The Holonet Boards   » Jedi Praxeum & Sith Temple   » Rules of the Praxeum


posted 08-11-2000 05:02 PM    
Read before posting in the something in here if you agree...(excluding mods of this box...we know that they know.) If you wish to post in here...please post something about...I agree or something...

Ok let me state a few rules of the Temple.

1. NO FIGHTING ALL THE TIME! I have seen many RPGs with too much fighting. Lets keep the storyline going. Fights are ok everyonce in a while. Try keeping them down to a minumum.

2. No characters that are unbeatable or have such powers that no one can compare to. Let your characters have strengths and weaknesses. It give everything more of a story.

3. Remember these are serious story lines so keep them that way. Jokes between characters are ok but don't get crazy and go doing posts that are dumb.

4. Try and keep posts pretty clean. Like posting graphic material. I will decide what is unsuitable or not. If I decide it is unsuitable for the story the post will be DELETED

5.DO NOT use people's characters unless you have been given permission. Talk to that person over IM or something if you absolutly need to use their character for a little bit to make your story go right. DO NOT USE THEM WITHOUT PERMISSION!!!!!

More will be posted once I remember what I wanted to say

[monger=ff0000,ffff00]I got the rap industry clock clock on lock![/monger]

Holonet Moderator

Darth Wicked

posted 08-11-2000 06:18 PM    
The above rules apply for the Jedi Praxeum alone at this moment. These rules were discussed by myself and your friend, and mine, Bob. So these rules apply for the Jedi Praxeum, and unless otherwise noted are non-negotiable.

-Darth Wicked

And saith unto him; 'All these things will I give thee if you will fall down and worship me...'

Lord Wicked is NOT a Chiss, but human. I just love Thrawn.

[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]

Rogue Angel

posted 08-12-2000 01:13 AM    
I agree wholeheartedly with those rules and as a mod I will do my best to enforce them.

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"


posted 08-12-2000 01:34 AM    
A round of applause for Bob everyone......*claps*

[monger=ff0000,ffffff]Holonet Jedi Master[/monger]
Forum Administrator

-Have you mowed your lawn today?-
-Trying is the first step towards failure......-
-Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.....-