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posted 09-14-2002 01:34 AM    
The being's black laid nicely over his eyes as a smoothly silk fit wrapping curled along his cranuim, as well as the white vanilla silk drenched over his body in the form of a cloak. This youthful creature was known only as Lumbia Whitefeild, born to Urika. Lumbia's light colored finger formed into an oval, and curled along the cockpit control panel stick. Tightening his grip along it, he secured himself in his seat as he prepared to exit the bashing and blending of stars within the realm of hyperspace. A weird discoloration went shifting off the exterior, blinding with the realm of hyperspace as he came to an abrupt end. Wraping outward, it laid motionless far from the blockade. The sense of attacking without finding out a soul weakness in its blockade would be ludacris, so the Unoffical (Fake) Jedi Knight laid motionless in his seat, pondering to himself. Even though the concept was of course apparant that he believed he was a Jedi Knight, but his confidence wavered, and faded like the sun in the sky. It only lasted for a certain amount of time, and the clock clearly screeched that the time wasn't then.

Running his fingers along his forehead, and slowly into his hair, and attractive stare pierced through the window, as he tilted his head to the side. As he awaited the results of the strain of his brain, he glared toward the terrain before him. The blockade of black ships, and the surface of all green. A land that he surley would like to land upon safely, but it seemed like it'd take a long time period for his throughts to straightened like a bullet line.

"When Im prepared I'll rip piece from piece."


posted 09-14-2002 06:20 PM    
Stroiketcy, the captured asteroid of the Yavin System filled with the magnificant deep waters that nearly cover the whole surface weilded a Former Dark Jedi, known as Lumbia Whitefeild. His ship was set nicely along the little amount of surface, as fog swarmed over the area. He began contiplating idea's that seemed to only direct itself to his subconscious, and not the conscious he was attempting to use for the mental plan.

Suddenly it translated, and he finally grasped it, his fingers tightened along the ship's cockpit control panel navigational rod, and moved his fingers along the panel. Adjusting the ship to heightened toward the heavens, he prepared for the mission.

Floating over the atomsphere of Stroiketcy, he stared at Yavin which seemed far within sight, but only second away from him. Heading quickly toward it, the Force was gathered slowly within his palms, summoning it from the neurons that ran quickly from his brain through his body.

"Darkness do not overcome me in my action. I must use you, but you may not come through me and become the percentange of my body as fluids. You must not!" He screamed loudly as the action came to be. His fingers motioned forward, and a red streak went tingling from his finger nails outward from the ship. Hitting against blockade ship's outer being, it drained the system down into immobile state.

Leaning back in his seat, he comfortably prepared for the next row of defensives. Rushing forward, his ship dashed back and forth as the blocking sheild began to unlock itself around him. As it was of an Imperail Background, the sheild was extremely strong, and with holded the few first shots. In the meantime of those numerous explosions and bounces off the energy generated sheild for the ship, Lumbia excereted a Force Push and throw, adjusting ships out the way, and on numerous occasions pushing them into another one to create a mass explosion, or astera.

Lumbia came to the for-front, banging harshly against the surface from the injuries after his sheild disintergrated from the pounding it holded. Rollling along the dirt of Yavin, he jumped quickly out of the ship, rolling along the surface into a small tree. Leaping upward as quick as possible he came to a soft landing within a branch, hiding behind the leaves. Looking down into the packages that were left in his ship, he motioned his hand and it flaoted slowly upward into his hand. Awaiting the entrance of his enemies, he leaned casually back.

As footsteps came creeping toward him, he leaped upward into the heavens, diving along the ground, his lightsaber blade ignited from the handle and he leaned behind a tree, awaiting the footsteps to slowly draw closer for his immeditate, quick attack. They were slow, and cautious, knowing that a situation was placed in this area meant a sneak up attack could happen.

And it did...

Rushing along the ground, the lightsaber sliced through the neck of the creature, observing the head fly off the body as well as the blood leak from the neck wound from the stealthful and stiff power of the attack. Trotting quickly along the ground, the ignited blade, fell quickly back into the handle.

Grabbing the man's clothing, he quickly changed as a distress call was clearly come to be. Putting clothing along the man, and hiding his lightsaber within his being. He grabbed his package, and also placed it on the man. Weilding the weapons of the man he had killed, he adventured toward the main area of surface blockade, where he could address the others of the situation, as the lie was perfectly set for him to innerly input viruses in their blockade so once again the power of the Jedi shined like the blade they weilded.

General Ahem

posted 09-14-2002 08:18 PM    
General Ahem, commander of the blockade and ground forces on Yavin, sat at the helm of the super star destroyer Sormontato. "General, a ship has just run the blockade!" a young lieutenant shouted.

The General shook his head and rolled his eyes. The blockade had been in place for quite a while now, he couldn't understand why anyone in their right mind would sare try and get onto the surface. Doing that only meant eventually you would have to come out, and you could be sure they were waiting for you. He sighed, "Notify central command on the surface, I want those aboard the ship captured."

Hours Later.

The same lieutenant who had notified General Ahem of the intruder notified him of his capture. "He's a force user, sir. It took some time, but they have him in a force cage. Would you like him transferred to the Sormontato? Or held on the surface?"

"I want him trasferred here, I want to speak to this idiot."


posted 09-14-2002 11:01 PM    
His legs were crossed neatly over the other as they carried him down the path to the General who had asked for his excort to him. Lumbia only smiled with delight, even though his capture seemed to be restless and maybe even honorable for how many troops he disarmed wasn't what the glee was put around. He had made it to the planet's area, and if they were even to give him the chance to leave he would immeditally return back no matter what planet they would place him upon. With the sudden knowledge and memory lockage of the path to this place, and how he could do it form his mistakes, he clearly found that this concept wasn't completely outragious.

Another thing he found to be amusing was that the troops would soon be heading toward Yavin even if he was to be held captive for a certain amount of time, or even he was to be killed. In some form or fashion they would still be conquered and all because of the simple actions that he had done.

"You loose" was all the words that came out of his mouth toward the guards as his eyes closed shut, as the door opened to the General's realm...


posted 09-18-2002 01:29 AM    
The door opened and sitting motionless within the cage, as the fist of the guards tightened along the opens, excorting him according to how they were trained. Heading quickly out the door, leaving General Ahem, an old wrinkled man-yet stern and physically fitted.

The General's eyes were pale, filled with the wisdom of the past wars, and fighting more then New Republic Jedi Knight. Lumbia's eyes slowly opened, exposing the two orbs that shined like moons in the night. Piercing outward like a dagger toward the adversary, his lips curved into a smirk.

Lumbia watched as the man came to a complete stand, and his fist tightened along the edge of his Imperail Armor Uniform, pulling it down and neatly setting it-his medals glistered in the shine of the light through a window.

"You expect me to be impressed, sir?" Lumbia said in a clear voice, with not even a sense of offensive or humorous in his voice. Lumbia's eyes didn't shiver with even a touch of hatred, only firm and respective of the elder.

Lingering backward, he nearly touch the poles, but understaing the shcoking pain that could stroke through his veins, he made sure he balanced himself. This was a simple excersise in itself, pain or balance.

Lumbia's lips curved, pressing his cheeks slightly into his once firm eyes. The eyes were slightly twinkled with joy, as he thought to himself of his continious practing of combat. He wondered aimlessly if this General also held the trait of always attempting to gain greater strenght in what he did.

"I'll ask you this as well, have you ever seen the face of a Dark Jedi, and a Jedi Knight at the same time.." Lumbia said, finally a sense of offending came in his voice. Ripping through the respective tone that once was profound in the earlier dailogue.

A smirk tore through his smile, and it was filled with michevious thoughts. Darkness had once again sparked in his mind, and maybe later cloud it with the full extent as previous.

General Ahem

posted 09-18-2002 09:46 PM    
The man in the cage seemed to be full of himself, or possibly on some crazy high. I don't know, all this Jedi nonsense, sometiems I wish we could just kill them all, they only complicate things.

"Tell me," I said, "have you ever seen a jedi rot in a force cage for eternity? Now I don't think I've given the impression I that I care who you are, or what you think you are. I think you should reconsider who asks the questions here."

I walked towards the cage, and circled it. Who did he think he was? Hell, all I had to do was slip him into the vaccuum of space and he's no longer a problem. But duty prevails, he didn't run a blockade just for the fun of running a blockade, there was a reason.

"So, keeping in mind that your life is in my hands, who do you swear allegience to?"


posted 09-18-2002 11:23 PM    
Lumbia gradually was infested with the Darkness of the Force and personality. It had taken it's minor defeat to the Light. As near fatal-full control over the reactions of Lumbia Whitefeild, the youthful Unoffical Jedi Knight tightened his fist within his cage, nearly coming to a stand, placing his face close toward the bars.

"You fool are the one who should be scared. If only a split second of my cage being opened came to be, you could be dead. I dont care about death-I greet it with laughter.

You old man talk of it as if it is a demon, but it is an angel! Fear me! FEAR ME!" Lumbia anrily stated, his ahnds visably changing color from tanned white to a dark red. His flesh was sharply cut by his nails as the sticky blood ran like a waterfall through his closed hands.

A confident, and mocking smirk came across his face, as he laughed at the Old Man and the previous declaration of the General.

General Ahem

posted 09-19-2002 04:10 PM    
General Ahem stood there, watching the man, unmoved by his outburst. He let out a long sigh, shaking his head. "Ya know," he started to circle the cage as he spoke, "I've been alive many years, studied many things. You're not as powerful as you claim to be. You've had no formal training in the force, you're not in the Praxeum's database, or any on Correlia. I also know that you should fear death, for once you die, you are no more. Dark Jedi don't survive the passage of Death, and few Jedi Knights do. Even the Emporer didn't survive, and he was much, much more powerful than you'll ever be."

The general became silent, with an expressionless face staring at the man.

"Now, I'll ask you one more time, and I cannot garuntee you're life will not be lost if you decide not to cooperate, who do you swear allegiance to?"


posted 09-19-2002 07:57 PM    
Lumbia huffed at the statement that was presented to him, even though it was slightly true, he knew not to fear death as their couldn't be a such thing as no more. Their was something after, your soul couldn't just pop from your flesh and into an orb of nothingness.

"I swear my alligence to the Republic, the force that will kill you all..dumb Imperails"


posted 10-07-2002 09:24 AM    
The wind could be heard whistling thorugh the area, as a pure silence commenced. It was sure that this General, or highly ranked soldier before him was rumbling with ideas, and consquences for the actions that Lumbia had taken. Lumbia Whitfeild, a man of many confident, and emotionally mixed words had beeen incarcerated in a "Force" cage of some such. His motions could very well be his last, as a touch of those bars could send a large shocking pain through his body, and leave him limp within the bows of the cage.

Lumbia finally broke the silence, and the brushing winds could no longer be heard humming to the humanoid-contained beings. The voice fo the young man was stern, as his emotions slowly but surley came to an enternal change. He had shifted back to a good of some sort.

"Im sorry, I didn't want to offend you. But you Imperails have put many people indanger, and killed many. For what, because of this weird monarchy, or goverment. I dont see any wise actions in this. I've been told this many times as a Dark Padawan, 'With Power, comes great Responsibility' and all you have used with this power is to kill. A moronic way of life dont you think-Demise of others, for power in which you are not responsibile of-moronic indeed."

Silence once again came to be, as the wind rushed through the airs and could be heard onceu again whistling and humming its great tone of melancholy.

General Ahem

posted 10-07-2002 10:44 PM    
The General was struck with a feeling that he very rarely felt. A feeling that compelled him to defend what he stood for as a being, and denoucne the words of the ignorant fool in fron of him.

"I'm afraid you've been misinformed, Dark Jedi," he said, mocking the man, "you know nothing of the Empire. The New Republic was something that had do be tried, the Emporer had become too overwhelmed with his power. But the New Republic has failed the people of this galaxy. The empire, on the other hand, has attacked no one without provocation, plundered no small planet for the benefit of the rich. All we want to is to reestablish order in the galaxy, as it was before the time of the New Republic.

"Ignorant Fool." He said as he turned to walk to another room.


posted 10-10-2002 12:17 AM    
Lumbia looked solemnly downward at the ground. He shook his head as the thoughts of all the many who had died in the previous wars of the Empire, and the Republic. All the cause of the Empire, and how it left many Ewoks to their death in the forest, as well as men who faught for freedom. Trying to stop a idiotic goverment which enabled no freedom what so ever.

"How can you say you have not strangled the freedom out of society. How can you say that, and we are under a monarchy! Are you crazy!" He nearly reached out thorugh the bars to grab him and choke him to a strangle, for the madness of self-belief in the words the Old General spoke.

General Ahem

posted 10-10-2002 11:18 PM    
General Ahem could not belive the words coming out of the caged man's mouth. Was he really that ignorant of the facts of the galaxy. Any credibility in what the man said had been quickly lost at this point, and the General decided to simply confront him on his ignorant comments, "If this were a monarch, we would have a king, who is our king? And if rights have been trampled on, tell me what rights. If any have died they died for a much, much greater cause: for the establishment of the Empire. You are a pathetic being, fighting a force you don't even understand, fighting for a cause with no meaning. Are you that blind that you fail to see the outcome of the various wars throughout the galaxy? The Empire is far too strong for any rebellious forces to beat it, the Empire will win, and you will be on the losing side, all because of your petty ignorance." He shook his head in disgust. Ought to just do away with the poor bastard, he thought.


posted 10-11-2002 11:05 PM    
Lumbia fingers could be visably seen bulging the veins to a pure green point. Holding it tightly into a fist his teeth chattered in a low tone, as he stared at the man with his piddy eyes.

"You are the ignorant one. You only believe in your words because you are it! No one confesses quickly, but I know! I know that for a fact, I didn't confess to the wrongness of the darkness for a long time. I couldn't see pass the dark blades that sliced through me. I just hope one day old man, before he pass that you realize the pain that you causs on many. The King is an Admiral. It aint no Democracy, no Republic-we can not vote, we have little freedom. Im suprise their isn't a class in this horrible Empire. When it perishes, I will be there to confront you about the issues you have thought to been right." Lumbia's fist slowly relaxed thorought the speech, as he turned his head away. Staring away from the being, and throwing two fingers up in a sign of "silence". He went into a state of meditation, where he focused only on situations within his brain, and the world was clearly blocked out.


posted 10-16-2002 10:57 AM    
Lumbia snarled as he awoken from his meditation staring over his shoulder toward the man. He opened his mouth, allowing the words to flow out between his two lips.

"You need me. I can help you. YOu scratch my back, I scratch yours. I have information that you dont have. So allow me to exit this cage, and you get information."


posted 11-15-2002 11:08 PM    
Lumbia had no response, the man only left the room, commanding his guards to import him into a new room, which he had stayed for an unknown amount of time to Lumbia's mind. He had been couped up in there forever, and he hadn't managed to find a form of departing through his Force abilities, or physical. He was trapped in a small void, where he might just rot to his death.

He drew his eyes toward the guard who was positioned at the frontier of his door like a statue, prepared for any altercation that could come, weilding his Blaster Rifle.

"Excuse me sir, could you alert General Ahem, I must speak to him.."


posted 12-02-2002 10:16 PM    
A week passed from the request, they seemed not to be intrested in my needs at all-thought it was clear why not. I had killed their troops months ago in a dire attempt at returning the Praxuem under the order of hte Republic Union. Rolling around within the cold cell, I took a glance around my premises. It had been some time since my thought had spreaded out from the subject of living another day. Though I did get food treatment normally, their wasn't the great healt factor implaced in it, and just the possibility of me dying another die diciplined me to understand that such idioticy of complaing about food-such a minor object, though instrumental to life- was not as easiy an object to find.

Running my hand along my hair, I felt that it had grown darker from the the sun not caring any heat upon it, and my skin had grown lighter. I became slightly more pale then previously, and my attitude toward things had became much more otpimistic, and less pestimistic in my era of the Dark Jedi.

I probably would have grown some sort of facial hair,b ut I was sure to cut it, keeping myself civilized to that point. Thought facail hair did show a sign of sage, I felt I still was a student of the force though I used it to a magnitutde that could be considered beyond such a strenght.

Another significant change in my stature was the inability to reach the foce. Even if I walked out that day and time I think my force powers would have been drained from the inability to interact with the Force. The words didn't even came out my mouth onceu through the time period of my placement within the cell, and it probably wouldn't until my release. I had found it such a use before, but now I relied more on my physical ability, attempting to stay tuned through my time within, still keeping the optimistical faith of one day walking out the prison of the garrison a free man.

Looking down into my palm, I noticed the small marks I have placed upon my palm from the food utensils that I have recieved every day in use for my masicating. I had marked every day that I had lived upon my hand, though painful it was a remembrence that I had lived in reality, and not a world of fatality, burdening me with pain. Today was finally a grand day, one not surronded by such paranoying pain of the inability to reach out my cell and even touch the man who had been guardin gmy door night-and-day, and the barrier had kept me from gaining the true respect, or even care of the man. He just say me as another 'rebel scum' with no cause to his actions, just an animilistic feind who choose that the day of my attack was the day I wanted to kill. A very self-caused absorbed mind-set, but many humans at once in their life time (including myself) had felt that in one way or another. At the time I still challenged my thoughts of the rebel cause just to find more love in it. Going through agruments with myself, gambling my sides every day. I had immensly found great love in those time of silence in reality, but my mind playing the quarrel out in my brain as if I was before a court, stating my opinion to those of the Imperail life.

Their, I-Lumbia Whitfield laid in a cold cell, motionless with my mind scattering from subject to subject, though the general concept of my thoughts was life. The pestmistic boy had escaped me on that single day, the day of my birth. It had been 20 years since my first breath within the universe, and now I had to remember all those trails and tribulations that I had rushed, and ran through my lifetime. It was encouraging me to improve my life, though it was celled down by walls of the force cage, and further more by the holding of the cell walls.

"I wish I could blow out the candles..."

Those were my last words before I fell unconscious purpoesly-exactly as I did every day, falling asleep upon the cold surface with the little amount of warmth running past my being, cooling me to a curling state. I smiled in pleasurment as the dreams of freedom ran through my brain. I was once again happy as I escaped reality...


posted 02-16-2003 02:41 PM    
Man, I'm starting to get skinner & skinner, I really need some food..

The Empire

posted 02-16-2003 03:19 PM    
The young ensign whistled nervously as he proceeded through the detention center's corridors, twining and turning, branching off until he came to the section dreaded most by any rational being in the galaxy:

Level Deep: High Security Solitary.

He couldn't help the shudder as he nodded to the men standing watch over this section's control center. Even they held something of a type of madness in their eyes....

"J-just here on General Ahem's orders, guys," he stammered, holding out a data crystal. An Impy with particularly piercing gray eyes stared at him like a hawk stares at its prey, somehow from miles away yet intently focused, and snatched that crystal as quickly as that hawk would stoop and snatch its dinner. Without saying a word, he slammed the crystal into the transcoder, and read the orders which sprang up on his screen.

He grunted, yanked the crystal out, and handed it back to the ensign. Then he pushed a button on his console.

A door purposely allowed to grow creaky with age screeched open. The ensign shuddered, reading the wails of the damned in that horrible sound... and with a shaky nod of his head slunk through those doors into the security area. He flinched, waiting to hear them grind closed behind him....

They remained open. He let out a breath of air, and hastened on.

1578-B, 1578-D, 1578 F....

On and on he went until at last he came to a particular cell. He fumbled with another crystal; the cell door opened to reveal a stark-eyed young man curled in a nearly trancendential state within the shimmering veil of a force cage.

"Hey," said the ensign, showing some gumption now that he had someone over whom to display a bit of power. Now he waved a blaster in the general direction of the motionless captive.

"Wake up. Recess is over, buddy. You're outta here."

He fell silent, waiting to see if the strange person he had come to remove from the detention center would make things easy for him by waking and moving under his own power...

...or if he'd have to do things the hard way.


posted 02-16-2003 03:35 PM    
Lumbia glanced over his shoulder, his weakened body attempting to hold a stare in the darkness of the cell. Registering the words, he managed to pull himself to a slow stand. Glaring at the man without a sense of anger, but suprisingly with aura of lull and fearlessness.

"I think I can manage a walk." The youth said, his hands being placed behind his back. Clutching upon one another out of physical strain, he motioned forward out the cage which he had been held incarcerated for such a long time.

Glancing over to the man, he came to a motionless state, his mind wandering.

"What do I do now?"

The Empire

posted 02-16-2003 03:57 PM    
The ensign kept his blaster aimed carefully at his walking captive, even though he knew something dire would happen if he triggered it. Exactly what that would be was something of which he hadn't a clue; he hadn't had much experience in the ways of force weirdness and cages and such; hell, he hadn't had any experience until the word had come down the pike that he was to escort this particular captive, still in the confines of the force cage, to an unarmed TIE which waited for him in the bowels of the Sormontato. What happened from there, he hadn't a clue either.

But he sure as hell wasn't gonna let this guy know that.

"Just go forward, nice and easy, fellah," he ordered, twitching his blaster a fraction to show Lumbia which way he was to go. "And remember, I'm right here behind you with this blaster. No funny stuff. You do what I tell you, and I promise as an officer of the Empire...."

He paused a bit, his chest puffing out with pride.

"...that you'll be okay and set free. But try anything funny, and you're toast. General Ahem gave me the privilege of being the one to choose in the matter."

He motioned with the blaster again, directing his quasi-captive to head toward the control room, where he picked up two more guards to assist in this duty he had been assigned. Together the four of them then departed from the detention center altogether, and headed off through the immense SSD toward its hangar bay.

[ 02-16-2003 04:36 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


posted 02-16-2003 04:12 PM    
Lumbia glanced at the Imperial's face, a smile coming upon it. The feel of strain seemed to sweat off as he stared at the man with his genorous facial expression. Rotating his body, he quickly headed out the door, glancing about to see where he would go next.

Glancing back at the blaster and it's gesture, he followed it, heading through the corridor. In the mid of the amble, he began to talk his voice dry like Tattonie surface.

"Do you know where I'll be escorted after I'm aboard the transportation?" Lumbia said, knowing that their would be very little chance of him being taken into custody again--they didn't want him on their hands anymore.

Maybe I'll find the Major after I get out of here. He thought as he awaited a reply, still strolling along the long halls, nearing their destination every moment.

General Ahem

posted 02-16-2003 04:59 PM    
The General lounged in his ready room, watching on his private screens the progression the ensign made with his captive, spycams placed at regular intervals throughout the entirety of Sormontato bringing not only images to his eyes but words to his ears. He was pleased with how the ensign had performed the first really automotous duty given to him, noted with a nod how he had picked up the two guards as further safeguarding that duty would be carried out. Ahem made a note to himself to place a small commendation in the ensign's records, then as the foursome came out of the final corridor and into the huge hangar bay he flipped a switch and answered his former prisoner himself.

His voice echoed around their heads seeming from nowhere, booming about them like the voice of a god.

"You shall be free to go where you will," he announced pleasantly, all trace of former enmity carefully hidden from his tone of voice. "You shall be placed in the TIE, which has been cleansed of any armament, I'm afraid, but instead given extra fuel, a spare set of hydrogen panels, and extra food, water, and oxygen. We are now in Yavin space; as soon as the TIE leaves this system, your force cage shall be dissolved via remote trigger, and you shall be free to take the controls of the TIE as your own.

"It is best you do not return to Yavin IV, nor make any attempt at seeking to breach the blockades we have placed at Coruscant or any other of the Core Worlds."

He paused a moment, then continued magnanimously.

"Beyond these simple restrictions, you are free to go anywhere in the Galaxy your food and water, oxygen and fuel, will carry you."

He then sat back and watched as the ensign and two guards escorted Lumbia into the designated TIE. Warning sirens began to wail, indicating the hanger bay was about to be breached in preparation for departure; the various and sundry technicians and grunts ran like mice to hide in their specialized cells until gravity and atmospheric pressure returned, allowing them to return to their duties.

The little TIE was expunged from the belly of Sormontato like a bursting pustule, and immediately sent vectoring off to the very edges of the system to which the gas giant Yavin belonged. Once there, Ahem smiled a bit darkly, and pressed a particular crystal into the console before him.

Out in the edges of nowhere, a force cage sparkled away in self-destruction. The automatic pilot promptly died, and any navigational coordinates for any of the Empire's blockaded worlds were promptly deleted from its memory banks.

Floating like a particularly misplaced asteroid, the little TIE waited for its next direction.

Ahem smiled again, closed the link, and went on about his business. There were other matters far more pressing than the mere release of one prisoner the Empire deemed too useless to keep alive, as well as too useless to waste the energy in killing.

Such as the sudden ruckus on Tatooine... which was where his fleet was suddenly being deployed.

((OOC: Follow Ahem into Shattered Green in the CSWU forums, thank you.))

[ 02-16-2003 05:06 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by General Ahem ]


posted 02-16-2003 05:11 PM    
((OOC: Follow Lumbia to Sullust in the thread of Thus Far The Miles Are Measured as he continues on a quest of life. A long road, searching for some food damnit, he's starting to get skinny, lol. See ya))

[ 02-16-2003 05:11 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by LumbiaSith ]