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Sarisa Ker

posted 11-06-2005 04:55 PM    
In ROTS Palpatine tells Anakin of Darth Plagus (sp?) and how he was soo powerful and had such knowledge of the Force that he could manipulate the midichlorieans so as to create life. Then Later Darth Plagus was killed by his pupil.

Does all that mean that Palpatine learned how to create life and made Anakin? Does it also mean that Palpatine was the deadly student of Plagus? Or did Palpatine have Plagus create anakin then he killed Plagus?

Something else that I still don't know is who originally found the Dark Side and began teaching it to others? I heard somewhere that the lightning used by Palpatine was possibly stolen knowledge of the Sith race not the Dark Jedi. Anyone know of this?


posted 11-06-2005 08:07 PM    
I think Plagus is the one who manipulated the midichlorians to create Anakin, probably to be his new and more powerful apprentice. The apprentice he had at the time, Palpatine, undoubtedly killed him then so he himself would not be killed, as well as then he would be able to use Anakin.

I have no doubt he was the one to put all the dark visions about his mother's and Padme's dying into Anakin's dreams.

I think there was a rare moment of truth between Palpatine and Anakin/Vader when he said that only one knew how to create life, that being Plagus the Wise, but if they worked together they could discover the secret as well. I think Plagus WAS the only one to learn how to do this.


posted 11-06-2005 08:10 PM    
Oh yeah, and the idea of the Sith lightning being a power stolen from the Sith race is something we created here in our role play as background; this is where you probably heard it.

As far as "finding the Dark Side..." goes, there isn't anything to find. I believe it is all the Force; the emotional/belief state of the wielder is what makes it dark or light.

So Sith, using it for their own selfish reasons, use passion to guide the force. Everyone knows that anger and hatred are two of the strongest emotions, and that makes the Force very powerful.

The Jedi are the opposite, and seek overwhelming love and selflessness for the good of all, which in its purest form is powerful as well.

Sarisa Ker

posted 11-06-2005 08:12 PM    
That's true palpatine did say that only Plagus knew but if himself and Anakin/Vader worked together they would find the secret. I think what you said about plagus making Anakin then being killed by Palpatine sounds like what probably happened.


posted 11-06-2005 08:20 PM    
I agree with Graysith. The Force is the Force; it's just how you use it that makes it dark or light. As for the visions Anakin had of Padme and his mother dying, I think those were real, not planted. The Force might drive a user to a vision of the future, but it's only a possible vision, one either fulfilled or not by the actions of that person. In Anakin's case, while he was doing everything in his power to "prevent" the death of Padme, everything he did pretty much lead right up to killing her anyway. I found the way it all played out very interesting. Tells us why Yoda was so insistent that the future is all in motion.


posted 11-06-2005 08:50 PM    
Yeah Mara, what you said about the visions makes more sense, although I do like the idea of Palpatine using this to further manipulate Anakin.


posted 11-06-2005 08:55 PM    
Well, it is possible. I will be reading the book between school semesters, so maybe I'll find out which of the two it really is...


posted 11-06-2005 09:14 PM    
And if you don't think love can be powerful, lemme give a funny example:

On Halloween weekend a group of friends and I dressed up to go downtown and try for the Big Bucks. (The local "Court Avenue Business community" offers $500 prize for best costume). Anyway, we went as a demon and the Seven Deadly Sins. (I was Wrath/Anger.)

Anywho, I was keeping in character the whole time, going up snarling at people and so on, when here comes this little threesome dressed up like Love Children from the 60's. No matter what I did, they were just like "Love you, peace out."

Yeah, yeah, I know we were all just pretending, but that did hit home. Anyone else I went up to got all dark and evil, or scared, or supercilious, or something like that. These three little chickies were the only one to offer up love to hatred.

Like I said, though we were playing make-believe, it really came through, and was a pretty powerful moment. Hehe... Anger actually felt kinda helpless! I couldn't make 'em mad!

Sarisa Ker

posted 11-06-2005 09:19 PM    
LOL good story GS.


posted 11-07-2005 05:40 PM    
Well, if Plagus was a guy of COURSE he had the power to create life... but uh, anyway...

As for the "how you use it", that is actually a true jedi philosphy, created by Kyle Katarn (established in STAR WARS JEDI ACADEMY): "Jaden, remember, nothing is inherently evil. It is how you use it that makes it good or evil, wether you use it for the benefit of the people or for your own selfish needs."


posted 11-07-2005 09:21 PM    
HEY! It doesn't take just a GUY to "create life."

Takes TWO to get a correct set of chromosomes, you know...


posted 11-07-2005 09:35 PM    
True, but to create Anakin it would. with the whole Y thing and all....


posted 11-07-2005 09:57 PM    
Hmmm, genetically he should have been...

Well, dead.

There was no place for him to get a "Y" chromosome in order to be a guy.

I find that very strange, come to think about it, because he actually should have been a FEMALE, a clone of Schmi.

[ 11-07-2005 09:58 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 07-27-2006 01:10 PM    
I was just reading back and thinking of this male/female thing with Anakin. Is it possible Plagus manipulated some of his own midichlorians/cells, along with Schmi's, to create Anakin? Granted, there was no father...

...but if I'm a big and bad darksider who wants to create a super-powerful apprentice, I in my fat-headedness would use some of my own midichlorians and genetic make up to make that possible. And after all, Schmi was not, so far as we know, Force sensitive...

...but Plagus was.


posted 07-27-2006 03:29 PM    
Actually, thinking more on this subject, it's really strange that Anakin turned out to be HUMAN. Remember the midichlorians are the mysterious little critters supposedly in us all which connect us, give us life, and so on and so forth.

How the heck can manipulating what essentially is a symbiote create the species that symbiote shares its life cycle with? It's like taking mitochondria and somehow manipulating them to come up with a human being!

(For those who don't remember their biology, mitochondria are the little powerhouses in all living cells. The are not an inherent part of the cells, but began way back in the day as bacteria that moved into them. It provided the nourishment living cells needed, in turn which powered the body, while the cells provided the bacteria with food and protection. Kinda like the bacteria in termites guts that digest the cellulose of wood for them. A nice little symbiotic relationship.)


posted 07-28-2006 09:42 AM    
Hmmmm, interesting question. My only guess goes back to my original one: perhaps Plagus could do more than just manipulate midichlorians. Maybe he could manipulate the entire cell. I'd have to watch ROTS again and see just what Palpatine said about Plagus's ability to manipulate life. I know he said he could even save the ones that he loved from dying, but I can't remember all the specifics.

Then again, it's quite possible Lucas really didn't think about this sort of question and didn't sit and reason it out like we're doing now. He should know better, we're Star Wars fans after all.

Darth Plasma

posted 04-10-2007 01:30 PM    
My opinion is that Plagus and Sidious, or Plagus by himself, manipulated the midichlorians to create Anakin. I know that from watching epi. 1 that Sidious did indeed know about Anakin's unnatural birth. He said suspiciously that he would would watch anakin carefully throughout his career. He then set a plan that he initiated almost immediately because by epi. 2 Anakin had a very strong opinion of Sidious, that he was a strong man who was trustworthy and who was helping him.