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posted 03-08-2005 08:34 PM    
((OOC: Phalomir, The Master, Shayla, Erik, Galen, Terrin, Jasyn, Matt, Graysith, and Onidorei enter here from The Natural Order in this same forum. Thank you!))

Phalomir eyed the Master, trying to decipher the meaning behind his words, and the intentions. Why, now that he was here face to face, had the Master changed so suddenly? Just a few hours before, while communicating through the strange red crystal back in the Temple of the Armorers, the Master had shown the side of himself that truly belonged to the Darker Realms.

Yes, he truly did belong to the Darker Realms…

Yet he had mentioned unholy alliances between Aelvedaar and the Darker Realms, apparently beyond the alliance Aelvedaar had shared with the Master. Why would this bother him? Unless Aelvedaar had made allies of the beings that the Master had previous ties with? Beings that for some reason granted the Master great powers in exchange for…

For his son.

Aelvedaar has made the same deal, Phalomir thought. Aelvedaar can deliver to them what my father failed to deliver, and with Roan now gathering power in the Darker Realms, who knows what plans are being laid…

“I trust him,” he said, still staring at the Master. “Enough to not destroy him right now, anyway.”

He turned to Shayla, his face lightening a little.

“Let us investigate this alarm, together.”

He turned to the Master one more time. Then spread his palms in an open gesture, and walked through the door, hoping Shayla would trust him enough to understand for the time being.

[ 03-08-2005 08:35 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Phalomir ]


posted 03-08-2005 09:43 PM    
I leaned back in my seat at the bridge, toward which I had made a bee-line the moment we had returned there, and heaved a sigh of relief..

“Well, that’s a relief,” I said to no one in particular, relishing how the words echoed off into the blessed sounds of silence. For the first thing I had done upon entrance there was to shut off that blasted alarm; how I knew just which sigil to tweak to do so was more than likely a purely unconscious function of the years I had spent flying hither and yon in one Sith vessel or another than actual recognition on my part.

The second thing I did was to try to determine just what in all the universe had set up all the ruckus to begin with. I began twiddling with various and sundry sigils, until at length the monitor in front of me obliged by producing an image.

I almost wished it hadn’t.

“Hey guys,” I offered with a frown. I pointed to the screen, and then turned round to face everyone who had gone to one spot or another within the bridge’s vast area.

“We’re in Sith space, right? I mean, we were in Koris’ian space, and now we’re en route to K’eel Doba, right?”

No one really said anything much but a series of affirmative nods and muttered replies filled the silence. My frown deepened and I tapped the monitor thoughtfully.

“Well, we’re not alone; there’s some sort of station out there— Phal, did you guys ever build any? I mean, is this something you recognize?”

Another insistent flash of gold caught my eye; I couldn’t help but gasp as I read what that particular sigil was trying to tell me.

“Ummm… guys,” I started in slowly.

“It seems this station is… powered up. There’s something over there….”

[ 03-08-2005 09:50 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 03-08-2005 09:59 PM    
Shayla, who still had her reservations about the Master, frowned as she looked at the monitor.

"I don't like this," she stated simply, furrowing her brow. Then she stretched out with the Force on instinct, and searched outward...

...and was almost immediately rewarded with the sense of a multitude of life signatures...

...or evidences of sentience, at least.

Her frown merely darkened, and her brows furrrowed further. "I'm picking up a lot of sentience from there..."


posted 03-08-2005 10:06 PM    
We shivered slightly, something we had also not done in the ages untold we had remained here. It felt as though something had indirectly touched us, almost brushed us in their own way.

This was strange, for we knew nothing was here. Perhaps it was the feeling many felt when it seemed death was comming. It was a welcome feeling then, though we would not make assumtions until it came itself.

A moment later, the automated voice had spoke again: "Two minutes until impact inevitable." We closed our eyes, and decided to embrace the peace that we hoped would come.


posted 03-08-2005 10:28 PM    
Phalomir scowled at the new disturbance.

“There is no station that I am aware of,” he said. Then he added “But again, I am not of this time, so it is difficult to say for sure. However, whatever it is, we appear to be on a collision course for it, and if it is populated then we have more than our own lives to save.”

[ 03-08-2005 10:54 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Phalomir ]

The Master

posted 03-08-2005 10:29 PM    
The Master walked through the doorway and looked at the expansive room. He ran a finger along the top of the equipment and checked for dust. As he examined his finger, he nonchalantly replied.

“Blast it from space. It is of no consequence to us, and is in our way.”

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 03-08-2005 10:38 PM    
Shayla turned to glare laser bolts though the Master. "Have you no respect for life?!?" she growled, then turning away from him and speaking to the others. "I think we should alter our course slightly...

...and investigate," she suggested, the information smuggler that was still buried deep within her intrigued. "I know it has nothing to do with our current plans...

...but then again, perhaps it does. If it is in fact populated, perhaps we should find out exactly why it's here, and whose aboard. After all, sometimes the best allies are the ones who simply fall into your path."

[ 03-08-2005 10:39 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

The Master

posted 03-08-2005 10:47 PM    
"Indeed," the Master said flatly. "Do as you wish, I am only here to protect you. I merely urge you to consider your goals, your own safety, and the strange fortuity with which we have stumbled across this station, in the middle of Sith space, with vast open parsecs stretching around us..."

He paused, eyes flicking from Shayla to Galen and back to Shayla. He sighed.

"Very well. Although not well built, this is still a Sith ship, it can alter its course in hyperspace. I suggest you do it now, or blasting the station will be unnecessary."

[ 03-08-2005 10:47 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Master ]


posted 03-08-2005 11:04 PM    
My frown deepened.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute..." I muttered under my breath, letting my fingers dance a tango on the controls until at length the starfield without the ship contracted back down into points of light. I couldn't help but quirk a corner of my mouth at that--

Bless that lil ol' Sithy technology; we had just blasted down from many times lightspeed to a mere crawl, relative to that weird station out there, and not a hint of inertia to mar our beautiful day...

...not to mention converting us into bug-splats against the surrounding bulkheads.

I drew in a breath, and sat back.

"Ok, we're okay now; no more ramming speed. I"ve matched the velocity of this station, which, by the way, seems to be rather strange. I mean--"

I paused a moment and checked a few dials and sigils. Yup, I had read them more than correctly the first time.

"Extrapolating backward from its current trajectory, I can tell you one thing."

I paused again, just for drama.

What the hell.

"This thing was not orbiting anywhere near Koris'ian, plus its trajectory indicates it as not so much coming into a planar orbit around the primary, but actually subtending an arc tangent to the equatorial z-axis..."

I twisted in my seat, only to meet faces full of blank stares.

"It looks to have been coming into this system from elsewhere, coming down from the 'top,' so to speak."

I turned back to the monitor, and tapped it with one finger. Meanwhile the hairs on the back of my neck began an insidious rise, in tandem with the small army of geese now starting to march up and down my back.

"I don't think it belongs to this sector of space at all. I think, if we go to investigate, we should implement; oh, what is it they say?

"All necessary and due caution."


posted 03-08-2005 11:08 PM    
“Or blast it out of space and continue on our way?” Phalomir directed his question to the Master, who stood in silent contemplation of the strange equipment in the center of the room.

“Can we try to communicate with them?” he asked Galen. “I agree, this warrants investigation, but in light of recent events, and the urgency of returning home, let us not take too much time. Agreed?”


posted 03-08-2005 11:10 PM    
I could only shrug in reply.

"Hey, sounds good to me," I agreed, settling in the seat to await the final consensus of the others. Hey, ours was not a mission to boldly go, but to get our hineys back to K'eel Doba as fast as we could, and hopefully--

--if there is a god in all the universe--

Find Darra.

[ 03-08-2005 11:12 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Terrin Danner

posted 03-08-2005 11:16 PM    
Terrin pursed his lips thoughtfully. "I don't like this," he muttered, "I agree that we should try to communicate, then leave it at that...

...we haven't got time for anything futher, and I'd like to make it to K'eel Doba in one piece."

He paused, looking to Galen. "There are things of much greater importance to investigate once we arrive there."

Panthar Dantares

posted 03-08-2005 11:20 PM    
Panthar, quietly taking in all that had been happening and trying to put his throbbing hand out of his mind, suddenly found himself teetering on the edge of consciousness and reason.

“Uhhh…” he oozed.

The room began to swim around him, and his large Sith body rocked slowly back and forth. He struggled to focus, concentrating on his hand, and as the puffy red flesh poking out from the makeshift bandage came into view, all vestige of reality left him.

His eyes fluttered up into his head and the massive Sith fell backwards to the floor.


posted 03-09-2005 09:14 PM    
We listened as the computer reported the ship had adjusted. It seemed to have no intention of making contact with the station. It was fate cheating us again out of a destiny.

"Computer, activate distress signal Alpha-9, create preasure leaks in sections B, D, and L. Jetison cargo units from previously stated sections." We knew if galactic law had not changed in our timeline, if this was a vessel we would ever wish to meet, they would respond to our distress signal immediately.

[ 03-09-2005 09:15 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Onidorei ]


posted 03-10-2005 12:10 AM    
I was in the process of rising from my seat to go see what had befallen Panthar when I was halted before I had even managed to straighten up. Once again a sigil was flashing a greeny-golden staccato on the navigation board, and with such insistence that it over-rode even my concern for a possibly injured member of our party, pulling my features back into frown mode and my hiney back into my seat.

I stared at the sigil, then at a screen which began scrolling Sith characters at me.

My frown deepened, but the tiny hairs on the back of my neck refused to quiet.

"Hey guys," I announced, nodding to the viewscreen. I punched a button; the screen promptly and discomfortingly slewed from the rotating starfield -- ok, so I had matched velocity with the station; I hadn't done anything about our roll yet -- to show said station, which in turn yawed just enough to make my stomach jump until everything quieted down and the station remained...

Well... stationary.

At least at first notice. Now leaning forward, I peered at the screen, feeling as though my blood had suddenly turned to ice.

The damned thing was venting something; bits and pieces of flotsam began a stately dance around it, slowly moving away amidst the glitter of myriad ice crystals.

I turned to the others.

"I think the station is in trouble," I said. "It seems to have sprung a leak, which wouldn't be surprising if this is something that's just drifted here from who knows where and has been here since who knows when.

"But it's sending out a distress signal; I don't know if that's just an automated response to trouble, but do we have the moral fortitude to simply assume so and just go merrily on our way?"

I twisted further in my seat, letting my gaze travel across those behind me; then my eyes settled on the solid form of Panthar.

"Can you do anything for him?" I asked Shayla, then fell quiet, turning back again to the screen to watch the station and its expanding cloud of debris.

The Master

posted 03-10-2005 12:27 AM    
“Moral fortitude has little to do with it,” said the Master calmly. “It is a decision that should instead involve common sense. It is quite easy, put them out of their misery with the blasters and move on.”

He then regarded Panthar, passed out on the floor.

“As for him, he is a human in a Sith’s body. He will adjust, learn to live with the pain, or he will be left behind. See, it is quite easy. You overcomplicate matters.”


posted 03-10-2005 01:53 PM    
I stared at this "Master," dumbfounded by his stony iciness.

"How can you be so cold?" I finally asked, shaking my head. "I mean, yes, we should take care with how we proceed from here and use common sense, not to mention a healthy dose of weaponry as backup to that, but--"

I shook my head again.

"If thy hand offend thee, smite it off...."

I looked to him, my eyes narrowing just a bit.

"You know, buddy, you don't have any too great of a track record with us either. Maybe we should use common sense and blast you into atoms as well, just so as not to run the chance that you'd turn on us somewhere on down the road?"

I levelled a look at him but he didn't budge, just stood there, arms crossed, looking like the sandcat that ate the womprat.

I shook my head again, and now turned to Phal.

"Hey," I said, my tone brightening as an idea struck me.

"Does this ship have anything in the way of spy droids aboard? We could send a couple over to see what's going on in that ship; judging from the amount of debris, there's got to be a hull rupture large enough that one can sneak through and board the ship."

[ 03-10-2005 02:08 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 03-10-2005 08:50 PM    
"Why don't we just send the Master as the spy droid, and blow the thing if he finds something we don't want to deal with. That way we can kill two birds with one stone," Jasyn growled under his breath, scowling as he did so.

[ 03-10-2005 08:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 03-10-2005 08:56 PM    
Shayla kept a wary eye on the Master, and sidled over to Panthar's side. She was truthfully becoming rather concerned about the extent of his injury, so she laid a hand on the wound and closed her eyes, stretching out into the Force. Sending some of its healing energies directly into the wound, shayla then moved her hand to Panthar's forehead, and began leading him into a healing trance.

"I'm going to put him into a healing trance," she said quietly as she worked, "He'll be out for a while, but the pain he's in should lessen substantially by the time he returns to us."

The Master

posted 03-10-2005 11:16 PM    
The Master eyed Jasyn, a cold, sharp stare that could have pierced through the man’s very soul. The Master’s eyes seemed to flash red for a flicker of a moment, and Jasyn actually felt a slight burn in the center of his mind, as if an ember suddenly appeared and cooled within his gray matter. A small trace of a grin began on the corner of the Master’s mouth, then it blossomed into a full sneer.

“An excellent idea,” he said. “I would be very agreeable to boarding the station to investigate. If you are so inclined, I would gladly take Phalomir with me. If not, so be it, I shall perform your task regardless.”

But you, my dear friend,” came a voice in Jasyn’s mind. “You are my special one-- my CHOSEN one. Your concern for my well-being has touched me, and I have given you a gift. Your life is tied to mine, you may draw upon my strength when you are in need. I will nurture you, help you. As you shall help me, for this gift is not entirely without strings. If anything happens to me, if my mind ceases to function, so will yours.

The sneer sharpened, and a chuckle escaped from the Master.


posted 03-10-2005 11:32 PM    
I shook my head, frowning. Honest to Khaandon, I had been being facetious when I made my comment to Phal's dear ol daddy; as much as I thought this guy was nothing more than a block of granite, my opinion of him didn't warrant murder.

But his offer to make good on Jasyn's dark suggestion just made the army of geese march all the faster up and down my back.

"No way," I said gruffly, staring at the Master. He suddenly looked entirely too smug for my liking; what did he know that we didn't? I cut a glance to Phalomir, hoping he'd leap in any time now, but no. He just stood there, silent.

I sighed, then glowered.

"Look, this is just too strange of a situation, if you ask me. I mean, yeah, I agree with what you said," I nodded to the Master.

"This station doesn't belong here. Yeah it's leaking, yeah it's sending out a distress signal, and yeah I think we should try to determine if there are any lives in danger here.

"But no, I don't think we should send any of us over there. I don't trust the situation; there's too much of a coincidence that we just find this thing, and then voila, it so suddenly develops a dangerous leak.

"I say we send something automated over; meanwhile, I'll see what I can do about scanning for the lifesigns that Shayla says she's sensing over there...."

With that I turned back to the console and set myself to task. Soon all the dark undercurrents washing about behind my back disappeared as I lost myself in the pursuit of what might just turn out to be yet another ghost.

Or, help us all, not.


posted 03-10-2005 11:39 PM    
Phalomir, from his vantage point near the wall where he been checking on Jharmeen, his attention now caught by Panthar and Shayla, turned his startled head to Jasyn. He thought he caught a small, faint, brief flicker of light around the man’s head, but the image was gone as soon as it existed. He followed Jasyn’s wide eyes to the Master, who stood there grinning.

What has he done? he asked himself.

He probed with his magick, seeking out anything unusual about Jasyn. There was no Sith magick at work, nothing discernable anyway. But there was something, buried deeply, but he could not understand what had happened. There was an energy, definitely, somehow familiar, yet still totally alien. It was almost as if it were something he might have encountered some time ago, when he fought against the forces in…

”The Darker Realms!” he thought. “He has done something to Jasyn using powers from that evil place.

Phalomir sneered, a low growl escaping his throat. He gathered his magick, the tattoo on his forehead flashing brightly for a split-second. He sent a tendril of energy into Jasyn, seeking out the source of the strange force he felt. Jasyn remained staring at the Master, almost as if entering a trance. Phalomir found the force, but as he tried to envelop it with his magick a strong blast sent his power reeling back to him. His eyes widened, and Jasyn shuddered. Phalomir jerked his head back to the Master, who continued to grin, but this time at Phalomir.

Phalomir pried his eyes away and turned to Galen, the surprise still on his face.

“Automated…” he managed, trying to hide his shock. “Yes, automated. I’m sure there is something. I will, um, look.”

[ 03-10-2005 11:40 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Phalomir ]

Terrin Danner

posted 03-11-2005 11:16 PM    
Terrin found himself still accustomed to Jasyn's typical dark sarcasm, so he thought little of it til the Master took up such interest...

...and the result was Jasyn, wide-eyed, as if in shock.

Now that wasn't typical Jasyn. This was the guy who could fire off a rebuttal faster than the orginal comment was finished. And now he suddenly wasn't saying anything...?

"Ummmm, Jasyn, you're usually good when it comes to technology, maybe you can help Phalomir out in finding something automated to send over to that station," he offered.

No verbal reply.

"Jasyn?" Terrin repeated, waiting for a response...

...and uncertain as to whether or not he would get one as the bad feeling he'd been having quite alot resurfaced.

[ 03-11-2005 11:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 03-11-2005 11:26 PM    
Jasyn hadn't any idea why the Master thought he was actually serious. Or why he even cared what he had said at all. And then it all became clear as the Master's words were emblazoned, almost literally, in his brain.

He stood agape for an indeterminate amount of time, til he finally became aware that someone was actually speaking to him.

"He--he's done something to me, I can hear his voice in my head!!!" Jasyn finally exploded, his brown eyes snapping back to alertness. "You just look here, Master," he growled, "I might be a sarcastic asshole, but when it comes to my friends, I'll be more than happy to die right along with you if it becomes necessary and if it means that they'll be safe. And as far as the powers you offer...

...I don't want or need any of your stinkin' powers..."

[ 03-11-2005 11:28 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]


posted 03-13-2005 10:36 PM    
They have paused, and we wait. Yes we wait, we know they will come, it is inevitable. If they do not, then others will. We will wait.... soon....

The Master

posted 03-13-2005 11:00 PM    
“Let us hope it does not become necessary then,” croaked the Master. “As I said, I am here to help you, I have no desire to harm any of you.”

The Master’s gaze rested upon Phalomir on the last words and lingered there for a moment, then he continued to scan the room.

“You need me,” he continued. “There are forces at work that shall destroy all you have come to know, all that you would have continue to be. You believe you know the extent of what you face, but believe me, you do not.”

His cold eyes focused on Jasyn.

“I am the darkest of the dark, human, do not mock me nor take light of your foes. I offer you an alliance, having at your disposal powers beyond your dreams. My powers shall level the field in your quest. And yet you scoff and toss them to the wind."

The Master paused, suddenly wishing nothing better than to crush this man, to use him as an example to the rest of how easily they would be defeated without him. He raised his demonic powers, preparing to fry Jasyn in a plume of raging fire.

But then he paused, catching Phalomir's alarmed face from the corner of his eye. No, he needed them to eventually trust him, which meant making steps at earning that trust. Today the human would live.

"I release you, human, to your own fate. But never – never – deride me.”

The strange feeling within Jasyn’s mind faded.

“Now I urge you all once again to leave this station to its own fate, and continue on.”

[ 03-13-2005 11:11 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Master ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 03-15-2005 10:59 PM    
Jasyn started to bristle...

...but then thought better of it as he saw some of the looks about the bridge.

"Maybe you are right, and maybe this is a diversion, or a trap," he finally acknowleged. "Sure as kriffing hell wouldn't be the first. But then, what if it's not?"

He paused a moment at this, then turned to Phalomir, finishing with, "I'm not sure how good I'll be in the Sith technology department, but if it comes to us rigging up something automated to send over there, I just might be able to assist you."


posted 03-19-2005 04:41 PM    
Phalomir stopped his search, knowing full well that this ship would have nothing in the way of an automated probe. It was not made for exploration, but rather to transport a small crew and a device designed to move worlds. He sighed, gathered, himself and turned to face the others.

“There is no automated probe on board,” he said flatly. “There would be no purpose for it on this ship. If we choose to explore the station, we must dock with it. Everyone has spoken, and our decision is clear. We either answer the distress call or we leave it and continue on now. I for one do not relish the delay in reaching K’eel Doba, but I also cannot leave knowing there is a call for assistance.”

He leveled a stare at the Master, his eyes growing cold.

“We have the ability to help, I say we do it. Compassion is what separates us from monsters and demons.”


posted 03-19-2005 07:15 PM    
I chewed the inside of my cheek at this, not at all happy with where this conversation had led. I mean, Khaandon knows that Phal was correct in his statement; didn't I only moments before question the ethics of just up and spacing away from a being who might be in danger of his/her/its life?

But-- damn. That army of geese was still marching up and down my spine; I just didn't like how this thing had popped up right in our path when Fates knew it had all the universe in which to do the same.

Sometimes serendipity works the other way, you know.

I sat back a little, and sighed, then pursed my lips. The station was still leaking like a sieve, and the distress beacon was still sounding away like a bawling bantha calf.

"Guys, someone make a choice -- soon; I can get us either docked or outta here.

"But all this talking isn't doing us much good...

"Cripes! Would you just come to a decision already?!"

By dint of some effort I managed to refrain from tapping my fingers on the control panel, which sat there staring at me, silently waiting for me to tell the ship, through it's devices, what to do.


posted 03-19-2005 07:32 PM    
“Very well,” said Phalomir, turning his head to Galen and giving her a calm look “I am sure that as rational compassionate beings, most of those present here will agree.”

He resumed his defiant stare at the Master.

“As for the rest, they should respect the decision as made by the Lord of the Armorers aboard a ship bound from Korris’ian.”

His stare lingered a moment, meeting the Master’s own unflinching gaze head-on. Phalomir scowled and returned his attention to Galen.

“Let us dock, then.”

Ignoring the growl from the Master, Phalomir turned away and headed for the doorway. “Jasyn, Matt, please come help me find medical supplies in the crew’s quarters. Perhaps there are items in the crates.”


posted 03-20-2005 03:57 PM    
I gave the Sith lord a look that would melt durasteel, then turned back to the console, muttering just loud enough that all could hear me.

"You all know my views on this; I still think it's a bad idea..."

But what could we do?

I trailed then as I let my fingers dance over the myriad sigils on the board, directing the aft thrusters to ignite in micro-bursts that would bring us up next to the weird station.

It loomed in the forward screen; pursing my lips, I leaned forward to take a good look at it.

Then I frowned.

Played a tuned on the console, and leaned forward yet again.

On the screen, the image of the station yawed and rolled as we altered our course to navigate around it in a slow circle, its outer wall mere meters "beneath" us. The cloud of debris made a glittery coccoon around it, but one which gradually grew less dense as the materials moved away from it in turn.

That's what caught my eye; suddenly my hand shot out, and the image on the screen zoomed in for a close-up. The construction looked somehow dangerous, alien, as it continued to move slowly past.

I slapped an enabler sigil; the image froze as we came to a halt.

"Umm... guys?"

I turned to speak to those who had not left with Phalomir.

"This is not right; I'm not detecting any damage to this thing, and after tracing a backward trajectory of the rubble all I can deduce is that it seems to have spit out from one particular place on it.

"And that place is perfectly normal in appearance now."

I held my hand out, fully prepared to shoot us back several hundred kilometers if necessary while I waited to see what anyone else had to say about this new anomaly.

[ 03-21-2005 12:43 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


posted 03-20-2005 05:06 PM    
"The ship has approached a very close range, but makes no attempt at contact." the computer reported blandly.
"They need persuasion, they appear to have discovered the ploy. Computer, target for boarding locks." We said, opening our eye again to watch as a sensor on the outside of the ship showed us the ship, we watched as a hatch opened beneath the ship, the hatch directly above us.
"Computer, make sure the lock is set, send emergency communication of boarding peacably, prepare to jetison our containment unit to the ship." We watched as our stasis unit began sealing again, bacta flooding from the last storage units in the sides of the tank. The last thing we saw before falling "unconcious" was a lock on one of the entry hatches of the other ship, and the emergancy text being spread across the screen.

Terrin Danner

posted 03-20-2005 09:38 PM    
It was official: Terrin didn't like this. And he didn't much like sitting back while Phalomir and the gang walked them all into a possible trap. He stepped forward, looking at the image which Galen had pulled up. He could feel the hairs nearly stand on the back of his neck. This was just too coincidental.

"Moral obligations be damned, we now have more than enough reasonable evidence to suspect that this is a trap," Terrin spoke up. "I think we need to stop and come up with another option. And if Phalomir doesn't like it...

...I'll take the heat. Meanwhile I think we should try to send a comm, we haven't done so thusfar. Otherwise...

...we'd better rethink this, and before it's too late."

[ 03-20-2005 09:39 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


posted 03-21-2005 11:20 PM    
Phalomir closed the top crate, finding nothing in it but liters of water. He easily hoisted it from the top of the stack and tossed it aside as it if were empty. It hit the floor with a loud thud. He opened the next crate, finding blankets. One by one he opened and tossed crates until the stack was depleted. He then turned to the next stack.

Jasyn and Matt had finished their stack, and had turned up nothing in the way of medical supplies as well.

Phalomir sighed and ripped open the top crate. It was filled with small vials packed in a foamy material. He smiled and pulled out a vial, studying the green liquid within. His smile quickly faded, however, as he could not find a label. He replaced the vial and pulled another, seeing the same liquid and again no label. He pulled and replaced several more, each with the same result. He estimated over 200 vials were packed in the crate, all sealed with a crude black rubber stopper.

He closed the crate and lowered it gently to the floor. The next crate was filled with the same sort of vials, as was the next. He ripped a strip of cloth from his sleeve, pulled out one vial and wrapped it in the cloth, then placed it carefully in a shirt pocket.

“I have found no medical supplies,” he called over to Jasyn. “There is something here which I would like to analyzed, but nothing that will help with the emergency at hand. Have you had any luck?”

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 03-22-2005 10:47 PM    
Jasyn frowned, wondering what Phalomir was so interested in. Then he sobered, replying, "Not that I know too much about Sith stuff, but all I've found is a bunch of hopefully preserved food."

Here he paused, crinkling his nose a bit before he continued. "You?" he queried, looking to Matt, who shook his head.

"Well, goodie. We're gonna dock with this damn injured ship, and we don't have anything to help them. This is just getting better and better...

...and it was never really all that great to begin with. Not that I'm trying to be an ass or anything...

...but I really hate this idea of docking with this thing. Seems rather like a game of Corellian roulette."

[ 03-22-2005 10:48 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Terrin Danner

posted 03-22-2005 10:55 PM    
Terrin had just finished stating his thoughts when, through the monitor which Galen had been watching the alien station, he saw something happen. It was as though a portion of the station simply opened up, and something fell from it. Or rather, gracefully floated out of it, and proceeded on a slow pathway directly towards...

...well, apparently towards them.

And at that moment, a red sigil began to flash persistently on the navboard of the Sith ship.

"Oh hell," Terrin growled, his look dark, "I don't know what just came out of that station, but I think it's headed right towards us..."

[ 03-22-2005 10:58 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


posted 03-23-2005 12:02 AM    
"Wha--?? Oh, Great Khaandon's Ghost!"

I scowled at the screen, watching this latest turn of events even as my spine iced. This was getting to be more and more peculiar by the minute...

...and all of a sudden our mission of mercy looked as if it might turn into a suicidal one.

Or not...

I turned up to Terrin, let my gaze fall into his eyes.

"You know... those Sith fighter ships I flew had ionic hullskins; or at least something which approximated that. That's why ion torpedoes and so on couldn't affect me; the blast was totally absorbed.

"I wonder what age of the Sith that particular technology came from? If we have an ionic skin, that thing won't be able to land on us, so we're perfectly safe; it's gonna be in for a helluva jolt when it tries to dock with us.

"But if we don't have an ionic skin... well, I couldn't tell you what's going to happen next."

I turned back to the floating object, frowning a bit as it came closer and closer to us. The screen obligingly zoomed out to accommodate its rapid approach.

The gaggle of geese tried their mightiest, but they couldn't stomp out the ice now coating my backbone.

"I-- I think I'm gonna take things unto myself, and back us a couple thousand klicks from here, and watch and see what this thing does.

"Meanwhile, maybe I can find some kind of sensor that I can use to scan the thing; blast this wacky ship anyway...."

I fell into silence then, only casting an occasional mutter at the navigation console which, although in many ways eerily familiar to me, remained for the most part completely alien, in that strange Sithy way that it had.

At least I found the damned directional thrusters!

The floating object blinked into invisibility against the starfield as we suddenly found ourselves moved, as near as I could discern, about 25,000 klicks from our former position. There I let us sit, zooming back in on the floating thing, all the while wishing like hell that the others would get back here and put in their two credit's worth about what was going on in a part of the universe where, really, nothing major ought to be.

[ 03-23-2005 05:11 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


posted 03-23-2005 03:52 PM    
(((OOC: To save the effort of "looking back" to see what the object should look like, our container is essentially an airtight bactatank, with slightly thicker transparasteel sides and a short range propulsion system to keep it semi-guided. No starfighter antics here. It also has a communication and "internal computer" constantly sending out the "docking" message. Aside from that, Oni is secured to the inside by several cables attached to it's torso and crainium, keeping it from "escaping" from it's holding. That's all for now.)))


posted 03-24-2005 08:04 PM    
Phalomir looked to Jasyn and gave a half smile.

“I do not think you are an ass,” he said. “But you are correct, there are no obvious medical supplies here. The food may be useful, but we shall not know until we assess the situation. Speaking of…”

He closed the crate and walked to the doorway, pausing just inside the hall.

“Let us return and see how events are progressing,” he said, turning towards the bridge.

He entered the main room of the ship and glanced at the viewscreen. Cocking one eyebrow, he turned to Galen.

“Are we not docking?” he asked. “What happened?”


posted 03-25-2005 01:50 PM    
Terrin and I turned as one unit at that, but I beat my husband to the punch.

"It appears," I said a touch darkly, leaning back so Phalomir could see the viewscreen more clearly. I waved a hand at it.

"That something has been sent from that station, and it was making a beeline for us. I'm not sure what it is, some kind of self-enclosed unit, almost looks like a bacta-tank, of all things, but I sent us back about twenty-five klicks before it could get to us.

"Shall we take a closer look?"

With that I turned back to the screen, my hands playing with the controls. The image promptly zoomed in for a closeup.

Sure as Khaandon made lil green worrts, it was a bacta-tank. With transparent sides, as expected.

And some...thing was floating in its depths, something that I couldn't quite make out....

I fiddled with visual; nope. It was incredibly difficult to make out that the thing was indeed a bacta tank, let alone one carrying something. I mean, face it: we were out here essentially in the middle of nowhere, and starlight just didn't have the oomph to illuminate this thing. Inverse square law and all, you know...

I sighed, damning physics. Obviously, to get a better look at the thing, we'd have to get closer to it once again, and use our outside illuminators.

Assuming, of course, that this ship had outside illuminators....

[ 03-25-2005 01:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Terrin Danner

posted 03-25-2005 11:33 PM    
This situation wasn't getting any better.

"I'm not sure how close we really want to get to that thing," Terrin spoke up, "But I sure don't like the idea of having it here on this ship til we know what is in it."

He paused at this, frowning. "I'm ready to get the kriffing hell out of here and forget about it, honestly. As has been mentioned, there are far more pressing matters on K'eel Doba...

...and I'd like for us to make it there to deal with them."

Pausing once more, he pursed his lips, then finished with, "And by the way, before we decide what to do about this thing, you might also be interested to know that the damage on that station has oh-so-easily-and-suspiciously simply disappeared."


posted 03-25-2005 11:42 PM    
Phalomir scowled.

“Then it is either a trap or a desperate attempt to catch our attention. Either way, we are intended to find this – pod – and do something with it. The question is whether it means us harm or if it sincerely needs our help.”

He scratched his chin with his long nails.

“Galen,” he said, turning to her. “Does this ship have a tractor beam? And if so, can it haul that pod through hyperspace? Perhaps we can drop it off with the Imperials when we arrive a K’eel Doba. We shall need something to distract Sorben’s mind, and hopefully it will keep him from noticing we have you on board.”


posted 03-26-2005 01:33 AM    

My mouth worked a bit as I turned back to the board, trying to find anything that looked remotely like a tractor beam control. Truth be known, there were a lot of strange sigils and buttons whose use I hadn't a clue; I had flown tiny Sith fighters, not giant hulks like this thing.

And this thing was ancient...

"I-- I dunno."

I poked around some more: there were aft thruster controls, forward thrusters, port and aft; inertia stabilizer, mag-field generator...

Wait a minute. Magnetic field generator?

I blinked, surprised that I had found something actually written in the Sith language, rather than being represented by some strange little squiggly series of lines. The Sith language I had learned how to read, by trial and error, those years when I flew alone, seeking my sister for murdering our father, when I was out in the middle of nothing with nowhere to go and nowhere to be from, actually--

I shook my head, jerking myself back to the reality of the moment.

"I don't know," I repeated, again.

"But here is a magnetic field generator; you know a magnetic field can induce a current... hmmm.

"Can that be used somehow to tow this thing, do you think? I'm no physicist..."

But Dad was, came the unbidden thought, creeping into conscious awareness after lo these many years....

But that errant thought was squelched as my peripheral vision caught sight of yet another sigil blinking merrily away for attention. Frowning, I went to check it out, then leaned back with a sigh.

It never rains but it pours....

"Umm... guys? This bacta-tank is sending us a request to dock. And it's in Basic."

[ 03-26-2005 01:41 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Terrin Danner

posted 03-26-2005 01:52 AM    
"That's...interesting," Terrin muttered, turning back towards the navboard himself and frowning. "You'd think if it was something Sith-related it would have transmitted its request in Sith. Still, there are Sith we have encountered who speak in Basic..."

He trailed, his look darkening. Yeah, a shoulder devil piped up, Like Aelvedaar and Roan...

"Almost makes you wonder whether whatever-this-is merely chose Basic for its communication since its the standard, or if it expects the recepients to actually speak in Basic."

He paused, pursing his lips. Then, "But in reference to the possible use of a mag could work, since a tractor beam is essentially a magnetic field generator to begin with. And, all circumstances considered, dragging that thing behind us sounds like an entirely more desirable solution to this delay than letting the thing dock with us."

[ 03-26-2005 01:56 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


posted 03-26-2005 02:01 AM    
I nodded at the logic in Terrin's statement.

Khaandon, but it was good to have him back again, to be able to offer said logic....

"Point taken," I said as I turned back and began fiddling once again. After a bit of trial and error a tiny golden sigil sparked into life, blinked once, and then continued in a steady glow.

"I think I've got it; lemme check."

With that I hit the thrusters just a touch, enough to send us forward a thousand klicks, my eyes glued to the viewscreen where the zoomed in image of the bacta tank loomed. I punched a button, and the image backed down, but didn't get any larger as we headed in it's general direction.

"I think I have it," I finally concluded, mentally patting myself on the back for my efforts. Then I took it upon myself to send a communication to whoever or whatever was in that bacta tank.

Chances are it's just automated, but just in case--

"Unidentified object, this is... ahh, Eternity One--"

I trailed, turning to the others with a shrug before continuing.

"We have received your request to dock; unfortunately we cannot comply with that request at this time. We are, ahh, hauling you to the nearest facilities where your needs may be taken care of.

"This is Eternity One, out."

With that I flicked the link closed, then re-enabled our navigation computer. Moments later, the stars smeared themselves out into threads of colors, and we were once more on our way to the Sith worlds.

Pushing the bacta tank before us.

[ 03-26-2005 02:05 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


posted 03-26-2005 02:04 AM    
We are displeased as we hear the communication, they do believe we have time in the void. The sad thing being we do have time in the void, endless amounts for us to be precise.

This "eternity one" shall know our gratitude in full, as full as our gratitiude can extend.

Terrin Danner

posted 03-26-2005 02:45 PM    
Terrin unconciously breathed a sigh of relief. "And we are off again," he said, giving Galen's shoulder a squeeze then letting his hand rest there as he turned to the others. "So what happened to that idea of a little R&R and food we'd been entertaining?" he queried, finally looking to where Shayla was still attending to Panthar, "And how is he doing?"

[ 03-26-2005 02:49 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 03-26-2005 02:59 PM    
Shayla, who had opened her eyes but remained at Panthar's side, replied. "He'll be resting for a while, but he should be okay," she explained. "I've put him in a healing trance; once his body is ready he will wake on his own."

She paused at this, then adding, "As to any Imperial entanglements we may encounter on our way into the Sith system...

...I think it would be advisable to avoid them if at all possible. Maybe we should take a moment and activate Galen's Sith belt before we arrive insystem?" she finished with, quirking a brow thoughtfully.


posted 03-29-2005 11:15 PM    
Phalomir nodded.

“Yes,” he agreed, “any advantage we may gain will be of great use. This ship must not be taken by the Imperials. There is too much aboard to risk it.”

He felt the inquisitive stares from several of the people on board.

“This is a unique ship,” he explained. “It has the ability to move planets – nay, solar systems. There are wonders of equipment in this very room, and in the store room there are cases upon cases of some strange substance.”

He reached into his pocket and produced the vial. Unwrapping it, he continued.

“I wish to have this analyzed as soon as possible, but I have a bad feeling about this. In fact, with all of the secrets this ship could provide the Empire, I would sooner blow it up then give it to them.”

The Master

posted 03-30-2005 02:05 PM    
The Master, from the back of the room, spoke up with a resounding voice.

"Finally," he boomed. "Words of wisdom from my erstwhile son. Indeed, the thought of this ship in the hands of the enemy sends shivers down my spine. However, I suggest a slightly different approach. The belt young Galen somehow came to possess attempts to make us invisible, but it has its limitations. Why draw suspicion, if they can detect our trail then surely they will investigate. With Sith magick, however, we can cast an illusion to fool to all sensors, organic and electronic. To them we could appear merely as a freighter. From my information while -- working -- with Aelvedaar, they have not been stopping ships entering the system.”

A wry smile worked its way across his face.

“Of course, that is merely a suggestion.”


posted 03-30-2005 04:42 PM    
We waited, seeing the stars passing swiftly for once giving us a sense of peace, but a twinge of impatience now.

We knew we were going to be freed, it was inevitable, but how long would it be? We had recieved the transmisison, heard clearly against the laws of sonic energy when they passed through liquid, but never-the-less it was painful to know we could not walk once again.


posted 04-06-2005 08:57 PM    
Realization dawned on the face of Phalomir, as if he had shaken himself from a daze.

“Of course,” he said, almost startled at the discovery of a thought. “Sith magick. Great gods, have I been so wrapped in politics to forget even the simplest of my abilities? I shall return shortly.”

Phalomir’s face went blank as he leaned back against the hull. Inside, his spirit was already freeing itself from the confines of his physical form. His Sith magick dissolved the threads that bound the two, and within seconds his spirit was floating freely in the room. He focused on finding the energy beam that anchored the strange pod to the ship, and shot his spirit towards it. He followed it, through the bizarre realm of hyperspace, and into the pod.

Phalomir was taken aback, even in spirit form, by the sight within the pod. He studied it for several seconds, then shot backwards into the ship. With a gasp his body woke, his spirit rejoined.

Wide-eyed, he stood and looked to the others.

“There is something in the pod, something alive… I think. It appears to be humanoid, but almost… combined… with the machinery.”

Phalomir trailed off and stared into space, trying to make sense of what he saw.


posted 04-11-2005 02:20 PM    

I stated the obvious, judging by the startled looks plastered upon everyone else's face. My companions stood about with their mouths hanging as stupidly open as mine probably was.

I closed it a moment, frowning as I pondered this latest development.

"Part.. machine?" I asked Phalomir, directing a look into his eyes. Something I saw there made me shiver; trying to ignore this, I pressed on.

"What is it, some kind of bot or high-tech droid or something? And if so, what in Hell's Seven Circles would it want to dock with us for? And--"

Another thought struck me, and I wrapped my arms about myself, pressing closer to Terrin as the incongruity of it carried a sudden warning into my brain.

"Why the cry for help? Robots don't need life support, even one in a bacta tank. They're programmed, for pity's sake;

"I wonder who programmed this one?"

I paused to gather my scattering thoughts in order to apply them to this mystery.

"What would a robot be doing in a bacta tank anyway?"

I looked to all, but let my gaze end upon the Dark Lord. For he most of anyone would have some semblance of an answer; he had, after all, actually seen this thing.

[ 04-11-2005 02:21 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


posted 04-11-2005 08:29 PM    
“Not a robot,” Phalomir directed to Galen. “A living being, as far as I could tell, but supported, perhaps, with mechanical devices. I have seen such things in hospitals, tubes and power lines running into the flesh. This one has many such tubes in its head, and its face is partially covered by some sort of mechanical mask. Perhaps it is a survivor of some horrible accident and seeks assistance?”

He turned to Shayla, who was still with Panther.

“Is there any way for you or your husband to sense it’s intentions?”

[ 04-13-2005 09:04 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Phalomir ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 04-11-2005 09:35 PM    
Shayla pursed her lips. "Perhaps," she then replied. "I can think towards it, but I can't send direct words to it like an All-user might be able to. However, I can reach out to it with the Force and attempt to ascertain any 'feelings' eminating from it. Likewise, I can send a nonverbal 'query' its way, one which it might be able to interpret enough to evoke a response.

At any rate, I'll give it a try."

Saying nothing more than this, Shayla closed her eyes and stretched outward towards that "sentience" nearby them, certain she was connecting with whatever what nearby them. Again she was flooded with the sense of many lifeforces...

...and she had to take a moment to make sense of all the life-energy she was touching with before she could continue. Then she sent out a silent yet very distinct "Force niggle" as if to say "Who are you, and what is it you want?" without saying it at all. For indeed, that was precisely what she was feeling within herself as she quietly awaited an answer...

...if there was to be one at all.


posted 04-11-2005 09:40 PM    
Something had touched us! Not physically, for we were unmoving in our confines, but something seemed to brush us. All of us.

We spent a few moments trying to ascertain the meaning of the "contact" and felt the "gist" of it. "We are the Onidorei, we want nothing more than freedom. We mean no harm, and have no capacity to give it." Was our mental chorus as we fought with all mental capacity to respond to this presense."

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 04-11-2005 10:06 PM    
Though Shayla couldn't make out the words, Shayla could feel the emotions flooding towards her. Emotions hinting of entrapment, of desire and longing for..

...for something. She also sensed no ill-intent.

"I sense nothing that would lead me to believe this thing intends to harm us, and no deception. Rather, I sense a longing or desire for something..."

She paused at this, frowning and sensing and questing outward once more. "...a longing for release of some kind, I think..."


posted 04-11-2005 10:11 PM    
I raised a hand quickly as Shayla's words brought images from years ago flooding once again into my mind.

"I'm sure my dear sister was longing for release just as much, that day on K'eel Doba when we put her into a force cage."

I sent a briefly apologetic smile Phalomir's way, and was beginning to settle back in my seat when the obvious cricket noises ratcheting about the ship captured my attention. I blinked up into the blank looks everyone was giving me.

"She was hell-bent to kill me then, you know."

With that I shut up, letting my hand drift down to my belt, where it toyed unconsciously with the invisibility device I yet possessed.

[ 04-11-2005 10:16 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Terrin Danner

posted 04-12-2005 09:52 PM    
"Yeah, I still don't like this," Terrin agreed. "My input is that we continue with the original plan to drop this thing off with the Impys, and let them figure it out. And by the way..."

He trailed, already having noticed Galen's hand on the invisibility device. "...has that been activated?" he asked, motioning towards the device. "I have no problem dropping off whatever is out there to the Imps...

...but I sure as Hell don't want to pay them a visit as well while we're at it. We've already had enough lost time as it is."

[ 04-12-2005 09:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


posted 04-13-2005 09:28 PM    
"I do not like the idea of 'dropping this thing' off without knowing what it is. There has been too much strangeness about us, what if this 'thing' turns out to be something of use to the Empire? If you cannot ascertain it's purpose or identity, then perhaps I should ask it directly."

Phalomir lowered his head and backed to the wall, taking in deep breaths.

"Allow me a moment to prepare," he added, closing his eyes.

Using the same technique he had within the halls of the Library of the Sith, a time which seemed so very long ago, he again allowed his spirit to leave his body. His massive frame leaned quietly against the wall, his breathing slowed to nearly a stop, his face as pale as the red of his skin would allow. To the observer he might appear to be sleeping, but to anyone who knew him he approached the countenance of a dying man.

His spirit, however, strong and true, floated invisibly in the room above the staring comrades. Phalomir focused his energies and again sailed through the physical bonds that tethered the strange object to the even stranger ship, and found himself hovering in the tight confines of the pod. As in the Library, he diffused his thoughts and entered the very machinery.

It took a moment to comprehend the enormity of what he was trying to accomplish, for in the Library there had been Sith magick to help in the translation. But this was a buzzing of electrons completely foreign to Phalomir. But yet there was something else, something he could comprehend. In fact, he felt many of the something else, as if a mass of individual consciousnesses were swirling together somewhere in the maddening whirl.

He focused once again, and called to them.

“I am Phalomir, hear me, I beg.”

[ 04-14-2005 08:16 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Phalomir ]


posted 04-14-2005 08:23 PM    
Another conciousness! But this one was direct, speaking to us as if in casual conversation that some of us still could remember from when we were seperate!

"We are the Onidorei, we hear and speak with you Phalomir. What is it that you wish of us?" We asked, eagerly but tonelessly responding to his speech.

[ 04-14-2005 08:23 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Onidorei ]


posted 04-14-2005 08:30 PM    
Phalomir was taken aback for a moment. His feelings were justified, there was another consciousness within this machinery with him. But it referred to itself in the plural. The idea of many individuals speaking as one entered his thoughts, reminding him briefly of soldiers programmed to obediently follow their master… why that thought came to him, he barely gave notice to.

“I greet you, Onidorei, from the ship that now tethers you. I seek to know you, to understand why you have come to me. Who are you, why do you seek me?”


posted 04-14-2005 08:36 PM    
We hardly hesitated before speaking again, such was our eagerness for contact with other sentience.

"We seek not you Phalomir, but we seek contact with other sentience. We have remained dormant within that ghost of a station for thousands of years, awaiting release. Your vessel was the first to come upon us in that time, and we do admit we were over-eager to make contact with you, such was our deployment to make contact with you."

We paused in our speech, then continued. "Who is it that makes companionship with you? We know of two others, one who spoke mechanically to us through the physical means provided, and another did not speak, but seemed to communicate some how. Are there more?"

[ 04-14-2005 08:38 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Onidorei ]


posted 04-14-2005 08:43 PM    
Phalomir, wary to reveal more than necessary, decided to wait a bit to give a direct answer.

“There are others, and in time perhaps you shall meet them. But before that may happen, I must know more of you. Please understand, you are a wonder to us, an unknown. We are not at heart mistrusting people, but we must take certain precautions. If you heard my companion’s voice through mechanical means, could you not reply through those same means? Until we all are assured of your intent, we cannot risk bringing you aboard. Can you speak with us through the communication device?”


posted 04-14-2005 08:47 PM    
"Your previous message was established via a short burst transmission from your end. We have no ability to extend such an "invitation" unless you were to extend it. Our communications can only give basic visual and send out our beacon unless further contact is established via another party."

We ceased conversation to command the pods small computer to immediately accept electronic attempts at contact, then continued. "We would be quite glad to continue this conversation by normal means if you were to extend the communication. We will answer all questions given."


posted 04-14-2005 09:08 PM    
Phalomir smiled inwardly.

“Then I shall return, and extend such communication. You are well met, may our further communications be as pleasant.”

Phalomir slid back out of the machinery, glad to be free of the flowing electrons. His spirit flew back along the tethers, reentering his body with a jolt. In an instant, the nearly lifeless giant body rocked to life. His knees extended his torso up the wall until his massive body stood erect, his eyes jerked open, and his voice boomed as if he had been alert all along.

“You speak true, Shayla,” he said. “There are many entities, or the consciousness of such, sharing their existence there. They spoke to me as one, their thoughts running light years at a time. They are hungry for companionship, and will speak with us via the communication channels when we extend the invitation. They call themselves ‘Onidorei’. They seemed sincere, but I have not always been the best judge of character.”

He shot a daggered look to the Master, who smirked in the back of the room, then returned to his friends.

“What do you think?”


posted 04-14-2005 09:52 PM    
I looked around at the wondering looks everyone had planted on their faces, then stood up with a snort.

"Is it too much to ask, or even wonder, for that matter, why a bunch of consciousnesses... er, consciousness... ahhh, well... why in Hell's Seven Circles a bunch of what makes sentients sentient happens to be sharing a body, one that is oh-so-hungry for companionship?

"Is it just me, or isn't this striking anybody else as a little bit on the odd side? This yearning for companionship, I mean.

"I mean..."

I stopped and drew in a breath while I tried to harness all the wild hunches that were niggling up and down my back to logical speech.

"Why would something like that be way the heck out here in the boonies, unless it was put here by someone? Now, there could be two different reasons as to why, if this is the case, but do we dare dally around with this thing when there is at least a fifty percent chance that doing so just might not be in our best interests?"


posted 04-14-2005 09:58 PM    
“We are already in hyperspace,” said Phalomir. “I would not consider it ‘dallying’ to communicate with the – thing. If we do not like what we hear, we can drop it off as we planned or cast it aside in hyperspace. What is the fear you have of talking with it?”


posted 04-14-2005 10:05 PM    
I folded my arms across myself even more tightly and glared at the giant Sith.

"Why bother?" I countered, raising my face to stare him straight in the eye.

"I mean, to what purpose? To pass the time? To gain, oh wonders, data about something new and unknown?"

I stopped, letting my words ring out into the hollow silence everyone else was providing.

"We're not scientists," I finished with a definite nod, letting my hands drop more definitely to my sides. I leaned back against the side of my seat at the navigation console.

"Why not just leave the thing here, and report it to whoever we should? Obviously there is no real life support threat; we can easily squirt the coordinates to the powers that be and leave it at that."

If there even is such an agency anymore, I scowled to myself as I then shut my mouth, waiting to hear the input of the others.


posted 04-14-2005 10:10 PM    
“Galen,” Phalomir said calmly. “We are the powers that be. If this lifeform is a threat, I must know. If it is an ally, then we should gladly accept it. Why are you so reluctant to even investigate? We have the time, we shall not reach K’eel Doba for quite awhile yet.”


posted 04-14-2005 10:16 PM    
Really now, this was getting tiresome beyond all words.

"And why are you so hell-bent to take up with every Tom, Dick and Jabba to come down the pike?" I flared back, matching his calm stare with a disproportionately reddened glare of my own.


posted 04-14-2005 10:23 PM    
Still calm, Phalomir replied.

“Because I am a Dark Lord of a dying people, a people I hold above all else. There are forces in motion set to destroy it all, wrongs which must be righted, and pockets of darkness in our worlds that must be set to light. And I do not know who or what is on which side, or who or what will help or hinder. So I look, I hear, I ask. I do not assume. We have all experienced That Which Is, now does everything else in your life pale in comparison to the point of shutting yourself away from learning new things?”


posted 04-14-2005 10:31 PM    
I slammed my hand against the console at that.

"Look!" I began, gritting my teeth with the effort to keep from hollering at the top of my lungs.

"I don't really care, do you understand? Your people don't seem to be dying to me, seems the last time I looked they were bright-eyed and bushy tailed, straight from the Right Hand of the Dead, if I remember what the Universe really had been all about at one time.

"But as far as what you and your people and my misguided sister do, I really don't care! All I want is to get my daughter and take her and my husband and go somewhere that we might have a ghost's chance of living the rest of our lives in some kind of semblance of normalcy.

"Automatically applying some kind of dire necessity-to-our-supposed-needs to every stranger we come across just seems like so much more of a hindrance; Khaandon!

"Let Aelvedaar rule as he will, I don't give a womprat's hiney--

"I just want to get to K'eel Doba in a straightforward and unimpeded manner, and find Darra! Why in Hell's Seven Circles can't you see that?"

The Master

posted 04-14-2005 10:40 PM    

The roar from the back of the room caught everyone off guard, making even Phalomir jump and snap his head to the Master.

“If I had known I had taken in with such a bunch of slug-headed do-nothings, I would have stayed in Aelvedaar’s trap. What a sorry group of whining, sniveling, self-centered egotistical brats you are! I have watched you do wondrous things from my little room, indeed. You have moved solar systems, awoke the dead, tamed the untamed, walked the Darker Realms and fought back the hordes of the Bastard God Roan. And yet you squabble over communicating with a flippin’ stupid lifepod?! Don’t you see, this goes beyond your puny selfish wants, beyond your desires to find your kin. I can tell you everything you want to know, and I have never been asked! I say hold your words, take your actions and let us be on our way!”

With that, the Master waved his hand. He staggered, his eyes closing, but the space before him shimmered and thinned, and a portal opened before him. With lightning speed he pulled forward with his other hand, motioning as if pulling a rope. The life pod swam through the portal and fell to the floor, taking up a good portion of the back of the room. The Master grunted, the portal closed, and he fell to the floor himself, breathing heavily.

“There,” he rasped, propping himself on an elbow. “Aelvedaar thought he could take it all from me, but not all of it… not all.”

The Master chuckled, then fell to his side and rolled to his back, spitting blood.


posted 04-14-2005 10:48 PM    

Before anyone could respond to this latest stunt I rushed over to Shayla, figuring she would be the first to do something to this weird thing that had just been handed to us on a silver, if tarnished, platter.

"Don't even think it!" I growled, then turned to where the self-imposed Master stood hacking up blood. I raised a hand, by that one action letting the others know just what I felt about coming to his aide.

Not that anyone would, I growled to myself.

At least not any of our people.

I cut another glare to Phalomir.

"Thanks, buddy, oh so much, you've been just wonderful, and did I ever say what a wonderful dad you've got?"

Not waiting to hear any inane reply he might make I turned away, keeping one wary eye on the pod while the other began searching to see if anyone had anything better than a silly Sith sword with which to protect ourselves.


I sighed in frustration, then further ignoring Phalomir spoke up to the others.

"I say we space this thing, along with Phal's dear old dad, wouldn't you guys say?"

Really, I don't know what was coming over me of late, but suddenly I wanted nothing more to do with anything that remotely had the slightest semblance of anything to do with the Sith--

--and that included the sudden appearance of a thing one Sith in particular seemed overly determined to befriend.

[ 04-14-2005 10:50 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


posted 04-14-2005 10:54 PM    
FREEDOM! Our minds screamed, suddenly finding ourselves inside an sealed atmosphere, the ability to walk again just at our fingertips, listening to the woman speak we spoke as loudly as we could, a great level of decibles as it was.

We turned to the red headed woman as we spoke. "We mean you no harm, but provoke us and we are sure that we will do our best to destroy at least one of you, we have very limited capabilities, but we are sure we could do enough damage, now calm and speak, we have waited many millenia in solitude and we WILL NOT be turned away at the paranoia and whim of one simple being!"

Our voices screamed the message out with a great fury, not a single one of us would accept "denial" again. We were quiet for a moment, and spoke again, much more calmly. "We do appologise for the outburst, but we have had no contact for so long that we have lost the ability to socially be "acceptable" under such stress. We do not wish any of you harm, we only wish for acceptance, however mild or great it may be."


posted 04-14-2005 10:58 PM    
I absolutely froze at the first outburst from the Thing, and no amount of after-the-fact reassuring on its part could assuage the level of trepidation which was flooding though my being.

My eyes cut to the still coughing Master, glared at him, slid then to Phalomir who was standing in stony silence.

I told you so! I screamed with every bit of body language I possessed.

Then I began inching backward, bit by bit, seeking to put as much space between myself and the three in this room who I suddenly found myself deeming as enemies to me and mine on an equal scale.


posted 04-14-2005 11:27 PM    
Phalomir came out of his shock and acted swiftly. He called forth his magick and, unconsciously yearning for the power of the Finger of R’Lous, threw up a shimmering shield of energy that divided the room; the Master and the pod on one side, the rest of the group on the other. He looked to Galen as walked between the pod and Jharmeen.

“Galen,” he said, “I do not know why he did this, but the Master ceased to be my father long ago. Please, Galen, I know your desire to find your daughter is immediate, but we must deal with this situation.”

He lowered his voice and crouched, still holding his hand up to channel magick to the shield.

“This entity’s first words were far from what I experienced earlier. Believe me, I too mistrust it. I can shield us from harm, but we must do something else soon. I know you have the ability, can you draw the strength to put this pod back from where it came?”

He looked directly into Galen’s eyes, not quite sure what he was seeing but calling to her nonetheless.

“Galen,” he said calmly. “We are so close to finding her, please help me here. I swear to you, on my life, on my love for your sister, I will do everything I can to help you find your daughter.”

Through the shield came the raspy cackle of the Master.


posted 04-15-2005 03:49 PM    
"Please..." Our voice was mournful, quiet, comming from our tank. "Reconsider, we mean you no harm. Our previous outburst was triggered by the welcome. If you did not notice, we can not actually do you harm while in the containment of this pod, first for the fact that it is shielded beyond our ability, and second that we can no physically move."

We did not move, and our expression was collectively as "mournful" as it could be, though this did little. "Leave us in our containment until your curiosity is sated and your fears removed, but do not place us back into our eternal solitude. We do beg you.

Terrin Danner

posted 04-15-2005 04:24 PM    
Terrin's hackles had raised so much in the past few seconds that it would be nothing short of a miracle for anything to get past them. He met Galen, who had been backing away from the Thing and Phalomir, half-way and took her by the hand, immeciately shifting into protective mode.

"There has to be another way," Terrin growled. "I don't want Galen, or any of the rest of us for that matter, near that pod."

Falling silent for a moment at that, Terrin just leveled a questioning gaze at Phalomir, and waited.


posted 04-18-2005 07:58 PM    
“Well,” said Phalomir, a hint of a growl in his own voice, “unless you can find a trap door to drop that thing through--” Phalomir stopped himself, his skin growing a darker red as his eyes seemed to flash.

“Jharmeen cannot assist us, if anyone is to open a portal to shove this pod through then it must be Galen. If we cannot dispose of it, we shall either have to contain it or— or communicate with it further. Now unless you know how to activate a containment field of some type then please tell me what is this ‘another way’ you speak of?”

The Master

posted 04-18-2005 08:32 PM    
“I will show you,” came a deep, crackling voice from near the pod. When Phalomir looked in that direction, the soft red glow of the Master’s skin now revealed a pair of brightly glowing green eyes, long fangs jutting down several inches, and a look of pure malice. The Master had stood, his blood staining the front of his robes but no longer flowing from his mouth.

“I thank you all for releasing me,” he continued. “And ask you one more favor -- deliver a message for me to Aelvedaar. His dream is folly, and the treaty with our realm is over.”

The Master stepped forward and touched the shield Phalomir had thrown. The Master’s eyes flashed and the shield imploded, almost as if it were being sucked into his palm. Phalomir’s eyes grew wide, then he was propelled backwards as if an invisible rancor had swept him aside. He hit the wall with a sickening thud, his eyes remaining wide open as he fell slowly to the floor.

With the shield gone, the Master strolled to where the sleeping Jharmeen lay. He snapped his head to look squarely in the eyes of Jasyn, who had dared to step forward.

“I still own you,” he said, most sinister. He brought his hand up in a flash, making Jasyn flinch, and paused. Cackling loudly, he then spun about and brought his claws down, and in one fluid lightning motion he seemed to rip a hole into the very threads of existence along the floor. He grabbed Jharmeen’s leg in his other hand and jumped into the hole he made, dragging her with him.

“And tell them both, we are waiting in the Dark Hall!”

The Master’s voice trailed as the portal closed, leaving behind a hint of sulfur.

A warning beep sounded on the console, signaling the ship was ready to depart from hyperspace.

((OOC: The Master and Graysith fall into Into The Out Of in this forum, thank you!))

[ 04-19-2005 09:11 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Master ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 04-18-2005 09:19 PM    
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" Shayla screamed, reaching out towards the quickly-closing portal in a vain attempt to stop the Master. Erik took her hand, and stopped her from toppling into it as it finally snapped closed with a damning whisp of doom. "Nooo..." she moaned again, her heart growing heavier by the moment...

...and, in the blink of an eye, snaping into sudden action as she whirled on her heel and went to the injured Phalomir. She reached out a healing hand to him, the thoughts she extended to him mirroring the words she now spoke. "We've got to get down and find Aeylmaar. Giving up is not an option."


posted 04-18-2005 10:12 PM    
"What has happened?" We wondered, watching the frantic drama that had suddenly unfolded before us. This Aelymaar was suddenly a new player in what we knew of.

"Excuse us, but we are unfamiliar with the beings and other events that surround you. We realize we are most likely the cause of what has happened, and we appologise and take full responsibility for what has occured."

[ 04-18-2005 10:12 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Onidorei ]


posted 04-19-2005 11:55 PM    
I shot a look over to Shayla, who was laboring over the fallen Sith, then extended that look to encompass the others. Jasyn, Eric, Matt; all looked totally frazzled by this unexpected move, and even Terrin looked a touch on the shell-shocked side.

I'm sure my own features mirrored those of the others, and to tell the truth I didn't really know what was the actual basis for that:

The fact that my sister, no matter how I spat and fought with her remained my sister, after all... the fact that she had been ripped from us with the ease with which one crushes a gleeberfly...

...or the fact that Phalomir's father didn't appear to be quite....


I looked back up into Terrin's eyes, gave him a squeeze and left his side. Hurrying over to Shayla, I knelt beside her.

"Just a minute," I murmured in a low tone, and heaved a quick sigh of relief when she turned momentarily from her task to look at me.

"That-- that thing that just took Jharmeen was purportedly his father, and he sure as Khaandon made lil green worrts looked more like something along the lines of some demonic imps of my acquaintence."

I paused a shuddery moment, that thought bringing with it a flood of memories from that horrible time when I was in the Darker Realms, meeting Phalomir for the first time. My first inclination, that of distrusting Phalomir along with his disappearing daddy, suddenly spun a one-eighty in my head, and in my heart.

I reached out and laid a delaying hand on her shoulder.

"You know, there was something Phalomir told me, when we were in this awful dark other-dimension," I went on.

"He told me that his father was scared spitless of something, a threat to the Sith, I think the Vong were involved somehow.

"Anyway, he said that his father made a deal with some kind of dark forces behind some black river or other, that they would protect the Sith when the time came. But something happened: I guess his father tried to turn him over to these dark forces."

I paused for breath, chewing a little nervously on my cheek as I eyed the downed Sith lord.

"He said he'd meet both Aelvedaar and Phalomir in the Dark Hall--

"You don't suppose that this is another ploy to get Phalomir, do you-- or to kill them both in order to take over the Sith?"

My eyes widened as another thought struck me. I shuddered again, removing my hand from Shayla's shoulder move it to my stomach.

"H-He's there, Roan, in the Dark Place, that other dimension... where the Dark Hall is...."

Then my eyes widened further.

"And I know how to get there..." I breathed, shocked with myself to discover the truth in that last, surprising statement. On the heels of that came crashing defeat.

I slumped to the deck with a scowl.

"We can't; Korriban isn't here anymore," I growled, then sighed again and looked around at the others.

"I think Shayla is right; we have to find Aeylmaar. Pronto."

[ 04-20-2005 12:10 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 04-20-2005 12:27 AM    
Panthar stood on the beach, a long glass of something green in his hand. A warm breeze blew on his face, and the salty spray of the sea left its kiss on his cheek. He ran his fingers through his hair, then noticed the nice tan he was getting on his arm. This had been the greatest vacation ever, and he was so happy that the entire business with the red people had been a strange, elaborate dream.

He raised his drink to the sky, made a toast to someone named Phalomeed—or was it Alfafameer? It didn’t matter now, he was back home, and he was happy.

He noticed that his tan had started to burn, and thought now was the time to head back into the bungalow. As he turned away from the sun he saw just how red his arms had become, and thoughts of seeking out the med droid for some burn ointment crept into his mind. He reached up to scratch the sudden itch on his temple and was shocked to find –

“Horns!” yelped Panthar, his eyes fluttering open as he regained consciousness. He sat up, bewildered, trying to find himself in a world somewhere between the beach and the ship. His head slowly stopped spinning, and the pain in his hand brought reality down upon him.

“Ohhhh,” he moaned, “it wasn’t a dream…”

His leaned back against the wall, and in an absent minded observation he noted, “Hey, we’re out of hyperspace.”

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 04-21-2005 02:30 PM    
Not leaving Phalomir's side, Shayla turned to regard Panthar, suddenly feeling very tired. It was then she realized she had been healing one person or another over the most of the course of their hyperspace journey...

...and she was starting to feel the effects. "Welcome back," she said briefly yet not unkindly. Then she looked to Galen. "Aeylmaar is supposed to be waiting for us here..."

She paused, her look darkening, "...unless something has happened to him. Time for landing procedures, and then we can decide just what we are going to do, and how..."

Quite suddenly, Shayla's words dropped off, and realization dawned. Her hand shot out, and she took Galen by the arm, her eyes widening. "We can get to the Darker Realms still. Remember, the Temple of S'slan..."


posted 04-21-2005 05:18 PM    
"Computer, raise decible levels on vocalizer." We commanded it, waiting for a subconcious bleep to confirm the task done.

"Excuse us for interupting the proceedings, but your banter means nothing to us presently, for we have no past experience in your dealings. We request that you are finished with one course of business before you ignore it and step to another. We refer to your stated wishes to ask us questions." We watched their reactions to our statement and request, as we commanded the vocabulator to lower it's volume again.

"Proceed with your questioning, then we will make no further interjections to your other business unless it is required or within reason to do so."

Panthar Dantares

posted 04-21-2005 07:12 PM    
Panthar looked over at the strange pod lying on the floor where there had previously been no strange pod. He raised his good hand, scratched his head, and pointed to the thing.

“What the heck are you?” he asked.

Terrin Danner

posted 04-21-2005 08:18 PM    
Terrin's brain finally began processing information again as the Pod--and whatever the hell was inside it--started blaring demanding statements.

That did it.

"Wait a minute," Terrin growled, "Number one priority right now is getting to the surface of Kee'l Doba in one piece so we can find Aeylmaar or figure out a way to get to the Darker Realms--or both. And along with that, finding Darra is a top priority."

Here he paused, turning and addressing the thing. "I don't know if we can trust you, and until you've somehow earned that trust, I don't see reasons for us to start explaining what we are talking about to you. After all, we don't know what you are, or who you are...

...and we don't know who left you out here in this region of space, and why..."

[ 04-21-2005 08:19 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


posted 04-21-2005 08:31 PM    
We were no longer amused. "Let me explain who we are then." We hissed, the sound quite eery.

"We inhabit the body of Onidorei, a bio-mechanical creature designed to store information and be "interchangable" in functions through bio-manipulation. The majority of what we are in concious body are the scientists who had found the Onidorei and were researching. Others of us were workers and pilots and security upon that station. We had no wish to inhabit this being, but there was an anomally in space and we were pulled into this body from our own, and there we have remained for millenia."

We paused, giving them time to take the information in as slowly as mortals did.

"Now, we cannot gain your trust further than words, something we know from long ago that can not be gained so easily. We are imprisoned in this shell, for this shell was the Onidorei's containment while we researched it. It is bound by several cables that restrain it by it's crainium and allowed us to input and take out information. These are the tethers that bond us now."

[ 04-21-2005 08:32 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Onidorei ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 04-21-2005 08:48 PM    
During the exchange between Terrin and the strange pod, Panthar looked at the bottle of green liquid next to him, and wondered if that was why his head felt strange. He shrugged, picked it up, and drank heavily. He put the bottle back down and looked around, letting his tongue feel around his mouth to make sure his teeth were still in it.

He notices Phalomir lying on the floor, leaning against the wall. His eyes were wide open, his chest raised and lowered slightly, but he was otherwise still. Shayla was crouched beside him. Jharmeen was… well, hmm, where was Jharmeen? Did her and Phal have another tiff? She she run off and Phal took up with Shayla? Whoa, heavy.

Galen and Terrin were over by the controls, and Matt, Erik, and Jasyn were standing around looking bewildered. Good, he wasn’t the only one who was confused. He shook his head to try to clear it, struggled again for consciousness, then began the long road to standing. He spoke as he did so.

“Allright… so you’re a bunsch of people trapped inshide a— a thing. Whadya want with ush?”

He managed to stand, then stagger, then right himself. He smiled weakly at the pod and took another drink. His head flopped to the side to regard Terrin.

“And, um, whosh gonna land the ship?” he asked. “And where’sh the Stupor Shtar Destruy—Destrey-- where’sh the blockade?

Terrin Danner

posted 04-21-2005 10:01 PM    
"Oh kriffing hell, the blockade!" Terrin spat, turning to look at their personal view of space...

...and no ships.

He frowned. "Did we come out of hyperspace before we reached the system?" he queried, "Or have we managed to somehow get past them? Galen, you're the expert...

...and by the way, if we already covered it, I missed it...

...but is the Sith belt on? Unless, of course, we are going with Plan A. He turned and regarded Onidorei. "Were you created by the Empire?"


posted 04-21-2005 10:06 PM    
"The Empire? I'm afraid we are unawares if we were created by the empire or not. We found the Onidorei on a planet within a few lightyears of where the station was, burried in a ruin." We spoke plainly.

Panthar Dantares

posted 04-21-2005 10:12 PM    
“You found it?” asked Panthar, returning his gaze to the pod. “Near here? And it shucked you all into it? Well, sheesh, what’s to shtop you from shucking all of ush in there, too?”

He turned back to Terrin, took a few steps in his direction, and spoke in a loud whisper.

“Don’t tell him, but I don’t like thish.”

[ 04-21-2005 10:13 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Panthar Dantares ]


posted 04-21-2005 10:15 PM    
"If you did not notice, we are quite capable of hearing you while aided by this pod. It's part of it's safty measures." We murmured at the slur-speeched horned being.

"The thing that keeps you from being "sucked in" is the fact that we are not connected to you electronically in any way, nor is there an anomaly occuring, the nature of which we doubt will ever occur again. It was a sort of ripple in reality as we know it."


posted 04-22-2005 01:13 PM    
I had heard enough.

"Fine!" I snapped irritably as I stomped over to the space the weird pod was occupying. It lay there in quiet mockery of the good a bacta tank is supposed to portray.

I crossed my arms.

"Seems to me that we are relatively safe from any approach you might make against us then," I commented, not really caring at the moment if this... thing knew I was aware of that little fact or not.

I glared at it, despising it for what it was.

To think, being locked up with other minds in a biomechanical construct for uncounted years....

I replaced a rising shudder with rising anger.

"Look, friends; I'm sorry for you guys and your brush with anomalies and all, but really, it's not high on our list of priorities at the moment."

I shot a look to Terrin, who only flashed me a quick smile before returning to his former, determined front.

"What concerns me is the loss of my sister, the fact that the father of one of our members is really the goony that I thought, and the fact that we've gotten to our destination and now need to make planet--"

I turned abruptly to Terrin, heading back to the controls and taking my seat there even as I spoke to him.

"I have no idea why we have managed to give the blockade an apparent slip; I do know that the field generated by this belt was barely large enough to take in a little Sith fighter. I really doubt it could cloak us effectively; maybe they're not stopping in-coming traffic?"

I touched a sigil-board in a peculiar manner, letting my fingers dance a fugue there. The forward screens flipped to aft, the port and starboard, and finally up and down.

Yup-- there they were, way off in the distance, lurking like the vultures they were...

...and behind us:

Myriad ships, all linked with tractor beams.

Now I couldn't repress the shudder that raised in response to the realization that we had indeed come out of hyperspace between the blockade and our target planet of K'eel Doba.

Now that wasn't something that happened everyday!

So why weren't we being hailed by the blockade? That's what I wanted to know...

"Maybe they're busy with something else," I muttered, not really believing it, but not wanting to hang around until they woke up. The fugue segued into a tarantella as I input a series of commands into the ship's computer. Lights blinked, relays clattered and clicked, and the view on the screen was promptly replaced with one of the planet.

It grew noticeably larger even as I watched.

"We're coming in, guys; better strap in."

The ship seemed to hear me, gave a little bump as it hit a small thermocline within the pausal layer we were passing through, then began to descend in earnest. Control was yanked from me like a rancor yanks it's prey; the ground approached with astounding speed, and I could swear I could hear the howl of the wind against our hull.

Suddenly, below us then, there hove into view the wonderful image of Ch'arlingua.

Sheesh, I never thought I'd be so happy to come back here....

"Brace yourselves, we're coming in hot and heavy!"

But the wonderful technology of the Sith proved to be at levels far beyond other sentients, even more than four millennia in the past. The ship fell to earth like a propelled rock...

...where, inertia and gravity be damned, it settled abruptly with the touch of a feather kissing the earth.

I sat there a moment, a little surprised at this.

"Wow," I murmured, then unhooked myself and powered down the ship. I was about to blithely open the hatch when unseen speakers popped into life.

"State your name and your planet of origin," came the command in Sith.

I frowned, then turned to the others and repeated what had been said.

"Anyone for a reply?" I quipped, pursing my lips then as yet another lizard-monkey wrench appeared to be tossed into our works.

[ 04-22-2005 01:20 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 04-22-2005 01:36 PM    
“Tell ‘em we’re an envoy from the Dark Lord of the Armorers, or somethin’,” quipped Panthar. “Which I guess is true…. Even though he’s out like a light. Maybe we need some medical attenshion, too. Either way, we need to find Elmer.”

Panthar stood again, grinning. “Hey, you want me talk to ‘em?”


posted 04-22-2005 02:01 PM    
I frowned, not only with distaste at Panthar's rapidly advancing state of intoxication, but at the inherent impossibility of his suggestion.

"I don't think that would work," I began, cutting my look to Matt. He snapped to, moved quickly to Panthar and removed the green bottle from his possession.

Panthar's sap-happy grin turned into a grimace of annoyance; he was about to say something, undoubtedly as ridiculous as before, when I looked at his statement from another angle.

"They don't seem to recognize this ship as being Sith," I opened with, chewing on my cheek as I pondered further.

"We do need a Sith to reply if we are going to attempt anything along the lines of Panthar's suggestion, and at the moment he's the only Sith we've got..."

I trailed, then cut a frown toward the shell-shocked Phalomir. That big wuss still stood unmoving, oblivious to us or the predicament we were in.

What a time to lose the Big Guy--

Then I brightened.

"Hey, maybe we can lip-synch something? Or Panthar, do you think you can manage to scrounge up the slighest modicum of seriousness, if it indeed does exist within you?

"I don't think our Sith warrior friends are going to go for a comedy routine."

Unless it turns out to be more along the lines of a comedy of errors, something which I'm sure they would be only too happy to exploit.

Panthar Dantares

posted 04-22-2005 02:10 PM    
“Serious…” Panthar said. “Sure, I can do serious… what planet did we come from? Oh, right, Korrishian.”

Panthar worked his jaw up and down several times, then licked his lips.

“Korris’ian,” he said, concentrating. “Yeah, I think I can do it. How’s this?”

He spoke slowly and clearly. “We are a special envoy with the new Dark Lord of Armorers, visiting K’eel Doba at special request of the Dark Lady of Warriors.”

He looked to Galen for approval.


posted 04-22-2005 02:22 PM    
((OOC: From Not Lost, Yet Not Found in these forums....))

ShaRhylla finished devouring her meat like the animal that yet resided within her, and was awaiting her companion's reply when the doors to the Dining Hall burst open.

A small contingency of warriors entered quickly, saluted, and as a whole fell to one knee before her. The highest ranked of them bowed his head, and spoke.

"M'lady, a ship of unknown origins has landed in our spaceport; we have hailed, but as yet have received no answer to our call.

"Your instructions?"

It was indeed something to be said of the Sith and their strict warrior codes: during any trial and tribulation, in absence of either their Dark Lord and/or Lady, leadership was clearly and without hesitation assigned to the one who was closest in line to inheriting the title. With the Lady Graysith out of the picture and Lord Roan dead, the one individual next in line was ShaRhylla, as indicated by the tattooes of entitlement she bore upon her fair skin.

The warriors stood quietly, waiting for her answer. It did not take long in coming.

"Take the occupants captive, and imprison them in our dungeons," she replied in a tone of voice that appeared totally unaffected by all this.

That her feelings regarding this manner were completely otherwise was indicated by her next words.

"Kill those who would try to fight back. When all are incarcerated, bring one of them to me; it matters not which one."

The warriors bowed, got to their feet, and departed to carry out her orders.

Soon the spaceport was crawling with warriors, who muscled in to replace the workers and technicians who under normal conditions kept Ch'arlingua up and running in a smooth and efficient manner. A Warrior Captain sent forth a hail.

"Depart from your vessel immediately, and without your weapons!" he commanded before flicking closed the communication link he had opened. After all, there was at this point no need for any reply from the newcomers other than strict obedience.

He motioned to his men, who swarmed out onto the tarmac, ringing the strange and ancient ship, weapons quivering and ready.

[ 04-22-2005 02:40 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by ShaRhylla ]


posted 04-22-2005 04:00 PM    
"Excuse us..." We murmured, looking to the "sith" and the red haired woman. "We now understand more. We wish to volunteer aid in this situation. You see, if we are provided with a few samples of sith speech, we are sure that we could pick out the vocabulary proficiently quite easily. We converse at an equivilant of 10 hours per normal second with our combined conciousness, if you wish for a less, "crippled" should we say, speaker."

Terrin Danner

posted 04-22-2005 06:36 PM    
Terrin's look darkened as Onidorei offered his assistance...

...and the words from outside the ship came booming in.

"Judging from the sounds of things out there, I don't know if our reply is really going to be of consequence."

Quieting a moment at that, Terrin frowned, lost in deep thought, then continued with, "We probably ought to reply to the hail and cooperate with whomever is outside the ship, for now. But we need to take some precautions as well."

Here he looked to Galen. "The Sith belt may not hide all of us, but it will hide at least one of us, and perhaps a couple?" he queried. "It's an advantage we have, should these Sith be hostile...

...and I'm suggesting we use it til we know just how things are going to be once we set foot outside this ship."

[ 04-22-2005 06:37 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


posted 04-23-2005 06:34 PM    
I nodded in agreement with Terrin's logic.

"Yeah," I said, swiveling around and standing up. I walked to where the pod lay and stood looking down upon it.

Then I turned back to the others.

"I don't think this would be in any danger, do you? I mean, what do you think we should do, just leave it here as a Boonta Eve's gift for the warriors?"

Even in the face of approaching doom n' gloom, I couldn't help playing devil's advocate.

Then I tried to sober.

"Umm... who do you think I should hide? If I remember clearly, the invisibility shield reached far enough to cover Sorben and me and K'kihl--"

Gosh wee, I wonder how the ol' cricket is doing?

"--as well as the Sith fighter. If we all stay in a bunch, we could probably all be hidden together.

"Well..." I amended slowly, staring up at Panthar. He let a feeble attempt at a smile cross his face.

"He takes up a lot of room," I said, sticking my thumb out at him.

"But I think I can get the rest of us hidden. Now, these guys are warriors; hopefully their magicks won't discover that there is something here hiding from them."

I paused again, staring at the pod.

"Hey," I said, thinking out loud more than anything.

"What if we leave Panthar, as our surrogate Sith, and this Pod to handle things with the warriors? Maybe they can come up with something... like maybe this thing is a gift to the Dark Lady, or a new prototype sent fresh from Korris'ian or something.

"What do you guys think? We haven't much time to deal with this in a committee, you know!"

[ 04-23-2005 06:35 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Terrin Danner

posted 04-23-2005 09:39 PM    
"Well, all things considered, I think that'll work," he agreed. But then he turned to Panthar. "Still, it's your can that would be on the line, so the call is yours to make. I do think that the Sith warriors out there will be more willing to interact with another Sith, and perhaps the "gift" would intrigue them long enough for us to get past, if we must. As Galen said, we don't have a lot of time to plot this out...

...and I don't like leaving you out in the cold if you aren't up to it. Still, a decision needs to be made, and fast. What do you think, should we go with this arrangement?"

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 04-23-2005 09:46 PM    
"Wait," Shayla said, stepping forward and raising a hand, "These Sith here should be somewhat familiar with both myself and Erik. I can't garantee how they'll react to us, but at least I know that, the last time we were here with Jharmeen, we were in good graces. Hopefully the Sith out there will know that...

...or at least discover it shortly. If Panthar doesn't want to be left out of the mix of those who remain hidden..."

Here she paused, looking to Erik, "...I'd be willing to be the one who stays out if everyone else can remain hidden...

...and I know you'd want to come along. We've at least got the Force to assist us, should there be something afoot. And, perhaps, it's best if we stay visible if for that reason alone. Panthar will have the advantage of being Sith...

...and we'll have the advantage of having the Force."

[ 04-23-2005 09:47 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 04-24-2005 12:07 PM    
Panthar, struggling to regain control of his speech, felt a little of the edge wear from the green liquid. The massively muscled Sith body he inhabited began to process the alcohol, and Panthar hoped he would recover much more quickly than he would have normally. Of course, that meant the pain in his hand would be much more noticeable.

“Uhhh…. Hey,” he said. “The last time we all left, we were in good graces with the Dark Lady and all, and she left with us. I’m just thinking aloud, but why not tell the truth? Sort of… I mean, OK, how about you guys hide in the back and keep quiet and invisible like, and me, Phal, Shayla, and Erik stay here? But then we can tell them that we are need of assistance, get some medical attention, and ask to speak with the person in charge… who is probably Salaandar-mander… or whatever his name is, he knows what was going on when we left, and I think he’ll be pretty understanding and helpful. I mean, we DO need help now!”

The conversation stopped abruptly as a brief whooshing sound came from the main cabin door, followed by the smooth sound of something sliding.

“Uh…” said Panthar, urgently. “Better decide now because I think the main hatch just opened!”

He put his hands up and began walking towards the light that was now filtering in from the entrance alcove, a small sliver of white that was swallowing the shadows in that short hallway.


posted 04-24-2005 01:05 PM    
{{b]"We have no choice in the matter, leave who you will and ourselves, we shall not reveal you and things will be worked out as they occur."[/b] Had we still the ability to give facial expressions, we would have smirked at the amusing nature of the situation, but it was a nul point.

"We shall feign unconciousness, it is hard to pretend to be a gift when the gift watches you and speaks." We closed our eyes and powered down the vocabulator.

Terrin Danner

posted 04-24-2005 08:16 PM    
Without a word, Terrin turned and looked Jasyn and Matt, who were already gathering together near Galen. He pointed towards the aft of the ship, and the rest took the cue, heading in that direction until they hit the still-open storage area where Phalomir's insane father had been locked up. There they froze, staying together...

...and waiting, Terrin hoping all-the-while that this experience would not turn into a sour one.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 04-24-2005 08:20 PM    
Looking totally composed and uneffected, Shayla followed Panthar's suit and raised her hands, stepping forward towards the hatch of the Sith ship. Erik stayed close behind her, his posture much the same as the other two.

"We'd better be completely truthful about our arrival here," Shayla said very quietly, her words directed towards both Erik and Panthar. "These warriors are likely to know we left here with the Jharmeen...

...and they are going to wonder why we are back without her..."


posted 04-25-2005 03:55 PM    
I couldn't help but shiver as we entered into the shadowy storage room. Memories of Phalomir's insidious father came flooding back, bringing with it the unwanted refreshment of the already terrible image of his absconding with my sister after taking on so awful a demonic air.

But memories are mere ghosts compared with reality, and the reality of the situation was that, judging from the words the Sith had commanded us by, and from the ringing and pounding and other such unwelcomed noises that were so obviously directed against our hull, if we didn't get our collective hineys into hiding asap, we might find ourselves being fed to a tuk'ata or leftover Noghri for dinner.

I sent everyone a quick smile, and was about to hit the device when I paused.

This thing made everyone and everything under its formidable influence invisible to others; taking a glance around, I found that Terrin had brought us to a halt close to a shadowy bulkhead which loomed nearby. Sundry boxes and cases, obviously meant to store items, lurked close by as well; my frown deepened.

"You know, maybe we ought to go to the center of the room..."

I made good on my words by quickly doing just that, and was relieved when the others followed me. There we stood like so many gandy raks in headlights, hunkered in a little knot.

"Here's hoping this works..."

With that I initiated the device. The atmosphere surrounding us gave a weird and disconcerting ripple, but other than that nothing happened. For of course while we were inside the field, we could still see those things not only within our perimeter, but outside of it as well.

Trying to breathe as quietly as a womprat, I smiled around at everybody, and then slowly sank to my butt on the deck.

Khaandon only knows how long this was going to take....

The Ancient Sith

posted 04-25-2005 04:22 PM    
Apparently Kelvendar had been a busy little bee of a Sith in his compliance to ShaRhylla's orders, for none of the warrior units under Graysith's Second, Salandaar, were anywhere close to the frozen spaceport.

Much less swarming about a peculiar ship in particular....

Most warriors remained at the ready, their spears and swords drawn and bristling, but a chosen few approached the strange ship in one tightly bound body. At a nod from the highest ranking Sith, they lay their weapons down upon the tarmac, quickly making a mystical symbol upon the cold ground out of their swords and spears, making certain that every point was aimed directly toward what they perceived to be the hatch of the mysterious ship. Then they drew back even further, joined hands and, closing their eyes began to chant.

The eerie sounds of mysticism clashed abruptly with the technologically advanced hull of the ship, but Sith weaponry always blended with its magicks...

Even when there were those who were not even aware that they were dealing with things of Sith nature.

The hatch slid obligingly open; the warriors carefully picked up their weapons, taking care to do so in the direct opposite order in which they had been laid down.

Then they turned to the others and nodded, receiving a nod of affirmation from the captains. Soon about fifty warriors were swarming the ship, gaining entry via their magickally opened hatchway, while the others tightened their positions as well as their grips upon their weapons.

Within the ship, the leading warrior came upon a sight so unexpected it made him pause in mid-march:

There, standing quietly together as if there wasn't a thing wrong in all the universe, stood a blond-haired young woman and a Sith.

A Sith.... and a warrior to boot, judging by the tattooes embellishing his features.

Behind them they could make out a shadowy cylindrical shape, something that was strange in its unfamiliarity.

The warrior tightened his grip on his weapon, and glared at Shayla and Panthar. He had his orders....

"Place your hands where we can see them, and come with me!"

Waiting for a reply, he motioned to the others, who quickly ran past the little party and headed into the bowels of the ship, seeking to find anyone they could, to imprison them per the command of the young Dark Lady pro temp. Their footsteps pounded into the shadows, preceding their arrival, warning anyone who might be hiding that their masters were soon to be there.

They smiled as they ran, dreaming of those who would be so foolish as to try to oppose them....

((OOC: Follow all into Crossroads of Shadows in the "Jedi/Sith" forums, thank you.))