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Rogue Angel

posted 02-02-2002 09:46 PM    
Logan Murroe threw the holobook at the wall of his room with an exasperated grunt. Lessons were tedious and tiresome after all the adventure he'd had in the past months. And now Jeroc expected him to settle back into the old life as if nothing had ever happened, as if he were still the same clumsy, naive kid he'd been before they left.

Not that Logan wasn't glad to be home. He was especially glad that Thea was back here, safe and sound. Poor kiddo, she deserved some peace and quiet after what she'd been through. And she was starting her Jedi training in earnest now. Logan smiled, picturing the girl he'd come to think of as his little sister levitating leaves and sticks with the other students. He thought briefly about taking her for a swim after lunch.

A jolt of Force energy interrupted his thoughts. The jolt grew into a whirlwind, racking his mind with pain. As Logan gritted his teeth, he thought he could hear Cella scream. Cella!

Jeroc had forgotten about her after claiming to love her. And now he had let her get hurt. The young man flicked an angry tear from his eye and snatched up the lightsaber that had once belonged to his friend and mentor. He'd be damned if he let Master Jeroc forget about her again! With that thought, he dashed downstairs in search of his master.

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 02-05-2002 11:27 AM    
Thea could hardly remember the trip back to the Praxeum now - she knew her parents had been glad to get her back safely and she was happy to start her training finally. The other kids were really nice and some of them treated her like a hero for her adventures though who had told them she didn't know - or maybe they had just figured out from the way she talked to Logan and how she smiled when passing Jeroc in the hall. It didn't really matter to her anyway, she was getting stronger - or at least learning to control the Force better and even the classroom classes on history, math and other such normal stuff were much more fun here than at regular schools where the students didn't all have strong devotions to learning like they did here. Thea found it very refreshing to be with other kids who wanted to learn just as much as she did even if she was way behind academically because of her age. Logan had helped with that a bit tutoring her when he had the time, and her teachers were willing to give her extra help and assignments to catch her up. Reading was the trouble, her parents had tried to teach her young so that she wouldn't feel so far behind but she still struggled over so many of the words - it was like trying to turn a brickwall into a feather pillow at times, but at least she thought she was progressing. It was just after lunch now and the youngest children had an hour to rest in thier rooms before going outside for the physical training that day and Thea was flipping through a picture calander her mother had given her before she left trying to memorize the words so she could recognize them should she see them in a book. She flipped the page to the next day reading out loud, "Tommorrow is ... my Birthday! I almost forgot! I'm going to be 7, wow I gotta go tell Logan!" She jumped up forgetting about the reading and ran out down to Logan's room to tell him, after all she thought of him like a big brother, why shouldn't he be the first to know. Then she thought of Cella she wasn't here but she was just as important and so Thea thought out as she skipped through the Praxeum, "Cella, Guess What? I'm going to be 7 tommorrow - isn't that exciting! One year closer to being able to be a full Padawan!!!"

Rogue Angel

posted 02-15-2002 10:26 PM    
Jedi Master Jeroc Mahoy shook his head patiently at his padawan. "We are not about to run off and fetch Cella when she more than likely does not want to be fetched. She is a grown woman and not a helpless child." He said the last few words pointedly, reminding Logan of all that Thea had suffered in the past months. Jeroc felt strongly that Cella had the skills to accomplish the mission she had set out to do, and he also felt a strong need to stay at the Praxeum and guard Thea.

Logan slammed his fist into his palm. "Old Man, she's hurt! You're crazy if you say we should just forget about her!"

Jeroc was incensed at the audacity of his padawan. "Who's forgotten her? I am trying to respect the path she has chosen. Besides, she is not hurt, merely disoriented. Think with your head and not your gut and you'll feel that, boy."

Logan turned on his heel and stalked out of the room. "You're impossible," he shot over his shoulder at his master.

Jeroc sighed as his padawan departed the room in a cloud of anger. Sometimes the boy just didn't understand. Did Logan think it had been easy staying put while Cella put herself in danger? He sunk into a chair and held his head between his hands. My beloved...if only you had returned with me...

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 02-19-2002 10:33 AM    
Thea found Logan stomping down the hall - he didn't seem to happy about something - she wasn't sure what but she thought at least she could cheer him up. She ran over too him and jumped lightly on his back,
"Logan guess what? I'm going to be 7 tommorrow - isn't that exciting Logan!!!"
She hopped down and ran around him hugging his legs.
"You're the best big brother ever Logan! You'll come celebrate with me right?"

Rogue Angel

posted 03-10-2002 09:32 PM    
Logan used the calming techniques Jeroc had taught him to still his swirling thoughts as he picked the little girl up and tossed her in the air. She screamed happily as she fell back into his arms.

"Yes, Thea, I'll definitely come celebrate with you. I'm sorry I've been ignoring you so long, sis. It's just..." He paused, thinking about how to word his concerns for Cella. "I'm worried about Cella. Nobody has heard from her in a long time, and Jeroc doesn't even seem to care."

The little girl's expression turned worried as she wrinkled her nose at Logan, and he ruffled her hair lovingly. "Hey, don't let it get you down. I'm sure she's fine...somewhere."

Though he tried to conceal it from his young friend, Logan was desperately worried about Cella. He had contacted her through the Force during his daily meditations, but lately all he had gotten from her was fear, confusion, and mad hallucinations. He wished he knew exactly where she was. He wished he could shake his Master out of the haze of apathy that surrounded him...

But for now, all he could do was try to help Thea have the normal, happy childhood that he'd been deprived of. "Come on, kid, I think we've got a birthday party to plan!"

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 03-11-2002 07:49 AM    
Thea was so excited planning the party, she didn't know how Logan would get all that he had promised but she trusted he would. She had decided to invite all her new classmates, they were a bit older but it didn't matter to any of them and they had all been so nice since she got there. Logan had gone off to find the cake she wanted from somewhere and she had to hurry on to class where she would tell everyone before they got started. What he had said about Cella worried her a bit - mostly because she hadn't gotten any reply from her in a long time either but she really hadn't before except when she was in desperate need of someone. Thea was sure the Jedi Master would be fine - after all she WAS a Jedi.
When Thea reached her room she found a package had been placed on her bed. Curious she went over and looked at it - it was from her parents so obviously meant for her birthday. Excited she picked it up then stopped herself, "I should wait for tommorrow to open this." She took it and set it down on her desk, though it took all the control and patience she had learned in her time at the Praxeum. "This will at least be a good exercise in patience for me." She thought. She quickly changed into a jumpsuite she could move easily in and ran out to join the others just outside the main entrance to the Praxeum, skipping all the way! Thanks to Logan this would be the best Birthday ever!


posted 03-14-2002 04:28 PM    
Upon the top of the great arched doorway to the Jedi school was a small black patch where sunlight didn't reach. It wasn't a big patch but big enough to conceal a darker mass writhing within it aching to rend and tear and gouge.

Evil bloody eyes watched the little girl as she skipped right beneath his nose, and Maladius unfurled himself from the depths of the shadows and dropped to the ground. His long pointed tail lashed out and sliced the ankle of the child, bloodying it and sending her flying off her feet. She landed with a loud thump the wind all but knocked from her, her eyes wide and terrified. This clawed hands reached out eagerly and snatched the girl by her braided hair.

Yanking them with terrific force but not enough to pull the hair out by the roots he whirled and sprang back up to the shadow atop the door frame, dragging the shrieking girl with him, whose throbbing ankle laid down a tell-tale trail of blood. There he paused just long enough to sink stinking fangs deeply into the soft and succulant flesh on her cheek, leaving his mark there for all eternity. The sound of approaching footfalls alerted him to someone coming; Maladius let out a growl of disapproval to see his game cut off before it had even begun. No matter, there would be more fun to be had where he was going with his prize. That thought appeased him somewhat. Sinking sharp claws deep into any part of Thea's body he could reach the laughing demon wrapped The All about himself and disappeared with the girl from the Praxeum and Yavin 4 altogether. All that he left behind was a hot pool of blood and the echoes of her screams.

Padme of Hidden Lake

posted 03-15-2002 08:11 AM    
Thea couldn't believe what was happening - where were they taking her now? She tried to call out to the Jedi in charge of the class but couldn't find her voice. Frightened she thought out to Logan,
"Logan help - one of Her things has me!!"


posted 03-15-2002 09:38 AM    
((OOC: Maladius and Thea have leaped into the "Standing On The Edge of Forever" thread in Complete SW Universe forum. Thank you.))

[ 03-15-2002 09:39 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]

Rogue Angel

posted 03-19-2002 07:09 PM    
Logan, standing in the kitchens of the Praxeum, trying to remonstrate with the cooking droids, was hit by a sudden wave of pain and fear. "Logan help - one of Her things has me!!"

He picked up a bowl of cake batter and threw it at the wall as the droid emitted a high-pitched electronic scream. Bitch! Does she ever stop? His heart wrenched as he thought of Thea's excitement about her party. He didn't know if it was Graysith, but he hoped for her sake it was not. What could she possibly want with a poor, innocent child who'd already been through so much?

Before he knew it, Jeroc was standing at the kitchen door, looking at him with knowing eyes full of grief. "Old man, I think we're off again," Logan managed to choke out through infuriated tears.

Rogue Angel

posted 04-19-2002 03:53 PM    
Long days later, Logan Murroe waited with uncharacteristic patience outside the room where his Master sought some sign as to where little Thea might be. Neither he nor the most venerable Jedi at the Praxeum had been able to sense her since her horrific disappearance.

Lost in thought, Logan began to pick lint from his tunic. As much as he had disliked and mistrusted the Sith he had encountered on Khar Delba, this didn't seem to be their work. If they were enemies, they were at least sane enemies with a sense of honor. They did nothing without a purpose, and there just hadn't been any rhyme or reason to this kidnapping. If the Sith had wanted something from him or Jeroc, they would have sent some kind of message long before this.

Logan suspected that they were dealing with something far darker here.

The door of the meditation room swung open, and a tired-looking Jeroc came squinting into the bright sunlight.

"Any success, Master?" inquired Logan with little hope in his voice.

Jeroc shook his head in response. "Not a sign. I sense her just enough to know that she is not dead, but I can tell little else." The Jedi Master sighed in frustration. It was difficult to reassure the little girl that they would rescue her when he and Logan themselves had so little hope.

"I felt Cella," Logan stated offhandedly, noticing the suddenly alert look in Jeroc's eye.

The Jedi Master pursed his lips. "Wherever she is, I know she has her own work to do, and she'll be all right."

Logan closed his mouth over the angry retort he wanted to make. He didn't see how his master could be so matter-of-fact over the break in communications with Cella. Fighting wouldn't do anything to help her, though.

"I'm thinking about calling a conference with the other Jedi here," remarked Jeroc. "Perhaps there are some who would be willing to help us mount a mission..." If Thea could ever be found... he added mentally.

Logan just nodded. Perhaps despair was of the dark side, but what else could they do?

Rogue Angel

posted 05-10-2002 06:52 PM    
OOC: Follow Jeroc and Logan to "Uh-oh for you" in this forum.