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Lanlif Berayen

posted 07-29-2003 11:56 PM    
((OOC: Coming from "Under the Orbs" in Jedi Praxuem and Sith Forum))

It wasn't a long ride from Tatooine to Bespin so he never got any good rest, nor did his astromech droid which had been working non-stop on certian parts of the ship.

"When we land, I gotta get to a shop, so he can get an upgrade."Lanlif thought, his lips curving akwardly as he looked up at the ceiling of the cockpit. Alerted by a silent beeping noise coming from the navboard, he began working on exiting hyperspace.

Pulling out with all the stars taking their places, with all the beings taking their status, he was back in realtime. Smiling at the globe far ahead which was Bespin, he prepared for landing. Opening the comm. unit to the rest of the ship he alerted the others and headed down into the planet's atmosphere.

It wasn't long until they made their spectacular, perfect land on the docking bay that branched out from the starport. Heading off the ship, with his two droids behind he was welcomed by a black platted protocal droid, of which was a different unit than his own. His facial features were much more wider, and his eyes were of a green coloration.

"Follow the laws of Bespin, give me your datapad and I will enter them in."

The Squib responded with a confused eyebrow. He wondered why he was so special to be alerted of these laws, every other time he came with his ship he was never told of them. They were always ran over by flesh and blood--not some droid.

Maybe something was up, he'd have to get to the bottom of it--but later, he rather have the Jedi by his side now, especially with this akward situation coming to his attention.

Pulling out his comm. unit he alerted Xam of their coordinates and waited for the others to catch up so they could enter Cloud City.

[ 09-02-2003 11:45 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Shawn Petrolu

posted 07-30-2003 10:29 PM    
Shawn didn't know how long he sat lost in thought, considering Paul's words. The visions of destruction which Arrakeen saw greatly...

...and disturbingly...

...mirrored his own. But the connection with the Sith...? And what of what he knew of the Sith?

Shawn leveled his greeny-blue eyes with Paul. "You are not the only one with experience in the Sith," he started, halting only in recognition of the landing cycle. "I shall tell you my own tale when we have more time for it. "But I have found, like you, that the Sith are a passive race, desiring no harm to any other race in the galaxy..."

Here he paused for a moment, his eyes growing vague as his thoughts spun. "...excepting maybe a small few."

With effort then, he snapped back to reality as the ship touched down. By the landing, Shawn knew very clearly that they had not landed in the landing bay of a ship. "Come, let us see where our little Squib friend has brought us," he then said simply, his look utterly passive even as he stood. In moments they were behind they had departed the ship and joined Lanlif, who was looking somewhat worried.

"I'm assuming that someone from the Stargazer is to meet us here?" he queried, waiting for the Squib's nod of confirmation. Receiving that, he pulled the comm Lanlif had provided him from his belt and dialed a familiar frequency. "This is Shawn Petrolu," he said into it, "We have arrived at Bespin. Where should we meet our contact?"

The voice of Katrina, one of his sister's most trusted employees, replied, "You are to rendezvous with your escort in the Blue Asteroid at at 1800 hours."

"Thank you, Katrina," he said simply then. "Petrolu out."

Then he turned to the others for a moment, "I've been here before, and already know the way," he said, "Follow me..."

Xam Ngboohan

posted 07-30-2003 11:06 PM    
Xam Had recieved the transmission. The ranclaw entered the bespin system just a few minutes behind the jedis' ship.

Xam waited for the jedi to answer. In the meantime he looked over at ken sleeping in the back seat. Better not to disturbe him until we land.

After awhile, Xam landed his ship on the pad next to the Jedis' ship. He got out, woke Ken up, and went to meet the Jedi.

He went up to Jedi Petrolu and asked, " So, can I know what ae are here for?"

[ 07-31-2003 12:16 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xam Ngboohan ]

Paul Arrakeen

posted 07-31-2003 02:07 AM    
Except a small few? Hopefully the Empire doesn't fall into that list... Paul thought as he followed Shawn. As the Jedi walked through the spaceport, Paul wondered about traders in Cloud City.

Perhaps they have fine enough crystals I can use to construct another lightsaber. There certainly is enough tech parts in the ship's cargo...

Then, as Xam approached, Paul realized he had forgotten about the other Jedi...


"I'll be right behind you," he said, patting Master Petrolu on the back. Paul rushed to the side of the young force-user and walked with him.

"Lumbia," he started, his voice barely above a whisper, "There is something I must explain to you. Back on the ship, I asked Master Petrolu to...instruct you on the Jedi code forbidding love. Now I should tell you that not all Jedi believe in that code, especially since it is so old, and that I never meant any harm. It's just that...."

Paul scratched the back of his head, thinking of his choice of words. "'re a young man., uh, susceptible to love kinds of ways. And, ah, that's actually a good thing! But, as a Jedi-in-training, love can blind you from your duties. Anakin Skywalker is clear evidence of this. Your feelings can aid you greatly, Lumbia, but they can also betray you."

Paul offered a smile. "But with a little time and training, you'll be able to control them more."

[ 07-31-2003 02:07 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Paul Arrakeen ]


posted 07-31-2003 12:51 PM    
Lumbia stared at his Master for a moment, his eyes and ears drawing in the sights and sounds from about and in the conversation. It was not for a long time that he actually reacted to them, but when he did it was direct and firm. Pulling his hood over his head, he walked on, slowing down behind Paul's pace. Their was an atomsphere around him that screamed out isolation. He needed to think about this old code of the Jedi Order.

He would need to create his own, though out opinion of love before he fell in it. Danger could come from love, he was told that and he knew it--but also could greatness.

So he thought, walking slower and slower but still able to be seen by the rest of the group. His hands behind his back as he nodded at all the human and non-humans greeted him to the foregin world. Yet his mind still focused on another topic, the topic of love. Keep it ever in his mind as they trailed onto this Stargazer that Master Petrolu had talked of.

[ 07-31-2003 12:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by LumbiaSith ]

O-B-1 Kenobi

posted 07-31-2003 07:00 PM    
Ken followed Xam and the Jedi through cloud city. The Jedi did not acknowledge or even notice him when they first met.

They walked past many civillians. Ugnaughts, wookies, humans and droids. Ken's mind drifted as he walked. First, he could not believe that he was in the presence of not 1 but 4 Jedi. He thought the Jedi died out when their temple was destroyed.

Then he started to think. All this time, Ken wanted to get to the planet Kiva. But it seems that he keeps getting side tracked. Yet he has an "urge" inside him to help his friends whenever possible.

This was another one of the things about himself which he could not find an explanation to. It was as if his brain was altered so that he would be extremely helpful to his friends, even if it meant giving up his own interests for them.

Shawn Petrolu

posted 07-31-2003 08:40 PM    
Shawn turned to regard Xam, only then realizing he had a new companion. "We are going to the Stargazer to acquire a ship of our own," he started simply. "Captain Berayen has performed several invaluable services to us already, and we cannot risk his life any longer, especially with the possible danger we may be headed for."

He paused at that for a moment, then turned to the newcomer. "I apologize for my failure to greet you and introduce myself. I am Jedi Shawn Petrolu, might I ask who you are, and how it is you have come to join us?"

He fell silent at that, his greeny-blue eyes calm and serene as he waited for the newcomer's answer. Underneath the surface of the calm, however, Shawn was becoming keenly aware of something extremely disturbing as he stretched out with his Force-senses towards the newcomer.

For although he was standing directly in front of him and seemingly very much alive...

...he could not be sensed through the Force...

[ 07-31-2003 08:40 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]

O-B-1 Kenobi

posted 08-01-2003 06:53 AM    
Ken turned to the Jedi.
"Yes, you may call me Ken. I am a friend of Xam, met him on Sullust. I am actually trying to find someone who knows the exact coordinates of a planet called Kiva, and to take me there".

Which was true, as all Ken could accuire about Kiva was which system it was located in, not the exact coordinates.

He continued, "However I am willing to offer whatever help I can give in the mean time."
He waited to see if the Jedi called Petrolu would reply. Ken's last sentenced seemed fine. But Ken could not help but feel a little uneasy. since when was he so helpful.......

Ken thought back. His earliest memory was of living as a beggar and thief on Sullust.

With a smile, Ken finally concluded.....since I becane friends with Xam and Ruhatt Luthan..........


posted 08-01-2003 10:43 AM    
Lumbia reunited with the group, fastening his pace to join their general area. Glancing over to the newcomer of which he had yet to noticed, he gave him a simple drift of his hand a generous smile to greet him. Turning his head once again, with the shadow of his hood over, he went into thought once more.

He had yet to understand exactly why they headed off planet, though it wasn't right to question the actions of his Master's, he would have to understand, because the situation only grew closer.

Nodging Master Petrolu, he looked down into his eyes. Sighing before he could begin, taking the chance to pull his mind onto focusing on this unknown topic.

"Why are we here? Where are we heading Master?" The young one questioned, taking his hand up to pull down the hood. Lumbia's face expressed a sense of confusion and interest, meanwhile trying to manage to listen so that he could understand the reaction to his query.

Xam Ngboohan

posted 08-06-2003 09:54 PM    
Xam sighed. Had Lumbia been asleep all this time? Now poor Petrolu would have to repeat himself for the sake of Lumbia.

Now Xam thought of Shawn Petrolu's words. "possible danger" he had said. Well Xam was ready for anything.

His ship "The Ranclaw" would be able to take on any imperial or pirate interferance. As for ground assaults, Xam had his DL-62s, his lightsaber, and a rapid-fire pulse rifle hidden in his ship.

He wondered where he would be going with the jedi and what dangers he would face.

[ 08-06-2003 10:06 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xam Ngboohan ]

Shawn Petrolu

posted 08-09-2003 05:56 PM    
For the first time in a long time Shawn's placid look changed. Actually rolling his eyes, he looked to Lumbia, keenly sensing Xam's irritation as well. "As I have already said, we are going to get our own ship. Be mindful of where your attentions lie, if they lie anywhere at all my young friend."

With nothing more than that, Shawn turned forward once more and proceeded to the rendezvous point...

...the Blue Asteroid. After thanking Lanlif for his services, the group met their contact and found themselves on the way back to the docking area where they would board a ship which would in turn take them to the Stargazer. After suggesting that Xam follow them in his ship the Ranclaw, Shawn and the others boarded a little transport with their contact, a dark headed young man who was no doubt proficient at flying.

"Any word from my sister lately?" Shawn asked the young man as they finished boarding the ship.

He looked up from the controls to regard Shawn a moment before he responded. "I guess you haven't heard that Erik and Shayla sold the company to Eagle Enterprises. That is the last we have heard from either of them."

With that, the young man turned once more to getting ready for departure. Shawn's look darkened...

...this time noticeably. Though he was keenly aware that Shayla hadn't been directly involved with Stargazer Corporation for some time, the sale still surprised him...

...and somehow even troubled him. For Shayla and Erik to fall totally out of contact...

As they took off for the skies, Shawn jerked from his reverie and adressed the young pilot once more. "When we arrive at the Stargazer, I'd like to get the comm frequency of Eagle Enterprises' owner so that I may speak with him about this," he said.

The pilot cocked his head. "I'll let them know you want Aaron Barnes's frequency when we approach to dock...

...which should be shortly," he stated even as a purple and silver yacht grew closer and closer into view.

Shawn couldn't help but smile a little at the sight of her. "That is the Stargazer, he said to the others then, nodding his head towards the ship.

Then his smile faded, and his thoughts again returned to his worries concerning Erik and Shayla's disappearance... well as to his worries regarding these visions of destruction both he and Paul were seeing. Then he remembered that they had yet to ask Xam about just what he had sensed back on Tatooine...

...and he realized that now was a good time to do just that. After all, there could be absolutely no connection between what Xam sensed and the visions...

...but then perhaps there was. Even as the hanger of the little yacht loomed closer and closer, Shawn finally addressed Paul. "Now's the time to ask Xam about the darkness he says he sensed, before we proceed any further. After all, chasing a wild ronto will be nothing more than useless..."


posted 08-10-2003 05:37 PM    
Lumbia frowned at all of which proceeded. He wasn't asking about the Stargazer, but where we were heading afterwards, and exactly what was there. All he was told was that they were heading into darkness, which wasn't very descriptive.

So he watched on, making sure to listen so that he would understand this darkness they were going into.

Paul Arrakeen

posted 08-17-2003 01:41 AM    
"Yes," Paul started to say, nodding in agreement with Master Petrolu, "But it would not hurt to wait a little longer. I would like to address this issue with the other Jedi."

Paul then looked back at Lumbia before he continued. "We need them to trust us, by not hiding anything from them."

And I am fearing for this one as well. he thought-spoke to Shawn. Perhaps I was too hasty in addressing Lumbia...

Xam Ngboohan

posted 08-19-2003 06:30 PM    
Upon hearing Petrolu's suggestion that he folow in his ship, Xam went back to the Ranclaw with O-B-1.

They got into the Ranclaw and took off. When in orbit, Xam contacted the Jedi.

"So what are the coordinates we are heading to"?

[ 08-26-2003 11:08 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xam Ngboohan ]

Lanlif Berayen

posted 09-01-2003 12:36 AM    
Lanlif had been quiet for a while now, which was truly unlike him. He had become curious, very curious about the situation which had transpired and it boggled at his mind while he was silenced by the simple presence of the two Jedi.

Looking over the scene before him, his small furry frame jumped in between Shawn and his fellow creator of the Jedi Praxuem, Paul. Placing his hand forth, he projected his need for their attention. Demanding it with his animilistic eyes, he began with his statement.

"Hmm.." His voicebox motioning at though as he reached into his satchel, beginning to fiddle with his comlink. Keeping it in his palm as he pulled his hand out, he began with his query. A natural one for a Squib of course...

"What is next? What do you want to do, Jedi?" The Captain asked, awaiting the awnser, so that he could do whatever was need be with that comlink of his.

Shawn Petrolu

posted 09-01-2003 10:55 PM    
Xam's comm, as well as the Squib's annoying persistence, forced Shawn from his thoughts. Nodding towards the navboard as if asking for permission to reply personally to Xam's comm, he waited til the pilot returned the nod. With that he reached out and pressed the send button on the commlink. "Follow us in to the purple and silver yacht just ahead, Xam," he said then, releasing the comm button.

And it was then he turned to regard the Squib for but a moment. He had never intended for the Squib to ever leave the surface of Bespin...

...and was truthfully surprised by his persistence in following them. He hoped his next words and actions would convey the fact that the Squib was now free to go about his own business...

...and that he was not needed nor wanted any further with the mission at hand. It could be entirely too dangerous...

Reaching for his belt, Shawn detached the Squib's commlink and handed it to him. "You've already performed more of a service to us than you can know," he started simply. "But we cannot use those services any longer."

Even as he said this, the transport made its final descent into the hanger bay of the Stargazer, and touched the tarmac. Even as the pilot began to cool the transport's systems, Shawn reached a hand out to his shoulder, signalling him to stop. "Please, take this kind Squib back to Cloud City where he can retrieve his ship and be on his way."

With that, Shawn nodded once more to the Squib and exited the transport with Lumbia and Paul behind him. Even as the shuttle's engines once more thrummed to life and she took wings and glided out of the Stargazer's hanger, Shawn's eyes followed to Xam's approaching Ranclaw.

He turned to Paul. "After Xam lands and we all get a bit of rest, we'll talk about what he felt on Tatooine and what we're going to do about it. But before we do that I want to go ahead and make contact with Aaron Barnes. The news regarding Shayla and Erik's sell of their company troubles me for some reason...

...and Barnes and his partner may very well be the only ones who can explain why..."

[ 09-03-2003 06:41 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]

Lanlif Berayen

posted 09-02-2003 11:14 PM    
The Squib was clearly not wanted, but the Captain was far too interested to give up so easily. So, without any word, he swirled about, watching the ship head to the hangar. No matter what he said, he wasn't going to be stuck on this darn cloud world, trying to head aimlessly through space again.

This had dulled his curiousity, the element that kept a Squib a Squib. Taking that away was like stealing a Krayt Pearl from a living Krayt Dragon. So, he headed toward the closest link to the hangar, where he sneaked in with all his sliness into the hangar that the ship was landed into.

Whether they knew it, or sensed it, the young furry ball of blue hurried into the ship. He didn't like going against the Jedi, but he was far too interested to give up now. Also, he was attached, something that had happened before, and being kicked to the side was something he just couldn't handle again.

So, hiden in the cargo in the back, he waited, hoping that he wouldn't be found in the ship by the powerful Jedi.


posted 09-02-2003 11:21 PM    
Lumbia had been silent, his mind far into space as they traveled along. He hadn't really noticed what had transpired until it was slammed in his face by the disapperence of his furry friend. Something had happened that had his companion booted, which didn't seem possible at first.

When the young Padawan digged into the mind of his Master, with of course great precision and focus, he found what had happened. Master Petrolu had became agitated with his presence and the Squib was going to get himself in danger if he kept with us.

It was clear that was so, but how it had happened was wrong in some way. Maybe it was the way of the Jedi to hold his own perispective, and to have a mind of his own. He had so many questions to ask of his two Master's, it was mindboggling to actually keep them in..

So, trying not to disturb them in their talk, he walked up to them. Placing his hands behind his back, and his cloak dragging along the floor, he began with his question.

"Masters, when will I begin my studying? I have heard of the numerous studies of the Jedi Lightsaber Forms and Way of the Jedi, but I have yet to actually have them. Will I?"

The young Jedi asked, his hands being placed before him, covered by the large cloak as he fidgeted restlessly. He was confused. The training wasn't as he presumed and it had drawn a disturbance. Was he actually even considered a Jedi, or was he just a stowaway?

He felt so alone amoungst them, even to the point that he could feel goosepumps running along his body as he stood before them, asking his questions.

It was weird, but so real...

Xam Ngboohan

posted 09-03-2003 06:32 PM    
As Xam piloted the Ranclaw toward the hanger bay, he could not help but notice how impressive the Stargazer looked.

In his opinion, Xam liked the ship. It would have been the perfect ship if not for the paint job, which was silver and purple. Purple was never Xam's favorite color.

Slowly Xam guided the Ranclaw into the hanger bay, landed the ship and got out.
Turning, he caught sight of the Jedi and ran over to meet them.

Paul Arrakeen

posted 09-08-2003 02:43 PM    
Paul nodded to Shawn, then glanced back at Lumbia slightly. "Do what you have to, Master Petrolu. There are some things I wish to discuss with our apprentice here..."

No sooner had Paul turned around to meet Lumbia that the young Jedi approached him with a number of questions. Master Arrakeen listened carefully, sensing Lumbia's urgency in his training.

He is so afraid...

"My friend, you have already started on the path of the Jedi...otherwise, you would not be here." Paul took a step forward.

"Lumbia, being trained in the Force is not an easy thing to do. It takes a strong will to teach others the way of the Jedi, which is why we need the Praxeum. With it, we can gather together and teach other Force-users all over the galaxy how to master their power and become Jedi. And I assure you, Lumbia..."

The Jedi smiled before he continued. "I will help you on that path."

Before the young Jedi could respond, however, Paul saw Xam approaching them. "And I will aid him as well. But first, we must deal with this unknown apparition in the Force..."


posted 09-08-2003 09:29 PM    
Lumbia nodded, agreeing with his new found Master. Placing his hands back together behind his back, he watched as Xam approached, beside the Jedi Master. He was interested in this Force presence that was of great disturbance, maybe it would teach him to prevail over this darkness in him that seemed so far hidden.

He wanted to banish it from his life forever, to live in the line of the straightness, like he saw his father before him. Lumbia was also interested in new awnsers to questions, such as where he had gotten blessed by the Force.

Did his mother wield this midcholorian that he had inherited? The strong midcholorian, comparable to that of the late Mace Windu. It was very hard to tell, and these awnsers would have to be given to him if he was to progress and become a true Jedi Knight.

But before these were to be awnsered, he pointed his attention to Xam, wondering still what was to happen of the group.


posted 01-18-2004 09:48 PM    
Lumbia couldn't handle the silence. Everything seemed to be recollected in that moment, even the situation with the Jedi Praxuem of which was to be created. Even in this dire time of Jedi need, he couldn't handle the pressure. He just couldn't...

Turning his back on the group, he quickly moved toward the door of the ship. Placing his hand on the exit and entrance print coding, he watched at it sled open. Quickly dashing out, he drifted along into the Cloud City streets, aimlessly going about. Shifting his hands into his pockets, his mind went into a jumble. The focus seemed to change every picosecond, but he avoided the subject of a Jedi.

It was too troublesome of a topic, especially with the sudden leave. Taking his body further from the possible stopping hands of the Jedi Masters, he moved quiclky toward the shuttle port docks. Standing at the ticket line, he heard the familar voice of a friend.


Lanlif had watched from hide in the cargo, his eyes twirking as he watched his friend, Lumbia, dash out abruptly. Frowning at this, he quickly went into a run after him, managing to keep his furry body out from the eyes of the others.

It was certainly going to be hard following the lad, but the Squib was up for the challenge.


"Just come on my ship," the Squib stated. Lumbia turned his head, embracing the blue furred being with a smile. The two left the planet that day, going off into space...

((OOC: Find Lumbia somewhere else in space...yah!))

[ 01-19-2004 04:23 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by LumbiaSith ]

Aaron Barnes

posted 05-11-2004 02:42 AM    
(((OCC: Aaron pops in to chat with Shawn from All the King's Horses in the Empire and New Republic forum, thank you.))

Aaron stared at the holovid of the Jedi, still surprised at his question.

Didn't this guy keep enough contact with his sister to know her partner had sold the business to him? Nothing like strained family ties...

"Actually, Kartan sold me the business," he replied then to Shawn's query concerning the reasons for the sell. "I don't know exactly what inspired him to sell, he was rather vague about it and seemed anxious to be on his way. Rumors are though that he and your sister have been married, so perhaps they decided to sell and enjoy the spoils they collected...

...still, I have heard from your sister a time or two since then."

Aaron shrugged frowning as his look darkened. "It's too bad I'm not the information smuggler that Terrin was," he proceeded then a bit randomly, "The business would have thrived better..."

Aaron trailed, picking up on the shock the Jedi didn't even bother to veil in his eyes. Knowing that Petrolu had worked closely with Terrin on several occasions, Aaron could easily surmise the only reason the Jedi might be reacting this way to his words.

"Oh dear gods," Aaron muttered then, shaking his head, "Something tells me it'd be better to continue this conversation in person..."

Shawn Petrolu

posted 05-11-2004 02:51 AM    
Shawn closed his eyes for the barest of moments, clearing whatever emotions he might have been displaying before opening them once more. "Indeed," he then said quietly, albeit also somewhat darkly. "If you give me your coordinates, I'll be there as soon as I can wrap up some business I have here on the Stargazer."

Barnes nodded at this, the serious look never leaving his eyes. He reached to a keypad on the desk before him and puched something in. Bare moments later a data reciever connected to this section of the Stargazer's commsystem began to bleep. Shawn walked to it, punched something in on a keypad of his own, and was rewarded by a stream of coordinates which splayed across the monitor now before him. He looked back up towards the holo of Aaron Barnes. "Coordinates recieved," he said then. "I'll be in contact with you shortly, just before I begin my journey to your location. Petrolu out.


After excusing himself from the rest of his party, stating that he had to go off on some personal business which he feared may also link to the darkness they had been feeling, Shawn appropriated a small freighter to travel in. Never anything of like the pilot his sister was, Shawn chose a lower-model freighter, one with fewer bells and whistles than most of the ships his sister kept for the coorporation...

...or like most of the ships she used to keep. Frowning at this thought, Shawn reached for the commlink system onboard his ship, and dialed in the secure frequency for Aaron Barnes. "I'm on my way," he stated simply. "I'll be arriving in a small freigher called the Nighthawk, ETA 12 hours. See you then."

Closing off the connection at that Shawn leaned forward in the pilot's chair to activate the hyperdrive. In moments, stars turned into starlines...

...and he was left to his own darkening thoughts and growing concerns regarding just what may have happened with Terrin and some of the others who he been assisting before nothing short than all hell had broken lose back on K'eel Doba.

(((OCC: Follow Shawn to All the King's Horses in the Empire and New Republic forum.)))


posted 05-26-2004 01:37 AM    
Kastieri's ship, The Ebon Cloud, punctured the atmosphere of bespin, cutting through the clouds effortlessly as it continued on it's course to one of the floating metropolises.

A voice broke through the com, "This is flight coordinator Lt.Yenks of the Bespin security force. Identify your Tag, Pilot name, and pupose." A strong human voice came.

"This is The Ebon Cloud on approach, Pilot Kastieri requesting permission to land, purpose," she hesitated for a moment, then, "Tourism."

"Land at landing site A-4 Alpha." The voice came as a beacon appeared on her sensors.

She guided The Ebon Cloud down to the landing pad. She exited the ship via the exit hatch, and made her way into the city, visiting various Cantinas and hotels in search of anyone or anything of interest.

Suddenly she felt a waver in the force, a power that all of those born of her species were inbued with, giving them sight with their lack of eyes. A lack she hid with a black visor that truely served no purpose.

She decided she would make her way towards these unusually felt tremors, as she picked her way through the city.