The Holonet Boards » Jedi Praxeum & Sith Temple » A new direction taken. |
posted 10-22-2002 12:43 AM
Recinis eyed the departing sorcerer for a moment, before placing his sword into its sheath. He does not understand... SO be it With that he spun, sweeping up shayla in his path, turning his gaze to Jharmeen for a moment "i shall return shortly, my love." he smiled for but second before exiting down a hallway, letting his feelings guide him, avoiding the demonic horde as best he could... But soon he could avoid them no longer, and they entered an area, not far from there destination in fact, that was overflowing with the imps, his sword was in hand instantly, eyes ablaze as he leveled the blade in there direction, alowing the runes to flare into life. "as this blade has claimed one demon... It shall claim you all!" He was a flury of motion, his blade sweeping outward in rapid motion, claiming the lives of many of the demons in but an instant... For that blade held power, and no defense those demonic imps could muster was great enough to stop it... And with it shungry runes blarying brightly, they were no match... But soon shere number overwhelmed the warrior, and he could no longer simply cut through the horde, his eyes darking about thye locked upon the blade, they didnt stand a chance... But he would not fail, he would get Shayla to safty... If it was the last action of his life. With a growled he pressed onward, not actauly killing anymore, simply striving to make it through, and he suffered several painful blows as a resault, but he would not give up... sometime later Having run madly from that point on, they eventauly found there way to there destination, recinis eyes darted about as they approuched "Hurry now Shayla... Never forget, Whether you are with us or not, you have been a part of our cause... Live on in memory of the sith... now, Begone!" With that he darted back, fighting his way through the hordes of demons once again, hoping he could last just a little longer against the shere number... Hoping he would live to see his love again... |