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The Ancient Sith

posted 06-19-2003 09:21 AM    
((OOC: Thread continues from The Point of No Return in the "Jedi/Sith forums, thank you.))

The Keeper of the Light hurried through the dim streets of Phrinnchatka, his footfalls ringing upon the cobbled stones and echoing lightly into the waning night. Always being one to whom sleep remained somewhat elusive, he had been at his appointed task in this city of Warriors, that being the care-taking and constant upgrading of that which had been charged to his keeping: the Great Library of the Sith. That wonderful archive, although capable of constant renewal through the Sith magicks inherent to it, still needed a Caretaker. Information needed caching and archiving, some compressing and filing away, while others of a more trivial nature needed simple eradication from the memory banks altogether.

It was during this maintenance that he came upon it: the approach of yet another strange ship to his home. Not to mention the amassing group hovering just on the outskirts of the Khar Delba/K'eel Doban system. He had been shocked to discover both, which was saying quite a bit for a race who had once held the Galaxy in its claws. Now he frowned as he hurried along, thinking about it.

Why were these ships so strange...? Rumor had it that something had happened as of late, but he had not been a part of the festivities. The Keeper of the Light does not stray from his duties for mere camaradarie.

He sighed a little, and pressed forward a bit faster. This information needed to be brought to his Dark Lord immediately, it was not his place but that of the Dark Lord of the Sith to determine if it had value or not. A slight shudder cascaded through him in memory of that lesson learned; his brilliant eyes cut briefly downward to his left hand, his dominant one, there to rest briefly on the truncated stubs where there were once long and sensuous fingers. The Dark One had been kind that day, it had only been the one hand....

He quieted then, firming his resolve, and increased his pace through the Phrinnchatkan streets. Soon the dark shadow of the Temple loomed ahead. He didn't pause at all but continued up it's stepped sides, reaching the apex in a manner quite remarkable for a Sith of his age, and hurried within. Even as he did so two guardian warriors, their bodies lean and hard, their faces even harder, stepped forward and crossed their pikes afront him. Their eyes blazed uncannily in the dim light, their demeanor spoke of no question but of simple command. One finally vocalized it.

The Keeper of the Light bowed his head humbly in utter respect for the Temple Guardians. "I have important information which must be brought to the Dark Lord," he said, falling to one knee and bowing his head to them.

The one Guardian cut his eyes to those of his companion, connected with him, remained silent. Something seemed to pass between them; then the one who had spoken nodded succinctly, stepped back, and withdrew his pike.

The Keeper of the Light scraped on the floor in response, then rose to his feet. He hurried on....

[ 06-19-2003 09:22 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 06-19-2003 08:27 PM    
(((OCC: Continues from Minds Like a Sieve in the CSWU.)))

As Dash Kelderon entered realspace near the planet one could only assume was K'eel Doba, Jasyn Lancaster gripped the blaster he now held in his hands fiercly, his eyes revealing that he was deep in thought. Seated in the passenger's chair behind him, Matt Stanza didn't say much either...

...but merely leaned forward to scan the new planetary atmosphere they had entered for himself. Before Matt could get the words out that Jasyn knew were probably about to issue forth from his lips, Jasyn turned to Dash and spoke them himself. "So what is the life-readings and climate like down there? This ship should certainly be able to give us a fairly good picture; her previous owner had her beefed up pretty nicely..."

At that Jasyn's voice trailed then, his brown eyes again drifting to that planet hovering in front of them. Without turning his eyes from the sight, he spoke one final thought, the tone in his voice nothing but concern. "Let's just hope that if Galen is here on this planet she and her sister are on those good terms Aaron mentioned..."

[ 06-19-2003 08:30 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

Dark Lord Roan

posted 06-19-2003 10:02 PM    
He leaned against the richly arched doorway leading into the lounge, his muscular arms crossed with casual ease in front of him, his fangs gleaming in the flickering light, revealed thus by the sneering smile which curled upon his lips. Directly in front of him stood the one who once would have been his niece, who was so engrossed in the little scene unfolding within that she hadn't noticed his arrival... or else deigned not to let him know of her awareness. Indeed, she was not the only one enthralled within the lounge; the patrons had by now all frozen in their seats, watching with keenly assessing eyes as the Sith warrior and the trenchcoated stranger confronted each other.

Her back to him, his one-time love watched the scene with equal intensity. He was not foolish enough to assume that she was not aware of his presence there.

At length he straightened, letting his arms drop to his sides. His nostrils flared as he took a breath --

Oh, to draw sword and wade in amidst the pair, to send limb flying from torso in complete victory over the pair. For skillful though they might be, they were no match for the Dark Lord of the Warriors.

--but refrained. Instead, he satisfied himself by sliding his poignard from his belt, running a thumb across it's razored blade, drawing his own blood in vicarious delight. He was therefore startled just a touch when a trembling hand lightly touched his shoulder; whirling, he beheld the abject form of the elderly Keeper of the Light, who immediately backed a few steps to cower in the Dining Hall itself.

Dark Lord Roan frowned, took a step toward the librarian, still fingering his dagger... and paused. Something about the expression on the Sith's face prompted him to stay his hand; a metallic kiss broke the silence as he slid his blade back into its sheath of Sith metal and waited to hear what the Lightkeeper had to say.

When the crooked-horned Sith was finished, Roan had forgotten his earlier annoyance with him. His eyes growing dark, he nodded the Keeper away, staring at his retreating form but not really seeing him go. At length he brought himself back into focus and, raising a clawed hand, opened a portal through the All...

...and came out to where another form lay cowering in the dark. For a moment he stood in the stone cell, his silence more foreboding than the promises he had whispered to her not so long ago... watching her, memories sliding through his mind with dark delight... and he took a step nearer. Came up to where she lay. Flashed his clawed hand over her mouth, encompassing nearly all of her face, to prevent her from screaming at him. He really was quite tired of her screams.

"There are those to whom life is inconsequential, apparently," he began, his deep bass voice rumbling like distant thunder. "They come seeking you. This cannot be allowed."

With that he grasped Galen by the arm, his claws digging cruelly in, and yanked her unceremoniously to her feet.

"Time for a little vacation, my sweet," he purred as he led her to the portal he had opened. It didn't take much to alter it's point of origin to somewhere completely other. His smile grew even darker then as, the hapless Galen JhinDarr Danner in tow, he stepped into that portal and took her completely off the face of K'eel Doba....

[ 06-19-2003 10:07 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dark Lord Roan ]


posted 06-19-2003 11:09 PM    
The Ghost sat in the comfortable passenger seat, pack at his feet. His unease of flying was overpowered by the feeling of dread he had experienced since boarding the freighter. He had finally overcome the absolute terror he experienced on the Planet of the Tunnel Dwellers Sullest, my leige, only the legumes of Sandy Mountain call it the Tunnel Place methinks but he could not escape the foreboding that the planet K’eel Doba brought forth.

And the voice had been joined by another. This too was perhaps a lie, as the voice had often presented false images and information, but to what ends The Ghost could not tell. Every moment was a struggle to keep the voice at bay, and now another, seemingly mad, voice had joined to form a bizarre chorus within The Ghost’s head.

The Ghost looked up to see a man staring doubtfully at him. This was Erik, the woman’s husband. The woman had introduced herself as Shayla, with a long last name already lost in The Ghosts fractured memory. Shayla… a name like that was very near to top of memory… Shaylazar… Shalazar… yes, Shalazer! This was a close friend, yes! That was all, but that small bit of memory lifted The Ghost’s spirit tremendously. He gave Erik a broad grin which was returned by a snort as Erik spun back around to face the front of the ship.

Another brief flash of memory rocketed through The Ghost’s mind. K’eel Doba was not safe, this he knew. But there was another planet...

“We should not be overeager to visit K’eel Doba.” The Ghost said out loud. “I know you are anxious to find someone there, but there is another place where we may find information and assistance. I am remembering having many friends and allies on the planet Korri’sian who share no love for those on K’eel Doba! I feel they would help.”

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-20-2003 05:08 AM    
Jasyn didn't even have to ask about planetary readings. They were already incomeing. "The life sign readings are off the charts, millions of things. I can't seem discern what the readings are. There isn't a single match for any of these readings in the ships database. But rest assured there are lots of whatever is down there."

I made a quick check on the planets atmosphere. "The surface seems hospitable. The air is breathable, at least. Now we just need to find some sort of town or villiage. I'm gonna lock on to the most heavily populated area, and land close to it. Hopefully we can sneak in. It doesn't look like we have been picked up by any sensor sweeps yet."

Seeing Jasyn clench that blaster, made me wince a little bit. I had lost MY Lightsaber to General Ahem. But somewhere in the Galaxy lies Alexis's Lightsaber. I seem to have lost that one somehow as well.
Well Dash, guess you will be doing things the hard way again.

I took my approach vector and landed quite stealthily, just outside of a major metropolis. Upon landing, I opened the door to survey the planets surface. Strange noises assaulted my ears. I reached out with the force, scanning for any signs of danger. I found none.

It was then that I noticed the you've got mail light blinking. I quickly brought up the message. It was Shayla.

After hearing her newest bit of info and advice, I decided to ask, knowing full well what Jasyns response would be. "Well, do we wait for the others?"

The look Jasyn flashed my way told me that my suspicions were correct. I looked back to Jasyn knowingly. "Right... Let's go!"

[ 06-20-2003 05:31 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dash Kelderon ]


posted 06-20-2003 09:07 AM    
Again I awoke to sheer terror. I tried to struggle, really I did, but the power and strength within this hideous being was too great, too overwhelming. I felt helpless as a sandwalker sitting upon a distant shore, watching a storm-surge racing in to engulf it, felt as if I would die just as surely as the crustacean in the analogy I created in my mind.

Or worse. Again.

I suppose in some places and times I would say I was lucky in that instead I was yanked to my feet, scarcely able to breathe, and jerked away to... somewhere. A somewhere which for all I knew was right down the corridor, for again there was nothing here but dark stone walls and floors. However, as my eyes became accustomed to the darker gloom this cell possessed and my heart ceased to pound quite so loudly in my ears, I realized there was a difference. This room was different from the other I had been held in.

Something fuzzy which glowed a phosporescent green limned its walls, littered here and there with sickly purple pods. From one shadowy corner there came a quiet trickling sound, sharply invasive to the otherwise stark silence. I jerked my eyes over Roan's hand and focused on that corner, there to find a small stream of water. It seemed to erupt from a spring or seep, and tumbled its way down the wall with enough force... or else having tumbled over enough time create a little hollow at its feet. That hollow was filled with water; condensation sprinkled the stone in the nearby vicinity, but other than that this cell was dry.

I blinked, knowing what was to come. Roan didn't disappoint me, either. Suddenly I found myself flung upon a leather bench type of thing, where a ratty old blanket lay in a crumbled mass. I reached out instinctively to grip the material, finding it old but serviceable, even though covered with ancient stains of... something. The Dark Lord of the Sith stood towering over me, a gleam coming to his eyes. I tensed... but no, the hand which had held me merely fisted, one finger pointing to indicate the fuzzy walls.

"Those pods are edible, and sustaining. The water is fresh, its source unending.."

Now he approached me, his lips curling back to expose his awful fangs. I shuddered, recent memories of what those fangs could promise rippling through me, and tried to draw back. I didn't have room to go anywhere, and could only draw up the stained blanket in front of me as defense against his approach.

He merely came to a halt next to me and leaned down, planting his hands on the bench on either side of me. For a brief moment I considered a quick knee to his leering face, but Khaandon in all his wisdom prevented me from attempting anything so foolish. So, shuddering, I forced myself to remain absolutely still as he brought his face closer and closer, finally bringing his lips so close as to actually touch my ear.

"Enjoy your vacation, my pet," he finally whispered, and gave the lobe of my ear a kiss. Then he straightened, stepped back, and seemed to disappear into the very molecules of the air I was panting into my lungs like a spent war-steed.

The silence he left in his wake was deafening, shot through with the constant sound of running water. Yet even as the knowledge came to me that once more I was totally alone, I couldn't help but frown as something other began rising up within me, shouldering the terror easily aside, reaching out, sensing... find something about this place disturbingly familiar.

[ 06-20-2003 09:21 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Galen ]


posted 06-20-2003 04:01 PM    
Romanus barely noticed the new arrival here, as he was backing off from the recovering guard. Without even a snarl, a grunt, or a shout he lunged right at him again. Romanus wasn't sure if it was out of desperation or just plain stupidity, but he easily side-stepped the attack and let the guard and his sword go right past him. He brought his own blade up in turn and slashed at his side.

He didn't stop the move until the tip of the sword touched the floor, and it was soon followed by a wash of blood. The guard dropped his weapon, grabbed at his freshly-open wound, and crumpled to the ground.

As Romanus approached him to finish him off, the guard still tried to get up on one hand. The hunter simply placed a boot on his chest and pinned on the floor. He then took the bloodied sword and drove it into the guard's neck.

He stood there for a few seconds, watching the man die, until he finally he looked up at Graysith...

...and smiled.

"Now where were we?"


posted 06-20-2003 05:15 PM    
Graysith's eyes were black whirlpools in her face, wide and all pupil. The light from flickering fires lighted them, reflecting as from a surface of adamantine, thus quite easily masking whatever emotions that might be swirling within their depths. For a long moment the Chosen Daughter remained statue-still, utterly ignoring the pooling blood of her fallen guard even though by now it had spread enough to reach her and wet the tips of her toes. She just stood there, just letting her gaze pin Romanus's...

...and let her lips curl in a slow, sensuous smile to see that his gaze didn't so much as flinch, that a smile curled upon his own dark features. Something, a recognition of sorts, seemed to spread itself out in a ghostly aura all around them, finally settling down with mynock's wings to encompass them both in a mutual understanding born of blood.

Born of blood. One half of the coin, merely a part of a whole....

A little shudder rippled through Graysith then, and she blinked sudden awareness back into her gaze. The smile adjusted into a curl of distaste, and she stepped daintily to the side to remove herself from the darkening Sith blood. Even as she did, she let a silent call flow from her, following a link into the mind of her Blood-Hunt companion; then she continued forward, coming to a halt in front of the dark-coated One who had just slain one of her personally chosen, and therefore extraordinarily skilled, Sith warriors.

She stood in front of him for a moment, letting her hands hide themselves within the sleeves of her cloak, and remained silent. Then she lifted a slim hand, extended one slender finger, and traced a line down the rough planes of his face.

"Your fighting skills do not disappoint me, Romanus," she spoke at last, her smile softening into something close to gaiety at the startled look which passed upon his face at the mention of his name. "But there is more indeed in becoming a true warrior, something I was beginning to impart unto you before we were so rudely interrupted.

"Perhaps your hot fighting blood has cooled enough that you may find within you an answer to the question I had asked?"

With that she nodded her head briefly to him, letting her lids half-close before turning abruptly on her heel. Directly in her line of sight was the silent JhinDarra, who looked somewhat startled herself. Graysith spoke no word to her, but merely leveled a particular look directly into her brilliant blue eyes; Darra gulped visibly, turned, and departed without hesitating. Graysith merely watched her go, then headed back to the table where, incongruously enough, their wine goblets stood yet waiting for them. She seated herself, reached for her goblet, and took a sip.

The patrons of the lounge immediately turned back to whatever they had been doing before the warrior had burst in with his assassination attempt. The clinks of their glasses and the low hum as their conversations reinstated themselves was interrupted only by a sudden, scraping click, click, click as M'wonBo'o and his two mates entered the lounge. The great beasts headed straight for the fallen warrior; M'wonBo'o took up the body between his great fangs, turned round, and whined, his pupilless eyes pinned upon his Mistress. Then he too departed, leaving his mates to their task of delicately lapping up the remaining mess, making the scene within the lounge approach the ludicrous for the way that their immense bodies flanked the quiet Romanus.

Graysith merely cocked a brow, and tilted her head forward and to the right. She lifted her goblet to Romanus, and waited.

[ 06-20-2003 05:31 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-20-2003 08:41 PM    
Shayla turned to the Ghost, at first arching an eyebrow then furrowing both of them in concentration.

Korri’sian? Never heard of that...

...or at least she didn't remember it...

Frowning in total frustration, Shayla turned to the navcomputer, typing in the name of the planet the Ghost mentioned...

...and of course coming up with absolutely nothing.

"That information would be good if I had any coordinates or even the slightest idea where the planet you mention is," Shayla finally spoke up, turning to look at the Ghost. "But unfortunately I have neither. This K'eel Doba is the best lead we have concerning the person who has gone missing..."

...and it thusfar is the only lead I have to possibly explain some gaping holes in my own memory. Unless you can give me an idea where this Korri'sian is, we'll simply have to go on what we've got...

...which is the coordinates for K'eel Doba. Why is it that you fear this place so very much...

...or do you even remember that?"

Asking that, Shayla fell silent, her look quizzical as she waited to see just what the Ghost might respond.

[ 06-20-2003 08:43 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 06-20-2003 09:10 PM    
The Ghost thought hard, trying to let any more information surface.

“I do not know the coordinates. Except I do know it is visible in the spring in the K’orridan constellation, just below the left ear.” The Ghost sighed. “Perhaps you are correct. Your friends need you, and what little information I have concerning my friends is not enough to risk a delay.”

Well, well, well. So you admit that you’re wrong! Maybe you need a break, you’ve been awake for a long time. Let me drive for a while!

The Ghost frowned and thought silently “I will never let you take control, I know my past lies before me, and I am sure you are not part of it. Go back to the recesses of wherever it is you came and let me be! And take that other one with you!”

Other one? Don’t blame me, he claims he’s with you! Come on, pull it over and let me pilot.

“Never in the life of my clan!” shouted The Ghost. Shayla, startled, drew back.

“I apologize, milady. As I said, I am struggling with a demon.”

[ 06-20-2003 09:12 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by patternghost ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-20-2003 09:40 PM    
For another endless moment, Shayla merely arched an eyebrow at the ghost, still not entirely certain about him. Only the bleeping of the proximity indicator yanked her into reality.

"Well," she said, breaking the awkward silence, "Looks like we're here anyway, so we might as well take a look."

As she spoke, Erik took the initiative to watch the count-down indicator, and was in the process of pulling the reversion lever when Shayla finally turned back towards the viewport. As realspace appeared and Erik established orbit around the planet, Shayla couldn't stop herself from stretching out with her Force senses to "survey" the planet. She was struck with life of all varieties...

...and likewise with a strange sort of bubble of nothing somewhere within the planet. Frowning for a moment in utter confusion, Shayla shrugged this off, figuring there was probably some natural explanation for this phenomenom.

"I pick up lots of cities and technology," Erik spoke up after doing a scan of the planet with the Supernova's sensors.

Shayla pursed her lips thoughtfully, considering this information. "I'm going to zero in on the largest city, both by population and technology, and land us nearby. That should give us a good start. I can only assume Jasyn Lancaster and his companions have already arrived and landed here somewhere; I still think it's wise that we keep in seperate groups for matters of stealth as well as back-up."

Erik nodded in agreement with this thought, and Shayla turned and began navigating her way down to the surface. As she did so, she spoke back to the Ghost. "Does any of this seem familiar to you?"

[ 06-20-2003 09:43 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

Dark Lord Roan

posted 06-20-2003 10:02 PM    
He strode through the streets of Phrinnchatka, smugly self-assured for his latest bit of cunning. The portal he had opened upon leaving the wretched little cell where he had deposited Galen did not lead him back to the Temple; instead he had pounced upon the befuddled Keeper of the Light literally from thin air. That worthy elder had immediately grovelled back, leaving the Revealer to his Lord; Roan did not waste time but immediately used it to check upon the progress of the so-called strange ship headed toward K'eel Doba. His eyes lit with a predatory gleam when he discovered it was here... and it's occupants were disembarking.

And it was followed fairly closely by yet another.

A dark smile lighting his fearsome features, he left the Library and hurried back to the Temple. Coming upon its great stepped pyramidal front, he leaped upward five tiers at a time, and soon had gained the apex. There he passed scattered stone benches and potted greenery as he crossed the courtyard, heading for the richly carved wooden double doors in the stone wall ahead. Through them he entered into the Grand Hall; high-ceilinged like a cathedral, sculpted with flying buttresses and great pillars, its stone floor smooth and shining beneath his booted feet.

He paid it's simple beauty scant heed as he headed toward the doorway at the rear. Through it he passed into another sconce-lit corridor, and three doors down he came to another set of richly carved double doors. He opened these with an easy push of one great clawed hand, and strode into the Grand Dining Hall as if he owned it.

Which of course, he did.

The late patrons immediately fell from their seats to the floor, going down on one knee as he whirled past them in a flurry of Sith robes, his sword slapping smartly against his boots as he passed. Roan didn't pay his subjects one lick of attention, but aimed once more for the door in the back, this time entering once again into the lounge.

Finally he came to a halt, his eyes darkening as he watched Graysith and Romanus. The halt was but a momentary one; in two quick strides he was at her table, insinuating himself between her and the trenchcoated stranger. A sweet smile crossed his face, and he draped one arm about her shoulders.

Graysith didn't even blink, but seemed to tolerate his touch.

Externally, that is.

Hidden from all by the wonders of the All, the emotions and hatred of the pair for each other blazed back and forth. But not one whit of this showed upon their faces, or in their demeanor.

Dark Lord Roan smiled, the expression strangely foreign upon his face, and announced in his deep, rich voice,

"Ahhh, my sweet. Company has arrived... again...."

[ 06-20-2003 10:09 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dark Lord Roan ]


posted 06-20-2003 10:15 PM    
The Ghost closed his eyes and let his mind drift. He quickly found himself in the midst of clouds, trees and flowers strange yet familiar, buildings with ornate architecture, and people going about their daily business. He allowed himself to wander over rooftops and through windows, glancing about for signs of recognition. He soared over the peak of a tall building and stopped.

Before him, in the center of the city, lay an enormous stepped pyramid connected to still other structures. He drifted quickly to it, diving down into a courtyard located at the apex. He glanced at the richly detailed stone benches and shot for a large double door across the courtyard. He paused, not knowing what this strange power would allow him to do, then slowly attempted to pass though.

Although finding resistance, he found himself on the other side of the doors. He was in a grand hall, a smooth stone floor supporting countless pillars that stretched to the incredibly high ceiling. He found himself wanting to linger, to study the architecture, the strange people.

“There is a huge temple at the center of the city. This is an important place with much power. And people, with horns.” The Ghost heard himself say. Whether it was his spirit or his physical body he could not tell.

The Ghost wafted further into the hall, coming at last to a corridor. There were voices emanating from many sources, but The Ghost felt his time was short. He quickly chose a smaller door and passed through just as heavy footsteps pounded in the corridor beyond.

This room was small, barren of furniture, and dusty. It appeared to be a storeroom of sorts, with aging rugs thrown about, paintings hanging at strange angles on the walls, and a pair of statues lying on the floor near the rear. Intrigued, The Ghost drifted to the statues and hovered.

Both were images of young men, horned like the people in the grand hall. Each had pained expressions, torn clothing, and apparent wounds in many places. The details were incredible, the artist was surely a master. But the most obvious detail was the large hole bored completely through the chest cavities of each sculpture. At the foot of one statue was a plaque. The Ghost studied the strange runes and carvings, at first unaware of their meaning but suddenly cognizant. “The hearts of traitors belong not in the Temple of the Warrior”

The face of this young man felt familiar. Images of a steaming bath lined with flowers, of running through a field of tall grasses, of trimming a newly grown beard and glancing in the mirror to see… that face!

The Ghost’s eyes snapped open. The ship was landing, pulling to a stop. A well of tears sprang open and ran freely down The Ghost’s face and pooled onto the pack in his lap. “By all that is sacred,” he croaked. “It is I who am the demon.”

[ 06-20-2003 10:17 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by patternghost ]

Erik Kartan

posted 06-20-2003 10:32 PM    
Though Shayla immediately whirled to look at the suddenly sobbing stranger, her eyes wide with shock, it was Erik who acted. Springing to his feet, the young man eyed the Ghost in utter suspicion, unable to stop the words which now sprang forth from his lips. "What exactly do you mean by that?!"

Falling utterly silent then, Erik remained standing where he was, his brown eyes pinned on the man, demand for an immediate answer swimming in the depths therein.


posted 06-20-2003 10:42 PM    
The Ghost slowly turned his face upward to meet with Erik’s. He felt the anger and fear emanating from the man, coalescing with the same emotions hiding behind the voice within The Ghost.

“I do not belong to this body,” The Ghost said quietly. “It is difficult, but I feel the voice that I have so eagerly labeled ‘demon’ is as much a victim as I. There is a great wrong that needs undoing.”

The Ghost attempted to dry his eyes with the back of his sleeve and returned his gaze to the tense Erik.

“I have glimpsed my past in that ‘temple’,” The Ghost said boldly. “I now desire to know more.”


posted 06-20-2003 10:44 PM    
The Chosen Daughter couldn't stand it any longer.

With easy grace she sprang abruptly to her feet, one hand reaching around to grasp Roan's clawed one and remove it from her shoulders as if it was so much dirt. She took a step away from him in Romanus's direction, then stopped. After dusting imaginary bits of dirt from herself, she raised her face and gazed past Roan toward the doorway behind him. Suddenly she clapped her hands; less than two seconds later, the aquamarine-eyed Salandaar was there, down on one knee, a fist upon his chest, but his face raised to peer up into her own.

She lent him a smile.

"We have... guests among us yet again, my warrior," she said smoothly, waving one hand toward the door he had just entered through. "Take your best... honor guard, and escort them to this place."

Nodding her head, she clasped her hands quietly in front of her, and watched as the Sith leaped to his feet, bowed, and left. Then, utterly ignoring Roan's presence she turned to the table, took up both her goblet and the one Romanus had been drinking from, and removed both them and herself to another table.

Finding himself suddenly alone, Roan stretched like a lazy tiger. Then he too rose to his feet, bowed mockingly first to her, then to Romanus. Then, the supercilious smile still creasing his features, he left the lounge to the patrons, the trenchcoated stranger, and the Chosen Daughter of the Sith.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-20-2003 10:59 PM    
Though her husband remained standing and unmoving, the look on his face clearly suspicious and distrusting, Shayla Stargazer sensed something within the Ghost that which seemed very authentic. Getting to her own feet then, she laid a hand softly on her husband's arm, waiting til he turned to gaze into her greeny-blue eyes in response to that touch.

"We needn't jump to any hasty conclusions," she said simply, the look in her eyes understanding...

...yet somehow a bit warning at the same time. "Right now we all are seeking answers from the same source; we might as well waste no more time and journey to it."

Quieting for a moment then, Shayhla let her greeny-blue eyes swim in the depths of Erik's brown ones...

...and then she turned to the Ghost. "Lead the way."

With nothing more than that, Shayla stayed close by Erik as they departed from the Supernova and secured her. But no sooner had then began their walk into the grand city in which they found themselves when they came upon the honor guard which, unbeknownst to them, had been sent to retrieve all in their party... well as the party which included Jasyn Lancaster and his friends.


posted 06-20-2003 11:33 PM    
The Ghost trod behind Shayla and Erik, all of them surrounded by large specimens of the horned beings. Each member of the group had been searched for weapons, and now the large being in the lead carried those and The Ghost’s pack. The one relief The Ghost felt was that the voice was silent, instead of the expected jeering torments concerning the group’s lack of stealth The Ghost was met only with a quiet sense of contemplation.

The Ghost turned his head to regard the Sith guard closest to him. Yes, Sith was the proper name. The features of the guard took on meaning and recognition to the Ghost.

“You are of the S’andelazer stock, are you not?” The Ghost asked.

The Sith threw a surprised glance at The Ghost. “Silence,” the guard growled.

The walk to the temple was long, allowing The Ghost to focus on remembering. Yes, this city was familiar, but not home. Home was still far away, although there was much meaning here: something dark, sinister, and false. And all along a name rolled along The Ghost’s mind until it took on clarity: Thoran. Thoran was a friend. As well as Shalazer. Yes, Shalazer was to deliver the statues into the hands of the Tunnel Dwellers. They would hide them well.

At last the Sith guards delivered the ill-fated group to the temple The Ghost had envisioned. They were led to the courtyard and made to pause while one guard made his way to the large double doors. Standing firmly this time on the courtyard, The Ghost took the opportunity to examine the benches more closely. The stones and runes were of a fine detail and had held up remarkably well considering the apparent age of the stone around them. Surprised at what he saw, The Ghost let out an involuntary gasp.

“This was dedicated upon the death of Trelanicus, leader of the Sorcerer’s Clan” he whispered to Erik.

Eric stared blankly at The Ghost.

“This cannot be,” The Ghost continued. “He is still alive!”

The Ancient Sith

posted 06-21-2003 12:01 AM    
Salandaar stood in the middle of the Grand Hall, one hand fisted imperiously upon his hip, the other resting lightly but with great meaning upon the hilt of his blade. Although that wonderful weapon was still seated at his side, it could be out and in an adversary's throat before the movement was actually acknowledged, let alone seen. Secure in his fighting abilities, the Sith waited calmly, watching as the first honor escort arrived with their guests.

He took a moment to eye them, staring deeply from Shayla to Erik and finally ending that penetrating gaze at the Ghost's hovering form. For a moment he seemed to frown...

Then he shook himself into control of the situation once again.

"You are to come this way," he said tersely, then turned. He didn't even bother to cast another look behind him but continued on into the Temple, leading the group through the double door at the back, down the corridor a few doors beyond, and then finally into the Great Dining Hall where he indicated that they make themselves comfortable.

Then he quickly disappeared into a door at the back.


posted 06-21-2003 12:28 AM    
The Ghost caught glimpses of the paintings and busts lining the long corridor and dining hall as the group was led by the large Sith. Some of these personas brought memories, but others meant nothing.

The large Sith exited, leaving Shayla, Erik, and The Ghost alone in the great dining hall save for a Sith couple seated in a far corner talking quietly to themselves and casting hurried glances in the direction of the visitors.

The Ghost relaxed on a surprisingly comfortable chair and closed his eyes.

“Well, voice,” he thought. “I do not know who you are but I feel we must come to an understanding and level of trust. There is much of my memory locked within you, and if we are to survive I must have access to that knowledge.”

Then show me the same level of trust. Relent control to me.

The Ghost considered this. “But what if I need… No, you are correct. Trust is a bargain for both parties. I will retreat, you will unlock the memories. And if there comes a time when you need me?”

I sincerely doubt that will happen. But if it does, I will relent. As long as we’re in agreement that this is MY body and you are a temporary, er, visitor.

“Indeed,” thought The Ghost, as he relaxed his mind and slipped into darkness.

The Ghost’s eyes opened. He immediately stood, moving quickly to Erik and Shayla. Firmly grabbing Erik’s hand, he shook it up and down in great motions.

“You must be Erik! Panthar Dantares, pleased to meetcha!”

Before Erik could recover, Panthar quickly took up the right hand of Shayla, bent and kissed it. “And VERY pleased to meet you,” he said.


posted 06-21-2003 12:45 AM    

Graysith's musical voice carried across the Dining Hall from the doorway framing her at its back, a hovering Salandaar nothing more than a shadow amongst darker ones behind her. Immediately the few Sith diners yet partaking of late meals put their utensils down, dabbed at their mouths with their eating cloths, got to their feet and began to depart, leaving a dwindling cloud of softly spoken murmurs in their wake. Their hurried departure was illuminated by the soft violet glow of the Glyph, which somehow seemed to be finding a strange type of humor in the situation.

A small smile crooked upon Graysith's face. Then she left the doorway, gliding smoothly up to the group, one slender hand reached upward toward them, palm up.

"Greetings and felicitations, welcomed guests." Her voice kept up with the same musical overtones it had uttered from the doorway, light and easy and guileless. "Welcome to Phrinnchatka. Please, feel free to partake of our small offerrings here; eat and refresh yourselves and let introductions be made. And while we dine, and before you are shown into chambers where you may rest from your journeys, perhaps you would be so good as to reveal what it is that has brought you here to K'eel Doba."

The final syllables faded with the soft sound of her footfalls as she came to a halt directly in front of the group. She smiled, her one hand still held out, the Glyph still sending forth its rich and somehow mellow light.

[ 06-21-2003 12:46 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-21-2003 12:55 AM    
The Ghost released Shayla's hand and stood, smile widening at the sight of the mysterious and lovely woman in front of him. His heart rate increased slightly as he met her eyes and began to extend his hand to take hers.

NO! Do not touch her! This is not right, she is not Sith

The Ghost seamlessly swerved his motion to instead spin halfway around and grab Erik by the shoulder, sending him forward with a powerful nudge.

"My apologies, oh beautiful great woman! This is Erik, leader of our little band. He will be happy to explain everything!"

[ 06-21-2003 01:04 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by patternghost ]


posted 06-21-2003 01:06 AM    
Graysith's eyes narrowed ever the slightest bit. The motion had been superbly performed... but not quite as flawlessly as the newcomer might have thought. For a moment she stood quietly, the Glyph flaring just a touch as she began sensing out with her talents...

...only to stop. There was something not quite right about this one stranger.

Blinking a bit, she allowed that bit of hesitation and conflict to fade deeply into the recesses of her psyche. She smiled, albeit with a tinge of darkness playing about the corners of her mouth.

"Your flattery, while refreshing, is unnecessary," she said, then her smile grew a bit brighter. She then turned smoothly to include Erik and his wife in her gaze.

"I am the Lady Jharmeen Q'utaro," she said by way of introduction, holding her hand out yet again, its palm up to display the golden emblem of the Dark Lords of the Warrior clan tattooed upon it. Another easy motion with that same hand, and she indicated the stone fireplace at one end of the Dining Hall, before which a few lavishly cushioned couches were positioned.

"If you would like to be seated, I can see to your refreshment," she followed with, her manner and demeanor back to that guilelessly light one. She clapped her hands again even as she spoke, summoning a Sith wench who hovered about, ready to bring them whatever food or drink they might desire.

"You will find our brandy particularly... refreshing as well."

With that she let another smile brighten her face, and glided back to the doorway leading to the lounge. There she stood for a moment, waiting to see if Romanus would care to join them or not.

[ 06-21-2003 01:26 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-21-2003 01:44 AM    
Be wary of this one. She is not Sith, yet she bears the mark of the Dark Lord of the Warrior Clan. She is either truly their leader, which conflicts with my memory, or an imposter. This is a double reason to avoid her, for it is the Warrior Clan at the heart of the conspiracy against the Sorcerers which led to our… problem.

“You can’t be serious,” thought Panthar. “Look at her! She’s absolutely gorgeous!”

I have pieced together much of my past, but not enough to know the entire reason for our predicament. Until then, avoid her. I have shielded my presence as best as I know how, my powers are yet weak.

“Powers? You mean like the force?” thought Panthar. “I get to use a light saber?”

No. This is something else, more… innate. Trust me, remember?

Panthar relaxed and took a seat as far from the Lady Jharmeen as good sense and subtlety would allow.

[ 06-21-2003 09:38 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by patternghost ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-21-2003 06:13 AM    
Something was strangely familliar about this planet. I could not recall ever being in a place like this. The local wildlife was like nothing I'd ever seen in my years of travels. The exotic vegitation. The tiny screams of one of the lower members of the food-chain as they were being devoured alive by some larger thing.

Despite all the external beauty of K'eel Doba, I could sense imminent danger ahead of us. "I have a bad feeling about this place. Keep your senses sharp. And stay close together!"

Reaching out with the force, I sensed everything around us. There was one particular area that was somehow... unreadable. "Jasyn, I have detected some sort of anomoly. Kind of like your Yslmari, there is a very large force deadening bubble about 1 klik West of here. Just how big of a bubble do those little creatures create anyway? Can they link to form one giant bubble?"

Jasyn began to respond. "Well I..."

I felt a disturbance in the force and cut his words short. "Shh..." I pointed just ahead of us. Mentall I told them There is a group of humanoids coming our way. They might know we are here. Take cove quickly. And do it quietly!

Levitating myself up to the tall branches of the nearest leafy tree, I guess you would call it, I watched as Matt and Jasyn broke off in separate directions. Matt scampered behind a large outcropping of foliage, while Jasyn ran to the nearest tree and hid behind the trunk.

Miraculously, the group of tall horned beings walked right past us. I waited until they were out of sight and lowered myself back to the ground.

Jasyn and Matt were watching my waiting for a signal that things were OK. I gave the signal and we pressed on. Speaking in mere whispers now, "I think we should follow these tacks back to where they came from. Even if they weren't looking for us, at the very least we should come to some sort of town or villiage. Right?"


posted 06-21-2003 08:58 AM    
As Graysith stood at the door, one of her many Sith warrior guards approached her, his quicker-than-average walk displaying a hint of urgency. He kneeled before Graysith as if to give her a report, but suddenly seized up. His body shivered, barely noticeable unless somebody was paying close attention to him, as Graysith was. His face, which had been furrowed in anger and-could it have been fear?-was suddenly blank and expressionless. It was his eyes that were the most noticeable, though. The suddenly went blank, empty devoid of all concerns. Graysith had seen this look before, just recently, in the eyes of the guard that had attempted to kill her. The man suddenly rose, leaning in toward her. He spoke quietly, in the same flat, expressionless voice as the guards.

"I need to speak to you. In private. Ten minutes. Your room. I'll be waiting.
The guard then turned at walked off, leaving Graysith alone.


posted 06-21-2003 09:18 AM    
Romanus watched the guard go, sensing the same emptiness he felt in the one he killed just moments ago. With a look of concern on his face, he approached the doorway where Graysith was and leaned in close to her ear.

"I don't like this," he whispered. "Something's going on here with your guards, and its starting to get under my skin. Maybe you and your guests should go to a place?"


posted 06-21-2003 11:59 AM    
Graysith merely snorted. Where else would be more secure other than here in her presence? Nothing could overcome the powers she possessed other than the All itself; she knew the only other beings in the galaxy who were able to use this wonderful strength other than herself were Lord Aelvedaar, Lord Roan, her daughter by him, and eventually, JhinDarra.

The thought of the daughters being alone in their rooms while this unknown presence waded so effortlessly through her guards' minds gave her sudden pause, however. Her eyes widened, and she sensed out along the links she constantly maintained with them.

In her private chambers, emotions still roiling from her strange experience, ShaRhylla was awake. That beautiful halfling, in mere years so young but in experience ages beyond the lifespan of most mortals, immediately responded in turn.

"I shall be untouched, Mother." her voice oiled along the link back into Graysith's mind. "Fear not for my safety."

A smile flickered upon Graysith's lips as she received that telepathic statement, so much like ShaRhylla herself for its imperious self-assurance. She then turned her focus to JhinDarra, who had yet to reply.

Of course, Graysith reminded herself. She has yet to master her abilities.

Her eyes grew dark with import. "JhinDarra, return at once to the Dining Hall," she commanded her, then backed out of the young woman's mind when within it she sensed immediate obedience. She then turned to Salandaar, nodded to him that he make certain that Darra did indeed make it back without any untoward occurrences.

Then she turned back to Romanus.

"I have no fear for my own safety, but I agree with your assessment," she began. "There is something strange afoot within these walls, something which must be ascertained, and quickly. I find it disturbing how easily my best guards minds have been overwhelmed...

"...almost as disturbing as the fact that this power has not attempted to broach mine, nor yours, Romanus."

Her eyes darkened more as she waffled briefly as to her course of action. Something was pressing for her to follow that guard, for she sensed that the words he had spoken had not come from himself, born from any sudden knowledge as to this new and possible threat, but rather sprang forth from the mysterious entity who had implanted himself in his mind. She knew that to go speak with him would be to speak to the owner of a power cunning enough to turn heavily disciplined minds into mush... and she was curious to see who this was.

Not to mention what it was he wanted.

But she was not foolish. Though she knew the All would protect her, it would simply just not do to traipse along in the wake of this one who so casually attempted to command her.

And... to go to her room with him??? Intolerable.

She spoke up to Romanus once again.

"Go, find this guard and bring him back to me. No mere man commands the Chosen Daughter of the Sith, and none shall find himself alone with her in her chambers.

"I have faith in your abilities, Romanus," she finished, but to make certain that no mysterious personage would begin creeping about in his mind she suddenly reached out to him, her slender fingers finding the special ganglial points on his skull and temple as shown to her by Aelvedaar. His skin was hot beneath her cool touch; closing her eyes then, she let her head fall back a moment and released a tendril of herself into his brain. That tendril coiled around his conscious and unconscious, carefully avoiding making any personal contact with them but erecting a protective barrier about them.

Any attempt to muddle with his mind would only be channeled into her.

And easily dealt with.

"Go now," she nodded again. "I will discover who this is, and what it is he demands... but on my own terms and as I choose."

She then turned away from the bald-headed Dark One, and quite casually returned to the others still seated in front of the fire.

[ 06-21-2003 12:04 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-21-2003 01:51 PM    
Though Shayla's gaurd had definitely shot up the moment this Panthar Dantares kissed her hand, she could now barely keep eyes from the lone human woman who had lead them to a place where they could dine and refresh themselves. Her look was not borne of distrust or even of a sense of danger, but rather of curiosity, for something about this woman who introduced herself as Jharmeen Qu'taro seemed strangely...

... familiar. Even so, Shayla couldn't pull up a thing in her memory banks to explain this, couldn't recall one instance where she might have met this woman at all. But it was then a more recent and unhindered memory surfaced, one explaining that she, Shayla Stargazer, had some sort of an association with a woman called Graysith...

...a woman who was named also as the missing Galen Danner's sister.

Was this her? Galen had red hair and was short of stature like this woman...

...she certainly could be Galen's sister.


With effort, Shayla shook herself from her thoughts, her keen Force senses picking up no imminent danger...

...not from Jharmeen Qu'taro anyway. Shayla turned her eyes to the Ghost, this Panthar Dantares, cocking her head thoughtfully and regarding him for a moment before then looking to her husband. He was yet shooting a look which could kill in the stranger's direction, and though Shayla could understand his feelings after the man had so suddenly kissed her hand, she yet sent a somewhat warning look in Erik's direction. After all, they still didn't know all of the story.

As it was with other things here as well.

Turning her greeny-blue eyes then to the violet ones of Jharmeen Qu'taro, Shayla took up a small goblet of the Sith brandy, took a sip, then spoke, her voice even.

"My name is Shayla Stargazer Petrolu-Kartan," she started, "We have come in search of a woman by the name of Galen Danner, whom we have been told is your sister. We believe she crashed a ship on this planet, and..."

Her voice trailing then, Shayla's eyes defocused a bit as she again recalled her missing son, as well as her missing memories.

"...I come in search of some lost memories of my own, for someone has told me I have some sort of association with you and the term sister keeps popping up in my mind...

...and though to my knowledge I have never met you, something deep inside me trusts you immediately even so..."


posted 06-21-2003 02:07 PM    
Graysith's brows shot up to the top of her forehead, and remained there.

"A sister-- I?" she finally replied, her eyes growing even wider and more guileless. She then turned away from the little group, passing a Sith serving girl with a tray full of goblets; one hand reached casually out in passing and removed a goblet without making a sound. The elegant metal gleamed richly in the firelight, creating an image of liquid fire held in her hand.

She strode up to the fireplace, and for a moment or two stared into the flames which danced and crackled there. Then she turned easily around, glanced at all seated before her, and finally spoke.

"Strange that you have found your way here, as we are rather remote, you know," she started. "But I find the purpose behind your visit here to be an even stranger one.

"Sister?" she repeated, and cocked her head to the side. Her long hair flamed down, her smoky cloak loosened to reveal her form-fitting practice doba beneath. Deep within the shadows of her person, something mystical glittered and gleamed. She shifted, the cloak loosening further, revealing a portion of that which glittered so: it was something metallic hanging upon her person.

She shot the group a smile that would diminish a star.

"Sister?" she repeated for a third time. "But-- you are mistaken, I'm afraid. I have no sister, I never have had a sister.

"And as far as the so-called holes in your memory, why my dear....

"I have never seen you before in my life."

With that she raised her goblet, and took a long draught of it, her eyes never leaving the greeny-blue pair they were pinned to.

[ 06-21-2003 02:10 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 06-21-2003 02:09 PM    
Jasyn gripped his blaster even tighter. "Right," he whispered, not even so much as looking at Dash but instead looking off in the direction which the Sith warriors had passed.

That was too easy, a shoulder-demon spoke up.

Shrugging this off, Jasyn merely began walking once more with Kelderon and the others, now following the tracks of the Sith warriors. As they did so, it became increasingly obvious to Jasyn that there was simply no way they were going to continue walking unscathed even though they were trying, for as they began coming into what seemed to be a large city, it was also increasingly obvious that these horned creatures were all about...

...and that two human males and a Ch'iss were eventually going to stick out like a sore thumb. Even as Jasyn thought this, another group of the same sort of imposing Sith which they had managed to dodge earlier took particular interest in their party before everyone could all scurry to a hiding place...

...and began to approach, large weapons at their sides. "Better give in and let them take us where they will," Jasyn spoke up to Dash, "For if this Graysith is as powerful as Aaron said, I'd suspect she has a good amount of control here and they'd take us right to her..."


posted 06-21-2003 02:19 PM    
Romanus walks towards Graysith's room to find the morbid guard. Before he is halfway, however, the very man he is looking for comes walking around the corner. He spots Romanus, and speaks in that same strange voice, flat and devoid of any emotion.

"I sensed that the lady Jharmeen would not meet with me in her own quarters. That is what I was expecting, so I came to meet you. I am also not going to attempt anything on your mind, as I know it would simply syphon to Graysith's, and I am not strong enough to take her on...."

A devilish smile crossed the man's features, the first sign of any emotion he had shown.

"...yet. I am sure you have questions for me. If you would be so kind as to escort me back to Lady Jharmeen, I will be more than happy to answer them for you."


posted 06-21-2003 02:49 PM    
Panthar Dantares watched the woman Jharmeen Qu'taro with great interest. Her cloak opened occasionally, revealing a gleaming object and form-fitting clothing.

“Are you sure this is right?” He thought. “I once knew a girl like this back on Agamar, met on one of my digs. Delusions of grandeur all the way, but HOT as you-know-what. It just took a little therapy from the love doctor to melt that little number.”

I sense that perhaps it is best if you make no such attempt in this case. This is not a ‘dig,’ this is an unfortunate meeting with the most powerful members of a powerful race. I must confess I do not understand the complete lack of respect that you and the others show to your masters. Do you not know these beings? Do you not recognize the capital worlds of the galaxy?

“Look, man. I’ve been to Coruscant,” thought Panthar. “This is definitely NOT Coruscant.”

I know no planet by that name. If you please, make an inquiry for me of the dark lady.

Panthar lifted his goblet and cleared his thoat.

“Excuse me again, miss Cootary, but I see my employer here is too taken by your beauty to explain more. The questions of Miss Shalya here are only part of the reason we arrived. I am Panthar Dantares. Perhaps you’ve heard of me? No? Ah, well. I am an archeologist of some fame, although most of my work has been done on the other side of the outer rim. Um, anyway, I’m here with these fine people to negotiate for rights to use your library for a short time, with an option to later contract for certain archeological digs if possible. I’m doing an important work on the life of one of the greatest Clan leaders your great people have known – Trelanicus?”

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-21-2003 02:57 PM    
Wide-eyed and totally baffled, Shayla couldn't tear herself from the image of the violet-eyed woman. Every cell in her body was trying to scream out in protest...

...and something deep within her, and not just necessarily on the mental level, echoed in resounding emptiness and loss.

Getting to her feet in a sudden yet smooth motion, Shayla tore her eyes from the violet ones still pinned to hers and paced a bit, her mind whirling.

This couldn't be right, it just couldn't... wasn't...!

Gaining hold of herself, Shayla stopped pacing and again whirled, her greeny-blue eyes again only for that strangely familiar violet pair. And it was then that suddenly and quite oddly, one other word wafted into the forefront of her pscyhe as she continued to lose herself in those violet eyes.


Knowing not where this came from or why, Shayla wavered for but a moment then firmed.

"I...I don't believe it," she finally spoke up at last. "I just can’t explain it...

...I know I know you somehow...”

Again she trailed, trying to pull up recent memories, searching for any explanation. Aaron Barnes sure seemed to believe Galen had a sister named Graysith. And though this woman didn’t identify herself as Graysith...

Galen. Galen Danner...

...Terrin Danner...

...Blood Oath...

“And was it not you, as I have been told, who took a Blood Oath with the late Terrin Danner to secure the safety of his wife, one Galen Jhin’Dar Danner...?”

[ 06-21-2003 03:00 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 06-21-2003 03:32 PM    
Graysith stood quietly, every aspect of her being radiating puzzlement. She fingered the goblet in her hands, toying with it between unconscious fingers, one hand gripping it loosely while the Claw-bearing forefinger ranged round and round it's lip. Incredibly enough, the movement brought forth the same harmonic vibrations as when a wet finger is rubbed along the rim of fine crystal; within her grasp now, the goblet began to sing.

She smiled, letting the puzzlement she was radiating now flood into her eyes.

"I'm afraid I have no answer for either of you," she began, suddenly placing her palm on the top of the goblet, utterly squelching the resonating tones that had been emanating from it. Moving with a casually easy grace, the cloak loosening yet further, she moved away from the fireplace and set that goblet down upon a small yet richly carved and gleaming incidental table. Then she turned to face the group once again.

"Terrin Danner? Trelanicus? These names are not familiar to me."

A pause... then she seemed to come to some unspoken decision within herself. Drawing herself up regally, she spread her arms wide, letting the cloak fully reveal her slender form and the ominously gleaming Tooth of Sslan upon her thrimm.

"I am the Lady Jharmeen Q'utaro, Dark Lady of the Warrior clan of the Sith," she began simply, her outspread arms taking in all about her yet somehow extending to encompass the entire planet without. "My late husband, the Dark Lord Recinis Q'utaro, would vouch for my words, but unfortunately death has taken him into the hands of S'slan and the Darker Realms. The new Dark Lord, Ankrist Roan, may be induced to join with us on the morrow and go into more explanation; this is not a certainty, however. He does come and go as he pleases."

She paused again, cocking her head to one side as she chewed thoughtfully on her lip.

"We have existed here peacefully in this remote sector of space for millennia, unhindered by the approach of any other race. This was our choice; this is our way. It is only recently that we have decided to come out from our shielding which has blanketed us from the rest of the galaxy..."

She trailed off, turning her eyes once more to Panthar.

"Perhaps what you have learned on your prior digs was not quite what you thought, gentle guest. Unless it was something one of our more reckless youngsters had placed in hiding on some remote world as a prank, somewhere along the corridors of time. It is difficult, after all, to know what every single Sith has done throughout the four millennia in which we have remained isolated here."

Now she returned to Shayla.

"Blood Oath?" she said, her tone softening and growing somewhat remote. Then she firmed. "I know nothing of having a Blood Oath with anyone by the name of Terrin Danner; the closest to such a thing is our Blood-Hunt. And if that were the case, he would by now be dead."

Coming to a momentary pause, she stepped forward until she came up in front of Shayla. There she stopped, looking her directly in the eye.

"I'm afraid you must have me confused with someone else."

She then glided smoothly to where Panthar Dantares sat, all interest and big eyes. She paused in front of him, and clasped her hands in front of herself, directly on top of the ominously gleaming Tooth.

"I find it interesting as well how you have come to know of our Library here," she said, the tiniest bit of darkness now creeping into her voice. She pinned his eyes with a steady stare, held it until there was no mistaking the undercurrents carried along within that look... then lifted her chin and summoned a serving girl.

Moments later, all found themselves handily provided with food and drink. The Chosen Daughter merely took up another goblet of shimmering green Sith brandy, and retired back to her post by the fireplace. The shadow of her slender frame cast by the dancing fires matched exactly the color of her eyes.

[ 06-21-2003 03:40 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-21-2003 04:23 PM    
Panthar ate heartily. The intruder did not take care properly for the body, skipping meals and neglecting exercise. As he savored the incredible meal, Panthar was already looking forward to proper workout.

There is time for this later. Ask the rest!

“Oh, heck!” Panthar spoke. He rose from his seat, and picking up his goblet he strode casually to the fireplace where the dark lady stood. Aware of the guards lurking in the distance, he stopped well short of her and held his hands in front of him at waist height, trying with difficulty to glance no lower than the woman's face. “Um, sorry to trouble you once again. I really appreciate the hospitality you’ve shown all of us and hate to intrude even more.”

The Lady Jharmeen regarded Panthar with a look caught somewhere between the realms of irritation and amusement.

“But,” Panthar continued, “I am very curious about an inconsistency in my research thus far, and a simple answer from you could help clarify things greatly. I have a source that states Trelanicus began his rule in the year 17879, figuring on the S’slan Recompense calendar. I have no idea what that means, and without a point of reference then I’m going to have some trouble. Would you mind terribly telling me about how long ago would that be in standard years? I'd really really appreciate it!”

Panthar directed a broad smile to the Lady and drank deeply from his goblet.

[ 06-21-2003 04:30 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by patternghost ]


posted 06-21-2003 04:40 PM    
Graysith cocked her head to one side, the goblet she had been raising to her lips poised in mid-lift. She blinked, as though taken aback by the question put to her by the eager-eyed guest. Then she let her lips quirk upward in a smile, and gently set the class on the mantle.

"Perhaps you did not understand what I have just imparted to you, Mr. Dantares," she began in her musical voice. "Much of what you and Ms. Petrolu-Kartan have asked are questions concerning subjects utterly unknown to me, and therefore any further inquiries regarding them could only result in fruitless guesses and speculation on my part. It is quite obvious to me that the information leading you here to our home is faulty, if not downright fraudulent. There is no Trelanicus that I am aware of, at least not in the history of this planet; therefore the date you seek is irrelevant.

"I really think you are following ghosts, Mr. Dantares."

She trailed off yet again, and taking up her goblet took yet another sip.

[ 06-21-2003 04:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-21-2003 04:55 PM    
Sit, leave her. We shall wait to speak with the true Sith Lord. Be polite and leave her.

Panthar bowed his head slightly at the Dark Lady. “I hope that I am not, this has been a life-long work of mine and I had hoped this trip would bring it to fruition. But, yes, I will not trouble you with my questions anymore tonight. I shall hope to discuss these matters tomorrow with the Lord Roan, perhaps he has a better recollection of Sith history than one such as yourself.”

I do not believe that was polite. Perhaps tomorrow it is best for me to speak.

Panthar glanced briefly at the slender form of the Lady and turned to go back to his seat.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-21-2003 05:08 PM    
Shayla was never more utterly puzzled in her life. She was beginning to entertain the notion that perhaps she was simply going mad, but something deep within her was stronger and persisted. But there was one phrase which was spoken by this Jharmeen Qu'taro which absolutely cut Shayla like a knife.

I know nothing of having a Blood Oath with anyone by the name of Terrin Danner; the closest to such a thing is our Blood-Hunt. And if that were the case, he would by now be dead...

She wavered once more, something deep within wagging an accusing finger.

He IS dead. You don't have a clue how, but he is. And once upon a time, you wished for that...

...didn't you...?

Struggling with herself, with great effort Shayla kept any tears at bay. But she couldn't help but utter one little line, so lost in her thoughts that she barely heard the words of Panthar.

"Terrin Danner is dead," she said softly, that proverbial accusing finger shaking at her once more, cause a great pain to throb deep within her heart.


posted 06-21-2003 05:09 PM    
"Indeed, Mr. Dantares," Graysith called out after her guest's turned back.

"Perhaps Lord Roan will deign to answer all your questions...

"...and perhaps not. He does, as I have mentioned, come and go as he pleases, and he never has held much interest in the race of mere humans."

Her grin quirked even more darkly then, and she rose to go get another goblet of brandy. En route back to her customary position at the fireplace, she paused once more near Shayla.

"Please accept my regrets for the death of your Mr. Danner, Ms. Petrolu-Kartan. It is always painful to lose a loved one...."

With that she nodded once, then resumed her pose by the flickering fire, goblet raised daintily to her lips.

[ 06-21-2003 05:13 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-21-2003 05:32 PM    
Shayla's greeny-blue eyes flashed in shock at the reference of Terrin as a "loved one." For an awkward moment, she didn't have the slightest idea what to say or how to respond...

Terrin wasn't a loved one. She hadn't even treated him as a friend...

...and she was beginning to feel utterly hopeless. If Galen Danner wasn't here, as Aaron Barnes seemed to believe, then where had she gone? And just who had planted the coordinates to this planet in the Hornett and been able to make Barnes believe all this stuff about Terrin and Galen's sister and the Blood Oath if it wasn't true?

Her eyes still full of confusion, Shayla turned to Jharmeen, giving in somewhat. "Perhaps Mr. Dantares is right in that we should leave our questions to tomorrow, when perhaps this Lord Roan can give us more answers."

She trailed for a moment then, her eyes defocusing a bit, and ending with, "I for one would like to know just who gave my source his information..."


posted 06-21-2003 05:54 PM    
The Ghost, content that he had pieced together the extent of the memories locked inside this mind, yet dissatisfied with the results, let himself slip into the wondrous state he had recently discovered. Soon he found himself hovering over the table, floating over the diners. He watched Panthar devouring more of the food, turned and drifted closer to the dining hall doors.

Before he departed he regarded the Dark Lady standing near the fireplace. This was the most curious piece the puzzle, for he could fathom no explanation for her presence in the Temple, her authority, or the strange symbol on her head. She did not appear to be Sith. Perhaps this mysterious object she held in her cloak pertained to her status.

The Lady cocked her head slightly, and her gaze floated slowly in the direction of the doors. The Ghost could sense a power reaching out, searching, beckoning. He darted quickly through the door and into the corridor.

The Ghost floated through the long corridor to the room he had discovered earlier. Again he saw the statues, but dared not dwell upon them. Instead he looked over the many paintings, looking for captions, dates, anything that might give a clue. Finally he came across an unfamiliar portrait of a stout, red skinned individual with tell-tale Sith horns. The figure was dressed in lavish robes and held an enormous staff with a glowing crystal head.

The ghost read the caption. “S’Helaroos Inaugurates the New Eye of R’lous.” The date was not long after the coronation of Trelanicus. The Eye of R’lous was familiar.

The Ghost drifted to the next painting, hanging crooked on the wall. The painting showed a scene of epic proportions, of thousands of Sith gathered in a field. The caption read “The Weapons Clan Returns”. The Ghost had no idea what this meant, but looked for the date.

This cannot be. If this is true… I have been gone for at least… 500 years

The Ghost snapped his eyes open.

Hey! What the- I thought we had a deal!

The room swam, images curving in bright arrays and spinning through the Ghost’s vision. As blackness overtook the Ghost, he heard a strange voice call out.

Fear not, my liege! I will speak for you! The rancors of eternal carrots shall tremble their antennae before me!

Panthar dropped his goblet as he fell backwards to the floor, unconscious.

[ 06-21-2003 05:58 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by patternghost ]


posted 06-21-2003 06:02 PM    
Graysith acted immediately.

Before anyone could respond, she was beside her fallen guest. One hand reached out toward his face, and as it had with Romanus found the ganglial pressure points on his scalp and temples. She let something of herself open up, beginning to send forth a healing tendril into the man's limp body...

...when she was brought up short by a wavering image she found within... one red-skinned, fire-eyed, horned, radiating a quiet power...


She yanked her hand back with a jerk, and rose to her feet. Someone else would awaken him in some other manner.

But not she.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-21-2003 06:13 PM    
Shayla was sparked to immediate concern and action, her own worries suddenly far behind her as Panthar was struck unconscious. Her eyes met those of Jharmeen Qu'taro's in utter concern, her eyes clearly picking up on the way the other woman had suddenly jerked away from Panthar with surprise.

"What is it, what has happened to him?" Shayla queried worriedly, now kneeling beside the man. Then she turned to Jharmeen once more. "I have healing talents, perhaps they will be of help," she stated, now turning to place her right hand lightly atop Panthar's forehead. Then, closing her eyes, Shayla stretched out into that vastness known as the Force, established a link to this one Panthar Dantares, and began pouring healing energies into his very body.

[ 06-21-2003 06:16 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 06-21-2003 06:29 PM    
Panthar’s eyes fluttered open. He focused on the woman kneeling over him, her hand on his forehead. A curiously wide smile broadened on his face.

“Lady making me feel alive!” he cried. “I am hoarding the wisest stalk of lemon for her in my will!”

Shayla gave Panthar a puzzled look. He rolled to his side and propped his head with his hand, looking into Shayla’s eyes.

“A greeny-blue ocean dances in your eyes. Never have I seen such a display of profound beauty in any living mortal! The Halls of R’lous resound with the echos of your sighs. My tongue is stilled with the endless longing of words to describe your gentle grace. I am left speechless in your presence, unable to find verse to expound the many feelings pouring from my heart!”

Panthar? What are you doing?

Nothing, I thought that was you.

By all that is sacred, we are in much difficulty….

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-21-2003 06:40 PM    
Shayla was on her feet and backing away before she was consciously aware of it, and in less than a split second stepped back into the strong frame of her husband. His hands went to her shoulders protectively, and Shayla didn't even have to turn to know that his eyes were pinned on this man who had suddenly begun to spout such romantic words in her direction. Quite frankly, she couldn't help but ogle herself. There was something very strange here...

...and something that seemed entirely wrong, and it was more than just the simple fact that they had been lead here to something that didn't add up to what it was supposed to have been. There was something about this man...

"What right have you?" she whispered in his direction, not so much as moving an inch out of Erik's grasp...

...which tighted in support...

...and perhaps something else...

...even as she spoke.

[ 06-21-2003 06:41 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-21-2003 06:40 PM    
(((OOC: From Minds Like a Sieve in the CSWU Forum. Thank you.)))

Aproaching K'eel Doba I put the Ship down Far as I could get from civilazation and grabbed one of Ruhatt's spare blasters just in case i needed it. I grabbed his comm. and put in Dash's frequency and spoke into the comm.

"Dash, do you hear me? Its Jebbua. I'm here on K'eel Doba, i'm going to lock on to your signal, but first answer me." I said.

I put the blaster in my holster and waited for a reply.


posted 06-21-2003 06:41 PM    
By the fireplace, Graysith merely frowned. By S'slan, but this was a strange one... if indeed it was but one.

Her dark musings were interrupted as the double doors into the Dining Hall opened, spilling forth the strongly striding Salandaar, a somewhat mystified-looking JhinDarra in tow. Graysith lifted her focus from the still simpering form of Dantares, and gazed instead directly into Salandaar's eyes.

She nodded once toward Dantares.

Salandaar nodded his head in turn, his eyes closed in acknowledgement. Then he moved serenely to where the man lay still trying to make goo-goo eyes up at the startled Shayla Petrolu-Kartan and came to a halt, towering over him like a miniature mountain, one hand firmly upon the hilt of his sword.

Behind him, Darra's blue eyes only widened in surprise and confusion.

[ 06-21-2003 06:43 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-21-2003 06:53 PM    
Panthar looked up to the large set of legs beside him. His eyes traced upwards to the waist, the muscle-lined chest, and finally the horned head.

“Greetings, oh large one,” Panthar purred. “Are you in heat? I am trained in the many ways of repairing sub-light drives, perhaps a tooth extraction will make your face look better? May I get you a fruit? Why did you kill Trelanicus?”


posted 06-21-2003 06:53 PM    
Darra blinked as a wash of pain came over her. She wasn't certain where it came from, or why indeed it was she who was feeling it, out of all those in this room whom she sensed had powers of their own to accept such things.

All she knew was that someone was in terrible pain, terrible, terrible agony.

She grimaced, tears flooding her eyes and gripped her head. She twisted and coiled her flaming locks in her fingers.

"Mother, it hurts!!" she suddenly cried out, unable to remain silent any longer. A steady flow of tears now streamed down her cheeks... and then she suddenly realized where those waves of agony were emanating from.

It was the strangely grinning man laying on the floor....

[ 06-21-2003 07:31 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by JhinDarra ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 06-21-2003 07:19 PM    
The flash of reflected fire upon arcing blade, and Salandaar's sword was out and at Panthar's throat for his impertinence. That worthy being merely kept up his flow of inanities, mouthing one senseless statement after another, but the Sith guard wasn't fooled in the least. He firmly believed the mad babblings to be a ruse, behind which hid a dangerously cunning and vengeful mind.

He raised his eyes to Graysith's.

"Shall I kill him now, Milady?" he growled, clenching his free hand and tightening his other upon the hilt of his sword.


posted 06-21-2003 07:37 PM    
Graysith's face remained inscrutable for a long moment. Then she slowly relaxed back into her former demeanor, and gently laid the goblet upon the mantle. Turning away, she came over to where the Sith guard towered over Panthar, who jerked his moist eyes away from Salandaar to observe her in silence.

Graysith smiled.

"This is not how we treat our guests here, Salandaar," she said easily, now reaching a hand down in offerring to the man who yet lay on the floor. Beside her, Salandaar growled deep in his throat, but obediently sheathed his sword. He did not, however, budge from the position the Chosen Daughter had commanded he take, but remained standing next to Panthar, watching him carefully and ready to defend his Lady at the least provocation.

"Come, Mr. Dantares," Graysith's voice broke the awkward moment. "Let me assist you to your feet. Perhaps you would like some more brandy...."

[ 06-21-2003 07:39 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-21-2003 07:53 PM    
This is madness. I can feel it… Total lunacy encapsulates this consciousness… who are you?

“I am the conqueror of worms,” came a thought reply. “I am the squire to my liege! Do you not know your Thoran?”

Thoran? I know you? Yes, I know you! Sweet Thoran, you stood by my side when the… the… when what?

“When the bastard child of the Warriors sent his devils to kill you and your father, my liege. Many flowers bravely fought but perished in groveling gravey.”

Thoran, I need you to do something for me. It is very important. I am recovered now, I need you to let me assume control.

“But liege, there is a woman of fire and sweet sugar candy who may beguile you! And a fierce devil of the bastard son waiting to create much havoc upon your collar!”

Yes, I know, Thoran. That is why I need to assume control. I must speak.

After a pause, Thoran thought once again. “Very well, my liege. I will hide in the corner like a pulsating petal of the cat. Call upon me when you need more aid.”

The Ghost saw the Dark Lady extending a gentle hand. His eyes narrowed, the strange sense he encountered at the door once again prevailing around the Lady.

“No, please, milady,” he said. “I must again beg forgiveness. The brandy seems to have caused a very odd reaction to my system. It has been yea-- I have never tasted such a concoction and humbly ask to not be served another, lest I cause even more embarrassment to myself and my companions.”

He slowly stood, bowing his head to the Lady. He turned his slightly to the giant warrior standing nearby.

“And to you, also,” said The Ghost. “I apologize for the disrespect I have shown you. Never shall it happen again. I know well the anger you feel and ask for a chance to redeem myself.”


posted 06-21-2003 08:00 PM    
In the distracted state the residents of the room were in, they did not notice a single guard quietly sidling his way into the room. He stood at the door, seemingly on guard. In actuallity, he was sizing up the situation. Or, rather, the force controlling him was sizing up the situation.

The Lady Jharmeen was helping a man to his feet, with many other people close by. All strangers, none he was interested in, except, perhaps, as tools.

The guard noticed that Graysith's child was in the room, standing near to her mother. The controlled guard approached the Lady Jharmeen and her daughter. Her child.....Daughter of the Chosen Daughter. She could be the most useful tool of all.

As though Graysith could sense this unspoken threat to her daughter, her head snapped up, and she spotted the guard. Confusion filled her eyes for a split second, then was replaced by cool recognition. The guard walked right up to Graysith, speaking in that same, strange voice.

"Lady Jharmeen, I must speak with you soon. I know now is not the best time for you, but it is the only time I have. You may be unaccustomed to taking orders, but you will obey me now. You will speak with me, and you will use nothing of your All powers of any kind while we are speaking. If this demand does not persuade you....."

The controlled guard paused, looking down at the child standing near Graysith, staring at him with the same coldness of her mother, albeit with noticably more fear. Slowly, the guard lowered a hand, and placed it on her head.

"......then we will see how it would sway you, hearing it out of your own daughter's mouth."

The guard the brought his face up to meet Graysith's eyes. He saw the cold fury in them, and also the power. He grinned, awaiting Graysith's answer.

[ 06-21-2003 08:04 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by MindMaster ]

Erik Kartan

posted 06-21-2003 08:01 PM    
Erik's eyes never left the form of the strangely acting man...

...and his hands never left Shayla's shoulders. Instead he looked to Jharmeen. "Indeed, perhaps this one would benefit better from some rest..."

...and a good punch in the nose, a voice deep in the back of Erik Kartan's mind added.


posted 06-21-2003 08:14 PM    
Graysith jerked her eyes to the impertinent guard. In his own, she read no semblance of reality, but rather the cold blankness of another entity.

"Oh, pfft," she snorted, quite easily reaching into his mind with her powers and tracking along the connection that had taken him until...

...until she found... it.

"Bother," she commented offhandedly, summoning forth her powers, heedless of who was present to witness the act. Indeed, while to those present she might look odd for her stance, they would not see the fruits of her labors, which were occurring somewhere else...

...where a strange and powerful being quite suddenly found the very essence of space and time about him begin to roil and seethe as a portal opened up. Before he could react, a gentle nudge from the Chosen Daughter shoved him through into the Elseness, that mysterious place where time is sideslipped from reality, and continues on for the observer in a forever Mobius loop of Now. Nothing but the use of the All would return him to the reality of the galaxy from which he was thrust.

Certain that this little dilemma was well taken care of, especially since the controlled guard was now falling abruptly to his knees in shock, Graysith nodded. The brilliantly flaring Glyph on her forehead slowly backed down the electromagnetic spectrum until it was once again a soft violet glow. Then she turned back to Panthar.

"Please excuse the interruption," she said smoothly, wiping her hands upon her cloak as if to eradicate the feel of dirt from them. She lifted a brilliant gaze to his face.

"You were saying?"

[ 06-21-2003 08:17 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-21-2003 08:27 PM    
“I was saying,” started The Ghost, “that perhaps I should retire to a bed soon. I have much to sleep upon, and hope that a fresh start in the morning will help bury at least a portion of the discomfiture felt here tonight.”

The Ghost turned his eyes towards Shayla and Erik. “And to you, both of you, I must also humbly beg forgiveness. Although the feelings conveyed were, I am sure, earnest, the manner was not excusable. There are certain business matters we must attend to before meeting with the Dark Lord, if you would permit me to continue in your employ.”

“Which brings me to one final request, Lady Jharmeen. My pack was understandably stripped of me upon our arrival. As your guards have surely ascertained by now, it contains no weapons, only travel necessities and items of my past research which bear great import to me. Should you find it in your wisdom to return it and its contents to me this evening, I would be most grateful.”


posted 06-21-2003 08:30 PM    
The entity floated in the Elseness, thinking.

He had underestimated Graysith's powers, that was true. He never liked to admit a defeat, but she had certainly beaten him in this little encounter. Still, he was not completely defeated. Far from it. In fact, this could actually prove advantegous. This new space, this Elseness. He had thought, speculated it existed for some time. Now that Graysith had shown she could transport others into it, he could use it to his advantage.

Graysith. Her abilities were indeed amazing. All the more reason for him to covet them on his side, serving him. Salvaging this situation, though, could prove difficult. Summoning all his powers, the being spoke to Graysith, impossible as it seemed.

Very well done, my Lady. I begrudge this match to you.

I beg you forgive my...ah...eagerness before. I should have known that your powers controlled space and time. A fault on my part.

I realize it seems impossible for me to speak to you. Well, it is a complicated manner. If you wish, I shall explain it to you. First, though, I.....have a request.

I humbly ask that you come and make parley with me in this other space, this....Elseness. Do not think I am a fool for asking this, attempting to lead you into a poorly disguised trap. You clearly have the upper hand here. Bring anyone you will. I simply wish to speak, to explain myself. Perhaps we may actually reach an agreement.

Now you have heard my request. I wish it that you will give the matter some thought, at least, before discarding it entirely. We could be powerful allies, Graysith.

With that, the voice departed for the time being.

[ 06-21-2003 08:35 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by MindMaster ]


posted 06-21-2003 08:45 PM    
Graysith's eyes widened a bit, as a comment Panthar tossed out took her somewhat by surprise. She quickly masked it, however, considered him in silence for a long, appraising moment, and then finally nodded her head to him.

"But of course, gentle guest," she said graciously, motioning toward Salandaar who immediately departed, a frown still creasing his fearsome features, to retrieve the man's appropriated pack.

"You must forgive me for keeping you up so late into the wee hours; I myself do not sleep much, and time does have a way of... carrying me off with it, upon occasion."

Now her brilliant eyes brightened further as Salandaar returned with the requested item held in his immense, clawed hand. After shooting his Lady a final disapproving look, he thrust it out toward Panthar as though it would bite him in that motion.

Graysith merely nodded, then turned to include Shayla and Erik in her following statement.

"Please follow Salandaar to your rooms. I trust you will find them not wanting in anything. Close to the beds you will find a bellpull; please use it if you need anything.

"And now, unless there is anything anyone needs further, I shall bid you all good-night and good sleep."

With that she bowed from the waist, then turned from them, one hand motioning Darra to come to her side. After ascertaining that there had been no harm come to her from the brief, if horrific, interruption, she sent her on her way as well.

Then she stood staring quietly into the flames, waiting for all to depart, that she could continue on with another task, one placed upon her so unexpectedly this night.

[ 06-21-2003 08:49 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-21-2003 09:03 PM    
The being waited, floating in the Elseness, attempting to learn more about it. He came up with nothing. In all the thousands of minds that were completely under his control, he could find none that had an explanation for this Elseness. Truly amazing, it was. He would have to ask Graysith about it. If she even did come....

The being had no way of knowing wether or not Graysith would come. She was indeed, truly unpredictable. He had never incountered such an interesting being as her. Strong and stubborn, with powers immense. She was one of the few beings in the galaxy that he felt was worthy of his attention. They would indeed make powerful allies. But, for that to happen, everything had to go as planned, and that was not happening already.

Could he ever really control her? She was so strong, so vibrant and independant. It would take all his might to overcome a mind such as hers. Even so, it was possible, if not probable. For the time being, he was content to have her as an ally.

And so the being waited.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-21-2003 09:13 PM    
Merely nodding, Shayla suddenly realized how exhausted she was, partially due to the trip here and also due to the total confusion which still clouded her mind. She was, in fact, so completely puzzled that the thought hadn't even occurred to her that Lancaster and his party were nowhere to be seen; instead she just wished she could remember what had happened to the last year or so if her life, which was suddenly strangely skewed and full of...

...well, full of holes. She wasn't even certain of who she was, or of just what she had been doing for such a long time. Everything was just gone...

...or at least mostly gone...

...and the only possible link to that missing information had now been declared false.

But was it...?

Jerking herself from this line of thought, Shayla looked towards Jharmeen though her back was now turned to them.

"Thank you for your kindness to us," Shayla spoke softly, only then moving to her husband's side to now join him in following Salandaar in leading them wherever he may.

[ 06-21-2003 09:15 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 06-21-2003 09:19 PM    
As the footfalls of the departing guests receded in the distance, Graysith frowned. Indeed, this had been a most intriguing day, one bringing with it both stranger and strangeness alike. She couldn't help the slight shiver that rippled through her at that thought, her mind filled with questions concerning not only the veracity of her guests, but also the new twists and turns now erupting upon the road she must journey along to reach her goal.

Finally silence descended upon the waning night of Phrinnchatka... and the Temple settled down into the cool solitude only the very first hours of the day can bring. Heaving a sigh, she waved a hand, almost dispiritedly, and opened a portal into the Elseness....

Stepping out into the non-ness of the ever-existing present, she shook her brief emotional low from her, girding herself with her formal fiery elan, and took a look about. That is to say, she sensed about... the Glyph leaping into brilliant life like a flaring supernova as she closed her eyes and reached out

And she found It... and her eyes darkened with terrible joy when she felt him acknowledging her presence. A new and different kind of smile curled upon her lips, and she awaited his approach.

[ 06-21-2003 09:20 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-21-2003 09:49 PM    
The Ghost entered his spacious room and looked about. The bed was huge and lavishly set with soft pillows and sheets. Large, flowing drapes hung along the walls surrounded by elaborate runes and crystal images. The Ghost sat on the bed and crossed his legs.

He closed his eyes and called up a power, reaching out in a circle around him and then extending it until it reached the walls of the room and beyond. While power flowed through this entire building, The Ghost now felt sure there was nothing magical set in this room to keep watch upon him.

He opened his eyes and reached gently into his pack. Pleasantly surprised to find everything intact, he removed an item encased in a carbonite shell. He turned the dial on the control panel and the carbonite melted around the loaf of bread contained within. He broke the loaf open and softly scraped away the crumbs from the crystal object hidden in the bread.

He held it up to his face, looking closely for scratches or flaws, but the large crystal was pure and unscathed. When he first discovered the jewel lying inside a skeleton, he had no idea what it was or what power it contained. Had he known, the escape from the cave would have been greatly simplified. But it was not too late, and with much of his knowledge restored he smiled and caressed the crystal.

“The Eye of R’lous’”, he sighed.

The Ghost removed his shirt, exposing the lean, muscular frame of Panthar Dantares. The crystal now pulsated slightly, casting a soft red glow on The Ghost’s exposed skin. He gently moved the crystal to his lower abdomen, looked upwards, and thrust the crystal towards his body. It met no resistance and passed through the skin, sealing itself inside of The Ghost’s body.

The Ghost smiled, feeling power rush through him and meld with his spirit. “500 years or no, at long last, father,” he said softly, “I shall avenge you.”

He pointed a trembling finger at the door to his room, which in turn glowed a soft red briefly. Comfortable in his security, The Ghost repacked his belongings and retired to the bliss of sleep.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-21-2003 09:56 PM    
Though Shayla found herself in a dark and contemplative state as Salandaar lead them through the grand corridors of the Sith Temple, the lavishness of the room she and Erim were give was not lost on her. The bed was large, heavily laden with silks and satins of jade and violet. The rugs were soft and lush, the fabric brushing softly between her toes as Shayla removed her boots. Curious then, she walked to the wardrobe to find it laden with robes of various colors of the rainbow; she chose for herself a deep blue one with gold trim and peeled off her clothing. After changing, she glided from the wardrobe and across the soft plush rug to the bed, where she fell into it, wrapping herself in its comforting covers.

And yet something more comforting presented itself as Erik laid down beside her, his arms going about her as the lighting in the room strangely...

...dimmed to a warm blue glow to suit their mood and posture. Shayla turned in his arms to swim in his deep browns. For a moment she said nothing, then opened her mouth to say something, only to be stopped by Erik placing a finger on her lips. "We'll figure it out tomorrow," he said softly, knowing her concerns. Then he pulled her close and kissed her softly, and with that touch all those worries just seemed to melt completely away...

...and for the moment Shayla Stargazer Kartan allowed hersef to become lost completely in him.

[ 06-21-2003 10:01 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-22-2003 05:40 AM    
As if reading Jasyn's thoughts the mini-comm I had with me broke the silence and stealth of our group. It was Jebbua, he and his friend had finally arrived. Since we had already decided that we were going to surrender ourselves, I didn't really worry about the racket this little comm system was making.

"Jebbua, we are just outside a large city. We are going to give ourselves up. I'll do my best to hide the comm so you can follow the signal. Use great caution and stealth. We may need rescuing later. So be on your guard and don't get captured! Dash out."

There was movement in the foliage behind us. I stashed the comm unit in a very inconspicuous fold in my cloak.

A group of the Sith warriors surrounded us. I was shocked by the sight of them. So thi sis what a true Sith is supposed to look like. They don't look so evil. But looks can be deceiving!

I held my hands in front of my chest and opened my cloak. "I have no weapons. I am here seeking an audience with Graysith. Would you be so kind as to escort us there?"

After being disarmed, we were taken to what appeared to be a great temple in the middle of the large city. Large wooden double doors opened up into the main hall. Silk like tapestries decorated the walls with pictures of grand battles, and other more serene images. The stone work of the temple was old and well worn, but somehow managed to retain it's beauty and luster despite the obvious years of use.

We walked through several sets of large double doors. Some opened with the slightest touch, others took a little push from one of our escorts. We travelled in complete silence until we reached our destination. A large lounge area, furnished with ample seating, tables adorned every seating arrangement, so patrons could put up thier feet or sit doen thier exotic smelling beverages.

We were told to wait there. It was early morning, at least for persons using standard time. Who knew what time it was here. But by the apparent lack of patrons using this esttablishment, I figured it was sometime in the middle of the night on K'eel Doba.

One of our escorts ran off to fetch someone. We waited...

[ 06-22-2003 05:55 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dash Kelderon ]

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-22-2003 07:16 AM    
I didn't get far finding Dash and the others before i was surrounded by what must have been the sith.

"I am looking for Graysith, along with my other friends as well. Can you take me to her?" I asked.

1 of the sith aproached me and took my blaster from me.

Yeah i guess i won't need that. I thought.

The lead me to a city and before i knew it Dash and the others were in front of me.

"You know, its kinda hard to sneak around here." I wispered to Dash.

"So, now what do we do?" I looked at Jasyn to see what he might have to say.

[ 06-22-2003 07:17 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 06-22-2003 09:04 AM    
Salandaar had just delivered his charges to their rooms for the night and was heading off to his own chambers for a well-earned rest when the sound of running feet brought him to a halt. He turned around to see one of the lesser officers of the Dark Lady's personal guard approaching him, a trace of urgency plastered across his otherwise fearsome face.

"The rest of the intruders have arrived, my captain," he said a bit breathlessly as he slid to a halt and saluted the aquamarine-eyed Sith. "They are being detained in the Dining Hall, as ordered." He finished his announcement by slapping a fisted hand across his chest and bowing, his eyes still turned up into Salandaar's.

"The timing of their arrival could have been better," Salandaar growled aloud, frowning. "Clearly your squad will need remedial training in reconnaissance and capture." He returned the salute, sending the lower-ranking warrior on his way, and turned himself to then head back to the Dining Hall.

Upon entering he found no one. But at the back wall a lone Sith stood at alert attention. Salandaar nodded to him in understanding, and headed toward the lounge. There he found them: Jasyn, Matt, Dash and Jebbua, all standing together like a herd of Drallian sheep.

He sighed a bit to himself as he approached them, casting a quickly appraising glance over them and nodding to see they had been disarmed. At least it seemed that way; he looked past them then to the remaining warriors who were standing in unobtrusive guard, and made a motion with one hand. They reacted instantly, coming up to the guests and initiating some serious patting down of their persons. While no more weapons were discovered, they did find a few communication devices. These they took as well, then returned to their former positions.

Salandaar nodded his approval, and finally spoke. His voice was a flat monotone, the words he spoke perhaps a bit on the terse side.

"You will remain here until called for," he said, now making a slight gesture to indicate the lounge. After all, he had not been given orders to see these people to more comfortable rooms, and he did not rise to his current position in life by basing his conclusions upon personal assumptions. This lounge had cushioned seating, some appetizers and much to drink to offer. That would suffice.

One of the warriors moved toward the bar and began placing empty glasses atop it. The others merely settled back into watchful guard, clearly able to pass long hours in this manner. Salandaar gave them a final, dark look for their tardiness in bringing in this final group, then turned and left for his own rooms, there to catch a bit of sleep in the last few hours of the night which yet remained.


posted 06-22-2003 09:54 AM    
Romanus leaned on a wall outside the lounge, rubbing the back of his head. Something the guard had said disturbed him...

Syphon to Graysith's mind...what the hell did she do to me?

He felt it now, a small weakness he felt in the Force. It was being channeled somewhere else, connecting to something Romanus couldn't see...or understand.

Damn. Nothing I can do now but wait it out...

Rather than bother with the new guests here, Romanus walked down the hallway instead, deep in thought as to what to do next.

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 06-22-2003 12:08 PM    
Jasyn frowned at Jebbua. "I don't know, you're the Jedi," he snorted. Then, taking a seat at one of the comfortable couches, Jasyn actually considered the answer to that.

Now what WERE they going to do? If they were stuck here, then they ALL were going to be stuck here now...

...unless perhaps Shayla Stargazer and her friends pulled through and came in after...

"I guess we're just gonna have to wait, and pray these guys are the honorable creatures Aaron Barnes said they were."

Unless, of course, you want to try to make a dash for it in front of all these Sith guards...

"You have a better idea?" he queried then, falling silent and unable to stop himself from standing, wandering the bar, and getting a glass of some emerald green liquor before seating himself. Taking a swallow, he merely arched an eyebrow quizzically at Jebbua, and a little voice far in the back of his mind added a particular acknowledgement concerning his drink.

Damn, this stuff was good...

[ 06-23-2003 09:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]


posted 06-22-2003 06:07 PM    
Finally, the being, It, as Graysith had referred to him by, sensed the Dark Lady's presence in the Elseness. She had come! The being quickly acknowledged Graysith, speaking to her mind.

Greetings, my lady. I am pleased that you decided to come. We have much to discuss.

I believe I am correct in thinking that, after tonight's display, you have come to think of me as an enemy. One could hardly blame you for that. I was too sure in my own power, you see. It is a fault of mine.

I seriously underestimated you, Lady Jharmeen. Underestimated the powers of the All. I was foolhardy to think my power topped its might.

I sense you have many questions for me. Now, I am free to answer them, as I have abandoned all my other distractions. You may begin asking me any of your questions, and I will do my best to answer them.

[ 06-22-2003 06:08 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by MindMaster ]


posted 06-22-2003 06:36 PM    
Graysith's eyes narrowed as she let her mind range outward, seeking to find that unknown... thing which she had placed into the mind-destroying, eternal now of the Elseness. But strive as she might, she could not pin it down to one single location. It was almost as if it was incorporeal, atmospheric, composed of nothing but thought itself.

Thought which had hurried to clearly announce its position in the power heirarchy with her... and she didn't believe its attempt at disarming her for one minute.

She took a stance in her own mind as if she were on solid terra firma, hands on her hips, her head tossed back, the Glyph alight and eager on her brow. Letting her lip curl, she allowed a response to simply flow out from her, knowing this unknown thing would receive it.

"I find the machinations you have gone through strange, not to mention overplayed, to just give me leave to ask questions of you!" Although her physical body didn't move a centimeter, in her mind she gave her head a toss and snorted in disdain.

"I have no questions of you! Rather, I think-- it is you who have questions... no, a request of me!"

For a moment she maintained the haughty aura, then let it slacken the tiniest bit.

"Or perhaps a suggestion...." she finished and thought out no more, but held her powers snugly to herself and refused to think anything other than that.


posted 06-22-2003 07:38 PM    
The being was a little miffed by Graysith's attitude, but still continued onward.
A request? Perhaps...... I merely thought you would like an explanation of what I am, or why I attempted to interrupt your evening. I shall explain it to you, anyway.

You noticed how you could not, even with your power, pin me down to an exact location? Well, I......have no real physical form. I can take one, but it is difficult. I feel no need to here.

You have seen how I can communicate and control minds, correct. That is my only way of communication. I can communicate with or control many thosands of weak minds at once. Hmmm...... how to best explain this....

Well, I am sure you are familiar with the midi-clorians, yes? Powerful particles that attune us to the Force. Well, there is another particle similair to the midi-clorian. It is the rilote.

The rilotes....they make up a person's mind. The rilots are a person's thoughts and feelings, their emotions, their self, in simplicity. Yes, all that we are and consider ourselves to be can be boiled down to rilotes.

The interesting thing about the rilotes is that they are all connected. Yes, they make connections with each other, pass information, and use it to benifit the mind they make up. Most humans know nothing of this connection. You, Graysith, when you use you speak telepathically, or send some of your essence into another person, like you did with Romanus, are doing this along rilotic connections. You can access these, though very limitedly.

I know not how I really came to be. I have put together a theory that it was something of a break or rupture in the rilotic lines that created me. You see, Graysith, I am not a physical being. I dwell inside the rilotic connections. I can access any person I wish, ses through their eyes, even control them, though this in incredibly difficult to do on anyone who has a strong mind. You see, to control a mind, I have to harness all of it's rilotes, and some are incredibly strong.

You, my lady, have actually blocked me from some of your connections. I cannot read your mind, or change it. Controlling your mind would be very difficult, although I may be able to, with tremendous effort. Taking that effort, however, would be foolhardy.

Do you understand now, what I am? Do you have any questions for me now?


posted 06-22-2003 07:57 PM    
"You are right, Thing," the Chosen Daughter immediately shot back, her annoyance with the superciliousness that she felt from this stange entity clearly evident. "I do have two questions to ask of you, here:

"Why are you bothering to tell me of this? If you are as powerful as you say, to take over minds so easily, why have you chosen to come to me with this revelation?"


posted 06-22-2003 08:16 PM    
Ahhh, Graysith, I was hoping you would ask that.

First off, I do not have infinate power. I cannot control very many intelligent minds at once. I was pushing the limit with your guards. I lost connection with many of my other slaves for them. I do have limits.

Now, I believe that we both wish for the same thing. I want the Sith to be reborn. Not just on a few planets, but on many. I wish for the galaxy to be ruled by a Sith government. And, most of all, I want the Jedi gone.

The reason for this hate is one I do not know. I believe that I was formed from the dieing particles of many powerful warriors. You see, when a person dies, their rilotes simply wander the connections, looking for a new mind to inhabit. Now, many particles of dead Sith had joined together, including some from a person you knew, a Lord.......Recinis?

Well, these new particles began to form a new mind, when, I believe, there was some sort of rupture, some sort of unexoected calamity that created me from the Sith rilotes. Thus, I was born with a deep hatred for the Jedi, and a desire to see the Sith reborn.

I have been planning a coup of that fool Admiral Actar's government for some time now. I have never been able to enter Actar's mind, for reasons unknown to me. For many years, I have been constructing an army. It was slow work. I thought I would never finish.

One day, though, I came across a record of ancient weapons built by an incredibly powerful warrior. I quickly found these, but they were inoperational. Quickly, I discovered why: they need to be fueled by All power.

So, I began scanning the galaxy for All users, and i first came across you, Graysith. I discovered, to my delight, that you had already managed to reincarnate the Sith. So, I came to you.

Here is my offer, my lady: Join with me. Side your army with mine. Assist me in powering my weapons. Together, we could take over the galaxy, ensure a Sith reign for eternity!

What say you, Lady Jharmeen, Chosen daughter of the Sith?

[ 06-22-2003 08:16 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by MindMaster ]


posted 06-22-2003 08:28 PM    
Deep within the psyche of the Chosen Daughter, the Beast threw back its head and howled. Her eyes now widened to their fullest extent, somehow becoming even darker in the doing. The strange non-light of the Elseness was rent by a powerful blast from her Glyph as it immediately soared up beyond gamma, sending out a sheet of pure white light.

Now she fisted her corporeal fists, as well as the ones of the image of herself she was maintaining in her mind. Her lip curled into a sneer, but the overtones of her next quietly thought statement were honey-sweet.

"And just why exactly should I take on an... ally in order to achieve that which I am so clearly capable of achieving on my own?

"I need no such assistance from ghosts; it seems, rather, that you need me."

[ 06-22-2003 08:33 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-22-2003 09:23 PM    
((OOC: continues from "Treading upon Ancient traditions"))
Her steps were swift upon the streets of the sith city... beneath the cowl of her hood she smiled secretivly... Happy to be once more upon the streets of her home...

She traveled swiftly... for indeed she had a destination in mind... And altho her steps were quick, they made not a sound upon the streets, her form remaining in the shadows...

Sub-conciously following a path traveled many times before, she found her way up the streets heading to the temple... She approuched the temple...

She stepped before the guards silently, reaching towards them with her will, causing there minds to wander for a brief second... But that brief second was all she needed to attain entrance to her home...

She smiled sweetly under the concealing shadows of her hood, her destination was in sight...
I am home... No more hidding from my failure... For i will claim my success... Ah... But not now... Yes, I will not fall to ignorance... I will not fall... now my lord... be in ready-ness...Now... I come for you... We shall be together once more...

Her turned down a variaty of passageway's, searching out her lord, doing her best to assure that her pressence was a mere shadowy day-dream to all that she passed...

After searching long and hard, folloing her feeligns... at least, what remained of them... She found him... Turning a corner she exited the shadows beside him... yet not revealing her full restoration, she merly bowed slightly in his presence. "my lord... Have i been missed?"

[ 06-22-2003 09:26 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Kreesha ]


posted 06-22-2003 10:00 PM    
"Clearly capable?" My lady, I may be mistaken, but it does mot seem you have that large of an army. The Empire controls most of the galaxy, with thousands upon thousands of soldiers. You could not do this with the warriors you have now.

I know you are powerful, Jharmeen, but your powers could not put that much of a dent into the Empire's forces by themselves. You would die from fatigue if you tried to do this.

However, my army and space fleet are vast, as they have been artificially created. With your Sith as the battle commanders, we could indeed match the empire.

However, the coup de grace would be these ancient All-weapons I have found. If you were to weild one, your power would be even more formidable.

My talents, as well, could make our army invincible. I could instantly connect the minds of the whole army together, allow instant communication between them. I could also probe the minds of the Empire's men, monitor communications and such.

You see, Graysith, we would make powerful allies indeed. We must join our forces. Together, we will be unstoppable.

The being fell silent, and thought to himself, not speaking to Graysith: And I will not take no for an answer

Dark Lord Roan

posted 06-22-2003 10:16 PM    
The great Sith Lord simply remained where he was, staring out over the balcony upon the streets of Phrinnchatka which stretched before him. He came here every night, to stand alone like this, remembering how he used to do so with his Lady, how she would rub up against him like a cat, how he would turn to her with the proclamation that the shining lights below were no match for the splendor of her eyes, or the lustrous highlights of her hair.

Even now he could hear her respond to him, yet again, as he so often entertained when he stood in dark contemplation here. Only her voice sounded much stronger in his mind, in his ears....

He froze, then turned. One great clawed hand gripped the stone balustrade so hard it crumbled beneath his touch.

She was no entertainment, no mere shadowy memory of more pleasant times shared together.

She was here.

Dark Lord that he was, the cause of the death of many, the pain of more, the torture of yet others and the planned destruction of worlds...

...and he stood momentarily stricken in her presence.

"Kreesha..." he breathed, almost afraid that by saying her name she would disappear in a puff of laughing mirage.

But she did not. She remained before him, as beautiful as she ever was, and as strong... perhaps stronger.

Lithe and quick as a striking predator, he was with her. For one brief yet somehow eternal moment, he simply stood there, drinking in the sight of her, shaking his head in disbelief to note her fully restored horns, the fangs creeping from her smiling mouth, the sure strength of her sensuously muscled body...

Then she was in his arms, jerked fiercely to him, his breath hot upon her, his claws grasping her greedily.

Why was she back? How did this happen? She should not be here, it was dangerous to her, it would mean her death to be found by the Sith... and restored as she was? How?

He ignored it all, and merely gave himself over to the pleasures he thought he would never feel again.

[ 06-22-2003 10:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dark Lord Roan ]


posted 06-22-2003 10:33 PM    
She pulled slightly away from him, smiling up with her gleaming fangs. Her hand crept slowly up his chest, pausing momentarily to feel his heart beat, before continuing upwards to run a finger accross his jaw bone... Then with complete suddenness the claws on her fingers dug into his face, holding him tight so she could pull inward to embrace him in a passionate kiss...
As she broke away, she pulled her fingers to her lips to lick away his blood...

"I have returned my lord... This is not a dream... I have returned to take my revenge on her... Take my revenge on the wretch that left me with this..." She then lifted her other arm, revealing the portion of her body that was left unrestored.

"My lord... My father has seen fit to grant me life once more... Also has he sent me with this message... Hold your strength... For should you slip up, he that glows in emerald shall return to replace you... But worry not My lord... I will not let this happen... I will destroy any that stand in our way... I will slay any being who would dare challange our power... And i do indeed mean our power... That wretch will fall before me... When the time is right... I shall regain my honor."

She smiled up at him once more, and then wrapped herself into his arms to overlook the balcony.. Allowing her emotions to sweep through her body, and over take her...

It appears that not even S'slan himself may rip away the feelings i hold for my lord... This must be my anchor... It must be this that keeps me from losing myself to his fire... Love... THis is the only control i have... But it will be all i need as well.

with the thought completed she pressed more firmly into her Lords embrace... But was soon destracted by the thought of having to leave...indeed she could keep a few guards from not realizing she was about for a period of time... But for how long?

She turned slowly to him and pressed her will into his, leaving a small imprint within his concious. "remember how that feels my lord... For with that... You may find me wherever i may go..." With that she fell into silence, staring up at his strong features, imprinting them in her memory...


posted 06-22-2003 10:35 PM    
Graysith's fist clenched at her side.

"My strength is not enough, but your armies are so vast, so powerful as to engage in successful battle with the Reborn?" she shot back hotly. "I think not.

"Clearly, you have underestimated me again, Thing. What I wish to impose on who shall be in a time and place and means of my own choosing; I will ally with no other, nor will I be a tool to wield this so-called All-powered weapon you claim to have uncovered!

"I find it strange, Thing, that there is indeed such a weapon, when one considers that the All didn't come into being until it was made alive in me! How could such a thing have been created? And--"

Now she drew herself up even more haughtily, actually gathering her robe about herself as if to keep from being soiled.

"You speak lies to me; Lord Recinis is yet alive. Considering this, and the obvious falsity of the weapon you claim to exist, I am led to only one conclusion: It is the All you covet.

"And this you shall not have."

With that she made motion with one hand and slipped quickly from the Elseness, finding herself once again in the Great Dining Hall, trembling with a rage so great that she shuddered beneath the waves of it that coursed through her veins. Striding to the fireplace, she struck the mantle with one fisted hand, then let it remain there as she stood staring into the fire, seeking her former cool aloofness she knew was hiding somewhere in those suddenly mocking flames.

[ 06-22-2003 10:38 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-22-2003 10:52 PM    
((OOC: Continues from... Wherever the hell we left off... dont ask me to tell you... it hurts!))

Jharu sat in quiet meditation on the little sith freighter, heading through space, his eyes still closed his mind was exploring his inner feelings as he had learned to do often in his time with his father.

"Why father... Have you decided it is time to return? It makes no sense... I havnt had much success with learning to use the all... My memories of moth... Of mother-" as he spoke his face contorted slightly in pain at having to think of his seperation from his mother...
I miss you mommy... Please be there... Please let me come back... Please mom... I missyou so much..
The thought ran through his head quickly, and he did his best to put himself back under control.

Then his eyes opened slowly, revealing the utter brillience that his eyes presented, there emerald shot, violet depths seemed so full of curiocity one might think he was always thinking even when vacant in expression.

"father... Were you... Dissapointed that i couldnt control it? Youve stayed so quiet... I tried... I really did... But... I just dont undestand it... I mean... I do... But."

His eyes closed again as a thought smacked him dead in the face
I undestand... At least somewhat... But trying to use it... It... Mother... I miss you so much... it hurts to remember...

Jharu opened his eyes again as he heard his father rise and approuch him.

His father sat next to him and smiled gently before speaking. "son... You must undestand, im proud of you... Perhaps you can not control the powers in your blood... But that is of no fault of your own... it falls to no ones fault... And when you put your mind to learning what i had to teach, you did extremly well... IM sure your mother would be proud as well... Thigns are changing in the universe Jharu... It pains me to say... But im not sure how we will be greeted when we arrive at... Home..."

Jharu nodded and stood, walkign to the ships coordinate chart, he dropped them out of hyperspace, and began the landing proccess.

Jharu then closed his eyes again and reached out to a link he had tried to avoid durring his training... "Mother... We're... back... Can you hear me? I hope this works..."


posted 06-22-2003 11:21 PM    
Graysith's head jerked up from the flames as sudden ice replaced the rage formerly heating her veins. She blinked, blinked again, her jaw dropping a bit in reflexive shock.


Abruptly she whirled, her cloak flying about her now as she strode determinedly from the Dining Hall, out through the Grand Foyer, out onto the courtyard where she could see the stars.

Was it her imagination? Or did she really see one of them appearing to fall?

Jharu... son....

She jerked back even more strongly as through the link he had contacted her with she sensed another, a familiar warmth, one which immediately flooded through her son and into the link and into her body...

...and stopped, slammed up against a glacial wall within her.

She shuddered, angered for doing so. Blinked her brilliant eyes, gathered her focus and forced herself to calm. And when she had gained possession of her faculties once again, she calmly opened that Link and sent word back up in turn.

"Jharu, my dear son. I have-- missed you so! Come, I await you, and-- your father?"

She couldn't help the rise in inflection at the end of that thought. Her brows lowered then as her focus drew away from the lightening skies and returned to a planet of mist and teeming life and gloomy gnarltrees, dark, gloomy groves of them.

Her head jerked upward then, and a hand moved to lay upon her belly. Nothing passed through her; with a small sigh, she made a motion, and cleanly dropped the protective chronotic shield she had placed over the spaceport of Ch'arlingua.

Then she turned back and retraced her steps, not stopping until she came to the elegant chambers she had shared with Lord Recinis. She quietly entered and went to the middle, and there she stood and awaited the arrival of her son and her husband.


posted 06-22-2003 11:31 PM    
As jharu felt his mothers reply come to him, his face lit up with a bright smile.
Merly turning to nod at his father before exiting the spacecraft and hurrying accross the way he knew would take him to his mother.

And though he couldnt hear or see his father, jharu could feel that his dad was following close behind...

They traveled at a brisk pace, jharu almost skipping along the way as all the thoughts of having to be away from his mother vanished from his mind.

With only a bit of difficulty convincing the guards to allow them to pass, they finaly entered the temple and hurried down the hallways to where they would find his mother...

As they entered the room jharu quickly cut off the started sentance of his father, running forward to wrap his arms about her in a depserate embrace. "Mom... Im so happy to see you!"


posted 06-22-2003 11:34 PM    
Recinis face was broken into a soft smile as he saw his son wrap his arms about his mother in joy.

Slowly he took a step forward, his eyes locked upon the form of his wife... His smile grew slightly... For indeed it was a sight he desperatly missed.
taking another small step forward he spoke, though not wanting to disturb there sons joyous hug. "Hello Jharmeen... I've... Ive missed you"


posted 06-22-2003 11:53 PM    
Graysith merely closed her eyes and stood there as her son hugged her, memories warring with feelings.

Or rather, the lack thereof.

Planted upon the back of her lids, primitive scenes began to scroll: a strangely shaped fungus, a writhing tiny bit of life, a protective bubble of remaining love to maintain it, the loss thereof only underscored by her experience amidst the gnarltrees on misty, distant Dagobah....

A shudder racked her. Imperious demeanor rose at the insistence of the Beast, demanded she respond.

Simple, unadorned, unaffected memory insisted she do no such thing.

Jharmeen Q'utaro, the Dark Lady of the Warriors, Chosen Daughter of the Sith, and Holder of the All... even she was not invincible.

Strange that so small a thing would break her defenses, she who had just left dangling in the Elseness the Manipulator of Minds....

She swayed as the memories loomed larger and larger then and, with a little sigh, crumpled to the floor.


posted 06-23-2003 12:00 AM    
Jharu came to the floor with her, holding a little tighter, feeling his father approuch quickly to kneel beside them, but not really paying much attention to that...

"Mother... Are you ok? whats wrong?" as he spoke he burried his face in her shoulder. Trying to draw from her the warmth he had missed so much, the memories that he held so dear... yet at the same time attempting to be supportive in anyway way he could.


posted 06-23-2003 09:14 AM    
Graysith's eyes fluttered open in response to that touch. She stared blankly up into the dim lighting of the chambers, not blinking, past the dark image of her son's body as he tried to make her feel better, up and out and directly into a brilliant emerald pair waiting for her there.

She affixed her gaze to them, held it. Then let her lids slide downward, once, twice. And when they reopened, she found herself rising to her feet, cool hands taking Jharu by the shoulders and setting him away from her just a touch. She never dropped her gaze from Recinis, however.

"You must pardon my momentary incapacitation," she said smoothly. "This day has been a long and eventful one, ending with so great and..." She hesitated just the slightest. "...welcomed a surprise. I am-- happy that you have returned after your lengthy and mysterious absence, my-- Recinis."

Still keeping her eyes pinned upon the stately form of the verdant-eyed Sith, she squeezed Jharu's shoulders.

"And my dear son; how I have missed you so."

She remained standing, simply holding Jharu, staring into Recinis's face.

And doing absolutely nothing else.


posted 06-23-2003 09:46 AM    
Recinis merly stood there for a moment, gazing into the eyes of the woman he loved so dearly... Yet, he could feel the change in her... Feel the distance that was yet between them.
Of course... She has no way of undestanding... No way of knowing... How can i expect things to return to as they were... Such a request is selfish and unworthy...

And so he remained simply looking at her, inwardly smiling at his son, whom was finaly able to see his dear mother again...

Finaly he spoke quietly, almost to himself, though addressing Jharmeen. "..mysterious... yes... I suppose i did leave without warning... and i supose Lord Aelvedaar did not tell you anything... I regret not telling you, but regret does little to change the situation... such things matter not..."

Finaly he took a deep breath, and spoke clearly. "I can not change what has happened, and im not sure if i can even explain why it has happened, i dont truly understand myself... But i can tell you this... I took Jharu, on the mysterious will of Lord Aelvedaar, To teach him of his blood, Help mature him, finish his warrior trials... And through this journy I have learned of our sons spirit... He is no warrior Jharmeen... He is strong, and could easily be a great, and unmatchable warrior... But it is not within his heart to be so... Instead his mind is what excelles... and his heart meets with that to be an unstoppable force indeed..."

He smiled down on his supprised son, whom had had the missundestandign to think that he had failed to meet his fathers expectations, had failed to impress him... Which was indeed not the case.

Taking a deep breath once more he continued "he has your fire within him Jharmeen...Your strong will,Strong wit... And unstoppable devotion... It is in your hands now to shape his mind... For i have shapped his body and spirit as best i could...

His eyes closed momentarily as he reached to his life line, the bond that could never be severed between them... Speaking quietly through it, he hoped it was still strong enough for her to feel.
"Jharmeen... I know things may never be able to return to as they were. I would not ask such a ridiculous thing of you... But I hope that we may again find comfort in eachothers presence... For dispite what distance has done... our hearts will forever beat as one... Of that i have not lied...

And if such things are beyond possibility... Then So be it... I will still serve you, for my life is sworn to yours for all eternity... And that is an oath that i treasure dearly..."

As he finished he bowed his head slightly, and turn his gaze down upon his son who was seeming very happy at this point.


posted 06-23-2003 10:22 AM    
Graysith let Recinis's words roil about within her for a moment, carefully scrutinizing each and every one, as if seeking for hidden flaws amongst them. But there were none. The great Sith warrior and Lord was as he always had been with her: straightforward, open and honest, even concerning his mysterious disappearance.

"It is in your hands now to shape his mind...."

Something flickered briefly in the depths of her eyes; a corner of her lip trembled slightly. She considered further.

"I will still serve you, for my life is sworn to yours for all eternity...."

She stopped with that, that momentary flicker darkening with a sudden shadow. At length she drew in a deep breath.

"Indeed, if by your very oath you swear to serve, then both you and the child--" She gave Jharu's shoulders another squeeze. "--shall follow this com- this request I now put forth to you. At no time whatsoever in this house, within this city, on this planet, or to anyone other than true Sith warriors, shall you refer to me by any other name or entitlement other than what I am, the Lady Jharmeen Q'utaro. To do otherwise would--" Another pause.

"Displease me greatly, Recinis."

She fell quiet a moment longer, staring into the warriors eyes, almost as if she were not only seeking to impose her will upon him but looking for... something else. And perhaps what she was looking for was not to be found therein, but within another soul....

She shivered abruptly, her eyes snapping back into focus. Giving Jharu a little push, she sent him forward into his father's arms. Then she tilted her head to the pair, turned and went to the door of the chambers. There she paused, one hand against the cool stone which framed the richly gleaming wood. Her hand ran up and down it in a liquid caress.

"I-- I do not know whether things shall ever be as they were between us, Recinis," her mental touch came easily and abruptly into his mind. "I-- I hope perhaps that...."

She broke that off with a terse snip as memory once more warred with the empty void in her heart. Then she turned to look over her shoulder at her husband and her son.

"Good night," she said simply, and quietly left them to each other.

[ 06-23-2003 10:25 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-23-2003 10:56 AM    
It was dangerous coming here, that she knew. But she knew as well that it was here that she had first come into herself, first found herself, first felt the awesome uprush of freely given love for another, and in that giving found the greatest ecstasy known. Thus it was that she was drawn here again, seeking answers, answers she could find in no other place, in the comfort of no other, by no other words of wisdom than those coming from within her own soul.

Here, in this deeply buried stone chamber, hidden within the bowels of the Great Temple of the Sorcerers on Khar Delba.

She walked about the perimeter of the chamber, now illuminated by the still present ring of candles glowing softly upon the floor. Their tiny wicks sent forth myriad specks of bright golden light, sending shadows dancing and flickering as she moved wraithlike among them. Her hand continued to trace upon the mossy stones, drawing along their rough surfaces, the tips of them dipping into the joints where each stone tightly met its neighbor.

At length she finished her outlining, then turned toward the center. For a moment she stood in her place, her eyes seeing images from another time:

The powerful Darth Wicked, leaping at her, lightsaber slashing in challenge... then stopping as she knelt before him, to sweep her up into the beginnings of her destiny....

The small form of a baby Ewok, gurgling in simple pleasure at the pretty lights, a blonde-haired young woman watching it first in smothering puzzlement, then with a speck of dawning understanding....

Her own furious attack upon the doorway to her own past, melting the stone leading into this chamber into slag....

Another slight shiver, and she walked to the ring of candles. Gathering her cloak gracefully about her, she stepped through unhindered by all save her own thoughts, and came to a stop in its exact center. There she sank to her knees, sat back on her heels, bowed her head, and fell into silent meditation.

Images of Dagobah whirled before her once again.

Again, the painful repercussions of the strangely scaled fungus... the tiny mote moving feebly there on the mud floor of her hut... a mote created in love; so easy to remove that love from one's being if for the sake of love of another... the images of the Lords coming into the grove, her whirling feelings for each and every one of them... easy enough to dismiss them all for the wanton search for power, for was this not something they all sought in turn themselves? Lords Aelvedaar, Roan, Darth Wicked... and Recinis.

Not Recinis...? But by the words of Dark Lord Roan... and he had left her, alone amidst the Sith, Dark Lady no more but mere human, in a position which would have rapidly become dangerous for her if not deadly....

An unconscious frown creased the smooth planes of her brow. Deep within her the Beast reared up its head, it's flat pewter eyes growling forth as within them it revealed an image of that which had occurred: the spreading out into the winds of creation of that kernel she had once hoarded so jealously within herself.

Love. That is what that kernel was. And without love, what else was there in the universe to amply sustain one but Power?

Her frown deepened; she swayed, unknowing, something beginning to struggle.

That for which she now strove. That which she was now initiating, step by careful step. ShaRhylla; what she had done to regain ShaRhylla. And then there was JhinDarra... and what she had done to Shayla... this could not all be for naught....

One or the other, oh Chosen Daughter of the Sith. For the greedy coveting and grasping for power cannot live hand in hand with love; this you know, you learned it on Dagobah. The two are an anathema to each other.

Which road shall you travel?

Her head snapped up with that. Her eyes, widened to pools of black ink, stared blankly ahead. All around her then, the candles seemed to whimper, gradually lowering their flames until finally they gave briefly sorrowful little puffs and went out entirely, leaving her to the darkness there, both around her and in her own heart as she struggled to come to terms with a question that was suddenly, surprisingly, becoming more and more complex...

...a question to which, somewhere deeply beyond her subconscious awareness, a hidden little spark tried desperately to respond with an answer truly elegant in its simplicity....

[ 06-23-2003 02:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-23-2003 11:47 AM    
Recinis found himself within an empty room, his body moving to the flow of the river that was his soul. His motions swift and fluent his mind followed along that path in a streaming rush of order...

Every thought was being plucked away, placed within its place, the many doors of his mind being locked up tight with each emotion in its place.

Things have indeed changed Recinis... Can you find your place within this world? Can a place ever truly exist for you? or are you destined to be out of place forever... You had almost found your place too... Found it with her... And your son...

Your son... "The child" So strange comming from her lips... She indeed truly has changed...

Time passes recinis... The river of existance flows onward, whether you a stone trapped in place, or driftwood, following its course... Why is it you have become the stone? being worn away with the passage of time, rather then finding your way onward?

And what of jharu... What shall he do? Your dear son is perhaps worse off then even you... For he is young, and his purpose has not yet been found...

As he thought his body continued to move through the smooth, rhythmic motions that were indeed a reflection of his character... For there was nothing forcive about those motions... nothing demanding... They were subtle, and relaxed... Yet in no way were they any less fierce then those that were used to destroy...

Destruction followed in the wake of many... But not in him... He would not allow it, and with every outstretching of his limbs he released his angers, his hatreds, pushing them from his body as though expelling a poision from his veins.
Indeed, i must serve you Jharmeen... And i shall.. For as it stands i am but a warrior... I can do little to change my fate... But there is no sadness in that... No, It is my duty... As a warrior serving the lady of the warrior clan...As a sith warrior sworn to live on and serve a mysterious "graysith"... And as a husband serving the one he loves...

But why are you here Recinis? why? you still dont remember, do you? and yet you've never asked this question of yourself... never asked why... Only gone about it willingly... For it is your "duty"
Perhaps it is time you stop being the stone recinis... But do not become the driftwood either... No... it is time you become the river... it is up to you to carve your way into its place...

And it is up to you to guide those you care for away from harm, and into safety... This is what you must do... And you must do it well...

As the thought finished his body came to a resting position and he sat down upon the floor.

"I am out of place... What can i do? But still, i know that is what i have to do... I must protect them all... I could not bare to lose those i care for..."

His head shook slowly as he thought about his predicament... For indeed he did not want to see harm come to those he loved... Yet he could not overstep his boundries either, for he was a warrior... A warrior sworn by honor...

He stode and then quietly strode from the room, finding his way to a simplistic room... Where he proceded to lay, and sleep.


posted 06-23-2003 12:01 PM    
Jharu sat quietly on a little chair, stairing motionlessly at a wall, his mind lost in thought.
What do i do now? Im happy to be home... But its kind of boring... Why do things have to be like this? why'd she have to go so soon?

he looked down at the sword that was upon his lap... The strange and mysterious Elresar... He could feel the connection growing between him and the blade... It had been ever sense he had first picked it up...

He could feel that the sword was developing with him... He'd never told his father this... But there had been a day durring his trainign where he had made the choice that he didnt want to take the lives of others... A day he had chossen that he could not be a true warrior... WHen that confrentation had come within him... he had felt the sword support him... He had undestood that the blade would be with him in anyway he chose to use the miraculas "weapon"

But it wasnt really a weapon was it? It had the potential to be... But he had chossen not to use it as one... It was there to protect... To assist... much the way that ghrr was..

He paused for a moment in reflection of the name... Ghrr was his friend... His companion... Ghrr...

taking a deep breath he released a sigh, and stood to blow out the candles within his room, laying down upon the bed he decided it was time for some rest...


posted 06-23-2003 06:29 PM    
“Thoran? Thoran, my friend, wake.” The Ghost thought softly.

“My liege? Has the time of gathering much chronicled feces arrived so soon?” came the thought reply.

“No, Thoran. We have much to discuss while our host sleeps. I have been… remembering. But there is much still I must know, things I believe lie within your beleaguered consciousness. I may have the ability to temporarily relieve you of the madness you endure, my friend.”

The Ghost concentrated on the power he felt within him, focusing it to a fine point and spinning it into the fabric needed to perform the task at hand. He quickly produced the necessary power, creating a blanket of sanity and draping over the insane being.

The strange aura The Ghost had felt near him turned softer.

“My liege, the clouds part. The sun radiates. I am free.” thought Thoran.

“It is but temporary, I am afraid,” answered the ghost. “I must be unkind and ask you to quickly help me remember.”

“How much do you already know?”

“Ah, there is much. I know I am Sith, as you are also. I know my father was Trelanicus, and was of some import. I know he was murdered, but I do not know by whom. I know that I have slept somehow for over 500 years. I know I possess the Eye of R’lous and it somehow belongs to me.”

“Ah, there is much still to be learned, my liege.” Sighed Thoran. “You have been asleep for longer than you know. But allow me to begin further in the past than that.”

“Very well,” thought The Ghost. “Our time is short, please proceed.”

“You are Phalomir, son of Tralanicus, the greatest Lord of the Sorcerers Clan our people had known in our time, possibly even since.”

“Phalomir? Then who are you? And Salazer?”

“I and Salazer are your squires, servants, and devoted friends, my lord. My liege, in our times your father was a fair and powerful man. Yet he had enemies, as all fair and powerful men will have. We were your protection. When he learned of the Dark Lords’ plan to deal with a civilization of mysterious warriors and put plans in place to prevent this, he hid us all on Blesphmar. He himself followed within the year, accompanied by many of the Sorcerer Clan. I do not understand fully, but together they instilled great power into the Eye of R’lous.”

“What is the Eye of R’lous?”

“My liege, it surprises me greatly you do not remember this. It is the focus, the vessel, the source of power for the Magick of the Sith. Your father’s circle foresaw great turmoil in the future, and relocated the Eye to Blesphmar so they could work into it a legendary power.”

“I saw a painting, a portrait of my father’s successor. He held a crystal similar to mine but it was not mine.”

“They must have forged a new one somehow. My guess is that it does not hold the same power.”

[ 06-23-2003 06:45 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by patternghost ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-23-2003 06:38 PM    
Lost to the depths of slumber, Shayla Kartan found herself also lost in a strange and peculiar dream, one which aligned itself very much with a vision of something disturbing, something she wouldn't have the slightest clue from whence it came even when she awoke. And awake she did with a jolt, suddenly sitting straight up, her greeny-blue eyes wide and her breath coming quick.

Beside her, Erik roused, still clearly a half-asleep even though he spoke. "You okay?" he queried groggily.

For a moment, Shayla didn't respond, but instead tried to slow the beating of her heart and remember just what she had been dreaming. Then, "I'm fine...

...go back to sleep."

With nothing more than that she laid down once more, and she could feel her husband slip back to sleep in moments. But Shayla Stargazer did no such thing; her mind was still reeling, still trying to remember.

All that came to her was the flash of a dagger in mid-air, the glow of something brillant red, and...

...waves of something dark and sinster.

Frowning at that, Shayla closed her eyes and tried to slip off to sleep once more.

Had to be a dream...she wasn’t one to have visions...

...but then, why did this gnawing feeling persist even after the dream, if dream it was...?

Opening her eyes again and pursing her lips, Shayla focused on the strangely dark and distorted feeling she was feeling...

...and at length decided she couldn’t just simply sit by while she was feeling this and do nothing. So, hoping to not disturb her husband, Shayla slipped out from his embrace carefully and smoothly, slid back into her pilot’s suit and boots...

...and departed from their room altogether to see if indeed there was any reason for the images from the dream which were plauging her even still...

The Ancient Sith

posted 06-23-2003 06:54 PM    
The warrior straightened at his post, although to be honest he had been standing there outside the door of the rooms given to Erik and Shayla at such stiff attention that the straightening was scarcely noticeable. He made a small noise in his throat, tightened his grip upon his pike, and stepped carefully in front of the young human woman.

"The hour is yet too fair a one to be creeping amidst these halls, madam," he said meaningfully. "Stranger you are here, and stranger yet to our ways and those who dwell within the Temple of Warriors. If there is anything I might bring you, or assist you with, please ask it of me, for by that reason am I positioned here.

"Otherwise it would do you well to return to your quarters until the Lady and Lord of the Temple have arisen."

[ 06-23-2003 06:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]


posted 06-23-2003 07:03 PM    
“My liege,” continued Thoran, “When we were discovered by the assassins, your father hid us all within a temple in the mountains. Literally, it was deep inside a cave. There we stayed while the circle finished their magic working. When it was complete, your father sent us away for safe-keeping. He did so in a most… unusual way. This may be the hardest to absorb, my liege.”

“Go on, Thoran”

“Our minds, our spirits, were taken from our bodies and placed inside the Eye.”

“You were correct, Thoran. This is indeed very difficult to absorb. What of our bodies?”

“Salazer was sent in a ship with our bodies. They had hardened into stone, my lord. As if statues. We could see this, sense everything all around us. Salazer was to transport our bodies to the Land of the Tunnel Dwellers and your father would meet later to restore our spirits. But the warriors attacked. All in the circle were killed, your father received a mortal wound and retreated deeper into the cave to die. He sealed the cave with a rockslide. And there we waited.”

“Salazer did not reach the Tunnels. He must have been captured, I believe I know where our bodies lay.”

“My lord! With the Eye you would be able to return us to our flesh!”

“There is a complication. There are holes where our hearts would have been, and our bodies are statued as traitors.”

“My liege, I would rather return to my flesh to die than exist another day in an insane living death.”

“What happened to you, Thoran?”

“My lord, even the strongest of minds will eventually succumb to the forces of boredom, of unending alertness.”

“But… why am I not also insane from this? Did I not experience it also?”

“As I said, my liege. I was your protector. I endeavored to keep you asleep while I remained alert. Alert for someone… anyone… to discover us. And one day someone did.”

“Panthar Dantares…” thought Phalomir. “Thoran, how long has it been since my father’s death?”

“My lord, by my reckoning, the one part of my mind which did not shatter, it has been 4,567 years, 97 days.”


posted 06-23-2003 07:56 PM    
“But Thoran, who killed my father? Who sent the assassins?” The Ghost thought.

“The Warrior Clan, my lord. Your father was asked to join in the treaty with these dark beings, to use their strength to reach out even further into the galaxy and extend our rule. But your father saw something lurking… something evil about them, and foresaw the downfall of our race should we trust such peoples. He also saw the other clans corrupted and deceived, placed upon a quest of folly for the legendary power he had devoted his life’s work toward achieving. The dark warriors wished to possess the Eye, to tamper with it and conquer the Magicks of the Sith race. Instead, your father stole away with the Eye and, as I said, moved all of his knowledge, magick, and studies concerning this power into the Eye.”

“What is this power?”

“I do not know, my lord. He only referred to it as the ‘power which encompassed all’. I do not know how, but I believe the Eye used some of this power to assist me in keeping you asleep, in a stasis of sorts. I believe also that is why your memory is so punctured, the power takes its toll. And I saw the cows eating the sheep, dressed in silken robes.”

Phalomir could feel the web of magick tearing, sending his friend once again into madness. He had much to consider, much to learn. And what of the second eye? He now knew he must gain access to the Great Library, one way or another.


posted 06-23-2003 08:08 PM    
Graysith came back to the Temple of the Warriors as quietly as she had departed, arriving in a less-travelled side corridor so as not to encounter anyone who might be engaging upon a restless late-night meander. She took a moment to pause and reflect upon all that had occurred in the last extraordinary hours, and then jerked as if in sudden recollection. Her eyes narrowed then as, throwing back her head, she sensed forth with her talents, quietly reaching out into each and every newcomer's mind, sensing, seeking....

And not finding. Either the strange entity she had spoken with had decided to leave her guests alone in his mind meddling, or he was still trying to find his way out from the Elseness into which she had placed him. She smiled at that knowledge, reaching out into a final mind, Panthar's.

And instantly recoiled.

What madness was this--?!

She tensed, suddenly alert, every sense balanced on the keen edge a warrior pumps himself to just prior to doing battle. Yet even as she reacted in so instinctive a manner, she couldn't help but frown.

Why did she recoil so? What was it about this one? It was almost as if--

And what was that shadowy shape she managed to sift out from otherwise nothing but pure feeling. Something strange, something about an eye...?

She drew in a great breath then, whip-lashing that tendril back into herself. Then she thought out across her Link to ShaRhylla.

"Daughter," she commanded her. "Protect JhinDarra. And-- remain away; your... brother has returned...."

She then withdrew completely, releasing yet another quiet sigh. Then she headed off to the Dining Hall to break her fast. For the day was approaching, and her meditations had rested her well in spite of the conflict still roiling deep within her psyche.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-23-2003 08:53 PM    
Shayla didn't see any reason for arguing with the Sith warrior; after all, it was clear to her that he meant only for her safety.


So, nodding slightly to him in respect, she said simply. "Just had something on my mind that I wanted to think about. But I can do that as easily in my room."

And without any further word than that she turned and headed back into her chambers, redonning her Sith robe and returning to her husband. Her movements again roused him.

"Where did you go?" he queried, his lids half-open.

"Not far," she replied simply, snuggling into him.

He roused a bit more, his brown eyes opening wider. Then he raised up on an elbow to look at her better. "Something is bothering you Shayla Kartan. What is it?"

Shayla's eyes defocused a bit, and she frowned, trying to clear the images in the dream she had and not succeeding to uncover anymore than what she had already seen. "I'd telll you if I knew," she stated then, frowning even more deeply. "I just have a bad feeling...

...about something."

"The way things have played out here thusfar, perhaps?" Erik queried.

Shayla shook her head. "No, it's something I saw in a dream. I don't know if it's related to anything here or not."

She bit her lip in thought.

"Well, sleep on it," Erik said, laying down once more. "We have only a little while longer to rest, and I have a feeling we're gonna need every bit of that we can get..."

[ 06-23-2003 08:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 06-23-2003 10:17 PM    
After getting a nice little buzz from the Sith brandy and forcing himself not to drink more than two glasses...

...damn good stuff...!

...Jasyn reclined back on one of the comfortable couches in the lounge and drifted off to sleep before he could realize that Jebbua hadn't even so much as said "boo" to him concerning what they might do to deal with this more than precarious situation. But, as he drifted back to wakefulness a few hours later and slowly opened his eyes to the situation at hand, memory slammed home. There, across the way, were Dash and Jebbua similiarly reclining and still asleep.

Jasyn regarded the other two men thoughtfully, his mind again wandering to just what they were going to do now. Dash had been helpful on the trip to the planet, even if they had been captured, but this Jebbua character...

...not only had he been no help, he'd sure taken his time in getting here at all.

Jasyn scowled at that thought, remembering Jebbua's last...

...and probably only words to him.

What are we going to do now?

About that time, a shoulder-devil popped up. Like he would listen to what you had to say if you did have an idea??? The guy totally ignores you...

...and he seems to totally miss the importance of the situation at hand. And has he ever, ever, EVER jumped in when someone was in trouble, immediately, no matter what the risk might be...?

Not since you've known him, anyway.

This in mind, Jasyn's browns focused on the still-sleeping Jebbua.

If this were that Petrolu guy, he would have been up all night trying to figure out what was going on and if Galen was here...

...and instead this guy SLEEPS...?!

Before he knew what he was doing, Jasyn Lancaster was on his feet at that thought, stretching to reach for Jebbua. Before he realized he was still holding a glass in his hand, he smacked Jebbua over the head with it in anger, trying to rouse the slumbering idiot...

...and breaking the glass over his head in the process, shards of glass flying everywhere.


[ 06-23-2003 10:25 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]


posted 06-24-2003 08:00 AM    
Phalomir felt a presence skimming over the surface of his consciousness, searching, spying. It was the same feeling he experienced earlier, when the Dark Lady apparently sensed his presence in the dining hall. There was something strangely familiar about her powers, something close.

He reached out to her, trying to touch the power he felt. There…

“My liege, mustn’t trust the Dark One! She brings wine to a tasting of cheeses and reeks of sweaty teeth!” called Thoran, somewhere in the darkness of Panthar’s slumber.
What madness was this? Phalomir heard the Dark Lady’s voice. She began to withdraw, but he grabbed onto her power, not letting it escape. She struggled and after a brief moment Phalomir released her, and she recoiled.

Phalomir could feel Panthar stirring. He made his way back to the forefront of the body’s consciousness.


posted 06-24-2003 09:20 AM    
Jharu woke from his slumber quietly, and looked about the room... It was still late...
Standing slowly he put his white robes about him once more, and began walking for the door, when suddenly he stopped, shaking his head slowly.

Turning about he headed for the balcony opening it quietly he peered out over the quiet picture the city presented...

"No sense in staying around here right now... Sleepings boring and i dont feel like dealing with guards, there seem to be a lot of them running around..."

With a little grin he tightened the band that held the Elresar to his waist, and hopped up onto the balcony railing.

Turning his head around to view his room once more he said one last phrase of departure, "See ya tomorow" before hopping from the balcony, kicking from the way halfway down to slow his desent enabling him to come to a quiet landing.
I guess that warrior training payed off afterall... I wasnt afraid of that at all... Either that or im stupid...
A small smile cracked upon his features as the thought passed through his mind. And without any further adoe he began walking off into the city...

After a few moments of wandering he found his way to the library. Nodding in satisfaction he enterd and peered around the quiet room... He then spoke quietly, not wanting to stomp out the calm that the room possessed. "excuse me? is anyone here?"

The Ancient Sith

posted 06-24-2003 09:38 AM    
Attuned as he was to every shadow, every subtle nuance within the Great Library of the Sith, the Keeper of the Light was instantly awakened when the sensation that someone had come into his domain broke his slumber. He glanced hurriedly at his timepiece; S'slan, but at this hour??? Who could it be?

Wrapping his simple robe of autumnal ochre about his body, he left his sleeping quarters in the back and came out into the library proper. There stood a young lad, about 15 by the looks of him, strangely proportioned for a Sith.

And when he came up to him and the shadows shifted, he saw indeed that the lad was not.

"My young man, what is it that brings you here at this hour? For the dawn has yet to come, although the sun's rays shall break the horizon within the hour.

"Is there anything I can assist you with? Have you lost your way, and have come here seeking direction?"

He stopped, peering at the youngster, his eyes unable to keep from shifting to the exotic sword the lad wore casually at his side.

[ 06-24-2003 09:46 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]


posted 06-24-2003 09:46 AM    
Jharu smiled gently at the man bowing his head respectfuly. "I am truly sorry to disturb you at this hour... But i couldnt sleep and desire to learn of the history of the sith... Could you assist me in getting started? Im truly lost when it comes to finding a starting point... But if it is to late... I mean... I really dont want to cause you troubles... honestly i dont want to cause problems..."

The Ancient Sith

posted 06-24-2003 09:54 AM    
The Keeper's lips curled in a smile, which spread upward to light his eyes. Imagine, a youngster such as this, actually reaching out to seek knowledge! It had been his experience that such children usually preferred games and such to active learning. He smiled as for a moment he simply remained silent, assessing the young lad.

Then the odd incongruence of the boy's pale skin and brilliantly hued eyes drew his attention again. He blinked, sudden knowledge descending, and his eyes grew a touch shiftier as loyalties rose to war within him.

"This place is for the Sith, my young man," he finally announced. "You do not look entirely that... may I ask who you are, please?"

[ 06-24-2003 09:59 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]


posted 06-24-2003 10:07 AM    
Jharu looked at him momentarily, then nodded. "Of course, My names Jharu... Jharu Q'utaro... And your right... Im only half sith. Im really sorry if i shouldnt be here, if you would like me to, i will go back to bed..." He smiled half heartedly at the thought of having to go, but he really didnt want to cause any problems...Things just arent working out for me lately are they? first im dragged away from my mother... Then i get to see her again, but only for a little while... And now im not sith enough to go to the library... Why cant i just have a lucky break once in a while?

[ 06-24-2003 10:58 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jharu ]


posted 06-24-2003 10:19 AM    
Phalomir sat in the bathtub, soaking away the smell of the last three days from Panthar’s body. Relaxing now, he let himself drift until he was looking down at the scene.

“Patience was never one of my virtues,” he thought.

Phalomir, the Ghost, drifted outward into the halls, taking in the beauty of the carvings set into the wall. Soon he found himself drifting further, outside of the temple, through early morning streets. These streets were more familiar now that the light of day would soon be breaking, he HAD seen this city many times before. Back before the times of treachery. Strange how little such things change: the streets of an ancient city, strange doings in government… He drifted onwards to his objective.

There, the library. The doors were occupied, so the Ghost prepared to swerve through the walls. But a glimpse of the boy made him stop and hover. The boy did not appear to be a full-blooded Sith. This intrigued the Ghost, and he waited.

The Elresar

posted 06-24-2003 10:44 AM    
A pressence... This i indeed feel... But of what does it represent? Indeed, a swirling vortex of mysterious... Where does it lie?

Ah... Feel it i indeed do... Lieing just beyond concept... Just beyond reason...

And what purpose can it serve? i feel it not... Know it not... But of this i am sure... The dead live not... Yet this one indeed does...

"Jharu... Be wary of that which you speak... For beyond existance there exists a presence...a presence indeed interested in you..."

With this my mind falls to silence... Prepared i indeed become... For eternity shall i watch over this child...

The Ancient Sith

posted 06-24-2003 11:49 AM    
The Keeper drew in a deep breath at the mention of the boy's name.

Q'utaro...! But-- that was impossible!

That line had been dead for hundreds of years... how in the name of S'slan did this child -- halfbreed, was it? -- come to carry the name of that ancient and noble lineage?

He frowned. Granted that he did not get away often from his place here within the Great Library, but it seemed as if he had heard that ancient name, and recently too, in connection with something other than that great warrior Lord of old. His frown deepened. Then he shook off the strange unease which was descending upon him with a quiet chastisement toward himself.

Here you dwell amidst the amassed Knowledge of the galaxy, devoting your waning energies to it... and you scarcely know what is happening within the walls of your own city. And you call yourself a Librarian!!

He looked back to the patiently waiting boy.

"Perhaps there is knowledge waiting here for us both, my boy," he said carefully, now extending a hand and leading Jharu to the Revealer. There he paused and turned to the young halfling.

"This, however, has no place within these walls of Learning," he said with a frown, now pointing toward the sword which lay easily against the boy's side.

"I'm afraid that you will have to vouchsafe it into my hands while you ask your questions."

[ 06-24-2003 11:53 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]


posted 06-24-2003 12:02 PM    
Jharu looked down at the sword upon his hip and noddy. "yes of course... But ah... it might be better if you show me where i should put it... The blade is bonded to me... Im not sure how it would react to the touch of a being aside from myself..."

As he spoke his hand wandered to his side and unstrapped the sheath from his hip, nodding the the librarian he held the sword by the sheath, and awaited further instructions.

The Ancient Sith

posted 06-24-2003 12:17 PM    

But only the weaponry of the Dark Lords and their heirs carry such powerful magicks! Indeed, this was beginning to get curiouser and curiouser.

Outwardly, the Keeper merely smiled and took a gentle hold of Elresar's sheath. Nothing untoward happened.

"You see, my boy? Your first lesson in Sith history. Only the blade of this weapon would react strongly to hands other than yours..."

...if indeed his claims concerning it are truth. And I shall certainly not be the one to attempt the removal of this sword from its scabbard to find out!

Still smiling, he turned and walked to a side room, where he carefully laid the handsome weapon on a shining table of stone. Then he returned to Jharu.

"Just ask it a question, my boy," he said, indicating the Revealer with a wave of his scarred hand and urging Jharu forward with his good one.

"Any question that you can think of...."


posted 06-24-2003 12:25 PM    
Jharu stared at the device for a long moment, his mind running through the possible questions he could ask... But non of them seemed to truly be an adaquate starting place...
What should i ask? Theres so much i want to know...but how to i phrase it? what do i say?

What if i asked about my father... I could learn about where i come from... learn what blood runs in my vains... But that isnt really a good starting point is it? no...

How about...

Finaly he took a small step forward. "Where did sith magick come from, and how does it manafist itself in them?"

The Ancient Sith

posted 06-24-2003 12:33 PM    
Green-golden matrix swirls within, rotating in odd clockwise motion to the counterclockwise spin of the Revealer. Gradually the swirls and spins settle into ancient rune, stating the answer every Sith probably learned while yet a child:

"For the Blood is the Chalice of the Strength."

The sigils, written in the High Sith tongue, remained steadily for approximately 30 standard seconds, before fading away into the matrix.

Eternally expectant, the Revealer awaited another Question.


posted 06-24-2003 12:47 PM    
The Ghost puzzled over the answer of the Revealer. “I wonder what answers it would give if someone else had asked that question?” he thought.

“Q’utaro?” thought the Phalomir. “Was that not the name with which the Dark Lady introduced herself? This is indeed curious. If this is her child, then he must be the offspring of the Dark Lord. If that is so, then this child may too possess the Lady’s powers. With the wonderful impression we made yesterday, I fear that I have lost any opportunity to communicate with her without prejudice. However, this boy… and what do I sense in the weapon? I know not why, but it sings with the same Magicks I feel around me, and seems somehow... sentient.”

Pharomir reached out with the powers growing inside of him, gently moving energies towards the sword.

“Hello, my powerful friend,” he called out to the sword. “I mean you no harm. I am Pharomir, once of the Clan of Sorcerers. I wish to communicate with your young charge, and seek your permission to do so.”

The Elresar

posted 06-24-2003 02:21 PM    
And what comes now? What is this i feel... A message... Indeed a force comes towards me in this moment...

And of what speaks it? Ah... Indeed to of my wielder it wishes...

ah... Indeed i must reply to this... Carefully though, For it is not I that may choose this childs destiny...

"Indeed... For what reasons seek you to commune with my wielder? No logic is there in your statements, And in this there is no disire for me to assist in your journies..."


posted 06-24-2003 02:37 PM    
“I am a seeker of the truth. Mysteries abound in my life, and the answers I seek shall determine my course. I come from a time long past, how is difficult to explain, and the riddle set before me has also brought injustice and shame to my bloodline,” sent Phalomir.

“There are inconsistencies in the history of the Sorcerers, and I have reason to believe they exist also in the line of the Warriors. Again, I mean no harm to either you or the boy. Perhaps the answers he seeks fall in hand with mine. However, if you do not wish it, I will not disturb him.”


posted 06-24-2003 02:37 PM    
Jharu considered the statement that the revealer had made taking it into him...

The blood... Is it truly that simple? has it no outside reasons?

As he began to ask another question he paused, the edges of his concious being tugged at by the bond between himself and Elresar

He paused for a moment, persuing that feeling, but eventauly just nodded to himself, he would find the details later...

"What of the history of the sith... what wars have they fought? how have they affected the universe?"

The Elresar

posted 06-24-2003 02:54 PM    
A seeker of truth... Indeed a great challange in this time... Lies... Mysteries... Falshoods curruptions.. .They exist everywhere...

Perhaps i should indeed help him in this?

Yes... This one task i shall insist upon.

"so shall it be... When time comes to that which is the right moment i will reach to you... But this moment of the many moments i have existed within is not proper for such conversations..."


posted 06-24-2003 03:17 PM    
“Very well, my new-found friend, you have been more than kind already. I shall trouble you no more until I am called upon.” Phalomir backed away, releasing the connection with the sword.

Phalomir hovered longer, waiting for the Revealer to reply to the boy. “What wars, indeed? How many years of rule? How many deaths at the hands of the Sith such as we?” He felt a tug beckon him to return to Panthar. He began to turn, but paused and instead released his hold of the still bathing body, allowing Panthar to resume control for the time being.

“Patience really never was one of my vitues,” he thought as he turned back and reached out again with a stream of power. This time however, the power was much greater and directed towards the Revealer. A surge of Magick flashed like lightning through the air, instantly flowing into the Revealer. Quietly and quickly, the Ghost rode the energy into the Revealer.

Jebbua Dahutt

posted 06-24-2003 10:36 PM    
I jumped to the sound of glass breaking and my head pounding. realing that that my head was bleeding in some parts I glanced at Jasyn who had a broken bottle in his hand. I got up and got right in his face.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? Can't a guy get a few z's around here?" I said. Then i walked back over to Dash was and woke him up.

"Hey, Dash get up, you're so called friend wants you to do something. I said to him. Then i turned back to Jasyn.

"Hey i only came to help Galen, but I can see that you don't need my help so i'll be leaveing. See ya Dash." I said as I left the same way i came in using the force to locate the ship i used and then headed torwards it.

Someday my anger may get the best of me and i better control it soon. I thought.

[ 06-24-2003 10:36 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jebbua Dahutt ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 06-25-2003 02:47 PM    
The shattering glass was more than enough to rouse me from my slumber.

I opened my weary eyes to see Jebbua in Jasyns face yelling about catching a few Z's.

"What is going on here?" I then noticed that Jebbua was bleeding, from the head. And coninidentally so was Jasyn, only his minor wound was on his hand. Now I was no Quantum Physist, but I could certainly figure out what had happened here.

Before I could respond, Jebbua turned and began walking to the large double doors that would lead him out of the great temple.

I could sense his anger, his dislike for Jasyn.

"I'll bet a new Lightsaber that you don't make it out of the lounge." I yelled to Jebbua as he approached the guard at the lounge exit.

I looked to Jasyn. "Now what made you go and do that?" I said somewhat angrily at Jasyn. "We all need to stick together here! If we are ever gonna find Galen!"

At the end of the lounge the Sith Guard turned Jebbua back in our direction, refusing passage out of the lounge.

"See, I told ya. I have a very strange feeling about this place. Not one of malice, but still something about this place is just not what it seems to be. Things are vaugley familliar. You must be able to feel it too. I'm so certain we've been here before, but..."

I then noticed that patrons were returning to the lounge. I felt it wasn't the best place to finish this discussion.

"We will finish this discussion later, for now we are all just gonna have to put up with each other. At least until we get off this planet and find Galen. Cause I can't sense her presence anywhere close. But that doesn't mean much. There are plenty of 'dead zones' that I can't seem to scan with the force. She could be in any one of them. If she is even on this planet, that is."

Jasyn Lancaster

posted 06-25-2003 09:29 PM    
For a long moment Jasyn didn't say a word, but merely clenched his uninjured fist, his anger bubbling at the brim. This anger was only momentarily diverted by Dash's comment that he could not sense Galen.

"This is the only lead we've got, we'll have to stick with it and do the best we can whether you can sense her or not since this was her last known destination. There just has to be some clues from here," he started out. "And regarding this," he continued, looking over at Jebbua and waving the broken wine glass for emphasis, "We will not finish talking about it later. For your information, it wasn't entirely intentional but, the gods help me, if you take the issue at hand lightly one more time, you'll be dealing with a lot worse than a wine glass over your head.

"You spout words of trying to help, and yet you have never jumped in when anyone has been at risk, not once since I've met you. To add to that, it took you forever to get here even now!

"Here to help Galen indeed. One might believe you simply are along for the ride; I'd be very interested in what you will offer to prove otherwise."

With that Jasyn simply fell silent, his look dark as he regarded Jebbua. Then, quite abruptly he turned, threw the broken wine glass in the still-burning fire of the lounge and skulked to a nearby couch. There he sat, his look yet dark, his eyes somewhat defocused. How he wished he could get away from this blubbering Jedi...

...but then there were things of more importance than his personal wishes and needs at the moment.

If only someone would come so they could get down to finding out just what happened to Galen, and where she was now...

[ 06-25-2003 09:39 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 06-28-2003 01:50 AM    
Greeny-golden shadows swirled within the depths of the Revealer's crystalline structure, roiling about like the eye of some exotically shinmmering hurricane. No answer was shown for the space of several minutes; it was as if that wondrous device was collating vast quantities of information, chewing it up to an amalgamate more easily presented to the questioner.

But at length the answer to Jharu's query came. Slowly the words formed, again written in the High Sith tongue.

"There are no wars when there are none who battle in turn. The universe continues, and in a small portion of it the Sith show the way to a prosperous life for its entities."

All about Jharu there came an even more shadowy representation of myriad Sith ships departing to all points within the galaxy. Then the hologram faded along with the words within the quietly spinning orb.


posted 06-28-2003 07:30 PM    
No wars... No wars?

The thought rumaged through his head, which soon began to shake in a stand of independence

"you say no wars... But what of the Dark jedi... if there was no wars, then what were the dark jedi to the sith?"

If no wars have occured, then the jedi did not attack... and if the jedi did not attack, then what my mother has told me is a lie... But she would not have lied to me... So she would have been lied to... If there have been no wars... Then what REALLY happened to the sith?

Surly the sith, whom's power spread accross the galaxy, were not destroyed in one conflict... That would be an impossibility... There must have been a war...

Could it be that the war was forgotten because of the time travel, and because they were no longer erased from existance? No... My mother... Lord Aelvedaar the sorcerer, I heard them both... The sith were brought back from a moment before they were destroyed... yet... Yet this machine say's there have been no wars? that all followed the sith willingly?

"what conflicts occured with the dark jedi?"


posted 06-29-2003 11:20 PM    
Phalomir floated randomly in a sea of green swirls, blue clouds, and sharp lightning. Images, runes, and sounds mixed into an ethereal tempest that vacillated from indistinct intertwining tendrils of thought and crystal clear foci of information. He could see history taking shape all around him, all events happening all at the same time. He found himself on the verge of being swept away into the unending current of synchronicity, pulling himself back just at the last second. He hovered just at the edge of the swirling current.

What wars have they fought? How have they effected the universe? Phalomir heard the boy ask, the sound echoing hollowly through the internal workings of the machine. The swirls changed direction, creating a whirlwind in the opposite direction and funneling inward and down towards what appeared to be huge storage buildings. It immediately returned, the funnel inverting and hurling a series of images towards the top of the cloudy region.

Words formed across the sky:
"There are no wars when there are none who battle in turn. The universe continues, and in a small portion of it the Sith show the way to a prosperous life for its entities."
“It is true wisdom indeed to say no wars will be fought when none will fight,” Phalomir considered. “Such was the case in much of our past. Many civilizations knelt before the Sith rather than face extinction through war. But what of the dark warriors? What wars were fought in the past, the past I did not experience?”

The boy then asked the very question Phalomir reflected upon.

[ 06-29-2003 11:22 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by patternghost ]


posted 06-29-2003 11:28 PM    
Panthar dried and finished dressing. He regarded the heavy pack he had been hauling around the past few days, wondering what that wacky Palindrome guy in his head had needed with him. Or was it Phalorock? He opened the pack and peered inside.

Panthar’s eyes grew wide as he gazed upon the stacks of trinkets, paper, and coins. He saw figurines of gold and other precious stones and metals, many of these resembling ancient ones he had dug up at various sites across the galaxy. He saw large sums of credit bills and marks, totaling perhaps millions.

Panthar quickly threw the pack shut and looked nervously all around him. He hugged the pack to his body and paced the length of the room.

“Oh, what the creeping heck is this? What am I going to do? Come on, buddy, pull yourself together. Just look at the facts and a solution will present itself. OK, whew. What do you know? You’re on an uncharted planet ruled by a supposedly extinct race. OK, I can deal with that. You’re traveling with people who claim they have been here before, some sister act with that gorgeous babe in the robes, even though she says that she doesn’t know them. Yeah, that’s OK. No different than that time on Bespin with the twins. You’re possessed by two people, one is some magic dude who is supposed to be part of this extinct race, the other is some cross between a goat and an R2 unit. Yeah, that’s acceptable too. You’re walking around a hotel room carrying a pack full of enough artifacts and credits to buy a moon… OK, that’s a little hard to deal with. OK, deep breath. Now think, what would your brother do in this situation?”

Panthar stopped pacing and looked at the door.

“Of course!” he cried. “Breakfast buffet!”

Panthar made for the door and opened it, a red flash of light briefly glowing around it. The large Sith guard standing on the other side snapped to attention and glared at Panthar.

“Hey buddy!” said Panthar. “Good morning! I need some towels and shampoo, but you shouldn’t need to mess with the bed. I’ll just mess it up again later, if you know what I mean? Now, where’s the buffet? I’m starved! And hey, if you’re in the lounge later I’ll buy you an ale! I get the feeling that today is going to be my day!”

The Ancient Sith

posted 06-30-2003 12:53 AM    
Greeny-gold flashed into copper-shot forest as from somewhere deep within the recesses of the Great Library a bolt of energy shot home. The Revealer seemed to recoil in upon itself, it's soothing swirls becoming momentarily chaotic in the face of the young halfling's last question. It churned and seethed, while yet more highly charged flashes of energy sought the proper response to that question. And finally, after an eternal fifty-seven standard seconds, words written in the High Sith tongue coalesced inside the matrix.

"The parameters of the inquiry are ill-defined and paradoxical. No conclusive response is immediately available; research is in progress...."

With that the Revealer sent out one final searching blast, then blinked into starkly ebon blankness, shutting itself down completely as the tendrils which linked it to the main body of the Library now reached out, seeking deeper for further information that Jharu's question could be answered.

The Ancient Sith

posted 06-30-2003 01:09 AM    
The immense Sith guard bristled.

"Ale--?" He glowered at the beaming Panthar and took a threatening step closer to him, his great clawed hand tightening upon the hilt of his sword. Then his attention was caught by a motion from the companion guard who stood outside Shayla and Erik's rooms; after exchanging a look with the other warrior, the Sith smoothed one or two of his obviously ruffled feathers. Finally he took a steadying breath.

"If you will follow me," he growled at length, turning abruptly even as the words spurted from between his fangs. With no further ado he marched down the corridor, and after leading Panthar up one stone hallway and down another finally brought him to a halt outside the exotically carved double doors leading to the Grand Dining Hall.

He nodded his head and held out one hand, stepping aside with that terse motion. Then he took up his guard duty once again, staring straight ahead even though it was obvious his every sense was trained on the shorter human.


posted 06-30-2003 01:39 AM    
Pathar entered the grand dining hall, taking in its opulent beauty and size.

“Whoa, this place looks even better in the morning,” he said. “I can almost taste that weird meat already! Wow, it sure is quiet in here! Where is the food? Where is everybody?” His gaze drifted from empty table to empty table.

“OK… Hello? Anyone here?” Panthar glanced around the massive hall and caught a shape on the other end.

“Oh, hey!” he said, moving quickly to the figure. “I didn’t see you over there! Sorry to interrupt, but where is everyone? The bellhop over there led me to believe there would be breakfast? I’d like to get a little nourishment in before meeting with… ah, with whoever I’m supposed to meeting with.”

As Panthar drew nearer, the hooded figure turned to face him. Holy crap! It was that totally hot redhead! Oh, what was her name? Jarmame? Jarhead? Oh, crap, think of something quick!

“Ah, fair lady! Please allow me to bid you a good morning, and apologize again for the trouble I caused last night.”

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-30-2003 06:34 AM    
Though she tried, Shayla Stargazer Petrolu-Kartan simply couldn't sleep. Quite some time ago, she'd given up doing such altogether, and instead turned to pacing the length of the room she and Erik had been given...

...back and forth, back and forth.

Her mind spun in sync with her motions, back and forth between that which she had dreamed and that which was the apparent reality...

...they were here on a planet which they had been told they were associated with...

...with a Lady Jharmeen Q'utaro who seemed so strangely familiar to her...

...yet Shayla had no recollection of the planet and the Lady had denied ever knowing any of them at all.

Shayla's nerves grated at her, but then suddenly she simply firmed, whirling to face her husband who now approached her. He arched a brow in her direction as if to say "Well?"

For a long moment she stood quiet and unmoving. Then, "Something seems amiss, can you feel it?"

Erik pursed his lips, cocking his head a bit. Though trained in the Jedi ways, he was never quite as adept at such things as his wife was...

...perhaps because she had returned to the Praxeum, and perhaps because she was simply more attuned. Either way, however, he had to admit something just seemed skewed about all of this. "I can't say I feel it," he replied, "But something is definitely wrong."

Shayla merely nodded. Then she too pursed her lips, quieting a moment more. "Well, no one here seems to bear any ill-intent towards any of us, not so far as their actions show. Maybe it's just all in my head...


She trailed.

"So shall we get this show on the road and take things as they come?" Erik queried.

Shayla's greeny-blue eyes snapped alert. "Sounds like a plan."

With that he nodded, took her by the hand, and with no further ado stepped out of the doorway where a Sith guard awaited.

Shayla nodded respectfully, then turned her greeny-blues to the eyes of the Sith warrior. "We are ready to go break our fast, and start the new day," she said simply.

Then she quieted, Erik beside her, and simply waited.

[ 06-30-2003 06:36 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 06-30-2003 10:18 AM    
Everything about Graysith remained the very picture of impassivity as she turned to confront Panthar's sudden arrival. She stood quietly, calmly clasping her hands afront her, and simply watched as he approached her. Finally he came to a stop.

Something deep in the back of her eyes flashed at his words; the brief look of fire was quickly masked by another, cooler one.

"There is no apology necessary, Mr. Dantares," she said smoothly, tilting her head briefly to him. "Obviously what distressed you so does not do so at this moment; at least that much I dare assume by your manner, which is remarkably casual for your circumstances."

Now her cloak opened with a silken whoosh as one hand went out to the side, encompassing not just the grand dining chamber they were in but the entirety of K'eel Doba as well. She let her hand drop and returned her gaze to him. Once more her head tilted to the side.

"I find that attitude... refreshing to say the least, Mr. Dantares," she commented offhandedly, softening the remark by finishing with,

"Have you breakfasted yet? I believe you will find our morning cuisine as equally refreshing."


posted 06-30-2003 11:04 AM    
Just as the morning ray's were breaking the horizon in a brilliant flood of color and light, kreesha broke away from roans arms, where she had remained looking over the city all night. Giving him one quick look she took forth S'slans Edge from beneath her cloak, and carved quickly an intricate rune upon one of the pillars, she then returned the dagger to the hidden folds of her cloak and bowed. "now my lord, i take my leave"

With that she once more vanished into the shadows, heading outward through the temple to find her way to somewhere she could seek sanctaury within the city...


posted 06-30-2003 11:13 AM    
Recinis stood slowly, putting about him robes black as night, sheathing his sword beneath them he nodded and headed from the room.

As he exited the room and turned down the hallway he merly flashed an iron gaze at all guards that he passed... For while they would not know him, his gaze was a gaze was a gaze stained by the sight of battle... Which was indeed more then could be said for those trusted to protect the temple, for indeed what battles could they have incountered when non would be stupid enough to raise conflict within the walls of this holy place.

Soon he stepped into the grand dinning room... With a single sweep of his watchful gaze he took in the sight of Jharmeen and stepped quietly over to where she stood, simply nodding once before assuming a place somewhat behind her, ready to pounce should trouble arrise...


posted 06-30-2003 11:51 AM    
Panthar regarded the woman before him.

“I haven’t had breakfast yet, ma’am,” he said. “Thank you for the kind offer!”

A thought crossed his mind, and a gleam showed in his eye.

“Say, I was wondering. I don’t mean to be rude in asking, but in a city full of red-skinned, horny, uptight people, what is a beautiful, white-skinned, non-horny person such as yourself doing here? And in such a position of authority! You know, I was thinking maybe later I could buy you some drinks and you could tell me all about…”

Panthar’s words trailed off as a lean, intimidating Sith strode into the hall and directly up to the Lady. The Sith nodded once and assumed a position behind her, his eyes swiftly taking in the hall and then stopping on Panthar.

“Um,” said Panthar. “Hi?”

[ 06-30-2003 11:52 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by patternghost ]


posted 06-30-2003 11:53 AM    
It can not answer my question? This is getting to be more suspicious with every passing moment.

then he nodding to himself "let me clearify...

What conflicts have the sith had with the dark jedi"

He then stood quietly awaiting the answer that would come.
If you can not answer this... then the answers im looking for clearly arent here... And if you cant answer it.... Then something strange is probably happening within the sith world...

[ 06-30-2003 11:54 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jharu ]

The Ancient Sith

posted 06-30-2003 03:39 PM    
A paradox....

There was an immediate, as well as immense, flash of green and gold light. It flew out from the depths of the Revealer, heading outward along the spinning orbs inside which it was suspended, flying out and deep into the Library...

...which suddenly went black.

The Revealer itself suddenly ceased spinning, the matrix within it curdling into a solid black mass, and it seemed to somehow sag in upon itself as all power left it in an abrupt sigh.

The Keeper of the Light came running, his lined face creased with distress.

"Child, what have you done?!?" he hissed urgently, shouldering Jharu to one side as he tended to the once-glowing orb. It remained stubbornly silent. The Keeper's thick eyebrows lowered as he turned back to the halfling once again. His lips pursed into a tight line of disapproval, a line which only the tips of his fangs managed to peep through. He nodded toward the back.

"In there you will find your sword, young man," he said briefly, his eyes growing glacial. "I would advise that you depart immediately."

He crossed his arms over his still imposing chest, watching as the somewhat stunned Jharu went into the room he had indicated, returning soon thereafter with his sheathed weapon. The Keeper spoke no further, but watched in stony silence as the son of Recinis and Jharmeen left the Great Library; it was only when the boy had departed altogether that he finally moved. And then it was to close and lock the door.

"Closed for repairs until further notice," stated the sign he hung up before the creak and slam of the doors shut off the Library from the rest of Phrinnchatka, as well as from all of its inhabitants in general. The Keeper shook his head in disgust as he turned from that door.

Now to contact a Sorcerer....


posted 06-30-2003 03:54 PM    
Graysith's eyes flickered yet again as Recinis strode up to her, taking his customary place near her as if he had never once departed from her side. Those eyes grew darker and darker until she had to turn her look away from Panthar altogether, tilting her head downward briefly and letting her hair hide her face until she got herself under control once again. When she lifted her head, her every aspect radiated nothing other than cool aloofness and calm assurance.

"Strange I find this, Recinis; this need of yours to somehow protect me," she let the communication tendril slip easily into his mind along the link they yet shared. "Strange indeed, when I no longer seem to need such things."

Now she lifted the Claw-bearing hand and gave the finger to which it was affixed a meaningful waggle. Letting the robe engulf that hand now as she lowered her arm, she turned to directly face the Sith.

"And stranger yet, after you being gone from my side for so lengthy a time, to find you here again as if nothing untoward has happened."

She blinked, letting an indecipherable look cross her face, but one which seemed to lower the temperature in the Dining Hall by several degrees.

"I have learned to take care of myself," she finished with and turned smoothly back to Panthar. She fixed her gaze upon him for just a moment more before she turned away, and headed off to the back of the room where a buffet overladen with food and drink stood in silent welcome to all comers. There she turned back to where Recinis and Panthar stood.

"Come, and break your fast, Mr. Dantares," she said smoothly, lifting a hand in open invitation that he come partake of the table's exotic bounty.

[ 06-30-2003 04:04 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-30-2003 05:17 PM    
Recinis couldnt help the sligth smile that crossed his face as the message came to him. Then slowly he turned and exited the room, while walking away he sent to her a small message.

"I was sworn to protect you... Time does not change duty, only command. Upon finding love in you, my duties were put on hold... But you clearly could not accept me as that any longer... And so i resumed my duties as protector... But if it is your decree that no longer shall i be that... Then no longer do i serve you."

As he reached the door he paused. "I indeed hope there may be friendship between us..."

He then strode silently through the hallways, closing his eyes he sought out the pressence he was searching for.
Now it is time for me to help guide those i care for

As he trode down many passageway's eventauly he found his way to the one he sought... Lord Roan.

Approuching slowly he spoke up when within range. "excuse me lord roan... Might i have a word with you?"


posted 06-30-2003 05:26 PM    
Jharu stepped through the streets quickly, yet without destination... What should he do?

the machine... it can't be a coincidence... it cant be happenstance... There is something much greater at work here then a simple malfunction...

I should speak with Mother about this...

He quietly strode along the streets, for some reason he did not turn towards the temple, instead he soon found himself within a small park, sitting on a bench staring at a tree.

As he stared at the tree he closed his eyes and reached out to it with his mind.
On the surfice you are but a tree... You have lived your cycles... Grown through history... And yet, what is the truth of your past? its time i begin to undestand the universe, rather then just seeing it...

As the thought closed he pressed out more firmly with his mind, attempting to engrain himself within the structure of the tree...

"Show my your cycles..." his voice came out in a whisper, "let me undestand..."

He fell completly quiet at that, taking in slow steady breaths, while attempting to understand the tree... For to truly undestand the universe, he must undestand a componant of that universe... Start small,move onward from there...

Dark Lord Roan

posted 06-30-2003 06:19 PM    
The Dark Lord paused reflexively, his eyes widened in surprise to find Recinis standing just outside the door to his chambers. He recovered quickly enough though, all the more quickly for the way the feelings churning beneath Recinis's calm exterior were becoming so clearly evident to him.

He smiled easily... that smile growing darker inwardly even as it grew more pleasant in crossing his face. He knew the Sith was unable to sense what the All could so easily mask; it was all he could do to keep from throwing his head back with a mighty guffaw.

"Indeed!" he thought to himself. "I have this one's title. I shall soon have his mate... although in what manner exactly, well...."

Outwardly he merely composed himself, forcing aside the promising images that last thought brought along with it..

"Yes, Recinis?" he asked in as mild a tone as he could manage. "Is there some way I might be of assistance to you?"


posted 06-30-2003 06:37 PM    
Now it is time for me to help guide those I care for....

While the thought didn't coalesce in Jharmeen's mind in so many words, the presumed aura surrounding it did. She stood quietly at the buffet, her one hand still out in invitation to her guest, but her eyes remaining transfixed upon Recinis's receding back. She remained motionless, watching as he reached the door, entered, and departed altogether.

And it was only then that something very small and very fragile, something pushed down deeply inside her threw back its head and cried out in anguish. It was immediately squelched as the Beast within raised its massive paw and flattened it into obscurity.

At the buffet, Jharmeen stood poised, waiting. For what exactly, she wasn't quite sure.

"But surely, not love," the Beast, finding voice, whispered slyly into her psyche.

"Especially not that which, ah sweet and fickle caprice, proves itself all but steadfast, and cannot maintain itself by means of its own strength...."

Her gaze suddenly dropped to the quietly gleaming tattoo upon her wrist... which she found herself hating with a passion that surprised her. At that moment she wanted nothing more so than to rend it from her flesh.

But she didn't dare.

She closed her eyes, now stretching out with a calming technique Lord Aelvedaar had once taught her.

Soon, she thought to herself.


[ 06-30-2003 06:58 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-30-2003 07:12 PM    
Recinis took a small step forward nodding his head in a respectful manor. "Actauly Lord Roan, You indeed may assist me... I have come to claim the title which you now hold... While the title itself means little, the capabilities and reaches it implies i need in order to help those i hold dear... I trust you dont desire a lengthy explanation, nor do i desire to give one."

Then slowly he drew his sword and placed its blade into the ground. "Whenever you are available to meet my challange, i am ready to face you... "

he then again quietly bowed his head, and drew his sword from the ground, placing it again within the folds of his robes.

Dark Lord Roan

posted 06-30-2003 07:24 PM    
Again Roan's eyes widened in surprise, but briefly. They immediately narrowed then as he reared back, crossing his arms in front of himself. The smile on his face curled into a superior smirk, and he actually raked his gaze up and down Recinis's black-robed body.

"You know you can never win such a battle," he said at length, the tone of his voice nothing more than if he was calmly announcing the day's weather. "It is suicide; but I do thank you for making that decision."

The smirk curled into a near-snarl as in two quick strides he was at Recinis's side. Reaching into the warrior's robes, he yanked out Recinis's sword. It whirled in a silvery arc in his hand, it's movement blurringly fast before one mighty thrust pounded it half it's gleaming length into the stones of the corridor. There it stood, shivering and vibrating, until bit by bit the harmonics stilled and all became quiet once more.

"I answer your challenge, warrior, if you are Sith enough not to retreat from it once given!"


posted 06-30-2003 07:52 PM    
Recinis stood calmly as Roan "accepted" his challange... Or more over attempted to instill fear within him, of which he failed utterly...

Slowly his hand reached out and drew the sword from the coridoor, and placed it again within its sheath.

"i have no reason to retreat... Nor do i have reason to fear my death... I have been prepared to die sense the day of my becoming a warrior, fear of an opponant is not something i am capable of feeling, you should know this, unless things have changed greatly in warrior training between my birth and yours, though i highly doubt they have."

He then examined roans movements in his head, noting the reflexes and strength his opponant had showed him.

"As for this being a fight i can not win... You hold only one advantage... And that is your command of the all... But that very advantage makes me wonder... Have your skills as a warrior decreased with that luxory? I suppose we will find out... Lord roan, Name the time... For i currently have no duties i am forced to meet, whenever you are free... it shall be done."

As he had spoken his face had remained completly passive, void of all hints to what he was thinking... And with his words done he simply bowed once more and awaited his opponents reply.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 06-30-2003 07:56 PM    
Quietly, Shayla and Erik followed the Sith guard back to the Dining Hall where others were beginning to eat from the multitude of food that the buffet presented. As they did so, Shayla took note of a few Sith eating here and there...

...but her eyes took careful note of Panthar Dantares and the Lady Jharmeen Qu'taro. Shayla couldn't help her eyes from pausing for a moment on Dantares...

...she clearly remembered his strange behavior from the evening before. For a moment, that look flashed with something of an uncertainty...

...then it returned completely calm. Only then did she again look to Lady Jharmeen.

Hoping to present herself an appreciative guest, Shayla curtsied in respect. Then, "Good morning and thank you so much for the kindness you have afforded us here as we seek answers, Lady Jharmeen."

Then with that she fell silent, unmoving for the moment in deference to this woman whose authority was undeniable.

[ 06-30-2003 07:57 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

Dark Lord Roan

posted 06-30-2003 08:01 PM    
Roan snarled.

He took a quick step in towards Recinis, and another, and yet another. Finally he was within spitting distance... and less.

His clawed hand flashed out and gathered up a handful of Recinis's robes, pulling him up until they were nose to nose and eye to eye. Again his lip curled in distaste.

"You speak as a warrior to a warrior, Recinis, and in doing so you surely realize one thing."

He paused a moment, trembling with growing rage and ire, the hand gripping the silken robe worn by his opponent tightening to such an extent that his claws ripped through the cloth to meet together as though they were jaws of a trap.

He hauled Recinis yet closer to his own face.

"And that is that as a warrior I will fight with every weapon at my disposal. This means the All as well, so do not try to distract me with your puny ways of supposed honor. They will not work.

"I have your title... and I shall keep it.

"And I shall have your female as well... and your son!"

With that he threw Recinis from him with such force that the Sith warrior flew from his grasp and careened against the wall of the corridor. Roan merely stood his ground, now smiling darkly, clenching and unclenching his hands as though ready to tear into battle right then and there.

[ 06-30-2003 08:04 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dark Lord Roan ]


posted 06-30-2003 08:07 PM    
Jharu continued his study of the tree for some time, his mind whirling around the simple complexities the tree proposed...

It had lived many years... Yet there was more to it... It had gone through cycles of life...

From a seed, to a sprout... To a small tree... Growing branches... Growing leaves, Growing buds, blooming to beauty, partialy dieing.... Returning again to bloom again... the cycle would continue untill its life had no more strength to replenish the fruits it bore...

The cycle would continue... Its life would repeat itself... Yet there would be differences... Changes... Our lives are much the same... Day to day has the same basic structure... We bloom in the morning, are plucked of our fruits in the afternoon as we work and fulfil our tasks... And we let ourselves die as we fall asleep... Only to bloom again the next morning, and every mornin untill we have not the life to bloom anymore...

As he sat thinking he felt, or rather heard his stomach growl in anticipation of food... he considered for a moment...

Well, i suppose now is as good a time as ever... Ive felt the energies at work within me before... Ive used them before... Now...

Quietly he extended himself to the tree. "can you bloom for me now? can you produce for me food so i might end my hunger?"

As the thought came through his head he concentraited on his feelings, trying to bring to himself food...

Somewhere in the universe... Tree's are still very alive... Still filled with fruit... From what i undestand, there will always be ballance... So... if i succeed, this tree will bloom, but another will wither... Is it a worthy sacrifice? thats the question that must be answered...

Yes... it is a worthy trade in this instance...

Again he reached out, commited to the cause, though he was unsure how to accomplish the act.. But he tried...


posted 06-30-2003 08:20 PM    
Recinis stood and brushed himself off, nodding his head a small smile crept onto his face.

"i would not be pleased unless you fought with every weapon at your disposal... but Know this... Where i might not have use of the all, i have other powers at my command,powers that can not be conquered, powers that you have little undestanding of..."

He stepped forward again. "You say you will take my 'female' well, she is not mine... She is not a possession which i may guard and keep away... She is someone i hold dear, someone that i care for... but she is still simply a person, and not a possession... If she deems you worthy of her company, that is indeed great for you... But dont speak to me as though you are claiming her from me, that is impossible... As for my son... he too is not a possession... How you would claim him i have no clue, his will is strong, and his mind is set... And if need be he will battle you with every ounce of fire he holds within his soul... He may not be a warrior, but his soul burns with a fire that can not be stopped... I do not suggest you attempt to reach that fire... You will indeed be burned doing so."

he then took another step forward, smiling calmly as he spoke his next words. "yet, you clearly see you will be defeated... Or you would not be refering to it as my title... You would be claiming it defenetly as your own... The very statement that you will keep MY title, and not maintain your own... That shows that deep down,you are unsure of what i can do... Youve little seen me fight roan... Ive seen the all used constantly... I have been sorrounded by it sense my awakening... it has been a weapon to cut my soul... And a salve to calm my wounds... Perhaps i can not wield it... But indeed i do undestand it..."

Dark Lord Roan

posted 06-30-2003 09:08 PM    
Now Roan did laugh. He tossed back his head, his fangs gleaming sharply in the light of the wall sconces as great bellows of laughter rolled forth from his chest, over and over to strike and reverberate from the stone floor and walls until the echo of it joined devastatingly and canceled itself out.

As that laughter died out he lowered his head, to face his opponent once more.

"To ... claim your female and son? Who mentioned claim?

"I will have their flesh rent from their bodies. Their deaths will be slow and painful. And as such, hollow honor and so-called 'death for cause' has no meaning when in the end... well.

"Dead is dead, Recinis. Small victory there, would you not say?


Now Roan interrupted himself, and lowered his brows. His brilliant turquoise eyes stared holes through Recinis's emerald pair.

"Enough with semantics. The challenge has been given, and accepted. I meet you in the courtyard on the next dawning.

"To the death."

[ 06-30-2003 09:53 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Dark Lord Roan ]


posted 06-30-2003 09:29 PM    
recinis nodded slowly, "then so be it, thank you for yoru time Lord roan, I shall see you tomorow"

With that he turned and exited, returning to the room where everyone had gathered, he approuched graysith cooly, bowing his head deeply and a semi kneel he spoke. "M'lady... I am sorry to interupt you, but I have challanged Lord Roan for the title i was born too... As dark lady of the warrior clan i ask your permission to fight this battle to its fullest."

"I would also like to thank you for welcoming me back... It has been so wonderful seeing your face again...I know things have changed... And although it is hard to accept, i will indeed accept it... But remember, no matter what happens, no matter what i ever do in my blindness... I promised never to leave your side... and although once i have done it already... I will never do it again... I also wanted to tell you... Your not needing me to protect you... Im happy... But you need to realize, you never needed me to protect you, you have been strong from the day i met you... I have simply protected you untill you realized that... And intill you were strong enough in spirit to tell me to stop... But dispite that, i will always be there to help you... never doubt that... Never forget it..."

With that he bowed once more, "As lady of warriors, i dare not overstep your word, please consider my request M'lady, and tell me of your answer whenever it comes to you... Im afraid i must go prepare for tomorow, I will need every ounce of strength i can muster to defeat lord roan"

Bowing once more he turned and exited, beginning to find his way to a quiet room where he could prepare himself mentaly and physicaly.


posted 06-30-2003 09:53 PM    
Jharu opened his eyes slowly shaking his head. "i really dont see how im supposed to figure this out... Its worked before with less prompting... But... I dont know... I just dont know..."

he sighed and stood. "i guess its time i talk to mother..."

with that he headed off to find his mother, taking a few deep breaths to make his hunger subside.


posted 06-30-2003 11:03 PM    
Panthar smiled at the Lady Jharmeen and began walking towards her from across the hall. He caught a sudden glimpse of the married couple he rode in with, the woman’s expression a little odd. He stopped and bowed slightly to the both of them and turned back to continue on to the Lady and the buffet.

Holy wookie! That burly Sith guy was back again with Lady Jharmeen! How did he move so fast? He was bowing and saying something, and Panthar thought it best to not eavesdrop. He stopped, looked away, and rubbed the back of his neck. After a few seconds he decided his stomach was winning out, so he turned back to the buffet. Now the Sith was gone and Lady Jharmeen was left standing with a thoughtful, if somehow slightly stunned, look. Panthar continued quickly to her.

“Thank you, my good Lady. You have been such a kind host to us all! I did not wish to intrude, but perhaps later you might introduce me to your companion? I trust that person was the Lord Roan you mentioned last night?”


posted 06-30-2003 11:24 PM    
Phalomir watched the last trace of color vanish from the swirls, then the swirls themselves came to a stop. He found himself surrounded by a gray nothingness. He tried moving, but could not pass through the space around him. This was not good…

He tried once again to move, no result. Then again… nothing! Panic reached from the depths of Phalomir’s spirit and tried to gain hold of it. Once again he tried to move… no! The weight of the empty grayness was crushing, fear washed over Phalomir now causing him to reach deeply into his own inner strengths for something… anything! There, what was this? Something crystal in shape, but surging with power, courage, strength! Yes, it was his! He seized it, drew from it, and burst forth an enormous surge of energy emanating from his spirit and into everything around him! Yes, the power he felt was tremendous! The grayness gave way to green spirals which in turn spun quickly and rotated into vibrant clouds of activity. He was free! He quickly soared out from the internals of the Revealer and into the library’s hall.

As he rotated to view the Revealer, a hazy set of words appeared within it. Phalomir studied them.

To the Dark we were led by Mir

Through the doors of time we escaped

To the Dark again by progeny


posted 06-30-2003 11:24 PM    
It seemed to the Dark Lady that Recinis had no sooner left than he was back, going to one knee before her and asking her permission to do battle.

Her permission. Recinis, the true Dark Lord, her own spouse... and by Sith law and code he was forced into this position.

Her lips quirked at the rapidity with which events progressed: the arrival of Shayla with her husband, and then the respectful query from her new guest acting as brief counterpoint to a strangely runaway destiny that it seemed nothing could now halt.

But she could halt this, at least for awhile. She could bring up the Stance of Denial, where verification of the authenticity of each side's claims would be checked into. That could drag on for months; indeed, Roan could have done the same in regard to her own challenge to Kreesha, but for some reason had refrained from doing so.

She blinked, considering dispassionately.

It was her husband. It was her nemesis. Both standing in the way of her own desires.

Her own desires....

A sudden shiver broke through that dispassion and she brought up her hands, rubbing her arms as a strange chill sank down from nowhere to settle upon her like a cloud. At length a voice came into that muffling fog; it was Shayla, respectfully saying... something.

Followed soon thereafter by Mr. Dantares... who was asking....

She jerked, shaking her head, turning her brilliant eyes from the young woman and back to Panthar. Her lips moved voicelessly.

Then she drew in a deep breath and steadied herself.

"No," she found herself saying in a whisper. The chill deepened.

"That is not Lord Roan...."

[ 06-30-2003 11:27 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 06-30-2003 11:40 PM    
“Oh, my pardons,” said Panthar. “I thought perhaps that was your husband. Well, still, I would be pleased to meet him perhaps later.”

Panthar felt a sudden chill, rising somewhere deep within him and rushing outward to his skin. A small wave of nausea crept over him and he bent his knees slightly. Then a sudden burst of icy pain ripped through his lower abdomen as if something inside of him was exploding. He could almost see a distended ripple shoot from his midriff and outward. And in an instant it was gone, allowing him to catch himself before falling.

He looked up to make apologies to the Lady Jharmeen, but saw that she herself was not quite well. She had grown suddenly pale and still, and the strange symbol on her head had faded to a dull gray. Within a second it was restored to its original violet and the Lady’s eyes snapped to meet with Panthar’s confused pair.


posted 06-30-2003 11:51 PM    
One slender hand shot up to finger the rune upon her forehead, a rune it seemed she possessed her entire life, that was her whole life...

...that seemed for one horrific moment to have ceased its life, becoming dead and dull on her forehead.

She staggered then as strength flooded back into it, as if her abilities had been restrained by some great dam and then let abruptly go. The titanic release filled her with its energies, but energies strangely different from what she was accustomed to. The usual fiery blasts were not rushing through her now, but rather something so cold it literally burned. That ice flowed through her very veins... and suddenly receded, warmed, and transformed into a more familiar heat.

She blinked, jerking wide eyes into Panthar's.

"Who are you...?" she gasped, doing all she could to keep from instinctively recoiling from his nearness to her.


posted 06-30-2003 11:57 PM    
“I... I’m just an archeologist… I swear! What was that? Did you do it? Did I do it? Phalomir! It must have been him! I wasn’t even thinking, he’s been gone all morning and I just felt so free, but now there’s this and I don’t know what that was but oh my stars did it hurt. And you, are you all right?”

Panthar reached a hand to the Lady, who instantly recoiled.

“No, please!” he said. “I don’t know what happened! There was a rush of pain or something and then it was gone. Maybe it was that Rosy Eye!”


posted 07-01-2003 12:08 AM    
Rosy Eye--???

Eye. Again the eye. Something about an Eye, something unfamiliar to her, this was true indeed. For all the fact that she wore the Rune of the All upon her forehead, for all the fact that she had devoted the last three years of her life to the Sith, had vowed her entire future as being part and parcel with them, for all the teachings Aelvedaar had provided her with...

...she had never heard of such a thing.

Yet there was something about this that was somehow strangely familiar. Indeed, this needed further investigation.

She drew in another steadying breath, straightened, and smoothed her hair, then made a careful adjustment to her hood. She ended her small ministrations by smoothing the front of her cloak, taking care to not rip it with the Claw affixed to her right forefinger.

"You must forgive me, Mr. Dantares," she finally spoke, reaching out to lightly touch his forearm and then letting her hand drop to its customary place in front of her.

"This has been an eventful night, followed by a morning equally as surprising... and now this. Perhaps you can reveal a bit more to me about this Eye of which you speak, as well as this... Phalomir. As you have so astutely noticed, I am not Sith by blood and have yet to learn of all its history."

She fell silent with that and turned to the buffet, there to bypass entirely the groaning plates of food and take up a hefty goblet of Sith brandy instead.


posted 07-01-2003 12:13 AM    
Phalomir regarded the Revealer. He channeled power, establishing a link with the Revealer this time rather than invading it.

“Who was Mir?”, he thought.

The Revealer immediately brought words forth. Mir: Chief Attendant and Counsel to Dark Lord Runamis of the Warriors, later Dark Lord of the Warriors himself.

“Trace for me the progeny line of Mir,” he thought.

The Revealer instantly flashed name after name, tracing down the lineage of Mir. Phalomir counted several hundred years, giving up as the years fell into the thousands. It slowed as it passed through time, finally resting on a single word hovering in the misty swirls: Roan

A startled cry burst forth from the Keeper who had just re-entered the room.

[ 07-01-2003 12:16 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by patternghost ]

Dash Kelderon

posted 07-01-2003 04:58 AM    
As if right on que, my stomache let out a long low growl.

That aught to break the tension a little bit!

"It had been long since we last ate. Perhaps we should find ourselves some sustinance. Eating may also clear our heads, and loosen some of the tension."

I no sooner finished my statement when an escort arrived to motion us into the Dining hall.

The Sith must have great hearing! I thought.

We were lead through the connecting door and into the Dining Hall, which was bit by bit beginning to bustle with activity. The day had obviously started here on K'eel Doba.

As we entered the Grand Dining hall, I could smell the food from outside the closed doors.

My stomach growled in protest again. As if to say I smell food. What the hell are you waiting for. Go eat!

The doors were opened and we were ushered in. I immediatly noticed Shayla and her significant other. I waved in thier general direction.

I asked the escort, "May we be seated with that party over there?"

[ 07-01-2003 12:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 07-01-2003 06:38 AM    



...a flash of a dagger descending under the glow of something distinctly Red...

Shayla's eyes widened, and she directed an unreadable expression at Dantares, considering whether she should share her vision with any of these present.

But it was so vague...

...and after the way Dantares had acted the evening before, she didn't know if she should trust him...

Shaking herself into reality, also very curious as to who this Sith was that spoke of reclaiming titles and such, Shayla focused on all that was occurring, only taking a small portion from the buffet on which to eat. Beside her a quiet and watchful Erik did much the same, leading her then to join the others. Shayla wondered if all this talk about an Eye was linked to her dream...

...or if perhaps there was more yet to come. Either way, Shayla still had the distinct feeling, vague though it was, that something was just not right...

[ 07-01-2003 06:41 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 07-01-2003 09:08 AM    
Panthar helped himself to a plate of food from the grand buffet and seated himself across from the Lady Jharmeen, who seemed content with just a goblet. They were soon joined by Shayla and Erik, who each gave Panthar and Jharmeen separate and different looks.

“Well,” said Panthar. “Since we’re all here, I suppose I owe an explanation to many things. I gotta tell you, this is going to sound very strange when I put it to words.”

The others looked at Panthar, Shayla curiously, Erik coldly, and Jharmeen expectantly.

“I, uh, am an archeologist. I was digging at a site on Agamar, where I had to reason to believe the ruins of an ancient temple of some sort that had been built into a mountain. We definitely found something, and once we had cleared the rocks blocking the cave I led a small group in to explore. We found several chambers, loads of figurines and artifacts, and ancient skeletons. I pressed on, and found another sealed chamber. It took a while, but we managed to move enough stones to gain passage.”

Panthar put down his fork.

“There was a single skeleton inside. That’s all. Well, not all. Inside the skeleton, in the chest cavity, was a crystal. It was enormous, beautiful… it glowed softly when I approached… I just had to touch it… so I did. I remember a bright light, the sounds of crumbling rock, and voices. But this is where the story gets strange…”


posted 07-01-2003 10:30 AM    
Jharu entered the dinning hall quickly and ran to where he found his mother... Quickly he noted that someone was speaking and stepped quietly and respectfully to her side, waited to be acknoledged, dispite the urgency he felt regarding the subject... On top of the strange feeling he had felt from her...

I have to tell her this... But i dont want to interupt.... Oh.... I hate this... What if... What if something bad happens?

then suddenly he had a slight realization, and crept out along his link with her. "Mother. when you time there is something of great importance i have to tell you... Please... When your done here come talk to me... Its important!

Then he turned and as quickly as he had come he left, finding his way to a little room, where he sat in wait.

"jharu...Within the library The warning i issued did indeed come forth... That of another plane wishes to speak..."

He felt the Elressar's silent will come into his mind, and he nodded slowly.

Ok... I can talk to him now if he wants to...

As the thought finished he could feel his swords energies reaching out to the spirit that had been within the library, calling, speaking... Though he was not sure what was said...


posted 07-01-2003 01:15 PM    
Jharmeen leaned back against the cushions of her seat, toying a bit with the goblet as her son approached her and sent a tendril of respectful inquiry into her mind. Then, as if unsure as to whether he should have entered into the ring of his elders, he left, leaving the link clearly open between them.

Thus it was that she in turn clearly read the message coming in from Elresar concerning...

A being from a higher plane? Curiouser and curiouser....

She sent a whisper along the link into Jharu's mind.

"I shall come to you soon, my child, that you might divulge to me that which has sent you to me this morning. Or perhaps... a question, was it not? I will wait until later in the day for this; there is much happening here in Phrinnchatka which unfortunately at the moment must take full command of my attention. I will contact you later, son."

With that she quieted, leaving that tendril linked silently into her son, and returned her focus to that which the somewhat nervous Panthar was about to reveal. Her calm aspect began to deteriorate somewhat as, very carefully, he began explaining his experience at the site he had uncovered. What he spoke of was disturbingly similar to something she herself couldn't quite remember.

A sealed chamber in solid rock. A skeleton... and a crystal. A white flash in response to human touch....

She couldn't help the frown which now came to her face, nor the shudder which coursed through her slender body.

A flash of light....

One hand raised to the Glyph on her forehead, which unconsciously was beginning to escalate a bit up the spectrum, now shining with brilliant blue-white energies becoming extremely difficult to look upon.

((OOC: Thread is getting too long, so please continue it in ...and Whether Nek's Have Wings in the "Sith/Jedi" forums, thank you.))

[ 07-01-2003 01:35 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]