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Author Topic: That Which Survives
Jasyn Lancaster

One of the Crew, Technical (and Sith Brandy) Specialist

Member # 389

posted 12-30-2003 10:39 PM     Profile for Jasyn Lancaster   Author's Homepage   Email Jasyn Lancaster     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Jasyn remained solidly in place. "I am Jasyn Lancaster, employee of Eagle Enterprises," he answered honestly. "We come seeking information which may lead us to a friend of ours, and friend who by all our information was last on this planet. I believe she may have crashed here, and may be injured and trouble."

Jasyn paused, then continued on, still looking this Sith straight in the face and not moving an iota. "We wish to get to the center of this city in hopes of finding someone who may be able to more adequately assist us in our search."

He quieted, still unmoving as he waited for the Sith's response.

[ 12-30-2003 10:40 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]


"We don't need no stinkin' Jedi!"
"You gotta try some of this Sith brandy!"
"Ummm... Boss...?"
"Brandy, you're a fine girl..." (from "Brandy" by Looking Glass)

Posts: 577 | From: Everywhere and nowhere | Registered: Dec 2002  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 12-31-2003 01:37 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Graysith paused at Matt’s words, her fork in midair. For a moment she simply remained thus, staring him straight in the eye, even as images of a day not too long past but seeming lifetimes ago flashed through her mind—

Images of a swamp-world filled with gnarled trees, images of certain figures taunting her, images of plans and ideas and careful steps put forth one by one: the swoop of a blade as fang and horn and tooth were sliced; the meeting of eyes filled with fire, fire returned by cold promise in her own, images of her daughter who yet lay recuperating in her chambers, still returning to something of a normal life after the horrendous experience she had undergone in the realm of the dead; images of not one but two sets of vivid green eyes, one warm and yearning, one shadowed by bewilderment and pain; a pair of violet eyes, then, taunting her as did those earlier images of Dark Lords all, all the more painfully for they stared out at her from the face of her son—

With a calm deliberateness belied by the burst of heat suddenly flashing through her, she set her fork down upon her plate and rose to her feet.

Seeming to ignore all, she left the table and went to stand in front of the fireplace, letting herself become lost in the dance of flames there.

At length she turned back to face those at the table.

“My apologies once again, Mr. Stanza,” she said smoothly, and with no further ado sent out a mental command to Salandaar.

The one who was once here with my sister, a human by the name of Jasyn Lancaster, is somewhere on K’eel Doba, hopefully within the walls of this city.

Go out with your warriors and find him.

Smiling then, she returned to her place at the table, took a seat, lifted her fork once again.

“We will find my sister Galen,” she said briefly before returning to her breakfast. But deep within her soul the Beast began to yowl and rage; it knew the futility born upon those very words, for indeed, she had no idea where Lord Roan would have taken her. Frowning a little, she inwardly admonished that raging creature, and turned a pleasant face to Matt once more.

“Why in all the galaxy would Galen have come here to find a ship?” she asked, and took another dainty bite of food.

[ 12-31-2003 01:41 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

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The Ancient Sith

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Member # 478

posted 12-31-2003 04:47 PM     Profile for The Ancient Sith   Author's Homepage   Email The Ancient Sith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The Sith’s brilliant orange eyes narrowed.

What was this? Strangers here making such suspicious proclamations, seeking passage not only into the city, but into its very heart…

He tensed again, studied the newcomers for a moment and wondered just what he should do. He could kill the pair where they stood; he could also quite easily sound an alarm, sending students spilling forth to capture these two, to hold them until authorities could be summoned. After a moment’s waffling, he was just in the act of turning back to leap up the steps when a voice stopped him.

“Hold, Master!”

The Sith instructor froze, then whirled back. In front of him, the two strangers whirled likewise. Three sets of eyes widened as a group of armed warriors approached them, led by an imposingly muscled warrior with eyes the color of night. It was he who had called out to him, bidding him stop.

The instructor obliged, and came down the steps to meet the group. For a moment the pair conversed in a quiet tongue; then the instructor nodded, turned, and with a final suspicious glance toward the two humans, departed to continue with his interrupted early-morning tasks.

The leader of the warrior pack came up to Jasyn and Za’in. He paused, raking the pair with his shadowy eyes.

“You are Jasyn Lancaster, human?” he asked in a deep rasp, the tone of his voice noncommittal but the look in his eyes anything but. For while the instructor may have been unknowing of the ruckus which had occurred on far-away Koris’ian, he, as a warrior, had been kept quite up to date. He knew of the attacks on that planet’s populace, and by whom; the dark ones who had come from nowhere were described as being physically similar and thus possibly of the same race as the two now in front of him.

Whether or not his superior had commanded that the pair be brought safely to the Temple upon their discovery was something he heartily disagreed with. His hand drifted to the hilt of his sword, long and sensuous fingers playing lightly with the ornate and jeweled decorations there as if begging for either of the two to make a stupid move.

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Jasyn Lancaster

One of the Crew, Technical (and Sith Brandy) Specialist

Member # 389

posted 12-31-2003 11:03 PM     Profile for Jasyn Lancaster   Author's Homepage   Email Jasyn Lancaster     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Jasyn actually made a conscious decision to back off a step and relax his stance, if only very slightly. Other than that, he remained still, feeling moving suddenly would be a foolish and possibly fatal decision. All the while, his mind was spinning.

Not exactly how you wanted to make your way to the center of the city, eh pal? the demon on his shoulder snorted. And this Sith knows your name..., unless he was listening in to your conversation just a moment ago, he's been alerted to your presence here by someone else. Be careful where and how you tread, buddy.

"Yes," he replied then simply, "I am Jasyn Lancaster..." what the hell do you intend to do about it? a little voice echoed in addendum in the back of his mind.

[ 01-01-2004 11:23 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]


"We don't need no stinkin' Jedi!"
"You gotta try some of this Sith brandy!"
"Ummm... Boss...?"
"Brandy, you're a fine girl..." (from "Brandy" by Looking Glass)

Posts: 577 | From: Everywhere and nowhere | Registered: Dec 2002  |  Logged:
Matt Stanza

Eagle Enterprises Second in Command

Member # 415

posted 01-01-2004 12:00 AM     Profile for Matt Stanza   Author's Homepage   Email Matt Stanza     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Matt hid his surprise at this total shift of paradigms remarkably well...

...though perhaps not entirely. “Galen was looking for a Sith ship so she could then find her missing daughter,” Matt replied , his gaze then turning somewhat distant. “Funny, but I can’t say that I recall how she came to this idea...

...and I haven’t any recollection of the ties with the Sith that I’m told we all have had.”

Matt frowned, unable to ignore the giagantic question coming forward in his mind. “It is all very peculiar...”

He trailed for but a second, then snapped back into the moment. “My last memories of Galen’s whereabouts...

...which mirror the last memories of my missing commrade...

...are of her crashing somewhere. From then on it’s as though she fell from the face of the universe. I think she may have crashed here...

...but since I have a very vague memory of this, only a search would confirm or negate that and I’m afraid we may not have the time to complete one.”

He paused once more at that, eyeing Shayla with his crystal clear green eyes. “You knew Galen,” he observed then, “Might you be able to use your Force-powers to ascertain if she is on planet or not? Or," he continued, looking back to Graysith, "Or might you be able to sense her presence here with the powers you possess?"

He quieted then at that, his brow slightly cocked in nothing more than honest curiosity.

[ 01-01-2004 11:21 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Matt Stanza ]


You bow to no one. Not anymore. Not ever again.~~~Matt Stanza

Posts: 151 | From: On the Hornett or ship-dealing elsewhere | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:
Za'in Almar


Member # 490

posted 01-01-2004 06:20 PM     Profile for Za'in Almar   Author's Homepage   Email Za'in Almar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The query had agitated Za'in. The previous night was gauged with uncomfortable crawling and darkness, and then the morning was covered with warriors of a race he had never seen before. It was quite overwhelming to say the least, but he ignored saying or moving too fast, noticing that it would just end up in some uneeded alteration.

Staring up into the eyes of the red skinned warriors, he sled his hand into his pockets. Finding a sense of comfort within the warmth, he began to think back to the question asked.

"You are Jasyn Lancaster, human?" The words rung like sirens in his mind, alerting him of danger. What had first seem as something miserable had transformed itself into something he wanted to run from.

It was certian, at the implication of those words, that they were caught in their sneaky ways. Struggling to hold back the emotions, but soon found that it was impossible.

Stepping forth, with his foot smashing the surface below his sole, he daggered his eyes up at the face of the two men with a snarl of his lips. Their was an air of foolishness and exhaustion about him aswell, though he avoided. A disgust could be found in his face as he began to spoke. Their was an air of foolishness and exhaustion about him aswell, though he avoided

"Who are you guys? How do you know us?"

[ 01-01-2004 06:23 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Za'in Almar ]


"I'm the finest, you know that."-Za'in.

Posts: 62 | From: ://Error 101... | Registered: Aug 2003  |  Logged:
The Ancient Sith

Really Nice Member

Member # 478

posted 01-02-2004 11:29 AM     Profile for The Ancient Sith   Author's Homepage   Email The Ancient Sith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The warrior’s eyes cut from Jasyn to Za’in, raking up and down the younger man’s seemingly belligerent form. His fingers tightened on his sword even as his squad took a menacing step forward, spreading out to ring the two men they had discovered when seeking only one. Aware of what his warriors were about to implement, the lead Sith raised a hand, bidding them halt in place. They obliged even as that hand fisted and rotated, one finger shooting out toward Za’in in an accusatory manner.

“You would do well to hold your tongue,” the squad leader stated flatly before turning his attentions back to Jasyn once more.

“You will come with me,” he said, and spoke no more. Now his fisted hand opened in a gesture to his men, allowing them to complete their circling formation he had only just thwarted. They flowed around the two humans like water, enclosing them in an open-ended box of muscle and steel.

The leader of the squad nodded and turned to lead the way back to where his superior awaited, pleased that it was he and his men who had found the quarry Phrinnchatka’s warrior police were out hunting for.

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Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-02-2004 11:49 AM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Graysith sighed and bowed her head, laid her fork down upon her plate as she considered the words Matt was now saying. Considered further what course of action she should then take, as well as the possible ramifications of any path she should choose.

Realized with a start the path she had already begun to follow… one quite different than the one she had stepped forth upon when she had left that gnarltree grove on Dagobah.

She raised her head, stared long and fully into Phalomir’s green eyes, cut back to Shayla’s and ended full circle back with Matt. A sad sort of smile flickered about her lips then as, now closing her eyes, she made a small gesture with the Claw-bearing hand.

“Forgive me, Mr. Stanza,” she said softly as with that slight motion she fully restored his memories. “At the time I… had other, greater concerns.”

Concerns now quite overcome by current circumstances, she followed her spoken words with a mental notation to both Shayla and Phalomir, yet choosing to keep much to herself regarding why she had done as she had to begin with.

I do not know if I am as strong as I am being given credit for, she thought only to herself as she took up her fork once more. What at first was pure elegance for its simplicity has turned twisted as a writhing vine-nest; the complications of a Dark Lady without a Lord are proving to be many…

She said nothing to the others of these thoughts, but self-doubt was briefly evident by the manner in which her fork stabbed a bit of meat. She toyed with it a bit, finally letting herself rise up out of her momentary funk to regard Matt’s reaction to the return of his memories.

She smiled, but nothing of that smile carried in her eyes or in the tone of her voice.

“I do not believe that Galen is in Phrinnchatka, or anywhere else on K’eel Doba, for that matter,” she said; then she closed her eyes and reached out as far as she could with her talents.

“In fact,” she continued then, opening her eyes once more and settling an even look upon all present. “Even with the power of the All which I bear, I cannot sense her; whatever link I may have had with her appears to have been severed.

"But her daughter is quite safe with us, here within these walls...”

[ 01-02-2004 11:53 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:


Member # 342

posted 01-02-2004 07:41 PM     Profile for Jharu   Author's Homepage   Email Jharu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
sitting quietly in meditation he continued to ponder his current situation, he pressed firmly against the ideal's presented by his memories, the more he thought about them, the less concrete they seemed...
I should be able to discern the truth... i was taught better then this.

He shrugged off the current line of thought as a slight headach developed.
"I need help..." he whispered as he stood, and went off through the corridors untill he found a guard who seemed to have an air of intellegence and knowledge about him, with a light sweep of a bow he caught the guards attention and made query as to the location of lord Phalomirs chambers.


"power? power is meaningless, It is wisdom that rules my Destiny"

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Matt Stanza

Eagle Enterprises Second in Command

Member # 415

posted 01-02-2004 10:20 PM     Profile for Matt Stanza   Author's Homepage   Email Matt Stanza     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Matt handled the shock of having his memories restored remarkably well, all things considered. He placed his fork beside his plate, then laying both hands on the table edge as the influx of those unblocked memories threatened to overtake him. In only a few moments, however, he gathered his wits about himself and covered his initial shock by running one hand through his red hair...

...and then he merely let his green eyes rest on Graysith, clear once more. "Galen's daughter is here?" he repeated, the implications of this slamming into him. "That means any further search Galen might have gone on would be...

...futile. Not to mention that they were already extremely dangerous, considering her plan was to go to Coruscant, where we all believed her daughter was."

Quieting a moment then, Matt considered Graysith's news concerning her link with Galen then, trying to come up with any evidence as to her whereabouts. "And please correct me if I am wrong," he stated then, "But I thought only another All user could sever a link such as the one you have with your sister. Unless..."

He paused at this and pursed his lips, unwilling to follow the path his thoughts were taking him. So instead he took a hold of them himself and considered other options. "Galen was here when I last was...

...and her ship was in shambles. So one of two things has happened. Either she got the Sith ship she sought and went to Coruscant as she planned only to find her daughter no longer there...

...or she is still somewhere in this area, perhaps on another Sith world. That is, unless someone took her elsewhere..."

Again Matt trailed, unable to surpress a dark frown...

...and no longer able to escape another obvious and painful possibility. "If you do not know where she is...

...did Roan take her? What in all Hell would he have needed her for at this point, with his mission to bring the Sith back complete?"

Matt said no more, but the look in his eye all but screamed the dread at anything that the Dark Lord would have done with Galen...

...or to her, for that matter.

[ 01-02-2004 10:24 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Matt Stanza ]


You bow to no one. Not anymore. Not ever again.~~~Matt Stanza

Posts: 151 | From: On the Hornett or ship-dealing elsewhere | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:
Jasyn Lancaster

One of the Crew, Technical (and Sith Brandy) Specialist

Member # 389

posted 01-02-2004 10:46 PM     Profile for Jasyn Lancaster   Author's Homepage   Email Jasyn Lancaster     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
As they were surrounded by the warriors, Jasyn couldn't help but cut his eyes over to Za'in, shooting him a look that quite clearly read: Are you NUTS!!!??? Granted, Jasyn wasn't thrilled with the prospects of what was going on...

...but he was beginning to realize that perhaps this would be the only way into the Temple, be it good or bad. After all, the Sith warriors had been alerted to his presence...

...which meant one or both of a couple of possibilities. Either Matt's identity had been discovered, and someone had therefore assumed Jasyn and other EE employees may be somewhere onplanet also...

...or Matt had given the Sith Jasyn's name himself. And if the latter was the case, Jasyn knew that there was pretty much no way in Hell Matt would give out names unless he felt he was on good terms with the Sith. At least, one could only hope that would be the case.

This in mind, Jasyn eyed Za'in once more as he fell in step between the ring of warriors and behind their leader. "Don't do anything else stupid," he mouthed then before turning his face forward and continuing to follow the Sith rather obediently for one such as himself...

[ 01-02-2004 10:51 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]


"We don't need no stinkin' Jedi!"
"You gotta try some of this Sith brandy!"
"Ummm... Boss...?"
"Brandy, you're a fine girl..." (from "Brandy" by Looking Glass)

Posts: 577 | From: Everywhere and nowhere | Registered: Dec 2002  |  Logged:
The Ancient Sith

Really Nice Member

Member # 478

posted 01-03-2004 12:10 PM     Profile for The Ancient Sith   Author's Homepage   Email The Ancient Sith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The young warrior had just been relieved from his duties, and was in the act of going to his quarters when he was approached by a tall, red-braided Sith. At least he looked like a Sith; the warrior came to a sudden halt and paused, cocking his head as he scrutinized the tall man. His eyes narrowed speculatively.

There was something about this one....

And then he caught glance upon the tattoo the Sith was bearing on his wrist. His eyes widened to see it.

"Yes, M'lord," he said simply, turning smoothly and beginning to step forward. "While Lord Phalomir's chambers are in this direction, I believe he has joined our other guests in the Dining Hall to break his fast.

"I shall lead you there."

With no further wait he moved on down the corridor, heading toward the Grand Dining Hall where the Dark Lady was entertaining her friends.

Elsewhere in the city....

The Sith squad leader came up to Salandaar with his prize, paused and slapped a fisted hand upon his chest. Bowing over that hand, he spoke to the cobblestones beneath his feet.

"I have found the human you have commanded be found, commander," he said simply, then fell silent.

Salandaar nodded, once, and returned the salute. He then turned his gaze to the pair of humans, his aquamarine eyes filling with a quick surprise to see there were two. That surprise was masked as quickly as it struck; he stared for a moment at the two and then whirled on the spot.

"Forward!" he said, raising a hand high. Then he stepped out, his long legs setting a steady double-time pace, and in no time had returned to the temple with the man the Dark Lady had sought. Knowing he had the authority and permission to do so, he led them directly into the temple and up to the Grand Dining Hall, where he paused and announced himself and his captives. The ring of warriors widened a bit, leaving an open end facing the Lady, who merely paused in her speech, smiled, and laying down her fork bid Jasyn and Za'in take a seat and join the rest of them at breakfast.

Salandaar bowed in turn, then barked an order to his men. The dispersed to other duties, but a select few remained behind to act as guardians for the Lady, as did Salandaar himself. He watched the other men leave; then he went to the sideboard and took up a plate upon which he placed a few select items of food. This in hand he went to the back of the room where the door to the little club was and stood there, eating quickly, like a bird, his eyes never leaving his lady, constantly on the alert for any possible danger that could threaten her.

[ 01-03-2004 12:11 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by The Ancient Sith ]

Posts: 294 | From: | Registered: Jun 2003  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-03-2004 12:32 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Graysith nodded to Matt, and once more laid her fork down upon her plate.

"Indeed, it must be Lord Roan who has taken her," she agreed, "for only he could sever the connection I had with her. While I know what I had planned for her..."

Again she trailed, lowering her gaze to study her plate, unwilling at the moment to face the looks she knew were sprouting on the faces of the others. But when she raised it again, all traces of anything other than honest concern had quite vanished.

"I do not know where Roan would have taken her... although I fear I may know why. He knows she is my sister, and I hurt him badly for the manner in which I regained my title of Dark Lady. It may be that he did what he did, whatever it may be, simply to hurt me in turn; I humiliated his bride, he would bring harm to my sister. However..."

Another pause, this time to push back a sudden uprush of pain. Well she knew the implications of what she was about to speak; she had indeed suffered through them herself, and many times at that.

"Galen, whether she knows of it or not, has a modicum of the All within her. This occurred as a side effect from that which brought me into being as I am. It could be that Roan took her simply because of this: he perceived her as a possible and future threat, one which he deemed he could eliminate easily before she gained any expertise in her All-use abilities, if indeed she should ever become aware of this at all.

"But then again, knowing that any children of Galen's would have the All inherent within them, perhaps he had other... plans for her as well."

With that she came to a sober halt, and was about to take another bite of food when Salandaar entered with Jasyn and Za'in. Though surprised to see the EE employee had a companion, she retained her outwardly calm demeanor, and smoothly bid they join her and the others for breakfast.

[ 01-03-2004 12:34 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:

Dark Lord of the Armorers

Member # 492

posted 01-03-2004 01:08 PM     Profile for Phalomir   Author's Homepage   Email Phalomir     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Phalomir let the conversation around him settle into his mind. This sudden influx of humans seeking Jharmeen’s sister added to the bewilderment and anxiety of the past few hours, and the small amount of sleep he received the night before did not help matters. Indeed, he woke late enough to not bother with changing into more formal attire, and simply threw a robe over the clothing in which he fell asleep. He unconsciously ran a hand over the front of the robe to smooth out any wrinkles.

The previous night was a blur to Phalomir. Too many events, too much power used, so many things to think about. Thoughts of Panthar and Erik came to him, and he noted that soon they must make a plan to retrieve the pair from the Temple of the Armorers. He continued to smooth his robe.

His hand passed over a hard lump and he paused. Curious, he reached inside and fumbled gently to ascertain what was in his inner pocket. His fingers touched a cool, smooth rounded surface, and a bit of last night’s memories snapped back to him.

The Eye!

He searched for the link the Dark Lady had established with him, and upon finding it sent a thought to her.

My lady, circumstances last night precluded my discussing this with you, but it may be of import at this moment… when I discovered the body of Pantar Dantares last evening, I retrieved the Eye of R’lous. I know the Master had tried to break its secrets, but I feel he did not, and was forced to abandon it. I believe when Lord Roan was -- killed -- some of his essence was somehow captured by the Eye, for afterwards I think his thoughts tried to call to me, but I suppressed his voice. Perhaps, if I were tap into this now, we could discover information on your sister’s whereabouts.

[ 01-03-2004 01:21 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Phalomir ]


From the days of past futures I come, make ready for the storm.

Posts: 863 | From: Urbandale, IA | Registered: Aug 2003  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-03-2004 01:23 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Graysith blinked reflexively, cut a quick glance to Phalomir, held his eyes a moment while she considered his words. Finally deciding that silence would be the more prudent course to follow at the moment, she merely blinked again, this time in a more normal manner.

I was unaware that some of Roan's spirit yet remains with us, Phalomir, she sent back along the link they shared.

Take a care; he is cunning, and a quite powerful adversary. Let us see if we can first discern Galen's whereabouts by a less exotic approach-- if in fact she yet remains alive.

Further... would not your use of the Eye somehow alert Thoran or the one he calls Master, and bring further danger down upon us?

She lowered her gaze then, and took a final bite of food before pushing away her plate and taking up a steaming cup of carameled caf. Cupping the drink in both hands, she sat quiet a moment longer, enjoying the simple pleasures of its warmth between her hands and its fragrance in her nose while she waited to hear what anyone else would have to say.


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Matt Stanza

Eagle Enterprises Second in Command

Member # 415

posted 01-03-2004 09:53 PM     Profile for Matt Stanza   Author's Homepage   Email Matt Stanza     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Matt understood the implications of Graysith's words quite well, and was about to reply to them when the Sith guards entered with Jasyn and Za'in. His clear green eyes watched intently as Graysith invited both of the other men to the table to join them, then his gaze trailed to Jasyn's brown eyes as the Sith guards dispersed. He read something of both a surprise and shock in them, so he nodded once as if to indicate that all was well. The brown-eyed man cocked a curious brow, stood still a moment longer, then accepted Graysith's invitation, leaving Za'in to decide for himself. He took a quick trip to the sideboard to get a very helathy portion of food, and then paused, studying the drink bar with keen interest. Then he shot a look back Matt's way as if asking for approval. Matt frowned in response to that unspoken question.

That's not on the breakfast menu, buddy...

Matt let his green eyes lock with Jasyn's browns as he remained unmoving at the bar for a few moments before Jasyn gave a slight sigh of resignation and backed off to get a mug of caf to accompany his breakfast rather than the mug of liquor everyone knew he wanted at this point. A few seconds later and he seated himself at the table next to his comrade, taking a hearty bite of some sort of meat. He chewed it vigorously, then actually reached for a cloth to wipe his mouth, whereupon the moment seemed to dawn on him once more. Cloth still in hand, he turned yet another questioning look to Matt, his brow cocking once more.

"The Dark Lady is going to do what she can to help us find Galen, Jasyn," he replied in explanation. "We think that Lord Roan may have taken her because he saw her as a threat to his cause...

...or because he has plans for her..."

Matt paused, his look darkening the slightest, "...and possibly for any children she may birth."

Saying nothing more than this, Matt quieted, letting his green eyes once more rest in the brown ones of his friend as he awaited his reaction.

[ 01-03-2004 09:59 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Matt Stanza ]


You bow to no one. Not anymore. Not ever again.~~~Matt Stanza

Posts: 151 | From: On the Hornett or ship-dealing elsewhere | Registered: Jan 2003  |  Logged:
Jasyn Lancaster

One of the Crew, Technical (and Sith Brandy) Specialist

Member # 389

posted 01-03-2004 09:54 PM     Profile for Jasyn Lancaster   Author's Homepage   Email Jasyn Lancaster     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Matt didn't have to wait long, perhaps not even an entire second. "Wait a minute," Jasyn growled under his breath, his brown eyes shooting from Matt's brown pair and into Graysith's violet ones. "I thought you told us you'd never even heard of Galen Danner the last time we were here."

He paused at that, scowling, his brown eyes clouded with suspicion. "You are her sister Graysith," he surmised, his eyes flicking to Shayla and resting there for a moment as even more suspicion grew in them. Then they returned to Graysith. "What the kriffing hell is going on here?"

[ 01-03-2004 10:01 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Jasyn Lancaster ]


"We don't need no stinkin' Jedi!"
"You gotta try some of this Sith brandy!"
"Ummm... Boss...?"
"Brandy, you're a fine girl..." (from "Brandy" by Looking Glass)

Posts: 577 | From: Everywhere and nowhere | Registered: Dec 2002  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-03-2004 10:27 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Despite all that was taking place, Shayla remained utterly serene and silent as she sent a tendril of utter warmth and assurity Graysith's way, unfliching regarding the possibly dark currents of what she may have intended for Galen.

That's in the past, and at a time when you had just given what you thought was all the love you had to protect your unborn child, Shayla thought simply, those thoughts easily discernable.

Leaving that then, Shayla let her mind wander to thoughts concerning what Roan might have done with Galen, and possibly where he might have taken her. And with what Graysith was implying concerning the All inherency of Galen's children... idea came almost immediately to mind. So, keenly aware of the troubled and suspicious look in Jasyn Lancaster's eye, Shayla kept silent while letting her thoughts slip to Graysith once more.

Might Roan have taken Galen to Kamino...

She paused a moment, a brief frown flickering across her face before she returned to utter calm.

...or perhaps to where he could bring the Kaminoans to her? After all, was there not a place...

...a Temple, wasn't it...?

...where we have found evidence of Kaminoan laboratory activity on one of the Sith worlds before?

[ 01-03-2004 10:30 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shayla Stargazer Petrolu ]


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:


Member # 342

posted 01-03-2004 11:42 PM     Profile for Jharu   Author's Homepage   Email Jharu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
When the warrior had finished taking him to where the others where jharu smiled softly and bowed a respectful nod.
"thank you very much, your assistence is greatly appriciate."
He began striding forward but then halted, not wanting to intrude upon there meeting.
he instead stood quietly and awaited there departure from one another.
I hope you have time phalomir.


"power? power is meaningless, It is wisdom that rules my Destiny"

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Za'in Almar


Member # 490

posted 01-04-2004 05:47 PM     Profile for Za'in Almar   Author's Homepage   Email Za'in Almar     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
At the foot of the door, Za'in watched as the conversation passed on. The situation seemed all the more the complicating every time they spoke and it was quite frightening aswell. This women, who was being stared down by a man who he had yet to see in such a furrous mood.

He was always the one telling me to be calm, the smuggler thought, sliding his hands into his pockets. Drifting forth, he headed toward the food that Jasyn had just taken. It wasn't much else he could do, for entering a conversation without knowledge would be quite idiotic.

Yet, he was still intrigued to, so he kept his ears alert. Everything in the room was quite large, even the food, but he payed it no mind, for his mind gave it's attention only to the conversation. Unconsciously throwing things into his hands, he turned about and began eating. A smile came on his face as he stared down, much calmer than Jasyn, to the violent dark lady.

She, from the angle that he was at, didn't look extremely bad looking, but that really didn't matter. All that he had assumed of the place was assured when he took a gander into her eyes and saw darkness. It quite possibly could have been the expirences that he had to endure during the time on the planet, but when he looked into her violent eyes he saw them over again.

"Pfft, this is stupid," he muttered, trying to degrade the power of her two orbs. Shaking his head, he took his eyes back to the food and his ears to the conversation.


"I'm the finest, you know that."-Za'in.

Posts: 62 | From: ://Error 101... | Registered: Aug 2003  |  Logged:

Dark Lord of the Armorers

Member # 492

posted 01-05-2004 01:41 AM     Profile for Phalomir   Author's Homepage   Email Phalomir     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Phalomir sighed, not entirely satisfied with the answer he received. Yes, he was still quite tired from the pervious day, but he felt strongly that the answers they sought could be held within the orb that rested within the folds of his robe. He had communicated freely with the Eye before, even having its powers bestowed upon him permanently. Surely the Eye somehow fit into all of this, for surely Phalomir seemed to fit within the plans of the Eye. And there must have been a reason for the Eye to trap whatever bits of Roan it had grabbed. Everything seemed so strange, yet somehow all of the little pieces thus far had woven themselves into a connected fabric.

He grasped the orb tighter and looked around the room. He noticed that the two new men who had been led here had discovered the buffet. One of them, the scrappy looking man who had taken a seat at the great table, looked familiar. Jasyn, Mr. Stanza had called him. His attitude and rough appearance reminded him somewhat of Panthar, and the urgency to return to the Temple of the Armorers came back into focus.

Phalomir’s eyes then caught the gaze of Jharu. Phalomir must have been tired indeed, for Jharu’s entrance had completely escaped notice. He seemed to be waiting for something. Phalomir lifted his eyebrows and cocked his head slightly, and Jharu responded with a quick bow of his head. Phalomir nodded and gave a slight smile. The Eye seemed to vibrate slightly within his grasp, and even through the cloth he could feel a slight warmth from the sphere.

He then realized that the last words spoken were from one of the newcomers, and suddenly began to lose patience for this entire scenario.

“There is indeed much kriffing in hell at the moment,” he stated flatly. “The least important of the kriffing is to satisfy your suspicions towards the Dark Lady. Times of late have been less than restful, and if she bore you any ill will then you would have known it by now. Calm yourself, please.”

He cast a concerned look to the Dark Lady.

“Forgive me, my lady,” he said quietly. “We have much to discuss beyond the search for your sister, and I have a strange feeling that many of our concerns are intertwined. Who are these people and can we discuss such matters in their presence?”


From the days of past futures I come, make ready for the storm.

Posts: 863 | From: Urbandale, IA | Registered: Aug 2003  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-05-2004 01:22 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Shayla’s words came in total accord with Graysith’s own musings. Being all-too familiar with Roan’s past interference, and at times in too intimate a manner, she was aware of the place Shayla now hinted at. Many in their little party had come to that hidden temple; most had returned alive.


Indeed, what you say has much merit, sister, she thought back to Shayla. The Temple of S’slan was in fact where Roan had once transported a Kaminoan laboratory for his own foul purposes. But if you recall; this was located here on K’eel Doba; I do not sense Galen’s presence on this planet at all. I do sense some, well… blank places here and there; she may be hidden beneath such a bubble, but I do not really believe so. I think Roan has taken her elsewhere, what concerns me is why you choose to keep your words hidden from the group? This information you offer has great possibilities, and may induce fresh ideas from someone.

With that she turned to Phalomir, lifting a hand to take in the group.

“These are associates of one with whom I once held alliance, for the sake of my blood-sister and the children of the All. That man is unfortunately dead; however, I feel that this alliance should now continue to be honored…”

She then introduced those present, not excluding her quietly standing son, coming to a polite halt at Za’in. Her lip curled as she immediately recognized his ambivalence toward her, displayed by the admixture of his defensive posture and the belligerence of the words he had just muttered under his breath.

She smiled.

“May I inquire as to your name?” she asked him sweetly, meanwhile sending glances to the others to assure all were finalizing the extent of their comfort zones in the presence of each other.

[ 01-05-2004 01:32 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Shayla Stargazer Petrolu


Member # 123

posted 01-05-2004 09:51 PM     Profile for Shayla Stargazer Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shayla Stargazer Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
My concern was for the suspicious look...

...and the apparent lack of memory...

...on Jasyn Lancaster's part. I simply did not want to throw too much on his plate until he has the memories of his own he would need to contribute to his full potential as well, Shayla replied to Graysith as her eyes wandered over to the newcomer. He had a look in his eye that was more suspicious than even the one in Lancaster's. At this thought, Shayla let her greeny-blues shift to the brown-eyed man momentarily. He was at least beginning to make an attempt at calming down as Phalomir had strongly suggested. Still, there was that somewhat dark look in his eyes, one which was no doubt exacerbated at Graysith's reference to Terrin.

And at that Shayla understood the imprudency of not revealing the thoughts she had concerning Galen's possible whereabouts. Shayla mentally reprimanded herself.

Indeed, I see your point, she thought then to Graysith, Being hush-hush about the possibilities will only foster any suspicions these EE employees hold. I will voice my thoughts...

She paused, but only for the barest of moments, But only after this newcomer has been afforded the opportunity to introduce himself properly.


"Small minds think in small terms!"
(I am NOT turning to the Darkside...)

Posts: 1711 | From: see Mara1Jade | Registered: Jun 2001  |  Logged:

Chosen Daughter

Member # 27

posted 01-08-2004 06:23 PM     Profile for Graysith   Author's Homepage   Email Graysith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Graysith frowned.

Once again, a question had been posited. Once again, time stretched out, with nothing forthcoming in reply from the stranger who stood scowling at her from the door. Then that frown upon her face iced as she drew her cloak of authority about her, and pushed away from the table. She rose to her feet with studied deliberateness, her eyes darkening even more at the continued taciturnity of the stranger.

“Very well, then,” she finally breathed, and with no further ado clapped her hands. Salandaar was immediately at her side, bowing over his fisted hand as he awaited instruction.

“It would appear that this… stranger among us chooses to remain as thus. Regardless of the fact that he has come here in accompaniment with one known to us, the fact that he continues to remain silent bodes nothing other than his own views of himself. That I can assume to be nothing other than secretive; Salandaar—“

She trailed then, flicking her gaze from the still-silent Za’in to the warrior’s aquamarine eyes.

“We have much to discuss, and such must not be presented in the sight of a… stranger. Please escort this one to suitable chambers, provide him with whatever he desires in food and drink, and post warriors to be present should he decide to open himself to us, or require anything further.”

Salandaar bowed; when he righted himself it was with a sharply barked order. Immediately the young and stubbornly silent man was surrounded by a ring of Sith warriors, and escorted from the Dining Hall. Graysith watched as Salandaar followed on their heels; then she seated herself once more. For a moment nothing permeated the Dining Hall other than the clatter of utensils and clink of glasses, and no more than small talk filled the air. After a bit of time had passed, Salandaar re-entered, and coming up to Graysith informed her that Za’in had been given chambers within the corridor housing the others.

Graysith nodded pleasantly, and dismissed him gently. It was then that she realized that Jharu was yet standing in silence as well.

“Is there anything you require, Jharu?” she asked him then, reaching out to take up her caf once again, wondering just how long it would be before her son would speak openly to her again. However, knowing of his strangely altered personality, she did not choose to wait until he would deign to reply.

If he wishes to open up to us, or assist us in our endeavors, let him speak soon, she thought to herself. He has eyes within his head; surely he realizes that those who do not join us—

--will be quartered away, and quite opulently, while matters of import are dealt with. True, he claimed to have something of supposed dire importance to reveal—

Now she sent a quick glance his way. He remained silent, hands crossed, looking as if he could wait until the end of eternity to speak.

—yet he remains silent as well. It is only that he is my son, no matter what he claims, that he is yet allowed to remain, at least for the moment, within the walls of this room.

She gave her head a quick and definitive nod, and drew in a breath.

“Most of you present are aware of that which is called the Force; some of you are also familiar that there does in fact exist something other, something greater, and that being the great unification of all forces which indeed is called The All. It is via this great conjunction of all forces that I am not only able to accomplish much which normal Force users cannot, but I can likewise use the Force alone, should I choose to do so.”

She paused, watching while all eyes were drawn to her, some wide with surprise, some deep with understanding.

“Through this I can communicate quite clearly, in real words, with those I link with; such links exist between myself and Shayla, as well as with Lord Phalomir. I once had such a link with my sister, Galen Jhin’Dar Danner, but that has been severed. Only another All-user could accomplish such a thing.”

She paused, chewing upon her lip.

“Shayla, Phalomir and I have been… discussing matters regarding not merely the disappearance of Galen, but the insidious arising of another dark force in existence, one which also appears to have All-use. There might be a link between the two; this I cannot immediately ascertain.

“All I can tell you is that there is a possibility that Galen has been taken by the once Dark Lord Roan, and may have been taken to a hidden temple to S’slan which exists here on K’eel Doba.”

She paused, sending meaningful glances about the table, shooting an even more significant look Jharu’s way.

“To assist, all present need to realize fully what they may be getting in to—“

With that she sat back, closed her eyes, lifted the Claw-bearing finger, and in so small and seemingly insignificant a motion returned all lost memories to those from who she had removed them.

If only I could return your knowledge of the All in so simple a manner, sister, she sighed to herself as she opened her eyes to see what results should then play themselves out.

[ 01-09-2004 01:22 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Graysith ]


I ride the Stormcloud and the Night!

Posts: 3904 | From: Indianola, Iowa | Registered: Jul 2000  |  Logged:
Jasyn Lancaster

One of the Crew, Technical (and Sith Brandy) Specialist

Member # 389

posted 01-08-2004 07:39 PM     Profile for Jasyn Lancaster   Author's Homepage   Email Jasyn Lancaster     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
The fork that was in Jasyn's hand froze in midair from where it had been enroute to his mouth. He frowned, his eyes turning vague as a sudden wave of memories clicked back into place. Putting the fork ungracefully down upon the table then, he shook his head miniscuely as if to clear a drunken fog. And it was then that some of the words Graysith had been speaking matched up with something in his restored memory banks. His brown eyes flicked and locked upon Graysith's violet ones.

"The Temple of S'slan?" he repeated, something dark and almost sorrowful glinting his eyes. "Is this temple one and the same with the place where everyone was sucked into that dark realm...

...and where Terrin's mind was muddled with enough to bring him to his untimely...

...not to mention horrendous...


He trailed at this, his eyes defocusing as if he was seeing something none other in the room was. Then they refocused once more. "If that is where she is, we have to get to her right away, before something happens to her..."

Again he trailed, his eyes turning vague once more as the demon in his mind added a final and disturbing addendum.

...if hasn't already...


"We don't need no stinkin' Jedi!"
"You gotta try some of this Sith brandy!"
"Ummm... Boss...?"
"Brandy, you're a fine girl..." (from "Brandy" by Looking Glass)

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