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Rico Riven

posted 03-21-2005 09:19 PM    
(( OOC: Rico and Yaoksi jump here from the thread “Minds Like a Sieve” in this forum. Thank you!))

You know, for a filthy, scum-infested eyesore the Blue Asteroid wasn’t too bad. I’d been in worse, that’s for sure. Yeah, the air was full of weird gray smoke. And the band only knew two songs. And the bartender couldn’t even mix a good whiskey on the rocks. And the floor was so sticky that the only dance people ever did was the tromp. But hey, it was nice.

Yaoksi and I walked in side by side, both of us gripping our blasters and ready to blow the other one into oblivion at any moment. I took a seat at a table that was just waiting for two good looking guys like us, and Yaoksi sat down across from me. I smiled a big toothy grin and raised my empty hands to show I wasn’t holding a weapon.

“Hey, barkeep!” I called out. “We’d like two of the best whiskeys on the planet. But since we’re here, we’ll take two of yours!”

There was a general roar from the rest of the crowd as the bartender muttered something under his breath and poured the vile liquid into what were hopefully somewhat clean glasses. I turned my head back to Yaoksi as the waitress moved towards the bar to grab our drinks.

“So,” I said. “Thanks for joining me. I was hopin’ to catch you before you blasted off, and was really surprised to find you still on the tarmac. And what was with those crazy lunatics, anyway? That what held you up?”

Yaoksi Joao

posted 03-21-2005 09:20 PM    
I sat back with a casual smile planted on my face, one hand raised to the barkeep, the other still hovering near my blaster. Even though this Rico guy and I had just passed through some kind of ritual of fire, considering the circumstances that had flung us together, that didn't make us blood or anything.

Fact of the matter was, I didn't know him from Adam, and a part of me was still hopping mad that he even had come near me and my ship. Too many peeps had come near me and Devil today, serendipity be damned.

It was plain peculiar, that's a fact.

So I just acted casual, but kept one toe on the line and the other ready to run.

"Yeah, I don't know what was with those slimebags, but they're history. At least I hope."

I was interrupted as the bartender came schlumping over to plop a couple smudged glasses on the table in front of us; not my usual brew but hey, a freebie is a freebie.

I lifted the glass, took a swig. Set it back down and slouched a bit further. One hand reached up to toy idly with the sad, brown tendrils of a nearby hanging plant. My eyes followed my fingers... except for my peripheral vision, which still had Muscles planted firmly within it.

"Sooo..." I finally allowed, letting the crinkled vine crumble to the sticky floor, adding its own small effort to the effluvia there.

"What is it you wanted to talk to me about?

"In private?"

His final comment raised a few tensions, but I managed to keep that under control. Just because I didn't trust him, figured he must know something about me not taking off when I was supposed to, and thought he had bad breath was no excuse to behave in an uncivilized manner. I just turned back to him, raised my glass, and with a big smile took another swig of the awful stuff.

Rico Riven

posted 03-21-2005 09:21 PM    
“Yeah,” I said, “in private.” I stared at the thing Yaoksi was twirling in his fingers and cleared my throat. Reluctantly, the thing stirred and slid down Yaoksi’s arm, landed on the floor, and ran off to the bar.

“Now,” I smiled, raising my glass, “salute.” I tossed the glass back and drained it, letting the cheap whiskey burn its way down to my gullet. It had plenty of company, it wouldn’t be lonely.

I relaxed a little and regarded Yaoksi with a smile.

“Pardon me, don’t mean to stare. I just can’t believe I’m sitting in the bar with the famous Yaoksi Joao that I’ve heard so much about… recently. Ya see, I’m just a poor honest businessman, making a living by hauling freight from system to system. I snag what most guys in my position would call a beautiful thing, only to all at once find it yanked from under my feet. To me it ain’t right to make a deal with someone like me, then pull it cuz someone came out of retirement.”

I waved at the bar to get a fresh round delivered.

“But I’m not mad, naw. That’s for young punks and losers, not for enterprising businessmen like ourselves. Folks like us, we can see opportunities. When life gives us lemons, we pour a whiskey, right? Ya with me so far? Good. So let me ask you, are you the kind of man who cuts in line at the local club, or you the kind of man who makes friends with the doorman? Cuz if you’re the friendly type, I’ve got a proposition for ya.”

Yaoksi Joao

posted 03-21-2005 09:21 PM    
It was all I could do to keep my brows firmly planted in place.

Who famous, me?

C'mon pal, have you got your mag-flux all in a slush....

But whether what this guy thought of me was factual or not, the reality of the situation was that he clearly believed it to be so. This was rapidly turning into something of a sticky wicket; it would seem that Mr. Muscles thought I was muscling into his territory.

Or at least, just by being me, keeping him from muscling into that territory already staked out as mine. But whichever, it was something I could certainly put to my advantage.

I set my drink carefully on the table, resisting the urge to stomp on the critter whose appendage I had been toying with, and leaned across the table to level a steady look at Rico.

"I believe you've got me wrong, pal," I said slowly, keeping my voice all friendly.

"I'm the kind of guy who owns the club, so you see I can go inside when and how I want to.

"Now, just for giggles, assuming that I don't have anything better to do... what is this proposition you have for me?"

Rico Riven

posted 03-21-2005 09:23 PM    
I studied Yaoksi for a long minute, trying to decide if I should go ahead and keep talking or settle this by seeing which one of us was faster with the blaster. I don’t know, there was something about him that seemed… I don’t know, there was just something about him. I decided to lighten up a little and give discretion a chance.

“We’re both businessmen,” I began. “We’re both freight pilots looking to make an honest living. I also got a feeling we’re both willing to go a little beyond the honest part. Bottom line is I got a great deal goin’ on here, and you coming out of retirement is going to cost me big. But I got a nice score here, and I don’t wanna lose it.”

I could see him tense a little at that, so I soothed out my voice as best I could. Thing is, I got a rasp.

“That’s what it comes down to. You see, I found this animal gland business on my own, and it’s worth a lot to me, I don’t mind telling you. What I’m asking is for some support here, smuggler to smuggler. If it’s offered, turn it down. I’ll do something for you down the road, I’m good to my word.”

Before he could answer, another thought hit me.

“You know what else? You got a ship, I got a ship. You got contacts, I got contacts. We put ‘em together, who knows what we can do? I picked up a few legit runs, too, one of ‘em is running supplies to one of the SSD’s around the Big C. Got myself a writ to fly right up and dock with it, even. Payoff is big. How’d you like a piece of that action?”

[ 03-21-2005 09:23 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rico Riven ]


posted 03-21-2005 10:22 PM    
(((OCC: This is a portion of a post from Return to Rhyloth: A Bittersweet Reunion. It is being placed here for continuity's sake.)))

Sitting in a comm station, Kia'ra decided to make another desperate attemptto contact Captain Yaoksi Joao regarding her cousin Nais'ralen's condition, this time hoping to recieve a reply directly rather than having to rely on her family to inform her of one. She dialed in the frequency her cousin had given to her, the one which had been left by the Captain when he left her cousin Nassy on Ryloth.

Captain Joao, she began, I am still hoping to speak to you concerning my cousin Nais'ralen's condition. If you have already replied to my query, I apologize, for I have not recieved it. At any rate, I am hoping to hear from you, and soon. The injuries to my cousin bewilder me...

...and I wish to understand them. She was a close friend and confidant, much more than simply a cousin. I will await your reply at this frequency.

Finishing with that, Kia'ra attached her current frequency as promised, and sent the message, waiting for any reply which might answer the questions still burning in the forefront of her mind.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 04-11-2005 02:03 PM    
I lifted a finger as a waitress undulated by, mooching at us with her sensuous Sullustan lips. She immediately batted those huge ol' browns she had, and disappeared, soon returning with another round of drinks for us.

This time it was something a touch wee stronger, Walkn'Fall...

I took a swig and smiled, deeming it prudent at the moment to keep to myself the little fact that this animal gland deal had already fallen into my lap. I dunno when my client was going to enlighten Mr. Muscles here, maybe never. Maybe they were just padding their bet that the stuff would get through.

I didn't know much about this guy, but I did know my own track record.

The job hadn't been given to me on the basis of my good looks, after all.

To Muscles I merely smiled, settling a touch more deeply in my chair, both hands carefully in sight but my blaster loose and easily obtainable upon my hip.

I took another, smaller drink.

"Since when do freight runners work as a team?" I asked him then, still all friendly and nice...

...figuring sure as there were space slugs in asteroids that he was still trying to muscle in on my territory, and probably thought that tossing me to the Impys would be the best way to buy it.

[ 04-11-2005 02:05 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Rico Riven

posted 04-11-2005 09:51 PM    
Maybe it was the way he smiled, I don’t know. It could’ve been the way he was sipping his shot, it could’ve been almost anything. He was suspicious, that was for sure, but I expected that.

“Well,” I said, still smiling myself. “They don’t usually, but I’ve seen it done. Teams can be pretty lucrative, from what I hear. You see, they don’t give those writs to run supplies to the Coruscant blockade very often. The folks here saw what I can do, liked it, and gave me the contract. Look, I’m no fool, I know that dingle-nuts will want you working the gland route, you worked with him before and he trusts you. It’s a crock to pull out on a deal with me, though. What I’m offering is a trade, you share that smuggle route with me and I share the legit route with you. While one is running one way, the other is running back, we’ll always be in motion and can make more runs.”

I sipped my drink and grinned a crooked grin. I looked down at my empty glass, contemplated the merits of another round, then noticed the light on my comm was blinking. Someone left me a message.

“Come on, just think of it. Flying up next to a Super Star Destroyer, right into the loading bay, and having them PAY you for it? Doesn’t that give you just the slightest of goosebumps?”

I raised my hands over my head and pushed back my chair a little.

"Tell ya what," I said. "I need to go flush the ballast, you think about it a minute and I'll be right back."

I stood and walked to back of the bar, pulling out my comm. I stopped near the door of the privvy and checked the message, keeping my eyes on the main door. The goons on the dock got my ship loaded yesterday, a day ahead of schedule. If I would've known, I could've been there right now, probably just pulling into the docking bay of big ol' SSD. This day just kept getting better.

After a couple of short clicks, I walked back to the table and put on as much of a smile as I could muster.

[ 04-20-2005 10:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rico Riven ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 07-05-2005 11:20 AM    
I remained loose and casual, watching as Muscles up and wandered over to where he obviously thought he wouldn't be overseen, watching as he pulled out a comm and checked something, watched as he replaced it in its hiding place and moved back, his own demeanor as loose and casual as my own.

My smile wavered; I still didn't trust the guy, not even as far as I could toss my granny's mashed yavi-plant. But, to be honest, on his side there was the little fact that (1) he was indeed returning to the table; and (2) he hadn't tried to blast or knife or poison me yet.

At least I thought he hadn't attempted the latter; I shot a quick glance to the remains of my Walkn'Fall (now half-drained by the simple act of pouring the rotgut under the table in Muscle's brief soiree to check his comm) and decided that even if he had, the stuff would neutralize the toughest neurotoxins known to the galaxy.

Yeah. It was that bad.

A smile undoubtedly as false as my own plopped itself across Muscle's face; he approached our table, still all nice and friendly, and reached for the back of his chair. I will admit, however, that I didn't have to put on the act as I considered further his offer of a double run; being invited to board an SSD was that coveted an improbability.

But, insidiously dangerous, no matter what they said, and highly suicidal to boot.

What was in it for me? I didn't need the run; the animal gland contract was but one of many I knew would come my way, once word got out that I was fully back into the swing of things. I had no one to support, no bills to pay, no strings attached. Devil-May-Care was fully operational, fully upgraded...

...but, come to think of it, missing something.


Tell the truth, it still rankled that the little redhead had so blithely up and sent my one TIE off into an early demise in the heart of a Sun, saving the galaxy by thus destroying some weird something-or-other be damned. It was my TIE; at the time I hadn't said anything for sure as hell that would have made me look -- not to mention, feel -- like all kinds of cad.

But Devil just didn't seem right with one part of her missing. Wannabee was lonely....

And what did SSDs keep aboard them--?

I straightened, shifting as Rico regained his seat and slugged down his Walkn'Fall, letting my casual smile slowly return and then crook just a bit as he slammed his empty glass down on the table. I then let the smile planted on my face slide into something more appropriate to the conversation at hand.

"You know," I finally said. "These Impys are only expecting one ship:


"How am I supposed to join into this, ahh--- lucrative deal that you're talking about? You're that important to them that they're just gonna sit back and allow this to happen?"

I picked up my drink and took a careful sip; damn, but I hated that stuff.

[ 07-05-2005 11:43 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Rico Riven

posted 07-05-2005 08:41 PM    
”Not me,” said Rico, smiling. “I’m not that important to the Impies. But the cargo I’m carrying sure is. The suppliers here on Sullust picked me over everyone else, ‘cuz I got a good legit reputation, ya see. The Impies trust the Sullust goons, the goons trust me, and as long as you give me a cut of the gland route then I trust you, and you’re in. Like I said, we fly two routes, while I’m running to the Impies, you run the glands. Then we switch for the next run: I run the glands, and you run to the Impies. Easy! I build my rep with the mob, and you build your legit front rep.”

Rico set his empty glass on the table and eyed Yaoksi, a genuine look on his face.

“As it turns out, they got my ship loaded early. I could blow outta here right now and we could forget all this. But I really want that gland deal, and we could really both come out on top here. Who knows, you might even be able to work out a deal for a TIE.”

Yaoksi Joao

posted 07-05-2005 08:52 PM    
Something dark flashed in the depths of my eyes. I took a final sip of the rotgut Walkn'Fall, placed the glass carefully on the table, followed that by an equally careful placement of my forearms, and leaned forward.

"Look, buddy; you're still not telling me how the Impys are gonna all of a sudden allow a new ship to go waltzing up to them -- especially when you're talking that the blockaded planet in question is Coruscant!"

I daggered a level look into his cool, green eyes, matching what I found within them like for like.

Then I sat back and letting out a little chuff of disgust, pushed the Walkn'Fall away from me. This with my left hand; my right one was still handily free to do--

Well. To do whatever I required of it.

Rico Riven

posted 07-05-2005 09:30 PM    
”Get the bantha doo out of your ears,” Rico said with a grin. “I told ya, I got a writ! A special authorization signed by some old bubblegum jawed general named Tarnus. It specifies that my company has authority to make this run. Company, dig? Not just me.”

Yaoksi Joao

posted 07-06-2005 12:12 PM    
That something dark that had flashed in my eyes mere moments ago intensified, but I refused to allow it expression. The more I heard about this so-called opportunity, the less I liked it. I dunno -- call it the way it took Muscles times who-the-hell-knows how many to finally let me in on the fact that he had--

A company???

--said "company" having a convenient "writ" to go waltzing up to SSDs busy blockading major core worlds. Like it was taking him that extra time to dream up a legit response, or one that (hopefully) would appear thus to me.

Or mybe it was that I just didn't like the tone of his voice.

Suddenly this deal just seemed sour as hell. If Bozo here had a "company," then sure as shootin' every damn ship he purportedly owned would be on some kind of list with the Impys: id numbers, flux signatures and all. Those guys just didn't go around handing out invites carte blanc for the universe in general to come dock with them, ya know.

And Fates only knew that so far -- knock on greel wood! -- Devil had yet to be put on any kind of list that I knew of.

Which was just the way I liked it.

I smiled, leaned back nice and easy in my chair. Cast a furtive look about us.

Good, most of the patrons had either left, or were else sitting far enough away from us that, should it come to this, any stray blaster fire might miss the majority. I hated brawls, especially ones in bars, as usually the victims were not the intended ones but rather the innocents.

"A company," I mused aloud, one forefinger idly doodling an abstract design on the tabletop.

"Sounds to me like you've got it pretty good pal; in fact, good enough that you really oughtn't to be troubling yourself about losing that animal gland deal. By comparison to what you've got going for you with this Imperial deal, its dust bunnies."

I paused a moment, my smile unwavering, every muscle still loose and ready. Then I leaned forward, pinning him with an even look.

"Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll pass. I've got other things I was planning on doing."

Alone. Which -- again -- was just the way I liked it.

With that I nodded to him, pushed my half-filled glass further in his direction, and rose to my feet.

"Thanks for the drink," I finished as, tossing a few credi-coins on the table for our moochy waitress, I nodded to Muscles and headed for the door.

Rico Riven

posted 07-06-2005 07:23 PM    
I didn’t like this.

Too many potential deals going down the tubes if I lose this gland deal. This guy was either stubborn as hell, or as dimwitted as a pile of dung. Maybe I was using too big of words? I dunno, maybe I just fry his ass right here and now and be done.

I pushed back my chair and stood, still looking the other direction.

“You just don’t get it, do ya?” I asked the wall. I then turned to look at him.

“I don’t have a company, I just got me. These bozos landed this writ on me because I’m the one who do the job. But I guess you’re not into back scratching and all, eh? Damnation and hell-buiscuits, are you just daft or what? I coulda been hauling space dust all night and been at that SSD right now delivering that load of wea—“

It took a split second for my brain to register the blast. I saw the flash of light out of the corner of my eye, right before the shock took out the big window of the cantina. As the ball of flame made its way from the ship bay to us, I felt my legs go into motion without any word from my brain, and I sprawled myself out as I dove into Yaoksi, bringing us both the ground as the fire ripped through the bar.

It was over quickly, and the screams from outside came tearing into the now wide open cantina. I rolled over on my back, checked Yaoksi for life and saw he was just as disheveled as me. The fireball miraculously spared most of the inside of the bar, but the huge window was shattered all over the floor. Little pricks of pain shot through my hands and face, and I saw I was bleeding.

“Aw, crap,” I growled. “What the hell was that?”

I crawled to the open window and peered out. The interior of the bay was charred everywhere. People were running here and there, tending to those who had fallen or were standing in shock. In the center of the bay, right where my ship should have been, was a pile of twisted metal. That sinking feeling bore down full upon me, and pressed down further when I noticed how my ship was surrounded by a mangled mess of damaged ships, including that hunk of junk Yaoksi was trying to take off in earlier.

“Oh hell,” I said. I looked back to Yaoksi, who was pulling himself up off the floor.

“You all right?” I asked.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 07-06-2005 08:02 PM    
For a period of time that really had no true meaning I lay on the floor of the Blue Asteroid, stunned. I couldn't hear anything, couldn't see anything but green, couldn't taste or smell anything but something rancid.

At first I thought it was smoke, from fire, and that I was burning. Then my vision cleared, and I realized that rancid odor was coming from Muscles, who was standing off a ways from me, framed by an empty window and chaos, half looking at me and half looking out in the direction of the spaceport in which I had docked.

Hearing abruptly returned.

"--ll right?"

I shook my head and clambered to my feet, coughing and spitting general crap from my lungs. Then I turned bleary, watery eyes Rico's way, stared toward him, past him, beyond him, my heart at first jumping to my throat before plummetting to land somewhere around my toes.


Now strength returned with a vengeance, propelling me to my feet, overwhelming any aches and pains that might be hiding due to the impact of the blast's periphery. I wavered just once, then firmed and moved quickly to where he stood, staring at me and then back out the blasted window.

I gave him a hard look before simply moving on by, coming to the zone of broken glass and scorched, overturned tables. A holo-emitter, once proudly proclaiming the name of this wonderful establishment to all those who would wish to be so advised, now hung forlornly from its wiring; it swayed in cadence with the rising moans and groans from the other patrons who were trying to shakily put their senses back on track again.

I paid them no heed. I could only stare outside.

"Oh, hell!"

I didn't say anything else but barrelled through the broken window, running to the spot where Devil had been sitting. People in various degrees of shock sat or lay around, or moved in a doll-like daze; I paid them no heed but hurried on, the universe tunneling until all I could see was my poor, poor ship.

Yeah, she was where she had been... sort of. Thank the gods who look out after fools such as me; she was skewed about, her port now occupying the place that her bow had just moments ago. Dark burned splotches marred her hull; I bit my lip in pain as I circled about her, seeing here and there her innards displayed outwards.

Oh, this was gonna take months to repair! I groaned to myself, coming to a dejected halt at her bow and going up to lay my hand against the smooth metal of her hull.

Suddenly, a strange little noise sounded. It wasn't much, but it was unexpected. My head jerked up with surprise at this tiny mote of life coming from Devil; it was like coming upon a drowned man, only to see his eyelids flicker. I followed the sound, coming to a rip in my poor ship big enough to allow me entry, and moved through her until I came to the bridge.

A quick glance about: at least this looked relatively unscathed. Maybe those repairs wouldn't take quite as long as I--

The sound bleeped again, and with a little jerk I realized it was coming from my communications console. Someone was trying to contact me.

Still somewhat dazed, I punched receive; and stood there, unbelieving, as Nassy's cousin's voice filled my ears.

I had to listen to it two more times until it fully registered.Oh hell, not now, not at a time like this...

Then a thought crossed my mind. I drew in a breath to fortify myself, and quickly opened a return link.

"This is Captain Joao on Devil-May-Care," --

Or what's left of her, anyway...

"--returning communication. Greetings; long time no hear. I would be happy to oblige and have a sit-down just for that purpose; unfortunately, my ship is, ahh-- being overhauled and I am unable to come to you.

"If this is of importance more dire than your communication would indicate, please come to me at Piriingisi--"

I followed this with my address, since it seemed I wasn't going to be going anywhere anytime soon.

"Captain Yaoksi Joao, out."

It was only then, as I hit send and sent the return comm winging on its ethereal way that the last words Muscles was saying to me crawled into the front of my brain and yelled for attention.

Wea-- it had to weapons that he was talking about; he was carrying weapons to the Impys....

Whoa, mother; now what in all the Universe was wrong with that picture?!? Since when did the Imperials need anybody running weapons to them?

Unless it was something they couldn't get or make themselves, as improbable as it would seem, considering that back in the day these were the guys who made the Death Star.

They seemed awfully trigger-happy that Muscles was off his schedule, too; any idiot with a slug's quantity of brain would have gone to them first and tried to recruit me second.

Unless they weren't responsible for the explosion.

A chill swelled up inside me, but I managed to hold it at bay with the equally strong rise of anger. It took over completely, propelled me from Devil, carried me back to the Blue Asteroid, through the broken window, through the wandering, wailing throng inside and right back up into Rico's ugly face.

My hand shot out and grabbed up a bunch of his shirt, and to my great satisfaction I felt that yes, I had actually managed to pull him up on his tippy-toes.

"You'd better start talking square with me, and start it NOW!" I seethed, tightening my grip and pulling his mug mere millimeters from my face.

His wonderful body odor and bad breath be damned.

[ 07-06-2005 08:06 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]


posted 07-06-2005 10:12 PM    
(((OCC: from Return to Rhyloth in this same forum.)))

Kiara sat up with a start, surprised at the noise of the comm unit indicating an incoming message. Quickly she hit the accept switch and Captain Joao's message streamed in. Her reply was immediate, and swift.
"I would like to speak with you soon, and personally. I will meet you in Priingsi in...

...three standard days, at the location you have indicated."

Sending the message off quickly, Ki'ara got to her feet and hurried out of the comm station, her mind set on getting off the planet and to her destination as soon as possible. And, while she didn't have the money to afford such a trip, she always could find other ways of getting on board...

[ 07-06-2005 10:13 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kiara ]

Rico Riven

posted 07-09-2005 04:36 PM    
I looked from the blazing eyes to the destruction in the hanger, then back again. Part of me waned to crawl under the table – well, lift the table back up and then crawl under it – but the bigger part of me, the part that looks a rancor in the eyes and grabs a rock and says “what he hell”, that part of me fought like crazy to shake out the cobwebs that suddenly gummed up the internal workings and get this ship pointed back towards reality.

I shook my head and pushed hard at the chest of the bozo who had me by the shirt. I broke away and stepped back a half step.

“Hey, back off!” I yelled. “You think I had somethin’ to do with this, then you’re dumber than I thought!”

I held my hands up, trying to calm us both down.

“Look, all I know is that I had a deal with some company here to deliver this load of warheads to the Impies. They checked me out, got me a writ, and I was set. I’m supposed to run about once a week, and I get paid bunches. Short hauls, you know? Priority loading, take-offs, all that. In fact, they got me loaded so early that if I woulda taken off on time then I really shoulda been pulling into the SSD weapon bay already…”

I stopped. Holy crap, did I just say what I think I said?

“Wait-- they thought I would’ve taken off when the cargo got loaded, they didn’t expect me hang around here… If that would’ve gone off inside a loaded-to-the-cupcakes weapons bay…”

My face must have turned white, because the look on old gruesome’s face went from “I’m gonna kill you” to something more like “ack!”.

“I think I need a drink.”

Yaoksi Joao

posted 07-11-2005 11:36 PM    
...and I was more than ready to join him.

Suddenly Muscles didn't seem quite as shady, as underhanded, as deceitful and raunchy as I had formerly thought.

Well, ok; so he's still just as raunchy....

But the rest of the not-so-nice adjectives I was mentally saddling him with suddenly grew degrees lighter--

You know, I think he's on the up and up about this; no one can fake that shocked a look like the one planted on his face. Nope; I've seen veteran holo-vid actors do much worse in that department.

Ok, so he maybe didn't have anything to do with the explosion, except for the little matter that it sprang from his ship.

His ship that he had docked here, all nice and tidy and legal and everything.

I blinked, my own ire lessening but the heat it left behind now lending itself to a touch of alarm.

"You know, pal," I finally began, reaching out a hand toward him. He stuck his chest out a touch, a touch of a glare in his eyes, but stayed put and let me clap a hand on his shoulder.

"I think we are going to be having some company real soon; now, I don't know if you're quite ready for all the legalese that's soon to show up here, Fates know I'm not. But then, I'm just an innocent bystander, y'know?"

I stopped for air, staring him straight in the eye. He didn't look mad or scared, but if anything his eyes widened a bit, then narrowed.

Guess my implications were sinking home...

"I know of a place-- another place; it's called the Azure Planetoid, and it's in a hotel not too far from here.

"I suggest we go have another sit-down over something tall and cool, maybe some nerf-steaks or something to take the edge off..."

Yeah, take the edge off. Right.

"But you and me, if we're gonna be anything close to being partners, we're gonna have to be up-front with each other, not to mention watch out for each others' backs."

Yeah. Backs.

I didn't wait for an answer. I knew that Sullustan investigators would soon be on the scene; yeah, they'd come hunting for Muscles, of that there was no doubt. And if he was smart, he'd go along with the gig and talk to them.

But what he was going to tell them, and what he was going to tell me were, sure as there's pod racers on Tattoine, two different animals.

And I wanted in on the whole scoop before they got their grubby little paws onto him.

Commisar Stern

posted 07-12-2005 11:27 PM    
((((OOC: And here the ex-Commisar makes a shabby and quiet entrance....)))

A few years of quiet retirement had done my nerves little good, 'specialy with the company I thought would one day come-a-knockin'. So, to take my mind of things I'd taken a job at a local hanger: cleaning off the tools after the mechanics were done with their charges, cleaning the offices, a bit of cargo lifting here and there, simple stuff.

One could suppose it doesn't help your occupations management when a ship goes up right on the middle of the pad: bad for business, bad for personal reputation, and well, downright nasty with the investigators, and insurance claims and the like. With the sight of that ship going up, I saw my obscure extra two-hundred and fifty credits a week going up in smoke.

As I'd looked through the blasted windows of that bar, all I saw were little chared bills rather than pieces of scrap tumbling to the ground. Then again, this is what I get for not filling out the simple papers denoting "warning: volitle" on the customs for the ship that'd gone up.

Serves me right I guess.

After sittin' in stunned shock for a while, I noticed two gentlemen, one of whom I recognized as the owner of the ship that'd sunk my job, and the other one? Well sure as sure he was the joe who'd had those freaks runnin' around on his ship. Strange company people keep these days.

Well to me, down right scary, a jedi that close? I hadn't seen one of those in a good twenty or so years, and I'd hoped not to see one for another century after the last time. Well heck, a millenia wouldn't be to much to ask for either!

I continued watching the two gentlemen for a moment, obscurely of course, taking a sip of the gag-inducing local toxins that the place served. Then laid down a few crumpled cred-notes from my pocket, and slid of my stool to make my way outside.

I knew there was no point in going back to the docking bay, all I'd get were yells about those papers for the volitle stuff I'd loaded onto the mans ship. I supposed I could easily take a walk, seein' as sometimes business owners left little "help wanted" holo's on their shop windows and such.

But what really kept getting to me was the old soldiers sense, that tingle of long forgotten excitement back in the day. I supposed the explosion had brought it around, heck I'd seen a few of those in my time after all. I supposed I was due for a midlife crisis anyhow.

So why not just throw my hat into the pot and deal my hand?

Rico Riven

posted 07-24-2005 11:02 AM    
I looked at Yaoksi in astonishment. My ship blew to pieces, his was damaged, the Sullust port goons would be here any minute looking for me, I might have found myself neck deep in some kinda plot against the Empire, and he wanted to get a steak?

“Yeah, all right,” I said. “What the hell?”

It was about then I noticed a familiar face in the growing crowd. Well, familiar in the way that you can’t forget an ugly face. That man was so gruesome that when he was born, the doctor whacked his mother. That’s the kind of face that gives a rancor nightmares.

“Hey,” I said, looking past Yaoksi. “That guy was on the crew that was gonna load my ship! Can’t forget a face like that, no matter how hard you try. Let’s get him!”

I broke past Yaoksi and into a fast walk. I don’t know if the guy saw me coming or not, but I was up to him pretty fast regardless, finger pointing and eyes blaring.

“Hey, buddy!” I yelled to him. “What in the stinkin’ green trees of Endor did you guys load onto my ship?”

I hoped to hell Yaoksi was behind me. I had a bad feeling about this.

Commisar Stern

posted 07-24-2005 11:43 AM    
I turned around to look at him fully, and wouldn't you know it, it was the gentleman who's cargo had lit up my extra job. I took a moment to study the expression and the tone of his voice, then replied calmly.

"Well sir, seeing as how you ordered the cargo, and had us load it, I'd say it was whatever volitle stuff you were carrying in it. I do note that you paid the crew an extra fourty credits to leave "volitle" off the roster. So seeing as how you've run most of the operation, I'd say whatever it is you're trying to hold me acccountable for is your fault, or the person you purchased that cargo from."

I paused, knowing what I had said was a bit bold given the circumstances. "But seeing as I'm not a man to get angry over being accused, shall we let this bygone be bygone?" I extended my un-synthed Cybernetic hand towards him, a sign of equality or forgiveness, however he might take it.

[ 07-24-2005 11:46 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Commisar Stern ]

Rico Riven

posted 07-25-2005 09:47 PM    
“Forty credits to keep—whadya mean they paid you to keep ‘volatile’ off the roster?”

I couldn’t believe this! The deal of my life turns out to maybe be some kind of plot against the Empire, and I’m getting set up to take the fall. Worse yet, I was supposed be aboard that SSD when the ‘volatile’ crap went off!

Son of a buck must pay.

And this guy was my witness.

I looked at the robotic hand that was offered to me. The guy didn’t even have it wrapped in synthetic skin, for Paca’s sake! I guess it sorta went with the face, though. Time for Mr. Smooth to jump into action, I had just had to know for sure if it was the guys who hired me or someone else who tried to fry my favorite hide.

“All right, look,” I said, calmer. “I didn’t order that cargo, I was just getting paid to haul it. But you actually talked to someone who delivered it to the bay? Could you point ‘em out if you saw them again?”

Commisar Stern

posted 07-25-2005 11:11 PM    
"Of course I could." I replied, already the implacations of being helpful to a man with a vessel and obvious contacts.

But then again I was no fool, if I was just to tell him what he looked like, heck, it'd be pretty easy to keep it in mind and dump me off where I was, none the better from last week.

"But then again, I mean what's the point? My jobs screwed from what I can see, budget wont have enough to pay me while they pay for repairs, lawyers, claims... I mean, I get a small retirement fund, but that was a good couple of credits that helped fit the bills comming my way each week." I fixed him with a frank look, which I didn't really care if it made me look a bit more gruesome.

"I'm not trying to hold what happened against you, but if there's any chance I could get a spot on your crew once you're on your way, I'd be most appriciative."

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 08-02-2005 01:20 AM    
(((OOC: Jebbua strolls in after so long of being away.)))

I continued to walk down the street to the docking bay where it was pretty much a junkpile.

"Talk about an unlucky day."

I stared at the wreckage and watched as a man entered what was left of his ship and then minutes later exit it.

having nothing else to do and wanting to know how the explosino happened I followed the man to see if he knew anything about it.

I followed him to the "Blue Asteroid", where the window was blasted out. I watched him talk with another man, but didn't hear what there were saying. I then noticed the other man walked over to a third man and started to somewhat yelled at him.

It seemed the third man loaded something explosive onto the second man's ship and the second man wasn't happy.

I closed my eyes and reached out with the force and could feel the tension and I could also feel the apraoch of two speeders and sullustans getting out and rushing everywhere.

Ok, time to do something. I thought.No. keep your cool and watch.

I stayed where I was hidden in a dark corner watching the three men converse only catching bits of their conversation.

[ 08-02-2005 01:26 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 08-05-2005 03:57 PM    
During this entire little tete-a-tete I had simply stood in what probably looked to be polite silence.

Truth of the matter was, I was doing my doggonest to keep my jaw from hitting the floor. The effort it took to do so was immense, so I just stood there, casting looks between Muscles and the latest goony-bird to add to my growing collection, wondering to myself just which one of the two was the ugliest.

Not to mention the least trustworthy.

Well... the latter was easy enough to determine, actually. I mean, I knew Muscles for, lemme think now, hours was it by now? Whereas Ugly Mug had just up and popped into my life moments before. So to speak.

Ok. So I didn't trust either of them. But chances are that one or the other held the best possibility of finding out who the heck to blame for my poor Devil's defacement...

I drew in a breath, let it out laden with unspoken meaning, and crossed my arms.

"Look, fellas," I began, now taking a step forward and, Fates preserve me, coming to a halt next to Muscles.

"Seems like standing right here in the middle of everything isn't very conducive to finding out what really happened here, let alone keeping a low and ahh-- honest profile, if you catch my drift.

"May I suggest a change of venue, until the port authorities can contact us about the -- unfortunate events that have transpired here?

"Events I'd really like to discuss with each other... purely as gentlemen, of course."

I let my eyes cut to Muscles, then slew back to Ugly. I couldn't help curling a nostril; the two of them made such lovely bookends....

[ 08-05-2005 03:58 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Rico Riven

posted 08-06-2005 05:43 PM    
I guess the Yaokster had a point. This duckling had a lot of nerve to ask to be part of my crew, especially since my ship was in pieces at the moment, but he acted at least civil about the whole in-your-face thing I was doing.

“Yeah,” I said. “Let’s get the bleedin’ hole outa here. I know that place, and you’re right, we can talk there. It’s safe.”

I winked and headed for the broken window. As I passed the bar I tossed a coin onto the counter.

“Sorry about the mess,” I muttered. It just seemed appropriate somehow.

I stepped through the window frame and into the open port, checking to make sure the other two were following me. I ducked my head down and casually walked to the nearest tunnel entrance.

A few minutes later and we standing in front of the Azure Plantoid. The scene was more subdued here, away from the ruckus of the spaceport which is busy on a normal day. Add in a blown-up ship and it’s a little noisier.

I walked inside and spotted a table near the back. It wasn’t too hard, since only two other tables were occupied. One had an unconscious blue person lying face-down on an empty plate. The other was taken up by a couple of human-looking folks who had more than just idle chit-chat on their mind. They were pretty well grossed in each other, if you know what I mean. Hope they had a room for later.

I scooted a chair out and took a seat. The waitress, a pretty little thing, brought over three mugs. Wow, didn’t even have to ask.

“Come here often?” I asked Yaoksi.

Commisar Stern

posted 08-06-2005 06:36 PM    
I looked at the two, who hoenstly hadn't seemed to have clicked quite yet. Aside from that, things seemed to be in place, though something was feeling a bit wierd. Paranoia I guess, been around for a long time as it had been.

"Gentlemen, I mean not to distract, but would it not be more advisable to track down the purpetrators of this crime against your two vessels?" I asked, my fingertips upon the rim of the mug.

"For that matter, what is your intent to do with the purpotraters (sp?)?"

Yaoksi Joao

posted 08-09-2005 01:14 PM    
My drink in hand, I smiled, keeping every inch of my body in nice n' easy mode, the tumbler of blue-water held aloft while I tipped my chair back and propped my ankle on my other knee.

But the expression in my eyes was anything but; I directed it at Muscles for a quick moment before letting the chair down softly and placing the tumbler on the tabletop just as quietly.

I turned to Ugly with a smile.

"That's just what we're doing, pal," I said with a flash of teeth toward him.

"You wanna tell us more about the guy who delivered that cargo to the bay and paid you to keep its contents all mum and tidy and nice?"

With that I cut another quick glance to Muscles, who was looking angrier by the minute. Suddenly there seemed to be a sparkling of truth about him after all.

"Yeah," I said in response to his earlier quip.

"It's a favorite place of mine."

With that I took hold of my tumbler again, and took a hefty swig from its contents.

[ 08-09-2005 01:17 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Commisar Stern

posted 08-09-2005 05:49 PM    
I was beginning to like this second gentleman less and less, the obvious dislike and sarcasm almost oozing from him as he spoke. "Quite gladly." I said, looking to the man I had origonally spoken too, and ignoring the other.

"The man who paid me said he was your broker, a human passing off as an Umbaran by all appearances, the usual bald head, pale purple skin, crystal blue eyes and one of those nifty shadow-cloaks they find fashionable." I took a drink of the liquid and hid a look of distaste behind the mug, the liquid tasting as though it had gone through a bantha's urinary tract.

"He did also, and most conveniently I might add, leave an imperial seal on the papers that he did fill out. A one "I.S.B." seal." I let one of the most feared initials slide from my mouth quite easily, before taking another casual sip of the disgusting swill.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 08-11-2005 12:26 PM    
A little bit of my loose n' easy stance immediately segued into something a little stiffer, a bit more on the alert. This was getting stranger and stranger by the minute.

Why would the Impys go an try to blow themselves up? Unless someone else had infiltrated one of the SSDs or Coruscant itself and had stolen a seal, which would mean there was a rebellion out there somewhere I didn't know beans about.

Or... Ugly was as trustworthy as he was good-looking, and was making this up on the fly.

I cut a quick look over to Muscles, who seemed to have tensed up a bit himself. Then I turned back to Ugly, forcing myself to loosen up and lean more casually back in my seat.

"Thanks pal, that's all I ask," I said, smiling at him. Then my smile faded.

"But now, as to your earlier, ahh-- request, well... I just have to turn down your offer--"

I couldn't help grimacing at the use of the word.

"--of crewing with either my buddy here, or with me. Seems kinda on the moot side now anyway, doesn't it? I mean, between the two of us we maybe have half a ship; his is blown to smithereens, and mine is... well, gonna be in repairs for some time now."

A frown crossed my features; poor Devil's distress was really sinking in now, along with the realization that yeah, she probably was gonna be out of commission for months at the very least. Sullust wasn't known for it's repair facilities, I was gonna have to import someone I could trust to get the job done, and get it done right...

Giving myself a mental shake, I turned back to Ugly.

"So.. sorry about that, pal," I finished, and raising my mug gave him a little salute with it before downing half its contents in one fell swoop.

[ 08-11-2005 12:28 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Rico Riven

posted 08-14-2005 03:49 PM    
Oh, this was just getting’ better all the time.

“An ISB seal?” I had to ask. “Well, I guess that just adds up then, don’t it? I mean, of course the people making weapons here and shipping them off to an SSD are gonna have an inspector or something giving final approval before the stuff gets hauled. What I can’t figure is how they managed to sabotage or replace the stuff once the guy with the seal did his final ‘here ya go’. Unless…”

OK, so I was a little slow that day. I mean, come one, my ship just got toasted, and I was meant to have been on board at the time.

“Unless the guy with the seal was in on it.”

Yeah, I got the “duh” looks from the two of them. I shrugged it off.

“Oh great, so either someone is posing as an Imperial security agent, or the agency itself is involved. Either way, I was supposed to be dead by now, so I got a feeling that ISB bimbo is gonna wanna see to it that I get that way real soon.”

I looked over to Ugly, making my words real clear.

“And I wouldn’t be too surprised if he wanted to cover up all his tracks, if you know what I mean. Never mind your job, if he knows that you are the one who can finger him, then your life ain’t worth a bowl of bantha dung either. And since none of us have a way off the planet right now, we seem to have problem.”

I leaned back in the seat and took my glass in hand.

“Don’t know about you guys, but I say we find out who this bozo is, get to the bottom of it, and find out who is paying to have our ships fixed.”

Commisar Stern

posted 08-14-2005 04:06 PM    
I looked to the two gentlemen and then sat back, setting down the glass of bantha-poodoo and considered what the man, Rico, had said.

"That is quite possibly so, but then where is it that you two hide? I could go back to my place for a bit but I'm sure he'd track me back to it pretty darn quick. We could hole up in a hotel or something, but I think the best bet would be to actually get off planet if we just intend to lay low for a bit."

I decided to risk it and took a sip of the drink again, and regretted it immediately, setting it down again. "I seem to note you two must have some sort of experience with others, do you know anyone offplanet who could hold us? Or better yet do that and repair the ships?"

Yaoksi Joao

posted 08-15-2005 03:00 AM    
I frowned behind my raised glass, then thumped it back on the table.

Oh, this whole affair was quite suddenly taking a subtle turn for the worst, and if there's anything I've learned in all my gadding about the galaxy is that subtlety and I are strange bedfellows indeed...

Now my hand removed from the glass, my elbow propping itself on the table to allow that hand to then cup itself over my mouth. I studied both Muscles and Ugly a tad bit more carefully then, with greater scrutiny, paying particular care to their body language.

They were both screaming to the high heavens sad tales of assassination attempts and set-ups and lurking dangers and the loong, loooong arm of the Imperials and the degree in which both of them were immersed in all the above.

My eyes flicked from Ugly to Muscles and back to Ugly again. The index finger on the hand cupping my mouth lifted, pointed to him.

"Your life is gonna be worth bantha dung."

Then my glance cut to Muscles, followed shortly thereafter by the finger.

"And you've been set up as a fall guy for an apparent assassination attempt on the Impys..."

The words were not in any way accusatory. Just stating the facts, ma'am.

Both hands went carefully to the table top, there to lie flat-palmed as I pushed myself to my feet.

"Ahh-- it seems that I'm the only innocent bystander in all this, boys. Not to mention the only one with half a ship; my friend--"

Now I directed my full attention to Muscles.

"Seems like the offer you extended to me is as null and void as your ship; and you--"

I turned back to Ugly.

"--are most certainly not going to crew with me. I already have a crew..."

Surprise, surprise; shame ran a fast footrace through my body, starting in my head somewhere in the ol memory section and ending in my heart.

K'kihl. How could I have forgotten my ol' buddy K'kihl?

"It seems to me that you boys have more in common with each other than with me, so if you'll just excuse me I have to go see about repairing my ship..."

I got to my feet, drained the last of my drink, and tossed a few credi-coins to the passing waitress. Then giving the pair a smile and a nod, I departed the premises to retrace my steps back to the spaceport.

There I was met with a wild cacophony of apologetic Sullustan officials, who broke the terrible news about poor Devil while simultaneously waving signed docking waivers in my face. I just sighed, raised my hands, and with a little smooth talking managed to get myself permission to go to my ship.

Upon entering I made a beeline to the bridge, where I immediately fired up the com-panel and after a quick run-through of private frequencies, opened up a particular channel.

"Terrin Danner on Hornett, this is Captain Yaoksi Joao. Can I ask a little favor of you...?"

[ 08-15-2005 03:03 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 08-15-2005 08:19 PM    
(((OCC: Communication from The Dream of Those that Wake in the Empire and New Republic forum.

"Captain Joao, this is Captain Aaron Barnes," he started out. "It's good to hear from you, and I hope that all is well. Terrin is...

... not available..."

Aaron paused, cringing at his choice of words, "...but I would be glad to help you out. What is it that you need?"

[ 08-15-2005 08:20 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 08-15-2005 09:12 PM    
Now, this was a surprise. My jaw dropped for a moment as it struggled to rake in all the thoughts that were being sent to it all at once and turn them into viable human speech. All that came out at first, though, was--

"Ahh- er... " I garbled, then got myself under control. Ok, so Danner wasn't around; I remembered Barnes clearly. Since he was second to Danner, it stood to reason that he knew everything his boss did, which in turn led me to believe he would know all that I had done for the man back when...

Ok, back when you couldn't keep a thing from boarding your ship and ripping off his arm....

I tossed that away with a shudder. Maybe Barnes would be more forgiving of me than I had ever been about that horrible incident. Finally getting myself under control, I went on.

"Hey, well... sorry to hear that. When the ol' pirate does become available, tell him hi for me, right? Right.

"Anyway, I've been having a touch wee of a problem here on Sullust--"

Quickly I related all that had befallen me since running into the bookends and having my ship blown asunder.

"--and since I left K'kihl with you in Engineering -- how is the ol' cricket, anyway? -- I was hoping I could kinda bank on the help I'd given Mr. Danner--"

Another cringe.

"--and that you'd maybe send a repair crew here to give me a hand? Of course if all you could afford to send was K'kihl, that would be just fine and dandy."

Finishing with my coordinates and physical address in Piriingisi, I leaned into the mike and finalized with a single word.


[ 08-15-2005 09:14 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 08-15-2005 09:35 PM    
(((OCC: Communication from The Dream of Those That Wake in the Empire and New Republic.)))

"I'll relate the news of your troubles to K'khil; he's one of our best engineers and has done some fine work onboard the Hornett. As for Terrin..."

Aaron trailed, the pang in his heart almost audible, "He died over a year ago. I'd tell you more...

...but I don't feel all that comfortable about telling you the details over a comm frequency."

Leaving his communication at that, Aaron pushed the "send" button.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 08-15-2005 10:05 PM    
I felt like a stone was sitting in the pit of my stomach, growing larger with each passing second.

Terrin Danner-- dead? What about that lil red-haired he was married to? Aww, that was just--

I shook myself. Time to mourn later; now I had my own problems to consider.

"Ahh-- I'm sorry to hear about Mr. Danner. Please accept my condolences."

An appropriate pause, then I continued.

"Thank you for your offer; I'm afraid my ship needs more than an, ahh-- overhaul; perhaps you could send some materiels so she could be refit?

"I-- I would like to talk with you over a drink sometime; hopefully after Devil is up and running I can stop by for some conversation."

Another brief pause--

"Tell K'kihl I'm looking forward to seeing him--" for of course the ol carapace would come running the moment he heard of my ship's distress.

"This is Captain Yaoksi Joao, out."

I sighed as I closed the link, then sat back in my chair and contemplated middle space for a bit.

Then I shut down all systems and left Devil, giving her hull a fond pat before I headed back out into the tunnels of Piriingisi.

[ 08-16-2005 12:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Rico Riven

posted 08-17-2005 08:03 PM    
Well didn’t that just beat all? After getting to know someone so well and all, striking up a deal, the bozo turns tail and bumps on out. Well, that sure as hell didn’t sit too well with me, I tell you what. That nerf-herder would get his ship fixed and fly away with my gland smuggling deal! Good thing the glass I held was made of something harder than glass, or it’d be shattered all over the table.

I turned to Ugly and said “Wait here.” I threw my chair back and followed after Yuckster, then turned back to look at Ugly. “On second thought, come on.”

I didn’t wait to see if he was following. I stormed through the halls, thought I caught a glimpse of Yaoksi, but in the end I couldn’t find him. I was pissed as hell and getting worse by the minute. Finally I gave up.

I turned my collar up and kept my head down, and peeked into docking area at my ship. Sure enough, there were officials swarming it and taking all sorts of readings. Cripes, even the poor guy at the Asteriod was getting questioned. Ah hell, this was way bad. What the bleedin’ palm was I gonna do?

Then I saw him.

Sure enough, it was Yaoksi, just walking out of his ship like it was a day at the office. He seemed a little distressed, oh boo-hoo for him. I stood where I was in the tunnel, waiting. In a little bit he came walking in, right by me, not even a ‘how do you do’. All right, well, I was trying to not be seen, but still! I stepped behind him and coughed.

Yaoksi stopped and glanced back just in time to see the fist coming for him. I don’t know if he tried to duck or not, but I sure as hell hit him full in the jaw and sent him sprawling against the wall.

I walked over and helped him up, not so gently.

“That’s for walking away with my gland deal and strandin’ me on Sullust,” I said, feeling a little better. “I know my life ain’t worth crap here, but neither is yours if I implicate you in all this. Now I suggest we go somewhere again and work out a deal. Someplace nice, someplace quiet. Plus, I think we really can work something out together that’ll be to your profit.”

I had no idea what I was talking about, but I’m sure I’d think of something. I figured he was either gonna go for his blaster or go for my pitch, either way I’d be ready.

[ 08-17-2005 08:05 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rico Riven ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 08-17-2005 08:16 PM    
What the--

One minute I was strolling away from my poor, abused ship, heading off to my little apartment for a quiet drink alone in front of the holo-vid, when WHAMMY.

Here comes ol Muscles like a freighter from hell, and the next thing I knew I was down on my butt.

Then up again.

I shook the stars from my vision just in time to hear his finishing words to me... which, lucky for him, he just managed to squeak out like the rat he was before my own hand shot out and found a fistful of his collar, the other finding my blaster which in turn found a cozy little hidey hole under his jaw.

I yanked him up to the closest I could stand his breath, and shot dagger looks into his eyes.

"Look, partner," I steamed, giving his collar a meaningful jerk. And damned if the bore of my blaster didn't just up and plant itself just a little more snugly against his flesh.

"You can go right on ahead and implicate me all you want, you can implicate me until the rontos come home over the hill...

"...but sure as there's spice on Kessel it isn't gonna mean squat and you know it.

"I've been running a legt business here, and have the chits to prove it; the last thing I need is to get myself all tossed up in the salad with a couple of slime-oes whose lives aren't gonna be worth bantha fodder in the very near future.

"That is--"

Another jerk of his collar, this time hard enough to yank him up so we were literally touching noses.

"If it already isn't worth less than that right now."

I settled back then, tossing him from me as if he was yesterday's garbage. If he was expecting me to holster ol Bertha though, he had another thing coming.

"I've got a life of my own, pal; if it's any consolation to you when I'm finished with the animal gland deal -- assuming I have some kind of ship to complete the contract with, thank you oh so much! -- I'll tell the contractor that you can have it from now on.

"I've got other things to tend to; so, sorry to say it but...

"Sayonara, pal."

With that I holstered my blaster, turned my back on Muscles, and kept right on walking.

I was that steamed.

Commisar Stern

posted 08-18-2005 01:11 PM    
"Leave it." I said as the man stormed away, having merely followed and remained silent thus far. "He's only going to sell out one to many people some day and will recieve his just deserts."

I put a hand on Rico's shoulder. "Lets just go back to my place, drink a cup of caf, and figure out what we're going to do, because sure as sure sitting here angry as all hellfire wont get us anywhere."

Though possibly in time it could get a shot in the back of the heads for both of us, especially if there's ISB on our tails. I grimaced at the thought and began to think of that old disuader under the bed back home...

[ 08-18-2005 01:23 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Commisar Stern ]

Rico Riven

posted 08-22-2005 03:34 PM    
Oh, of all the dirty, low-down, things someone could do…

But hey, I guess that’s what you get trying to make a deal with a smuggler. We’re all alike, whatever gets us ahead and screw the other guy. Yeah, all right, I can cope with that, I guess. Except now I’m stuck on Sullust without a ship, and the guy who said he had connections to get some repair work done just screwed the pooch and didn’t even buy it dinner.

Ah, cool off. Just let it go, the next time you see him you can kill him, but for now the Ugly mug is right. We got big problems, and we need to solve them.

“All right,” I said, turning back to face old gruesome. “I guess we’re in this together, like it or not. If we can find the hut-face that signed for the cargo then that’s a good place as any to start. Just so you know, I like my hide and I’ll do anything to keep it. This could get messy. If you’re OK with that, then lead on.”

Commisar Stern

posted 08-22-2005 05:43 PM    
"It'll never get as messy as it used to be." I replied without expression, my mind on how much like Kris he'd sounded like...

But that was in the past, locked away.

And it would stay that way.

"Lets go." I said, immediately turning away from the hangar facilities, to begin strolling between the various avenues, back alleys and the like, making a few switch backs and zig-zags.

You could never be too careful after all.

After perhaps twenty minutes of walking I stopped before a plain black dura-steel door and thumbed the access pannel next to the door and stepped into a small stairwell that did switchbacks, upon each landing a small non-descript door sat with a number scratched into it's surface.

I led the fella up to my "pad", which was upon the fourth floor, and keyed in a small passcode, and stepped into the small two room apartment, at the far end the entrance to a dingy bathroom which he kept clean enough just enough to use.

"Home sweet home. I'll grab my stuff, tell the landlord he doesn't get anything else from me, and then we'll start hunting down the bastard."

I moved over to the small desk just across from the plain army cot and pulled out a few data-cards and a small box, pocketed them, then went to the cot and lifted it up, pulling out a long case, similar to "Ammo Drop Cylinders", and keyed in a long mechanical password that stretched the entire length.

It clicked open, and inside there was merely a long black "Suit-bag", like you got clothing back from a suit shop or the like, along with a long black sword-sheath, an ornate handle and leather grip at the top, set in with small jewels that had a faint glow from some internal power source, and a long pistol, perhaps three and a half decimeters in length with a silver casing.

The memories flashed back as I attempted to hide it as best I could, retrieving the pistol and snapping the rest of the case shut and pressing a small key on the side that set all the locks to 9, and then picked it up by a small handle on the side of the case and stood up, the slugthrower sitting in a black holster that it had sat in, the belt now snugly around my waist. "Shall we go then?"


posted 09-01-2005 07:05 PM    
((((OOC: Cel enters rp here))))

Great now i'm stuck here even longer. Before me stood the remains of my way off this rock. I was across the space port when it happened working on a new overlay for a ship to earn some quick cash when the explosion hit and rolled the ship i was in. By the time I made it back to the freighter that was going to be my ticket out of here it was apperent that it was a total loss.

Bettter yet most of my credits was onboard, which wasn't a problem considering how easy it is for a slicer of my caliber to earn a little cred on sullust.

I walked over to what was left of the Blue Astroid to set up shop. Sitting down at a table I pulled out my data pad and began slicing myself a new ID, incase i get suck on this rock longer then planned.


posted 09-02-2005 07:06 PM    
((Lowwarr makes his "triumphant entrance here. Let the Wookieness begin!))


The bartender's wheezy voice, shaking with what seemed to be fear, registered in my pounding head.

Blinking balefully, I looked up from my mug of swill and over at the man. There was no doubt he was afraid. He was trembling, causing the ice in the glass he held to rattle, and sweat glistened in a sheen across his forehead. I nodded at him to show I was listening.

" most sincere apologies, sir, but...uhm...I have to ask you to leave."

My eyes must have narrowed in the annoyance I felt, because the bartender began trembling so badly he sloshed the muddy blue (Blue? Who drinks something light blue?) contents of the glass down his shirtfront. Nevertheless, he did continue.

"It's...ah...well, I'm afraid you're...d-d-disturbing the customers, you see."

As he spoke, I finally realized that there was no clamor of voices surrounding us as one usually finds in a bar. The place was dead silent, and I thought I knew why.

Turning on my stool, I found that every single occupant of this tiny little bar was silently staring at me. As I swiveled to face them, they shrank back, as though expecting me to lunge at them and tear their throats out.

Turning back the the bartender, who was sweating even more profusely, I gave a throaty, exasperated sigh, tossed a few credits on the table for the swill, and stood to leave.

Instantly, the small crowd parted before me as though I were some sort of ruler or dignitary, giving me a wide berth to the door. As I walked to it, my annoyance mounted at the expressions of fear on each face I passed. Whether out of annoyance or for amusement, I let loose with a feral snarl.

Every single person in the room stepped back so quickly you would have thought I were covered in mynock droppings. And there were more than a few short yelps or shrieks from the less courageous.

My annoyance mounting, I wrenched the door open, stepped through, and slammed it behind me with a loud clang that did nothing for my headache. Almost immediatly, I heard conversation break out behind the portal I had just closed. Snarling again, I set off down the street.

It had been happening for years now, the staring, the silence, the trembling fear in the voices of those few who spoke to me. They were treating me like I was some sort of wild beast, and I was fed up with it.

Had none of them ever seen a Wookiee before?

Well, no, actually. More than likely, none of them had. But Bacca's blade, all I'd wanted was one drink! They couldn't even let me have that. They didn't even give me a chance to explain myself.

Granted, they couldn't have understood me if I had spoke. Shyriiwook is incomprehensible to most.

But I would have appreciated the chance.

Continuing down the street (the stares still followed me), I eventually passed by the hanger. There was quite a commotion emerging from there, people shouting, running around, and shouting some more. A regular fiasco.

My curiosity getting the better of me, I strode into the hanger and was met with a disasterous scene. Many ships were completely blown apart, many more were only half-intact. Wreckage was strewn everywhere. It looked as though somebody had set off a crate full of thermal detonators in there.

As I walked around, surveying the devastation (which seemed to emanate from what must have once been a freighter ship but now was little more than a twisted hunk of durasteel), I took note of the number of ships with extensive damage.

It was quite a large amount.

From what I could tell, the owners of these ships were going to need an army of repairbeings.

It looked as though I might be able to find some work on this rock.

After surveying the scene for some time, I headed out of the hangar and in the direction of the local "hotspot," the Blue Asteroid. I guessed at least one or two of the pilots who had lost their ships would be in there right now, drowning their sorrows.

And I was sure at least one would have drank enough that he would even consider hiring a Wookiee to do his repair work.

After all, many of these people were well-traveled pilots. Some of them had to know that my people were not, despite our appearances, monsters.

[ 09-02-2005 07:08 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Lowwarr ]

Rico Riven

posted 09-03-2005 11:23 PM    
“Whoa,” I said.

“Those are some pretty nasty pieces of hardware. Who the hell are you? Sure as heck aren’t your every day run of the mill dock worker.”

I thought a second and shrugged. Didn’t matter, really.

“And, uh, where exactly are we starting?”

Commisar Stern

posted 09-03-2005 11:31 PM    
"Ask me no questions and I'll tell you know lies." I replied calmly, lifting the case from the floor.

"The best thing too do would to be too check the local custom office, see if any Umbarans have come by, or any officials. The trick is too look for something TOO convincing, like it's overdone, rather then underdone or normal."

I went to the door and opened it, staring the treck down the stairs.

Rico Riven

posted 09-04-2005 05:52 PM    
“Right,” I said, “we just go ask if there have been any blue people around. Sure.”

I checked my blaster at my side and patted it for comfort, and followed Ugly out the door. I followed him – I don’t know why, but I did. He made a couple of stops, during which I stood around nonchalantly, and we were finally on our way into the main corridors. It was interesting to see this guy in action, I had a feeling he had a bigger story to tell.

We ended up outside the door of the customs office, staring at the big letters on the window. I didn’t much care for this place, since most of my business involved cargo that would normally bypass this office. But I did have a legit haul every now and then, and they did know me here…

“Wait,” I said. “They know me here, and they’ll know that it was my ship. I’ll be detained. Cripes, you better go in and check without me, I’ll go hang out by the Asteroid. Hopefully things have calmed down there for now.”

I ducked my head to look inconspicuous, and stared down the hallway. The customs office was just off the main corridor of the dock, which meant the Asteroid wasn’t too far. I rounded the corner and paused at the entrance to the dock. The scene had indeed settled, now the fire droids had departed, and the area was taped off with a bright yellow energy fence that went about 5 feet up and encircled my ship – well, what was left of it – and the four other ships that surrounded it. I shook my head and turned the corner to walk in the bar, thinking as I did so that they might be closed for repairs. I glanced over to my ship once more as I reached for the door.

I pulled the door open and turned my head back away from the ship, and stopped just short of a mountain of fur. I stood with my nose nearly buried in a matted sea of dark brown, my nostrils beginning to sting from the proximity. Normally I might think before I speak, but I’d had enough of this day.

“Hey!” I yelled. “Is this a bar or a shag carpet store? Get this hunk of hair out of my way, will ya?”

Commisar Stern

posted 09-04-2005 08:08 PM    
I trod down the familiar hallway, and surupticiously slid into one of the vacant offices, a small note on the door saying the worker, one "J.T. Meyers" would be back in roughly twenty minutes from whenever he'd left.

Big help.

Without any pause, knowing time was of the essence, I locked the door as a precaution, and sat down at the small datapad, tapping in a standard access code, I quickly rifled through arrivals and their purposes.

I came across three Umbarans, and checked their story. One was here on holiday to their aunt, unlikely for the match.

The second was here for undisclosed business reasons. I almost laughed, the customs office never let them slide without a bribe. But imperials tended to go more stealthy then obvious bribes.

I selected the last file and looked it over, as the person was here too "take in the sights", specifically eight locations, and with even a specific flight booked out.

"Bingo." I whispered, copying the data just as I heard the door click with the sound of someone touching the lock. "I coulda sworn I left this thing open!" Came an exasperated voice from outside.

I glanced about the office, no where to hide unless you were a six year old anorexic girl. With a not a moment to lose, I closed the datapad, cramming the chip into my pocket, and grabbed a waste bin, going to the door and unlocking it.

Before me stood an irritable looking rodian, and by irritable, I meant more then half past ugly. "What'r you doin in my office?" He asked, putting a hand across the doorway to stop me from leaving.

With a quick crazed thought, I let out a string of Hutteese about getting the trash and not understanding basic. He snorted; "Stupid ignorants." He glared.

I held up the trash in a ditch attempt, and he got the idea, moving his arm aside to let me by. That was close. Came my only thought as I ditched the bin in the hall and ran from the building, slowing to a brisk walk as I entered the street to make my way towards the blue asteroid.


posted 09-05-2005 12:26 AM    
With my newly compleated ID I was ready to get some credits rolling in. The easiest option would have been to slice some extra cred from the local economy, but that lacked skill. My prefered option was sabac, nothing was better then to see the face of a dumb-strucken smuggler when the cute inocent ryn girl just emptied their pockets. However to many of the smugglers here already figured me to be the slicer Link and wisely chose to avoid sabac in my presence.

It was about this time when another more profitable venture came to me. Just then as someone entered the bar they almost ran strait into a massive wookie. Now normally this could have been survivable, but this wookie looked agitated, on edge. And the mans words only seemed to seal his fate.
“Hey!” He yelled. “Is this a bar or a shag carpet store? Get this hunk of hair out of my way, will ya?”

Seeing the potential in front of me I reached into my pockets and pulled out some credits still on hand and slaped them onto the bar tabe in front of me.

"I place 50 credits on the wookie?" I yelled.

With this started a chain reaction among the other patrons of the Blue Astroid of placing down bets as well. This should be a good match.

Rico Riven

posted 09-05-2005 07:27 PM    
“Oh cripes,” I yelled out. “Don’t place bets, just make this thing move!”

I looked up where I thought this thing’s head might be, then kept going. Dang, but this thing was tall. OK, really tall. Probably strong enough to tear my arms off and beat me to death with ‘em, too. This day kept getting better.

“Look, I’d say please if that would help,” I said to the mass of fur at the top. “Right now I don’t really care. My day – along with my life and my ship – is ruined and I really need a drink. So either turn around and smash me to a pulp or get the hell out of my way!”


posted 09-05-2005 08:13 PM    
I didn't notice at first that the man had walked into me. I was preoccupied with my thoughts, and he was only walking. It wasn't until he actually spoke that I realized he was there.

“Hey! Is this a bar or a shag carpet store? Get this hunk of hair out of my way, will ya?”

Well. I had been about to growl a hasty apology. Now, what with the mood I was in, what I really wanted to do was feed him his own fingers.

However, some little niggling part of my brain, Common Sense, I believe, told me I wouldn't be helping things at all by rearranging this man's face.

As I stood there, trying to get my anger under control, one of the bar patrons, a ryn female, by the looks of it, slapped some credits down on the table and put them on me to pound this guy into blue goo. Or whatever color humans are when they get pulped.

The other patrons quickly followed suit, most of the cash going on my side of the table, and the man spoke again.

“Look, I’d say please if that would help. Right now I don’t really care. My day – along with my life and my ship – is ruined and I really need a drink. So either turn around and smash me to a pulp or get the hell out of my way!”

That explained his short temper. What with the explosion and all, it made sense that I wouldn't be the only one having a bad day.

Stepping swiftly to the side, I spoke in Shyriwook. (So he more-than-likely wouldn't understand me. Why not?)

"My apologies, sir. I had a lot on my mind."

I gestured for him to go in before me, then added,

"Sorry to hear about your ship, by the way."

If he by any chance understood my language, he'd respond. If not, perhaps I'd use sign language and try to get a job anyways.

After all, this fellow seemd as good a place as any to start trying to find work.

Commisar Stern

posted 09-05-2005 08:52 PM    
I approached the Blue Asteroid, the datacard securely in the palm of my hand as I squeezed into the entrance of the Blue Asteroid past the shag rug standing in the doorway and glanced about for Rico.

"Hey, I've got 'im." He said calmly.


posted 09-06-2005 02:43 AM    
So the wookie wasn't going to fight. Wookies outside of their homeplanet tended to be a rare site, even rarer as smugglers. So it was not suprising that no one understood his speech. But life on the run taught me more than just smuggling, swindling, and slicing. After dealing with all the vast non-humans I manages to become fluent in many of the languages, Shyriwook, sullestian, huttesses, even a little of chiss.

Seeing not further reason to continue this venture i withdrew my 50 creds from the pot signaling that the fight was called off. This allowed me to observe who had what and it wasn't promising as the moment. judging from the lack of funds of the patrons I was going to be stuck here for a very long time the best I could do right now was to wait until someone approched me for something requiring my skills.

Returning to my table I order my drink and instructed the waiter to give the wookie a free drink of his choice. From my perspective on the run the one thing most important about wookies ever told to me was "let the wookie win"


posted 09-06-2005 10:53 PM    
Having allowed first the man and now this odd cyborg-man through the bar door, I glanced 'round to room, not quite sure who to approach or what to do. Eventually, I decided to get a drink and mull it over.

However, when I turned towards the bar, I found a waiter standing behind me, already asking which drink I wanted.

My confusion must have shown on my face, because the man pointed over to the little Ryn female who had slapped down the first bet on me to paste the guy who had run into me and said she had told him to give me a free drink.

Ordering a mug of a brew I had found partituclarly tasty, I considered the ryn girl for a moment, then started towards her.

After all, buying one a free drink is as good an invitation to talk as any.

Stopping in front of her, I inclined my head, both in greeting ,and because she was so small compared to me than I had to incline it to see her.

"Thanks for the drink," I growled in what I hoped was a friendly sort of tone.

Then, playing on my guess what she was fluent in Shyriwook, I continued.

"Its a pity I didn't know you understood my language back when you were placing bets on me. We could have made a nice amount of credits."

Grinning, I took a sip from my mug and waited for her reply.

Rico Riven

posted 09-06-2005 11:40 PM    
Just as a I prepared to have my brain splatted by the giant dust bunny, he bellows something and then some cute little furry thing is buying it a drink. I tell ya, I love this place. I wish I spoke Furball or whatever that thing was yelling.

Ugly poked his face in and said he had the data. I still needed a drink, though, so I nodded, held up two fingers, and headed for the only empty table in view. Of course, it was right next to the flea factory and the little rat faced gal. Joy.

“All right,” I said, probably a little too loud as I was falling into my chair. “You got him. What do we do now, go wreak our bloody vengeance? A lot of good that’ll do, we’ll still be stuck here. Face it, my ship is toast, and you don’t even have one. The only one I know that’s even fixable belongs to Yaoksi, and I wouldn’t trust anyone on this planet to make repairs. Hell, he won’t have anything to do with us anyway.”

I rubbed my eyes, I was starting to feel pretty tired.

“Ah well, hell. So whatcha got on the guy?”

Yaoksi Joao

posted 09-07-2005 12:24 AM    
I looked around my spare but comfortable surroundings, a rag in one hand, a broom in the other, a grin the size of a rancor's hungry mouth on my face.

There, I thought to myself as I moved to put away the cleaning utensils I had been using.

Everything ship and shaplier; guests are gonna be coming...

Guests. Now that was a complete and total hoot, wasn't it? To think I could ever consider my ol' buddy K'kihl a guest, or anyone else from Eagle Enterprises.

Too bad about Captain Danner, though. I surely would have loved to sit down with him over a couple Whyvern's and have a big ol' chat...

I shook myself from my momentary reverie, closed the closet where I stashed the little cleaning stuff I owned. A smile came over my face at that; strange what a little pig-tailed gal can do to overcome a big, bad ol runner's aversion to house-cleaning...

Still smiling, I took another gander around. Yup, this place was as good as it was going to get. Clean enough for high inspection; ready for a lady.

I was ready.

I checked my chrono; it was early yet, and with Devil down for a bit I hadn't anything pressing on my plate. The thought of that Whyvern's was suddenly more and more appealing.

Time to go out and relax, pal, I told myself as, strapping my blaster back on my hip I left the premises, locking her up good and tight in my wake.

Lessee... there's that place in the hotel...

I frowned. That was where I left Muscles and Ugly to each other; no sense in getting back into that pretty kettle of fish.

Maybe the good ol' Blue Asteroid would be the prime choice; being close to the port I could maybe have a couple then stroll on over to see how tight the security was around what ships still lay around.

Mine included, and top of the list, of course.

Thoughts of K'kihl and the incoming repair crew and the shining image of Devil, good as new, mixed with a vague shadow consisting of sultry eyes, a sultrier voice and twining lekku, all kept my mind plenty occupied. Lost in thought as I was, I found myself at the little bar in no time, and without taking too much notice of anything in particular went on inside.

A hulking form loomed into my personal space, its fur sending me into a brief allergic sneezing fit.

"Sheesh pal, do something about that dandruff," I muttered as I moved away from the gigantic Wookiee, who was worbling something in his native tongue to someone his bulk hid from my view.

Damn furballs...

Sniffing and blinking tears from my eyes, I took a seat and raised a finger to a moon-eyed waitress, who soon had me sitting pretty indeed.


posted 09-07-2005 02:10 AM    
"The main point wans't to earn credits, but I'm not complaining if it did."

Taking another sip of my drink enjoying its rich taste. It wouldn't matter if what I shared with the wookie what I knew soon he like everyone else would figure it out as well.

"It was to determain who had credits and how much. Judging from the bets it would be a fair guess that most of the ships destroyed belonged to smugglers and they are currently low on creds."

Letting this settle on the wookies head I took a moment to enjoy another sip of my drink.

"So now im stuck here until I can slice myself a way off this rock. And by the way you can call me Link.

Commisar Stern

posted 09-07-2005 04:49 PM    
I smirked. "You'd be suprised." I glanced at the information. "First off, he's staying in a hotel called the Emperors Star. He also arrived on a private transport, namely the Blackstar."

I looked up to him. "So here's a plan, we put a shot in his head after finding out what's up, then we take his ship and go from there." I glanced over and winced. "Looks like self-centered decided to take a walk inside."


posted 09-07-2005 10:36 PM    
Opening my mouth to reply to Link, as her name was, I was suddenly cut off by a voice speaking from behind. a loud, obnoxious voice.

"Sheesh, pal. Do something about the dandruff."

My anger returned in a flash like an exploding TIE. By Bacca, I was sick of these cocky, smirking smugglers and their comments.

Restraining the urge to cram this person's foot down his throat, I turned to face him. Glaring down at him, I noticed he was sneezing furiously, like an allergic reaction, or something.

Well, wasn't that a pity.

Baring my teeth, I snarled at him.

"Keep your comments to yourself, human."

Sighing quietly, I turned back to the ryn girl.

"Sorry about that."

"Anyhow, it is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Link," I said, inclining my head respectfully in greeting. "I am called Lowwarr."

"It appears we are both in the same position. I, too, am stuck on this planet until I can raise enough credits to buy a seat on a transport."

Taking a draft from my mug, I considered what she had said.

"You said you intended to "slice" your way off this planet. You are a hacker?"

Pausing a moment, I grinned and added, "Not a profession one usually goes about broadcasting to strangers in bars."

My curiosity then tugged me in a different direction, and I spoke again.

"And if you do not mind my asking, how and where did you learn Shyriiwook? There are precious few in the galaxy who understand the language, as I have found out."


posted 09-08-2005 01:52 AM    
"So in what order should I answer these Lowwarr?"

The question was retorical so I contined on before he could answer.

"First of all its not hacker, its slicer. Hacker sounds to primative. and second while I could slice my way off planet it offers little challenge for me and the trip is dull on standard transport."

I took another sip of my drink. This stuff is good i'll have to get the recipe from the chef.

"And its little secret that i'm a slicer half the smugglers in the galaxy know me and the other know me by reputation. so in here im relitively safe with all these smugglers around."

"Now the part that isnt usefull you just want to know. I was raised by smugglers on the run, basicly the largest gathering of smugglers. I picked up many skills there, but there was this one restruant owned by a wookie every one just called him chef. When I got bored I would head to his place and talk with him because he was always there. After 10 years or so I guess you learn the language. By the way that reminds me do you know how to make roasted katarn, I've been craving one?"

Agent Korsair

posted 09-14-2005 09:38 PM    
(((OOC: After a long period of innactivity..... Korsair returns.... thankyou.)))

In the Void.

I blinked, a bright light over me, blinding me as I blinked.

I felt strange, somehow... empty. What happened? I wondered. I tried to move, and found I could not.

I tried to speak out, but found I could not either, as I felt...


There was no feeling around her face, nor anywhere else, save that blinding light above. Faintly I could hear sound, clicks, faint footsteps, obscurred beyond my vision.

I could hear faint vibrations as well, that sounded like the most muffled of voices. Suddenly, there was a click, and a covering that I realized had been creating the light and muffling the noise.

"So you're awake?" Came a female voice, middle aged by all estimates as I still could not move.

I tried to respond, to nod, to give any sign that I was alive, but I could not. "You can presently not move your limbs, but you can move your eyes. Blink once for yes and twice for no." The voice commanded.

I blinked once, and found that it was true. "Your name is Kirin Korsair." The voice asked.

I considered my answer, being a wanted individual. But then again, I had no choice. Blink.

"Good." There came a tapping as though of keying. "You were once in the employ of the Imperial Security Beareu?" I blinked again.

"You now have a bounty upon your head by their will?" Blink.

"Have you any will to rejoin them?" I blinked twice now, the dead truth in the air before me. I'd never go back, ever.

"Do you know where you are?" I blinked twice again. "Do you wish to know?" Yet again, I blinked. "Suffice to say, you will know soon."

With that, I heard the sliding of a chair, and footsteps moving away before that bright light and muffled sensation came again as the tube closed.

I thought I could never fall asleep now, curiosity and such in me. But I fell asleep quickly, my last thought being that they must have drugged me somehow....

Aelly Ssyn

posted 09-14-2005 11:44 PM    
(( OOC: Aelly Ssyn enters this forum. Thank you. ))

Hanging in space just above Sullust are several of Aelly's "acquisitions". Modified and refitted for her personal use it is only heard of by few smugglers and traders as something of a ghost ship.

Black Nebula is the flagship of the Black Sun as it is the largest ship as well as having given them a very lucrative business in that it travels into known hyperspace lanes and interdicts passage of select ships. It has two gravety well generators that pull ships out of hyperspace. At which point the weapons of Black Nebula along with the weapons of her Marauder Corvette escorts bare down on the trapped vessel to be boarded or captured and taken elsewhere.

On board the Black Nebula...

"I want to check on our operations here as well as check out the space ports. Run a listing of any possible ships departing or arriving that have cargo listings. You know what to look for."

"It will be done Mistress." came a response over the internal comms.

Heading to her private office she sat in her comfortable chair and swivelled it round so she could look out the view ports. Aelly loved looking at planets from orbit. Examining their beauty and variety. A feeling of power sifting through her as she imagines herself a powerful being ( which in her own rights she is) looking down on the unsuspecting beings below.Let's see what today brings us she thought to herself.

[ 09-15-2005 09:12 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelly Ssyn ]

Agent Korsair

posted 09-15-2005 12:49 AM    
I lay for a time more, still unsure of what was going on. I tried to remember, to remember so hard what had happened.

All I remembered was my voice, screaming out something before....


Blistering pain that had felt like I was going to be torn apart and devoured by who knew what.

Then, nothing, just cold and quiet until here.

I could hear steps again, and watched as the tube slid away again. "We are about to transplant a device that will enable you to speak. You have been under constant operation for perhaps three to four weeks now, to repair the damage to your body."

The female voice intoned. "Please, do not panick now." I watched as a strange... shape of some sort was moved over my face, and slowly lowered.

I was fearful a I saw strange pointed nubs on the side of the thing that faced me, and nearly panicked as I felt it them seem to pierce my flesh.

There was a loud click, and suddenly a faint breeze seemed to pass through the device like a breath, and I let out a scream of pain, as that seemed to be all there was as this- thing was forcibly upon my face.

"Calm yourself." The voice said. "This is an improvement. You see, the damage upon your body had removed your lower jaw and hence your ability to vocalize, hence, this has the benefit of speech and now you have little need for filtration in air!"

However, I could not begin to tollerate, to understand why these people would do such things too me.

"Have you any memory of what happened too you?" The voice asked.


I replied. A split second later I nearly Panicked again. The voice had been cold, so much unlike her normal tone. Or was it? She tried to remember. No, her voice had always been cold and businesslike. Now it was just a forced reality that made her realize it.

"We found you aboard a pirate vessel that was trying to sneak through Sullustian customs. They had a registered eight beings, but had nine signs when we scanned them. Naturally we boarded them, and discovered their piracy and you. Your jaw had been "shot off", and it appeared that you have suffered mass projectile trauma, much of your torso, thighs, and arms were damaged. Selling off the ship, we did our best to replace damaged organs. Most of your torso was salvaged, though you have a mechanical respirator now. Also, I'm afraid we could not save your legs, nor your right arm. They are full replacements, though we can assure that they will feel completely normal."

I swollowed, and found that it hurt just slightly. "I am most sorry for your condition." The voice said. "You can move now... of course, we shall have to check your motor skills and the like."

I slowly lifted, and felt myself do so as though all was normal, safe for a strange emptiness. "There are just a few more details." The woman said, who I could now see to be a Sullustian with a datapad.

"First, you are in the Havens Ward at Star-Saver Hospital. You were brought here three weeks ago by a system patrol craft who told us what I have told you. Finally, we shall not tell the authorities of your identity, due to patient doctor privelege. However, as unethical as it is, we will have to ask you to leave soon." She paused, a look of sympathy upon her face.

"We have some things you can do to make scaring and such less evident, and can, well, give you dyes and contacts to try and hide your Identity. There is one last note..." She said, looking at her datapad and at me with the greatest expression of sadness one could ever have.

"Due to your... damages... you are now, unfertile. You cannot reproduce. I'm sorry." She bowed her head before rising to leave me to myself and give me privacy.

Once she was gone, I looked down over my body. With all the changes, as best I'm sure they had done, I was still not.... the same. My curves no longer were "true", and there was almost a distinct... genderlessness about my body and I'm sure with this thing upon my face, what I really was would come into question.

For that matter, to be sterile? I had never realy considered the option of being otherwise... but it was still sad to know something like that was no longer an option, that a choice had been taken from me when all the time it seemed like there were fewer and fewer of them.

Aelly Ssyn

posted 09-15-2005 08:36 PM    
Where to get started.. she thought as she peered out the view ports at the planet below.

Turning back around to face her desk she activates her personal computer. Once it was booted up she began looking through a listing of space ports, wanted criminal posts, as well as trying to be more specific and searching through ships logs that tallied cargo and personnel.

One port popped up as saying no admitance due to a bombing investigation.

Her fingers danced over the keyboard as she looked at the roster of ships that had been destroyed or damaged as well as having each ships captains' name.

"Well, this is a spot of news. Explosion possibly originated from one of the ships cargo hold."

She read on...

"Ship was carrying weapons at the time of the incident."

Her head lifts up slightly but her eyes stay glued to the computer screen.

"Well, that's very unlucky for that individual. I wonder why that ship was destroyed?"

The tapping of her fingers on her desk became almost rhythmic as she pondered.

After only a couple minutes a smile cut across her face.

"I hope it wasn't anyone competing with me." she remarked sarcastically.

Her statement followed by a soft giggle.

"What else can I find here. Ahh a medical center."

She keys the comms button to her own medical bay.

"What's our status of medical supplies?"

A quick response returned her call.

"We have sufficient supplies at the moment but it could'nt hurt to have more. If nothing else they could be sold." The voice was male and human. A very smart man indeed. Having dealt with many races he could possibly be one of the most talented Dr's in the galaxy. At least that was Aelly's thinking.

"You have a point there Doctor. I'll get back with you on that."

The options of things to do seemed to continually unfold befor her almost like flowers tempting a bee.

[ 09-15-2005 09:15 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelly Ssyn ]

Bon Foyagee

posted 09-21-2005 10:08 PM    
(((OOC -- Bon Foyagee introduces himself in this post)))

Bon Foyagee, a young Bothan, watched the two humans enter and take seats at a table. Bon had been watching the activity in the hangar, dismayed by the destruction he saw. He had been jotting notes in a small book, attaching numbers to the numerous damages he logged. He recognized several pilots in the bar, including two whose ships were directly affected by the blast.

And one of them should not be alive right now.

Bon stood and walked nonchalantly to the table where the two humans sat. One was a burly younger man, the other a battle scarred relic. He took an empty chair from a table where a wookie sat and took a place between the two humans.

“So I said to myself,” he intruded, “’here’s a guy who can do his job and not mess it up.’ I said, ‘here’s a guy who can fly his ship right up to them and do it on time.’ It’s just the utter despondency and intrigue that forays such as this delving into the dark sublime bring about that make my head spin in serendipital splendor. You know what I mean?”

The blank stares from the pair of humans did not relay their meaning to the young Bothan.

“I mean, it’s simple. You give money, they take money. You give orders, they take orders. Money means following orders, right? Of course I’m right. Money is what people like them understand, you know? Of course you know, you’re not idiots. So why, I ask, did he not deliver the package on time?”

The last few words were emphasized with Bon’s fist as it pounded his forehead. His eyes widened and flew from Rico to Stern, back and forth, as he waited for a response.

[ 09-21-2005 10:12 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Bon Foyagee ]

Rico Riven

posted 09-21-2005 10:15 PM    
I was just about to yell something over to that dung-head Yaoksi when all of a sudden a chair boots up against our table and this freaky furry little tan thing starts bellowing out some crap about something…

What’d he say?

Delivering on time? What the--?

“What in the glorious name of hell are you spouting off about? Stern, you know this freak?”

[ 09-21-2005 10:19 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rico Riven ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 09-21-2005 10:23 PM    
It was all I could do to keep the glass I was raising to my mouth steady as another sneeze erupted from me. Sniffing, I slammed it back down on the table, and took another glance around.

Wookiiee. Ryn. And now a Bothan.

Good Grammie's Gophers, but there was enough fur in here to keep an entire herd of rancors warm all winter long..!

I shook my head, raising my hand to summon the waitress when I froze.

There, across the room--

Oh hell. What in all the Galaxy was Muscles and Ugly doing in here? I thought I left them at the Azure Planetoid...

I snorted, making eye contact, then ignoring them altogether as the cute little Sullustan waitress mooched up to take another drink order from me.

Along with a request for an allergy pill.

Bon Foyagee

posted 09-22-2005 11:00 PM    
“Yeah,” said Bon. “Yeah, man, that’s right. Freaks, freaks! Everywhere there’s freaks. It’s their way of staying on top of us, right? But the question goes unanswered, like the splintering winds of change that blow upon the oppressors. Why, man, why?”

The Bothan’s eyes burned the question into Rico, but he did not wait for an answer. He took a glass of liquid from the tray of a passing waitress, and grabbed a small dish from the tray as she stopped to protest. He cut her off before she could speak.

“It’s like a glass, half empty or half full, right? Right! There they sit, in their towers, looking down on us and sweeping their changes over our ways of life. But what they don’t know, right, what they don’t see is this.”

He turned the dish upside down, spilling the small pill it contained to the floor. He held the dish up 6 inches from the glass.

“What they don’t see is the resistance. It’s the voice in the night that cries out at injustice. It’s the hand in the shadows that pays the dockmaster to forget a customs form. It’s the eyes that watch the pilot get drunk in the bar instead of making a delivery on time. It’s there, my friends, and it will win. Like this!”

He slammed the dish into the glass. Instead of breaking, it flew from his hand and spilled its contents all over the back of the wookie. Bon broke into a small laugh and ducked his head.

“And now we speak of diplomacy, which the oppressors also lack.”

Commisar Stern

posted 09-23-2005 04:27 PM    
I stared at the short-haired furball who'd sat down at our table and had starting babbling.

Just like Ricen.

No, not like Ricen, not even close, not even something I ever wanted to think about.

I heard Rico say something to me, heard my name faintly and turned to look at him. "Sounds like a raving lunatic who just had his first hit of Spice." I replied calmly, looking back to the Bothan.

"Am I right or am I right?" I asked, standing with a smile on my face. "Maybe we should take this fella outside for a dunk in a barrel of water to clear his head? Cold Grox as they say?"

Still with that curious smile, and not waiting for any confirmation from Rico, I stood and lifted the bothan from his seat, and proceeded to drag him from the premises, shove him into one of the many alcoves that dotted the city, just a few dozen feet from the B.A., and then proceeded to place my disuader somewhere around his abdomen.

"Care to explain yourself? Oh, and don't be diplomatic about it, diplomacy is the art of keeping people busy until you get the chance to run like hell." I smirked. "In my case, diplomacy is the art of people running away from me before I shoot them in the back."

[ 09-23-2005 04:28 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Commisar Stern ]

Aelly Ssyn

posted 09-24-2005 07:45 PM    
AS she thought of the possibilities she decided to head down to the planet to check on operations there as well as see what's going on in general.

Activating the comm link to the hangar bay.

"Prepare the shuttle for launch. I'm going down to the planet for awhile. Have a small squad wait for me on the shuttle. I'll be down there shortly."

"Aye Mistress." came the reply from the deck officer.

Before leaving her office room she gathers a few things for the trip. She then makes her way to the hangar bay to the awaiting shuttle and six man escort.

Once inside she instructs two of the escorts to begin launch proceedures and head down to Sullust. More precisely to the nearest spaceport tot he one that is currently under investigation.

With a low rumble the shuttle swoops down through the blackness of space to the spaceport.

After recieving docking instructions the shuttle sets down and the exit ramp lowers.

Four of the escorts exit the shuttle and stand two on each side of the ramp waiting for Aelly who follows behind them only moments later. The remaining two escorts stay with the shuttle as Aelly heads for the adjacent spaceport but she is blocked by the Sullustian officials who deny her entrance.

She spots the Blue Asteroid and decides to get something to drink and to see if anyone knows what happened tot he damaged port.

Upon entering she sees a wookie who isn't hard to miss from his emense size. She then spots a few humans, a bothan and a ryn. She motions for her escorts to go to the bar as she does the same and orders an ale.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 09-25-2005 05:58 AM    
I sat there in utter disbelief as the goat-like Bothan managed to waylay my waitress, spill my drink, and crunch my pill.

Enough is enough!

I slammed back the remainder of my drink, tossed a few coins on the the table and was rising to my feet when Ugly grabbed the Bothan by his scrawny little throat and hustled him outside. I could only imagine what he was doing to the little thing... for a moment, I thought about going to the Bothan's aide, 'cuz really, no one but no one deserves Ugly's attention given full bore.

Then I thought better of it. I had guests en route: my ol' buddy K'kihl, and a lady Twi'lek. No sense getting into any trouble; the last thing I needed was to have either one come bail me loose the moment they hit basalt on this godforsaken rock.

So I sat a moment longer, my attention momentarily diverted as a good-looking Faleen came waltzing in to join the growing crowd.

I sighed. Another. And of all places, here, the bar that got itself half blasted to smithereens when the ship went up in smoke.

No accounting for taste, right? I mean, you're here, aren't ya, Yaoksi ol pal...

That errant thought was enough to get me going. Draining my glass, I set it down on the table, rose at last to my feet, and headed for the door.

Aelly Ssyn

posted 09-25-2005 03:03 PM    
Surveying the patrons in the Blue Asteroid Aelly noticed a bothan being escorted outside rather abruptly. The guy doing the escorting didn't seem too happy either.

A small sip of the ale and her senses are supprisingly content with the flavor from the drink.

Out of the corner of her eye she spots a man who was just recently accompanied by the now exited bothan and the man wh took him out.

As he makes his way to the door she steps out infront of him.

"Excuse me sir. I was wondering what happened to the space port out there? I was supposed to have a ship land here but it's been shut down."

She smiles politely and watches his expressions.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 09-25-2005 04:04 PM    
I blinked, stopped in my tracks by this unexpected diversion. Pausing a heartbeat, I somehow prevented my gaze from roving reflexively up and down the lady's form; I mean, I've been here and there around the galaxy and I knew all about these kind.

No sense accidentally starting something you don't have the time or interest to finish, is there now Yaoksi ol' pal? I thought as I then stepped back, smiling as I gave the lady her personal space.

That smile flickered a bit, though, when her innocent question sunk into my head.

Sheesh, is that all these Faleen have? Hormones?

It was all I could do to keep from shaking my head at what seemed to be her obvious naivety. Instead, I gestured toward the blasted out windows of the Blue Asteroid, following through by raising that hand to wave in the general direction of the spaceport.

"There's, ahh, been some kind of explosion," I said in return.

The fact that she was asking such a question when the answer was so obvious sent a warning ripple up and down my spine. I started to depart, when from outside I heard a terrified sort of squeal emanating from what could only be the poor Bothan.

Great, I grumbled to myself as I struggled to keep the smile planted on my face.

He didn't go far; guess I'm, er... kinda stuck where I am, not to mention that standing here with this Faleen isn't going a long way toward remaining inconspicuous...

With the greatest of efforts I kept my eyes glued on the lady in front of me, refusing to so much as blink in Muscle's direction. But I shifted my weight, letting my hand drift downward a couple millimeters or so, in case I had to grab my blaster in a hurry.

Aelly Ssyn

posted 09-25-2005 04:22 PM    
Watching the man and his almost puppeted performance to describe the scene, what with waving his hand around and all, she laughed to herself.

"I see that there was an explosion. What exploded? Where you here to see what happened?"

Her voice stayed smooth and soft. Electing not to use her pheramones to get a more specific answer out of him she continued to rely on just plain old conversation.

From out side a screech could be heard which sounded just like a bothan. Having had to interigate a few before in the past to get specific routes for a couple of cargo ships hauling some...pretties.

"I hope your ship wasn't in there when the explosion occured."

She commented trying to sound as sincere as possible.

Her escorts continued sipping on their drinks but all the while keeping an eyes on the man along with every other person in the place.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 09-25-2005 04:44 PM    
I kept my gaze level, but the hairs on the back of my neck just stood at straighter attention.

Getting kind of familiar now, aren't ya, lady? I thought, and then stated as much.

My hand drifted a tad closer to my blaster.

"I suggest you go present the authorities with any questions you might have; they'd know more about this than I do."

Then, nodding my head and planting a firm image of Devil in my head--

For no greater love hath any man than his ship.

--I nodded politely, stepped to the side of her, and exited the premises altogether.

Sheesh, I couldn't help thinking as the squeals of the Bothan sounded louder in my ears.

I'd rather face a brace of Uglies and Muscles!

Of course I really didn't mean that. Spying a side tunnel I ducked that way, and now increasing my pace a bit until I came to a junction that, living here for the past year or so, I was well acquainted with. There I paused, listening.

No footsteps.


Breathing a little sigh of relief, I headed down a particular tunnel, by-passing spas and their attendant clubs, and soon had separated myself from anyone having anything remotely to do with the Blue Asteroid.

Coming out of one tunnel, I took a glance around, finding a familiar street which I followed, winding around the warren that was Piriingisi until at last I came to even more familiar territory.

Not more than five minutes later, and I was home, locking my door behind me and settling myself in front of my holo-vid with a nice Whyvern's from my own stock.

Rico Riven

posted 09-25-2005 04:50 PM    
Stern seemed to go crazy and just grabbed the freaky little guy and dragged him outside. Whatever, maybe they knew each other. I slammed the rest of my drink and got up to go see what was going on. Then I noticed Yaoksi was doing the same thing. I veered towards him, just in case he intended to do something about Stern. Probably not, but who knows why he was following us. Ah hell, maybe I should try to kiss and make up, right? After all, his ship was damaged too and he might want to know what we’d found so far as to who might have done it.

Then he gets stopped by this dynamite lady… ok, maybe Faleen, but who cares? I could hear her asking about the explosion, and decided that maybe I should join in that conversation. I came up behind Yaoksi and was ready to gently slap him on the shoulder.

“Yaoksi, buddy!” I was about to say. But I never got the chance as he sidestepped the lady, said something about the authorities, and headed for the exit with the speed of a jawa at a droid sale.

I was left standing there, now facing the lady, with my hand extended in mid air. Well, never let it be said I don’t take advantage of situations when I can.

“Well, that was rude, now, “ I said. “Perhaps I can be of assistance. Captain Rico Riven at your service, ma’am.”

Bon Foyagee

posted 09-25-2005 04:59 PM    
“Hey!” cried Bon as he rudely dragged from the bar. “Help! The oppressor’s of the truth are here, I’m being oppressed!”

The mumbling and general noise subsided in the bar for a second, then resumed. Bon continued to call for help until he was thrown against a wall and had a weapon shoved in his gut.

Bon let out a shrill scream as Stern made his statements. Then he stopped, tensed, and looked around as if making sure no one was watching. He leaned in to Stern and spoke softly

“I know you,” he said. “Like all the confused rats who blindly follow their ambitions into the sunset, you took the money. But I know you follow the trail of passion towards the fall of the oppressors, brother. Search your soul, find me. You know me, you know you do.”

Commisar Stern

posted 09-25-2005 05:10 PM    
"What the hell do you know?" Stern growled violently, the implications of his words ringing in his ears over and over, calling back everything. "Damnit! What the hell do you know?"

He's left everything behind he thought. He'd never thought it'd be there again, that it was dead, just like them. "ANSWER ME YOU FLEABAG! YOU NO GOOD BALL OF FUR!"

Bon Foyagee

posted 09-25-2005 05:20 PM    
“You, the pilot, the dock master,” said Bon. “Don’t you see, don’t you comprehend? We’re in it, man, in it. They say they’re here to help, right, to make things safe. Well, what is ‘safe’, my friend? Is it safe to have psycho lunatics blowing up hangars? No, of course not! Is it safe to have ships swoop in and kill the senate? No! So let me ask you, my friend, knowing that the side of justice is with us, knowing that the side of righteousness is with us, knowing that the side of freedom is with us, let me ask you, my brother, will you join us?”

Commisar Stern

posted 09-25-2005 05:28 PM    
Suddenly it clicked.

Revolutionist. Rebel. Traitor.

"What do you mean would I join you? It's not possible- they-" but he couldn't find a way to say it, to believe it himself.

"Why? Why now?" He wondered. "Do you know where he is?"

Aelly Ssyn

posted 09-25-2005 05:36 PM    
Watching Yaoksi leave rather quickly after he tried to divert her attention to talking to officials her attention becomes snared by a new gentleman as he introduces himself.

“Well, that was rude, now, “ I said. “Perhaps I can be of assistance. Captain Rico Riven at your service, ma’am.” he stated. Though she could see in his eyes his fascination with her.

"Nice to meet you Captain Rico Riven. My name is Aelly Ssyn."

Letting her name sink into his skull for a biref moment to see if he has any kind of negative reaction. She continues.

"I was supposed to have a ship land here but due to the apparent incident it had to be rerouted. So I thought I would come see what the problem was."

Her deep lavender eyes looking his facial features over. Then giving him a smile.

[ 09-27-2005 09:42 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelly Ssyn ]


posted 09-28-2005 10:30 PM    
Kiara and Arien enter from Return to Rhyloth: A Bittersweet Reunion in this same forum.)))

Kia'ra hugged the little trembling girl, trying to calm her, something deep within her relating to the feelings she displayed.

She hoped it wasn't so, but it sounded like...

"Come on," Kia'ra said, standing and taking the little girl's hand. "Why don't you let me see your Granda, and maybe I can..."

A blaring announcement over the pleasure yacht's intercom interrupted her words.

All passengers, we are glad to inform you that we are currently finishing procedures to land in the docking bay on the other side of Priingsi, as the one we were going to land in has had minor...

...problems. We hope you've enjoyed your stay, and that the inconvenience does not hamper your further plans excessively. We are entering atmosphere now; landing will be complete in five standard minutes, thank you.


posted 09-28-2005 10:41 PM    
"O-ok. What's your name?" Arien asked, taking her hand and walking towards their room. She opened the door and pointed at Granda, who hadn't moved. "There he is!" She said, pointing at Granda.

"He's still sleeping..." She whispered.

Agent Korsair

posted 09-28-2005 11:17 PM    
I wasn't quite sure how much longer it had been, but I had been briefed.

And it wasn't pretty.

My arms and legs looked normal. But they felt cold. So cold. They had all the appearance of flesh, but no, on the inside they were just machinery. This thing on my face? That was machinery too.

I knew after a bit more information my heart and lungs and my liver were operating on machinery, a large tract of my intestines were repaired as well.

There was however, they told me, a chance that one day I might have a full human body. If I could afford for a clone to be developed, apparently a brain transplant was quite possible.

This did give me a twinge of hope, but the cost of the proceedure was phenominal, if not unreachable.

Still, it was that I checked out of the ward, in black skin-suit, a small bag on my shoulder with a small emergency kit with basic supplies of living, clothes and a small cred-chit, a small temp cloak over my shoulders.

Before I had left, they had insisted upon making sure there was little traces of my old identity left, and had cropped my hair shorter, so it only reached about my neck, and dyed it a raven's black so that even now my gender was further questionable.

I sighed, the result being the sound of narrow exhalation from the thing over my mouth, and began strolling through the streets. Who knew, maybe this was for the best?

Aelly Ssyn

posted 09-29-2005 11:02 PM    
A soft beeping sound whispers it's way to Aelly's ears as she quickly interprets the sound as a call from the Black Nebula.

"Please excuse me for a moment Captain Rico."

She turns facing away from Rico and answers the coninual call.

"What is it?"

"Mistress there is a transport arriving in Priingsi." came the answer from the comm.

"Check the passenger list. See if there is anyone of importance aboard."

A brief moment passed by before a reply spat forth from the comm device.

"We've checked the list and found that there seem to be several passengers boarded as refugee's. Do you want us to have the port checked out Mistress?"

The question echoed in her mind as to whether it would be worth the effort.

"Yes get intouch with some of our contacts in that area and have them check things out. Get back to me if anything of interest is found."

"Yes Mistress."

Closing the device she turns back around with a smile on her face to Rico once more.

"Where were we?"


posted 10-05-2005 01:30 AM    
Lowwarr just sat there was he daydreaming or did he just blank out compleatly. While I waited for his responce One of the humans forceably removed a bothan from the bar which was good for me. Bothans tend to get too involved in everything. Meanwhile a faleen female took up conversation with another human. During this time Lowwarr didnt move he just sat there. I decided that if this conversation didnt progress further that i might lose potential employment in the future.

"Hello Link to Lowwarr are you there or is the landspeeder running without the pilote."

Rico Riven

posted 10-05-2005 10:24 PM    
“You were about to tell me what a classy lady like you is doin’ in such a rough place like this. It ain’t safe around here, you know? Heck, it’s not even safe to keep your ship parked here overnight, without it getting blasted to pieces. Now I’m stuck here with nowhere to go.”

OK, so I ain’t no Prince Charming. And I ain’t that subtle, either. Yeah, this gal was a looker, and even without those wacky pheromones they give off she’d stir up feelings in me. But she had something that no other well-dressed, sophisticated green lady I ever met had, and that was something I prized above everything right now. She had a way off this rock.

Aelly Ssyn

posted 10-05-2005 11:00 PM    
"Ah yes. I know what kind of surroundings I'm in. That's why I have escorts with me."

With a turned up open palm she jestures to a human, a rodian, a noghri and a clawdite.

"Now where was it you were trying to get to? If I may ask. Are you on a business trip or pleasure cruise through the stars?"

She sipped her ale again and smiled at Rico. Then she looks around the place once more. Noting the wookie and the ryn together. Though the ryn seemed to be wondering if the wookie was paying attention.

[ 10-06-2005 11:15 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelly Ssyn ]


posted 10-07-2005 08:52 PM    
Kiara couldn't help but gulping, looking at the older man Arien was referring to as Granda. Her indigo eyes noticed how very still he was...

...and that his chest did not rise and fall in the least as a person's naturally would as they slept.

Oh, dear gods...

Kiara swallowed, and knelt once more to look Arien in the eyes. "I-I don't know exactly why your Granda will not wake up."

Okay, so it was a half-truth. She was pretty sure she knew why he wasn't waking up. But she really didn't know why.

"We'll get the doctor on board to look at your Granda...

...and if he needs to go somewhere else we're landing, and he can go for better care on the planet," she continued, trying to be reassuring. "Are you on board with anyone else, Arien?" Kiara queried.

The little girl shook her head no, so Kiara decided to act upon her suggestion herself. "Come, let's go get the doctor, quickly."


Only a few minutes later, as the final procedures for the landing of the pleasure yacht ended in Priingsi, the doctor aboard took a look at Arien's Granda...

...and confirmed Kiara's suspicions. Once more she found herself looking Arien in the eyes, and she wasn't certain but somehow felt the young girl already knew the truth. "Your Granda..." she started. "Will not be waking up."

The little one shook her head, disbelief evident. "I'm sorry sweetheart...

...perhaps there is someone on Sullust we can contact? Or someone else elsewhere?"

Even as she asked this, Kiara walked the disbelieving child off the pleasure yacht and into the streets of Priingsi, keeping a firm hold of her hand as she then stopped and knelt once more to be on eye level with her.

Aaron Barnes

posted 10-07-2005 09:15 PM    
(((OOC: Aaron and Kkhil arrive from The Dream of those that Wake in the Empire and New Republic forum.)))

As the Oasis glided back into realspace near Sullust, Aaron couldn't help but run a scan to see just how active space travel was in the system. Quite honestly, the planet was pretty hopping...

...and after all, it was known for its hot springs. Frowning a bit at the thought, Aaron open the communit, requested clearance to land in Priingsi...

...and waited. A little longer than perhaps Aaron would have liked, clearance came, and he took the measures to begin hitting atmosphere. As he did so, he reached for the communit once more, and keyed in the frequency he had for Yaoksi Joao. "Captain Joao, Kkhil, myself, and our repair team will be landing in approximately 10 standard minutes, in a docking bay not far outside of Priingsi. Where should we meet you?"

Yaoksi Joao

posted 10-07-2005 09:24 PM    
I was just tucking into a second Whyvern's when my comm blurbled for attention, propelling me awkwardly to my feet. Hurrying to the wall-mounted unit, I slapped it on, and was rewarded by the best news I had heard in this altogether too long of a day.

K'kihl was here, the ol Cricket! Was he ever going to be a sight for sore eyes... not to mention sore ship.

I hit the comm with the fleshy part of my fisted hand.

"Hey, this is Captain Joao here; so glad to hear you made it safely to Sullust! You'll probably be landing at the eastern edge; make sure you have your rebreathers with you since that's on the surface.

"I'll be meeting you shortly at the eastern gate; and hey, K'kihl ol buddy..."

I paused dramatically, smiling at the effect I was trying to make.

"I have a little surprise for ya. But you'll see it soon enough; Captain Yaoksi Joao, out."

With that I set the glass I was still holding down on the nearest table, grabbed up my hat, zoomed to a nearby tool cupboard from which I extricated a gleaming, brand spanking new hydrospanner, and left to meet my guests.

Aaron Barnes

posted 10-07-2005 09:36 PM    
Aaron nodded at Yaoksi reply as if the other man could actually see him. Then, as the Oasis began a automatic landing cycle, Aaron turned to a compartment by the navboard, fumbled through it a bit...

...and ended up pulling out two rebreathers. He commed to the back of the ship to tell the crewmen to get rebreathers from the equipment in the back of the ship as well; no one comes to Sullust without such items unless they intend to go absolutely nowhere but beneath the surface.

The Oasis came to a gentle landing, and Aaron began cooling her engines. He turned to Kkhil, cocking a brow. "Perhaps we should leave all of our equipment here, and see what the Devil will need before we start pulling things out?" he suggested, getting to his feet and slapping the hatch release, placing the rebreather over his nose and mouth as he did so.

As he exited the Oasis, the crewmen and Kkhil undobtedly behind him, Aaron had to wonder if the Verpine was really going to leave all the repair equipment behind until they knew what they were going to be up against...


posted 10-07-2005 09:59 PM    
A quandary this is.

In a dither, am I. For how the time to spare, to Oasis to return, when needed am I and these tools?

The insectoid biped stood for a moment, quietly clacking his mandibles together, which was all a Verpine could do to show emotional disarray, having no cheeks upon which to chew. He turned his shining eyes upon Barnes, one appendage reaching out to accept the profferred rebreather, which he just stood holding a moment.

"Lungs not have I," he finally said, giving the device a little toss.

"Tougher than we appear, are we Verpine."

With that he strode swiftly to the aft of the vessel, scooping up materiels and devices and powertools and spec-sheets, as much as he could manage with his twin pairs of arms.

He then turned and followed Barnes out the hatch and onto the formidible surface of Sullust, the last thing that he grabbed being his beloved hydrospanner.

[ 10-07-2005 10:01 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by K'kihl ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 10-07-2005 10:06 PM    
Hearing the clacking of tools, Aaron paused a moment and turned, a lopsided grin forming on his face at the image of the Verpine carrying as many tools as possible in his arms.

Just as he had suspected...

Then he turned back, looking at the perimeter of the docking area and spotting a man approaching, a grin on his face and what appeared to be a brand-spanking new hydrospanner in his hand.

Aaron knew before he ever pointed him out and began heading in that direction that the Verpine was already well aware of Joao's arrival.

Aelly Ssyn

posted 10-07-2005 10:35 PM    
"So Captain Rico have you had too much to drink today or does the nexu got your tongue?"

She sipped her drink again as she looked him over.

"I'm sure you've had alot of excitement today and so you must have alot going through your mind."

[ 10-07-2005 10:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelly Ssyn ]


posted 10-19-2005 02:43 PM    
After a few minutes of waiting the wookie just sat there as if ignoring her.

"Look Lowwarr I am a busy Ryn I have some patience but you are testing it. I think you should find someone else to get a ride off this planet with."

With that I moved across the room to the bar itself and took a seat at the counter. From here I was able to hack myself into the holonet and leave a plain and simple message that most smugglers and underworld orginizations would be able to find. The message read "Link now taking job offers, Slicing, security breakins, ship and or cargo aquisition. Route responses to holonet account 132.67b.883 - 001.af0"

within moments the message would reach every smuggler, underworld orginization, or corperation. Most of these people had filters on the holonet to catch secret messages between rivals so sending a message like this proved her credentials as a slicer. The holonet account was also another credential as well. Anyone who would trace the account would soon discover that it would foward all the messages it recived through numerous companies, many legitimat before vanishing compleatly. After which the message was delivered to many different acounts Link could access with no suspition.

Now All link had to do was wait for the offers to come to her.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 10-19-2005 04:34 PM    
Unable to do much more than grin idiotically around the rebreather I had finally put in my mouth, I hastened forward to greet the pair. My free hand clamped itself upon Barnes' forearm, while I waved the hydrospanner with the other, indicating that they follow me. They understood in a blink of an eye, and together we returned to the underground warren that was Piriingisi.

I spat the rebreather out and turned to welcome the pair more realistically.

"Aaron, thank you for coming," I began, now taking his hand into mine for a hearty handshake. "It is so good of you to come to my aide, I just don't trust anyone around here getting the job done as fast or professionally as you... and--

"K'kihl!" I beamed, turning to him then to wave the hydrospanner underneath his nose. He wavered fractionally, then exploded toward me.

"Mmph!" I grunted as, his obvious joy knowing no bounds, my Verpine buddy dropped his arms-load of materials and enveloped me in a bone-cracking embrace. And to be completely honest, I didn't know if the expression was due to seeing me again...

...or the hydrospanner.

Knowing K'kihl, it was probably the latter.

[ 10-19-2005 04:43 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Rico Riven

posted 10-19-2005 09:56 PM    
“What?” I said, distracted. “Oh, yeah, a lot on my mind. It’s not everyday you lose your ship in a hangar. But hey, it did keep me here long enough to meet you, and that alone could be worth the suffering. I, uh, didn’t plan on being here right at this time, but since I am, then I may as well sit back a bit, right?”

Oh gag. I hatred having to play nice, but she really was a looker, and I really did need a ship. It was either that or stay here and track down the stoop that set me up, and I didn’t really like guns.

“Maybe you and your goons—I mean, your escorts—would like another drink?”

I tapped the counter, the universal sign of thirst, and vaguely wondered how Stern was doing out there.

Aelly Ssyn

posted 10-22-2005 01:52 AM    
"No thank you. I'm fine with the one i have, but I'm sure my escorts wouldn't mind another."

She glanced to the mentioned lot and noticed they were playing drinking games. She snaps her fingers and they immediately look to her as she shakes her head in disapproval.

"I'm sorry to hear that you lost your ship. What kind was it if i may ask? Were you heading anywhere specific?"

Smiling at him as she sips her drink once more.

Aaron Barnes

posted 10-23-2005 10:22 PM    
Aaron couldn't hold back the grin pulling at the corners of his mouth as the Verpine dropped his beloved supplies and squeezed Yaoksi for all he was worth. Waiting a few moments for the Verpine to finally let go of Yaoksi and return for his things, the new hydrospanner now in his hand to add to the collection, Aaron spoke.

"Consider coming to your aide a return for all the help you provided Terrin and Galen in times past," Aaron replied, his eyes defocusing in thought. "I know Terrin wouldn't have it any other way, and that he would have come himself if he were here."

Aaron paused at that pursing his lips. Then, with effort, Aaron refocused on the moment. "As it is I really needed a good break from running the company and a touch with reality. And, aside from talking to someone not so connected with EE and all of her affairs, having a good mug or two of Whyrene's Reserve is up on my list of things to do as well..."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 10-23-2005 10:31 PM    
"Terrin would do the same, if he were here..."

For a fraction of a second a little cloud of gloom condensed over our heads, lowering there like a miniature thundercloud, trying to dampen our spirits. It would have worked, too, except for good ol' K'kihl. My insectoid buddy turned to me with a clack of his mandibles and a clatter of tools, waving four of his appendages in the air.

"To Devil-May-Care go we must, so to the damage assessment can I attend."

It wasn't even close to a suggestion.

An aura of pressing urgency emanated from the Verpine with enough force to totally dispel the cloud from over our heads. I gave him, and then both of them, a widening smile.

"I suppose we can go back to the Blue Asteroid; it's a little place right next to the docking tarmac where the girls are sooo--"

I stopped with a gulp.

"Anyway, we'll be able to see my ship from there, and perhaps if we're lucky we can get out to inspect her personally. The authorities have been crawling like granite-slugs, and to be honest I haven't had much luck getting back to check on her.

"How does that sound? Or would you rather just go to my place?"

[ 10-24-2005 12:46 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 10-23-2005 10:54 PM    
"If you've got some Whyrene's in storage, I'll go anywhere. Truth be told, I don't know how much we want to be hanging around this place with all the mess going on. As for the authorities...

...maybe the fact that I'm the owner..."
...ONE of the owners, a little voice corrected.

"...of Eagle Enterprises will help. So if you'll just lead us on, we'll see if we can get in."

At this suggestion, the Verpine started moving, indicating once more that there was no suggestion involved in the matter. Yaoksi shrugged and then nodded in a particular direction, taking the lead through the streets of Priingsi til they at last reached a docking bay that was still swarming with various authorities...

...and a bunch of blown away ships. Aaron's jaw dropped, and with effort he closed it as a security official hurried to stop them.

"Look, we just want to get in to take a look at my buddy's ship and see what repairs need to be made on her," Aaron explained to the personnel.

He began to shake his head. "We've got a serious situation here, and we've got to ascertain just who and what..."

Aaron smiled sympathetically, and broke in with, "You know, if we can get a look at his ship, maybe we can gain some insight from the damages. After all, I'm sure knowing just what might have caused the explosion here might give you some tips on how to proceed with your investigation...

...and my company does specialize in both building and restoring ships." Pausing at that, Aaron reached in his bocket, and the security personnel began backing away suspiciously, reaching for his blaster.

Aaron raised a hand to indicate he meant no harm, and pulled out his Eagle Enterprises business card for the officer to see.

That grabbed his interest.

"If you let us get to my buddy's ship right now, I'll let you know what I can ascertain. If it'll take more than just a look, I'll let you know and you can get back with me via the frequency indicated on my card."

The security personnel cocked his head, motioned for them to wait a moment, and went to discuss matters with another security officer, probably a supervisor. Aaron saw him nod, and the original officer returned.

"It's a deal," the security personnel replied. "Besides, there might be others here who would like repairs on their ships, and we don't want them believing they will be denied the right to get them."

Aaron nodded as the security officer motioned them on their way inside the docking bay. Aaron somehow knew authorities would still be keeping an eye on them, just in case. But at least they could get a look and get started on Yaoksi's ship.

Aaron stepped into the docking bay, turning to Yaoksi. "So, the Devil is where?" he queried, falling silent then and waiting for the other man to lead on as the Verpine waited impatiently.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 10-23-2005 11:07 PM    
"She's right over there..." I began, stepping out to lead the way, more than just a little impressed with the ease by which we had by-passed all the red tape to gain entry to the docking bay. I took a step forward, pointing as I did so when I was nearly bowled over by a great rush of wind and clatter of appendages.

It was K'kihl, homing in on my poor Devil like a sandcat homing in on a burrowing womprat.

I cast a look towards Barnes, shrugging a little, then hastened forward, coming to a stop in front of my ship. From the side we approached her the damage didn't seem too great; I knew that the brunt of the blast had impacted her on her starboard side.

From whence I heard a staccato beat as K'kihl worked his mandibles in anxiety and dismay.

Fending off my own dismay at the sight of my grounded angel, I turned to Aaron.

"Well--?" I started, stopping a moment to give him time to circumnavigate the ship himself. I walked along at his side in silence, letting the ship tell her own story in the tangle of circuits and wires and fuses which poked through the hull breaches here and there, until at last we came back to where we had started.

Sans K'kihl. That worthy was still standing where he had stopped, clattering his mandibles to himself.

"Well--?" I began again, this time finishing with, "How long do you think this will take? Do you need your boys to come in and take a look-over as well, or have you gotten all you need for the moment?"

Aaron Barnes

posted 10-23-2005 11:15 PM    
Aaron's eyes widened at the damage, and unthinkingly he raised a hand to run it through his hair. "Ahhh..." he began, uncertain of just where to begin. "Looks like she'll need re-wiring and all sorts of internal repair, not to mention the external repairs she'll need..."

He trailed, actually feeling sympapthy for Yaoksi plight. Damn, his poor ship...

"The boys could look her over, but I'm betting K'khil could give them a better run-through on what the ship needs since he knows her better. As for the time on this...

...ahhh...three weeks? Four? A couple of mouths..? I'm not certain."

Aaron paused, turning to K'khil and cocking a brow. The verpine was still clacking his mandibles in distress, but had begun shuffling through the equipment he had lugged along. "K'khil, what do you think?"

[ 10-23-2005 11:16 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]


posted 10-23-2005 11:22 PM    
The Verpine gave his mandibles a final clack, then began rummaging about the tool belt affixed to his waist. Meanwhile, the appendage gripping his new hydrospanner never let it go.

He used it at the moment to wave about for emphasis.

"Six weeks, repairs to effect," he clacked, turning to stare at them with his shining, multi-faceted eyes.

"Perhaps less, if of skill are those who with us have come. But ask I now--

"Where the materials to obtain will we? Who to pay; expensive this shall be, the breaches large are, and durasteel, not cheap it is.

"And-- where to repair? Shipyards has Sullust not, and much, much work to be done there is..."

He lowered his hydrospanner, cocking his head a bit to one side while he waited for a reply, even though every cell in his body literally itched to begin rerouting the computer circuits, which to be honest was about all he really could do at the moment, as skilled as he was.

He could, after all, do only so much with the raw material he was given.

[ 11-07-2005 01:34 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by K'kihl ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 10-23-2005 11:58 PM    
"We can get the Devil to Sluis Van shipyards fairly easily," Aaron opened with, "But EE has a better working contract with the Jaemus shipyards, which is really not that far from where we are at the moment. And it's a little out of the way in regards to whatever the hell is going on here...

...and I think we'd all prefer that. And please, allow me to help defray most of the costs for this...

...consider it payback long overdue, if you will. We're gonna have to get a ship big enough to get the Devil out of here though, and that might take a bit of bargaining with our buddies back there. But the guy did say they didn't want ot deny anyone the right to get ship fixed... maybe we can still work something out."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 10-24-2005 12:41 AM    
"Th-the Jaemus shipyards; did you say Jaemus shipyards?"

I blinked, beginning to fidget, just a little bit as my mind raced to come up with a good enough reason to not go anywhere near the place where I had appropriated my ship to begin with.

My home.

Gads; Mums and Pop would be furious if I came waltzing home now...

I blinked again, now working my mouth a little bit like an opee out of water. Aaron turned a calm look my way, obviously waiting.

K'kihl just clattered his mandibles again.

I brightened as a lightbulb flashed on over my head.

"Hey... could I impose on you to, ahh-- just take Devil yourself to--"

Another thought interrupted, waving warning flags right and left.

Yaoksi, even if you stayed behind, don't you think that ship would be recognized?

"--well, how about Kuat? I mean, she's got-- er, specifications; look, I know Jaemus is a good shipyard, and of the two you mentioned it's the better; but Kuat is really the best when it comes to hulls, right K'kihl? Right? Remember what you used to tell me about the work on hulls they do there?"

Mentally crossing my fingers in the hopes I didn't appear too obvious in my desire to keep my ship as far away from Jaemus as possible, I turned to Aaron for a reply.

For K'kihl, bless his lil' ol cricketty carapace, had already turned away from me, clattering his disgust with my transparency.

[ 10-24-2005 12:43 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 10-24-2005 12:47 AM    
Aaron couldn't stop his brow from shooting up in surprise. "Kuat does have alot of headway as far as technology is concerned...

...but Jaemus shipyards tend to be better at overall repair. Besides, Kuat is way in the core...and we're in the outer rim. Not to mention that we'll just be renting out the space at the shipyards. Otherwise, my guys will be working on the ship. Unless, of course, you'd prefer it to be differently..."

Aaron trailed, his brow still raised, not quite sure how to address Yaoksi suddenly unglued behavior. "What do you have against Jaemus shipyards anyway? After all, it'll be much easier getting the Devil a space there over Sluis Van or Kuat."

[ 10-24-2005 12:49 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 10-24-2005 12:52 AM    
Oh damn.

Damn, damn, damn.

"Look, Aaron; you don't mind if I call you that, do you? Anyway, look-- let's just say that I've been to Jaemus, and I didn't leave there under the friendliest of circumstances."

I heaved a sigh, mentally seeing my repairs going up in smoke, leaving me stranded here on this hellhole of a planet with a beautiful but totally nonfunctional husk of a ship for company.

[ 10-24-2005 12:56 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 10-24-2005 12:57 AM    
Aaron nodded, slowly...

...and decided it'd be better not to push matters any further. If Yaoksi wanted to explain, he would. And if he didn't...

...well, okay. "Allright," Aaron replied, raising hands in surrender, "If you can get me somewhere a bit more private than this bustling tarmac, I can see what strings I might be able to pull to get the Devil into Sluis Van. And if you can get me a good bottle of Whyrene's Reserve to add to a quiet space...

...I just might even be able to get a ship in here to get the Devil out and to the shipyards for repair."

[ 10-24-2005 12:59 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 10-24-2005 01:05 AM    
I heaved a sigh of relief.

Bless the gods who look after such fools as I...

"Deal!" I answered brightly, speaking a touch overly loud to cover up K'kihl's disapproving clattering. I placed a comradely hand on Barnes' shoulder.

"C'mon, I've got a little place not far from here, and I just happen to keep it stocked with Whyrene's..."

Feeling tons lighter, I pulled Aaron along, leading him past the scowling and bustling security people who immediately ran over to make certain that whatever meagre evidence they had found concerning the explosion had not been disturbed by our little inspection.

A recalcitrant, protesting Verpine in tow, we departed the hangar, moving quickly through the maze of Piringiisi, and soon came to my little apartment. I led them inside, and went to pour a couple shots of Whyrene's for Aaron and me. K'kihl, I knew, never drank. He just went off to study the specs of Devil which he had somehow managed to obtain.

I indicated the 'phone, and handed Barnes his drink.

"Make yourself at home, please," I said, plopping myself down in my favorite chair and taking a long swig from my glass.

[ 10-24-2005 01:09 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 10-24-2005 12:41 PM    
After taking a few good swigs of the Whyrene's, Aaron headed for the 'phone and went to work, first calling up Sluis Van and making a few bargins, pulling more strings than he thought he had hands to deal with. His next item of business, after finally procuring a space for the Devil in the shipyards, was finding a cargo ship that could get her off Sullust and to the yards. This little item of business wasn't too sticky...

... EE had her own ships that acted in this function, going to various locales to pick up ships the company had been contracted to repair and/or build from either shipyards or planets. About a standard hour after Aaron began working on getting the Devil to Sluis Van, Aaron had a ship he knew he could get to Sullust.

So then it was down to the most difficult part of this whole ordeal: getting Sullustan authorities to let the cargo ship in. Contacting Sullustan docking authorities, Aaron worked up the best professional explanation for the arrival of the cargo ship.

Including incentives for the Sullustan authorities to choose to be more cooperative.

"This is Captain Aaron Barnes, owner of Eagle Enterprises. I am contracting for ship repairs for persons whose ships have been damaged in the explosion in the docking bay; I have already discussed the one contract I have already procured with personnel at that location and have been permitted to deal with my consumer's ship in return for any information I may incur in repairing this yacht. Because of the extent of the damage, I am having to bring in a large cargo ship to carry the yacht off Sullust and to the Sluis Van shipyards; I would be glad to accomadate any other persons seeking to have their ships repaired by carrying them out on this same cargo ship. I am hoping that this offer will allow the expense of this strange event to be somewhat lessened; I am willing to transport ships off-planet for a reasonable fee with your approval. Please contact me at this frequency..."

He paused, punching in a frequency and sending it to the authorities.

"And I will be with you shortly as to the time of the cargo ship's arrival, should this be approved. At any rate, the cargo ship will shortly be in transit. We only wait your permission for landing her. Captain Barnes, out."

Closing the connection at that, Aaron gave sigh of relief, heading back for his abandoned Whyrene's Reserve and drinking the remainder of it as he headed over to where Yaoksi still sat. Taking a seat in a nearby couch, Aaron sat back, cocking a brow Yaoksi way. "We're all set, provided Sullustan air traffic control lets the cargo ship in. Hopefully with the possibility of the cargo ship assisting others with damaged vehicles, it will be worth their while."

Aaron paused a moment at this, frowning. "I wonder what the hell is going on for an explosion like that to happen on Sullust, of all places. After all, I recall that the reason Terrin and Galen ever settled here was the fact that it was a good, out of the way hidey-hole for them."

Frowning at that, Aaron eyed his empty glass. "Any chance I could have some more of this stuff?" he queried then, pointing to the glass with his free hand for emphasis.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 10-24-2005 12:59 PM    
It was a good thing my back was turned to Aaron, for there was no way in all of creation that I had the ability to mask the expression that leapt to my face. Even my hands shook a little as I slowly poured out the Whyrene's shots for us, stalling a little for time.

Yaoksi ol pirate, you're gonna have to tell him. You can't just go tiptoeing around like this the entire time Devil is being repaired; there are too many loose ends, too many potential wild cannons...

Too many ways he could discover your background, and how would that make you look then?

I frowned to myself as I replaced the cap on the bottle, held that bottle a moment in my hands in apparent study.

Funny how that short time, first with Cella, then Terrin and then Nassy, and most particularly when I was being Daddy to little Thea, can change a guy. I hadn't run goods since--

I blinked in shock.

--since well over a couple years. Maybe more.

I thought of Rico, and the war bustling around my innards grew more intense.

Blast it all anyway!

I slammed the bottle down and turned back to Aaron, glasses in hand. Handing him his, I went to my comfy chair and sat down with a little sigh.

Before I could change my mind about it I burst into song: who I was, what I had done, how I had come to be "owner" of Devil-May-Care and what I did to maintain my life...

All the dark, illegitimate portions of my life flowed out of me like oil, and surprise surprise...

I was feeling better and better about myself as I went along.

Then I switched gears, explaining about Cella, Nassy, how I had met Terrin, how I had finally come to Sullust with Thea, how I had run a legitimate one-man shipping business from here, just squeaking by to make ends meet...

...and finally wound up with my brief "acquaintanceship" with Rico, and the unfortunate series of events which followed.

"So, there you have it," I finished, toying idly with my glass, wondering if Aaron was still going to come through for me or not.

[ 10-24-2005 01:03 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 10-24-2005 01:24 PM    
Aaron couldn't hide the smile behind the mug of Whyrene's Reserve as Yaoksi finished up with all he needed to say. He wasn't sure Yaoksi was expecting this sort of response; he looked rather surprised so Aaron broke in immediately with an explanation.

"Guess you weren't aware my former partner-- and good friend--was a smuggler as well. Terrin ran and owned EE for several years with the smuggler and spotty past still in him...

...that is, until he brought Galen aboard the Hornett. I knew the day he turned so legit he was really in love with her," Aaron mused, pausing for a second, realizing how good it felt to have a buddy confide in him again, realizing how much he had really missed this sort of thing. "You know," he then continued with, "I came here looking for a break from all I was dealing with back on the Hornett, and maybe I didn't know just how much I really did need a break. Don't ever be embarassed about your past...

...I figure it's what we do in the here and now which is really important. Terrin was a smuggler with a good heart buried underneath...

...and he trusted you. Considering just how wary and suspicious he could be, that says alot concerning his belief that you had a good heart as well. And I know after all you did for them that you truly do. It's too bad you've all been broken apart the way you have. If I could just find Galen and the boys..."

Aaron trailed, frowning once more, taking another swig of the Whyrene's...

...and then breaking out with an explanation of his own regarding Galen's disappearance, followed by Jasyn and Matt's, of his sending Shawn Petrolu and the team off to find them on K'eel Doba...

...and of Terrin's all-too-untimely death.

[ 10-24-2005 01:24 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Rico Riven

posted 10-25-2005 08:01 PM    
All right, this was it, truth or dare time. What would I tell her, that I got screwed by some gun supplier with a grudge against the empire? Or that I was a helpless victim of terrorists? Or that it’d been a long day and she was a sight for sore eyes… no, better not say that one.

“Well,” I said. “I used to have a nice freighter, with everything I own tied up in it.”

OK, well, maybe not everything. I mean, I did have that little place in the woods on whatever the hell planet I bought it on. But hey, close enough.

“That is, until I got a job to deliver some goods that turned out to be pretty damned volatile. Now if you ask me on a good day, I’d say it was an accident. But sister, this has been one heck of a bad day. You’re the brightest thing this day has seen.”

Hey, I wasn’t lying.

“But you see out there, that’s all that’s left of my ship, my business, and my life. Now I’m left with a huge payback on that ship, and insurance won’t even touch what I still owe. And the goons who wanted me to deliver that junk are gone with the wind. Aw, hell. You don’t wanna listen to my sob story.”

I put on a face that woulda made a kitten cry, and looked the nice lady straight in the eye.

Aelly Ssyn

posted 10-26-2005 12:06 AM    
Captain Rico sure seemed to have a pretty genuine gripe. I mean I would be rather upset if something happened to my ship too. Having it taken away in such an aweful fashion. You could see the hurt in his eyes. That ship meant alot to him.

"So you just do random jobs, or you work for someone?"

So far he didn't seem to work for anyone but himself but you never know in the smuggling business.

"How much exactly do you owe on your mangled ship anyways? Sorry for being so nosey, but I might be able to help you out."

She looks him squarely in the eyes. Letting him become somewhat lost in her lavender eyes like someone without a map or navicomputer in a nebula.

She waits for his answer as she glances about the place again and takes another sip of her drink.


posted 10-26-2005 03:14 PM    
"I'm never getting off this rock." Link muttered to herself.

This is not going well so far there where zero responces to my message. I'll have to find another way to get a job. Bored out of my mind i would listen in on the conversations around me none of which where interesting except the one between a female fallean and a human male. Mostly it was a polite exchange of words the human male explaining how his ship was destroyed in the explosion at the spaceport.

I was almost feeling sorry for him until he pointed out that his cargo had been the cause of the explosion. That idiot he almost killed me in that and costed me a good 8000 credits for the IFF mask that I was working on. Unable to contain my anger I walked over to him.

"Wait so you are the loser that almost got me killed in the explosion today, thanks to you I lost almost all my credits, my ride back to the Run, and my paycheck because that explosion killed the man who owed my 8000 credits for one of the best IFF maskes I ever came up with."

Aelly Ssyn

posted 10-30-2005 01:55 PM    
A sudden outburst from a rather irrate Ryn snapped Aelly's attention from Captian Rico to the furry creature.

She watched the anger poor out of the Ryn as if someone had blasted a hole in a dam. Captian Rico seemed rather suprised as well to the interruption.

His eyes wide and his words jumbled from the conversation he and Aelly were just recently having.

Waiting for the Ryn to take a breathe aelly introduced herself.

"Hello there. I'm Aelly Ssyn and you are?"


posted 10-31-2005 01:30 AM    
"Right now pissed off and lacking my 8000 credits."

Realising that she snapped at the pair and might be drawing unwanted attention Link took a moment to center her thoughts and replied in a more controlled voice.

"I'm sorry Miss Ssyn that I reacted like that as for my name everyone just calls me link."

Aelly Ssyn

posted 10-31-2005 06:08 PM    
A bit of shock popped up on her face as the Ryn bursted out again. She remained silent and as she could see this new introduction was calming herself.

"I've heard the name Link before. Link is supposed to be one of the greatest slicers in the galaxy. Are you this same person?"

For a moment she was actually supprised that if this truly was The Link she could possibly know who aelly truly was. Although Aelly has done aalot to keep her name ties to Black Sun very hush hush.

"Perhaps I can buy you a drink to help you calm down a bit?"


posted 10-31-2005 06:29 PM    
"Yes I'm the Link you are thinking of."

Galaxies greatest slicer I like the sound of that. Seeing an empty stool near the pair I sat down carefully as to not crush my tail. Thats the thing i hate about booths and chairs in places like these they where built for everyone but ryn's.

"And for your offer no thanks i'm not thirsty right now."

Aelly Ssyn

posted 10-31-2005 06:50 PM    
Smiling pleasantly in the thought of the possiblilities of such a slicer. One who is known in may places.

"I am sorry to hear of your misfortune. Where you employed for some reason or another before the mishap?"

A subtle nod accepted Link's denial of the drink offer. Though being thirty herself she took a sip of her drink.


posted 10-31-2005 07:16 PM    
"No my last job and employer went up in flames quite literaly. I was working on installing a new IFF mask for a smuggler that would give him diplomatic immunity in new republic space."

At least i still have that program that could get me some credits fast.

"And now I'm stuck here with little credits, at least in paper form but luckly all of my equipment survived."

Aelly Ssyn

posted 10-31-2005 07:37 PM    
"I'm not familiar with an IFF mask. What is it for or what does it do?"

The talents of this Link character seem to go beyond just slicing computers and datapads.

She tried to keep her voice low enough that only those close by could hear her. No need in attracting any unwanted attention afterall.

"I take it you're are currently unemployed then?"


posted 11-01-2005 01:20 AM    
Whats an IFF every smuggler knows what an IFF is.

"Maybe I should have been more clear about the IFF. An IFF or Identify Friend or Foe is esientially a ships transponder. It constantly sends out a signal of the ships name, ship class, and position; its the device that lets you see other ships on your radar and other things. As for the IFF it is a military term, hardwired into a ships targeting computers is a set of IFF codes for ships it can't target without the proper overides, for instance a new republic star destroyer wouldn't be able to target a new republic transport without these overides."

Now this was the whole beuty of how to exploit the IFF.

"How an IFF mask works is it changes the information a transponder gives out, most smugglers and bounty hunters use them to change their ships name to avoid local security. Mine take it a step further, I managed to create an IFF mask that makes the ship to appear a diplomatic vessel for the new republic essentially allowing it to bypass most security and avoid scans by military vessels in new republic space, short of a blockade anyways."

Taking a brief pause to catch her breath Link continued.

"And on my employment status, thanks to the bomb squad reject I have none."

Aelly Ssyn

posted 11-01-2005 05:39 PM    
"Well, you seem to have a multitude of talents."

She smiles and takes a sip of her drink.

"How would you like to be employed again? You could work for me. I think you would be a great asset to my company."


posted 11-01-2005 05:59 PM    
"You still haven't mentioned what this company is, and what it is they do."

What did it matter what she did it could get me away from this place and judging by the way she carries herself and the presence of her escorts the must be rich and have some connections.

"Nevermind I'll figure that part out later I need something new for a change, I accept your offer."

Aelly Ssyn

posted 11-01-2005 06:18 PM    
Her smile broadened as Link accepted the offer.

"You're inquiry is justified. I know I wouldn't want to work for someone without knowing something about the person or the company."

She looked around a bit to see if anyone might be listening in who shouldn't be before continuing.

"I am in charge of Dark Star Industries. Our main focus is the trading and transportation of goods. Such as food, water, precious ores, but mostly ship components. But you know, the fact that you mentioned your special IFF mask, I just might have a use for such a device."

She looks at the Ryn's eyes trying to see if she has seeded any interest in her.


posted 11-01-2005 08:38 PM    
From her experience with dealing with smugglers and most large corperations Link felt that Dark Star Industries was a front where its transporting of food, water, precious ore, and ship componets translated into spice and weapons. but a job is a job.

"I look forward to the challenge... and the credits."

Aelly Ssyn

posted 11-01-2005 08:42 PM    
"Glad to here you accept my offer. Do you require any tools or equipment? I was hoping perhaps you could construct some more of your IFF masks to help our ships from being attacked."

She looks around once more to ensure no easedroppers were keying in on the conversation.


posted 11-01-2005 08:56 PM    
"Ohh I'm sorry if I wasn't being clear the first time an IFF mask isn't a piece of hardware its a software update for a ships transponder. And to patch the update to the transponder I have all the equipment on me to do so already it would only take me about a hour per ship to install and make sure it works."

How many ships does she have that would even need this most corperations only needed two ships with IFF masks.

"And you do realize that this will only work in New Republic space and only prevents New Republic ships from attacking you?"

Aelly Ssyn

posted 11-01-2005 09:12 PM    
"I see. Well, do you suppose it is possible to make three masks with the capability to prevent anyone from attacking?"

Even if it was only a limited aid it would still prove valuable to her operations. That much she had no doubt.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 11-01-2005 09:39 PM    
Pure, unadulterated concern flooded through me, immediately jerking me from self-worry to worry for others' sakes.

Aww hell, not that spunky lil gal...

I grimaced, remembering the hell she and Terrin had gone through while under my tender auspices. Now not only was he dead, but she and her pals were missing.

"Hell, Aaron," I shook my head.

"I-- I wish there was something I could do. I mean, dangitall but that little gal had enough troubles; to think that some of it finally caught up with her..."

I trailed, now jerking my head to stare Aaron straight in the eye.

"What was the last you heard of her? Have you gotten any leads yet?"


posted 11-01-2005 09:41 PM    
"Anyone? I would need the imperial IFF codes to do that and they are stored in the Imperial archives classified the highest security so I would have to be at the terminal physicaly to access it and knowing imperial security it migh take me a few days to access the information. most likely i woulnd never get it before imperal security noticed i was there."

The New Republic codes took me long enough to get imperials just have better security standards.

"I can still make your three IFF mask good in New Republic space."

Aelly Ssyn

posted 11-01-2005 09:50 PM    
"The three masks for the republic will do. We will have to see what we can do about getting more codes from other agencies including the Empire. So can I buy you a drink now?"

She glanced to see if Captian Rico was still around or if he had been paying any attention.

Rico Riven

posted 11-01-2005 10:19 PM    
Dark Star? Now where have I heard that name before? Something about the friend of a friend of someone's mother who knew someone that...

Naw, wait... it was that night back on Tattooine, when I made friends with a really drunk pilot who kept wanting to tell me some secret he had. Kept hinting about the rebirth of some mafia... and didn't he work for Dark Star? Lessee... yeah, and I think he turned up dead the next day, which is why I haven't been back to Tattooine for a while.

Now, lessee... Dark Star... a falleen... no, that couldn't be... Black Sun?

Black Sun?

She was associated with Black Sun?

No way, that's just too much of a leap. Don't jump to conclusions, old boy. Just take what you can get here and move on.

Well, this day just kept getting’ better and better. I wasn’t sure if she was getting to be more attractive or just plain scary. Well, maybe a little of both. You never know who you’ll run into when you’re in a blown-up spaceport.

Now, what the heck was I supposed to do? I possibly had knowledge that could set me up for life, if I could sell it to the right people. But just who were the right people? On the other hand, no matter who she was, this toots was rich up the wazoo, well connected, and well built. Or so she claimed... either way, she was still well built, and that's worth the risk all by itself.

And what was with this little piss-ant Link? Come strolling up to me like he was somebody and rain on my day? I don’t think so. I was thinking up the best way to pop him when a thought struck me.

I was supposed to be haulin’ weapons to the empire, crap that was meant to blow up by the time I was unloading into the ammo store. That SSD was meant to be toast, ripped apart from the inside. That could start some sort of trouble between the empire and those were – well, not with the empire. Now who could profit from that sort of conflict?

Well, for one, the empire. It would sure give them an excuse to crack down even more on those systems they were ‘wooing’. But who else? Maybe, oh, I don’t know, the galactic mafia?

And right snack here in front of me, telling me she might be able to help me out, was someone who could be associated with them. Well, that's a lot of 'coulds' and 'maybes', but damn she was good looking.

Hey, it’s like my good friend Rico Riven always says when the fires of hell are raging and the glory of all mercy has run to hide beneath the sheets, he looks that old devil straight in the eye and says ‘Hey, what the hell?’.

“So,” I said, somewhat surprising the lady that I was still there beside her. I hate to be forgotten about, but in this case I’d let it pass. “You were saying something about helping me out...”

After all, I may have been without a ship and cargo, but I still had a special writ that allowed me access to the internal bays of a certain SSD belonging to the empire. Now, let’s say I made a delivery, had some ship trouble that caused me to hole up there for a while… say, long enough for someone to gain access to a terminal?

[ 11-02-2005 06:07 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rico Riven ]

Bon Foyagee

posted 11-01-2005 10:34 PM    
“Yeah, yeah,” said Bon. “Violence, man, yeah. That’s what you want to do to me, right now, right? Yeah, I’m right, violence is the answer, man. Even a lunatic like you knows the answer. Yeah, lunatics looking for ghosts in the woodwork, someone called ‘he’ and ‘they’, yeah. But face it, face it, face it, man, they ain’t out there—there out THERE!”

Bon pointed upwards.

“That’s where HE is, man, and he sent me to find you. Join us, man, bring the oppressors down, down down! We got the rebellion going, man, and we got it on!”

Commisar Stern

posted 11-01-2005 10:42 PM    
He pushed him harder to the wall, the gun still pressed hard against his abdomen. "Who is he then? Why don't you EXPLAIN yourself before you keep ranting?!" He asked, almost tempted to plug him now to save the confusion.

Aelly Ssyn

posted 11-01-2005 10:45 PM    
Rico's voice was a welcome response to her glance at him.

"Yes I have the means to help you out. How would you like to be employed once again?"

She watched his reactions as she proposed an offer similiar to the one she gave to Link.

"What exactly where you doing before the misfourtune that seemed to affect many people." her eyes travel to Link as she finishes her sentence.

Rico Riven

posted 11-01-2005 10:55 PM    
Here we go.

“Well,” I said, “I was an honest businessman, of course, haulin’ cargo between worlds.”

“At least,” I continued, lowering my voice, “until we get into an area a little less… crowded, if you know what I mean.”

I looked around at the crowd, which seemed to be growing larger every minute. I tell ya, a place gets a good reputation and you can’t keep people out even by blowing the place up. No place like the Blue Asteroid, one of a kind joint.

Anyway, I didn’t see anyone I hadn’t either seen before or knew to be harmless, so lucky there. I turned back to the lady just in time to catch her eyes again.


She was way too good looking to be for real. And I just had to know if she was telling the truth or not.

“Look, I may have something that you can use, but I don’t feel comfy talking about it out in the open. Is there a spot we can all retire to for a while?”

Aelly Ssyn

posted 11-01-2005 11:04 PM    
She read Rico's eyes as he made his request and she knew right away he had secrets. Which is understandable. How many people don't have secrets. SOme are just biggere than others.

"Well, I have a room at the Emperors Palace Hotel. We could all go there if you'd like."

She looked to Link for a response of either agreement or denial.

As she waited she motioned at one of her escorts. He had been listening and knew what to do. He left the Blue asteroid and made his way to acuire transportation to take them all the to Hotel.


posted 11-02-2005 01:32 PM    
"Pryo boy is right this place has to many people."

Taking a quick servey of the room link saw no one that stood out to her as someone who was paying to much attention to them. Looking back at Aelly.

"Lead the way boss."

Aelly Ssyn

posted 11-02-2005 06:20 PM    
"very well then. Let us depart to a less populated scene."

That being said she sets her now empty glass on the bar and nods to her escorts. Two of which step out into the street and the third follows behind Aelly, Link and Captain Rico.

Rico Riven

posted 11-02-2005 09:18 PM    
As I followed the nice green lady, and let me tell ya, I’d follow her about anywhere, I noticed Stern in the corner outside beating up that little furball. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a coin and threw it at him, like I was being all generous.

Hope it got his attention.

I kept walking and followed the entourage.

(( OOC -- OK, now Rico follows AELLY and LINK to "DARK STAR, BLACK SUN". THANK YOU))

[ 11-04-2005 11:03 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rico Riven ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 11-04-2005 10:55 PM    
Aaron frowned and shook his head at Yaoksi's query. "I've sent out Shawn Petrolu and a couple of other people to go look for Galen and the guys...

...but I haven't heard a word from them. I haven't heard from Galen since she took off in Terrin's old lamby the Eagle; Matt and Jasyn took off in my lamby the Raptor following her out. Unless something strange happened, I'm certain they at least made it to the same place she was headed...

...most likely to K'eel Doba, where she was hoping to find a Sith fighter. Sorben Tarnus had her little girl, and she was wanting to bust in to Coruscant to get her back. That is as far as my information goes on her whereabouts, and on the boys for that matter."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 11-05-2005 10:28 PM    
I shook my head at this, going to pour myself another Whyrene's.

"If she was trying to bust into Coruscant, chances are good she's in prison there," I said with a nod of my head.

"Those Impys play for keeps, and as far as I know no one, and I do mean no one can get through those blockades they've been putting up all over the galaxy."

I lifted the bottle suggestively, crooking a brow in Aaron's direction.


posted 11-05-2005 10:36 PM    
Kiara knew the kid hadn't a clue if anyone was here for her...

...but there had to be. Why else would she have been coming here with her Granda to begin with? And if someone was going to be looking for the kid, Kiara knew she'd better get her to a place where she could be found. And walking around with someone like Kiara was not the place to be found.

Stooping down to be on Arien's eye level once more, Kiara spoke to the little girl, who was clearly still frightened. "Look, I'm going to get you somewhere so that whoever is here for you will be able to find you...

...or so authorities might figure out where your parents or gaurdians are, OK?"

Standing back up, Kiara took the little girl by the hand and did just that, heading to the nearest authorities she could find and explaining the situation. "I just wanted to make sure she is taken care of," Kiara then added, "She said her name was Arien, and her Granda has just been declared...departed by the pleasure yacht medics."

Once certain that the authorities were properly taking care of Arien, Kiara headed on her way to the a commstation, recalling the frequency she had used for Captain Joao and dialing it into the unit she was now sitting in front of. "Captain Joao, this is Ki'ara Roch'ella. I have just arrived in Priingsi, and would like to know where the best place would be to meet you."

Sending the communication on its way, Kiara sat back and waited...

...and noted to herself that she really ought to get some clothes with the money she'd earned on the pleasure yacht before she went to meet anybody.

Aaron Barnes

posted 11-05-2005 10:41 PM    
Oh, I'm not so much worried about her possibly being on Coruscant as I am about her being stuck somewhere on K'eel Doba. That sister of hers that she would have been there--Graysith--has been a friend as well as a foe in the past. If Galen did get one of those Sith ships, she may have succeeded getting Darra. Not that I've ever actually gotten a look at one of them, but I hear they can do things the typical ship can't...

...thus the reason Galen decided she needed one to begin with. I'd like to think perhaps Galen got her kid, and moved off into some little hidey-hole with her...

...but I don't think she would have left us all in the dark. And that doesn't explain Matt and Jasyn's disappearance."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 11-05-2005 11:06 PM    
I frowned. It took every ounce of willpower I possessed to not just up and drain the bottle of Whyrene's, so serendipitously handy, smack there in my grip.

I didn't know much of this Graysith, but I did remember being slammed head-over-hiney back when I was part and parcel of the very people we were now discussing. I hadn't met the lady, but I sure remember her handiwork.

Hell of a way to introduce one's self...

My free hand found itself rubbing my throat.

"Ahh... so you believe the last logical place the lil gal and her pals could possibly be is a.. a Sith world?"

I shook my head in disbelief. Damned if that didn't take all.

It was then that my 'phone pinged apologetically into the conversation. Giving Aaron a rather grim look I excused myself and went to answer it.

I played the incoming communication twice, just to make sure, then stood there a moment, my forehead leaning against the wall.

Months of solitude, and now not only are you blessed with two visitors, but they both show up on the same day.

After a little thought I opened a comm-link back.

"This is Captain Joao; if you don't mind a little dust and grit, I can meet you at the Blue Asteroid near the south landing docks. There's been a little... incident there, but it's closest to where I live."

I paused a moment, debating to myself.

Oh what the hell.

"There's a nice hotel nearby, the Emperor's Palace. I can put you up there a night or two.

"Let me know your intentions, thank you.

"Captain Joao, out."

Slapping the comm to send the message winging on it's way, I turned back to Aaron, bottle still in hand. Plopping myself back in my favorite seat, I leaned forward, setting the bottle down on a nearby table as I did so.

"Look," I offered, out of the blue, surprising myself.

"I've been dry-docked here for far too long. If I had Devil up and running, I'd offer you my assistance. I feel terribly awkward just sitting here doing nothing, after hearing what you've had to say, and especially after helping Captain Danner and his wife out in the past."

Yeah, like being the silver plate which held him, offering him up like a proverbial Boonta's Eve fowl...

I shook that off and sat back with a sigh, taking a good healthy slug of my drink, nearly draining it all in one gulp of remorse.

[ 11-05-2005 11:15 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]


posted 11-05-2005 11:18 PM    
Your intentions. Hell, Kiara, what are your intentions? What are you going to do when you find out what happened to Nassy? Go back to your previous way of life, living life as gutter trash?

Frowning, Kiara pressed the send button after listening to all of Captain Joao's reply. "Honestly, I'm not certain what I'm going to do or where I'm going to go from here. My past is looking more than just a little bit ugly...

...and lately I'm finding myself very tired of it. I really would like to know what happened to my cousin...

...she meant alot to me. I will meet you at the Blue Asteriod in a standard hour, if that is acceptable..."

She trailed, eyeing her clothing one final time. And in the meantime, I'm really getting some clothes...

Aaron Barnes

posted 11-05-2005 11:22 PM    
As Yaoksi returned and took a good swig of his drink, Aaron cocked a brow. "You know, if you need a ship while the Devil is under repair, I would be happy to provide you one. And honestly, I hate sitting on my hands myself, sending others out looking for Galen and the boys. I've been so caught up in running EE...

...but I have to admit to myself that were Terrin here, he would have been after all of them a long time ago, profits be damned..."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 11-05-2005 11:40 PM    
After taking that rather long swig I found myself to be leaning forward, elbows propped on my knees, hands dangling between them, the bottom of my glass nearly touching the floor as I stared off into middle space somewhere around my ankles.

Now I raised my head in surprise.

"A ship?"

Ok, Yaoksi ol' pirate, now didn't that just sound stupid as hell. Of course a ship, didn't he just say that?!

"I mean-- a ship!"

I slammed my goblet on the table, trying to keep from looking too happy. I mean, this was a serious matter we were discussing, but here he was, my own personal knight in shining armor, come all this way to not only repair my own ship, but to offer me the use of one in the meanwhile.

All I had to do was make good on my own offer, which was soon to follow. I mean, I most certainly did not make the statement I had just to weasel transporation from him...

"You've got a deal. I would love to join forces and help you hunt for your friends; seems the least I can do seeing as how you've come all this way to help me like you have.


I paused a moment, remembering Kiara.

"There's someone else who's come quite a distance to speak with me too; speaking of which, if you will excuse me a moment, I think that's her now..."

Rising I went to the 'phone, ran the comm, stopped a moment to ponder. I turned to Aaron.

"I'm to meet with her in an hour; it's about-- it's about Nassy..."

I trailed, my eyes growing dark with painful memories.

"Would you care to join me?"

It only seemed fair to ask, since after all we were both attacked on his ship.

Like Terrin was on mine...

Aaron Barnes

posted 11-05-2005 11:47 PM    
"It's totally up to you," Aaron replied, "You may want to speak with her about such matters on your own. If so, I'd be glad to stay here and keep K'khil company...

...that is, supposing a Verpine with ship specs needs such a thing. At any rate, I'd be willing to wait it out. But then again, if you want someone along who knows a bit about this stuff, I'd be willing to come too.

Your call."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 11-05-2005 11:51 PM    
I rose to my feet.

"I'd welcome your company."

With that I returned to the 'phone, sent an affirmation winging on its way, and then turned back to Aaron.

"If we leave now we can get a good seat."

Aaron didn't seem to mind so, recapping the Whyrene's and setting it back where I kept it, I headed toward the door.

"Have fun storming the castle, ol' Cricket," I called over my shoulder, smiling at the dead silence which ensued.

Never bother a Verpine when he's reading.

Then we were out the door and en route to the Blue Asteroid, winding our way through the warren that was Piringiisi.

[ 11-05-2005 11:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]


posted 11-06-2005 08:33 PM    
Now dressed more appropriately in ankle-length, loosely-fitting blue pants and a soft, white tank top, Kiara arrived at the Blue Asteroid about ten standard minutes earlier and found a booth, realizing she hadn't given Joao any way to identify her.

Hell, she thought, I hope he finds me, or I find him...

Frowning at that, Kiara ordered a small mug of a liquor that had origins on Ryloth, sat back, and simply waited, keeping a keen and hopeful eye out.

Commisar Stern

posted 11-06-2005 11:24 PM    
I was just about to plug the furball when a loud hissing came to my ears. A hissing of which I remembered all too clearly.

Without thought, I shoved the little furball into the alcove as far as I could, pressing myself too him as though trying to shield him from something.

A moment later, the entire wall next to which I had stood next too exploded into tiny chunks of stone, the attack upon us cutting up too 2 inches into the rock.

I cursed, and fumbled for my DIssuader, finally getting it out.

I poked my head around the corner, and ducked back as I saw that umbaran bastard shoot again with the Flechette, tearing more of the stone apart.

With a curse and a prayer, I came out and fired a burst of shots into the air, not caring but hoping that they hit him.

I grabbed Bon, and ran from the alcove down the street. At the sound of a third hiss, I threw Bon down with myself as the crowd in front of them practically disintegrated as millions of tiny blade fillaments tore into them, leaving naught but a red mist and small fragments of bodies where they had been.

Bastard imperials! I cursed as I pulled Bon up to start running again, just getting around a corner as the true impact of what had happened hit survivors and witnesses.

The screaming began....

[ 11-07-2005 12:12 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Commisar Stern ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 11-07-2005 12:26 AM    
Aaron and I were ambling along, you know, just passing idle small talk and all that while we idly passed through the crowd, just coming up to the last turn toward Blue Asteroid when there came a sound I never wanted to hear again as long as I live.

An incredible boom tore through the air, echoing with terrible promise off the volcanic rock through which we sauntered. It was followed by a split second of utter silence...

Then all hell broke loose.

I paused like a gandy-rak in headlights, shooting a look of shock and concern Aaron's way.

"That sounded like it came from the Blue Asteroid--" I gulped in a low voice; then instinct took over. Before I knew what I was doing my feet were pounding pavement, blaster in hand, as I tore down the rock corridor we were in toward the intersection I could see just up ahead.

Then the screams began, giving wings to my feet.

I ran faster, when a dark shape came flying around the turn ahead, not looking where he was going because he was too busy looking behind him.

It was that, and the flechette launcher he was clutching, that sent the gears in my brain into overtime, and I suddenly knew what had happened.

Not why, mind you; that would come later. Just who.

I didn't give him any warning, but put down my head and tackled him. He was big and as ugly as are all Umbarans I've ever known, and his panting breath was about enough to send me sprawling away from him. But I just held on, gagging, and took him down.

"Aaron, a little help here, buddy!"

It wasn't long before I was joined by another set of stong hands. Together we wrenched the weapon from ol Ugly and managed to hold him pinned down until the authorities came.

Which, thank the gods of the universe, was in fairly short order.

Then it was the usual: name, why are you here, where do you live, what is your blood type and can you offer up your firstborn kind of thing... until at last, convinced we were innocent, they were satisfied. A passel of 'em took the Umbaran off to the clink, and I turned a worried look to Aaron.

"That still sounded like it came from the Blue Asteroid..."

With that I set off running again, rounding the corner and coming upon a scene from hell.

Injured sentients of all races were laying about in a variety of attitudes, surrounded by more blood than should ever be seen in a public thoroughfare. I shuddered, staring at the shattered wall of the facility, watching as med-droids hummed here and there, doing their business.

Pursing my lips, Aaron keeping right up with me, I just kept going, shouldering my way through the rubble and disarray and finally gaining entrance into the little bar.

There at the door I stopped, casting a look throughout the place, searching for the lady Twi'lek who I was supposed to meet.

Gods I hoped she was okay...

[ 11-07-2005 12:28 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]


posted 11-07-2005 09:59 PM    
Kiara had been sitting quietly, watching the door of the Blue Asteroid when out of the blue, an explosion rocked the bar. Though her booth hadn't been directly on the front wall of the Asteroid, she hadn't been very far from it either...

...and therefore was knocked completely out of her seat and to the ground with a pile of stone and rubble that caused her booth to crumble as well under its weight. For a long moment she was simply stunned, only somewhat aware that the stone was, at least for a few moments, flying over her in chunks to make contact with the ground and other various places. Then, for a strange and eerie moment, all was quiet...

...and the screams began. Though Kiara was befuddled, she was aware enough to realize that there was trouble, and that she appeared to be in some of it. Partially trapped under what once was the tabletop of her booth, Kiara began to flail and struggle, trying to free herself...

...when a pain shot up one of her two legs. The pain was searing enough that she screamed unconsciously, suddenly feeling totally helpless...

...and totally alone. "Help...please...!" she managed, the pain intensifying. "My leg..."

And she could say no more, the pain now taking her breath away.

[ 11-07-2005 09:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kiara ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 11-07-2005 10:06 PM    
There must be some kind of male radar which homes in instinctively upon the female voice, quite easily separating it from ambient noises.

Particularly when that voice is crying for help.

I shot a quick look around, my eyes finally settling upon the vision of a female Twi'lek trapped under the remains of the booth she had been sitting in. While the table itself wasn't that heavy, the chunks of duraplaster and cement from the destroyed wall that were sitting on top of the table were... and were doing a quite efficient job of holding her pinned to the floor. Even in that nanosecond that I found her she threw back her head again, her lekku twining about, a grimace of pain upon her face.

I wasted no more time, but moved quickly to her side.

"Easy there, I'm here to help, just lie still a moment and we'll get this thing off of you--

"Hey Aaron, I'm going to need some more muscle here, this stuff ain't like my grandmother's dumplings!"

With that I turned back to her, placed a comforting hand on her dirty shoulder.

"Just a few seconds more, Ms--"

I paused, considered; a lightbulb went on over my head, I cast a fast look around.

"Ms. Roch'ella?"

[ 11-07-2005 10:09 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]


posted 11-07-2005 10:20 PM    
For a moment, Kiara's indigo eyes focused enough to regard the man now at her side, first in embedded suspicion. Then reality dawned, and the look faded.

She recognized the voice.

"Captain Joao?" she queried, clenching her teeth as she did so.

Aaron Barnes

posted 11-07-2005 10:24 PM    
Aaron hurried over to help Yaoksi move the table off of the wounded Twi'lek. Aaron noticed she had a few cuts on her face and arms, but he was more concerned with the leg she was complaining about. Even as they managed to move the tabletop off her lower extremities, Aaron grimaced.

"Yaoksi," he said, "I think her leg is broken."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 11-08-2005 12:47 PM    
Going to one knee beside her, I reached out a careful hand, laid it on her forehead, smiled down gently at her.

"Yeah, it's me. I wish our first meeting could have been under better circumstances--"

My guilt-ridden apology was interrupted by Aaron. I looked down at Kiara's leg, nodded in grim agreement.

"Yeah, buddy," I agreed in a low voice, so she wouldn't overhear and get worried.

"And on top of it all, I think there's an infection setting in. She's getting hot."

I turned a worried gaze to Aaron, to see it mirrored there, plastered loud and clear across his own features.

"Let's get the rest of this stuff off of her, but be careful! Relieving the pressure suddenly can be just as painful as having it applied to begin with, and she might have some internal injuries."

Aaron merely set his lips into a grim line. Together then we slowly and carefully removed the remainder of the rubble that lay on her torso and upper extremities. I shifted my weight to run a light touch over her body, smiling in apology for the seeming intimacy. Then I went back on my haunches.

"While only a med-droid can let us know for certain, I don't think there's anything else wrong internally. Just the broken leg.

"Was there any pain inside of you anywhere that I touched you?"

I directed the last query to Kiara, needing this information for the med-droids. Speaking of--

"Aaron, I know there's a ton of injured outside, but why don't you go see if you can scrape up a droid. I don't want to move this lil lady until I'm certain it's safe to do so."

With that I turned back to Kiara, lightly brushing some grit and rubble from her dirty but otherwise attractive features, taking care not to touch her lekku.

[ 11-08-2005 12:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]


posted 11-08-2005 04:06 PM    
((OOC: Readers, please trot over to Dark Star, Black Sun in the "CSWU" forums for a tie-in with this thread, thank you.))


posted 11-08-2005 10:00 PM    
Kiara grimaced at the pain in her leg, but managed to shake her head. "No, nothing else hurts..."

She trailed, then continued with "But I'm not feeling so well. Why is it so cold in here?"

Quieting at that Kiara shivered a bit, hoping a med droid would come soon. Being a dancer in a Hutt's palace, she knew all about strange attacks that happened...sometimes for certain reasons and other times for no reason at all. She wanted out of here before anything else further could happen.

Aaron Barnes

posted 11-08-2005 10:09 PM    
Aaron nodded at Yaoksi query. "Yeah, no problem. I'm on it."

With no further word than this, Aaron got up and went outside, at first trying to find an unoccupied med droid. He had no luck at that, so he shielded his eyes and looked outward, hoping to find some sentient medics who might be overseeing the droids. After a few moments of searching the chaotic scene, Aaron finally found what he was looking for. Once he explained that a Twi'lek inside the Blue Asteroid had an infection setting in from a broken leg which was otherwise of no apparent concern, the medic nodded and agreed to take a look himself.

Aaron began to lead him back towards the Asteroid then heard a few booms and bangs somewhere in the distance. He paused a moment, frowning and looking at the medic. "I sure hope this sort of thing doesn't happen often here," he said darkly.

The medic simply returned the look. "No. And I hope that it doesn't start doing so," he replied.

Aaron nodded, leading the medic then the rest of the way in to where Kiara laid next to Yaoksi, her skin starting to pale a bit due to her fever. Yaoksi moved away in order for the medic to get a closer look...

...and Aaron pulled him aside. "Look, buddy, there's something strange going on here," he said quietly to the other man. "When I went out to look for help, I could hear some banging and booming from a distance. I don't like the sounds of it."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 11-08-2005 11:22 PM    
"Me either, pal."

I cocked an ear streetward, hearing the sounds of disorder seeming to grow louder. Which, unless the unknown perpetrator or perpetrators had an escalating weapon, meant that they were drawing closer.

"I really don't like this -- look, if the lady here is deemed fit to travel, what say we skedaddle out of here. I sure hate to leave Devil when all hell is breaking loose--"

I paused, torn between saving our skins and that of my beloved ship. I frowned then, a determined look coming into my eyes.

"And I'm not going to leave her."

I cast another look at Kiara; a fresh grimace was plastered on her paling face as the medic applied a hypospray of something to her shoulder.

"Look, I'm going to the dock and board her; ain't nobody nohow going to keep me from my ship. I'll be fine, I have food and weapons; don't worry about me.

"You-- you go on ahead and take the lady and K'kihl to a safe place; I'll contact you when all this brouhaha has settled down, and we can get back together on her repairs."

I moved to the door and took a peek out, then pulled back quickly.

"Damn, there's troopers out there!" I muttered, coming back to Aaron and pausing beside him.

As a little redhead of my past acquaintance used to always say,

"Hell's Seven Circles!"

Bon Foyagee

posted 11-09-2005 10:02 PM    
Bon looked into Stern’s face and screamed. He put his smaller hands on Stern’s shoulders and looked him frantically in the eyes.

“They’re here! It’s starting! Don’t you see man, the oppressors are here to.. to oppress! The troopers are running wild, the red guard will be kicking in baby’s teeth and soon the Tyrant himself will be walking among us! We need to get to the HQ, man, the HQ! It’s too late to be stupid, man, we’re up loony creek without a pod racer, man! Follow me, I’ll take you to HQ! The time for action is NOW MAN!”

Bon stood there, looking up at Stern with wild eyes.

Aaron Barnes

posted 11-09-2005 10:14 PM    
Aaron frowned, and for more than one reason. "Hell, sounds like none of us are going anywhere for the moment...

...and like something really major is going on. I don't care to be here myself. I could take her somewhere to safely recover while you hang on your ship...

...but she did come to speak with you. And I suspect K'khil is the safetest of all of us right where he is. You think they are even going to let you in the spaceport to get to the Devil right now anyway?"

As Aaron finished his query, the medic rose from Kiara and approached them. "I gave her an antibiotic for the infection that will set in shortly. She will be feverish for a while longer, but the fever will break as soon as the meds take effect. Other than that she has a few cuts, some scraps...

...and a good broken right leg. I gave her a painkiller for that; she won't be feeling anything for a while. Are you planning to take her to a safe location while all this activity dies down...

...or shall I call for someone to take her to an infirmary while she recoups a bit?"

Commisar Stern

posted 11-09-2005 10:25 PM    
Again, I began to consider wether just shooting this guy would save the universe a whole lot of effort and misery by the people.

But having just been shot at by a guy with a lethal crowd killer? I was willing to believe I could consume acid and walk through a force field if I could just survive.

"Lead on you crazy furbag."

The Empire

posted 11-09-2005 10:28 PM    
The number of Imperial-cum-Federation personnel in Piringiisi swelled as transport after transport came swooping down upon the fiery world, some settling in the outer port and spitting out troops fitted with re-breathers, heavy armor and bristling weapons before taking off to pick up the next wave, the smaller fighters swooping directly into the landing tunnels into the major spaceport inside the underground city itself.

Bit by bit the Sullustan authorities were augmented by more and more troops, who quickly set up a perimeter throughout the spaceport to make certain no more havoc was raised there.

The Major in charge of the ground troops frowned to see the amount of damage therein, grimaced at the number of ships either destroyed or maimed by what he thought to be due to the recent actions of Black Sun.

"Send troops out into the city!" he barked to a nearby Captain.

"Sullustan authorities are going to need all the assistance they can get, judging from the amount of damage I see here."

"Yessir!" came the crisp reply, and soon even more troops were spilling out into the warren of the underground city.

The Major turned to his other officers.

"Make certain no one comes or goes without proper identification and docking codes. We don't need anyone trying to loot or destroy any more of these personal ships."


This order too was immediately carried out, until at long last a modicum of order returned to the spaceport.

That did not mean that it had returned to Piringiisi, however...

[ 11-09-2005 10:32 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Empire ]

Bon Foyagee

posted 11-09-2005 11:00 PM    
Bon yelped with excitement and turned towards the growing chaos. He took Stern by the hand and tried to pull him along the street. He rounded a corner and turned into an alley. It didn’t take long for Stern to see this was a dead end, but before he could say anything in protest the Bothan had pushed something on his belt and a small door slid open in the bottom panel of one of the buildings.

“Madness out here, man! Madness! Come on, man, the rebellion awaits!”

Bon ducked and slid into the opening, disappearing from view. A few seconds later his head popped back out, eyes wider than ever.

“Hurry, man, before the oppressors troop storm all over your sunny days, man!”

Commisar Stern

posted 11-10-2005 06:42 PM    
I doubted wether I'd ever had a sunny day in the past decades, but didn't complain as I followed him down into the small doorway.

"I suppose your magical rebellion is in your cellar eh? Going to lead an army of rodents to destroy the 'oppressors'?"

Yaoksi Joao

posted 11-15-2005 09:50 PM    
Aaron's even words brought common sense screeching to the fore, even though it tore my heart out to admit that he was probably right. I mean, every bell and whistle was blowing off in wild alarm inside me, and every instinct I had was crying, Go to the ship and make certain she's all right...

I wavered between logic and stupidity, and settled for proof. Sidling back to the door, I took another peep outside.

More troopers were swarming the rock warren we were in, directing citizens to depart the premises.

I scooted back inside.

"I-- I think you're right, pal," I admitted, albeit grudgingly.

"There's enough troops out there to sink a battlecruiser; I'm willing to bet that they've clamped down on the spaceport and nobody is going to be going anywhere soon until they're satisfied they've come up with some answers."

To what questions--? Ahh now, but that was the 74 Thousand Credit Question now, wasn't it?

I sighed in defeat, then glanced over at the Twi'lek. She didn't look so hot.

"Well, unless you can think of anything better, I suppose we could just go on back to my place. Unless you think you have strings enough to pull to get us off this blast furnace of a rock and somewhere better. I could always have K'kihl keep an eye on things here."

Aaron Barnes

posted 11-15-2005 10:02 PM    
Aaron pursed his lips thoughtfully. "I just might have some strings to pull," Aaron admitted. "I've done some business with the local officials in ship dealings...

... and I already have that ship coming in to pick up the Devil. I've already agreed on letting the ship pick up some other ships for disgruntled tourists with damages...

...and the Sullustans like that. Keep the patrons happy. We just might be able to get out on the ship that's incoming, I think...

...and get to the Hornett. We can decide what to do from there, and perhaps get her some better medical care," Aaron said, nodding towards Kiara. "the Sullustans and Impys who are taking care of all the wounded are going to be busy for a while, after all...

...and according to our medic, she's at least stable. If I can get back to a comm and make the arrangements, we can get the hell out of here, and soon. After all, the ship to pick up the Devil is very likely already enroute."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 11-15-2005 10:09 PM    
"All right, then."

I drew in a breath, mentally wiping my hands.

"Sounds good to me; let's go back to my place, tend to this lady a little, advise K'kihl as to what's happening, and you contact whoever it is you need to.

"Then, if the fates are with us, we all depart together--"

With my ship, damn skippy!

"--for Hornett."

With that I motioned for the med droid to follow, and stepped out into the rock corridor outside the blasted remains of Blue Asteroid.

We were of course approached by troopers, but they had only to take one look at the stricken lady with us, hear our words as we vowed and declared we were heading straight home, yessir, and they waved us on.

Soon we were right back where we started from, right down to a glass of Whyrene's in hand.

The med droid settled Kiara on my couch, covered her with a quilt, rapped out a few more general care orders, and left to go tend to the more seriously wounded.

"You know where the comm is, pal, and when you come back I'll have this waiting for you."

I waved the goblet meaningfully as I went over and sat down on a chair near the couch, sipping my drink and watching over the lady Twi'lek.


posted 11-15-2005 10:16 PM    
Kiara really wanted to ask about Nassy, now that they were somewhere safe and secure...

...but she was pretty sure, by the way she felt, that she'd been given a sedative to help with the pain. Her eyelids were getting so very heavy...

...but still she managed to direct a concerned indigo gaze Yaoksi way. "Please, tell me what happened to my cousin..."

She trailed, exhaustion sweeping over her as she began to feel even more warm and fuzzy. "...later..." she finished, her lids falling closed as her body totally relaxed. Perhaps she was going to get one of the best night's sleep she'd had in a very long time...

Aaron Barnes

posted 11-15-2005 10:22 PM    
Aaron nodded, and headed for the 'phone. Sullustan officials were, as he had suspected, very eager to do business and keep the patrons happy. They were also willing to arrange for Eagle Enterprises owner and his companions to get off planet so he could take care of business...

...which meant letting Aaron, Yaoksi, Kiara, and possibly K'khil get into the spaceport, make certain the Devil was loaded on the proper ship, as well as make certain Aaron's ship the Oasis was loaded so that they could get away from Sullust and to the business of making sure her tourists were extremely happy again. The whole process really didn't take all that long since Aaron had already pulled strings before all the mess with the bombs going off... Aaron returned, took a seat, and took the mug of Whyrenes' that was still waiting for him. "It's all settled," he then stated. "We'll be out of here and on our way in a little over 5 standard hours. Maybe some of the hubbub will die down out there in the meantime."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 11-15-2005 10:28 PM    

I lifted my own glass in a toast, content to just sit and bask in the knowledge that 24 hours from now would find us in much, much better circumstances. I took a toasting drink, then set my glass down and approached the couch.

Kiara, who had mumbled something about Nassy, had faded into exhausted slumber.

I don't know how long I stood there, staring down at her quiet form but seeing another lady Twi'lek of my acquaintance. It felt like years, but it had to be just a few moments before I roused myself with a jerk. Then leaning down, I tucked the blanket in around her a bit more tightly, before backing off to go take my seat again.

"I'll go tell the ol' Cricket in a moment or two, but for now--"

I raised my glass and downed the contents. Then I poured myself another drink before offering another one to Aaron.

Bon Foyagee

posted 11-17-2005 10:55 PM    
Bon snickered and crawled through the short tunnel. It led down, then back up, and emerged into a small room with four chairs. Bon giggled and bobbed as he waited for Stern to appear.

“Yeah, man, rodents. Rats, lots and lots of rats. Rats everywhere, man, that’s the trick!”

Bon plopped into a chair and worked the controls in the arm.

“Sit man, sit! You gonna have a hard time standing if you ain’t sittin’!” He paused and thought about that, then burst into laughter. He touched a sigil on the chair control and a door slid shut over the entry tunnel. The wall in front of them slid open, revealing a window that peered down a long, dark tunnel.

“Rats, man! That’s what we are! Rats with money, time, and the will to strike terror into the heart of the oppressors, man! Sit!”

Commisar Stern

posted 11-17-2005 10:59 PM    
I looked at the chair suspiciously. The way this whole deal was going, I wasn't quite sure what would happen next.

Would the imperials pop out and go "Boo!"? Would the floor turn to acid and this furball would just laugh and giggle the whole burning stinking way? Ohwell, things couldn't get much crazier than this-

I sat down cautiously, Dissuader still firmly in my grip. "Sat." He muttered, looking at him.


posted 11-19-2005 12:18 AM    
Kiara had no idea how long she had been sleeping when the strange dream--whether prompted by medication, recent events, or simple fears began. Suddenly all she saw was Nassy's pale face, her lids closed. All she saw was herself, making deal after deal to men, just to get what she needed and wanted, not thinking of the consequences. And now there was this attack on Sullust...

...and suddenly Kiara was seeing it back home, on her own world. The last image plastered in her mind when she awoke with a scream born of both horror and pain was that of Nassy's dear, pale face before the bombs destroyed it.

Kiara's eyes flew open, wide and full of terror; one word escaped her lips as she screamed.


[ 11-19-2005 12:18 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kiara ]

Yaoksi Joao

posted 11-26-2005 01:21 AM    
I was in the act of taking a sip of my drink when a chilling scream from the couch sent me flying to my feet, my glass spilling out from my fingers to land in the floor. I ignored the splotch that began soaking into my carpet, and in less time than it takes to tell about it was at Kiara's side.

She was sitting upright, the blanket I had just finished tucking around her held in trembling fingers that tried to bury it into her chin. Her face was pale and sweaty, her eyes wide and staring into nothing but whatever night terror she was in the process of escaping from.

I gulped at her cry, suddenly associating the pain her voice carried with my last memories of Nassy: another all-too pale form, silent and bleeding, laying in a medical unit on a monstrous ship, silently slipping off into a new brand of reality...

Shaking a bit myself I knelt by the couch, reached out and took a tentative hold of Kiara's shoulders.

Gave her a little, gentle shake.

"Hey, hey...!" I said in a low voice, trying to keep my own memories from flavoring the tone in which I spoke.

"It's ok, quiet now, it's a dream or something, you're ok, you're safe here.

"Hey, c'mon now, Kiara, wake up..."

I gave her another gentle little shake, chewing my lip in consternation, while the ever-present memory of the last hurting lady Twi'lek I had been with crashed to the forefront of my vision and remained there.


posted 11-28-2005 08:32 PM    
K'iara's indigo eyes remained defocused for a long moment, as images still scrolled through her mind's eye. Then they suddenly grew clear, and locked on Yaoksi's. "What happened to her?" she queried softly. "I have to know..."

Aaron Barnes

posted 11-29-2005 11:12 PM    
(((The following is from a post in chasing the Shadows in the Jedi Prax. and Sith Temple forum.)))

Following through on his previous suggestion, Shawn paused in his tracks, keying a freqency into his wristcomm. Then he spoke into it.

Captain Barnes, this is Shawn Petrolu. Have you done any tracking of the Eagle or the Raptor, as you previously suggested? Please give me an update, we have had no success here thusfar.

Aaron Barnes

posted 11-29-2005 11:21 PM    
Hearing his comm beep, Aaron excused himself to the side of the room so as not to disturb any discussion Yaoksi and Kiara might have. He listened quietly...

...and worriedly... Shawn's message. He frowned to himself, and keyed in a highly secure, encrypted frequency to the Hornett, inquiring about the level of success anyone had tracking either the Eagle or the Raptor.

"Sir," came the crisp reply, "We've been unable to track either ship at all. In fact, we don't even get their signals. It almost appears as though the ships have been destroyed."

Aaron's look darkened, and he thanked the officer, closing his connection to the Hornett.

Then he dialed Petrolu's frequency. "You won't be able to use any information on the tracking systems of either ship, unfortunately," he replied. "We have no trace on them. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to further assist you, however," Aaron commented, then closing the frequency and regaining his seat where he had been lounging before, his look dark.

"The sooner we get out of here, the better," he then said darkly, eyeing his chrono. "I have no trace on either the Eagle or the Raptor, which implies one of two things. The ships have been destroyed, crashed...

...or on a third possibility, someone has discovered and dismantled their tracking capabilities. Somehow I think I prefer the latter over the other alternatives...

...I think..."

Yaoksi Joao

posted 11-29-2005 11:28 PM    
I looked up at Aaron's words, my own frown growing deeper. Then I forced a smile to cover it, turned back to Kiara, and patted her hand.

"Now is not the time to talk of Nassy," I fumbled, struggling to keep the sudden tears her name evoked from springing into my eyes. Kiara sure as shooting didn't need to see that.

"I'll tell you everything I know as soon as you've rested up and gotten well."

Enough to handle it, an inner demon chortled into my ear, finishing that statement with a finality I didn't want to think about.

Giving her hand another pat, I returned to Aaron and plopped back into my seat. Drawing in a heavy breath, I reached for my glass.

"Well, what do you suggest, then?" I asked before I downed half my drink in one gulp.

[ 11-29-2005 11:33 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 11-30-2005 04:39 PM    
Aaron pursed his lips. "We stick to the original plan to get out of here when the cargo ship comes to pick up the Devil. They will also pick up my personal ship, so once the Devil is at the shipyards we can go to the Hornett and figure out just how we are going to do to help Shawn find Galen, Matt, and Jasyn."

Pausing at that, Aaron's eyes turned a bit vague as he considered something. "You know, we could also opt to take the Devil aboard the Hornett. K'khil has been working there, he has access to anything he would need to repair her. That way you can keep an eye on her...

...and it'll save us a trip back to the shipyards to get her."


posted 11-30-2005 04:42 PM    
Kiara's eyes turned vague and troubled as Yaoksi and Aaron began discussing matters.

Who were these people, and what kind of trouble had they gotten into?

Unable to think on this clearly for the moment, Kiara laid back quietly, still feeling drowsy from her meds. And before she was aware of it, she slipped back off to sleep.

Yaoksi Joao

posted 12-11-2005 09:48 PM    
I nodded in agreement.

"That sounds like a plan to me," I said, raising my glass on high. Aaron merely raised a brow in turn; I quirked my lips, then ventured onward.

"I mean, going to Hornett sounds like the best option you've mentioned yet. I agree; K'kihl would be in his element there, and Devil would be up and running in no time.

"Not to mention the fact that you have a great medical facility, should Kiara need it."

I shot her slumbering form a quick glance, the accompanying grin immediately sobering as immediately upon the heels of that statement came the haunting image of who had lain in that facility the last to my knowledge. And why...

I returned my gaze to Aaron.

"How soon can we get there? From what we heard outside, I'm not certain that I'm relishing the thought of hanging here too much longer; could get a little bit on the uncomfortable side, if you know what I mean.

"How long was it until your transport can get here?"

[ 12-11-2005 09:49 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yaoksi Joao ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 12-11-2005 10:08 PM    
Aaron eyed his wrist chrono. "In ahhh...about, two and a half more standard hours," he commented. "I'm betting we're gonna have to get moving out of here pretty soon to get to the transport on time, with the hubbub out there...

...and you probably have some things to pack and want to let the Cricket know we need his help.

Nodding at that with a bit of a grin, Yaoksi vacated his seat and headed back to no doubt let Khikhl know of their imminent departure and to pack whatever he needed. In the meantime, Aaron helped himself to another glass of Whyrene's, savoring the last few peaceful moments he while he could...

...for they certainly would not be at all peaceful again until they found themselves enroute to the Hornett


Luckily for all parties involved, the transport arrived right on time and landed with only a little bit of haggling with the authorities. Now, once she'd landed and Aaron had gotten to the business of getting his ship and the Devil loaded...

...all hell promptly broke loose. It appeared the Devil, along with all the ships involved in the explosion in that particular docking area, was being held as evidence. So removing that evidence for repair was last on the list of things the authorities wanted to deal with. They promised over and over again that the ship could be moved in a few days...

...but Aaron stuck to his guns. He'd already told the authorities the transport would be coming in, and what ships he needed to load on her prior to the transport's arrival. But then, nothing was ever cut and dry. As the Devil was finally loaded on the transport, the Oasis already on board, Aaron hoped Yaoksi would forgive him for promising to allow the authorities to keep a piece of the damaged rubble that was once part of the hull of the Devil.

And finally, after two hours of wheeling and dealing, the transport took to the skies, and they found themselves in the lap of luxury once more, which Aaron was quite thankful for. Kiara still seemed very spent from her ordeal, and gods knew after dealing with the authorities that he was quite ready for some R and R and some food himself. But first, he had a little bargaining to do with the transport's captain...

...who fortunately was much more agreeable than the authorities on the planet now below them. Their destination: the Hornett. ETA: One standard day.

(((OOC: Please follow Aaron, Yaoksi, Kiara, and K'khil to The Dream of Those that Wake in the Empire and New Republic Forums, thanks.)))

[ 12-12-2005 03:52 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aaron Barnes ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 01-24-2006 07:35 PM    
(((OOC: Jebbua comes back after being away for a while.)))

Interesting. A Rebellion. I saw and heard everything the Bothan and the other guy said. After all hell had broken loose I followed the two to a dead end where the bothan hit somrthing on his belt and the door opened. I got ready to run it behind it when the door shut.
Sithspawn!I walked up to where the door was and began feeling around to see if there was a button that would open it. No such luck. I guess the only way in was the belt the bothan had. Or...I glanced down at my lightsaber hiding under my cloak. No, I'd use that as a lst resort. I calmed my self and just knocked at where the door was.
I hope this works.

Bon Foyagee

posted 01-27-2006 11:15 PM    
“Whoa whoa whoa!” said Bon, knocking his hand on his head. “A rap tap tapping comes a rap rap rapping, now who could that be?”

Bon flipped a switch on the small control panel, and a small screen showed a view of the dead end, fed from a holocam perched hidden above the alley. It showed a human male, slightly disheveled.

“Hey, hey! Someone all alone in the world of the oppressor! Someone coming to join our cause! Someone you know? Someone you don’t know? Either way is the same, man, either way is the same. If you vouch for him, then that’s all I need. You vouch for him, right?”

Bon flipped another switch and the door before the man outside opened. Bon laughed and turned to Stern.

“The doors open for him, man! That’s a good sign, good sign! The doors are the gateway to truth, they open only for the just, the righteous, the true to our cause! I thank you, my brother, you bring us much goodness on this day of getting… goodness!”

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 01-27-2006 11:59 PM    
i was about to give up when the door opened up. I looked around to make sure no one was following and went inside. I slowly headed down the pah where the other two men had probably already gone down. crawling up then down and finally into a room where the two men were sitting. I dusted off my robes and walked slowly forward.

"Thank you very much for letting me in. I heard you saying something about a rebellion. I'm assuming the Imperials. Might I be able to join?" I asked looking at the man watch me closly.

Bon Foyagee

posted 01-31-2006 01:01 AM    
Bon’s eyes flew wide open. He clasped his hand over Stern’s mouth and looked at the newcomer.

“Shhh! Man oh man, you don’t use the ‘R’ word, not here not there not anywhere! If he heard you, you don’t know what he might think!”

He took his hand from Stern’s mouth and looked at him.

“You didn’t hear that, did you? Good. Right, now, the door has judged you good and worthy and righteous, man, so I bow to your superior intellitude and welcome you to the rebellion.”

He looked again to Stern.

“It’s OK if I say it, man, I’m the narrator.”

He looked back to Jebbua.

“Right, now, the first thing I need from you is a name… no, wait, I shall call you… hmmm… you look like a Han… or perhaps a Nezua… so I shall call you… um, what is your name?”

Commisar Stern

posted 01-31-2006 11:45 PM    
"Yes, whatever your name is, come join the loonies." I said, rolling my eyes, just about having had enough of this.

"Bon, we're in your fething basement, sitting here like two morons, waiting for a so called "r-word" too show up and for us to begin an uprising. I'm yet too see one scrap of evidence that says you're nothing but a smoke-head who's still under the influence!"

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 02-01-2006 01:13 PM    
"My name is Jebbua. Jebbua Dahutt." I said to Bon Foyagee.

"what do you mean if he heard me I might not know what he thought?"

This bothan was really strange. Was I sure I made the right choice?

"By the way, what are your names?"

Bon Foyagee

posted 02-03-2006 11:29 AM    
Bon laughed with glee.

"That is exactly what I was going to call you, man! You look just like a Jebbua Jebbua Dahutt! But man, I tell, you, lack of time is like the tick that sucks the blood from us all, so to make things as short as possible for all involved, and make things not so wordy and extra long, I'll call you JJ."

Bon turned to the control panel once more.

"This spiffy dresser is Stern. He's a ruffian, man, but we need low life scum like him. They're the ones hurt the most by the oppressors, man! Just don't let him hit you."

He pressed a few buttons and touched a sigil. He turned to Jebbua and smiled.

"Hang on," he said. He pushed a final button and the small room seemed to fold up behind them. A wall pushed up through the floor behind Jebbua, and the wall in front sild down halfway to reveal a window. The view before them was a long tunnel, well lit and bristling with automated blasters perched along the wall. The floor trembled and room began to move down the tunnel, picking up speed quickly. A few seconds later the movement stopped, and the room rotated 90 degrees. The walls closed.

"We're here!" squealed Bon, turning from the controls. He pointed to the wall behind Jebbua, where a door was now opening. "Follow me, men!"

Bon marched with high steps past Jebbua and through the door. The room beyond was a large warehouse, the walls lined with boxes and crates, with a large open space in the center the held three old style X-wing fighters. ROughly a dozen men and women of differing races were working on the fighters or hauling boxes. A group of six men, armed with blaster rifles, lowered their weapons when Bon appeared.

Bon turned back to wait for the other two.

"Come on, man! So much time, so little to do! Or maybe that's the other way around... anyway, the oppression won't stop while you ponder, man!"

[ 02-03-2006 11:31 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Bon Foyagee ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 02-03-2006 01:12 PM    
I followed the Bon and saw the three old X-Wings.

"Wow. How old are these things?" I asked going around it and looking at it. Then I looked at Bon.

"Wait. You don't plan to go out there do you?" I asked indacting the sky and further, space.

"The Empire is out there. And I don't think 3 X-Wings are a match for them. So what is the real plan?"

Bon Foyagee

posted 02-12-2006 02:41 PM    
Bon stopped and turned to face Jebbua.

“Sure, man, sure!” he said. “They’re out there, man. They’re always out there, like the stars and the moons, man, they’re always out there! They’re big, and oppressing, and no-one knows what it’s like, man, to know that they’re out there doing it until they’ve done it to you!”

Bon looked Jebbua up and down.

“But what I want to know, man, are you ready to know the truth about the oppressors? It’s all fine and good and dandy and wonderful to have a big powerful brother watching over you and bringing it all in line, yeah. But what do you give up, man? What do you lose when you gain so much? That’s what I want to know, man! What did you gain when they brought their big ships to your home? What did you gain when they broke up the senate? What did you gain when they massacred the innocents to find the guilty? You listen to them, man, and some of them they may mean what they say, but like any big brother, man, there is a dark side. What do you when you find your big brother is a bully?”

Bon paused, his eyes focused on Jebbua.

“So, my man, what did you gain. And what did you lose?”

[ 02-12-2006 02:42 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Bon Foyagee ]

Commisar Stern

posted 02-12-2006 05:18 PM    
I had bristled at the comment of "Low-life scum", but upon seeing a hallway full of guns, and then a hangerbay full of more guns, I came to the decision that fragging the obnoxious fuzzball wasn't the smartest of ideas.

Yet- anyway.

"So, this is your "big ole rebellion" eh?" I asked, looking over the individuals there, along with the ships under their care.

"Not much too look at. Or use."

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 02-13-2006 08:58 AM    
I smiled at Stern's comment, but answered Bon's question.

"What did I lose? My best friend is halfway across the galaxy who knows where. Everytime I meet someone new they're either killed or taken away somehow. So, you tell me. What did I lose?" I fell silent and looked at Stern and then back to Bon.

"And this guy is right. We need more."

Bon Foyagee

posted 02-21-2006 10:02 PM    
Bon beamed at Jebbua.

“Right, man, right!” he called. “You lost it all, man, you lost it all!”

He danced a small circle, raising his right hand above his head and patting his tummy with his left. He stopped spinning and faced Stern.

“And you are both right, man, this is not enough, not enough! We need more ships, more guns, more troops, more brains… the one thing we got is money, man, money! Oppression takes funding, and so does being oppressed. We turn the funding around on ‘em, man, and live it up. But where do we get more ships? Where?”

Bon danced his dance one more time, this time stopping to face Jebbua.

“We gots to get the word out, man! We gots to let the oppressed know that they are not alone! We gots to get down with the brothers and sisters and those of no gender, man! We gots to find someone who can translate that!”

Bon pointed at a glass case sitting on a desk nearby.

“That is the key, man! That is the answer! I got notes, I got pictures, I got mysteries, but I what I don’t got is the rest of the story!”

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 02-28-2006 10:29 PM    
I looked around thinking for a moment.

"I think I might know some people who could help us. I haven't seen them in ages and who knows where I could find them. But the keyword might. I know they have no love for the Empire, but it doesn't mean they'll help us."

I looked to Stern.

"What about you? Do you have any suggestions?"

Bon Foyagee

posted 03-01-2006 12:12 AM    
Bon looked to Jebbua, his face lighting up.

“You have friends?” he said. “Man, you gotta tell me what that’s like, man! I’ve always wanted friends, man, but they just don’t grow on trees, you know? Well, unless you’re on the veggie planet, but hey, man, that’s another story.”

Bon walked over to the case and waved his wands in the air around it.

“This is it, man, this is the answer. Found months ago by a team in the fringes, man, looking for ways to fight the oppressors. Oh sure, you look at it and say ‘man, it’s just a box’ but I tell you, it’s more than just a box. It’s what’s in the box, man. It’s a book, man, a book. But it’s got words that nobody here knows, it’s got letters that defy geometry. It’s got pictures or things that would blow your mind. And it’s old old old, so old that olds doesn’t begin to describe it. But the pictures, man, those are the things. Ships, man, ships!”

Bon took a deep breath, holding it for dramatic pause.

“But it’s got something new, too, man. It’s got new sheets of paper in it, with hand written notes. It was found on a planet, man, way out there where nobody goes. And the damnest thing is, man, that the goofball who found this and brought it to me forgot to log where the heck he was, and then he got himself killed before we could help him remember. So here we got a book with pictures of far out ships, things that could fight the oppressors, man! And we got notes from someone who studied this crap, man. But we got no location, and we got no person to go with the notes, and the notes are all coded, man. All we got is the box it got found in, man, charred like from a ship dusting off.”

Bon walked back to the other two men.

“Yeah, so it’s like this guy had this box, but left that planet in such a hurry that he left that box behind, then blasted off in some old ship that really charred up that box. There’s a piece of ID tag left, but most of it is ruined, man. All we can make out is this:”

Bon grabbed a tablet from the desk next to him and drew out a very close representation of the ruined tag. On it he wrote the letters “DANTARE”.

“The rest is gone, man, gone!”
(( OOC: Follow Bon, Jebbua, and Commisar Stern to the thread “What Is Good for the Goose” in this forum. Thank you!))