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posted 10-26-2002 01:20 AM    
Alcron smiled as everyone escaped... they seemed so sure of themselves... Well, all except shayla of course... what a worried panick she had left him in...

he laughed, for truly, he had not learned much, he was not as adept at reading minds as one might think due to his actions... But he had sensed that there were sith... and that pleased him greatly indeed...

He walked off into the his private interior, the ships falling once more into the shadows of space...treadingly lightly as to not be heard

[ 10-26-2002 11:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Lord_Alcron ]


posted 10-26-2002 11:13 PM    
Alcron entered the room without a word, looking about in silent command, before approuching the being who he had apointed as head head of science development.

"are they ready?" he asked commandingly, to whichthe man cringed back and looked at him, his eyes darting rapidly.
"yes sir...Bu-"

"and do they work as i wish them to?"

"we...We can not be sure... This kind of thing has never be-"

"Will they work!" a tendril of his mind crept out, wrapping about the mans throat and lifting him to the air.

"But sir! we dont know! theres no way to test them!"

there was suddenly a sickening crack as the mans neck was snapped, and he was thrown backwards into a wall, to lie dead in a slumped pile of limp body parts.

Alcrons gaze drifted accross the room commandingly once more "Now... Who can tell me... Will they work as i have directed?"

At first no one spoke, but suddenly someone stepped for, soluting smartly before saying "yes Lord alcron, they are ready, and working at maximum efficiancy."

Alcrons lips curled into a snear then, and he nodded "very good, i appoint you as head of this department... Do not fail me as others have..."

The man nodded slowly and lead alcron off into a room, where in a jar there was a strange silvery substance, writhing and sratching at the jars confining space...

"is this all?" alcron asked, to which the man simply shook his head, pressing a button a large tube came up through the floor, filled with the strange silvery "liquid"

The tube was about alcrons hieight, and as wide as an oil drum.

"very good... it is time, begin the prosseadures..."

The man nodded and guided alcron to a seat, removing the mans gauntlets, and putting his fingers on strange little ovel shapped computer recepters, and locking his arms and legs down against the chair, he then removed alcrons cloak, revealing the face of a very young man, perhaps in his twienties, who had strikingly blond hair, and amazing blue eyes...

His neck was then strapped to the chair, and alcron spoke, though his neck was restricted, and air was hard to come by. "begin"

A chamber closed itself about the chair, and the computer began the proccesses which would alter this man forever...


posted 10-27-2002 01:06 AM    
As the chamber opened yet again, alcron lay slumped within the chair, his head would have been lulling around had it not been restrained...

His eyes were forced closed, as thoughts rand screaming through his head...

He felt... Different, cold... Incomplete... It was as if some vital body part were detached from him, and while he could feel all of his body parts, from his toes to the tip of his head, something was missing...

A light moan escaped his lips, and his arms strained agains the bonds, trying to escape, and wreek havoc upon whoever it was that had severed whatever that something that he was missing was...

the science team approuched slowly, and with a bit of hesitation unshackled Alcrons now limp form...

As the shackles were undown his body became taught, and he stood, opening his eyes again to the light of the universe... But those eyes were no longer blue orbs that held meaning, they were now quicksilver, pupiless eyes, that seemed to simply shift and turn, as pools of molten silver, as his gaze swept the room... He took a step forward, his head throbbing... Before suddenly he collapsed upon the ground, falling to a seemingly drunken stuper, induced by some unknown intoxication...

The universe swirled, it was as if there were new meaning to everything...all the time he had spent developing usage of the force, seemed purposeless now... Everything he had done with his strangly mystical abilities, worthless... Nothing mattered, the universe was seen in a new light, a silvery, bent light, of the purest quaility, he saw things which mere mortal minds could not withstand...and perhaps, neither could his...

And as his mind slowly developed way's of working those new mental pathways which had been mutated into Alcrons very brain, the silvery liquide, which mirriored his eyes perfectly, seemed to grow restless... And quite suddenly, the glass that contained it, once thought unbreakable, shattered before the violent rush of silver liquid, surging outward through the breaks, to soround alcron, and bring to him conciousness once more, that strange cold feeling vanished...and the limb which he had losed was now returned.... he felt complete... yet he still could not fully control that limb, his mind was struggling as it was, the liquide churned and darted chaoticly about him, growing more calm, and orderly, with each second, as his mind began to understand the new addition to his body...

Quite suddenly a slew of silver tenticles shot forth, some grabing the seperated gauntlets, and pulling them to his armor, clicking them into place, others grabbing his cloak, and pulling it about him... Finaly two came forth to pull the hood over his eyes, and all signs of silver vanished beneath his clothing, finding cracks, and hidden spaces to live in...

Looking about at the stunned scientist, he decided to test this new strength... Slowly at first, and then more rabidly, the silver liquide appeared from cracks in his seemingly flawless armor, and wrapped itself down his fingers, forging itself into a blade, which he held solidly in one hand now, examining it, he lashed out at a stunned scientest, cutting so cleanly, that the mans death was not known to himself untill a few moments afterwords, then he fell cleanly in two, blood flowing from his halfs, the silver sword vanished into alcrons armor again, and his smile grew into a smerk...

"contact the Barraks, i wish to arrange a sparring match within the indurance room..."

with that alcron left, leaving a wake of pure insanity, and utter chaos behind him, though at that moment, nothing at all ways happening...

[ 10-27-2002 02:15 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Lord_Alcron ]


posted 10-27-2002 12:49 PM    
He stood now, with one soldier left as his oponent, all others lay dead on the ground, many split in half, a few simple smashed against a wall...

This man held a sword, circling alcron fearfully, not sure what would happen..
The man suddenly charged, bringing his sword to bear against alcron, but he never finished the attack, a field of silver goo appeared in front of the black armored man, acting as a shield, the sword was absorbed into it, to which the strange substance began snapping the blade to piecies, discarding what was left...

Then the strange blob took notice of the soldier, and alcrons mocking smerk was the last thing he saw, as the blob surounded him, and literaly crushed him, causing his bones to shatter, and his blood to spill...

Alcron laughed darkly as he exited the room...

My soldiers are worthless... Yet they are the best that can be trained... None can stand before me...

he thought to himself darkly, entering the brige, casting his smerk across the crew present, a warning which read "You feared me before, now you must cower..."

his commanding voice came forth coldly, demanding attention. "i Believe our pressence must now be known... We will go now, to kashyyyk, wookie slaves would allow us to build a very good base of operations... Now, Let us enter hyperspace, so we might tread upon the threads of insanity, and view the marvalus wonders which mortal minds can not begin to see..."

He then turned, heading towards his chambers, his last words being "and do contact the science team... I want all records of the Silvitesh substance destroyed, I must be the only in this universe to posses it...oh, and have them begin work on our next little project..."

he laughed darkly as he exited the room, casting a quicksilver gaze upon all those he passed, seeing things which others could not even dream of....


posted 10-27-2002 08:15 PM    
((OOC: please follow alcron to "Shattered green" Thank you))