The Holonet Boards   » Complete Star Wars Universe   » Couresant is a harsh place....


posted 12-01-2004 02:54 AM    
His ship,Hypernift,started to set down near the Jedi Temple on a landing pad,just outside the main entrance.He looked ahead at the pad,confirming that the Jedi Masters were there to greet him.He landed smoothly,and stepped out onto the starpad as the ship's doors opened.
"Well,I see you've remembered that I was to come and meet Master Rebar at the Temple.After all,I am an old friend....".He glanced up at one of the Jedi,and his Padawan."You knew I was going to come out to greet you...Master Cringe,"the old Jedi said.
"You're right,Master Dirk.Now,let us discuss these 'Sith' matters before we reach Master Rebar's classroom." he replied.


posted 12-01-2004 02:56 PM    
((OOC: Greetings, Barcon, and welcome to our role play.

Unfortunately, this thread has to go; at the moment, there IS no Jedi Temple with any Jedi on Coruscant; one is in the process of being put together on Tattooine -- I'll have to look up the exact thread -- but none are active. The Jedi have been long exterminated; there are a few wandering around on their own, however.

This happened a couple real time years ago in our role play.

Also, before you can role play you need to:

1. Read through the story synopsis to have a feel of what has transpired here.

2. Post a description of your character in our character descriptions forums. Follow the link "descriptions" in RP HQ.

I'll close this thread until I have indication that the above suggestions were followed.

Thank you.))