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posted 01-16-2004 11:45 PM    
((OOC:Continuing from "that which survives"))
Jharu watched quietly from around a little corner as they left, making a silent prayer that their journy would be a safe one.
Its much better that i do not accompany you on this journy... I dont want to endanger anyone...

he turned quietly and walked off. As he walked he thought of his situation, finaly he decided what he would do.
If he was going to affirm anything, he knew he must start at the origin of his confusion. The past.

He wandered about for some time mumbling sometime to himself about wishing he'd asked for his servant to be released from his captivity before they had left. Pushing that thought aside he found a young servant and greeted him warmly, before asking him to search out and bring to his quarters all the information he could find on the ancient sorcerers of the sith civilization.

without further hesitation he went to his quarters to begin studying anything he could get his hands on about the sorcerers of old. The answers he sought were somewhere, whether in text or in his mind, he was unsure.

The Ancient Sith

posted 01-17-2004 12:30 AM    
Salandaar hung back in the shadows of the corridor where he had hidden himself the moment he sensed the approach of the young servant. His bright aquamarine eyes tightened as that young one hustled past him, evidently on an errand for the tall and imposing stranger who had come from nowhere and had seemed to bring so much grief to his Lady.

Not that She had made a spectacle of herself, goodness no. But as the Dark Lady's First, he was trained to home in on every nuance, every insinuation, every twitch of an eyelid or tremor of a finger. While he wasn't quite certain who this stranger really was...

How dare he impersonate her son, an Heir to Entitlement for that fact! And what of the child, the Daughter? Was she not the Chosen Heir? What fraudery was this--?

...the fact of the matter was that he was charged with being his Mistress's eyes and ears in her absence. And so he had trailed Jharu after the party had left Ch'arlingua in the warship, coming back here to the temple on his very heels, stalking him like some kind of beast in the night, ready to bring his sword into lightning play at the slightest provocation.

Only none had been forthcoming. The one who called himself Jharu had merely gone to his quarters and holed up there, now sending a servant out on some unknown errand.

Salandaar tensed, debating with himself, his fingers lightly stroking the handle of his weapon. Then he loosened, suddenly sure of himself. Before he could change his mind he was out of the shadows and striding down the corridor, where he came to a stop at Jharu's door.

His hand fisted and knocked upon that door.

For a moment he simply stood in silence, waitng for a response. Then as if he could somehow sense any indecision regarding this on the part of Jharu, he raised his voice to him, thus urging him to come to the door.

"Sir," he called forcefully, knowing his voice would carry through the thick wood and into the chambers beyond.

"I am here at the bidding of the Dark Lady. Know you this:

"There is a Great Storm approaching, and it is approaching fast."

He fell silent, waiting to see if the door would open to him or not.

[ 01-17-2004 12:31 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 03-10-2004 09:37 PM    
Salandaar had waited long outside the door behind which the young lord Jharu had sequestered himself. But even though he broke the expanding silence several times over the ensuing hours with a knock on that door, that silence merely continued. Jharu remained aloof, not responding to his politely called out requests as to his comfort and well being. At length the warrior captain decided he had waited long enough, and turned from that door to attend to other tasks. There was the question of the other newcomer, the blue one, who had come in with the others but had not left due to the onset of something Salandaar could put down to nothing else but sudden illness.

((OOC: Follow Salandaar-aka-Ancient Sith into the Destination Unknown thread in the "Jedi/Sith" forums, thank you.))