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posted 10-22-2002 12:43 AM    
Recinis eyed the departing sorcerer for a moment, before placing his sword into its sheath.

He does not understand... SO be it

With that he spun, sweeping up shayla in his path, turning his gaze to Jharmeen for a moment "i shall return shortly, my love." he smiled for but second before exiting down a hallway, letting his feelings guide him, avoiding the demonic horde as best he could...

But soon he could avoid them no longer, and they entered an area, not far from there destination in fact, that was overflowing with the imps, his sword was in hand instantly, eyes ablaze as he leveled the blade in there direction, alowing the runes to flare into life.

"as this blade has claimed one demon... It shall claim you all!"

He was a flury of motion, his blade sweeping outward in rapid motion, claiming the lives of many of the demons in but an instant... For that blade held power, and no defense those demonic imps could muster was great enough to stop it... And with it shungry runes blarying brightly, they were no match...

But soon shere number overwhelmed the warrior, and he could no longer simply cut through the horde, his eyes darking about thye locked upon the blade, they didnt stand a chance... But he would not fail, he would get Shayla to safty... If it was the last action of his life. With a growled he pressed onward, not actauly killing anymore, simply striving to make it through, and he suffered several painful blows as a resault, but he would not give up...

sometime later

Having run madly from that point on, they eventauly found there way to there destination, recinis eyes darted about as they approuched "Hurry now Shayla... Never forget, Whether you are with us or not, you have been a part of our cause... Live on in memory of the sith... now, Begone!"

With that he darted back, fighting his way through the hordes of demons once again, hoping he could last just a little longer against the shere number... Hoping he would live to see his love again...

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-22-2002 12:51 AM    
Shayla hurried into a nearby modified TIE fighter, her eyes wide and alert after being escorted through the city run wide with Sith demons. Cautiously and very quickly, she warmed the fighter up and in no time made preparations to take off, all the while a part of her suddenly empty and despairing.

Such a wonderful year...

...full of life and discovery and so much more than simply living.

She couldn't forget; she wouldn't forget. And she certainly hoped that someday she would be allowed to return.

For Sister she was chosen as. And though not present, Sister she would remain, for all time.

That firmly emplaced in her mind, Shayla Stargazer Petrolu took off to the skies, pausing momentarily to plot her course to the Stargazer Corporation fleet that she knew had been awaiting her return for over a year...


posted 10-22-2002 01:21 AM    
"Another ship has left the shield on K'eel Doba..."

Tyberius now stood, and activated his comm...


"One, human female..."

Excellent... least resistance...

"Bring her to me... Tyberius out..." he then exited his quarters, and headed for the bridge...

Not too long after...

The TIE fighter came from the K'eel Doban atmosphere, the bright sun of the system finally gracing the exterior of the ship once again...

The sun, however, was no more as a small moon came in between the two, casting a large shadow over the tiny TIE fighter...

A beam came forth from the converging moon, and quickly drew the TIE fighter closer...

A hole on the surface of the moon emerged now, closing as the TIE was brought inside...

On the bridge...

Tyberius took a seat, and gave his orders...

"Get us out of here, anywhere will do... time to change our appearance... I believe a comet would be appropriate..."

Meanwhile, in the docking bay...

"Come out with your hands up..." said a man, dawned in robes, and a silver shaft on his belt...

[ 10-22-2002 01:33 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by MasterTyberius ]


posted 10-22-2002 01:22 AM    
I speak not one word as my Brother and Dark Lord of the Warrior clan sends a blazing look into my eyes, then whirls to escort the Adept to Ch'arlingua for her departure. Remaining behind is the One I chose so long ago... and for what is beginning to seem to me as being an entirely frivolous if not outright fruitless purpose. I sigh a little then, turning from her astounded eyes, and walk a bit away to come to a halt before the crackling fire which roars upon its hearth. Its flames are cold; I shiver, suddenly knowing what else I must do.

For it truly seems to me that my dream is faulty. That the vision I held did indeed stem from arrogance, perhaps that selfsame arrogance which finally brought my brethren to its collective knees. Many a good Sith there were throughout our history, yet many more fell by the wayside, giving in to the hedonism and self-centeredness as Lord Recinis has so eloquently spoken of.

Be that as it may, it now seems even more selfish that I continue along this route I have chosen to take. I truly did not begin by wanting to act as a god. But indeed it is up to the gods as to who shall live and who shall die; who am I who in all vanity should deport himself as such in bringing to life that which destiny has already decreed shall die?

My shoulders sag a bit, and I speak, still staring into the fire.

"Hurry, my Daughter. Go from this place; the demons are gaining in power with every slash of Recinis's sword. Hurry to him; he needs your assistance. For even now that demonic horde wears down even his indefatigable strength.

"Then you must depart from Phrinnchatka as well."

I then straighten up, knowing there is one last deed I must fulfill.

A quick wave of my hand, and that wonderful power immediately responds, opening a portal through space and time to another secreted spot in this great and glorious galaxy: the planet Korriban. I step through, and soon find myself upon the lip of the sheer cliff overlooking the Valley of the Lords.

I allow myself the luxury of one last sigh, before I raise my arms, crying out into the skies overhead, calling out with my sorceries that the awesome splendor of the All would bow down this one final time for me:

And I place a protective chronotic shield about this place, making certain it is truly enveloped, and in all dimensions, that none shall enter. Especially Ankrist Roan, evil that he has become, sith no longer; he indeed will now be truly thwarted in any design he may have been trying to weave.

For no All-user, no Child of the All, would be able to revive the Sith, aye nor to even dare attempt doing so, without the augmenting powers inherent in this valley.

My heart truly heavy in my chest, I turn from the noneness before me, and step back into the temple in Phrinnchatka. I find myself within my inner sanctum, about which I now raise yet another protective chronotic shield. For although the demons might yowl without, they must not gain entry into this region of the city, which is the stronghold for everything we ever have learned about the All. Here I now secret myself, and settle down to wait...

But what it is I am waiting for, even I myself do not truly know.

[ 10-22-2002 01:42 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Aelvedaar ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-22-2002 01:42 AM    
Shayla gritted her teeth as she was told to come out, her hands up.

Idiots. She hadn't a weapon on her. Not even a lightsaber...

She sighed a bit at that, a tendril of despair again creeping up inside of her.

If only...

Shayla went back to the only senses she truly had; those which were inherent to her by the very nature of this Universe. Stretching out with those Force senses, she could keenly feel the presence of someone just outside her ship...

...and for the moment she didn't sense any intent to harm.

Good. Better hope it stays that way.

With that she sighed once more, opening the hatch of her TIE fighter and stepping out as ordered, her senses on full alert. Standing before her was an elderly man dressed in robes.

"What do you want from me?" Shayla asked, slitting her eyes.

[ 10-22-2002 01:42 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 10-22-2002 02:05 AM    
"Follow me..." said the elderly man...

He took her to an elevator...


They exited the elevator, the elderly man took up an empty station, and left Shayla to find her own way...

The bridge was 3 times the size of a super star destroyer's, as Tyberius awaited Shayla to find him...


posted 10-22-2002 03:13 AM    
For the Universe is in darkness... and I have touched the Night.

She could only stare at Aelvedaar's broad back as he stood facing the fire, her jaw literally dropping, tears quickly welling up in her eyes at the rapidity with which the very essence of her being was seeming to fall apart at the very seams. It was as if Time had ground to a standstill; everything just seemed to momentarily halt so she could take one final look at the events that had transpired, now standing out with such mockingly crystal clarity before her.

Their allies... sent from Phrinnchatka. Her Sire, losing faith in himself, and in doing so losing faith in her. Her adept; oh Fates, her dear sister sent packing, the All flung from her as a toy would be ripped from the hands of a babe, then sent off with her husband to get her safely to Ch'arlingua, to see to her protection from....

From what?

She jerked up her head, forcing her rising anguish aside to sense out even as Lord Aelvedaar stepped away from this place. It was a fairly easy task to thus follow along with what he did upon Korriban; it was a far less easy of one to remain obediently behind, keeping that anguish at bay when she sensed what it was that he did there.

It was then that something in her snapped.

"No," she breathed in a nearly silent whisper. "NO."

No. She had gone on too long, battled too much, done too much to let all come to what seemed to her to be so sudden and useless an end. Suddenly that anguish found itself diminishing beneath an onslaught of stubborn anger, heated rage and denial rising up from that blotch of darkness she had taken from the entity who dared to wear the form of her Dark Heart. Her eyes darkened, the Glyph flared on her forehead.

If her Sire gave up on his dream, then so be it. If the allies simply gave in to the first confrontation presented to them, then so be it. If none dared to stand up to the Dark Lord, then she would....

But Recinis had tried, and had been summarily dismissed.


Now her heart flung into her throat as, questing out once again, she easily found him, sensed the great power he wielded against slavering demons who were coming in greater and greater hordes from an open door leading into a darkness all too shudderingly familiar. She gasped aloud, realizing that no matter how valiantly he fought, he could not slay them all. Not when there was virtually a never-ending source for them to spring from.

She was through the door and into the corridor, Aelvedaar forgotten, before she knew what she was doing. Blinded to all but the unthinkable possibility that her love and Lord might die before she could reach him she simply flew through the stone hallways, her eyes seeing nothing but his dear face before her, her feet carrying her of their own accord down one empty passageway and the next until at length she came upon a type of foyer where several halls converged.

There upon one great spiralling stone staircase was Recinis, his sword blindingly fast, each stroke sending a demon back into the darkness from whence it had come. Myriad headless bodies lay scattered upon the stairs and at it's base, mute testimony to his great strength and skill. But even so, his Lady could clearly see that he was beginning to flag; for every demon he killed, another simply took his place.

She didn't hesitate, but sprang forward, questing out with her abilites even as she ran up to his side. There ahead, a gaping and oily black blotch wavered against a stone wall; even as she looked another demon poked his leering face out from it and took a look about himself.

She flared, raised the Claw of S'slan, and quite literally blasted him not merely from the face of existence, but of myriad dimensionalities as well. Then after quite easily closing the portal into the darker realms, she gained her husband's side, and there boldly stepped forth with him to do battle.

Willing to fight alongside him... or die in the doing. And that was something only their immediate destinies would tell.

Erik Kartan

posted 10-22-2002 10:51 AM    
In hyperspace...

Erik Kartan had just assured himself that the Relentless was safely in hyperspace and fully running when he suddenly sensed something that was all-too-unpleasant and at the same time so very disturbingly familiar. He'd sensed alot along the link he shared with Shayla, and he'd thought he'd sensed a sort of resignation on her part which indicated to him that she might have been told to leave.

But now...

He whirled to the others in the cabin, wondering if anyone else could sense this. He eyed Loban in particular, then proceeded with.

"We've gotta revert to realspace. Shayla is gone...

...from the Force..."

With that he turned back to the navboard, quickly keying things in til the viewport began to fade from starlines into stars, all the while wondering just what had happened now.

[ 10-22-2002 10:56 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Erik Kartan ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-22-2002 11:09 AM    
Shayla cursed herself for having taken too long to calculate the jump into hyperspace towards her fleet as she stood in this rather massive command bridge. Then whomever it was that was leading her about suddenly just left her there, not bothering to give her any instructions, unconcerned as to what she might do.

And what WAS she supposed to do?

Being one with a background in information smuggling, Shayla did one of the first things an info smuggler would do. She assessed her surroundings, and gathered information. The bridge seemed orderly, yet everyone was busy at work, few or none even paying her the slightest bit of attention. But there was something familiar about this place...

Then it clicked. Shayla wasn't stupid; she'd been tractored into not a ship, but rather into a moon, of all things.

Now who have you ever encountered that travels around in a ship that has the ability to appear as a moon? And...

She reached out, sensing and questing with her Force abilities, again despairing over the fact that she couldn't do the same with the All. block the Force?

The answer was obvious.

Master Tyberius.

Having only seen the man vaguely the one time she had been taken here by Loban, Shayla looked around carefully til at length she found someone who looked to be in control. She matched what was in her memory with what she was seeing, and easily realized that this guy had to be Tyberius. So, gathering all her wits about her, Shayla simply strode up to the man, ready for anything, and directed a cool and completely unreadable gaze in his direction, all her mental blocks fully up so that her mind could not simply be ravaged through for information.

"What do you want from me?" she asked quietly, waiting to see what he might reply.


posted 10-22-2002 06:17 PM    
Tyberius placed his data pad down, and simply smiled at Shayla...

"Very good, you remember me... the force runs through you, well, young... Jeddia..."

He paused, then rose to his feet,"I am in need of force users, but that isn't important at the moment... you are a game piece to be played for the time being..."

He walked away from her now, his back facing her, as he gazed out into the rapidly moving star field...

"Now, tell me... can you communicate through the shield on K'eel Doba? If it meant your very life..."

He then awaited her reply...

[ 10-22-2002 06:33 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by MasterTyberius ]


posted 10-22-2002 08:16 PM    
Recinis felt her pressence more then he truly saw it, and that little reminder was all it took to reignight all the fire within his soul once more... She was willing to die by his side... But he was not willing to give her the chance... if it meant saving her, he would defy all odds and fight for an eternity... That was the love he had, and that love spurred him on in unending fury.

His blade lashed out, burning brightly, but that glow was nothing compared to the fiery eyes the sith held within his skull... Those twin orbs of burning emerald were a clear indicator of his burning passion...

If aelvedaar wanted to give up, so be it... Recinis was comming to a place his teachers had long ago wanted him to reach,and now the reasons why were becoming apparant... Only now did true knowledge hit the warrior full force. The greater good is not all that matters, as i once believed... it is all there is, all that can ever exist. There is no action that does not come full circle in the end to act in the good of the universe... it can not be chosen to act in the greater good, as Aelvedaar had chosen to do as first to gain knowledge of the All... For every action, good or evil, was in that direction naturaly... I was made to come as a protector of this woman, my life virtualy stripped away from me... Loban fell for a moment to evil, causing me injury... In resault my heart burned bright... And in resault, a new child has been brought to life, a child which might take up the cause the prievius child intended for the cause had denied.... And now aelvedaar would give up hope? what greater signs could exist that his dreams were true... But then, this too will come full circle, the universe will be saved... The sith will return, i can feel it. Though it truly is a shame that my brother has let the power he holds blind him of the truth... It is funny that the very gift he sought to use to bring the sith back, has in a way, forsaken his view of the universe... But Jharmeen yet shines bright, together, We will be victories. Foolish dreams? no, They are reality, they are the future. I know it to be so, nothing would stop us, hardships will make us stronger, and pain will bring us closer to healing.

i onced feared failing, but now i know the truth...

"I CAN NOT FAIL!" He screamed suddenly, his sword slashign through yet another black beast, as they rushed into the space port, entering the sith warship, and quickly blasted off into space.

Recinis fingers were a blur as they entered hyperspace... For this was not the only sith city... And though spacetravel was very limited in his time, he would never forget the location of his home... He just hoped it was not in ruins...

[ 10-22-2002 08:24 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Recinis ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-22-2002 08:43 PM    

Shayla pursed her lips a bit and managed to somehow remain completely unreadable, though the one term sent a surge of anger flowing through her. She strengthened her mental shields even further.

She would never, EVER be a Jedi...

"What I can do and what I will do are two different things, first and foremost," she began. "I will not be used as a game piece, and certainly will not be used by you. You might as well go ahead and release me...

...or go ahead and kill me."

Shayla folded her arms against her chest, her stance firm as she quieted and simply waited.

[ 10-22-2002 08:44 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]

The Elresar

posted 10-22-2002 08:50 PM    

Perched against a wall i sit... Waiting i am for all that I am needed for... Many things there are, that i sense, Many things which disturb a sleep of steel... I am... Here i lay... And no longer dorment... They would attempt it, but they shall fail, i allow them not... For they are not the one i choose... And they are no longer in existance... For i am... I have... They are no more by my actions.

again protected... Alone i am... No more am i intruded upon... I sleep again... Awaiting... I await. The one that will... Wielded will i be... I can not... All others will fail.

[ 10-22-2002 08:50 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Elresar ]


posted 10-22-2002 08:51 PM    
((OOC: Please follow graysith and recinis into Dwelling where others once forgot in "CSWU" forum, thank you))

[ 10-31-2002 12:07 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 10-22-2002 09:17 PM    
Tyberius, with his back still facing Shayla, couldn't help but smile as he sensed her attempt to hide her emotions...

My attempt to threaten her life has not worked... Tyberius thought, as he still stared out into the star field... however, he knew he couldn't carry through with that threat...

He now spoke,"You are in no place to give me options... no matter... I believe you do not have the means to communicate through the shield... so, you will become our... guest..."

He then turned to face her,"until I find use for you..."

He then smiled, and awaited her response...

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-22-2002 09:38 PM    
Shayla didn't return the smile.

"I will not be used," she repeated firmly, her temper flaring even more.

Used? Used?!

She whirled, her astute pilot's eye easily finding the controls to the tractor beam holding her ship here. She reached out a hand, fingers extended, and let her anger lose.

A bolt of Force-lightning hit the board, sending a few workers scurrying. Then she turned back to Tyberius, her arm still extended. "Release me, now."


posted 10-22-2002 09:54 PM    
A quick motion of his right hand, Tyberius and Shayla were cut off from the rest of the bridge by a heavy blast shield...

"You do not understand, you have no control on the situation... and, I wouldn't try that darkside trick again..."

Tyberius then pressed a comm system on a wall adjacent to the viewing window...

"Take us back to the exact point we brought the ship in, and make sure we blend with our surroundings..."

He then turned to face Shayla,"I do not need your help, to use you..."

He then awaited to see what she might do next...

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-22-2002 10:02 PM    
Shayla's outer countenance didn't show a speck of anything. But even so, a little inner portion of her was beginning to roil.

What did this guy WANT? And who did they think she was, for gods sakes?

She was once again nothing more than Shayla Stargazer Petrolu, an information smuggler with Force abilities and a knack for piloting.

"No control over the situation?" Shayla asked quietly. "Never say never, Sir."

Then she waited to see just what he was intending to do.

[ 10-22-2002 10:13 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


posted 10-22-2002 10:05 PM    
Lo-Ban gave thought to what Erik had said...

"I sensed her for a brief while... she must have left K'eel Doba, because I couldn't sense her through the shield... perhaps she then was brought back under the shield?"

He quieted at that, and waited to hear from the others... not too sure if that was the case, for some reason he had a bad feeling about this...


posted 10-22-2002 10:10 PM    
"Very much to the contrary..."

He then gave her a huge smile, his white facial hair gleaming...

"by all means, try..."

The blast shield was now gone, just asking for Shayla to try something...


posted 10-23-2002 12:47 AM    
Lo-Ban turned to Shawn...

"We must head back... we shouldn't have left Shayla... she's in danger..."

Lo-Ban waited, but he wouldn't wait long before he took action himself...


posted 10-23-2002 12:55 AM    
The Endeavor came back into real space on the outskirts of the K'eel Doban system, and took cloak into a small moon...

Quickly back at the exact point they brought Shayla's ship in... there they waited, above the K'eel Doban atmosphere...

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-23-2002 03:30 PM    
This guy was infuriating.

Shayla just stood there for a long moment and stared at him, quite suddenly not sure enough of herself to do anything. Everything had happened so quickly that her mind was starting to freeze up, and she was starting to feel so very alone.

Back to ground zero, aren't you Shayla? Back to the days when you were just a nobody with no true potential for anything.

Just an information smuggler.

Not knowing what else to do, she sent a thought along a pathway that she wasn't sure even existed anymore.


Whether her Sister and Teacher would hear her or not, Shayla really didn't know.

[ 10-23-2002 03:56 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]

Shawn Petrolu

posted 10-23-2002 03:40 PM    
Shawn nodded, agreeing with Loban. "Yes, I think she is, though I still can't sense her."

He paused at that, frowning, noting a similar reflection in the looks of the others in the cabin of the Relentless. He considered just what might be going wrong here, but honestly Shawn hadn't a clue.

So what should they do when they returned only to find no Shayla?

He let the thought hang in his mind as Erik continued to work at the controls, bringing the ship back to that point where Shayla had most certainly dropped from the threads of the galaxy.


posted 10-23-2002 05:27 PM    
"Excellent, it would seem your friends have arrived..."

He walked past Shayla,"Now, to make you useful... tell me... where might I find Galen Jhin'Dar Danner..."

He paused, then turned to face Shayla,"you didn't think I was after you, when I sent that eager boy to rescue you..."

His head flew back, as he began to laugh...

"I am terribly sorry... you have been a game piece all along..."

His laughing came to a stop,"now, tell me, or watch your friends die..."

Tyberius turned from her, and gave the order to power weapons... now blaster shields protected the stations from the rest of the bridge, just in case Shayla had any bright ideas...

[ 10-23-2002 06:35 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by MasterTyberius ]


posted 10-23-2002 08:55 PM    
((Continues from "a shadow in space"))

He stood within the docking bay of Armageddon, over looking the preperations that had been going about for some time. The computer systems of several fighters were being tweaked for optimal speed an manuvarability, at the expense of the greater extent of firepower.

He nodded then, raising a hand in silent command to symbolize the time to begin had come.

he entered storm blade silently, they were off to another mystery planet...

The men he had sent out as scouts to the strange region of space which "did not exist" had finaly returned, what little of them had not been sacrificed to poor aim, and touching the strange field which could destroy anything, a wonderful defice at that...

And with there return, alcron had ordered a detailed scan of this sector, wanting to know if any other plenets existed... Two others had been found, and they were off to explore one of them now...

The squadren exited into space with amazing speed, showcasing there great agility in a spectacular show of ever changing patterns...

Soon they had found there way to the planet, and found that a moon, which had not been there before by any acounts, was sitting dead in space, while another ship approuched it... A yatch at that...

Wanted to explore that moon... Something was out of place with it... He couldnt feel its pressence, that greatly disturbed him...

"Go down and scan the surfice of the planet, destroy all resistance, but remain peaceful if at all possible... no innocent blood can be spilled."

With that he directed himself to the moon, his mind searchign outward, as it to penetrate the surfice... To no avail, all he knew is that, as far as the universes flow was concerned, that moon did not exist...

A growl escaped from beneath his dark hood, and a gauntleted hand reached forth, activating a detection becon, which flew forth, slammed against the moon, and returned... revealing that it was a ship, and no planet... Disgracefull! to immitate a living thing!

he opened his comm, hoping the ship would here his message. "you are a disgrace to this universe, i demand a meeting now, open yourself, or my forces shall be summoned, this blight to shall be purged!"

With that his ship zoomed onward towards the "moon" a fierce visage showing beneath the cowl of his hood... Disgraceful...

[ 10-23-2002 08:58 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Lord_Alcron ]


posted 10-23-2002 09:16 PM    
"How very odd... a probe..."

He then approached the commander's chair,"battle stations..." he said, almost an afterthought...

With that, general quarters was alarmed...

"Pilots, man your fighters..." blasted over the central comm system...

"Cloak us amongst the stars... 30 degrees to port, half thrusters... let us see if they can find space itself..." said Tyberius...

With that, the Endeavor was now amongst the star field... not even an energy signature could be found...


posted 10-23-2002 09:27 PM    
Alcron merly shook his hooded head...

his comm was again opened, and he spoke "i demand a meeting... You can not hide in the stars, foolish one, for the stars are all living... Your very cloak is what tells me of your pressence... Now, Enough of this, i wish to speak, or i shall summon my forces... I dont wish to revert to violence, but such things can not always be avoided.... Make your discision now."

As he spoke his gauntleted hand worked accross a keypad, signaling that one of the larger, warbringer class, ships would be needed... The ships were on there way, cloaked and ready...


posted 10-23-2002 09:51 PM    
"Feed him static..."

Tyberius took a seat,"de-cloak... target ion disruptors, and particle cannons... shield the outer plating... ready the fighter squadrons..." he said, as he tinkered with his armrest control pad...

"If he wants a fight... he shall get one... we will wait for him to make the first move, however..."

The Endeavor has seen many times like this, and it was ready for more...


posted 10-23-2002 09:59 PM    
Alcrons hood again shook... Could this man not grasp the concept of meeting? he was looking to spread death and destruction as of yet... His soul purpose did not revolve around such things...

He was not ready of yet to allow the other half of his personality take hold... He would not fall to destruction so easily...

his mind quested out again, to find that without the cloak, he could easily go through the ships exterior... He went in slowly, seeking his target, untill he found the one which radiated the air of command...
"you will meet with me... You really do not have a choice, you do not grasp this yet, but i am no enemy... And should i become one, you will indeed regret it... Can you not see the truth of this situation? must i force upon you the fate bestowed to so many in the past?"

he simply remained in that place, awaiting to see what would happen next... though deep within the darker half of his personality was begging for release, though he kept it at bay with great focus...

Erik Kartan

posted 10-23-2002 10:00 PM    
Erik just popped into the Khar Delban system and immediately went to scan anything and everything in the area. He fiddled with the controls a bit, frowned, then fiddled just a little bit more.

"There's appears to be a rather large ship in the area," He commented.

Something about this was very, VERY wrong...

He scanned a little more in depth. "Seems to be a spherical sort of ship and..." He paused, his frown deepening. " can't be sensed through the Force..."

Turning to Shawn and Loban, Erik waited to see if anyone would conclude what he was already thinking.


posted 10-23-2002 10:06 PM    
"Make up your mind, Ms. Petrolu... either you tell me where Galen Danner is... or your friends die... you have 30 seconds..."

He waited for her reply, completely ignoring the approaching armada...

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-23-2002 10:10 PM    
Shayla started to flare, then suddenly firmed.

Tyberius was just LOVING the fact that he was getting under her skin. She didn't have to sense it, she could tell just by his actions.

Shayla's look hardened. "If you are so all-powerful, why don't you tell me where she is?"


posted 10-23-2002 10:10 PM    
Lo-Ban probably already knew what had happened, before Erik told them of the situation...

"It's Master Tyberius, yet again... any ideas, master?"

He then quieted, and waited his reply...

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-23-2002 10:17 PM    
Shawn pursed his lips, his look remarkably unreadable despite the situation. "Well, the ship can't be sensed through the Force, so that blows anything Jedi-related we can do to help Shayla out. Loban, you're the expert when it comes to Tyberius. Tell me, what do you know of his ship? Perhaps then we can come up with something to help Shayla out..."


posted 10-23-2002 10:17 PM    
"Wrong answer..." Tyberius said with a smile...

"Take us out of this system, the direction that ship full of Jedi came in... ramming speed... once we pass through them, take us to lightspeed..."

He waited to see what Shayla might have to say now...

[ 10-23-2002 10:18 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by MasterTyberius ]


posted 10-23-2002 10:18 PM    
his hood shook a third time... This was not to be allowed... Could anyone be so blind? he had tried to stay his hand... But this... Tyberius, had ignored him...
"very well, then your fate is sealed"

As the thought came forth, a red flash came from beneath his hood, his darker half taking control of his actions.

His comm opened to the gigantic war bringer which he had summoned. "place the ship within a tractor beam... Upload a computation failure virious into his system, freeze his hatches, turn of his weapons... He will learn not to mock me again... I will have my meeting, with his cooperation or not..."

as his message ended a voice pipped up in reply "yes Lord Alcron!"

Which was followed soon after by a "virius uploded Sir... he will be aware of our actions in 40 seconds, the virius will take hold in 35.91232 seconds..."

"good, as soon as the virius takes affect, tractor the ship... And mean while, have the research teams rewarded for there hard work... And do have them begin on our next... Toy"

"yes Lord Alcron... It will be done"

he laughed slowly, activating his shields, the virius was a powerful one...nothign could protect against it, because before it struck, it learned all that there was to know about the system it was attacking... but do to its strength, the ship might fire off a few shots as the system ran out of control, untill it totaly froze, save the comm links of course.

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-23-2002 10:21 PM    
Shayla's eyes darkened, and she again folded her arms and pursed her lips. "You want the honest truth, since you obviously don't have a clue yourself?"

She paused at that, letting her words sink in. "I don't know where she is."

At that she quieted and waited for whatever Tyberius might fling at her next.


posted 10-23-2002 10:31 PM    
"Then, you are useless to me... be gone with you, although, you will not be given your ship..."

The man that had brought Shayla to the bridge, came in front of Tyberius...

"Give her a suit, and throw her out a tube as we enter hyperspace..."

With that, the Endeavor passed by the ship carrying the Jedi, and shot into hyperspace... dumping Shayla before entering hyperspace, and dropping a coded message into the K'eel Doban atmosphere...

The virus did not stick, as the ship was protected from the force, and any other man made form of trickery...

[ 10-23-2002 11:36 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by MasterTyberius ]


posted 10-23-2002 10:40 PM    
Alcron was indeed a skilled pilot, though not as good as some in the galexy, and faster then a jedi can snatch a coin from an open palm, he had swooped in to pick up the dropped lifeform, now docking upon his large, uncloaked warbringer... She was stunned by the shock of being thrown out, but he quickly reached to her with his abilities, and forced her conciousness.


posted 10-23-2002 10:47 PM    

"I can sense her... she---"

He quickly realized that she wasn't where he had sensed her a moment ago...

"She's now in a ship, but not Tyberius'... I suggest we do something about this, before something bad happens..."

He quieted, and waited to hear from the others...

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-23-2002 10:49 PM    
Shayla jerked into consciousness from an all-too-comforting void of nothingness, her senses on such an alert that she didn't have time to analyze the fact that she was laying on a bed. She sat straight up, her eyes wide, taking in every detail. And the one detail that interested her the most was a rather tall, dark, and imposing figure that was simply sitting there...


She gathered her wits about herself, her look once more totally unreadable as she measured the man she now saw before her, unsure of what to think of him.

And after all, appearances could be decieving.

"Who are you, and where am I?" she asked quietly.


posted 10-23-2002 10:57 PM    
Alcron looked at her for a moment, a bright flash of white appearing from beneath his hood, when it cleared his lips were splayed into a sincer smile. "you are within the Armageddon...Ah... Shayla is it?" he spoke, his voice strong and demanding, as always, and at the same time his mind was reching into hers, to find what he could...

He put a few thigns together, before pressing a commlink upon the wall, "Please extend welcom to Miss Petrolu's friends... And do make it known that ONE, they will not be harmed, and TWO, they do not have a choice..."

He then turned his attention back to Shayla.
"You have been through much child... Your past is filled with adventure i can see... So i assume with this that what the dark jedi have done, is no more? the sith have begun to return, have they? very good..." he remained thus thinking, clearly not expecting an answer from the woman.

"Indeed, you need not worry, you are safe here, i have no intention of keeping you here for an extended period of time... but i am in need of knowledge, knowledge which you have provided me with...And i truly do thank you... Please, come with me..."

With that something seemed to wrap about shayla, and lift her into the air, setting her gently upon the ground. Alcron then extended a gauntleted hand to her, his smile still truly sincer.

Shawn Petrolu

posted 10-23-2002 10:57 PM    
Shawn considered this change in events a moment, weighing the options as carefully as he could. He had to agree with his Padawan here, something just didn't seem right about this. And he sensed a good amount of trepedation from his sister; by all indications she did not want to be wherever she was, if she even knew where she was at all.

He glanced down at young Thea, then to Erik, who was still manning the controls.

"Do you know if there were any smaller fighters on this thing?" Shawn asked.

Erik bit his lip. "There's one new republic fighter back there, fully serviced."

Shawn nodded at that then made the call. "Erik, go to the sense that is Shayla. When we get close enough to it..."

He paused, not sure if Erik would like this or not. But he did have a Padawan to train now, and this was certainly a situation that would help in training. "Loban and I will go after her."

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-23-2002 11:08 PM    
Shayla couldn't help but but be drawn to this person. She didn't know what it was...

...maybe it was the fact that he'd come to her aid when she'd needed it; maybe it was something else entirely. But for some reason, her senses were telling her that, for the moment at least, she could trust.

Extending her hand to take his and directing an only somewhat shakey smile in his direction, Shayla waited to see where this man would take her.

Then, as reality dawned on her that her defenses hadn't kept her past this one's scrutiny, she froze. "Who are you?"


posted 10-23-2002 11:22 PM    
His smile grew into a funny sort of smirk as the question reached his ears... and as he spoke, his hand brought perched itself to hold her arm, as someone might hold there charges hand, pointed forward, they walked out, as if they were a couple in some grand ball.
"I am known as Lord Alcron, though my true name is Zack Gellion...You may refer to me as Alcron if you wish... For my old identity has been tossed to the wind's of time, i am something a bit... different now."

Quickly they reached another room, it was a grand cafateria of sorts, but it was marvelusly designed, made from a strange pollished wood.

He reached out, to take up a glass of wine from a table, and handed it to her off handedly, not bothering to ask if she was thirsty or not... Then again the lead her on there way.

"I Adhere to a plan that has been laid before me by the univers... It is a special design, in which all things have a place... The sith, long ago destroyed, must return... all resistance must be turned to peace... And My empire must grow, and rule. I have plans my dear... I have plans... he then stopped, turning to her.
"i am a dark jedi... I sense deep within you a small dislike for even those of the lighter breed, so i feel it fair to inform you, i am not a blindsighted fool as you seem to think many of those beings are... I follow a higher cause then the force, though, you have once tread a similer path as mine... You were, sent away... Interesting..." turning again he lead her onward turnign down many twists and turns and many pathway's which could not truly be mapped, except by the strange mind of Alcron himself.

a voice then broke over the comm. "Lord Alcron sir... We have taken them in... There were three men, and a little girl... All of which gifted with force abilities..."

"Very good... Have them sent to the grand meeting chamber..."

"yes lord alcron"

with that he turned down another hallway, and stoped before a door, which flew open before his silent command, and he strode in, guiding Shayla to a seat around a large table.

"I feel you have no place to go... If you wish you may remain here untill you find a place in which to travel to..."

he then turned quiet, awaiting the entrance of the other guests...

[ 10-23-2002 11:23 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Lord_Alcron ]

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-23-2002 11:50 PM    
As the shock of being suddenly grabbed from what could have ended up as an ugly fate began to wear off, every mental defense Shayla had suddenly slammed into fully locked and loaded postion as the words finally registered in her mind... well as of what she had just allowed to happen.

The Sith...what did this guy know of the Sith? And his plan? HIS Empire?!

Shayla's look didn't change much, but she was suddenly on very high alert. "Thank you for the offer," she started, "But I'd best be on my way.

"Only after, of course, you tell me exactly what it is you want from me."


posted 10-23-2002 11:58 PM    
Alcron actualy laughed at her for a moment before speaking "What do i want from you? nothing. Nothing at all... And as for what i know of the sith, child, i know everything i could find within your mind..."

As he spoke, a though crept out to alert one of his captins."i change of plans, have the others sent into a confinement area... And prepare a ship for our guest... Make sure it holds a strong tracking becon, i do not trust this one, not a bit... I want to know where she is, at all times."

"yes my dear, you are free to leave, go right ahead... a ship will be waiting for you..." with that an officer appeared through a door. "if you will come with me, I will direct you to hanger bay H7... A small fighter will be ready for you on arival"

With that Alcron exited through another door, a dark red flash escaping from beneath his hood as his darker half took control once more... He would have fun with her friends... He would indeed have fun...

Shayla Stargazer Petrolu

posted 10-24-2002 12:35 AM    
This was too easy. But then, the guy was giving her an out, she might as well take it while she could...

...and use it.

But right about then she sensed the very familiar presences of about four people including Erik, Shawn, Loban, and Thea. And likewise she sensed dark intent, maybe not directed specifically towards them, but dark intent of any nature was enough. She reached out for that calm sense that was her brother.

I can get out. Now you must get out.

With that, she simply followed the officer to the ship that awaited her and began preparation for departure, speeding away into the depths of hyperspace after perusing the controls of her new little ship only a few minutes...

(((OCC: Follow Shayla Stargazer Petrolu to her destination, to be revealed shortly. Thank you!)))

[ 10-24-2002 12:54 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]

Shawn Petrolu

posted 10-24-2002 12:50 AM    
Shawn heard Shayla's words through the force even as they were following some gaurds to an unknown destination. Shawn couldn't help but not like this. He nodded once to himself, sensing even as Shayla departed.

He tapped the leading gaurd on the shoulder. Weak minds were easy to sense, after all. The gaurd turned to him.

He waved a hand. "You don't need to continue leading us." he said quietly and somewhat mystically.

The guard turned and poked his blaster out towards Shawn's chest, looking at him in puzzlement for a moment as he tilted his head a bit and his fellow officers stood at attention. "I...I don't need to continue leading you."

Shawn's look was utter calm. "You can take us back to our ship now."

The gaurd was going for it. "I will take you back to your ship now."

At that the guard simply turned and began to lead Shawn and the others back where they had come from when the rest of his squad finally perked up to the problem at hand.

Shawn didn't give them a chance to think anymore about it. They were surrounded by about six guards, and it was really no trouble for him to flip out his lightsaber and begin deflecting shots even as they continued to head back towards their ship that they had vacated only moments before. In the background, Loban hurriedly carried Thea back to the ship, and Erik ignited his own lightsaber, also deflecting shots although his reaction time was much slower. One got him on the arm, but he kept going.

Now they were literally running. Shawn didn't know who this dark guy was that had so suddenly taken an interest in them, but one thing was for sure, they'd had to many of them for one day.

He'd barely cleared the ramp of the Relentless when Erik floored it and they blasted away from the ship which they had been taken to. He rolled and jinked a little bit, and Shawn rolled to the floor, slamming up against a bulkhead as something finally managed to stop him.

About that time, the Relentless hit hyperspace, destination unknown.

(((OCC: Follow Shawn Petrolu, Erik Kartan, Loban Kenobi, and Thea Morgan to To Follow the Path of a Jedi in the Complete Star Wars Universe. Thank you!)))

[ 10-24-2002 11:23 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Mara1Jade ]


posted 10-24-2002 02:06 AM    
The shuttle came out of hyperspace on the outskirts of the K'eel Doban system... as Carina quickly picked up on the coded message beacon orbiting K'eel Doba, she punched in the code given to her via the message she received on Coruscant...

The message sent to her on Coruscant was made by Master Tyberius' contact on that world...

Cartina read this message, and found it troubling...

Why was I sent out here to be told to look for someone elsewhere??

The contract was to find Galen Jhin'Dar Danner and bring her back, alive, to this exact spot where the beacon had been left in K'eel Doban orbit...

She hadn't heard of her, but she has heard of a Terrin Danner...

He owns Eagle Enterprises... it's worth a shot... but, this is a delicate mission... best go incognito...

Cartina had just bought some information on Eagle Enterprise's comm frequency... Time to use it, as it did cost her a pretty penny...

With that, she set her long distance comm frequency to that of Eagle Enterprises:

"I wish to trade in a Lambda class Shuttle, fairly good shape... for something with a little more fire power, can we do business?"

[ 10-24-2002 04:32 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Cartina ]


posted 10-24-2002 04:41 PM    
((OOC: Please follow Cartina into 'Return to Ground Zero' in the Complete Star Wars Universe forum, thank you...))