The Holonet Boards   » Jedi Praxeum & Sith Temple   » Arrival of the Sith

Darth Wicked

posted 08-04-2000 11:05 AM    
Slowly, the Eclipse-Class Super Star Destroyer Chimera's Revenge dropped from hyperspace. Followed closely by Wicked Uprising and the 7th Imperial Fleet. The ships began a spacebound bombardment of the planet. No ships could get off the planet unless it was destroyed.

Standing upon the bridge of Wicked Uprising Darth Wicked looked down upon the planet. A sigh escaping him slowly, "It is time..." the words uttered with a hint of pleasure. "Skywalker, this will be our last encounter." Turning on heel, Darth Wicked marched down the bridge and to the docking bay, Nikk, Leeve and S'ckil following behind.

Mass numbers were scattered within the Wicked Uprising. Standing at full attention were numerous Phase II Dark Troopers, Imperial Royal Guard, Noghri, and Phase I Troopers. Turning to face them, Lord Wicked looked over them all, stopping on a squad of Noghri. "Squad 7, board Shuttle Transport 1." Looking upon them all once more, he stopped upon the Phase II Dark Troopers. "Squad 3, board Shuttle Transport 2. The rest of you, stand ready for you may be needed."

Turning on heel, Nikk, Leeve, S'ckil and himself boarded a ship that looked like a TIE Bomber, but was larger and could carry 5 occupants. Taking Pilot, Lord Wicked let a cackle escape him; "Our Rebirth starts here!" Soon after, all the ships where on-route with the floor of Yavin IV...

((For Reference, Phase II Dark Troopers are Force and Anti-Force wielding Troops. Solid black armor with heat, and motion sensetive vision panes, sounds sensetive comm units, and they have enough Force to be able to block probes, sense, and protect themselves. Enough to strike down an Apprentice to the Force, but not a Knight or Master.))

-Darth Wicked

And saith unto him; 'All these things will I give thee if you will fall down and worship me...'

[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]

Darth Atma

posted 08-07-2000 10:35 PM    
Zekk and his small fleet of 5 Victory I-class Star Destroyers came out of hyperdive from a solid 5 day trip in the old Mandalorian sector. Passing all the other planets, achieving high orbit around the Sith's homeworld.

"Mandalore." The sith had spoken that word for some time. Where his journey began and some would like to have said, where it should have ended before it began.

"Grand Commander Atma, hailing frequencies are open. You may when ready, sir." a comm officer said to him.

"Lieutenant, open a broad range frequencie, I wan the whole planet hearing this." Zekk smirked to himself, he would bring glory to the sith empire by bringing into it, one of the greatest cultures of the past. The infamous Mandalorian Commandoes or Jedi Killers as there were called.

"Frequency open sir."

"Here me, all my Mandalorian bretheren! I am Grand Commander Zekk Atma of the Neo Sith Empire. I have come here to give you but two choices! One, you can stand by me and the empire, hand in hand as we usher into a new age of glory and honor...or you can resist me and be crushed! Know this, I am native to this planet, I know everything about it. You cannot hide for long if you choose otherwise. Regardless of your choice, you will end up serving the Neo Sith Empire." Zekk stopped and awaited the planets response.

Minutes later a message came over the Holonet board.

"Grand Commander Atma, I am the Mandalore, chieftan of the mandalorians. Your subjigation methods are over 3000 years old. You have no power here and your outdated warships pose no threat to us. Leave us now or be destroyed." The Mandalore seemed to know his stuff, but he was wrong...dead wrong.

"Really." Zekk said with a smug look. "Major! Order deployment of our newest weapon. Show these fools they know not who they are dealing with..." Zekk looked at the Mandalore again and spoke. "You have 2 minutes to comply with me or your capital city will be reduced to ashes!" Zekk held up his hand, showing he was about to give the order to fire.

"Disruptor Cannon online and ready to fire at your will sir." the Major spoke with much pride.

"Mandalore you have one minute to comply."

The Mandalore was not impressed, he knew that disruptors couldnt be any bigger then a blaster rifle....or could they? He thought he had called Zekk's bluff. "Your bluffing."

Zekk only smirked. "Major target there second largest city and fire at will."

The Major smiled. "With pleasurrrrre." he purred as he targeted the city and pressed the fire button. Not even a split second later, the second largest city on mandalore was wiped clean off the surface for all time in a single focused blast that rocked the entire planet.

"YOU BASTARD!!!" the mandalore yelled over the net board. Zekk only smiled and shaped his hand into a iron tight grip that vader did and the mandalore began to have a hard time breathing under that ceremonial mask of his.

"You have seen that I am not you have the two choices once again...Join us or DIE!!" Zekk's eyes flashed red with the last word as the mandalore tried to gasp for air, grabbing at hands that were not there.

Gaspingly the Mandalore gave in with no choice. ""

Zekk released his force grip and gave a smug look. "Excellent. Now send me the data of your military forces World and System wide. We will return for a portion of those forces soon."

Zekk then gace the order to head for the next system. Over the course of the next 3 weeks, Zekk had managed to acquire 11 other solar systems, all of them with either considerable Military, Industrial or Political strength. His tactics resembled that of Vader's and his shrewdness that of Palpatines. When he was satisfied he returned to the new Sith Homeworld with his enlarged fleet of acquired vessel's and troops.

"Victory." he said to himself...."I expect nothingless of myself, for failure cannot be tolerated in this day and age..." Zekk looked out the port hole into the far reaches of space and hoped he got into contact with his "brother". ~I have achieved much in the past month brother, you will be pleased when you find what I have brought back with me when you return...we will rejoice together with the entire empire over what we have both wrought in our journey's...glory to the empire.~

the End is only the Beginning my child...

-Zekk Atma, Dark Lord of the Sith

Darth Atma

posted 08-13-2000 04:33 AM    
Having returned home with 12 new sector's added to the up and coming empire, Zekk had a massive celebration in the name of the Sith Empire. 12 sector's with only 5 warships and in 4 weeks no less was remarkable, had Zekk been an Imperial Officer of the time, the Emporer himself would have rewarded and praised Zekk for his shrewdness.

Zekk sat upon the throne which stood next to his "brother's" and contemplated his next course of action. He had been calculating his new subjigation plan ever since he started the return home. Zekk looked over his notes for now soon to take place new plans as the 3 day celebration roared on.

Nodding in agreement with himself he contacted the now much larger fleet of warships he had accumluated in his 4 week journey. The fleet of 5 Victory II's had grown to amass to 255 warships. he ordered each sector he had won over, donate 10% of there standing space forces to his own fleet and they did so, so willingly...the power of the Dark Side is a very compelling thing indeed.

"Captain. Send a fleet wide dispatch to mobilize within the night. We will be leaving once more to accuire more sectors for the use of the Sith Empire, understood?"

"Yes, sir. Very good, sir." The captain acknowledged and sent the imediate dispatch.

Within the next 8 hours, Zekk's fleet was massed and ready for it's next destination. Aboard the "Atma's Wraith", a Solid black and heavily modified Victory II, Zekk gave the order to advance.

"Captain, give the order....advance to the nearest non-aligned sector. We will take each of them, one by one." Zekk smirked.

"How many sector's are we planning on subjigating this time sir?" the Captain dared to ask.

Zekk looked at him and smiled. "Until my appetite is satiated. Do you have a problem with this Captain?" Zekk arched a brow.

the captain looked suprised and backed off. "N-No, no sir. Not at all." the captain nearly took a #2 in his pants seeing the Sith's reaction.

Zekk smiled smuggly. "Excellent. Full speed ahead captain."

Zekk had made aware to his "brother" of his new plan for sibjigation of new sectors. Every non-aligned sector within the reach of the Sith Empire, which numbered to roughly 177 sectors was to be subjigated and brought into the Empire. Through the use of the Dark Side, Zekk would make such a feat very much easier on him and his "brother".

Zekk however did not forsee the possible events which would take place on his new venture during it's planned 3 to 6 month course of time.

[out of character note: this will be my last time replying and submitting stuff to the RPG board for the next 3 to 6 months, coincidence? not at all. I will be leaving for Basic training with the Navy quite within the submission of this reply. Wish me the best of luck.]

the End is only the Beginning my child...

-Zekk Atma, Dark Lord of the Sith

Darth Wicked

posted 08-13-2000 11:58 AM    
You know you have my best wishes man. Congratulations, good luck, and god speed. And you as well as I know, my one wish, stay in contact man. No matter what. We have too much history. Take care of yourself.

-Darth Wicked

And saith unto him; 'All these things will I give thee if you will fall down and worship me...'

Lord Wicked is NOT a Chiss, but human. I just love Thrawn.

[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]