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posted 11-17-2003 11:14 PM    
((OOC: Not quite sure where i was before, but this is returning from i believe the imperial ship, left, ended up in a safe place...))
Curled warmly in a bed of death the purity of Allaria's form purred with satisfaction... The corpses formed around her bled their life giving essence into a small pool that sat in front of her tantalizingly frozen eyes.
The darkness flowed from her, probing that pool and gazing into the realms which were outside of hers, watching all that occured with a seductive gaze.
Her lithe body rolled grancefuly over, stretching her form as she attempted to wake herself somewhat, resembling that of a leasurly cat, right down to the glowing eyes that shone in the darkness...

"sister..." she purred into the night, sending her voice drifting through the shadows of their layer, "sister... I'm bored... Do wake up and keep me company..."

Rolling again she brought her lips to the pool of blood before her, allowing her tongue to creep out and take a few cat-like drinks.
"mmmm...." she moaned to herself, "fresh blood always tastes so pure... But mortal blood is so much sweeter..." her tongue snaked its way from her mouth once more to play upon the fullness of her lips and drink up the blood that had remained there.
She then leaned back once more, stretching out and yawning lightly, awaiting her sister to come and join her...

[ 11-17-2003 11:28 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Allaria ]


posted 11-17-2003 11:52 PM    
The universe knows many shades of blackness, many hues of darkness. There are, for example, the dead, rollover black of a shark’s eyes just as it makes the killing bite; the deep and silently echoing black of a cavern hidden hundreds of feet from the surface; and the roiling and oozing black of natural oils trapped within the harsh grip of bedrock itself, deep within the bowels of the earth.

All paled before the darkness of her soul.

From somewhere very far away, a small sound wafted to her, beckoning her to rise from the state in which she had been hiding herself. None ever saw her, or her sister, as they had simply blinked from the paltry existence of the Imperial ship they had found themselves on, where they had been taken when leaving the harsh deserts of Tatooine. They had merely been aboard one minute… and in the next minute, they were….


She blinked the darkness from her vision, blinked the death in which she had been luxuriating, pushed away the terrors and cries of fear she had been feasting upon in this Darkness, and let something not quite approaching a glimmering of light enter into her being. That light was the recognition of her sister, of a need to be one with her, the two of them more than two sides of the same rusted and well-spent coin, more than two halves which came together to make a whole.

Something approximating a smile flowed out upon her lips like old blood spilling from an ancient wound. Her eyes grew impossibly dark then, pure black, rolled back into her head to expose the red parts behind them as they sought to find that dearest, dearest sister who had after all this time finally called out to her.

Time for fun and games….

The pool of blood languishing in front of Allaria burst forth a sudden fountain, spewing out bits of flesh and sore-strewn body parts. In the midst of this she rose, a ruby-eyed Venus coming forth from a shining red sea.

She smiled again, the reds of her eyes rolling back once more to velvety black, and she held out her naked arms to Allaria.

”Sister….” she breathed, then stepped out from that fount to come to a graceful kneel beside Allaria.

[ 11-17-2003 11:54 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by IllaAnda ]


posted 11-21-2003 10:38 PM    
Allara smiled at her sister. She reached out and embraced her with what might have been seen as sisterly love, before linking an arm with her sisters and leaning upon her sisters strong shoulder.
After a few moments of quiet content at being reuinited with her sibling she spoke softly.
"i trust you have slept well my sister?"

She smiled a bit more before cutting into what she was thinking.
"What say you to a little fun?" she purred softly, "Perhaps we should destroy mother and her lot?"

reaching out to her sister she used her mental prowess to invoke images of ShaRhylla, and then of Graysith, of Galen, of recinis... Of just about anyone she could find in assosiation with her mother.
These were images she had plundered from her mothers concious upon her being created, she looked at her sister with a mischevious little smile.
"What do you think my sister?" she spoke, her words filled with anticipation and hunger.


posted 11-24-2003 12:57 AM    
IllaAnda tilted her head against the top of her sister's, rejoicing in the sensuous feel of hair tickling upon the sensitive skin of her cheek.

Then she yawned.

"Oh really, Allaria," she replied in a bored tone of voice. "How utterly... ordinary. Can not you think of some greater prey than that? There are so many worlds beyond this place, so many others who tread upon their soils.

"Simply killing mother and her... friends would only prove a momentary pleasure; I wish for something that would last a bit longer, something which would be a bit more of a challenge."

She paused then and drew Skemmdarvargur from its scabbard, held it up and scrutinized its shining blade. The short sword seemed to thrum in her grasp, as if begging to be placed into a scabbard of greater vulnerability than that which normally housed it. IllaAnda recognized this, and with concentrated and slow determination turned the blade down and sliced it deeply into the flesh of her own thigh. She shivered, feeling the connection with her blade, feeling its strength mingle with her blood and thereby seeming to transfer some of its essence into her.

Smiling, she pulled Skemmdarvargur forth and ran a delicate tongue up and down its length, cleansing it of her own blood. Then she turned eyes equally as bloody, eyes blotched now with roiling blackness, back upon her sister and waited.

[ 11-24-2003 01:00 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by IllaAnda ]