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Admiral Actar

posted 04-23-2002 11:35 PM    
From, Back on Corsucant

He stood, now at full strength, turned and left the chambers, pulling out his comlink and said into it, "Begin Phase 1, Admiral."

Admiral Swatzi, who was on the other line of the comlink, did as he was told. Every Imperial fleet in the Galaxy was uncloaked. The Invasion of Yavin IV began immediately, first landing the the Stormtroopers and other Conventional fighting machines, then the Reborn, who would take control of the Jedi Praxeum.

Rogue Angel

posted 05-10-2002 06:50 PM    
Logan sat in the council room, uncomfortably shifting in his chair. He wasn't used to wearing Jedi robes, and he certainly wasn't used to being in the presence of all these Jedi. Master Jeroc had called a council of his closest peers to discuss the problem of Thea, and as Jeroc's padawan, Logan had been obligated to participate.

Jeroc, standing at the head of the council table in his white master's robes, cleared his throat. "Honored friends, I have called you here today..."

At that very moment, the sirens began to blare. Jeroc rushed to a computer interface and his worst fears were confirmed. "Defense shields up," he commanded the central Praxeum computer. "Yavin is about to be attacked."

Immediately the council room erupted into pandemonium. "Quiet, please!" shouted Jeroc. "I have no idea who's doing this or what's going on...but I think I have a plan." Quietly, he typed a comm to his old friend Admiral Noric...

"Activate the defensive shields. Defenders, to your positions! All we have to do is hold tight until our help arrives..."

[ 05-10-2002 06:55 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Rogue Angel ]