The Holonet Boards   » Jedi Praxeum & Sith Temple   » And so it begins...

Darth Wicked

posted 08-01-2000 05:20 PM    
Turning on heel, Lord Wicked sighed, his eyes closing for but a moment then reopening as he left his holovid, and it flickered then was off. "Thrawn... do not double cross me or you will find yourself in a heated situation." Walking into the corner of his quarters he heared a low hiss, turning his head slowly he noted the Noghri Nikk. A light smirk spread acrossed his face, "So protective. You will be joining me. As will the others. The Jedi will know my presence. Grand Admiral Thrawn has arranged for a wonderful thing, we will have nearly a quarter of what remains of the Empire at our disposal. We will have the Wicked Uprising, an Eclipse-class Super Star Destroyer modified to fit Thrawns. We will be meeting up with the Chimera's Revenge and Thrawn, and accompanying us will be 7th Imperial Fleet. With three Super Star Destroyers and two Victory-II Star Destroyers. Not to mention the accompanying TIE-Defender, TIE-Interceptor, TIE-Bomber and TIE-Avenger squadrons. I will receive an audience with Skywalker..."

Nikk merely nodded and shot into the shadows gathering the others. Lord Wicked slowly strode to a floating helment, spinning clockwise slowly within an illuminated base. Taking it in hand, a helmet with sith engravings floating acrossed the sides and a large gem adorning the top. Gathering robes around himself, strapping amulet encrusted gauntlets to his wrists. Wrapping a golden sheathe around his hip, sliding into it The Eye of the Sith. An acient Sith Sword with a glowing orb, black speckles within, cast into the hilt. A winding blade of magnificent power. It held within the powers of all of the Sith brethren before him.

After losing his saber in an encounter with a failed Jedi, he had reconstructed a newer model. Flat black hilt, with a touch sensetive grip. He had spent nearly a month constructing it while in hyperspace. At a mere thought the saber could grow in depth and length. It truly was his finest work. Clasping it to his hip, he turned, clad fully in his finest, it was time to depart.

Marching towards the balcony of his quarters, he smiled, the Wicked Uprising was now floating idly around the planet, noticing the entire 7th Imperial fleet surrounding. And then a Lambda-class T-4a Personnel Transport came into view, heading towards the docking bay of the Temple.

As he watched it make it's decent another ship shot into the docking bay, passed the Imperial Transport. It was a little smaller then the Transport, and it made up for that in speed. He watched it dock and after a few moments he saw a squadron of Noghri head into the temple. Tilting his head Lord Wicked looked upon the Noghri with just a hint of concern, "I see..." As the Noghri entered his chambers he sighed.. "I know. You have done well my dearest ones. I now know of the situation on Kha'har Nag'a. That is not of concern to me at the moment. Thank you for finding Graysith's whereabouts. And I am glad your presence was not known. Though I am sure Aelvedaar knew and merely found you as no threat. So she is recruiting I can tell... no matter. Unless Aelvedaar can train her in under a millenia then she will be of no match to myself. Though her death is not needed. I can tell though, throughout my absence she grew fonder and fonder for Aelvedaar. She must love him... truly love him." After a short pause of contemplation he turned full pace to the Noghri; "Disperse to the Docking bay. Food is there and the Transport will be shortly. Make sure squadrons 1 through 7 have boarded. I must make some final preparations. Tell the dear officers I will be there shortly."

As the Noghri dissappeared into the shadows, Lord Wicked walked out of his quarters and marched towards his brothers, knocking upon the durasteel doors he sighed; "Brother I am off. I know you are departing also. I will constantly be keeping watch over the temple. Have a wonderful trip." Without another moment to pass he marched down the dimly lit hallways. Turning towards a wall he looked side to side, a human nature, and then he peered into the door, a light shown over his eye, scanned it vertically and then horizontally. The door merely dissipated and he marched in.

"The portion of MY Temple unbeknownst to all." Inside where various tools and such, pictures and memories. A holocron flickering images of Graysith and himself. Images from various battles, pictures of his mother and father. Grabbing the holocron he smirked, "Everything from my lifetime until now, recorded into this. It is my one and only treasure now..." Sliding it into a pouch at his side he turned and gathered his composure, then walked onto a repulsorlift as it shuttled him down into the temple, and then outward towards the docking bay.

Marching inward all the food for the Noghris was gone, and the Transport was loaded. He marched up the loading ramp and into the transport, breathing could be heared but only Nikk, Leeve, and S'ckil could be noticed. Lord Wicked could sense the uneasiness of the pilot, but paid no mind, "Please lift off and head for Wicked Uprising" As the pilot did so, Lord Wicked sat himself and waited. His mind in other places, scouring the galaxy with the Force looking for something unknown.

Jostled awake, it had been a while and he was sitting in the Transport, docked in Wicked Uprising for over two standard hours. Nikk was cautiously standing by his side, with Leeve and S'ckil behind. Standing up slowly he marched out of the already unloaded Transport, followed by the three Noghri. Greeted by Phase II Imperial Royal Guard they marched throughout the corridors and ended up on the bridge. Taking quick control over the entire fleet was easily done. And they all made the jump for hyperspace... headed towards Yavin IV...

And saith unto him; 'All these things will I give thee if you will fall down and worship me...'

[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]

[Edited 3 times, lastly by Darth Wicked on August 04, 2000]

Darth Atma

posted 08-02-2000 05:01 PM    
Zekk had gathered everything he had brought with him in journey to the temple. He had put it all in a plasteel case, which fit snugly behind the single seat of his modified A-Wing. He had made arrangement's to be alcolated with a squadron of five Victory II-class Star destroyers in own trip. He had his own scores to settle before everything was to be put into motion.

He recieved a message over the holonet. "Grand Commander Zekk, your squadron awaits." the young officer said. "Thank you Captain. I will be there shortly."

For his mission Zekk had decided to masqureade as a Grand Commander then as a Dark Lord of the Sith if his plans were to be successful. His brother needed more allies and Zekk had plans to do just that, as well as rid himself of his pesky and former one true love...he picked up the holo-vid picture of himself, his wife and at the time, there 4 month old son. He shook his head and placed the holo-vid into the case. Too much time has past and my plans were ruined...It is time I rectify an old mistake.

Zekk looked at himself in the mirror. "Not too bad if I do say so myself." The sith looked rather good in an imperial grand commanders uniform, just as good as he would any other it seemed. He picked up his plasteel case and walked to the shuttle bay. His personal entourage of 10 hand-picked Imperial Guardsman stood to either side of him in two rows of five as they awaited for him to board the shuttle. He turned on his comlink. "Commander, This is the Grand Commander. I will be joining you shortly." Zekk gave the motion and his personal guards followed him in the shuttle in pairs. The shuttle doors closed as it slowly undocked from the bay and took off to the sky.

the End is only the Beginning my child...

-Zekk Atma, Dark Lord of the Sith