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Captain Djorn

posted 05-15-2004 03:11 PM    
((OOC: This thread introduces the characters Korsair and Djorn. Thank you.))

At Kaut Drive Yards, a small team of recently turned pirates grouped in one of the catwalks. "All right men. You know why we are here and why we must end this tyranny. Kaut has pushed to many people around. We must now take back this cruiser and all of our work. Thre are still Kauti loyalists onboard though and we will have to be careful.

"A group, you head for the securtiy. B group, you head for the bridge. C group, you head for the fighter bays and ten launch and provide covering fire for our retreat. Meanwhile I will head to the vehicle bay and get in a support vehicle to help clear out the loyalists. You have my comm frequency so move out."

As I sprinted down the corridors, I was on the lookout for any loyalists. I had my assualt rifle ready and the safty was off. I skidded around a corner and found a group of workers. I let off a quick burst and ducked into a room. As I jumped out agian and fired once more I was rewarded to see one of the workers go down. But instead of going back out and killing the rest of them, I went through the other door and sprinted down a paralell corridor.

As I got to the vehicle bay, I was more cautious and slow scince it was likley to be gaurded. I dove behind some crates as I entered to bay as laser fire whizzed right above me. I stuck my head up and saw a group of security officers. As I let loose at one of them, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder. I ducked down and saw that a blaster bolt had speared through my armor and grazed part of my skin. Letting out a roar of pain I hopped up and charged their position.

This suprised them and there shots either went wide or were underpowered and just nicked the armor. As I unleased my deadly fury, however, the shots were both acurate and deadly. when the officers were dead, I looked around and hopped into an AT-PT, since it was small enough to walk the corridors. Looking around inside, he spotted a med kit and slapped it on. It wasn't enough to heal the wound, but it would stabilize it for now. Powering up the tiny fusion generator, he activated the drive engines and started running through the corridors. Whenever he wold see a group of loyalist he would open up with the twin laser cannon, built into the chin. This would either finish them or have them run for cover. On the comm system, he checked in on the other groups. A group had taken the security office, and C group was preping to launch, but B group was not reporting.

As he engaged a map on his heads up display. He stomped off down the corridors, and headed towards the bride. He encountered little resistance on the way there, but upon reaching the bridge, he saw B group pinned down by the laser defense system. It consisted of one heavy repeating balster, two e-web machine guns, and six heavy balster cannons. Bgroup had taken one of the balster cannons down but was now having diffculties. He quickly let off a hurried bust at one of the e-webs then backpeddeled his AT-PT. Then he noticed the side pannel on the cokpit that was behind the armrest. He immediatly saw that it was non-standard. It had a picture of the AT-PT and multiply switches around it, one at the chin(lighted green), one directly behind the overhead hatch, and another on the mechs side. Currious, he flipped the green one and it powered down to a black like the rest of them. His HUD also displayed a message saying that his laser cannon was offline. He flicked the switch agian, and it powered back up.

Suddenly understanding, he flipped the upper switch and a strange object unfolded from behind a panel on the roof of the AT-PT. he then flicked the switch below that switch and it suddenly slid out about a meter. Looking back to his HUD he saw that a new butten was on his joystick. He piloted the mech forward agian and aimed at the e-web he had damaged. He mashed down on the new butten, and saw a slug fly off and hit the e-web destroying it. IT apeared to be some sort of RAIL GUN! He targeted the other e-web and let loose agian, and was preparing to hit the heavy repeating blaster, when his HUD flashed, AMUNITION DEPLETED. He saw the gun retract and then opened up with his twin laser cannons. He succeded in destroying it but it had taken his armor down trendously.

Sudenly a hoard of missiles fly past him and pepered the remaining balster cannons. He turned and that B group had set up the portable missile launcher. He then was hit by a tremendous blast from the rear that shattered all his rear armor. He dropped out through the bottom hatch to prevent his death. He still got hit by shrapnel in the thigh. The second missile barrage finished of the balster cannons. The charged the bridge and then the remaining soldiers in the brede surrendered.

"All fighters, launch. Engines ahead full. Navagator, plot up a course out of here." THe cruiser shuddered to a start and the fighters soon destroyed the inteceptors that were sent after them. They were lucky by the fact that the only capital starship was a gunboat and was too slow to go after them since it was at the far side of the shipyard. As it reached the edge, it engaged the hyperdrive and launched of to some distant planet.

[ 05-16-2004 05:24 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Agent Korsair

posted 05-15-2004 03:45 PM    
"Damn." Kirin said as she watched the ships lift off. "Another contract ruined, but no mind. I have a new one, a higher paying one."

Kirin grinned to herself as she left the Kaut system on her personal ship, the Shadow's Fang , "Soon Alexis will find herself in my possession, and then a large amount of credits will be in my possession...."

Agent Korsair

posted 05-15-2004 11:47 PM    
(((OCC: Look in All The Kings Horses to see where Kirin is headed, and what becomes of her hunt....)))

[ 05-15-2004 11:48 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Agent Korsair ]

Captain Djorn

posted 05-16-2004 03:12 AM    
The return of Djorn is now posted in "Pirates on the Hunt"