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posted 06-13-2004 08:10 AM    
((OOC: Rhy_Kanar enters into play with this introductory post, thank you.))

Rhy peered from a crack in the wall panel of the ship he was hidden in, seeing a twi’lek clad in a black cloak enter. Rhy could feel a dark presence about the man, and, by the lightsaber at his side, assumed it was a Dark Jedi. Rhy got his first good look of how the Dark Side could twist a body as the Jedi lowered his hood. Extremely pale white skin stood out against the black clothing. Not the natural white that appeared twi’leks occasionally, such as that on the tips of Rhy’s lekku, but a pasty, sickening white. Colorless eyes sat above...He inhaled sharply disgusted by the site. A cauterized wound sat where a nose should have been. He watched how the sinister man operated the ship closely, he would need to know later.

He said goodbye to his mother and the few friends he had in his head as the ship rumbled and left the only planet he had known his entire life, bound for somewhere unknown. The noise from the ship was deafening enough, before the boom they created entering space. Rhy was grateful for how thin Ryloth’s atmosphere was, for had it been any more dense, he surely would have lost his hearing. Once again he was reminded the error of hiding in the spot he had chosen. As the ship’s speed increased entering hyperspace, the temperature rose as well. Panicking would help nothing, but he couldn’t help it. As fear rose, so did his heart rate, only worsening matters. Just as he was sure he would dehydrate and have a heat stroke, a thought entered the back of his mind. There was no air in space. In the moments it took him to calm down, he realized it wasn’t nearly as hot as he had imagined. A trickle of sweat still dripped from his pores, but Rylothean heat storms got much worse.

He chuckled lightly to himself, realizing how foolish he had been. The Jedi’s head whipped around. Rhy’s jaw dropped, he had barely heard the titter himself, an asset of long Force use, possibly? Rhy had found that holding the Force made senses extremely acute, but this twi’lek didn’t have a hold on it.

After a long while they suddenly slowed, jarring Rhy a bit. After collecting himself, he realized they were still moving fairly quickly, but slowing. He covered his ears hard, knowing what was coming. BOOM!!! For minutes afterward he thought he was deaf. But slowly hearing began to return. He didn’t know how those thin walls between him and the rest of the ship sealed out that sound, but they must have, or know one would ever want to ride in a ship.

The landing was smooth and quick, and as soon as the ship stopped the Jedi jumped to his feet, lightsaber leaping to life. A red blade, just as Rhy suspected. A ramp smashed down, and the Dark Jedi soared through the air into a heated battle. As he did, Rhy removed the panel and stepped from his hiding space. Standing so long had tensed him terribly, and he took a moment to stretch before stepping toward the ramp. He took one look around and decided to stay within the ship, but just as he got ready to turn, some one pointed at him. No one else seemed to notice, however, and thus the man--a Jedi of the Light Side, it seemed--rushed forward.

Dark yellow blade met pale violet above their heads. They were too close, Rhy was losing ground. Having a double-bladed saber, Rhy would need to force him back. He lashed out with the Force, trying to shove the man, but even at that incredibly short distance he was too far, reminding Rhy of his weakness. But some things he excelled in, and thus he filled his body with what he would later recognize as the Dark Side, his leg shot toward the Jedi in a daring move. Rhy caught him under the chin, driving him to the ground. Seeing his chance, he severed the man at the waist.

Deeming it foolish to stay in such a battle any longer, he ran to the control console to leave the planet. He couldn’t remember which switch close the ramp, so he picked one at random he remembered the Dark Jedi picking. Throwing the switch, his eyes hopefully shot toward the ramp, he had to close it before any one else noticed him. The engines fired. Oh Light! Quickly he pressed buttons and threw switches. The massive blaster cannons on the ship fired as it lifted from the planet. He sighed with relief, at least he was in the air now. From there it didn’t take him long to learn to operate it. Very simple, actually.

He spoke to soon. The Dark Jedi had noticed his ship being stolen. He leapt toward the closing ramp, just catching it as it shut. Rhy barely heard the scream as the fools fingers were slammed between metal. From a side window Rhy could see him take the only solution--his hand. He activated his saber and removed it, falling the surface below. He must have slowed himself with the Force, for he survived the fall. Rhy told himself he had bigger problems. Where he was to go, namely. The map of the galaxy on the console didn’t help a thing, he didn’t know anything about any of these places. He shoved that from his mind for the time being. He still had to get off of this planet without blowing himself up...

[ 06-13-2004 04:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Darth Sharl

posted 06-20-2004 01:10 AM    
((OOC: Darth Sharl enters into play with this post, thank you ~ Graysith.))

Darth Sharl watched from the Shadows as the events unfolded before her. The ship took off and the Dark Jedi landed on his back, but he was still alive. He slowly rose from the ground and clenched where his hand should have been. Darth Sharl would have turned to her apprentince, Leos, but she knew he was already beside her.

"Come, let us talk to the Dark Jedi." she said.

They walked over to the Dark Jedi who now stared at Darth Sharl.

"Pretty impressive display there, you call yourself a Dark Jedi?"

"Oh Yeah, Lets see what you got!" He yelled, his lightsaber flew to his hand, but he didn't activate it.

"I'm sorry, but you would be rather too easy for you, besides my apprentince here must complete his final test."

"Whats that? Showing you that you're nothing more the scum on the ground. Now I get the plesure of killing both of you." He activated his red lightsaber and Darth Sharl nodded to the being that stood next to her.

[ 06-20-2004 06:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Darth Sharl ]


posted 06-20-2004 01:23 AM    
((OOC: Leos enters into play with this post, thank you ~ Graysith.))

Already as he had seen the dark jedi's lightsabre come to hand and him threaten both himself and his master, his weapon had shot to his hand.

A red beam extended and he held it forward and it shot into and through the dark jedi before him.

He knew it was not over, and had resummoned it as the dark jedi took a swing at his head. He easily parried and cut into his foes calf. He followed up with a blow upon his ribs, drawing a cauterized line across his chest.

He took an uppercut like swing that would have severed his nose. Had it been there.

He parried several blows easily. He leapt backwards and abandoned himself to the darkside. He flowed between blow and parry, continuing to lace his foes body with cauterized cuts that could have easily slain him, had he not shown mercy. If it could be called that.

He then reached to the force and ripped the sabre from his foes hand and threw it across the docking pad. Then raised his foe into a helpless form, similar to a crusifix.

Over the next few moments, he turned his foes body into a ravaged mass of cauterized flesh and boiled pooled blood.

"I'm sorry if the blood has touched you, my mistress."

[ 06-20-2004 05:30 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Darth Sharl

posted 06-20-2004 04:01 AM    
"It did not touch me. Good job my apprentince. You have passed your final test." Darth Sharl noticed a human male head towards a ship and began unlocking it. "Now, watch your master at work." Darth Sharl headed towards the man who had finally finished unlocking his ship and headed inside. Leos waited outside and it wasn't long before he heard a sound of a lightsaber and a scream. Leos went up the ramp to meet his master waiting for him.

"come, lets us chase the Jedi that is escaping." and with that she closed the ramp and headed towards the cockpit.


posted 06-20-2004 04:11 AM    
Leos nodded and sunk into one of the padded chairs in the lounge. To comfortable. He thought. And he made for one of the drop bay seats, a solid slab of 90 degree angled durasteel.
Much better. He waited for a moment, then felt the repulserlifts of the ship come into effect as the ship began to leave. Over the whine of the engines, he could hear what sounded like the docking bay administrator alert system, declaring an uncleared ship taking off.

Then he felt the ship accend into the atmosphere, rocking slightly as it entered the void beyond the atmosphere of Ryloth.


posted 06-21-2004 02:15 AM    
Still panting from the harrowing experience, Rhy finally calmed his nerves as he began to enter the abyss called space. Setting a course for some planet at random, Rhy began to delve into the small ships compartments to see what he could find. His eyes shone with delight as he slid back a panel in the rear of the craft. Three sets of the black robes identical to those worn by the previous owner were there. Beautiful, they were--beautiful in the sense that just looking at one wearing them would somehow make him seem menacing threefold. As he took one from the rack, he saw something shine behind them. Amazingly the black cortosis armor and robes both fit him.

After changing into the new attire he looked around himself and realized his vessel was nameless. Let’s see...It was black, sleek...hmm... The end of the ship was curved down...somewhat like a beak. The Raven. Not exactly original, probably, but good enough for Rhy’s purposes.

Leaning back in the pilot seat he realized he needed to find somewhere to further train with the Force. Many questions came to mind at that. Jedi or Sith? When he did decide, where would he find either group? He had never left Ryloth, and seldom interacted with others there outside of his mother or father. Even with auto-pilot and a map, he could easily land himself on a hostile planet. Not to mention space pirates he had heard occasional stories of. Or some Dark Jedi enacting revenge....

Darth Sharl

posted 06-22-2004 10:14 PM    
Darth Sharl pilotted the ship out of the atmosphere and saw she was easily gaining on the other ship.

This must be a smuggling ship, because of the speed to get away from The Imprials. Darth Sharl thought.

"Leos, get to a gun turret, and prepare to fire, but only the hyperdrive, we want to board the ship and see who are jedi friend is before we kill him." Darth Sharl called back to Leos. And with that she activated her own shields and got closer and closer to the ship.


posted 06-22-2004 11:45 PM    
Upon hearing his mistresses voice, Leos leapted up to obey. He quickly opened the entryway to the gunners turret, and took a seat at the main colsole.

He activated the terminal with ease, and brought up a targeting system aided visual. He could see the ships outline, and quickly enhanced it, brining up a lock on it's aft thrusters.

"Locked on Mistress."


posted 06-29-2004 05:06 AM    
As if thinking about Jedi’s vengeance were a summons, a red warning light flashed and a siren blared. Rhy didn’t know what was going on, but it couldn’t be good. A display on the console showed a radar, and a ship behind him. Something in the back of his head said to give up, for he didn’t know enough about flying to outrun or fight the enemy, but sheer stubbornness kept him going. First he banked sharply to the left, followed by a right feint and another left veer. Purely by accident the speedy little craft rolled on its back momentarily but quickly came upright again as his direction was reversed, and a slightly larger ship came into view above head briefly. Not long after, however, the ship shook violently and smoke roiled through the small open area in the back and into the cockpit. Oddly, however, his ship was assailed no more, but the engine died and slowly the tiny vehicle lurched to a stop.

Rhy prepared to take hold of the Force before realizing he already held it. He took his double-blade in hand, but didn’t draw the beam just yet, he still had desperately high hopes that they weren’t hostile, or if so at least not a threat. Breath failed to escape his lungs as the sound of the first airlock opening entered his ears. Feeling the ability of a Force user beyond, Rhy activated the dark yellow blade and awaited a surely inevitable battle. What if...maybe he could turn this around and receive further training, or direction as where to get that from the one beyond.

As the first airlock slammed shut and the second sequence began Rhy, with a grin, thought of the many ways to greet his guests. It felt as if there were more than one, at least. Initiating a battle would most likely result in his death from revenge.

He focused on his anger, on all the pain he had experienced throughout his life. Bound it into a tight spring, ready to uncoil in a flurry of energy beam and body parts.

“Hello, names Rhy Kanar,” he said in a friendly voice as two figures loomed in the now open doorway. His voice became extremely bitter and sinister with “Who are you and what the do you want?” laced between myriad of profane obscenities.

[ 06-29-2004 05:08 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rhy_Kanar ]


posted 06-30-2004 06:08 PM    
Leos heard the words, but ignored them. Only the words of his mistress mattered. He now awaited her command, but a thought occurred as he probed the beings thoughts. They were chaotic, full of hatred and vengeance.

"He's dangerous, shall I dispose of him?" He asked in an undertone. He gripped one of his sabres, awaiting what he believed to be a positive command.


posted 07-06-2004 07:16 PM    
“Aww come on now,” Rhy said grinning. “Do you really think that’ll be necessary.” He added “Not like I can do you harm, anyway,” as he beckoned the energy beam of his lightsaber back into the hilt, hoping they believed him. Part of him wished they would fight him though, not because he thought he could win, but because he was competitive beyond any reason; then part of him desperately searched for a way to avoid conflict, knowing he couldn’t win.

“So,” Rhy began, fighting to keep hatred from filling his voice. “Why’d you go and blow up my ship, anyway? What do you want with me?”

Darth Sharl

posted 07-06-2004 11:59 PM    
Dangerous? He is like a ship without shields. dangerous. Ha. That will be the day. Darth Sharl thought. Well if he doesn't want to fight. Fine.

in one instant, Rhy was holding his lightsaber and the next it was in Darth Sharl's hand. Rhy looked as if he would protest.

"You said you didn't want to fight. So why do you need this?" She said. She then turned to Leos and spoke to him telepathy.Lock him up, we interogate him later.

Then she went back into the ship they had stolen and headed towards the cockpit with Rhy's lightsaber in hand.

[ 07-06-2004 11:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Darth Sharl ]


posted 07-07-2004 01:08 AM    
Upon hearing/thinking her command, Leos called upon the force.

He wrapped the twi'lek in a tight grip of it and levitated him back to the ship they had occupied, his only thought of obeying his mistresses command.

He took the twi'lek back to one of the hidden sealable smuggling compartments and threw him into the small space.

"Make no fuss, and cause no trouble." He said, then he sealed the small containment area and returned to the jump bay.

Darth Sharl

posted 07-12-2004 03:44 AM    
Darth Sharl piloted the ship into space where after she flew the ship in a random direction,she stopped the ship and motioned for Leos to follow her. They headed to the compartment where Rhy was locked up. She then motioned for Leos to open up the compartment. He did so and Rhy sprang at Leos. Darth Sharl moved to the side and hit Leos on the head with his lightsaber hilt that she still had. He fell to the floor. Leos help him sit up and and then backed away and watched his master to see if she would need him any more.

"Now Rhy, I have some questions for you. You will answer them truthfully, if you don't my apprentince will cut off every finger off your hands for every untruthful answer you give. Do you understand?" She asked. Darth Sharl then stood and waited to see if he would do it the easy way or the hard way.


posted 07-13-2004 05:53 PM    
Now just what do you think your doing was on the tip of Rhy’s tongue as his lightsaber was ripped from his hand into the strange woman’s. “You said you didn’t want to fight, so why do you need this?” As much as he hated it, she made a point. Anger welled up inside him as she walked away, too much a coward to finish what she had started, but was soon washed away by fear as the Force tightened around him as he floated to the back of the ship. Rhy thought his captor said something before sealing the door, but was concentrating too hard on how to free himself to hear.

The ship changed course, not that it mattered, he had no idea where he was headed in the first place, but a sea of rage filled him completely as he seen they didn’t plan to return to their own ship but take his instead. He didn’t have long to think on it however, for soon after the change in direction, the pair came to the back of the ship. As soon as he was released, Rhy leapt unthinkingly in his anger at the man who had imprisoned him in his own ship resulting in him--with his own lightsaber!--being thumped on the head. A low growl entered his throat as he hit the floor. He stifled it quickly so the apprentice helping him sit up wouldn’t notice.

"Now Rhy, I have some questions for you. You will answer them truthfully, if you don't my apprentice will cut off every finger of your hands for every untruthful answer you give. Do you understand?" He wanted to say no. How he burned to yell no and start an attack. Forcefully calming his voice he prepared to ask how they new his name, before remembering how foolishly he had given them something to follow him by.

“Yes, m’lady, I understand.” What could they possibly want to know about Rhy?

Darth Sharl

posted 07-13-2004 10:55 PM    
Good he is cooparting. Darth Sharl thought.

"Ok, I have recently discovered something or I should say my apprentince has discovered something. There have been leaks with The imperials lately, My apprentince has discovered that they have allowed the Jedi to have an acadmey on planet other than Yavin 4. Seeing how you're a Jedi, tell me where his acadmey is? If you don't you will face the consenquences." Darth Sharl looked at Leos and he nodded back.

"Now, will we do this the hard way or the easy way?" She asked. She waited to see what Rhy would say.

[ 07-13-2004 10:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Darth Sharl ]


posted 07-14-2004 07:48 AM    
“Whoa babe!” Rhy started, trying his best not to sound like a Jedi. “I’m all for the easy way, but I sure as hell ain’t no Jedi.” He thought of ways to convince her of this, but figured that truth was best. “I was trained by a Twi’lek back home on Ryloth, probably a fallen Jedi.” He took a deep breath to calm himself, all his anger gone and now replaced by fear. “All I was taught was use of the Force and a lightsaber, not a principal to follow. I was merely shown Light Side and Dark Side, not which is better.” Another long breath. “I swear to you,” this time his voice did begin to waver. “I swear this to be truth.”

Darth Sharl

posted 07-14-2004 04:56 PM    
Hmm, interesting.

"Then Perhaps you can help us find the acadmey." Darth Sharl grabbed his lightsaber from her belt.

"How about it? Are you up to the task, or are you too weak?" Darth Sharl held out Rhy's lightsaber and she could sense Leos gripping his sabers just in case Rhy decided to attack her.

"Whats it going to be?" Darth Sharl asked.


posted 07-17-2004 01:00 AM    
Rhy’s mouth dropped open, but he was too amazed to realize it. After noticing how dumb he must look a few moments later, he grabbed his lightsaber and leapt up. He had planned on letting that be answer enough, but it was evident the Darth wasn’t going to let go until she had an answer. “I’ll help you,” he said in a slightly vexed hiss. “I don’t know exactly how I can help,” he stated, this time annoyance free from his voice. “But I’ll do whatever you ask.” Well if I’m to be working with--for--these two...“By the way,” he began, to complete his thought, “what are your names?”


posted 07-17-2004 04:45 AM    
"My great and most powerful mistress, Darth Sharl. Myself, her humble and well placed apprentice, Leos."

As he spoke, he pointed with one of his sabres to both her and himself.

"But I may wonder, who is it that trained you. What was their name. Fallen Jedi or not, I think it's a straightforward enough question to be answered. I doubt that in all your time, they would not have spoken their name or of their past."

He smirked. "And why would you take to the training. Oh, last question. Why are you lying?"


posted 07-21-2004 07:00 AM    
“Hey,” Rhy began fiercely. “I know it sounds like bullshit but I’m telling the truth damn it.” Oops....if I get so mad they’re just going to think that I really am lying...“He said his name was Kayel, but whether or not that’s true your guess is as good as mine.” Well that probably wasn’t the brightest thing in the world to say, either. “I asked about his past on occasion, but he told me that it was what he was running from and there was no reason to go back to it.” Good, his voice didn’t waver. And the man accused him of lying! If Rhy were lying his voice would have been jumping high low, and stuttering, and the Light knows what else!

“What would posses me not to take the training. Not only is the Force the greatest gift one could wish, that was my only chance to get off of that backwater planet and save myself from becoming a ryll miner.” He chose his next words carefully, not making them sound to harsh, but as if he meant it. “Look, if there’s going to be a fight--which I hope to avoid--I’d like to get to it without wasting breath.” He raised an eyebrow. “So...?”

Darth Sharl

posted 07-22-2004 03:19 AM    
"they will be no need for a fight. We will get done to business. I suggest we begin searching for Jedi, perhaps they could lead us to the Acadmey. Leos, concentrate and see if you can sense any Jedi near by. I believe we just past Geonosis. Rhy, help him if you're able. I shall be mediating in the cockpit." Darth Sharl headed towards the cockpit and sat down into a deep mediation.

[ 07-22-2004 03:20 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Darth Sharl ]


posted 07-26-2004 02:41 AM    
Leos nodded as his mistress left. This, Rhy Kanar cannot be trusted.

"Come 'lek." Leos gestured for Rhy to follow. They entered the small lounge, and Leos took a seat upon the cold durasteel floor, beginning to sense for jedi.

"Interestingly enough, I do sense jedi. Let it be known to you, I do not trust you, nor will I ever do so."


posted 07-29-2004 04:27 AM    
Ignoring the “I don’t trust you remark” Rhy stared blankly at him. “How can you...feel, for other Jedi...” Leos gave him a strange look, making him feel dumb once again. He went on to explain his strange block in the Force, unable to control things not within his own body.

“So umm...can that be way around it...”


posted 08-02-2004 07:52 PM    
This one truely is a fool. "Unfortunantly, it will be very difficult to do. For example, you might catch a tiny flicker of what others might experience as a tidal wave."

He ceased his concentration and focused on Rhy. "A famous case was the long deceased Corran Horn, or Corran Halcyon. Their bloodline of jedi had great telepathy, but their ability to move things was nothing short of a failure. They never could get around this."

"There is no 'textbook' to the force, only you can truely guide yourself through it."

Darth Sharl

posted 08-18-2004 03:15 AM    
Darth Sharl entered the main cabin in the middle of the two guy's conversation.

"...only you can truely guide yourself through it." she heard Leos say.

"If you are strong enough." Rhy kanar was startled by Darth Sharl. She had appeared from nowhere, Leos however had felt her entered and hadn't move an inch.

"I have just felt a force disturbance from Tatoonie, we'll be there in ten minutes. get your things ready." and with that Darth Sharl headed back up to the cockpit.
(((OOC: Follow Darth Sharl, Leos, and Rhy to In the Fiery Wastes in this same forum. Thanks.)))

[ 08-20-2004 12:20 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Darth Sharl ]