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posted 07-27-2000 10:45 AM    
*Jeroc Mahoy looked over the world of Yavin IV and looked over it with fasicination. It had been almost a year since he had visited the temple. The last time he was at the temple disaster had happened. Jeroc lowered his X-Wing softly on the grouund next to the temple. He saw some kids outside practicing there force powers and others just exercising. Jeroc was greeted by a few of these people but some of them he was ignored by. Jeroc brought his stuff to his room and unpacked hurridly so he could get outside his room quickly. He heard a slight rapp on the door which made his heart jump. He always lowered his defenses at the temple. He probed with the force and immediatly saw who it was. He ran to the door and opened it with a rush and hugged the person tight. The person was his wife Cordea Maranii. He let the woman down from his embrace of love and looked at her. She was a beutiful girl with deep brown eyes and a light brown hair. Cordea was also a Jedi Knight and had almost reached it before Jeroc. Master Skywalker had always been amamzed at her ability to communicate throught the force. Cordea was deaf and mute so she learned to use the Force to communicate at a very early age.

"Jeroc...It has been almost 6 months since I last saw you.",she said through his thoughts.

"I love you...we will have to get to know each other agian tonite.",he winked at her," but right now we need to go start getting some of the students training..."

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Rogue Angel

posted 07-28-2000 11:01 PM    
*Rogue Angel promises to help as soon as she is recovered from her writers block.*


posted 07-29-2000 12:48 AM    
Ok well we need more Jedi to anyone that wants to help in the story come on by...

Nothin ever seems enough in these days?

Holonet Moderator


posted 07-30-2000 02:07 AM    
*Jeroc moved through the halls with a silence of a preadotor searching for his prey. He was trying to keep his danger senses together. He jumped when he felt a finger reach out and tap him on the shoulder. He was immediatly suprised at who had tapped his shoulder. It was his Noghri friend Luhruhk. Jeroc embraced the small alien in a hug.

"Jeroc it is a honor to see you agian. How did your expeditions go in the Unknown Regions?" Luhruhk asked.

"It is an honor to see you agian too...the expeditions went fine until I came upon some chiss. Apperently they don't take to well to outsiders. I did find some places that they had not found yet. I may go back to one planet I was wouldn't beleive how great it was. I'm so happy to be back though. I missed you and Cordea the most though. Will you help me run the temple while Master Skywalker is gone??"

"I would once agian be honored."

The two friends went down the hall together out to the landing feild just as a ship was arriving.

Forum Moderator

[Edited 1 times, lastly by JerocMahoy on August 06, 2000]


posted 07-30-2000 12:14 PM    
*'What a nothing Planet' Logan thought to himself as he neared the atmosphere of Yavin IV in his newly "aquired" Clutch. It had seen some years but he could fix her back up, that he was sure of.
'Doesn't even have a single stinkin city' he said silently. He fipped all his scanners on, mainly because of the lack of experience in such a craft. Though with "leaving" in such a hurry, beggers couldn't be choosers. The planet grew in his veiw until it was all he could see.
HE flew over what looked to him to be filthy ancient blocks of stone. Still it would be the best place he had stayed at for a while. He saw students training and exercising out in the courtyards, and wanted to be out of this infernal enviro suit. He was glad that the last occupant had installed a hyperdrive, of course thats why he had chosen this baby. He would have to put in life support and rework the engines, he couldn't stand this much longer.
He soon saw a landing feild and two beings walking twards it. HE set down pretty well and was so glad to be able to take off his horrid helmit. When he opened the hatch, he was bombarded by a thousand tropic smells. It smelt good though, alot better than the helmet.
He hopped down to the ground and took out a sack that contained all he owned from behind his seat. AS he turned he could tell what the two beings were that he had see through his ship. One was a human taller than him, and the other was a nohgri. He had heard of them before.
He strapped a blaster low on his leg, and stided rougishly twards the pair. He grabbed The human's hand first and began to try to shake it out of its owner's soket, descising it as a handshake. " Hi, I'm Logan Murroe" he said bombing, trying to sound as if they should already know it. Before the other could speak, he changed his grip to the Nohgri's hand, staring into eyes as black as his.
The Nohgri also tryed to give his name but was cut off as the youth started walking past them to the temple.
The Jedi stared at one another and then walked after the young man with pitch black eyes, who couldn't be over the age of 17. AS they followed they watched as the youth passed by students and teachers alike, as if he waws the Master of all he survayed. Soon he was walking up the temple steps and didn't stop until he reached the Great Hall.
Jeroc could tell this boy was a Legend, if only in his own mind. The thought spread a smile across his face. It was true however, that Jeroc senced a great deal of power in this youth, but he had seen greater and this boy, he could tell, had a great deal to learn. The least of which respect.
When the pair reached him again, Logan started to introduce himself as if they had never met untill he made eye contact with Luhruhk, and remembered himself. Though the insident didn't take out one bit of his bravado.
" Ok, I've come here to be trained by Skywalker, and become a jedi master.", he said with no modisty what so ever.....

"Where are my keys?"


posted 07-30-2000 01:25 PM    
Jeroc could not beleive this kid. He was cocky and arrogent and did not know the first thing about being a Jedi Master. Jeroc would have to be patient with this one.

"And how do you wish to become a Jedi Master if you don't know the first thing about the Force?"


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posted 07-30-2000 04:06 PM    
*"Well....", his voice started to faulter and for the first time he looked as though he might be mortal, in his own eyes anyway.
"I can learn, I can learn real fast. I'll be running this place by the end of the week", HE said as he regained some of his rougish air.
"After all I learned to fly that huck of junk after I sto..... got it" he quickly changed the subject going on the offencive. "Besides I can use TK"

"Where are my keys?"


posted 07-30-2000 04:22 PM    
Jeroc was now looking at Logan as if he should be impressed or something. Jeroc was of course not. This young one did not know half of the stuff he bragged he did.

"What makes you think you'll be running this place? Oh and how well can you do TK?", Jeroc inquired.

Logan lifted his head high and looked directly at Jeroc as if challenging him.

"I'm sure I could beat you old man...I've been working on using it. I got it down pat.",Logan said as if he was proud of himself.

"Would you mind showing me how well you can use TK?",asked Jeroc.

"Sure...I'm always willing to share my expertise."

"Students gather around...our new student Logan has told me here that he is a expert at TK.", Jeroc said amplifying his voice with the Force so everyone around could hear him.

Students ran around to see if this kid could truly be an expert at TK. They gathered around him in a circle. They gathered around him as tight as they could while giving him enough space to perform his feat...

Forum Moderator

[Edited 2 times, lastly by JerocMahoy on July 30, 2000]


posted 07-30-2000 05:07 PM    
*Logan stood there in murmered silence and started to wish that he had just kept his mouth shut for once. After all that was part of the reason he had to run and now was the owner of a Clutch.Well he was already here, so he couldn't back out. Hey maybe I can even do it, if I get something small. He had done it before, but of course that had been mostly on instinct.
He scanned the little bit of area left by the students as they crowded around. He saw a chair and desided that was the best choice. He reached out his hand, and his mind, like thwe first time he had used the Force or whatever.
HE closed his mind and could still see it just like the first time he had used TK. He started moving it but couldn't lift it. He kept trying but knew he had failed before he had closed his eye. He had heard a slight scratching from the chair but now all he heard was the muffled and coughed out laughs.
He opened his eyes and though he felt like running, stood there.
Everyone could see his shame and he knew they could but he was determined to stand his ground.

"Where are my keys?"

[Edited 2 times, lastly by LoganMurroe on July 30, 2000]


posted 07-30-2000 05:17 PM    
"The first thing you must learn Logan is...humility.",Jeroc said not showing any sign of Logan's loss."Now come and I will show you your room in the temple."

Luhruhk, Jeroc, and Logan set off to show Logan his room. Jeroc and Luhruhk just looked at each other and shook their heads. They could tell that Logan would need to learn a lot of things. Jeroc still didn't think that he had learned his lesson. He may not challenge someone the rank of Jedi Knight or Master but he did not doubt that he would try to challenge another student. They were approaching Logan's new quarters quickly so he walked ahead and opened the doors. Logan went in the room without a word. It was apparent that he was feeling embarrased and a little humiliated.

"Well Logan take time to put your things in your rooms and if you want take time to get to know other students. It would be good to make friends here. You have come at quite a late age these students can teach you much."

Forum Moderator

[Edited 1 times, lastly by JerocMahoy on July 30, 2000]


posted 07-30-2000 06:11 PM    
*Jeroc left and Logan was left alone in his room. It wasn't huge but it was bigger than what he was used to.
He set his satchal down on his cot and was glad to not be under everyone's staring eyes. He walked over to the scratched up mirror in his room, and took a look at himself. He knew he wasn't human, nad so did anyone who looked into his completely black eyes. He hoped to one day find out where he had come from,not his parents because if they had given up on him then he wasn't going to waste time finding them.
'I have to shave' he thought to himself taking a look at atleast a days worth of stuble. He turned around and started to unpack his sack. Out of it he took tools, a pair of cargo pants a lace up shirt and a robe he had made himself, though after the episode in the Great Hall he decided he would just keep that in his satchal for the time being.He took off his Blaster and slid it inside with his robe, he wouldn't need it most likely.
Then he just sat there on his cot, visibly relaxing for the first time.
Just then a head popped into his room, and time seemed to stop for Logan.
She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, well to him anyway. She was just a shy shorter than him, with long sandy hair and though she wasn't classicaly beautiful, there was no denying her beauty. She looked at him with deep green eyes and he started feling a bit warm.
"Hi, I'm Alexis..... oh and don't let Jeroc get to you, He's ok, he just though you needed to learn a lesson. You're not the first", she said taking his hand in hers and giving it a gental shake. "Well I gotta go, Master Solar is waiting for me out in the Quad. I'll see ya around, Logan." she said as she walked briskly out the door.
When she was gone he let out a long sigh.'Maybe it won't be so bad here after all............

"Where are my keys?"

[Edited 2 times, lastly by JerocMahoy on July 30, 2000]

Rogue Angel

posted 07-31-2000 10:57 PM    
Meanwhile, recently promoted Jedi Knight Cella Poliani sat in the mess hall enjoying a cup of caf with her Mon Calamari friend Akinnai. Cella hadn't changed much since the day 12 years ago when she had arrived at Luke's Jedi Academy, an orphan from Coruscant with nothing to her name. She still wore her brown hair the same way, in a long braid down her back, and her hazel eyes still shone with the same vital glow. Her training had been long and difficult, partly due to her trouble with learning how to wield the lightsaber. Years after the Jedi her age had left the temple, she was still struggling with mastery of the traditional Jedi weapon, and that left her drained of self-confidence and half-hearted. A year ago though, she'd finally built her own lightsaber, and Master Luke had promoted her the last time he was home. Twenty-six years of age, she expected to be sent away from the Academy quite soon. Trouble was, she didn't know exactly when, or even if that would happen. Cella often wondered if she was truly cut out to be Jedi.

Akinnai broke into Cella's reverie. "Did you see what happened with the new student today?" Cella shook her head, and Akinnai launched into the tale of the arrogant young pilot who'd landed on Yavin IV that morning, demanding to be trained. Logan, for that was the man's name, had claimed to have TK, and Knight Jeroc Mahoy had challenged him. "And when he reached to move the chair," warbled Akinnai, "he couldn't do it! So much for his boasts!"

Cella laughed aloud, but her expression turned serious. "Of course he shouldn't have bragged so, but it must have been terrible for him. Think of how humiliated you would have been, Akinnai, had you failed in front of the entire Academy." The younger Mon Calamari hung her head, chastened.

Then a dark haired man--no, boy--with completely black eyes walked into the mess hall, amid murmurs from the other students. Akinnai whispered in Cella's ear, "That's him now."

Suddenly, the teenaged boy turned in Cella's direction and shot her a brief smile. Cella shook her head. He is going to be difficult, I can sense that. Force be with whoever decides to undertake his training.

"Aren't you a little short for a stormtrooper?"

[Edited 2 times, lastly by Rogue Angel on September 15, 2000]


posted 08-01-2000 03:00 AM    
*Logan was starving, and though he had no want to be seen by any of the other students, he hadn't had a real meal since he had permenently "barrowed" the clutch. Thinkin of which, he needed to start working on the TIE with three fin solar pannels. He left his room and set out to find the Mess hall.
He walked down the hall and asked directs and found his way there. As he went in he was glad to see two of his favorite things, hot food and women of all kinds. He still wanted to find that girl who had stepped into his room, introduced herself, and ran off. But until then, these other women could occupy his time. He looked around and saw a young woman his elder of ten years or so, and flashed her a crooked grin. He could usually tell if they were interested or not on how they reacted to the sight of his sharp teeth. He couldn't tell with her reaction though, it didn't matter realy he would still have to start making friends somewhere. Might as well start here.
He started walking twards their table and took a seat across the table from them. He reached his hand across the table, and said "Hey ladies, name's Logan". He was almost sure that they had been there in the great hall or had heard about it by now. Oh well, he couldn't let that stop him, not after all he had been through to get this far.......

"Where are my keys?"

Rogue Angel

posted 08-01-2000 07:11 PM    
Even considering what she'd heard from Akinnai, Cella was startled that the young man would be so bold as to introduce herself. She had a reputation in the academy as a formidable loner, and quite a few of the younger Jedi were in awe of her. Silly, this young man wouldn't know that.

She took the hand Logan offered and shook it firmly. "I'm Cella Poliani, Jedi Knight."

Logan shot her that grin again. Now that he was a bit closer, Cella was finally able to put her finger on what it was that was different about it. His teeth were actually pointy. Well, I'm Coruscant-bred. I've seen it all and more.

Logan took a seat across from Cella and Akinnai. Since Akinnai seemed to be momentarily paralyzed by shyness, Cella decided to stir the soup. "I hear you have come to train at the temple," she said politely, making no mention of the morning's incident.

Logan nodded. "That's right." Cella tried to further the conversation, but Logan was very closemouthed about his origins. Cella was about to give up and leave the mess hall when Logan asked, "I haven't seen many Jedi here at the Temple, just students. Why is that?"

Cella sighed. "Most of them are off on missions, liasing with New Republic personnel and such."

Logan gave her a probing look. "So why are you still here?"

Cella looked away. She didn't want to tell this cocky young man about her failures with the lightsaber and her all-too-recent promotion. She had a feeling he wouldn't understand, and besides, she barely knew him. "Long story." She spotted Jeroc Mahoy coming into the mess hall, and, glad of a change in the conversation, stood to greet him. "Master Jeroc, how good to see you."

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Rogue Angel on September 15, 2000]


posted 08-01-2000 09:41 PM    
"Cella how great to see you! I see you have met the new student. I have come looking for him in fact. I wanted to take him out and teach him some more about the Force. You can join us later if you want.",Jeroc said with a smile.

He looked around the room to see if any new students were showing up. They had been receiving more students daily at the temple. They would need them more with the Vong on the rampage.

"Well Logan have you had enough to eat? If not I'm always up for a meal."

Forum Moderator


posted 08-02-2000 02:27 AM    
*Logan looked up from the table at the man that had embaressed him within the first few minuts of his arrival. "Just sat down, but a..... if you want, old man, we can get something to eat", he reply trying to get back at him in some small way. Jeroc simply shrugged it offand replied,
"That sounds fine, we have plenty of time young Logan.", Jeroc said in response to Logan's old man comments.
As they walked off to get two trays of food, Cella watched them leave with a faint smile spread across her face. 'poor Jeroc, he's just aking for trouble with taking this one under his wing. Though the force help him, he's probably the only one with the patients enough'
As they were picking up their trays of food, Logan looked overat Jeroc and inquired "so what were you talking about 'show me some more about the Force'? I have used it before, I mean I've seen things through it and done things with it before."
Jeroc looked over with eyes filled with wisdom and knowledgeand said " well I'll just have to show you, but tell me about how you've used the Force before. Maybe it will help me in teaching you how to use it again".
Logan sat down at the table and saw a ginuine want to listen. No one had ever actually wanted to listen to him before, and he desided that maybe he could trust this guy after all. He launched into a description of his past adventures and dealings with the Force, trying to not embellish as he often did. He knew that if he did, the old man would probably see right through it anyway, and besides, for some reason he didn't want to let him down in that way. It was weird, he would have actually felt guilty about it........

"Where are my keys?"

[Edited 1 times, lastly by LoganMurroe on August 02, 2000]


posted 08-02-2000 02:50 AM    
*Jeroc and Logan moved down the halls of the temple while Logan was talking to Jeroc about many stories. This kid had enough stories to tell at such a young age. Jeroc was not sure which ones he had actually lived or which ones were embellished. There was certianly a lot of embellishing going on but Jeroc could sense that the boy was trying to keep his embellishing down to a minumum. They were outside in the growing darkness of night. They moved through the open feild and into the woods. Jeroc saw to smooth rocks up ahead. It would be a perfect place to conduct a study for Logan.

"Here we are Logan we will start with your training of the Force right here. Ok your first lesson will be sensing what is around you and touching other life forms. I want you to concentrate and spread your senses but don't forget about the moment. You must always be alert and not have your focus on just one thing entirely. Now just spread your senses and let yourself sense the Force around you..."

Forum Moderator


posted 08-02-2000 03:30 PM    
*Logan wasn't sure at first what he actually meant but replied "Ok, I'll try."
Jeroc merely looked at him with patients in his eyes and replied " In this life, Logan, we either do what we set out to or we don't. So just do it, don't try."
It was strange how that made sense to him, but he still wasn't sure how to go about the task set before him. So he just did it. He closed his obsidion eyes and tried to feel what was out there, but only saw the backs of his eyelids. He kept pushing with his mind but to no avail.
It was only when he started to give up, and quit pushing that he suddenly saw without his eye, and saw everything with clarity he had never known. He had to keep from gasping at first, it was more than he had ever hoped for. He felt the birds of all kind fly to there pertches and could feel them being warmed by the last rays of the sun as it set. He felt the nocturnal predators start to wake and stir about on the jungle floors. He could feel it all, the spider crawling up the wall behind them, the students inside the temple and out, and then he realized he had failed his first test when he felt his new master right beside him. It was true that he had reached out with the Force and sensed the life that moved all about him, but he hadn't kept his mind on the now. He knew that moments had turned into minuts and minuts had turned to hours. When he opened his eyes, darkness had rapped around Yavin and he knew he had failed in some way for the secound time.

"Where are my keys?"

Rogue Angel

posted 08-02-2000 07:10 PM    
The next morning, Cella was about to start her daily walk in the jungle. She was carrying a towel as well, because she planned to hike to a place only she and a few others knew about, a cool spring in the heart of the jungle that was a wonderful spot for bathing in the sticky heat. The spring formed a creek and then fell over a large mass of stone which Cella had nicknamed "Mother of Waters". As she headed into a clearing with a few flat stones, she was surprised to find Master Jeroc and Logan there.

Cella tried to cover her surprise. She bowed to the Jedi Master and nodded to Logan. "Jeroc, Logan, a pleasant morning to you."

Jeroc returned her bow with a nod of his head and Logan grinned at her. "I hope I haven't disturbed you," Cella said politely. Have they been out here all night? I don't recall them coming back to the temple...

Jeroc smiled kindly at Cella. "In fact, we have. Yavin's night is full of wonders, and I could think of no better time to teach Logan to reach out with his senses and touch the Force." Cella was embarrassed at having let her thoughts broadcast so loudly, and she dampened her surprise.

Logan looked pointedly at Cella, then at the towel in her hand. "Where were you headed to, Cella?"

Jeroc gave Logan a warning look, but Cella decided to tell. "I was just going for my morning walk."

"What, walking your pet towel?" Logan laughed, and Jeroc resolved to have a serious talk with the young man about respecting people's privacy.

Cella blushed. "No, actually, I was headed to a cold spring a few miles north of here to bathe." She felt suddenly friendly, and offered, "Would you like to come with me?" After all, Jeroc was one of her best friends, and Logan didn't seem so bad.

Logan raised an eyebrow. "Well, as long as you're not bathing in the nude."

"Logan!" Jeroc reprimanded, but Cella laughed. "Don't worry, Jeroc, you will have plenty of time to teach your student Jedi dignity. Come on, let's go. Perhaps the student and teacher will find an object lesson in the beauty of the spring and its waterfall." And she led the two farther into the jungle.

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"


posted 08-04-2000 03:49 AM    
*They start into the jungles of Yavin IV, stepping over brush and fallen leaves, following faithfully after Cella. Up hills and back down over their mirror sides, each time meeting a larger sloped eddiface inwhich they had to conquer to reach their destination. Though Logan had considered himself is good shape, he quickly began to question that assumption.
Hoping that perhaps someonelse felt the same need to rest for a few moments, he inquired " This isn't to much for you old man because we can stop if you need too." without looking over his shoulder. To his dismay came, " No Logan, the Force is all the strength I need, not rest. Though if you require such, we shall stop.".
Logan looked back with sweat dripping down his face at Jeroc and saw that the old man hadn't even started to perspire."No, just checking on you. I'm sure Cella doesn't want to carry you out of here any more than i do, if you pass out on us." he said trying to hide the fact that he wasn't use to doing this, at least not in an environment such as this. HE heard a short laugh come from Cella, but nothing else was said till they neared the Spring. Instead of resting, he opted to try to open himself up to the Force and try to focuss on the now.
He slowly openned himself to its power and again was ammazed by it. This time however, he tried to keep his mind on what was directly around him. He still had a great deal to learn about control, but make no mistake, he would learn. He was so far behind the others that were his age, he had to.It would be hard he knew, but there was nothing that he couldn't if he devoted himself to it. He would listen to the old man, and he would learn........

"Where are my keys?"

Rogue Angel

posted 08-04-2000 07:16 PM    
Cella felt the young man's determination to learn surge through the Force, and she was favorably impressed. The walk was a long one, and she had drawn on the Force several times to strengthen tired muscles and steady uncertain feet. I might teach Logan how to do that, she thought as she looked at his sweaty, ruddy face in amusement. It is a very useful skill here on Yavin IV.

Finally, they reached the spring. Cella ducked discreetly behind a bush to remove her outer garments and put on her bathing suit. She could still hear Logan and Jeroc talking, and sense Logan's wonder at the marvel of the waterfall.

For a few minutes, Logan just stood on the banks of the clear pool and watched the waterfall tumble over the jagged gray mass of stone. He'd seen many things, but few things as beautiful and tranquil as this. He was surprised to find that it made him think of Alexis, and wondered idly where she was. I hope I'll see her again, he thought, and blushed.

As Jeroc removed his Master's robes and stripped down to his shorts, he saw his student's blush and smiled. "We will have a lesson soon," he said, "but now, we can just go for a swim. It'll certainly be refreshing after that hike," Jeroc said slyly, and Logan gave him a dirty look.

Before either of them could say anything, they suddenly spotted Cella at the top of the rock pile. She grinned cockily, and, without a word, dived smoothly into the deepest part of the pool, splashing both Jeroc and Logan soundly. She came up and looked at the two wet men. "Gotcha," she drawled smoothly, and Jeroc jumped into the pool, shouting, "You little ingrate! How dare you splash a master!"

As the two Jedi engaged in a furious but fun water fight, Logan watched a little uneasily. He'd never seen adults play like this, and he never would have expected it from Jedi. He pondered whether or not to go in. He didn't really want to drop his tough-guy act yet. He hadn't had much of a childhood, and he wasn't sure he knew how to let go and have fun. Just then, Cella winked at him, and Logan watched in fascination as she used the Force to gather water into a sphere and float it over Jeroc's head. Instead of bursting it on Jeroc, though, she floated it over to Logan and burst it on him! Logan laughed and decided to join in. After all, he was hot from the long hike. He jumped right into the pool.

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

Darth Wicked

posted 08-06-2000 08:59 PM    
As the three ships, Shuttle Transport 1 carrying Squad 7 of the Noghri, Shuttle Transport 2 carrying the Phase II Dark Troopers, and the modified ship with Lord Wicked, Nikk, Leeve and S'ckil entered Yavin IV's atmosphere, they put down roughly 100 meters from where Logan, Jeroc, and Cella played. This would not be an afternoon they would soon forget.

The repulsorlifts from the ship hissed as the landing gear crept from it's bays and put down. Ramps extended from the two shuttle transports, the Phase II Dark Troopers piling out in Imperial Grace, the squad of Noghri doing so also. And as the cockpit to the modified ship broke it's seal, air scurried in and out, as it lifted open. The three noghri darting out, standing afront Squad 7. Then a blue orb, with Lord Wicked inside floated from the ship, out roughly 5 meters from the ship Lord Wickeds feet kicking to the ground, his robes dropping around him, barely missing the ground.

"Squad 3... make haste to the Temple. Lay low, kill no one unless confronted and gather information for now." The squad saluted then turned on heel and charged towards the Temple. Lord Wicked turning to the squad of Noghri, smirking; "Squad 7. You are the best of the best. Scour the area, split up and let no one make it up or off this rock."

Turning on heel, Nikk shot to his side, with Leeve and S'ckil close behind. "You three... find them, do not act, I will see with your eyes though I will take a different route. They will not leave before I speak to them."

The three noghri made haste taking the same trail the three Jedi did. Lord wicked on the other hand, turned, the blue orb expanding around him once more. Floating upwards, he took to the sky and looked down, surrounding the area was Squad 7 of the Noghri... ahh yes, he would speak with Skywalker.

His form wavered, and then nothing but mist remained, which also disperesed quickly. With speed nearly that of a blaster bolt, he made his way towards the three, a smile adorning his unseen face. As soon as he reached the upper cliffside, his form became visible once more, floating just above the rocks with his eyes on the three below. A woman of beauty... strong in the Force... yet she goes untrained to her full potential... ignorant Jedi Masters failing to keep pressing her abilities to greater lengths. Another... a completely untapped Force wielder... unarmed... no saber no blaster. Magnificent... now Skywalker.

Turning his attention upon Jeroc... he shook his head, that was not Luke Skywalker! How could he mistake this man for Skywalker? That is it... he sensed through the Force whom was 'In Charge' of the Temple... not for Skywalker. A mistake that will never be made again.

This woman... she reminded him of someone close to his heart... closing his eyes he opened his mind to Squad 7, Squad 3, Nikk, Leeve, and S'ckil, "Do not harm the lady Jedi. She is to be left in one piece"

He looked back upon them, not hiding that transmission from their minds eye. As the blue orb dissappeared, he landed softly upon the rockes above, his black hair drifting behind him, his face calm, not a day over 27 standard years, handsome... his eyes shimmering a turquoise hue from the springs glaze, his robes lightly stirring under the breeze. "Where is Skywalker?"

-Darth Wicked

And saith unto him; 'All these things will I give thee if you will fall down and worship me...'

[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Darth Wicked on August 06, 2000]


posted 08-07-2000 12:02 AM    
*Jeroc looked at the man in front of him and saw that he was filled with anger and hate. He was also strong in the Force. Jeroc could read that he was not here on friendly business. It seemed that the three's playing shall be put on hold for a while.

"I'm sorry but Master Skywalker is gone. If you wish to speak to someone it will have to be me.",Jeroc said very calmly. He could sense fear coming from Logan. The boy was trying to convey his confidence to everyone around him. Even though he had none. Jeroc spread his mind across the area and felt that Logan was doing it too. Good the boy was learning. He felt some prescenes around. Many of them...if there were to be a confrontation the Jedi would not have a lot of a chance.

"Why do you wish to speak with Master Skywalker?"

Forum Moderator

Darth Wicked

posted 08-07-2000 12:29 AM    
His eye's looked over the three, a smirk spreading acrossed his lips. He still could not get over the woman Jedi... she stuck out in his mind. Turning to the strongest Jedi, he opened his mind to the Force... ahhh... the weak one gave him the names, reopening his eyes his blood curdling voice rang out once more, "Jeroc... I came to speak with Skywalker on a 'business' side. A proposition if you will. But that concerns you not. Since he has recently departed... I have found a new being of interest. The girl... Cella... she comes with me. I can guarantee no harm whatsoever will come to her. And you will see her again."

Turning his attention towards the sky, a smirk spreading acrossed his lips; "Failure to cooperate will result in the bombardment of the planet, all the Jedi will be killed as well as any innocents on the planet."

Turning back towards them, his face stone cold, all intentions hidden, locked away within his mind, coated by every essence of the Dark Side. "The choice is yours..."

-Darth Wicked

And saith unto him; 'All these things will I give thee if you will fall down and worship me...'

[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]

Rogue Angel

posted 08-07-2000 02:14 AM    
Jeroc looked at Cella, a terrible decision awaiting him. He could not ask his friend and colleague to go with this man against his will, and he could not subject an entire planet to massacre of the worst sort. But he was spared. Biting her lip, Cella made the decision for him.

Summoning up all her courage, she spoke directly to the dark man. "I will go with you. I trust that you are a man of your word. I ask only this. Let me have a few words with Jeroc."

The man nodded. "You are a girl of perception as well as beauty. I am indeed a man with honor. You may speak to this man briefly. Then we will depart." A chilling grin spread across his face as he withdrew to let the two Jedi have some privacy.

Immediately after the man stepped back, Jeroc spoke. "Cella, I cannot permit you to do this. You are putting yourself in immeasurable danger. Besides, what's to stop this man from carrying out his threat once you're in his hands?" Jeroc was trying hard to remain calm, but he was almost panicked with fear.

Cella cut him short. "Is it for me, or for yourself that you fear?" she said sharply. Jeroc was taken aback, and Cella could see his hurt. She reached over and took his hand. "Don't worry. Fear is of the dark side. Whatever happens to me is my Force-destined path." She smiled uneasily. "Skies, I'm sounding more fatalistic by the moment." She went on as Jeroc listened with characteristic patience. "This man will not hurt me, and he couldn't hurt me, not really. I sense that."

Jeroc was still uneasy. "Cella, I still don't think you should be doing this."

Cella smiled. "We have to say goodbye. Come, where is your masterly encouragement? You should be sending your student out into the world with a smile."

They hugged, and Jeroc thought, Out into the world does not mean into the hands of the dark side. He felt Cella's reassuring mind touch as she thought, The Force will keep me strong. Do not fear.
She broke off the embrace and the mental connection, and went to dress in her coverall and grab her lightsaber. Jeroc thought that he had never witnessed such courage of will, and he thought, If she isn't returned alive...

Logan watched the little drama, a helpless bystander. He felt weaker and more like a failure than ever. Shouldn't he be doing something, fighting this guy who was going to run off with his master's dearest friend? His mind knew he was doing the right thing, staying out of the way, but his heart screamed something else entirely. Silently, he vowed to dedicate himself to the Jedi path and make a warrior of himself. I will not be helpless all my life. I will become Jedi.

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Rogue Angel on August 07, 2000]

Darth Wicked

posted 08-07-2000 02:26 AM    
Turning on heel he walked to the edge of the rock, his eyes upon the now dressed female. "I do grow weary of waiting. Patience is not a stronger suit of mine. Jeroc, you will see her again." his voice rang out. And at the he stood waiting for the woman to join him.

His eyes watching the others, keeping his mind open to the Force, noticing every little detail of every lifeform on the planet. "My men will withdraw from the planet. Cella will join me on my ship. I cannot releave the planet of the ships surrounding it though, for that would put everything I have worked so hard for in jeopardy. But I can... on the other hand, guarantee the planet will not be harmed, nor it's inhabitants." Looking upon the woman, he waited for her to join him.

And saith unto him; 'All these things will I give thee if you will fall down and worship me...'

[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]


posted 08-07-2000 02:52 AM    
*Jeroc and Logan ran through the forest jumping over trees and rocks to keep on their path. Jeroc had to get to the temple to tell the others that Yavin IV was in danger. Jeroc looked behind him and saw that Logan was starting having trouble keeping up. The boy had sweat pouring down his face from the mugginess of Yavin IV.

"There is much you need to learn Logan",Jeroc said to the young man.

"Yeah old man you think you could teach me more? I don't want anything like that to happen again. I want to hurt that guy so bad."

"Hatred is of the dark side Logan and another thing I'm not an old man." Jeroc was only in his thirtees. Jeroc had not a wrinkle or a gray hair on his body. He even looked younger then what his real age was. Jeroc was a born fighter and could take on just about anyone in hand to hand combat. Luhruhk could not even beat him any more. Jeroc was considered one of the best fighters of the Jedi. To stay that way he had to keep in shape which kept well with his handsome looks.

"C'mon old man lets go back to the temple."

Logan and Jeroc ran quickly and reached the temple in no time. There were people outside gathered around a ship. He saw one of the older students running up the ramp and the ship taking off shortly after. The ship and the student were doomed if he didn't do anything quick. He saw his wife Cordea and saw that she had a comlink in her hand. He snatched it from her hand quickly. DAMN! The planet was being held in communications silence. Jeroc strected out with the Force and felt the student in the ship Come back you are in danger! Imperial forces will kill you if you don't turn. Minutes later he saw a ship land on the ground a hundred meters away. Jeroc warning had gotten to the student in time. Or had it? The student came down the ramp with flames following closely behind him. Apparently he had gotten up there after all and had taken some hits. Jeroc saw Cordea run to the boy and immedialtly put him into a deep Jedi healing trance. The boy would survive but would still need bacta treatments. Jeroc circled around to the side away from him and saw that a huge tear had been made in the side of the shuttle. It was amazing that the boy had been able to get home. This was personal...

Forum Moderator

Darth Wicked

posted 08-07-2000 03:33 AM    
As the two had taken off, he looked towards the woman. As he watched her, his form lifted into the air very slowly, his robes drifting around his ankles, and he floated down beside her. Looking her straight in the eye he rested a hand upon her cheek. "No harm will come to you by any means." Removing his hand, he looked to her with a light smirk, his eyes shimmering a crimson hue. Do not fear me... Slowly wrapping an arm around her, and holding her next to his body, that same blue orb covering them both. As they floated slowly in the air, he held her a little bit tighter, closing his eyes, both of their forms dissipating in thin air.

Reappearing by the two transports and his own ship, they slowly came to a halt. Floating to the ground, the orb dissappearing. He released her slowly. Standing at full attention where Squad 3 and Squad 7, plus Nikk, Leeve, and S'ckil.

"Squad 7, Transport 1. Dock on Wicked Uprising bay 5. Squad 3, Transport 2. Dock on Wicked Uprising bay 6. Nikk, Leeve, S'ckil. Join Squad 7."

As they did so, Lord Wicked watched them board and the ships take off. Turning to Cella, his eyes shimmering under Yavin IV's night moons. His ashen black hair wavering behind him, his robes shifting around under the light breeze. His lips spreading as he looked to her, and spoke in a soft tone.

"My true name is Orion Saden. It is a pleasure Cella Poliani. I hope you do not feel uncomfortable. I truly would have let you go, but I am glad you chose to come. I wish to speak with you on many subjects. I had my accompanyment take leave. They will not know where we are going. Though you will for future reference if need be. We are going to a planet which it's coordinates are on New Republic maps, so you will be able to return there in the future if such on occasion arises." Before she could mutter a word, he took her in his arms again, and floated them both into the cockpit of the modified ship.

As they entered, he let her go, letting her choose her own seat, he took the pilot seat with the co-pilot seat empty. Hitting a few switches, the cockpits hatch closed and sealed itself, and the ship took off. Exiting Yavin IV's atmosphere and making the jump to hyperspace.

-Darth Wicked

And saith unto him; 'All these things will I give thee if you will fall down and worship me...'

[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]

[Edited 2 times, lastly by Darth Wicked on August 07, 2000]

Rogue Angel

posted 08-07-2000 06:55 PM    
Cella sat in the cockpit, trying to keep her back straight, still not saying a word. Thoughts rushed through her mind, rumors at the Temple, scare stories she'd heard as a girl on Coruscant...She pushed the fear away, though it still tickled at the edges of her perception. Right now, in her mind, the strongest voice was that of her beloved master, Luke Skywalker. "Do not be afraid. Trust in the living Force to guide you and fill you. Draw strength from it. That is the way of the Jedi." She nearly broke down in tears. It is easy for you to be brave, Master Luke. You have made it through so much. I am just an untested novice, young in the Force. I do not even know where I am being taken. She looked at Orion Saden, in the pilot's seat, staring out into hyperspace. Master, how can I resist this strange and fascinating man? How can I fight the pull of the dark side?

Just then, Saden turned around, smiled at Cella. His smile was frightening, but it almost had a charm to it. "What are you thinking of, little one? You have not said a word since we came on board." He paused, thinking, and his face grew more serious. "Perhaps it is wise to keep your thoughts to yourself."

Cella's curiousity overcame her then, and she had to ask. "Why did you come to Yavin IV? And why did you decide to take me?" She gulped as she looked into the man's crimson eyes. Fear, fear, fear, surrounding me, coating my perception, blinding my view. I have to face him. She gazed at Saden with more boldness, and it seemed to please him, strangely enough.

Darth Wicked

posted 08-07-2000 07:09 PM    
His face straight, no emtion dedectible through eyes alone, his eyes a darker hue of crimson from the blackness of space, staring upon her face. His voice echoing lightly in the ship, but a calm tone making it light; "I came to Yavin IV to speak with Luke Skywalker. A representitive if you will. But with him taking leave before I could, I ran into you..." trailing off thoughts whirrled in his head... she reminded him so much of his childhood friend... that which he has none of now. She was a Jedi Knight... yet her mind, and power in the living Force goes as an untapped resource.

Flipping a few switches on the panel, switching it to autopilot, turning his full attention towards her, his eyes glistening, running a hand through his ashen black hair; "Have you anymore questions before we arrive? ETA to arrival is 2 standard hours."

-Darth Wicked

And saith unto him; 'All these things will I give thee if you will fall down and worship me...'

[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]

Rogue Angel

posted 08-08-2000 01:57 AM    
Cella nodded her head, and Saden seemed satisfied. "Very well then. I trust you are comfortable?" Again, Cella gave the affirmative, and he turned back to the controls of the ship. "You have many wonderful discoveries awaiting you."

The words triggered a switch in Cella's mind. Master Skywalker had said much the same words when she had arrived at the temple years ago. She adored Master Luke. He was like the father she'd never had, and she tried her best to please him, to see the smile of pride in his face when she had done well. Luke, in his turn, was never too busy for Cella, always stopping to console her little hurts and listen to her woes. He had worked so long and patiently with her on the lightsaber, even when he could have left such a thing to Kam or one of the other fighting masters. His love had kept Cella from the brink of the dark side. There existed a bond of affection between the student and the teacher that could not be broken. For a split second, she considered calling him for help, then dismissed it. She was not strong enough in the Force to call across such a distance, and besides, she was a grown woman. She should be able to get through this herself. Still, Cella thought of her master as the ship made its way through space to the nameless planet. I will not do anything to break our bond. I will be a worthy student.

[Edited 2 times, lastly by Rogue Angel on August 08, 2000]

Darth Wicked

posted 08-08-2000 03:29 AM    
As the time passed, without a word being uttered a light jostle to the ship noted they had dropped from hyperspace. Tilting his head slowly, a strand of his ashen black hair falling afront his face, he noticed she had already begun to notice the planet. "Keel Doba. A beautiful planet in every way. The jungles are lush, fruits of every color and variety, animals that wouldn't harm a fly, and best of all no inhabitants. I come here to contemplate things, I have a small dwelling, no bigger than what I need to land a ship and to live. I merely wish to speak with you. If I have not yet proved that I mean no harm to come of you, I do not know what will."

As he flipped a switch, taking over the controls he piloted the ship down into the planet's atmosphere. Birds squaking and shooting from the trees, the heat no warmer than a mid afternoon with a wonderful breeze cooling the planet to the perfect temperature. As they passed over a large group of trees, a clearing could be seen. A small home made of stone, a large sanded area to land a ship.

Piloting the ship, hitting a few switches to release the landing gear, Lord Wicked landed the ship. As a hiss from the cockpit came, the seal was broke and the cockpit opened. Standing up and puling himself out, he peered in and held out his hand. Cella reaching for it slowly, he pulled her out, and onto the hull of the ship. Taking her in his arms once more, they lifted slowly off the ship, and floated just as slow to the ground. Releasing her once more, a smile spread acrossed his lips, "My home away from home."

Holding his hand out to her, he looked her in the face, his eyes glistening their crimson hue; "Come, we will have some food, then talk." He left his hand hanging for her...

And saith unto him; 'All these things will I give thee if you will fall down and worship me...'

[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]


posted 08-09-2000 03:02 PM    
*Meanwhile at the temple*

Jeroc tried to hush the assembly of children and teenagers. They must've been wondering why they were gathered here on one of the days not scheduled to be given a lecture.

"Attention...I have something VERY important to tell you all!", Jeroc said emphasazing the very to show the importance of the matter."There has been intruders in the temple and they have taken Cella."

Cella was dear to some of the children here. She had shown a natural skill for teaching them and getting along with them. Many people thought very highly of her at the temple. Although she still had a while to becoming a master. She had still shown the patience of one. That was one of her great attributes. He had found many in her. She rememinded him much of his own wife Cordea. He knew that Cella had a place in his heart too. He would feel terrible if something happened to her. She was one of his best friends he knew that if something happened to Cordea...Cella would...the loudness of the room interupted his thoughts.

"Children please! Everything will be fine. Let the Force be your guide. It will show you ever thing will be fine. We must follow this mysterious figure's commands. Cella is taking a big risk for all of us. We must be strong. Now right now there is nothing to worry about. Go to the mess room. Lunch is being served." Jeroc sent out a warm smile to them to keep them feeling safe. He was sure that some of them were so scared that a smile would not change it.

Jeroc saw Luhruhk and decided maybe it was time to hone his fighting skills. It had been a couple of weeks since he had last practiced. No doubt Luhruhk would come out on top if they practiced but oh well.

"Do you wanna duel? I need the practice." Jeroc asked Luhruhk.

"Yes Jeroc I need to. I have not been able to practice lately either.", Luhruhk said in his mewing tone.

They traveled to a room that was only known to the knights and masters. There was a room for the young ones to practice but the older Jedi created a room to get away from the young ones sometimes. Luhruhk ignighted his acid green lightsaber across from Jeroc. Jeroc pulled out his lightsaber. It was a peice of art that Jeroc had created. It was made from parts of his homeworld ,Viruos V, that was now destroyed. Jeroc ignighted the saber and out came two blades one from each side of the saber. The color was different than anyones lightsaber Jeroc had encounterd. It was black outer rim with an icy blue core. Jeroc had made it using a crystal that came only from the Viruos system. It had once been described to him as deadly and beutiful at once. It was truly a work of art.

Luhruhk made the first move which Jeroc parried easily. Jeroc brought his foot up into Luhruhk's side and knocked him back and immediatly came back with a twirl of his lightsaber and the blade connected with Luhruhk's agian. The fight was a flurry of kicks, spins, and slashing with lightsabers. By the end Jeroc had come out on top. Although he had come out on top breathing very hard it was still a great Noghri warrior he was fighting and tehe noghri was a Jedi. Jeroc was probably in the top five of fighting experts. Not alot of people knew that about him but it was for the better. He was always taken as slow because of his towering size and built structure. He always had the advantage because people either underestimated him or overestimated him. It was a good thing to have on your side.

Jeroc walked to his room after he had gotten done with the fight. He immediatly laid down on the bed and closed his eyes. Not too long after he laid down he felt someone roll on top of him. His wife was sitting over him stradaling him.

"How was the fight?",she said through her thoughts to him.

"I was suprised I was able to beat him agian. Even though I haven't practiced agianst him in a while."

"Well I guess I'll have to show you a fight then"

She kissed him and he faded into a world where nothing else mattered but him and Cordea. He wouldn't know what to do without having her love. She was great...

Forum Moderator

Rogue Angel

posted 08-09-2000 06:00 PM    
Back on the world of Keel Doba, love was the last thing on Cella's mind. As she followed Orion Saden into the little stone house, she wondered how Jeroc was coping with things back at the academy. She sighed. He was probably doing a pretty good job of controlling the pandemonium that must have ensued when she left. She wished she could say the same for herself as she watched Saden reach into the food preservation unit for a small stoneware dish. She was interrupted in her thoughts when he asked, "Do you like Corellian cuisine?" Cella nodded in reply, and Saden popped the dish into the reheating unit. He pulled a chair up for her at a small table for two and handed her an eating utensil and the now-hot dish.

Cella tasted it, tentatively at first, for she expected something greasy and tasteless. She was surprised to find that the dish was delicious, a mixture of some sort of grain and a spicy vegetable relish. She ate neatly, but quickly, and Saden was pleased to see that she liked it. "I cooked it myself," he said with a touch of pride, and Cella looked up at him in surprise. "I am a man of many talents."

As soon as Cella was done, Saden smiled and extended his hand once more. "Let us go outside," he said. "I have much to teach you and little time in which to do it. Time for your first lesson." Lesson?, thought Cella. This is getting stranger by the second. But a full stomach had made her trustful, and she willingly followed Lord Wicked outside.

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

Darth Wicked

posted 08-09-2000 09:24 PM    
As they stood outside, he slowly breathed in, taking in the fresh air surrounding. His eyes closing slowly, then even slower reopening. His ashen black hair waving with the slight breeze. A smile adorned his handsom human face. Turning towards her, he spoke; "Your talents go to waste at the temple. The Jedi, they do not push you, nor show you the individual attention that I could give you."

Turning slightly, looking around him with his arms raised to his side; "I grew up here, with the Dark Jedi that trained me in the ways of the Force. I was not always a Sith. I started out as an apprentice, much like you did. Learning the ways of the Force and the Jedi. But I was betrayed by my masters. They felt that they had to lie to me, telling me they were Jedi Masters when they were failed Jedi, turned Dark Jedi. I destroyed them when they felt I was too powerful. I trained here. On Keel Doba, by myself from then on. Fending for myself, doing everything on my own. Mind you they took me in when I was 10, after being seperated from my family."

Turning back to face her, his smile was gone, a straight face now; "I trained myself. I consider myself a Sith as I do not go for hire to the New Republic, helping them as they please. No, I fend for myself. I know you have Cella. I know your past, your present, and I can give you a new future. I can show you everything you've ever dreamed or imagined. I can make anything and everything come true for you."

Slowly walking around her, pacing her in full circle; "You would still know the Jedi ways. I was a Jedi. Trained until I reached Knight status. Then the Dark Jedi revealed themselves. I know what you could become. You would not be like Palpatine, or even Vader. Or any of the other Sith. You would be like me. The Shadow Jedi. We have both the Light and the Dark at our fingertips. I can train you. You choose when the time is right for either side... you choose. You are not set upon one path and one path alone. You do not have to serve the Empire or the New Republic. You live for you, and fend for those you care about. Not who you are told to care about."

Stopping finally, directly infront of her, he peered into her eyes, his eyes illuminating a soft hue of crimson; "The choice is yours dear Cella. I give you your first lesson... deciding your future, your actions, your destiny with the Force..."

-Darth Wicked

And saith unto him; 'All these things will I give thee if you will fall down and worship me...'

Lord Wicked is NOT a Chiss, but human. I just love Thrawn.

[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Darth Wicked on August 09, 2000]

Rogue Angel

posted 08-10-2000 06:48 PM    
Cella pursed her lips, breathed in as if through a straw. She felt lightheaded, exhilarated and sick all at once. To be able to wield both the light and the dark sides of the Force--was it possible? Cella had never known such a thing. She had always thought that a Jedi chose one or the other, light or darkness. She was tempted more than she wanted to admit. To go out on her own, be her own woman...Had her beloved Master Skywalker failed her? Had he not stretched her to the limit of her possibility? A film of anger bubbled up, rose to the surface of her soul. Had Master Luke underestimated her because of her lack of lightsaber skill? Apparently that was what Saden thought. She felt dizzy. Cella had never concieved that Luke Skywalker, heir of the True Jedi, the Chosen One, might be wrong about her. The thought was exhilarating.

Then a voice knifed through her head, sharp as durasteel. "I despise duality in many things and most of all in people. No one can have the best of both worlds, and he who reaches for the best of both often ends up having the worst of all." Who had said that? Yes, Master Luke's sister, Chief of State Organa Solo. Cella had worked for her as a courier, that was how she'd been discovered. Ever since she had heard those words, she had held them close to her heart, like a concealed heirloom, waiting for such a time. When Cella spoke, it was with certainty.

"I would be a liar if I denied that I was tempted to your way. But such a thing, walking on two paths, that is contrary to everything I know. I will hear you out and let you teach me what you know, but I am a Jedi of the Light, and I will remain so. For me to dabble in the dark side would be like a young child playing with a blaster. I would be more likely to harm myself than to benefit from the weapon. Do you understand?"

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

Darth Wicked

posted 08-10-2000 08:05 PM    
Slowly his eyes closed, his head lowered, shaking his head slowly; "You are free to go... you may take the ship. The coordinates are programmed for Yavin IV"

Turning on heel, he marched slowly, past the makshift home, to a large boulder sitting alone, planted by the house. Jumping lightly, he landed on the rock, and sat down, thoughts whirrling through his mind... Another lost cause... so many on that list now... "Jeroc will be pleased to know that I held my part of the bargain. Though the ships will remain in orbit, except for mine. They will let you pass, but make your choice wisely, return and you will not get off the planet for some time."

Tilting his head upward he looked towards the two suns of Keel Doba. She made her decision... I cannot train one that will not become true. Such would be asinine, and falter the plans I have laid out... Zekk... I know of your accomplishments, you have done more than well. But I shall not return as of yet... I must do some... soul searching. A barricade has already been placed upon one of my plans...

Sighing and closing his eyes, letting the breeze coat his face, he merely sat silent. "The paths have been laid afront of you, I have chosen mine. I chose to harness both the light and the dark... I follow no ones rule but my own. And it seems as though you have made yours... the choice will not always be there, I understand following what you know, but that is what I tried to teach you in this short amount of time... you are wearing New Republic blinders. They, in turn with the Jedi Praxeum, have placed them upon you, so you see only what they place directly in front of you. You see the black, and the white... never catching the thin line of gray that stands in the center of it all."

Opening his eyes slowly, breathing in as if it where his last; "Without dark, there is no light. Without light, there can exist no dark. Yet with them both, you will always have the shadows created from the two. I walk the thin line of sanity, and insanity. Light and Dark... it is not impossible..." He said his last comment matter of fact-ly. And at that... he sighed once again, staring forward into the lush forests.

-Darth Wicked

And saith unto him; 'All these things will I give thee if you will fall down and worship me...'

Lord Wicked is NOT a Chiss, but human. I just love Thrawn.

[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]


posted 08-12-2000 09:00 PM    
Jeroc ran through the halls of the temple and came out into the bright light of the day. He came out just in time to see Cella's shuttle coming down.

Forum Moderator

Rogue Angel

posted 08-13-2000 03:43 PM    
Through the viewport of her shuttle, Cella saw Jeroc running toward her and smiled. She was so glad to see her old friend again, but she didn't know if she would be able to talk to him about what happened on Keel Doba. Her close she had come to taking Wicked up on his offer. Cella shuddered. I almost gave up everything that mattered to me. I might never have seen Jeroc again... She sighed as Wicked's words ran through her mind. Did I do this for myself, or just so I wouldn't disappoint my friends? She shook her head. In her heart, she knew she would not have been able to live with herself if she had touched the dark side. Now, though, she would have to live with temptation, to wake up in the middle of the night and think about what might have been...

She got off the shuttle, squinting in the bright light. "Hello, Jeroc."

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

Darth Wicked

posted 08-13-2000 03:59 PM    
Standing and walking slowly into the makeshift-home he sighed. Congratulations brother. You are going to suceed... we will rebuild what is ours. But do not get overconfident, for that will be our downfall...

Walking towards a small table, he picked up a comm link and squeezed it lightly, "Jinn... reroute the Wicked Uprising and have it pick me up." There was a confirmation beep and then Jinn's computerized voice came back; "Would you like the have the 7th Imperial fleet begin planetary bombardment and unload troops?" Wicked sighed and shook his head as if Jinn where there. "No Jinn. I keep my promises. Have the fleet move to Yavin's third moon. Unload all the troops. We will await Skywalkers return." Another confiming beep was heared, and then nothing.

Lord Wicked set the comm-link back down and walked out of the home. Lifting into the air atop the rock once more, he sighed and sat, staring into the sky. So much could have been, I could have helped you unlock your wildest dreams, most unimaginable fantasies, they all could have been yours... I only wish that I could have got it through your head, your wearing blinders... your not seeing all that is there. You are a tool to the New Republic...

-Darth Wicked

And saith unto him; 'All these things will I give thee if you will fall down and worship me...'

Lord Wicked is NOT a Chiss, but human. I just love Thrawn.

[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]

[Edited 2 times, lastly by Darth Wicked on August 23, 2000]


posted 08-19-2000 03:43 PM    
*Ever since the Jeroc's speech to all the students at the Praxeum, Logan's mind had been realing. Why had the Old Man just resigned himself to letting Cella be kidnapped, after all that's what it really was. She was practicaly forced to go with him, that man who seemed as if he was in the light but being nawwed away at by the dark side. He had only gotten a sence of the man, yet there was something deffinately wro

Darth Wicked

posted 08-27-2000 09:09 PM    
Slowly stood, his hair blowing in the breeze his eyes shimmering their standard turquoise hue. His crimson cloak sifting lightly on the ground behind him, wavering under the wind. His amulets not glowing, just idle upon the gauntlets around his wrists. The golden crown upon his head, jewels encrusted within.

Within minutes the Tyridium Shuttle had landed in the large clearing. The ramp hissing lightly as it touched the ground. A squadron of Phase II Dark Troopers marching down, and standing at attention to both sides of the ramp.

A sigh escaped Lord Wicked as he turned on heel and marched towards the ramp. Nodding to the Troopers, they marched to attention behind him as they all boarded, the ramp hissing once more as it came to a close.

The shuttle lifted slowly, and headed towards the Wicked Uprising.

-Darth Wicked

~*Darth Wicked... Mocking all things sacred*~
~*I am GOD. Registered trademark of ChristCorp Inc.*~
~*Weather in Hell: 5,972 degree's F and breezy*~
~*Man killed in blast told to clean up.*~
~*[monger=FF0000,FFFF00]Role Playing Administrator[/monger]*~
~*Brought to you by...
DWBC - Darth Wicked Broadcasting Company*~

Rogue Angel

posted 08-29-2000 05:50 PM    
Fortunately, word always spread quickly among the students at the Praxeum, and Logan was one of the first to find out that Cella had returned. The minute he heard, he rushed eagerly out to the landing pad to find Cella and Jeroc standing outside the shuttle. Logan only managed to catch the tail end of the conversation.

"...better get some rest," Jeroc was saying with concern. "You certainly look like you need it."

Cella smiled weakly. "You're absolutely right." Even with his undeveloped Force sense, Logan noticed that something had...changed...about her. It wasn't only weariness and hunger that dulled her spirit, it was something else too. Something darker.

Just then, Cella turned and saw Logan, and her smile grew brighter for a fraction of a second. "Logan," she murmured, and turned back to Jeroc. "I'm sure you have places to be," she told him. "Logan can escort me up to the mess hall. I'll see you later."

Jeroc still looked worried, but he conceded. "Take care, Cella," he said, embracing her in a brotherly hug, and was gone.

When Jeroc had left, Cella and Logan walked up to the mess hall in silence. Logan offered her an arm, and she took it gratefully, leaning heavily on him. Logan was startled at her weakness, but he still didn't ask questions. Better wait till she tells me what's wrong, he thought. That's what the Old Man would call being a gentleman. He grinned cockily in spite of himself, but Cella didn't notice. Her mind was on other things.

Inside the spacious dining hall, Cella waited quietly at a table as Logan brought her a cup of caf and some of her favorite pastries. He thought the sugar might perk her up a bit. Cella ate steadily for a few minutes, then stopped mid-pastry and buried her face in her hands. Logan was startled, but he was also hoping fervently that she wasn't crying. He crossed all the fingers of both hands. Please don't cry! I hate it when women cry. I never know what to do.

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Rogue Angel on August 29, 2000]

Rogue Angel

posted 08-29-2000 06:05 PM    
Finally, Cella looked up, her face and hands wet. Logan cursed to himself. Damn! She DID cry. He managed to quell his brief panic and speak gently to her. "What's wrong, Cella?"

Cella looked away, not wanting to meet his eyes. "Everything." She reached up to wipe a tear from her cheek, and continued. "Everything...I shouldn't have come back here. I'll only hinder you and Jeroc's progress."

Logan was confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Well...when that man kidnapped me, he took me to his personal hideout." Cella paused, weighing her words. "He wanted me to join him, to become a Shadow Jedi and know the light and the dark. I was tempted. I very nearly did it." She looked up at the ceiling as if pleading to an unseen deity.

"Ever since...I feel like I'm walking on the edge, and one shove will send me over. I'm about to go crazy. Jeroc would never understand. He's never been...drawn...the way I was. Logan, that man wasn't a nut. He was a perfectly civilized and rational being. When I was with him, I felt as if I had a well of great power to draw from, and that just one taste would keep me coming back for more. Could I ever be more than an average Jedi? He thought so. That was the greatest temptation of all."

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"


posted 09-03-2000 01:32 PM    
Jeroc stood before the students and looked at them waiting for them to quiet. The auditorium was quiet except for two young students at the front that had not realized that everyone had quit talking. It took only a short and quick glance by Jeroc to make them realize that this was important and that they needed to be quiet. Jeroc stood to his full height to emphisize his stature and show the students that he was in charge and that it was time to be quiet.

"Thank you students. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter. A recent situation has come up. As many of you know Grand Admiral Trawn and his fleet are above us and blockading the planet. Although they insit they are just checking out the area we know that they are doin more than that. The New Republic just dispatched a fleet for us here and they hope to resolve the issue peacefully. It appears now that it will not. Admiral Thrawn has sent some of his ground forces here and they cannot stay. They are heading for the Academy. Right now we are not taking a stance but we will have to take one sooner or later. Right now I am setting up teams to go with. Team leaders will be Cella, Luhruhk, Cordea, and me. There will also be second in commands. Logan Murroe will be assisting me the other ream leaders will appoint their own..."

"We are gonna have to fight?", one student interrupted.

"Yes everyone will join in. Some will be running things keeping defenses at the academy goin. It will hopefully be safe here. I cannot guaruntee anything...I will let Cella tell you more..."

Forum Moderator

[Edited 1 times, lastly by JerocMahoy on September 03, 2000]

Rogue Angel

posted 09-04-2000 03:56 PM    
Cella climbed the steps to the podium, still a little weak in the knees. She cleared her throat, remembering how much she hated speaking in front of crowds.

"Friends and students," she began, and her audience was completely silent. "As you probably know, I have had some first hand experience with the enemy we are about to face. As well as his own formidable navy, I have reason to believe that Thrawn has another more powerful threat in our midst." She gulped. "He is a person, a man who calls himself Lord Wicked. My first impression was that he was a Sith Lord, but he calls himself a Shadow Jedi, meaning that he dabbles in both light and dark." Cella's head began to hurt horribly. "He very nearly coerced me to join him. If any of you encounter him, you must resist him at all costs." The pain grew worse, and her eyesight grew fuzzy. "I repeat, you MUST resist." She put a hand to her head, trying to steady herself, and smiled to cover her disorientation. "I assume that since Jeroc asked me to speak, he wants me to have first pick of who I want to join my team. I'll take--" Cella slumped forward over the podium and slid to the floor with a thump. Tired. So tired, she thought, and then there was only blackness.

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

Darth Wicked

posted 09-04-2000 06:53 PM    
Post brought here for story purposes, original posts and storyline are available at

He sat quietly within the temple, contemplating all that has happened, his mind open to the Force, and just then a form wavered afront of him...
floating like the Jedi spirits, was lord Kun. Shrouded in a darkness deeper than Wicked's, his mind untouchable. "Lord Wicked I presume. It is your spirit that has brought me here. Your ways are not that of the acient sith, nor the sith you know from your past. You have taken on a new light, and I dislike it... leave my Temple."

Lord Wicked was astonished, he had never thought that he was so different from the ways of those before him, a grin flourishing acrossed his face. "You pitiful fool Kun. You couldn't even stop a bunch of dispicible Dark Jedi. Your a true disgrace to the sith."

Without another word, Wickeds form wavered and he was standing just outside the Temple. He started walking, but stopped quickly, his eyes falling shut and his mind opening to the Force.... quickly his hand shot to the golden rod at his side, the gold and black hilt of his lightsaber. He raised it upward and with a mere thought the saber was activated, a snap-hiss noted the now shimmering crimson blade. He shot into the forest into the direction of the Praxeum.

The closer he got, the louder the footsteps of the AT-AT's and AT-ST's got. Listening carefully he shook his head, "Two AT-AT's..... and five..... no six AT-ST's. You could've done better than that Thrawn... I can take them with ease.

He finally reached them and flipped into the air, driving his saber through the top hatch of one of the AT-ST's, killing the driver and sending it out of control into another AT-ST.

Dropping to one knee he looked up and saw two of the AT-ST's barreling around towards him. One shot it's turbolasers, he deflected one with ease sending it into the other AT-ST's leg, dropping it. But the second blast flew by him, skimming his right shoulder blade singing it rather well.

Three down... three to go he thought to himself. Turning towards the AT-ST that shot him, he hurled his saber towards it, guiding it with the Force, the saber cut smoothly through it's left leg dropping it onto the other AT-ST starting a nice shrapnel explosion, his saber flying back to his hand.

"Two left..." They were both enroute to him now. One fired, and Wicked barely jumped over the two blasts. Landing in between the two he levitated his saber and raised his arms to his sides, palms out and concentrated for but a moment, starting a large Force Pull, he and his saber flipped into the air as the two remaining AT-ST's collided in a huge explosion. He landed softly afront of the explosion, saber in hand.

"Now onto the big fella's...." He darted forward towards the two AT-AT's, a smirk broadening acrossed his lips; "The bigger they are, the harder they collide."

Concentrating on the Force he entered the mind of on of the AT-AT drivers, made a few minor course adjustments, and sent the AT-AT's into eachother, their heads driving into eachother starting an electroshock throughout the both of them, killing the inhabitants and sending them to the ground.

Dropping onto his butt he shook his head, cringing lightly as he started to feel the pain from the blasterbolt, his eyes closing and opening slowly he started to walk back to his ship and made it roughly 50 meters before he collapsed, his eyes shutting as he concentrated on the Force, the lighter side, to use a sort of Force Healing.

Darth Wicked

[Edited 2 times, lastly by Darth Wicked on September 04, 2000]


posted 09-08-2000 09:37 PM    
Jeroc ran through the forest looking for a sign of a threat. There he was the threat that was diminished into a rubble. He looked over the site and wondered how this was done. He could feel someone calling upon the Force strongly around here. He followed the source until he saw a blaster burned Darth Wicked. The man did not look as powerful as the first time Jeroc had first saw him. He looked weak and needed medical attention. Jeroc picked him up with help of the Force and carried him back to the Temple. Jeroc ran into the temple with Wicked and immediatly brought him to their med facilities. Last thing Wicked knew he was bein dropped into a bacta tank...

Forum Moderator

Darth Wicked

posted 09-10-2000 09:56 AM    
His eyes shot open, his mind racing, his eyes were gummy he thought he had just awoke, but no... he was in a bacta tank. He shook his head and looked around, his eyes shifting, he couldn't tell who the people were around him. Slowly calming himself... he closed his eyes and concentrated on the Force... that's it. He was in the Praxeum... brought by Jeroc Mahoy. An eye for an eye he supposed... save the temple, get his live saved... bah.... he could've done it alone, without their medical facilities.

He concentrated into Jeroc's mind and waited, his eyes shifting slightly; "You know this changes nothing once I leave this planet... we will be back to square one. But in return for speeding up my healing process, I grant your entire temple immunity from me until I leave. And I'll answer any question you may have, if you so wish. But nothing more."

At that, he waited for the Jedi to release him from the Bacta Tank...

Darth Wicked

Rogue Angel

posted 09-11-2000 05:52 PM    
Jeroc paced around the bacta tank. Actually, I do have a question. What happened to Cella? Or perhaps my question should be, what did you do to her? He looked over at Cella still lying unconscious on one of the infirmiary beds. After her collapse on the platform, she'd been brought here. Jeroc thought that she had fainted from exhaustion or hunger, but it wasn't so. Cella had remained unconscious ever since. All her vital signs checked out, and her brain waves were normal. It was as if she were sleeping. Only she wouldn't wake up. Jeroc had tried to read her mind, but it was useless. He only got faint snatches of dreaming, memories of her childhood and the disaster in which her parents had perished. But Jeroc could feel her presence hovering near, gathering the Force to her. Jeroc shivered. Tell me what is wrong with her, if you know.

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

Darth Wicked

posted 09-12-2000 06:08 PM    
He closed his eyes lightly, reliving everything that happened... opening them slowly he looked to Jeroc and chuckled under his oxygen piece. I merely tried to open her eyes, but to no avail. That is fine though... it doesn't matter to me anymore. She may do with herself what she wishes, I tried to open her eyes and made her on offer even you couldn't refuse, but she did. And so I let her take my personal ship and return here. Now if you could kindly let me out of this Force forsaken tank I will be on my way.

Shaking his head he waited for the medical staff around to free him.

Darth Wicked

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Darth Wicked on September 12, 2000]


posted 09-12-2000 07:09 PM    
Jeroc watched as he saw the tank lower and Darth Wicked kneeled to the ground. The man looked a lot more healthier than when Jeroc had first brought him in. Wicked cast a glance Jeroc's way and then looked over where Cella lay and merely smiled. How could he take glee in something like that. She was more powerful than he for refusing to ever touch the darkside. He may think he was stonger but Cella was stronger willed than Wicked and would stay that way. Jeroc could see many good things that would become of Cella. She was one of his good friends and there were good reasons for that. She was stong and wise. And while she may not be as strong in the Force as some she could be a great Jedi someday. Wicked would be sorry for ever underestimating every thing he does.

"So Darth Wicked will you be staying in the temple much longer?"

[monger=ff0000,ffff00]I'm from the Lou and I'm proud...[/monger]

Holonet Moderator

Darth Wicked

posted 09-12-2000 08:22 PM    
Standing straight he grabbed his hair and layed it behind his back, tossing a few strands from afront his face. Walking towards Jeroc he smiled, his eyes flashing their turquoise hue, and he patted him on the back; "You may have helped in speeding up my healing process... and for that I grant you immunity while I am here. But that changes nothing between us. I know I am not welcome, and I will only cause trouble for you Jedi. I can feel it.... all of your padawan learners tense with me here... they will act rashly and attack for they are not trained. I am in no mood to deal with so many gnats fluttering about, so I will take my leave."

Walking towards a section of shelving, without even asking nor paying regard to any of them, he took a jumpsuit and dressed himself. Turning on heel then after, he nodded to the Jedi Master; "Again, thank you for speeding the process up. I grant you immunity for a long while. You will not have to see my face unless you decide to drop in on me. Otherwise, you are safe from all things under my control... for now. And if you haven't gathered by now, I am a man of my word."

Looking towards Cella, he sighed... a heavy sigh. If he only could have opened her eyes to the people she serves... even if she didn't want training in the ways of the Dark... chuckling lightly to himself, he shook his head and marched out of the medical facility, and made his way out of the Praxeum. Back to where his ship had landed.

Darth Wicked

Rogue Angel

posted 09-13-2000 07:22 PM    
Cella was oblivious to Jeroc and Wicked's conversation. Her mind was floating freely in a universe of her own design, reliving the tragedy which had snatched her parents from her, faint images of the Lusankya incident passing through her mind. Suddenly she was seized with a vision of crystal clarity.

She stood in the practice room at the Praxeum, a young girl once more, holding her heavy lightsaber in her hand. Nervously, she looked at her feet, glimpsed the red satin ribbon tied to the end of the braid hanging over her shoulder. Cella was waiting for something--for someone.

Suddenly, Luke Skywalker appeared in the room as if from nowhere. He smiled paternally at Cella. "Shall we begin, my student?" He drew the familiar blue lightsabre, and Cella ignited hers in response.

As the familiar dance of thrust and parry progressed, Master Luke's face changed into that of Jeroc. He wore a worried expression. "Take care, Cella. There's someone behind you."

Cella turned around to find Wicked at her back. She gasped as he smiled deviously. "Always beware the threat you cannot see." As she looked with disbelief into his brilliant turquoise eyes, she felt the floor dissolving beneath her, and she screamed. "Jeroc!"

And suddenly, she was awake. Jeroc was beside her, touching her shoulder gently. "Cella, are you all right?" Cella said not a word, but headed out to the landing field, Jeroc following after her in agitation. Then, she caught sight of Wicked. Breaking free from Jeroc's restraining hand, she rushed to confront him.

"You! Why are you here? Are you determined to invade my every sanctuary?" She smiled bitterly. "Even in my sleep. What if you really are my destiny? What then?"

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Rogue Angel on September 13, 2000]

Darth Wicked

posted 09-13-2000 07:46 PM    
Stopping very short of his destination, he turned around to find Cella staring him in the face, her smile so bitter, not happiness in the least. He glanced over her shoulder, noticing Jeroc, and then he turned his full attention to Cella... his eyes closing slowly as he collected his thoughts...

"Your destiny is ever changing. Nothing is as it seems. You must see life, the Force, and everything around you with a clarity that few can ever grasp. That is what I tried to show you. I am no ones destiny, I am but a guide... and I tried to guide you to a better life. Surreal in a sense. I saw in you what I have seen in only one other... the infamous Skywalker. Your trainer went willingly to the Dark Side. But Palpatine was a fool, he couldn't properly train the boy to keep him faithful, but still sane. In reading copies of Palpatines Dark Side Compendium, I took his teachings, and met them with the Light side, to open my eyes to a universe unlike anything else..." he stopped himself for a moment, looking her dead in her eyes, the subtle breeze tossing his hair lightly behind him.

"The choice cannot be made for you, it is no destiny. You have choices to decide upon and questions to answer... that is what I offer to you, and you alone. Only you can decide what you want..." Closing his eyes he turned slightly, away from the two.

"I have caused enough ruckus in your abode. If you wish to speak with me further you will know where to find me, and thank you again Jeroc." Brushing his hand over Cella's cheek, so Jeroc would be none the wiser, he implimented where he would be into Cella's mind, and nodded to them both. Turning full stride, he started walking back to his ship.

Darth Wicked


posted 09-13-2000 08:06 PM    
Jeroc watched as Wicked strolled out the door of the room. Jeroc knew he would see the man again someday. He would never leave Cella forever. That Jeroc was sure of. For now he felt Cella could be at peace. Jeroc had a mission for them to go on for a while that would take her mind off of Wicked.

Jeroc had recently been called by the New Republic to investigate a situation going on in Hutt Space. Awhile back their was operations done on different alien races. Such as Ewoks, Gamorreans, and other not so intelligent creatures. The progect was to make these animals into smart intelligent beings and use them for warfare. Wraith Squardons Voort Sabring was one of these ones that never got to the final stage where they get violent. It seems as if the Hutts have restarted this progect that the Empire dropped not to long before Thrawn. Jeroc had been told to lead a team of Jedi into a facility located on Nal Hutta. He wanted to wait for Cella before he started though. Jeroc pulled out a comlink he had in his pocket and called Luhruhk up.

"Luhruhk get Viro's Revenge ready. Were almost ready",he turned to Cella and looked her in the eye."Will you come with me on a mission. Logan, Luhruhk, Cordea and one of Logan's choices is comming with us. Will you go?"

[monger=ff0000,ffff00]I'm from the Lou and I'm proud...[/monger]

Holonet Moderator

Rogue Angel

posted 09-15-2000 09:45 PM    
Cella held up her chin, proud and dignified once more. "I can think of no greater honor than accompanying you on your mission, Jeroc," she said. A great sense of relief washed over her, as if worlds had been lifted off her shoulders. Things really were going to be all right. Jeroc had been her best friend since they were both young, and she looked forward to spending time with him. Also, the desire to get off Yavin IV was overwhelming. She wanted to leave this familiar place that had suddenly become a hotbed of disturbing memories. Besides, it was about time for her to get off her behind and do what she did best--being a Jedi.

That reminded her of something. "You say Logan is coming with us?" Jeroc nodded, and she smiled. A strange young man, that, but he was quickly becoming a good friend. In many ways he resembled Jeroc in his youth--impulsive, reckless, but with a true purpose. Cella believed that Logan had the makings of a great Jedi. She smiled at Jeroc. "You must teach him to spar, Jeroc. I am sorely out of practice, and I need an opponent who has my skill," she joked, and the pair laughed. "I'll go and gather my things."

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"


posted 09-15-2000 11:20 PM    
About an hour later all the passangers were on the Revenge. Jeroc and Cella sat in the cockpit of the ship watching the moon of Yavin IV grow smaller as they moved away from the planet. Jeroc looked over at Cella and gave her a smile. Cella was one of the few women he could ever say he could love like he loved Cordea. While he wanted Cordea forever he could see that Cella had a lot of attributes that he loved in women. To Jeroc it was an honor to be loved by Cordea. Cella was a great friend and would stay that way for a while. He saw that they were getting close to their jump point. Jeroc punched it and the veiwport went from pinpoints that were stars to streaking white lines finally to the mottled sky of hyper space.

"Well Cella now that we are in hyperspace maybe its time to teach Logan to spar?"

"Yes...",Cella said thinking about Jeroc and Logan fighting. She had seen Jeroc fight and knew that not many people could keep up with him. One of the few people who could was Luhruhk. Luhruhk's Nohgri warrior skills helped him in this area of the Jedi arts though. Cella was good with a lightsaber but she did not have the skill that Jeroc possessed. Jeroc was probably one of the best human fighters out there. He was also a good teacher at this skill. He had taught many of the Jedi how to hone their lightsaber skills. He was the man to go see if you wanted to learn new fighting skills. While there were lots of great Jedi that could use their lightsabers well. Not many of them were even close to Jeroc. He had an uncanny skill for it and he was fortunate for it. It was a skill that had served him well many times.

Jeroc walked into to the gaming room that they had on the Revenge and tossed Logan some equipment.

"Put this'll need it. Were going to spar."

Logan looked at Jeroc and just gave him a grin. The boy looked cocky as ever and it showed that the boy had not learned his lesson just yet.

"Old man I won't need pads to beat you. I let you know that I've had my share of fights throught my lifetime. I should have no trouble taking you."

Cella looked at the boy and laughed a little in sign of amusement. The boy gave her quizical stare with the laugh she made. She decided to tell him why she laughed and let the suprise come to him.

"Suit yourself Logan but don't come crying to me if you get hurt.",Jeroc said in a fatherly tone to convey his message to Logan.

They walked into a room that Jeroc had practiced his own sparring many times throughout the years. It had been the begginning of his lightsaber training and will be the begginning of Logan's.

Logan made the first move driving his mock wooden saber towards the middle of Jeroc's chest. Jeroc easily batted away the drive and continued to bring his foot into the boys stomach to let him know he should have chosen pads. With the kick the boy let out a woof of air and fell to his knees but quickly got up and thrusted his saber right towards Jeroc's side. Once again Jeroc parried the move and did not go on the offensive. He let Logan tear at him for almost an hour without taking as much as one offensive move except the first kick he gave. The boy gradually began to wear himself out and tire. Jeroc let him take a couple more swings and then he brought his lightsaber around and tapped the boy on the shoulder with it. The boy lowered his head in defeat knowing that he had just made a fool of himself.

"Next time don't always take the offensive so fast. You have to look on the defensive side too. If you just concentrate on the offensive you may not even notice that your oppenent has a lil something up his sleeve. It will take a while to understand this but you will get it. Ohh and when we start using real sabers you won't be so lucky. I'll have my double-bladed lightsaber out.", Jeroc smiled at the boy and walked out with a nod to Cella and went to his quarters.

Forum Moderator

Rogue Angel

posted 09-16-2000 06:06 PM    
Cella had watched the whole fight in utter fascination, captivated by the economy and grace of Jeroc's fighting style. She could never get over how skilled he was, even after watching him a multitude of times. Once, she had been jealous of him, but she had long learned to curb her feelings, learning to stand in awe of Jeroc's skill without discounting her own. Now that the fight was over, the room seemed strangely still. Cella watched Jeroc depart, pride at his talent welling up in her heart.

Then she noticed Logan staring at her with a dumbfounded expression, looking as if he had just been robbed of his underwear. She clapped her hand over her mouth, but it was too late. Laughter was already spilling out of her, as high and clear as the jungle waterfall. Her chest still heaving with merriment, Cella managed to speak. "Oh, Logan, Logan, I'm so sorry!"

Logan gave her a slit-eyed glare that could melt plasteel. "You think this is funny, old lady?"

Cella regained her dignity. "I should not have laughed, but you should have learned your lesson by now. And if you value your life, don't call me old lady. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I have to take that bantha dung from you."

Logan folded his arms defiantly, but Cella could see that he was slightly chastened. She continued, speaking more gently, "He tried the same trick with me the first time that we sparred. I'm sure I cut just as comical a figure as you do now." She sat, and motioned for Logan to do the same. "If you wish to beat him, don't take the obvious course. Conceal your purpose. You don't have to be flashy."

She leaned a little closer to Logan, lowering her voice intimately. "He has one weak point, he does. He hurt his right knee many years ago, in a fall he took one day while practicing with me. Make use of that." Cella smiled. "You have so much more to learn, Logan. Try to open yourself to the Force. Let it sharpen your concentration and calm you. This is the first of many lessons you will learn the hard way."

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"


posted 09-16-2000 09:59 PM    
Jeroc walked out of the refresher and put on a comfortable flight suit. It felt good to be out of Jedi Robes for a while. He looked over on his bed and there sat his lovely wife reading a holobook Jeroc had gotten her recently. He leaned over and kissed her forehead. She looked up and gave him one of her gentle smiles. She looked at him again and they kissed each other passionatly.

"Jeroc I feel like I'm not gonna make it through this mission",Cordea said through the force.

"Honey don't say that...why would you think something like that?"

"I saw it in a dream. It was a dream through the Force. It was to vivid to be shrugged off and forgotten. Jeroc you must beleive this. If I die I want you to go on and forget about our love for each other."

"Don't say that Cordea. I could never forget you and your not gonna die on this mission. I won't let that happen.",he said as he stroked her hand.

"I don't want you to forget about me...I just want you to move on and share your love with someone else. I won't be around forever."

"I love you Cordea...",he kissed her and they laid with each other in peace.

Forum Moderator


posted 09-17-2000 04:56 PM    
Jeroc sat in the gaming room of the Revenge and stared into to nothingness. Cordea scared the hell out of him today and he didn't know what to do. He was not so sure of this mission anymore. The worst thing about Cordea's "dream" was that she wouldn't tell him exactly what happened in it and how she died. That made him even more unsecure. What was so important that she wouldn't tell him about the dream.

Jeroc heard a familar sound of a astromech droid whistle come up.

"Bullseye...haven't seen you around lately",Jeroc said looking at the black and sliver R2 unit. The droid was constantly workin on this ship and Jeroc's X-Wing which was in the docking bay of this ship. Bullseye had gotten his name due to his uncanny skill of being able to lock on to an enemy in high profile situations. Jeroc had never given the droid a memory wipe because he was more like family then his mechanic. Jeroc had made sure that the droid had some of the best modifications on him he could get. The droid was operating better than most newer droids.

The droid rocked back and forth and tooted with excitement at the next thing he told Jeroc.

Jeroc chuckled at what the droid had been so excited about,"Thanks Bullseye...but right now I don't think I'm in the mood for some Whyren's Reserve.", the droid had hung out with Rogue Squadron's Emtrey so many times that Bullseye himself had started keeping Jeroc's things in stock and he was always finding deals for the temple. He was a good thing to have around.

Jeroc looked up at the girl that had just entered the room and smiled.

"Hello Alexis...having fun hanging around with Logan yet?"

She smiled and let out at soft laught,"Yes he is very sweet but shall I say this...conceded sometimes. I know he's not trying to so I don't care. Its just the way he was brought up. I don't guess living on your own would help sorts. He has a right to be proud that he is living...Master Jeroc you look disturbed what is it?",the girl said with concern in her voice.

"No reason to bring my dismal mood into this you and Jeroc are getting along good[/i[]",Jeroc put a little tone in to good to emphasize what he meant by it.

"Yes we are getting along [i]good",Alexis said mocking his tone of good,"I have been helping him with his Force abilities if thats alright?"

"Of course it is. Your one of the best students I have. I don't think it will be to long before you become a Knight. It would be a good time to start practicing teaching the Force. Logan seems to fast so he will be a good person to learn how to teach the Force to. Remember he is stubborn so don't hesitate to show him humilty. He needs it..."

Forum Moderator

Rogue Angel

posted 09-18-2000 07:17 PM    
Cella sat in the Music Chamber of the ship, silently pondering her thoughts. The original builder of the ship had been one who took his pleasures seriously, and the room, although tiny and now used as a storage closet, was a definite luxury on a ship with limited space. Cella liked the deafening silence produced by the acoustically engineered walls, and used it as a meditation chamber whenever she was aboard. Today, however, she wasn't formally meditating, just letting her thoughts run wild.

She nibbled on the end of her ginger-colored braid. How would things be different now if I were ten years younger? No use wondering. By the standards of all the major galactic civilizations, I'm past my prime. Cella sighed. As a child, she had always dreamed of a family, a place she could call home. But that dream had been shattered when the Lusankya burst from its underground hiding place and wiped out countless levels of Coruscant, setting in motion the events that had lead her to the Jedi Academy. She had many friends, whom she considered to be family. But something was missing.

Cella's thoughts were interrupted when a gentle hand opened the door. Cella jumped in surprise, then smiled. "Oh, it's only you, Alexis."

The girl smiled shyly. "I hope I didn't disturb you. I just came in here looking for the extra practice sabres."

Cella was intrigued. "Practice sabres? I see that you're looking to make good use of our time in hyperspace."

Alexis's eyes sparkled with a look Cella wasn't entirely certain she liked. "Master Jeroc has requested that I practice with Logan and teach him a little about the Force."

"Oh really?" Cella smiled, but she was a little miffed inside. Master Jeroc indeed! Why couldn't he have asked me to practice with Logan? I thought our last session went well. Jeroc and I are going to have a little talk about this. He knows I don't approve of encouraging these...affections in the students. It's just distracting. Cella regained herself, made a little wave of farewell to Alexis. "Have fun!" she said without really meaning it.

Once Alexis was gone, Cella felt guilt for her thoughts creeping up on her. I'm being unfair, she reproached herself. Alexis has much potential, and she and Logan can benefit from their time together. I shouldn't expect him to spend all his training time with me. I'm not the only adept on board this ship. Still, that little niggling feeling remained, no matter how she tried to chase it away. Cella caught a wave of distress from Jeroc, and went to console him. I shouldn't dwell on my thoughts so much. It breeds discontent.

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Rogue Angel on September 18, 2000]


posted 09-24-2000 03:57 PM    
Jeroc walked by Cella and nodded to her. She knew exactly why he nodded to him. They were about ready to drop from hyperspace. This would be one of the hardest parts of the mission. They would have to drop to the planet without bein noticed. It was not a simple task. She had the utmost confidence that Jeroc could do it though.

"3-2-1...ok...put that cloaker on Cella.", Jeroc with the help of many others at the temple had been able to design an effective cloaker used from designs that Thrawn had once used.

They came down to the nameless planet in the darkness and hoped that they would be able to find the place ok.

Forum Moderator


posted 10-08-2000 09:28 PM    
Jeroc and Cella used the Force to guide themselves down through the planet and made a safe landing with the help of Bullseye. Jeroc and the rest of the crew quickly covered the ship with the camoflauge it needed to not be noticted while they were on planet. The trek to the facality would take them a total of maybe 3 or 4 days. They could use speeders that were on the Revenge but they would run to high of a chance of being detected. This was not a mission that they could give up so early on.

Jeroc and the rest of the Jedi left the droids at the ship so it could be flown to them in case they needed a quick getaway.

After almost 6 hours of walking Jeroc set up camp in a small valley that would keep them better sheltered. It would serve them a good place a temporary breifing spot to breif Logan and Alexis.

Jeroc fell to sleep within hitting the pad he had created himself...

Forum Moderator

Rogue Angel

posted 10-19-2000 07:50 PM    
The unnamed planet certainly made for a challenging hike, presenting only vistas of red and orange rock formations under a weirdly hued indigo sky. Cella was in charge of equipment for this mission, and she had brought water distillers and rehydration packs with her, since they couldn't be sure of finding water on the planet. Water was only one of their problems, however. Some of the reddish rocks covering the ground were knife-sharp, and almost as soon as the team had started out, Logan had cut his foot on one, and he had had to submit meekly to being doctored by Cella. They also had no idea of what kind of weather conditions might occur here, and Cella hoped fervently they wouldn't get caught in a nasty storm or eaten by some huge ravening specimen of the local wildlife.

Cella was absolutely exhausted after the long hike over unfamiliar terrain, and she fell into a dreamless sleep almost as quickly as Jeroc did inside the tent she was sharing with Alexis.

The next morning, she woke up, stretching her tired muscles and thinking about how great it was to be actually doing something for a change. Alexis was still asleep, and Cella decided not to wake her. She opened up a ration pack to calm her ravening appetite and gently touched Jeroc's sleeping mind with the Force. Jeroc...wake up. I'm here. So where do we go now? This would be a good time to brief the kids on our mission. And I wouldn't mind knowing a little more about it myself.

"Is that a lightsaber in your pocket or are ya just happy to see me?"

[Edited 1 times, lastly by Rogue Angel on October 19, 2000]


posted 12-08-2000 10:21 PM    

[monger=ff0000,ffffff]Holonet Jedi Master[/monger]
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-Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates.....-
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