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posted 04-22-2005 08:40 AM    
((OOC: The Flower of Carnage and everybody on it are in Hyperspace right now, on a course for Nar Shadda, we came from Return to Sullust in the same forum))

The Major stared out of the viewport, the stars stretching, and distorting, as realspace ripped to let The Flower of Carnage penetrate the fabric of space-time...

The Hyperdrives were engaged now, the course was set and it was time to rest...


posted 04-23-2005 01:54 AM    
((ooc: They Nysa and those aboard are in hyperspace to Nar Shada. From 'Return to Sullest'))

The ship's computer set an automatic course for Nar Shada and they set off through hyperspace. Making sure everything was in order she turned in her chair

"By the way, I decided to name my ship the Nysa."

Taking one last glance at the controls as if waiting for something bad to happen she got up and joined Raye on the floor for meditation.

Mira Tukiano

posted 04-23-2005 08:28 AM    
"So Major, we are now headed there. Than you for taking me. I do very much appreiciate it. But what are you going to do after this? I mean surely you were going to do something before I came to you."


posted 04-23-2005 10:30 AM    
Major thought for a second,

"My only real long term goal right now is to restore the Jedi and possibly the republic, but that's really far off now, now for the time being I just try to help Jedi and people opressed by the Imperial scum... Some peoople would call you crazy for that type of goal, but, If I succeed, I'm going to be prouder than, well, proud enough to say 'it's the proudest time of my life" So, you're a Miraluka, I thought those were extinct, for nearly 4000 years, where have your people been hiding these past millenia?"

Mira Tukiano

posted 04-23-2005 04:35 PM    
"We had several small outposts that were hidden and we can blend in fairly well into society. I have started to advertise that I have no eyes, but if you just wear a hood, or a helmet, ect. we look exactly like a human."


posted 04-24-2005 08:18 AM    
The Major queried,

"So, the Miraluka have no eyes, and therefore 'see' through the force, like certain animals 'see' through sound waves or heat emissions?"

Raye Starr

posted 04-25-2005 06:40 AM    
"Nysa...pretty name." Raye said with a smile, his eyes still closed. He had broken off his meditation for a moment just to say that.

As Kitiana joined them, Raye's mind resumed it's "search" outward to find answers and solutions to the problems and soon-to-be threats waiting to consum the galaxy.

His body relaxed further as events from his life showed themselves before him...

Some answers I search for are in the past...

His thoughts turned to Nar Shadaa but sensed nothing of it from the far...

Mira Tukiano

posted 04-25-2005 06:05 PM    
"Yes, you are well informed about the Miraluka. Most people know nothing about us."


posted 04-26-2005 09:00 AM    
The Major smiled,

"I take pride in my knoledge of other species,-"

The Major's stomach growls,

"I think it's about time to eat, care to join me? I'm heading down to the mess hall,"

He stood up and headed for the turbolift.


posted 04-27-2005 02:51 AM    
Kitiana took a seat across from Raye and crossed her legs. She took several deep breaths and closed her eyes as she began meditation. She wasn't quite sure what she was searching for, usually when she meditated she only focused on her and her father. But now, she tried searching further, and it was difficult, though she soon took to it easily.

She could feel force users in the galaxy, and some were like her, others like Raye, EchuuShinzon, and Major Konig, but she sensed them further away. None seemed particularly close. She reached out, focusing on those 'Vong', that was talked about earlier. She felt something, neither Jedi nor Dark Jedi, but couldn't quite figure it out. She wasn't sure if it was the Vong, or something else. She was puzzled, but she kept meditating, hoping some answers would find their way into her mind.


posted 04-27-2005 03:30 PM    
I sat in the mess hall finishing a meal when the Major strode in.

"Hello Major. We are in hyperspace." I said.

"I also want to thank you for allowing me to come aboard with you."

I said as I nodded at him.


posted 04-30-2005 10:06 PM    
"Well I'm glad to see you around, and it's no problem having you aboard,"

The Major said and grabbed a container of milk,

"I just want to know your backstory, if that's okay by you..."

Raye Starr

posted 05-01-2005 01:19 AM    
Raye felt Kitiana's presence among the meditating group, and his focus changed from trying to expect challenges on Nar Shadaa to whether or not he should consider training her...

The Jedi had already learned much about her...she is an adept in the Force, her father was a Dark Jedi and her mentor...and that she had killed him. She has not gone too far down the path of the Dark Side, however, otherwise...

We would be dead by now.

But is Raye ready for such a task? To be her new trainer, her master, to show her another path from the one she had been raised to follow?

He searched through the Force for his answers...and as before, they appeared in battles he fought in the past. Raye relived those days when he fought against the Yuuzhan Vong, leading desperate counter-attacks, making a one-man stand as the armed colonists fled around him...

...And standing side by side his fellow Jedi, both in helping stop the Vong...and easing their passing into death.

Of all of them, of all the Jedi and the people on that planet, Raye was fated to be the only survivor. But...the purpose for being so...?

The Jedi opened his eyes. ...I know what I must do...


posted 05-01-2005 08:05 AM    
As Kitiana sat meditating, she ceased to remember exactly where she was. Techincally her mind was no longer there, rather concentrating on other things further away in the universe, or in her mind. She was still confused about what she sensed, it wasn't like anything she had come in contact with. Then again, she had never been near Jedi before, or anything else she had come in contact with lately.
'What are you doing? Conversing with these Jedi? I thought I taught you better. You will pay.'
It was her father's voice that rang through her head. Was it really his voice, or her subconscious telling her that was what her father would say?

Kitiana didn't really want to find out and so brought herself out of meditation, her nails digging into her legs. She had killed him, and she had to admit to herself, scared he would come back. Looking around she calmed herself, stood, and walked into the common area to grab a bite to eat.


posted 05-02-2005 12:15 AM    
Echuu's meditative stance was hardly anything short of boring. He eased into the Force, embracing the utter harmony that fluttered across the celestial lightside embodiment of purity which humans had manifested as the "lightside of the Force". In truth, the experience took more of his concentration then he had expected and he was unaware of the minutes that passed before regaining conciousness.

Part of the reason he was flung from such a peaceful tranquility was the tender circle which had arrayed itself about the force as well. Sensing a distubrance - or rather several - he easily slid from the meditative gesture and allowed his oculars once more to grace the surrounding area of the ship. First, his glance settled towards Raye, but dismissed him immediately as someone who was not the cause of any problem.

Instead, being that he was unaccustomed to the darkside orientation, and thus accutely aware of it to such a percise point that his ability in sensing the foul users was astounding. Part of being a Jedi Redeemer.

So it was that he detected the faint glimmer of the Darkside within Kitiana. Perhaps it wasn't so much that aura, as much as the dark thoughts that fluttered on the edge of realization. Memories tended to touch deep within the subconcious, and it was this that would waft in the general direction of the Jedi.

Rising from his seated position, Echuu offered a bow towards Raye, before proceeding to occupy himself with food also. As opposed to merely striding in peace, he strove to catch up to Kitiana... Falling alongside her to matching her stride for stride.

"Trapped on a ship can be quite boring if you ask me. But more so, it offers members ample time to discuss matters..." The Jedi's gaze shifted to the bulkhead, before directing itself back towards her. "You're a mystery Miss Kitiana... A mystery that I shall endeavour earnestly to find more about... Perhaps, over food?"


posted 05-02-2005 02:37 AM    
As EchuuShinzon arrived in the common room beside her and began to speak Kitiana turned her head in regards to him. Her eyes did not look as though they were looking at him, but rather through him. He wanted to know more about her, she could tell that. He wasn't scared of what she was, rather curious. He wasn't sure what to make of her, or so it seemed to Kitiana. She turned her attention back to the food, cutting some bread and a block of cheese.

"Sorry I do not have what you may call a meal, I do not eat that much myself. I do have plenty of 'snack' foods though."

As she walked toward a small table that could hold maybe 8 at most and sat down she contemplated what he had a said. A mystery. How could he hope to find out more about it when she barely knew herself.

"As for being a mystery, I am a mystery to myself EchuuShinzon. One I am still finding out about."


posted 05-02-2005 10:25 AM    
"Well," I began. "There isn't much to know about me. I'm just a simple pilot."

I smiled.

"I've just been here and there around the galaxy. I've seen dark things and some wierd things, but nothing like the "Force" you guys talk about. Dash was the first Jedi I met and then I ran into Jebbua and now you guys. All i can say is that bad things usually happen around you guys, perhaps I can chabnge that luck."

I stood up and smiled again.

"Perhaps you can tell me about yourself now?" I asked him.


posted 05-02-2005 06:04 PM    
"I'm also a pilot, I fought in the war against the Vong, as a Jedi. It was a bloody tough war that one was. I was born on Coruscant, and I was trained on Yavin IV before it was, you know, destroyed... "

The Major took a gulp from the container,

"I'm a bloody good saber duelist, a skilled pilot, and a decent Hyperdrive mechanic. Ilse back in the bridge is also a good saber duelist, and a professional grade slicer... She's also a great pilot. Well, I hope you have good aim with a blaster, because we're going to visit the shadiest, most unpredictable planet short of Coruscant, it's Nar Shadda, I hope you've visited there before. It's pretty bad to go unprepared, sometimes fatal."

Raye Starr

posted 05-08-2005 12:23 AM    
(OOC: augh, sorry for the delay!)

"Not by yourself either, Kitiana." Raye said, walking over to join them. He only grabbed a small piece of bread before he took a seat across from her.

"You are among friends now. Whenever you require aid, we'll be there to give it." The Jedi then proceeded to eat the bread, but even in moderation with an already small piece of food. "Desperate times these are...all of us must work together if we intend to survive and rebuild what was lost..."


posted 05-10-2005 09:18 AM    
"Well I have to get back to the bridge we should be dropping out of Hyperspace soon, and then we venture on Nar Shaddaa..."

The Major strolled out of the mess hall and took the turbolift to the bridge. He flagged down an officer and found out they'de drop out of hyperspace in a few minutes.

Mira Tukiano

posted 05-11-2005 05:50 PM    
The ship dropped out of hyperspace and I headed for the hangar bay.

"Thanks for the ride. See ya on the planet."

With that I hopped in and launched into space.

(((OOC: Mira heads to Scum and Villany, same forum)


posted 05-11-2005 09:04 PM    
Echuu nodded partly at the young mans assessment. Indeed, they had to work together if they planned to do anyting about the recent problems, and rebuilt what was lost. Yet something still irked the Jedi.

"I can not help feel like this evident from the start. The Force guides all things... perhaps the Temples doctrine was one such thing?" The Jedi's lips gently twitched, remaining flat and pursed before a slow smile began to spread. Clearly he was considering that the obvious change from the Old Republic doctrine and the New Republic was one of the key errors of the New Republic. Of course, having not existed from that, Echuu was not too sure exactly how the previous Jedi were conducted... it just... felt different.

Unlike both of them, Echuu had spent time grabbing a full plate of food, filling his plate so that he would not have to eat for several hours afterwards...

"But he is right..." The Jedi's gaze drifted towards Kitiana again, "you are not alone in your journey..."

[ 05-11-2005 09:05 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by EchuuShinzon ]


posted 05-12-2005 02:46 AM    
Kitiana listened to both of them as she shoved the last bit of her bread and cheese into her mouth. She swallowed her food then offered a genuine smile.

"Thank you, both of you. I look forward to getting to know each of you better, though I believe there may be some things I will have to learn for myself."

She seemed as though she was about to say more, but instead her head turned in the direction to the controls and she stood.

"It seems we are about to come out of hyperspace."

She walked back to the cockpit and sat in her pilot's chair, checking the controls as space turned to normal.


posted 05-12-2005 09:24 AM    
The Major keyed the comm to contact the Nyssa,
"This is Major Konig, are you there Nyssa? Wanna go downplanet?"

Raye Starr

posted 05-12-2005 11:14 PM    
As the ship exited from hyperspace, Raye resumed nibbling on the piece of bread he had...while reaching out with the Force to telepathically speak with Echuu.

"I intend to train Kitiana. She is already well versed in the ways of the Force...but has not been taught to understand the Light Side and the goals of the Jedi as her father was a Dark Jedi. Perhaps...perhaps I'd be more of a guide than a trainer, really..."

[ 05-12-2005 11:14 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Raye Starr ]


posted 05-13-2005 02:21 AM    
Kitiana pushed her comlink and made a reply to the Major.

"Major Konig, this is Kitiana of the Nysa. There's no reason to hang around in space, might as well head to the planet."

There she waiting to follow him to the planet. She was unsure what this place was going to be like, but everybody seemed a little...nervous about going there. And so that put her on edge.


posted 05-13-2005 09:08 AM    
the Major kkeyed the comlink again,

"Well then , let's head down, I'll see you topside..."

The Major flagged down another officer,

"Engage the orbit protocols"

The officer nodded and proceeded to start the ship's orbit programs. The Major told Ilse to follow Mira and help her. Captn Obvious was free to follow in one of the ships aboard, or take a different path. The Major took HK-88 and boarded his freighter, Ilse took one of the older Jedi Starfighters, the red one, her favorite, she named it the Red Lance. The Major took off and lingered around the Nysa, he waited til they started to move so they could help choose a part of the planet to land in. Ilse followed Mira's trail.

((OOC: Ilse Vogel follows Mira Tukiano into "Scum and Villany" in the same forum))

[ 05-15-2005 12:27 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]


posted 05-15-2005 08:29 PM    
The Jedi's gaze swept to Raye for a moment, weighing his words carefully before his head fell forward in a formal bow - he would in no way hinder that plan from which Starr had created. He agreed that many had to be educated about the Jedi, to understand that they were a force of peace, and not the propoganda which the Imperials continued to throw out.

Taking his seat, Echuu closed his eyes for a moment, thinking carefully. It seemed that the interconnecting relationships between everyone he had met so far were just that... interconnecting. Friendship was so freely offered between everyone here, it would be so simple to kill them all.

Except Echuu of course. He remained skeptical, and in that, he would aid his fellow Jedi.

"Yes..." he commented, "we should get started with whatever our business is...."

His eyes swept towards Raye... offering a mental good luck towards the lad, before he focused on the forward viewport.


posted 05-16-2005 06:44 AM    
Kitiana put the ship on manual control and started to guide the Nysa the the surface through the atmosphere. She let the Major lead the way since she had never been to this planet before. Perhaps he had more knowledge than she did; in fact, she knew he had more knowledge than she did, almost everybody did.

She sighed as she thought about everybody yet again. What would her father say? He probably wouldn't say anything, he would just 'teach' her or kill her. Especially knowing how much she had let her guard down on the trip to Nar Shada. Could she trust these people as she had been doing? She really didn't have a choice now. But she would put her guard back up; she barely knew these people, and she had never been to this place.


posted 05-16-2005 09:27 AM    
The Major assigned a beacon to the Nysa and connected his to theirs. He keyed the comm,
"Follow the beacon, I want to land near the equator of the city."

The Major made sure the Nysa was following him, he began to near one of the old refueling spires and corkscrewed around it, eventually using the repulsorlifts to accelerate his descent into the decaying urban environment that was Nar Shaddaa. He began to near the tops of the tallest structures and passed through a gap in between two spires. He then flipped the ship almost vertically and dove, he levelled it out when he got to the skylanes.
These don't look too bad...

The Major keyed his comm and contacted one of the control towers,

"We'll need one large hangar, one for this ship and one for the green one with the big landing claws"

The other end opend up with a droid's voice,

"Affirmative, take hangar number... 38, it has sufficient space for both of your ships, I assume you will take the bill?"

The Major replied,

"Yes, I'll connect my republic credit code"

The droid beeped, and said,

"Thank you, I will withdraw 2000 republic credits and assign a msaintenance droid to clean your ships."

The Major disconnected his card and commed Kitiana,

"Alright, hangar's on me, it's number 38. Meet you there!"

The Major entered the long hangar hallway and passed several doors,
30...31...32...33...34...35...37.. almost there...38, here...

The Major took the left side of the hangar and set down, he beckoned HK-88 and told the droid to follow. He lowered the ramp and stepped out, the Nysa hovered past and the short breeze hit the Major, fluttering his hair and he raked his fingers through it...
I need a haircut...

He stood and waited for the crew to egress from their ship.


posted 05-16-2005 01:44 PM    
The Nysa followed the beacon, and in essence, followed the Major. As they neared the planet's surface she glanced here and there at her surroundings, though never taking her concentration off of flying.

"Roger that, meet you there."

She slowly manuevered her ship toward the hanger, until she finally found hangar 38. The Major had already landed and was waiting on them, and so she set her ship down and stood.

"After you."

She motioned toward the door for her two companions to head out first. She wouldn't find herself between them again, let along in front of them with her back turned. They all knew her past, and who's to say one of them would't decide she wasn't worth the risk?


posted 05-16-2005 03:39 PM    
"if.. you say so..."

THe Major and Hk 88 took the path outside of the hangar, and into the building, they should take the turbolift down, and rent a speeder or something.

So they took an awkwardly silent turbolift ride down to the main level and passed a couple food stands and several garment shops. The smell of the frying, boiling, and baking foods was nice, except for the stuff on the aqualish' stand.

They walked through a very tiny bazaar and exited to the slightly acrid air of the real, uncut Nar Shaddaa air. The sounds of the spacecraft, the airspeeders and the regular speeders was a single heavy buzzing and the multitudes of beings were bartering, talking, walking and doing their everyday things. The travelling Jedi and the tall armed droid fetched a couple glances and several stares, butnothing out of the ordinary on the smuggler's moon.

They halted near a Sullustan. The Major spoke,

"Do you rent out speeders?"

The Sullustan twisted something in it's ear and spoke in a slightly squeky voice,

"Yes, Shepur I am, I have speeders here! What type looks you for?"

The Major was happy the little guy spoke basic,

"Something which can carry four humans and a tall droid."

Shepur- "Then you want the Hyrotli S-75, big room, but bigger enough for you, how goes 500 credits for rent?"

Major- "Sounds good, I'll take it, here's the card"

Shepur- "Much thanks, just a moment, I scan the card... Here you go.. Thank you again, there's your speeder!"

The airspeeder rose out of a pair of trap doors in the platform behind the sullustan. It was gunmetal grey with a few scratches on one side. The ship rotated to it side, to let the jedi and the droid to board it.
The Major hopped in the pilot's seat and turned,

"All aboard!!"


posted 05-16-2005 09:55 PM    
I stayed aboard Major Koning's ship and explored it. Nothing exciting, just a ship. Afterwards I went to the hanger and got into one of the ships and took it to the surface.

I landed in one of the public hangers, but still had to pay a fee of 1000 Republic credits.

After wards I mad sure I had my blaster and went to the cabin in the back and found some old brown trousers and a T-shirt. There were also some black boots back there too. All were on the bed and were clean.
I wonder whose they were? I thought as I quickly changed.

I left the spaceport and went to the nearest cantina to see if anything interesting was happening.
I wonder where the Major is?


posted 05-26-2005 12:23 PM    
((Raye, Echuu, you still here?))

Kitiana walked behind the rest, her eyes darting this way and that for any signs of danger, though she knew she would sense something before she saw it. Her right hand rested on her lightsaber as she walked, ready at a moments notice; though nothing happened.
She was glad that the Major seemed to have many credits, seeing as she was living on borrowed money from her father. After the others had joined Major Konig on the airspeeder she too boarded.

"So what exactly are we after here? Knowledge?"


posted 05-26-2005 08:24 PM    
The Major dropped a lane and spoke without turning around,

"Essentially, we're here to grab some different holocorns and things of that sort. Perhaps other relics, and maybe something that can aid us against the ever-encroaching Darkside..."

The Major paused,

"Just in case you're wondering, Kitiana, I won't betray you, if theres something I hate, and I mean really hate, it's betrayal... so as far as I'm concerned, you have no worries..."

The Major trailed off, hoping he has gained her trust, she seemed tense, and wound-up. He dropped another lane and kept his eyes pealed for a decent merchant or informer. He slowed enough to get a god look at the beings on the walkway to his left and right.

Sarisa Ker

posted 05-26-2005 08:49 PM    
After renting a speeder of her own Sarisa takes off and follows the the strange looking group in hopes of possibly being lead to finding more knowledge of the light or dark siders. Her desire to know all she can of both sides is what drives her. Not knowing who or what she may happen across or the intentions of this odd gathering of strangers she cautiously follows behind. Her keen senses catching distinct characteristics in each of the strangers movements told her there are jedi, but not knowing if they are good or evil. So for now she patiently watches and learns as she goes.


posted 05-27-2005 06:16 PM    
The Major felt a tiny ripple in the force,

"I don't want to sound cliche, but I feel a disturbance... In the force... some sort of uhh... i can't explain it, ever get that feeling that you're being watched?"

Sarisa Ker

posted 05-30-2005 09:56 PM    
((OOC: This post introduces Sarisa Ker, thank you.))

Trying her best to stay far enough back as to not easily be seen with the other traffic but not too far so as not able to follow the strange group Sarisa continues to follow them.

A strange sensation tingles over her as if she has been sensed she tries to mask her thoughts by randomly memorizing various hthings from parts of a ship to the scenery around her.

[ 07-13-2005 01:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 05-30-2005 10:03 PM    
That tingling, it's a masking technique, the previous feeling was replaced by a jumble of irrelevant thoughts...

Well, the Major took the airspeeder into a dock and motioned to the others to stay where they were. He slipped out and tried to follow that jumbled cloud of thought.
could it be this speeder, or that one, or the one below us, or above?

Hte thought cloud was nearing, he saw a cautious-looking woman piloting the speeder, she looked at the Major and looked as if she'd been caught with her hand in the cookie jar... He straightened out and kept his gaze on her bubble cockpit, he tapped his foot and waited to see whether she would continue or park down here as well, he was still in range for a running leap, if she tried to flee he could always try to catch her...

Sarisa Ker

posted 05-30-2005 10:09 PM    
watching the speeder go into one of the docks Sarisa coninues on her path to follow them.

Upon reaching the open dock port she sees one of the group members standing there looking at the other craft as they pass by until she notices him looking directly at her and keeping his gaze fixed on her.

"damn i didn't mask myself well enough", she thought.

She decided to try to play it cool and keep going with a hope of circling back around in a few moments allowing the group to get out of their speeder and leave the docking bay.


posted 05-30-2005 10:27 PM    
And she distanced herself....

The Major muttered something and got the rest of the group to leave the speeder, he walked them towards the beginning of the obscure merchant district.

"HK, did you get a tag on that one speeder?"

Hk whirred,

"Negative, the speeder you were eying had a scrambled code and a faulty transmitter, so not only was the code misleading, but the transmitter wouldn't even send the code..."

The Major nodded,

"So, we can either start searching for a holocron now, or see if that speeder returns.."

Sarisa Ker

posted 05-30-2005 10:38 PM    
After passing by the docking bay Sarisa breaks left and begins to circle back to the docking bay where the man was watching her from.

Getting her self lined up for the same dock as the one the man was in she begins to land the speeder. Then she notices she didn't wait long enough as the group of stranger were just barely out of their speeder. As she is brnging the speeder in to land she pulls up the hood of her cloak and makes sure everything under her cloak is concealed since she still doesn't know the intent or nature of these people.

Finally setting the speeder down and powering it down she gets out of the craft and looks over to the man who had watched her fly by a few moments ago.


posted 05-30-2005 10:42 PM    
The Major was cut-off at end sentence, he whipped around, he sensed the masking technique and spoke,

"You know, you could've just commed me, it is an open channel..."

Sarisa Ker

posted 05-30-2005 10:55 PM    
A suprised look crosses her face when the man suggested she call him.

"I don't normally call those who I don't know", she replied. "who are you?"


posted 05-30-2005 11:19 PM    
"We are but a bunch or traveling Jedi and a droid, I'm Major Konig, Jedi Knight, and commander of the Flower of Carnage of the New Republic... and with me are Raye Starr, Echuu Shinzon, Kitiana, and to my right is Hk-88..."

Hk-88 interjected,

"Charmed...I'm sure"

The Major continued,

"Who might you be? I noticed you were following us..."

Sarisa Ker

posted 05-30-2005 11:27 PM    
Looking at each individual who is introduced to her she nods slightly to aknowledge them.

"I knew there were Jedi in this group. Your movements and stances tell everything to one who is trained to look for such details."

Pulling back the hood on her cloak she reveals her face. Her pure white hair in a ponytail drops over her shoulders a couple inches. Her crystal blue eyes looking at the Major.

"I am Sarisa Ker."


posted 05-30-2005 11:35 PM    
"I sensed you are neither a light or a darkdsider... I've seen this a few times, you'd be classified as a grey Jedi, neither good nor bad... "

Konig sweeped his eyes up from her boots, she wore a tight grey jumpsuit and a long grey cloak, she was muscled as a fighter would be,

"And you prefer to use hand to hand fighting, yes? Your stance telegraphs it, the way you hold yourself; the way anybody holds themselves, can give away much about that person. So what is it you do for a living?"

Said the Major as he began to enter the crowd with his new aquaintance...

Sarisa Ker

posted 05-30-2005 11:45 PM    
With somewhat of an inner smile she was pleased he payed attention to details as well.

"Then a grey Jedi I must be.", she replies.

"Yes I do prefer hand to hand and close quarter combat. I am Echani. Close combat is both a way or communicating as well as fighting. You must be skilled to know such things. My mother was a Jedi Knight before the Senate was destroyed. She took me with her when she went into hiding. She was the one who tought me what i know of the light and dark sides of the force and how to be resistant to both. As for what I do...I search for as much knowledge as i can find to learn more about the ways of the light and dark sides of the force."

She walks into the crowd with the major and his group. " So what is it you do or are looking for?"


posted 05-31-2005 12:08 AM    
"Well, I am in search of holocrons, or other jedi relics which may aid us in our mission to restore the jedi to their pre-clone wars magnitude... It'll take long, but I won't give up... not ever"

The Major smiled,

"Would you know where any of them are?"

Sarisa Ker

posted 05-31-2005 12:12 AM    
"I do have a couple which were given to me by my mother but they are in my ship. Do you have any? If so may I study them sometime?"

Looking around as they walk..."Are you sure there are some here? Do you know someone here who has holocrons?"


posted 05-31-2005 01:02 AM    
"I used to have a holocron from which lightsaber form II could be learned from..."

The Major grinned at the prospect of different holocrons,

"But we'll need tons of holocrons to restore the jedi order..."


posted 05-31-2005 03:45 AM    
"You know, you may say you will not betray me, but what you say and do are two different things. People lie."

she replied to the Major's comment before they had started being followed. She as well knew somebody was following. As they landed and began walking she acknowledged the newcomer.

"Nice to meet you."

Hey empty eyes stared at the newcomer intently. Her voice as well showed no emotion. She was neither good or evil, and in a way was like herself. She was traveling to find out more about the dark and light sides of the force. Knowledge is power. Always remember that. Her father's voice broke through her thoughts. He was right about that. Yet, if he knew that, why did he teach her nothing about the universe? Was he afraid of her? did he know she would eventually kill him? She shook her head and continued to walk a pace behind the group.


posted 05-31-2005 09:55 AM    
"Honestly though, kitiana, if you think I an destined to betray you, feel free to leave, because I don't want to travel with someone who is constantly looking over their shoulder at her companions... We're jedi the real ones, not a bunch of cutthroat mercs..."

The Major inhaled intending to continue his lecture,

"That's the image the Empire has been trying to create since the end of the clone wars. So if you still suspect us, I invite you to leave, because we have no room for a sensless jedi with qualms about her companions' loyalty! Sorry for snapping at you, but you keep on insinuating that we would turn on you like some pirate crew... It's annoying, not to mention preposterous.."


posted 05-31-2005 11:06 AM    
((OOC: Ender Segura joins into role play with this post, thank you...))

I hope i'm not too obvious. he thought to himself as he approached the group of people chatting amongst themselves. The weapons they wore on their belts told him everything he needed to know. Jedi! Here on Nar Shadaa! He had been trapped on Nar Shadaa for close to two months trying to find a way off. Ever since the transport he had booked passage on had been impounded for smuggling, his luck had gone from bad to worse. He was beginning to doubt the old axiom about Corellians and odds.Still, if the Jedi have come here, they must be looking for something or someone. Maybe I can help in exchange or a ride off this scumball. He made his approach as non-threatening as possible, his mind open to any probes they may have wanted to use.

"Excuse me folks, is there anything i can help you with? Nar Shadaa is a big place, and I know some people."

[ 05-31-2005 11:09 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 05-31-2005 11:13 AM    
Kitiana's eyes narrowed as the Major spoke. She wanted to lash back, to just kill him, but what would that really achieve?

"For one, I am not a Jedi. I am simply stating the nature of people. When you get used to people betraying you and lying to you your whole life, you are going to be suspicious!"

She let her temper get the best of her as she raised her voice. She was trying hard not to say too much more in anger.

"I am sorry for distrusting you Major Konig, and all of you actually."

Her attention was quickly averted to another person who decided to approach them. She eyed him warily, but felt no threat. Perhaps she should start trusting her instincts and senses more.

"Maybe you could help. We are looking for somebody who deals with....ancient relics. Things of the past."

She didn't want to say anything outloud of looking for holocrons as she had no clue as to who exactly they were dealing with.


posted 05-31-2005 11:55 AM    
"I'm sorry, let me introduce myself! how rude of me" he said with a smile "I'm Ender Segura, formerly of the Corellian Public Security Service. Ancient Artifacts you say? there are a few junk dealers around, but they'll never have anything worthwhile. There is this guy on level 35 of the refugee sector who deals with ..special..artifacts. that may be who you want to talk to. i can take you there. you'll have to be careful though, he is kind of skittish. "

He studied the woman who had spoken to him. she didn't look like the typical jedi. something was different. there was an intesity in her that he'd rarely seen. The other seemed more than the typical jedi. of course, his experience was limited with the jedi, so maybe he was assuming too much.

"if you follow me, its only a few blocks from here." he motioned for the group to follow him. He hoped that Tal'Quren didn't have another one of his panic fits. Even for a Twi'Lek, he was paranoid.

[ 05-31-2005 11:56 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ender ]


posted 05-31-2005 12:29 PM    
((OOC: nice start Ender, glad to have you))

The Major looked from Kitiana to the newcomer,

"Well, Ender, lead the way, and I don't think anything can really shake us off, short of a Rancor... You said this dealer has some relics?"

The Major eased into a whisper,

"Anything like holocrons, or other archaic devices? I've been searching up on the clone wars a few weeks ago, and well, the electrostaffs that those.. um, Magnaguards were they? Well, the staffs they had, I hoped I could find one for Hk-88. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Major Konig, Jedi Knight, and commander of the Flower of Carnage of the New Republic."

Konig noticed something in Ender's aura,

"Is there something troubling you? You seem hopeful of something..."

[ 05-31-2005 12:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 05-31-2005 05:38 PM    
After aknowledging Kitiana's greeting she listened to the conversation between the major and Kitiana.

A sense of frustration from both of them passed over as they spoke. She could feel a strange similarity from Kitiana, but unsure of what it was exactly.

Knowing it's not her place to interject due to her lack of knowledge of the group she kept quiet.

When the new comer arrived and introduced himself she responded with a slight nod to him and introduced her self to him in return.

"I am Sarisa Ker and I have only just recently met up with the Major and the others as well."

When the Major began requesting to be taken to someone who deal with holocrons Sarisa felt uneasy.

" Excuse me Major, but do you think it wise to broadcast what our search is for to everyone?"

Looking at Ender with an expression not meaning to insult him.


posted 05-31-2005 06:16 PM    
"pleased to meet you sarisa." he returned her nod. "don't worry, i'm not exactly the kind of person bounty hunters or the like enjoy dealing with." he said with a lopsided grin.
I should have guessed they would be looking for holocrons. he leaned close the the Major "I pretty sure my guy has what you're looking for. The staffs i'm not so sure on. He has alot of antique weapons, he might even have a sabre or two from the clone wars. I don't know if you could use those, but anything is better than nothing," he shrugged," He said something about a Sith Lanvarok last time i was in."

ender started walking, remaining next to the major.

" and you're right, something has been troubling me. The ship I had passage on was impounded for smuggling. I know some of the guys on the customs teams here, so i managed to get by without problems, but the ship is as good as scrap now, with the impound seal on it. I was hoping i could sign on with your crew. I am a hot hand in a fighter, and a decent gunner," he tried not to sound like a braggart," but moreover, i was hoping to become your assistant. My anscestors belonged to an order Called Freedom's Sons. They used to go out with Jedi and act as partners. Back before the Clone Wars and the destruction of the jedi during palpatine's rule. They met the same fate as many jedi, but some escaped. I guess i'm trying to revive the tradition."

He turned and looked up. "here we are , The Rusty Blade. Old Tal'Quren has a funny way with strangers, i'm amazed he still gets any business the way he acts. " Ender braced himself for Quren's tirade and entered the small bodega.

Sarisa Ker

posted 05-31-2005 06:36 PM    
Looking at the place they have been led to she tilts her head just ever so slightly as it seems to be somewhat of a dump.

"This place doesn't seem to have had better days if there ever were any."

"how long have you known this Tal'Quren Ender?"


posted 05-31-2005 06:49 PM    
"i've been working odd jobs for him now since i got here two months ago. he doesn't get out much but once you get to know him he'll chat your ear off." he replied

"Tal'Quren, you here!?" he shouted

A voice called from the back room "Who is it?! I have you on my security scanners! I'll call the police! My battle droids are powered up and ready!"

Ender chuckled. Not only were the battle droids inacitve, but their motivators had been rusted out since before they were obsolete. They stood there, holding trinkets, one wearing a wierd sort of hat that looked like a giant toadstool.
"Tal'Quren, is that any ways to treat your errand boy when he has brought you customers?"

"Customers! Oh my! I'll be right out." a whirring noise accompanied the footsteps, and a shriveled old twi'lek came from the back room. The noise emenated from the mechanical leg he wore, a replacement for one lost long ago. "I am Tal'Quren. I own this shop. May I help you" he said to the Major who accompanied Ender.

[ 05-31-2005 07:10 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ender ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 05-31-2005 07:01 PM    
Listening to Ender's chuckle at the false threat she relaxed and looked around the inside of the shop.

The whirring noise of the mechanical leg immediately grabbed her attention and drew her eyes toward the Twi'lek as he approached the Major and Ender.

With a quick glance at Kitiana to see what she was doing Sarisa returned her attention to the shop owner.


posted 06-01-2005 04:32 PM    
"Tal'Quren, these fine people are looking for relics of a bygone era." Ender spoke to the Twi'Lek

"Well look around!" the shop owner said, waving his arm.

"I don't think you have what they want on display, Tal'Quren. They're looking for something most people don't look for. Special artifacts." Ender said, lowering his voice.

"Ahhhh.." the Twi'Lek rolled back on his heels,"Follow me then."

Ender followed the shop keeper through the back door, making sure the rest of the party was in tow.

"Ender?" the twi'lek whispered

"yeah?" ender whispered back

"can we trust them?"

"i don't think they're going to just kill us. they could have done that already. Other than that, i've seen no reason to distrust them. You know how good i am at reading people."

"i keep forgetting you were a cop."

the group wove through piles of clutter and mountains of junk. The shop was certainly bigger than it appeared, it was just ful of stuff. Tal'Quren led them to a door that looked newer than the rest, and punched a code into the key pad on the wall next to it. IT hissed open, revealing a well lit, clean room. Lining the walls and tables were weapons of ancient manufactur, jewelry from as many worlds as there were stars, and stacks of datacubes.

"Well friends, take a look and let me know if there is anything you like." Tal'Quren turned to leave.

"Tal'Quren, you said you had found some jedi relics. Thats what they're interested in."

"Oh, check in that trunk in the corner" he pointed to a wood and steel locker in the back corner, handing the Major the key," it was given to me at the end of the Clone Wars by a man i knew." He walked to the front of the store, a single tear for a fallen comrade rolling down his cheek.

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-01-2005 08:36 PM    
Walking through the shop with the rest of the group she rummages a few things but mostly it's junk.

Tal'Quren opens the seemingly new door and she begins to look around immediately. Feeling a bit anxious hoping they find more holocrons or anything of signifigance for that matter.

After the Major recieves the key from Ender she starts looking trhough some of the ancient weapons and armor. Her eyes pearing over each item carefully looking for anything of interest.


posted 06-07-2005 01:55 PM    
"You may be interested in the cortosis-weave armor he has," Ender said To Sarisa," he keeps it over there on the shelf." He indicated with his hand.

He turned back to the Major. "So i guess there might be something you want in that chest." He walked over to a glass case containing ancient weapons and tried to look interested.

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-07-2005 07:11 PM    
"thank you I just might check it out" Sarisa hears Ender ask the Major about the chest and she glances at it on her way to look at the armor on the shelf. She pick up the weave and examines it. " Isn't cortis the same substance used in some sword and vibroblades making them able to withstand blows from a lightsaber?", she asked curiously.


posted 06-11-2005 01:49 PM    
"yeah, it was pretty popular way back even before the Clone Wars, but it was some pretty rare stuff. I heard somewhere that mandalorians stockpiled it during Exar Kun's time so they could fight jedi and survive. I don't know if it's true though. Not many Mandalorians left to ask about their history." he said.


posted 06-12-2005 03:10 AM    
Kitiana walked around in the shop, looking at all the different artifacts. Most of them, she had no clue what they were or how to use them. As Ender said the name Exar Kun, she looked up and over at him. Exar Kun was a name she recognized, a name her father had taught her about. She stared looking toward Ender, though not at him, more like through him; as she tried to remember what her father taught her about him.
She shook her head slightly then walked over to the trunk with the Major to see what other artifacts may be found.

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-13-2005 08:35 PM    
Listening to Enders description of the armor weave and hearing the term Mandalorian and the name Exar Kun sparks flashes of stories her mother told her, but since they are the past now she returns to the present and continues looking at the cortosis weave.

Picking it up she gets a feel of how heavy it is and if it might be worth the trouble of purchasing.

While holding the armor weave Sarisa glances around at the others in the room. Her glances then skim over the other items in her current view. Hoping to see something thatmight be useful or valuable to her.


posted 06-21-2005 07:59 PM    
((OOC: Holy Crap, I can post again!!!))

The Major turned to Sarisa, "I don't think anybody heard us, it's not like a group of Jedi can't draw attention..."

He then answered Ender, "As far as you're concerned, your already part of the crew, I'm assigning you a postition as the leader of my Vorpal squadron"

As they entered the rusty blade, his first impression was,

this really is a junk shop!

But as he looked closer, in between the shoddy piles of things, there were some pretty decent artifacts. And when he heard the whirring of the mechanical leg, he drew his eyes up to seel Tal, an old Twi'lek. After recieving the key, he proceeded to walk towards the chest the Twi'lek referred to.

As he walked towards the chest, another object caught his eye. An old, yet more or less pristine electrostaff lay in an upright transparisteel case. The powerpack may be missing, but it shouldn't be too hard to rig one up using a lightsaber power cell. He made a mental note and continued towards the chest.

He inserted the key and opened the chest. What lay inside was a cornucopia of knoledge, stacks of datacards and datasticks, and the most noticable objects were the holocrons, some were fist-sized cubes ,others were intricately etched square cards.

"Everybody, over here, I need some help choosing..."

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-21-2005 08:06 PM    
Hearing the Major's call and spinning to see what he had found. She saw all the things in the chest which he has just opened.

Her eyes widened at all the possibilities that lay before them.

Looking over the holocrons she picked out a couple and looked them over.

" I don't have the means of reading them here. I'd have to take them to my ship.", she replied. " I'm sure there's something of worth in all of these still."

" Do we have to buy them?" , she questioned and looked to the Major adn to Ender.


posted 06-21-2005 08:17 PM    
"As long as Tal'Quren takes credits, we can get the whole box..."

He shut the box, and hefted it under his left arm and walked over to the electrostaff and popped that out of the case.

"HK!, take this, it may need a power cell, but you might need it..."

The droid quickly grabbed it and examined the diagnostics on it,

"So, lets see if we can't find Tal'Quren.."

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-21-2005 08:23 PM    
Grabbing the cortosis-weave armor and following the Major in search of the Twi'lek. Her high hopes of the new cargo dancing in her head.

"I'd like to get this for myself if you don't mind Major."


posted 06-21-2005 09:21 PM    
"I appreciate your offer, and am honored to accept." he said to the Major. Turning, Ender walked over to Tal'Quren.

"Well friend, it seems like this is it for our partnership. Give me a buzz sometime if you pic up any more good comedy holos."

Tal'Quren smiled, flashing a toothy grin "It's been good, Ender, but you aren't meant to be tied down like me. Speaking of leaving," he moitionmed behind Ender," it would seem your new companions are ready to depart."

Ender turned, looking at the Major approaching.

"Did you find what you wanted?" he asked.

The Major nodded.

"If you've found what you need," Tal'Quren said from behind Ender," I can check you out and have everything moved to your ship whenever you may want."

Ender made for the back of the store.

"I'll grab my things and we can get going as soon as you want" he said over his shoulder, excited to finally be off the planet that had kept him prisoner for too long.

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-21-2005 09:38 PM    
Placing the armor weave on the counter and looking at Tal'Quren.

"I'd like to purchase this please? How much do I owe you for it?", she asked anxiously.

Her curious thoughts of what she could do with the cortosis playing around in her mind.


posted 06-22-2005 10:19 AM    
The Major walked up to Tal'Quren,

"SO, how much would I owe for the entire box of data, and the electrostaff from the same room, HK has it now..."

He hefted the box onto the counter and waited for a reply from the pondering Twi'lek


posted 06-22-2005 11:11 PM    
Walking out of the back carrying a battered duffel bag, Ender heard the Major ask Tal'Quren about price.

"Well, the trunk is very valuable to me, but I guess you would have more of a right to it than i woul. I'll part with it for five thousand. The Staff for 1500, and the weave for 8 thousand. We can work out payment plans if you want." The Twi'Lek tapped the prices into a register.

Ender winced as he heard those prices. Tal'Quren is really charging them for these things. I hope the Majr can talk him down a bit.


posted 06-23-2005 08:15 AM    
The major handed the Twi'lek a republic card,

"Take what you need out of this account on a four month plan,"

He waited until the Twi'lek was done registering the card and accessing the account,

"and if you ever get caught in a bind, my comm frequency is on the account, so, can you do the four month plan?"


posted 06-23-2005 03:27 PM    
The Twi'Lek nodded "No problem."

Ender walked up to Tal'Quren and extended his hand. "It's been an experience Tal. I'll see you around."

Tal'Quren gripped Ender's hand. "Fair Winds and Favorable Trade to the lot of you. Stay off the wanted holos Ender, its no place for a cop to end up." the shopkeeper shuffled to the back of the store, mumbling about the young and restless. He certainly had never been like that when he was a youth. Oh no! Never!


posted 06-23-2005 03:36 PM    
The Major fiddled with a power cell from one of the packs on his belt and stuck it into the connector on the inside of the staff hilt,

"Try it now HK,"

The droid nodded and depressed the activation stud, the ends of the staff lit up with purplish energy and smalle wisps of electricy arced into the air just around the ends. The droid pressed the stud again and the staff deactivated.

"Good, so, where do we head now?"

said the Major as they exited the shop...


posted 06-23-2005 04:19 PM    

Xenn Appears from behind a local merchants tent. 'Hopefully no one notices me.' he silently thinks to himself. as he lowers his hood and walks past Major Konig. Then stops. his eyes sharpen as he tries to remember where he had seen Konig before... then Xenn turns his head and says "Sir. id like to ask your name. if you wouldnt mind. and what your business is here on Nar Shadaa?

[ 06-23-2005 04:19 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 06-23-2005 04:25 PM    
((OOC: Not bad Xenn))

The Major spun about and looked at the newcomer,

"I was just perusing this shop and purchasing merchandise... And I'm Major Konig, a Jedi, as are you I believe..."

His eyes softened and he grinned,

"So, who are you, and what is your business on Nar Shaddaa?"


posted 06-23-2005 04:47 PM    
Xenn looks upon Major Konig in slight relief. then says

"Your a jedi? maybe Smashing into this planet wasnt such a bad thing after all."

Xenn's face lightens up.

Xenn says "Im Xenn Nocturnum. and as you predicted yes, i am a jedi. finding you is somewhat of a relief i must say. i havent grown very fond of the bantha fodder of a people this planet calls its own. im stranded here. and i came into this shop to see if they had the peices nessisary to fix my ship, the Pheonix I, and find a way off this rock. Pure coeincedence i would find a fellow jedi here. Do you think you could be of assistance?

[ 06-23-2005 04:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-23-2005 07:06 PM    
After paying the 8 thousand for the weave and thanking Tal'Quren. She steps back into the back room so no one may see as she puts on the weave and places her cloak over it. Allowing her to appear as she did just a moment ago.

AS they step outside the shop she notices a stranger who has the posture and movements of a jedi approach the Major.

She listens to him introduce himself as Xenn and admits to being a jedi.

When a silent moment occurs she speaks up, " I'm Sarisa Ker. It's nice to meet you Xenn."

Turning to the major she offers a suggestion, " I say we find out what exactly is on these holocrons and datapads."


posted 06-23-2005 07:26 PM    
"Well Xenn, how big is your ship, that way, I can send one of my transports downplanet to bring it to the Flower, it's a capital ship, and it's equipped to repair anything... Yes Sarisa, we really ought to check out these holocrons and things..."

He looked down the street for no apparent reaaon,

"I guess we should go into orbit..."

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-23-2005 07:28 PM    
Seeing the Major look at the street and seem a bit disappointed she asks, " Did you not want to go into orbit so quickly? Was there something else you wanted to do here?"


posted 06-23-2005 08:41 PM    
Xenn Nods in Sarisa's direction

"My ship is about half the size of the infamous millenium falcon. not very big at all." Says Xenn. "I would very much appriciate if you helped to repair my ship. its crashed just outside of this sector."

"Holocrons?" Xenn said, "Jedi Holocrons?"

Xenn thought to himself, 'now, THIS could get interesting...'

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-23-2005 08:45 PM    
"yes Xenn."

"Do you happen to have any of your own? The Major is hoping to restart the Jedi order and make a new counsel, but we need to find as many holocrons as possible first."

"Are you a grey jedi or do you walk the path of light or dark?"


posted 06-23-2005 08:50 PM    
Xenn Thought to himself then asked

"We? are you a Jedi aswell? Ive trotted on both paths. and i find the path of the light more fufilling than any other."

Xenn ponderd to himself, 'a new Jedi order? that would attract alot of unwanted attention.'

Xenn asks, "And just how do you plan to rebuild the Jedi without any interference?"


posted 06-23-2005 08:57 PM    
Not wanting to interfere in he conversation, Ender strolls over to one of the tent merchants to peruse. Seeing Nothing, he wanders back to the Major. Studying Xenn, he sees nothing threatening, and even without the ability to feel the force, he could sense this newcomer was greatly relieved to find other jedi.
Curiouser and curiouserhe thought to himself. He satisfied himself with checking his belt to make sure he hadn't forgot anything back in the room he had rented from Tal'Quren.

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-23-2005 09:02 PM    
"Something like that. My mother trained me. She was a Jedi Knight. So I haven't gone through formal training. Just things she knew and some teachings from some holocrons."

Looking Xenn over and thinking of some similarities between him and her.

" I too have been on both paths but I haven't found fullfilment from either side."


posted 06-23-2005 09:03 PM    
Xenn notices as Ender Intenionally avoids the conversation, wondering why.

Xenn ponders on Ender.


posted 06-23-2005 09:10 PM    
Xenn looks back at Sarisa then says

"Sometimes i wonder why i Regret what i did so long ago. It felt so right at the time. But i guess i understand now, why i was wrong, for you to truly experience the good of the force, you must experience the bad."

Xenn looks toward the ground, then back up at Sarisa

Xenn feels like he can identify with her

Xenn then states

"I would love to help rebuild the order, but all the holocrons i had in my possesion disenegrated when i crashed into this planet. Where are you planning on placing this new academy?

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-23-2005 09:18 PM    
Starting to feel somewhat of a common bond with Xenn she feels comfortable enough to share anything she can with him and hoping the same will be returned.

" I have been on both sides and in fact I still have tendencies of drifting to the dark side. I do not feel remorse for doing so though I know I should. Perhaps I do not know enough or maybe I wasn't taught right, but I have learned much form being on my own."


posted 06-23-2005 09:26 PM    
Xenn says

"The dark side is not a path easily turned from. Im suprised you havent fully succumbed to its seductive power. but in turn that shows you have a unique strength, maybe its time you have some companionship? for shared insight, and to help you control your emotions. the light side of the force gave me a new outlook on life as a whole.

Xenn almost shamefully admits

"I was a dark jedi learner the first 15 years of my life"

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-23-2005 09:32 PM    
Almost beginning to blush from an unknown reason to her she looks at Xenn.

"I haven't had any companions until I was accepted into the Major's group."

"I would welcome your companionship Xenn."

"I haven't turned to either side fully because my mother taught me a very special skill to resist both sides. It has helped me many times"

Giving Xenn a curious look. " How is it that you went from being a dark side learner to being on the path of light?"


posted 06-23-2005 09:39 PM    
((OOC: go check out my characters profile in the character description board))

Xenn Smiles at Sarisa and says

"Oh its a long story, not very interesting... lots of battles, bloodshed, and drama."

Xenn smirks and says

"You wouldnt be interested."

Xenn says

"It seems like we can learn alot from eachother. i look forward to travelling with you."

Xenn then askes

"So where did you meet the major?"

[ 06-23-2005 09:39 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-23-2005 09:47 PM    
(( OOC: I saw it thanks. by the way i can't send you PM's back it says you don't accept them))

Smiling back at Xenn. "Yes you are right it seems. I look forward to learning as much as I can"

"I followed the major and his group after I saw them rent a speeder. They moved like jedi so i followed them.


posted 06-23-2005 09:51 PM    
((OOC: it should work now))

Xenn Nods and says

"Interesting, How many holocrons do you have in your possesion? Do you know how to retrive the information stored within? Lets Veiw a couple.

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-23-2005 10:06 PM    
"I have only a few. I have nine, and yes I know how to retrieve the onformation within them. My mother taught me how in case I found more."

She gets a calm and good feeling from the young jedi. Looking him over again making sure she didn't miss anything hidden on him or within him.

"we need to wait for the major and everyone else before we head off to find out what is in the holocrons."


posted 06-23-2005 10:13 PM    
Xenn studies Sarisa's expressions and smiles at her, then Says

"Ahh im getting impatient again. heh, this companionship is doing a great deal of good already! i think i have good idea. we can get the majors opinion later. in order for us to keep the new jedi order secret for now... we should construct a space station, deep in the outer rim. housing all the information and grounds to train jedi."

then he askes

"what do you think?"

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-23-2005 10:22 PM    
letting Xenn study her as she listens to his idea.

"Well, I'm glad I'm helping you out already. That's suprising for me since I've never had a companion."

Looking at the major and the rest of the group then back to Xenn.

"Well, that's an interesting idea but where would we get the materials and how would we construct such a thing without questions being asked what the materials are for?"

She then winks at him.


posted 06-23-2005 10:31 PM    
Xenn smirks then winks back, then feels emotions of passion and lust emerging, then suddenly shuns them away, trying to remember his training.

Xenn clears his throat and says.

"Im sure the major has enough trusted friends around here to help us with the materials, and as far as keeping it a secret if its deep enough in the outer rim, we wont have to tell anyone about it. once its in construction we can scour the galaxy looking for force sensitive potenials.

Xenn ponders the thought of being a master at such a young age, then snaps out of it, remembering greed is one of the ways to the dark side.

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-23-2005 10:38 PM    
Smiling and with a soft giggle she knows what she has done.

"What kind of station would it be though? Would it be like the Death stars, or just some orbital citadel for Jedi to learn and teach?"

Looking to the major wondering what his response is to possibly having connections to get all these materials and building equipment.

Her blue eyes turning back to Xenn awaiting his response.


posted 06-23-2005 10:41 PM    
(((OCC: XENN, YOU ARE ROLE-PLAYING WITH A CHARACTER WHOSE DESCRIPTION DOES NOT FIT THE TIME FRAME OF THIS RPG. I would have PMed you about this, but apparently cannot, so I resorted to the next alternative.)))

[ 06-23-2005 10:41 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]


posted 06-23-2005 10:48 PM    
"A mid space jedi citadel." Xenn Proposes.

Xenn asks suprisingly

"Death Star? i dont think the galaxy needs another one of those. This Jedi temple would be somthing small to start out with, eventually we would ground it and build on it on a surronding planet. just an idea for now."

Xenn says "we could be the ones that rebuilt the jedi!, we would go down in history next to names like Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, the Qel-Droma's, and the skywalkers.

Xenn snaps back to reality and says

"lets get those supplies"

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-23-2005 10:53 PM    
"Well, we shall see what the future holds. Until then we need to gather as much info as we can and talk to the Major about the station later."

She gives him a strange look as she relishes the thought of being in history.


posted 06-23-2005 11:00 PM    
Xenn rubs his eyes, and holds his breath and tounge from the rancid gammorean that just passed by.

then he looks at Sarisa with tears in his eyes and says

"wow, that indeed is a very uniqe smell"

Xenn waits for the major to snap out of his coma, then asks Sarisa

"Do you know of a way we can amass the amount of credits needed?"

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-23-2005 11:05 PM    
Holding her nose as she replies, " Well, the major seems to have a good amount of funds available and I have aquite abit at my disposal as well."

Letting go of her nose and waving the air hoping for fresher air to pass.


posted 06-23-2005 11:09 PM    
Xenn says

"Alright now all we have to do is wait for the major. or, we can start without him, and let him catch up later?"

Xenn asks

"What do you want to do?"

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-23-2005 11:23 PM    
"I think it would be best to wait. he may have other ideas"


posted 06-24-2005 01:26 AM    
listening to sarisa and xenn discuss their plans for the academy, Ender notices the enthusiasm Xenn has for the Jedi Citadel.

"You wouldn't be familiar with the Chu'Unthor, would you Xenn?" Ender inquired.

"Seems to me that constructing a school in space has great risks along with it's great benefits."

Ender extended his hand "My name is Ender. I'm pleased to meet you. I'm not a Jedi, but I'm more than happy to help you out. The galaxy needs balance, and right now, your kind are the best chance for it."

Ender turns to the Major "I'm ready to go whenever you are, Sir."


posted 06-24-2005 03:48 PM    
"I'm ready, I'll beckon the shield.."

He lifted his comlink and depressed the button which was labled Crnt Loc

"Yes, I think an orbital or travelling station would be worth it... "

He started to walk down the lane with the others,

"I've heard of the Chu'Unthor, it was an enormous travelling Jedi Praxeum, until we can secure the massive funding for that sort of thing, I think we could just station it inside the Flower, remodel a little bit, make larger training areas and it should serve for a long time. "

He looked over to the lane,

"And here is our ride,"

The Shield descended and lowered the ramp right next to the group, he lept over to the ramp and let the ship get a little closer to the group, he held a handle with his left and leaned off the edge and outstretched his right hand,

"All aboard! I'll show you all the possible school in orbit..."

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-24-2005 05:52 PM    
Pausing and looking at the Major.

"If we're going into space then I need to get to my ship. I'm assuming your ship has more than enough room for another ship to dock inside?"

"I think making a Jedi school in your ship might be a good idea for now until we can get the funds and resources to build the actual Praxeum. That way we can get started on training others in the ways of the force and also it will give us more people to defend with. Just thinking on a strategic point of view."


posted 06-24-2005 09:07 PM    
"Sounds good, the ship in orbit has an enourmous hangar and a medium-sized fleet... So, can you get to your ship from here or do you want me to drop you off at the spaceport here?"

He was shouting over the low roar of the repulsors and his hair was wisping about in the rushing air, he helped Xenn on and HK lept on himself, his metal and rubber footpads clicked on the ramp and he walked inside the ship.


Sarisa Ker

posted 06-24-2005 09:14 PM    
" I'll meet you in orbit Major."

With that she took a step back giving him a physical response to not getting onto his ship incase he didn't her her words.


posted 06-24-2005 09:52 PM    
Climbing aboard the Shield, Ender ploped his belongings next to the first available seat.

"Will this be a meal flight?" he asks jokingly.

[ 06-24-2005 09:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ender ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-24-2005 10:03 PM    
Sarisa heads back to the speeder she rented and makes her way back to her ship.

She stows her things away safely and begins start up procedures. The ship's engine rumbles to life as systems come online. Slowly she lifts off from the dock and extends the ships wings into flight position as she blast off through the atmosphere.


posted 06-24-2005 10:12 PM    
The Major nodded in understanding, he then helped Ender, Kitiana, Echuu and Raye lept on the ramp himself. He waved to Sarisa as he pulled himslef back into the ship, the ramp shut and he got to the command cabin. He leap-frogged the back of the chair and plopped into the cushion. He grabbed the joystick and the throtle and shouted,

"Everybody hold on!"

He wrenched the throttle forward and jammed the stick forward, the ship blasted past Sarisa and probably left a wake of rushing air. There was a thump and an 'oof' on the lower deck.. He rose through the shipping lanes and called the Flower,

"Thei is Konig speaking, open the hangar and prepare two mag-docks, and get ready to send a carry-frieghter downplanet..."

The officer on the other end acknoledged and they rose out of the atmosphere. HK stepped up from the lower deck and stood straight next to the Major. He could hear the faint whirr and hum of the droids innards.

"So, how do you like the new staff?"

The droid audibly brightened his 'mood,'

"I actually appreciate the purchase sir, it could really integrate itself with my current battle programming. A little modification and I will have a near-perfect staff program..."

The Major turned the ship to face the Flower's enourmous hangar,

"Well, I'm happy I could augment your combat parameters..."

The Major let the ship guide itself into the mag-dock and a gangway extended from the side of the docking platform. He looked out the side of the canopy and saw the numerous racks of sharp-looking fighters, folded and in perfect condition. He stood up and walked down a level,

"We're here, Sarisa should be here soon..."

He stepped out of the ship and rotated his shoulder, and stretched out, yawning at the same time. He motioned for Xenn,

"So, give that officer any information to access and pick up your ship, he'll pilot a carry-frieghter and bring your ship up here.."

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-24-2005 10:24 PM    
Passing the other craft buzzing around the planet going to and from unknown destinations Sarisa loved flying even if it wasn't the most elegant ship in space it served it's purpose.

Getting into the outer atmosphere she began scanning for a large ship which she hoped would be the Majors ship.

[ 06-24-2005 10:31 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 06-24-2005 10:28 PM    
((OOC: Sarisa, I have a single capital ship, it's also a carrier, so It's one really long white and crimson dreadnaught. The fleet I mentioned is housed inside the carrier))

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-24-2005 10:34 PM    
Her scans pick up a dreadnaught and she accelerates to it's coordinates. Not trying to seem aggressive but the Ripper just gives off that kind of an impression all on it's own.

"I hope they don't shoot me before asking who I am", she thinks to herself.


posted 06-25-2005 12:26 AM    
((OOC: What kind of fighters are Vorpals?))

Ender looked out the viewport when they entered the hanger and noticed a dozen sleek fighters. Those mus be the Vorpals he was talking about. Never seen those before. He gathered up his bag and walked down the ramp, joining the Major on the hanger deck.

"Where should I stash my stuff?" he asked nonchalantly.


posted 06-25-2005 05:35 AM    
The Major pointed over to the fighter racks,

"Vorpals are a new form of fighter, built around a single turbolaser and bristling with maneuvering wings :link:
And we can stash everybody's things in their own quarters, I'l take evrybody down to that level when Sarisa gets here.."

He looked past the atmosphere shields and saw a few craft, but only one approaching the hangar itself. He lifted his comlink and spoke to the bridge officer,

"Give clearance to any ships registered to Sarisa Ker, and send them a 'go' trasnmission,"

he waited a second for an affirmative, and pocketed his comlink, he then stood, waiting for Sarisa's ship to dock,

elsewhere, on the bridge, and officer contacted the Ripper,

"Sarisa Ker, this is Raj Hantor of the Flower of Carnage, you have clearance to dock in the lower hangar"

((OOC: You can come in now! ^_^))


posted 06-25-2005 06:55 AM    
Kitiana remained silent. She looked into the trunk and saw the many things that would hold information. Perhaps they would be of help; she hoped they would be of help.
Xenn was interesting. She listened as he and Sarisa speak of the light and dark side. She did not interject in their conversation, did not offer her insights. She wasn't sure they would go over well anyways.

"I will meet you on your ship Major, though my ship is small, I do not want to abandon it."

Kitiana made her way to her ship alone, Raye and the others had gone with the Major, which she really didn't mind. she was used to being alone. In fact, she almost preferred to be alone, if it weren't for the fact that she needed others to help her, and to learn.

"this is the Nysa, permission to dock."

Though her voice seems to hold no emotion, she is in fact very intrigued and excited to learn about the past. the past holds the secrets to the future.

((ooc, hmmm...I wonder where everybody else went....))


posted 06-25-2005 04:37 PM    
((OOC: Heh, dunno))

The Major went to the control console at his dock and entered a code, he then depressed the access granted stud and the Nysa began to enter the hangar, she neared the docking system. He pressed another button and two docking clamps extended from below and above the main platform. He adjusted them using two sticks and maneuvered the magnetic pads to clamp on the ship. He waved her on, and he walked over to her dock and waited for her to emerge from her ship. Meahwhile, HK preformed the same procedure to accept Sarisa's vessel...


posted 06-25-2005 05:19 PM    
Xenn Waits for all the rest of the crew to come aboard; casually conversating with his fellow shipmates.

Xenn says "Im glad you all like the idea for the floating academy. Thank you for letting us use your ship for now Major. Ender thank you for your compliments. I belive that you will help us out on this jorney, Jedi or not, i thank you dearly.

"Major?" Xenn asks. "Do you by chance have a room for me? i need to meditate on things, if any of you need me, ill be in the cargo bay."

For now, Xenn steps into the cargo bay, and begins to feel out the galaxy for any jedi potenials. Also meditating on other matters.


posted 06-25-2005 08:40 PM    
The Major swung around and shouted to Xenn,

"Take that main turbolift to one of the levels marked quarters, perferably the highest one, that's where everybody else is probably going!"


posted 06-26-2005 06:09 PM    
Xenn Gets up and walks over to the turbolift. Looks back and says

"If anyone needs me, just call me on my comlink."

He then Checks for the highest level marked quarters and speeds to the top, dissapearing from sight.

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-27-2005 05:45 PM    
" Flower of Carnage this is The Ripper. Accepting docking codes."

After docking in the Flower and meeting up with everyone else she makes sure she has her belongings.

She looks at Kitiana several times with wonder and curiousity in her eyes.

"Major, where will we put the temporary academy and who will instruct there once it's set up?" She looks at the major waiting for his response.


posted 06-27-2005 07:23 PM    
"We can utilize the lower quarters, a placer where they can live for the time of their training, and we can clear out a few cargo rooms and a hangar and use those as instruction areas. And on the matter of who will instruct, it would be anyone here with sufficient skill and knoledge, mainly, You, Echuu Shinzon,most likely Raye Starr, possibly Jebbua Dahutt once I contact him again, and me..."

He began to lead everyone towards the turbolift,

"I also have a new idea of how to get funds for a spaceborne academy,"

The lift doors closed and the Major pushed the button for quarters,

"Maybe we can petition in the senate for funds and labor and then we can start off with a large mobile space station... Travel to different planets, give the students experience, msybe pick up more talent..."

By then, the doors open,

"Well, everybody find some quarters, and we can discuss this later, unless you want to meet up in the bridge when you're all settled in...

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-27-2005 07:32 PM    
Listening to the Major spout off his ideas and lising the places where people can study and train inside his ship she notices how decisevly he seem s to have things planned out and she knows why he is a Major now.

Sarisa gives the major a concerned look and replies as they exit the turbolift.

"You want me to train others? I'm not even a master. Besides which my training hasn't exactly been counsel sanctioned. That and the fact that I'm not exactly as dedicated to the light side of the force as most jedi are. I'm not so sure I should teach."


posted 06-27-2005 08:21 PM    
"I believe you have good decision=making skills, and If anything, you can teach students other skills if you feel uncomfortable teaching the force, you could probably teach stealth and survival skills, you are experianced in those fields, right?"

He inhaled,

"Anyway, I don't know any masters, the closest person I know is Jebbua Dahutt, and I haven't heard from him in a while, he's on Sullust now, with his sister, her child, and his apprentice.."

He opened a door to a room and checked to see if it was empty,

"Well, mull it over, I'm going to scout a location for a council chamber, you can come along if you wish, after you drop off your stuff in your new room. It has a bed, a living area, and 'fresher station. So, what will it be, settle in, or help look for a council chamber?"

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-27-2005 08:30 PM    
"Yes I have survival skills and fighting skills. I just don't think i'm a good choice to teach philosophies and such."

She looks into the room and sees that it look fairly comfortable.

"I'd like to drop off my stuff and I will accompany you. That will give me more time to get to know the ship more as well as the people aboard. I feel much more relaxed when I know who is around me, but I'm sure you already think like that don't you? If I may ask. How is it you went from being a jedi to being a Major?"

[ 06-27-2005 08:54 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 06-27-2005 08:49 PM    
Seeing the Major and Sarisa walking away, Ender hurried to follow, knowing they were heading towards the personnel quarters. If anything, he could use a nice long shower and a nap. It had been a long day, and he needed to rest his mind.

Collaring a young lieutenant, he asked the man to lead him to whatever available quarters there were to be had. The officer led him to a small room in pilot country, knowing Ender would be serving with them. Ender asked for directions to the pilots mess, and the liutenant gave him a datapad with a map of the entire ship. Ender pocketed it in his jacket and palmed the door lock. It slid open silently, revealing a darkened quibicle with a bunk, a desk, a closet and a door he assumed led to the 'fresher. Plopping his things on the bed, Ender undressed and stepped into the shower. Turning on the water, he let is tense muscles relax and enjoyed the sensation of the neddle sprays on his skin.


posted 06-27-2005 09:04 PM    
"I fought in the war against the Vong, I gained the rank and it stuck as part of my identity, but I am still a Jedi, just a knight anyway..."

He began to walk down a corridor,

"I never explored every single room on this ship, It's enormous, though I did manage to get a count on the defenses and the fleet. It also turns out we have a cloaking device onboard... So that comes in handy whenever we're outnumbered and outgunned. What we need is a large circular room, preferably with a viewport to space."

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-27-2005 09:21 PM    
Walking along side the Major as they explore the ship. Looking down hallways and into rooms of different types and sizes.

" I see. Well, your title seems to fit your current duties. So what more do you know of your other companions? Also is there anything you'd like to know about me?"


posted 06-28-2005 11:36 AM    
Kitiana stepped from her rather small ship and onto the Flower of Carnage. She had never been on a ship so large; her father liked to keep a low profile. Her clear eyes looked around and took in her surroundings. The others had already dispersed, and she did the same. She carried a small bag with some personal belongings she didn't wish to keep on her ship and that she would need.

Not exactly knowing where anything is she simply walked around the large ship until she found the living quarters. She walked into an empty room and set her stuff on the bed. It wasn't that bad, a little bigger than the room on her own ship, and a private bathroom. a smile spread across her face, perhaps things wouldn't turn out so bad. Obvoiusly her companions hadn't tried to kill her yet, and she doubted they would. Of course, she would still keep certain things guarded, especially her emotions.
she stepped into the showers and let the warm water run over her. she looked down and sighed when she saw the scars. Why was he such an ass? I hate him! She closed her eyes as the small bathroom filled with steam.You don't hate me more than I do you child. I taught you better than this; befriending jedi?! You will pay dear Kitiana. Kitiana's eyes flew awake. Was that just a dream? She turned off the water and took a deep breath as she got dressed.

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-28-2005 05:37 PM    
While walking with the Major Sarisa stops in the middle of an intersection of hallways. She closes her eyes and opens her senses. Making a disturbed face for a moment then seemingly returning back to normal.
Hmmm she thinks to herself for a moment. A few moments pass but they seem like minutes instead of seconds during her concentration.


posted 06-29-2005 01:38 PM    
walking to the pilots mess in a fresh ship's suit, Ender felt a little more spring to his step. Something about shipboard life areed with him in a way that being planet bound never could. It was like part of him was missing.

Entering the pilots mess, he found to food dispensor and grabbed a meal. he sat down at a table and watched the large holoviewer at one end. It had a shockball tournament on. He was pleased to nitce that corellia was ahead 3 - 2 over courscant.

slowly eating his meal, he didn't notice that several pilots had taken notice of his prescence. One approached, a wiry man with a build that was typical of fighter jocks throughout the galaxy.

"who're you?" the man asked.

"I'm Ender. I'm new here." ender replied.

"I can see that. Whats a rookie like you doing in the vets lounge.?"

"well, eating. i would have thought that was obvious, Mister..."


"Yes, well it would do you some good to know that the Major has placed me in command of the Vorpals. You wouldn't fall into that category would you?"

"I would as a matter of fact. and i don't like people telling me what to do unless they're the Major."

"Then we have a problem Mr.Tramek."

"It seems we do." Tramek said, leaning over the opposite side of the table menacingly, an edge in his voice.

Ender saw something come from the man's sleeve into his hand.Stiletto! What kind of rookie does he think i am?! Preparing to dodge, Ender took stock of his situation. A test! thats what this is! they're testing me. to see if i am fit to lead them. I cannot fail! Seeing Tramek start his swing, Ender kicked back, launching the table into his opponent. The man folded over with the impact of the plasteel into his stomach. Ender was on him moments later, wresting the blade from his hand. Gaining control, he helf the weapon to Trameks throat.

"That ws foolish, Tramek. Assaulting an officer. You're lucky. I don't like doing reports. So we'll let it slide." Ender hissed in the mans ear.

"Yes, Sir!" Tramek whispered back.

Ender got to his feet and helepd the other man back to his feet. He gave the weapon back to him.

"Well, it seems my meal is done. Have a good day gentlemen. I expect we'll be eading out soon, so i would expect you all to hit the simulators. I'll be doing the same." Ender turned and walked out.

"Well? is he okay Tramek?" one of the pilots asked.

"Okay? Is he okay? I haven't had someone puts moves on me since i was as slow and stupid as you, Greel." Tramek shot back.

"Slag you Tramek."

"Yeah, he'll fit the bill. I just hope he moves like that in a fighter."

[ 06-29-2005 01:39 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ender ]


posted 06-29-2005 06:03 PM    
Xenn kneels quietly, blindfoled, in his dark quarters with nothing but a large window peering into outer space behind him.

Xenn meditates

Xenn listens to all of the others talk about training jedi hopefuls.

'we should not be worrying about training just yet'. Xenn says telepathically to everyone on the ship.

Xenn stands up


Xenn's lightsaber ignites.

20 training remotes circle Xenn

they all fire one by one.

Xenn back flips up and onto two while reflecting blaster shots back at the remotes.

'Before we train any others in the ways of the force, we should all share our knoledge with eachother.' Xenn Communicates

Force pushing 4 remotes into the wall Xenn reflects 5 blaster shots then backflips off the 2 remotes hes standing on, slashing them both on the way down.

'We should clear a large space in the flower, and meditate together, and we should also spar aswell, to keep us ready for our future travels.'

Xenn powers off his lightsaber, then crushes the remaining remotes with the force.

'Ill meet u all in the mess hall for now.'

Xenn unblindfolds himself then quietly walks out of his room, leaving peices of smashed droid everywhere.

[ 06-29-2005 06:06 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-29-2005 06:36 PM    
Still standing in the same spot as she was a few moments ago. She hears Xenn's messege.

While looking at the Major she responds back, " I agree that maybe we all should share more of ourselves with one another. The more knowledge and experience we share the better we will be. As for the sparing I wouldn't mind that at all. I need to keep my skills sharp."

"What do you think Major?"


posted 06-29-2005 06:51 PM    
Xenn Arrives in the mess hall and clears the area of the tables. Xenn stands in the middle of a giant area, big enough to hold about 10 X-wing fighters.

Xenn Waits For the others to join him.


posted 06-29-2005 08:40 PM    
"I'm game.... time to showcase our abilities...."

The Major took a right and called the turbolift, it opened immediately. He waited til Sarisa entered and he hit the mess hall level. There were there in moments.

He stepped out to see the main mess hall cleared of tables. He walked to the edge of the makeshift arena,

"One rule, try not to damage the floor or anypart of the ship... That costs money and we need to conserve resources, but enough, let us display our abilities..."


posted 06-29-2005 08:49 PM    
Xenn Smirks.

He drops his cloak to reveal his grey tunic. His afro stands at attention, the slightly dreadlocked strands stand vertical. His purple lightsaber ignites. then he takes stance.

"Your Move"

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-29-2005 09:16 PM    
After entering the mess hall witht he Major she sees Xenn waiting.

"So is this a one on one contest boys?", she smiles and toss off her cloak revealing her gray body suit.

"I'd like to add something else. Melee combat only. Nothing but lightsabers, hand-to-hand or other melee weapons and the combat must remain sparring only. No hurting each other. So how do we begin?"


posted 06-29-2005 09:29 PM    
hearing Xenn's call, Ender heads for the mess hall. Arriving, he sees Sarisa, the Major and Xenn all standing in battle stances, waiting.

"Well, I don't think my forearms can block sabre blades. If you want to engage in hand to hand combat i'll join in, but i'm no match for lightsabres."

"but since we're discussing combat training, perhaps some background checks are in order. You all Know i was with the Corellian Public Safety Service as a pilot. I didn't tell you that i was with Section 21, a special branch that focused mainly on undercover work. I was trained in infiltration, hand to hand, nd demolitions. I hear that Sarisa is quite good with survival and such. I would be glad to exchnage knowledge with each of ou, and possible record it so we can have some raining materials for later. If each of you could tell me what your specialties are, i canmaybe put together a non-force oriented training program, since you'll be focusing on the force-using aspects. It is, afterall, the least i can do to bring the jedi back to the galaxy." Ender seats himself on the floor, crossing his legs and pulling out a vocorder he had stashed away in his pocket.

"then maybe i can show you what i learned fighting glit biters and spice smuggglers in the back alleys of coronet city." he said with a feral grin.

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-29-2005 09:40 PM    
Looking to the doorway as Ender enters and hearing him make his statement she responds, " Yes Ender I do have fighting skills, but they are more than just in lightsaber techniques. I specialize in hand-to-hand but I have incorporated my unarmed combat with my lightsaber technique. I doubt any of you have seen my fighting style." She winks as she takes up a relaxed but ready stance. Her palms open with fingers slightly curled.


posted 06-29-2005 10:26 PM    
recognizing the ivitation, ender enters a loose guard position his right hand extended in front of him, his left palm upturned, halfway between his right and his torso. letting a calm settle over him, he breathes, letting the tension flow from him.

"so sarisa, what fighting styles were you trained in? you might be surprised with what i do know."

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-29-2005 10:30 PM    
Keeping her stance relaxed and calm she watches Ender take his stance.

She then looks around at the Major and Xenn.

"Is this going to be a four way bout or a one on one match?"

Her attention returns to Ender after he asks what she has been trained in.

She smiles at him thinking he's sweet.

"I have been trained by my mother in my ancestoral Echani fighting styles."


posted 06-29-2005 10:40 PM    
The Major left his saber at his belt, he shrugged off his cloak to reveal a light brown and kahki set of robes. He whipped his arms out to reveal his moderately muscled forearms.

"I trained in a martial arts that focuses on joint locks, quick strikes,punches, kicks, and redirecting force instead of bluntly blocking it..."

He lowered into a wide stance and faced Xenn with one loose fist forward and one loose fist behind that one. He shuffled back a tad and got ready,

"Go ahead..."

((I really did train in a martial arts, Go Ju Ryu (hard-soft style) Karate))

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-29-2005 10:47 PM    
Standing so she can see Ender, Xenn and the Major all in their stances she smiles.

"Now this is a wonderful sight, but I still have a question. Is this a four way bout or are we picking who to spar with?"

She glances around the room at the others.


posted 06-29-2005 11:00 PM    
The Major looked to sarisa,

"Well, since no bad guys would fight a Jedi alone, I say we do a four way, we can saber spar later..."

He shuffled back again, so he could see the other three participants...

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-29-2005 11:09 PM    
"That's very true Major. I agree with holding off on the saber sparring till later. I prefer unarmed combat if possible. So how shall we begin this boys?"

She giggles softly as she watches the other three.

" Do we want to invite the rest of your companions Major?"


posted 06-29-2005 11:39 PM    
"i think four is enough for now," ender intercepted the question," after all, we're not trying to overwhelm ourselves." knowing he was out-classed by the jedi, Ender foucused on Sarisa. He sensed that she would be the most immediate threat, seeing as she was the closest. he knew that his every thought was open to their perception, so he cleared his mind. Remember what you were taught about fighting jedi. act on impulse. it evens the odds. guessing that she was expecting him to lash out immediately, he drew back, waiting for hr to strike first.

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-29-2005 11:47 PM    
Her attention quickly snaed by Enders interjection she noticed he seemed to be focused on her more than the others.

"Very well then.", she replied and turned herself to face him more directly but still keeping trak of Xenn and the Major.

She closes the distance between herself and Ender slowly keeping herself prepared for a possible strike. Stopping when she is about 5 feet away from Ender she watches his stance. Checking how his balance is proportioned and looking for where he may have a weak point.


posted 06-30-2005 12:21 AM    
Powers off his lightsaber and looks at them all.

he then calmly walks up to Sarisa, who he can tell is a little spooked and says, "I dont hit women, if you want to do any fighting with me, it will be with your lightsabers, but Ender, and Major. If your ready, im ready to show you a more,"

Xenn Cracks his knuckles and gets into posistion.

"Agressive side of the force."

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-30-2005 12:29 AM    
Stepping back from Ender a bit she glances at Xenn hearing his statement.

"Well, I guess if we ever have to fight female dark jedi we can count you as a casualty then huh?" She shuckes softly.


posted 06-30-2005 12:33 AM    
Xenn smugly replies

"not if i can count on your dueling ability."

Xenn Smirks

"Let me see what your made of"


posted 06-30-2005 01:36 AM    
He saw the jedi jockeying for position and retreated.

"as my instructor taught me in bsic training, knowing which fights you can win an which are futile is esential to survival." he backs down, knowing th jedi's skill easily surpasses his own. "i bow to superior adversaries. but i offer some adivce, 'know your enemies abilities and allies before you engage'." he nods to the doorway, indicating a pilot with his blaster drawn.

"you may withdraw, Mr. Tramek."

the pilot replaced his weapon in it's holster.

"yes sir." the plot replied.

"you see, even those of us without the powers of a jedi can give you a surprise. remember my one lesson, for it may save you in the future." he said, walkijng from the room. I can't believe i faced down a jedi. It would not happpen again. He felt confident of that.

[ 06-30-2005 04:07 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ender ]


posted 06-30-2005 10:12 AM    
Kitiana listened to the message that was communicated to them all as she finished getting changed. She grabbed a piece of fruit from her bag and made her way out. She took her time so she could think. She loved fighting, she hadn't done any fighting since her last fight with her father. The young female wanted to fight, but also didn't want to get too caught up in it. If she did, then she may forget who she's fighting and just go all out. No, they trusted her now, and she didn't want to do anything to ruin that trust.

She walked into the mess hall and stopped as they had already begun to spar. Leaning back against the wall she watched, and smirked. She wanted to jump in, to fight. But she wouldn't, not for now.

Sarisa Ker

posted 06-30-2005 05:22 PM    
"Where are you going Ender? I thought we were gonna spar?"

She giggles softly seeing Ender back away.

"You didn't seem too intimidated a minute ago. By the way Ender if your friend there had shot his blaster he would've regretted it since he's on the Major's ship. Although now I see what kind of tactics you seem to prefer."

As soon as she finishes her sentence she notices Kitiana enter the room but standing back. Her expressions are clear to Sarisa. She wants to fight.What's holding you back she ponders.

[ 06-30-2005 05:25 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 07-02-2005 10:33 PM    
Kitiana's eyes shift to Sarisa, whose eyes seemed to settle on her a moment.
I will spar with you eventually; but not yet.

Her telepathic message was a bit broken up as Kitiana was still learning, yet it could be understood. She didn't wish her companions to know why she wouldn't fight for the time being, and thus, she wasn't about to tell them. She would practice in her own time. Yet, would that teach her to control herself? she wasn't sure what to do really, the only way to learn to control something was to confront it....but that would mean sparring with them, and she wasn't comfortable testing that.


posted 07-04-2005 12:19 AM    
watching the two females lock eyes, the tension is almost palpable in the room.

"well sarisa, since you did want to spar, maybe you can teach me your technique, since i know mine aren't effective." he says with a lopsided smile.

"i apologize for earlier, i wasn't thinking clearly. I had other things on my mind. I am however, now a willing pupil."

[ 07-04-2005 12:19 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ender ]


posted 07-04-2005 03:11 PM    
((OOC: Ok, everyone, sorry for the delay, but I've been out of town for a couple weeks....

Interesting and good role play; just to inform you guys that Lt. General Sorben Tarnus has given "formal permission" that a new Praxeum be built on Tatoooine -- one his troops can, of course, watch closely.

So I trust the one you are talking about building is a secret one? Hehe... could be in for some interesting times.

Also, Xenn, I have sent you a PM, please read and acknowledge.

Thank you, and continue on, mon amis))

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-04-2005 08:11 PM    
Giving Kitiana a slight nod respecting her space and patience she turns her attention back to Ender.

Taking up her ready stance once more.

"We all learn from our mistakes Ender.", a serious look covers her pale face as her ice blue eyes seem to pierce into Ender watching his stance and movements.

A quick glance to Xenn and the Major to check on what they are doing then looking back to her opponent.

"Are you ready?"


posted 07-05-2005 01:28 AM    
"allow me to work out the kinks in my joints first." ender said, stretching his body and hearing pops in his joints.

"i must be getting old." he chuckled ruefully.

"and just so you know, that incident with the pilot was more a test for him. i didn't think he would have the spine to draw on a jedi. i must compliment the major on his selection of pilots; they have courage."

Drawing a serious look, he readied himself

"let me know when to start."

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-05-2005 06:42 PM    
She smirks at his old coment about himself while she keeps herself relaxed and ready.

"Begin when you feel you are ready", she replies.

She starts playing out the "dance" in her head. Each movement a beautiful flow of movements as the participants play out their strategies.


posted 07-05-2005 09:26 PM    
The Major feints a lunge at Xenn, he shuffles back a step and pounds a moderate kick into Xenn's knee, pulling back before the breaking point, he then chambers that same leg and kicks with the ball of his foot at Xenn's face.

He rears back and tries to grab the foot, but the Major twists out of the converging hands, he stamps his foot down and screens Xenns fists, (using one had to swat the hands out of the way) he then follows up with a straightforward punch to the stomach.

((I haven't made contact yet, but chances of blocking that are slim to none, your choice...))


posted 07-06-2005 01:45 PM    
After Xenn's Flurry of punches fails, he notices the Major's closed fist move at an incredebly fast speed toward his stomache.

Xenn Closed his eyes and absorbed the punch. Xenn opens his eyes to see the Major throwing a fist to his temple. Xenn sidesteps and grabs his forearm and throws him into the ground, picks him up with the force and uppercuts him clear into the air. then walks under the majors landing spot. right whent the major is on the way down Xenn kicks him into the wall. and starts walking over to him...

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-06-2005 11:53 PM    
Stepping back from Ender for a moment as she watches Xenn adn the Major she shakes her head.

" We aren't here to hurt each other boys. This is just supposed to be sparring and learning about each other."

She shakes her head again not knowing if they even heard her soft voice amidst their actions.


posted 07-07-2005 05:26 PM    
The Major shrugs off this assault and spins on the ground, once, he then flips back to his feet. Xenn is now four feet away, The Major jumps once, kicking twice with each legs in midair, he uses the last kick as a spring board to rebound back to the wall, he springs off the wall and spins, with a flying round kick to Xenn's neck.

((I didn't hit with the round-kick yet, make your choice, like last time))


posted 07-07-2005 10:06 PM    
Xenn hears Sarisa mutter somthing and glances over at her, then gets kicked in the neck and hits the floor hard. he slowly picks himself up and looks at Konig staring him down from about 8 feet away.

'Remember your training' Xenn thinks to himself.

Xenn rubs his head with his left hand.

"Nice kick." Xenn remarks.

Xenn ignites his lightsaber to the lowest power, stunning the opponent in an area, instead of searing them.

Xenn waits for the major's action

[ 07-07-2005 10:07 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-07-2005 10:12 PM    
Shaking her head again after seeing Xenn catch the Major's foot with his neck.

Suddenly Xenn's saber ignites as he takes up his stance waiting for the Major.

"I though we were sticking to unarmed combat gentlemen?" ,she shouts as she watches for their reactions. She hopes things won't get out of hand.


posted 07-07-2005 10:14 PM    
Xenn looks at the major, feeling he could be a formidable opponent; he then Looks over at Sarisa and winks.

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-07-2005 10:18 PM    
Still shaking her head thinking that maybe this sparring contest is turning into something else.

She stands back from Ender and watches Xenn and the Major to see how things turn out.


posted 07-08-2005 09:39 AM    
The Major steps and kicks, hooking his foot around Xenn's wrist, and stepping down and twisting at the same time. The saber hit the ground and spun a couple feet away. The Major then forcefully nudged Xenn onto his back and picked up xenn's saber, he shut it off and said,

"I thought this was going to be unarmed..."

[ 07-08-2005 09:39 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]


posted 07-08-2005 11:54 AM    
Xenn force pushes the major off of him and then unexpectantly pulls his lightsaber back.

Xenn Kicks himslef up

then asks in an slightly angerd tone.

"How can you expect a jedi not to fight without his lightsaber? Were not gammoreans, or bounty hunters, we shouldnt be reduced to fighting like them. be proud of your jedi heritage!"

[ 07-08-2005 12:25 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-08-2005 05:23 PM    
"Xenn, being a Jedi isn't jusst using a lightsaber. Yes the saber signifies us as jedi but it is only a tool. If you rely soley on your saber then you have more to learn.", states Sarisa in a displeased tone.

"You have to learn how to defend yourself in the possibility you don't have your saber. That is the purpose of us sparring in unarmed combat."

She continues to watch Xenn and the Major while waiting for Ender.


posted 07-08-2005 06:43 PM    
"I'm sorry Xenn, but Sarisa is right, the old republic Jedi all trained in unarmed combat..."

the Major drew himself up and stalked around the makeshift arena,

"Mace Windu, I'm sure you've heard of him, he trained in martial arts, and managed to fine tune his force push, combining these two skills gave him the power to punch droids to scrap... He resorted to this because his lightsaber was lost temporarily. What if this happens to you, what will you do, surrender because you lost you saber?"

He came around in front of Xenn,

"Also, what if your opponent is unarmed? will you do the unthinkable and incapacitate them, cripple them??? That would be unnecessary force, overkill..."

He inhaled,

"Compassion, not desensitivity, is the most powerful of a Jedi's abilities..."

[ 07-08-2005 06:44 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]


posted 07-08-2005 06:45 PM    
Xenn Glances over at them and says

"the lightsaber is a jedi's life. asking me to fight without a lightsaber is like asking me to not be a jedi any longer... it is as important to us as the force... I am proud to weild such an elegant weapon... as you should be."

[ 07-08-2005 06:46 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-08-2005 06:54 PM    
In a calming voice she replies, " Xenn I am proud to wield such an item, but that's all it is. Just an item. If you let yourself become a slave to the saber then that is not being a Jedi. In fact that is closer to a path to the dark side where possession is prized more than self worth."

She continues to look at him.

"Look at Ender. He's not a Jedi but yet he dosn't fight with only his blaster. He knows how to use his hands because he may run into a time when a weapon is unavailable. What woudl you do if your saber was denied to you Xenn? Would you surrender because you can't use it?"

[ 07-08-2005 06:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 07-08-2005 07:01 PM    
Xenn squints at the Major and says

"Compassion? this coming from a former Major in a war? Please tell me. Major Konig. what do you know of compassion? Tell me how many times you felt 'Compassion' when you were on the battlefield?"

He then looks at Sarisa and says

"The Lightsaber and the Jedi are one, Like the Jedi and the Force, Tell me, if the force becomes unavailable does that mean we have to 'Find another way?' or 'Use another method?' there is no substitute for either, The Force, or The Lightsaber. Unarmed combat is fine. but when i have the chance, im using my lightsaber."

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-08-2005 07:14 PM    
"Xenn the saber and ourselves are just extensions of the Force, and to answer your question. Yes I would find another way to defend myself or others if the Force or my tools were taken from me because I have the means to such a thing through my unarmed training. I have taken the time and dedication to make my entire body a weapon because nothing is guarenteed and you may end up in a situation where you are without your tools."

She looks him over and ponders. He's so passionate but he is directing it in the wrong direction.

"Tell me Xenn, tell me what you would do if you did not have your saber?"


posted 07-08-2005 07:18 PM    
Xenn says

"Id Build another one."

"And if it was a short term loss, id do what any other Jedi would if engaged in combat. Fight."

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-08-2005 07:29 PM    
A smirk crosses her beautifully featured face as Xenn responds to the question. Again all she can do is shake her head.

"My dear Xenn, I'm refering to a situation where you are on a mission and for one reason or another your saber has either been taken, lost or destroyed and you don't have the time or means to build another. So far you seem too bent on the use of a saber and you're not focusing on other options. You don't always need to use a saber. I think you need to meditate on your abilities not just your saber skill. You don't want to go down the path to the darkside and you will if you continue in this manner. I'm sure the Major, Ender, Kitiana and the others would prefer you stay with us and continue down the light path."

[ 07-08-2005 10:30 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 07-08-2005 10:34 PM    
"Well spoken Sarisa,"

The Major stared down Xenn,

"When on the battle field, I was facing monsters, the Vong, those anti-technology zealots... They come here, invade our planets and destroy anything that conflicts with their beleifs..."

He inhaled,

"Compassion is for other occasions, such as leaving opponents alive instead of stone-cold dead when possible. Luke Skywalker gave his father a second chance, he gave Kyp Durron a second chance.... "

He glared,

"There is a time for compassion, and when your enemy is cold, unfeeling, and ruthless, that is not a time for compassion..."

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-08-2005 10:43 PM    
"Thank you Major", she nods as she awknoledges his compliment to her.

Listening to the Major speak and watching Xenn's reaction she can tell he's still frustrated with them lecturing him, but it was for his and everyone else's good too.

She starts to think that maybe she shouldn't lecture Xenn since she has given in to rage on multiple occassions. Who is she to tell another how to act.


posted 07-08-2005 10:48 PM    
Kitiana continues to watch until the fighting ceased and conversation took it's place. she listened intently to perhpas learn things she did not already know. Or things that oppose what her father had taught. compassion? How can you have compassion when the thing or person you fight wished to kill you? Her father had taught her to fight to the death in any situation. It had been drilled into her head over and over again, until finally, she did fight him to the death.

Was she wrong in doing so? No. He would have killed me. Wouldn't he? Her thought were a mixture of confusion and hatred, but no remorse. Admit it, you're glad I'm dead. I'm proud of you for killing me. she shook her head and continued to listen and watch the others.

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-08-2005 10:59 PM    
suddenly she picks up movement out of the corner of her eye and turns to see Kitiana in somewhat of a confused state.

Sarisa senses doubt coming from her but not having much conversation with the woman she can't tell where the feeling is coming from.

"Is something bothering you Kitiana? You are more than welcome to join us. I would like to learn from you as well as the others." Her voice sounding sincere as she awaits an answer.

[ 07-08-2005 11:17 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 07-08-2005 11:26 PM    
Kitiana seems to snap out of it as a voice is directed toward her. for a minute she simply looks a Sarisa. She hasn't known this other woman very long at all. In fact, she hasn't really known any of them for any length of time, except Raye Starr. And she hasn't seen him around really since they arrived on this ship.

"There is nothing to learn from me. Unless you want to follow what is known as the Dark Side."

She paused. She wanted to say more onthe matter, but she was unsure what the others would think of her ideas. Yet, she was still young and learning, and several of them knew of her 'dark' beginnings.

"Just a question. why cannot one follow both the light and dark side? Kind of a...mixture of the two?"

She walked toward the group now, a little cautious how they would respond to her question. But it was a good question, right? why couldn't you take things from the dark side and apply them to the light sight and vise versa? Her father had told her the dark side was the only way, and now they tell her the light side is the only way. Kitiana is simply confused at the two beliefs that have now been told to her.

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-08-2005 11:35 PM    
Watching the young woman apporach Sarisa isn't really caught off guard with the question she poses since she has done such a thing as used both sides. The only problem was she knew she didn't belong soley to one side or the other. Only choosing to be more good than evil so that she may learn as much as she can about both sides.

" I'm not so sure I'm the one to answer that young one. I wouldn't have a very clear answer for you."

Feeling somewhat ashamed as she responds to Kitiana.

[ 07-11-2005 06:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 07-10-2005 01:10 PM    
"There are those, who know both sides of the force."

Xenn looks at Kitiana then continues

"The force is somthing rarley explained in full spectrum. In actuality the 'Dark Side' and the 'Light Side' arent very different at all. Perhaps youve heard of the Sith'ari, the one supposed to Rise to power and bring Balance to the force. Im sure youve heard of the Chosen One, who was meant to do the same thing, but for the 'Light side'.

"You can learn from both sides of the force, I practice both sides of the force. Although you cannot follow a path down the middle of the force, you will be corrupted by both religions. I follow the path of the light, but its fueled by my passion and strength."


posted 07-10-2005 01:37 PM    
((OOC: Might I inject a reality break, role players?

Please remember that in this universe the Praxeum has been destroyed by Admiral Actar, and for some time. This, I would therefore assume, would be something in the forefront of every jedi's thoughts; just a suggestion that maybe you can/will incorporate into your role play to start developing your characters a bit more.

As already mentioned elsewhere, this "fight/spar/testing" is wearisome, and really NOT what these boards are all about.

Now that you have in this thread a character who is suggesting that he "uses" both the light and dark side, this would be an opportune time to recall the Praxeum is gone, for starters; I would think there would be opportunity all over the place to deepen your characters at this point.))

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-11-2005 08:21 PM    
She listens to Xenn tell Kitiana his thoughts and nods in agreement with him.

"Yes he's right Kitiana. The thing about the Force is that it is tied to you and depending on your actions and emotions determines how people percieve you. Then there are others who are told from a very young age what they should think to be right. Not knowing if it is the light side or dark side. All they know is they were taught it was the right way to do or think about things."

She pauses for a moment.

"Then there are still others who only learn so much and have to figure out the rest on their own.", she stops there leaving the statement open for others to determine who is being talked about. At the same time hoping it will reflect on a few people.


posted 07-12-2005 07:59 PM    
Xenn calmly walks over to Sarisa and mutters in her ear.

"Sometimes... You, yourself, can be the best teacher. Infact, There were many times during my training with the Dark Jedi i had to endure many challenges and trials by myself. After all, in the end its just You, the Force," he smirks then finishes "Your Lightsaber."

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-12-2005 08:20 PM    
FLinching as she wasn't expecting Xenn to whisper in her ear she gives him a curious look as to why he didn't just say that aloud for all to hear.

"Yes Xenn, I know lightsabers are important tools for jedi but they are nothing if you don't use your brains to think things through. I too have had to learn much on my own after I set out away from my mother. I've haven't seen such a gathering of Jedi till now however."

Pausing briefly as she continues.

"I know it is possible to learn from both sides of the Force but how you apply that knowledge helps determine how people perceive you. It also affects those around you even if it is only slightly."


posted 07-12-2005 09:20 PM    
Xenn Takes a couple steps back From Sarisa and Grins at them all then says

"Im sorry Sarisa, i may have been too possessive, while my lightsaber is an important tool, it is just that, a tool. That is not far off to how the dark jedi look at the Force...

A tool, to do their bidding, while the jedi view the force as an essential part of life. Ive heard and read stories about Fallen Jedi, Not Necessarily dark jedi, but not jedi either, who have been destroyed by the sheer power of the force because they could no longer wield the responsibility of it. Make your Decision..."

Xenn Studies them all with weary eyes, deep in his mind, and heart, he knows he too must make this same decision... then asks loudly.

Do you use the force?! Or does the force use you?!

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-12-2005 09:35 PM    
"Yes I've heard the same things Xenn, and to answer your question I must sadly admit that it's both. Most times I'm in control but on occassion I lose control."

Flashes of images burst into her mind of people she has killed as her crystal blue eyes seem to stare into space.

Shaking her head she reclaims her thoughts of the conversation.

"That is why I don't think I would be good to teach anything to any possible future jedi except for survival and combat skills. I'll leave the teaching of morality and ethics to the Major."


posted 07-12-2005 09:42 PM    
Smirks and says

"I can teach Philosophy."

"Us and a Few others are the New Jedi Council if everything goes as planned... we all need to expand our knoledege with eachother, thats why i belive we first came here. Anything you want to share with us Sarisa? Major? Kitiana? Ender? The others?? Im all ears."

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-12-2005 09:45 PM    
Smirks back.

"Whatever you want to know about me just ask and I will tell you all I can."

She looks around at the others in case one of them has a question or a statement.


posted 07-12-2005 09:53 PM    
Xenn looks like he is pondering somthing greater, the bags under his eyes indicate he hasnt had much sleep for weeks.

He then lays his tired eyes on Sarisa and says

"Tell me. Would you consider yourself a jedi? Why or Why not? Do you think you are fit to wield the force? Tell me how you feel about the situation at hand... You and the other jedi in this room, and a few more scattered throughout the galaxy are the only ones i feel. somthing is clearly wrong, this has not been absent from my thoughts since i awoke. what do you know about this?"

[ 07-12-2005 09:54 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-12-2005 10:07 PM    
She doesn't spend more than a second thinking of her response before it spills out of her mouth.

"I do not think of myself as a Jedi of old. The ones taught by Jedi masters in the praxeum. However I do consider myself a grey Jedi due to my training against both the light side and the dark side of the Force. I do not think I am unfit to weild the Force since it is part of who I am, and is part of my family lineage. To further answer that question I also think I am fit to wield the Force because I have no desire to use it to conquer the galaxy. Instead to use it for good. AS to the reason we do not sense more Jedi than ourselves and a few others scattered in the galaxy I do not know, but I agree that it is a cause for concern."

Finishing that sentence she seems to ponder something.

[ 07-12-2005 10:21 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 07-12-2005 10:33 PM    
"The Force has a will of its own, sometimes, we are expendable to it. Your intentions may not matter if your destiny is leading down another path. No one is truly Born good, or evil... so in a sense, the force is in control of your destiny, which basically means your life, and all of ours, is in its hands, and wherever it wants to take us."

Smiles then says

"Exciting, no?"

[ 07-12-2005 10:41 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-12-2005 10:57 PM    
"It has it's moments of excitement. So tell me Xenn. Would you call yourself a Jedi and why? Are you fit to wield the Force? Have you any ideas as tot he shortage of Jedi?

She watches his eyes carefully reading them as well as his body movements.


posted 07-12-2005 11:18 PM    
"I would call myself a 'Jedi' but not a conventional one, say from the Old Republic. I would say im a 'good' guy but not the best guy. Everyone has thier faults, ive got 15 years of them... or so ive been lead to belive. Ive been through trials, and tribulations, i feel im fit enough to wield the force, for now atleast, later i might not be as fit... As far as the absence of jedi..."

he pauses

"The Jedi, in the past ive learned, have been wiped out, several times, only to come back stronger, hopefully we are the new future..."

He looks at her with pain in his heart, he knows as imperfect as he is, he could never teach younglings or even older hopefuls without instituting some of his own darker experiences.

[ 07-12-2005 11:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 07-13-2005 10:45 AM    
She listens to Sarisa and Xenn speak about themselves and the light and dark side of the force, and can't help but feel some connection with them. True, they aren't really confused as to who they are or what good and evil is, but she feels she can relate to them. They both seem to have had some sort of darknessin their lives; but who wouldn't? A jedi? Surely even a jedi has had their dark times, nobody is perfect.

Kitiana doesn't view herself as a 'bad' person, but neither does she view herself as a 'good' person. Who judges good and bad, right and wrong anyway? Isn't istthe perspective of the person who does the actions that counts, or not? She had been taught by her father to learn the dark side of the force, but she had never really done much with it to harm anybody, had she? She killed her father, and perhaps that was good for the galaxy, but was it still wrong? In her eyes no. He deserved to die. Deserved everything she had done to him. The only thing she felt about her father was fear.

"You may ask me what you want, but I cannot guarantee I will have an answer. At least, not a complete anwser. I am still learning...a lot."


posted 07-13-2005 11:50 AM    
((OK, enough. You guys are still going merrily along as if nothing whatsoever is happening in the outside universe. Not one mention of the fact that the Praxeum is gone -- and at this point I must say there is no "New Jedi Council."

Major Konig: your comment earlier about the Vong and your fighting against them is also out of context: your character is a mere 27 years old, and according to our timeline our galaxy here is waaaay beyond any current SW books. It has been mentioned that Luke is an OOOOOLD jedi, and possibly dead at this point. So, if you want it in your character's history that he fought the Vong, he'd better be more along the lines of 67 years old, not 27.

Xenn, Konig, Ker: ALL of you, just going by your descriptions, should be well aware of the status of the galaxy. Yet the direction this thread is heading toward seems to be one that is "apart" from the rest of the forums. (The ship they are on being a "floating academy?? -- this in itself is ok, but only if referring to the Praxeum being gone, and the only other "praxeum" in the works being the one the Empire officially sanctioned on Tatooine. Otherwise it is very illogical -- after all, a Jedi wouldn't just up and make his own academy now, would he?)

These threads, while being their own little "storylines," so to speak, are not separate like different books in a library. They are more like different chapters in the same book. All of the threads in the SW role play forums are running concurrent to each other: they are all happening at the same time. IE: at any time, a character from another thread could leap into THIS one.

This entire thread is hovering dangerously close to being out of context with the rest of the role play threads here. If this is not somehow rectified asap, this entire thread will be closed.

In the meantime, to make certain that everyone in this thread reads this and doesn't just skim over it, I AM closing this thread for a couple of days. OR, until all players in this thread PM me that they have read and understand what I am saying here.



Ok, I have updated the synopsis in an attempt to tie everything together. Please read; if what I have posted in the update regarding the characters here is satisfactory to you, let me know.

Konig: your Vong statement is still out of context, though. Perhaps you'd better make this guy a touch older than he is; it is a bit unlikely that a jedi of only 27 years would not only be a knight, but have as many ships as Major has... not to mention what KIND of ships he has.))

[ 07-13-2005 04:10 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 07-14-2005 01:08 PM    
Looks At Major Konig and says

"Konig, we need to start building this temple immediatley, before anyone catches whim of what were doing, i say we land on a planet. Find some Jedi Hopefuls take them on the flower, and train them until the new temple is complete. What does everyone say?"

Looks at a couple of his shipmates and says

"Or if some of you wish, the major and i can help train you in the ways of the force for the time being, until you are fit to have an apprentice of your own."

[ 07-14-2005 01:10 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xenn ]


posted 07-14-2005 01:25 PM    
Walks up to Kitiana and says

"If youd like, i could help you harness the ways of the force, if you would like to be my apprentice for now... it will pay off later..."


posted 07-14-2005 01:56 PM    
Kitiana listens and honestly isn't sure what to think about everything. Build a new temple? Wouldn't you need permission to do something like that, and where would they get that permission? Who's to say they would even be allowed to do this. The Jedi Council and Praxeum were gone for a reason right? Maybe it's better that way. Without one, it would draw less attention..less suspicion.

She snaps out of her thinking and looks hard at Xenn. She does feel closer to some of them than to others, and he was one of those. Raye Starr, Xenn and Sarisa. She felt that somehow they could help her, somehow they might know things about her that even she doesn't know. But, maybe that was wishful thinking.

"Perhaps Xenn. But it is something I need to think on, not something I can give an immediate answer to."

She knows that Xenn would understand her logic. She needed to meditate on the matter for one. And for another, she isn't sure she is ready to completely embrace the light side and give up all of her old teachings.


posted 07-14-2005 02:01 PM    
Looks at Kitiana and says

"Indeed, i did not expect an answer immediatley, this is somthing you should think on."

Xenn notices the uncertinties in her facial expressions and reasurres her that it would be allright. "Major, Im requesting your presence in my chambers once your done here, anyone else is welcome aswell."

Xenn walks away and takes the turbo lift to his chambers.

Sarisa Ker

posted 07-14-2005 06:56 PM    
"I agree with you Xenn, if we are going to begin our plan we need to find others to help us fund the project as well as find the resources. Finding other Force sensitives and training them is something we could do on the way I think."

She looks around at the others seeing what seem to looks of agreement.

A strange sense eminates from Kitiana as she glances at her. It seems to be a feeling of wanting to belong, and noticing from the looks she gives Xenn, myself and another of the Major's group Kitiana seems to have specific people picked out. For what though?I'm here if you need helpshe thinks.

[ 07-14-2005 06:57 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sarisa Ker ]


posted 07-14-2005 09:52 PM    
((OOC: This thread continues in Every Secret Has a Beginning in the "CSWU" forums. Follow everyone there, thank you!))

[ 07-15-2005 01:00 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]