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posted 11-07-2004 06:53 PM    
((OOC: Continues from In the Desert of the Dark in the "Sith/Jedi" forums, thank you.))

My arms fell limply to my sides as this little bombshell struck home. All I could do was blink in confustion, my head whirling.

Someone or something whom Thoran referred to as the Master was trapped by Aelvedaar somehow, who in turn was in the process of killing my sister. The thing which this Master wanted more than anything, at least to hear Thoran tell of it, was his son, who happened to be the tall red dude who was supposedly fending off Aelvedaar's probably fatal attack on my sister-- unless he was just off in lala-land for whatever reason, who knows, he'd fallen out of our conversation long ago....

I jerked fractionally, yanking my thoughts back on the rail again.

So-oo-ooo, Phalomir was the Master's son, he wanted my sister alive and well, the Master wanted his son alive and well...

And I wanted Terrin alive and well. Period.

Terrin, dear god, Terrin... who was likewise stuck inside the body of Phalomir.


My eyes went a bit on the vague side then, and I slipped down to sit on the deck and think.

If this Master was everything Thoran said, and he wanted his son safe and well... well, that at least would be keeping Terrin well too, as long as his spirit was stuck inside Phalomir....

My head began to seriously hurt from all these essences of different peeps all hanging around trapped in this thing or that; I looked up again and sighed.

"All I want is Terrin back, and Jharmeen; all I want is to find my daughter; I don't care about the Sith, you guys can just go off and conquer the universe if you want.

"Just keep me and mine out of it... that is, once I have mine back together again."

I looked up to where Thoran was looking at us all through Phalomir's eyes.

"Seems to me that that is the final victory now anyway, don't you guys think? This Master gets his magickal son -- well, what of everyone else? I mean, in the universe?"

My voice dwindled a bit as something hit home, something from very, very far away.

"Weren't these guys the bomb around the universe, back in the day? I mean, that's what every little clue dad had ever found seemed to point toward. They were the Big Dogs, the Head Kahunas, the Godfathers...

"...and peeps like that don't care diddly squat about us little peons.


I climbed to my feet and approached Phalomir.

"You can just forget it, buddy. We'll fight Aelvey baby on our own terms; I'll find something on Koris'ian that we can use against him, to either make him put everyone back the way they belong or just kill him; there has to be something that these armorer dudes made that can do something to help us out!

"I mean, there's this Shartak thingy you spoke of, there's this Eye thingy that was mentioned earlier; there just has to be something we can use.

"But anyway--"

I paused for a gulp of air.

"Here's the deal, buster. We're going to Koris'ian, everyone's happy. Once we're there...

"FIRST you use your Sithy spells and get my husband put back together again!

"Then we talk turkey about how exactly you think we can help you!"

[ 11-07-2004 06:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-07-2004 09:20 PM    
Shayla pursed her lips thoughtfully as she listened to Galen's words...

...and to the silence which followed.

So, they now had a possible plan for restoring Phalomir, and they had one to possibly restore Terrin...

...but what good would Phalomir be without Jharmeen? He would be devestated if she was lost to them simply to bring him back...

...and Shayla would be devestated as well, simply for the fact that she knew she wouldn't forgive herself if she didn't do all she could to fight for Jharmeen.

After all, Jharmeen had fought for her in times past, and Shayla refused to give up unless there was absolutely no other alternative.

Resolve taking over her then, Shayla stood from her location at the navboard. "Yeah, you need to restore Terrin...

...and then we'll talk about communicating with the Master. But I'll tell you this right now...

...I don't believe there is any way Phalomir would ever get over his life and magick being restored if it came at the cost of Jharmeen's life. And aside from that, she has fought too much for all of us for us to give up fighting for her unless there is absolutely no way to bring her back as she is. I believe the Master must restore both Phalomir and Jharmeen in order for us to defeat Aelvedaar, and I can't help but think that we are going to need both of them. Why else would Aelvedaar be so intent on destroying Jharmeen now if this were not the case? He's certainly succeeding at taking them both out of the picture right now, after all."

She paused at this, letting those words sink in. Then she turned and looked directly at Thoran. "What do you know of these frozen blocks with Phalomir and Jharmeen in them? What is their purpose, and what were they doing on Kori'sian?"

[ 11-07-2004 09:23 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 11-10-2004 03:05 AM    
Phalomir’s face relaxed into what almost resembled a frown, then brightened.

“Well,” said Thoran through Phalomir’s lips, “a frozen Phal and Gray, eh? I wonder if the frozen Gray is less frigid than this one? Well, why don’t we just jaunt over there and find out, hmm? Since everyone is so hot to go sack the temple, who am I to stand in your way? Heck, give me a pickaxe and a mallet and I’ll join in!”

He looked long at Galen, a thousand thoughts seeming to cross behind his eyes.

“Look, I’ll help you. Not because I’m all into group hugs and gumdrops, but because I want my freedom. When we get to the temple, you give me a body and I’ll throw flyboy into it. That one’s for free. But if you want Phal and Gray back, you need to listen to me and trust me. I know that sounds hard, but think about something for me, will you all? Did Phal ever tell you where he came from? More importantly, why he came here?”

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-10-2004 03:50 AM    
Shayla eyed Phalomir cautiously, the look clearly meant for Thoran. "Phalomir's from the future. He was apparently married to Graysith in his particular future...

...but some sort of invasion Force destroyed his home with her and he was somehow sent back here, perhaps by his father, the Master. I'm not certain of that last part, though."

She paused then, her eyes turning vague as she tried to recall if she knew anything futher. And it was then that something about what she just said struck the chord of yet another memory she had--a memory of another who had spoken of an incoming invasion Force, one which was far away...

...and one which would not be arriving in this galaxy for some time. "You know, I recall Aelvedaar speaking of an incoming Yuuzhan Vong invasion, a new one... do I remember Dark Lord Roan taking Graysith--Jharmeen--from us and placing her on a Yuuzhan Vong ship. I acted as a replacement for her on that ship so that Aelvedaar could retrieve her...

...but could this Vong ship be the same one which caused Phalomir to lose his family?"

She paused once more at this, her look darkening further, her eyes never leaving Phalomir. "You think we have no choice but to trust you and the Master, with what may be laying ahead..."

She trailed at that, her eyes still only for Thoran as she then waited for his response.


posted 11-10-2004 05:11 AM    
“Well,” said Thoran grimly, “Our little Shayla is more astute than I’ve given her credit for. Yes, Phalomir is indeed from a time in the future. You see, he’s a bit of a legend from where I come from. Some say he was brought here on accident. Some say it was part of a deal gone bad. But others, the ones who should know, say he was brought here to do the impossible, to alter events that have already happened—or are supposed to happen—or should have been happening… Anyway, you get the idea.

“So sure, let’s sit back and make our way to the temple in the jungle. I’ll show you some surprises there. And I promise, Shayla, I won’t try to kill you this time. Just hurry up and get us there, I feel that Aelvy is somehow distracted with more than just what Phal is throwing at him, and we should take advantage of the time.”

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-10-2004 05:25 AM    
Shayla couldn't help but glare at Thoran. "The only surprise I can think of is if you can back your words with any action once we reach Kori'sian, Thoran," she then growled. "I haven't forgotten what you tried to do before, nor will I forget all the unthoughtfully laid comments you have made here."

Even as she spoke these final words, a sigil lit up on the navboard, grabbing her attention. She turned to and punched it...

...and starlines began to return to stars almost immediately at her touch.

"Kori'sian," she said then simply as her fingers played across the navboard, bringing the ship closer and closer to the planet. "I'm locking in on the Temple of the Armorers--we should be arriving soon..."

She trailed, eyeing Thoran then before turning back to the navboard once again.

...and we'll see if the words you've spoken, Thoran, have any merit at all, she couldn't help but think as she began taking the warship through atmosphere.

[ 11-10-2004 05:26 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 11-10-2004 05:37 AM    
The Temple of the Armorers....

Quite suddenly it was as if a great fit of ague had come from nowhere to strike me down. I began shivering uncontrollably; in an effort to regain control, I quickly hugged myself, and found myself sidling closer to Shayla in the process.

En route I tossed a disgusted glance toward the image of the muscular Sith, who yet cradled my sister so loving in his arms... and from whose mouth such unthinking foulness had erupted.

If I didn't think it would just stir up a hornet's nest, I'd march over there and punch this bozo's lights out. I mean, my sister might have done some awful things in her life... ok, so she killed our father, and more times than I can remember tried to kill me, too... but then, didn't she rescue me from that awful dungeon in that dreary temple? Back in the days of me and Sorben? Back when we were fighting that Darth Wicked guy?

Back before... before I fell in love with Sorben, before I left him, before I met Terrin and then found what love meant... too late, though; this came only after I had proceeded to make such an ass of myself to him.

And then, here, on this world, by a beast from hell... and then, here, in the very temple toward which we were heading...

Somewhere here, he lay. Fully honored by the Sith....

Where's the horns, flyboy?

Oh ye gods, I hope this idiotic Thoran follows through for us.

For if he doesn't, sure as there's Treasure on Roon I'm gonna kill that body in which he's skulking, and let him rot as some kind of weird incorporeal ghost.

I took in a great breath, and found myself standing next to Shayla, watching as her deft finger played a minuet on the control panel--

Yeah, that's right. Hit that one, right there. Now that blinking one, that's right....

--and simply watched as the great, dusty ball that was Koris'ian grew larger and larger in our forward screens, hugging myself tightly all the while.

Matt Stanza

posted 11-10-2004 05:53 AM    
Matt Stanza hadn't ever been to Kori'sian...

...but judging from the look in Galen's eye, and the one in Jasyn's eye as he took another swig of Sith brandy, he pretty knew that they were headed for the place where Terrin had been laid to rest.

Matt took in the dustball of a planet in the viewscreen for a few moments...

...then turned back to Jasyn, who was still gripping the brandy bottle like a lifeline.

"Hey!!" he finally growled to his commrade, "Will you lay off that stuff already?!?"

Then with one quick motion, he jerked the bottle from Jasyn's slowly lessening grip. Jasyn just scowled at him for a moment...

...and then his brown eyes turned to the still-growing planet. He furrowed his brow a bit. "What an ugly hunk of space-rock," he observed, the look in his eye actually a bit dark as he then fell silent, crossing his arms and waiting.

[ 11-10-2004 05:54 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Matt Stanza ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 11-10-2004 06:06 AM    
Somewhere, a memory stirs.

Somewhere, there is a ripple in the warp and weft of time.

Somewhere, a pair of shining and pupilless eyes are lifted to the heavens, seeing in frequencies not for the timid the incoming flash of fire and light and flame, as the very atmosphere of Koris'ian is ripped asunder before the descent of the mighty Sith warship.

A tendriled muzzle lifts to the heavens.

A call is sent out, eerie, moaning, beckoning, remembering...

Crying out to the ancestors to protect, to protect, crying out in warning that strangers have arrived....

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-11-2004 03:52 AM    
The time which it took for the warship to finally land seemed to be an eternity...

...and yet it was not an eternity without an end. And even though not a single occupant on the Sith warship could even feel it, she at last made contact with the surface of Kori'sian and simply stopped.

But before Shayla could turn to the others, another sigil lit up on the navboard. Knowing immediately what it meant, she then did turn to the others and speak, the look in her eyes unreadable. "The ship is picking up some sort of life on the surface. I suggest we get moving...

...and fast. Something is alive out there...

...and I'm not too thrilled with the thoughts I have concerning just what it might be."

Even as she said this Shayla turned to the navboard once more and powered down the warship, then turning and standing.

"Let's get going," she reiterated then, falling silent and waiting for the others to show that they were ready to depart from the warship.

Terrin Danner

posted 11-11-2004 05:05 AM    
As Kori'sian came into full view in the viewscreen, Terrin couldn't escape the scrolling memories of his last day on the planet. But this state only lasted for a small frame of time as Terrin suddenly realized that Hey, this thing happened to you...

...but you weren't the only one it happened to, pal. You were gone, but in your wake the lives of several people on this ship were altered...

...and one person in particular.

Even as that little realization slammed home, Terrin saw the obvious feelings Galen was feeling through Phalomir's eyes...

...and that alone was enough to prompt him to struggle forward.

How he hated that she hurt like that...

Shifting the still limp Graysith in Phalomir's arms, Terrin took a step forward...

...and reached out Phalomir's clawed hand to then rest it on Galen's shoulder. "I'm here," he whispered softly to her. "You're not going to face this alone."

He fell silent for a moment at that, simply staying near Galen in silent support. Then, "Allright guys, this is Terrin. If we're going to get safely inside that Temple..."

Here he hesitated a moment, "...we'd better be prepared to make use of any weaponry or skills we have. Shayla...

...can you create a Force shield to protect us all, or something of that nature? And I'm assuming you know where we'll be headed once we get inside...

...since I sure don't."


posted 11-11-2004 05:18 AM    
I just closed my eyes as I felt that warm breath on my cheek, hearing the soft words coming out in Phalomir's voice.

I knew who that was; how could I not?

"Oh gods, Terrin, how I've missed you. I'm so sorry..."

I stopped with that, blinking back tears, yearning to turn and rush into his arms and seek forgiveness from him there. But this was not the time, nor the place, and much as I hated to accept the fact, those weren't his arms, that wasn't his hand on my shoulder.

But I knew that street ran back to him. I placed my hand on top of Phalomir's clawed one, and applied pressure there, squeezing it once before removing it to lay it against my own cheek.

That might not be Terrin's hand against my face, but it sure as hell was his spirit toward which I was sending all the love I could in the only manner that I could think of.

I didn't say anything else, but just stood like that quietly waiting while the guys settled their battle plans, holding onto Terrin for dear life while they hashed out the minor details of our departure for the Temple of the Armorers.

[ 11-11-2004 05:20 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-11-2004 05:32 AM    
Shayla was keenly aware of the emotions racing back and forth aboard that Sith warship... well as of the ticking time. Granted, she knew Thoran could probably offer them some sort of protection in the form of Sith magick, but she didn't really want to wait for him to state as much.

After all, every time he spoke he seemed to have a knack for making someone--or rather, a bunch of someones--mad. No time for that now.

"Yeah, I can give us a Force shield...and I know where we are going. We're right on top of the Temple, so we don't have far to go. As for other weaponry...

...I'm thinking there may be some aboard the ship, perhaps some swords if nothing else. I think I'll stick to my Force abilities for protection, since I'd prefer a lightsaber...

...but the rest of you might consider taking a quick look to see what might be laying aboard..."

[ 11-11-2004 05:34 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 11-11-2004 05:41 AM    
I gave Phalomir's hand a final squeeze before letting it drop. Stepping back, I spoke to the group, but my eyes never left the green pair before me.

I swear they're blue, honest to Khaandon...!

"Sith pilots have uniforms with belts in them, like mine," I said, patting the belt about my waist. "This one has that invisibility field thingy in it; maybe the ones in a warship would be more powerful? And hey, maybe it's mot just a pilot's uniform, but just crewmen's in general; maybe there are more than one and they all have this on them."

I turned around in growing excitement, then stopped.

"But--" I chewed my lip.

"We'd sure have to figure out how to keep in contact with each other, since we couldn't see each other if we all wore one of these devices of our own."

I shook my head, and then continued forward, coming to where Shayla was standing by the control center. Beside her was a cupboard of sorts; I opened it and begen riffling around inside.

"This is where a lot of their logs and such are kept; maybe there's a munitions list or something. I can read Sith... a little."

Flushed with inexplicable embarrassment, I stuck the upper half of my body inside and kept on rooting around to see if I could find anything useful.

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 11-11-2004 05:52 AM    
Jasyn didn't need any further encouragement from Shayla to look for weapons. He turned to Matt, an eyebrow cocked. "I'm game for looking for some weapons...

...and those pilotsuits as well. Let's see just what the gods have provided for us."

He paused then, pursing his lips thoughtfully, "Hey Stargazer, could you use some of your mind-linking ability so we could all communicate if we found some of these suits with the invisibility device on them? Something to think about, anyway..."

Saying nothing further than that, Jasyn turned and began to depart from the cabin of the warship, the Sith brandy he had partaken of making him feel perhaps somewhat indestructable.

That was a nice feeling, considering there might be tuk'ata out there...

[ 11-11-2004 05:53 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-12-2004 02:02 AM    
Panthar, nervous as heck about the whole situation and trying to keep cool by not talking, found himself suddenly needing to move. He walked to Galen, after casting an uneasy eye on a strangely silent Phalomir.

“Hey,” he said, “I can read Sith really well. Let me help out. If there crewman suits exist, they’re probably somewhere else rather than the bridge, don’t you think? Maybe there’s a staging area, like for Sith marines or something?”

Panthar looked around the bridge, and seeing nothing useful, headed for the transport.

“I’ll go look, wanna come?”


posted 11-12-2004 03:28 AM    
Him. Here he is, here he is. Returned has the Lord, with him is the new friend. The mistress, too, here are they all. Waited I have, returned he has, Dark Lord he shall now be. The wild ones to each other call, long has it been since the temple have I left. But hear me they shall, and harm they shall not.

Now stand I in the temple door. Call I to the wild ones. Hear me they do. Like it they do not, but hurt they shall not. Even now giving way, even now forming ranks. A royal welcome awaits. Like soldiers they are, proud stand the wild ones, escort here the Lord and Lady.

[ 11-12-2004 03:29 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Md'diffnnd ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 11-14-2004 04:12 AM    
Jasyn turned from his spot where he'd paused in the exit to the cabin to listen to Panthar's words. "Matt and I will help you look for the pilotsuits," he repeated. And once more he turned, this time exiting the cabin altogether, his commrade slightly in front of him, assuming Panthar would follow as well.

"Can't say I remember what exactly was on this warship, and where," Jasyn observed, not necessarily to anyone in particular as he continued to walk, "But I'd think any weaponry might be nearby the pilotsuits. After all, both relate to methods of fighting, whether offensive or defensive."

He slowed a bit at this then, pursing his lips as he continued to ponder just where they should go to look for the items they were seeking. Then, "Might there be some sort of crew member area, somewhere near that dining area Graysith took us all to before...?" he queried to Matt.

Matt gave him a thoughtful look.

"Oh what the hell," Jasyn said then, shrugging. "This'll give us a start, at least. Unless, of course, Panthar has something further to add..."

Even as he said this, however, Jasyn began to head for the dining area. After all, he'd never been thrilled with sitting and waiting around...

[ 11-14-2004 02:28 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]


posted 11-14-2004 05:08 AM    
((OCC: Sa'kal'ishaalas enters this forum from The Flame, Triumphant, Burns in the Jedi/Sith forums.

The small sith fighter exited hyperspace near Koris'ian and scanned the planet. He detected the Sith warship had landed on the planet already, and began flying towards the ship. He set down outside the ship and sent a message to the crew, hoping that they would believe him.

"Graysith, Phalomir, are you on board?" I ask. "I am one of those assassins sent to kill you, but I am no longer in league with Aelvedaar. Please believe me, he wishes for me to die now, and I have no more allies or people that could assist me. Please allow me to join you. I swear that I have nothing to hide and no other reason to harm you now. I apologize for attempting to kill you. I just hope that you'll allow me to join you" Nothing to do now but wait I think and hope they believe in what I am telling them.

[ 11-14-2004 05:38 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sa'kal'ishaalas ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 11-14-2004 04:32 PM    
After entering the dining area and galley, Jasyn and Matt discovered a few corridors branching off which they had never investigated before...

...which came at no surprise to either of them, considering how large the warship truly was. Within these corridors they found a number of what appeared to be sleeping quarters, all of which also appeared to be completely emptied. Jasyn was about ready to turn to his commrade and admit defeat when he noticed the red-headed man had stopped in a doorway, his green eyes wide. Without so much as a word, Matt entered the doorway...

...and Jasyn quickly followed on his heels. Even as he entered his eyes widened in a similiar fashion to his buddy's.

"Whoa, baby," he muttered then as he took in the large room. In the center laid a series of concentric circles, each circle a different shade of red marble. Past these concentric circles, the rest of the flooring was white marble. Along the perimeter of the room were a number of cupboards...

...but alongside one of these cupboards were a set of three hanging swords, each a different length and width, each holstered and gleaming as if waiting for their owners. Beside these swords was a set of four daggers, these too of various lengths and widths.

"Whoa baby," Jasyn reiterated, taking a step foward to investigate these swords and daggers as Matt began to rumage through the cupboards. "A pratice and training room, you think?" he queried then, turning only momentarily to see Matt rumaging through a cupboard. The red-headed man's head nodded up and down for a moment.

"Yeah," he then replied, "Appears to be..."

Even as Matt said this, Jasyn turned back to the swords and, suddenly very curious, removed one of the moderately-sized ones from its holster on the bulkhead. He held it upright then, his brown eyes taking in the beauty of the runes carved on its hilt. The sword gleamed in the lighting of the room, and Jasyn took a few steps back til he was in the center circle of the concentric circle pattern. He moved the sword in a few arcs and spirals. Then he held it upright once more.

"Whoa..." he started, but was cut short by Matt's voice.

"Hey, Jas..." he started out, turning from the cupboard he was now rumaging through holding two cylindrical items, one in each hand. "You think Stargazer or her husband might be able to use one of these...

...that is, if they still work...?"

Jasyn's eyes widened impossibly further. "Whoa baby!" he exclaimed for yet a third time, "How the kriffing hell did those get here...!?"

Matt Stanza

posted 11-14-2004 04:52 PM    
"Well," Matt replied, "The Sith were overrun by Dark Jedi. Perhaps the Sith had an interest in the weaponry and technology of those who were fighting with them...

...or perhaps they merely wanted a keepsake from those dark Jedi they had managed to actually defeat."

He paused at this thought, allowing his commrade to consider it. Then, "While we are still here and have had some success finding what we are looking for, however, we might want to finish searching the rest of these cupboards. After all, if this was the training area it appears to be, it would stand to reason there may be some armor here as well...

...and perhaps some of those pilotsuits. Still, if they aren't here, there's one more place I can think of where they may have been kept..."

He trailed a moment at that, craning his neck a bit and listening, thinking he heard some rummaging in another room nearby them. "Hey Panthar," he called then, "You found anything?"

[ 11-14-2004 08:57 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Matt Stanza ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-14-2004 11:35 PM    
Panthar, from the other side of the room, was scanning the labels on the various cupboards. He thoroughly enjoyed his new skill, and allowed every word to roll off of his tonugue.

“Vpaf ersyjrt ditbobsa hrst, cool. Don’t think we’ll need that here. Hmmm, hey, guys, here we go! Qoapy rmvpimyrt dioyd!”

He opened the cupboard, more like a closet, and peered inside at several encounter suits made of a strange shimmering material.

“I count four of them. What size do you wear?”


posted 11-14-2004 11:39 PM    
The communication buzzed over the comm. Thoran looked quizzically to Shayla.

“Assassin? Phalomir must be doing his job well, if Aelvedaar has to resort to assassins. Is this the chap that tried to have us all fried back near the Valley? If so, I wouldn’t believe a word he says. But then again, you don’t believe a word I say, do you? Oh my, what a quandary.”

He smiled wide at Shayla, eyes glinting.

“Of course, I could speak for Phalomir if you wish. I’m sure I know what he would say.”

[ 11-14-2004 11:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Thoran ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-15-2004 12:20 AM    
Shayla shot a dark look at Thoran, knowing clearly by the words from Phalomir's mouth just who was speaking.

"You are not going to speak for Phalomir, Thoran," she stated simply.

Then she turned to look at the others remaining on the bridge of the warship. "As for whether I believe this guy or not...

...he sounds sincere, but I don't know that I buy it. But now that he's followed us here...

...we're going to have to do something about him, especially if he's still after Jharmeen and Phalomir. What do you think?"

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 11-15-2004 12:32 AM    
Jasyn turned from his position in the center of the training area, shrugging. "Hell," he started then, "Let's just take them all and see what fits who on the bridge. We may have to settle for a size which is less than tolerable, but if it'll keep us safe, I sure as kriffing hell won't complain."

Even as he said this, Panthar began pulling the suits out of their storage location. Jasyn headed over to the swords and daggers and took a few, then turning to Matt and handing him the remainder. "I say we take a trip back to the bridge, and show everyone what we've found," he suggested then, turning and starting to head back the way he came. Even as he did, he made a query over his shoulder. "How many of those uniforms are there, anyway..?"


posted 11-15-2004 07:41 PM    
I snorted, not even bothering to pull out of the cupboard I was rummaging about in.

"I don't trust this guy a bit; if he can't prove his honest intentions, I say nail his hiney to the wall! This ship has more than enough power to--


That self-imposed interruption was immediately followed by a yelp as I instinctively responded to what I had found hiding in the depths of this containment locker. As I had groped about inside, my hand had hit upon the back wall of it, deep within its depths.

To my surprise, that wall immediately slid away, revealing a hidden compartment. Further groping, and I contacted the familiar feel of the weirdly metallic paper the Sith used in their logs and other books.

I backed out on my elbows, and when I cleared the edge and was able to sit up again it was to see that I was holding another log book in my hands.

Even though it looked just like the navigation logbook, there was something about it that bespoke of another age, one different from the time period 4,000 years in the past from which this ship had originated.

Of course this was only a hunch--

"Hey," I repeated, rocking back on my haunches. "I found something."

I scrutinized the cover; there was something written in the middle of it. The patterning didn't look familiar to me, not like the title of a navigation log or something.

"I can't read this, I wonder if it's a personal log?"

I stood up slowly, all thought of our would-be assassin lost before this new mystery.

"Where's Panthar?" I asked at length, turning to Shayla.

"He said he can read Sith, maybe he can translate this for us."

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-16-2004 03:31 AM    
Shayla furrowed her brows, scrutinizing the book which Galen now held in her hands. "I have a bad feeling about this," she started, her look darkening. "After all, usually when one keeps a log...'s so that others can know where he's been and what he's done. So then why is this thing hidden away?"

She trailed at this, pursing her lips and not liking the road her thoughts were travelling upon. "You know, this ship was berthed in Char'lingua when we first came upon it...

...and Lord Aelvedaar was the one who provided her to us. Now I don't know much about the Sith language, but perhaps the reason you can't read this Galen is because the clan lords had another language, one which was used by only them. If that were the case...

...whoever wrote this didn't want anyone else, other than perhaps the other Clan Lords, to understand its contents. Unless, of course...

...the language on this book isn't even Sith. After all, isn't it just a little too convenient that, when I had to take Graysith's place on that Yuuzhan Vong ship, Aelvedaar was able to find it at all? Perhaps he could have the ability to do just that...

...but the universe is a big place. What if Aelvedaar knew where that ship was because he had already visited it himself, and perhaps aboard this very warship? We have got to find out just what's inside this book..."

[ 11-16-2004 03:32 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 11-16-2004 04:00 AM    
I frowned, casting a dark glance down at the mysterious book I held.

"Well," I finally said, beginning to wave it about for emphasis.

"We can speculate about this until the dewbacks come home... but we won't know diddly squat until the damned thing is translated.

"Where's Panthar?"


posted 11-16-2004 04:04 AM    
Thoran raised his head and called over to Galen.

“He went out to find pilot suits. Mumbled something about a huckleback sandwich and left with the other mooks.”

The object in Galen’s hand now caught his attention. Curious as to what the ladies had discovered, he nonchalantly sidled over to them and glanced towards the object in Galen’s hand. He raised his eyebrows and merely said “Whoa.”

Erik Kartan

posted 11-16-2004 04:09 AM    
Erik stood from the corner where he'd been sitting, quietly observing. He glanced at the logbook...

...then glared at Phalomir aka Thoran. "Whoa what?!" he growled. "Mind sharing your observations with the rest of the class?"


posted 11-16-2004 04:13 AM    
"Yeah buddy, you know what? It would be NICE if you'd start playing on our team now, ya know?"

I stomped over to Phalomir where, stopping and standing up on my tiptoes, I thrust the book up into his face.

"Obviously you can read this; what does it say?"


posted 11-16-2004 04:21 AM    
“Well,” he said. “I could be wrong, you know, because I’m only going on something similar that I’ve seen before. But, from what I can determine by this brief, yet very informative, glimpse of the object, I’d say, in my professional opinion, that it is a book.”

Perhaps it was the murderous look in Galen’s eye that caused him to quickly add:

“But if you let me look through it, maybe I can make it out. The cover doesn’t really say anything. Can somebody take the Gray lump here?”

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-16-2004 04:22 AM    
“I can!” said Panthar, striding into the room with 4 sets of pilot suits in hand. “We found four of those suits, plus some other stuff that might be useful. Did Phalomir come back? How is Gray? Hey, what’s that book?”


posted 11-16-2004 04:27 AM    
"Or read this damned thing and tell us what it is!" I growled, never taking my eyes off of Phalomir's. I swear I could see something laughing the depths of those icy greens; it was all I could do to keep from hauling off and kicking him where the sun doesn't shine.


posted 11-16-2004 04:36 AM    
Phalomir struggled behind the power of Thoran. In a turn of events, he found himself trapped in his own mind, imprisoned by the same sort of magick that he had used upon Thoran. His will, his spirit, were now bound, and he was helpless.

No longer in control of his senses, he could only experience what his mind randomly threw his way. Bits of sound, images, smells, and sensations flitted by. He knew was still holding Jharmeen, he was still on the bridge, but that was about all he could tell.

Finally he stopped struggling. Without his magick there was little he could do, and perhaps if were still then more sensations would somehow come to him.

And more sensations did come.

An image of a book, held aloft to his face, flashed before him. A sudden familiarity rushed over him, and he suddenly felt very anxious. A sense of urgency came over him, and he doubled his efforts to break free. Still. He could not break his spirit out of the bonds, and his tormented screams echoed through the empty corner that Thoran had thrown him into.

Then he paused.

If Terrin were still here, perhaps he was still free. If he could somehow send a signal to him, maybe there was way he could help. His magick was gone, but he was still the Dark Lord of the Armorers, and the power vested upon him by the Symbol of Entitlement could possibly still be tapped into.

“Terrin!” he called out, trying to amplify the word through the power of his station. “Terrin! Help me!”

Outside, in the bridge, the fire in Galen’s eyes was intensified briefly by the flash of light from the tattoo on Phalomir’s face as it flickered and dimmed.

Terrin Danner

posted 11-16-2004 04:46 AM    
Look here, buddy, Terrin couldn't help but think to Thoran, fully knowing that the other entity could hear exactly what he was thinking, That's my wife's toes you are stepping on, and if I could kick you for her about now, I would.

Even as he thought this, Terrin then began to struggle forward in Phalomir's mind...

...only to be stopped short for a moment as he swore he heard words coming from another direction within Phalomir's mind...

...words which sounded alot like Phalomir's.

He managed to push forward enough through Thoran's hold on Phalomir's body to take control back. "This is Terrin again," he said then, "I think Phalomir's in trouble, I can here him..."

He trailed, his thoughts darkening. "And you can hear him too, can't you Thoran?"

[ 11-16-2004 04:47 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-16-2004 05:04 AM    
“Phal’s in trouble?” asked Panthar, now beside Phalomir. Along the way he had dropped the suits off on a chair and was now lifting Jharmeen from Phalomir’s arms, gently skirting Galen. “Terrin? Are you in charge thee now? I swear, this is confusing. Catch me up, what the heck is going on? How is Gray here doing? Is Thoran gone? Are we ready to go? What’s with the weird book? It looks like a -- Oh my god, let me see that!”

He put Jharmeen back into Phalomir’s arms and anxiously held his hands to Galen, eyes wide and dissolving into puppy dog mode. A hopeful smile beamed towards Galen.


posted 11-16-2004 05:07 AM    

I blinked, taken quite aback. Suddenly the atmosphere had shifted a hundred and eighty degrees, from Thoran's dark and dire "whoa," to Panthar's gleaming eagerness to see what I held.

A bit numb by the sudden turn of events, I held the book out to him, and sidled closer, telling myself it was just to get as far away from Phalomir-cum-Thoran as I could, even though I knew Terrin was in there too.

But really, I was curious as hell to learn what that mysterious writing was saying....

[ 11-16-2004 05:07 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Terrin Danner

posted 11-16-2004 05:11 AM    
"Yeah, this is Terrin," Terrin reiterated for Panthar's sake, not particularly certain how to take his excitement over the book. "Nothing here has changed as far as Graysith...

...but I sure as kriffing hell hear Phalomir struggling in this head of his somewhere. I know he's in some sort of trouble..."

He trailed, a brow cocking as Panthar showed such great interest in that book. "And just what the hell does that book say already?"

[ 11-16-2004 05:15 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


posted 11-16-2004 05:15 AM    
“Darrin Tanner, we really must come to understanding of just WHO is in charge here. Of course Phalomir is in trouble, he is in a constant struggle with Aelvedaar. He is using every bit of his strength to maintain the shield he placed around Graysith. Now go back inside and play and leave the driving to the big people!”

Thoran blasted his way past Terrin, driving him harshly into the background. He sent a mind-numbing blast of magick into Terrin’s spirit, sending him reeling back into the dark recesses of Phalomir’s mind. If he could feel pain, Terrin’s head would have been spinning from the intensity. Instead, his spirit felt an oppressive crushing for a moment, then was surrounded in darkness.

[ 11-16-2004 05:18 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Thoran ]


posted 11-16-2004 05:17 AM    
It was with something of an effort that I yanked my attention away from Panthar. Something about a puppy-eyed Sith was, well...

I jerked, and turned to Phalomir.

"What's wrong with him, Terrin?" I asked, knowing he knew I meant Phalomir.

"Can you try to reach him and find out? Call to him; maybe that will get through or something."

I fell silent with that, a little bit of discomfort coming over me. All this sharing of bodies was a bit nerve-wracking, to say the least; while I waited, I turned back to Panthar to hear what he had to say about the book.


posted 11-16-2004 05:22 AM    
“Oh,” said Thoran, trying to imitate Terrin. “I think he’s having a tough time fighting Aelvedaar. Thoran is back trying to give Phal some help, since Thoran still has his magick. I’m supposed to try to take is easy here in charge and not let anything happen to us – Phal’s body, that is.”


posted 11-16-2004 05:27 AM    
That brought me back full circle.

"And just what is that supposed to mean?" I growled, sidling up to Phalomir with murder in my heart and fire once again blazing in my eyes.

If there was anything I hated most in the universe, it was a terrible fake. And I could tell in a heartbeat this wasn't Terrin; by simple process of elimination, there could only be one particular personage who had just spoken.

"Mind digging around in there a tiny bit further, pal, and letting us in on what in Hell's Seven Circles is going on? Unless, of course, you're doing something inside Phal's head that you really oughtn't be doing...."

[ 11-16-2004 05:32 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-16-2004 05:28 AM    
“Thanks!” Panthar exclaimed.

He took the book gingerly from Galen’s hands and sat on a chair. He carefully opened the cover and turned a few pages.

“My, this is extremely well preserved,” he said, eyes not leaving the pages. “Where did you find this?”

As if forgetting that he asked a question, his finger pointed to a passage on a page and he yelped.

“That’s it! Oh, I wish I knew how to read Sith 10 years ago!”

He looked up, excited, and saw everyone looking at him.

“Now that I know how to read Sith, I can tell more about these runes. This is in a language similar to High Sith, but it’s different enough to be of particular interest. I studied this for a long time, thinking that there was a link to the runes I found on various planets and the old Jedi and Dark Jedi hocus pocus of the past – no offense, Shayla – but this confirms instead a link with the ancient Sith race itself! I’ll need a little time to look this over, but I might be able to glean some sort of information from it.”

He turned back to the book and mumbled.

“Yeah, here is a word from High Sith – or sort of, it’s similar to the word for ‘Messenger’, or ‘piss boy’ to be more exact. T’elion. Give me some time, OK?”

Terrin Danner

posted 11-16-2004 05:30 AM    
Terrin found himself suddenly reeling...

...and totally unable to regain control of Phalomir's body.

Phalomir? he called, struggling, Phalomir can you hear me?

Then he directed every amount of energy he could into regaining control of Phalomir's body once more, hoping to the gods that he could send Galen some sort of sign that all was not well. He didn't know just how successful he would be, seeing as Phalomr was apparently unable to regain control...

...but he was at least not expending a great amount of his energy keeping another person alive and away from harm, as Phalomir was.

For the barest of moments, Phalomir's eyes flashed blue...

"Trapped..." he whispered in a gasp, the blue then fading to green once more.


posted 11-16-2004 05:59 AM    
Phalomir felt the thump near him, as if something was thrown against a virtual wall.

“Terrin?” he called out. Then louder, his thoughts echoing throughout the darkness, he shouted “TERRIN! I AM HERE! HELP ME!”

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-17-2004 03:31 AM    
Panthar scanned the same page over and over, picking out the words that followed the trends of the Sith language, and trying to deduce the other symbols through his newly acquired knowledge of the Sith language and the memory of runes he had discovered in one other place. Something in the back of his mind wanted to come to the surface and make itself known, but stayed just out of reach.

Where have I seen these symbols before? Wait, this one, this symbol grouping has certain characteristics resembling the High Sith word for “antiquity” – the cave! Back when life was more or less normal, when I was a well-funded archaeologist exploring the caves on – oh, what planet was that? It seems so long ago now, but I remember that cave. And finding the Eye… That word was on the stone columns surrounding the skeleton.


Oh my, and I just remembered where I saw other words like this. Ohmygosh!

Panthar slammed the book shut and looked around. Hs eyes rested on Galen, staring up at Phalomir – or Thoran, actually. He was still holding Gray, tenderly, as if Thoran wasn’t completely in charge of the arms that supported her. Interesting.

But not as interesting as the memory that popped into his head.

“Um, guys? I think we really need to get going.”

No-one seemed to pay him much attention. Galen and Thoran still stared at each other like two rancors vying for dominance, Shayla and Eric looked on waiting to pick up the pieces of whoever lost, and the others were busy figuring out the suits. He sighed, pulled the cover off of a seat and wrapped up the book in it. He stood and walked to a portal and peered out at the morning sky.

The temple was in the near distance, looking much the same way it did the last time he was sitting in a ship waiting for people to be ready to move. The birds flew ovehead, just like before. The vines wound around the trees, just before. The trees gave way into a clearing, giving a clear path to the temple from the ship, just like before. Two rows of tuk’ata lined the path all the way to the temple, just like –

“Hey!” he cried out. “What in the kriffin’ name of womprat butts is going on here?”

[ 11-17-2004 03:31 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Panthar Dantares ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 11-18-2004 03:18 AM    
Jasyn, who had been in the process of finishing up getting into his new attire, was just intent enough on the conversation going on to realize that Thoran had done womething to Terrin...

...and that Panthar was now urgently suggesting that they haul rear.

Once he'd gotten his suit in order, he addressed the former first.

"Look, buddy!" he growled at Thoran, actually stepping forward and pointing a finger. "What the hell have you done with the Boss..."

He trailed a split second, "...with Terrin?!?" he then ammended. "You had better damn well not be pulling anything funny now."

He paused once more at this, trying to look as threatening as he possibly could, fire quite nearly shooting out of his ears. And in this silence, his ears registered Panthar's final words.

"Huh?" he asked, turning just enough to look in Panthar's direction...

...and just enough to see exactly what had grabbed Panthar's attention. "Oh hell," he muttered, his eyes going wide, "We are so dead..."

[ 11-18-2004 03:19 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-18-2004 03:54 AM    
Panthar stared at the columns of tuk’ata, all of them standing still and looking at the ship. They seemed to be moving their tentacles and mouths, as if they were all howling. His gaze followed the columns to the temple steps, where a huge – and very familiar looking – tuk’ata sat on its haunches, as if quietly waiting.

“We’re not dead,” said Panthar, a grin spreading on his face. “On the contrary, I think we’re being welcomed. That big guy on the steps, that’s my bud!”

Terrin Danner

posted 11-18-2004 03:55 AM    
Help me! Terrin managed to hear from his prison within Phalomir's mind.

He struggled to send a thought back Phalomir's way, uncertain of whether he could be heard or not. I'm trapped here too now, he started, And everyone else is in trouble. Thoran is up to no good...

He trailed then, waiting to see what response, if any, he might receive...


posted 11-18-2004 04:04 AM    
"Huh?" I repeated my earlier exclamation, now moving to where Panthar was standing, beaming, beside the portal.

One glance was all it took.

"That's your bud?!" I gasped, stepping back reflexively as one of the immense creatures turned its great head, seeming to stare me straight in the eye. I winced, even though common sense told me that it couldn't see me, that it was just an animal, that we were perfectly safe as long as we just remained here.

"I don't know if the invisibility shields will protect us from those things," I went on, ignoring Panthar's statement of friendship with the Devil's very own sidekicks.

"How well can they smell--? Oh, Hell's Seven Circles, how are we going to get into the Temple past those critters, anyway?"

I shot a look to Panthar then.

"They look like they're lined up waiting for the smorgasbord to begin; you're plain nuts to go out there, if you ask me, at least not without some kind of weapon with more oomph to it than a stupid sword!"

My hand slapped against my thigh where my blaster used to be; I sighed, and just crossed my arms and continued to stare out at the certain death arrayed so nicely outside the ship. After a bit of this, I pulled away, our desperate position suddenly strengthened as Terrin's last, pleading whisper trickled through my mind.

I went over to Phalomir and, standing on tiptoes, reached up and grasped him by his royal collar. Yanking upon it only served to pull me up more closely to his face; oh well, it served the purpose.

"Listen here, creep. I don't know what game you're playing in there, but it had better come to a halt now.

"You let Terrin go now, or Jharmeen be damned, I'm gonna toss this body you're in to those nasty canastas out there... and follow it up with dessert as well!"

[ 11-18-2004 04:09 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-18-2004 04:09 AM    
“Oh fiddle,” said Panthar, turnng to the empty air that once held Galen.

He grunted and moved to Erik. He spoke in low whisper.

“I’m telling you, that big guy at the steps is the tuk’ata that led you and me through the temple. He spoke to me, somehow, in my mind! He tried to protect us from Thoran when – oh, whoa… Just thought of something, remind me to tell you later. Anyway, something really interesting is going on out there, at least open a window so we hear them! Better yet, open the door and let me go out there.”

[ 11-18-2004 04:12 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Panthar Dantares ]

Erik Kartan

posted 11-18-2004 04:17 AM    
Erik looked at Panthar almost as if he were nuts. "Yeah, you did have some sort of werd connection with that one tuk'ata...

...but that's just the one. There are a heck of alot more tuk'ata out there than just him, and I don't know that I want to see anyone marching out there until I know they'll make it back here in tact..."

Matt Stanza

posted 11-18-2004 04:19 AM    
"And ahhh...speaking of weapons," Matt finally spoke up, "We found a little more than swords in the ship."

He paused then, pulling two cylinders from his belt. "I don't know if they still work, but I figured at least a couple of people around here could weild a lightsaber..."


posted 11-18-2004 04:23 AM    
“I don’t have Darrin in anything to let him go out of,” said Thoran calmly. “If you give me a living body to throw him into, I would gladly get him the hell out of here and get myself a little room to think. It’s not easy sharing a mind with a raving lunatic, you know. I’m trying the best I can to keep control of this body so I can help Phal and you guys. So, I’ll cut the bantha dung and get serious, if we can all just get out of this ship and on with the plan, OK? Step one, get to the temple. Step two, find this body you keep telling me about and get Terrin out of this body. Step three, we talk about a deal with the Master. That still work?”

[ 11-18-2004 04:26 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Thoran ]


posted 11-18-2004 04:32 AM    
I glared up into those icy green eyes, and hoisted myself another couple centimeters closer to them.

"That's the idea; good boy!" I spat between clenched teeth; then with a dramatic shove I pushed off, releasing my hold on the satiny material and landing a couple meters back. My attention was then drawn to what Matt held in his hand--


"Now, where in Hell's Seven Circles could those have come from? Anything else, like maybe a good old fashioned blaster wherever you found them?"

[ 11-18-2004 04:35 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


posted 11-18-2004 04:40 AM    
Thoran walked to Panthar and shoved Jharmeen into his arms.

“Here,” he said. “I need my hands free, and this way you can feel useful.”

He looked at the light sabers in Matt’s hands and rolled his eyes. How convenient, he thought. I wonder what else has been planted along the way for us. I don’t like it when things are too easy.

“Now, shall we open the doors and have a tuk’ata bloodbath? I’m ready, and maybe someone could even stay here and man the ship’s guns? Oh, and don’t forget, there was some sort of communication from some assassin.”

He paused, then burst out laughing.

“Sorry,” he mused. “It just seemed so silly there for a moment. I’m back now. Shall we go?”

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-18-2004 04:42 AM    
Panthar easily cradled Jharmeen in his massive arms and scowled at Thoran.

“Now just hold on here, everyone! I’m telling you, I don’t think those tuk’ata will hurt us! That big one at the end helped me and Eric when we were lost in the temple not too long ago! Let’s give them a chance!”

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-18-2004 04:57 AM    
"Man the guns?" Shayla queried skeptically, "Do you realize the firepower this ship probably has? Granted, I've never used her weapons...

...but I'd assume whatever she's got will be pretty powerful and far-reaching. I don't think I want anyone using any of those particular weapons on these tuk'ata while the rest of us are trying to get into the temple. Too much chance of one of us being hit...

...or for that matter, all of us. Now, if there were something we could hit to knock over and get rid of some of those tuk'ata before we get out there...

...I could see that. But I have to be honest..."

Here she trailed, pursing her lips and sensing outward, "I know tuk'ata are only semi-sentient, but they do radiate specific feelings in the Force...

..and at the moment, I don't sense any immediate hostility."


posted 11-18-2004 04:59 AM    
"No hostility??? And-- 'Give them a chance'...?


I snorted, turning from Shayla to Panthar again--

This from the guy who wanted to "open a window" on a spaceship, fer Khaandon's sake...!

--and stomped over to him.

"Just how exactly are we going to do that? Just stroll out into their midst, like meat-on-a-stick, saying, 'here we are?'"

For a moment I held that sarcastic facade before me like a shield; then I let out a sigh and crossed my arms. I couldn't help but notice how--well, nice he looked, standing there cradling my sister in his arms.

"Look, what if you're wrong? I mean, if you are... well, you're bantha fodder -- er, tuk'ata fodder, and you know it!"

And hell, much as I hated to admit it, but even though we'd had our differences I'd sure hate to see Big Red eaten...

[ 11-18-2004 05:03 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-18-2004 05:14 AM    
“No,” Panthar said. “I don’t think so. OK, here, I don’t know what the range on this mind thing is, but maybe I can try to communicate with the big guy. But in any case, why not just open the door and let me go out. Let’s see if they attack, and I can run back if they do. We’ll be here all day if we don’t do something.”


posted 11-18-2004 05:19 AM    
"Just run up-- look; you don't know what they can do!"

I found myself standing right in front of Panthar, one hand reaching out to touch his arm, hanging on as I stared up into his face.

But that wasn't what I was seeing.

I had seen firsthand the terrible injuries these predators could inflict, and I knew how lightning fast they were.

I squeezed his arm, lost for the moment in hideous memories.

Terrin Danner

posted 11-18-2004 05:27 AM    
Terrin, who had been waiting for Phalomir to reply, was finally able to pick up on the conversation going on once the shock of Thoran's blow began to wear off. And suddenly he had something he knew he had to say, his heart going out to Galen once more even as memories of his own stirred from that place where his mind had tucked them away.

"Panthar, this is Terrin. Listen to Galen," he said simply.

And saying that he found himself once more stepping closer to Galen, reaching out and squeezing her shoulder for a moment in silent support.

[ 11-18-2004 05:29 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-18-2004 05:31 AM    
The look in her eyes made Panthar pause. She seemed genuinely concerned for his safety, and the squeeze on the arm brought him down from his desire to rush outside.

“I don’t know, it just seems right somehow. But, you know, this might be the first time someone’s actually been worried about me, and I’m not going to let that go to waste. All right, let’s think of something else. Hey, how far can those Jedi lifty-levitaty powers work? Could we lift someone over them and see how they react? Or maybe there’s some other Jedi stuff that could work? Or could we use the suits and disguise our scent somehow?”


posted 11-18-2004 05:34 AM    
My eyes widened.

Sheesh, do I ever feel stu--

"Yeah!" I said, trying to brighten up some. Obviously the memories I had been lost in were dragging everyone else down; surely such a mood was not conducive to creative thought, and I had to give Panthar credit for his brainstorm, as silly as it was.

I mean, really. Picture it: Panthar being levitated over the heads of snarling, flailing tuk'ata....

I jerked, going back to something Shayla had said.

"You said you sensed no hostility from them; what kinds of emotions are they radiating, anyway? And--

"You guys are Jedi; can you offer protection against these things in case they're not quite the chums Panthar thinks they are?"

I hate it when my brain burps; it's worse than helmet hair, I swear....

[ 11-18-2004 05:50 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-18-2004 05:36 AM    
"Well," Shayla started, "It's almost like..."

She paused, trying to find a word for it, "...expectancy? Maybe even honor? It's difficult to say, since these guys are semi-sentient, and I've only been around the ahhh...

...more domesticated version. But in terms of getting around them, we might be able to use the suits and disguise our scent with something onboard this ship," Shayla answered thoughtfully. "I don't know if levitating anyone will work...tuk'ata can jump pretty high. But you know, I was just thinking..."

She trailed for a moment, pursing her lips and tapping them with her right pointer finger, "Who says we have to go in that way? This temple has rooms with balconies...

...and I could levitate each one of us up into one of those."

At this she quieted, waiting to see what everyone else might think.

[ 11-18-2004 05:39 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 11-18-2004 05:46 AM    
"Well," I replied, sniffing a little and blinking back the tiniest beginnings of tears.

"If you think you can do that, then I guess we should go for it. Like our buddy here said--"

I jerked an offhand thumb Phalomir's way.

"We'll never get anywhere if we yammer about every conveivable angle we can think of.

"I'm for trying this; and ready to-- wait."

I strode over to Jasyn, who had been remarkably taciturn throughout this entire exchange--

Probably just waiting to see when the Sith brandy breaks out, and from where--

--and yanked a nicely weighted sword from those he had carried onto the bridge. Stepping back from the others, I gave it a cautious swing; it sliced the air with a whoosh, leaving goosebumps tingling all over my body.

"I'm ready," I announced, feeling a touch more secure now that I was armed, Jedi among us be damned.

"Somebody pop the hatch, and let's get this show on the road..."

[ 11-18-2004 05:53 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-18-2004 05:57 AM    
"Allright," Shayla said, then turning to Matt, "And as much as I hate to even think of using one of those things, having one on hand might be handy, since I do have the training for it."

Stepping up to the red-headed man, she took one of the lightsabers...

...and quickly discovered it was useless. She took the other one, ignited it...

...and the blade came alive, although she could tell the workings of the weapon were crude.

"On second thought," she then said, turning the blade off, "You take it, Erik. I'll rely on what the Force gave me. If anyone else wants a weapon, hurry and take your pick."

Saying this, she tossed her husband the operational lightsaber, and headed for the navboard, sitting and quickly pushing a sigil here and there. After a moment, the hatch popped obligingly open.

"Let's go," Shayla said then, "Unless, of course, someone plans to stay behind and keep an eye on the warship..."


posted 11-18-2004 06:16 AM    
Opening is the door, stepping out is the friend. Knowing is he, welcome we do. Singing we are. Carrying the Lady he is, protect we shall. Sing, brothers. Calling the day is, over is the night. Soon gone is the darkness.

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-18-2004 06:18 AM    
Almost in unison, an eerie howl wafted from the lines of tuk’ata. Some stamped and snorted, while others threw back their heads and wailed. Panthar, standing on the edge of the hatchway, could only stop and stare at the spectacle. Then a look of determination set upon his face, and he looked back into the ship at someone behind him. He then turned back to the tuk’ata and strode out to the soft grass as Shayla appeared in the doorway with a concerned look on her face. The beasts made no move towards him as he paused.

He turned to Shayla and called out, “See! If you still want to levitate me then go for it, but I think I’d rather walk!”

As the others made their way out of the ship, he turned back to face the temple and took a step. The tuk’ata continued their antics. Panthar inhaled deeply and took another step, hoping dearly that he was right, and that the others were fast if he was wrong. He could hear the others behind him, and walked slowly until either they could catch up or until he and Jharmeen became dinner.


posted 11-18-2004 10:53 PM    
I stood shoulder to shoulder with Shayla, gripping the sword for all I was worth as my eyes never left the sight of our welcoming committee.

For, Hell's Bell's, it sure as there's treasure on Roon looked like that was exactly what it was.

Those tuk'ata were making a remarkable racket, but it wasn't composed of threat-screeches or attack-yowls. They yipped and yodeled, and every now and again a muzzle would point skyward, tendrils waving, while the massive, clawed feet would stamp and rip at the ground beneath them.

But they never moved from their positions which so clearly flanked a beeline straight toward the temple, upon which steps there awaited an even larger tuk'ata. He sat there, a misleadingly tiny figure on those distant steps, head cocked as he listened to his fellows sing.

Dammit, that's what they're doing... they're singing!

I turned an astonished gaze to Shayla, for by now Panthar had apparently taken heart, and was proceeding toward that temple with an increasingly confident stride. At one point he paused, looking over his shoulder at us with a big ol' beaming grin plastered across that red face of his; then he turned round and kept going, nearly sauntering now.

"Well," I said in a low voice.

"They're either going to let us do this or not. I mean, Panthar is in a Sith body, we're not. I hope that won't make any difference."

I shot a final look about, taking in the anxious faces of my companions. Then, gripping the sword even tighter, I stepped down the gangway and onto the soil.

The nearest pair of tuk'ata stopped singing and turned their heads to me, eerie pupilless eyes raking me up and down.

I shivered--

In for a credit...

--and kept going, quickening my pace a bit as I passed that pair and then hurrying a bit further in order to catch up with Panthar.

"Great Khaandon's Ghost, but I think you're right, pal!" I whispered as I caught up to him, then fell into respectful silence and just kept moving, listening to the wildly beautiful song of the tuk'ata as it wafted us along.

[ 11-18-2004 10:57 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Terrin Danner

posted 11-19-2004 12:57 AM    
The scene now before Terrin was enough to give him a moment's hesitation...

...but only a moment.

"If everyone else wasn't seeing this too," he heard Jasyn say, "I'd think that I had one too many Sith brandys."

At this Terrin, still in control of Phalomir's body, shot the other man a sidelong glance. He was sporting one of the swords, holding it in front of him with a serious look etched onto his face.

Some things never change, he couldn't help but think.

Then he turned forward once more, willing his feet to move, finding that the motion wasn't as difficult as he originally thought it might be with his newly-surfacing memories. But then, perhaps there was a reason for this.

If one of those creatures...or heavens forbid more than one of them...changed their tunes, there was no kriffing way he was going to stand around and let them turn on anyone here.

He gripped the sword now in Phalomir's hand, his blue eyes intense and very alert.

"I sure as kriffing hell hope this is a hint of the reception we'll get once we're up there," he said in a low voice then, nodding towards the large tuk'ata at the front. Then his look turned a touch darker, and he frowned. "I wonder where the hell Thoran went..."

Saying this he trailed, eyes still trained on his surroundings as the group continued to move closer and closer to the foot of the temple.

[ 11-19-2004 01:02 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


posted 11-19-2004 01:14 AM    
Doesn't seem like they're planning on answering me I thought. But as this happened, I saw them all walk out of the sith warship and towards the tuk'ata that were lined up in ranks. Damn, either they're crazy or overconfident...unless they know something I don't. I quickly sprint out of the fighter and run towards the group, keeping my hand to the side with no weapon drawn just so they don't mistake me for attacking them.

"Please, believe me," I yell towards them as they walk through the ranks of tuk'ata, several of them snarling at me as I prepare for the worst to happen. "I truly do not wish to harm you." I hate having to degrade myself like this, but it is necessary I think as I run to join the group, hoping they don't attempt to attack me.

[ 11-20-2004 05:31 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sa'kal'ishaalas ]


posted 11-20-2004 04:42 PM    
Thoran watched the images go by of the surrounding tuk’ata. He waited, deeply hidden within Phalomir’s mind, shielding himself from the senses of the animals. For though they were beasts, they were also very sensitive, and had long memories. The last time he had set foot on this planet he managed to blast several of these creatures into oblivion, using the powers granted him temporarily by the Master. He doubted such powers would again be granted, even through the bargain he anticipated, but he could still hope.

In the meantime, he would allow Terrin to control the body, and lie in wait until either the time was needed or Terrin failed to follow the direction of images and suggestions Thoran would quietly throw his way. For now, it seemed to be working, as the calming and reinforcing power he sent to Terrin seemed to be overcoming the man’s desperate fear of tuk’ata. This feeling blanketed Terrin’s thoughts, and Thoran feared that without assistance Terrin would not be able to guide Phalomir’s body through this corridor of death. He wondered what had happened to cause such an intense emotion, but for now it did not matter.

The destination was the Temple, the goal was the Shar’tak. In their way stood the guardians of the temple.

He thought of Galen, Shayla, Panthar, and the others, and the dangers they were about to face, and was grateful for the fodder.

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-20-2004 09:57 PM    
Panthar heard the shout come from behind the group, followed by the snarls and growls mixed in with the song of the tuk’ata.

Standing at the start of the rows of tuk’ata was a man. The look in his eyes was almost pleading, and as the others turned to him the end tuk’ata stalked forward and hunched down on their forelegs. One of them turned to the group, as if waiting for a command.

Panthar turned his head slightly to Galen, but left his eyes on the ever-stranger-growing scene.

“Um, do you know who this is?” he asked. “It’s almost as if those tuk’ata are waiting for us to decide if he lives.”

[ 11-20-2004 09:58 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Panthar Dantares ]

Terrin Danner

posted 11-21-2004 04:28 AM    
Terrin shot a sidelong glance at his companions, then looked towards the newcomer, considering him. After a few seconds of this, however, he turned back to everyone else.

"Is this our assassin that we never replied to?" he queried then, falling silent a moment. "I don't know about you guys...

...but I don't figure someone who intends harm on us running through a horde of tuk'ata who seem to be on our side. And as for what the tuk'ata are waiting for..."

He paused a moment, now looking to Galen, letting Phalomir's eyes rest on her a moment before he continued, "...I don't think I could let even my worst enemy suffer the fate they will deliver."

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-21-2004 04:49 AM    
As the others spoke, Shayla stretched her senses outward to the newcomer. "Well, whoever it is, I'm not picking up anything but sincerity from him."

Quieting a moment at this, Shayla pursed her lips, her greeny-blue eyes assessing the newcomer as she then finished with, "...maybe we should give him a chance to state his case... ally is an ally."

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-21-2004 07:01 PM    
“All right,” said Panthar. “I guess we’ll let him live then. Let me see if I can communicate it to the boys. Hmmm…”

Panthar looked at the tuk’ata, who still seemed to be waiting. He shrugged and threw his head back.

“Growl!” he called out. “Grrr! Meow!”

He looked back to the tuk’ata, who now seemed to be more in confusion than in wait. He turned back towards the temple and fixed on the large tuk’ata on the steps.

“How the heck am I supposed to tell these guys to let the new guy pass?” he asked sidelong to Galen. The tuk’ata on the steps lifted its head and let out two rough, loud grunts that carried even over the singing. The two tuk’ata on the end answered, and Panthar turned back in time to see them backing off and rejoining the ranks.

He looked to Galen, eyes wide.

“I guess that’s how,” he said. “I hope Shayla is right about the sincerity thing.”


posted 11-21-2004 07:25 PM    
I gave my head a slight shake, frowning.

My, how the songbird does change its tune....

"I dunno about tuk'ata, they've never sung me a bedtime song yet!" I growled under my breath. Then I gave my head a jerk back toward Shayla, whose Jedi powers I was suddenly finding myself in very much doubt of.

I whispered as much to Panthar.

"I don't trust that newcomer one bit!" I hissed. "I said as much on the bridge, and I reiterate now. What the hell-- here he comes, tooling in a nice as you please, straight towards a tuk'ata hazing line, and getting only polite little growls from them?

"Now pal, you seem to have a connection with these critters, and you're in a Sith body anyway. Can't say I believe that this guy would be held in such high esteem, more like meals on wheels.

"Am I the only one around here who smells a womprat?"

I fell silent and turned to face the large tuk'ata, placing a protective hand on Jharmeen's unmoving shoulder as I did so. The beast seemed to be waiting for something; I hoped as hell it wasn't for his dinner.

[ 11-21-2004 07:37 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-21-2004 07:46 PM    
“Yeah, I do seem to have some kind of connection with the big guy there, at least. He led me and Eric around the temple and spoke to me in my mind. It was more than a little bizarre, believe me. I’m not really into this Sith stuff, and every time something like that happens it feels like I’m losing a little bit of my humanity, if that makes any sense.”

He turned to look Galen in the eyes.

“But one thing I do like about this Sith body, it’s damn strong, and I’ll fight tooth and nail to protect everyone here. I haven’t seen Shayla be wrong yet, but you’ve known her a heck of a lot longer than I have, so I trust your judgement. If this guy came to harm either Phal or Gray, I’d just as soon let the boys feed on his brains right now. I guess maybe my big buddy here can keep that new guy under guard, but do you think we should end it here and not take the chance?”


posted 11-21-2004 08:00 PM    
I gave my head a fractional nod, aware that behind us the new guy was making his way toward our group.

"Yeah, let's end this now," I breathed in the tiniest of whispers before I turned to Panthar and, with a grunt, took my sister into my own arms so as to free his. I staggered beneath my burden, and was rewarded by a couple of growls from the sidelines, but not one tuk'ata moved toward us.

They just stood there, casting their eerie eyes up and down our party, then turning to wave those snake-like tendrils of theirs in the direction of the white-haired stranger.

I squeezed Jharmeen's slight weight more tightly and steadied myself, widening my stance, placing one foot back a little behind me, and flexing my knees so as to hold her more solidly.

Not to mention to be ready to run, still holding her, if I had to.

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-21-2004 08:16 PM    
Panthar looked Galen squarely in the eyes as she struggled with her sister. The family resemblance was there, definitely.

“As you wish,” he said.

He turned to the white haired stranger and began walking down the line of tuk’ata. Shayla and the others all stopped to watch him pass, and the howls of the tuk’ata intensified as he approached the wide-eyed man. He stopped 2 yards from the stranger.

“These are my friends, and they think that you are a threat. These big guys are my friends, too, and they don’t like strangers. You have 30 seconds to explain who you are and why you are here. If I don’t like the answer, I ring the dinner bell. Go.”

[ 11-21-2004 08:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Panthar Dantares ]


posted 11-21-2004 08:42 PM    
"Please understand, it would probably take longer to explain it to you fully, but I'll explain it as quickly as possible," I say. Damn, they don't believe me. I need to explain it to them without the tuk'ata threatening to shred me to pieces...better be ready if worse comes to worse, I think as I prepare to use my magicks if they choose not to believe me. "My name's Sa'kal'ishaalas. I'm from an ancient cult of assassins used by the sith as they were to obvious in a crowd so decided to use humans instead. When the sith were brought back, my former master was also brought back with them. Aelvedaar had ordered us to kill you, and when my former master failed, I was charged with killing him. When he died however, I was freed from Aelvedaar's control. I betrayed him and now he wants me dead. Considering that he wants you dead too, I figured that the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and hoped that you would allow me to join you." I finished, kowing that it would be difficult for him to convince them. Then again, they have no reason to believe me, but they must, as I truly am being hunted by Aelvedaar, and I cannot hide from him forever, knowing full well he wants me dead. I think as they ponder over what I have told them.

Terrin Danner

posted 11-22-2004 03:28 AM    
Terrin wasn't thrilled with the idea of "feeding" this guy to the tuk'ata, so to speak...

...but he was certainly not thrilled with the idea of him being assassin. He took a step closer to Galen, who was still struggling with the weight of her sister.

"If that guy turns out to be lying," Terrin stated then, "He's gonna have to get through the kriffing lot of us--and particularly through me --to get to you and Jharmeen. And by the way, this is Terrin," he stated, hoping to clarify any doubts of just who was speaking. "Thoran is disturbingly quiet at the moment...

...and I have to wonder what he's up to, considering I know I heard Phalomir calling for help."

Pausing a moment at this then, his eyes intense, the sword still in his hand, Terrin then turned to one of his commrades, keenly aware that Galen was still struggling somewhat with Jharmeen's weight. "Jasyn, can you help Galen carry Jharmeen?"

Jasyn nodded at this statement, and went to Galen's aid, relieving her of Jharmeen's weight so that she could take off running when and if it was necessary.

"I've never been a swordsman, and I know I have the duty of keeping Phalomir safe, since this is his body," Terrin then finished with, stepping just a bit in front of the group, the sword in front of him once more, "But as long as I'm in control, if that guy comes near with any intent to harm, I'm making certain everyone gets to safety, one way or another..."

[ 11-22-2004 05:25 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-22-2004 04:46 AM    
Shayla slitted her eyes a bit, considering the newcomer's words. She still didn't sense that he was lying...

...but something he had just spoken had caught her immediate attention. "So, you would run to us for protection, fully knowing that doing so will endanger us all more?" she called to him.

Falling silent at this, her greeny blue eyes never left those of the newcomer...

...and while she still sensed nothing but sincerity from him, she was becoming increasingly aware just what sort of threat he now presented to them.

[ 11-22-2004 04:50 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 11-22-2004 04:58 AM    
"I may be endangering you more, but I am not completely helpless," I say to the blond haired woman. "But there is no way for me to evade Aelvedaar by myself, and with my brother Rykounagin also working with Aelvedaar, I cannot run or hide from them forever. I figured that I could lend you my abilities, and join you. I do not know why Aelvedaar wants to see Graysith or Phalomir dead, but I sure as heck know that he wants me dead as well. If you'd let me expain it to you without the constant threat of these tuk'ata shredding me to pieces, I'd also feel much better too. Please trust me, I have no where else to go. I believe that if you think about it, you'll realize that all of you being together anyway poses a danger to all of you as well, and allowing me to join you will give you access to my sith magicks. I really have no one else to go to. And if you do choose not to believe me, don't allow these tuk'ata to kill me."

[ 11-22-2004 04:58 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sa'kal'ishaalas ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-22-2004 06:18 AM    
Shayla now crossed her arms, cocking a brow. "Sooo...

...we're your last resort?" Her look hardened a bit. "I'm not sure you're the kind of ally I'd like, on second thought. After all, one seeking a final resort usually isn't the most loyal of companions when something else better comes along."

Falling silent once more with that, Shayla again waited...

...keenly aware that this guys thirty standard seconds were well more than up.

[ 11-22-2004 01:42 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 11-22-2004 06:27 AM    
Having already made my opinions known-- well, at least to Big Red, having already stated them aboardship --I now kept any further thoughts I might have firmly to myself.

Freed from my sister's weight, I was able to more comfortably wield the sword I had taken; my former load-bearing stance shifted subtly to one of readiness and I cocked my head, eyes narrowed to judge the distance to this guy, ready to leap out in attack or defense.

Whichever might come first.


posted 11-22-2004 06:33 AM    
"Please, do not think that I will betray you. As you can tell, I am just a little nervous considering you guys can somehow work with these tuk'ata, and if you decided to, I think I'd be dead, and you all know it too. Please, just let me explain it to you without the possibility of being killed in a few seconds. I truly wish to join you. Right now I have no one else to go to, and if you reject me, I will eventually find someone. Besides, I was originally aligned with the sith, and I choose to betray them, and I did so because I did not trust Aelvedaar. He seemed to be hiding something from me, and also hid from the sith that they were in the future. The only other group I had aligned with was the Cult of Assassins, which now only consists of me and my brother who wants me dead. You were the first people I came to, and please, I reiterate, if you don't wish for me to join you and add my powers to yours, allow me to leave, as I'm not looking forward to dying by the hands of tuk'ata," I say. It might be better for me just to leave now, and not wait for them, but let them answer me first. "If you all have decided to not allow me to join you, please let me know, and I will leave now."


posted 11-22-2004 06:47 AM    
"Those are just words," I growled, piping up with my two credit's worth.

"Words are simply that; how can we believe what you say is true, especially after you tried to assassinate my sister?

"How can we trust you after that?"

With each word I spoke I took a step forward, and then another, until I had passed Phalomir completely and had come up nearly shoulder to shoulder with Panthar.

There I stood, still spitting daggers at this guy, my sword held ready, while around me the tuk'ata quieted as well as if they too were interested in the outcome of this peculiar if not downright ominous confrontation.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-22-2004 01:52 PM    
Shayla frowned.

He came to them first? What the...???

Then a memory struck a chord with her. She wasn't certain, but...

"Oh wait a minute," she said, stepping up a bit more, the look she was directing at the newcomer growing icy. "You came to us first? Were you the one we ran into back on Khar Delba, the one who tried to trap us?"

She wasn't certain...maybe it had been someone else.


posted 11-22-2004 08:30 PM    
"If you mean the one who attacked you, that was my master. I was the other presence you most likely detected. I did not attack you at that time, but if my master had not attacked you, I probably would have snuck on board the ship with you and would start trying to kill Graysith and Phalomir. If you wish to know, I was ordered by Aelvedaar to do so, and due to the limits that was once on me by these runes, I was compelled to do so, but once my former master died, the limits placed on me was lifted, and I choose to betray Aelvedaar and come to you, hoping to find protection and lend you my abilities. Saying that coming to you just brings more danger upon yourselves is logic, but it is also obvious that all of you together already bring that danger to all of you, but you persist because you all work together to prevent Aelvedaar from killing you. I wish to join you and lend my abilities as an assassin and my magicks. Me joining you will bring no additional danger, as I am not here to harm any of you, and will actually add to your strength. Aelvedaar is focused on you already, so me joining you will not change that, while it will increase the protection that each of us can provide by working together." I say, preparing to run if they do decide not to belive me...which would place me in a dire predicment indeed.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-23-2004 02:08 AM    
Shayla's look didn't change. "That is not the incident I was referring to...

...but nevermind. I find your arrival here oddly convenient, and the timing of it even more so. Whether you are sincere in what you say and intend to do, your presence here clearly functions as a distraction, whether that is your intention or not."

Shayla paused, then turned to Panthar. "Panthar...we need to get moving again."

[ 11-23-2004 02:09 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 11-23-2004 02:48 AM    
"If none of you trust me, just allow me to leave. I do not wish to give you up as allies, but I can not choose for you. I can tell that none of you seem to trust me, despite the fact that I give you no reason to. It is quite clear that you do not, so please make your decision and I will leave." I say, knowing the answer. "But if you wish to move on and let me join you, it would make me much hapier. But as I said, if I cannot convince you, don't allow these tuk'ata to attack me, and I will leave peacefully."

But I can garuntee they will regret it I think to myself as I wait for their final answer.

[ 11-23-2004 02:48 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sa'kal'ishaalas ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 11-23-2004 03:34 AM    
Jasyn had absolutely no trouble carrying Jharmeen Jhin'Dar Qu'taro in his arms as he kept tabs on the newly developing situation at hand.

"Kriffing hell, but this guy sure talks alot," he growled under his breath, but not totally inaudibly. "I don't like this..."

Then, his words now totally in the hearing range, he finished with, "Could we please get moving sometime this year?!?"

[ 11-23-2004 04:03 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-23-2004 04:32 AM    
Panthar stared into the man’s eyes, watching the twitches, the dilations, the moistening as every word passed. It wasn’t so much the words themselves, but the brief flickers of time after the words were spoken. The man was desperate, this much was obvious. He seemed sincere, but there was still definitely something he was hiding. He wanted to believe the man, for indeed an ally with Sith magick at this time would be most helpful. But there was too much at stake, and too much evidence against trusting him. They were already burdened with Thoran as an ally, and one tenuous friend was enough.

“I believe you,” he said at last. “I won’t ring the dinner bell.”

He could see the relief in the man’s face, but it was more of the look of someone who got out of an unpleasant task rather than someone who had his life spared.

“But we don’t trust you, and so far there has been nothing presented that could change that. As I heard someone once say, actions speak much louder than words, and so far all we have from you are words. For all we know, you could be working for Aelvedaar right now.”

The nearest tuk’ata growled low and rough.

He looked to Galen, standing next to him, and inhaled slowly.

“We have to conduct some business in the temple,” he said, turning back to the stranger. “We can’t trust you with what we have to do at this time. If you want to hang with us, you’ll have to earn that trust. You can start by trusting us. Wait here until we come back out. I’ll tell the boys not to hurt you, and you’ll be safe. If things go badly, we may need your help, and we’ll call for you on a comm-link. Otherwise, you won’t be here when we come back out and we’ll catch you some other time.”


posted 11-23-2004 04:43 AM    
I swayed, tightening and loosening my grip on the sword. But Panthar's words had merit, and seemed to be the closest thing we had of assuring-- or reaching that assurance-- the trustworthiness of this guy.

So I held back the sneering words I had been readying, and merely nodded once to him instead. Then before I could talk myself out of it, I turned on my heel and began walking back toward the temple, where the large tuk'ata sat with the strangest look on its face.

I didn't want to show fear in front of this would-be assassin. And I didn't dare stop.

I just kept going, passing by Phalomir and Shayla and the others once more, and without slowing my pace moved ahead until I came to the bottom step of those leading up into that alien stone edifice.

The tuk'ata tilted its head, tendrils waving, and stared at me.

I don't know which created the fiercest of all the goosie-feeties that were marching about my body: that look, or the one I felt the stranger behind me was sending into my back.

Settling on the lesser of two evils, I mounted the stairs and headed up.

The tuk'ata watched my approach with those eerie eyes it had... and wiggled sideways to get out of my path.

Unmolested, I kept going up those stairs, and soon came to a stop in front of the ornately carved doors leading inside. I paused there, one hand still clutching the sword, the other laying against the cold wood.

Then I pushed open the door and walked inside.

Terrin Danner

posted 11-23-2004 05:02 AM    
The one single thing that prompted Terrin to move so much as an inch was the fact that Galen had gone in front of everyone else, right past that tuk'ata. He knew that it looked like the creatures were on their side...

...but that didn't mean the past wasn't still drilled deeply in his heart and mind. Those animals were deadly...

...and this he knew firsthand. If that thing reacted the wrong way when Galen walked past...

...well, he'd put up the most valiant effort he could at keeping the thing away from her, his own past be damned. So he fell in step not far behind her, a sword in his own hand. Fortunately he never had to use it, as the tuk'ata merely stepped to the side, almost in deference. He paused, sparing the creature a momentary glance...

...and shoved all of his hackles to the side. He knew Jasyn and Matt were right behind him, but they had little of his attention. All that had his attention, aside from the tuk'ata, was what was ahead of him.

Or rather, who. He didn't know what awaited them within the walls of the temple, but he sure wasn't going to leave her alone, not this time.

The tuk'ata didn't move from the position it had moved to when Galen passed..., his eyes focused ahead, Terrin simply walked in the door. His eyes were immediately met by dimmness, and for the moment, he couldn't make out much... least, not til his eyes adapted to the lower lighting. He took a few more steps inside, then turned to look over his shoulder.

"Everyone in yet?" he started with. Then, "...and safely?" he queried, falling silent.

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-23-2004 05:13 AM    
“That’s my cue,” said Panthar. “I’ll see you later, maybe.”

With that he winked and turned around, following Galen and the others. He nodded at each of the tuk’ata as he walked past, and turned when he reached the steps. He looked out over the tuk’ata, still lined up but no longer singing. He then turned to the big animal on the steps.

I guess you know the deal I just made. If he does anything suspicious, have the gang sic’ em.

The tuk’ata roared a series of commands, and an echo of grunts and growls chorused through the lines. Many of the tuk’ata moved into the forest, not going far, while a few others formed a wide semi-circle around the stranger, leaving a pathway to his own ship.

“Let’s roll,” he said more to himself than anyone else. He turned back for the door and began walking.

The large tuk’ata hauled itself up and turned for the door. It followed Panthar as he caught up with Galen. The tuk’ata gently moved past the group, turned and sat in front of the door leading from the antechamber to the inner temple, blocking the way. Panthar walked to Galen’s side.

“I think that’s everyone. We’ll see if our new friend waits for us. I think Diffy here intends to stay with us. That’s OK with me, he was pretty nice to have around last time, wasn’t he, Eric?”

He noticed the look on Galen’s face, tight and nervous, as if a million geese were marching up and down her back.

“Hey,” he said. “You all right?”

[ 11-24-2004 01:54 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Panthar Dantares ]


posted 11-23-2004 05:24 AM    
"That is good enough for now, and thank you," I say. "I will gladly wait here for you," I say to them, and walk over to the sith fighter after taking the comlink they had given me. Damn, so many choices, but I don't know which ones to make. But I shouldn't try anthing that would be suspicious. The tuk'ata are still watching me I think as the group walks off to the temple.


posted 11-24-2004 02:03 AM    
I shivered when the beast moved past me only to come to a halt in front of a set of double doors directly ahead of us. There it--

He? She?

--halted and sat down, moving only to rake once against the door with its hideously immense claws. The rasp those great claws made as they scraped against the wood set tiny hairs tingling on the nape of my neck; I was about to turn to say something to Panthar when the beast turned its elegant head and stared straight at me.

Its eyes were icy, like a moon on harvest night.

I shuddered again, but not quite aware of it this time; those eyes grew icier and larger, expanding exponentially now as my vision tunneled, until the creature and I were linked together in a weird and utterly silent communion. The antechamber dimmed before the brilliance coming out of those eyes, the murmurs of my companions disappeared beneath the music flowing from them, music which filled my ears and my soul and every cell in my being, combining with that icy flare until there was nothing in my personal universe but simple, all-encompassing perfection.

In the middle of that perfection there came a blot: a dark shadow, turning, two red dots glimmering toward me, waving an amorphous pseudopod toward something even icier than the eyes of that tuk'ata.

It was my sister... and Phalomir.


Their eyes as empty as the death for which they seemed to scream.

I gasped, jerking backward in reflexive shock, and quite suddenly found myself sitting on my hiney on the cold stone floor of the great and echoing chamber we had entered.

I shook my head.

"Wow." I said, unable to elucidate much more, other than:

"What in Hell's Seven Circles was that?"

[ 11-24-2004 02:07 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-24-2004 02:22 AM    
“Crap!” Panthar yelped. He bent down to Galen, his knee hitting the floor with a thud. Phalomir – or Terrin, rather – was there in a heartbeat. Panthar scanned Galen’s confused face and followed her gaze to the tuk’ata.

The tuk’ata snorted and turned, pushing open the double doors and stepping through. It walked a few steps and turned its head, waiting.

Panthar stood and offered a hand to Galen. He looked up to Phalomir.

“I think this is the start of the guided tour,” he said.

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 11-24-2004 03:30 AM    
"I don't suppose you could let our...

...tour guide know that we have some things of our own to do here?" Jasyn interjected, cutting off the words anyone else may have been preparing to speak. "I'd love to have a little look around this place to see what might be here to help us out...

...but I'd like to finish at least one thing very soon. Terrin's body is in the underlayers of this very Temple, waiting for his soul. I'd like to ahhh...

...put his body and soul back together as soon as possible, if not for the fact that I think we might need him then for the simple fact that he is a friend."


posted 11-24-2004 07:29 AM    
I shook my head again, waiting for the world to condense back into normalcy. When my vision finally cleared of the green blotches that had been dancing in front of it, it was to see Panthar hunched crookedly over me, one hand extended while his gaze shot back and forth from me to the tuk'ata to Phalomir... whose body my husband was being remarkable taciturn, considering the fact that I was sprawled on my tush on the stony floor at his feet.

I couldn't help but frown a little; then I reached a hand back to Panthar.

"Thanks, pal," I said a bit gruffly as I clambered upright. My own words hit my ears, and I cringed at the tone I was using.

"It's not your fault, sorry."

I let the apparent non sequiteur hang on the quiet air of the temple, then broke that uncomfortable moment by brushing my hands together then fisting them upon my hips. It was then that I noticed the doors were open; in that brief look, I caught the unmistakable outline of a tuk'ata's tail vanishing into the darkness beyond.

All offense vanished. I blinked.

"I don't think I want to follow that critter; you don't know what's in there... and I think I do.

"It ain't pretty."

I shot a glance to Phalomir, envisioning again his frozen doppleganger passed on to me by the tuk'ata. Immediately on the heels of that there arose another, unbidden vision: that of father going into carefully lectured detail of the impossibility of time travel, of the inability of matter to occupy two places at the same time.

I shook my head once again to clear it, then spoke to no one in particular.

"We're going in there, aren't we?"

Terrin Danner

posted 11-24-2004 11:11 PM    
The ominious tone in Galen's words was easily discernable, and snapped Terrin out of any funk he might have been in regarding the disappearing tuk'ata that he had never completely kept his eyes off of. In the body of Phalomir, of course, he frowned, his look turning somewhat dark. "I...don't know that we've got much of a choice," he answered with. "That is, of course, unless one of us wants to try reasoning with the tuk'ata."

At that statement, Terrin glanced to Panthar, but only momentarily. He returned his look to Galen, growing more and more concerned at the look in her eyes. He reached out a hand to then place it on her shoulder, meeting her eyes with Phalomir's green ones, which were probably looking more blue than anything at the moment. "What is it that you think is in there?" he asked in concern, falling silent at that and simply waiting for her reply.

[ 11-26-2004 02:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-26-2004 05:29 AM    
Shayla, for the moment, found that she couldn't do anything but stare in the direction of the departing tuk'ata, something deep within her raising up in question as the Force tremored within her soul. It was no difficulty for her to easily remember what Erik had mentioned seeing within these walls, and while he and Panthar were being lead by this very same tuk'ata.

Her greeny-blue eyes widened, and for a moment she glanced down to the motionless Jharmeen, who was stil cradled in Jasyn Lancaster's arms. But her gaze was drawn up once more to the open doors through which the tuk'ata departed.

"They're in there, aren't they?" she queried to no one in particular, her tone completely unreadable as she did so...

...but the look on her face perhaps very much so.


posted 11-26-2004 07:00 PM    
Well, I hope this won't take to long I thought to myself as the group disappeared into the temple. I wonder why Graysith was former master didn't even make her flinch, so it must be someone powerful affecting her. But who could... Sa'kal quickly stood up realizing that he needed to do something. He reasoned that Aelvedaar had given Graysith her powers, but also gave himself a pathway to destroy her. Sa'kal knew that the best way to prove to the group he was working with them would be to try and distract Aelvedaar enough so Graysith could wake up from her coma and defend herself from Aelvedaar.

There is no way for me to do this on my own...well, last time I checked there was still Imperial ships blockading the planet...maybe I can convince one of them to bombard the temple. I doubt it would kill Aelvedaar...or my brother for that matter...but it could distract him so much that he cannot keep his concentration on Graysith. I think as I begin to prepare for my trip. I better let them know, but I doubt that they'll even believe me. I think and pick up the comlink they gave me.

"You guys, I'm sorry but I'm going to leave. I have a matter than I'm going to attend to, and I hope that it proves to be benificial to both of us. It is also something that I hope will help earn your trust. This will be something you have to trust me with." I say over the comlink, and not waiting for a reply, lifted off, set a course for Khar Debla and lifted off. This just might concinve them of my sincerity I think as the small sith fighter slips into hyperspace.

((OCC: Sa'kal'ishaalas flies off to The Flame, Triumphant, Burns in the Jedi/Sith forums.))

[ 11-26-2004 07:01 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Sa'kal'ishaalas ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-29-2004 01:45 AM    
“Right, gotcha. Um, have fun. Just don’t draw attention to us here,” said Panthar, speaking into the comm-link that came to life just seconds before. He put it back into his pocket.

“I guess that’s one problem down. See? We’re doing great so far. He’s leaving, and it’s going to be beneficial. And as for our beastie friend here, he hasn’t led me astray yet. So unless someone else has a better idea, then yes, we’re going in there.”

He turned to Shayla, his expression a bit darker than he realized. “And yeah, I think they’re in there. But I don’t know if that’s what he’s taking us to. I’m hoping it’s Terrin’s body.”

Panthar sighed and followed the tuk’ata into the next room. He looked back to Galen as he walked.

“Hey, Lil’ Red,” he said. “When I was here last, Diffy there got into my head and showed me things, and it was a bit disorienting. Is that what happened? What did he show you?”


posted 11-29-2004 02:47 AM    
I remained where I was, hands still fisted on my hips. At the queries being flung at me, I could only shake my head.

"I didn't see any tuk'ata, but I did see a body." I called after his receding form.

"Two of them, in fact."

I nodded toward Phalomir, and then turned around and indicated my sister with a jerk of my chin.

"I don't get it; if it was a vision of what is in there, as I think it is, well... how could it have been them?"

Not willing to follow anyone into what I was beginning to believe more and more to be the jaws of impending death, I remained fixed in position, trying to ignore the sudden arrival of goosebumps that set the nape of my neck to tingling and every cell of my body on alert.

[ 11-29-2004 02:49 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-29-2004 02:59 AM    
Shayla wasn't liking the answer she had to Galen's final question...

...but she knew it had to be said. She shivered a bit at her thoughts then firmed, speaking up. "The only conceivable way for those frozen figures to be Phalomir and Jharmeen--at least, the only conceivable way that I know of--is through pulling them from a point in the past, freezing them, and placing them here. As to just who could do this...

...we all know of at least one individual who could do so. Lord Aelvedaar pulled himself from the past into this future, so it is highly possible he could pull someone else from a time in the past and place them into the future as well. I don't know why he would do such a thing...

...but I suspect he may have had some sort of plans for them. Unless, of course, this Master has the capabilities to pull someone from the past and into the future, and in which case...

...just what reason would he do such a thing?"

Trailing at this, Shayla's eyes darkened, as she waited for anyone's response to her suppositions.

[ 11-29-2004 03:07 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 11-29-2004 03:10 AM    
"Now wait just a kriffing minute," Jasyn suddenly broke in, "Is it even possible for a person to exist in two forms in one point in time? Could we even have two Phalomirs, or two Jharmeens? Or is this why the ones in there are frozen?"

Scowling, he then finished with, "I don't like this one damn bit."


posted 11-29-2004 03:14 AM    
Red flags were waving all over the place.

I shook my head.

"I haven't the foggiest clue of who would be doing this, let alone why. All I know is that it's just getting creepier and creepier by the moment, and I just don't want to go in there."

I pointed toward the door through which the tuk'ata had departed, followed by Big Red. Shaking my head for emphasis, I then walked over to Phalomir and stood in front of his towering form.

"Sorry Terrin," I murmured before hauling back and socking the Sith square on his jaw.

"Thoran!" I yelled, socking him again.

"I know you're in there! I also know you've probably got a pretty good idea of what in Hell's Seven Circles is going on around here; now wake up and offer us something helpful!

"Phal here is sure out of commission!"

I belted him one last time for good measure and then fell silent, hands on hips, filled with a strange admixture of an unaccountable seething rage and the most tremendous fear I have ever felt in my life.

[ 11-29-2004 03:15 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


posted 11-29-2004 03:22 AM    
Thoran watched as the sensations of Galen pounding on the shell of Phalomir drifted past.
Wow, he thought. She’s pretty pissed. Good.

“Hey Darrin,” he called out inside of Phalomir’s mind. “Tell your babe there that I’ll come out when I’m needed. I don’t think that tuk’ata there has forgotten the last time we met, and will probably do nasty things to Phal’s body if it knows I’m in here. So be a good boy and keep her under control, OK? The sooner we can find that dead hunk of meat—er, your body, the sooner we can all get back on with our lives, right? So stay in control up there, and keep her calm, all right? If we need my magic, it will be there. Right now we don’t need it.”

Terrin Danner

posted 11-29-2004 03:43 AM    
For a moment, Terrin was seeing stars...

...and red.

Tell your babe...?!?

Terrin gritted Phalomir's teeth...or rather fangs, for a moment, and thought something right back to Thoran.

Look, buddy, don't you dare refer to Galen like that again. Give her the respect she deserves. And while you are hiding... could at least give us a clue as to why there is a frozen figure of Phalomir and Jharmeen here.

His vision clearing a little then, Terrin finally spoke up after reaching up to hold Phalomir's jaw with one hand. "Oh, hell," he started with, "And Thoran's not coming out...

...he just told me that he's hiding from Panthar's buddy right now, and says he won't do anything else until we get to..."

He trailed a moment, then finished with, " body. In the meantime, however, I'm waiting for him to at least tell me why those frozen figures are in there."

[ 11-29-2004 03:46 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


posted 11-29-2004 03:55 AM    
It hit me square between the eyes.

Of course....

"When did I ever say that what I saw was really Phal and Jharmeen?" I whispered, backing up a bit as one hand fluttered to my mouth.

I was almost in awe of myself; this answer was so, so simple, really.

"I mean, yeah, it's them," I amended, then went on, slowing a bit to think this thing through as I spoke.

"But is it really them? It might just be an image, a disguise, a masquerade; oh hell, something that just looks like what it's supposed to be but isn't really.

"And isn't it the strange and intriguing that invites the prey to dinner, once initial fear wears off?"

I folded my arms and did a three-sixty, sinking a serious glance everyone's way. All except Panthar's, that is; he was still somewhere in the other room, following that damned tuk'ata.

"That discrepency is meant to be a riddle; don't you see it? Identical bodies can't occupy the same time; there are all sorts of physical laws that prevent it. So someone is giving us something that shouldn't happen, in the hopes that we trot right on up to it and try to figure it out.

"Don't you see? It's a trap, but for who?

"And why?"

I took another step backwards, away from the door ahead, and crossed my arms as I then came to an adamant stop.

No way in all the known universe was I going in there.

Uh-uh; not this li'l red hen....

[ 11-29-2004 03:57 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-29-2004 04:44 AM    
Now Shayla's mind was literally spinning. The logic in Galen's words was unmistakable...

...after all, the laws of time and space corroborated them, as far as Shayla knew anyway.

"I think you're right," Shayla said simply, then, her greeny-blues widening once more. "We'd better stop Panthar... way or another."

Quieting a moment at this, Shayla took a few steps forward to the beckoning doors, stopping when she was standing directly in front of them, but not in them...

...and where she was able to make out Panthar's departing back.

"Panthar, stop, it's a trap! There can't be two Phalomirs and two Jhrmeens in the same time frame!" she called out, simultaneously sending thoughts of warning his way as well.

[ 11-29-2004 04:45 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 11-29-2004 05:03 AM    
Oh, hell buckets. It’s now or never, if they stop now then this is all for nothing.

Thoran ripped his consciousness through Phalomir’s mind, seizing control of the body in a blast that left Terrin reeling once again.

“All right,” he said in a cadence that made his presence unmistakably known. “Look. If the tuk’ata eats me, then he eats me. But let’s cut the bantha doo and get things in the open. You really want to know about the frozen bobsie twins? All right, I’ll tell you. It’s really them. Yeah, bono-fide Phal and Gray bodies. But that’s what they are, just bodies. Aelvy told the Master that they were snatched from another timeline, right at the time of their deaths. I don’t know if it’s true, but the Master believed it, and now he’s a prisoner because of that belief. That fuzzball there had nothing to do with it, and truth be told he caused all sorts of trouble when we – when the Master tried to carry out his big plan to nab Phal and take him back to the Darker Realms – um, anyway… The trap was for the Master, all right? Now can we please stop acting like scared womprats in a Hutt deli and get the heck on with it?”

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-30-2004 03:11 AM    
Shayla reeled from her spot in the doorway, and glared at Phalomir--or rather Thoran--for a moment. Then she turned back to call after Panthar. "Get the heck back here, Panthar!" she growled. "There's nothing there but frozen dead bodies, and I for one am not intrested in seeing that! Not to mention Terrin's body is not that way, and that was to be our first priority here so we could then help Jharmeen and Phalomir."

Saying this, she reached out with the Force towards Panthar and levitated him just a little bit off the ground, sending him a mental message as well.

Come back now, Panthar. Your buddy there has you going the wrong way.

Then she set him down, waiting for him to make the final move back their way. Turning to the others in the group then, she spoke once more.

"As Jasyn has already stated, Terrin's body is in the underlayers of this Temple. If everyone will follow me, I can get us there, and then we can get on to the business we are here for...that being getting Terrin back then trying to find some help so that we can get Jharmeen and Phalomir back as well. I have a feeling Panthar will be heading back in our direction shortly...

...but perhaps a couple of us should stay behind, just in case he doesn't follow suite. Erik and Matt, do you mind holding up the back and making certain we get Panthar?"

The two men nodded in agreement, so Shayla then finished with, "Allright then. This way."

And with that she gave a nod, one which indicated the direction she would now take. In that pathway they would find a corridor which would then take them to a set of richly carved and wooden double doors, ones which would open to reveal a series of winding stairs which would finally lead them to the underlayers below.

[ 11-30-2004 03:18 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 11-30-2004 03:53 AM    
"Now, that sounds like a plan!"

Nodding for emphasis, I hurried after Shayla, following her down the corridor she had indicated until we came in front of that set of doors. A slight push and they opened obligingly before us, the movement as light and whisper-quiet as thistledown on the wind.

Beyond them, the corridor narrowed, dimmed, and disappeared downward into the bowels of the temple, a pathway that was suddenly familiar to me. Somewhere in the distance came a flicker of light, undoubtedly from wall sconces set there to light the way.

The fact that they were actually lit didn't even register with me; all I had eyes or thoughts for at the moment were those descending stone stairs, which I knew led to the burial chambers of the temple.

Well... at least to one in particular.

I moved quickly forward at the prospect, trying not to remember Terrin as I had seen him last, trying instead to bring out his gentle smile and the laughter in his blue eyes. I hung onto that image like a lifeline, knowing that if I let it go all I would see would be that last horrid view of his fearfully ripped body...

And that was an image I didn't want in my head when we came upon his actual body.

I stumbled a little, then strengthened and continued downward. En route I grabbed a sconce; it really wasn't necessary, as the corridor, although dim, was lit enough that our path was not a treacherous one. But the fact of having light in my hand seemed to transform the prospect of Terrin's resurrection from simple hope into a more tangible reality.

It's funny how light can do that.

I didn't realize how fast I was moving, hadn't really noticed that I had hurried faster and faster until at length I was leaping down those stairs two and three at a time. Before I knew it I had reached the bottom of the stairway, which made a junction with three more corridors. These were utterly black, totally unlit.

But I had light. And that light banished the demons even as I moved with almost instinctive precision to the corridor on the left. It wound away like some stone tributary, not traveling straight, but bending and turning smoothly. It's walls gradually segued from cut stone into rough-packed dirt, and then finally to solid rock.

And finally that snaking tunnel brought me to a single door, one heavy with age and memories.

And magick.

I paused a moment, my heavy breathing joining with my rapidly beating heart to break the otherwise deathly silence of this place.

I placed a hand upon that door then, and pushed gently. It creaked open...

...and there upon a stone bier, covered with a simple flowing and white coverlet, was Terrin.

I went up to him and then just stood there, looking down at him. He looked to be asleep; now the memories of his ripped and torn body fled into the ether, replaced by memories of happy times we had together, before I had gotten stupid and had run from him.

I laid a trembling hand on his forehead, making silent promise to him that I would make amends, sure as there's Treasure on Roon.

And this was how I was when the others finally found us.

[ 11-30-2004 03:56 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 11-30-2004 04:26 AM    
Panthar looked back to the doorway after his feet hit the ground. He then looked back to the tuk’ata, who stared with a mournful look.

“Sorry,” he said. “I need to stay with them. I’ll come back, really!”

The tuk’ata lowered its head and turned away, continuing on its path.

“Oh, crap, don’t make this hard. Wait, what am I saying? It’s not hard!”

Panthar turned and joined with Matt and Jasyn, then followed the sounds of feet ahead of them down the stairway. They entered the chamber to see Galen standing over a body, her face a mixture of sadness and joy. She was about to be reunited with her husband, a miracle beyond miracles. This must be the greatest moment of her life.

Panthar suddenly felt an inexplicable pang of sadness himself.

Why, Panthar? What the heck is going on?

He shook himself and grabbed at his chin, the feeling of his claws on his flesh bringing him back to the moment.

He looked to Phalomir.

“So, that’s you?” he asked quietly. “This is truly amazing. But now how do we put you back?”

[ 11-30-2004 04:28 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Panthar Dantares ]

Terrin Danner

posted 11-30-2004 04:44 AM    
Thoran had Terrin reeling once again...

...but it was only for a few moments, as he seemed to recede back, as if still trying to hide from the tuk'ata while everyone decided what to do. And perhaps he was doing just that...

...or perhaps it was something else entirely. But as the group began to move downward, it was Terrin who moved Phalomir's feet all the way there, each step becoming a bit faster as he tried to remain near Galen.

He had promised her she wasn't going through this alone again. And he had meant every word.

Even as they finally reached that place, Terrin gathered his wits about himself, his eyes falling on the form of his body...

...with Galen standing over him, an admixture of hope and sadness in her eyes. And that was when Panthar's words finally hit his ears.

"I don't know," he then replied, his eyes never leaving Galen. "That's our buddy Thoran's job."

Saying no more than that to Panthar, Terrin then stepped up to Galen, placing Phalomir's clawed hand on her shoulder, lending her silent strength and support.


posted 11-30-2004 04:57 AM    
At first I jumped when that clawed hand landed on my shoulder. But then the unmistakable essence of Terrin flooded through me from that touch; closing my eyes, I leaned into it a bit before raising my hand to lay it lightly on top of it.

I let a brief moment pass, almost afraid to say anything. But faint heart ne'er won fair reward, or some such; taking in a deep breath I opened my eyes and turned to Phalomir, raising my eyes to the green pair towering above me.

I peered deeply into them, seeking shadows hidden amidst the wind.

"All right, Thoran ol' buddy ol' pal, here we are.

"Do your thing."


posted 11-30-2004 05:15 AM    
Thoran gathered his strength about him, letting his magick surge. He contemplated the merits of sending Terrin’s consciousness into one of flies buzzing nearby rather than the dead hunk of flesh lying on the slab.

Now why did I strike this deal? Oh, right, to talk to the Master about a deal… wait, this isn’t following. Put numbnuts back so they could all be happy, THEN go make a deal with the Master to save the galaxy? What is wrong with these priorities? What is wrong with these pansy-sniffing sissy-whipped lollyfarters? And they called ME crazy?

Oh well, whatever. Just do it, Thoran. Get it over and done with, freedom is in your grasp. Back home, after so long! It will be good, won’t it? No more time skipping. No more high and mighty Sith lords to deal with. Just the peace and tranquility of an orderly society. Everyone living their own lives, not bothering anyone else, under the rule one of race. And remember, this is the moment that really makes it all possible.

So put the bozo in the body, let him have his day. They’ll all be oh-so-wonderfully happy, then it’s sit-back-and-wait time.

But I can’t just go…. I’ll leave him a little present for down the road.

No smoke, no lightning, no blazing host of intense energy. No pomp, no circumstance. Just a blink of the eye and Terrin was gone from Phalomir’s mind.

And so was Thoran.

Phalomir’s hand pulled away from Galen and went to his forehead. Terrin stirred, knocking dust from his hair and skin, then coughed. Phalomir quietly stepped backwards to the wall and, unnoticed for the moment, slumped.


posted 11-30-2004 05:26 AM    
I jumped like a scalded cat.

I couldn't help it; I knew this miracle was going to occur... yet I also knew with a certainty that went deep into my bones that Terrin was dead, he had been killed, and this just wasn't natural....

He stirred, coughed and sat woozily up. The coverlet fell from his body, revealing a completely unmarked chest.

I took an involuntary step backwards.


Panthar Dantares

posted 11-30-2004 05:35 AM    
Yay. Rah.

Panthar smiled widely, but somehow the feeling in his heart did not match the look on his face.

This is nuts, you doofus. Shake this out of your head right now and get back on your-- Phal!

Panthar walked to Phalomir’s limp form and knelt beside him. He was breathing, and struggling for consciousness. Phalomir’s eyes opened and tried to focus on Panthar. Finally he managed, then his hand shot up to grab Panthar’s shirt. He pulled him closer and rasped out a short question.

“Where is Jharmeen?”

Panthar’s eyes widened, the realization that Phal was back in charge hitting him. He slapped Phalomir’s chest and broke away from his grip. He strode to Jasyn, and without explanation scooped up Jharmeen from the man’s arms. Before Jasyn could respond, Panthar was already lowering Jharmeen in Phalomir’s outstretched arms.

Terrin Danner

posted 11-30-2004 05:36 AM    
Terrin sat up and lifted heavy eyelids, feeling for all the world like he'd been asleep a couple of years.

No bud. You've been dead for a couple of years.

That little observation jarred him into reality, and he opened his eyes as the small universe around him swam into focus. His eyes fell on the almost shocked form of Galen immediately. She was looking like she'd just seen a ghost.

Well... a little shoulder devil popped up. Terrin smacked the thing immediately into oblivion and swung his legs over the edge of the bier upon which he was laid. It was not much to his surprise that he was wearing some fairly impressive looking Sith robes.

Sith robes. Here we go again...

Shaking himself from these thoughts, he refocused his gaze on Galen, clearing his throat, not sure how the words were going to come out for the length of time in which his vocal chords had not been used.

"Galen, it's me," he replied to her, letting his eyes rest on her as he then attempted the feat of standing a body which had been laying for the past couple of years. This was no small feat, but he did manage, still somewhat shakey but standing nevertheless.

He reached out to Galen, gently resting a hand...

...his hand...

on her shoulder. "It's me," he repeated, then fell silent, not wanting to push her in her initial shock.

[ 11-30-2004 05:42 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Terrin Danner ]


posted 11-30-2004 05:46 AM    
"Terrin?" I repeated, somewhat stupidly.

Then he stumbled, falling against me, his grip tightening on my shoulder while my own arms flew to him in support.

That support rapidly grew into a hug of gigantic proportions as instinct took it from there. Unable to say anything, I just buried my face against his chest, reveling in the simplicity of his scent, letting the tears that had sprung into my eyes flow freely and silently to wet his skin beneath my face.


posted 11-30-2004 05:58 AM    
Inside of every mind lurks a secret, hidden place where lurks the darkness. It’s how well this darkness is hidden that reveals the true nature of the person. Terrin’s darkness was well hidden, his soul was well swayed into the light. And while that pure nature of Terrin dealt with his return to the world of the living, another presence lurked in the darkness. A presence that would remain hidden for the time being.

From deep within that darkness, a smile formed.

Yes, love, it’s Terrin. And friends…

[ 11-30-2004 05:58 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Thoran ]

Terrin Danner

posted 11-30-2004 05:59 AM    
In a move nothing short of pure instinct, Terrin responded by wrapping his arms about Galen as his stance became more solid. "Oh, thank the gods you are safe," he whispered. "You've had to face so much alone...

...and when you should not have had to. That stops here and now. The fates don't frequently hand out second chances, so I'm with you for whatever you need, and for the long haul. I love you, Galen," he ended with, finishing with a gentle kiss.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 11-30-2004 06:19 AM    
Shayla had taken some steps back, first to give Galen and Terrin some space, and secondly so that she could see what was transpiring with Panthar, who had suddenly taken Jharmeen out of Jasyn Lancaster's arms and given her to Phalomir, who was in all honesty looking a little groggy. At this observation, Shayla frowned.

Was Phalomir now in control of himself, as it appeared? Had he asked about Jharmeen? Hadn't Terrin mentioned that he thought Phalomir was being trapped by Thoran?

And speaking of, WHERE WAS THORAN?

Her frown deepening at this, Shayla stretched out towards Phalomir's mind, knowing that she should easily be able to pick out Thoran's Force signature within. But find it she could not... she immediately deduced there could be only one other logical location for Thoran's essesence. Her thoughts growing more and more troubled, she stretched out to Terrin Danner's mind...

...yet came up with no Force signature. Still, a certain tremor in the Force screamed at her in warning, so she turned to Panthar, Jasyn, Phalomir, and the others, not wanting to disturb the reunion now taking place with her troubled conclusions.

"Ummm...guys," she spoke up quietly, "I can't get a lock on Thoran's Force-signature, not in your mind," she said, pointing to Phalomr, "Or even in least, not at the moment," she continued with a small nod in Terrin's direction, a dark look glinting her greeny-blue eyes. "I have a really bad feeling about this..."

[ 11-30-2004 06:22 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 12-01-2004 08:36 PM    
Phalomir sat with his back to the wall, cradling Jharmeen in his arms. He looked down upon her face, a calm but extremely fatigued expression blanketing his own features.

“My thanks, Panthar,” he said softly. He raised his head to Shayla.

“Thoran has vacated my body,” he said quietly, keeping his voice from carrying too far. “I feel… cleansed. I have no doubt as to Thoran’s whereabouts, he must believe he will have more bargaining power if he hijacks Terrin. I do not feel we need worry about that too hard at the moment, I think he is sincere in his desire to make a deal, but he does not trust us.”

Phalomir raised his eyebrow.

“As he is right to. I will kill him the first chance I receive.”

He returned his gaze to Jharmeen. “But for now, my powers are useless. Shayla, tell me, do I still carry the Eye?”

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-01-2004 08:57 PM    
"Yes, you still have the Eye," Shayla replied, not at all thrilled with Phalomir's seeming lack of concern over Thoran's whereabouts.

After all, it might be more difficult to keep tabs on him now...

"We need to find this Shar'tak Thoran mentioned, the one both Panthar and Erik saw when they were here last. Perhaps then we can communicate with the Master and get some help for Jharmeen. I don't know how much longer Aelvedaar will be held at bay."


posted 12-01-2004 09:03 PM    
Time stopped, lost as I was in the bliss of being in Terrin's arms again, but that bliss was shattered as Phalomir's words crept into it.

I jerked back, shoving against Terrin and making a quite instinctive and automatic "ptooey-face."

"Yuk!" I growled, rubbing my lips with the back of my hand. Then the frown on my face grew deeper yet as I stepped back into Terrin's personal space, now to reach up and grasp him by twin handsful of High Sith robes.

I yanked him down to meet my ire.

"Is what Phal says true?" I seethed, jerking the robes again for emphasis. "Are you lurking in there, you creep?"

My grip tightened, and for a moment I thought that nothing would satisfy me better than to just haul off and kick Thoran where it would hurt him the most, and believe me my knee was in perfect proximity to do so. But the simple fact that it wouldn't be hurting him, but rather Terrin, kept me from putting that luscious thought into action.

My brows lowered even more.

"All right, lurk if you want. But at least you did follow through with your promise of putting Terrin back together, and for that... well, not that I think you can understand the sentiment one whit, but I'm truly grateful.

"Now what is it we have to do to assist you and Phal with this Master confrontation thingy-- wait a damned minute here! Kill him the first chance you receive?!"

My hands loosened a bit as I cut myself off in mid question, turning my head Phalomir's way.

[ 12-01-2004 09:09 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


posted 12-01-2004 11:31 PM    
Phalomir raised his head to Galen, looking into her fiery eyes. He lifted one finger and held it to his lips, then brought it down to wipe stray hairs from Jharmeen’s forehead.

“We will make our deal if it is to be made,” he said quietly. “Let him believe he has the power to bargain. But Thoran is much too dangerous to us all, if he does not leave as he has stated then he must not be allowed to live.”

He looked up to Panthar.

“Take us to the Shar’tack.”

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 12-02-2004 09:20 PM    
"Now wait just a damn minute," Jasyn suddenly growled, looking directly at Phalomir, "Just how precisely are you planning to kill Thoran if he is in Terrin's head?"

Pausing at with this pointed question, Jasyn look darkened further. "If you continue along this line of thought, you'd kriffing well better find a way of doing so without putting the Boss's life at risk."

Quieting then, Jasyn folded his arms, clearly unyeilding in how he felt about this.


posted 12-02-2004 09:35 PM    
Phalomir turned a wearisome eye to Jasyn.

“Then obviously the first chance I receive will be when Thoran vacates Terrin’s body,” he said. “I have no intention of letting harm come to any of us, as long as I may help it. We need to be together, my friend. All of you, my friends.”

Phalomir stood, his powerful legs moving from a crossed position and lifting his frame into the air almost effortlessly. He scanned the room, his strength seeming to return to him bit by bit. The color in his face was brightening slightly, augmented by the soft glow of the Tattoo of Entitlement of the Armorer Clan which had now come to life.

Panthar paused at the doorway, ready to lead the way back to the upper chambers. He looked back to Phalomir and was caught for a moment by the sight. Phalomir smiled to him and then scanned the other faces in the room.

“Being here, it now seems so much like… home. And being here with all of you, especially, I feel a strength that has been vacant from me in some time. Despite Thoran’s ill will, we will survive this. I thank all of you for staying with us.”

He glanced down at the sleeping Jharmeen, held protectively in his arms, then looked back to Panthar.

“Lead on?” he asked. "Unless someone feels there is more to be learned in this room."

[ 12-02-2004 09:36 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Phalomir ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 12-06-2004 09:52 PM    
Panthar looked around the strangely lit room, taking in the surroundings. His eyes traced the walls down from the ceiling to the floor, then paused on the image of Galen and Terrin. Everyone was silent, just like the room.

“I’d say that’s a no,” he said, turning and heading up the stairs. He felt anxious to be away from that place. Away from Terrin. Why, Panthar? What the heck is going on? Something's not right.

He shook off the feeling and turned back.

“Next stop, the shar’tack!” he called back. Then to himself, he said “If the beastie boy is still interested in leading us there, that is. I sure as heck don't remember.”

[ 12-06-2004 09:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Panthar Dantares ]

Terrin Danner

posted 12-06-2004 10:07 PM    
Terrin's eyes had grown dark as it was revealed that Thoran was most likely lurking somewhere within his own psyche.

Allright, Thoran buddy. I've got my mental eye on you, as everyone else has their physical eyes on you...

His eyes still dark, Terrin then jerked himself to full alertness as the group began to move out of the underlayers.

"Listen, everyone," he then spoke up, "If at any time you believe Thoran has seized control of my body and he's doing something to place you in harm's way..."

He paused, looking to Galen, "Do what you need to do to stop him."


posted 12-08-2004 10:27 PM    
I turned back to Terrin, letting my scowl lighten by degrees. Rising up on my tippy-toes, I grasped him by his chin and drew his face down to mine.

"Don't worry, love," I whispered softly. "I'll be the first to handle it...

"Ya hear that, Thoran ol' buddy, ol' pal?"

My scowl came back tenfold, along with my voice, and I gripped Terrin's face more tightly. Peering deeply into his blue eyes, I sought the flicker of dark I knew was lurking therein.

"Don't think you have any special immunity from any of us, just because you're hiding in my husband's body..."

Like a dianoga in a garbage heap, came the addendum, hot on the heels of that statement.

"Terrin would forgive me two hundred percent if I had to lambast him, just to get you out of our hair!"

I gave an emphatic nod, and let myself down on my heels again. Then I turned away, only to see Panthar hurrying off into the gloom.

"Just a sec, Terrin..."

I squeezed his arm fondly, then took off after Big Red until I had caught up with him. He didn't slow but kept a steady pace, not even bothering to turn and look at me as I hurried up.

"Hey, Panthar," I said, reaching out a friendly hand to touch his arm.

"Wait a minute, don't be in such an all-fired hurry to go wherever it is we're going... well, at least wait until we all have an inkling of an idea of what we're going to be getting ourselves into.

"What in Hell's Seven Circles is this shar'tak, and what exactly do you mean about 'beastie?'"

Panthar Dantares

posted 12-08-2004 11:03 PM    
Panthar stopped and took a breath, then turned with a grin.

“The beastie is the little feller up there that tried to lead us a little bit ago. He somehow belongs to this place, and when Erick and I were here before he gave us a grand tour of the place. There were two rooms in particular that were interesting. One was the place that had the ice blocks in it, he wasn’t too keen on that room but obviously it was important for us to know about it. But there was another room, an armory really. It had all sorts of weapons and things in there, and one thing in particular caught our attention. It was a red ball, sort of like the Eye. But if we stared into it and thought hard – OK, not even so hard – about a Dark Lord it would show us what he was doing at that moment. Sort of like a spy camera. That’s how we accidentally met the Master, and ended up with you. I heard Thoran call it the shar’tack, so I assume that’s the name.”

He took a breath and saw that Phalomir was now standing beside Galen, Jharmeen cradled close to him.

“Diffie, that’s sort of the beastie’s name, ran off to check out something crashing around in the hall. That’s when the Master told us he could save us, so we kinda stupidly took him up on his portal. But I trust that fuzzball up there somehow, and I think it’s important we find him again. I can go find him, if people need to do more down here.”


posted 12-09-2004 02:35 PM    
I had let my hand drop from Panthar's arm when he had turned to me, and now I clenched it and placed it on my hip. The other hand drifted down to toy idly with the Sith invisibility device I wore on my belt.

"I don't think it's a good idea to split up," I stated then, craning my head around Panthar's solid frame in the attempt to see where this "Diffie" had gotten himself off to. I couldn't see much in the gloom that lay ahead, but I could clearly hear his echoing growls, accompanied by the unmistakable clatter of claws on stone as the sounds wafted into our ears from the distance.

"I hope he waits for us; what's taking the others so long?"

I turned on my heel with that, expecting to see the rest of our group directly behind.

Mysteriously enough, they were nowhere to be seen. Something about the blank place where they had just been standing seemed to smile ominously; I shivered a little and gripped Panthar's arm again.

Oh no, not again! I mourned inwardly as I squeezed his arm, shuffling a little nearer for support. Outwardly, I did my best to keep up a facade of strength, even if it was beginning to wear a bit thin around the edges.

"You said you saw weapons?" I whispered, turning back to him.

"I think we just might be needing them; I've got a bad feeling about this place. Like there's eyeballs watching us from everywhere, waiting for the next set of womprats to stumble into their booby-traps...."

[ 12-09-2004 02:37 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-09-2004 02:51 PM    
To the eyes of the others, nothing seemed to have changed... other than that Panthar, after heading off into the gloom for a moment, returned with a rueful smile on his face.

Galen, after having taken a step or two after Panthar, returned to Terrin and stood beside him. From there she watched as the doppleganger came back to join them.

"This way," said the false Panthar, and took off in an entirely new direction.

"We don't want to be going after that tuk'ata after all now, do we Terrin?"

The skillfully produced image, complete with a sense of life within it, brought into being by the immensely honed abilities of the Sorcerers to protect their most cherished ordinance store, stared meaningfully into Terrin's eyes before turning and leading the group away, first down the path they had just come through, then off on a byway and then another and another, sometimes going up cold stone stairs, sometimes down stairs even colder...

...until the group was thoroughly lost, somewhere deep within the bowels of a tunnel system that snaked into myriad corridors and false ends, deep beneath the surface of Koris'ian. There wasn't even so much as a footprint beneath them on the stone floor when the pair of images turned to the others and....


[ 12-09-2004 02:54 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]


posted 12-09-2004 02:57 PM    
Phalomir scowled.

“Yes, weapons would be advantageous. And are we all agreed as to what course we are taking, and what our true purpose is in this temple? Terrin is restored, and were it not for Thoran then at least he would be safe. I am sorry you were all drawn into this, but I am truly grateful for your assistance.”

He sighed, placing a free hand on Galen’s shoulder. “We will be all right, we have to be. Please do not make mention of this to the others. I know what Thoran intends, he could hide most of his thoughts from me but not all. He intends to make a-- ”

A chill went up Phalomir’s spine, forcing him pause. He turned around to look behind into the room and saw what Galen had seen… nothing. He poked his head into room and looked into the dim lighting, and still saw no sign of the others.

“Shayla?” he called out. “Terrin?” Only the faint echoes of the ages answered.

Phalomir spun back to Galen and Panthar, his eyes blazing.

“What has that treacherous beast Thoran done now? If any harm comes to them, I swear, by the blood of my son, I will kill him,” he seethed.


posted 12-09-2004 03:05 PM    
Thoran, content to sit back in the shadows, paid little heed to the words of Panthar. Until, that was, the group began down a path that he did not know of. By the time Thoran realized something was amiss, it was too late. An unfamiliar feeling of panic spread over him, and he called out from his hiding place deep inside of Terrin’s mind.

“Terrin, wait!” he called out.

Terrin, braced for Thoran’s lies, paid him no attention.

“Terrin, this is the wrong way! Stop!” Still Terrin ignored him.

Finally Thoran sped from his hiding place and into the foreground of Terrin’s mind. He seized control and spun around to face the others. The shock on their faces at first came from the words of warning he was shouting, but changed to disbelief and concern as the images behind him vanished. Knowing it was too late, his shoulders slumped and Thoran withdrew back into the recesses of Terrin’s mind, fearing now retribution for something he did not do… for once.

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-09-2004 03:06 PM    
Thie image of Galen curled its lips in a dark and terrible smile.

"Yess-sss...." it whispered silkily, linking arms with its fellow doppleganger.

"Blood indeed."

With that the pair vanished from beneath Phalomir's very nose, leaving him standing alone with the stones and the shadows and the icily still form of his lady still clutched within his arms.

Panthar Dantares

posted 12-09-2004 03:43 PM    
“Yes,” said Panthar. “It was full of weapons. And strange looking devices, aside from the shar’tack.. Phal will love that room when we get there. I wonder what they’re doing?”

He looked past Galen’s shoulder and down the dark corridor.

“I thought they would have been here by now,” he said, a faint trace of worry in his voice. “Maybe we should go check on them. You’re right, splitting up is a bad idea.”


posted 12-09-2004 04:20 PM    
I shivered and clutched Panthar's arm a touch more tightly.

"I- I don't want to go back and check," I whispered, a hunch about the prudence of that course of action raising red warning flags everywhere within me.

"I don't want whatever happened to them to happen to us. Besides, they have a couple jedi with them... and don't they have Phal? He's a Sith, and ought to have some means of protecting them, more than we have.

"Er... that is, more than I do," I appended with an apologetic glance at Panthar's horns and claws and red skin. Gulping in embarrassment, I hurried on.

"I think we should continue on the way you were going and arm ourselves... and maybe find this beastie boy of yours.

"He just might come in handy."

[ 12-09-2004 04:26 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 12-09-2004 04:32 PM    
“You’re sure about this?” he asked. “I mean, if something has happened…. Hmmm, yeah, maybe you’re right. Phal is the Dark Lord of this place, after all. Even if his magic is gone he should still have some clout here. And hey, I’m only Sith on the outside, inside of here is pure country boy. And this pure country says it’s good to have weapons and a tuk’ata with you if something has happened to your friends.”

He placed his hand on the arm around his own and squeezed lightly.

“And if something has happened, I’m sure everyone will be all right. Let’s hurry, though.”

He turned towards the steps and began climbing, Galen right behind, still clutching his arm.

Terrin Danner

posted 12-09-2004 10:01 PM    
Terrin was just about to query as to just where they were going and when they would be there when Thoran momentarily siezed control, crying out a warning that Terrin had been half-heartedly listening to up to that point. But quite suddenly, Thoran simply slipped back into the recesses of his mind, and Terrin shook his head to clear the fog as his senses oriented him. It was then that he noticed the strange looks in the eyes of the others who were all looking at him...

...or rather, just past him. Terrin whirled, his own eyes growing wide with concern.

"Galen?" he called out, receiving no answer. He took a few steps forward, trying again. "Galen, are you there?!" Then he paused, turning back to the others, a troubled look on his face. "And where is Panthar? Maybe they are just ahead of us. We'd better move quickly, we should stay together..."

He trailed momentarily, not liking the look in the eyes of the others. "What is going on?"

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-09-2004 10:10 PM    
Shayla's look grew dark. She had seen Panthar and Galen disappear with her own eyes...

...and she only knew a couple of people capable of such a feat. That thought didn't comfort her in the slightest, but she stretched out with her Force-senses, just to investigate Terrin's propostition that perhaps the pair had simply gone ahead of them.

"I'm not certain," she then voiced out loud, "But I don't sense either Galen or Panthar ahead of us...

...and furthermore, Phalomir is also missing."

Falling silent for a moment at that, Shayla closed her eyes, stretching out just a little bit further. Then she opened them and looked directly at Terrin...

...but it wasn't to him that she was speaking. He greeny-blue eyes penetrated his blue ones, her small stature placing no limits on her ability to see straight through the tall man. "Allright Thoran...what is going on here?"

[ 12-09-2004 10:14 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 12-09-2004 10:38 PM    
Thoran winced, as best as a disembodied spirit could wince.

Terrin, buddy. Listen, I’m not going to take control of you, all right? Your body, I mean. I know this is difficult, but listen to me. What you just saw there was not Panthar, and it was not Galen. There was a very powerful magick at work here, Sith magick. I would have recognized it sooner if I wasn’t hiding in here. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I have an idea that someone – or something – wants us split up and lost. And it did a good job, I’m guessing. But please, make sure nobody panics and for the love of salty rocks, nobody split up!

[ 12-09-2004 10:41 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Thoran ]

Terrin Danner

posted 12-09-2004 11:06 PM    
Terrin honestly wasn't comfortable with trusting Thoran...

...but he had to at least take note of his words, since Shayla had asked Thoran to explain what was going on. "Thoran is apparently still hiding," he spoke up then, "But he says that the Galen and Panthar we were following was the product of powerful Sith magick, and that someone or something has been trying to split us up."

He paused, frowning, not liking how his thoughts were progressing. "You all know as well as I do that if Galen and Panthar aren't nearby that there are only a few other possibilities. Thoran may be telling the truth...

...or someone with All abilities may have snatched both of them. Shayla, can you sense either of them at all, maybe if you stretch out further?"

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-09-2004 11:17 PM    
Shayla pursed her lips. "I can try," she replied, then closing her eyes and submerging herself in the Force, searching for first general life-forces, then more specific ones. For a long moment, she remained motionless, seeking and searching...

...but finally, she opened her eyes. "I can't pick up anything specific," she admitted, drawing an even more concerned look from Terrin. She held up a hand to stop any comments he might have as she then continued, "But I do sense sentient life that is most likely human. I can't get a lock on that life as of yet since we appear to be some distance from it...

...but this information definitely leans in Thoran's favor. After all, there should be no sentient life on this planet other than us, particularly not of the human variety. I believe that both Panthar and Galen are still here, and that we need to quickly get to the business of finding them. But first we are going to have to find ourselves. Unfortunately, I don't think any of us has great knowledge of this temple...

...except maybe one of us. Thoran, have you any ideas on where we are, and how to get back to where we were?"


posted 12-09-2004 11:26 PM    
Mutter mutter, thought Thoran.

OK, Terrin, tell her that I don’t know where we are without looking around first, so I’ll need to… hmm, tell her that… oh heck, it would be easier if I were in control. Terrin, buddy, do you mind?

Terrin Danner

posted 12-11-2004 04:43 PM    
Terrin couldn't help but frown.

Sure as kriffing hell did he mind. But if Thoran knew something that would help them find Galen, there was going to have to be at least somewhat of a compromise here...

Considering this along with the group's overall feelings about Thoran--particularly Galen's rather obvious ones and his very own--Terrin made a choice.

If the group goes to have a look around and I describe what I see to you, could you give us some idea of where we are that way?


posted 12-11-2004 05:12 PM    
Your distrust in me is so... quaint. We can try it this way, but it may be a little tedious if I have to answer questions through a proxy. But, hey, what the heck? I can tell you right now, from what I saw, that we are in a passageway. From the looks of it, it hasn't been used in ages and the water on the walls tells me that we are still underground. I think probably this is going to be some kind of maze, intentionally made or not. There's always the left-hand trick. Put your left hand on the wall, never take it off, and eventually you'll end up somewhere.

Terrin Danner

posted 12-12-2004 09:43 PM    
Terrin sighed at Thoran's final words.

Yeah, that is really gonna help us get the hell out of here quickly...

Looking to the others then, he relayed Thoran's reply, including the left-hand trick. Then he added his own two credits worth.

"I suggest that we move in the direction of the lifesigns you think you sense, Shayla, and try to get a handle on precisely where we are and what happened to Galen and Panthar as we progress--and as soon as possible--I don't like that we've been split up like this at all. This really is the only option we have, unless someone else has another idea."

Pausing at this statement, which was clearly aimed not only at the others in the group but Thoran as well, Terrin motioned for Shayla to take the lead, anxious to get going.


posted 12-16-2004 10:51 PM    
Thoran grunted inside of Terrin’s head.

Let the others stumble around in the dark, communing with the spiders and the other guardians of the temple. As for me, I’ll be content to stay here where it’s warm. I am the only one here with magick, oh my. I wonder…

Thoran let his powers flare a little, reaching out to the space around the group. He felt magick all around him, as if the very hallway was alive with it. He tried to trace it to a source, but it was too diverse, too chaotic. It was almost as if something was deliberately trying to confuse him, using the magick in this temple. Being bounced around in these underground hallways, it was acting like n amplifier an scrambler. But why?


Hey, Terrin? Um, watch out, all right? I think there is something going on here, something more than us getting separated. There’s an incredible amount of Sith magick bouncing all over place, but it’s, well, chaotic. I’ve never felt anything like this before, like we’ve walked into a trap of sorts. I’m not sure I’ll be able to do much with my powers while we’re in this mess.

[ 12-16-2004 10:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Thoran ]


posted 12-16-2004 11:47 PM    
Phalomir circled in place, taking in the surroundings. He had thought he was just outside the door of the central room where Terin’s body had lain, but now he found himself in a short hallway instead with passages going off in several directions. He stopped ad concentrated on the moment, the calculating warrior in him rising to the occasion.

“What is this?” he asked the emptiness. He looked down at Jharmeen, still silent in his arms. He raised his face to the near darkness and peered into the quiet nothing. There was no sound, no movement of air save for the steady but faint whisper of Jharmeen’s beath. He inhaled himself, turning it into a contemplative sigh.

His thoughts turned to the others, hoping for their safety. While he no idea where Shayla, Terrin, and the others could have gone, if Panthar had indeed made it to the steps perhaps he was safely above these passages with the tuk’ata. The guardians of the temple…


The tuk’ata, above, were indeed the guardians of the temple. The temple itself. But what if there were other guardians, powered by the Sith magick that flowed through this place, and fashioned by the Sith Armorer clan? Of course, the Sith would not simply abandon this planet and leave its temple unguarded. Accoring to Jharmeen, the entire clan was relocated to Khar Delba, leaving this planet alone. But Koris’ian was still a Sith world, and held secrets of the clan and of the race itself. It would simply not be abandoned!

So, were what he thought Galen and Panthar simply phantoms manifested through magick? If so, the magick would most likely come from the temple itself, or if not that then at least from some ancient protection placed upon the temple. He had already experienced something of the sort upon his initial arrival here, when he faced the spirit of Lord Rean.

Where he earned the Lordship of the Clan! Phalomir, you fool! He thought, placing his hand upon his cheek. This is your temple. You are the Dark Lord of the Armorers! Your magick is gone, but the tattoo of entitlement remains. These phantoms, if that is what they be, fall within your realm. Perhaps they could they provide a link to the magick of this temple?

He inhaled deeply once again and placed his back to the wall. He looked to his right, then to his left, noticing that the passages seemed somehow different, as if someone had simply rearranged the hallway. He lifted his head and spoke out.

“I am Phalomir, Dark Lord of the Armorer Clan. I have obtained this rank through right of combat, vanquishing the soul of Lord Rean. I bear the mark of entitlement, granting me authority over this domain and all who dwell within it. Hear me now, and speak with me.”

He paused, gave a slight nod, and glanced once again to Jharmeen.

Well, my love. It is worth an attempt.

[ 12-16-2004 11:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Phalomir ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-17-2004 12:02 AM    
Without the Temple of the Armorers, the sky grew black with roiling clouds, all coalescing from nothing, deepening, thickening, writhing together until they resembled nothing so much as a pot of sooty pudding left boiling too long. The sun seemed to whimper in fear, and promptly disappeared, eaten by the eerie clouds which sent the land into pitch darkness.

Deep underneath the surface of the planet of the Armorers there rambled a great and long unused maze. Indeed, there had been no need for this maze to rise up from the sleep in which its masters and creators had placed it in, for no one had come to disturb the silence of four thousand years. But now... now the corridors of the underlayers resounded with the echoes of bootsteps.

Unfamiliar bootsteps.

And so the maze had quickened from its long sleep, raising at first slowly, insidiously, and then gaining energy from the very life force of those who dared to tread within it. Bolstered and fed by that energy, it began coiling and twining about itself, like vines in the wind, and where junction met wall another corridor was created and the old lost behind a dead end. All throughout this maze the magicks remained strong, and grew stronger, and the maze grew more and more convoluted.

But then...

From nowhere there appeared a pair of great eyes. They were huge, the size of banthas, colored a brilliant periwinkle with jagged streaks of brilliant silver crackling within them. There was no pomp or circumstance in their appearance; they just...


And studied Phalomir in calm appraisal.

"You are not He who made us," came a silken thunder, which echoed long into the empty corridors before falling into silence.


posted 12-17-2004 12:23 AM    
Phalomir’s eyes widened. He wasn’t quite sure what he was expecting, but this was not it. Nonetheless, he swallowed and called back out.

“No, I am not he who made you. That one is most likely long gone, dead from the depth of ages since when you were made. But I am the one who now rules the clan, and I call upon you to recognize my authority. I am here to begin the long task of rebuilding the Clan of the Armorers, and there are many things that need to be done. Help me, assist me in this endeavor. You have done your job well but now you must shift your concentration to other foci.”

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-17-2004 12:39 AM    
The eyes merely contemplated Phalomir quietly, as a scientist might scrutinize a particularly interesting bug.

"Other foci?" came the silken thunder at length.

"A--clan? Of Armorers?

"We know not of what you speak; there are no clans here. We are of peace, we are of the ages, we are that which brings order and peace to all.

"We are Triumvirate Made Whole.



The thunder echoed softly down the corridors, which picked themselves up and laid themselves back down again, in yet another arrangement of stone gone liquid.

Somewhere, lost in yet another corridor, a tuk'ata lifted it's muzzle and yowled in fear and protest against the vagaries of its peculiar brand of gods.

[ 12-17-2004 12:42 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]


posted 12-17-2004 02:45 PM    
Phalomir puzzled for a moment. This was not at all what he was expecting, and the implications of what the voice had spoken sent a small chill down his spine. If what was said were true, then “they”, these beings – or forces – were beyond the Clans. But what exactly did the voice mean?

“There seems to be much that we do not know of each other, and I am very interested in sharing tales with you. You exist on a world that was once inhabited by my people, and in fact this very hall lies beneath the main Temple used by the leaders of this world. There were three worlds that formed the center of my race, each housing a different clan, this world was home to the Clan of Armorers. They were forced to depart the planet long ago, and I assumed you were placed here to protect the Temple in those vacant times. I see that perhaps I have assumed incorrectly.

“Please, allow me to know more of you. You speak of Triumvirate, which is a key concept of my race. I cannot help but feel the connection. Tell me, who is he that made you?”

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-17-2004 02:55 PM    
"He who made us?"

With each syllable that thundered against the cold stones of the walls and floors the very atmosphere grew darker, not in color but in feeling, until it seemed every molecule of which said atmosphere was made up stood out in strange and sharply velveted relief.

The great eyes blinked, seemed to darken a bit themselves.

"He who made us...."

Time stopped, literally, while the anomaly paused to think. Phalomir froze in mid-breath, his lady between one beat of her heart and the next; without the place where they confronted each other every living thing, avery non-living thing, every being thing simply stopped being for a moment.

A moment which stretched out into eternity.

"There is no He."

The returning words rang into the corridor like an audible tsunami, washing life and breath and existence back into all that was, along with a subtly subliminal awareness that, frighteningly enough, for an unfathomable moment all indeed wasn't.

"He is Us, We are He. I am that which is, and this is my place of all places that Are."

[ 12-17-2004 03:00 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]


posted 12-18-2004 06:00 PM    
Phalomir let the words resound through his mind. A thousand conflicting thoughts ran through his head, but a soothing hum from the area in his robes where the Eye of R’lous was hidden helped to bring clarity to his thoughts. As the humming continued, a strange, surreal sort of realization set in.

“The Triumvirate made whole… You speak of something my race aspired to attain, an ideal we tried to reach. It was to save us. If you are what you say, then that which we sought was with us all along, and we were too blind to see it.”

Phalomir lowered his head and bowed slightly, bending his knee to the floor. Jharmeen remained cradled in his arms.

“You are the spirit of my people, and I thank you for palaver. Here before you are two Dark Lords of the Sith, humble and in need. The third of our Triumvirate is at odds, and believes in the rule of One. He is set against us, and the fate of the race you embody is in the balance.”

Phalomir raised his head to the darkness.

“I have given my magick to protect this one from him. Despite his hunger for power, I still feel we can come to terms and continue the Triumvirate. Tell me, please, enlighten me. Are you, Spirit of Triumvirate Made Whole, or even Gods of the Sith, in a disposition to assist in the course of the Sith?”

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-18-2004 11:01 PM    
Eager to get going herself and very much concerned about the welfare of the others--let alone the welfare of Jharmeen--Shayla immediately took the lead, taking the group through numerous and winding corridors, trying her very best to follow the life forces which she felt. And yet every pathway which she attempted to take followed yet another dead end, no matter how much closer that particular pathway seemed to take her to the others.

At length she simply stopped, the determination still set in her eyes even though her shoulders slumped slightly. "This is not going to work," she then stated simply, turning to the others. "It's as though the maze keeps changing itself...

...and I wouldn't doubt that this is exactly what is happening. This thing is clearly designed to keep people lost and seperated. I only wish that there was a way to get back to the others without having follow this neverending maze...

...but I'm afraid the only way to do that would be through nothing short of All usage."

Shayla paused at that, her look dark as she continued to ponder. A thought then occurred to her, and whether it was plausible or not she spoke it aloud, hoping it would at least spark further ideas.

"Thoran stated that we seemed to be underground, in some sort of maze. What would happen if we simply tried to go up to the surface rather than wandering on through this maze?"

[ 12-18-2004 11:02 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 12-21-2004 10:56 AM    
Well, said Thoran to Terrin. I think she’s right about the maze changing shape on us, it seems like it’s rearranging itself somehow. It wants to keep us separated, confused. So, it’s time to decide how we want to continue. Looks like we have three choices, if you’d be so kind as to pass these along: One, we keep wandering and hope we can stumble into the others and/or out of here. Maybe I can find Phal or Gray, or even that silly Eye through my magick; Two, we figure out a way to dig up like Shayla suggested, maybe I can blast with my magick, who knows? But the roof is probably protected by whatever is making the walls shift; Three, we, um, port out. But you might not like that part.

Panthar Dantares

posted 12-21-2004 11:20 AM    
Panthar reached the top of the steps with Galen right beside him. The small room at the top was just as he remembered before everyone had descended down the steps.

“Well,” he said. “We made it. Looks like no-one else is waiting for us here though.”

The rattled growl that cut its way from the room’s only door told him otherwise. Panthar and Galen both looked to where the sound emanated and saw the tuk’ata just rising from the spot it had apparently been laying.

“Hey, looks like he came back and waited for us. Hey, Diffy! Can you lead us to the armory room? Where we saw the red globe thing?”

The tuk’ata cocked its head and snorted.

“Ar-mor-eeeee room,” said Panthar, enunciating every syllable slowly. “Red globe thing-eeee…”

The tuk’ata rose fully and trotted over to Galen and Panthar. Panthar felt Galen’s hand tighten around his arm, and tensed himself, ready to throw himself in front of the beast should he need to. But the tuk’ata stopped a few feet away and whined. Panthar glanced to Galen and then extended his hand out. The tuk’ata leaned forward and let its face tendrils sniff and caress Panthar’s hand. It then turned and started for the door.

“Well,” said Panthar. “Either it understood or it didn’t. But like I said, it helped me before. I’m ready to follow it again, are you?”

Terrin Danner

posted 12-23-2004 12:22 PM    
Port out? Terrin thought back towards Thoran, then relating everything else he had said to the group. Then he added his own thoughts.

"I'm thinking we might let him try to find the others with his powers. Not that I trust him...but I'm certain he wants out of here just as much as we do. In the meantime..."

He paused, glancing to the swords in his commrades' hands, "...we may want to try digging up and see what happens. Shayla, do you think your Force powers could help any with this?"

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-23-2004 12:26 PM    
Shayla nodded. "If we start digging, I can help by telekentically moving the things which may start coming down. Thoran may be correct, however, whatever is making everything shift on us may also protect any movement upwards that we try to make. We'll just have to see what happens. But it at least sounds like we have a plan of attack now. Erik? Jasyn? Matt? Since you've got weapons of one kind or another, you're gonna have to get us started. Thoran, if you could give us a blast, that would be helpful as well. And if you can search out for the others with your powers... it. I have a general idea of where they may be, but the Force can't direct me straight to them, not at this distance."


posted 12-23-2004 01:24 PM    
My body went rigid as the animal's proximity kicked off every life-preserving instinct I had in me. The dimness of the underchambers grew darker yet as unbidden memories leaped up to play across my eyes.

A terrible vision of a tuk'ata leaping straight at me, ten-inch claws extended and eager... an entirely too personal view of its sleek underside as it flew gracefully over my rolling body... a brief and bloody flash of my sister, pale hands held to gory midsection as the swipe meant for me impacted upon her flesh instead....

Another: a foreboding and echoing chamber, vaulted ceiling lost to the shadows which commandeered its walls... the sneering horror of Dark Lord Roan smiling so smugly down upon the still body of Terrin, who lay limply between the claws of a hunched and growling and drooling tuk'ata....

I jerked slightly, digging my fingers into Panthar's arm. He didn't seem the least bit disturbed by the animal, who was beginning to act like Man's Best Friend toward him.

I however knew better. Man's "Best Friend" possesses what sometimes proves to be the Teeth-Best-For-Ripping-Man-Friend-Or-Not; I didn't trust this critter in the slightest.

I, after all, wasn't wrapped up in Sith flesh now, was I?

So I just stood there, stone still, digging into Panthar's arm, and hoping to Hell's Seven Circles that when this critter finally realized I was there it wasn't going to be as an hor d'oeurve....

[ 12-23-2004 01:39 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


posted 12-23-2004 01:28 PM    
Does the word “sarcasm” ring a bell with anyone here? No? Anyone? Oh, whatever. Look, if these walls keep shifting on us, and whatever the heck is doing it does not want us to be found, then we are going to be lost forever! It’s not even that it’s trying to direct us somewhere, because we’re not moving and the walls are still changing! As for blasting, you do realize that we are probably hundreds of meters below the surface? Even with my amazing abilities, it would take weeks to blast that much rock… and where would we put it? Tell you what, though, just to pass the time, I’ll give it shot. Terrin, just point your finger up over your head, yeah, just like that…

Thoran gathered his powers around his spirit. The magick energies that were all around him fed into the mix, and when he felt the time was right he sent a powerful surge up the length of Terrin’s arm. A blue energy blasted from Terrin’s outstretched finger, illuminating the hallway and colliding with the dark ceiling. The bolt ricocheted from the ceiling and angled to the corner where the wall met the floor, then bounced to the far wall of the hall. It continued to bounce from one wall to the next, coming dangerously close to several of the group before finally striking Jasyn squarely in the chest. He flew backwards and slumped against the wall, falling slowly to the floor.

Jasyn’s hair smoked slightly, and sparks flew from his eyes and ears for a few seconds. He twitched a little and then went limp, before his eyes flew open and he shuddered involuntarily.

Well, that didn’t work. Too well, anyway. Good thing it wasn’t a full blast, eh?

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-23-2004 01:53 PM    
It was as if an earthquake had struck.

Quite suddenly there came a pounding, a rhythmic beating which struck against the walls, the floors, the ceiling of place where Phalomir stood quietly waiting, crashing against them in a rising crescendo of power and intent unguessable.

Until the familiarity of that rhythmic pounding revealed itself to puny ears simply for what it was:


At length the chuckling lessened and the shaking quieted, save for the bits of loosened stone which fell from the ceiling to litter the floor.

"We know not of Sith...."

The words were barely discernable against the fading echoes of cracking and falling rock.

"We are... and this is Our Place of Places.

"Why do you disturb our sleep?"

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-23-2004 01:54 PM    
Shayla immediately began stepping towards the fallen Jasyn Lancaster, ignoring for the moment that they seemed very much trapped here. But even as she began to stoop to reach him, stretching her senses to the Force in preparation to heal him, she froze.
"Wait a minute," she whispered, now turning full-circle to take in the walls now surrounding him. "There's something very familiar to me about the magick which is surrounding us. It's very much like..."

She paused, furrowing her brow a little as she continued to analyze what she felt, " the Valley of the Dark Lords. Thoran... you know if the Dark Jedi had already gotten to the Clan of the Armorers here on Kor'isan before the Sith were pulled into this time frame? I'm not certain, but something is telling me that they had been...

...and that this magick anamoly which traps us was to protect this place from further attacks. It is also then very possible that the magick is fueled by the fallen spirits from that attack by the Dark Jedi, just as the Valley is protected by fallen Dark Lords. The fallen Dark Lords in the valley can be communicated with... perhaps they can be communicated with here as well. I'm going to try, regardless."

Falling silent at that, Shayla closed her eyes and stretched her senses completely out. Even as she did so, she could feel the power of the magick that surrounded them touch her senses, and she waited to see what, if anything, would happen next.


posted 12-23-2004 02:21 PM    
Valley of the… you know, Terrin, for once the Good Gal Gazer may be right. Something worries me, though. When I was building up that, um, blast… Well, you see, the way magick like mine works, you need to draw upon the powers that you have, then form it, kind of like making clay people to feed to your toy Banthar, you know? Well, when I was drawing power, I felt a bit of the ambient energy feed into that as well. If my power had some of this weirdness around us wrapped into it, then that could explain why the blast didn’t do anything but bounce, but it also makes me a little worried about your buddy on the ground over there. Like why his eyes were sparking, and why he didn’t blow apart into a thousand pieces when the blast hit him, and why he’s standing up right now with a light coming out of his head… Um…

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-23-2004 02:46 PM    
That Which Is remained silent a few moments longer, moments passing with a seeming rapidity to it that made lightspeed the merest of snail's paces by comparison. But then it was as if its awareness was drawn elsewhere.

The air darkened, grew hushed.

Existence seemed to blink.

And far, far away from the tiny walls of the Temple of the Armorers of the Sith, hundreds of meters beneath soil-encrusted solid rock, even tinier entities were tumbled from their feet in something not even approaching an afterthought.

The light from Jasyn's head faded, leaving the group to stumble about in in soul-muffling blackness... a blackness laced with a suddenly booming voice, and the abrupt appearance of chrome-laced periwinkle eyes the size of a SandRider's favorite mount.

"Why do you disturb our slumber?"

Echoes resounded from the walls surrounding Phalomir as well, as the question was put to him yet again.

[ 12-23-2004 03:15 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-23-2004 04:49 PM    
As she opened her eyes and heard the booming voice, Shayla took an involuntary step back, something about the chrome in the large eyes before her reminding her of something she had seen once before.

The vong on that warship, where she had taken Graysith's place...

Firming then, she stood straight, a strength gathering deep within her. "We seek you so that we may be freed from this place," she responded simply. "I know not who or what you are, but I sense a great collective within you. We mean neither you nor this place any harm. Rather we seek to prepare ourselves to face a threat which is coming to the Sith..."

She paused a moment, those chrome eyes in her memory once more flashing across her mind's eye, "...a threat which I hope those who once resided here have not somehow already faced."

[ 12-23-2004 04:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 12-23-2004 10:53 PM    
I let out a gasp and dug my fingers into Panthar's arm so hard the nails broke into his skin, drawing blood.

Oh great, Galen; now that damned tuk'ata will go into a feeding frenzy or something....

The fact that I was totally terrified that our world had gone both topsy-turvy and utterly dark could not stop that incongruent thought from popping into my head. What did, however, was the pair of glowing eyes the size of small moons which hovered over us, peering down and stabbing us to the cold stones with an even colder look.

I knew those eyes could see us, even in the dark, for quite suddenly the very air shivered beneath the onslaught of a deep, bass voice.

"Why do you disturb our slumber?"

I tried to dig a hole under Panthar's arm, en route coming into physical contact with one of the damned writhing-twining thingies that Sith-hound wore instead of whiskers. It snaked about my waist, then gripped me tightly in turn.

A frightened sort of whine whispered into my ear, right on the heels of that bass echo.

"Oh great, that's just great!" I said to Panthar from the side of my mouth.

"Fido here is scared spitless; what in Hell's Seven Circles terrifies a tuk'ata?"

Something about the expectancy ringing in the air made me shut up then; I sure as Khaandon made lil green worrts didn't want those eyes to narrow their focus to just me. So, wrapped in Panthar's arms and the beastie's face-tendrils, I managed to silence myself, trying along the way to become invisible in the darkness.

[ 12-23-2004 11:08 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

Panthar Dantares

posted 12-23-2004 11:41 PM    
Panthar stood in silence, one hand being held fast by the tendrils of the tuk’ata and his other hand gripped tightly by Galen. His arm had somehow wrapped itself into a fortress around her.

Friends of yours, buddy? He sent to the tuk’ata. The minute trembles from the tendrils and the soft whining told Panthar otherwise. He somehow managed to pull Galen even closer.

“I don’t know what scares a tuk’ata,” Panthar whispered back to Galen. “But apparently it has something to do with disembodied eyes. If it weren’t for Diffy’s shakes, I’d think this was part of that stuff that happened downstairs… actually, I don’t know why it couldn’t be. It might even be the Master doing it, and I’m willing to bet it is. Ah heck, might as well try the upfront approach, right? If nothing else, maybe I can scare it off if it’s not him.”

Panthar mustered up his courage and inhaled importantly.

“Powerful forces are making our lives downright nasty. We are here to make a bargain with a powerful entity to bring a little order back and deal with the lunk-head who is causing us all the grief. So if you are he whom we came here to see, then let’s talk. Otherwise, sorry to disturb you. We’ll tuck you back in and get you a drink of water.”

Panthar nodded.

“There, that oughta do it.”

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 12-24-2004 12:15 AM    
As the involuntary shudders slowed somewhat, Jasyn's vision finally began to clear...

...after all, for a while he was seeing nothing more than brillant sparks. As it did, a rathar huge pair of periwinkle eyes with some chrome in them swam into focus, everything else totally dark. For a few more moments after that, Jasyn couldn't hear a thing...

...and he completely missed whatever it was being said. Thus it was that he had to assume he was somehow hallucinating.

"W-w-what is h-h-happening?!" he exclaimed, still barely hearing. "I'm seeing things..." he then continued with, stating nothing futher, still very much disoriented after having been slammed with the unforseen blast which careemed his way.

[ 12-24-2004 12:16 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]


posted 12-24-2004 12:16 AM    
Phalomir raised his head, the echoes from the question still sounding in his ears.

No knowledge of the Sith… Place of places…. We simply are…

They are not the gods of the Sith, at least not as the Sith revere them. They are seeming to be more than mere Temple guards, real or created by spell. Yet here they are, in the labyrinth beneath the temple, as if protecting it. But with no knowledge of the Sith…

Which means either they -- “it” -- was placed here by the Sith -- without their/its knowledge, or it was here before the Sith. I wonder if these halls were here before the Temple, then. In fact, was that why the Armorers built the temple on this spot? Is it why this planet was chosen? But this is all conjecture, Phalomir… what is important at this moment is finding an answer. What did we do down here to wake this being? All we did was… restore Terrin. But this does not explain… it matters not, simply answer the question.

“We came here to find answers to our questions, assistance in our quest, save my lady, and to bring back one of our own from death’s repose. For these reasons we have disturbed your slumber.”

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-24-2004 12:30 AM    
A great sighing wind rent the air, blasting into everyone with near-gale force as the unknown entity/ies gathered it/themselves together to reply to the motes crawling within its/their belly.

If mortal hands had been attached, it would have spread them.

"Collective..." the gale howled in Shayla's and Jasyn's ears, thundering there like a great tymphany.

"Powerful forces..." it agreed with Panthar, sending him and his companions to their knees in a flurry of robes and tendrils and flailing appendages.

"Repose... death...." came a blasting rumble almost too deep to be picked up by even Phalomir's keen Sith ears.


Somehow the air nodded, conveying to all the tiny motes that their tiny ideas were upon the correct tract. Then to all:

"You have broken That Which Is; you have come to Our Place of Places and in the breaking have awakened us from our slumber.

"Thus you have Called Out to Us; will we now play a game?"

The question echoed into silvered silence, accompanied now by a soft blue light, which appeared from no direct source to show the way to all the Being was choosing to reveal itself.

[ 12-24-2004 12:32 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 12-24-2004 12:48 AM    
Jasyn was still shuddering every so often, but he certainly hadn't lost his nerve. Nor his lack of tact. "W-w-why don't we pass on that l-l-last part?" he queried, then looking to the others in the eerie blue light. "You hear and see what I see too, I hope..."

He trailed a moment, the look in his eye growing dark as he then ammended with, "...or maybe I should hope you don't see it."

[ 12-24-2004 12:50 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-24-2004 01:02 AM    
"Yes, it's there," Shayla replied to Jasyn, her eyes never leaving the large ones before her. "A game?" she then repeated, her words clearly for whatever was in front of her. "It would appear that the game has already begun. If you are a collective...

...then what is it you are a collective of? Sith spirits..."

She trailed, but only momentarily as something flashed once more across her mind's eye. "...or perhaps not even spirits at all, and not even Sith. What are you, and what is it that you want from us?"

[ 12-24-2004 01:09 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-24-2004 01:09 AM    
The great eyes now focused on Shayla, ignoring Jasyn's flippancy as a god would ignore a bug.

"Who are we..."

Again the sigh came upon them, this time light, soft, like a spring zephyr; then freshening once again to gale force.

"We are that we are; We are Us, and Us are He, and this is Our Place of Places in All That Is."

Even with the lack of eyelids, the eyes appeared to blink.

"Yess-ss-sss..." it agreed with Shayla, allowing everyone to hear this discourse.

"A game indeed is wanting to be played, that What has been broken shall be broken no longer."

It paused.

"Resolution is the end of the game, for He It Is who wins it...."

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-24-2004 01:24 AM    
Something about the words now being spoken struck a chord deep within Shayla as somethign very familiar about it all slammed home.

All that is...

"All that is?" Shayla repeated alooud then, the wheels in her mind turning around these words and joining with words she had heard before, words spoken by another.

You can be Whole. You are only a small part of a Big picture...

"If you simply are..." she then continued with, "Then you must be the All...

...that is, All that is. But what is it that has been broken? All that is? And how can it be repaired?"

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-24-2004 01:34 AM    
"The... All?"

A great shiver sliced the air at the word, once more stopping time in its tracks while the being scrutinized first the word, and then delved deeply into Shayla's mind to see from what life's experiences it had sprung. With the ease of a rancor playing in the sand it shoved aside the magicks left therein by Aelvedaar, plucking this deep memory and that like musical chords.

Withdrawing, it allowed time to run once more as it let those memories spill freely into her consciousness once again.

"The Life's Blood," it thundered, shaking the stones about all parties involved into near liquifaction.

"You have knowledge...?"

A bolt crackled from the shining pupils, impacting first Shayla and then Phalomir, striking the latter a bull's eye blow where the Eye was tucked away upon his person.

"That Which Is has been broken. Resolution is at hand, to He It Is who would win it!"

[ 12-24-2004 01:35 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-24-2004 10:46 AM    
Were it not that Shayla had been struck to her knees by the powerful bolt eminating from That Which Was, she would have fallen to her knees regardless. She was keenly aware of what had just transpired as memories registered in her mind once more... she was also keenly aware that such would not have happened without a much greater purpose.

"Yes, I have knowledge," she whispered in a barely audible tone, knowing that she would be heard nevertheless. "I am but a small vessel to be used in the grand scheme of the Greater Good..."

She trailed at this, something deep and instinctive rising up from within as understanding dawned. What Aelvedaar had done to block her understanding of the All, at least for the moment, had been negated. Because this was true, perhaps that was not the only thing which Aelvedaar had done which was to be negated so That Which Was would no longer be broken. And after all, Shayla knew she was but one small player in the Game...

Resolution is at hand...

"Use me as you must," Shayla then spoke, her voice growing stronger though it was still soft, "For Her Restoration, I would give my life..."

[ 12-24-2004 10:49 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 12-27-2004 03:18 PM    
Phalomir staggered from the impact of the bolt of energy. He gathered himself, shifted Jharmeen to one arm, and reached back into his robe pocket. His fingers wrapped around the orb within, his flesh warming at the hot touch of the Eye. He pulled it into open, the bright glow casting a pulsating bath of red throughout the hallway. Phalomir stared into the Eye, it’s quickening pulse drawing him into it. Soon his vision narrowed so all he could see was the red Eye in his hand.

Words circled through his head, as if he was at the center of a large crowd of people all speaking at once. Slowly a strong, bold male voice pounded its way through the crowd and became clear above the din. The other voices withdrew as the words became clear.

One Eye to embrace the magick, One Eye with the key to all, One Spirit to feed them, One son to rule

The words repeated.

“I have heard these words before,” he said to the Eye. “You have told me many things, disjointed clues. But it comes to this, does it not?”

Again the words repeated.

“Long ago, before I even remembered her, you told me I must protect Graysith. You told me she will understand her legacy.”

The words stopped.

“You used her to kill Roan, used me. You told me you killed Roan for unity. You could have done the same with Aelvedaar, why did you not? You know of things, you speak prophecies to me in the form of riddles, things to come. But these are not prophecies, are they? There is a bigger picture, a larger connection of all things. The Sith are here from the past, I am here from the future, there is a point to this convergence. We are both here from times the race was facing its doom. And she was involved on both ends. She is the key…”

One Eye to embrace the magick…

“That is me. She has my magick now, it is buried deeply within her.”

One Eye with the key to all…

“I thought it was you, but no. It is her. You channel it, you take it from that which has and give to that which does not. But she is the one with the key.”

One Spirit to feed them…

“That Which Is…”

One son to rule…

“Has not yet been born.”

Phalomir’s vision cleared, yet he remained focused as his gaze shifted to Jharmeen. He closed his eyes and said “It is time for resolution.”

The Eye flared, sizzling Phalomir’s fingers. He kept a firm grip, and the Eye continued to gain intensity. Finally a trio of bright red streaks flew from the Eye. One enveloped the pair of eyes hovering in the air, a pair of eyes which now held a sort of amusement. The second streak shot into the wall, cutting a direct line from the Eye to the spot where Shayla stood. She was encompassed in a red glow and held immobile. The third blasted into Jharmeen.

The Eye drew upon the newly acquired knowledge of the All from Shayla, using it to feed itself. It took a tremendous amount of power from That Which Is, and sent it all into Jharmeen. The force knocked aside the protections Phalomir had placed upon her, sending most of the magickal energies back from where they came. The Beast, startled, dove for the gray kernel which it had been trying to once again possess. In the same instant the energies flew into the kernel, lighting it ablaze with a brilliancy that sent the Beast reeling backwards into the darkness of Jharmeen’s mind. Her spirit rekindled, infused with the traces of Phalomir’s magick that had been left behind.

Phalomir felt the rush of magick returning to him, the surprise sinking him to his knees. The bright beams dissipated as quickly as they had begun, leaving a red afterglow about Jharmeen. Shayla fell unconscious to the floor.

The Eye in Phalomir’s hand pulsed slowly, fading a to a dull gray, then turned black. It fell from his hand and shattered on the ground.

The eyes in the now darkness remained to look amused.

Panthar Dantares

posted 12-28-2004 03:42 PM    
Panthar rolled to his back, recovering from the latest blast of wind that sent all of them tumbling across the room. He looked up at the eyes which still hovered and noted a somewhat stranger tone to them. He glanced to Galen, who was pinned by one of the tuk’ata’s massive legs. He scooted over, keeping one his own eyes on the strange set of eyes, and lifted the limb from her. The tuk’ata remained dubiously still, and Galen herself moved rather slowly as she tried to pull herself away from under the beast. Panthar turned his full attention to her and drug her gently to him.

“Are you all right?” he whispered, his concern showing foremost in his voice. “I don’t know what the heck is going on here, but it’s gone beyond simple tricks to get us all separated. I don’t think Diffy is doing too well, either. I know for a fact that he is supposed to be some sort of temple guard dog, so whatever this thing is could be just the opposite.”

Galen was too involved with catching her breath to answer.

“It said we have broken that which is, and woke them up. And it said resolution is the end of the game… what did we do? All we did was come here, say hello to a bunch of tuk’ata, bring Terrin back to life, and…”

His eyes shot up to Galen. “Is that what we broke?”

Erik Kartan

posted 12-28-2004 10:34 PM    
"Shayla!" Erik yelled and without the slightest hesitation ran to her now-limp form. He fell to his knees beside her and scooped her up in his arms, assessing her physical status as best he could. She was most definitely breathing...

...and seemed to be simply unconscious, for all he could tell.

"She'll be allright,I think," he spoke aloud then, whether to the others or to himself he wasn't sure. But then he looked up to those large eyes, never moving from his position on the floor with his wife. "What just happened?" he queried, not certain of just what kind of an answer he would receive.


posted 12-28-2004 10:53 PM    
Thoran felt a disturbance ripple through the fabric of being. Something deeply rooted in the realm of Sith magick caused the magick within him to tremble. He barely recovered when everyone made a rush towards Shayla. Erik was already there, and Terrin was now moving her way.

“Terrin, I can’t say for sure, but that’s the sort of thing that would happen when the Eye of R’lous would draw power from someone to feed someone else with All power. But that would mean that she would have had knowledge of the All… and that Phal, or someone, was using the Eye. Something definitely happened, there was a great disturbance in… in something. If it was the Eye, then she should recover, she has been drained of her energy.”

But what concerns me, he thought to himself, is why I get this feeling that something monumental just happened… and I’m not going to like it.


posted 12-28-2004 11:01 PM    
Inspiration struck me a hammer's blow, inspiration which led to such an absolute certainty that the army of geese erupted on the back of my neck again, from there to march up and down my spine until I was trembling and shaking with the silvery clarity of it all.

Something I had learned from Dad popped into my head, stuck there like a tiny kernal and then exploded into even more crystal certainty until I knew, I just was positive, right down to my very bones, that this was right, oh so correct....

So terribly correct.

I blinked, then scowled and clambered to my feet, breathing heavily.

"Entropy," I whispered as I wrapped my arms around myself, to hold myself physically quiet so that certainty, that crystalline clarity which strangely enough was niggling just at the outermost reaches of consciousness, could niggle just a tad wee more until everything would click, and....

Everything clicked.

I turned wide eyes to Panthar.

"Entropy," I breathed, a little louder this time.

"Everything winds down toward the ultimate heat death of the universe, everything decays.

"Yet you're right, we have brought Terrin back to life. It's opposite of how things should be.


I paused momentarily, still shaking like a leaf as there suddenly appeared alongside that aforementioned certainty yet another one.

And that was our true position within the universe.

"A game," I breathed through teeth chattering so hard I could scarcely get the words out.

"A game; we're the pieces, things go along as... well, as someone has designed--"

Oh how lovely to consider oneself a mote suitable only as a gamepiece in some strange and unguessable cosmic game....

"--and someone has decided that everything comes to an end... only we changed the rules."

I turned to look at that hideous pair of eyes, which merely blinked at me but remained silent.

Which was all it took.

"You're not getting him back!"

Red-hot rage flooded into me like a tsunami, drowning the near terror which had filled me mere seconds ago. I didn't give a damn in all the Circles of Hell if I was right or wrong, even though I swear I was...

But there was no way I was going to let Terrin die again, even if it meant the entirety of Entirety took a left turn into twilight.

[ 12-28-2004 11:02 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-28-2004 11:14 PM    
The great pair of eyes merely blinked solemnly, the silvery streaks of the irises shining out through the closed lids in a manner quite beautiful for its other-wordly weirdness.

"Point to all."

The words crashed around the heads of everyone, booming and resonating until the sound waves produced ran into each other, and in that contact negated themselves until the underlayers and the tunnel-maze lay beneath a crushing blanket of absolute silence.

[ 12-28-2004 11:15 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]

Erik Kartan

posted 12-28-2004 11:27 PM    
Erik's grip about Shayla tighted noticeably. "What the bloody hell does that mean?" he growled, then fell silent, still not moving a fraction.


posted 12-28-2004 11:33 PM    
Jharmeen Qu'taro, the Dark Lady of the Warriors, lay half supine upon the cold stones of the floor, half draped within Phalomir's loosened grasp. Suddenly she let out a gasp, one rivalled in strength only by the great blast of incandescent light which shot forth from the abruptly revived Glyph on her forehead.

She sat bolt upright, arms outstretched, reaching with grasping hands for something that lay just beyond her reach....

"Dagobah," she said, shattering the silence with a dagger-sharp whisper.

"Spiders. White spiders...."

With that she fell still, yet reaching, not quite fully conscious yet, and most certainly not aware of where she was and who she was with.

[ 12-28-2004 11:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-28-2004 11:58 PM    
The great eyes hovering over Erik's head opened, cocked upwards and to one side as if looking out over a great distance, seeing something there, pondering upon it....

If the eyes had a mouth, it would have quirked into a slight smile. As it was, when those great orbs redirected themselves toward the increasingly indignant Jedi, it was to cast over him a look which was filled with obvious amusement.

"Yes-ss-sss," came the disembodied Voice, its tone obviously one laced with not a little satisfaction as the eyes bored holes into Erik's skull.


"White spiders...."

The Voice fell silent, and the Eyes crackled with energy.

[ 12-28-2004 11:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-29-2004 07:26 AM    
White spiders...

At those particular words, Shayla stirred slightly as the flash of an image came to her mind; an image of two trees, each with a myriad of white spiders. Spiders were venturing from each tree, then returning to the same tree from whence the came.

Shayla took a breath, focusing on the image, trying to figure out just where it had come from...

...then dismissing that curiosity entirely as her eyes fluttered open and she saw the look in her husband's eyes, let alone the look in everyone else's.

"There is more at stake here than our own small lives," she whispered, feeling completely drained and for the moment unable to move further. "Like white spirders, we always return to our "home tree" and to that which we know..."

She paused a moment, breathing deeply, "...but we fail to understand or even try to see things from anyone else's angle."

Quieting at that, she took a few moments to let these words sink in. An image of a t'yplikk fruit now came into her mind, one seemingly marred by the existence of a blanworm inside it. She struggled to sit up, relying heavily upon her husband to do so.

"The blanworm appears to be an evil to the ty'plikk fruit because the former destroys the latter, but the blanworm needs the ty'plikk fruit to survive."

Quieting once more, she turned her head slightly to the eyes which yet hovered, seeming to listen intently. "We have failed to see the grander spectrum of things, the Bigger Picture; we have failed to see that everyone has an angle, despite whether we view their angle as good or evil. After all, there are two sides to every coin."

Falling silent at that Shayla closed her eyes for a few moments, her head still feeling very heavy. Then she opened them and waited, knowing that whatever was going on had to do with something far greater than perhaps anyone here was aware of.

[ 12-29-2004 07:27 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 12-29-2004 08:25 PM    
Thoran’s spirit blinked. He was relieved to see Shayla moving and alert, but confused as to the timing and meaning of her statements.

“I think she should go back to sleep, Terrin. What the heck was that about? White spiders? Blanworms? Failing to see the grander spectrum of things?”

He thought a moment.

“I don’t know, when you look at the big picture it’s a little scary. No matter what you try to do to survive, to get ahead, your own little struggles are pointless because there’s always something out there bigger than you to come along and wipe you out. Is that what she means? But why is she bringing this up?”


posted 12-29-2004 09:37 PM    
Phalomir sat cross legged on the stone floor, his grip loosened and back to the wall. He still held Jharmeen, but his eyelids were closed and alive with the movement of the orbs behind them.


The word echoed through Phalomir’s mind, holding him in the balance between darkness and light, consciousness and oblivion. Then two voices entered his mind, the first light and feminine, ringing with a familiarity that brought a comfort to him. But the next voice was dark and mysterious, rimmed with a sinister coldness that left Phalomir with a sense of insignificance.

“Spiders, white spiders” the voices chimed, at first disjointed but then ringing together. Over and over the words carried, interspersed with the smaller whisper he could not discern over the voices. His head swam, the darkness threatening closer and closer, the words now circling like a slow whirlpool of thought and confusion.

Yet in the confusion, there arose a light. The Eye of R’lous hovered in the whirlpool of darkness, a small light in the ribbons of confusion. It glowed brightly, gaining intensity until it exploded into a multitude of white dots that dispersed into the darkness. One dot fluttered near Phalomir’s inner vision, revealing several small legs. As a spider, it landed and looked around in all directions. In a panic, it started out in one direction, then backed into its original position. Then it turned and tried another direction. Over and over it tried to move, but each time its fear overtook it and it returned to its starting point.

“You must pick a direction,” Phalomir called out, his voice reaching both inwardly and externally. “Explore! When you know not where you are bound, any road will take you there. Choose, my friend, or stay safe where you are, knowing your own world.”

From out of the darkness, with incredible speed, flew a large silver-winged bird. Its beak dripped red liquid, and it swooped down upon the hapless spider with a swift smooth motion. It turned its head to Phalomir, its bright metallic and blue eyes seeming to peer menacingly into his soul. It shrieked and flew back into the darkness, leaving a small greasy smear where the spider had been.

“But knowing only your own world leaves you blind to others,” he croaked. “For there are many others. And their paths may cross yours. Life is life, it is not a field of silos.”

Phalomir opened his eyes, his head still swimming. He gathered Jharmeen closer to him, her breathing deeper than before. Noticing the shards of broken glass on the floor, he held her head close to his chest and looked up to the hovering eyes.

“There is no resolution,” he said. “There are only the intertwining cycles of life. Round and round, as empires rise and fall, life is there to honor the universe that spawned it. But all leads to entropy, for even Antiquity itself shall someday bow to the end of all things. But even that is a cycle, is it not?”

Phalomir’s eyes narrowed.

“But then the meaning of one’s life lies in the living of it, does it not? For unlike you, our lives are bound by time, and it is short. Our legacy is what we leave behind, the memories we pass to those who come after. This temple, the remnants of a society so powerful they caused the galaxy to tremble, this temple is the memory they left us. In the end, it too shall dissolve into nothingness. But for the time they existed, they had meaning.

“We are not powerful, we are not wise. We are not eternal. But we ARE, as others ARE, and in our living we honor the universe. Our dramas unfold before you, our worlds move along in synchronicity, we find our natural order in it all.

“And yet, we strive for more. And in that striving, we have met with the other side. We have seen the Darker Realms, and we brought a life back with us. Are we so unique now? Have we broken the rules? Or in the doing have we discovered a new world, and broken down a silo?”

Phalomir inhaled deeply.

“Do you deny us this discovery? Are you, too, afraid to venture from your own comforts?”

[ 12-29-2004 09:41 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Phalomir ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-29-2004 10:22 PM    
Again the great Eyes blinked, as That Which Was gathered itself together in response to the tiny voices which rose up against it, seeking to understand.

Or perhaps to challenge; to the entity it mattered not. A game indeed was afoot, one which the motes were coming close to at least realizing existed, a game whose rules were older than Time, whose paradigms were unyielding, unchangeable.

Else the Game simply could not exist.

From the very molecules of the matter which surrounded the group, the stone, the sconces which flickered here and there, the coarse and gritty rock which floored the tunnel, the very air itself, there arose a deep vibration. It boomed forth, dwindled to silence, and repeated again and yet again, primal for the sheer repetitive rhythm of its cycle. Louder and louder came the sound with each onslaught, until once more the ceiling was loosened, sending bits and pieces of ringing rock down upon the heads of all, and the apparent solidity of the stone beneath their feet showed its true face by rippling like water.

It was as if the Universe itself was laughing.

It was.

Finally the sounds receded to a level tolerant to human ears, quieted so that each individual heart could again beat independent of the others, with rhythms unique to itself.

"Honor the Universe?" came the Voice as in answering Phalomir it responded to all.

"Tiny motes, you are the Universe! Why then do you break That Which Is, the Natural Order, and in the doing disturb our slumber?"

[ 12-29-2004 10:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]


posted 12-29-2004 10:39 PM    
Oh Khaandon, I was right I was right I was right Khaandon help me how in Hell's Seven Circles I came to the conclusion I did but I was too too terribly right...

Huddled in the darkness there, wrapped in Panthar and tuk'ata and the awful stare which emanated from those improbable eyes, I shivered, a cold sweat springing out over my entire body. Even though my hands felt like twin blocks of ice I managed to dig my fingers even deeper into the muscles of Panthar's arm; I think en route I snagged a tiny bit of tuk'ata tendril, judging from the sudden yowl which split the dark.

No matter; the simple fact was that I was terrified, more terrified than I have ever been in my entire life, and I wondered with an even greater desperation why Panthar wasn't.

Doesn't he know? Can't he sense this? Doesn't he realize...?

My fingertips almost met themselves in his flesh.

"Panthar," I croaked in a cold whisper.

"I was right; don't you see? Don't you get it? The Game this thing is talking about, the rules, it's awakening...

"Panthar, I think this thing is... well, it Is. It simply represents everything, and to it everything is a game... or else it just is a game and we're a part of it and we broke the rules and it doesn't like that..."

I jerked to sudden silence, shivering and shaking even as that logical little part of me waved a hand to inform me of just how ridiculous that supposition sounded.

But I didn't care. I knew I was right.

The question was what the hell were we going to do?


posted 12-29-2004 10:51 PM    
Phalomir pondered these words, his thoughts reaching his voice and causing him to speak out loud as he thought. He absentmindedly brushed away the dust from Jharmeen as he did so.

“You are That Which Is. Yet we have broken you, awoken you… But you also said you are Triumvirate made whole, yet you have no concern for the Sith and its Triumvirate. We are the universe, we are part of what makes the natural order of things. Things external to us influence our lives, yet even those external things are part of the whole. The natural order… the game?

“The universe is everything: space, time, existence… continuity. But there are rules, and the rules are everything, aren’t they? Rules say you live, you die, you don’t come back.

“And what do the rules say about time? About crossing the lines of existence and living out your life in another time… I do not belong here, do I? The Sith do not belong here…”

Phalomir focused on the eyes once again.

“But how can That Which Is be fixed?”

[ 12-29-2004 10:52 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Phalomir ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-29-2004 11:01 PM    
Now the laughter came in earnest.

Great booming waves of pure energy erupted from the hearts of every atom in existence, roaring forth in an awful cacophony which sent everyone bowling heads over hiney down whatever corridor they happened to be occupying. But as before, at length that terrifying power lessened, dwindled, grew quieter and gentler until there was nothing left but silence and the glowing eyes hovering over all.


This time the Voice came chillingly, icy as a north wind blasting across a glacier, down from a towering mountain, emanating from the near-absolute zero of the heart of space itself.

"Though perhaps merely to you, in reality there is no Time.

"There is only... That Which Is, which you have broken. Resolution must be met, lest the Game cease."

The Eyes blinked again as the Voice quieted, letting its words sink in.


posted 12-29-2004 11:34 PM    
He looked down once more at Jharmeen, quiet in his arms.

“Why Dagobah, my love?” he whispered. “Why is it so important that those are the words you uttered, and are now silent? You have spoken so little of this to me, but there must be something in what you have told me. You lost your child at that time, wrapping it a blanket of love and sending both far away into the Elseness. Is that where we are now, my lady?”

She lay silent, her eyes closed. He looked up once again, then closed his own eyes.

“So, Time is not the issue,” Phalomir continued thinking out loud. “Yet there ARE rules, and the rules are the game itself? They are the natural order, and we have broken them. But can It be corrected? Is it the resolution of this turn that which allows the game to continue? How can we fix That Which Is broken?”

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-29-2004 11:40 PM    
It was as though with each parley the Being grew more and more skilled in its use of the language utilized by the tiny motes who had awakened it.

The reply was swift, dagger-sharp, nuance clearly stressed.

"That Which Is Broken cannot be repaired, but Resolution must be at hand. That Which is Broken must break no more.

"The Triumvirate must slumber once again, lest the Game cease."

[ 12-29-2004 11:42 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]


posted 12-29-2004 11:49 PM    
Fresher, colder ice fought for supremacy with that already coursing through my veins. Yet incongruently enough, the words now echoing into fading silence brought forth a fresh wave of rage, which effectively thawed enough of my terror that I sat bolt upright, nearly jerking from Panthar's grip.

"I'll put it to sleep!" I growled beneath my breath, striving to keep the ever-present specter of terror at bay.

"I'll knock it into the next dimension, just gimme a chance...."

Luckily, the combination of Panthar's renewed grip and his beastie's twining tendril kept me from making good on that stupid and obviously quite empty threat.

But there was no way in Hell that I was going to stand quietly by, when events appeared to be leading in a direction I didn't like one little bit.

Panthar Dantares

posted 12-29-2004 11:52 PM    
Panthar looked to Galen, his face the expression of confusion.

“Hold on a minute, let me catch up here. I’m an archeologist, not a… something that understands what is going on. Let me get this straight… You mean this thing is the embodiment of EVERYTHING? Like, the entire universe? Existence? Natural order and all that. So, we’re in a big game of life and everything, and we broke the rules… what exactly did we do? Was it bringing back Terrin from the Darker Realms and sticking him back in his body?

“And now it says that it can’t be repaired, but Resolution must be at hand and things can’t break any more.”

“And so… all this Triumvirate stuff? Is that the Sith triumvirate? Or is it something else, like a trio of things, maybe the ‘us’ and ‘we’ it keeps talking about, eh? The Game, the Natural Order, and the… um… Eyes. But if we can’t fix it, then what is the resolution? How do keep it from breaking more? Or stop it from breaking again? Or whatever the heck it means!”

“Is it that about it?”

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-29-2004 11:59 PM    
"The Triumvarate?" Shayla queried, not having heard the first few moments of Phalomir's conversation with That Which Was before it rocked the entire temple and was seen by all. "We have broken the cycle of life, thinking in our own small minds and smaller terms, not considering the Grander Spectrum of Things. The Game must be life, for when the cycle is broken, life cannot continue...

...but do we not still have the free will to choose what we do in the Game, despite what circumstances it hands us?"


posted 12-29-2004 11:59 PM    
My growl deepened until even the tuk'ata was looking at me askance.

"Hell if I know, but yeah, that's kinda what I'm thinking.

"But why don't you ask it? I mean, I'm just guessing here...."

I looked up at the great glowing eyes, which merely scrutinized me coldly for a bit before blinking, as if it was awaiting that very thing I had just spoken of.

Not just a question, but A question.

The right question?

Who in Hell's Seven Circles knew; I could only go by the hunch that was screaming loudly in my psyche, quite easily pushing aside logic and its damnable little red warning flag.

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-30-2004 12:03 AM    
The entity now turned its attention to Shayla.

"Free will?" came the booming Voice, curiosity clearly evident in it.

"We are not familiar with this of All That Is; tell the Triumvirate of this thing."

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-30-2004 12:10 AM    
Shayla was surprised that That Which Is was asking her a question.

"Free will is that which sentient beings possess, that which drives them to not merely be pawns in a game, be that game the Game of Life or something smaller. The drive to... the Game and not be played by it."


posted 12-30-2004 12:12 AM    
“Free will?” Phalomir asked the air. “Who mentioned free will? Obviously, you are speaking to other of our companions, can we not all be reunited?”

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-30-2004 12:14 AM    
The entity chose not to reply, but merely let loose with that shattering laughter once again, laughter which emanated from the very essence of every thing both living and non, laughter which once more bowled everyone over like so much flotsam tumbling about an angry and turbulent sea.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-30-2004 12:23 AM    
It took Shayla a moment to gather her whits about herself, as it did everyone else, but one thing was for certain.

She was not taking very well to the idea of being a mere meaningless speck in the Universe. She could deal with look at things from other angles. She could deal with good and evil relying on one's own point of view. But this...

"I will not be a simple gamepiece in a game played by uncaring Fates!" she growled.

[ 12-30-2004 12:24 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-30-2004 12:37 AM    
A sigh of wind whined from the darkness, dimming the light shining from the great pair of eyes until only the silvery streaks showed clearly over everyone's heads.

"You are what you are."

The words seemed to coalesce from the very rock itself, which in turn inexplicably began to sing.

Next to Panther the tuk'ata unwrapped its tendrils, lifted its head, and joined into the song with one of its own, the duet just as inexplicably being heard by all.


posted 12-30-2004 12:39 AM    
Phalomir ceased pondering and let the song fill his head. The song was beautiful, haunting. He allowed whatever thoughts would come to run through his head. Not thinking, he merely spouted what came to mind.

“Did we break the game by bringing Terrin back from the dead?” asked Phalomir. “Are you keepers of the Darker Realms or some such thing?”

He looked down at Jharmeen once again. “Do we break the game by using the Claw of Sla’an?”

He looked back to Eyes.

“Why were you asleep?”

[ 12-30-2004 12:42 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Phalomir ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-30-2004 12:48 AM    
That Which Is let forth a bellow which effectively squelched the music, turning stone into stone once again and tuk'ata into a whimpering puddle of cowering muscle. The Eyes opened wider, that mysterious and almost Kerenchov-like glow renewed within them.

"We are Keepers of nothing!"

The bellow was almost indignant.

"We Are That We Are, and this is Our Place of Places. We are Triumvirate made whole, and That which is Broken must break no more."

It paused there for a moment, seemingly waiting for a reply when Phalomir's final words seemed to finally sink into whatever it used for a brain.

"Tell me of this Claw of S'laan," it thundered, then did indeed fall silent.

[ 12-30-2004 12:49 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]


posted 12-30-2004 12:50 AM    
"No," said Phalomir. "Not until you tell me what is broken."

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-30-2004 12:53 AM    
Eternity seemed to draw in its breath.

"The Natural Order."

The Eyes blinked once more, then darkened as though suddenly infused with the combination of every hurricane, every dark nebula, and every unfathomable abyss known to the universe.

"Now, tell Us of this Claw," it stated with great meaning.


posted 12-30-2004 12:56 AM    
Still held loosely within Phalomir's grasp, Jharmeen suddenly stiffened, her body growing as rigid and cold as rock, her eyes wide and staring and seeing something too terrible to comprehend.

She gasped, flailing wildly with her hands, trying to keep something at bay as deep within her psyche the Beast raised its fearsome head and yowled out in terror and anguish.


posted 12-30-2004 01:16 AM    
Phalomir, startled, grabbed Jharmeen’s hands and tried to stop them from flailing. She continued to thrash, her eyes not seeing his.

“Stop this!” Phalomir shouted to the Eyes. He roared his anger and held her as closely as he could without hurting her. “Very well! The Claw is a device which allows an All user to negate the restrictions of using it as a weapon! Now stop this!”

The Eye did not respond, but seemed to ponder Phalomir’s words. Phalomir continued to frantically speak, trying at the same time to keep Jharmeen from hurting herself in her wild throws.

“The natural order has been broken, but how? If we did it, how was it done? If it is not me, not the Sith, then is it Terrin? Answer me!”

Already tired, both physically and mentally, and reaching a point of frustration, he looked directly at the hovering Eyes, his own eyes flashing red.

“Why do you torment us?” he called out. “WHAT ARE YOU?”

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-30-2004 01:42 AM    
A dark and roiling cloud condensed from thin air, fell softly down upon the thrashing form held in Phalomir's arms, and in the falling brought her surcease from whatever it was that had tortured her so. Or to be more correct, bringing her surcease from the purely animalistic reactions of the Dark Beast which, although beaten from its iron-grip upon her, yet lingered in her soul.

She let out a whimper, and settled into something resembling sleep, quiet and apparently at peace.

The Eyes blinked, then one drifted up from its mate at a strange angle, as if a gigantic and invisible head had cocked in curiosity.

"The All?"

The words whickered quietly, shocking for the gentle tone in which they crept into everyone's ears.

"The Life's Blood...."

Silence fell then, as upon the planet's surface great roiling clouds once more gathered, black and purple and green, flashing noisome energies, all in utter and eerie silence as time ground to a halt.

For the planet... and the Universe in general.

Everywhere, that is, with the sole exception of a tiny and until that moment quite insignificant bubble within it, inhabited by ten infinitesimal beings.

The eyes grew darker.

"This cannot be allowed, lest further breakage occurs."

A streak of pure, molten silver shot from the Eyes, straight to the quiet form of Jharmeen. It danced along her person like some kind of weird St. Elmo's fire, nosing about until it came to a sudden halt directly atop the Claw which topped her prosthetic finger.

With very little fuss, it simply disappeared, leaving the artificial digit pale and whole in its wake.

The Eyes focused on Phalomir again.

"What We are..."

A miniscule pause followed, one in which lightyears seemed to pass beyond the perimeter of their protected little bubble.

"We are Triumvirate Made Whole. We--

"I am All/Life, Non-Life, and That in which they Exist."

Another pause.

"The Natural order has been broken, and must break no further. This Claw--"

The Eyes darkened.

"Would have allowed that. It cannot be.

"Others of its kind cannot be."

Another pause, but one in which some kind of struggle clearly shone forth from the periwinkle eyes. They blinked, and another sigh of wind whickered past everyone's ears.

"That Which Is must continue along its proper course; which is a simple thing: that which is, is, and that which is no more, cannot be any longer."

The Eyes turned off to one side then, as if paying close attention to a particular person in the little group. The struggle within it's gaze grew more evident, as it sought to find the proper words to speak.

"All must end in Natural Order. That which now is, is, but Natural Order must remain natural again.

"It can be broken no more."

Now the struggle in the eyes turned to a black scowl, and it shot that look straight at the quiet Jharmeen.

"There are some who yet break the Natural Order, and who would continue; this too cannot be."

Another molten spear stabbed forth, shot into Jharmeen's closed eyes, and spread within her psyche. She trembled beneath that sudden attack, just once, then sighed and quieted, almost snuggling down as if for a restful slumber.

Within her being, the Beast was smitten a mortal blow.

"That Which Is broken must break no more."

Even though only a pair of eyes was visible, it was as if that unseen head to which they belonged just gave forth a definite, emphatic nod.


posted 12-30-2004 02:58 AM    
((OOC: Jump over to My Enemy, My Ally in the "Jedi/Sith" forums, page one, posted this date, for further response to the above post, thank you.))


posted 12-30-2004 10:56 AM    
Phalomir pressed Jharmeen gently to him, his own breaths now slowing slightly. He wiped a strand of flame red hair from her cheek and settled back against the wall, cradling her. Whatever That Which Is had done, she had calmed. Tentatively, he reached out with his magick, trying to sense what signatures he could from Jharmeen.

The terror, the panic, it was gone. He could no longer sense Aelvedaar’s malice. A certain peace seemed to pervade her soul now, but there was something more. Phalomir could feel tremendous energies locked inside of her, but his magick could not unlock their secrets, nor did he press.

He slowly raised his gaze to the Eyes. He held it there, not speaking, but contemplating what had just happened.

“All must follow the Natural Order,” he said finally. “Even the All, the Life’s Blood. I feel so insignificant under the weight of what you show me. But life, matter, and that in which they exist, everything is connected; everything is… Everything. And I, we, are part of that. Thus we, by the actions we take, are part of what moves the game along. We are small parts, yes, but as individuals which make up a greater whole we are not insignificant – Not when one being, one action, can alter the natural course.

“We have great responsibility. But there are so many mysteries, how will we know what violates the natural order? Sith magick, the Force, all that we sense, these are tangible – all found within the Life’s Blood, no doubt, encompassed by the All. But what is our end in the Natural Order? Is the Darker Realms our fate? Is that Realm within the order?”

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-30-2004 11:42 AM    
The Eyes closed against Phalomir's words, allowing the impression that the Being behind those eyes was thinking.

Or greatly pained by what the Dark Lord had just spoken.

Then they opened, and a mild breeze ruffled Jharmeen's hair, freshened against Shayla's face, moved the silken robes worn by the Sith.

"The Natural Order... all that is, is, and when it is no more it must be no more.

"All is Us and We are You; the Life's Blood runs in all things, which move the Game in the direction desired.

"The Game ends, and begins anew.

"Do you now see?"

The Voice fell silent, dropping with the wind it had just created.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-30-2004 12:49 PM    
Shayla's eyes turned vague as she recalled a time that seemed not so long ago, a time when she and Graysith--Jharmeen--had stood under the sunset in front of the Great Temple of Khar Delba. She had been asked what she saw there.

"In every end there is a new beginning," she whispered lightly. "The sun setting gives way to the moon rising, and the sun rising gives way to the moon's setting. This is what creates balance, when we also understand and accept that we--and all things in the Universe--simply are."

Quieting a moment at that, Shayla pursed her lips. Something was niggling for her attention, and she still couldn't quite put her finger on it. "But because we create That Which Is and are That which Is, we must take charge. We are not simple gamepieces to be played, not if we know this and have come to accept it," she then stated.

Pausing once more, she now looked directly to the eyes, recalling that beautiful singing which had graced her ears only a few moments before.

Only when she had said she would not be played...

Standing up then, she felt strength rise deeply within her. "I am what I am," she then spoke in a whisper which carried not just a little bit of determination in the words, words which were a repetition of what she had already been hearing...

...but words which were growing in meaning to her with every moment.

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-30-2004 01:02 PM    
Focus moved effortlessly to the blonde Jedi.

"You are what you are," the Voice affirmed solemnly.

"All is Us and We are you. The Life's Blood moves the game in the desired direction, until Resolution is at hand and the Game begins anew."

It paused a moment, sensing the struggle within Shayla, sensing nearly overwhelming bewilderment in most of the others, sensing a fierce and defiant rage in Galen.

All mattered not; all was insignificant to the Game. Mere attributes, to be used accordingly.

The great Eyes blinked.

"That which has been Broken must break no more. Resolution must be at hand lest the Game cease."

The eyes cocked sideways again, and throughout the soul of Kori'sian, every bit of rock began to sing. Then those terrible orbs blinked.

"There is no Time," offered the Voice, repeating what it had said earlier, and fell silent, letting the rocks sing their wonderful chorus, which was once again underscored by the group's attendant tuk'ata.

[ 12-30-2004 01:05 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-30-2004 01:08 PM    
"Indeed," Shayla replied, her eyes still fixed on the large ones before her. "There is only The Here and Now. There is only What Is."

Saying nothing further she quieted once more.


posted 12-30-2004 01:10 PM    
Oh, no no no no no....

I clapped my hands over my ears, shut my eyes, and cringed against Panthar. At least that's what an objective outsider would have seen; in reality, reality itself had just shrunk from my grand view of it to a horrible realization that niggled just beyond conscious awareness.

Between that realization and rational thought, madness beckoned.

All I could do was shiver and curl up into a fetal position.

Then I just waited for the world to go away.

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-30-2004 01:16 PM    
Again an impression of agreement was evident as the Eyes moved in a manner suggestive of a nodding head.

"Yes," the Voice affirmed.

"There... Is. Time is what assists the movements of the Life's Blood, and moves the Game along until Resolution.

"Then it begins anew."

It fell silent a moment or to longer before offering up another enigmatic comment.

"Point," it said...

...while all about the rocks sang their mysterious and impossible song.

Panthar Dantares

posted 12-30-2004 01:17 PM    
Panthar shook his head, the chorus of the stones and the tuk’ata somehow soothing his tired mind. He put his arm around Galen, trying to calm her shivers. He called out to the Eye.

“It sounds then that the Resolution has not yet been achieved. All that is, IS, but the natural order is still threatened? You said there are those who yet break it… There is no time… But the life’s blood moves the game… The game is a stop right now? If we use the life’s blood to move the game in the desired direction, to protect the natural order, will that begin the game anew?”

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-30-2004 01:20 PM    
The Eyes hovering over Panthar's head blinked, glowing eerily in the song-filled darkness.

"Yes," it said simply, then continued a bit further.

"This is my Place of Places, and what Has Been Broken must break no more. The Life's Blood can bring momentary Resolution, and the Game continue until Resolution is at hand and the Game begins anew.

"Third point."

The singing of the rock rose in a silvery crescendo until every atom about the group seemed to be vibrating with the sheer beauty of it.

Then the maze unraveled, unwound, straightened, and rejoined in a stick-straight tunnel that was interspersed here and there by ten particular beings.

And closed off on either end by solid, joyful granite.

[ 12-30-2004 01:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 12-30-2004 01:34 PM    
Shayla's eyes widened, and for a moment she didn' t move an inch...

...but then at last she turned to regard the others, the look in her eyes clearly reading that they should get on the move.

"I sense the others," she then said, "Let's get moving. I have a feeling this isn't over yet, and we're gonna need everyone's input."

And it didn't take any more prompting than this. As she began to follow the traces of life she felt ahead of them, everyone in the group followe obligingly behind, the step in their pace some how quicker than before.

Panthar Dantares

posted 12-30-2004 01:34 PM    
Panthar looked down the hall in amazement. Then something approaching glee filled his heart. He held Galen closer, scooping her up as he stood. She continued to shiver and clench her eyes shut.

“Galen,” he whispered. “Galen, come back. I can see the others, I’m taking you to see them. Come on, come back to me.”

He continued walking, the tuk’ata limping at his side, until he reached Phalomir.


posted 12-30-2004 01:46 PM    
Phalomir’s mind still swam with the effects of the earlier visions and he closed his eyes. He felt the ground beneath him shift, and the small, warm form he held in his arms move. He opened his eyes, meeting the gaze of Jharmeen.

“Jharmeen?” he asked, his voice too hopeful.

A sound of footsteps and the clicks of claws on stone came from behind him, but he remained focused on Jharmeen. Finally his logic began its slow and steady return, and a semblance of deduction clicked in place. Behind must be Panthar and the tuk’ata, and the other sound of breathing would hopefully be Galen.

He forced his eyes from Jharmeen and looked down the long corridor. He saw shapes moving in the near dark, then glanced behind to confirm his suspicions. He smiled, then returned his attention to Jharmeen.

“Jharmeen?” he repeated.

Terrin Danner

posted 12-30-2004 01:49 PM    
As they went forward, Terrin somehow managed to find his way in front of everybody else, a strange sort of urgency filling him.

After everything that had happened, after everything he'd heard, he could only worry about how Galen was taking all this.

Even as they met up with Phalomir and Graysith, Terrin saw Panthar enter with Galen in his arms. His heart dropped to his stomach to see her like that, and he hurried to her, collecting her in his own arms. She was shivering like a leaf...

...and his mind immediately went back to another time and place, a time when he had seen her do much the same. He sat down with her, then placing a hand on each of her shoulders and shaking her.

"Galen, Galen!"

He paused a moment at this, concern etched in every crease on his face. Come on, we are going to get through this, and together. "


posted 12-30-2004 01:57 PM    
She was surrounded by green, brilliant and vibrant green. Every molecule around her rang with the beauty of green, of the life it represented. Awe-stricken, she remained where she was, rejoicing in that Life, basking in the green.

But a whisper told her this was not her Place.

Her eyes fluttered, opened, the yet-alive Glyph blasting into life of its own to further light the dimness as she swam up from the beckoning green, aching to have to do so.

Directly ahead of her, another green lay waiting.

She blinked.

"Take what is offered," she whispered, her words coming only into Phalomir's ears.

"Not Power...."

She wrapped her arms about him and buried her face against his chest, hugging him fiercely even as the others all congregated into a little knot which in all of Existence yet retained a semblance of normalcy.

The Ancient Sith

posted 12-30-2004 02:03 PM    
The Eyes, not having to divide amongst the separate groups, shone more brightly now, adding an eerie, radioactive blue to the flaring incandescence of Graysith's glyph. They hovered over the little congregation, blinked solemnly.

"There is no Time," the tiredly familiar words repeated themselves, thundering in their ears even as the rocks burst out into an even louder chorus.

"That Which has been Broken must break no more. Resolution must be at hand, lest the Game not resolve."

It paused yet again, and yet again added an addendum to the puzzling words it kept repeating.

"I say no more. All is said. Else the rules be broken, and all paradigms be changed."

With that the Voice fell silent, obstinately so, refusing to speak until events within this out-of-synch spot would present themselves to where the Resolution it sought could at last be achieved.


posted 12-30-2004 02:28 PM    
I tried to comply with Panthar's soft whisper, to respond to the urgent shaking I was getting from Terrin. I was aware of these things, indeed I was, only too aware of them.

And absolutely terrified out of my mind by them.

At whose design did that shaking originate? For what real purpose? Where indeed did the words Panthar spoke originate?

My eyes flew open, as did my mouth. But I couldn't utter a word.

All I could see was a dancing river of motes, all surging along at the whim of a terrible and completely invisible current.

Far easier to will the world to go away...

...only it simply wouldn't.

[ 12-30-2004 02:29 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


posted 12-30-2004 02:42 PM    
Phalomir held Jharmeen closely, hearing the words of the Eyes but keeping his own closed for the moment.

“My love,” he said quietly. The words sang from his lips, sprouting first from his very soul. “There is no power that can compare with what I feel at this moment. I should have seen it before. I am offered hope, friendship, and love. This moment could last forever as far as…”

He realized that the moment could indeed last forever. He sighed and positioned his legs so he could stand, then did so, still cradling Jharmeen.

“Jharmeen,” he said, his lips close to her ear. “How much do you know of what has transpired here?”

He pulled back his head a little to look into her eyes.

“I believe we should find Aelvedaar.”

((OOC: Follow everyone in this thread to The Natural Order in the "Jedi/Sith" forums, thank you.))

[ 12-30-2004 02:42 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Phalomir ]