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posted 09-15-2002 12:19 AM    
Telcontar got up and dusted himself off. Whatever was going on, he didn't want to know about. Only the very powerful or the very stupid interfered in the affairs of dark jedi, and Telcontar was neither. At least he was now free to collect his debt from the Trandoshans.

A few moments later, Telcontar stood in the heart of the capital of Nar Hutta. Proudly displayed on the front of a sign were the words TRANDOSHAN LABOR SERVICE, HQ. On Nar Hutta, the Trandoshans were just another guild of people trying to make money, not the lawless, repulsive reptilian slavers known to the rest of the galaxy. Telcontar walked in and approached a lift to the right. He took off his helmet and held it under his right arm. This was one custom he had yet to break after leaving the imperial army. After pushing a few buttons, the lift began to raise itself up.

...moments later...

Telcontar emerged from the HQ, a few hundred thousand credits richer. He saw a bar to the left where he could spend his newly acquired fortune, and forget the happenings of this day. He quickly turned on his heel, and headed towards the bar.

Jamel Garth

posted 09-15-2002 06:48 PM    
Jamel headed toward the land of Nar Shutta, he found that this place would be perfect for someone such as a Bounty Hunter would head toward. Suprisingly it came from a lead as well, for an old Tattonie Racer had seen a man equipted in the same attire that he had been described about when in the translated conversation with the Wookies. Smiling slyly, he swarmed downward into the atomsphere of the planet that was the home of the Legendary Jabba the Hutt, who many people on Tattonie remember as an evil being, and others as a wealthy kingpin who had allowed him to do things that many slaves under his control couldn't.

Jamel slowly headed downward at the Ship Landing Bay. A large circular container for his ship opened the hatch. Motioning manually toward the ground, the great skill of landing came into place. The fiery heat blazing from the back of his ship steamed downward with the motioning of his control when locking it into the mobility of the boosters. Floating over the surface, he gradually motioned the level of the intensity on the blazing heat to a small level, and motioned them back into their first state. As he came to a foot off the ground the level of the intensity hit 0%, and hte landing of the ship came complete with a dim banging sound that roared within the ship bay realm. Jamel leaped quickly out of the Jedi Starfighter that he had devilisly robbed from the Criminal Lord, and headed slowly toward the bar connected to the Shipping Bay. Attiring himself in the silk clothings of the Old Republic Jedi, he found that he looked dashing, and only smiled at his attractiveness.

The youthful, cute, smoothly attired boy known to many as "Anubis Randis", but always to himself as Jamel Garth ran his feet along the sandy grounds to an opened door. Placing his foot on the tiled floor, it light up, as he stared toward the natural Twi'lek Dancer, and the many races that clapped and enjoyed the entertainment. Many groups surronded them, drinking their foods, and sitting at tables-conversating with the near same topics of the ones on Tattonie. About criminal lords, adventures, and smuggling labor and many other dangerous forms of life inthe universe. Even though Jamel had heard it many times before, it seemed never to get old to him.

Jamel glanced toward the bar, observing the Toyadarain who floated off the ground, motioning his slender hands along the glass with his soft white towl. The old Toyadarain's eyes grimaced with disgust as he found the eyes of the young boy held firmly toward him, but with a sense of youth deep within the orbs.

"Kids aren't allowed here.." The old Toyadarain's voice was raspy, and nearly crumpled by age-but his words were firm and resembled the past of a soldier.

Jamel's left eyebrow arched into a weird curve upward, noticbely baffled by the statement. Masking the emotions with a calm face, and a closure of his eyes as he began his small speech.

"Who ever said I was a kid? Im Jamel Garth, the best warrior in the galaxy, in flight and on surface." Jamel jumped into one of the stools, staring up at the Toyadarain. "So can I have a glass of water."

The Toyadarain's head shook, as a gleeful smile came upon his face, exposing his suprisingly clean teeth. "Your a funny one, kid. Just because of that, you earn to stay in here. Brave one too, so many mad criminals around here, Im suprise they didn't attack ya'." He began loud, and went into a whisper with every word, flying off to get a class as the kid asked.

Jamel's eyes motioned to the side, awaiting impatiently for his drink, so something else had to take his attention. A red Devaronian sat beside him, his horns curving. The creature's face was calm, even though his features expressed great anger. Down along the way sat a human who had just arrived. He had sat down and placed his helmet on the counter. It probably was Telcontar, but he couldn't be sure. He'd have to wait until later.

Suddenly the glass was slid down infront of him, and with the skill of a Jedi, his hand flashed forward and captured it before it fell off the counter. A speck of water fall out as inside the clear container the clear sparkling water bounced back and forth. Gulping it down, he smiled toward the bartender and glacned back at the person he claimed as Telcontar, still awaiting the chance...

[ 09-15-2002 07:02 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jamel Garth ]


posted 09-17-2002 01:03 AM    
Telcontar was waiting patiently for the bartender to pass him the Ruby Bliels he had ordered. He took in the scene of the bar while he waited. It was not different from any other bar he had been to. There were the dancers, the drunks, the druggies, and of course, the shady criminals. One particular person did attract his attention, however. Here was a young lad attired in jedi robes, and looking right at him. He tried to disguise it, but it was blatantly obvious that he kept 'glancing' at Telcontar.

Hmm...have the Wookies started looking for me already? I know they prefer to settle matters like these personally but...

He had, after all, single handedly dispatched a leader of the resistance, and one of his body guards.

Telcontar hadn't lived this long as a bounty hunter without some common sense. He quickly downed the drink, picked up his helmet, and got off the stool. If confrontation with this person wasn't necessary, he would avoid it.

Telcontar turned on his heel, and left out a side entrance into a crowded street, disappearing amongst the people.

Jamel Garth

posted 09-17-2002 11:46 PM    
Jamel smiled toward the flying species who had shown a sense of respect toward him unlike others would. Taking the drink and telling the man he would be back another day, he rushed out the door and headed after Telcontar. Keeping a sens eof distance to make sure he woudln't be found following him, he hid behind two people, but with his height taking advatange for once, he could see between their hips at Telcontar's every movement.

"Your not getting away..."


posted 09-18-2002 12:41 AM    
While Jamel tried to 'hide', and not be noticed, Telcontar was watching him from above. An observer that tried to look up to the sky would've noticed a dark shape hiding in the shadows on the roof of the bar. Telcontar tried to look where Jamel was looking, and noticed a man in black Mandalorian armor. If he didn't have impeccable eyesight, he would've thought that the armor looked similar to his own.

Telcontar couldn't help but laugh at himself.

...Geeze...I would've figured the Wookies would've hired a more experienced merc. This guy's nothing but a novice.

Telcontar lifted his hand, and aimed it at a nearby building. What seemed to be the shafts of two large arrows shot out, connected by titanium cords. After the arrows had locked themselves securely in the structure of a building nearby, the cords wound themselves back into Telcontar's armor, taking him to the building. As he reached the roof, he looked once more at his pursuer. A smirk appeared on his lips, which was hidden by his helmet, and he walked away shaking his head.

[ 09-18-2002 12:42 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Telcontar ]

Jamel Garth

posted 09-18-2002 12:49 AM    
Jamel rolled along the ground, hiding himself in the colorization of the crowd, but heading quickly toward the building. Bumping his body against the ground, he could hear the clacking sounds of his bones banging agsint the concrete. Staring up in suprisement at the man who stared downward at him. Smirking with delightfulness, Jamel only responsed with a smirk of his own. Jamel's incredible acrobatics came into play once more. Leaping upward high into the air, he grabbed onto a small statue that headed toward the building that Telcontar stood curiously upon.

Quickly following the leap with a backflip to put more strenght into his leap he came upon the surface of the building with his postierior toward his adevsary. Turning around he grabbed onto his melee weaponary that the Wookie had gaven him. It was a small dagger, and at his other waist side was two strong blaster to follow that up. On the back of his belt was a new age Golan Army Explosion Launcher.

"You prepared..." He simply stated in his youthful voice, turning around getting in his Teras Kasi stance..


posted 09-19-2002 12:48 AM    
If Jamel could see through Telcontar's helmet, he would've seen the smile.

If he could see Telcontar's hands behind his back, he would've known what was coming.

But he didn't...

"Well, if it isn't the prodigal bounty hunter. You seem to have caught me. I guess I have no choice but to give up."

Telcontar kneeled in mock surrender, but raised his eyes to look at Jamel's face. He held back a laugh when he saw the expression of shock. Obviously the kid was looking for a was too bad. He wouldn't get one today.

Telcontar felt the titanium cord from his wrist tighten, still hidden, for he had shot it out at an angle that lied perpendicularly with his back. Jamel reached for a pair of hand restrainers in his belt.

...and now, ladies and gentlemen...the final surprise!

Telcontar whispered a command into his helmet, and went flying backwards as the cords reeled themselves back in. To Jamel he seemed to defy the laws of physics, and take flight as if he were a rocket. He collided violently with the wall that he had shot for, and fell to the ground. As he stood back up, he shook his head slightly, shaking off the headache he had just received from colliding with the wall of a nearby building. Off in the distance he could see Jamel, with an gap so large between him and the building he was on that it would be impossible to cross over without flying. Again, Telcontar smiled to himself.

"Shadow, come pick me up."

Jamel Garth

posted 09-19-2002 12:55 AM    
Jamel frowned in disgust of his mistake. Rushing along the ground, his lips lined in a serious note. Throwing himself high into the air, he skid along the side of a building hitting the surface. Rushing along the ground he headed quickly thorugh the crowd back and forth for Telcontar. Anger had drilled through his cool composure. The youth came to a stop, and watched as Telcontar ran on far infront of him. Rushing toward a wall, he placed his feet along a wall, with a great speed and stealth he ran swiftly along the wall of a building. Falling down into a curling ball, he rolled along the ground infront of Telcontar. With a swift punch headed toward the chest area of his enemy, he drove him back with a sheer shock and slight pain piling into Telcontars being.

"Where are you going?" Jamel said, getting into his stance once more-"And dont run away this time.."


posted 09-19-2002 01:06 AM    
Frankly put, this kid was pissing him off. Telcontar managed to restrain his anger, though, and shook himself up from the ground. With a flick of his wrist, two arrow shafts reappeared on his forearm. Jamel came with another blind punch, and Telcontar, who was ready this time, grabbed Jamel's wrist with his left hand. His right hand moved too quickly to be seen, but Jamel could feel two streaks of blood on his face.

That'll leave a scar. Telcontar thought. Hopefully this'd teach him to not go after an experienced bounty hunter.

Before Jamel could react, Telcontar released his grasp with his left hand, and gave a terrific left hook aimed at Jamel's temple. The boy was knocked unconcious, and thrown onto the street.

Taehun saw the dust rising from the dirt road, and turned around to see his ship there, hovering in midair. He opened the cockpit, entered it, and took the modified TIE Avenger out beyond Nar Hutta.

As he made his re-entry into hyperspace, Telcontar wondered about Taehun and what kind of trouble he was in.

He resolved to find out.


posted 09-19-2002 01:07 AM    
((OOC: Please follow the mercenary Telcontar into the Onward...and Beyond thread where he'll encounter the droid uprising. Thank you.))

Jamel Garth

posted 09-19-2002 11:13 PM    
Consciousness finally was regain. Jamel's head suddenly dove upward as if still within the vast and furious battle with his bounty. Glaring with bubbling blurry eyes at the old Toyadarain that was working at the bar earlier. As a puzzled came to his face the old Toyadarain began speaking in his raspy tone of voice.

"How you feelin' kid?" He simply questioned, as Jamel glanced to the side, taking in his surrondings.

Still completely unaware of the situation, he grasped at his head which ached from the unconsciousness and the form in which he was put into it. Staring straight toward the Toyadarain he snarled up a noise of pain.

"Not very good, but I can do." Jamel achingly answered the question, leaning back in a showcase of pain.

"See ya later.." Jamel said suddenly, sliding out the bed holding his aching head. Glancing down at his clothing, he dusted himself off and glanced toward the door.

"Where do you think you are going?" The Old Toyadarain's raspy voice splurted out with confusion, and shock of Jamel's sudden recovery and antics.

without word Jamel headed out, dropping down a small piece of paper that he had concealed from the landing. It was a small paper that had been written down for anyone he might have became fond of and wanted to keep in touch of. Wandering off out the door, the Old Toyadarain watched him leave with a shake of his head.

Jamel stepped into his cockpit, and suddenly set out of the bay, and headed out for Telcontar once more..

((OOC: Follow Telcontars trail to find where Jamel will be...Peace))

[ 09-19-2002 11:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jamel Garth ]

Rakim Jo'La-kin

posted 12-01-2002 07:20 PM    
Rakim sat in his comfortable chair, calmly as the ship sailed smoothly through hyperspeed. He had not true aim, though on his computer he was heading toward the Ryloth System, for a visit to its prinicpal planet; Ryloth, near the planets of Tattonie & Piroket. Their wasn't anything enormously important that he wanted upon that planet, but he did find it nice to visit because its uniqueness of sun placement because of its inabiity to rotate.
Unexpectingly his hologramic transmission device alarmed him, inputting the called messengers identification card on the hologramic message screen. Rakim had no knowledge of such an identification number, but he was intrested in the conversation. Placing his finger on the button, the hologramic device activated with a tall gungan being stood there, covered in Old Republic Jedi attire, but not wielding the weapon of a Wizard in the Force. The man spoke loudly, his voice stern without even a pinch of nervosness or stutter in his tone.
"Excuse me sir, me and my Republic Alligenced Crew have been searching the whole universe for such existence as you. We have only recieved two former Jedi's who have survived, or was untangled with the Yavin IV attack. I'd like to address you with a proposal consited of physical action and attack on Yavin IV. VEnture to Nar Shadaa and go into the first Catina from the West side landing base, and we will meet you there. After that conversation you should be prepared to take yet another adventure to Trulalis, but that is if you only agree to our intent. May the Force be with you..." The being's speech was over with a fist hitting his chest and the hologramic transmittion messenge ending, and the hologram fading.

Rakim had to think of this situation for a matter of a second before he came to a conclusion.

I must go, it'll get me closer to Yavin IV, and helping out the Republic like I did so long ago. Hmph, and also it'll be fun to get back into that Wizardy Mission again. So its time to go..

Changing his coordinates toward Nar Shadaa, he entered a new hyperspace, heading for the destination that would probably change his life..


The large black ship excorted its way over the land. It was shape, percurially the form of an old Guri Stinger. Bristling through the heavens, it boomed its way down toward a small landing bay, residing itself dellicatelly near the center residents of the city. Comforting itself upon the stern, hallow surface, a large door opening, ejecting a light of red, flashing brightly in the dim interior of the Nar Shadaa hanger. The ceiling caved in, to secure of any stolen goods from the craft. A smoothly crafted ramp swung from the bottom of the door, attaching itself to the stern materailed surface of the Hanger Bay, as a footstep roamed, leading the being outward from the inside of the ship. Slowly, a white cloaked figure positioned itself before the door, taking steps gradually down it, adventuring into the land that had deemed itself before him, across the open door. Walking between the Hangar Bay one-craft compartment colums, he oppened the door with a sheer push, and the humanoid handed figure, ingraved with darkness shading his face from the cloak. The manadventured into the party scene that roamed about inside the catina. Many creatures of different races, and dirty clothed figures sprouted around him. Their were men of darkness seated around the bar counter, and conversational organisms which were seated in the seating arrangement.
Trotting his way along the comparable Hanger Bay Comparment room surface, he shifted his eyes from side-to-side, attempting to attaining a person of some sort, which could possibly be within the confounds of the room. As his eyes and brain colloborated, absorbing the communities description. The luxuriously cloaked figure, which attire was similar to the Old Republic Jedi garments, traveled to the bar, with few glances dropping upon his frame in intrest.

He slowly storked his hands along his hood, throwing it down to expose his features. Placing the hood upon the back of his neck, faces swung his direction, and abrupt departing of laser guns from their holsters, all of the weapon's aim toward him.

The cunning youth, attractive featured human, gazed with his purple shined eyes, a powerful existence which could slice through the toughest skin and picture your lifestyle. And his uneven hair reaching down to his shoulder or chin, colorized in a blissful teal. Still preoccupied in watching as someone had ventured toward the Hangar Bay Comparment where he had placed his ship. The being was small in statured, and clothed ragidally. His lips curved oh so little more optimistically, and he leisurally-wised manuevered his hands, puprosely exposing his strenght in slow motion. His hand was straight in fashion, pointing toward the being. He quirked his wrist, adjusting it to shift the creature to a fall upon the ground with the power of the Force left hissing in hips palm. As the door came to a close, an the sound of pain could be heard running through the interior of the placement, he stood with a happy smile. Yet suddenly a beam of destructive light speared from a weapon toward him. Running his hand to his lightsabre he placed his hand upon the weapon's enganging device upon the handle. As he modified his gaze to the laser destructive missle which was launched toward him. The orange colored light upon the handle of the lightsabre was adjusted before him he threw back the lsbaer beam toward the man. Hitting him in the throat, it sliced through all the vital organs of breathing. Piercing his adams apple first, throwing blood from the wound. Then it ran through the pulse-finding object and he fell to the ground motionless. Blood ran as a puddle from his throat, losing blood in drastic fashion. All the other guns were modified to a state of secruity within their holsters. The men showed fear in their actions after such a defensive defeat.

The man turned to see the man he had found on the screen within his ship staring with an accepting smirk.

"I see you have made it.."

Rakim's head motioned to the side, staring at the man beside him. It was the Gungan who had addressed him to venture to the stupid planet in the first place. He never did like going into the Outer Rim, specially when it the planet he was to land upon consisited of idiotic bafoons who lived off of lies.
"So you wanted me to come here, why?" Rakim's eye twirked up in confusion, and a mixture of enquire.

The Gungan smiled back, he had indeed had something to say that was certainly going to effect the man before him one-way or another. Then the Gungan spoke, clear and firm, similar to the transmission on the hologram pad.

"Their is something of the Rebellion Union that I have been addressed with. I was to find a Jedi, or someone of that alligence at one time or another much like yourself, and come to them with a proposal. A proposal that would help our cause, and maybe even that of the other. It as an assault attack on Yavin IV, it may sound suicidal, but it is clearly not. We have troops which are fully prepared for such an attack on the planet, and we must do so to open the gates of the Jedi so we have a chance to attack the Imperail Core with our full strenght, or equavilant ability." The Gungan's words came to a finish. His informative speech had came to a hush, with the only the 'hnn' of Rakim's voice buzzing through their vacinity.

Rakim thought over those words as he sat upon his stool, thinking of proposal. He didn't have questions, only an answer that had yet to come to him. The Gungan quickly interupted with a carefully picked-out statement.

"Maybe we should have drinks, think over this proposal and then continue on to an answer."

Rakim agreed, looking over the counter at whom was to give the two their drinks. As he awaited for the attention to come, he continiously contiplated the idea. It sounded extremely dangerous, but dangerous things only made the situation more enjoyable in his case. He'd still have to think about it-enjoying and safety were two different things and he had to think.

Rakim Jo'La-kin

posted 12-08-2002 08:51 PM    
Walking toward the chair, he heard the sound of a blaster heading his way. Reaching down for his lightsaber in sudden alert, he glanced over his shoulder at the orgination from the blast. Frowning in displeasure he grinded his teeth, and noticed the man at the bar held a lightsaber. He was listening to his talk with the man, and probably was a "Imperail sympathizer".

Jumping over the table, he slide down falling to the surface. ATtempting to beckon the Force, it didn't call back, he had lost the touch. Throwing his head over he felt a sudden burn hit his shoulderblade. It was the sting of a laser grazing him. Grasping upon the severe injury, which made a large wound when snapping one of his bones in two pieces. Throwing himself forth, he grabbed a laser gun from his fellow conversater in a process of defending himself. Never using a weapon of such magnititude of firing he shot, the aim was off completely. Hitting a man's drink he glanced over in fear.

Another shot rain out, the laser beelined toward his chest, slicing through as another one hit him in the head. The sudden wind of death ran through his being, and as the last glance to his fellow aquantice he saw the man die as well.

Falling to the surface, the limp body laid-blood flowing from his being. His breath stop running from his lungs, and he was pronounced dead by the winds whisper.