The Holonet Boards   » Jedi Praxeum & Sith Temple   » Rebuilding Strength

Darth Uhlen

posted 05-04-2002 11:12 PM    
After his confrontation with Corin Uhlen felt weakened by using so much force!he enetered trance to heal up his ruptured cells that had torn under the strain of trying to control more force power than his body was usually acostomed to.he was wakened from his trance by his villip forming into the shape of Nen Yim's face!

Yim:did you kill the Jeedai!?

Uhlen:it is only a matter of time my master!

Yim:you mean you haven't killed him yet?you dishonor yourself Uhlen!and you dishonor the glorious Yuuhzan Vong!

Uhlen:it is only dishonor my master if i am killed myself!this Jeedai is formidable and a worthy opponent.i said i would find him and when i do i will destroy him!

Yim:see to it then and do not talk to me again 'til the job is done!this particular Jeedai has the potential to become a problem with my...Experiment!

Uhlen:yes master!Master Shaper Nen Yim's villip closed and Uhlen set his course for Coruscant.he had something at his residence that would help greatly with the finding and killing of this particular Jeedai!

(ooc:see end of begining topic in complete sw univ. forum, and see Help! topic in jedi praxeum forum!)

[ 05-04-2002 11:20 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Darth Uhlen ]

Darth Uhlen

posted 05-04-2002 11:48 PM    
When the Extractor reverted to real space at Coruscant Uhlen hurriedly landed(only using a little force power to persuade the officer on duty to let him land(weak minded fool!) ran to his old residential apartment and took the three boxes out and loaded them into his ship!lots of scratching and strange animalistic noises were coming from the boxes.

"quiet my voxyn"

"quiet you will be fed soon enough."

"there are many young jedi at yavin iv, and they shall taste nice yes?"the enraged animals started screeching wildly they could already feel the hunt coming! they could taste the blood of countless numbers of jedi on their tongues!Uhlen came blasted of the planet's atmosphere and set a course for Yavin IV before anyone had time to react to the strange ships landing and immediate departure.

[ 05-05-2002 12:09 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Darth Uhlen ]

Jacen Solo5

posted 02-22-2003 09:46 AM    
On yavin IV

Jebbua was growing stronger each day. he knew he was ready to fight the Yuuzan Vong, but the other jedi masters at the academy didn't beilieve him. quietly in the night Jebbua worked on his lightsaber. he had been working on it for a couble of days and now he was done. he stood up and picked his lightsaber from the ground he activated it. a blue white energy came out of it. Jebbua knew he was ready. but something troubled Jebbua last night he felt something coming to Yavin IV. he didn't tell the other students or Jedi masters. he would just wait for it to come...