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Member # 551

posted 06-30-2004 06:06 AM     Profile for Yugri   Author's Homepage   Email Yugri     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
OOC: ((The following post introduces the character Yugri into play, thank you.))

The wind ran slow along the awkward, forest covered land. A lull chill filling the air as troopers and animal alike took in the oxygen, the cold touch pushing into the lungs. Everything, even the rustle and bustle of the feet that pressed against the greeny grass, were in a collected fluidity. The animals were themselves, they acted as they were supposed to, but stayed quite disturbed by the presence of man.

Troopers reacted to this fear with a collective indifference, some managing to chuckle in reply while others danced about with their blasting in hopes of terrorizing the awkward beings. In all of this, however, there was a consistance, a consistance of life. Everyone, even the most hostile and saddening areas, people and being held an aura of attraction, of mild care.

This world was Yavin IV, but even with it's history of war and Jedi the place seemed very average, very normal. Yet, somewhere, hidden deep under the covering shades of average sat an abnormal being. It was not human nor beast, but of a green coloration.

The features of the being were reminiscent of the late Yoda, a great, powerful Jedi who had standed amoung the finiest of the Old Age Jedi as memorable. Yoda was a remarkable being, but there was something far different in the terms of this being to the unforgettable Jedi. This "thing" held a calmness, but a sensation of true youth that no normal man, whether Jedi or smuggler, could ever have attained. The being sat, his greeny, small body covered in the old republic Jedi garments, with his eyes closed and his knees digging into the soil.

It was here that he lay, here that he had stay and it was here that had perfected what had disfigured his elderly features compariable to Yoda and formed it into that of on young and fresh.

This thing, which had lived centuries before even the Yoda took into existence, was once again young. This thing was...


[ 06-30-2004 04:40 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


"No," scolded Yoda. "Do, or do not. There is no try."-Yoda

Posts: 4 | From: Tatooine | Registered: Jun 2004  |  Logged:

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Member # 551

posted 06-30-2004 07:49 PM     Profile for Yugri   Author's Homepage   Email Yugri     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
The senses of the small green being stretched along the land as his meditation drew stronger and stronger. Every fiber of every single being had been collected all into the mass of his mind. Substances such as water eased his mind, as the Reborn fleet of the Empire seemed wrapped in a cloak of disturbance and misunderstanding. They seemed emotionless, easily looked through, as if they were transparent. This, however, wasn't troublesome at all for the toad skin man, for not a single change in his features was made at the contemplation of this.

He just sat there, one with the grass, one with the air, one with all, with his knees digging into the surface and his eyelids cascading his strong gaze. The eyes weren't necessary in this instance, for the force was his use for eyes, his use for understanding. Yet, the Force stretched along a large plane of beings, its power engulfed in all beings and around all the galaxy and beyond.

The Force was everywhere and because of this dependence on the Force for sight he allowed it to pull his eyes to forgotten lands. To lands that had only been whispered in books of the past, books of his life. An interesting zoom of the Force carried out to observe the world which Yugri knew only as aSith World.

A frown was carried out as the Force brought his vision along the land like that of an X-wing scaving the area. It ran along the world, allowing him to examine and take in every particle, every being. The thought of beings actually living on the land was mind-boggling in itself, but the fact that there was a true civilization which could have maintained these newfound structures and argiculture was enough for the face of Yugri to hold some sense of disturbance.

A sigh ran from his mouth as the Force carried him on and through palaces and lands until it came to a chamber. It was unoccupied at the moment, which was quite suprising, but in the rear of the room there was a throne. This picture frame moment was undescribable, for it seemed as though it had been photographed in the past or future or in some time not of this world.

It was then that the young featured being stopped and ceased the connection. A forced cough coming out of his mouth as he pushed himself to a stand. Placing his hands together, his thick and strong claws placed between the other palms finger as his mind contemplated the vision.

"The Sith...they are," he mumbled as he walked across the grassy plains and looked on. The thoughts of them were troublesome, but he was certian that there was something he could do about it. Whether it be to create an alliance or defend the galaxy, he would have to appear to the universe once more and no longer hide in secret.

And so he carried on forth, heading toward the newly created ports by the Empire, in hopes of finding a freight of some sorts where he could be taken off the planet.

Even though for a normal being to get off a highly blockaded land it'd be nearly impossible, he was certian that he would have the chance to do it with ease.


"No," scolded Yoda. "Do, or do not. There is no try."-Yoda

Posts: 4 | From: Tatooine | Registered: Jun 2004  |  Logged:

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Member # 551

posted 06-30-2004 10:17 PM     Profile for Yugri   Author's Homepage   Email Yugri     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post   Reply With Quote
Hundred upon hundred of men's feet trotted against the pale, tiled surface of the large spaceport. The eyes of Yugri took in the cold mixture of Reborn and Imperial troopers of all kind, going about their daily buisness. Over time the galaxy had changed in the small beings absence, with the change of rule managing to jump back and forth from the steel hands of the Emperor, New Republic and military drived New Empire.

In truth, it was quite interesting to view from the non-bias eyes of Yugri who had managed to stay in silence during the tide of death and turmoil, but it was very saddening to feel through the Force the numerous that died during the Jedi Purge. It was then that he had his first urge to come out of his mystical planes back on the world of Dantooine, howerver he didn't. Yet now, with the newly revived race of Sith he had finished his contemplation, his meditation, his sense of silence and had taken his first jump into the world. The New world...

The clawed feet of the being ran across the polished floors, his eyes scaving the scene as the troopers walked pass, seemingly oblivious to his presence. They were in truth, but they didn't know, how could they. It was beyond even the strongest of Force-user's understanding, for Yugri had improved his skills over decades of strange times. Perfecting skills unwritten and unknowledgeable by most. He, however, hadn't grown in the area of the Dark Side because of this, unlike many he had sensed through the Force over the ages. The small being had manage to lean deeper into the light like the stars that shined above the green world.

It was on this world that had performed this trick for the first time and it was here that he was once again using it, managing to disguise his being as he traveled on to a freight. Yet, even with this knowledge, he knew he was no match for the magick of the Sith he had felt and that was why he knew there was stops to be made before his venture.

Stepping onto the bridge to the biggest and unoccupied freights, his demeanor calm and collective. Heading to the head of the ship, he waved his hands along the controls, activating the ships engine. Leaning back in the seat, he stared out the cockpit and into the eyes of the completely confused Reborn and stormtroopers alike. A chortle came from the ignorance that blossomed along the starport, but it only lasted for minutes before he took his view up to the sky.

There were other things to worry about, such as gaining clearance from the blockade, but that would be dealt with when it came. He knew that it'd probably the biggest task of this troublesome situation he had gotten himself into, but it was well worth it.

[ 06-30-2004 10:17 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Yugri ]


"No," scolded Yoda. "Do, or do not. There is no try."-Yoda

Posts: 4 | From: Tatooine | Registered: Jun 2004  |  Logged:

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