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Sarisa Ker

posted 07-14-2005 11:07 PM    
(( OOC: This thread continues from Smugglers Moon in the "CSWU" forums, thank you. ))

"Major do you know of anyone who might aid us in this endevour whether be it by funds or resources?"

She watched his eyes as he begins thinking of all the many people he has interacted with.

"I can help provide funds but I don't know of anyone willing to produce the materials or the means to build a structure like what we are wanting."

[ 07-15-2005 01:03 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 07-15-2005 01:40 PM    
((comes in from 'Smugglers Moon' in the same forum))

Kitiana nods to Xenn and decides to take her leave. She really has no interest in talking about things to deal with the jedi at the moment. Sure it is important, but she has her own things she must attend to.

"I will be in my ship for a while if anybody needs me."

With that she takes her leave. She really doubts anybody will come looking for her, but if something did happen they may need to know where she is. Besides, she always had to tell her father where she was going. Of course, that was probably because he never trusted her; that she knew.

Kitiana steps into her ship and opens a drawer with several data chips. Her father's data chips. Perhaps there would be some useful information on them for her or her companions. She never looked at them before because she wished to 'forget' her father. Now she knows that is not possible, he is part of her whether she likes it or not, and understanding him may help her understand herself.


posted 07-16-2005 06:07 PM    
((Enters from The Smugglers Moon in the same forum. Thanxx))

Xenn walks down a variety of corridors until he comes up on Kitiana's ship, he request permission to enter and waits paitenly.

'Hopefully she will let me train her, she has great potential...'

Xenn waits outside the ships doors.

[ 07-16-2005 06:07 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 07-16-2005 06:27 PM    
Kitiana inserts the data chips and starts scanning through the information and diagrams. One such data chip has a diagram of the planets which certain ones are blocked. Some planets' names she recognizes, but why would somebody block them?
Another data chip goes on to tell about some of Kitiana's earlier training with lightsabers. She reads through them and smirks until she senses somebody outside. She puts all the datachips back in the drawer before opening the doors.



posted 07-17-2005 01:08 PM    
"Hello Kitiana,

Xenn walks in and takes a look at everything scattered about.

i came in regards to your... training, i know i havent given you much time to think, but thats only because we need action now more than anything else, although one of the many important concepts the Jedi teach is patientce, i feel that when we are in a crisis like we are now, with the Temple destroyed, we need to act immediatley.

He walks up next to her with this shoulders back and head angled down.

I need to teach you now, in hopes that when this new temple is built, you can teach your own students. You have the potential to become a great Jedi, i can teach you things about the force that, frankly, i dont think anyone else can, not that that should affect your descison, im sure the major would make just a good teacher.

Xenn smirks

What are your impressions?"


posted 07-17-2005 06:52 PM    
Kitiana remains seated as Xenn walks in and stands over her as he talks. Some may think that intimidating, but Kitiana doesn't; she feels just as comfortable sitting as she would standing. Besides, she knows her reflexes are fast enough if anything were to happen, which she has come to the conclusion that they will not betray her. Nobody has told her any lies, at least not that she knows of. When Xenn is done speaking she simply stares at him, as if looking into him, though it could just be the way her eyes are.
From what she's heard from the others, the Dark Side is something that Jedi strive not to be, and she still is unsure what path to take. Both have been brought to her attention now, and she isn't sure she can simply forget her older teachings from her father. Yet, she has been wanting to learn more with each passing day. And perhaps, these teachings will drive out the others.

"Well, I do look forward to my first teachings."

It was her way of saying 'yes'. She is still young and doesn't want to waste her time with indecisions. insolent girl! Her father's voice broke in through her head and she would have glared at him, were he alive. But he isn't alive, he died several weeks ago. So why do I still hear him? Fear? She shakes the thoughts from her head as quickly as they had risen.

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-18-2005 06:35 PM    
After Kitiana and Xenn head out of the room in their own directions Sarisa looks to the Major and asks...

"Where is the rest of your group that I saw you with when you first arrived on Nar Shaada? Do they not have anything to say about our idea?"

She watches him awaiting his response. As she does so she starts trying to think of what to do with this diverse bunch. Two of which she has sensed seeds of the darkside with in. One seems to have a very serious struggle within while the other seems to try to add his darkside training to somehow incorporate it to being a light side tactic.

She shakes her head thinking maybe she should go meditate in her quarters.


posted 07-18-2005 11:16 PM    
Xenn Smiles and says

"Very well, Meet me in my chambers for your first lessons, im looking forward to this."

He walks towards the turbolifts and hits the button to his level.

As he walks way back to his chambers he starts to think about his shipmates...

'Do they trust me? Do I trust them?'

Xenn shakes his head

'Of course they do, of course i do, were Jedi, arent we?'

He stops and thinks about the Temple's absence

'Do Jedi even exist??? Does the galaxy not even care that the jedi are gone? Why are we even upholding the teachings anymore, this is an oppurtune time to put my own teachings into effect.'

He stares off for a second

'NO! Remember your Jedi teaching'

He continues walking

'Keep in mind, the others are depending on you. Do what is right, and good, for yourself and the others.'

He opens his chamber doors hits the lights and kneels down infront of the gaping window that stares into the silent space.

Darkness fills the room, with nothing but space looking over him.

He Waits.

[ 07-18-2005 11:19 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 07-19-2005 08:19 AM    
She remains seated as he leaves, to think to herself. She is excited to be learning once again, of course, this is concealed inside. Mostly she tries to hide her emotions inside. On the outside, she seems older than she is save for her lack of knowledge. But on the inside, there is still the child she was never allowed to be, the child her father made her supress or live to regret it.

She wonders what the lesson will be, hoping that it will deal with fighting. Fighting, the one thing she has always been truly good at without much practice. She loves to fight, but perhpas she will learn about something she isn't so good at. Something that will only add to her knowledge. Whatever it was, she would find out.
You do not hear me out of fear Kitiana. I will always be a part of you, whether you want me to or not. Kitiana scolwed at herself. I killed you for a reason, so stay out of my mind. Maybe she is creating him in her mind because he was all she knew. Maybe he really can talk to her. She really isn't sure herself.

Kitiana stands and makes her way to Xenn room. She isn't quite sure where he stays, but she does know enough that she can sense him out. A knock came on his door as Kitiana waits to be let in.


posted 07-19-2005 08:50 PM    
The Major turned to Sarisa,

"I'm not sure about the other members of my party, I believe the Jedi are all for the academy, Ender seems to have enjoy commanding the pilots... Xenn is a trickier guy to read, he's really arrogant, and too judgmental..."

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-19-2005 09:00 PM    
"What do you sense from Kitiana? Since we're on the subject what about myself?"

She watched him with curious eyes. The ice blue tone in them seemed to hide something just as a glacier hides many things.

"You seem to be a good leader seeing as how you have command of this ship and all who are aboard. Besides that you seem to be the only one who was trained by and actual jedi master. "


posted 07-19-2005 11:17 PM    
Xenn Waves his hand and his chamber doors slide open.

"Come here"

The cold air rushes out of the room and into the hallway.

Kitiana Walks up next to the kneeling Xenn who is staring out of the gaping window in his chambers that overlooks space.

Kitiana Kneels beside him and they gaze at the never ending abyss infront of them

Xenn Waves his hand and the doors snap shut

"The Jedi..." he begins and continues for about twenty minutes

He can tell Kitiana is very interested in his words and shes absorbing 99 percent of it, the other percent is spent mostlikely thinking about personal problems.

Their in their own little world. Staring off into space Xenn tells her about the proper jedi etiquette. and basic teachings, he goes on for hours.


posted 07-20-2005 05:56 AM    
Kitiana listens to his words as a child who wants all the knowledge in the world. On several occassions she thinks about her father's teachings, and can't help but to compare and contrast them.
She also looks into space and notices the beauty of it, something she's never really paid close attention to. Even as she thinks to herself and looks into the abyss of space, her attention is wholly on Xenn, her teacher.

((alright, that is my last post for about two weeks, hopefully less than that, but I can't make any guarantees. Again sorry))


posted 07-20-2005 08:49 PM    
"On Kitiana, she really means good, but she dwells on her past a bit more than I'd like, she's the brooding type, but I think she'll pull through, a little angry, but all of the self control in the world...,"

He grinned,

"And on you, I know you were experienced with both sides, and were capable of balancing on that precarious beam in the center. A truly balanced being, and I'm impressed by that..."

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-20-2005 08:57 PM    
She smiles slightly at the impression she seems to have made with the Major, and nods in agreement about Kitiana.

"You are correct about Kitiana. She does seem to have issues that she needs to tend to and hopefully put behind her or make it work for her. I do think she could benefit from being taught by someone if she feels comfortable doing so."

A brief pause as she thinks again then begins again.

"Do you know of any other Jedi that we might seek out to aid us? Do you think we should make this secret praxeum? I ask because I do not know any place where we might build one that is planet based."


posted 07-20-2005 11:56 PM    
"I have instructed you on how to make a lightsaber, and youve even drawn several Diagrams, The time has come for you to build your own, and officially hold the title of Padawan"

Xenn Provides Kitiana with the tools and supplies to create her own lightsaber.

"Your Crystal will be a light green, reflecting upon your determination to gain knowledge. I will leave you now, call me mentally when you have finished, I will be waiting."

Xenn Exits the room and heads through various corridors to where Sarisa and the Major are chatting and then asks.

"We should have the necessary droids begin building this temple, while we are looking for more hopefuls. By the time we get enough hopefuls, the temple will be prepared, and we will be able to train more students.?"

He stares at them both waiting for a response


[ 07-21-2005 02:01 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 07-25-2005 09:32 PM    
(( OOC: Ive not entered an RP on this Site yet, and It's time to change that.))

Sellith cruised through space, although he did not like it some things must be done. The tiny ship he was in was not the most up to date ship in the galaxy but it would do just now.

Sellith caught a glimpse of something in the distance, something big, he looked up and decided to investigate. As he approached he disguised his thoughts, feelings and intentions, if there were force user on board it would be best if they did not know anything about him.

As he got closer he was eager to get inside and see if there was anything of importance inside.

[ 07-25-2005 10:50 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sellith ]


posted 07-25-2005 09:41 PM    
In the middle of their conversation Xenn senses an unknown force user entering their proximity

Xenn walks up to the Hanger bay, waits for this... thing whatever it is, to enter the flower.

[ 07-25-2005 09:42 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 07-25-2005 10:00 PM    
As he got to the hanger bay door he focused on the hanger bay door and it began to open just wide enough for Sellith to enter. He was suprised he was not attcked on his approach, he figured it was due to the size of the ship. When he got in he sensed a Jedi near him. He landed in the hanger and slowly got out his ship.


posted 07-25-2005 10:28 PM    
Xenn Eyed this strange man stepping out of his tiny ship, then yelled at him

"Who Are you?"

Xenn waits upstairs, with his hand on his lightsaber.


posted 07-25-2005 10:48 PM    
Sellith looked towards the man and replied, "I am a traveller searching for assistance, have I came to a place that can help?".


posted 07-25-2005 10:54 PM    
Xenn Senses somthing awry about this man, but wont deny the help he has requested, as he was once in his situation.

"Follow me."

Xenn leads him into a Extra large sized room, with 2 waterfalls and flora on each side of them, with 4 cushions to sit on, Xenn sits then asks

"Whats your name Traveller? and where were you headed?"

[ 07-25-2005 10:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 07-25-2005 11:08 PM    
Sellith followed the man into the room and sat opposite from him, " Forgive me, my name is Soman Socar, I seek a place to stay for a short period of time, I have made many people unhappy on countless planets and they would all pay gladly to see me dead". He looked about the room, " If I may say this vessel would be perfect, Are you the Commander of this ship?"


posted 07-25-2005 11:12 PM    
Xenn thinks about Somans response.

"Im Xenn, You can have quarters, theres plenty. Take the turbolift to the one of the levels marked quarters. Im not the commander... but, hes around, somewhere, So, Soman, what have you done to anger people enough to want your head?


posted 07-25-2005 11:30 PM    
"I will talk to the commander before staying here. Let's just say that in the path to knowledge there are many bumps ". Sellith examined the Jedi in front of him, taking note of where his lightsaber was held. "I see that you are a Jedi? It has been a long time since I have seen a Jedi".


posted 07-25-2005 11:39 PM    
"There are a couple other jedi here, or those who wield the force and use a lightsaber, that call themselves jedi. Ill Name them Off, First We have the young and talented Kitiana, my padawan. Then we Have Sarisa Ker, which has been quiet recently, but nevertheless jubilent. Then Theres Ender, whom i havent seen in a while, and The Commander of this vessle, my personal favorite person (with extreme sarcasm on his face) Major Konig, there are others, but i have yet to see them."

Xenn Pauses. Then looks At Soman and continues

"We are trying to construct a New Jedi Academy in outer space somewhere, a floating space station like academy. secret to the General... and hopefully to any opposers. Where are you from?"


posted 07-25-2005 11:56 PM    
Sellith looked suprised, "Interesting, I am suprised that so many Jedi have grouped together considering the danger if they were ever found out, it looks like I came to the right place if there are people who want me dead." Sellith paused, "A secret Jedi Acadamy, thats incredible, I do not call anywhere home now, I was wondering, how are you going to get more Jedi for the acadamy without alerting anyone else?".


posted 07-26-2005 12:04 AM    
"We were just going to scout them out... go down to planets and find Force Sensitives. Thats dangerous? enlighten me, maybe ive been away too long..."


posted 07-26-2005 12:12 AM    
"Many of the people I talked to seemed to dislike the Jedi, perharps there ignorance between not knowing the difference in Jedi was a factor, but it appeared to me that the Jedi are very unpopular right now". Sellith shrugged his shoulders. "The force is very powerful, many people fear it and mabye that could be the reason why. Ive not stayed up with current events so I don't know."


posted 07-26-2005 12:26 AM    
"That could be why i have sensed little jedi activity, along with Actar Destroying the Temple, id guess jedi are public enemy number one right now."

Xenn Stares into one of the waterfalls. then asks

"So... what are you Soman, Jedi? Or Dark Jedi"


posted 07-26-2005 12:36 AM    
"I know a little of the force but not enough to call myself a Jedi. I just use the basics for tasks I can not accomplish otherwise. I have not heard of a Dark Jedi in the galaxy for a while. May I ask how you can trust your shipmates? They might not be who they appear to be." Sellith stood up. "Could I have something to drink I have not had anything in hours".


posted 07-26-2005 12:44 AM    
"Oh, im sorry of course."

Xenn Gets up and leads Soman to the Mess hall, where he can choose from a variety of foods and drinks.

"How can i trust my shipmates? good question. but a better one is, how can they trust me? its an uneasy calm, i think it will wear off with time."

Xenn gets a chill up and down his spine as he takes a sip of water.


posted 07-26-2005 12:53 AM    
Sellith got up and followed Xenn into the room and got a glass of water, and listened to what Xenn had to say.

"I don't believe anyone truley trusts someone that they don't love, especially with Jedi, how can you trust a person that is not allowed to love anyone, they also have powers that can affect minds and can mask their own feelings, a very helpful ability if you use it properly."

Sellith put the glass to his mouth and drunk the water slowly.

[ 07-26-2005 01:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sellith ]


posted 07-27-2005 12:34 AM    
Xenn Stared at Soman drink the water... then raised an eyebrow and said

"The Jedi practice unconditional love to all things... but not all the people on this ship are legitimate jedi..."

Xenn Stares at the Floor then Looks at Soman and says "Who do you love? and why are you all the way out here?"

[ 07-27-2005 12:34 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 07-27-2005 12:48 AM    
"I have no need for love, my life requires total concentration on what happens next, I can not let my thoughts focus on an individual person." Sellith sighed and then continued to speak, "As I told you before, there are some people that are not the happiest with me, it only makes sense being mobile constantly is the best option to take. What about you? What brought you to this ship?"

[ 07-27-2005 02:45 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sellith ]


posted 07-27-2005 01:33 PM    
Kitiana listens to Xenn in all he has to tell her. She already knows how to construct a lightsaber, seeing as she already has two. Well, one she constructed and her father's. She has grown to love her crimson saber, the weapon she has practiced with so often in the past. Yet, she does not tell him this, because she feels he already knows she constructed her own at one point before. Perhaps he wants her to construct one for her new beginning. She doesn't mind having another weapon, but she will not part with the ones she already has.
Kitiana is not the greatest in many aspects of the force, but she doesn't construct her new saber rather quickly. One, because she has done so before, and two because she loves the beautiful weapons.I am done.

Her ability in sending messages is a bit amateur as it is broken up in many places, though it is still understandable. She sits in the room and waits for her teacher to return, or to give her other instructions. Her attention was turned completely onto the task at hand, and it isn't until now she feels the other force user. Where did he come from, and what was his purpose on this ship? She reaches out to him, trying to feel him out, if he's a jedi, or her or her father.

((Yay, I'm back!! ))

[ 07-27-2005 01:35 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kitiana ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-28-2005 05:25 PM    
During the time spent talking with the Major she felt a ripple in the Force as if something was near but unsure of what it might be. A person? A creature? She couldn't pin point the source but she did know one thing. It was close, and it was something else aside from everyone else she has interacted with or been introduced to.

She told the Major she was going to head to bed for the night. A classic but still effective diversion as she made her way through the living quarters area.

She stopped for a moment to concentrate. Senses opened up touching all around her and then passing through the ship itself. She kept a mental note of where everyone was.

The Major.....Ender......Xenn and Kitiana...and someone new. "Who is this",she wondered as she began heading in the direction of the mess hall.


posted 07-28-2005 07:40 PM    
Xenn feels Kitiana reaching out to him, and summons her mentally to the mess hall, he wants her to form an opinion of our new shipmate, and he also has other matters to discuss with her.

Xenn Looks over at Soman and says

"Soon you shall meet my apprentice..."


posted 07-28-2005 08:16 PM    
Sellith sensed the others approaching but did not say anything about them in case he revealed too much about his abilities.

"Great, so Xenn are you a Jedi Master or a Knight?"

Sellith fixed his cloak and cleared his throat for the two new people that were making their way to the mess hall. He examined his surroundings once again while he waited for Xenn's answer.

[ 07-28-2005 08:28 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sellith ]


posted 07-28-2005 09:02 PM    
"Im a Jedi."

Xenn Looks around. and then towards the door

"Im not old enough to be a master."

Xenn flashes back to before the carbonite freezing... His last days on the academy. all his friends... her...

He snaps out of it, and says

"But, masters have come to me. For insight..."


posted 07-28-2005 09:19 PM    
Sellith stopped and looked at Xenn with a suprised look on his face.

"You mean to say they are not giving you a title because you are not old enough?" Sellith laughed quietly " Thats just like the Jedi...that you get told about on planets. So tell me Xenn what do you make of your apprentice?"


posted 07-28-2005 09:28 PM    
Xenn stops for a second and stares at Soman.

"Kitiana is young, with a good head on her shoulders, though i think she just needs a good friend to talk to. hopefully she knows that im there for her, and she understands the connection between Master and Apprentice..."


posted 07-28-2005 09:53 PM    
"Your Apprentince is a she? I expected her to be a man. The last time I saw a female Jedi was when I was a child...So where is this ship heading anyway? I forgot to ask, in all the excitement of meeting a Jedi."

Sellith felt the other two beings getting closer. He grew slightly nervous of the thought of being outnumbered three to one with even more Jedi around on the ship.


posted 07-29-2005 12:14 AM    
"Yes, shes a woman, or girl, whatever youd like. Shes a strong potential in the force nonetheless. I dont know exactly where were headed. but i do know that we are trying to accomplish the mission at hand, were just waiting to see if we can come up with the resourses."

Xenn steps over to a chair and pulls it up alongside the bar and sits down.


posted 07-29-2005 12:23 AM    
Sellith pulls up a seat next to Xenn and sits down.

"Did you ever stop and think that mabye the galaxy does not want anymore Jedi? Mabye building this new Acadamy would make nothing but trouble."

[ 07-29-2005 12:26 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sellith ]


posted 07-29-2005 01:00 AM    
Xenn listens to Soman as he stares into the back of the bar. getting lost in the false hope that could be rebuilding the jedi.

Xenn thinks

'He could be right, if the jedi temple was destroyed by Actar, he clearly didnt want any more jedi running around. we were all targets... and we still are.'

Xenn Mutters

"The jedi serve the people, we... they... it cant be."

[ 07-29-2005 01:02 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 07-29-2005 01:19 AM    
A slight smile came to Sellith's face as he could tell what was going on in Xenn's mind.

" I'm sorry to say this friend but the Jedi are not wanted or required in the galaxy. The only way Jedi can survive now is to gain total power by becoming more aggressive and destory anything that gets in the way. Even if it is an entire army or a tiny child. Anger and aggression will be the only ways to survive."


posted 07-29-2005 01:22 AM    
Kitiana clips her new saber to her belt and walks from the room toward the mess hall. There is definately somebody else on board, and she feels she is about to meet them. She steps into the mess hall quietly, her crystalline blue eyes make it difficult to tell what her emotions are. Her ears pick up the tail end of the conversation. She herself has asked this question about the jedi academy, but believes it is worth a try.

"Perhaps the people have been misled in their views of the jedi. Perhaps they don't want jedi around; but there is no harm in trying. We will find out if the people want jedi around. Why should we take just your word for it?"

Her voice does not give any hint to her emotions. She does not know this new person, this other force user, and thus will not betray anything to him. She has let her guard down for those onboard the ship, but at the moment, that is all she is willing to do. She also does not refer to herself as part of the jedi. She is not part of them yet, and it may be a while before she considers herself a part of them.
She walks over and stands behind her master, watching Sellith, trying to figure him out.

[ 07-29-2005 01:23 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kitiana ]


posted 07-29-2005 01:42 AM    
Sellith turned to Kitiana upon hearing her voice and listen to what she had to say.

"Xenn I assume this is your apprentice? Well I have been to many planets, and the message is always the same even the sight of a lightsaber can make them angry. Even if the Jedi did regroup and grow in numbers their help would not be wanted, they would be trying to help or mabye even risking their lives for people who would not even be thankful. Sure you should make up your own choice but just think what you would get into."

As Sellith was saying this he was focusing on Kitiana's mind, he could tell that she was different from the others on the ship.

"Also, if the force is not taught to anyone then there will be no Dark Jedi either to take control of the galaxy. Of course there is a little darkness is each of us."

He smiled at Kitiana as he said his last sentence.


posted 07-29-2005 01:44 AM    
Xenn feels Kitiana behind him, his ears twitch as he stares blankly into the bar, as he hears Soman's ideas.

"Agression? Anger?"

he says

"That is what destroyed the jedi in the first place"

His head slowly turns toward Soman.

Xenn closes his eyes and catches a cold chill

a feeling...

a feeling that he has not felt...

since he was a darksider.

"Destroy and Rebuild

Those are Sith Philiosophies... What are you proposing Soman?"


posted 07-29-2005 02:01 AM    
Sellith turned back to Xenn, "I am not proposing anything, I am just offering some good advice. I just think it would be a bad move for the Jedi to help others if they are not liked".


posted 07-29-2005 02:13 AM    
Xenn Squints his eyes

"Alright, Soman Socar. Ill buy it this time.

Xenn Orders a Drink then says

"Ill be watching. Sellith."

[ 07-29-2005 02:39 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 07-29-2005 02:57 AM    
Sellith looked at Xenn with a blank look on his face.

"Don't worry Xenn, I only need a place to stay what the Jedi do are none of my concern. So why do you not like this Major Konig?"


posted 07-29-2005 12:09 PM    
"I Dont have a problem with him. Conflicting personalities i think."

Xenn Turns around too look at Kitiana

"Kitiana, youve completed your task? can i examine your work?"


posted 07-29-2005 12:11 PM    
(((OOC: Hey guys, I'm no admin or mod or anything, but maybe you should hold up for some of the other RPers, you've gone through like a page and a half by yourselves with little imput from anyone else in about two days! I'm just saying...)))

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-29-2005 02:44 PM    
Approaching the mess hall she can hear voices talking about the Jedi, anger and not liked. The voice is one she hasn't heard before and must belong to the new comer.

The instant she turns the corner to enter the mess hall she looks for the new person. She spots him quickly as well as seeing Xenn and Kitiana. This newcomer had a strange air about him. Something didn't quite sit well in her gut feelings.

Her cloak flowing behind her as she continues to approach the small gathering. As she does so her senses start to try to find a point of interest with this person so she might find out why she is getting an ill feeling about him.

Looking directly at the stranger with her ice blue eyes her gaze almost seeming to pierce the very air and look into him she speaks but addresses her question to Xenn.

"Who is this?

[ 07-30-2005 01:11 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 07-29-2005 02:52 PM    
"This is... Soman."

Thats the only way I can put it, really i dont know much about him either, his past is gaurded by his intentions, whatever they may be.

Xenn looks at Sarisa, then says

"Hes new here, with alot of new ideas."

[ 08-03-2005 06:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 07-29-2005 08:03 PM    
((OOC: I agree with Rykounagin, Major Konig hasn't posted in 9 days and Ender hasn't posted on this thread at all. Also none of the characters should know the name Sellith thats his Dark Jedi name (Darth Sellith). Just Saying ))

Sellith turned to Sarisa after Xenn had 'introduced' him.

"Let me guess. Another Jedi? There certainly are alot of them on board, how many did you say Xenn? 4? 5? Anyway yes I am new here, but I wouldn't say I have new ideas, more like opinions."

Sellith studied Kitiana and Sarisa, discreetly trying to locate both their lightsabers.

"What is your name Jedi?" he asked Sarisa looking into her eyes trying not to be intimidated by her gaze.

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-30-2005 01:25 PM    
She looks briefly at Xenn after he states who this person is, but then her gaze returns back to Somar.

She watches his facial expressions as well as his body position as he seems to also be trying to figure her out as well. Although, he seems to be looking for something. Not so much trying to examine her but searching for something in particular.

She grabs the leading edges of her cloak and pulls them across her front to keep whatever he might be looking for hidden. She didn't like this man's presence. Something wasn't right. I will find out your purpose she thought to herself keeping her mind shielded as she was taught long ago how to keep others from reading her thoughts.

"What makes you think I'm a Jedi?" she asks with a sharp tone. "Since you just arrived I think you should tell us what you are."

[ 07-30-2005 11:47 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 07-31-2005 02:49 AM    
As Sarisa pulled her cloak over her Sellith felt annoyed with himself that he did not find her lightsaber in time, he didn't really care about it now that he was being questioned.

"I am just a humble traveller who seeks knowledge on certain matters, who has fortunate enough to learn a few basic force techniques. I can sense a certain goodness around you that only comes with being a Jedi."

Sellith rubbed his eyes from lack of sleep because of travelling but shook it off, he looked at all three of the Jedi around him and then at Sarisa. She was a bit more suspicious than he would have liked but he thought all Jedi would be suspicious of a unknown force user.

"Am I right? Are you a Jedi?" he asked Sarisa with a smile on his face knowing he was right.


posted 07-31-2005 06:18 AM    
((I believe the thread should be slowed down quite a bit. I know how it feels to get left behind in an rp when it's not your fault you couldn't resond.))

"There is darkness in everything, but there is also good in everything. You have to have both for equilibrium..."

She responds to Sellith's comment, her eyes narrowed slightly at him. There is more to him than meets the eye, she can feel it. It feels almost like her father, and that scares her to a point.
As Sarisa walks in she hands Xenn her new lightsaber, pulling it from the right side of her belt with her left hand. She is not lefthanded, but it was the quickest place to clip her lightsaber at the time. Her other sabers are hidden by her cloak.

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-31-2005 01:43 PM    
Seeing that Somar didn't seem to find what he was looking for she felt a slight sense of gratification but she didn't let it show.

"Just a traveller huh? How does a simple traveller learn to use Force unless there's more to him than what he's telling?"

She continues to look him over while at the same time trying to sense for a hole in his facade.

"As far as the feeling of good you seem to get from me doesn't lead to the fact of me being a Jedi or not. There are plenty of good mannered people in the galaxy both Jedi and non. Besides that there are good Jedi and then there are bad Jedi."

Her eyes catch him rubbing his eyes. I don't know if you're faking it or not but I will not let my guard down even for an instant. She thought to herself while continuing to keep her mind shielded.


posted 08-02-2005 05:37 AM    
The Major had retired for a few hours, and had just recently woken up, he clothed himself and made his way to the Mess hall, he had exited the turbolift and sensed all the familiars, but there was a funny 'taste' in that room... A new presence, hiding something...

"Good'day all, who might this new... companion be?"

((OOC: sorry I've been missing, busy lately, painting my room, getting a puppy, (he's so cute) you understand))

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-02-2005 05:43 PM    
"Good'day all, who might this new... companion be?" stated the Major as Sarisa turned briefly to notice he had entered the mess hall and joined the conversation.

"I'm not sure if he should be considered a companion Major." she replies.

She turns her attention back to Somar. Still trying to figure him out.

"Something is not right with him. It makes me weary of his presence."


posted 08-02-2005 06:03 PM    
"Soman means no harm. Hes just looking for passage. Which i think we can provide."

Xenn said distinctly the he looked at Sarisa and the Major.

"Kitiana and I will watch him personally, im trusting he can wait until he is off of this ship to start his bidding."

Xenn then looks at Soman with a serious face, he knows what Soman is hiding, and his presence feels eerily unfamiliar. Xenn had been around Dark Jedi and Jedi alike. he knows how they work, what they think, and why they do the thngs they do. Soman on the other hand is a complete anomoly to anything Xenn had ever known. Sellith... somthing isnt right.

"Ill be watching, Soman."

[ 08-02-2005 06:10 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-02-2005 06:17 PM    
Not taking her eyes off Somar she responds to Xenn.

"How do you know what his intentions are. Just because someone tells you they have a delivery for you doesn't always mean it's going to be good." The tone in her voice becoming stern.

"Tells us Somar...where are you hoping to get passage to? Tell us what knowledge you seek."


posted 08-03-2005 03:38 AM    
Just as Sellith was about to answer Sarisa's first question, the Major walked in and joined the conversation. He looked at the Major as he spoke.

"My name is Soman Soccar", he told the Major.

He looked at Sarisa and answered two of her questions.

"I am looking for a place to hide for a short period of time, as some of you are Jedi I think it would be wrong not to let me stay. As for knowledge, I seek to find out the loacation of a person who can finish teaching me how to use certain things."

He looked back at the Major and spoke to him,

"Are you the commander of this ship?"


posted 08-03-2005 07:00 AM    
Kitiana listens to the others. She continues to stand behind Xenn, her posture slightly more relaxed, but not much.

"I would have no problem 'watching' Somar. Besides, I would like to ask him about his travels."

She knows everybody is weary of him, even her, but most of this ship are jedi right?

"Somar is right. Jedi would at least give him a chance; give him some help. Or am I wrong in that assumption?"

She knows she is right from what Xenn had taught her earlier. At the present he poses no real threat, and until they can prove otherwise why should they just cast him out? Besides, she does want to find out more about this new person.


posted 08-03-2005 04:49 PM    
"You're hidng something Somar, I can feel it in your aura," the Major eyed the stranger, ?yes, I am the commander of this vessel, and I want to ask you, how did you come aboard the ship?" He took several steps up the the stranger, "Noone can open the hangar doors without the code, which only the bridge officer and I have." The Major surveyed his garb, which wasn't quite right, he couldn't place what was wrong with it, "Also why are you hiding? why, is it serious enough to force entry upon former New Republic ship, full of Jedi and near-Jedi?

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-03-2005 07:05 PM    
"Kitiana, I know I'm not training you but I sense you have some mixed emotions inside of you and I would suggest you try to sort them out before volunteering to "watch" Somar. His presence is disturbing. perhaps you should leave the observing to someone such as the Major or myself."

Her tone still carrying a serious note as she keeps Somar in her field of vision while talking to Kitiana.

"You are welcome to ask him questions but be mindful young one."

She then awaits to see what Somar has to say in response to the Major's questions.


posted 08-03-2005 07:30 PM    
"Sarisa, perhaps you didnt hear me correctly. Kitiana And I, will watch Soman. You all are more than welcome to stay, but I feel that we can all learn somthing about ourselves."

Xenn then looks at Soman

"Soman Included."

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-03-2005 07:40 PM    
" I did hear your statement, but you seem to also have an internal struggle. You who praises a lightsaber too much. I do not think leaving that task to you is wise. The Major and myself will keep an eye on Somar. You should tend to teaching Kitiana. Maybe the two of you can find ways to work out the battles with in yourselves."

She positions herself in a more confident stance as she watches the looks on Xenn and Kitiana's faces.

"There will be no more discussion on this matter. This is the Major's ship. He shall make the decision"

Turning to Somar once again making sure he knows she hasn't forgotten him.


posted 08-03-2005 08:11 PM    
Xenn looks rather suprised. He then gets up from the bar.

"I Praise my Lightsaber because on more than one occasion it has saved my life, and the life of others."

Then he then looks at an suprised Kitiana, then back at Sarisa.

"Sarisa, Lets not forget that you yourself told me that you still have tendencies of drifting to the dark side, and your not even a full Jedi Knight. The purist of heart here is Konig, but even he is not completely clean... no one is. Konig and I are the Only 2 in this room with complete Knighthood. You should remember your place, and not speak in such a manner as to reduce yourself, especially to a true jedi."

Xenn looks hard at Sarisa

"You are right, we will wait for Konigs Decision."

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-03-2005 08:46 PM    
Turning to Xenn with shock written all over her face as he speaks.

"Xenn I never told you anything like that. The only discussion we had was in regards to the Force itself and being in control of it or not. We never talked about light or dark sides. You are the one who admitted to being a dark Jedi for 15 years so you are the last one I want to hear talking about being a true Jedi."

She begins to glare at Xenn and thinks to herself. Who do you think you are talking to me like that? I'm not some child.

"Besides which what good is the title of knight if there isn't even a counsel? Without there being a counsel of Jedi masters we are all pretty much even. No one out ranks anyone here. In fact the only one with rank of anykid is the Major but that is for his subordanates to follow under."

She stops and thinks to herself again. All the while continuing to keep her mind blocked. This is getting out of hand. I'm begining to feel like I'm part of an inquisition.


posted 08-03-2005 09:09 PM    
Xenn Chuckles

"There is much anger in your voice Sarisa. Perhaps such feelings have clouded your memory aswell. You told me that recently you have found yourself drifting to the dark side of the force. (Smugglers Moon Page 4)"

Xenn thinks back. then acknoledges Sarisa.

"Indeed i was a Dark Jedi, i have walked down the path of the dark side of the force, But i have been redeemed, and im not afraid to share my thoughts. Unlike yourself, sheilding your thoughts can only mean you are unsure of yourself, which is a sign of fear. Which, take it from me, leads to the dark side. Sarisa, maybe you should asess your own internal struggle instead of pointing out others. As far as me not being a Jedi Knight, ill just forget you said that."

[ 08-03-2005 09:12 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-03-2005 09:26 PM    
Not acknowledging Xenn's recall of their talks on Nar Shaada she instead focuses on his other comments about thinking she has fear.

"I fear nothing Xenn! As for you trying to read my mind without my consent I do not accept that. What I do with my mind is for my own reason and does not concern you. In regards to your comment about me having to asses my position. I know my position and don't forget that I do not care if you think you are a knight or not. As I said before. If there is no counsel then being a knight is mute in point and carries no weight behind it."

She pauses for a moment then continues.

"How do you know if the actions I'm taking aren't for the safety of us all?"

She glaces at Somar as she makes the statement.

[ 08-03-2005 09:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 08-03-2005 09:40 PM    
"Your hiding your thoughts from somthing for some reason. that alone is a sign of fear. I didnt have to try to read your mind, to know that you blocked your thoughts, i just stopped hearing them. Your not trying to protect us by sheilding your thoughts, im sure. And im also sure that you arent trying to protect anyone else execept yourself on this ship by keeping your true feelings hidden, Soman has done nothing wrong. Therefore we have no reason to worry about him. I just simply wished to converse and have Kitiana learn somthing by someone not as pure as the rest of us."

Xenn looked at Sarisa. Then to Soman. He watches Soman's eyes flare red and yellow as he listens to the argument.

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-03-2005 09:51 PM    
"You may be right that Soman hasn't done anything but the Major did ask an important question. How did he get on board if only the major and one other have the codes to open the docking bay? Answer that. That alone should lead to some questioning of Soman and his motives. AS far as my shielding of my mind that was to protect myself since I had noticed Somar seemed to be looking for something specific on my person and not so much just looking me over."

Looking back to Somar once more.

"After you answer the Major's questions I would like for you to be more specific on what matters you seek knowledge of. I feel there is something deeper to you that you lead on."


posted 08-03-2005 09:59 PM    
"I dont know why he did that, maybe he was in trouble? or He couldnt contact anyone on board?"

Xenn Looks to Soman for an answer...

[ 08-04-2005 12:04 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 08-04-2005 04:32 AM    
Kitiana listens to Xenn and Saria argue over some moot points. They both have their opinions, and it seems as though nobody is going to relinguish them to the other.

"Neither of you are going to get anywhere with aruging."

Her statement is said quickly and flatly. She knows she had the least 'rank' of anybody here, but they should even see their opinions differ too much for the other to change their mind. Their argument seemed to have ended, but who knew when it would start again.

The question of how Somar came to board the ship was a good one. Obviously without a code he would have had to force his way onto the ship. Yet, if he simply needed help, why didn't he ask permission? Surely on this large ship there would be somebody at the controls at all times. She hopes he has a decent explanation so as not to get kicked off. She senses he has a lot of knowledge and information that she would like to know.


posted 08-04-2005 09:42 AM    
Sellith was content at listening to the arguemet at hand, until the question of how he came on board arose time and time again. He would have to choose his words carefully otherwise risk being thrown off the ship. He looked at Xenn looking into his eyes and he knew Xenn had seen the real colors of his eyes, and answered the Major's question.

"My small ship, its not fast, it doesn't move well and its close to being scap metal. The communications system in it is damaged and by the time I realised it it was to late I had to use all of my strength to open your hanger doors just enough to get in, otherwise I would have crashed. I am sorry but I am sure you all have been in a situation that you had to do something you didn't think you could do to survive."

For the second of the Majors questions Sellith sighed looked at Xenn for a second then back at the Major.

"Have you ever had a group of bounty hunters who will get paid very well if I am captured or killed by them? This is a very large ship, I doubt bounty hunters would want to try to attack this. And besides I did not even know that there was Jedi on board until I was just about to board."

He turned to Sarisa and acted like he was about to enlighten her on the knowledge he seeked.

"Jedi... Oh can I call you that even if you are not skillful enough to be a Knight?" Sellith smiled as if he knew that would anger her. " I will answer your question if I am allowed to stay on board, if I am not it will be none of your concern and there would be no reason to tell you."

[ 08-04-2005 09:43 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sellith ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-04-2005 05:14 PM    
"Your right Kitiana. Somar is the issue at hand. I appoligize for my statements."

She looks at Kitiana and Xenn to let them know she is sincere then turns her attention back to Soma.

Somar made his attempt to explain himself but when he made the comment about skill to Sarisa she glared at him but refrained from letting the spark grow into a raging inferno.

"It is not my decision if you stay or not. That is the Major's call. However I suggest you watch you tongue. Right now you're not exactly in a favorable position dark one."

Finishing her statement she smiles at him but only briefly.

[ 08-04-2005 11:02 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 08-04-2005 07:51 PM    
The Major had sat down in the chair anc crossed his arms at the arguement, Sarisa had more of a point, how can Xenn not feel the odd aura surrounding the stranger, but Soman just ripped a huge hole in his iron-clad alibi,

"What did you do to get numerous 'well-paid' bounty hunters on your tail? I'm sure it was more than just bad luck..."

The Major smiled, because this question raised some frantic thought in Soman's eyes...

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-04-2005 07:55 PM    
"Major I must appologize for my behavior. What is your decision on letting Somar stay? I'm curious to know what he has to say."

Looking at the Major but not before a quick glance at Xenn.

"I am interested in hearing what he has to say on top of why he has a price on his head."

[ 08-04-2005 07:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 08-04-2005 08:42 PM    
Xenn felt Somans dangerous aura, but the only thing he had done to bring the crew and the jedi on board danger was possibly letting a few bounty hunters know where they were located. Xenn is more than sure they, along with the giant crew can handle upwards of atleast 50 bounty hunters, knowing that bounty hunters dont usually travel in packs that large Xenn isnt phased by Soman's presence. Xenn then looks at Soman in disbelif, what did you do? or better yet, WHO did you kill.

Xenn looks at his shipmates, then back to Soman.

"Like i said, he hasnt done anything yet, Im more worried about him, than any bounty hunters... We can keep him in the holding Cell, just incase."

[ 08-04-2005 08:42 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 08-05-2005 04:46 AM    
Sellith started to grow tired of all these questions but answered them none the less.

"Bad luck? I thought Jedi didn't believe in luck. Anyway, As you mabye know there is alot of organised crime in certain planets right now mainly because alot of gangs are becoming less messy, and where I was at the time was no exception, me and my old friend had decided to stay in the streets because we could not afford to stay anywhere else. The first night I went to sleep and when I awoke my friend was gone. He was gone about a week before he turned up, he didn't say where he was or what he did, before we left a rodian ran up to him in the streets as we were walking and took out a blaster and shot him in the back of the head. I quickly turned and chased him but he was too fast. I noticed a gang logo on the rodian's back, I searched for a long time but found out what I was looking for, I got in the gang by passing their stupid tests. Once I was in I had the chance I was looking for I was to meet the leader of it, as I got in the room I waited a few minutes before this young woman came in. In a blind rage I killed her, thinking she was the leader. Later I found out it was the true leader's wife, she was coming in to ask if I wanted anything. They already knew who it was who had done it, the leader of the gang posted a large bounty on me dead or alive."

Sellith closed his eyes as if he was in pain.

"It's the worst thing Ive ever done and I wish I hadn't it appears its tained my aura forever.

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-05-2005 05:33 PM    
"That's quite a story you seem to have Somar. Where did you say this took place? How did you escape the gang if you were in their complex?"

She watches his body movements and facial expressions looking for hints of a falseness in him.

Sarisa then turns to look around at the others to see if they believe his story or not before looking back at Somar.

"I won't place a vote for having you put in the stockade until I find reason to. Just know that you will be watched carefully by all of us."I don't care what the others say. I will be watching you. she thought to herself.

[ 08-05-2005 05:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 08-05-2005 06:23 PM    
"It happened on Nar Shadda, a very crazy planet. I should have been more specific, it was just a block of apartments with a few guards, a bit lacking in security. It was easy to get by them."

Sellith knew what Sarisa was up to, questioning him and watching him waiting for a flaw to rise. He did not let on that he knew but anybody in his situation would probably know what they were up to.

"A Holding Cell? I thought with Jedi it was innocent till proven guilty?"

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-05-2005 06:38 PM    
"We were just on Nar Shaada ourselves. You must've been in the refugee sector. Is that correct?"

Still watching him carefully.

"I said I'm not going to cast my vote to put you into one unless you give reason otherwise. You seem to have much on your mind. You're concentrating an aweful lot Somar."


posted 08-05-2005 06:48 PM    
"Well it happened around a month ago I do not know if you were on the planet then. Yes I do happen to have alot of things on my mind. If any of you have been through what I have been through, you would have alot on your mind also."

Sellith started to rub his head he felt a headache coming on.

"Anyway lets change the subject please I do not like talking about this, ummm... do all of you Jedi carry lightsabers?"


posted 08-05-2005 06:57 PM    
"Yes, we al have at least one saber, I primarily use one, "

He pulled part of his cloak aside,

"This one, the blade is blue... You're story seems to check through, but as I said, you're still hiding something, some ulterior motive, for now you can stay in a set of quarters on the level below all of ours..."

He let the cloak flutter back in place,

"Any other questions, Somar?"

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-05-2005 06:58 PM    
The question Somar poses suprises Sarisa for a second as she starts to wonder.
UGh why do you guys have to be SOO open about yourselves when a possible enemy is among us. You're trying to figure out if you might be overpowered. Everyone knows a Jedi has a lightsaber. I'm on to you now.

"Now why would you want to know something like that? Tell us again what your do besides run from people."

Her eyes seem intensley focused on Somar now.

[ 08-05-2005 07:00 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 08-05-2005 07:20 PM    
"Thank you Major, I don't plan on being here for very long." he said with a smile on his face before turning to Sarisa.

"I want to know because I have never seen one up close. And I have always wanted to see one just to see how it works." he turned back to the Major. "Do you think I could look at one seeing as you have two?"

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-05-2005 07:29 PM    
"Major I strongly advise against letting him hold a lightsaber. I know he hasn't done anything wrong so far but my senses tell me not to trust him."

She starts looking Somar over for any possible weapons of anykind. Blaster, dart gun or even a lightsaber of his own.
Everyone else might be blinded by your tricks but you aren't fooling me. she thought in a projected messege to Somar.


posted 08-05-2005 07:36 PM    
Sellith smilied as he heard the message from Sarisa.

"Major, there are 4 Jedi here I think they could easyily take down someone who has not trained in with a lightsaber."
What 'tricks' do you mean Sarisa?he projected to Sarisa making sure no one else heard it.

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-05-2005 07:49 PM    
Soley in thought with Somar.
Ha! I knew there was more to you than you led on. You don't fool me any longer dark one. I will discover your plan and put a stop to it. Tell me who you really are.


posted 08-05-2005 07:59 PM    
Who said anything about darkness or a plan? I just know a few force powers.

Suddely Sellith jumped up holding his head

"I can feel her in my head I think she is trying to use a Jedi mind trick or something! Stop her now! Please!"

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-05-2005 08:10 PM    
You are are dressed all in black and those type of garments are usually found on dark jedi. Who taught you how to use the force and what did they teach you?

Her thoughts begin to intensify as does her gaze at Somar. Almost as if she was trying to burn a hole though him just by looking at him.


posted 08-05-2005 08:30 PM    
The Major shouted and thrusted a open hand at Somar,

"That was a lie, the tone of your voice and twinge of a grin gave it away, you think I can't sense thoughts barelling across a room?"

He pinned Somar against the bulkhead with the force,

"And I know Sarisa enough that she wouldn't try to mind trick somebody, and not only that, but you wouldn't know a mind trick if it walked up to you and bit your arm off, only a force user or a specially trained agent of the empire could resist such techniques..."


posted 08-05-2005 11:37 PM    
Walks up inbetween Soman and Konig

"Who are you Soman? What do you want with us? Tell me the truth, and we will let you live."

Xenn can see the anguish in Somans eyes. Sellith has true sith intentions, but it remains deep in his heart, and his mind, so deep infact sellith may not know who he is himself. Driven by the sheer power of the dark side alone, a pawn in a deadly game. Sellith is the strongest dark force user he has seen since some of the masters at the dark jedi academy, pure, raw, demented... evil.

Xenn's eye twitches.

He then looks at Konig.

"Konig Let him go. He cant take all of us. Were not treating him like Jedi should. For all we know hes telling the truth, although i do feel a darkness in him. But perhaps, he means no harm directly to anyone, maybe hes just a troubled soul. Let him tell us his side of the story... Besides, we have bigger matters to deal with, you should contact the proper contractors to start the building of the academy."

[ 08-05-2005 11:49 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-06-2005 12:01 AM    
"Speaking of the Academy. Do we have to tell Corusant we plan to build a new Jedi Praxeum?"

She looks at the Major who at the moment is occupied with Somar but she thinks he may have the best answer for that seeing as how he's been in more contact with the core worlds and knows what's going on.

With a quick glance at Somar and Xenn and Kitiana she wonders what would happen if the Major did release Somar. Would he try to fight his way out, or would he stay calm and tell us what we want to know.

Focusing again on Somar she tries to penetrate his defenses in hopes of helping to bring out the truth from him.


posted 08-06-2005 12:33 AM    
"I belive the jedi academy on Corusant was destroyed by Admiral Actar. We should just start construction as soon as possible. Who knows what could happen in the next few days."

Xenn looks at Soman, then at Sarisa.


posted 08-06-2005 02:38 AM    
Sellith didn't even try to fight, even on the very slight chance he could break the Major's hold it would be best if he didn't.

"Well Major if you can hear whats going on you should have noticed that she cast her voice into my mind first. Which is what I said in the first place."

He looked at Sarisa as she was trying to get more answers.

"See! Shes trying to do it again! Even you Jedi should be able to tell."


posted 08-06-2005 09:38 AM    
Kitiana stands to the side as the events unfold. She does not know Sarisa very well, but does know her enough that she would not try to trick him, as he so put it. She senses a tint to his story, something not accurately portrayed. She keeps her thoughts to herself for now. She does not let her emotions or feelings slip because she does not trust Somar. Though she doesn't trust him, doesn't mean she wouldn't like him to stick around.

At the thought of a fight Kitiana almost instinctively sets her right hand on her lightsaber, until she stops. From what she heard earlier from Xenn about Jedi, she shouldn't be so quick to fight. Though fighting is fun and challenging for her. Instead she only remains ready, knowing her reflexes are faster than most. She looks to Somar and send him a message that only he can hear.
No matter if she is doing it or not, do you think us to believe it? Be quiet. There are many things to learn here Somar...

Her telepathic message is still choppy, but with each time she practices it, it helps. She isn't trying to trick him, only let him know that nobody will believe him when it comes to tricking him. She still wants him to stay; even if he is 'dark', there are still things she would like to know.


posted 08-06-2005 09:58 AM    
Xenn Walks up To Kitiana's side.

He speaks to her softly, so no one else can hear.

"The dark side of the force is nothing to be played with. It WILL consume you if you give it any slight chance. If you intend on speaking to Soman, you will do it with my supervison. Besides, Kitiana, you are too young, the dark side is twisted, and sick, it takes advantage of young hopefuls like yourself. This, Soman, is hiding his true self. Perhaps youve heard of Darth Sidious, who tricked this whole galaxy into thinking he was a man named Palpatine. If it had not been for the man that i was telling you about before, Anakin Skywalker, Sideous might still be in power... What im saying is, be careful who you come in contact with, you are still young, be mindful, i know you want to learn, but not everyone teaches the right lessons."

Xenn looks at Kitiana with concerned eyes, then he looks back at Soman.

[ 08-06-2005 07:50 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 08-06-2005 11:57 PM    
Kitiana turns to regard Xenn and offers only the smallest hint of a smile. She takes his words into consideration.

"You are right of course...but, if he is a dark jedi, or is to be our enemy, wouldn't it be worthwhile to know as much about him as possible? In the meantime, perhaps he could learn from us..."

Her words are quietly spoken so nobody could hear what she is saying. She does want to learn about him, and though she is still young, believes he could learn from them; if he wants. She turns her head from Xenn to those in the room. Each has their own opinions on things, and each has their own lessons they could teach. In turn, she hopes to learn a bit from all of them.


posted 08-07-2005 07:25 PM    
The Major released the pressure,

"We all know there's more to you than you'd like, so don't think you're fooling any of us..."

He turned to Sarisa,

"I don't think we should tell Coruscant, it's crawling with imperials... I think we should find some private funding."

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-08-2005 01:25 AM    
Seeing that the Major has released Somar she keeps herself loose but ready for a possible retaliation by Somar.

"Tell us what we want to know Somar. If that's your real name."

With the Major replying to Sarisa's question she replies back.

"Well, perhaps we should do more research on the praxeum afte we deal with the current situation."


posted 08-08-2005 09:29 AM    
As Sellith was held by the Major he watched Xenn and Kitiana whispering to each other. He tryed to listen in but could only hear a few words, not enough to make phrases or sentences. Once the Major let him go, he fixed his cloak which had moved out of place, then turned to the Major.

"Thank you, there is more to all of us than we would like, but anyway, if you did tell coruscant about a Jedi building, you should just stop the whole idea of it. Because before you know it before its even started there would be a whole imperial fleet searching for it."

He then turned to Sarisa after she spoke and sighed.

"Yes that is my real name, and what exactly do you want to know?"

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-09-2005 02:03 AM    
"I don't know about the others but I want to know who taught you about the Force and what did they teach you?"

She watches him as a nexu would stalk it's prey. Standing in a postion that she can swith to offensive or defensive if need be.

"Are you a dark Jedi?"


posted 08-10-2005 10:44 PM    
"A little old man on coruscant before the blockades went up. He taught me basic things like how to push, pull, sense, block my thoughts" he winked at Sarisa "How to send my thoughts to another being and how to jump high. Thats pretty much it."

Sellith observed Sarisa's stance,

"And, uhhh... what exactly is a 'Dark' Jedi?"

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-11-2005 03:20 AM    
"Dark Jedi are people who have fallen from the light side or who use the Force to solely do evil things."

She notices Somar examining her stance but she doesn't move so as to keep him guessing if she is being offensive or defensive.

"At least that's the definition I know."


posted 08-11-2005 06:35 PM    
"Evil? I have heard stories of some of the greatest Jedi Masters doing evil things. Remember when all of those Jedi were killed long ago? I heard that a master named Yeda or Yoda predicted it long before it happened and he didn't do anything about it. So he let alot of Jedi die, isn't that evil?"

He kept watching Sarisa knowing that being a Jedi she cannot attack until he attacks.

"So whats going to happen now?"


posted 08-11-2005 08:31 PM    
Xenn butts in

"Yoda Didnt know it was going to happen for sure untill it did. The force is too strong for us to preceive in full. Even Master Yoda couldnt tell what was really going to happen he knew something was going awry, but he couldnt pin point what. The Force was also clouded at the time by a Dark Jedi Master named Sidious."

Xenn Stopped and looked at Kitiana

Then looks back at them all

"Dark Jedi or not, Soman means no direct harm at the moment, We should be focusing our thoughts and actions on the project at hand. Major, you had better start making calls."

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-12-2005 06:45 AM    
"Very well Xenn, but don't think I won't be keeping an eye on you Somar."

She glared at Somar for a couple seconds then turned her attention to the others.

"If permission has been given for the construction of a praxeum maybe we could check into it first before making a finaldesicion of a secret academy."

Again giving Somar her attention for a minute she speaks.

"I just don't trust Somar."


posted 08-13-2005 12:39 AM    
"Sarisa, don't think we all will not be keeping our eyes on Somar."

Kitiana turns back to Somar.

"If you do try something, we will all know about it in a matter of seconds."

She flashes him a smile then turns to the Major and Sarisa.

"I agree with Sarisa on this Praxeum. If we create one in secrecy and get discovered it could prove troublesome. If we ask, and it is approved, then we will not have nearly so much to worry about."


posted 08-13-2005 01:13 PM    
"We still dont have enough Jedi to protect ourselves in a well known temple, such as the old traditonal ones. We need this location for now, with what few Jedi we have, we can start from the ground up, with no one else knowing until we are ready."

Xenn Looks at them all, then asks

"Dont you think they sanctioned that building for a reason? They'll have a tight watch on that proposed temple on Tatooine, we have to stay low key."


posted 08-13-2005 03:06 PM    
"Don't worry Sarisa I don't trust you either, anyone with the abilities of a Jedi are too risky to trust."

Sellith watched as Kitiana talked to him and smiled at him.

"If I wanted to try something I would have done it by now. I don't like the idea of waiting. It's a bad idea to ask if you can build it because, the location will go on record and if someone decides they want to destroy the Jedi it makes it that little bit easier to find you all."

He turned to Xenn after he spoke.

"I may not be a Jedi but that does not mean I can't protect myself from a couple of people. Who knows mabye in time I could learn some more techniques from you Jedi."

He looked at Kitiana again.

"Mabye you...all could learn something from me."

[ 08-13-2005 03:09 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sellith ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-14-2005 12:15 AM    
A nod to Kitiana then a glance at Xenn as he speaks. Lastly returning her attention to Somar as he mentions his willingness to possibly teach things to everyone.

"I thought you only knew a few basic techniques Somar. I'm sure the rest of us already know those techniques seeing as they are fairly basic. However if you feel you have something to share then by all means share it with us."

She looks back to Xenn and the Major.

"Perhaps we should go with our initial plan of using this ship as a mobile recruitment center as we search for Force sensitives. In the mean time I don't see the harm in researching the supposedly approved site on Tatooine."


posted 08-14-2005 12:24 AM    
"Sarisa, I think perhaps he means we could learn from where's he's been and what he's seen. Simply saying we could learn something from him does not mean he implies the Force."

Kitiana isn't quite sure what he means to be honest; for all she knows he could imply the Force. Since she arrived with her companions, her lack of trust made the Major question her already. Kitiana wants to trust people, and in doing so perhaps her fear of her father will vanish because she knows she has people to help her.
She looks to Somar, and hopes he has the answer to one question she has not yet asked, though there may be people aboard the ship that may know.

"Somar, perhaps you could tell me this. Why are there some planets that are blockaded?"


posted 08-14-2005 01:03 AM    
"Thats exactly what I mean, I have no force techniques I could teach a Jedi. Kitiana is correct, I could tell you about rumours I have heard and other information I have heard."

Sellith looked at everyone around him slowly, until Kitiana asked him a question. He sighed then answered her question.

"Unfortunatly, no I can not, that is the one piece of information I wish I did know so I could find out how to get rid of the blockades, they are very inconvenient. If I do find a way to remove them I will be sure to inform you. I would recommend researching the tatooine building. Its the one sensible thing you have said Sarisa."

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-15-2005 03:22 PM    
Not admitting to making a mistake she doesn't even think of saying sorry for her presumptions.

"Then maybe the Major would be so kind as to take us to Tatooine so we might investigate the situation?"

She looks at the Major who seems deep in thought while the others converse.

"Major are you alright?"

She asks in a calm tone.


posted 08-16-2005 09:55 PM    
"Yes, I'm fine, I guess we could visit Tattooine, but I don't see much of a point in it, seeing as imps would be crawling all over the damn place..."

He stretched his arms toward the cieling and let them fall to his sides,

"But, since we have nothing much else to do, I'm set for a trip."

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-17-2005 09:35 AM    
She smiles as he tells her that he's alright.

"I don't like the Imperials either but perhaps we can make somekind of arrangement with them to possibly leave us alone. Maybe even get them to remove their blockade at least from Tattooine."

She looks around at the others trying to gather their expressions as she finishes her statement.

"Perhaps we could even make stops on our way there to search for other Force sensitives?"

[ 08-17-2005 03:01 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 08-18-2005 06:07 PM    
"I have a bad feeling about this."

Xenn says as he leans up against the cold metal wall of the mess hall.

"But, maybe im just old fashoned. They obviously are sanctioning this new academy for a reason, a systematical plot of that General. Were walking right into his trap with our eyes closed."

Xenn looked at Kitiana, who was also looking at him. He knows that she trusts him, and he doesnt want to bring her, or anyone else on this ship to the cold grip of danger.

Xenn scratches his head as he waits for their responses.


posted 08-19-2005 04:17 PM    
"Is it a wise idea to look for more people, if the wrong people heard there were Jedi looking for people to become more Jedi then that could cause a problem."

Sellith scratched his eye and rubbed his cheek.

"If I wanted to wipe out the Jedi thats what I would do. Get them all together and kill them all in the single attack. You would think that the Jedi be wise enough to work out that it is a trap. And I thought Jedi could see into the future."

Sarisa Ker

posted 08-19-2005 04:30 PM    
She turns to Somar looking him over once more.

"That's true Somar. That would be the most direct course of action if the Imperials wanted to finish off any possible Jedi."

She thought for a moment as she looked around at the others.

"Well, if we intend to stay hidden from the Imperials then maybe a covert mission made by a small number of people to investigate Tattooine?"

Unsure of how well that suggestion might go over with everyone she suddenlt changes the subject.

"Has anyone seen Ender lately?"


posted 08-19-2005 05:30 PM    
"No one needs to die. Lets just build our space academy. The last time i saw ender he was talking to one of crew memebers. I dont recall where he went after that, hes most likely in his chambers, asleep."

Xenn walks up and down, inbetween them all, trying to read thier emotions and expressions. He leaves reading their thoughts for a later time, he wants a genuine feeling from each of them.

It seems Sarisa cant stop focusing on Soman.

Soman is content in trying to provoke our feelings and thoughts the dark side.

Sellith is hiding.

The Major, the GOOD major, well hes being good as always.

Kitiana... is hiding something, 'we will talk about this later...' she nods at me.


posted 08-21-2005 12:15 AM    
Kitiana listens quietly. She has given her opinion, and feels slightly out of her element talking about this Praxeum and Temple. She decides to keep her mouth shut from now on about it and let those with more knowledge and experience make the decision. Either way, she feels things will become troublesome.

"I'm up for a bit of traveling if that is what is decided."

She looks to Xenn as he speaks and then makes to leave. She feels him in her mind and she nods at his unspoken words. She thinks to herself: Later would be best. I need to think about things.

"If you will excuse me, I will be in my chambers."

She looks to each of them in turn before making her exit toward the corridors with her sleeping quarters.


posted 09-03-2005 12:30 PM    
Xenn walked up towards the bridge, since everyone was intent on talking, and not having action he figured he would take matters into his own hands.

He looked toward the pilot who was sitting behind the controls, reading the latest issuse of Spacers Digest.


Plot course to tattooine."

Xenn just couldnt wait for the major any longer. True it was impatient, but actions were despratley needed if we were going to take any action towards saving the jedi.

Sarisa Ker

posted 09-03-2005 05:51 PM    
As some of the others headed off in different diretions she looked around at those who remained.

"Well, I'll be in my quarters if anyone needs me."

With that said she turns and makes her way through the belly of the massive ship. The low humming of the engines could be heard throughout the ship. Occasionally she passed by members of the Majors crew and could hear only small tidbits of their conversations.

"Yeah I think we might have to replace that power converter soon. It looks pretty used up."

The crew members voices begin to fade as she continues down the hallway.

Turning a corner and finally she sees it. The door to her quarters. She keys in the entry code and the door slides open with a whoosh sound. She closes the door and turns to look out through the port hole at the vastness of the space outside. Her eyes close and she centers herself and enters an almost trance like state.

Images and voices swirl around in her head. Visions of her parents, faces of those she has encountered recently. Then her visions change to something else. Massive starships accompanied by other ships of various sizes. Most of the smaller ones travelling between the larger ships as well as heading to and from a planet. The planet looks like an artist spilled his shades of red and orange all over the planet. Echos of voices resound in her ears. Followed by a sense of great power that rushes over her then fades away left by an empty feeling.

Minutes pass as she tries to concentrate on the vision before she relaxes and opens her eyes. She sits on the edge of her bed and ponders what is awaiting them.

[ 09-04-2005 08:46 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 09-07-2005 01:45 AM    
After taking various lifts and walking down many corridors the Jedi finally re-enters his chambers only to be astounded by how much he had forgotten about space travel. They had already arrived on Tatooine!

Xenn mumbled somthing incoherently as he walked back out of his chambers and into one of the many recon shuttles that had been prepared down into what seemed like a wasteland or a baron dune sea, too dry for any one man to survive in alone.


[ 09-07-2005 10:22 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 09-07-2005 06:54 AM    
The Major walked back onto ther bridge to see that they exited hyperspace and the great ball of sand and desolation appeared in the viewport.
((OOC: The Major goes to Expecting the unexpected in the CSWU))