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Sarisa Ker

posted 08-29-2005 11:20 AM    
I was just thinking about something and I wondered what others though.

With the new rule of only making "normal" characters due to the fact that there is an over abundance of "power" characters I thought of a question.

Does that mean that people who make "power" characters wish they had the powers that the characters do, or that they don't like to be normal and so they end up making "power" characters?

Or...maybe deep down we are all inately dark jedi and wish to have more power? lol


posted 08-29-2005 03:16 PM    
I always thought it would be cool to be a jedi, but i dont know if i could follow their lifestyle. its too strict. id most likley end up falling to the dark side, ha.


posted 08-29-2005 04:11 PM    
I think everyone likes having the strength and power of these guys because in the real world we're really not that empowered. There is so much that runs our lives and outlooks -- that is, if we LET this happen, I don't but hey, that's me! -- and we kinda feel helplessly drawn along at the whims of others.

You know, "what does so and so think of me, what clothes should I wear because so and so wears this or that, sheesh I wish I had a better job/my boss was nicer to me/I was more appreciated..." Yadda yadda yadda, and so on and so forth.

So because life kinda rules our lives (no matter what the degree) it's nice to have (vicariously) the powers to do "whatever I want."

That too could be another reason: the kid buried down inside us all. "I wanna do this, wah wah wah..." and because I'm a dark guy with all this power I CAN.

Also, what with all the computer games and arcades and all that, the younger crowd is more hot-wired toward fighting; having powers sure makes you either a super hero or a super villain.

I don't know if everyone here reads the role play threads that they are NOT role playing in, but I want to state now that I am trying NOT to make Graysith a "super power" even though she has the All. She really does have weaknesses and is vulnerable (role players in her threads better know this by now!!!) -- I also try to "hold back" re my other "dark" characters so they are not such super-duper baddies.

It's reeeeally easy to FLAT OUT END a role play thread by having someone with dark powers just up and blast other characters into oblivion... which is why we have the rule that you cannot kill off another character without the written permission of the author of that character.

OK, I'm rambling.

Time to skedaddle!

Sarisa Ker

posted 09-03-2005 06:25 PM    
So you think like I do that everyone ( if given the power) would prefer to be powerful rather than a "normal" person?

I've met a few people who would prefer to be a "normal" person than have all the responsibility of having powers.