The Holonet Boards   » Expanded Universe   » Yuuzhan Vong

Darth Plasma

posted 04-08-2007 01:29 PM    
listen to me here the yuuzhan vong were bad but if you had to choose which side to fight on new republic or vong be real who would u choose.


posted 04-08-2007 01:30 PM    
The side that can type with proper english.

Darth Plasma

posted 04-08-2007 02:22 PM    
Nice, but I really want to know because alot of people see the vong as horrible creatures,which they were, but they did what Palpatine did and there were still people after the empire had fallen that remained loyal. Because I feel that after order 66, if I was a jedi, I would have tried to become part of the empire. Please respond and give me your opinion.


posted 04-09-2007 12:27 PM    
Welcome to the Pod, DP!

As far as your question goes, it's a no-brainer. I'd stick with the republic/"our" guys, if only because who wants to live a life of pain with thorns implanted in them?

Nice to see a new member here, have fun!

Darth Plasma

posted 04-09-2007 09:21 PM    
Thank you Graysith, I really respect you gracing your wisdom upon a new member like myself. I personally would side with the Jedi also because I admire their courage and willingness to commit themselves to creatures who have done nothing to really help the Jedi in the past couple of centuries. But, that's another discussion altogether. Thank you Graysith, for making me feel at home in a new enviroment. If anyone else wishes to join the discussion your input would be greatly appreciated.


posted 04-09-2007 10:25 PM    
I believe a lot of people killed by him might be alive, but Palpatine would have found a new apprentice so who knows who else might be dead instead. Alderaan MIGHT not have been destroyed, but no guarantees. Palpatine may or may not have ended up in a face to face confrontation with Luke, who knows? But if so, he probably would have killed him since Vader wouldn't have been there to give him a reprieve.

It's really difficult to speculate what might have happened and what might not have, there are way to many road's that branch of with Vader as a nexus. But it IS fun to do so!

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-13-2007 05:20 AM    
You can branch off with anyone.

What if Luke was killed at the moisture farm with his aunt and uncle?

What if Wicket the Ewok killed Leia with his spear?

What if Han had died in the carbon freezing process?

What if Chewbacca had really strangled Lando to death?

What if Chewbacca couldn't find all of C-3P0's parts and put him back together?

What if R2-D2 was one of the astromechs that were shot off of the Naboo ship?

But that is all just meaningless questions!

To answer your question. HUMAN! I would side with my own, even under fear of death! The Vong had thier own set of ideals, and ways of doing things. But they just didn't jive with the culture of the pre-existing Star Wars universe.