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posted 11-13-2003 08:59 PM    
The boy lay there in the sand, his body crumpled odly, violent shudders wracking his form every now and again.

His mind ached, his universe spun, his body shuddered. deep within him a violet eyed shadowed figure lay almost motionless upon the floors of a half emptied room.

Outside that room came jharu's conciousness shivering in the suddenly lacking space of his mind... Funny how one may have something within them for so long, not even realizing how close it was, even going as far as to believe that something was beyond your reach... Then suddenly it is gone and you realize all to instantly how flawed your perception had been in the first place....

His eyes opened slowly, there emerald brillence somewhat dulled without the inner fire of his once inate abilities fueling there sparkle.

Standing slowly he cast his gaze about the desert planet. His body shuddered as he felt a painful wrapping of existence enfold him... he felt out of place... He felt cold.... He was alone...

Stubbornly he began to walk, or more accuretly stumble, accross the endless sand dunes...

After some 2 hours of endless walking he cought sight of a figure walking upon the sand as though it were a beaten path, the swirling winds seemed to avoid him...

Jharu attempted to wave, perhaps he did... For the figure seemed to spot him and began approuching... Just then his strength gave out and he collapsed into the sand.


posted 11-14-2003 10:39 PM    
Jharu came to slowly, his eyes opening and squinting in the light.

He looked up seeing a tall, strong, figure smiling down at him. "You are awake... It is good i stumbled upon you... it is rare that a child wanders an unbeaten path, and rarer still that they survive long enough to get to where you are... In fact... it is so rare, that it has never before been done, nor attempted."

the figure then stood, jharu's eyes continued to strain against the light, unable to make out any more details then that the figure had great horns, and soft eyes filled with wisdom...

He came back and gave jharu a glass of something. Jharu drank slowly, taking in the odd flavored liquid with cation, the man spoke again.
"i do not believe it is coincidence that i found you... Such a chance is unlikely, inprobable, and impossible... I will take care of you child... But now, you must sleep"

As the final sip of the drink went down his throat jharu's eyes grew heavy and he drifted off to sleep.