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Agent Korsair

posted 08-18-2004 02:00 AM    
(((Korsair and Alexis enter from Minds Like a Sieve, in CSWU, thank you)))

The stars reoriented themselves as they dropped out of hyperspace and hung over the desolate and waterless ball of dirt that was Tattooine. The Shadows Fang decended, and landed in Mos Espa Starport. The twenty hours had passed uneventfully. Time to wake up Alexis.

The thought sent a strong jolt through Kirin's spine. I've never thought of a target by their name! This contracts been going on to long, it needs to end soon, this has gotten too personal.

She walked down a narrow corridor to the holding cell Alexis was in. She opened it, and was suprised to find Alexis awake.

She stood for a moment, then spoke. "We've arrived. Are you capable of walking?"

Alexis Dahutt

posted 08-18-2004 03:10 AM    
"I think so." Alexis said. Kirn helped her up and then made sure her hands were still bound.

"Where are we excautly anyway?" She asked, but somehow she already knew the answer. the place felt famialiar.

Not here again. She thought.

Tatoonie. The most annoying planet in the galaxy.

Jebbua I'm on Tatoonie. She callled to her brother. Kirn somehow must have known what alexis was doing and smacked her in the face. Alexis fell to the floor weak...again.
Alexis slowly stood up. It was probably to late, who ever Kirn was taking her to evidently it was on Tatoonie, she would be dead before they got here. A tear rolled down her face. she fell back to the floor and this time she didn't try to get up.

[ 08-18-2004 03:11 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Alexis Dahutt ]

Agent Korsair

posted 08-19-2004 12:54 AM    
"Don't try contacting them again! All of you force demons are the same. Try living through your life without using an unfair advantage given to you."

She lead Alexis down the ramp into the wide dockingbay. As arranged, a speeder awaited them, a Trendoshan at the controls. "You're the contact." Kirin stated.

They both got into the speeder, and it began cruising down the dirt streets. Next stop, profit.

Darth Sharl

posted 08-20-2004 12:30 AM    
(((OOC: Darth Sharl, Leos, and Rhy. come from Close call in this same forum.)))

Darth Sharl looked at the viewport to see Tatoonie closing into view. She streched out with the force and still felt the person.

Soon it will be gone. she thought.

She landed the craft and headed back to the main cabin.

"Leos, Rhy. Come we have a jedi to hunt." The walked down the ramp and Darth Sharl locked it up.
Keep a cloe eye on our friend. she said to Leos mentally.

"You two check around, feed of the Jedi's power. Contact me if you find the Jedi." And with that Darth Sharl headed out in search of the Jedi. Another victim to Dark Jedi.


posted 08-20-2004 03:08 AM    
"Yes mistress." He felt outward with his senses, and immediately picked up on a weak, nearly non-existant signature.

"Mistress, it is in that direction. Shall we retrieve the ships speeder?"

Alexis Dahutt

posted 08-20-2004 11:37 PM    
Alexis sat on the speeder thinking. Og her past, her future, and even the present.

Why is this happening to me? What did I do to derserve this? She thought to herself.

Alexis kept wondering whle the speeder continued going whereever it was going.

Some one help me. she thought.

[ 08-20-2004 11:37 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Alexis Dahutt ]

Darth Sharl

posted 08-20-2004 11:40 PM    
Darth Sharl stopped.

"Yes, use the speeder, but I will stay here. I sense something coming, it has just come out of hyperspace. Do not kill the Jedi without me. If you have to bring it back here. But I want them alive." Leos nodded and him and Rhy got on the speeder and headed in the direction.

Darth Sharl faded into the shadows and waited.


posted 08-20-2004 11:47 PM    
"Yes mistress." Leos let Rhy take the controls, directing to him the correct route. They were soon speeding through the various streets and alleys of Mos Eisley.

"We're nearing the quarry. Be ready, we'll set an ambush."

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 08-20-2004 11:49 PM    
(((OOC: From Minds like a sieve in this same forum. Thanks.)))

I came out of hyperspace and pilotted the ship to the surface. Once there, I walked out into the streets and stopped.

Something isn't right. I sense something. I thought.

"Well think faster." a voice said out of the shadows and someone in a black cloak jumped from the shadows right in front of me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am Darth Sharl and I shall be your end." The person replied. they activated their two red lightsabers. Everyone around them screamed and ran away from the spaceport.
I ignited my own saber.
"I don't have time for this, I have to save someone."

"Oh, would this person be a jedi?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Because we are chasing a jedi here, no matter they will be dead soon and i'll even keep you alive long enough to witness. But first we must weaken you."

The dark jedi, as they called them, charged me swingine one blade for my chest and the other for my neck. I parried the first but the second burned my shoulder.

"This will be too easy."

[ 08-20-2004 11:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]

Agent Korsair

posted 08-21-2004 12:00 AM    
Finally, the speeder came to a slow outside a cantina. Final stop, here we are. They came to a stop, and began to disembark, Kirin holding Alexis' arm to keep her from running.

But something didn't feel right. The reason became apparent as a speeder sped around the corner and slamed into the speeder with the trendoshan still inside.

It flipped, and was slammed up against the entrance to the club. Damn!

A few moments later, a man in a white trenchcoat, an albino human, stepped out of a speeder piloted by a twilek.


posted 08-21-2004 12:08 AM    
"Stand aside captor! And you will not be harmed possibly, jedi! You're comming with us!" Sensing the movement of the captors hand, he drew a sabre, and began stalking forwards.

"Rhy, stay back. I'll handle it, keep the speeder running." He then sweapt his sabre back and forth to deflect red darts sent at him by the woman.

Alexis Dahutt

posted 08-21-2004 03:42 AM    
Alexis didn't know what to do, but she wasn't going to pass up a distraction. She ran off down an alley hiding.

Please don't find me here. Alexis was panicking, she didn't know what to do. There really was nothing she could do. except wait. She knew her brother would come for her, maybe if she waited long enough he would rescue her.

Agent Korsair

posted 08-21-2004 04:30 AM    
Kirin snapped off another few shots of red darts, and slowly walked forward, trying to press the advantage of close range.

Suddenly, a blast of force picked her up and tossed her against the wall oposite the cantina, a good 10 meters away.

Her vision blurred, and she felt as though she may have fractured a rib. She could blurrily see the man in white walking away from her, then she lost focus.


posted 08-24-2004 08:48 PM    
The woman disposed of, Leos stalked towards the alley, ignoring the stares, and walking with full confidence.

He entered the alley, and strode forwards. He almost immediately spotted the jedi crouched down and fearful near some waste containers. He used the force to drag her towards him, and grabbed her wrist as she came in range.

"Don't struggle weakling." He said, his voice even. He dragged her back to the speeder and got in without a word, throwing the jedi in the back. "To the ship."

Alexis Dahutt

posted 08-25-2004 12:14 AM    
No. This can't be happening. I was just some else's captive, not again. Alexis thought as the speeder headed off with her in it.

Alexis didn't know where they were going but when they finally stopped, Alexis was yanked out of the speeder.

"Ah. You must be the other Jedi." a person in front of her aproached, they were wearing a black cloak and Alexis couldn't see their face.

"What do you want?" Alexis asked.

"Just for you and your jedi friend to die." they said as they indicated another person a few feet away on the ground with lightsaber burns all over him.

"Jebbua!" Alexis cried.

"Aah. So you do know each other. Now which one of you would like to die first?"

"You do!" a voice said. "Fire!"

Just then a rocket came flying in. It hit the ship, which blew up, and everyone went flying. Alexis who didn't ;and as hard as the others. got up as quickly as possible only to be taken away by 6 men.

"You're coming with us sweetie."

Why me? Why me? she thought as she was forced into another speeder.

Darth Sharl

posted 08-25-2004 12:26 AM    
Darth Sharl got up amd saw Leos and Rhy were geeting up. Darth Sharl's hood had fallen back when she had blowen away and she didn't care for the moment.

"Leos! Rhy! After them!" Darth Sharl said. She turned and looked at Jebbua.

"You won't be going anywhere for awhile, si i'll get to you when I get back." She said as she put her hood back over her face. She ran off right and jumped on the speeder that Leos and Rhy were on and they followed right behind the other speeder.

[ 08-25-2004 12:26 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Darth Sharl ]


posted 08-25-2004 01:13 AM    
"Yes mistress." The speeder sped along, following Darth Sharl. They could only wait for them to catch up to their prey.

Agent Korsair

posted 08-25-2004 01:31 AM    
Kirin awoke, and stood up. Several people had already ripped her speeder into scroungable parts, of which were almost completely gone.

She looked up, and several speeders came to a stop outside of the cantina. With alexis in the back of one!

She staggered to her feet as the group entered the cantina, and began to make her way towards it.


posted 08-26-2004 01:31 AM    
There was nothing Rhy could do but be dragged along once again onto the speeder. Should he try to flee, he would surely die. But should he stay, he would--without a doubt--collect very great enemies. Considering his options he came to the conclustion that no matter what he did, the Jedi were still going to want him dead, so he might as well be in the company of some one with experience.

Maybe he could desert them later. And when he did...A wonderful plan began to form in his mind. The woman they were trying to capture was certainly beautiful, and Rhy was becoming severley annoyed by Leos. Maybe by capturing her for Leos and Sharl he could then...yes...a beautiful plan indeed.

Soon the racing speeder ahead of him began to slow, and his hand went to his saber as he came to the brink of drawing the Force, ready for anything that may ensue.

[ 08-26-2004 01:40 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rhy_Kanar ]

Alexis Dahutt

posted 08-26-2004 09:55 PM    
The men pushed her into the club into a back room. once their and man pulled a book off a shelf and a secrect door opened up.

The History of Tatoonie. no wonder they made it a secret passage lever, no one would ever pick that book. Alexis thought.

They pushed her down the stairs and a man shut the dorr from behind, making sure the book was back in place also.

When they got to the bottom of the stairs two men ran off into another hallway and another one ran into a room. Two men were left watching her.

"Umm. Guys could you like loosen these things on my hands." She asked the men.

"Hahaha. You think we're that stupid." One of them said.

Well, It was worth a.... Alexis stopped in mid thought.

"Ooh." she said.

"What?" a man said.


"Whats wrong? said the other man.

"She's having a contraction you dimwitts." The man that went into the room came back with another man, or actually Chiss.

"Does that mean..."

"its just a contraction, the baby isn't due for awhile. Now get going. I'd like to talk to our jedi friend before she dies." said the Chiss.

"Yes sir." They left and the Chiss pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Now, where should we begin..."

[ 08-26-2004 09:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Alexis Dahutt ]


posted 08-26-2004 10:41 PM    
The speeders came to a stop outside of the same cantina, and Leos saw that the woman from earlier was missing. She's getting annoying, that one.

They all got out of the speeder, and stepped towards the entrance. A few armed bouncers stood at the entrance.

"Twenty creds for entry, unless you're a member." One grunted before looking up. Then he saw the disturbingly odd group.

The twi'lek in back, and an albino human with red eyes staring at him, with a cowled female human in front.

"Uh, go ahead." They stepped through into the cantina.

Agent Korsair

posted 08-26-2004 11:07 PM    
When Kirin had passed the Bouncers, she had made her way to the back of the cantina, and through the secret passageway undetected. A difficult feat for an injured person.

She entered a split passage, and armed her green darts, then quickly layered some pain nulling patches onto her ribs while sitting in a small alcove out of site. Moments later, she stood up, not feeling the pain of her ribs, and crept down the hallway, where she had been once before, her weapon extended.

She came to a corner, and peered around, and saw a small convoy of aliens and humans comming. She ducked into another alcove, and waited for them to pass. A few moments later, she turned the corner, and continued on her way.
Almost there, then I get my pay and I get out of here.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 08-28-2004 04:39 PM    
Ooh. Where am I? I thought. Oh, yes. Tatoonie

I couldn't really move, i didn't have the strength, but i had to do something.

Ok, lets just work on sitting up.

I took a couple of deep breaths and pushed forward. Slowly I started to sitt up. I grabbed a doorhadnle that was part of the door i was next to to help me up.

Ok, that wasn't so bad.

I then tried puling my slef from the ground using the door handle to pull my self up. When I was finally standing I just stood there.

Great, now i'm too tired to move anymore. I stood there taking deep breaths and waiting to get my strength back.

Agent Korsair

posted 08-28-2004 07:55 PM    
Kirin snuck down the corridors, and came to the office she knew would hold their leader. He had been there during their origonal agreement, and should be here now.

She kicked in the door with a sudden surge of adrenaline, and felt it melt away as she found the room to be empty. Demonspawn...

She exited the office, and was about to make her way to the exit, when she heard something that made her pause.

"Alright, lets finish this. We've waited long enough on that stupid bounty hunter. After all, she was only going to get disposed of anyway."
Stupid bounty??? She came to the opening in the wall where she had heard the voices, and saw Alexis with a man pointing a blaster at her forhead.
No way, not after all this. She swiftly reached into her coat and pulled a few needles out. She threw as he was speaking.

"The last thing you'll see is a red light at the end of the tunnel, and then you'll-" He was cut short as three of the needles impacted and cut through the side of his face and stuck out the other end, with small amounts of red blood on the exited side.

"Sorry, but I guess this was all for nothing." Kirin said as she moved towards Alexis.

Alexis Dahutt

posted 08-28-2004 08:06 PM    
Alexis close her eyes as the man got ready to shoot her, but the shot never came.

What? Alexis thought. She opened her eyeys and saw the man with three things sticking out the side of his face. He landed with a thud.

"Sorry,but I guess this was all for nothing." Alexis turned and saw Kirin.

"You're not going to kill me or anything?" Alexis asked. But before Kirin could answer 5 men came running in with blasters out. They looked at their boss and then at Kirin,

"You're going to wish you didn't do that lady." He said. seconds later he fired.

[ 08-28-2004 08:06 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Alexis Dahutt ]


posted 08-28-2004 09:10 PM    
Leos and their procision continued through the labarynth of corridors, but they all had a map that guided them towards the jedi. They turned a corner, to see five men with blasters pointing into a room, their shots filling the doorway.

Leos activated his sabre, and calmy walked up to them, and cut through them. He turned and looked into the room. He saw the hole filled body of the woman from earlier laying on the ground, the last whisps of life draining from her. No more less than she deserved.

However, movement from the side caught his vision, and turning, he saw the back of a foot just go around the corner into another passage. The jedi.

He walked forwards, and turned the corner, and could see her fleeing up the passage. She's mine.

Alexis Dahutt

posted 08-28-2004 09:17 PM    
Run, run. Just keep running. Alexis thought to her self. She rounded another corner and ran to the end of it turning left again alomost running straight into a wall.

Carp! Come one there has to be a sercret switch somewhere here. She thought.

She started feeling the wall for a swith as she heard footsteps behind her.


posted 08-29-2004 04:31 AM    
Leos came to the end of the hallway, and turned towards the jedi, who was scrabling at the wall, searching for something. It's over now. But jedi are not worthy of swift and honorable death.

He reached out to the force, and concentrated an almost sucking black void upon them. He focused on the jedi, and reached out with an unvoided hand, and grabbed he by the base of the neck. Soon she will be nothing but similar to her friend.

Alexis Dahutt

posted 08-29-2004 04:48 AM    
Oh no Alexis thought. The man hand round the corner and walked up to her. He reached out and grabbed her neck.

Help. Come on Alexis think. Do something fast. she thought to herself. I got it.

She smiled at the man, who at first didn't understand, but then relized it a second later. Alexis used her foot and kicked the man right in the groin.


posted 08-29-2004 04:52 AM    
Leos grunted, and his grip loosend. Damn

He reached for his sabre, but already she had found the switch and opened the wall, fleeing through it.

He regained his calmness, and pursued slowly.

Alexis Dahutt

posted 08-29-2004 04:59 AM    
Alexis found herself in a part of the cantina. She looked around and saw the exit. She ran towards it and then jumped on one of the speeder bikes, that were amazingly still there, and headed towards the spaceport.

When she got there she noticed her brother was gone. He wasn't where she last saw him.

"I'm over here." She turned to look and saw him sitting on a ramp of a ship, with some old man putting bacta patchs on his burns.

"Don't worry, i'll be all right. I'm just worried about you." he said.

"I'm fine, we just need to get out of here fast." Alexis replied.

"I'm all most done here." the man said.

Alexis looked around watching to see if anyone was coming.

[ 08-29-2004 04:59 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Alexis Dahutt ]

Darth Sharl

posted 08-29-2004 05:08 AM    
Darth Sharl batted away another blaster bolt.

I'm getting tired of this.

She cut of another guys arm and surveyed the room. 10 guys remaining and the just kept coming. As she looked she saw Leos go after the Jedi girl.

He can handle himself. she thought.But....

She looked at Rhy, who had his saber ignited blocking blaster bolts too.

"Follow Leos. Make sure no one gets in his way." Darth Sharl said.

He nodded and ran off. When he was gone Darth Sharl unleashed her anger. Blue-white lightening flew from her fingtertips and struck every man in the room. Slowly one by one the fell to the floor in pain. When they were all on the floor, she stopped and then walked over to each off them stabbing them in the chest with her lightsabers.

That takes care off that. Now, lets see what else is done here. She thought as she headed in the oppisite dircection Leos went with her sabers still on.

[ 08-29-2004 05:08 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Darth Sharl ]


posted 08-31-2004 01:51 AM    
Leos had pursued and followed his quary easily. He stood in the shadows of the mans ship, and waited for the oportune moment. As they began to walk for their ship, he stepped out of the shadows, his sabre unactivated, hanging loosely from his hand.

"Go no further jedi. Your future lies in death, as goes for the rest of your kind."

From the entrace of the docking bay, Rhy came in, effectively pincering the jedi.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 11-24-2004 06:41 PM    
I stood up. ignoring the pain in my back on arms.

"What have we ever done to you?" I asked him.
"Just let us go and we won't bother you. We haven't in the past and we won't know. Just let us go."

I kept my hand on my lightsaber just in case he tried something. I knew I wouldn't stand a chance for long, but off in the distance I heard sirens. Sure the security forces couldn't beet this man, but if enough came they could overwhlem him.

Maybe, just maybe.


posted 11-24-2004 11:34 PM    
Leos watched them, his semi-red eyes watching their every move. He casually reached out a hand to his left side, and ripped a blaster from the hands of a security officer, who had attempted to sneak up on him.

He pulled the trigger without looking, and slew the guard, then raised it towards the sky, the handle level with his jawbone. "And you're next."

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 11-27-2004 03:41 AM    
I watched as the man slew the security guard. I could still hear the sirens and then silence.

huh? That was strange.

moments later an explsion went off. Me and Alexis covered our eyes from the light. when it faded away. I noticed something different.
Someone else had joined the party.

The Woman...

"I've had enough of this. Leos, get the girl and knock her out. But keep her alive. She is holding something that could become vaulable to us. As for the man...Kill him."

I saw the woman smile beneath her cloak.
I ignited my blade just as the securuity forces arrived.

Alexis Dahutt

posted 11-27-2004 03:59 AM    
Why is this happeneing to me...

Alexis listened to the woman.

"...She is holding something that could become vaulable to us..."
They want my baby. No! They won't have her! They won't!

Anger seeped up in her and as the securtiy forces charged in she let it out. Blue-white lightening shot out strike the woman and both men. All three went flying back. She didn't see what happened next, she ran back into the building she had escaped from. Running and running. Hopeing they would just go away.

[ 11-27-2004 04:00 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Alexis Dahutt ]


posted 11-27-2004 04:16 AM    
Leos made sure he made good time as he was tossed back by the flash of hate that took form in lightening. As he was tossed back, he squeezed the trigger, and felt pangs through the force as guards fell.

He stood up, and did not bother to check himself for injury, for he was already wounded that he knew, but minorly. He glanced at his mistress, and was gratified to know she was not hurt badly. He raised the blaster easily, and shot down several more of the guards.

They seemed stunned that he was unharmed, and he smiled maliciously, raising his sabre to cut down the remaining guards. He suddenly blocked behind him as his blade clashed with Jebbua's, who had sought to strike him down from behind.

He held the blade, and turned easily in an easy motion, came around and smiled as he blocked the blade, then his smile fell and he went into a chaotic flurry of blows, seeking to cut the man down. However, even as the amateur he obviously was, he managed to parry at every turn, and Leos found himself annoyed.

I'll end this. He thought, and he jumped back, and reached out one empty hand, and pulled the man forwards in a flurry of the force, and yanked Jebbua towards him, ramming his sabre towards his heart. He grimaced as he missed, driving it through the mans shoulder. Ohwell, he's effectively down for now. But my mistress has commanded his sister fall into our possession, and so she shall.

He quickly deactivated the sabre, turned, and began running into the street, following the easy trail of deep depressions that made her tracks. And you'll be mine soon too.

Alexis Dahutt

posted 12-13-2004 07:31 PM    
Alexis kept running through all rooms under the cantina.

She ran through a hallway and tripped over...

Krin. The woman who had captured her and broguth her here. She had blaster holes in her, but what shocked Alexis was that she was still alive. Alexis could feel her in the force. She was barely alive, but nonetheless alive.

I'm sorry, I can't help you. she thought.

She got back up and continued on running through. She reached the cantina and shouted:

"Help! There is a dark jedi after me!"

Half the people in the cantina didn't care, while the other half didn't believe her.

Someone help!! she thought.


posted 12-13-2004 07:57 PM    
Leos showed no emotion as he entered the cantina, only a few mere meters behind her as she ran.

He walked easily, her panicked pace making it easy for him to follow her at a slow rate. As she ran across the cantina, he raised the blaster pistol, and pointed it towards her.

Far enough I think. He flicked the blaster setting to stun, and squeezed the trigger, like you were supposed to, and watched as the shot streaked towards her back.

Alexis Dahutt

posted 12-16-2004 10:10 AM    
Alexis felt him behind her. She turned around and saw him setting a blaster.

Probably to stun. she thought.

Alexis gathered all the energy she could. The man fired the blaster.

If, I'm going down so are you.

She fired her blaster as the stun shot hit her.

The last thing she saw before she fell into darkness was the man hitting the far wall hard.


posted 12-16-2004 11:03 AM    
Leos smiled as he watched his blast connect with her as she had turned, then his smile faded in mere miliseconds as he felt himself be hurled back into the wall behind him, across the cantina.

He hit the wall hard, and he began to see more then the previously observed amount of occupants, sitting at more tables then there had been.

He sat there, trying to clear his head for a moment, feeling a temptation to slip into unconciousness. I'm sith, I am stronger than that!

He righted himself,and brushed himself off, then began to stride across the cantina towards his prey. The tactics of her sacrifice were in vain, foolish girl.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 12-16-2004 02:30 PM    
Pain. That's all I could feel. I tried to get up, but I was too weak.

More security forces were arriving by the minute. Their blasters firing at the woman. She easily was blocking them all, but soon she was being overwhelmed by the odds. A stun bolt hit her, followed by another, and another. More followed and the woman fell to the ground.

"Get this man to a medical center." There was a man standing over me.

"My sister." I said, but it came out:

"myy thiiisssrrrrr." I fell into darkness.

Darth Sharl

posted 12-19-2004 08:40 PM    
Darth Sharl faded into Darkness, but was slapped out of it when somone slapped her.

"Wake up woman. Tell us what's going on?"

She smiled. She reached out with the force. She felt the stuncuffs on her wrists. her lightsaber in another man's hand, Leos returning with the girl. Luckily he was staying in the darkness out of sight. Darth Sharlo knew, even if she did get out of the stun cuffs easily and grabbed her lightsaber she would be overwhemled by the mere number of people.

Keep her on the ship locked up safely and await my arrival at night.Darth Sharl sent Leos.

"Won't talk huh? we'll see about that...Jedi."

Darth Sharl was escorted away and noticed the medical people take, the man Leos had stabbed, away.

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 02-28-2005 07:48 PM    
(((OOC: Ruhatt, Captain Obvouis, and Dink come from "Minds like a sieve" in this same forum. Thank you.)))

Ruhatt brought the ship out of hyperspace and landed the shuttle on the planet.

"Where to first?" Capt. Obvouis asked as Ruhatt shut down the ship.

"I don't know. Sometimes I wish I had the so called "Force" Jebbua has." Ruhatt and Capt Obvouis headed down the ramp.

The Jawa had already left to who knows where, but seeing how it was his homeplanet he probably wanted to catch up.

"We'll check the local spaceport leaving and entering ships. Perhaps we can find Jebbua's." Ruhatt said.

"It would be under Dash's ship."

"Obvouisly." Ruhatt shook his head in disgrace and headed off to the nearest terminal.

Darth Sharl

posted 02-28-2005 08:06 PM    
Darth Sharl walked through the shadows with her hood over her face.
Her lightsabers were on her belt and so was a blaster.

She was halfway to the spaceport when sirens went off.

They just now noticed my depart. Idoits. she thought.

She started to a jogg and arrived at the ship she was about to open it to go inside when she heard a blaster load.

"Don't move. Back away from the ship and put your hands in the air."

Darth Sharl slowly turned and saw three men in secuirty uniforms with blasters trained on her.

"There is no need for this. I have done nothing wrong." She said as she waved her hand slightly.

"There is no need for this. She hasn't done anything wrong." the lead man repeated.

They left and Darth Sharl entered the ship.

"Come Leos. Let us leave this planet before they return. Mind can only be fooled for so long."


posted 03-01-2005 09:28 PM    
Leos followed quietly, and sat down inside the ships piloting room. "Where shall we depart too mistress?"

Darth Sharl

posted 03-01-2005 10:05 PM    
Darth Sharl thought about then reconsidered.

"On second thought, this is isolated enoguh it will work. Head out to the Juneland Wastelands and strech out, conceal ourselves in the force. WE don't want anyone following us."

Darth Sharl closed her eyes and did as she told Leos to do, waiting for him to join her in the process.


posted 03-04-2005 09:09 PM    
((OOC THe Major arrives from Mind like a sieve in the same forum, THe flower arrives from hyperspace and is locked in orbit, tHe Shield launches from the bay, and they begin the quick descent into the arid Tattooine atmosphere, landing in Mos Espa))

The Major thumbed in the landing sequence, and the engines rumbled to a halt when they hit the surface.

Halfway through the atmosphere, the Major felt a cry for help and a Dark pulse before the force settled,

I wish I had been on planet twenty minutes ago...

The Major muttered to himself as he smiled and exited the frieghter.
"So be it..."

He closed his eyes and stretched out with the force trying to feel any force-users in the vicinity.

Several Force-users, lower number is lightsider, and quite a few Darksiders...

The Major opened his eyes and cursed:

"Oh good... just what I need"

The Major looked around the spaceport, the usual view of thugs, paupers, beggars, smugglers, and pirates were seen.
the Major ran his left hand along the lightsaber hilt...

A toyderian flew up to the Major:

"You gonna pay the docking fees or what?!"

The Major responded:


He dropped several coins in the toyderians hand. And it flew back into the throng.
Got to steady the Nerves...

The Major strode into the cantina and sat by the bar,

"Juma juice, and hurry it up"

The Major settled his posture and let his mind ride on the roiling emotion and thoughts in this room, full of spacers, smugglers, pirates, thugs, and lots of Aliens.

I have to find that Lightsider..... and quick

[ 03-04-2005 09:19 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-04-2005 10:56 PM    
(((OOC: Takeshi Kovacs decides to sit down and make an entrance, thanks!)))

Deal, just went sour. Damn it! Why didn't the customs officer go for it. They always did before. Heck, even the first officer went for it. Jeese, what tipped them off.

Maybe someone snuck aboard and opened the cargo. Thats what I get for not buying that better security system. But no I always go for the cheap stuff. But wait, none of the crates were opened.

Oh, god! That signal when I left hyperspace! I bet the jerks I bought that spice from put a signal on my cargo so when I left hyperspace it beamed my cargo to the authorities. Then after they read and verified the message they tried to arrest me. Stupid people. Don't send one customs officer after me. I'm freakin' insulted.

Well, most people don't know my abilities and underestimate me. Well, thats life for you. You always have a back-up plan. Unfotunatly, mine failed. I don't know where the bastards who betrayed me are, I am on the run, and my life savings are down the toilet.

Pretty soon someone is going to notice he didn't report in. So one drink and then I have gotta get otta here.

Striding into the bar, I slid into a booth and ordered a Sand Wine. As I sipped the drink I recalled the past week.

I had started out on Correlia. There I had started out by dropping off a shipment of weapons tot he underground. THAT JOB paid quite nicely. Then I picked up the spice on kessel and flew here with this job. THIS JOB sucks a black hole. I put my money in that spice, barely managed to fly through the blockade in their one weak spot taking heavy damage to my ship, and now I get here and have my cargo confiscated. Now I am a broke bum sipping sand wine instead of being quite rich. Life sucks!

Maybe I should start up as a contact killer or bounty hunter. I do have some usefull skills in that regard. Yeah, I could become a bounty hunter. With this war going on, ther has got to be some good bounties around. Well, after I finish this wine, I'll go either try and run the bloackade again, or hide out somewehre here for a while.


posted 03-05-2005 07:50 AM    
The Major put the empty glass down and tossed a few coins at the bartender, he tipped him an imaginary hat, and strode out, still searching for the Lightsider. He decided to hide his presence and search the docking bays...

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-05-2005 11:00 AM    
"Hey look at this." Ruhatt said.

"What?" Capt. Obvouis asked.

"Says here there was a commotion in the docking bay about a day ago with a couple of "jedi" One was nearly killed, while one was cpatured and escaped her prison cell and wrecked havoc on the prison. She is still missing. The injured jedi was taken to the medcial facilty where he is now. I hope that isn't Jebbua, bet lets go see."

"All right, so we are going to the medical facilty. The Jedi is there."

Ruhatt just ignored him as the two headed that way.


posted 03-05-2005 05:08 PM    
The Major heard some Aqualish and devaronians talking about the incidents in the docking area between some Jedi and probably some darksiders.

Well after that enlightening tale, the Major also found out that the Jedi was rumored to have been taken to the Medbay somewhere in this port.

The Major consulted his datapad with which he already so thoughtfully Downloaded a map of Mos Espa. Medbay it is then...

The Major Took a right, then a left, and two more rights before he saw the small sign which read: Medbay


He sauntered in and inquired about a certain Jedi...

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-05-2005 07:04 PM    
Ruhhatand Capt. Obvuois walked inot the medbay and walekd up to the clerk behind a man in robes.

"I'm sorry sir, that is classified information. Unless you are a family meber or a close friend AND you have ways of proving it I can't let you in too see him." The clerk said to the man.

Wow, poor guy. He's trying to see someone and the clerk won't let him. Ruhatt thought.

Ruhatt stood behind the man and waited his turn.


posted 03-05-2005 07:07 PM    
More men stood in line behind him, they eyed the robes the Major was wearing and took a step back. The Receptionist wouldn't quite give him the information at first, but The Jedi persuaded the older Human to divulge this information because it was for the Greater good.
The Major got the neccessary information from the reluctant, yet eventually cooperative receptionist, room 214, floor 2, ward B.

The Man behind him started to speak...

[ 03-05-2005 07:14 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-05-2005 07:20 PM    
Ruhatt watched the man and opened his mouth to speak

"You're a Jedi!" Ruhatt said. "What do you want with the other Jedi?"

He took a step back.

But when had shouted the clerk shook out of his deaze and watched the two.

"What the.."

By reflex he hit the securuity alarm.

"It apears Security will be on the way." Capt. Obvouis said.

"You just stay here Jedi." Ruhatt said. "And you.." Ruhatt pointed at Capt. Obvouis.

"Watch him and tell security this is all just a mis-hap." Ruhatt turned and head off to where the clerk had said Jebbua was when he was still in his daze.


posted 03-05-2005 07:27 PM    
The Major cursed under his breath
Just... Great

The Major shouted after the one man who started off toward the turbolifts:

"Hey, wait right there, I'm a lightsider and I came to help!"

The Major turned to the other man and said:

"You stay here, I have to help that Jedi."

The Major started off after the first man...

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-05-2005 07:30 PM    
Ruhatt stopped in his tracks and turned to face the now aproaching jedi.

"lightsider huh? How do I know you're not lying to me."

Ruhatt turned around and started to walk to the turbolift. He stopped three feet away from where he was.

"Too many Jedi have I seen lately. I'm getting tired off it. I knwo I'm going to regret this later, but... Come on." Ruhatt turned and started off to the turbolift as he saw Capt. Obvouis talking with security.


posted 03-05-2005 07:36 PM    
The Jedi hurried into the turbolift and hit the floor 2 button hard.

He turned to the other man in the lift:

"So, if I'm going to work with you to help this man, I'll need to know your name, Mine is Ulrich "Major" Konig, a Jedi Knight, but since you are a little untrusting at this moment, think what you will..."

The Major turned to the door as it slided open with a Whoosh

Kassa Baute

posted 03-05-2005 07:45 PM    
(((OOC: Kassa Baute comes from "Minds like a seive" in this same forum. Thank you.

Kassa brought his ship out of space and landed in the docking bay. He exited his ship and noticed his quary leave.

The Jawa took off in one direction while the other two men headed off to...

The medbay. Kassa waited outside for a minute or two then went in.

The man in the trooper outfit was talking with security.

Kassa drew his weapon and fired his gun at the two secuirty guards. The fell motionless, then with a kick he kicked the guy he nicknamed "Trooper" aginst the wall.

Kassa shot a stun bolt in him.

"Where did the other guy go?" ke asked the clerk.

The clerk told him the destination and Kassa looked at the tubrolift and knew he wouldn't get there in time.

Kassa turned to the stairs.

I'll just beat them to their destination.he thought as he raced up the stairs.

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-05-2005 07:49 PM    
"My name is Ruhatt Luthan." Ruhatt said as they stepped out of the turbolift and headed to the room.

"So, what are you exuatly doing here? Tatooine isn't actually the biggest place to meet Jedi. Or anybody realy."

Ruhatt sighed as he opened the door to Jebbua room.


posted 03-05-2005 07:55 PM    
The Major replied as he opened the door labeled 214:

"I'm here because I had to pick up some parts and visit the budding praxeum on this desolate planet what abou-"

the Major was interrupted when very rapid clicking came from further down the hallway when an armored figure burst though some older swinging doors with a crash...

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-06-2005 05:57 AM    
Ruhatt turned to see what was going on to see a bounty hunter come striding through. He stopped 10 feet in front of Ruhatt and the Major.

"Where is she?" the bounty hunter asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Ruhatt answered.

"The Jedi girl. Where is she?" the hunter then looked at the major. "Another Jedi? Interesting. They just follow you?"

Ruhatt kept his hand on his blaster just in case it turned ugly.


posted 03-06-2005 09:25 AM    
The Major looked at the man in the full body armor,

"The only Jedi here is me, and possibly the man in this room, I don't know who you are, your intentions are murky, your thoughts are jumbled and your emotions shield you, so don't do anything rash and unthinking that you might regret in the future..."

The Major looked at the armor, It appeared Mandalorian, and that type is especially rare, you had to be a professional for a very long time to afford or, ahem, aquiesce this type of Armor from someone else.

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-06-2005 06:38 PM    
the bounty hunter turned and looked at the Major.

"Oh really? Well for one thing. You confimred my suspisions about one thing, but remeber. There is only one way off this planet And I'll be watching you." And with that he turned and went to the turboluft and soon disappeared.

"Well. That was interesting." Ruhatt said. "Shall we go in now?" Ruhatt asked indacting the still open door.

[ 03-06-2005 06:38 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ruhatt Luthan ]


posted 03-06-2005 07:22 PM    
The Major turned to Ruhatt,

"After you,"

The Major walked into the room, it was white, like most of this facility's interior. He looked at the bed and saw a man, in pain, even as he slept, he had a mask of agony. The Major had to try to heal him, some force assisted bacta and some sedatives should speed healing to the apparent shoulder wound.

The Major undid some of the bandages as a Medical droid wheeled in:

"What, may I inquire, are you doing sir, this man is injured!"

The Major turned about and addressed the droid:

"I am a Jedi as is this man, whatever methods you have here in this facility, are probably not enough to heal a lightsaber wound."

The Droid resumed:

"Well, you are trying to help, I will be on standby in case you need any assistance."

It wheeled to the Jedi's side and focused it's photoreceptors on the healing process.
Ruhatt also watched attentively.

The Major opened his Medpac and took out several bacta packs, a tube of Synthflesh, and a strong sedative. He ripped open a bacta pack and poured it into the cauterized hole in this man's shoulder. he focused the force and initiated a healing action which cracked alot of the cauterized flesh, he injected the man with the local anaesthetic and his face settled somewhat. The Major poured another pack of bacta onto the depression. He took the tube of synthflesh and applied some to the opening to seal it from infection, he redid the bandages and repackaged the rest of the Medpac.
The Major turned to Ruhatt and the Droid,

"Now all we can do is wait, so until then, what brings you to Tattooine, Ruhatt?"

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-06-2005 09:29 PM    
Ruhatt watched the Major work and when he was done, Ruhatt sat done in a seat next to Jebbua.

"I actually came looking for him." Ruhatt said indacating Jebbua.

"He came here for a reason and he had been gone for a while, so I just came here to look for him."

The Med droid came in and placed a few things on a table.

"Here are his things." the droid said.

It left and Ruhatt walked over and grabbed the lightsaber that was attched to the belt.

"I hope He gets better. And I hope together we can help him." Ruhatt looked at the Major.

"That is if you want to help. Sorry, I'm asmuing you do. Let me know if you don't."


posted 03-07-2005 09:00 AM    
He looked at the saber,
Interesting design...

The Major answered,

"Yes, I'd love to help, and this Jebbua? is he a Jedi knight, or Apprentice?"

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-07-2005 05:33 PM    
"To be honest, I don't know. He's never used titles. I don't think he cares. He does what he feels is right."

But what would he be if he did? Ruhatt thought.

"Anyways, Thanks for helping and I'm glad you'll help more."

The door opened and Capt. Obvouis entered.

"It seems everything is ok in here?" He said.

"Thats capt. Obvouis." Ruhatt said. "He's... Well you get the point."

"Looks like We've found your friend and he's ok."

Ruhatt just shook his head in disgrace.


posted 03-07-2005 06:24 PM    
The Major understood immediately...
Captain Obvious, oh good...

The Major turned to the Captain,

"Well, It seems that way, I just hope to find out exaclty whats going on here between the Jedi and those Darksiders, besides a fight, obviously..."

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-07-2005 07:59 PM    
Everything was calm. The wind was slightly blowing in my face. I wore my jedi robes, with my saber at my side. My sister and Dash could be seen together of a little ways away with their newborn child.
Everything was good until the darkness came. It covered the land and you couldn't see more than 3 feet in front of you.

"Jebbua!" I heard a voice. My sister's.

"Jebbua help! Help me!"

I opened my eyes to find my self in a medical bed. The voice was my siters alright, but in my head. I could feel her crying for help.

I looked around and saw Ruhatt, holding my lightsaber, Capt. Obvious, and some new guy.

"Who are you?" I tried to say, but instead it came out:
"oo rrgh uuu?" My voice was croaked and I needed water to help me. So I said so.

"wahheerr pppeezzz."

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-07-2005 09:13 PM    
Setting down the drink, I asked around about anything recent happening. A few people said something about a fight near the docking bay. aparently one of the people was a jedi.
Interesting. Very Interesting. Perhaps I could this to my advantage.

If there was a fight, the loser may want someone to help them out in finding the winner. And that is where I come in.

I then aksed about who won. They said that the jedi was sent to the medbay.
Ah, well then I will give him some time to recover. Tomorrow I will visit him and see if he wants my services.

For now though I will move my ship out of town and hide it so that the authorities don't come after me. Make it look like I left the system.

I flipped the bartender some coins and then headed back to the ship. On my way I saw some men heading over to the medbay. I simply passed them and continued to my ship. I got to my ship, and then blasted off into space.

Once in space I launched off a remote that headed to space and faked a hyperspace jump. Then I dropped back into the atmosphere and landed a few miles outside the city.

Getting out of my ship I began the trek back.


posted 03-09-2005 01:04 PM    
The Major quickly got the gist of what Jebbua wanted, so he filled a glass with water from the refresher in the corner of the room. He raised the bed so the Jedi could drink without coughing too much. He put the glass to Jebbua's mouth and inclined it a bit, Jebbua drank heartily, nearly drainig the entire glass, eager for more, Konig filled up another one. Feeling Jebbua could talk now, The Major said,

"I am Jedi Knight Major Konig, I'm a lightsider, so try not to worry, I sensed you were somewhat restless in the last few minutes before your awakening, would you like to share with us, it may help us find the other jedi, there were strong feelings in those moments..."

Jebbua set the glass down on the plasteel table to his left.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-09-2005 08:35 PM    
I looked at The Major.
A jedi knught. Interesting. I thought to myself.

"If I may say so honestly? I don't know you. Therefore I don't trust you. Although I do thank you for helping ease my pain. But to understand Pain you must embrace sometimes. You say you are a knight therefore don't know everything. I am not a knight, master, whatever, but I do know a little more than you. So perhaps you could leran from me."

I turned my face to Ruhatt.

"I don't know why you are here. I don't need anyone to look after me. As soon as I'm out of here. I'm heading out again." I looked at the Major and added: "Alone."

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-09-2005 10:21 PM    
When I reached the outskirts of town, I started towards a hotel. As I looked for a room, I saw several men on speeder bikes skid to a stop near the edge of the hotel.

The quickly dismounted and strode in. They were a violent looking bunch with blasters on their hips and bits of armor covering them with an expersion of someone spoiling for a fight. The shouldered past patrons and then walked over to a man. He quicly started talking in some alien language and the thugs looked pleased.

They then turned towards the bar and headed at me.

Bless the force, those idiots are going to attack me. Just what I need, four more men in the galaxy after me.

I fingured my blaster as they drew wicked looking vibroblades. When they reached about 5 feet away from me, I drew my blaster and shot one in the chest as I stood up.

One man threw his blade at me and it caught the edge of my jacket and pinned it to the wall. Caught unaware of the attack, my blaster skidded acroos the floor.

"Well, well, you arn't half the challenge you are supposed to be now are you. And i was looking for a good fight. Pity you managed to kill Rico, but that means the reward the autorities are offering now only gets split three ways."

As he sneered at me, I reached up and tried to pull out the vibro blade attached to my coat and shirt. No such luck.

"Nice try but these blades are barbed, it aint gonna pull out that easy. Now I'd say you are in a real pickle arn't you? especially since the authorities want you dead."

I then reached behind my back and pulled out my shard pistol. I then fired of a round at the leader and grinned savagly as the tiny shards of metal impated all over his body. The spider venom soon went to work as he died screaming misserably.

"Okay who's next?" I said as I brought up the next round into the chamber.

Both thugs ran at me as I finished cocking the gun and then I cliped one as he got closer.

The other gaurd then slashed down my left arm with a swipe that tore off several layers of skin. I screamed and pulled out the knife that was up my right sleeve. I then proceeded to watcht his death as I carefully yanked the knife out of the wall. On the third try I managed to pul it out. I picked up my gun and put it back in its holster. I sheathed my knife and returned my shard pistol to its rightful place.

I then tore off some of the thugs cloting and wrapped my arm up. When I returned to my ship, I fix it up with proper bandages. So much went the plan for seeing if the Jedi wanted help. This planet was just a little to hostile for my tastes.


posted 03-10-2005 09:30 AM    
The Major replied,

"If you think you have regained your strength and your physical constituion completely, I wont stop you from leaving, but since your last encounter with these, ... darksiders, you don't seem prepared enough, and if there's one thing better than one Jedi, it's two Jedi, but if you insist on leaving alone, still wounded somewhat, you can go, I will still try to save the Jedi I sensed on my descent, because that Jedi was in peril, more so than you..."

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-10-2005 10:16 AM    
"The Jedi in peril that you are referring to is my sister. I have felt her pain. If you wish to travel with me you will have to show me your trust. Otheriwise I advise you to leave." I told the Major

I gave a weak smile.

"Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going into a healing trance."

I closed my eyes and calmed myself


posted 03-10-2005 12:53 PM    
The Major was convinced he had to help, so to be able to gain his trust, Jebbua had to be conscious, so what better way to find out then to wait for Jebbua to wake up...

Knowing the healing trance takes quite while to complete, the Major stood up and sat of the floor, feeling the cold plasteel-covered ferrocrete floor through his cloak and pants, he sat with his ankles over his thighs, and closed his eyes, he calmed his thoughts, releasing his senses, he began to levitate.

The Levitated Meditation was the trickiest sort of Meditation for the Major, it took large amounts of concentration, and with the sound dampeners barely working by the window, the sounds of Mos Espa came through easily, but the Major prevailed over the sounds, and stayed about 1.5 meters above the floor, weightless, and free...

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-10-2005 10:14 PM    
"hmph. Jedi." Ruhatt watched both jedi use their "Force" to do their tricks.

"Come on. Let's get something to eat. They'll be here when we get back."

Ruhatt and Capt. Obvious left the medbay and went to a nearby cantina.

They ordered their food and waited for it to come out, listening to the band play.


posted 03-10-2005 10:47 PM    
Echuu frowned, investigating each side about himself before walking into the Cantina... Cantinas were always a place of up to date rumors and gossip - if you could avoid the blaster that most of the spacers held.

Yavin had led him to no answers, and he felt a familiar pull to this planet. Perhaps it was but mere coincidence, but there was definately something about the planet that had drawn his attention.

And - Quaintly - it happened that he noticed Ruhatt, and offered one of the gracious nods towards the man. Anyone would do for information at the moment, and that was something he needed.

"Is this seat taken?"

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-10-2005 10:59 PM    
Ruhatt looked at the newcomer.

"Of course not. Sit down. I can tell you're new here. Let me by you a drink. But just the first, the rest you pay for."

Ruhatt ordered a drink for the man and then saw Capt. Obvious sit on the other side of the newcomer.

"So what brings you to Tatooine?" Ruhatt asked.


posted 03-10-2005 11:05 PM    
Echuu swept his eyes to Mr.Obvious, then back to Ruhatt, not bothering to really feel intimidated. The Jedi could defend himself if needed, instead he focused on trying to get information without giving too much.

"It seemed the ideal place to come for a man in my circumstances. Afterall, where else could you come to learn information except on a smugglers paradise yes?"

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-10-2005 11:10 PM    
Ruhatt would have fallen of the chair laughing if he wasn't leaning on the counter.

"Smuggler's paridise? Listen buddy, you need to get out more. Tatoonie is anything but pardise. But if it's information you want I'll tell you what I know...for a price." Ruhatt smiled and nodded as Capt. Obvious left his seat and went back to his seat i a booth.

"what do you want to know?" Ruhatt asked to where only the man heard him.


posted 03-10-2005 11:13 PM    
"Let us just say I am particularly interested in information relaying to the Jedi..." Echuu tilted his head, his brow quirked.

"No information comes cheap, but information is always freely given yes?"

It was then that he used the Jedi Mind trick. Softly persuading the mind of the man that he wanted to tell the Jedi the information he sought. Of course, even if it didn't work, he still had credits from which to barter with. Either way, a little bit of the force now and then wouldn't hurt. So long as he didn't push too hard and damage the mans mind.

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-10-2005 11:19 PM    
"And why would I give information away for free?"

Then Ruhatt smiled as if figuaring something out.

"You want info on the jedi and you hoped you I'd give information for free and I bet you waved your hand under the table. I bet you are a Jedi. Why else would you be so interested? But I don't know anything about the Jedi though. But for some credits I could point you to someone who might."


posted 03-10-2005 11:21 PM    
Echuu chuckled - busted - and thought nothing of the matter. Reclining in his seat, and letting his hands lay on his knee in plain view.

"Or perhaps I'm a bounty hunter who's here to collect the Imperial bounty for Jedi's? Or perhaps I'm a Hutt agent come to seek out the JEdi? Or in the pay of the dreaded Dark Jedi's? These so called Sith? There are a thousand possibilities, and you've clung to one over a false pretense that I might waylay information that I am indeed a Jedi. You may decipher it as your own, but the fact is that I need to find a Jedi... And you can help. How many credits are we talking about?"

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-10-2005 11:25 PM    
"I stick to my verision because I have my guesses as why you are a jedi. But I'll make a deal with you. Pay for this round of drinks and buy me another and I'll point you the way." Ruhatt said motioning for Capt. Obvious to come over.
I've only been gone for about 20 minutes, but mayeb Jebbua can wake to talk. Ruhatt thought.

"What do you say?" Ruhatt asked the man.


posted 03-10-2005 11:28 PM    

Echuu readied the credit chip, then handed it to the Barmaid, He hoped the information was worth it. What happened on Yavin was of importance to the Jedi, as was the wereabouts of other Jedi.

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-10-2005 11:30 PM    
"Very well." Ruhatt grabbed his new drink and exited the cantina with Capt. Obvious in tow.

"by the way. the name is Ruhatt." Ruhatt said as they rounded the corner and headed inside the medbay.

"What might yours be?"


posted 03-10-2005 11:32 PM    
"Echuu Tanjii Shinzon... Echuu will suffice... To answer your earlier question, I am indeed a Jedi Knight."

He of course had followed, and was keen to see these other Jedi's. Despite the fact that he had intended to "use" Ruhatt for information, he found himself increasing interested in a friendship. Though a Jedi would never push the issue. Mostly, he wanted to know about this Mr.Obvious and his relationship to Ruhatt...

[[OOC: I'm gone for the night, hopefully I can find this tomorrow to be able to get back to replying.]]

[ 03-10-2005 11:41 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by EchuuShinzon ]


posted 03-11-2005 09:28 AM    
The Major let the force flow around him, this meditation was the most effective when possible, he felt odd, mixed feelings from the room, so he opened his eyes and he lost control, he fell to the floor. He quickly stood up and checked to make sure none saw him fall, how embarassing.

The Major brushed off his cloak and decided that Jebbua would be in this trance for quite a while, so he sat in the one chair in the corner of the room. He picked up the room's comlink and requested some Nerf-steaks and some Blue milk from the cafeteria, he couldn't leave the room, becaue Jedi are extremely vulnerable during a trance, like children sleeping.

The Major had an obligation to gain this man's trust, what better way than to watch over him until he wakes...

[ 03-11-2005 09:28 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-11-2005 10:30 AM    
"I thought so." Ruhatt said as they entered the turbolift to the second floor.

"So, You're just looking for information about the Jedi? My I ask why?"

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-11-2005 10:35 AM    
I opened my eyes and felt like a brand new toy that had yet to be opened. I hadn't felt this good fo a long time.

I saw the Major in the room stil, but Ruhatt and Capt. Obvious were gone. But as I reached out with the fore I felt them nearby, with another person who was strong in the force.

What is this? The Jedi Acadmey or something? I thought. Although that wouldn't be a bad idea. This place is the middle of nowhere. I dismissed the thought and swung my legs to the edge of the bed.

"Here goes nothing." I said more to myself than to the Major.

My first foot hit the ground followed by the second. I stood on them and smiled.

Then like a person in a sandstorm I was blown back and on my knees. My hands to my head trying to make the pain go away.



posted 03-11-2005 12:50 PM    
The Major felt this 'pain blast' as well, but not nearly as violent as Jebbua in front of him. Jebbua reeled in the heart of the feeling, and slowly regained his composure.

The Major shook his head, trying to rid himself of that emotional shockwave. But it wasn't over, because Jebbua seemed to be a conduit for it, and he reacted to it as well, so it reverberated, it hit the Major as well. He fell back into his chair, somewhat spent temporarily. he stood back up and approached Jebbua,

"I felt it too, someone -- bonded to you?"

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-11-2005 02:44 PM    
I slowly nodded my head.

Come on man. You can trust this guy. If he wanted to kill you or betray you he's already had a chance. A voice in my mind said.

"My sister. The dark jedi have her captive and plan to use her and her unborn baby for their plans. For now, I'll trust you. So you can trust me. I need your help. I can feel my sister she's still on planet. But i can't pinpoint her. We should start in the spaceports to look at exiting and leaving ships."

I climbed to my feet agian and this time stood there without trouble. My lightsaber and belt raced to my hand and I put them on.

"I am ready."

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-11-2005 03:36 PM    
Leaving the bar after a finished my drink, I decided that I had had enough with tatooine and it was time to move on.
The authorities now are just getting a little too unfriendly. Getting a job helping that jedi isn't worth getting killed.

Once I reached the outskirts of town, I saw a plume of smoke in the distance.
What the heck is that! Oh sweet mother of the force, that about where my ships should be!

I sprited towards the smoke plume and reached it quickly. When I got closer, I saw that it was my ship and it had been destroyed by reapeated laser fire. Then I felt the tip of a gun in my back.

"Don't move, and put the gun on the ground."

I pulled the gun out with my left hand adn tossed it onto the ground.

"Okay, now keep your hands where I can see them, and turn around."

I did so and saw about 6 officers all with pistols leveled at me.
Damn, thats two precarious situations in one day. I need a new line of work.

[ 03-11-2005 03:37 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Takeshi Kovacs ]

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-11-2005 04:02 PM    
I was back at tatooine. How long it has it been since I was here. Two years, three? Whatever it was I need to come here much less. I hate this place. So many wierdos and then the endless sand. Uhh, the three worst places in the galaxy are tatooine, nar shadda, and corusaunt. None of them have any variety in their enviorment.

How I long for open seas, or vast grassy planes. I may love technolagy, but I need nature. It is where I am the strongest. Both in the force, and the body. And I need to be as strong as I can in the force, since my potential is so weak.

If I did not need to deliver this message to that smuggler, then I would not come here. I am late and hope the message is not worthless by now. He stressed how important it was a got there as soon as possible. Hopefully the man still is here. Otherwise this trip was for nothing.

I activated the beacon that was atached to his ship and saw that thesignal was weaker than normal, and was outside the city. I flew down and decided to land about 1/4 of a mile away and walk the rest of the way.


posted 03-11-2005 05:51 PM    
The Major tightened his belt and yanked on his saber to make sure it was secured.

"Well, if we are to get to the spaceport, we should leave soon, scratch that, we should leave soon-"

The Major and Jebbua both heard and felt the explosion in the distance

"Scratch that, that 'boom' probably came from the spaceport, I think, and we better hurry now, I hope fire doesn't spread..."

The Major and Jebbua hurried to the turbolift and made it to the street, they took to the left, towards the plume of black oily smoke above the buildings, in the direction of the spaceport...

[ 03-11-2005 08:28 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]


posted 03-11-2005 07:26 PM    
Originally posted by Ruhatt Luthan:[QB]"I thought so." Ruhatt said as they entered the turbolift to the second floor.

"So, You're just looking for information about the Jedi? My I ask why?"[/QB]

Echuu opened his mouth to answer, but the explosion caught his attention at the same time. There was an odd lingering feeling about the force, and a most definate disturbance about it.

"The Jedi Temple I was at was destroyed, naturally I let the force draw me to a place where I could find answers... Does that happen often?"

Echuu was inquiring as to the explosion, already deviating from the walk in that direction, "we should investigate..."

Ruhatt Luthan

posted 03-11-2005 09:36 PM    
"You jedi are all so predictable. I knew you were going to say something like that."

Ruhatt unhooked his blaster from his belt and yanked it out.

Ruhatt, Capt. Obvious, and Echuu left the medbay and headed to the spaceport. They round another corner and almost ran into Jebbua and the Major.

"Jebbua what are you doing out of bed?" Ruhatt asked.

"I'm fine. Let's investigate this matter first then we'll discuss things." Jebbua said.

"Fine." Ruhatt shrugged and everyone headed to the spaceport.

[ 03-11-2005 09:36 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ruhatt Luthan ]


posted 03-12-2005 07:26 AM    
The Major was surprised to see Ruhatt, Obvious, and another jedi traveling in that direction, The Major turned towards the Jedi man and addressed him

" So I guess jedi just sprout up on Tattooine? I've sensed you, but only subtley. Our first intention at the spaceport was to inspect ships for Alexis, but since the explosion, we have to make sure those firefighter droids don't poop out on us like some sort of trade fed Unit. Not to mention any miscreants trying to steal from the wreckage, and hope that ship didn't kill anyone, or whatever blew that ship to slag doesn't blow up another. Pardon me for not Introducing myself, I am Jedi Knight Major Konig, who might you be?"

[ 03-12-2005 05:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-12-2005 05:59 PM    
Meanwhile, outside the city, Takeshi saw a spaceship flying closer and decided to make his move.

"Well my hands are where you can see them, but you may not like what you see in them in just aminute."

With that I whirled around and grabbed the gun from the cop that was in front of me. I then kicked him back and grabbed another cop for a hostage.
Okay now i have a meatshield, now can I hold off the rest long enough for that ship to come and hopefully save me. Of course it could be their reenforcements. Lets hope it is help. Cause no one in the city can get out here in time. I am just to far out. Way to outsmart yourself Takeshi.

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-12-2005 07:45 PM    
As I got closer, I saw a man who looked like the description of the man I needed to deliver the message to, grap a gun, and then take someone hostage.
Well, it looks like I arrived under prime circumstances. I guess that I need to help since I don't get paid if he is dead.

With that I landed the ship and exited out. A fewe of the cops there glanced at me, and one walked over.

"What are you doing here. Move along, you don't want to get involved."

"I really think that I do. And it sucks to be you since you happen to be in my way."

With that I drew my lightsaber and drove it deep into his chest. I then pulled it out as he slumped to the ground and then held it down at an angle in form IV.

"Looks like you could use a little help. You are Takeshi, are you not? I have something for you."This better be the right person, I don't want to spend any more time on this dirtball of a world.

[ 03-12-2005 07:45 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mira Tukiano ]

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-12-2005 08:40 PM    
For now, the cops seemed to be afraid to hit their comrad, and were just shooting at my head, or right arm, the areas the body didn't cover.

"Yeah, I'm kovacs. And does this message come from a certian seller of illegal goods? Cause if it does, you can tell him to shove it!"

I then fired off three shots and cursed when all three missed.

"Thanks for the help by the way. Who are you? And are you some jedi? You know with the lightsaber and all?"

I then managed to finally hit one of the cops. He fell down as the searing hot beam of light hit him in the lower leg. He then spasmed and then lay still as I shot him again.

I looked up just in time to see one of the cops lay a laser staight through the hostage I was holding, and into my right shoulder.
Damn! So much for a hostage. I guess they got over their fear of hurting him when I shot the guy.

I fell down screaming and clutching my shoulder. I then saw the cops turn there attention to the newcomer, thinking that I was down.
Stupid move. Now if I could just grap the pistol without them noticing.

With that I began inching my arm to the pistol.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-13-2005 10:30 AM    
I ignored The major and the new comer and jogged to the spaceport with Ruhatt and Capt. Obvious.

We arrived and saw a small ship on fire. The authorties were already putting it out and they had a man arrested who was acting crazy.

"You're all going to die!! "You're all going to die.!!" The man laughed at everyone.

Somene shot a stun bolt and he fell to the floor.

The major and the other jedi arrived.

"Looks like it was just some crazy guy starting a fire. Must have lost a bet or something. Either way he's crazy." I told them.

"But since we are here now. Lets start looking up departure and arrival times."


posted 03-13-2005 11:38 AM    
The Major thought about the times plan and had a better Idea,

"How about we use the force and scan for sensitives in the ships, and have Ruhatt and Obvious look through security Holocamera files in the security sector? It would work much better than to check times, right?"

The Major turned towards the entire group,


Mira Tukiano

posted 03-13-2005 01:42 PM    
Great, he is as hopeless in combat as I am. We make a great team.

I then whirled my lightsaber around and finished the flurry with a downward cut from my right shoulder to my left ankle through one cop.
Okay, 4 cops dead, one temperarilly wounded. Time to fix that.

I then lunged at the man on the ground and buried my lightsaber in his chest. He was still in the process of getting his breath back in him.
Man takeshi must have hit him real hard. Ouch, feel sorry for that guy.

Only one guy left...

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-13-2005 01:51 PM    
My finally reached the blaster as my helper, drove her lightsaber into the fallen man's chest.
Time to end this.

As she drew her lightsaber out of his chest, I brought myself quickly up to one knee, lowered the pistol, and fired of five quick shots.

The first four went wide, and I could already feel the pain in my shoulder as the recoil of the gun brought it back alive. The fifth shot then slammed home.

I then fell to the ground, and dropped the pistol. Pain was ripping through my body. I knew the wounds were not fatal, but I still felt as though I was dying. First my left arm loses a few layers of skin, now I get a blaster in the shoulder. Thats my typical day.

After I had rested for a moment, I opened my eyes, sat up, and looked at my helper.

"Now that that is all over, Who are you? And you said you brought a message. from who? And why the hell did you help me out? Why not just walk off and let them finish me?"

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-13-2005 01:53 PM    
"How would that help us? They aren't in this spaceport. They've already left. I know they arrived after I did. I'll just check the ships who landed from after i landed to about 1 hour later, just to be safe. If they left, we'll follow their path. But I can feel my sister on planet. So we'll find out where they went and follow them."

I took a breath and tried to control my anger that was rising within me.

"That is the plan I'll take. You're welcome to do whatever you want though."

I turned and strode to the nearest terminal and after a nice hack in, started checking the logs.

Darth Sharl

posted 03-13-2005 01:59 PM    
Darth Sharl opened her eyes.

"Leos. Do you feel that? Close."

Darth Sharl looked out the viewport and saw a woman, some cops, and a man.

"The woman, she is force sensitive."

Just then the woman activated her lightsaber and began fighting the cops.

"Lets us finish it. Perhaps she can join us. And you can take her on as an aprentince."

Darth sharl looked at Leos, then back to the scene on the ground which was now over. The cops dead and the man on the ground as well.


[ 03-13-2005 02:01 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Darth Sharl ]

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-13-2005 02:05 PM    
"Well I am Mira Tukiano. Yes I am trained a bit in the force, but I don't feel like a jedi. I never learned much. So just think of me as a Jedi wannabe."

Fishing through my belt pouches, I said, "The message, is from one of the underlings at a certain smuggling group you are familer with. Here is the message."

Tossing him the datacard, I continued. "I helped you because I need help. I am nearly broke, have a huge debt, and don't see anyway out of it. I needed to give you the message to get credits for delivering it, and then I saw that you seem to have lost your ship."

She paused for a moment, looked to the sky, and then smiled at him.

"I need credits to get out of debt, and to get more credits then the few that I can get by doing oddjobs I need help. The smugglers you worked for, well, I owe them 1,000,000 credits. And I seem to be only able to get credits by a hundered to do this, or a hunderd to do that. Heck, I need that much just to keep the firehawk running."

"So you see the pickle I am in? I was wondering since you are a smuggler, maybe you can give me some contacts?"


posted 03-13-2005 04:18 PM    
"A pleasure Jedi Knight Konig. I am Echuu Shinzon." That was Echuu's only reply to the man, as he currently investigating the scene of the fire.

After a spared glance towards the other Jedi - a tad too arrogant for Echuu's style - he would rejoin with Major Konig and slightly concure with his conclusion, if heed a warning.

"I would be careful. There is no telling what other sources maybe involved. Leaving yourself so open within the Force only guarantee's assault from outwards. We shouldn't draw unnecessary attention."

[ 03-13-2005 04:19 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by EchuuShinzon ]

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-13-2005 06:58 PM    
"1,000,000 credits! I don't know what you have heard, but it seems like all of my contacts are trying to kill me. So probably not a good idea. I am out of smuggling. I knew you were force sensitve, I can feel it. I am also force sensitive, but my powers limited."

I caught the datacard she tossed me, and then stood up. I fished out my datapad, and put in the datacard.
Hello TakeshiYou must have relized by now that we betrayed you. I was not in on the deal and hope this message gets to you before the cops come. I know you will want revenge, but I tell you to wait. This orginization is stronger then it apears. I knew your old master. The reason he dissipeared was because we captured him. He is now dead, but I tried to help him. I don't know who you are cloned from, but your master said you must find out who you are. As you discover your identity, you will gain knowledge and help to make you stronger. There are people out there who will recognize you and help. There are also others who will oppose you. My old group was one of them. You are not currently powerful enough to go out and defeat them. Do not fight them yet. I know revenge must be on your mind, but you must not attack them. They think you are dead and that is good.
Whoa. Now that is serious. I really need to make every smuggler in that group pay, but now this changes things. Is this a trap, to get me not to attack, or is it really a warning? And what did my master say? Who am I? Is it really as important? And who is it who will, help? Or will they apear to "help: and really lead me astray.? And just what are Mira's intentions? She was with the smuggling group. All this message has given me is questions. Now I need answers.

I pulled the datacard out slowly, and then stared at it thoughtfully. Then my grip tightened and I became frustrated.
I need revenge. I must kill them all. But I will be patient. The man is right. I am not strong. But I will become stronger. One way or another I will have revenge. And revenge will be sweet.

My frustration then passed, and I put away the datapad and the datacard. I then turned to Mira.

"You say that you are a "wannabe" Jedi. I presume that means you know many things with the force, but are not strong in the force. Or are you like me, only knowing a few powers. For I cannot do many basic tasks like sense other force sensitive people, or move objects. Because I need you to tell me something."

[ 03-13-2005 07:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Takeshi Kovacs ]

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-13-2005 07:07 PM    
"When I say I am a weak jedi, I mean I can do everything, but it is very weak. More force connection is small. Like I cannot lift anything much heavier than a small crate. I hear some jedi could lift starships. But what does my force connection have to do with your question? And what was on the datacard? You looked very confused."

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-13-2005 07:18 PM    
"My question has to do with my path. I see many paths from here but i do not know which will lead me to my goal. I was wondering if you could tell me. At least you know how to. I could bolster your force connection by feeding yours. Then perhaps you could tell. For I cannot etempt, though my force connection, is strong, it is not a normal connection. It is more ressecive, and hidden, and harder to call upon. But I can use, it just takes more effort. And I feel as though I am blocked from things.

That is why I am no serious force user. My master told me that if I could manage to find out about my past, I could find out about both my physical and force blockers and perhaps remove them.

I thought, and this message strengthens my beleif, that he may have found out about my past and then was captured before he could tell me."

I then stood up again, and looked at her.

"So if I am able to strengthen your force connection, will you try and see where my paths will take me?"


posted 03-13-2005 07:23 PM    
The Major he followed Jebbua and watched him try to slice the terminal and spoke,

"Umm, would you like me to call Ilse, she's on my ship now, shes the best Human slicer this side of the core, and when I say that, I'm serious..."

The Major thumbed on his comlink waiting for a reply from the busy Jedi,

"I would quote a Jedi saying, but that might make you angrier... and did you take into account the computers here don't make records of atmospheric flights, they could be anywhere on planet, we still should check the holocam files, because that might show us what ship model and its tranciever code and everything? We can probably track their direction through the holocam files then."

[ 03-13-2005 07:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-13-2005 07:33 PM    
"Yes, I'm aware of that, but it will give an estimated travel path and I'll go from there."

I went back and actually found two ships that had landed. One was still landed, so it ruled it out, while the other had left.

"If you want to bring in the slicer person, go ahead. I think I've got what I want."

I turned to Ruhatt and Capt. Obvious.

"Get Dash's ship up and running. I'll be there in a minute. It's projecting an estimated flight path."

Ruhatt and Capt. Obvious nodded.

"This will only be an estimate though." Capt. Obvious said as he and Ruhatt headed off.

I turned back to the terminal and then glanced at the other two jedi.

"What are you two going to do?"


posted 03-13-2005 07:38 PM    
The Major looked at Jebbua,

"I think I'll follow your ship in mine, I don't think we're coming back to Mos espa too soon,"

The Major turned to Echuu,

"You can ride with me or them, or your own ship, whichever you want, I'm heading to mine,"

The Major turned back to Jebbua,

"I'll slave my ship to Dash's for the liftoff, after that I'll manually fly mine with yours, and send the data on the ship that has your sister, I can use- actually more like Ilse can use the sensor/tracking equipment to find that ship faster..."

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-13-2005 07:45 PM    
"Very well. I'll send the data when I get onboard."

I waited til the termial was one and copied the data on a datacard. I then turned and left to Dash's ship.

I arrived and shut the ramp.

That other jedi can ride with the Major. I thought.

"All systems go?" Ruhatt asked from the cockpit.

"Punch it and transmit this too the ship that is slaving to us."
I said handing him the datapad.

"What sh..."

a light started blink and Ruhatt read off the display.

"That ship?"

"Yes." I sat in the seat behind Ruhatt, Capt. Obvious was in the co-pilots seat.

The scimtar rose out of the docking bay and into the atmospere.

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-13-2005 07:54 PM    
"I will at least try."

With that I sat down and felt the force flow around me. A few seconds later, I felt him add his power to mine, and a storm of force flow through me. I then meditated, and looked into his mind, and the mind o f the universe.

Images swirled around me, at lightning fast speeds. I simply wiated out the storm, until I was in a deep alley. I had gone looking for someone, and hate was in my mind. I was furious, and wanted to kill someone. I was feeling impaitent, and then something happened I couldn't see and I was helpless. I saw myself fall, and then imense pain.

All of a sudden, I was elsewhere. Now I was in a building with brillent light coming in through high windows in the walls. I saw several people around my, in the shadows. I could not tell exactly what they were, but they were humaniod. I still hated someone, but was also feeling prepared, ready, and like there was more of me there. I seemed to have found someone that was somehow special, and I was much happier.

Then it was also gone. I was back in the desert.
Interesting. Now the question is, what should I tell him. How much does he need to know? What does he want to know? And what are his intentions? So many questions.

"Well I saw two paths. The first was you full of anger and hate, and seemed to lead you to pain, or difficulties. But you also were happy, because of something you did. But it was a not a good happy.

The other path was you meeting people in an area. You still had anger, but there was less of it, and it was more controlled. You seemed to be more whole, or complete, and you had met someone that was special. Whether this was a lover, a freind, or a mentor, I do not know. You also seemed more prepared. And you had come to peace with something that you never discovered in your other path."

I stood up, dusted the sand off, and then spoke agian.

"Well does that answer your question. And thank you for at least considering giving me your smuggler connections. I believe that I must go now unless you want something else."


posted 03-13-2005 08:02 PM    
Echuu replied in the Affirmative, and they both hurried to the Jedi Shield, its shiny silver surface contrasted with the dull tan sandiness of the rest of the port,
Glad to get out of this place...

They both boarded the ship as the ramp closed with a hiss. The Major had already called Ilse to start running the ship, She was already in the copilot's seat. The Major sat in the main pilot's seat and keyed the slaving sequence. The Shield lifted off in tandem with the Scimitar and waited til they hit the outskirts of the city before disengaging the slaving command. The Major gripped the throttle and the helm and gunned the twin heavy ion engines, blasting past the scimitar ship. The Scimitar started to increase their speed too. They spotted a wreckage and started to slow as they neared it, dropping in altitude to see what was happening...

Echuu sat behind the other two Jedi and gazed out of the viewport.

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-13-2005 08:12 PM    
That was I thought. So I must be patient. Patience was never my strong suit. But wait I must, so wait I will.

"Yes that does. But do not go yet. I must find out about my past. And I have a grudge against the people you owe your debt to. You help me find out about myself, and then I will help you pay off your debt."

I paused for a second.

"In blood."


posted 03-13-2005 08:16 PM    
"Of course mistress. I wish not for an apprentice, but let us take care of these force sensitive beings so near us. It seems to be a congregation." He stood, and took his two golden sabres in his hands, their gun grips firmly in his hands as he holstered them at his sides.

"We go now." He turned, and keyed the ramp, lowering it as he stepped down.

Darth Sharl

posted 03-13-2005 08:31 PM    
Darth Sharl followed Leos down the ramp after securing Alexis in a trance.

"We are not that far. Let us go then."

Darth Sharl locked up the ship and her aprentince and her started walking ver to the force-sensitive poeple.

Just then tow ships were coming in to land.

One of them had a familiar presensce on board.

"It seems you failed to kill the Jedi. Your punishment will be served later. For now..."

Darth Sharl made sure her cloak concealed her sabers from sight and spoke.

"Hello there. You seem to be in trouble. Me and my..Husband here saw the fire and thought we come check it out. Is everything all right?"

Darth Sharl looked at Leos.

Gain their trust and then when we are closer to them attack. She sent him mentally.


posted 03-13-2005 08:32 PM    
Originally posted by Major-Konig: ...Echuu sat behind the other two Jedi and gazed out of the viewport.

Of course, the Jedi was silent for a time, content to merely watch as events unfolded as they should. Eventually, that same curiosity that had lend him on this crusade once again prevailed within his inner demon, and he spoke up.

"Konig... Might I have the pleasure of knowing where were going? Rescue missions and such are always exciting, but I would perfer to know what I'm getting involved in before I become Bantha Fodder..."

He smirked, awaiting a reply.


posted 03-13-2005 08:40 PM    
The Major felt even more force sensitives down on the ground, this force-user convention was getting too common to be coincidenc, he keyed the comlink and spoke to Jebbua,

"Do you feel that down there, it's faint and decietful, like a darksider trying to hide himself. Anyway we should set down, there's a wreckage, and probably evil afoot.-"

The Major Keyed the comlink off and lowered the landing skids, he landed 20 or so meters from the debris. And answered Echuu's question,

"Echuu, we are trying to save Jebbua's sister, she is also a Jedi, she's been abducted by two powerful darksiders, and it's all good as long as those several on the ground aren't threatening..."

The Scimitar kept hovering, almost circling the wreckage and the other ship. The Major waited for a reply from Jebbua on the comlink.

[ 03-13-2005 08:44 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-13-2005 08:45 PM    
Jebbua keyed on his comm.

"Something isn't right here. I think..."

His voice trailed off as a wisper in his ear.

"We'll follow you down slowly, but I think we'll stay in the air to give you support from the air."

Jebbua keyed off the comm and looked at Capt. Obvious.

"Take the lower gun well, I'll take the top." I told himas I got up. "Keep circling Ruhatt."

I went to the gun well ladder and climbed up activating it and putting on the headset.

"Anything happening?" I asked.

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-13-2005 08:47 PM    
Something isn't right here. Maybe if I just talk to them, I will find out what.

"Well I think we are all right. You don't happen to have a medpack do you?"

Then to Takeshi she mumbled, "Head back to my ship, you can find a medpack there. Hide out there, and I will join you in a sec. Oh yeah, I will help you. Might as well."

Turning back to the newcomers, she smilled.

"we are just fine now, you wouldn't know about those ships would you. Seems like it is getting to be a meeting place now."

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-13-2005 08:50 PM    
"Thanks. Any passcodes?"

After she told me the entry codes I headed over to the ship. I opened the door and then found the medpacks. After aplying one to my shoulder, I wrapped my left arm in bandages. I then found a couch and lay down to wait for Mira.


posted 03-13-2005 08:56 PM    
The Major acknoledged Jebbua.

The Major, Ilse, and Echuu all walked slowly out of the boarding ramp, nearing the other four beings near the wreckage, and several corpses of Officers. The Major sent a force message to Echuu and Ilse...Be mindful, this may get ugly really fast...

The Major spoke to the group,

"You ladies and Gentlmen having any trouble, considering the wreckage and abundance of corpses, I believe there was a scuffle, care to Explain?"

[ 03-13-2005 08:57 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]


posted 03-13-2005 08:57 PM    
Echuu frowned uncertainly, but didn't say anything. They were all in one giant coalition to save one women? Or was it that their were feelings and attachments involved? None the less, the Jedi felt inclined to aid a fellow Jedi - if only for the sake of upholding the Redeemer Code - and would thus 'tag' along. Unless otherwise instructed to get lost.

[ 03-13-2005 09:08 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by EchuuShinzon ]

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-13-2005 08:59 PM    
"Well, these cops attacked my freind who just left, and we dealt with them. These guys just showed up to ask if there was any trouble. But we are all okay, and I was just getting ready to leave. Do you need anything?"

Darth Sharl

posted 03-13-2005 09:01 PM    
Darth Sharl smiled.

"Scuffle? I don't know what you are talking about. Me and my husband here saw the fire and came to check it out. what the woman says is true. I hope you're not friends of those men there." Darth sharl pointed at the dead officers.


posted 03-13-2005 09:03 PM    
"Mistress.... they are jedi.... we should deal with them swiftly...." Leos communicated silently, looking at them through his red eyes.


posted 03-13-2005 09:05 PM    
The Major replied,

"I have never seen these men, uh, corpses of men here before, but enough of this, how rude of me to not introduce myself and my party, I'm Major Konig, the woman with me is Ilse Vogel, and the other man is Echuu, and that ship circling us, they are my friends, who might all of you be?"

Darth Sharl

posted 03-13-2005 09:05 PM    
You must remeber. An enemy caught off gaurd usually loses the first round. but an enemy that can be trusted, never sees the light of day. Darth Sharl sent Leos mentally.

She looked back at the "Jedi".

"My name is April and this is my husband Toshi."

[ 03-13-2005 09:07 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Darth Sharl ]


posted 03-13-2005 09:09 PM    
Not that he was rude, but Echuu trusted no one. Nor had he any need to bother trusting anyone. Within his line of work, he had met people whom he had thought were friends, only to find that they weren't anything of the source.

Remaining slightly behind from the ground, Echuu positioned himself just between the other two who were with his 'group'. As of yet, he was relaxed... Bathed within the warm glow of the force as it surrounded and flowed so peacefully through him.

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-13-2005 09:10 PM    
"I am Mira. My friend was Takeshi. So if neither of you need something, I will be going."

With that I turned and headed for the ship, but made sure, I was ready for an attack in case anyone decided that I was open.


posted 03-13-2005 09:10 PM    
The Major sensed deceit, but continued to play along,

"Well, April and Toshi, my company and I, being keepers of the peace, must help these besieged folk, and I am convinced you two won't interfere, correct?"

Darth Sharl

posted 03-13-2005 09:13 PM    
Follow her. Act like you're trying to help. Then when you see a moment when she relaxs attack. Darth Sharl sent Leos.

"Are we not allowed to hepl local citzens? Can we not help others when they are in need of trouble? There is no law saying we cannot help either. So help them we can." Darth Sharl said.

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-13-2005 09:15 PM    
Turning around Mira shouted over her shoulder, "You guys do relieze that we do not need either of your help. We are just fine."

She then turned and entered the ship. she went to the lounge, and saw Takeshi laying down.

"How is your shoulder doing? Welcome to the Firehawk by the way."


posted 03-13-2005 09:16 PM    
The Major corrected himself,

"I am sorry for not specifying, I meant interfere in any way which may become detrimental to my comrades, these people, or the aid in gen-"

The Major paused as the one woman left to her ship.

"O-K, I see they are in no need of help... Now, you two-"

April and Toshi just walked away, ignoring the Major. The Major used the comlink and spoke to Jebbua,

"Did you pick up what I thought you picked up, did you sense it too? ...darksiders?"

[ 03-13-2005 09:28 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]


posted 03-13-2005 09:17 PM    
"Their is a law that instigates that one shall not interfere with the law as well." Echuu pointed out. "Though it is an honest trait to what to help, most - especially on Tatooine citizen - seek only to gain profit from anothers suffering... Your intentions were however appreciated..."

Echuu wasn't sure whether the man had turned his shoulder on him or not, because he had already averted his attention to the surroundings. Reviewing several alternatives at once.


posted 03-13-2005 09:17 PM    
Leos waited until she entered the ship, then turned on his heel and followed her towards the ship, comming too the doorway.

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-13-2005 09:27 PM    
"My shoulders doing better thanks. It is a nice ship by the way. I glanced around and presume that on our travels I could just sleep out here, since there is just the one bed? And are you ready to leave. I am a little anxious to get out of here since this planet seems to be very hostile towards me."

I proped myslef up on my elbows, and then continued.

"If you want to help me, my master and i lived on a planet called Boon. If we went there we might find a leed. But if you need to do things first that is fine."

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-13-2005 09:33 PM    
"Oh believe me, I want to get of this dirtball as soon as possible. Do you know what boon's coordinates are?"

Darth Sharl

posted 03-13-2005 09:34 PM    
Darth Sharl watched Leos go to the ship.
When you attack. I will attack. You are ready my apprentince. Unleash your anger and vanigush these jedi. But don't let your anger control you.

Darth Sharl turned back to the jedi and put her hands in her cloak.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by it. I guess I'll leave then."

Darth Sharl headed to her ship at a slant, bringing her closer to the jedi and her ship.


posted 03-13-2005 09:37 PM    
Leos came too the door, then looked up, and drew his twin sabres from their holsters, slashing through the circutry in the durasteel plating above him, before running his blades through the control pannel, sealing the ship.

He turned and twirled the two "gun-sabres" by their triggers, and crossed them before him before stalking forwards towards the jedi.

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-13-2005 09:37 PM    
"Boon is near Kamino. I don't know the coordinates, but it is in the general area."

I then turned over and lay down again.
Man am I tired.

With that I fell asleep.

[ 03-13-2005 09:54 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Takeshi Kovacs ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-13-2005 09:37 PM    
"I felt something other than that. But I feel something that is familiar to me."

I reached out farther in the force and finally reconized it.

"Sithspit! Ruhatt land the ship!" I yelled as the events began to unfold on the surface.

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-13-2005 09:42 PM    
I entered the cockpit and then sat down at the console. I puched up a nav map and then saw, boon was near kamino. I puched in the coordinates, and the yelled back to Takeshi.

"Taking off. Boon in 8 hours."

As I lifted off, I heard a whistling. I quickly flipped it to autopilot and then went back towarsd the sound. I soon saw that someone had sliced part of the ships so they were venting oxygen.

"Uh, actually someone gave us a leak. We can't make space. I can fix it, but it will take time. I am headed out about 25 miles and then landing to fix it."

[ 03-13-2005 10:02 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mira Tukiano ]

Darth Sharl

posted 03-13-2005 09:54 PM    
Darth Sharl felt Leos reaching out with the force and Darth Sharl did so too.

She force pushed Echuu and then grabbed her two lightsabers. activating the red blades and charged at the Major.

She swung one blade for the man's throat and the other for the woman standing next to him.


posted 03-14-2005 12:55 AM    
Originally posted by Darth Sharl:[QB]
She force pushed Echuu and then grabbed her two lightsabers. activating the red blades and charged at the Major.QB]

Echuu was startled to say the least, and even as he launched the force outward to counter act the propulsion, he was tossed onto his back. Instead of merely rising, he followed through with the roll, ending up in a crouched position with one arm holding him propped on the ground. His other hand already at his side with his lightsaber.

In one smooth motion, he had released the blade - depressing the switch all the while - and had hurled it towards Sharl. His attempt was not to claim her life. Rather - it was to distract her from attacking the Major sufficiently that her attack would not succeed. However, the Major was in close proximity, and it may have been that Echuu only further jeopordized the man. Needless to say, the Jedi was all focused on the Force as the Lightsider shot towards the Sith - or who he persumed Sith now.


posted 03-14-2005 09:09 AM    
The Major was caught off guard, but not by much, he dropped to the ground in a low crouch. If it weren't for the flying saber from Echuu, the Major might be a head shorter, literally. He thanked Echuu mentally, and launched backwards with the force pushing at the lady with the red sabers and simultaneously jumping backwards. He unhooked one blue saber, and ignited it, the hum and grip felt comfortable in his hands. The Major landed firmly with both feet planted on the ground, he flourished the saber into the Krayt's jaw posture, then lunged with a Nexu strike, he aimed for the chest of this insidious hooded woman, and the lady batted the blade away with her lightsaber and made another attack for the Major's throat. The Major knocked her saber out of the way and brought his saber in a full arc coming back towards her throat...

[ 03-14-2005 09:30 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]

Ilse Vogel

posted 03-14-2005 09:28 AM    
Ilse saw the incoming saber swipe before Konig did, and quickly leaped forwards, over the darksider, nearly landing on their ship, she gripped one of the fins on the ship. and pulled herself up, landing with both feet. She ignited her blue saber and began to sear through the top of the hull, wincing because the melted Durasteel was getting extremely hot, It radiated too much heat and she became uncomfortable,

Too, hot... must distance self...

she backed away from that incision, and initiated another, hoping to hit some sort of power conduit, to disable the engines and render it flightless. with no avail she decided to drop down under the ship and began to cut through the landing struts, One of them was completely severed, and one of the other ones was disabled because the hydraulics were sliced open, spraying high grade oil onto the sandy ground. She decided that operating under a ship with only three landing struts was dangerous and leaped out from under the shadow. She got out in time to see Konig and the woman exchange saber strikes, Konig initiated a Nexu strike,
yess, the Nexu strike!

The strike failed, and he nearly lost his head again, only searing some hair and leaving a stench she could only imagine. Ilse observed that the man was attacking Echuu with two sabers while Echuu's saber was somewhere near Konig and the woman, and should help him. She leaped over the fight between The lady, and Konig and landed 7 or so meters from Echuu and the dual-saber wielding man. She started to use the Form IV acrobatic style by leaping and rolling all around the man, she was blocked by the man's red blazing blades. The flurry of attacks and counterattacks and defensive moves distracted the darksider enough, enough to let Echuu get his saber back without injury. He marvelled at the blinding blur that became the duel between Ilse, and the darksider. Ilse ceased her attack and leaped back, next to Echuu.

Ilse stood up next to Echuu, she whispered mentally
Echuu, go for his legs, I'll go for the head...

Ilse commenced her swing and Echuu his...

[ 03-14-2005 12:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ilse Vogel ]


posted 03-14-2005 03:54 PM    
Leos smirked, and walked forwards, watching his mistress easily take care of herself. He turned to see the two jedi trying to dispatch him, and chuckled. "Crane rests on the currents..." He murmured as he fell back onto his hands, then used the force to propell him over the low strike and under the head strike.

He kicked out at them, knowing it would fall short, but knowing it should drive them back as he came to the ground, then rose in a roll, his sabres held out to his sides as he stood in a near crucifixial form, one of his boots drawn up to his other thigh. "Mantis stands before his prey...."

Darth Sharl

posted 03-14-2005 04:13 PM    
Darth Sharl felt the attack, before she ever saw it. She took a step back and barely dodged the atack to her throat.

Darth Sharl glanced at Leos and how he was doing and noticed the two jedi were pre-ocupied with him.

With a simple force push he pushed at the woman and then flipped over the Major. She landed behind him and swung a saber for his leg and the other for his throat.

Giving him only two options. Darth Sharl prepared for each one.

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-14-2005 05:37 PM    
Well there goes my nap.

"Dang, one of those others must have sabotaged it. Probably not the jedi. I guess the strangers did it. Wonder who they really are? Well I am wounded and may not be the greatest at fighting, but I know a little about ships. I can at least help with what I can."

I then stood up and walked off the sleep. I then walked to the cockpit and met Mira pulling out a toolkit. She gave it to me and then turned back to the controls. She took it in for a landing and I went to wait at the hatch. Halfway there I felt the claws grip. Unprepared I stummbled and fell to a knee before picking myself up.

Glancing outside, I saw since there was no metal around, the claws had deployed and griped about 1m into the sand.

Mira then came back and took the toolkit back. She then hit the access panle to open the hatch, but it didn't open.

Oh great. What else can go wrong today?

Mira Tukiano

posted 03-14-2005 06:08 PM    

I flipped open the hatch and then saw that someone had taken a lightsaber to it, melting the circuts.

"Wonderful, one more thing to fix. I will go see if I have more parts in the back."

I then ran back and rummeged through boxs and drawers back near the engines. Finally, I found a new switch and some wire.

Coming back, I started to put in the new switch. It was really just a one person job, so I worked alone on it. About an hour later I finished.

I then went out and saw the slice we were looking for. I handed Takeshi a laser welder,a nd grabbed the other one. We then started to work on the slice, adding in new metal and a patch.


posted 03-14-2005 08:19 PM    
Echuu had been ready for an attack - but not to be helped. As the Sithlord was peroccupied with another Jedi, Echuu quickly drew on the force and brought the saber to his hand, depressing the switch while simultaneous swuning from left to right - the blade held in his left hand - at the mans leg. He managed to get away, but his own assault was averted. Echuu merely followed through with a roll, coming to stand just slightly away from combat.

Feel the force, he mentally noted the assailant, and the strong darkside aura. Redeemers were of that caste which could try and "purge" Sith relics of the Darkside. Having been mentally taught how to draw the Darkside, and expunge it. Converting it to the Lightside. Though it was never done on a living human, Echuu had often used it to make the opponent feel mentally weaker with the force, as he did now. It was not the least of his attacks.

Next, the Jedi was propelled forward with the force, his sabe swinging downward to slice the man in half. It was but a diversion, and was easily stopped. Within the force however, a physical assault was launched of another magnitude. Having found the mans presence, he mentally struck blows, which would physically hurt.
[[I'm not really sure if that's an adequate attack ]]

[ 03-14-2005 08:19 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by EchuuShinzon ]


posted 03-14-2005 08:45 PM    
Leos felt his connection to the force weaken, and knew he could not defeat both opponents. I'm sorry my mistress....

He tossed one of his sabres aside, and set the other to overload shortly. He reached out a hand behind him, and Drew Echuu to his back then wrapped his arm around his waist, holding him there.

"Spider devours it's children..." He murmured his last attack, then spun the trigger grip in his hand, reversing the blade towards himself, then drove it through his large intestine, knowing it was cutting into the jedi behind him.

He began to agonisingly, slowly, draw the blade up as the sabre began to hum in it's overdrive. I was a child... a tool for my mistress... I will kill one last jedi, or leave him for my mistres to finish the job..... I am complete... He drew the blade up through his stomach, with his last breath spoke. "Kill- us both- mis-tres- through-" He coughed, blood firing out of his mouth into the sand, and died, holding his sabre through himself into the man behind him, the blade about to overload.

A smile on his face.

(((OOC: Leos is dead.)))

[ 03-14-2005 08:45 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Leos ]

Kassa Baute

posted 03-14-2005 09:33 PM    
Kassa had fallen asleep in his cockpit and cursed after he found out that the jedi left in his ship. It had taken some simple holocam viewing to find out what ship he left on, but once he found out and which direction he went Kassa took off in his own ship.

He raced across the dessert and slowed down when he arrived at the scene.

Thge ship he was looking for was going in to land.

"Not on my watch."

Kassa took conrtol off the guns and fired at will at the ship.

The ship instantly juked to the left after being hit and instead of landing stayed in the air. It came full power at Kassa's ship with her weapons blazing.

"So you wanna play Jedi? Alright. I'm game."

[ 03-14-2005 09:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kassa Baute ]


posted 03-14-2005 10:26 PM    
[[After careful deliberation - extremely careful - I chose this as a counter. If anyone has a problem, feel free to contact me...]]

Echuu was aware of everything about the playing field. He was intuned to the force, but had expelled a fair bit in his assault. An assault which was cut short as the Force tugged against him, drawing him forward. The Sith man had the objective of taking out a fellow Jedi, but the assault was planted too far to the left, and the saber seemed to dim slightly - no doubt a counter effect of setting it to overload. Though the extend of the beam had cut through the Sithlord, a small percentage also connected with Echuu - but not before he had readily assembled a strong Aura about himself, further sucking in the weakened beams energy and causing only slight damage.

The blade move, easing softly into Echuu's skin, causing a scream to eminate from his lips, his own saber all the while raised and lowering against the hand that had wrapped about his waist. The cut tore a good two ribs, before it eased into the air, and the Sithlords hand was taken cleanly off...

Nearly stumbling, Echuu used the extent of his powers within the Aura, dimming the pain in one final desperate act. The hum was growing louder, so Echuu started backwards, nearly falling as he made quick haste away... Feel with the force, the Jedi attempted to draw the saber from the Sithlord, but the force was depleted, and he was too weakened to do so.

Then - it exploded. He was propelled backwards some feet, landing flat on his back... Sharl would be preoccupied with the Jedi fighting her, and his "partner" would have ample time to help defend him. Echuu, was spent...

Among the other extent of his damage, his arm was heavily burnt - not the saber arm, and his ribs were pained, the dimmed pain now causing a numbing feeling about him. Slowly, conciousness seemed to creep away...

Echuu was effectively out of the fight, being that he was out of conflict range with the rest of them...Unless they came searching of course.

Darth Sharl

posted 03-14-2005 11:15 PM    
Darth Sharl glanced at the scene while the major paried her attack.

Darth Sharl reached out with the force and grabbed Leos' remaining saber.
You were a great student. she thought.

then the saber activated in mid-flight and flew towards the Major. It caught him off guard and across the arm causing him to drop his saber.

Darth Sharl didn't care though, she was already climbing up the ramp to her ship and closed it. She started it up and took off ignoring the alarms blaring.

She noticed two ships dog-fighting in the air.

But when Darth Sharl took off, one turned to her and started firing.

Darth Sharl dodged the fire and took to the sky.
I may have lost an aprentince, but I have gained another.

Darth Sharl was alomost to space when an explosion made the ship shudder. the ship descended. Fast. She noticed the ship chasing her was having the same problem. The third ship had shot them both down.

Darth Sharl reached out with the force and braced for impact.

Ilse Vogel

posted 03-15-2005 09:02 AM    
The saber exploded with a brilliant flash, sending shrapnel everywhere, she took a sharp piece in the leg, but she blocked two more coming for Echuu. The Major already wounded, was picking up his saber and hooking it, took a piece of metal in the same arm he sustained the lightsaber wound in.

Ilse saw that Echuu was badly wounded, she reached out with the force and tried to calm his nerves, this kind of trauma was notorious for destroying nerve connections.

Ilse ran towards Echuu, as the Major did. Ilse spoke,

"Konig, go fetch the Medpac, I'll try to halt the bleeding, Echuu might not make it, but if we're fast, he should be out of danger..."

[ 03-15-2005 09:31 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ilse Vogel ]


posted 03-15-2005 09:18 AM    
The Major felt shamed, one of the attcks landed, right across the arm, it didn't seem to hit any muscle, but it stung like all hell. The Major picked up his saber and then something whipped into the wreckage, and exploded. It sent a sharp piece of metal into his arm, now it really stung, being hot metal and all. Ilse called for him to get a medpac for Echuu.

The Major bypassed running and lept over Echuu and Ilse, landing on the ramp of the Jedi Shield, noticing the arial battle, and seeing that the sabotage on Sharl's ship affected the flight, and then it was shot, plummetting to the ground, releasing black oily smoke. He felt it impact, about two miles away. Another impact shuddered the ship, it landed not too far. He felt around the cargo compartment for a medpac, and found one. He ran out of the ship to see a large chunk of metal land ten meters from Echuu and Ilse. He lept again, dodging another piece of durasteel. He landed right next to Ilse, he knelt and worked his healing magic, he cleared out most of the cauterized stuff, and subsequently began to addc bacta and synthflesh til Echuu could limp back to the ship. The Major spoke,

"We should get to the dark lady's ship, I got a feeling from Jebbua that Alexis might have been on board, not to mention a chance to imprison the lady, she's been enough trouble..."

The three sat in the command cabin and lifted off, repulsors whining to leave the ground, they sped to the crashed ship and dodged some stray laser blasts from the hunter in the sky. The Shield set down twenty or so meters from the ship and only Ilse and the Major stepped out, Echuu was too wouned to do much work for now.

The two were ten feet from the ramp when it opened, and the lady in the cloak spilled out, coughing, roils of smoke burst out from some plates on the surface of the ship.

The Major an Ilse both ignited sabers and stood still, waiting for the lady to look up and either run, or fight...

[ 03-15-2005 09:20 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]

Darth Sharl

posted 03-15-2005 12:06 PM    
Darth Sharl looked at everyone.
Impossible. How has it come to this. Am I that bad as a teacher to come this far myself?

Her a saber came to her hand as did a thermal detanator she had in her cloak.

"No one moves or I blow us all to bits." she said keeping a firm grip on her saber and the detanator.

Then with a spin She threw the detanator at the hovering ship and launched her self at the Major. Her saber cut through his shoulder deep, she would have attacked again, but his saber was already through her heart. Darth Sharl let go of her saber and smiled.
I'm coming Leos. We were both failures. Failures that are now ridden of.

She fell to darkness as an explosion in the sky sent the other ship tumbling down.
(((OOC: Darth Sharl is dead.)))


posted 03-15-2005 01:10 PM    
The Major didn't expect this suicidal move from this darksider, darksiders were selfish, and obsessed with self preservation, this act was something reminicent of a Jedi,

but the pain of the saber through his shoulder was excruciating, he immediately had his saber up, but she ran herself through with the blue blade... The Major immediately pulled the saber from his shoulder, He let the darksider fall with the muffled thump onto the sandy ground. The ship hit with the detonator listed to the side, a huge gaping hole was torn through the bottom, it spewed sparks and leaked oil, then, it caught aflame.
The pain shot through his arm again. He suppressed it to a dull thudding
same arm as the first cut, and the shrapnel, this is going to leave a mark, maybe even need a new arm, oh well got to find Jebbua's sister

The Major climbed into the ship, gripping his arm, reaching out with the force for the other force-user in the ship. He found her, lying on the floor, next to a bed, she must have fallen. She had a cut on her forehead where she must have hit herself off of the bulkhead. She was unconscious, or in a trance, maybe a mixture of both, but that aside, He called to Ilse,
Come, I've found her

and then In a louder force shout, that Jebbua should feel,
Jebbua, I have found her, the Darksider is dead, and your sister is safe!

The Major knelt by Alexis' side until Ilse got inside, she helped him lift her, the two Jedi took her to the Shield, he told Ilse to power up the deflectors, to discourage any attcks from the hunter in the sky. He and Ilse sat and waited for Jebbua to appear...

[ 03-15-2005 01:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-15-2005 01:44 PM    
I heard the Major's call and was relieved. I had made my way out of the now wreckage of the ship.
Dash is gonna kill me. I thought.

Capt. Obvious made his way out. His amror was sorched and burned. Some parts were melted through to his skin.

"Where's Ruhatt?" I asked.

"He is not here." Capt. Obvious said.

"He's still inside?" I turned to head back in when the ship that had shot us down came out of nowhere spinning out of control aflame.


I could do nothing as the ship crashed into Dash's ship. Both ship blew up and I could feel Ruhatt and the other man die.

Me and Capt. Obvouis were thrown back by the blast.

I slowly climbed to my knees as a tear hit the ground. more started to follow.
My friend is dead.
(((OOC: Kassa Baute and Ruhatt Luthan are dead.)))


posted 03-15-2005 04:50 PM    
The Major heard the explosion, muffled as it was, he felt it through the force, two men died, but Jebbua felt deep sorrow. The Major walked slowly out of the ship, still clutching his injured arm, trying to quell the pain, with a grimace, he looked at the flaming wreckage, he knew one was Ruhatt, and the other was the bounty hunter that barged in in the Medcenter. Both died, the Major called out,

"From what little time I knew him, I thought he was a very good man, it was a shame, really, but at least there is one less bounty hunter scum remaining, but, you two, come in, we have Echuu, Ilse, and Alexis inside, Echuu and I are wounded, I need to go into a healing trance, so come in, if we have no new business on Tattooine, we should be off, this place is... well... unpleasant."


posted 03-15-2005 04:57 PM    
Though unconcious, Echuu's subconcious was never far from the Force. He was unaware of the Arial battle, nor the countless who had suddenly died in this combat. But along the force, he heard there screams. If not in reality, then through the Force. A ripple along a ripple, that quivered against the lightsider aura that the Jedi held...

He was tired, depleted of his energy, and was now resting. In an almost comatose state. It was a deep meditative stance, unbroken...

Ilse Vogel

posted 03-15-2005 04:59 PM    
Ilse felt the blast also, but she had to try to wake Alexis, and run the engines, she quickly ran the engines in standby. With the engines running, she walked into the room in which Alexis was in, Ilse reached with the force, Alexis was restless, waves of emotion clouded her mind, it was like trying to navigate an asteroid field in a capital ship. A few minutes later, she reached the core of the darkside stasis trance. Ilse dissolved the trance and Alexis' mind was more peaceful. Ilse disinfected the cut on her forehead and applied some synthflesh to teh gash.

While Ilse operated on herself, removing the shrapnel from her shin, disinfecting and sealing the puncture, Alexis came to, and started to rise from the formcot...

Alexis Dahutt

posted 03-15-2005 05:17 PM    
Alexis slowly stood and glanced at her round stomach, probing it with the force. Her baby was stil inside and alive.

She then looked at the woman.

"who are you? Where is my brother?" She asked.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-15-2005 05:37 PM    
I looked at the Major.

"No. I'm not leaving without my friend."

I headed towards the ship and ducked under a piece of the ship and headed inside.

Ruhatt may be dead, but he will get a proper funeral.

He was halfway inside when he heard the sirens.

No won't leave with... I knew it was hopeless his body was beyond reconizing. I headed back outside to see security speeders on the way.

"Let's get out of here." I yelled to the major as I ran to his ship.

Ilse Vogel

posted 03-15-2005 05:39 PM    
Ilse was surprise to see her up and well so soon, she answered,

"I'm Jedi knight Ilse Vogel, this is Jedi Knight Major Konig's ship, the Jedi Shield. Your brother shouldn't be too far off. While you were under that trance, the two Dark Jedi that held you captive were killed, I'm sorry to say that Ruhatt Luthan was Killed also, just recently. Your brother should actually be boarding soon, you should go and greet him, it would be comforting I'd think..."

[ 03-15-2005 05:40 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ilse Vogel ]


posted 03-15-2005 05:55 PM    
The Major acknoleged Jebbua and let both Jebbua and Obvious in, shutting the ramp, Alexis and Jebbua hugged as they met, I told them to hold onto something, this was going to be a quick takeoff.

The Major and Ilse sat in the command cabin, Jebbua, Alexis, and Obvious sat behind the two pilots. The Major increased the repulsorlift factor, and the ship rose from the sandy unforgiving surface of a desolate world. The ship's landing pads were retracted, and the Major increased the throttle and gunned the engines, blasting into the stratosphere. All the while, Ilse had the computer Triangulate the course for the Flower.

The Shield dodged several satellites before intersecting the Orbit of the massive cruiser. The frieghter closed in and silently slid into the docking bay, the airlock corridor connecetd to the frieghter, and the locking doors opened. The Major turned and proudly stated,

"This is my pride and joy, the Flower of Carnage, not a fitting name for a Jedi's ship, but anyhow, make yourselves at home, I'm going to set a course in the bridge, anybody have a planet or system to visit?"

[ 03-15-2005 05:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Major-Konig ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-15-2005 06:04 PM    
"I have a suggestion. Sullest. a nice and quiet place which I call home."

Me and my sister left the cockpit and into the bigger ship.

We strolled around til we arrived at a suite.

I opened the door and we headed in.

After I closed the door Alexis hugged me again.

"I thought you were dead." She said.

"I'm not though. How are you?" I asked.


"And the baby?"

"Fine also."

"Good. I'm going to go see how that other jedi is. You'll be safe here." i headed towards the door.

"Jebbua. I'm sorry about Ruhatt." Alexis said.

"I know... I know." I exited the room and closed the door behind me heading to the presumly medbay. Where ever it was.


posted 03-15-2005 06:33 PM    
The Major had a droid bring a repulsor-gurney to pick up Echuu, he also walked with Echuu's gurney, needing to heal his wound as well, The Medbays, being on the higher levels of the ship, the 30th level to be exact. They took a turbolift to the Medcenter, and he had a two-onebee med droid take out the shrapnel, and make the wound easier to heal. He sat in a chair while the droid operated, and Echuu was transferred to a medical formcot. Another two-onebee and an FX-7 droid were working on removing Echuu's makeshift bandages and had already began recontruction on the bone, reforming it with chemicals, and stem cells. During the operation, Echuu was kept unconcious with some anaesthetics and narcotics. Being awake during bone reforming would be a truly painful experience.

He keyed his comlink and called Jebbua,

"Hey, if you need to know where anything is, just call me up, I'll be in the medbay for the next couple hours, I'm watching over Echuu, he's having an operation to reset and reform some rib-bone, he was stabbed with a saber, so was I but he's much worse, but he'll pull through. By the way, I'm on level 30, that's the medcenter."


posted 03-15-2005 07:18 PM    
Indeed, being unconcious as he was, Echuu didn't recall anything. Even within this anethesic trance, the Force seemed only slightly dulled before it had been reclaimed. He remained within his deep trance... Running through events in his mind.

The sithlord had been insane. Bent on anger and hate... So much hatred, so much anger, that he was willing to kill one Jedi before he himself died... It was not something the Jedi was used to, and he reflected on it. Dimly was he aware of the wounds his body had sustained, but it was doubtless that when he awoke he would praise the others for saving him...

Takeshi Kovacs

posted 03-15-2005 08:29 PM    
Takeshi saw the two ships fly off, and a short while later crash. Sucks to be whoever was in those. I extend my sympathy.

A short while later, we finished the patch. We then went inside and launched to space.Boon, here we come.

(((OOC: Takeshi and Mira leave for boon in The Keys to the Kingdom in this same forum, thanks.)))

[ 04-11-2005 12:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Takeshi Kovacs ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-15-2005 09:15 PM    
I proceeded to the medbay on level 30 and found the major there.

He was standing next to Echuu, who was lying down on the formcot.

"Hows he doing?" I asked as I walked over.

I looked down at him then back at the Major.

"And how are you?"


posted 03-16-2005 09:05 AM    
The Major glanced at Echuu to see how he was doing turned to Jebbua as he began to speak,

"He should be able to walk and move well within a couple of days, after the bone is reformed, and the burns removed and healed, he would just need some rest. I myself should be fine in a week. I never saw a darksider do such things, I mean, they are obsessed with self preservation. I didn't expect the lady to run herself through on my saber to miss and go through my shoulder. I also didn't expect the man to impale himself just to get through Echuu. Maybe once I'm healed, we'll be able to spar someday. I never saw you saber fight, I'm a Form II user, what lightsaber form do you use?"

Ilse Vogel

posted 03-16-2005 09:14 AM    
Ilse proceeded to the bridge and had the navicomputer plot a hyperspace route to Sullust. She sat down in the chair next to the Main terminal and started to do some work on the blast door controls, the level 32 starboard blast door wouldn't open. So she rerouted power from one capacitor to another so some maintenence droids can safely access the mechanical components inside the mechanism. So she decided to visit the Major in the Medcenter, she herself needed to check on her shrapnel wound, it was already stabilized, and probably harmless now, but she needed to prevent Infection.

Ilse limped a little on her way to the turbolift, she passed one of the labs that Ai'su uses to develop certain lethal and nonlethal weapons. She arrived at the Lift and entered level 30, the repulsors hummed to life and she began the ride to the medcenter...

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-16-2005 12:06 PM    
"I really don't care for forms and stuff like that. When it comes down to fight I fight with the force as my ally. Nothing more nothing less."

I paused as the medbay door opened and the woman jedi limped in.

"Are you okay?" I asked slowly walking towards her.

"Seems all three of you are injured. I'm sorry I didn't help. But now if you'll excuse me, I need some time alone."

I nodded at the woman and left the room. I took the turbolift to a random level and wandered around thinking of all the good times me and Ruhatt had.

Ilse Vogel

posted 03-16-2005 12:51 PM    
Ilse nodded towards Jebbua as she limped in, the shrapnel wound throbbing. She sat on a medical bench and pulled off her boot, there was a hole in the shin, where the shrapnel went through, it stopped in her skin. But the wound was bandaged, she inwrapped the bandage and peeled off the synthflesh. It was red around the cut, so she grabbed a flash-sterilizer, she primed it and triggered the flash. A bright-blue actinic flash burst forth, tingling the flesh, the redness faded and Ilse smiled.

So she put down the flash-sterilizer and reached over for some Synostat and an applicator. She dabbed some synostat onto the applicator and deposited some of the ointment onto the damaged muscle and tendons. The sinew started to reform, so she knew it was working. She disposed of the applicaotr and resealed the synostat.

She applied some synthflesh and rebandaged the wound, pulled on her boot and stood up, the limp was all but gone, but just barely there. She walked over to Echuu to check on the burn healing process and approved. She walked over to the Major and watched the Jedi meditate while the Droid repaired the muscle, bone, and nerve damage from the saber cut. She sat there for a while, and subsequently began to focus the force to heal her own wound...

[ 03-16-2005 12:52 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ilse Vogel ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-16-2005 06:36 PM    
I walked around the hallways and after about 30 minutes decided to go check on Alexis.

When I arrived, she was already asleep in the bed.

I kissed her on the forehead and left quietly.

I headed down the hallway and into another room only to find it was already occupied. By one of the jedi to be the looks of it.

"Well, I hope he or she doesn't mind. I'm too tired to leave for another room."

I fell on the bed and instantly fell asleep.

[ 03-16-2005 06:37 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]

Ilse Vogel

posted 03-16-2005 07:15 PM    
After easing the pain and settling most of the tissue back into place, Ilse stood up and took the turbolift back to the bridge. She made the announcement that the ship was entering hyperspace, and she depressed several buttons and eased the Hyperspace Lever down.

After the stars became starlines and indiscernable lines of light, she checked on how the droids on Level 32 were doing. One went Offline and the other reported malfunctions.
Great, another decommisioned droid...

She made sure her saber was attached and headed for level 32, which from the time The Major had found this ship, had never been opened. Only electronic sygnals were read from there, odd ones...

Ilse took the turbolift to level 32 and discovered a tall humanoid droid, exactly 6 feet tall, Ilse made an attempt to look important and said,

"I am Jedi Knight Ilse Vogel, I am the Administrator of this vessel, you will follow my orders and cease the dismantlement of these maintenance droids. And proceed to recover any other droids of your type on this level, and rally them to the Bridge level."

The Droid whirred on the inside, relesed the droid in his hand, holstered his blaster rifle on his back, and shouldered his vibro-pike, whirred once more, issued a beep and spoke in a gritty yet intelligent voice,

"I acknoledge, I will cease the destruction of these droids. But I fail to recover any more droids of the HK-88/b classification on this level, or anywhere else on the ship for that matter."

Ilse proceeded the order,

"Very well then, I will take you up to maintenence for a checkup, then you will report as a bridge guard, I will have you creativity dampeners disabled so you can think more independently."

The droid whirred and spoke,

"Yes master..."

Ilse thought,

I wonder what he meant by none are left, or why it didn't question my orders, but oh well, there are other matters at hand

The two took the turbolift and dropped the droid off on level 20, and proceeded back to her quarters to rest, they should be at Sullust by the time they wake up...

((OOC everybody (Major Konig, Ilse Vogel, Jebbua and Alexis Dahutt, Echuu Shinzon, and Captain Obvious) in the Flower of Carnage is transported to the thread Even Smugglers get the blues, in the CSWU forum))

[ 03-16-2005 07:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Ilse Vogel ]