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Jasyn Lancaster

posted 07-04-2003 08:43 PM    
(((OCC: Continues from ...and Whether Neks Have Wings in the Jedi Praxeum and Sith Temple forum.)))

For the brief few minutes the yacht on which Jasyn, Matt, Dash and Jebbua traveled through hyperspace, Jasyn Lancaster couldn't keep his eyes from the navboard.

This was just too easy, no WAY did the Empire just let them go...

...but then, they did.

It was only the blinking of the proximity indicator which jolted Jasyn to reality; as Matt Stanza reached for the hyperspace lever and pulled them into realspace, Jasyn looked over to him.

"So did that just really happen, and where precisely are we?"

Matt returned a somewhat amused glance in Jasyn's direction. "Yes, that happened, and we are still in uncharted space. I'm thinking now would be a good time to discuss where we're going next to continue the search for Galen, since we've just been strongly advised not to return to K'eel Doba, and anywhere nearby."

Jasyn nodded, then frowned, turning so that he could now see Dash and Jebbua as well. "Indeed, that is the question...

...but I still can't help but think that Jharmeen person has something to do with Galen's disappearance. I just don't think Aaron would get his facts crossed like that, and he did say that Galen and her sister were not always on good terms. So, assuming that this Lady Jharmeen is really Galen's sister...

...maybe she just doesn't want Galen to be found..."

"...which is all the more reason we have to find her," Matt added.

Again Jasyn nodded, leaning back in his seat a bit and pursing his lips, his look entirely thoughtful. "And what if this Jharmeen really isn't Galen's sister?"

"Then we should proceed with the next most logical place Galen would have gone."

"Coruscant?" Jasyn muttered almost to himself. "Like that is going to happen, Galen didn't even think she could get in there without alot of risk...

...and besides I clearly remember Galen crashing the Eagle. So, unless she bought herself another ship, that leaves her stranded somewhere..."

Jasyn trailed for a pregnant moment trying to come up with other possibilities. Then, a memory surfacing, he suddenly turned directly to Dash, his brow eyes intense. "Hey, maybe you had something in suggesting Kamino back when we were on Sullust. Galen's daughter was there before she was taken to Coruscant by our reports, and was sent there by the Sith according to Aaron. And Galen went there looking for her daughter, that I am certain of.

He paused a moment, quirking a brow. "I think it just might be worth a visit, if only to retrace the trail Galen left before she so mysteriously disappeared...

...and possibly for more than even that..."

[ 09-19-2003 09:43 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 07-05-2003 03:57 AM    
Still in disbelief, that I had unconsiously told the Empire a lie. Just after warning everyone not to try to hide anything, I regarded the group of extraordinary individuals that were in the ship with me.

Matt - The strong silent type. Yet somehow knowing just what to say at exactly the right moment.

Jasyn - Head strong and short tempered. But willing to stick his neck out on the line for his friends. No matter what the consequences.

Jebbua - The teacher of Light. Without his, albeit breif, guidence I would probably be joining up with the Empire or who ever else would lace my pockets.

And Finally I looked inward. Dash Kelderon - What a jumbled mess of facts and partial memories you are! You can't even follow your own instructions. You could have had your friends killed! What good are you to the mission??? Things will have to change!

"Hunh? Sorry, I was thinking of how we should proceed. I heard Kamino?!? I think that is a good place to look next. Although I don't remember my last welcome there being very friendly! Of course missing people are usually kept in hard to reach places. And Kamino is one of those places. Let's go"

I turned to Jebbua who was sitting quietly, too quietly! I gave him a little shake. "Jebbua? You listening?"

No response.

"I think that blow to the head you gave him really frazzeled his brain. I better take him to a cot or something. He may not be back in action for some time."

I escorted Jebbua to a room located mid-ship.

"Rest here old friend. I'll take care of things for now. No more screw ups!"

I threw a thermo-blanket over his torso and made my way back to Matt and Jasyn.

It's funny the things you notice. And funnier still the times that you notice them. I realized, as I was walking back to the cockpit, that the interior of this ship was really quite exquisit for a little yacht. And really quite spacious! But alas, these are the types of distraction I need to avoid. If I am to better serve our cause! And that cause is to retreive Galen. Where ever she is...

"Kamino it is. Set a course. Engage."

[ 07-05-2003 03:59 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dash Kelderon ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 07-05-2003 04:52 PM    
I jolted out of the jedi healing trance I was in and looked around.

Where i am? I thought.

I slowly crept to the door and heard a voice say something about Kamino, but what for? I went to a chair and sat down. Why was i here?
Galen. thats right we were looking for galen and my head sure hurts. then i remebered Jasyn Hinting me with a glass bottle. I hadn't really help at all since i had came. I had to do something. I closed my eyes trying to concentrate on Galen. I have met her a couple of times and knew what she looked like and since we were going to Kamino. I reached out trying to find Galen on Kamino. not finding anything since i couldn't concentrate i gave up and just that there thinking.

[ 07-05-2003 04:52 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 07-05-2003 06:06 PM    
After Jasyn rattled off the coordinates to Kamino so Matt could put them in the navcomputer--

--always wise to memorize coordinates that are impossible to find--

--he turned, arching an eyebrow at Jebbua even as the yacht glided back into hyperspace, destination Kamino.

"What's he doing?" he queried, nodding towards Jebbua but looking at Dash. "And while we're in transit, how are we going to approach the Kaminoans, or should we try the stealth tactic again? After all, the last time I was on Kamino they were pretty unwelcoming, and I don't exactly want to find myself in another holding cell there..."

[ 07-05-2003 06:08 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 07-05-2003 08:05 PM    
Jebbua shocked me to say the least... I thought he was really out of commission! Well, 4 heads are better than one. Even if the 4th is a little hazy.

"He appears to be doing some searching. For Galen I assume."

Thoughts of my last visit to Kamino rushed to the front of my memories. It was there, where my dormant Force abilities were awoken, out of sheer desparation.

"Well, we don't seem to have much luck with the stealth aspect of our missions. When we are successfull in this regard we always seem to give ourselves up anyway. So let's try the direct approach this time. Besides, we need to get indoors somehow..." I trailed off as one thought poped into my mind.

"Maybe we can use stealth... Follow me for a second here. They must have a source for water inside the cities right? We need to sneak in using this water way. We'll need some oxygen tanks, some thermal suits, and a couple of underwater lazer cutters. But I think it will work."

"I am open to other suggestions though. I'm not to thrilled about meeing the oversized minnows that most likely roam the planets watery surface."

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 07-06-2003 09:30 PM    
Jasyn leaned back, pursing his lips thoughtfully. "Could work, maybe. But there's the matter of getting our hands on those kind of supplies...

...and there's the matter of landing this ship without attracting attention. Galen used to do this thing where she used the planet as a shield...

...something like that...

...maybe we could do that, if we had a good pilot flying here. And, remember if we always have to include the possibility of finding Galen, which means if we do this, we'll need some extra equipment..."

Jasyn trailed, frowning. "One problem. Stealthing like that will make us look like we're up to something right at the get-go. If we're found swimming through the waterways, it could get ugly...

...and really, we're only trying to establish what Galen's trail was from Kamino. So maybe the direct approach would be best. Or perhaps we could approach Kamino as a customer, and just do some snooping about while we "wait" for our services to be rendered. What do you think?"

[ 07-06-2003 09:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 07-06-2003 10:11 PM    
"As always you show wisdom where I fail to see any. The direct approach should the better option. Jebbua and I should be able to snoop around undetected for a while. If you and Matt will meet with an official or two."

I gave it another thought quickly before I reconfirmed things with the group.

"Yep. Sounds like a good plan to me."

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 07-07-2003 09:18 PM    
Okay then," Jasyn said thoughtfully, then eyeing his wristcomm. "We have approximately 8 more standard hours of travel; I suggest the best thing for us would be to get some sleep. We can take shifts keeping an eye on the deck; I'll take the first, then Matt, then Dash."

Jasyn paused for a moment then, eyeing Jebbua. "I think your buddy there needs all the rest he can get, so we'll just let him sleep."

"But--before we all get settled in for some z's, I think now might be a good time to check out this little yacht's hand-weapon storage. The EE costumer we pawned it from always stocks his ships up before he sells them to us, so there's gotta be at least a few good blasters at our disposal...

...just in case, of course..."

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 07-09-2003 02:58 PM    
I was listening to the Jasyn talking and was about to fall asleep when my comm. went off and Ruhatt spoke.

"Ruhatt, whats up, who needs to speak to me." I said.

So he told me what was going on and what happened and then i talked to alexis and i was about to give Dash the comm when it went dead.

"Stupid Power cell." I muttered.

I went back up to Jasyn and the others and looked to Dash.

"Hey Dash Can i talk to you for a momment. Alone." i said as i motoined to the back room.

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 07-12-2003 08:24 PM    
Jasyn scowled. "Nevermind leaving the cabin of the ship," he growled. "You can take the first watch, and I'll take the last. Hopefully whatever...

...pressing matters you have will be cleared up in that time frame, cause as soon as we hit Kamino there will be no time for it."

For a moment then, Jasyn let a brown-eyed gaze rest somewhere between Jebbua and Dash, the look somewhat vague. Then, without so much as another word or even an eyeblink, Jasyn stood and skulked to the back of the ship, leaving the two Jedi in the cabin with Matt.

Dash Kelderon

posted 07-13-2003 08:59 PM    
"Actually Jasyn, you and Matt can sleep all night. Jebbua and I have much to discuss, and we will be plenty awake when we arrive on Kamino."

Mentally I told Jasyn, I know you have your doubts about JEBBUA, but he is a good man, and will aid us in our quest. I will see to it! Goodnight, rest well.

I dimmed the lights in the ship to begin the night cycle.

"Now what is it you need to tell me Jebbua?"

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 07-14-2003 07:43 AM    
"Well right before i came in here i got a call on my comm and it was Alexis and there is something you should know. How do I put this? uh, well... She is pregant." I said as I made sure only Dash heard.

"If my Power cell was working you'd be talking to her now, but... it doesn't. So i just thought i let you know."

Tzakang Lah

posted 07-15-2003 10:22 PM    
((OCC: Tzakang enters from "Minds like a Seive" in the CSWU forum))

Tzakang examinined his two hand mounted blasters. He concluded that they were unsuitable to be used in night hunting. The beams from the blasters would reveal his position at night.

He needed a projectile weapon in which the projectile was near invisible and fired too fast for any jedi to dodge. In his stolen ship, Tzakang set a course for Kamino and entered hyperspace.

He intended to go there to accuire a Saberdart launcher. Tzakang could trade in the ship and one of his blasters for one. He could hardly wait.........

Dash Kelderon

posted 07-15-2003 11:39 PM    
One statement. One little statement. How could one little statement be so life altering?

It kept running over and over through my head, as I sat in utter disbelief. Moments passed by. Jebbua politely sat there and let me take it all in.

The statement finally hit home.

Perhaps a little too loudly I said, "Pregnant?"

Jebbua smiled at me, as I again had to take a moment to let the implications of this statement sink in. "Alexis is going to have my baby?"

I flew out of my seat and hugged Jebbua. One could almost see the excitement in my voice, "This is great! I'm going to be a father!!!"

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 07-16-2003 05:41 PM    
"Yeah, i guess. Well I guess there is nothing else to do but discuss what were going to do when we reach Kamino. Any plans?" I asked Dash taking a seat in the co-pilot's seat.

Dash Kelderon

posted 07-17-2003 03:53 PM    
To say I was a little dissapointed by Jebbua apparent brush-off of my excitment, would have been an understatement.

Did he even realize the impact something like this can have on a man? He himself was going to be an uncle in 13 months. Was he not excited about that???

"You know, sometimes I just can't figure you out? You give me the most wonderful news of my life and then you just brush it under the rug. I know your mind may be preoccupied with finding Galen and Darra. But... you could spend a moment focusing on your friend here. Frankly I'm a little dissapointed in you."

I got up and walked to the back of the ship. Hopeing that JAsyn and Matt might still be awake, so I could tell them the good news.

Tzakang Lah

posted 07-18-2003 01:52 AM    
Tzakang's ship exited hyperspace and entered the Kamino system. He had not been to Kamino in a long time. Bringing his ship into atmosphere, Tzakang wondered how it has changed.

Kamino basically was a water planet with a huge floating city. Navigating through a storm, Tzakang landed his ship. Donning his ooglith masquer, Tzakang entered the massive floating city and made his way to the commercial sector.

He had left his stolen ship unlocked in hopes that someone else would steal it away. Using stolen ships was not very good. Different ships had different operating systems. Tzakang thought it was time to get a ship he could call his own.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 07-18-2003 09:53 AM    
Dash thought i didn't care! Well i did. I just didn't think that she was ready thats all. I mean she was still fairly young. But I guess thats her descion and not mine. I smiled at the thought of her haveing a baby.
I guess it would be fun to be an uncle.

I"m sorry Dash. I didn't mean to be rude. I am happy for her, I don't... I Trailled off as alarms went off in the ship.

[ 08-07-2003 07:00 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 07-19-2003 04:01 PM    
Jasyn had drifted off into a peaceful sleep when, out of nowhere an all-together annoying sound jolted him awake. He sat straight up, eyes snapping alert as he realized it was the ship. Scrambling to his feet, he rushed to the cabin, where Matt had already assumed control.

"What the kriffing hell is going on?" Jasyn queried, taking a seat in the copilot's chair.

Matt didn't answer for a moment, but took care of getting them safely out of hyperspace. Even as starlines returned to stars, the group found themselves before a planet. Matt established orbit, and scanned the planet. "Well," he finally spoke up, answering Jasyn. "Judging from the climate and so forth I'd say we've reached Kamino."

He paused a moment, frowning as he continued "...but we've reached Kamino earlier than expected."

Dash Kelderon

posted 07-20-2003 06:32 PM    
"Earlier than expected??? How is that possible? Could we have shaved 4 hours of travel off of this trip?"

I looked at Matt and Jasyn with a puzzled expression, "I know this little yacht is suped up, but 4 hours? That's got to be like .8 past lightspeed. Even the FALCON could only make .5! And that was one of the fastest ship that I have ever heard of."

I took a makeshift station at the control panel, and began running some ship diagnostics. "I'm gonna run some quick tests to see what may of happened."

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 07-20-2003 08:44 PM    
Jasyn merely cocked a brow at Dash, then towards Matt. "No way did I get the coordinates of the planet incorrect, I always remember them," he muttered, pointing to his head for emphasis.

Pausing for a moment then, his look darkened. "Something about this is all wrong...

...and I don't need to be a Jedi to figure that one out. Furthermore, I don't think that the ship has anything to do with our early arrival," he added, looking to Dash. "I just know there is no way we are at the coordinates I gave Matt for Kamino, not unless we've come across some strange space anamoly.

But let's not jump to any conclusions yet."

Again he paused a moment, his look thoughtful. Then he looked once more to Dash, who was still at the navboard. "What I want to know is if we simply arrived at our destination early...

...or if our destination isn't at the coordinates I gave..."

[ 07-20-2003 08:47 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Matt Stanza

posted 07-22-2003 08:41 PM    
While Dash merely looked at Jasyn increduluosly, Matt went to work at the navboard and retrieved the coordinates they had programmed into the navcomputer, as well as those the ones marking their current location.

"Well," he started out, "We are at the correct coordinates, which means we simply had any early arrival. I'm not quite sure how we got here early..."

He paused frowning a bit, "But then it really doesn't matter at this point in time. What matters is getting to the business of retracing Galen's steps and figuring out just where she is. So let's get to it."

He paused a moment, and Jasyn simply nodded. And with nothing more than that Matt turned to the navboard, dropped out of orbit, and sailed into Kaminoan skies...

...where, of course, it was raining.

"Land near the largest stilt city," Jasyn interjected, "That's what I did the last time I came here, and that's where I bumped into Galen."

Matt nodded at that. "I'm on it. And while I'm at it... might want to figure out the reason we're gonna tell these cloners we're here," he continued as he piloted downward. "And as far as snooping around goes," he finished with, sparing a moment to look towards Dash and Jebbua, "This is the place to start, since Jas knows Galen was here at least in some point of the recent past..."

Tzakang Lah

posted 07-22-2003 10:36 PM    
The Kaminoans did not give him much trouble as Tzakang made his way to the commercial sector. Although they were a distrustful lot, they knew better than to tangle with someone almost as tall as them and bulging with muscles.

He reached the commercial sector and went to the first weapons store he saw. Maybe it was the menacing look he gave the store manager or something else, because the manager was extremely polite to him. Tzakang bought a Saberdart launcher, 2 cartriges of regular darts and 1 cartridge of poison filled ones. Those came cheaper than expected.

Now all tzakang needed was some force user to test the darts on. The Saberdarts are fired at supersonic speed. Not even a trained Jedi can avoid one in time. Tzakang decided to load up the cheaper, regular darts into the launcher.

Now to hunt. Tzakang activated his cloaker. Now invisible to the naked eye, and Tzakang stalked off into the city.

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 07-26-2003 08:06 PM    
Jasyn couldn't believe he was here...

...again. Scowling a bit at the thought he shifted a bit where he stood waiting for the Kaminoan greeter, water dripping from his clothes.

How he hated being wet. And how he hated negotiating. That had never been his forte...

...but then, at least Matt was here to help in that regard. Though Terrin had always been the best...

Jasyn jerked himself from these thoughts as he finally realized that the Greeter had arrived.

"Welcome to Kamino," she said smoothly, directing her large eyes to reguard those standing there. "How might we be of service to you?"

Jasyn shot a brief look in Matt's direction. Then he turned back to the Kaminoan, pulling from his memory the little item of business he and Matt had come up with while landing. "We are here on business for Eagle Enterprises. It has come to our attention that perhaps we may gain more efficiency in ship-building and matenience with clones. We would like to...

...observe your work here for a few days, so that we may come to a decision regaurding this."

Here he paused, leaning in closer to the Kaminoan, wishing like hell that he was tall enough to be right on eye level with her. "You will be very well paid for keeping us as a guest, let alone how you may be paid if in fact we decide to...

...order a batch of clones."

The very idea of talking about any sort of human being, clone or no, as a "batch" almost made Jasyn sick.

The Kaminoan meanwhile cocked her head slightly, seeming to consider. Then, "I believe something can be arranged, Mr...

"...Lancaster, Jasyn Lancaster. And we'd like to get cleaned up and a bit rested before we attend to any business, if you don't mind," he filled in.

The Greeter nodded at this and turned to lead them onward. "This way please."

And with no further ado the Greeter lead them to a well furnished apartment where they could get cleaned up and rested before viewing the handiwork of this cloning world up close and personal...

[ 07-28-2003 08:22 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 07-28-2003 06:11 AM    
When we were showed our accomodations and the Gretter had left, I stated, "Well, that greeting was MUCH more pleasant than the last time I was here!" I subconsiously touched my left shoulder where I had been hit with that strange bladed weapon, on my last visit to Kamino.

"Before we," I pointed to Jebbua and myself, "get started. I think we should all take the tour of the facilities with one of those greeters. That way Jebbua and I will have some idea of where we are going."

My thoughts turned to the possible dangers of snooping around the Kaminoan city, and realized that the consequences of failure might result in my unborn child never knowing its father. There thoughts were very disturbing. But it kind of made me realize how Galen must feel every day without her daughter. And also reminded me the importance of our mission!

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 07-28-2003 08:20 PM    
The Kaminoan waved his slender arm once more to the glassed in cafeteria full of men...

... clones, rather...

...for the upteenth time. "You will find them physically superior and easily molded to learn whatever task you assign them to."

Jasyn frowned, eyeing Matt. Then he turned back to the Kaminoan, looking up towards her large eyes. "How is their mental ability to think for themselves?" he asked, trying to show interest...

...and admittedly a bit curious.

"Most want their clones genetically engineered so that they are more willing to follow orders..."

The Kaminoan hesitated, "...but if you wanted them to each have their own personalities, that genetic modification could be omitted. We could easily modify your clones to be physically enhanced to better handle the rigors of hard labor..."

Matt cleared his throat, interrupting the Kaminoan. "And just where and how long do these genetic modifications take?"

"The modifications occur in our scientific labs, right here on these very floors," the Kaminoan said, pointing in a particular direction towards some heavy white doors. "Once in place, these modifications oculd take hours...

...or longer, depending. What you would need would take only a few days. Would you like to see the laboratories?" She paused, cocking her head in question.

Jasyn didn't even turn to look to Matt or the others before he answered. After all, the laboratories might be a place Galen would have gone to look for her daughter according to what Aaron had said. "Yes, we would like to see them," he said simply. "Lead on."

[ 07-28-2003 08:24 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 08-02-2003 05:37 PM    
((OOC: Za'in comes from All the King's Horses in the Empire and New Republic Forum.))

Za'in sat in the cockpit seat most of the flight to the planet, only taking occasional naps or food breaks. He wasn't too interested in anything else but his objective. Haunted by the day his father died, when he heard that scream as he was outside guiding one of the astromech droids to the interior. He was prohibited of seeing the corpse by the older crewmembers, but he knew what it looked like by the scream.

It was as painful as bite from a gundark. He'd never be able to break those chains, no matter what would happen in his life.

These thoughts were interupted though, when a lull beep came from the nav.board informing him of it's arrival in the Kamino system. Reentering realtime, he saw the the blue planet before him. He admired the greatness of a planet significance, hoping to one day attain the same status.

Descending from the stars above onto the closest landing bay. Coming down as graceful as peko-peko, while it's engines hushed it's cries. Looking through the windshield, he watched the Kamino Greeter come from the city. Putting on his brown wooly hide coak, he entered the stormy world, before the long necked Kamino. Even at at the towering height of 1.8, he was small to the pale skinned creature.

Waving it's gigantic hands in a gesture of a welcome, the Kaminoian guided him into the city. Before he entered, he was first asked his buisness in the city, assuring that there would be no disturbance in their work.

"Well," He began. "I am here for an investigation on a Jedi who had came here, maybe 5 years back on a Praxuem mission."

The Kaminoan nodded, with it's large black eyes closing for only a second. Reopening, the Greeter continued to guide him through the city so that he knew the areas of which Za'in could stay. Walking down the long hall, his eyes were cought by a group of humans and a Chiss.

They seemed curious...overly curious. Maybe they had awnsers to what he was searching for.

Stopping, he told the greeter that the information given was all he needed and he'd find his way to his stay soon enough. When he finally was left alone, he took his eyes upon the group again, prepared for questioning.

"Excuse me..."

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 08-03-2003 10:26 PM    
Jasyn's brow shot up in surprise as the man approached them. Never one for great public relations, he wasn't particularly in the mood for saying too much, but at least made the effort to try to be polite.

"No problem," he replied to the newcomer even as the Kaminoan returned. Jasyn turned towards him. "The lab technicians are ready for your visit," she stated calmly, looking down at Jasyn with her large eyes. Then she cocked a head towards the newcomer. "Will you be joining the party?" she queried towards him, then waited calmly for his reply.

[ 08-03-2003 10:39 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 08-04-2003 01:30 AM    
Za'in thought for a moment. For him it seemed like ages, but in reality it was only a minute. Staring down at the floor, a habit he caught when he was young, he found a conclusion. His eyes darted up, glaring at the Kaminoian, though his head had yet to go up. His facial features were dark, as though he was ready to pounce on the man, though this wasn't done intentionally.

Pulling his head up, he leveled it at an angle that directed up to the slender skull at the tip of the tree trunk neck.

"Um.." He began, sound somewhat unsure. "Yes, I will be coming with them." Za'in said, clearing his dry throat afterwards. Watching the slender body walk ahead of the group, guiding them toward whatever room they were meant to go to. Za'in knew very little of this place, or it's inhabitants--but they seemed to be very self absorbed in their ways.

Everything seemed to be buisness around here. Even cloning, which was seen as more of a unneeded element of the galaxy in his family was seen as a buisness. It was weird, but everything was weird or someway "unique" in the galaxy. Everything was of some significants, everyone had a story and his fathers was the one was about to unravel.

"Jasyn, Matt?" The ex-smuggler asked curiously, as he peered at the two. He had seen them once or twice in his months at the E.E, doing his engineer jobs. They never really had any talks, but he knew their names from all the people at the lounge quarters...

"Is that you?"

[ 08-04-2003 01:31 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Za'in Almar ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 08-04-2003 06:36 AM    
Judgeing by Jasyn's reaction, I could tell that Jasyn had never met this person before. But then he asked specifically about Jasyn and Matt.

I hid my reaction well, but to say that it shocked me when this stranger walked up to our group and knew half of us by name... well, that would be an understatement.

Flaggs shot up in my head. Was this man a bounty hunter of some sort? He didn't seem to pose any immediate threat. But I would be keeping a close eye on him, to say the least.

Not knowing if Jasyn or Matt wanted to be recognized, I tried to throw the stranger off track. "Are you interested in purchasing some clones as well?"

Za'in Almar

posted 08-04-2003 12:11 PM    
Za'in peered at the man puzzled, his left brow arching upward. "Nyah," He said, shaking his head negatively. He walked to the front of the group, trying to stay close to the Kaminoian, so he wouldn't be left behind in the bunch.

"I'm here on an...investigation." Za'in said, scratching his head of an itch. He was starting to get nervous, but he had manage not to show any signs on his face.

Though it didn't seem to come from the fact that he was asking questions, but a weird vibe coming from the body of the Chiss. It was something he never felt before. It was a warmth, similar to that of his father..

Tzakang Lah

posted 08-04-2003 06:42 PM    
Tzakang kept to the more deserted passages. Being invisible to the eye, he did not want anyone to accidentally bump into him.

Rounding a corner, he saw a group of men a Chiss, approximately 100 meters from him. He dismised them as mere traders, but the chiss he scrutinized a little more. Tzakang had hardly seen a Chiss before. This one had white hair instead of the usual jet black colour.

He heard the word "clones" being mentioned. I might be interesting to follow this group into the cloning sector. He would not be able to get in without proper authorisation anyway. Here was an opportunity whic he could not pass up.

For all he knew, the men could be friends of Jedi. Ever since the blockade of their temple, the Jedi were scattered across the galaxy.

Tzakang decided to give in to his curiosity just this once and see exactly what kind of clone this group decided to purchase.

They did not show if they were Jedi or not. Better to be prepared in case they were or if he met one along the way.

[ 08-05-2003 06:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Tzakang Lah ]

Za'in Almar

posted 08-05-2003 02:26 AM    
At first it was only a murmur in the number of thoughts in his head. Beating repeatidally as an annoyance, then it grew louder. The murmur slowly cleared up while the beating became more intense. Reaching for his skull as he continued to walk, trying his hardest not to attract any attention from the others, he felt the sensation.

It was a weird vibe, that made the world just flow like liquid. Everything shape to the glass it was in. He took that drink in, but his body responded like it was his first every touch of ale.

Trying not to scrunch his facial features, or frown in despair, he tried cleansing himself and scrutinizing this situation that attacked his mind. It was difficult, but he managed. In his head, the beats slowed down and became more soothing than annoying. The disturbance was gone, but the words being made out, instead of being heard as a scream. The voice was very familar, and in monotone--though the tone was very firm.

"Danger is coming.." The anoynomous one called out in his head. Za'in at first didn't believe it, nor did he budge at all, but it just continued to call. After a while of it's contineous call, he was convinced.

Keeping cautious, he cleared his mind of the talking, taking his focus back on to the others. His hand becoming every so close to his Disruptor Extermination Pistol, known as throughout the galaxy as the DX Pistol. It would surley take out anything that came at him..

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 08-08-2003 09:58 PM    
Though Jasyn was more than just disturbed at being identified by a stranger, and on Kamino of all places, he couldn't help but note that there was something extremely familiar about this guy as they trudged on behind their Kaminoan tourguide. He'd seen him somewhere before...

With a jerk, Jasyn came to an abrupt halt, finally realizing that the Kaminoan had stopped and was talking, waving her slender arm towards a metal door.

" the entrance to our carbon-freezing chamber," she was saying. "Because life can be sustained once an organism is frozen, we have been able to make larger batches of clones. This saves time for both ourselves and our buyers, and also cuts back on expense."

Jasyn frowned. "I thought carbon-freezing a human could be dangerous," he interjected.

The Kaminoan blinked her large eyes at him once. "Only if the freezing is not done in a sterilized environment. We do not have such problems here."

"I see," Jasyn replied then, clearly picking up on the fact that the guide had been insulted by his query. She looked at him a moment longer, then turned and began leading the group once again as she took them through the heart of the cloning center...

...that being where the newly "grown" clones were housed. Jasyn wasn't too surprised to find the area fairly empty considering its size...

...after all, there surely weren't all that many in the business to buy clones these days. It wasn't any wonder the Kaminoans had been so anxious to welcome the prospect of Eagle Enterprises buying from them. Jasyn feigned interest, glancing down to the glassed in cafeteria where clones were eating a meal...

...looked like some sort of nerfmeat and a heap of some sort of really strange looking purply pods.

Jasyn made a face.

How the kriffing hell could anyone eat that stuff...?!

Then, with effort, he let the expression slide off his face, turning to the Kaminoan, who was once again adressing them. "That will be the end of your tour, sirs. Have you come to a decision regarding your purchase?"

Pushy lil bugger...

"Not just yet," he said instead. "We need some time to discuss."

Hey, sounded good...

The Kaminoan cocked her head. "Very well. You are welcome to stay in your quarters for as long as you need..."

Ha. So long as you are paid...

"...I will walk you back there."

And with that, the Kaminoan followed through, taking them back the way they had come til at length she brought them to the door of their quarters.

The Kaminoan gave them a short nod. "Let us know when your decision is made, or if we can be of any further assistance."

Then she turned to the newcomer, and started to say something, when finally it dawned on Jasyn where he'd seen the guy before.

Eagle Enterprises...

Now he knew why this fella seemed so damned familiar. EE was a large corporation, but Jasyn never forgot an important face...

"You're Za'in Almar, one of the most noted ship engineers in the business, aren't you?" he suddenly asked, his brown eyes pinned on the other man's. "What the kriffing hell are you doing here?"

[ 08-08-2003 10:05 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Tzakang Lah

posted 08-08-2003 10:24 PM    
The tour was educational. Tzakang found it quite relaxing. But overall it did nothing more than to take his mind away from his troubles.

His cloaker's power was at minimum and it needed to recharge. Tzakang decided to head back to the landing pad to accuire a ship and allow his cloaker to recharge.

Still invisible, he left the group behind and made his way to the landing pad.

Za'in Almar

posted 08-09-2003 01:01 AM    
Za'in smirked at the statement. He had forgot in the world of work that he was actually decent at the job--but he knew it was for him, even with his natural talent. The engineer moved his lip to the side in thought, wondering if he should tell him.

"I'm here on a quest," He said, finally coming to a conclusion of what he would let out the bag. "An investigation on what the Kaminoians know about my father."

Za'in drew silent then, but his face seemed to tug at him to say more, ask more--do something with his mouth. At first, all he could manage to do was lick his lips, but next he was jumping up against and talking.

"I was wondering if I could take to either of your quarters. You know me, I have enough credits to help out in the payment for these..", he stop, lowering his voice into a whisper, "Bulb-headed pocket theifs."

The man chuckled at his joke, placing his hands in his pocket. He reassured himself that his father's lightsaber was in his pocket. Going on, his tone much more curious than before.

"Do you remember my father? He never got the chance to work for E.E, but he did design and create the Eagle Star, one of the fastest in the all the rims."

[ 08-09-2003 01:03 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Za'in Almar ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 08-09-2003 09:46 PM    
Sure as hell Jasyn remembered the creator of the Eagle Star; there probably wasn't a soul in all of EE who didn't at least know of him. It was no wonder Eagle Enterprises' founders had named her as they did...

Jasyn jerked to alertness. "Yes, I remember him," he said finally in response. "And I see no harm in you joining us," he continued as he lead the party inside their quarters. Once they were behind closed doors and he was certain the Kaminoan was out of earshot, Jasyn went on. "We're on a little... investigation of our own."

He paused at that, his voice trailing and his eyes turning vague at thoughts of just why they were here in the first place, uncertain as to just how much he was ready to share with Za'in just yet.

Goddammit Galen, I hope you are allright wherever you are...

He snapped alert once more, deciding to tell the bare minimum, for the moment. "We're in search of a good friend who I last saw here..." least to your best knowledge, a shoulder devil snorted annoyingly.

Jasyn shrugged that off, figuring it wouldn't help too much. "...maybe we can help each other out."

Pursing his lips for a moment, the urgency of the situation slamming home once more, he turned to Dash. "And speaking of what we are here for...

...evening approaches, and we have toured this whole damn place. Now is as good a time as any for you to start snooping around for clues...

...maybe back in that laboratory area since we've been told that Galen's daughter was probably there at some point. Seems to me that would be the first place she would have looked, with that in mind...

...and that's about all the places to start I can think just now."

He quieted once more, just standing and waiting to see what the two Jedi would do yet unable to hold back one final rejoinder. "Those senses of yours have to come in handy here at some point..."

[ 08-09-2003 09:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 08-10-2003 02:08 PM    
I turned to Dash and then to Jasyn.
"Well we'll get started then. Come on Dash." I said as we walking off in the direction of the lab.

We were almost there when I sensed someone coming in our direction. I llooked around a corner and saw some Kaminoans walking this way.

"Quick Dash into that room." I said diveing into the room. After DAsh got in i slowly closed the door and waited for them to pass.

"Ok its clear lets continue on going. we need..." But as soon as i opened the door a kaminoan was still standing there.

"And what may i ask are are you doing in there?" he asked.

Za'in Almar

posted 08-10-2003 05:49 PM    
Za'in turned to Jasyn and Matt, taking off his cloak and placing it on the bed he choose in the chambers. Putting on his casual dark green jacket, he turned to the others. He distinctly remembered the comment Jasyn had made about maybe helping him.

Some of their high status could come in handy in drawing some information from the Kaminoians, especially if it was about a Jedi. It would be wise to ask, instead of command though--whether he wanted it done right away in the first place.

"Hey Matt, Jasyn--do you know if you could talk to the Kaminoians for me?" Za'in began, sitting down to put on his boots.

"I'm sure they won't release any information on my fathers missions here for the Jedi Academy, but maybe they'll give you some info." He stopped, reach for his datapad. "I have some credits if your interested in bribing them."

Before Jasyn, or Matt could say anything he was up on he feet, transfering the credits to Matt's bank. Walking over to Jasyn, he patted his back.

"I knew you would do it," Za'in said with a smile at him, heading out the quaters. As he left, it was visible the he had a lightsaber in his pocket to both Matt and Jasyn, though Za'in didn't notice it.

[ 08-11-2003 10:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Za'in Almar ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 08-12-2003 10:05 PM    
Jasyn's brow shot up in surprise, not becuase he'd seen a flash of something that looked like a lightsaber on Za'in's belt but because of the young man's quick assumptions.

He would not be bought for a price...

...and he highly doubted Matt would be either.

Before he was completely aware of where his feet were taking him, Jasyn stormed after Za'in, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him back into the quarters.

"Who the kriffing hell do you think you are...?!" he blurted before the young man could react. "We aren't here as your servants buster, we're here because someone's life may be on the line!"

For a moment he simply let his firey brown-eyed gaze burn through Za'in, then he let go of his shirt, backing up as he did so. Suddenly he found he was all adrenline and very anxious to get on the move. Jebbua and Dash were supposed to be snooping...

...and at the moment that was where Jasyn would prefer to be, instead of in the room with someone who had the nerve to boss him around...

...and with no authority over him whatsoever.

"I'm gonna go take a walk," he said to Matt. "I'll be back, and I've got my comm should you need me."

Matt shot a somewhat unreadable look Jasyn's way, then nodded. "Allright...

...and be caeful, whatever you do."

Jasyn turned and gave Za'in a final glare, and couldn't help but add one more biting remark. "And on second thought, it might be better if you find your own room," he growled, walking past the young man and out into the corridors of beyond til at length he was completely out of sight.

[ 08-12-2003 10:10 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 08-12-2003 10:44 PM    
Za'in only snarled back, his hand tempting to reach for his Scout Blaster. He knew that from other visitors to the planet that voilence wasn't the best way of dealing with this problem, so he pulled his hand away.

He shook his head, biting down on his lip as he began to think of a plan to get out of this situation. The idiot didn't even think about what he was saying, typical. It was clear that the young man took the word "help" a bit too far, but their was no reason for that bantha-breathe could throw him against the wall. He defried animals like him on a normal basis and if it wasn't for the man's galatic status he would have been.

Walking back into the room, he took his bag and headed out. Heading down the hall, he watched Jasyn go down the wall. If he couldn't kill the sucker, he was going to ruin him in someway. Keeping a good distance, he watched as Jasyn walked down the halls of the city.

Tzakang Lah

posted 08-13-2003 12:44 AM    
Tzakang managed to recharge his cloaker and to accuire a ship. It was an old YT-2400. He got it for free.

The original owner tried to bargain with him. But he eventually lost his head, literally, and Tzakang got a new ship. After dumping the corpse of the original owner into the sea and securing the ship, Tzakang decided to do one final sweep of the floating city before leaving.

Activating his cloaker, Tzakang headed back into the city.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 08-13-2003 02:05 PM    
"Well you see. we were looking for the greeter, because we are intested in purchasing some clones." I said.

Dash gave me a puzzled look.

"Well you are looking in the wrong place, please follow me." the Kaminoian said.

"We need to get the rest of the group first. we'll be right back." I said.

I quickly left with Dash right behind me.

"I don't think Galen is here Dash. I've met Galen before and i know what her presence feels like, and i can't feel her anywhere near. Come on lets go tell Jasyn and Matt." I said walking back to the room.

[ 08-13-2003 02:05 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 08-16-2003 01:16 PM    
We got back to the room and saw that only Matt was there.

"Where's Jasyn at?" I said looking around for him.

"Well anyway we just came back to say that we believe that Galen is here. We can't sense her at all here. So our pressence here is just a waste. So what do we do?"

[ 08-16-2003 01:16 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]

Matt Stanza

posted 08-16-2003 06:13 PM    
Matt regarded Jebbua with his intense green eyes for a moment, his look entirely inscrutable. "Jasyn's gone to do a little searching on his own, I believe," Matt finally said. "You seem to forget...

...we didn't come here just to establish whether Galen was here at the moment or not; we're here based on the fact that we know she was here the last we knew...

...which means we need to find any clues possible in regards to just where she might have gone from here...

...if she has gone from here at all. I know you were around Galen and all, but the way things have been going lately it wouldn't surprise me at all if she is here somewhere and you just can't sense her. I'm not a Jedi, of course, and I know little of such things, but...

...I know it's possible to block Jedi's senses at least a couple of ways. So I wouldn't rule her being here out entirely.

"And, regardless, we still need to find ourselves some clues...

...and my buddy Jasyn isn't gonna leave here without any unless it's the only option left to him, I'm afraid. So we might as well get behind him and help him out. Besides, the way he just crossed Za'in, I don't know if it's entirely wise we leave him to his own. I didn't particularly like the look in Almar's eye when he stormed out of here... let's get going."

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 08-16-2003 09:44 PM    
As Jasyn walked along through the darkened corridors of the stilt city, he realized he really didn’t have a damn clue what he was looking for or where he was going. All he had to go on, really, was that Galen had been here... least to his last knowledge. But according to Aaron...

His thoughts skidded to a screeching halt as he finally became aware that he was once agian approaching the laboratory area. Knowing he wouldn’t be allowed access without a guide he slowed, starting to drum up a quick plan to sneak his way in when a silky Kaminoan voice from behind him broke all such considerations.

“Perhaps it is not clones you are seeking after all, Mr. Lancaster.”

Jasyn turned slowly, his brown eyes inscrutable. “Whatever do you mean? I’m just taking a little stroll,” he said, recognizing the greeter.

“We have no need for pretense,” the Kaminoan replied, her large eyes flat and unreadable even as a door which Jasyn hadn’t even noticed before closed behind her. “Your arrival here comes as no surprise to us,” she stated smoothly, the undertone in her voice somewhat dark. “Now tell me, what is your real reason for coming back here?”

Za'in Almar

posted 08-17-2003 08:11 AM    
"Ahh..!" Za'in interrupted before Jasyn could even awnser, coming around the corner. Putting on a smile for the Kaminoian, he holstered his Scout Blaster. Bowing his head to Jasyn, he gave him a joking smirk.

It was a long silence before he spoke though, giving off an atomsphere that could very well have placed the E.E company spokeperson in submission. Finally, when the young spacer talked, his tone was sly and suave. "My good friend here was just searching for something he lost." Captain Almar began, patting Jasyn on his back, just a bit too hard. "Weren't ya buddy?"

Za'in smiled at Mr. Lancaster, not waiting to give either of the two a chance to cut in. Quickly jumping back into the conversation, he threw his eyes back up to the imposing height of the Kaminoian.

"We are both in search of something. Maybe you can help us with some information?" Young Almar asked, his smooth voice, concealing the grudge he had with Lancaster, as was his actions. His arm being placed around Jasyn as one clue that he didn't want any of the Kaminioans to know of this situation either. They never were to fond of cobmat, conflicts or anything that could start any trouble with their buisness.

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 08-19-2003 08:39 PM    
Jasyn was having a moment of de ja vu... which he wished for all the Universe that he wasn't. And to add all that, here was Za'in, out of nowhere...

Had he been following..? Why...?

The Kaminoan blinked her large eyes at Za'in, for a long moment saying nothing. Then, "Indeed," she said quietly, again falling into silence, considering the younger man. "Though I know not of what particular information you seek, that which Mr. Lancaster probably seeks will most certainly come at a rather high price."

She paused, turning to Jasyn and sending him a somewhat chilling look. "Rumor has it you may have some...

... resources to answer some questions we have concerning some recent...

... costumers of ours."

Jasyn forced back a scowl. What the kriffing hell...? This didn't sound good...

But instead he managed a "It isn't wise for a business person to rely on rumors which may not be true."

The Kaminoan's look was totally unreadable as she considered Jasyn a moment before responding, her tone flat. "Captain Danner's link to a certain race of beings is not unknown here."

Jasyn's look shifted to something unreadable at the words. "Captain Danner is..." he started, but was cut off by a wave of the Kaminoan's hand.

"First things first, Mr. Lancaster. I know of that which you can offer me in exchange for information, whether you realize it or not at the moment. What I do not know, however, is of what your valiant friend here seeks, and what he is willing to offer me in return..."

[ 08-19-2003 08:42 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 08-19-2003 08:58 PM    
Za'in stared at the Kaminoan as it spoke about ''exchanging''. This value of trade was starting to get to him, and his hand was taking on a life of it's own. Edging ever so closer to his concealed blaster, his mind trying to send a sense of caution to his fingertips before they did something wrong.

When he managed to ease his palm, he looked up into the enormous dark eyes of the Kamioan and began to speak. A large frown coming upon his face as he spoke.

"A Jedi, a Jedi Knight Almar. Records say he came here, and I'm in search of some information about why."

Za'in said nothing more, his eyes did all the talking. They become as cold as carbonited flesh, with a chill running through the atomsphere. It was clear that he wasn't up for bargining his fathers information and if this long-necked credit-feind freak thought otherwise, a defried Kaminoan was going to be on the local catina's menu.

Tzakang Lah

posted 08-19-2003 11:39 PM    
Tzaakng was patroling the city. His cloaker was activated as usual. He wondered what his chances were on finding a kaminoan Jedi. There were none in historical records and finding one would be an exciting event

After a while, Tzakang came to a corridor. He saw two of the men who he followed into the cloning sector. They were talking to a kaminoan.

Suddenly, Tzakang heard the word "Jedi". He decided to stick around to hear who was the Jedi they were talking about.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 08-20-2003 09:26 AM    
I walked down the corriders with Matt and Dash looking for Jasyn when we saw them we started to head to them. When all of a sudden i hit thin air and recoiled. Someone or something was standing right in front of me invisble.

"uh guys. Something is right here." I said.

I try to sense what it was, but i couldn't. it was like a empty force bubble. I slwly backed away from and started walking backwards to Jasyn and the kaminoan still looking at the space I ran into.

Tzakang Lah

posted 08-20-2003 10:53 PM    
HE felt the bump. Tzakang quickly scampered out of the way of the man who knocked into him. He was too distracted by the conversation to notice another man and the chiss he saw earlier.

He ducked into another corridor and waited. If they found him out, he would either have to hightail it out of the city fast or kill them all.

Tzakang cursed himself for being so careless. He was so close to finding out about the "Jedi Almar" who was mentioned.

He ducked around another corridor 100 meters away and waited..........

[ 08-21-2003 06:11 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Tzakang Lah ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 08-21-2003 06:56 PM    
The look in the Kaminoan's eyes shifted from suspicion to something entirely too vague for Jasyn's liking. For a long moment everyone stood in silence, no one quite able to decide what, if anything, should be said.

What the hell was going on here? What was Jebbua blabbering about? And why was the Kaminoan suddenly looking so suspicious...?

Were the Kaminoans hiding something, and thought that Jebbua had perhaps stumbled upon it?

The Kaminoan directed a flat look in the group's direction. "I'm afraid that, with all the commotion you have brought to this city, I can no longer be of great help to you...we like our quiet."

Jasyn frowned to himself. And your solitude, to do whatever you wish for the right price...

"The only thing I can tell you," the Kaminoan continued, "is that Galen Danner has been here in the past, but is not here now."

She paused, her large eyes scanning the group, resting a moment on each member. "Leave this city immediately," she then ordered. "And it would be highly advisable for you to leave Kamino as well...

...while you still can."

At that she turned, utterly dismissing the group then and heading off down the corridors. Jasyn was well aware of the fact they had overstayed their welcome...

...and that they should scram while the scramming was good. He turned to the others. "I think it's time to take a hint and leave, now."

He paused a moment then, turning to Za'in. "Though I know you're still in search of something regarding your father and his mission here on Kamino... might wanna get out of these parts at least before you continue on as well. There's something funny going on here."

With that Jasyn again turned to the others in his group. "Now let's get the kriffing hell out of here...

...and get somewhere where we can try and figure out just what the hell we are going to do next."

[ 08-22-2003 06:29 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 08-22-2003 04:22 PM    
Za'in watched as the Kaminoan walked away, a frown growing onto his face once more. He was once again angered by a stupid abo, ready to pull out his blaster and hunt this idiot down. Turning his head about, he stared at Jasyn.

It took a second before he actually absorbed the words and had a valid response. His mind was still preoccupied with the anger and suspucion of that pale skinned credit fiend.

When he managed to focus, he placed his hand onto his chin, thinking up a good plan. Snapping his fingers as soon as he got it, he followed it up with a response.

"Hey, maybe we can take stay on one of my houses on Ord Mantell. It won't attract attention and it'll just be a stop. Shouldn't be too far away either.."

Za'in said casually, though in the back of his mind he was tempted to stay and find out what the kriffing hell was going on here with these abo. They were too suspucious, especially for a group of people that thrived on credits.

Yet, he knew that he had to get off this planet. Kaminoans had clones, and they had clones that had once started a war long,long ago. It wouldn't make any sense in disobeying 'em, they could end up siking one of those darn clones on 'em.

"How I hate cloners." Za'in muttered angrily under his breathe.

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 08-22-2003 09:15 PM    
At first Jasyn considered telling Za'in that they weren't interested in dropping by Ord Mantell, that it would only end up wasting more time than they needed. But as it stood they weren't getting very far... perhaps it would be a good idea to take up Za'in's offer. Maybe Ord Matell would give them a good place to regroup and discuss their next move...

...and maybe by taking the offer he could make up for jumping on Za'in earlier. He was too kriffing wound up lately...

Jasyn nodded once, beginning to walk down the corridors. "I think we'll take you up on the offer, Za'in. We could use a place to regroup and make some new plans."

He stopped walking then and turned to face Za'in. "About back there, in the guest quarters..."

Jasyn hesitated a bit, not entirely used to the words which were about to come from his lips, "I'm sorry. You were just asking for a bit of help, and I shouldn't have been so jumpy."

With nothing more than that, Jasyn turned once more, beginning to walk again and returning to the circumstances at hand.

"Our ship is just outside the city," he told Za'in. "Probably the best thing to do would be to exchange comm frequencies, get off this god-forsaken rock, and talk about when and where we are going to meet via comm once we get a good distance away. I don't wanna be on this blasted planet any longer than we have to be..."

[ 08-22-2003 09:17 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 08-23-2003 02:24 AM    
Za'in smiled and simply nodded his head in agreement. Throwing his bag over his shoulder, he and Matt exchanged the comm. frequencies and Za'in was off. Making sure not to attract any attention on his way out, he placed his father's lightsaber into the bag, before exiting into the rainy weather outside. This time he walked out without placing a hood on, whistling happily the tune of the famous Figrin D'an Band hit.

Entering his the Eagle, he threw his bags into the back, entering the cockpit once more. Alerting the others over the comm. unit on his control panel of his status, he began with working out the kinks to get the big chunk of metal off the ground. It had become easier to use the control panel as he fit through the years, after all those fantastic smuggling missions. Those times were great, and not it didn't take much more than one thought to begin lifting the Eagle off the ground. This time it came in handy, with his mind still preoccupied with other subjects.

Such as one, why Jasyn was all of a sudden trying to be polite. Yah, he was a good guy, but it was far-n-between that someone that was always in a boss chair explained himself and apologized for his actions. Maybe this guy was different, but he wouldn't let the apology, as much as he liked it, soften him up. He had to be like the Tatooine heat, a Kessel Sandstorm to survive in this galaxy, and letting up could get ya killed with the reputation he had.

So, Za'in continued on, taking to the sky as he stared up at the ceiling of the cockpit, still contemplating. His eyes dull that was comparision to the lull, but comforting sound of the engine humming in the background as Za'in thought. It made a warm atomsphere, which was perfect for the beginning of a path that led back home.

Home Sweet Home, here I come.

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 08-26-2003 08:43 PM    
It didn't take Jasyn and the rest of the crew much longer to get off the planet of Kamino. His only regret was not having found out more...

...and he hated that this was taking so much time. Even so, he knew that some time would have to be taken to plan a new strategy. There was still alot of Universe out there... that would mean narrowing the field down if they were ever going to succeed in finding Galen. He needed some other opinions...

"Hey Jas," Matt said, breaking his train of thought, "Comm Za'in and let him know we're ready to get out of here, and that we can meet him near Ord Mantell, unless he has other plans."

Nodding, Jasyn did exactly that, leaving the channel open for Za'in's reply. Then drifted back into thought, frowning as he did so.

Just where the kriffing hell else could Galen be...?

Turning to the others, he voiced as much and continued with, "We know she's not on Kee'l Doba or on Kamino unless something funny is going on. We also know that she was looking for her little girl, who she believed had been taken to Coruscant by her father. Aaron also said that Galen had plans to get some sort of Sith ship which would help her bust through Coruscant's blockade, and that we were all headed to K'eel Doba at some point in time before we woke up on that ship with Stargazer and her husband and with Galen missing. Sooo..."

Jasyn paused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully before continuing, " would appear by the facts that Graysith aka "Jharmeen Qu'taro" played dumb and denied that Galen was her sister that we are either all crazy...

...or that she has some reason she doesn't want her sister found. But the question is, where might a Sith...

...or one who was involved with the Sith...

...hide a person that they simply don't want found other than right under their own thumbs...?"

Falling silent at that, Jasyn waited to see if anyone would offer up any thoughts or ideas.

[ 08-26-2003 08:46 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 08-31-2003 12:52 PM    
Za'in clicked his comm uniit on the control panel, quickly coming up with an awnser to respond to Jasyn's statement.

"Will do." Za'in said, blocking his signal soon after. It was time for sollitude, for him to make love with the great Eagle. To move amoungst the stars and slide through hyperspace.

Going through the procedures of entering hyperspace, he activated his hyperdrive engine. Watching as the hyperdrive motivator lit up on his control pane, he awaited realspace to whitter away while he entered hyperspace.

It wasn't long after the thought that it came true, with the stars become lines that ran from his powerful engine. Hyperspace embraced him, with no navigational sensors on the hyperdrive motivator catching any items that could come to be of some sort of trouble.

He was going onward, toward the future and yet back to his past. Onto that planet he once called him, before the universe took that title, before the Eagle took that title..

"A home lost twice..." Za'in murmured to himself tiredly. Stretching his arms, he yawned, trying to get comfortable in his seat. It was not long after that he went to sleep, trying to rest up before his land on that forgotten homeworld of his.

Matt Stanza

posted 09-02-2003 09:37 PM    
The cabin hung in stiff silence for what seemed like ages, ages in which Matt Stanza was keeping his attentions split between any conversation that might be at hand and getting the ship into hyperspace and headed for Ord Mantell. But once the latter was accomplished, Matt turned in his seat to regard the silent men in the cabin...

...and meanwhile considered the evidence his comrade had brought forth. It really wasn't much to go on but...

"Well," Jasyn suddenly blurted, interrupting the expanding length of silence and with a disgusted snort, "Damn you Jedi, you aren't worth poodoo for even coming up with ideas, let alone getting anything done! You said Galen wasn't on Kamino to your knowledge, and yet you can't come up with a thing regarding where we might look next...?"

He paused at that, fire in his deep brown eyes. Then he continued with, "Why, it wouldn't hurt us in the least if we spaced--"

Matt reached out a hand and laid it on Jasyn's shoulders, sending him one of his classic green-eyed warning looks. Jasyn had the good sense to shut up at that moment...

...not that one person in the cabin didn't have a clue in regards to where his words were headed.

"Jas, maybe you are onto something about Galen being right under Jharmeen aka Graysith's thumb. I mean, if you were hiding someone and didn't want them found by anyone else...

...wouldn't you put them in the hardest place to get to? Even if she's not aware that there is a massing of Imperial ships around the system, she knows how incredibly difficult it would be for any human to snoop around any of those planets without sticking out like a sore thumb. Occam's Razor and all, K'eel Doba is still the most likely place for Galen's whereabouts. And aside from all that, it's the absolute last place we know we were all headed for. I don't know about the logistics of doing it...

...but my gut tells me we need to go back there."

Jasyn frowned. "But Matt...the Impys...

...we gave them our word we wouldn't ever go back there. How are we supposed to deal with them?"

"We could try the absolute truth...

...after all, it worked before."

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-02-2003 09:37 PM    
Jasyn pursed his lips, considering. He most certainly didn't like the idea of dealing with Impys again...

...but Matt's logic made a whole kriffing lot of sense. His frown deepened further as he continued to mull.

Gods damn it all, if only Terrin were here...

... he was the one who always knew how to work around politics...

"Allright," Jasyn finally replied, forcing himself from his thoughts. "But I think it'd be wise to get in contact with Aaron again before we make any final decisions; his input may be invaluable."

Jasyn again paused at that, looking to the still-silent Jebbua. "I don't suppose there is any remote possibility you have thoughts to add to this..."

[ 09-02-2003 09:38 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 09-03-2003 07:27 PM    
Za'in had rested much of the flight to Ord Mantell, but he was too restless to stay in that state the whole time. When wakening from the repeated beeping in the background, he glanced around, searching for a source. When finally a red alarm caught his eye, he saw that he was getting a message from someone.

When clicking on it, he gained the information needed to get who was exactly calling for him. All that game up was unknown, which seemed to be familar in some form or another. Maybe it was that Force that ran through him, but those unknowns just told him something was up.

Even though he was sure of it, he clicked on the message, with the holopad activating immeditately afterwards. It showed an image of a Hutt, a large one at that, eating as he spoke.

The large thing muttered something about that the mark on his head just grew bigger from his encounter on Kamino and that he had somehow disturbed their peace in some form. Other than that, there was a large hint that someone was on his tail, just ready to pounce like krayt dragon, ripping apart it's meal.

Sitting there with a curious, confused look on his face, the alarm once again went off. Disturbing his thought, he grumbled in response before he found exactly what the alarm was about.

He had reached a point that he was close enough to Ord Mantell and safely exit hyperspace. Doing as suggested from his computer, he opened up his comlink.

Clicking in the frequency to Matt and the crew, he managed to bounce off the hyperspace com. channel.

"Hey," Za'in began, "I just entered the area in Ord Mantell, I'm here waiting for you. When you get here, I'll lead you to my house--I know it well."

Ending with that, he leaned back, keeping his com. channel open for any response.

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-03-2003 09:13 PM    
As they reverted to the realspace surrounding Ord Mantell, the only thing that pulled Jasyn Lancaster from his dark thoughts was Zai'n Almar's comm. To say he was a little peeved at the fact the Jedi weren't contributing anything would be a serious understatement...

...especially considering the only logical idea he or Matt had come up with involved tangling with the Empire once again.

Kriffing Jedi...

...who the Hell needs them if this is all they amount to?!

Forcing himself from these thoughts, Jasyn reached for the reply button on the comm unit. "We're in-system at these coordinates," he said, simultaneously reaching for the navcomputer and sending off their ship's coordinates via the comm frequency. "We're ready and waiting."

Let's just hope we don't have to wait as long for a reply from you though as we do from these damn Jedi...

[ 09-03-2003 09:17 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 09-04-2003 06:10 AM    
With the long silent deep meditative trance I was in coming to an end, I blinked my eyes rapidly, and became fully aware of my surroundings. You could have cut the tension in the ships cabin with a dull vibro-axe. I decided to break the tension.

"Keel Doba is the most logical place to look. Remember the areas where I could sence nothing at all. Kind of like those creatures you breed Jasyn, the Yslamiri. I would assume she is in one of those areas. Unfortunatly, even while inside them, our Force abilities are of no use."

Jebbua nodded a confirmation of all I just said. For he was thinking along those same lines.

"But the question is... How do we go back? I suppose we could purchase some image distorters. They are quite pricey, but may get us past the Imps. I on the other hand would pose a more diffiucult problem. While these devices can change outward appearances, they will not change the color of your skin. But I beleive I know a way to Smuggle myself in with you..."

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-04-2003 06:33 AM    
Jasyn turned to regard Dash as he considered his suggestion and his comments, trying not to seem too relieved that someone else was finally contributing something just yet. But with where they were considering going...

...the back-up meant more than perhaps Dash would know. This wasn't gonna be easy...

...but as Dash and Matt had already stated, and as he had come to believe himself, the logic was just inescapable.

Jasyn bit his lip thoughtfully. "Image distorters..." he muttered, his look somewhat distant as he thought, "We could get a hold of some of those through EE, and there are venders here. Hell, Matt and I might be able to pull some strings and get the stuff at no charge, since we're EE employees..."

He trailed, still thinking. "Still, the Impys have some nice technology of their own... you think that'll be enough to evade them? Or should we, as Matt is suggesting, let the Impys know we're coming back and why ahead of time?"

Again Jasyn paused, frowning as he continued to think. "There are risks either way," he said. "There's the possibility of being caught red-handed with the image-distorters...

...and there's the possibility of the Impys saying no if we talk with them. But if they say yes that'll get us in without worrying about getting around them...

...and if they say no the image distorters will still work."

He pursed his lips for a long moment, so deep in thouught he really wasn't seeing, but was rather figuring up all the ideas swimming in the forefront of his mind. "What do you think? Let the Impys know first and see what they do before we proceed, with the image distorters ready should they say no...

...or skip letting the Impys know altogether, and proceed on with the distorters with the utmost caution...?"

[ 09-04-2003 06:35 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 09-04-2003 06:46 AM    
"Of course we should proceed with utmost caution either way. But perhaps having a formal parley with the IMPS is the safest course of action. If they say No, we just appropriate another ship, and sneak in =with the image distorters. We surely do not need a run in with the Empire at this point!"

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-04-2003 09:25 PM    
Jasyn nodded once. "Allright," he then said, "We've got a plan; now we need to focus on getting the distorters and contacting our friendly..."

Here he hesitated, "... government. All of which we can do once we reach the surface of Ord Mantell.

"Speaking of that," Jasyn continued, turning to the navboard and sending a comm off to Zai'n Almar. "Almar, where the kriffing hell are you? My team has some work to do while we're here, and we can't afford to make this a leisurely visit. If we don't hear from you shortly, we're going to go on to the surface on our own..."

He quieted at that, waiting to see if Almar would reply...

[ 09-04-2003 09:26 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 09-06-2003 11:23 PM    
Za'in moved his ship up behind them, taking the com into his hand as he did so. Beginning with the statement, he kept an undertone of sarcasm.

"Man, it's really taking a long time--you better just head to the windows and look for me somewhere. I might be a thousand light years away for all I know..."

Matt Stanza

posted 09-07-2003 12:26 PM    
"Why that son of a--" Matt heard Jasyn start, reaching for the comm's reply button. Shooting a warning glance Jasyn's way, Matt managed to reach for the comm button a second before his commrade. "I see you now," Matt replied, still watching Jasyn, who was simply scowling.

"We're right with you."

At that, Matt turned to the navboard and let up on the controls a little, allowing Za'in to take the lead and following close behind. As he continued to follow Za'in's ship into Ord Mantell's atmosphere, he looked to Jasyn once more. "Now might be a good time to go ahead and fill Aaron in on just what we are doing..."

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-07-2003 12:47 PM    
With effort, Jasyn forced the scowl from his face. "Allright," he said at length, keying in Aaron's comm frequency with no further ado. "Aaron, it's Jasyn Lancaster. Just wanted to fill you in; we've visited K'eel Doba with no luck and have also back-tracked to Kamino with no gains. We ran into a woman who called herself Jharmeen Qu'taro on K'eel Doba, one who quite easily could have been this sister of Galen's you told us about. Still, she denies knowing a Galen...

...she even denied having a sister. Maybe you have some resources to verify whether Galen had a sister?"

Jasyn paused at that, then continued with. "At any rate, Kelderon picked up on some Force-bubbles on K'eel Doba, and we want to go back and investigate further. We're going to get some image disruptors...

...maybe you can help us with that... get past the Impys that are swarming near K'eel Doba if necessary. We're also seriously considering alerting them ahead of time that we're coming and why, hoping that perhaps we might be able to bargain with them and get back to K'eel Doba without evasion tactics. It's a risky play...

...but evading them will be a risky play too. I think it's the best shot we've got at doing this. Let me know if you think otherwise, and let us know about the disruptors and about Jharmeen Qu'taro at the most. I'll have my wristcomm and will be waiting your reply.

"Lancaster out."

[ 09-07-2003 12:50 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 09-07-2003 05:19 PM    
"While you guys are wheeling and dealing on Ord Mantell, I'm gonna be working on my plan to smuggle myself past the Empire. In the event that they won't let us through. Matt, can you rig the ships sensors to do internal lifesign readings every 2 minutes and print them on the display monitor? I'll need to track my progress."

Matt Stanza

posted 09-07-2003 07:45 PM    
Keeping his eyes on the navboard, Matt responded to Dash's query. "Sure, we can do that."

Then he turned, looking to Dash and Jebbua as well. "I think any tricks you can pull out of your bag would be helpful at this point, and smuggling a Jedi or two in case we get stopped by the Empire would definitely come in handy."

Even as he said these words, he turned back to the navboard, his intense green eyes locked on Za'in's ship. In a matter of minutes the other pilot began his landing cycle, and Matt followed suit right behind him. As they neared the ground a small--

--and possibly private--

--docking area came into focus. Matt knew that the Almar's father, if not Za'in as well, was fairly wealthy. He wouldn't be surprised if this docking area was entirely his. Matt took the ship down right next to where Almar docked his, and began cooling the systems. Then he turned to Kelderon once more. "Allright, let's see if I can get those life-readings rigged up for you...

...shouldn't take too long..."

He paused then, looking up to Jasyn, who had begun to get to his feet. "After that I'll be right behind you. In the meantime you might want to find a nice secure comm frequency to the Empire and let them know that we want to talk to them regarding access to K'eel Doba, and be blatantly honest about just why we need to go there. They know we've been there before and why, so it's no use trying to be evasive, and it might cause more problems."

Jasyn pursed his lips and nodded. "Agreed," he then said, "Pop the hatch and I'll get on it right now."

Turning for the navboard, Matt did precisely that. As Jasyn began to head off the ship, Matt couldn't help but add some final words of warning. "And Jas, please try to be hospitable and let Za'in know what we're up to before you do anything..."

[ 09-07-2003 07:52 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Matt Stanza ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 09-08-2003 03:20 AM    
The controls were set. It was my time to shine. I had done this before, but only to fool the naked eye, never a high-tech sensor sweep.

The ancient art of Jedi Hibernation. From the days before Hyperspace technology came about, the Jedi used this practice to slow thier breathing, and slow down, considerably, the inner workings of the body. This allowed them to venture farther through space than any other being in the galaxy. And I had to perfect this technique in less than a day! What am I thinking? Is it even possible to slip through a sensor sweep? I was about to find out.

I laid myself down in an area I wouldn't be easily found, but not completly hidden. And began my Hibernation by slowing my breathing, using the force to slow my heartbeat to about 1 beat per minute. My eyes closed of thier own accord as my muscles relaxed and I lay perfectly still. I lost myself in deep meditation.

One thought gnawing at the back of my conscious, What if this doesn't work?

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-08-2003 06:36 AM    
As Jasyn strode purposefully out of the ship, he glanced at the side. On her hull, in small yet distinct black letters, the ship read: Vindicator.

Jasyn couldn't help but smile, albeit a bit darkly. How kriffing appropriate.

For another moment he simply looked at the lettering, his thoughts elsewhere and his brown eyes distant. Then, as if just realizing he had alot to do and little time to do it in, he turned and began moving once more, this time towards Almar's ship. Out of her hull popped a hatch, and in moments Almar appeared. Jasyn slowed a moment, then took a deep breath, and headed right to Almar. Stopping in front of the younger man, he got right to the point.

"I don't know what your plans are here," he started, "But I need to find a place where I can do some secure comming, somewhere better than our ship. I also need to find the nearest Eagle Enterprises outpost here...

...we need some equipment to continue on our mission in all possible caution."

He paused at that, not wanting to divulge any further in case there were big eyes and big ears somewhere close by. "If you can't help out and have your own matters to attend to, I'll be on my way and about my business. We don't want to stay here longer than a day...

...time is short. But can you at least point me in the right direction?"

At this Jasyn fell silent, and waited to see what Almar might say, ready to get on the move and get this show on the road.

[ 09-08-2003 06:36 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 09-08-2003 09:38 PM    
Za'in stared at the man for a moment, his arms crossing as he pondered. Going through his mind was a weird idea that seemed to come to him like a lightning bolt hitting the surface. A smile grew upon his face, discarding the pondering expression. Reacting slowly, trying to make sure Jasyn knew the significance of the words, but still managing to keep his tone casual.

"Well if your going anywhere, I'm coming with you. That includes to wherever your going.." Za'in stopped there, but it seemed only to be a pause, because quickly after he began once agian. "And don't try to pick a Bothan on me."

The Za'in said, heading into his house with a commanding trot. It was clear that he wanted Jasyn to follow into the mansion like sheltering through the plains.

Coming to the door, he opened it. As the door creaked up from a soft shove, wweaponary and technologically advanced devices lay around. The entrance room was like a workshop, but romantically touched with a pond holding all kind of fish seperating catergorizes of the devices.

"Here, you might find what you are looking for and a safe haven for communication. Afterwards, we can head to the Outpost."

[ 09-08-2003 09:57 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Za'in Almar ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-09-2003 08:19 PM    
Jasyn bit back the frown that was trying to spread across his face. Nobody got in on these urgent matters as easily as Za'in was wanting to insert himself in...

... nobody. And there was just something in Almar's eye that Jasyn didn't particularly like. Still, Jasyn had nothing to hide from this guy...

...nothing at all. So if he wanted to stick his nose in other people's business... be it. Maybe a taste of the Empire...

...or the Sith, for that matter...

...would change Almar's mind regarding just how involved he wanted to be. So Jasyn followed Almar in, feeding his ego a bit by letting him think that he was in total control. Upon entering, Jasyn's deep browns took in all the sophisticated technology...

...and he eyed a high-tech comm unit sitting nearby.

That should work nicely, Jasyn thought.

Reaching for the comm unit then, Jasyn dialed into a secure Eagle Enterprises channel. He pursed his lips for a moment then in thought, considering how to word the message he was about to send.

"This is Eagle Enterprises employee Jasyn Lancaster, requesting special clearance from the blockade which the Empire has established near the planet K'eel Doba. My team has already been stopped by this said blockade after searching on K'eel Doba for a friend of ours who has gone missing after being there. At the time we reached the conclusion she was not there any longer; however, after evaluating further evidence we believe it is still entirely possible that she is on that planet. Thus I am requesting permission to be allowed through the blockade, and would be willing to discuss payment for that privelege upon your reply. You may direct your reply to my personal comm frequency," he continued, rattling off the frequency digits, "and I will be willing to then discuss this matter with you further if necessary.

Lancaster out."

Satisfied with that message then, Jasyn typed in a stream of text to accompany the message he was about to relay off an EE channel.

Send this message to the authorities on Coruscant in all due haste; verify through Captain Barnes, who is already aware this is incoming. Hurry--there is no time to spare.

After that Jasyn flipped off the comm frequency and tweaked his wristcomm to make certain he would be immediately notified should he recieve a reply. He then turned to Za'in. "Allright," he spoke up, "Before we proceed on to the outpost, I'd like to go back to the Vindicator and check on my other team members. They may be interested in going with us...

...or they may wish to rest some before we proceed further. After all, you invited us to your home to parlay comfortably together concerning our continued mission, and I'd hate for them to spend that time cramped up in a ship..."

[ 09-09-2003 08:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 09-09-2003 10:02 PM    
"Yes", Zain' quickly said, watching Jasyn as he walked out his house and into the large courtyard. The Jedi disendent wasn't very happy about the looks that the brown-eyed Eagle E. administrator gave him.

He didn't know exactly where the vibe was coming from, but it was strong--running through his very veins telling him that this guy didn't trust him. Maybe it was in the man's voice, or even possibly from the twinkle in Jasyn's eyes. It was there though, no mistaking it--something was there and it was strong.

Like a bind had been sowed in the materail of the universe, sending the hidden message of the man to him. Shaking his head as he watched the man's frame disappear into the bundle of leaves, trying to make sense of it all.
.....Accept it.....

The whisper of the familar voice came once again in his head, his eyes widening as he searched around for a source.

None was around..

Dash Kelderon

posted 09-10-2003 03:19 AM    
Time passed by very slowly in this state of being, as one could imagine. Breathing so shallow that one's lungs don't inflate enough to set off motion detectors, heart barely beating enough to keep the blood flowing through my body. I had a feeling that I would need some recovery time when I snapped out of this.

Just then, there was as tremmor in the force, ableit a small one, there was definatly a tremmor.
Who could that be? My mind streched out, searching, searching, searching for the source. But, saddly, no other tremmors were to be felt.

The hatch of the ship opened and someone entered. I guess we'll see how well this is working.

Pushing myself further into the Hibernation trance, I prayed that this was working. Even for a small perod of time.

I layed there, perfecty still to the naked eye, waiting to be found.

Matt Stanza

posted 09-10-2003 09:51 PM    
Matt didn't know how long he'd been staring in disbelief at the life-sign readouts, but at length the motion of the hatch jarred him from his reverie. Turning ever-so-slightly, he saw Jasyn entering, punching a few buttons on his wristcomm as he did so.

"I've just recieved confirmation that my message for clearance to K'eel Doba has been sent and wanted to know if anyone would like to go with us to the outpost to find these image distorters," Jasyn said as he entered. Then he paused right behind the pilot's chair, cocking his head as he asked the next question. "Any luck on Kelderon's idea?"

Matt shifted fractionally to fully focus his eyes on the monitor once more. "Take a look for yourself," he then said, nodding towards the monitor.

For a long moment, the cabin was blanketed by utter silence. "Kriffing hell... how does he do that?" Matt heard Jasyn mutter.

Matt just shook his head in response. "I dunno, but I don't want him back there doing that any longer than he has to. We've verified that it works...

...that's good enough for me."

With that, Matt stood and headed for the back of the cabin, Jasyn not far behind him. It took some time to find Kelderon, but at length they did.

Matt frowned. Buddy, he was so still one might think he was dead...

Troubled by that thought, Matt was spurred to action. "I hope it won't be too hard to wake him," he commented with concern, reaching out then to touch Dash on the arm and give him a good shake. "Kelderon, it works," he said, "Snap out of it..."

[ 09-10-2003 09:58 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Matt Stanza ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 09-11-2003 06:23 AM    
The time passed slowly, too slowly. It seemed as if I had been drifting in my minds eye for days, when suddenly I was jostled from my suspended state.

As I returned to the realm of mortals I vaugely heard someone saying "... it works."

Exiting the Hibernation trance was not as difficut as I had initially feared. But It did leave me very weak. And thirsty, so thirsty!!! I cracked open an eye, Jasyn and Matt looking on my prone form.

"H-how long-g-g?" I managed to squeak out despite the dryness in my throat. "Water..."

Matt Stanza

posted 09-13-2003 06:09 PM    
As Jasyn helped Dash to his feet, Matt answered the former of his two questions. "I got no life signs on you for approximately 45 standard minutes. You might have been able to go even longer, but I didn't care to push it."

Dash nodded at this, but whether it was to clear fog from his head or in response to Matt's words was uncertain.

Matt cut his eyes over to Jasyn. "Looks like now might be a good time to take a break; we can go to the outpost and get the image distorters tomorrow morning. Installation shouldn't take all that long, either."

"Sounds good to me," Jasyn replied. "Besides, the man did ask for water...

...and I'd kinda like a drink or two myself," he ended, something of a smirk on his face.

Matt's look turned quasi-stern. "Just a drink, my friend...

...we have too far to go yet for more than that."

Jasyn let the smirk hang on his face a moment longer, then he turned suddenly serious, nodding in agreement. "Allright," he said, starting to move towards the hatch of the ship while helping Dash along, "Let's get going then..."

Za'in Almar

posted 09-13-2003 11:27 PM    
Za'in, trying to belittle the voices running in his head, walked about the frontyard and into the landing bay in one of the areas of his housing. He did love what he had inherited from his father, but it was clear that if he didn't watch his back it could all be taken away in one quick swoop from one of those darn Hutts.

Shaking his head at the thought, he bumped into the Vindicator title. Bouncing back from it, he pulled out his blaster as a reflex, targeting at whatever he had collided into. Staring at it he slowly placed the scoutblaster away, chuckling to himself.

Pulling his eyes to the side, he watched as Matt, Jasyn and the Chiss named Dash walked out the ship. Crossing his arms impulsively, he grin happily toward them.

"You heading out for something so early?" Za'in asked, an eyebrow curving in curiousity.

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-15-2003 08:33 PM    
Jasyn shook his head no, not really in the mood for conversation at the moment. Rather, his mind was leaning towards the planning that yet lay ahead...

...and was pondering over just how much time they had left, if any.

Damn, Galen, if only Terrin were still here; I know he would have been the first to figure this out...

...he and that Shawn Petrolu. Now they could be something of a team...

"We're gonna take a break and rest the night," he finally said aloud to Za'in. "If you would be so kind as to lead the way, this man needs a drink."

Za'in didn't say anything in reply to that, but merely nodded, turning on his heel and then leading the whole group back to his rather impressive mansion. Only a little while later they were all gathered round a table, each with drinks of one kind or another. Jasyn leaned back in his chair, taking a sip of the liquor...

...was that Alderaanian Ale...?

...and letting his mind drift.

So Dash had said there were Force-blanks on K'eel Doba...but how many? Was there maybe only one? Several? And if there were several, was there any way to eliminate some of those as possibilities for Galen's location right up front? Might there be some flight records from the "Eagle"

...or even perhaps the "Falcon"...

...which might be helpful in that regard? After all, though the Eagle wasn't accessible, it still had that EE tracking system on it...

Jasyn frowned blackly at all these thoughts. Kriffing hell, if he could just remember...

Turning to Dash, who was guzzling down his second glass of water, Jasyn spoke up at last. "About the Force-blank you felt on K'eel Doba...

...was there just one, or possibly more...?"

Falling silent at that, Jasyn then cocked a brow and took another sip of his ale, waiting for Dash's reply.

[ 09-15-2003 08:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 09-15-2003 10:44 PM    
Za'in's eyes widen at the word Force. Of course, he knew about it, but to hear it come from the mouth of coporation administrators was very unlikely. So, without hesitation he jumped into the conversation, his eyes still wide with curiostiy.
"What is this about Force?" Za'in began. As he waited for a reply, his facial features returned to normal, took one big gulp of his Correlian Ale.

Throwing down the cup on the table, he heard the sound of the collision circle the large room. A smile came to his face as his eyes shifted from the three visitors, his hands being placed at his chin.

Directing all his focus to the others, he quietly waited.

Dash Kelderon

posted 09-16-2003 03:10 AM    
I didn't take much notice of the elaborate mansion that I was being led through. Alll I could focus on was my parched throat, and regaining my strenght. I was able to walk, possibly even run, but it was withh an effort. I had no idea the Hibernation effects would last.

We were seated at a table in a fiarly large room. The first glass of liquid placed before me was gone in 2.6 seconds flat! I asked for another. It was just as refreshing, but this one I took my time drinking.

Finally taking more notice of my surroundings, the cobwebs in my head and body begining to dissapate, I saw a beautiful grand dining hall, complete with a staff of server droids.

Jasyn asked about K'eel Doba almost immediatly. My head wasn't completly clear, but I did hear something about Force-pockets.

"There were about 14 smaller pockets, Jasyn, and several Large ones. Large ennough to house a small village. I'm affraid that searching all of them is gonna take quite a bit of time. Perhaps we should stick to the 6 larger pockets. They sem the more likely place to hide someone, or a whole lot of people for that matter."

Speaking propmted my short term memory to commit to long term, and I remembered a second voice in the conversation. It was Z'ain. He seemed very interested in the Force.

Looking to Z'ain, "I'm not sure how much you know about the Force, but I don't know if this is the proper time for a philosophy lesson. Perhaps in Hyperspace on the way to K'eel Doba?"

My second cup was drained and I felt like something with a little more perk. "I'd like another beverage, if that is alright. Something with a little more Zest."

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-16-2003 06:31 AM    
Jasyn's lips quirked in a bit of amusement at Dash's request.

Amen to that, pal, he couldn't help but thinking, eyeing his own drink. But now is not the time for such things...

"We should be off to K'eel Doba ASAP tomorrow," he then said aloud. "That means an early start on these image distorters. I think it may also be wise to pull up some of the back-logs for places a couple of our EE ships have been in the past; their are two in particular we probably used over the course of this timespan I can't seem to remember entirely. I've been told we were heavily involved in matters on K'eel Doba... logic follows that there may be some coordinates we may want to check from places that we have been. If any of them match up with these Force-pockets, that might be a good place to start as well. And if none of them do, well...

...we'll just visit them all--particularly the larger ones you mentioned. But for now we should probably all get some rest..."

Here Jasyn paused, another look of light amusement hinting in his features, "But one more drink couldn't hurt..."

[ 09-16-2003 06:33 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 09-17-2003 04:18 AM    
The plans were set, the preparations being made. One small detail that hadn't been completed came to mind.

"Have we heard back from the Empire yet Jasyn? It would sure makes things alot easier on me if we could just fly on by them with thier consent."

I did a subconscious check of all my bodily functions. "This Hibernation thing is really takes it's toll on my body. I'll definatly need lots of liquid ready for me when I awake on K'eel Doba, if we have to sneak past the Imps."

Looking back to Z'ain. "How about that drink? What do you recomend?"

I really wanted to ask him if I could use his communications device to speka with Alexis. It had been quite a while since I had last seen my love. How I longed to see her. I thought about her, and our unborn child all the time. Perhaps I'll just use the comm on the yacht we currently called our own. What is that ships designated name, I wondered.

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-17-2003 06:28 AM    
Jasyn shook his head at Dash's question, frowning. "No, no word from the Empire. Can't say that I'm honestly that surprised...

...but we're going in with or without their consent. And if we happen to get caught well..."

Here he paused, eyeing Matt and continuing with, "Let's just hope that honesty approach works a second time. This is just too important to give up the ghost easily...

...or at all."

He paused then, suddenly itching to get going and recalling that they still needed to get the image distorters. The hour was yet early morning though, so...

Turning to Za'in, he shifted rontos. "So how about that drink so everyone can then get a little rest? In a few hours I'd like to get going..."

Dash Kelderon

posted 09-17-2003 07:10 AM    
With my Preparations done, I decided I would help Jasyn with the image distorters.

"So, Jasyn," I said over my freshly refilled cup of ALE, "Where are we gonna pick up 3 image distortes? And a NEW ship? The Empire surly has the Ships ID # in their Database now. We won't be able to pull off the new images if we are in teh same ship!"

Za'in Almar

posted 09-17-2003 08:06 AM    
Za'in stood and walked over to the counter where he reached into one of his largest cabinets. Taking out a few well-sculptured bottles, he walked over to the table with them. Placing them down, the readings of the sheet along the body of the bottles read, Correlian Ale.

Smiling at the two, he grabbed their drinks and opened the caps of the bottles. Letting the liquid flow up to half full in cup, he slide them back to the drinkers. After which, he placed a bit of the ale in his own cup. It was clear to the others that he gave himself considerable more, but that would be expected as he had gone through a few of the large Correlian Ale bottles during the speaking.

"The finest..." He murmured under his cup as he sipped a bit. Placing it down, he gave the two a genorous smile and reclined in the wooden chair, wondering what would these three do next.

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-18-2003 08:10 PM    
Jasyn scowled at the very idea of having to attain a new ship. Though he and Matt were higher up on the food chain of EE employees, they weren't exactly made of money either. And unless someone else was going to fork out some cash, they would be the ones buying the ship, albeit at a highly discounted rate.

"I suppose we can trade in the Vindicator when we go to the Outpost and buy the Image distorters," he finally said, the scowl still on his face. "There's really no other option."

Pausing at that, he took a good long sip of his drink then set it down, still scowling a bit as he gazed down into the mug.

Well, he thought to himself, This stuff might be the finest Zain's got here, but ain't like that Sith brandy...

Jerking himself from that thought, he looked up to the others once more. "Unless someone else has something further to add, I think this is the time where we get a few hours of rest before we get going, cause once we get started, I sure as kriffing hell am not stopping til we have some success..."

[ 09-18-2003 08:11 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

The Empire

posted 09-19-2003 12:18 AM    
"Eagle Enterprises employee Jasyn Lancaster, this is Imperial ship Relentless hailing.

"In reply to recent request: permission granted to enter K'eel Doban space and planetary atmosphere. Note permission must be obtained from the Empire for exit vector to be initiated.

"Contact again when in-system; arrangements will be made for entry through defensive net.

"This is Imperial flagship SSD Relentless, out."

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-19-2003 10:18 PM    
About this time Jasyn's comm unit beeped, interrupting whatever anyone might be preparing to say next. With a bit of a sigh he reached for his wristcomm, pushed the accept button, and let the message play.

His jaw probably hit the table harder than a drunk who'd had too many Walknfalls.

"I don't believe it," he muttered disgustedly. "I mean, to think they are actually granting our team passage into K'eel Doban space without so much as a word...

...I don't like it. Why would the Empire grant mere EE employees passage into space that they have so zealously guarded...?" Here he paused for a moment.

"Maybe the Empire is different than what it was," Matt offered.

"Or maybe the Empire is up to something. Our involvement with the Sith is not unknown to them...

...nor would it be difficult for the right persons to put two and two together concerning what we are doing...

...and whom we might be looking for. It sounds very much like a trap...

...I knew we shouldn't have contacted the kriffing Empire..."

Again he trailed, frowning. "Still, why turn down a perfectly acceptable offer?" he mused. Then he turned to Dash. "What do you think?"

[ 09-19-2003 10:21 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 09-20-2003 03:52 AM    
"Well, It is a little hard to beleive, especially after the run-ins I've had with the Empire. It does sound a bit like a trap, but it also seems to be our only option. My best suggestion is to go in there with open arms, but knives in our boots. If you know what I mean."

I looked to the ever silent Jebbua, who had been sitting there stoically, babying his drink. "You with us Jebbua?"

No reply...

"His mind must be elsewhere right now." I covered for him.

" I think we ought to set those image distorters to make us look like Sith Warriors, or Scouts of some kind. I will use the Force to try and sneak past thier sensor sweeps. That way if we have to leave in a hurry, You three will look like Sith and I could be your prisoner."

There were so many margins for error in this plan I was surprised we were willing to risk it. But that's the funny thing about friendship. It makes you do things otherwise thought foolhardy or impossible. Like getting a one way ticket past an Imperial Blockade. Yes the risks for me were great, and many. But no more than the risks everyone else was taking.

More and more often these past few days I though of an alternate lifestyle. Thoughs of setteling down with Alexis to raise our yet-to-be-born child. But the road of adventure keeps calling me back into active duty. For now, I would have to push these thoughts from my overworked mind, and focus on the task at hand.

"Jasyn, you and Matt aren't made of money, so I'll be footing the bill this time. You just make sure you get a good deal on them!"

Za'in Almar

posted 09-20-2003 02:43 PM    
Za'in muttered as he took himself to a stand. He had been silent for a long time now, but he couldn't take it anylonger. He had been thrown out of these "plan's" over and over as if he wasn't going to be apart of this mission that they all were so focused on. Slamming the cup onto the table, the shattering sound rung through the ears of all his guest. Peering down at all of them, he took in their changed expressions before he began.

"I want to know exactly what is going on. I'm going with you, whether you are like it or not." Za'in paused there, his eyes become more intense. "Now, you better get an understanding of how I'm going to get past this blockade of the Empire or I'll have to create one of my smuggler type ideas."

Finishing up, he quickly turn himself around to point to the sink. Heading over to it casually, he dropped the cup he nearly shattered on the table before his announcement into the sink. Sighing as he looked down into the reflection of himself in the nearly shattered cup, trying to give himself a smile. After which, he turned about and headed to the seat, his mind wondering into ideas that they may have come up with already.

Dash Kelderon

posted 09-22-2003 06:33 AM    
Za'in's little outburst was quite shocking! Quite immature actually.

"I can appreciate the fact that you might wish to help us out, Za'in, but you cannot just force yourself upon us. We would certainly appreciate any help you might give us. But right now we only have clearance for the four of us to go to K'eel Doba. And right now, pissing off the Empire is not high on my list of things to do."

I motioned to the door. "Walk with me Za'in, talk to me for a while. Maybe I can answer your questions about the Force."

I threw my Bank chip to Jasyn. "Remember, get a good deal on those distorters!" Then as an added mental communication. "You may want to pick up a 5th distorter."

Za'in Almar

posted 09-23-2003 07:29 PM    
Za'in eyes darted the room for Jasyn and when his orbs meet the face of the man they locked. Mr. Almar had talked about what he wanted to do and it seemed clear to Jasyn then, why hadn't he told the others?

Without putting another word in, he stood and reached for his fathers lightsaber. Even though he normally carried it, the time came to place it down. Heading toward the next room, he placed it in a safe area. Locking it, he turned about and headed toward this Dash fellow.

'Maybe this guy can teach me a bit about the Force. He may hold the secrets that I might need to find more about my father's past.'

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-24-2003 06:27 AM    
As Dash and Za'in made their exit, Jasyn couldn't help but roll his eyes at Za'in's departing back.

Bossy lil' bugger...

...but if he wanted to be idiotic enough to try to cross the Empire, he'd be doing it in his own ship.

That little thought brought Jasyn back to what he needed to do for the moment, and he eyed the bank chip Dash had so generously provided.

Allright, a little voice in his head then started, Maybe all Jedi aren't so bad...

Grinning at that he stood, turning and cocking his head to Matt as he then spoke. "Sooo...what do you say we take a trip to the outpost and buy the distorters so we can get the Hell out of here? And maybe we can soup up the Vindicator some while we're at it...

...I know a few simple things we can buy to boost the engine and the hyperdrive. And maybe we can work a little with her weapons systems...

...that certainly can't hurt us so long as we don't go in looking like we don't trust the Empire."

He paused, biting his lip in thought, trying to decide if there was anything else of importance they needed to do. Unable to think of anything, he then reiterated. "Let's get going."

Matt didn't say anything in reply but merely nodded and motioned for Jasyn to take the lead. Jasyn was happy to do just that, and it was only after they were nearly halfway to the Outpost that something else finally hit him, though he hadn't the first clue why.

"I was thinking," he commented towards Matt as he continued to walk, "Maybe we should pick up a fifth distorter..."

[ 09-24-2003 06:30 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 09-24-2003 08:17 AM    
Za'in and I walked out into the courtyard. Za'in was silent. Dead silent. I tried to probe his mind, but found ample resistance to my probes. More resistance than I though possible from a non-force sensitive person. I did get tid-bits of information. One word phrases actually. Force. Father. Eagle Enterprises. Jedi. It was a jumble of mixed thoughts and emotions in there. Could he be the one I sensed while I was meditating in the ship?

I broke the silence. "So, Za'in, I noticed you had a Lightsaber with you. Why did you put it in storage? Do you know how to use it? Did it belong to your father?

Za'in Almar

posted 09-26-2003 11:48 AM    
Za'in was never fond of being asked so many questions and didn't like anwsering them either, but if it was going to some how help him in his quest for his father's past than he would have to compromise. Folding his arms, he looked over his shoulder at the Chiss with a thoughtful expression.

Sighing, he began, "Well to answer your questions in order that you question, I placed the lightsaber away because it was of no need." The young smuggler paused, looking over the terrian as the wind blew. "Even though I don't even know how to use it, I do carry it around as a rememberence of my father."

Trying to be as genorous as possible, which was hard for any smuggler who had ran into the situations that Za'in did, he gave Dash a smile. "I would guess that would answer your questions," Captain Almar paused again. He stopped and leaned against the brick wall at the gates to the frontier of his house. "And if your father was a Jedi."

[ 09-26-2003 11:48 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Za'in Almar ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-27-2003 05:36 PM    
Making the last modifications to the Vindicator, Jasyn slid out from under her belly and got unceremoniously to his feet, wiping his free hand on his pants leg while gripping a hydrospanner in his other hand. Taking his commlink from his belt then, he used his free hand to open a channel to the cabin of the little yacht. "Ok, check it again, Matt," he said, praying that perhaps this time the engine upgrade test wouldn't result in a series of sparks. He held his breath as the engine roared...

...and was pleased to see that the final modifications seemed to be holding up nicely.

"That got it, Jas," came Matt's reply over the comm. "The distorters are good to go too?"

"They're all set," Jasyn replied, "I'm ready to get out of this hellhole if you are."

A pause. "Yeah. But what about Za'in and Dash?"

Jasyn glanced back towards Za'in's mansion, his brown eyes turning vague for a moment. Then he put the commlink to his lips once more. "All I've gotta say is that they better check in soon, cause I'm not waiting here much longer while they chit-chat..."

[ 09-27-2003 05:38 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 09-28-2003 12:32 AM    
The ears of the smuggler twitched. His senses were something he was always able to depend on and when he turned around, he realized why. Staring at the Vindicator, he found that the engine excersis was complete.

"Maybe we should continue this conversation another time."

Giving Dash the comm. frequency, Za'in headed over to his girl, ready to ride her into space anytime that Jasyn, Matt and crew were ready.

Opening the locked door with his I.D, he entered, embracing the unique smell of engineer work and rusty droids with the long sniff of nostrils. It was nice to be home, back in that girl that lead him on numerous adventures and would bring to another one.

It was weird though this time, because it was voluntary, for whatever reason. Za'in didn't even know why he volunteered for it, but that didn't matter anymore. He just needed to get off the planet and into space as soon as the bell rung from that Vindicator that Jasyn owned.

Heading to the cockpit, he sunk into the seat. Pushing back into the seat, he reclined, hoping that soon he'd get that message that would start the mission to this mysterious world.

Dash Kelderon

posted 09-28-2003 08:54 AM    
Za'in turned and went to his ship.
Yes, perhaps another time.

With nothing left to do on this planet, I went back to the little yacht. I took notice of the ships callsign, VINDICATOR. An interesting name for a semi-luxury space yacht.

I entered the ship, the engines flared to life as soon as the hatch was closed behind me. Matt and Jasyn certainly were not wasting any time.

I settled into a comfortable chair. But something just wasn't sitting right wth me. Something was missing...

I dismissed the though, thinking myself too cautious as of late.

I felt the slight tug of artificial gravity, as we hit the stars. It was then that it hit me...
Jebbua was not on the ship.

I walked swiftly to the cockpit to inform Jasyn and Matt, of our missing member.

"Just thought I'd infrom you, that unless you want to go to K'eel Doba One member short, then we had better make a U-turn."

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 09-29-2003 09:16 AM    
I opened my eyes and saw that I was on a bed.

A bed? Wait where are the others?

I got up and noticed it was my house back on Sullest. I walked around the house till I found Alexis.

"Hey Alexis." I said, but she didn't even notice me. She was looking at something coming her way.

"For the last time leave you stinking Jedi we don't want your scum here." A man said.

"Come on Alexis I think we better get out of here." A voice beside Alexis said.

I turned and saw it was Ruhatt. Something strange was going on.

"Leave now Jedi or we'll be force to destroy your home and you." the man said indicating his torch.

Alexis And Ruhatt stared at the man.

"I've already notified the security. They will be here momentarily. We are going to get the bottom of all the killings around here. Once we have you to locked up,” the man said.

A few seconds later security arrived with their blasters out.

"Hands in the air and walk over here slowly." an officer said.

Alexis didn't move, neither did Ruhatt.

"That’s it get them." The man fired a stun at them and they dropped to the floor.

"NNNNOOOO!!!!!!" I opened my eyes and found myself back at the table. The others were no where to be seen.

I had to find Dash and tell him what I saw.

[ 09-29-2003 09:17 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-29-2003 08:38 PM    
Jasyn turned and looked at Dash, his brows lowering as he did so. "We are not going back, no kriffing way! Every second we waste is one more second Galen is who knows where, and it's not like your Jedi Master has contributed all that much..."

Jasyn trailed a moment, his eyes darkening a bit more as he then proceeded with, " fact, he's done rather little. He'll be fine on Ord Mantell and will be able to get a ride out of there when he is ready."

Jasyn paused once more at that, another thought then coming to his mind. "Aside from all that, I'm sure he could find some way to contact you...

... if he really wanted to help us out."

With nothing more than that, Jasyn quieted, his eyes still pinned to Dash but his mind quite made up...

[ 09-29-2003 08:41 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 09-29-2003 10:34 PM    
Za'in had managed to pilot his ship into orbit, awaiting the response of the others before he went ahead. He would need their consulting before he went any further, especially since he knew nothing about this planet he was heading to in the first place.

"Hmm...I wonder where they are?" He asked himself, reaching for the comm. unit in hopes to get in contact with them.

Clicking it on, he brought it to him mouth as he began with his transmission. "Jasyn, Matt, Dash! Where are you guys? I'm in orbit, waiting for your signal."

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 09-30-2003 09:13 AM    
I went to where the ship was supposed to be but it was gone.

They left without me.I thought.

I walked around the docking bay looking for some kind of ship i could use, when finally i spotted a guy fixing to leave.

"uh excuse me sir, but may i ask where you are going?" I asked.

"Tattoonie. I'm deleivering some supplies." he said.

"Mind if i have a lift to Sullust? I've got some food with me so you won't have to worry about me."

"I guess. Hurry up though. I'm about to leave."

I climbed aboard and we lifted off into space.

((OOC: Follow to Minds Like A Sieve in this forum, thank you.))

[ 10-06-2003 11:19 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 09-30-2003 08:52 PM    
Upon hearing Za'in's comm, Jasyn turned to back to the navboard and hit the reply button. "We're here," he said simply. "Rendezvous coordinates coming your way," he said then, sending off the coordinates just outside of the Khar Delban system.

"You better meet us there and let us take the lead; the Impys aren't expecting you. It would have been better had you not taken a seperate ship...

...but it's too late for that now. The Imps might not be too happy to see someone on our tail..."

...and it damned well better not interfere with us getting in! he thought a bit blackly.

" be ready. In the meantime, have a safe journey and we'll see you at the rendezvous. Lancaster out."

With nothing more than that, Jasyn closed the comm frequency and turned to Matt, whose hand was hovering patiently over the hyperspace controls of the Vindicator.

"Allright, let's make some history and get the kriffing hell out of here," he said, his look totally serious.

Matt simply glanced over to Jasyn, returned his look, then pulled back on the hyperspace controls, his course already set. The skies before the little luxury yacht splayed out into starlines...

(((OCC: Follow Jasyn, Matt, and Dash to Beyond the Looking Glass in the Jedi Praxeum and Sith Temple forum.)))

[ 09-30-2003 08:57 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Za'in Almar

posted 09-30-2003 09:44 PM    
After a momentary delay he headed out of orbit, entering space. Floating there amoungst the stars, he input the information that was given to him by Jasyn as a rendezvous point. Finally doing as he was requested, he began with the procedures that would activate the hyperspace engines for his long travel to the mysterious world.

Finding the hyperspace lane that he needed for his travel, he pulled at the lever, a smile coming to his face as the plot played out in his mind.

"I'll have to have a plan than." He said in response to the statement that ran in his mind from the mouth of Jasyn. It was a late response, but a significant one nonetheless..


(((OOC: Follow the skilled smuggler Za'in to Beyond the Looking Glass in the Jedi Praxeum and Sith Temple forum.)))

[ 09-30-2003 09:44 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Za'in Almar ]