The Holonet Boards   » Jedi Praxeum & Sith Temple   » Sins of the Father

Zarek Atma

posted 04-03-2001 06:33 PM    
A long cloaked figure walked through the grand arch of the atiquated Sith Temple. He continued down the halls as a low fog was rolling in. Armed guards turned and stood in his way to deter his progress and he only held out his opened hand and spoke. "Stand fast." The armed guards did as they were told, the power of the force with this young man very strong, as strong as the blood that flowed through his veins as he continued down into the depths of the Sith Temple.

Soon he reached the great hall where the one he was searching for stood in the center amidst a circle of power that crackled with energy as the young man approached. The young man stopped a few steps away from the circle as the figure turned and looked to his new "guest" clad in full armor with his hooded cloak covering his entire form except his head. The figure in the circle spoke with a low and commanding tone. "So, you have finally come to strike your father down eh?" the feared Dark Lord of the Sith, Zekk Atma spoke with much confidence and pride as if speaking to a lower life-form.

"I have come to rectify the Sins of my Father. You shall die, here in this stench ridden Temple of Evil.." the young proclaimed, pausing before adding the final word. "..Father." the young brushed his cloak aside and drew forth a silver cylinder and held it with two hands as he flicked a small buton and a blue white blade of pure energy sprung forth 1 meter long as he readied himself for the battle of his life.

The Dark Lord of the Sith sneered. "You are a foolish one boy...I am sorry to say that your Mother could have raised you better." with that he drew his own lightsaber and did the same, holding in in one hand as he flicked the button and two green white blades sprung forth. "Are you ready to die?" Zekk grinned gleefully, he cared not if he must kill his own firstborn son...there would be others who could take his place one day...many others.

The youth once spoke once more. "Your Empire of Darkness will end today by my hand!" as that was said he lunged forth, his lightsaber humming in the air as there weapons clashed, swings and parries going back and forth. Zekk thought he was unnmatched even his "brother" could match his skill with the skill but his son had equaled him blow for blow and maybe even surpassed.

The duel of the Jedi Knight and the Dark Lord of the Sith raged for 3 hours, each only taking nicks and small cuts as they fought. Zekk raised his hand and fired of purple bolt of pure evil energy as he yelled, "DIE!" the bolt screamed towards the youth as it slammed into his chest, the youth cried out in pain and agony as he fell to the ground, his lightsaber falling short of him and rolling away. Thinking himself victorious the Dark Lord stood over his fallen son as the smoke trailed off his chest. "I should have raised you instead of your Mother, she made you weak...I would have made you strong. Dont think I'm going to grant you any last words or wishes...they would go - DIE!" Zekk swung down with his lightsaber faster than any other Jedi or Sith had dreamed only to have his Coup de Grace come to a fleeting halt, his eyes widened as a trikle of blood ran down his lip and onto the ground, he looked down to see the blue white blade of his sons lightsaber embedded in his belly. "N-n....nooooo! It cant be!" he staggered back and fell to a kneel, holding his lightsaber at his side, the blades no longer visible as they reatreated back into the cylinder.

"You underestimated me, your own son. Now you will pay for your sadistic crimes against the universe..." he raised his blade to lay the final blow "goodbye.....Father." the youth closed his eyes as he struck down the very man whom had helped to bring him about into this world of light plagued by darkness. The body of the Dark Lord fell lifeless to ground, his blood draining from hid body as it formed a small shallow pool in the center of the room.

The youth blew a sigh of relief as some great burden had been lifted from his shoulders. He walked over to the communications panel and send a message to all those who pledged fielty to the Sith Empire.

"Those of you who serve the Sith, your days are numbered, for I, the only child of your Dark Lord and Ruler, Zekk Atma is dead. I will come for you all, live in fear for I am Zarek Atma...I am your truest Nightmare - Beware the purifing light of the Force." that said he turned and strode out of the Sith Temple as easily as he had infiltrated it. Moving towards his next goal.

I was always led to believe that the sins of the Father fell upon of his children. I will rectify those sins and shine anew unlike anything the Universe has ever seen before - Zarek Atma; Jedi Knight