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posted 05-30-2002 12:29 AM    
*entaris sits in his chambers meditating, sending out a messege, enscribed within the folds of the force*

"i call to all those that serve darkness. Any who wish evil as there ally. I serve no one, But will follow one of you, whoever wishes to claim my power, show me your evil, the power must flow through you. I will Follow, and the power that comes with my following,shall give strength to any that care to wield it in the form of evil, and destruction. For now, and forever i am The dark priest."

*Entaris wakes from his trance and the bonds he sent out to those with the force breaks instantly*

Dark Lord Roan

posted 05-30-2002 01:22 AM    
Darkness ripples against the night. From within the very fabric of space and time, the stars themselves shriek in pain and fear as unnamed terror reaches out a clawed and indomitable hand, and... wrinkles it.

All that is, is... and comes together so that but one great rending tear is all that is required...

And a powerful form, tall, lithe, muscular, steps through the doorway through the All, sobbing Sith flames leaping along like hounds upon a quest. One step, another; his booted feet carry him to an abrupt halt before the one who calls himself Entaris. There he stands in his very chambers, inscrutable, the royal purple and black tattoos giving his features a more than charismatic appeal; his black robes and underrobes flowing and skirling about him like pools of tar encroaching upon black and noisome soil. His horns seem to tremble with the absolute power he commands, and by silent command now holds so easily in check.

His eyes flare brilliant turquoise as, quiet, he observes this new dark one, assessing him as well as the call he has put forth within the subtleties of the Force.

At length he speaks:

"Darkness you are, and that strength you wield, newcomer." His voice is like a raven's wing upon the night. "I have come to see who this is who offers himself in such a manner."

Again Dark Lord Roan falls silent, his head cocked lightly to one side. Then-

"An ally I do not need, yet only a fool would not consider the offer. I shall call upon you when the time comes; unless you deign now to leave this place and travel back to where my...other allies yet await.

"What say you now?"

He falls silent, placing his hands upon his strong hips, the motion pushing back his cloak to reveal his lack of weaponry... and by that lack the blatant announcement that no weaponry does he need. For the All is his to command; he needs no other.

He waits.


posted 05-30-2002 09:26 PM    
*The blood red pinprick eyes pear out from under entaris's dark hood. The rooms feeling seems to change as all present *Feel* him smile*

*Entaris stands from his meditation, and as he speaks the room once again has a change in feeling. His dark voice says in a deep, echoing tone. A sense of insanity fills is voice.*

"mmmmm...Yes, i sense the power you comand, A balance of many things lie in your grasp? yes...What did you call it? the all? yes..."
*his voice trails off into utter silence, as if considering something*
"I too comand more than the simple force...but not this....All... I comand darkness, evil.... but i will not go into now..."
*once again he alows his voice to trail off. Then apruptly his pinprick eyes flare a fiery red and he raises a fist slowly*
*a mass of darkness forms about his fist, and the already darkened room loses what little light it contained*
*a sigh escaps from under his dark hood*
"yes...Your allies, i believe you said? of course you did... hmm, i will follow you...yes, it would give me purpose...yes..."

*abruptly his voice became stronger, and the sense of insanity falls from his words.*
"if you wish me your ally i require two simple things....first, i wish to understand why it was that i have been created, for someone of your power, that should not be difficult to find, even if the scientist that did the job, are wiped from this earth..."

"Second... You must look me in the eyes, i must show you my mind, i do not trust anyone that can not withstand my can not be.
if you care to think about your offer i will follow you to where ever it is you long as there are shadows, i may follow..."

*entaris stops talking. Waiting for a reply. Clearly please by the strength of he who stands before him*

Dark Lord Roan

posted 05-30-2002 09:52 PM    
A sneer curls the Dark Lord's sensuous lips into a semblance of a smile, one whose appearance stops there and in no manner touches his eyes. Those flare out instead, darkness eclipsing them, blazing forth a silent communion with this strange dark priest that supercedes any sort of physical connection.

For a moment Roan stands silently appraising the hooded one, pinning the blood red pinpricks which stare back at him in equal silence. Then he speaks:

"Why were you created, priest? Why... to guide a flock, in a manner of speaking. I can provide you with that flock... if by your words you can grant me the assurety that my own powers will strengthen further with you at my side.

"And as for your mind...." Now the Dark Lord of the Sith straightens up, his arms crossing and laying quietly upon his broad chest, his robes still flung back almost as an afterthought.

"Why, it is your mind which drew me here. Now, my friend, let us depart."

With no further words spoken, confident in the affirmation of the silent and hooded being, the Dark Warrior Lord of the Sith reaches out a clawed hand, once again grasping up a handful of space and time, twisting it to reveal secrets hidden from the mind and eyes of men, and steps through with Entaris.

There is a bizarre sort of snap as the very fabric making up all that is rebounds into its former state of being. This time, however, the reality forming is absent two members, and that fabric somehow seems to let out a sigh of relief because of it.


posted 05-30-2002 11:10 PM    
*The dark hood dips slightly, a nod of approval*
*as he speaks the insanity returns to his voice*
"A flock you say? yes, yes, A flock... Power is it that you desire? of course...what other reason would you have of a being such as I? as things seem in these worlds, no power is to great as to refuse adding more to your stock?
*a rasping sound escaps the hooded figure, somehow resembling a laugh*
"i can give you a part of my madness, merging us in a way. both remain seperate, but you will gain some of my power, but in return, i would gain some of yours... If you wish not that mergin, i will at least help you in your cause, or better, make your cause my cause... This thing you call...All... Intrigues me..i would most enjoy it if you...explained to me the boundries it touches..."

*the rooms light dimms as The cloaked form dissapates into the shadows The only sign of his existance lies in the two red dots glowing from the darkness.*

"Show me the extent of what it is you own. I can sense that others such as yourself exist, show me...."

Dark Lord Roan

posted 05-31-2002 01:01 PM    
Roan paused in mid-step, reaching behind where he had already closed the doorway through the All, and simultaneously reaching forward to stop himself from continuing through to whence he had come. His nostrils flared in an almost affronted disgust as he turned his brilliant eyes on the hooded enigma beside him.

"No one puts conditions on me!" he hissed through his teeth, overly large canines bared ominously. "You either come with me... or you do not.

"There is no other choice in the matter."

Trembling with the rage he was holding back, he waited there between one reality and the next, letting silence spread out about him with the tacit command that Entaris respond -- and now.


posted 05-31-2002 02:10 PM    
*entaris nods slowly*

"do not missunderstand me, it is not a condition, i will help you whether you wish to fulful the merging offer or not, and when mergin you would not lose any power. power would be copied, but it is just one option available, i will help you in any way i may, no matter what your discision on that matter may be. i only suggest options..."
*entaris posses in his speach, thinking of something*
"it truly matters little to me either way, while the "all" as you call it intregues me, my own power has always been, and will continue to be, all that i shall ever need."

"but, if possible, i would still like to learn about the "all" if not from you, i will search it out myself..."

*pears directly into the dark lord eyes.*

"I want you to understand, im and more kindred to you then you may believe, and in that sense, i have no reason to limit you in anyway..."

Dark Lord Roan

posted 05-31-2002 03:19 PM    
The Dark Lord's turquoise eyes slitted, and he leaned forward, bringing his face within mere centimeters of the hooded being's own. His breath was hot with controlled passion and scarcely contained ire, for Entaris's continued penchant for indirect questioning was beginning to annoy him.

His eyes slit further. "Tell you of the power of the All, that I may deign to reveal to you. But teach you, share it's strength with you...."

He paused, straightening up with a derisive snort. "I sense the purity of your evil, priest. You would not, could not, summon the All to heed your command. Understand this:

"It would not respond to one such as you. It is Sith...."

Breaking himself off as though he had spoken too much, the Dark Warrior Lord of the Sith drew in a great inhalation, still maintaining that impossible position between two realities, deciding at this point if he should go on without the burden he was beginning to believe this stranger might impose upon him.

"You were created, by your own admission, for some purpose. You, by your own admission as well, are the epitome, the very characterization of pure evil. To do nothing but evil is your destiny, one I would find pleasing to have join with me and my... allies.

"But the All...." He paused again, considering the improbable. Then he shook his horned head, crossing his arms upon his chest.


"Now, do you still wish to come and fulfill that for which you were created to do? I have one other such who would be most... eager... to make your acquaintance."

He paused with those words, waiting to see whether or not he would rejoin his fellows alone, or with this strange one who had burst so suddenly upon the Galaxy.


posted 05-31-2002 09:04 PM    
*the dark form of entaris nods silently*
"Yes, the power of all is unusable by myself. i sensed that such would be so...But still, the spirits within me scream at me to follow you, and join you in your path. There is one way i believe i could use the all, but such a thing would be giving up to much."

*the red pinpricks flare like fire and then subside within the dark hood before the dark one speaks again*

"yes, it shall be so, i will follow you, you will have my strength at your disposal, but i require assurence that you shall also lend me strength when i am in need. Anything less, i could not assure that i will always be there in your own times of need..."
*considers something*
"no, even if you can not assure me assistance when i am in need, i still must follow to where your alies reside... Please, let us continue"

*a deep raspy sigh escapes from beneath the dark hood. as entaris waits for a descision from his company.*

Dark Lord Roan

posted 06-01-2002 10:41 AM    
The Dark Lord worked his jaw, his eyes narrowing a bit more as he considered the final acquiescence of the mysterious priest. Around him, the darker shades of the Ancient Sith mewled and cried, caressing him with shadowy fingers, straining as though to touch the newcomer, yet holding back as though seeking permission to do so. The strange place between realities seemed to grow colder by degrees as the Warrior Lord stood there silently, completely assured of his ability to send this being most any non-place that he wished.

At length he laughed aloud, but there wasn't a drop of humor in his tone.

"Very well then, priest!" His voice touched the night like the cry of sheer despair. "I make this concession to you: that in exchange for you standing at my side, ready to augment that which I need augmented and ever when it needs to be done, I shall come to your aid and defense should such an event ever occur.

"However, I find this an extremely unlikely scenario. With our combined strengths, as well as with those of my company, there are none who may withstand us. My prey is assured... as well as the victorious fruition of my designs."

He paused, sealing the statement with but a look. It was up to Entaris to accept that as sufficient; now, however, was not the time for such things. Without giving the strange entity another glance, Lord Roan re-opened the Doorway through whence he had come, taking Entaris back to his hidden base of command, where others awaited him with yet more plans of death and destruction swirling about in the blackness of their minds.


posted 06-01-2002 10:43 AM    
OOC: Follow Roan and Entaris back into the Evil Among Us thread in the "Complete SW Universe" forum, thank you.