear.

I didn't care if it was the left little toe of ol' Palpatine himself -- it was HOT and it tasted GOOD.

After all, the only meals I had managed to ingest during the last cycle were liquid ones...

[ 06-08-2006 11:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-09-2006 12:45 AM    
No soon that Aaron and Link left my stomach growled.

I got up to see if there was any food and saw Aaron, Yaoski and Link all eating and chowing down.

"Mind if I join you guys?" I asked as I licked my lips from all the good-looking food.

Rico Riven

posted 06-09-2006 03:51 PM    
I glanced back at Bon, who was twirling his hair and looking distant. I’d say that was normal for him, after all I’d seen and heard from him. I shrugged and turned to the con.

Yeah, just like the old days.

“Sullustan ground authorities, this is the pilot of the ship Rasia requesting clearance for departure, and requesting escape vector to Kati'Shyn."

I had to fight back a smile on that last word. Can’t say that I’d ever been there before. Ah well, time for an adventure, I guess. I hoped Bluebell knew where he was taking us.

I turned to Cass, after switching off the transmitter.

“So, what’s our business there, in case they ask?”

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-09-2006 10:50 PM    
I looked up, waved a fork at the Jedi.

"Sure," I said. "Food's in the galley, help yourself."

I jabbed the air with the fork, indicating a door in the back of the wardroom which led to the galley next door. Then I went back to eating, now turning my attention to Link.

"So..." I swallowed, sent her a smile. Not one too big, for I knew she'd only think that phony. I didn't want to seem condescending, either; just wanted to start getting to know her better, getting us both off on an honest level with each other.

"What's your story, kid? How did someone at your tender age manage to rack up the skills you seem to have?"

Sheesh, she's better than most adult slicers I've known, although to be truthful there haven't been that many who have crossed paths with me.

[ 06-09-2006 10:52 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Bon Foyagee

posted 06-09-2006 11:09 PM    
Bon looked at the bulkhead, twirling his hair absently and his eyes vacant. But his mind was racing, and his head was anything but calm as he ran through hundreds of calculations.

Like most things, he had memorized the drawings from the psychic and the coordinates of the strange system. His mind was never still, and he thrived on facts and figures, retaining the smallest details.

He had finished calculating the jump distance from Kati’Shyn to two other points, and the time involved in reaching the final destination, and had moved on to estimation Rico’s life expectancy when he finally realized he was being spoken to.

“Whoa,” he said. “Man, fasten your seat belts! Like, we got two jumps after this to make it all nice and clean, so when we hit door number one, I’ll feed in the rest. Rest easy, babies!”

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-09-2006 11:15 PM    
Aaron followed Yaoksi from the cabin of the Indira, knowing that she was safely in hyperspace and thus in autopilot. He took some fruits and bread and refilled his mug of caf, sitting then at the table to hear Yaoksi talking to Jebbua and Link. He couldn't help but arch an eyebrow at the Jedi.

Wishy washy little Jedi, he thought a bit off-handedly. Not that I should be surprised though, the way he up and left the mission of looking for Galen before. How exactly did he split from the group originally looking for Galen anyway, I'm almost positive he was with them when they called from Sullust, all befuddled and mixed up. Maybe he left then...?

Aaron shook himself from these thoughts and refocused his attention on the conversation at hand, making a note to ask Jebbua about these things, and very soon.


posted 06-09-2006 11:19 PM    
"I use to be an orphan on correllia, living on the streets. Some how a smuggler found me and brought me to the smugglers run where I have spent most of my life, I somehow ended up being the little sister to almost everyone. There I learned the imporant things in life, how to shoot, lie, cheat, gamble, the usual things a smuggler does."

I took another bite of food and quickly swallowed it, then continued with my story.

"If you ever been to the run then you already know that not only smugglers frequent there, but also assasians, crimelords, mercinaries, techs, and slicers. You would be suprised what you can learn when you just act pretty and stupid, they basicly tell you everything you wanted to ever know. Eventually I just became really good at slicing and with being a ryn I'm virtualy ignored by all society which means if I steal a worker uniform and act like I'm fixing something while I'm slicing into a computer, no one cares."

I looked up at Yaoksi taking my eyes off my food.

"So thats basicly it, something I've wanted to know, I have spent all this time with Thea and I hardly know a thing about her. What can you tell me about her?"

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-10-2006 01:09 PM    
I paused to consider a moment, my fork halfway to my mouth. True, Link appeared to be one tough little cookie; Fates alone know what horrors she had experienced throughout her short but eventful life.

How much should she know? I thought to myself as, with a sigh, I suddenly surmised that in the very near future she and Thea just might end up having much in common with each other.

I swallowed, focusing on the intently waiting little Ryn again.

"Well-ll," I began slowly, setting my fork down to marshall my thoughts.

"She's been with me on Sullust for what now, a couple three years? Yeah. I took over her care from a Master Shawn Petrolu, who was supposed to teach her to be a Jedi, I guess.

"She's always wanted to be a jedi; I mean, that's all she's ever really mentioned to me when it comes to her background. I guess she started out at the Jedi Praxeum, before it was taken over--"

Another pause, this time to frown.

Even though the slowly rising governmental system this New Empire seemed to be emplacing seemed benevolent enough, was that gesture at all necessary? Was it crucial to wipe out the majority of the jedi, their students--?

I shook my head a little bit, then continued.

"She, ahh-- she started out at the Old Praxeum, and went out with a couple other jedi on a quest to find someone, someone a very bad person had taken. From that moment on Thea's not had a very normal life; she's whispered hints of being sent from person to person, being taken from those she cares about -- one of them the person we're trying to find now, among others -- put aboard some kind of dark and nasty ship someplace--"

I paused again, wondering as a shadowy sense of impending doom wafted from nowhere, washed quietly down along my spine, sent every nerve ending to tingling, then just as mysteriously trickled away.

"Anyway, she came into my life aboard Mr. Barne's ship Hornett, where we're going now. There were no jedi to teach her anything, and Master Petrolu thought that now was not the time to tend to her teaching. In fact, I don't know when the time would ever be right--"

Lessee. When we find our missing comrades, overthrow the seemingly omnipotent New Empire, destroy this dark Graysith lady, somehow corral the rising thread of the Sith--

Yeah. Then we can turn our attentions to Thea's formal education.


"Anyway, we didn't know about her parents, so he handed her over to me. I finally found a relative of hers, an uncle, and had made arrangements for her to go off to live with the closest blood relative she had when everything seemed to break loose on Sullust.

"And you know the rest."

With that I silently picked up my fork and turned back to my breakfast, though thoughts triggered by this little soliloquy continued to whirl and flit like Coruscant Shadow Dancers in my head.

[ 06-10-2006 01:14 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

General Ahem

posted 06-12-2006 09:12 PM    
The wall-comm in the Observation Deck buzzed for attention, bringing General Ahem out from the momentary reverie he had been engaged in. Blinking to himself with a slight frown, he slapped the comm.


"Bridge here, Sir," came the instant response.

"Per your standing order, this is to inform you that Air Traffic Control advises a yacht is standing by for departure clearance, stated destination being Kati'Shyn," the Deck Officer announced before falling into a respectful silence.

Ahem frowned.

Kati'Shyn? He wondered to himself for a fraction of time before replying.

"Copy that, Bridge; please inform ATC to provide them with the standard clearance coordinates they have been using prior to our arrival here. In addition, as a precautionary measure have a fighter escort them to their destination, and let me know what you get on the ion signature of it's impulse trail when leaving Sullust.

"Ahem, out."

He turned back to the viewport, staring down at the tumultous planet which roiled blackly beneath the great SSD. Taking another sip of his tea, he frowned, for by now it was quite cold.

He set it on a nearby sideboard, and turned back to stare at the image of Sullust below.

The Empire

posted 06-12-2006 09:24 PM    
A heartbeat passed in which transmissions between Sullust and Sormontato were as well. Then--

"Roger Rasia, this is Imperial Air Traffic Control, acting per emergency agreement with Sullustan government officials.

"We have you at 05deg 22'28"N by 76deg 23'09"W. Depart vector zero alpha niner, apical turn along 54-27-19Z; follow on impulse through to 0.0015ly distant, then 76% port yaw with Z-rotation of eight degrees to seven-seven-niner-ought; reversion to hyperdrive a roger that point, ETA Kati'Shyn 00512 four point three standard cycles hence.

"Be under advisement acts of piracy have been reported in that sector; as a precautionary measure we are sending a fighter escort to assure your protection to destination.

"This is Imperial Air Traffic Control, turning you to private runway 337, Rasia to depart six standard minutes.


[ 06-12-2006 09:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Empire ]

Josiah DarkSaber

posted 06-12-2006 09:37 PM    
There was no buisness to be made here I thought to myself as I returned to my ship. There was really nothing to do these days custom made blasters and weapons just didn't pay the bills these days. After a few minutes of walking I came to the beuty that was the Dark Phoenix.

After settling down in the cockpit I took a quick look at the scanners and saw the imperials orbiting the planet. Great just what I need, even with the permits to leagaly own and transport almost any weapon in the galexy somehow the imperials demanded to inspect his ship and then make a "special request" for his servises.

"Phoenix open a channel to the sullust spaceport and request permission to leave, destination I don't care, it won't matter because the imps will probably demand to inspect you, again."

The Empire

posted 06-12-2006 09:43 PM    
Once again transmissions flew between Sullust and Sormontato. Then from the underbelly of the great SSD a triangle of lambda fighters emerged, which quickly aligned themselves along Rasia's intended flight trajectory, waiting to join her as escort when she finally departed Sullustan soil.

In reply to Phoenix hail:

"Roger, Phoenix, this is Imperial Air Traffic Control acting in emergency coordination with Sullustan officials.

"Ah, negative your departure vector as requested. Please advise destination to receive clearance and shortest route to destination of choice.

"This is Imperial Air Traffic Control, over."

[ 06-12-2006 09:48 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Empire ]

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-12-2006 09:50 PM    
Cardissa snorted to herself.

Piracy in that sector? Yeah, right. Just another way to tighten their fist even though it would someday all slip through their fingers...

Cardissa turned to Rico, arching a brow slightly. "Simply tell them that we are heading there to look at the real estate...

...which is not entirely true, but not necessarily untrue either. They will know, at some point, that we are up to something other...

...especially considering that they intend to follow us out, and Foyagee has already commented on Imperial ships surrounding our true destination. For now, we play their game. But only for now. Is this ship ready for departure?" she queried then, not deigning to say anything further for the time being.

[ 06-12-2006 10:00 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Cardissa Mitra ]

Josiah DarkSaber

posted 06-12-2006 10:05 PM    
Beuracracy, great now I need to think of a place for once. One with lots of opertunity, ah hell, why not.

"Get them back online and find the best route for correllia. then relay that to the officials."

Sometimes I really need to retire.

[ 06-12-2006 10:23 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Josiah DarkSaber ]

Commisar Stern

posted 06-12-2006 10:07 PM    
I watched out the viewport with little interest, the blank view given to him yielding little to the imagination. The affairs of ships had always seemed so... overwhelming, in an odd way. Ships and such things were in an odd way, far to collosal for sentient beings to fully comprehend.

"I suppose that could work. Though if they don't believe you, we'll be dead in an instant." I gave a slight stretch, uniform hot, but not bothersome after having spent so much time wearing it over the years.

If we were meant to fly, we would have wings. If we were meant to travel the void, we would have hyperdrives instead of bowel movements.

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-12-2006 10:45 PM    
Aaron continued to sip his mug of caf and simply listened for a long time, intrigued with how the young Ryn developed her skills and wondering something about Thea's story.

As many times as they had tried...

Sitting up then, Aaron finally had something in the silence which now passed between them all. "I know of how it can be on Corellia," he first said to Cel, "It is my home planet. Many times those who are different are underestimated, and believe me, we are very glad you were able to take advantage of this cruelty."

Pausing at that for a moment, Aaron pursed his lips, wondering how he should say what was on his mind now, hoping he wouldn't offend in doing so. But he had to ask. "And you know, if Thea has been sent away from the Praxeum and you've tried to send her home only with no success...

...perhaps home is not where she should be? I mean, I've been around the galaxy enough and seen enough things in the past few years to most definitely believe in the Force, amongst other things..."

Here he trailed, his look momentarily dark. "Maybe the Force is trying to guide her back to finish what she started, or is guiding her to something else entirely?"

Suddenly, he turned to Jebbua. "What do you think, Jedi Dahutt?"

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-12-2006 10:53 PM    
That little gem prompted me to interrupt before the Jedi even had a chance to open his mouth.

"Pfft," I snorted through a mouthful of breakfast, then swallowed.

"Now, I'm not saying there's not anything strange and weird going on in the universe, because pal, have I ever seen a touch of it. But as for the Force guiding her to become a jedi... pfft.

"I'm not certain what she was doing back on Sullust, or how she got mixed up in all the hoopla we left back there. But brother, I can promise you sure as there's sandcats on Tatooine it wasn't any Force got her plopped back there.

"Probably a hyperdrive motivator; it's always a hyperdrive motivator..."

With that I shut up, attending to my food once again so that Jebbua could make reply to Aaron's comment.

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-12-2006 11:01 PM    
"Well, I do have to agree with you on that," Aaron replied. "But still, where are the kids parents? And what happened to land her right back on Sullust after being sent away from there?"

Aaron paused, shrugging then, "I don't know, maybe the kid just has the worst luck in all the universe. Or maybe it is, just like Link says, that she simply doesn't have any "street smarts." And the only way anyone gets those is simply by being a part of life."

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-13-2006 11:53 AM    
I thought a moment while Aaron and Yaoski were talking before I replied to Aaron's question.

"The force is hard to explain. It has a destiny for each of us. Perhaps Thea's destiny is to become a jedi, or perhaps not. Onlny time will tell. But as for bad luck, There is no such thing. It was the force that guided her here to Sullest, she or we just don't know why she was guided here."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-13-2006 01:23 PM    
I cut my eyes to the Jedi, rolled them, and just continued to eat.

Buddy, you can call it the Force if you want to, but I'll just call it...


Shaking my head slightly, I laid down my fork and spoke to him.

"Speaking of the kid, how is she doing? Any progress in her condition? I'm kinda worried; if she's been drugged as you say she has, shouldn't she be waking up sometime soon?"

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-13-2006 03:50 PM    
"She seems to be having some kind of nightmare. And as for waking up anytime soon..."

I turned my head to him.

"... It depends on what kind of drug they gave her."

I got up and cleaned up and then went and sat back down with the others.

"I'm sure after we get to the Hornett the medics there can figuare out what kind of drug and how to fix it. No worries man."

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-13-2006 07:12 PM    
Jebbua's last briefly uttered statement cut through a raw nerve of Aaron's like a hot vibroblade. Scowling, he eyed the Jedi, a piece of fruit in hand, and just slitted his eyes at him for a moment before saying a word. "We don't know what the drug is that the kid was given, she's having nightmares and sweating bullets, tossing and turning as though she is in complete turmoil...

...and you think there should be 'no worries man'???"

He paused a moment, his scowl turning to a frown of utter concern. "Look, pal, I'm not trying to pry, but considering there are lives of people we all hold dear involved here, I was wondering just what yoou meant when you said you were a 'rogue Jedi'?"

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-13-2006 09:46 PM    
I stood up and paused for a second.

"Listen. She may be tossing and turning, but she is phyiscally alright. When we get to the Hornett they'll fix that. No worries, because she'll be alright. If you get all caught up in worring you loose concentration on the task at hand! You loose focus! She'll be ok!."

I turned to Aaron.

"As for my statement eariler. I'm not a good jedi, nor evil. I don't follow the Jedi code, nor the sith code. I follow my own code. I don't do it for money, I just do what I think is right. Now you're gong to get some kind of idea about me, but I don't care. This feels right. I want to be here. I want to help. I'm sorry I left and didn't help find Galen. But I'm here now and I swear I won't leave til Galen hugs you and is safe." I half screamed at them.

I put my hands on my head and backed up taking a couple of deep breaths.

Where the hell did that come from? I thought.

I looked back at the others to see what they would do next.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-13-2006 09:58 PM    
I froze with my fork halfway to my mouth, which was open, not so much to receive the food but in utter shock at this unexpected display. I cut my eyes to Aaron, waggled my brows, slowly lowered my fork.

"Hey, listen pal, no worries, like you said," I said in an inane sort of manner, immediately reverting to the soft shushing tone of voice I used to use when Thea's night terrors would come to haunt her.

Only those weren't nearly as physical, or with forces coming to their side as potentially deadly as what this guy could undoubtedly wield. Slowly, ever so slowly, I rose to my feet, reaching out a hand to Jebbua.

"Calm down, pal; we get your drift," I said, not wanting to launch myself at him, nor wanting to vacate the premises. Either action would probably be taken as other than what would motivate it; thus, I simply moved beside my chair and stood quietly, keeping one eyeball peeled toward Jebbua and the other casting a pleading sort of look Aaron's way.

[ 06-13-2006 10:00 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-13-2006 10:08 PM    

Aaron could literally read the look in Yaoksi's eye, suddenly feeling that he'd better help by saying something that could calm this guy down before bad went to worse.

Yeesh, was it always going to be like this?

Aaron dismissed the thought, and looked to Jebbua, adding to Yaoksi's words."Yeah, nobody here is judging you for your choice to be a Rogue Jedi one way or another. Gods know the Jedi code is reported to be staunch and over-bearing...

...I don't blame you for feeling you need to follow your own path, and you wouldn't be the first of that variety I've known. Look--"

He then trailed, trying to figure out how to word his next statement the best. "How about we just start over with what we probably should be doing now and start working on plans for finding Galen and the guys? And while we're at it, perhaps we should consider what, in fact, we should do about a lady that drugs innocent little kids who want to be a Jedi?"

[ 06-13-2006 10:09 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-13-2006 10:16 PM    
I took another deep breath and then let it out.

"Yeah. I suppose you're right."

I took my seat again and waited in silece for a minute or too. The only thing that could be heard was the hum of the hyperdrive as we continued on to the Hornett.

I finally spoke up.

"So... This lady witht he drugs. She wouldn't stay on Sullest, or not for long then. You think she would go to those location Bon was talking aobut. If so, I bet that's where we would find her."

I pasued before continueing.

"...As for Galen, I don't know where she would go and be. You know her better then be."

I fell in silence and tried to remeber everything that had happened since me and Dash left the Hornett to chase after her.

Rico Riven

posted 06-14-2006 12:59 AM    
“Roger that,” I said into the comm. Nothing like breakfast with the Empire to get your blood moving.

Now me, I never really had any trouble with those guys. I mean, sure, maybe they were a little imposing… ok, a lot imposing. And they did have a knack for sticking their noses into things. But they never stopped me from doing my business, and they tipped well. I ran a few legit cargo runs to outposts here and there, delivering mundane crap to troopers who missed their fruity crisps or their home-planet magazines, so my name should be on file with them as at least being an honest businessman. Well, we’ll see…

“All right kiddies, bang the walls and grab your – um, seats. We’re blowin’ this joint!”

I followed the Impie’s instructions, and in a little bit we were leaving Sullust to its fiery self. The fighter escort was waiting, and I was almost relieved when they didn’t start blasting right away.

“Hello, boys” I said into the comm. “This is Rasia, thanking you for the company and feeling a whole lot safer now.”

I continued on the vector given to me, and assumed that they’d either form on my wing or something military like that, or blast us.

I was sorta hoping they wouldn’t blast us.

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-14-2006 09:29 PM    
Aaron arched an eyebrow in thought, taking another sip of his caf and then snorting to himself. "If Bon and those guys are going to the place they implicated, the Empire will stop them and take care of them before we ever could do anything about them. I'm not always too certain about this New Empire, but I do know this...

...if those guys aren't honest about what they're up to, they'll be found out. And that aside, there is no kriffing way they are going to get into Sith space without the Empire's blessings."

Pausing at that, a little black demon popped up and made an addendum. And you aren't going to get there without the Empire's blessings, either...

He strayed from that thought, going instead to Jebbua's next few statements to then reply to them. "The last probable known destination for Galen was K'eel Doba, although I haven't ever heard from Jasyn or Matt to find out if she got there, or if they even got there for that matter...."

He trailed for a moment, suddenly recalling something, kicking himself for not remembering it before. "Wait a minute," he then said, "I did hear from them once, after they went to look for Galen."[/i]

He frowned at this, angry with himself for not remembering such a critical issue. So many things had happened in the past few years, it was all really becoming a jumble of events.

Aaron couldn't imagine how it was for those who actually experienced those said events. "They were on..."

He paused a moment, thinking back, "--well, Sullust, actually, at the hidden base we just left. Jasyn said they'd crashed the Raptor on K'eel Doba, and that Galen had crashed the Eagle, which was Terrin's old lambda, but she was okay. I'd forgot how mixed up and befuddled they were...

...none of them could remember a kriffing thing about the Sith. And that was the last I heard from them..."

Trailing again, Aaron sat his caf mug on the table, put his elbow on the edge, and ran a hand through his hair to then rest his temple on it. "How the hell did I forget something like this?"

[ 06-14-2006 09:31 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

The Empire

posted 06-14-2006 10:14 PM    
The pilot of the lead escort nodded his helmeted head, even though the move was not seen by the people in the ship who had just rendezvoused with them.

"Roger Rasia, this is Imperial fighter FJ-845. You will proceed through vector as given to point at approximately two billion klicks; from there to continue with maneuver assuring your safe arrival Kati'Shyn space. At point of engagement, all vessels will attain hyperspeed simultaneously, along pre-assigned vector.

"This is Imperial fighter FJ-845, out."

Cutting off any further outgoing transmission but leaving his boards open should Rasia wish to say anything, the pilot smoothly moved his sleek little fighter to a position just above and slightly behind the yacht's forward deck. The other two moved equidistant along her flanks, this time a slight bit below her midline.

Together, the yacht framed by three points of an equilateral triangle, the ships moved off and away from the roiling, fiery planet that was Sullust.

[ 06-14-2006 10:46 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Empire ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 06-14-2006 10:26 PM    
As the erstwhile Jedi in our midst seemed to be calming, I took my eyes off of him and sent a glance Aaron's way. His words burned into my ears, digging and slicing and tearing up images I had carefully repressed after so lengthy a time.

They burst back into life, in vivid three-dimensional and kodachromatic glory.

"Consider yourself lucky, pal," I muttered darkly, for those were memories I would dearly love to forget. I sighed then, and turned fully to face him.

"Looks like we will be heading off to this, er-- what did you call it? K'eedalba? Whatever; but hey..."

I paused a moment, shrugging my shoulders and waving both hands out to either side.

"This baby is too... refined for that; from what I know of the Sith you mentioned, we're going to need bigger guns.

"I'm more than willing to offer the services of Devil, assuming of course that K'kihl has her repaired by now."

And Yaoksi ol' pirate, what a question. Of course he has her repaired; he'd be positively mortified if it took him more than three days to get her back to her usual two hundred percent efficiency...

[ 06-14-2006 10:28 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Rico Riven

posted 06-14-2006 10:45 PM    
“Well,” I said. “See? What a swell bunch of fellows.”

I smiled and turned to Cass.

“Now, should we hold hands with our buddies or make other plans? Of course, doing that will give us away, and if Bluebell is right about the Impies having an interest in that area we're ultimately headed to, well...”

I bit my tongue.

"Maybe we better play it cool."

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-14-2006 11:15 PM    
Cardissa turned fractionally to Rico, nodding. "Yes, we should continue to play along," she repeated. "The Empire will not be easily deceived, and its fingers are in everything. We already run the risk of clashing with them...

...but then I hope the plan I have in mind will at least temporarily keep them from us."

She frowned then, her eyes turning distant, thoughtful. "Dealing with them when we get where we are going and they have all their grand capital ships at hand, will be quite a challenge on its own."

She paused, finally making a small admission. "I'm not sure what we will do yet at that point...

...and I'm counting on your piloting skills," here she looked at Rico, "And your brains," she then said to Bon Foyagee, "To figure it out."

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-14-2006 11:33 PM    
Aaron turned an appreciative look Yaoksi's way. "I appreciate you offering your ship," he then said. "And you're right, we're gonna need a ship with some guns to it to deal with whatever may be ahead. Speaking of which..."

Here he trailed, frowning. But something was beginning to come to his mind, something that just might solve the little thing that was now presenting itself as a very large problem for their future plans.

"We've got a major roadblock in our way in the form of an Imperial blockade surrounding the Sith worlds," he said, stating the obvious. "We're going to have to justify ourselves--legitmately if possible--to them in order to get through. Now, there is a possibility we might have something the Empire might be willing to give us passage in exchange for," he then said, looking to Link, "That is, of course, if we can prove that anything in those files you stole have anything incriminating in them."


posted 06-14-2006 11:51 PM    
"I don't know whats on those files, all I did was dump their entire batabase without decypting it. If I had the time I could have sliced into it in a few minutes, but without any of their crypto programs it will take hours possibly days for me to break though it all."

For all I know they are just being over protective of thier families secret recipies.

"I'll start on decyping it as soon as I have all the things I need; a room with a fresher so I won't be interupted while I work, a holo pad, and lots of caf brewed as srtong as possible."

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-15-2006 11:03 PM    
Aaron nodded. "You can have whatever you need once we get to the Hornett. The only drawback to this is that, in the amount of time it'll take, I'd like to be headed to our destination. I suppose though, if something on those files will give us a bargaining chip to get to the Sith worlds...

...or even implicate that it might be worth something, the time will be worth it. After all, we may not be able to entirely decrypt the files regardless of the tools you already have at your disposal and the ones the Hornett will have.

"Unfortunately, at this time, I haven't got any better ideas. Any one else have something?"

Josiah DarkSaber

posted 06-18-2006 11:15 PM    
This delay by the Imperials was getting annoying, hiw did that saying go... its better to ask for forgiveness then ask for permission.

"Phoenix forget about getting clearene, fire up the engins we're leaving."

With that the Dark Phoenix's engins roared to life lifting it out of the atmosphere and into space.

The Empire

posted 06-19-2006 12:04 PM    
Klaxons set off a war-like whoop as boards immediately split in two, one half showing the normal traffic going in and out of the Sullustan atmosphere via their assigned arrival and departure vectors, the other showing the tracery of a blip which had the sheer audacity to take off on its own.

The ensign at ATC whirled in his seat, his face appearing to strobe in the yellow warning lights now flashing across his boards.

"Sir--!" he began, but got no further. The Control Coordinator was by his side, staring over his shoulder to consider this little bright spot in an otherwise boringly normal day.

"Contact Sormontato; we have a runner," he said mildly before reaching over the Ensign's shoulder to flip a button. Immediately the klaxons ceased to yowl, the lighting returned to normal.

"No need for such theatrics now, is there?" he commented lightly as with a nod of his head he returned to his post, from there to watch over proceedings in general that Air Traffic Control was dealing with.



The young officer needed not call out as he did, for already had the Officer on Deck arrived at his station. There he paused, peering over his shoulder to read the information now scrolling across his boards.

"Interesting," the Officer mused, a slightly chilling smile now creeping across his face. He straightened, cut his eyes to the immense viewscreen ahead, which was showing a small ship now trying to pick up momentum and leave Sullustan space altogether.

His smile grew even icier.

"No need to bother the General with this; we'll merely follow SOP for such incidents."

He nodded to another officer, who immediately began playing his hands along his control panel.

Within moments the great super star destroyer had engaged its gravity well generator, that the obviously fleeing ship would not be able to slip away into hyperspace. This was followed a split second later by a tractor beam, which lanced out and snared the ship, latching firmly upon it.

"Shields up, double strength," the Deck Officer continued, his voice still mild.

"Bring this one in to docking bay 87; I'll go inform General Ahem as to what is happening."

He gave a brief salute to the chorus of "ayes" that followed in the wake of that order, turned on his heel, and left the bridge. Behind him, concentration divided: part to keep an eye on the comings and goings of ships in this vicinity, the remainder now focused on bringing the captured ship into their own, immense one.

[ 06-19-2006 12:09 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Empire ]

Josiah DarkSaber

posted 06-19-2006 03:21 PM    
The tractor beam was expected, but the gravity well generator was a nice touch. I looked down back at the display and imediatly saw what was going on.

"Phoenix stop powering up weapons, even if our countermeasures did work we still have the gravity well to deal with. Power down all nonesential systems and lock yourself down."

I made my way back to my quarters aboard the ship and placed all my weapons in their proper place. Opening the one special locker in my room revealed my old Correllian Defence Forces Dress Uniform. It took only a few minutes to put it on and straighten everything out. The uniform itself was a dark blue coat adorned with all the awards and honors I managed to amass during my time in service, the finishing touch was the cerimonial saber that I wore at my side. I decided to forgo the usual sunglasses I wear, letting them see my eyes.

"Time to say hello I guess."

I walked over to the exit ramp and simply waited for the Imperials to finish pulling my ship into their docking bay.

Aaron Barnes

posted 06-20-2006 09:37 PM    
Having decided that either decrypting the files Link had found or simply turning them over entirely to the Imperials for passage into the Sith worlds--if it was necessary--the remainder of their trip to the Hornett continued to pass quietly...

(((OCC: Aaron, Yaoksi, Cel (Link), and Jebbua jump to The Dream of Those That Wake in the Empire and New Republic forums, thank you.)))

[ 06-20-2006 10:15 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

The Empire

posted 06-20-2006 10:26 PM    
The Master-at-Arms stood at stiff attention, every cell in his being focused on the YT-2000 they had just hauled so ignominiously into the underbelly of Sormontato. It sat in her lower docking bay, dwarfed by it's shadowy immensity, ticking and steaming slightly as it cooled, gassing off its excess energies.

Nothing happened.

The Master-at-Arms stiffened further, cocked his head slightly sideways to address a younger officer who stood with equal rigidity at his elbow.

"Has there been any further communication yet?" he inquired, now nodding infinitesimally toward the freighter. The younger officer merely shook his head.

"Negative, Sir," he replied, checking the padd he was carrying.

"Logistics state she has remained quiet; no protest to our tractor, no attempt to escape. She shut down all impulse the moment we snagged her, Sir; to all appearances she's on autopilot."

The Master-at-Arms merely frowned.

"That is highly unlikely," he said, one hand going to rest lightly on the butt of his blaster. He didn't draw it; no need for that yet. Now was not the time for theatrics or overplaying one's hand; now was the time for cool logic to win the day.

And cool logic stated they wait to see if the pilot of this craft would continue to remain stubbornly silent.

"Hail them again," he directed, and in moments the call went out.

"Phoenix, this is ISD Sormontato. In response to you departing from Sullust without clearance, you have been tractored aboardship. You are hereby... requested to present yourself for inquiry as to the reason behind this illegal and dangerous act.

"Sormontato, over.""

"Message sent, Sir," the officer standing for communications stated, albeit a bit unnecessarily. The Master-at-Arms merely nodded his head, stiffening further, as he and his squadron settled down into a military wait.

Josiah DarkSaber

posted 06-20-2006 10:56 PM    
The message came in clear as day over Phoenix's comm."Phoenix, this is ISD Sormontato. In response to you departing from Sullust without clearance, you have been tractored aboardship. You are hereby... requested to present yourself for inquiry as to the reason behind this illegal and dangerous act."

I keyed in a quick command and the boarding ramp lowered allowing me to exit.

"Phoenix lock things up until I get back and DO NOT FIRE at any of the Imperials unless you have to."

I casually walked down the ramp seeing the master-at-arms, and an Imperial officer. I cafefully walked up to the Imperial officer and offered him a salute.

"Colonel DarkSaber, Correllian Defense Force retired."

[ 06-21-2006 02:02 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Josiah DarkSaber ]

The Empire

posted 06-21-2006 12:03 AM    
The officer frowned ever the slightest before gathering himself and his manners well in hand once again. His eyes never leaving the eerie pair before him, he merely nodded his head in something approximating courtesy.

"Colonel," he said as he then turned, one arm out to the side to indicate their guest step out in the desired direction: toward the hatch leading into the outer corridor, where yet another escort stood waiting for his arrival.

"If you would go with them, Sir," the Officer continued politely, now indicating a group of four finely tuned soldiers, who might have been anything from an honor guard to a police escort. Nodding in dismissal then, the Officer backed off and motioned to the Master-at-Arms to follow them; then with another slight gesture he caught the attention of the next rated officer, drawing him off to the side and out of earshot of the newcomer.

"Do not attempt to board this vessel until you have express orders to do so," he said curtly.

"Being of a military background, this Colonel should have understood so simple a thing as the proper SOP for planetary departure; the fact that he chose not do follow such leads me to consider him with some suspicion. Any idiot would know his ship would be tractored aboard after so blatant a gaffe; his vessel may be booby-trapped."

The younger officer snapped to a smart attention, saluted.

"Aye, Sir," he replied, then barked an order equally sharp to the others. The merely came to arms, and spread themselves out in an arc about the flank of the YT-2000, barring anyone from entering or exiting it.

The older Officer nodded his approval, then whirled upon his heel, quickly departing from the docking bay to follow in the wake of the others. He couldn't help but smile a bit to himself, though, at the thought of how surprised the Colonel was certain to be in the very near future.

It wasn't just anybody who was brought directly to General Ahem, after all...

[ 06-21-2006 12:04 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Empire ]

Cardissa Mitra

posted 06-21-2006 12:47 PM    
Now safely enveloped in hyperspace, Cardissa pursed her lips thoughtfully, the cabin of the Rasia falling into silence a long time before she broke it. She was well aware of the razor thin line they were traversing, and she had to admit to herself that she didn't like it. Granted, the day that she would be in control of the galaxy, she would be just as tight fisted about controlling it as well...

...if not more so. Cardissa had to at least give the Empire credit for that.

Cardissa turned to look at Bon Foyagee, who was daydreaming once more. "You need to give the coordinates of our destination to Captain Riven so he can program the navcomputer ahead of time. We're going to be in for a quick entrance and exit at Kati'shyn...

...unless of course anyone else here has a better idea."

She turned, tapping her pointer finger on her lips as she thought. "Getting past what will be a huge blockade at our actual destination is going to be problematic enough. We may have to tangle with the Empire regardless of what we do before our arrival there."

Josiah DarkSaber

posted 06-21-2006 02:06 PM    
As I followed the soldiers to whoever I assumed to be the commander of this vessle I was suprised with their dicipline, most humans especially on imperial controled worlds are faced with a slight moment of fear when they first see me because of my eyes. No other human I've met of seen has black eyes with red irises. Obiously this person they are taking me to see must be very important if he can instill such dicipline in his men. We shall soon find out though.

Commisar Stern

posted 06-26-2006 12:30 PM    
I sat back in one of the seats on the small bridge, and sighed. Hyperspace was one of those very few parts of flying I could live with. It was safer than that of combat or normal transportation; and if you happened to run into something and die, well, it was a very, very quick death.

I closed my eyes, Kais, my pet nursing gently from the nutrient harness still on my shoulder. I was careful to lean to the left in the chair, as not to crush him against it. "So... have any of us been to this place? I mean, do we know what kind of planet it is at all?"

Bon Foyagee

posted 06-28-2006 11:51 PM    
Bon smiled, then stood and walked to the pilot console. He leaned his arms on both Rico and Cass’s shoulders and smiled between them.

“Stars and stars, man, that’s what it’s all about. But when one knows the stars, one only needs to open one’s eyes to find the length of a jump. Never been to the planet, man, never been. But I know the system, man, I know the paper the psychic drew, and I know the coordinates, man.”

Bon turned and walked to Stern, fire seemingly dancing in his eyes.

“Like I said before, we got our brothers everywhere, man! Even in the ranks of the oppressors, man! How you think we got the order in to deliver goods to an SSD? How you think we got news of the blockade? Man, it’s all about who you know, and what you know, and how you think they know what you do. The oppressors been heavy into this, man, and their own computers figured out what the psychic meant, man! I know where we’re going, man, and I know how to get there!”

Bon turned back to the couple in the pilot seats.

“But they’re guarding it, man!” he said. “Ships and ships, man, ships and ships. Blockade, man! But think about it, man, this dude Dantares, he’s like excavating some ancient site, right? Takes off in a hurry, then sometime after that the Empire has a blockade around that system. Call me crazy, man, but what’s up with that?”

Rico Riven

posted 06-29-2006 12:07 AM    
I glanced over at Cass, who gave me a look that said “Buh?”, which is pretty much the way I felt.

“You telling me you know right where to jump to?” I asked. “And there is a Imperial blockade around the system? And we’re just gonna waltz right in and do our business like they’re not there?”

I slumped back in my seat, holding my head.

“Well, I suppose we could jump in close, feign being lost, and hope they blast us quick. Or, hey, you got some kind of legit company, right? We could tell the truth and say we’re there to find a missing researcher and ask them if we could land.”

Cardissa Mitra

posted 07-01-2006 12:17 AM    
Cardissa turned and blinked at Bon Foyagee one single time. "We are surrounded by an Imperial escort, and we are headed for an Imperial blockade. We must be cautious...

...and we need to think a step ahead of them. There is no possible way to jump from one hyperspace point to another, not unless you are knowledgeable enough to read the stars within hyperspace to make an immediate jump. Furthermore, even if you do know the stars within the hyperspace continuum enough to take such a risk, we'd still need to realign or destination...

....although it certainly seems to me you believe you can read and know the stars enough to get us to our true destination with no difficulty."

She paused, frowning. "We could crash into our escort if we aren't careful. We'll have to shake them, somehow. I doubt that our connections from within the Empire are quite powerful and influential enough to get us redirected to our intended location and through that blockade without attracting unwanted attention."

Pursing her lips in thought then, she turned to Rico. "I don't think the Empire will go for the idea that we lost a researcher where we're headed. Perhaps your idea has some possibilities however...

...I do have some ties that may be of use. My grandfather is known by the Empire, and his name will be of interest to the powers-that-be, unless they are totally uneducated in such matters.

"If they do know of him, this may help me get us where we want to go, if I can make our visit down to these Sith worlds somehow mutually beneficial... least by all outward appearances."

[ 07-02-2006 07:32 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Cardissa Mitra ]


posted 07-02-2006 03:47 PM    
((OOC: The following line in the Cardissa post shows author knowledge and should be deleted:

"...I don't think the Empire will go for the idea that we lost a researcher where we're headed, especially considering few are even supposed to know of the planets..."

Thank you.))

Bon Foyagee

posted 07-12-2006 09:14 PM    
Bon twirled his finger in his hair with one hand and tapped his forehead with the other.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he said. “I know where we go, I know where we go. I know the stars, man, I know the system, I know the jump. I need 50, no – 5 ticks to get it in, man, once we get to the crappo planet we blowin’ to. But then it’s whoosh, out of sight, out of mind!”

Rico Riven

posted 07-12-2006 09:15 PM    
“Out of mind is right, pal,” I said. “Like outta YOUR mind. All right, I can buy that you can get the coordinates of this system entered and a course laid. But I think we need to play things as close to the book as we can here, because man, this is the freakin’ EMPIRE we’re talkin’ about. You know them, right? The guys with the big ships? The big guns? The guys that like to crack down on the criminal element and make doing business a little more difficult?”

I shook my head, not quite believing what I had gotten into.

“All right,” I said, shaking my head more. “I’m bold and daring enough to try to fly my way out of this escort, BUT I get a bad feeling about that. And I trust those feelings, they’ve get me out of trouble more than once. I mean, just yesterday I was offered a job as bodyguard to this green lady – Aelly – who said she was the leader of the intergalactic mob, right? But that tingle went off, and it kept me out of the fryin’ pan when the Impies showed up and started shootin’. And it’s going off now when I think of ditchin’ these ships. So what I say is that we play it cool, get to the crappo planet we’re bound for, land for a bit and let Bongo get his computer stuff put in right, then go act innocent at the blockade. I mean, we got that guy’s name right? Panbot Dantrie or something like that?”

Cardissa Mitra

posted 07-12-2006 09:38 PM    
Cass pursed her lips very thoughtfully. An idea was beginning to play in the corners of her mind, but she didn't have all the information she needed just yet to make it work...

...if it was going to work at all. "I like the idea of following course and hunkering down on the planet," she stated aloud. "But just randomly arriving in system where there is a massive Imperial blockade and playing innocent..."

She trailed, pursing her lips again and turning to Bon Foyagee. "What do we know of the ships on those two worlds the Imperials are blockading, exactly...

...and even more importantly, how do we know it?"

Bon Foyagee

posted 07-12-2006 10:47 PM    
“Ships?” Bon quipped. “Look, man, look. We got the log, that’s what we got. Pictures in the book, man, that’s what we got. Fast, cool, sleek, man, that’s I saw. One picture, and other stuff, like pictures of things that are weapons – or maybe salad makers, man. Could be big time weapons, big time hangar of big time ships… or could be nothing. But man, I gotta know. I just got to. See, what we got is hope, and hope is more than not hope!”

Bon smiled, but was greeted with a wide-eyed look of total disbelief from Rico.

“It’s a nice picture!” cried Bon.

Rico Riven

posted 07-12-2006 10:58 PM    
I just got that feeling again.

“So you mean to tell me that all that techno-hoopla you spouted off back there, and this massive galactic bantha-hunt was all based on ONE STUPID PICTURE in a book that you can’t even TRANSLATE? Ah, man, that’s it.”

I pulled blaster and pointed it at my head.

“Just pull this trigger right now,” I said. I banged the blaster on my head and put it down.

“All right, all right. So you got a book that has a picture of a ship, and things that might be weapons, and the book was found in an abandoned dig site on an unknown deserted planet somewhere. And you got a psychic to draw you a map of some star system, which may or may not be the place this book was found. And now you got the potential name of the potential archeologist, and here we are hurtling through space to explain to the Empire why we want to go through their blockade.”

I stopped, something suddenly making sense. I hate to admit that part, but like I said before, I get those feelings.

“Now, why would the Empire have a blockade around this supposedly deserted system?”

I shrugged, not knowing what else to do.

“You know, I may be going as crazy as Bluebell, but there might be something out there. What, I don’t know.”

Cardissa Mitra

posted 07-12-2006 11:05 PM    
"Yes, now why would they be interested in blockading a deserted planet?"

Pausing at that, she chewed her lip in thought, that plan of hers still trying to spring forth into something useful. "Coming against the Empire with anything, at this point, is going to be difficult with that blockade. We can say we have a lost researcher there, as has been suggested...

...or we can come up with something even more interesting, something which would make the Empire feel sending us in would be to their advantage. So we got the picture from some archeologist's abandoned dig site...

...but how did you come upon it, seeing as the system is so heavily gaurded? How, exactly did the drawings of the ships come to be in your possession?"

Bon Foyagee

posted 07-12-2006 11:16 PM    
Bon laughed and sat down.

“Man, the craziest thing. It was a long time ago, man. A year? Two? Guys get drunk, man, they hyperspace out into nothing, man, suicidal. CRAZY! But they make it out of hyperspace, right? They stop in a system, maybe not even a system, too close to a planet, right? So they have to land, BOOM! They walk, they explore, they sober up, they find this dig, right? All scorched and blasted, nothing but rocks and melted tools and equipment, but they find this box, right? And in the box is this book. And on the box is that name. Then they go back to the ship, take off, get drunk, and hyperspace somewhere else. This time they come out near one of my ships, they take them in, trade, get the story and the book. Good thing, too, because next thing you know, the suicidal CRAZIES hyperspace into a star, so I heard.”

Bon leaned back.

“But they didn’t say not one thing about no blockade, it wasn’t there. No sir, the oppression there started pretty recent in galactic terms.”

Josiah DarkSaber

posted 07-13-2006 08:58 PM    
Where ever we where going it was taking a long time to get there. I had many questions that I wanted answered like why was the empire here with a SSD, and the ultra high security. Hopefully soon I will find out.

As we continued along I asked one of the escorts. "So how much further are we going to travel."

Cardissa Mitra

posted 07-30-2006 10:06 PM    
Somthing dark flickered in Cardissa's eyes. "So we have a book, with pictures of ships and other items that possibly look like weapons that were found at a dig sight by some random guys you intercepted."

Cardissa paused and pursed her lips, her mind spinning. "So what if we offer to work with the Empire and give them the book? After all, they will stop us at the blockade and possibly investigate us anyway. So why not be openly honest, keep our enemies close at hand...

...and keep a very close eye on them in the process?"

Rico Riven

posted 08-30-2006 09:15 PM    
Bon just sat there, turning his head to the wall and staring at nothing.

“Heck,” I said. “Sounds like a good idea to me! When we get to where we’re going, let’s buzz around the planet a bit, then set a course for the place BlueBonnet laid in.”

I glanced over at Cass and gave her a wink. God, she was nice looking…

Anyway, the little furball in the back didn’t say anything else, so I put my hands behind my head and leaned back, ready to let the time pass and hope the person next to me got sleepy and wanted to lean this way.

Wishful thinking, I know, because it wasn’t too long before the warning light came on telling me that we were heading down from hyperspace soon.

Rico Riven

posted 10-24-2006 09:39 PM    
And soon it was.

We came out of hyperspace in a flash, just outside the reach of Kati'Shyn. I sighed in relief as the fighters came out of hyperspace with us, I really didn’t want them to disappear on me and get me on the 10 Most Wanted List.

“Hey, thanks for the escort, boys!” I called into the com. “Rasia clearing off and descending into planetary atmosphere. You have to leave us, or can I buy you all a drink?”

Josiah DarkSaber

posted 11-01-2006 07:08 PM    
The guards that where escorting me didn't answer my question which was to be expected. Although I had not the privliage of seeing a SSD, it felt that more or less that where where headind to the bridge. Only time will tell.

Cardissa Mitra

posted 11-22-2006 12:32 PM    
Cardissa cocked her head a bit at Rico's final comment to the escort, actually smiling a bit crookedly his way and nodding approvingly. "Yes, join us for a drink," she said while the comm was still open. "The tab will be on me. After all, the Empire takes it's time to take care of her citizens. The least the citizens could do is give something back."

The Empire

posted 11-22-2006 12:33 PM    
The leader of the fighter escort stiffened at his controls, his lip curling at the unprofessional tone of both Cardissa's and Rico's voices which, tinny or not, staticky or not, came through his comm loud and clear.

"Rasia this is Imperial... escort. Please send coordinates of intended landing site; over."

The smile still curling about his lips, he contacted the others in the escort, warning them to be prepared for anything. For the Empire, though a spanking brand new one with oxymoronishly new-yet-old ideas, was the Empire after all, and its men found their lives within it to be uncannily truncated ones if they themselves couldn't show at least a modicum of wits and intelligence.

[ 11-22-2006 12:35 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Empire ]

Rico Riven

posted 11-22-2006 12:42 PM    
“Well,” I said, turning to Cass. “I guess those boys aren’t all made of stone after all. We can wine ‘em ad leave ‘em, and be on our way. I hope you know a good bar down there, ‘cuz the few times I’ve been here the only ones I found are pretty disgusting. But, hey, they serve drinks. The nicer ones even use clean glasses.”

I settled back in my seat.

“My favorite, of course, is the Depressed Cosmic Dust. Any other ideas?”

[ 11-22-2006 12:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rico Riven ]

Cardissa Mitra

posted 11-22-2006 12:51 PM    
Cardissa's smile turned to a scowl. "We'll take them nowhere that is any less than first class," she replied, giving Rico some coordinates then. "Kati'Shyn is not the best of locales, but they do have some finer dining in particular areas. The Golden Galaxy is one of those. After all, I don't dine any less than first class either."

Rico Riven

posted 11-22-2006 01:01 PM    
I looked at the coordinates and whistled.

“Golden Galaxy, eh? I had a dream once of goin’ there. Never thought it would come true.”

I plugged in the coordinates and sent it over the com. Then I tapped the switch so I could talk with our new best friends.

“Hope you boys wore your clean shirts. See ya planetside.”

I took my finger off the send button, put the ship into approach mode and set her into motion. I looked back to make sure everyone was ready before I began the descent, and noticed Bon really fidgeting.

“Bathroom’s in the back, Blueball. But I suggest you hold it, we’re almost there.”

He shot me a look that was less than friendly, I guess he was not too happy about this delay. I couldn’t help feel a little sorry for him.

“Hey, I didn’t think they’d agree to it. Impies never drink on duty.”


I turned to Cass.

“Come to think of it, why the heck are they accepting this invitation?”

Cardissa Mitra

posted 11-22-2006 02:41 PM    
"You honestly don't think they would be a little suspicious of the invitation?" Cardissa then asked Rico flatly. "In the case of this suspicion, they could do one of two things. They could declne the offer, and move on...

...or they could accept, and see just what the hell is going on. They are obviously doing the latter."

Saying nothing further than this, Cardissa then sat back in her seat, redirecting her eyes to the forward viewscreen as stars shifted into dusky atmosphere. As that dusky atmosphere became clearer and clearer, a small group of ships on a landing tarmac came into view below. Nearby the landing tarmac was a large building-not overly opulent on the outside but yet not simplistic either; its decor implied a sort of stateliness in an otherwise grim atmosphere.

The Rasia touched ground. "The Golden Galaxy," Cardissa muttered quietly, her eyes still forward. "Shall we see if the Imperials have made a safe and acceptable landing as well?"

[ 11-22-2006 07:15 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Cardissa Mitra ]

The Empire

posted 11-22-2006 03:12 PM    
The fighters came screaming in hot and low, buzzing the Golden Galaxy and the tarmac where Rasia had just landed, filling the air with a screeching thunder that reverberated from the ground and sent waves of reflected energy vibrating through anything in their paths.

Then, the maneuver one not only displaying the unexpected finesse of each pilot but blatantly meant to remind others just who it was who had indeed arrived, they settled in complete unison about Rasia, coming down from the skies as lightly as a grouping of feathers, their bellies alight as they slowed their descent with their braking thrusters. In but moments they hit tarmac, still in the encapsulating arrangement they had used to escort the larger ship, and there they remained, silent save for the humming thrumm of their yet-engaged engines.

Aboard each ship its pilot awaited permission to disembark, while the squadron commander set to the task of initiating an automatic feed back to Relentless, one carrying all the information they had gleaned from this particular mission so far, and one which would engage should for some reason the electrical circuits within any of their ships be unexpectedly broken.

Rico Riven

posted 11-22-2006 03:35 PM    
“Well,” I said. “We’re here.”

I unbuckled the belt and slid closer to Cass.

“I really didn’t expect them to take me seriously, you know. I mean, it’s kinda like a polite goodbye. With pilot banter is like ‘hey, thanks for the help, let me buy you a drink’ and ‘thanks, but gotta get back, catch ya next time’ and all. But hey, new experiences, right? Never ate in a nice place like this, and never called an impy pilot ‘buddy’.”

I stood, kicked the button to open the hatch, and took the lead onto the tarmac.

I hoped I wasn't getting a bad feeling. Maybe it was just hunger.

I waved towards one of the fighters and gave a thumbs-up.

[ 11-22-2006 03:37 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rico Riven ]

General Ahem

posted 11-22-2006 04:01 PM    
In his ready room aboard Sormontato, Ahem was about to address the young man who had been brought before him when the screen inset into his richly appointed desk began bleeping politely at him. Lifting a finger in Josiah's direction, he blanked the audio, then directed his gaze downward to view the message scrolling there that only his eyes could see.

"Sir, we have information on the ion signature of the departing yacht. It is not the same as the one purportedly to have taken Aelly Ssyn off-planet, but is one fairly similar. We hazard the proposition that it is the same model of ship, out of Kuat Shipyards, but one newer than the one you are seeking. Sir."

General Ahem closed his eyes briefly, feeling the onset of a headache. Wishing heartily for some nice hot tea, he forced himself to overlook the rising pain behind his eyes and quickly typed a reply.

"Bridge, this is General Ahem. Notify escort to remain standing by, and to remain in constant contact with us.

"This is Ahem, out."

Sending the message with a flip of a switch, he blacked the screen altogether and then returned his gaze to the waiting Josiah Darksaber. Folding his hands atop his desk, he leaned forward.

"Welcome to the Sormontato, sir; may I inquire as to what urgency might have possibly occurred to provoke you into attempting an illegal departure from Sullust?"

Falling silent he cocked his head, piercing Josian with a patient yet hard as steel gaze, wishing all the more that he had his usual cup of tea in his hand.

Cardissa Mitra

posted 11-22-2006 04:26 PM    
Cardissa stood, straightening out her long, flowing overtunic before following behind Rico. "Yeah," she replied to his comment about calling the Imp a buddy. Then she glanced at Rico's less than pristine attire. "You should get cleaned up. In fact, we all should. It's not every day you sit for a meal with the Imperials."

Saying nothing further than that, Cardissa stepped out of the ship behind Rico, then stepped in front of him, looking towards the Imperial escort fighters and waiting quietly for them to make the next move.

[ 11-22-2006 04:45 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Cardissa Mitra ]

The Empire

posted 11-22-2006 04:57 PM    
The squad leader was just about to order his men from their craft when the command to stand by came through. Pausing a moment to assimilate the permutations of that order, he finally nodded to himself, once. Then he opened a scrambled link to the other two.

"B-4738, disengage engines. Disembark ship, and stand guard on Rasia until further notice; VY-2254, remain engaged, all weapons trained on Rasia; at no cost is this ship to leave dirt without the full escort assigned to it.

"I'm heading out to see what it is they're up to, if I can. Keep a watch out over the fighters, boys. I will contact you when I return, or if anything unexpected should turn up."

Quickly then, he cut his engines, setting them on stand-by which yet allowed them to vent excess heat and energy. But another thought struck him before he departed from his ship; quickly he opened another link and sent off a final command.

"B-4738, VY-2254.. keep an eye peeled, fellas. If I'm not back within half a cycle, of if these bozos show up without me...

"...waste Rasia and notify Sormontato of my decision. I will take full responsibility, should it come to that."

With that he quickly finished disembarking protocol and making certain his armor was fresh and gleaming white, stepped out of his ship to approach and then come to a silent halt in front of those people he was meant to escort.

And whom he had every intention of not letting out of his sight, not even for one moment.

Rico Riven

posted 11-22-2006 05:13 PM    
I looked at the glistening white pilot step down to the ground, and I couldn’t help but whistle. Almost wished I had my shade with me, it was so bright.

“I don’t think anyone will give us grief about the way we’re dressed, not with that light blinding everyone.”

I walked forward to meet the pilot. I started with a salute, then stopped, not sure of what the impy salute is. I then extended my hand.

“Nice of ya to join us, cap’n.” I said, grinning. “And thanks again for the escort. I felt much safer knowing you were out there. And I admit, I’m happily surprised that you could come get that drink with us, I didn’t know the empire would allow that sort of thing. Maybe you could tell me a little about life in the Empire, might be an interesting career path someday.”

I kept my hand extended, grin on the face.

Josiah DarkSaber

posted 11-22-2006 05:34 PM    
"Sir it is you who outrankes me so there is no need for you to reffer to me as a sir, however if you feel the need, you can call me either Colonel or Josiah."

"As to the reason of my hasty departure the honest answer is boredom, and my ship the Dark Phoenix has major personality issues."

As slowly as possible I reached into one of the pockets of my uniform and pulled out a few data cards and set them on the general's desk.

"I'm aware that you will want to search my ship as well so just to make this painless as possible here is my ships manifest and all the permits for all the weapons I am allowed to manufacture, utilize, transport, and sell that you will find on my ship."

General Ahem

posted 11-22-2006 06:28 PM    
"You risk your ship being impounded and yourself imprisoned for the sake of boredom? How very interesting...


Saying no more the General reached smoothly out to the cards Josiah had cast down before him. He let his hand merely touch them a moment, taking the opportunity to study the man who was so free and easy with what he offerred, before picking them up from where they lay. Not one to waste any further time, he quickled riffled through them--

All seemed on the up and up, normal, nothing out of the way...

--before casting them somewhat impatiently back on the desk again. Folding his hands he leaned forward, studied Josiah.

"May I inquire as to the direction your overwhelming... boredom was in the process of taking you, before you were escorted aboard Sormontato?" he asked, his voice as silky as honey, his the gaze he pinned the man with dagger sharp.

Cardissa Mitra

posted 11-22-2006 06:37 PM    
Cardissa shot Rico a somewhat veiled look, then turned to look at the Imperial fighter pilot in his gleaming white uniform. "Please, forgive my pilot for his assumptions as to your probable actions," she opened with. "Forgive us for the awkward invitation here as well, but there is something of importance I would like to present to you.

And to your superiors."

Josiah DarkSaber

posted 11-22-2006 06:46 PM    
"I have no idea where we where headed, it was Phoenix's turn to pick the destination."

I took a moment to adjust myself from the position of parade rest to something more comfortable.

"At the moment I'm in between jobs, there's little intrest for me in the private sector of weapons development, the military sector was always better... less restrictions on power output, rate of fire, and so on."

The Empire

posted 11-22-2006 07:12 PM    
The Imperial squadron leader snapped to a crisp attention.

"Imperial fighter FJ-845," he said succinctly before falling silent, unmoving save for his head which tilted toward Golden Galaxy in a manner most inquisitive for an Imperial Trooper.

Cardissa Mitra

posted 11-22-2006 09:40 PM    
(((OOC: Lengthy thread alert! This little meeting continues in Dark Destiny in this same forum, thank you.)))


posted 11-23-2006 12:22 AM    
((OOC: This entire thread continues there as well! THIS ONE'S WAY TOO LONG. So adios to Pale Rider; we'll see everyone now in Dark Destiny in the "CSWU" forums, thank you.))