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posted 01-08-2003 01:09 PM    
((OOC: For the sake of how this story is developing, I have brought this out of archives to re-post here in its entirety. This came from Darth Wicked's original site, before the role play boards were merged to join the holonet here at Escapepod.


Across Oceans of Time....
Author Topic: Across Oceans of Time....

AelVedaar posted 06-21-2000 09:13 AM MT (US)

Cosmologists agree that before there was a Beginning, there was Chaos. Everything that was or is or was ever meant to be was everywhere and nowhere simultaneously, a quiet soup of endless possibilities. Unknown what one of those possibilities was: perhaps a graviton twitch? A pre-quantum whisper? A definite trigger...

It is then theorized that within the next three seconds, at least in the timeframe sapients understand as seconds, everything began. Space and Time entwined, became as one, impossible for one to exist without the other. Spacetime, ever expanding outward in what has come to be called the "Big Bang," continued on, creating as an afterthought myriad worlds, suns, galaxies, unknowns, past, present and future. Destined eventually, perhaps, to lose its momentum, give in to Gravity, contract once again, seeking final destiny in Chaos once more. Final entropy.... But for the Now, the ocean of Spacetime continues to be created, enlarged, offering tiny voyagers travel in linear directions... and more, if they are wise enough to understand that such possibilities do exist in more than three dimensions....

Across this Ocean of Time, AelVedaar worked his mystic divinations. Before him floated visions, so very far away, so very promising... A small noise; a portion of his concentration broke away to acknowledge the entry of his apprentice, AeylMaar. The young One had a somewhat worried expression upon his terrifying face. "My Master," he breathed. "They come...."

The Master closed his eyes in response. "Of this I am only too aware, Apprentice," he murmured. A gnarled hand waved, sparkling motes appeared in a galactic swirl, to whirl and dance and disappear into the depths of the expanding Ocean. After a beat, peering over his Master's shoulder, AeylMaar dared to voice the question pressing foremost in his thoughts. "Is this the One?" he asked of his Master.

AelVedaar slowly nodded. "Yesss..." his voice sighed. "This is The One."

AelMaar pressed hastily forward, whether out of eagerness or fear of his imminent destiny he was uncertain. "Then-- then we shall rise again?" he dared ask. His Dark Master slowly inhaled a great breath, exhaled a cold and bitter wind.

"That yet remains to be seen," he finally murmured. "This destiny is not yet totally fulfilled."

"But certainly we can use this for ourselves, Master!" AeylMaar exploded. Fear scrabbled in his dark eyes. His Master again shook his head.

"No, my Apprentice," his voice sighed like some great dark wind, "we cannot. We have discovered This too late. Even we can lack the Time necessary for our magicks to take effect. "On this before us here, all that will Yet To Be depends. IF the Other One here is wise, and has the Vision to see..."

Shouts, blaster fire, running footsteps, searching, drawing closer. AeylMaar whirled about in consternation, a hand raised in unconscious defense; his Master, resting a steadying, clawed hand upon his shoulder, merely closed his eyes and waited, listening as the Dark Jedi entered and began to ravish the Temple....

"But-- but..." AeylMaar stammered, casting a worried glance behind him, uncomfortably aware of the thunderous blasts and crackling noises wafting into the Temple from the outside. "But then-- is, is there Another?"

AelVedaar frowned, closed his eyes, sought union with inner mysteries. A slight slump of shoulder announced what AeylMaar had already guessed.

AelVedaar posted 06-22-2000 12:55 PM MT (US)

Simultaneous Chaos: The Inner Sanctum breached, harsh footsteps, harsher voices, bloodied saber the harshest vanquisher of all... A final Image rears its head before knowing Vision... that one dismisses the pain of failure, acknowledges its abrupt 180 degree turn into victorious assurance, reaches clawed hand, a gently convulsive motion, out to dying youngling in a final message of deliverance... Dark shadows press, with remaining strength, AelVedaar seeks to completely befuddle the minds of the rampaging Jedi... and utterly succeeds with a smile that would become his deathmask...