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Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-09-2004 10:22 AM    
(((Continues from Minds like a Sieve in this same forum.)))

I don't know when i awoke, but the only thing i do remember is the pain i was in. I didn't even bothing opening my eyes for a while. I could physically feel the large part of the ship the was atop of my legs and i could also feel... I couldn't reach out into the force. I must have landed right into the forest where the ysalmiri lived. it was probably only a matter of time til a voxyner came and hunted me down as well. I have to get up. I have to get out of here. I slwly opened my eyes glancing at my surrondings. All i saw was a part of the ship on my legs and the forest around me. My ship wasn't even in sight. I must have flew through the front of the ship through the window. At least that explained why my head was throbbing. I tried lifting, what looked like the ramp of the ship.the ramp?

everything was just getting more and more confusing.
I stopped trying to lift the ramp of my legs and took a couple of deep breaths, then ignoring all pain in my body tried crawling and lifting the ramp of my legs. I got one leg free but as soon as i did my strength failed and everything blackened. I gave up and fell back into unconisnce.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-11-2004 10:21 AM    
I slowly opened my eyes. again. still feeling pain all over my battered body. I glance at my feet and remembered freeing one leg, but my other was still trapped.
Then a thought came into my head. I reached down to my belt for my lightsaber but grabbed air.Not again.I thought.
I looked around and found it lying not far away, but out of arm reach. I couldn't use the force because of the stupid ysalmiri. I would have to do this the hard way. I used my free leg to push the ramp of my leg and what strength i had left to crawl out from underneath it. once I got my leg from under the ramp i relzxed taking time to regain strength. I slowly rose and grabbed my lightsaber hooking it back on my belt. Just then I heard a growl. I looked around waiting for something to jump out. When it didn't, I saw where the rest of what was left of my ship and walked over to it. I searched through the wreckage taking breaks every five minutes to regain strength. When i had finished searching the ship i had a couple of ration packs, some water and even lucky for me, some bacta patches.
I sat down and placed some baca pacthes on and meditated and hoping some had gotten my message before my ship crashed.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-11-2004 09:07 PM    
I opened my eyes to the sound of engines. I looked at the wreckage and knew it wasn't my ship, but then... I looked to the sky and saw a ship. I jumped up and waved my hands in the air, but landed on my feet and almost screamed with pain. I grabbed my lightsaber and ignited the green blade and waved it in the air hoping to get the pilots attention when he didn't change course i knew he hadn't seen me. I shut off my lightsaber and I decided that if he didn't come to me i would go to him. I packed what was left of the food and headed in the direction the ship was going down. I was no more then 20 feet from my ship when a creature jumped from the forest. A voxyner. I ignited my lightsaber and waited for him to make the first move.


posted 03-11-2004 09:26 PM    
(((Continuing from "Return to Rhyloth: A Bittersweet Reunion" in this same forum, Thank you.)))

I saw a wreckage below the hovering Scimitar. I could tell it was recent, because there were still several brush fires blazing around it.

I set down a safe distance away, just in case the destroyed ship decided to explode.

I was anxious to examine the wreckage, and search for survivors.

The landing platform lowered and Dink and I exited the ship. Blasters in hand we set out towards the wreckage.

As I was examining the wreck, I heard a distinct groweling in the distance.

I cautiousy approached. Dink at my heals. There in the clear I saw a man with a lightsaber, the fabled weapon of the Jedi, standing his ground against some strange beast.

I raised my blaster and open fire as the beast lept towards the Jedi.

Like a scalded Womprat, the beast ran off after taking a hit in the flank.

"You there... I am an excellent marksman. State your name whether you are friend or foe. Or I will assume the latter and open fire!"

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-11-2004 09:48 PM    
I shut off my lightsaber and turned to face a stormtooper and...a Jawa.
Man, everyone has Jawas. First Dash now this guy. Maybe i should get me one. I thought.

I shook the thought aside and clipped my lightsaber onto my belt.
"My name is Jebbua Dahutt. And I hope I am a friend. I was on my way to Sullest when my ship ran out of fuel and crashed landed here. You wouldn't mind dropping me of there would you? I can pay whatever you ask." I glance from the stormtrooper to the Jawa. there was something familiar abour him. I walked over and sat down on a tree stump and waited for the stromtroopers reply.

[ 03-11-2004 09:48 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]


posted 03-11-2004 09:55 PM    
"I see taht your wisely lowerd your weapon. I shall do the same. The name is Obvious, Capt. Obvoius. And it would appear that you are without a ship and need some help. Lucky for you, I am here to offer my assistance."

Dink jumped into the air in surprise. He ran over to the newcomer, Jebbua, and began hugging and humping his leg.

"OOOTEE,You must stop that immediately, it is innapropriate behaviour."

I snatched him off of Jebbuas leg.

"Come friend, let us salvage what we can from your ship, perhaps we can fit some of your lazer cannons to the Scimitar, as it is currently weaponless. My Jawa friend seems to be an expert mechanic. Even if he has tonnes of spare parts left after the job. Ha ha ha!"

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-11-2004 10:04 PM    
What a second. something wasn't right here.Scimitar. a jawa who's hugging you as if he knows you.

"Do you know a man by the name of Dash Kelderon?"

The jawa nodded his head and jumped up and down. Capt. Obvoius looked at me and shook his head.

"Where did you get the Scimiter from and this Jawa too? Sorry if I sound rude but the ship and this jawa seem familiar to me and I would just like to know."
I looked from the Jawa to Capt. Obvouis and then back to the jawa.

Man if only i had a translater droid. I thought.

DINK the Wonder JAWA

posted 03-12-2004 07:12 AM    
The mention of Dash Kelderon, had me on my toes in an instant! "OOOTEEDEE" I shouted, as I pointed to his ship.

The Jedi, just stared at me. Again, I shouted "OOOTEEDEE" another blank look.

I couldn't make it any more clear to him. Dash was my friend and I wanted to go find him. But for the moment.... I had a ship to begin salvage work on. One of the Jawa races true pleasures was strippng down machines and rebuilding better ones.

I ran to the wreckage, and got to work.


posted 03-12-2004 07:26 AM    
"Well, it would appear that OOOTEE knows of this person you are speaking of. This Dash Kelderon."

"OOOTEEDEE" was heard in the background.

"And of you it would seem. Perhaps, our paths lie together. But for the record, I am no Stormtrooper, I am a renegade. I left the Imperial Army years ago, due to a conflict of interests. Since then, I have been wandering the galaxy, aiding others in need and pointing things out."

I turned to the wreckage, where Dink was working diligently. "It's obvious that he loves this type of work. Perhaps we should help him, and get those lazers mounted on the Shimmering Scimitar, as I do not like the idea of flying around completely weaponless. Come Jebbua, and let us get to work."

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-12-2004 11:19 AM    
The Jawa was Dink, it just has to be. oh well more on that later. I thought.

"Yes, we should get busy i'd like to get out of here as soon as possible. this planet messes with my ablities." I head to the wreckage and helped Dink and Capt. Obvious gather the weapons from the ship and we headed back to his ship.
When i Saw the Scimitar I knew it was Dash's ship i could reconizie any time.

"Wow, nice ship. Where did you get it?" I asked
The only thing that i was confused aboutthough is if he didn't know Dah, then how did Dink and this ship end up with him.
I put the part i was carrying down and again stared at the ship.


posted 03-12-2004 12:02 PM    
"Well Jebbua, it is quite an interesting story of how I came to be a passenger on this particular ship. It all started on Sullust, where our little Jawa friend was causing mischeif. I tried to turn him into the local authorities for stealing. Somewhere along the way I had a change of heart. After all, Jawas don't know any better, they are scavengers by nature. In appreciation, OOOTEE here decided to make a meal for me on the ship. That's when we were hijacked by a little kid with a stun rod." I pointed to the mark that was still on the side of my neck.

"He took us to some remote planet, Ryloth, I beleive the name to be. I guess he was double crossed by his "partner" because for some reason his partner shot at the ship, and decomissioned it. Then he knocked us all out. We awoke in a Med-center, wheich we exited post-haste, and set to work on repairing the ship."

I took a second to point to the scorch marks, and weld lines from the repairs.

"Then we set course for Sullust, and ended up here after a hyperdrive failure."

As if something hit me all of a sudden, a shocked look came over my face.

"Do you mean that the ship is stolen? You did say that some fellow named Dash Kelderon owned the ship did you not? The ship must be returned to him at once. Do you know where he may be?"

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-12-2004 12:50 PM    
"Yeah, that ships is Dash's all right. As to where he is last i saw him he and his "friends" were heading to Keel'Doba. Yeah i think thats the name of it. But i can't tell if he's ok or not. I think our best bet it to finish up here and get into space and i'll see if i can contact him."
I turned to Capt. Obvious seeing if he would agree with my plan or not.


posted 03-12-2004 02:45 PM    
"I see no problem with that plan. Do we need to turn OOOTEE over to the authorities for taking your friends ship?"

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-12-2004 08:08 PM    
"No he's a friend of my friends, which makes him my friend as well. So I guss lets finish up here and then you and Dink i think it was, right?"
The Jawa nodded his head.
You two can put the weapons on, i never really was a mechanic, so i'll stay on watch from the Voxyners. 1 may have been easy, but they learn from they're mistakes. it won't be long till more of them show up."
Capt. Obvouis nodded his head and Dink set off to work and finally Capt. Obvoius right behind him.

[ 03-12-2004 08:10 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-12-2004 09:46 PM    
I sat waited while Dink and Capt. Obvouis were putting the weapon systems on the scimiter and when they were finished Capt. Obcious came over and sta down beside me.

"I wonder where Dash is? I wonder if he's alive? He probably can't sense me since i'm on this stupid planet. I winder if he thinks i'm dead. I wonder..." Just then there was a rumbling in the bushes. Capt. Obvouis grabbed his blaster while i grabbed my lightsaber, since i had no blaster. Then a voxyner jumped out from the bush behind us and landed on me, but before it could do anything else Capt. Obvious shot it right in the head.
"I can see you are a marksmen." I said climbing up from the ground.
Capt. Obvouis opened his mouth to reply, but before he could 4 voxyn surronded us.
Great. just plain great. I thought.

"Any ideas?" i asked.
I ignited my lightsaber and put my back to Capt. Obvious.
"If so i'm all open to them" I waited gribbing my geen blade hoping he knew what to do, for i was out of ideas at the moment.

DINK the Wonder JAWA

posted 03-12-2004 11:03 PM    
I saw the creatures come out of the brush. I ducked for cover inside the ship. I ran for all I was worth to the weapon control panell.
I guess this is as goood a felid test as any! I thought half out loud.

I took aim at the large beasts.
Steady.... Lead the target and...... FIRE!

The first volley was way off. Heads turned momentarily to the ship in surprise. For some reason, the first thing that popped into my head was that I would have to recalibrate the targeting sensors. Then reality hit home as one of the beasts lunged for Jebbua. A quick slash of his green blade, sent the now 3 legged creature off to lick it's wounds.

Capt. Obvious was doing his best to keep the nasty things at bay with his blaster, but they were too close, and moving mush too quickly to take down with a hand blaster.
Ok... It's up to you... No pressure. Just aim a little closer than last time, not as big of a lead. And.... FIRE!!!

The powerful lazer cannon blasted one poor beast into itty bitty pieces.

Now only 2 remained.

The intelligent beasts changed positions to put Capt. Obvious and Jebbua in my line of fire.

Feeling absolutely useless, I ran toward the boarding ramp. Blaster pistol in hand, and rushed out to join the fighting. It was over before I even got to fire a single shot.

One beast lay in front and behind Jebbua, cleanly sliced in half from the shoulder to flank. The other lay motionless before Capt. Obvious, a clean shot right between the eyes put this pitiful creature to rest.

I pointed to the ship. "OOO-TEE-DEE" I shouted, as I ren back towards the ship. For it would be much safer inside. I stopped at the landing plank and made a bekoning motion to the two humans who seemed to be taking thier sweet ass time in getting to the ship.

Finally they were aboard. Time to go work on that recalibration.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-12-2004 11:33 PM    
"Whew. that was a close one." I said as i boarded the ship.
Capt. Obvouis headed to the cockpit and started up the ship. I sat down in a chair in the gallery and waited till we were in space. I closed my eyes and waited. A couple of minutes later it came back to me. I could sense everything around me. I could feel Capt. Obvious heading my way to probably see if i had contacted Dash. Dash.Dash. Hello Dash.

I searched for him and sensed a small presence on a very distant planet. i reached out again.Dash where are you?

Capt. Obvuios stodd before and Dink had stopped doing whatever he was doing and they both waited, while I sat legs crossed and waited to see if Dash would reply.

[ 03-12-2004 11:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]


posted 03-15-2004 08:06 PM    
The waiting was killing me.

"Any luck yet? I'd like to get going as soon as possible."

There was no answer.

"I'm gonna fire up the hyperdrive. Come to the cockpit when you are done."

Off I went to the cockpit of the midsized ship. I began the hyperdrive ignition sequence., keeping my eye, always on the scanners to ensure that there was nothing sneaking up on us. Dink Manned the weapons panel, ready to fire if necessary. It almost seemed like he was hopeing for something to shoot at.

The stars streaked into long lines as we entered the depths of hyperspace. Sullust our target. Unless our Jedi friend tells us otherwize.

[ 03-15-2004 08:08 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Capt. OBVIOUS ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-16-2004 06:30 PM    
Don't worry Alexis is fine. I haven't seen her latly but i can feel her and she's fine. and Dash don't get yourself killed.

I opened my eyes and got up from my seat and headed to the cockpit. When i got there there were starlines instead of stars, meaning we were in hyperspace already.
"Well Dash is ok, He got left behind from the others but hes on his way to meet them so we shouldn't worry about him. So I'd say we have our own ship until then." I said to Capt. Obvious. I stood there quiet for a second and then added.
"So where are we going?"


posted 03-16-2004 08:08 PM    
"Well, I was heading back to Sullust, as I had no intention of actually leaving the planet in the first place. Is that allright by you? After all, it is your friend who owns the ship."

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 03-16-2004 08:14 PM    
I was about to answer Capt. Obvious when Dash spoke to me agin.
matrial for a lightsaber? I thought. Well I supose i could since i had nothing else to do. and we were going back to Sullest.
Sullest. I thought.I wonder how my sister and Ruhatt are doing?

"Sullest is fine. I'm sure Dash will join us later when the time is right, but for now i guess we'll head to sullest. Wake me when we get there. I need to get some sleep and rebandage my wounds." And with that I went back to the cabins.
(((Follow Jebbua, Capt. Obvious and Dink to Minds like a Sieve in this same froum. Thank You.)))