The Holonet Boards   » Jedi Praxeum & Sith Temple   » Wickeds Revenge....

Darth Wicked

posted 10-02-2000 11:12 AM    
Spralled out on both knees, his hands clasped around his head, trembling and panting heavily... his eyes shooting in every direction as beads of sweat dripped into a forming puddle on the Temple's floor... every calming technique he once knew were but distant memories in his mind... everything he was... trembling and wavering to the voice in his head... "Failure! Loser! Weakling! You have failed..." the now multiple voices rang out in his mind....

"No... get out! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" An ear shattering scream erupted... sending a monstrous ripple through the Force... doubling over without control of his power the walls of the temple creaked and in a split second, shattered, exploding outward.

Dust and debris floated around where his form sat. "Failure... can't even control the power you hold... your mind is pitiful... you can't comprehend what you have done... you have failed to rectify the problems around you... you have failed... your nothing but a FAILURE!" The voices growing and growing in numbers, echoing in his mind...

"NO! I HAVE CONTROL! I AM THE CONTROLLER! NOW DIEEEE!" The scream sent an even larger ripple through the Force.... and brought the Temple down with it. Crumbling to rocks, ash, debris, and dust. Lord Wicked trapped within.

"Finally... let go... let go of who you were... a failure... you are reborn... the failing Light Side is gone... The dust began to clear roughly 50 meters above the Temple's debris... and there stood Lord Wicked... his hair floating around him, lifting above his shoulders and snapping out like snakes... the shadowy black cloak floating around his form revealing the black flight suit he wore. His eyes erupting... little shards of turqouise shattering and falling below, leaving nothing but empty blackness beneath the eyelids. A shadow aura encasing him, slight grey tints around the edges of the power... and then his head shot back, his hair falling to his mid back as a cackle erupted from the darkest heart in the galaxy; "I... I will have my revenge! No more failures! No more recruiting! There can be only one... and I am that Dark Lord of the Sith... the Sith will be reborn... under my rule! All who oppose?! Raise your hand!" and the same cackle erupted once more.

A widespread grin flourished acrossed his lips as visions of Desolist lingered in his mind. Tilting his head slightly, he noticed the docking bay that was beginning to fall apart... and then did, right before his eyes.

"Fool! You lack the knowledge yet again! Think... concentrate... remember the powers of your past..." Wicked floated in contemplation... his eyes wavering... shooting back and forth... and like a wiped out databank.... he had no memories. "Ignorant fool! Concentrate... concentrate of your anger.... your hate... and the rest will happen. Your powers are greater than his... your powers are unstoppable... and all it takes... is the anger and hate you now feed off of."

Grinning, his eyes erupted... blackness coating his entire form.... and then he was gone... headed for Desolist like a TIE screaming to it's target with deadly accuracy...

Darth Wicked

[Edited 2 times, lastly by Darth Wicked on October 02, 2000]