The Holonet Boards   » General SW Discussion   » Did anyone notice this plothole?


posted 07-13-2005 01:04 AM    
In Revenge of the Sith after Anikan discovers Palpatine as the Sith Lord he rushes off to tell Mace Windu. Then after a series of events he kills the Jedi Master and pledges himself to the Emperor so he can save Padme.
Anyone else notice that Anikan lets it slide that Palpatine was the one trying to kill Padme all along? He was behind the blockade, the assasins, the whole war, and yet Anikan pledges himself.
I was just wondering what others thought about that. Was Anikan so clouded by the Dark Side or did writers just forget all of Palpatine's doings?


posted 07-13-2005 11:43 AM    
Yet another reason why Anakin/Vader was such a tortured individual. He probably realized this, but still believed that Palpatine was the only one who could save Padme, whom he firmly believed would die.

It's a shame he couldn't make the connection between who was probably behind his visions: Palpatine, of course. Then things would have turned out much differently.

Hehe... Lucas sure named Palpatine correctly: DARTH SIDIOUS. Insidious he was, indeed.

[ 07-13-2005 11:44 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 08-06-2005 07:39 PM    
Oh yeah... one more comment:

"A plothole??? Star Wars had PLOTHOLES?!?!"

*gasps and falls over in shock...*


posted 08-06-2005 08:46 PM    
How did Anakin learn how to become one with the force? In the ROTS Video Game Anakin is told that this is the final lesson he must learn but then he kills the Jedi Trainer who told him. Who taught him that? Palpatine? Did he learn it himself? is this a possible plothole?