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posted 01-06-2003 02:30 AM    
((OOC: Continues from The Darker Side of Midnight in "Jedi Praxeum/Sith Temple" forums, thank you.))

She stood atop the cliff's edge, staring down into the chasm below where off in the distance a Flame flickered brightly.

It was the only flame in all the realm that she and her dark love commanded.

Her violet-ringed turquoise eyes narrowed as she sharpened her gaze, leaning forward to drink in the sight she beheld before her in the depths of that canyon once belonging to the world of men:

There, in the distance, the Eternal Light flickered, strangely satiated. Before its dancing flame lay two quiet forms, red hair spilled about as if being the very life's blood loosed from their veins, their horns interlocked to tell the tale that the pair had fallen at once, and together. Farther down the valley lay another form, quiet in death, only his body was not nearly as flawless as was that of the two before the Fire of the Sith.

For absolute indeed is the dark strength of the Valley of the Dark Lords of the Sith, strength which can only be increased hundredfold by those energies given unto it from the Darker Realms. When used to channel the full power and force of the All to assault the very fabric of space and time and to rend such from one into another....

No mortal could stand against it. And no mortal could stand against the never-ending hordes of demons dwelling in this place of shadow and unending pain....

Although the number of demons laying strewn about gave mute testimony to the fighting ability of the young and very much dead half-Sith.

ShaRhylla shivered achingly, her eyes glittering in approval. For one impossibly gentle moment, she laid her horned head against her Dark Heart's broad chest.

"This then, is what you gave my Father... after he gave you the life of my cousin, to be broken for me. A gift most valuable and dear, my dark love."

She paused then, her tongue snaking out to pierce itself upon her own fang, ripping its soft and sensitive tissues, causing the blood to flow freely. She turned and stretched her arms out to Entaris, raking him with her claws as hard as she could.

"Let me show you my appreciation...."

The growl of an animal escaped her lips as, pulling his mouth to her bleeding one, she pulled him down with her on the very edge of the canyon. She gasped in masochistic pleasure as the pain of sharp rocks beneath her tore into her flesh, slicing exquisitely beneath her even as her Dark Heart now did, coming from above.

[ 01-06-2003 02:39 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by ShaRhylla ]


posted 01-10-2003 06:36 PM    
Upon the bottom, bodies torn and beaten from the fall, entaris lay with ShaRhylla atop him, his head resting akwardly upon a sharp rock...

as time passed conciousness again came to them both, and he quickly forced upon her a bloodied kiss, hands roaming about her body for a moment, before his claws sought deeper within her skin, he forced the kiss tighter upon her own eager lips as he felt her body tremble before the unslaught of carnage he focused his talents upon...

As the wounds from falling healed, due to the magnitude of dark energies held within the place, they came to stand, and slowly staggarded towards the place that held the flame, lips remaining locked in an unending kiss of passion, while claws tore and scratched, and rended flesh and clothing alike...

As they reached the center of the dark place, he lifted her, and threw her upon a stone alter, hearing he release a light moan as her head slammed painfully against the stone surfice...

Only pausing a moment to savor the feeling that it had caused within her, he was again upon her, only seeing faint flashes of violet ringed torquise as his frenzy came to a boiling point...

as they continued on the flame rose in recagnission of the dark beings who had previously taken it in as there own, had been strong enough to bask in the glory of its warmth...

the flame decended upon them, and with that, they boths screamed out with the sudden burning heat, there own bodies only remaining intact, and not burnt due to there complete merger with the darkness...

Slowly the corpses of the three sith were pulled into the flame as well, as it merged once more with entaris and ShaRhylla, seeking all the darkness the realms could provide...

Those corpses, and the corpses of demons were pulled in and inncinerated instantly by the amazing flame, all the darkness within those beings now being forced to dwell within the containers that both dark entities had made themselves become...

Entaris sat up, pulling his dark rose with him, lips leaving hers to lick her cheek as his head lifted to release a wonderful half-scream, half howl, his body shivering as his dark rose likewise joined in the horrid sound....


posted 01-11-2003 01:30 AM    
Even as their shared howls rent the night, ShaRhylla let hers lessen, altering it into a great rending groan as the essence of the three silent forms, mingled now with the dark essences of the slain demons, cascaded into her body, borne there upon the wings of fire and damnation. She shuddered, feeling clearly the connection with those three...

"These are blood-kin to me, my brother and my sister...." she sighed, flinging her head back even as her hands reached out blindly to sink the entire length of her claws into Entaris's flesh and tighten there in a spasming grasp of pure and wanton pleasure.

"Such a gift... such a gift...."

Something rose up within her then, something even darker, more drear, more evil and non-caring, something of pure selfishness and self-gratification... and something with the utter knowledge that everything she gained would come full circle round into him.

The Master. The One she cleaved to, like a limpet unto a rock, like the storm-tossed wave upon a rocky shore. Never to leave, always to gain, to maintain, to reach out....

Oh how she loved him for the pain that he brought her. She knew that pain gave him strength; she knew he cared for her in the same manner she did for him.

A dark and noisome love born of self-interest, of the iciness of hedonistic pleasure....

"I will make you cry for surcease."

The words were not screamed. They were not howled, not torn from her throat to emblazon against the darkness like the brilliant and fiery eruption of some heinous volcano. Rather... they were spoken quietly, softly, seductively... and with utter assurety that they would indeed see fruition in him.

Now she turned from him, reaching out and taking up that strength she had inherited from her mother, guiding it with the evil she had won from her father, using the All in the shadow of the Flame to reach out into his essence, and there--

There with but a wave of a thought, she altered the very blood in his veins to molten lava. It coursed through his body, igniting him from within with the sensation of burning alive from the inside... and yet, she did not allow his flesh to become so much as seared.

Another blink of an idea... and the chemistries of his body were subtly altered, that each nerve ending was heightened in sensitivity a thousandfold, that the merest tickle of a breeze upon them would feel like the slice of a rusty and dull razor upon the whites of an eye. She laughed at that, leaning forward and blowing upon him with all her dark strength and energy, and laughed when he screamed before her wonderfully exquisite torture.

Another thought struck her: now her claws sunk impossibly deeper into him, gripping, meeting themselves, twisting, churning, digging deeper and deeper as she sought to actually burrow into him... yet not doing that in the least. For had those claws actually continued to burrow, they would soon dig all the way through; this way it was as if his flesh and tissues constantly renewed themselves, his hotwired nerve endings screaming and writhing, experiencing fires more terrible than those coursing through his veins.

And then-- she reached out and offerred her throat to him... yet held back the lush fruit he so eagerly sought to bite. Laughing, she turned her head to the side, ripping one hand from its death's-grip in his flesh to raise it to her lips, her own fangs fastening there, ripping, tearing, allowing the blood to flow freely... She held it out before his eager lips, just beyond the reach of his tongue, and laughed when he nearly cried for her to bring it closer, that he could partake of her sweet, hot, ruby nectar. Her laughter grew into paroxysms of evil and dark glee when she felt that pain of yearning that could not find surcease....

"Take these tortures I give you, my Dark Heart," she breathed upon his face, watching as he grimaced from the red-hot pain her breath provoked in him. "Take them into you, feed upon them, and grow stronger. Take all I have and all I can give... for you must be replete when we leave this place."

With that she quieted, cocking her head to one side, drooling a bit in anticipation of what she knew he would do when she released him...

...which she then did, grunting and panting as the tortures she had sent into him now rebounded back into her, to then flow anon into his essence, back and forth, strengthening with each foray from one into the other.

Her pants grew into those of an animal, of a horse beaten to the edge of death, as he firmed, seemed to shake himself, then turned to her in kind....


posted 01-11-2003 12:15 PM    
Entaris felt as she released him from the utter hell she had forced within his body, his head lulled about for a moment before raising upward with gained strength, eyes glowing as twin red pinpricks for a fraction of a second, before turning to glow in a brilliant torquoise, looking much like his ally in the darkness...

A dark and twisted laugh escaped from his lips and quite suddenly the "air" about his body seemed to flex, expanding with emmense strength, to fling ShaRhylla through the air... He likewise caused a controlled blast of the same dark force energy, to blast from the other angle...

While he could not create things, or simply change the laws of space and time as his dark rose could, with the pain she had inflicted upon her fresh in his memory, he could focus the force into an exact point, which ripped through her body, causing a great burst of blood to escape from her frame as she smashed against a wall... All the while sending out to her enough dark energy into her being to keep the blast from destroying her...

then smiling darkly to himself his palm extended, suddenly squeezing into a fist, causing the "air" about her own body to retract upon her, forcing her to curl into a ball, and soon was being crushed from all angles... finaly he released her from that, approuching he helped her stand, looking at her and smiling slightly his eyes went wide as he again focused his power, causing his energies to wrapp about her lungs, and remove there ability to draw air... At the same time he reached into her blood stream, wishing to repay her kindness to his own, causing the blood vessels within those viens to expand and then burst painfully within there tubes...

he knew she would regenerate those blood cells... Knew she could recover from the price of not breathing... if he allowed her to ever take breath again...

again her body was crushed with the force, this time just enough to prevent her from moving...

He smiled innocently at her for a moment,before taking her throat in his hungry mouth, and tearing it to shreds with his sharp fangs,licking her ear, and allowing the blood to run down her slowly, pressing upon her nerve's, to give to her the same sensation she had given to him...
"can you feel the pain? ShaRhylla, Such a wounderful feeling you have given to me... Mmmm.... I can still feel the burning in my viens..."

He approuched and wrapped himself about her, lips smearing blood wherever he touched, switchign off between kissing and biting as he explored her body, leaving gashes accross her arms, legs, and neck...
as he did he continued to whisper to her, "Such a dark love you possess... And to think, i am responsable for the wonderus demon you have become...

You have given much to me ShaRhylla... I can never give it back, i will never part with that wonderful feeling... But i will try to give to you the same...."

Finaly he released her from the dark grasp upon her being, allowing her to collaps into his arms, laying her down, he quickly came down upon her, claws tearing where lips had missed, all the while raping her mind with his...

Finaly he sat upon looking down at her, she was now dead, her body did not twitch even in the slightest... For death was the only way in which he could give to her all she had given to her...
He looked down at the destroyed form of his dark rose, unable to help but notice the beauty she possessed even in true death
slowly he came forward once more, whispering to the corpse softly, "no shaRhylla... No no... Your not through yet..."

He then smiled as he pulled away, placing his hands upon her chest, and sending dark energies into her body, "it is i who command death ShaRhylla, And as long as my body exists, so shall yours... And through this, as long as yours exists, so shall mine..."

He smiled as she began to stir, he wounds fading away, her body becomeing pure and clean once more, or at least as pure and clean as a being such as her could ever possess...

He looked down at her with his task done, smiling at himself to see the look upon her, she refused to move even the slightest, remaining sprawled out in the same pose she had taken in death, her lips the only thing which had changed, rising into a smile, her eyes looking up at him in complete and utter content... The first time he had ever seen her so, ever seen her not immidiatly seek to return the pain he had given to her, she seemed to simply bask in the knowledge that he had killed her, the ultimate gift anyone could ever hope to recieve from there true love, death...

Slowly he decending upon her to whisper, "im sorry i had to return you to life... I hope it does not ruin the gift i have given to you... Enjoy this memory forever..."

He then kissed her softly and wrapped his arms about her, and pulling her close to attach his fangs upon her throat, walking into her mind to live in what she had felt, so they could both enjoy the present he had given...
he then broke away from her for a mere fraction of a second to whisper softly, before returning to her.
"And now you shall grow strong with me... nothing can compare with what we have My dark rose... Your thorns grow sharper, and filled with more venom with every moment..."


posted 01-11-2003 04:35 PM    
She lay mute beneath the suddenly strange tenderness of the caresses he was bestowing upon her, utterly spent yet somehow far, far from replete. She knew he was holding her, that his fangs were slicing gently into her throat, that his greedy mouth was sucking there in a manner which was almost loving it was so light, like the whisper of the feather of a bird's wing upon the air....

But she did not feel this. She did not recognize that by this display of near compassion he was showing the true brutality of his great strengths; she could feel nothing at all.

All she could feel was that moment, that one terribly, terribly exquisite moment. For through the entirety of the sadistic abuse he had rained upon her body he had never once let her consciousness fade; he had used his powers, powers fed by the never-ending flow of all that is evil and perverse in the lives of men and alien alike, over which he held command and which indeed was that true essence of himself, to keep her aware, to keep her alert, to force her to know that with every passing second her straining heart remained beating only because he willed that it should, that her blood flowed through her veins-- that is, what blood she had left within the tattered remnants of her vasculatory system-- solely because it was his desire that it do so.

And thus she was quite aware of that single point when her life essence gasped and quailed, realizing the futility of its singularity any longer, realizing the true hold he had upon her, even as he ripped it from her.

She was aware that she had died even as she did so. And once touching the sublime, it is a difficult feat indeed to return to the mundane.

A great, racking sob tore through her now pristine body as she reflected upon that wonderfully hideous event, thought back to the sense of utter helplessness which washed through her as he forced his desires upon her even as he forcibly took her mind with his.

All she could do was lay limply, and only with her eyes let her soul speak out for her. They linked with the turquoise wonder of his, and peered deeply into them, seeing through them completely to the bloody redness flickering in their depths as he sensed this feeling within her and drew away from her throat enough that they could exchange that single meaningful look. Then he slowly retook her flesh in his mouth, slowly sliding his fangs into the sheaths he had made there for them, probing with his tongue to widen the twin lacerations and lap the never-ending fountain of her blood.

She lay like a rag, allowing him full entry to every part that was her. With all her being she offered herself again, crying now that he give her surcease from the torture he gave her by being so slowly deliberate and gentle. A moment passed which could have been an eternity; another shudder racked her frame, and she threw her hands to the side, arching up to meet him, aching that he take her.

"Oh my Dark Heart," she whimpered, for he had succeeded in reducing her to that. Her claws clutched at him beseechingly, digging into the flesh of his naked arms but not drawing blood.

"Kill me again...."

[ 01-11-2003 04:39 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by ShaRhylla ]


posted 01-11-2003 05:14 PM    
He smiled to her for a moment, looking down taking in her expectance, and feeding on it...

And with her question he merly shook his head, standing and speaking, "no... Now that you have tasted death, life will be eternal torture..."

His smile turned cruel as he stood and began walking away, looking back at her, reaching out towards him, a look mixed between anger and utter hurt raging on her faces that he would denie her this great pleasure...

And then, before she could have another thought, he forced a sharp dagger of stone to fall from the cieling of there demension, and pierce her body in the blink of an eye, several others following after th pierce her to the floor, all the while his powers saught out her life force, taking it in his hand, he crushed it, watching as her body shuddered then fell still...

He held tightly to that life force, he would not allow her to slip away, no, she could die if she wished, but she was his for all eternity, and would return to him when he desired it...

Raising a hand her body was liftedn and slammed against a wall, where more stone pieces were thrown into her, crucifieing her, she lay there like a ragdoll and laughed to himself.

Walking over his hand reached out to brush against her cheek in a slight moment of weakness before his claws sliced down her jaw and he spoke, "Enjoy your death..."

All the while he focused upon her essence, taking hold of her spirit and forcing it within him rather then entering the true plains of death, for he knew she would enjoy the feelings death could provide much more, if she was trapped within him, where her spirit would face horrors that the universe could not even imagine...

Then he turned his awarness outward, gazing at the body of his Dark Rose, his smile turning to one that would make even Dark Lord Roan himself cring... For that body did not need to contain life for him to enjoy it... No, far from it.

And so he put himself upon her body, leaving painful wounds, presents for her return to life, and simply enjoying himself upon the beauty of death, for he wanted to enjoy death as well...

when he had explored all of that perfect body, and left it as nothing more then a mass of torn and bloodied flesh, it was a simple red pulp held together by nothing that could be determined, unrecognizable in all way's, not barring even the slightest bit of resemblace towards its previous state, save the red hair, yet even that was stained far darker then its previous color...

Then he took a step back, admiring his work... An arm arrose slowly from his side, his hand extending to point at what was left of the corpses... "now my dear, it is time that you discover another depth to my love for you... Enjoy your return..."

his fingers snapped then, forcing energy into the life line he had held on to so tightly. He watched as the bloodied mass shuddered, and then he forced her spirit into it, removing all way's of escape, continueing to slowly mend the corpes, bit by bit, the first thing being revived was her concious, so she could feel every bone being put back into place, every tenden restretching to find its other half, every nerve finding its way along her shattered spine to reform and give to her even greater pain... Finaly he flesh began to meld, and she was again the perfect bodied demon he had just recently destroyed...

He then spoke, compelling her to listen, "come to me now" forcing her to pull herself from the stone's which held her in place against the wall, the stones that got considerably thicker as they came away from her body...

Finaly he watched as she broke free, and stummbled towards him, unable to fully comprehend what was happenign, for of yet her mind was still readapting to a return to the "living"

When she finaly reached him, he flung her backwards, again impaling her upon the stones still held tightly into the wall...

And again he called, only to fling her back once more... This continued on several times, until finaly he knew she was fully concious, though she was still not ready to live, he could tell, she craved to die again, but now he would not allow it, he merly took her head, and forced her to sink her fangs into his neck, and feast upon his blood, untill she again found life, and could again fully comprehend what was happening.

To her, she had spent a millenia in utter pain and torture, a millenia of being bound to him, but this was no normal binding, for when bound to him in such a way, it was as though being tied to every evil deed ever commited from the dawn of time, up to the end of it all, all compacted into one moment, repeated over and over again...

He pulled her away from her neck, and looked into her eyes. "No my Dark Rose... That is my gift to you, enjoy it for all times..."


posted 01-11-2003 06:10 PM    
She shuddered as that impact struck, that combination of every bit of darkness and pain ever to find exposure anywhere in the Galaxy since the dawn of time, hitting her with more than supernova force, pulling back, again, and again, and yet again... her shudders grew greater, uncontrollable, simple physical reactions to something she could not stop, she could never stop, even if she wanted to.

A great love that bordered upon hatred soared up in her beleaguered breast, which even now her Dark Heart was latching upon with his teeth, as she realized that these sensations would continue within her for as long as she existed, all the misery, all the fiery pain, all the longing unfulfilled, the tortures unended, the death undeniable... all would continually impact her form, forever, though not a speck of this showed upon the firm elan of her freshly renewed flesh.

She cried then, sobbing her great pain; not for the unthinkable anguish now before her for all eternity... but for the knowledge that she could not match this, to offer it in turn to her Master, to her Lord, to He who had subjugated her so completely, so willingly....

Her hands raked out, seeking him, blindly reaching in the attempt to return the favor, not knowing how such a dear gift could be returned...

Then it struck her, even as the slicing madness came erupting against her again, the sensations of sharp stone rending flesh and holding it asunder in its gritty and uncaring coldness. Her breathing once more changed into heated pants of something akin to great and overwhelming joy, mingled with moans of utter and mindblasting pain.

With the last effort she had within her, she used the All and opened more than a Link to her Dark Heart. Knowing that she lived as long as he did, that he did in turn with her, she joined them together in a union born of an evil more base than hell, its origins in a love nearly as unending.

Now everything she felt... so did he. Every pleasure in that unceasing pain... was as painfully pleasurable to him. Perhaps even more so, for to one who knew no death, who could never die as long as there remained evil in existence, she brought the exquisite sensations of that death, a death never-ending.

"And this is my undying gift to you, my Dark Heart..." she managed to whisper before flailing before another onrush of exquisite pain. This time the rock shards seemed to move, and sliced simultaneously into her eyes. Before they were blinded, to immediately regenerate, she thought she saw him pause, seeming to grunt, his own eyes glittering before he closed them tightly, turning back to her with darkly reaching hands.


posted 02-10-2003 01:26 PM    
((OOC: Graysith comes in from Shall We Dance? in the "Jedi/Sith" forums, thank you.)

Graysith stepped forth unto them in a silence as profound as her movement was abrupt. For a lingering moment she stood there, her lips curling in awful jealousy for what the pair were doing to each other. That evil she had taken up within her now flared, a thousand volcanoes coming to life in her blood, a thousand suns exploding in her chest. It strained and probed upward, outward, like seeking like, bringing her to them in joyous offerring....

And yet, somehow, she managed to fight it. She had been here before, she had faced the pair. She knew what to expect, and was prepared for any impossibly augmented magnitude of what she had confronted before.

Even while her eyes flared out in dark glee something rose up in defiant righteousness. The Claw-bearing hand shot out in a pre-emptory move as the one she once knew as her Dark Heart rose up from her daughter's body with a growl of recognition.

"I know you," she whispered, fighting the evil inside her, staring into those once-dear turquoise eyes which even as she watched were beginning to flare red. "And I am here to fulfill a promise given.

"Daughter!" she suddenly cried out, utterly dismissing the foul thing her child had been cleaving to, somewhere finding the strength, more than strength, to call out to her with that demanding tone inherent to all parents. It shot out, biting deep, and somewhere deep within the soul of ShaRhylla was instinctively responded to by her.

ShaRhylla hesitated, growling. And that moment's hesitation was all that Graysith needed.

"You are my child, and I love you," she whispered across that unfathomable darkness. "And this I do for you."

Never breaking the hold her eyes now had upon her daughter, she aimed that Claw...

...directly at the body of Wicked. Energies which had created the universe lashed out, enveloping him in an eerily candescent glow; he yowled as those energies surrounded him in a temporarily unbreakable cocoon and flung him backwards and away from ShaRhylla. For although the being which inhabited that body was indestructible, representative of all the evil known to exist, and thus would himself exist as long as there was evil in the universe, the body he was inhabiting was of human flesh and blood.

No other way could he gain those hedonistic pleasures he had been taking, for himself, and from ShaRhylla. And like any other flesh and blood, that body was subject to the energies of the All. The body of Wicked rolled on the ground of the valley, overlooked by Dark Lords whose eyes seemed to flicker in approval. And behind, in the place from where he had been flung, ShaRhylla tensed and growled.

Now Graysith turned to her.

"Come to your mother, child," she whispered, raising the Claw yet again...

...and using it to begin willingly taking unto herself every lick of evil and hatred that her daughter had become.

[ 02-10-2003 01:29 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 02-10-2003 05:19 PM    
A great yowl of utter rage and hatred flung forth from ShaRhylla... yet one underscored by an almost indetectable note of fear. That animalistic howl ringing in the blackness, she launched herself at her mother, her claws reaching out to rip Graysith's flesh, her neck arching to bring her fangs close to her mother's throat.

"Release him!" she shrieked as she collided with Graysith with all the force she could muster.

Screaming like a banshee, kicking, clawing, biting and tearing, she then did her utmost to prevent Graysith from doing what she was doing... and that was leeching her very essence out from her very being.


posted 02-11-2003 03:00 PM    
Graysith winced as ShaRhylla tore into her, biting her lip against the pain of her daughter's teeth and nails ripping into her flesh. But instead of trying to avoid the onslaught, she flung her arms about the flailing wildcat and held her tightly to her chest, now joining the enigmatic connection through the Link she had created with a more mundane and physical one. In her arms, ShaRhylla fought like a demon, flailing and kicking, biting and clawing, slicing and ripping...

...and finally slowed enough to think, and to bring her inherent powers into play.

Now the battle was joined: it took every lick of concentration on the part of the Chosen Daughter to keep one step ahead, indeed, two or more. It was as if she was engaged in some kind of hideous game of chess, where she had to predict each attack ShaRhylla would make, and flash into defense with her own considerable powers.

There was something to be said for the fact that she had been trained by the Dark Lord of the Sorcerers, as well as the fact that she had three years in which to gain a bit of finesse over her use of the All. Thus no matter what ShaRhylla tried, her every avenue of attack was thwarted; at length she threw back her head and howled, her fangs dripping, her eyes wild and suddenly filled with something other than the animalistic lust and fury which had been fueling her all along.


Graysith immediately closed her own eyes so as not to see that look, knowing full well that to give into the mother's instincts for her child would mean her own death. But a slight noise off to one side caught her attention: she turned her head, her eyes opening to view the image of who once was Darth Wicked rising slowly to his feet.

He shook himself like some great beast of prey, shrugging off the momentary shock to his system.

Then he affixed eyes the color of Hell upon her.

A brief shudder raced through Graysith's body, and she held ShaRhylla even more firmly, slicing into her being with a tendril created out of love, and one as unstoppable as that love would ever be.

"I do this because I love you, ShaRhylla..." she finally whispered, and lunged within ShaRhylla's essence, now opening herself up and grasping every last bit of evil which struggled to remain in her daughter's breast, sucking it from her and leaving her dry and sere within.

The thing that had been her daughter widened it's bi-colored eyes, it's teeth gnashing, and uttered a low moan which seemed to come from the depths of despair itself.

Then it fell to the strange material which was not quite ground, and not quite stone, and lay there, utterly still.

Graysith jerked back from that falling body like one jerking back from a high-voltage current. She staggered back a step or two before finally regaining her balance, then turned to the oncoming thing she had once loved and stared steadily into his once-turquoise eyes.

"And as I loved you, so I am here to fulfill my promise to you," she said, struggling with the awful roiling madness which strove with every passing nanosecond to take over her being. Indeed, within her breast the Beast was yowling in joy, eager to be unfettered; every moment of her past in which she had taken or abused or killed came back to her in a rush; the heady feeling she had endured within the Valley of the Lords, the time she had sent Raven out on the Mobius-loop of time, the time she held a rock steady in a hand with rose and fell, rose and fell...

But the love she kept within rose to her defense now, strengthening her and preventing her from giving in. The Wicked-thing seemed to sense this, for although he had been coming at her, death in his every nuance, he now seemed to hesitate, as though to see what she would do.

She gathered up every last bit of strength and coiled the inferno of all the evil she had taken from Loben, and the even greater evil she had taken from her daughter, molded it all into one immense projectile of energy...

...and flung it directly into Wicked, where it impacted Entaris.

Evil he was, pure and unadulterated. For evil he now reached... but.


He had chosen to take a body... and flesh has limitations. To absorb the immensity that Graysith now blasted toward him, he had to momentarily depart his cozy shell of flesh.

And in that moment Graysith gathered the last bit of her strength and without hesitating the slightest raised the Claw and sent those marvelous energies flashing out against the body of Darth Wicked. Before that body utterly disintegrated, a look of gratitude seemed to come into its eyes....

Then Graysith fell to that strange non-ground, utterly spent, unconscious.

[ 02-12-2003 11:47 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 02-11-2003 09:43 PM    
A hiss... Oh such a horrible his it was, now came forth from the lips of the stolen body, as all of the physical sense entaris held was stabbed with the energies of the all.

As his physical form melted away, he could not help but slip away from space and time... He would not, could not be destroyed, even if he wished it to be so... But without physical form, he was merly a shadow of darkness, and to this his greatest escape methode...

Quite suddenly the shadowy remnants of entaris erupted, exploding, showering all with there dark ash, before the evil seemed to become dorment as though waiting.

For he had not survived this long so stupidly, he knew when to strike, and when to prepare for a strike...

[b]((OOC:Alright, Im not sure how much ill be here, or if ill be here at all, Entaris is for the time being, and untill i deside otherwise, "dead" or rather in a state where he'll come back when you least expect it, so heh, keep your eyes open, dont get lazy, i could return anyday. Thanks for your time))


posted 02-11-2003 11:54 PM    
She lay in that strange state of something other than consciousness, yet not completely removed from the universe; that almost indescribable condition where wise men send themselves to see into other dimensions, and encompassed by which that men disover they can walk barefoot through fire. Deep in this removal from the dark realms about her, something from otherwhere found its way into her being.

It might have been a dream. It definitely was more than that.

"Stay strong, and find the truth, even now I can feel the confusion within you... Feel the trials you have undergone... the pain you have felt...." My destiny has come to an end... It was my destiny to protect her... never did I expect to have my heart filled with love... No... How I wish I could stay beside her... "I will return to you my love...."

Overlaying these shadowed whispers which might have originated in her own mind was a brilliant pair of eyes, eyes shining like liquid emeralds, eyes steady and full of love. A sensation of warmth came from nowhere, filling her being, buoying her up, soothing her battered soul from the terrible deed she had just undertaken, reminding her that first and foremost, whether Dark Lord or not, whether involved in dark schemes or not... he was still her husband, and still loved her as much as she did him.

A moan rose up from deep within her non-waking state, coming from the depths of her heart as she seemed to seek out in turn, her own essence easily able to slip between the harshness of reality to fly upon the wings of thought itself until she came upon a ship, fleeing somewhere in the night.

She reached out to the occupants of that ship.

"I love you, my dearest husband... my dear son...

...and I shall wait."

With a little sigh, that mysterious essence drew back from the place it had been, gathering and coiling upon itself, shrinking in size and density until it retreated totally back into her heart of hearts, warming the Beast who once more lay quietly within her breast.

Perhaps it was a dream. And then again...

Perhaps it was not.

[ 02-12-2003 12:31 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 02-12-2003 11:57 AM    
((OOC: Follow to And The Band Played On in the "Jedi/Sith" forums, thank you.)