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Author Topic: Water on Tatooine....


Member # 250

posted 06-14-2003 12:43 AM     Profile for LumbiaSith   Author's Homepage   Email LumbiaSith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Lumbia smiled, one hand out as analyzed the terrian of the holographically projected map. It was an interesting and great location for the Jedi Praxuem to be stationed from Lumbia's view, but still he did have questions which he'd have to carry out later. Giving the datapad back to it's owner, Jedi Master Arrakeen, he began.

"Masters, I will stay here and help you in the ressurection of the Jedi Praxuem. I hope to later be classifed as the first student as well as the first successful one." The young one spoke in such a clear, but still raspy voice.

Taking his hand to robe lining, he pushed it to the side as he reached toward his belt. Slowly taking out his lightsabre he placed it before them. It was well formed and without a flaw to be seen or sensed. An acceptional work of art in the matter of days he managed to form it.

"I also have managed to create a lightsabre during my trip, along with attaining the information that you sent me for." He paused then for his eyes to catch the reactions of the two Jedi Masters before he continued.

"The information is saved in my datapad, in which we may look at any time you please." Lumbia smiled as he ended, his hands clasping onto his work of art as he reattached it to his belt.

Awaiting a reply from either Shawn or Paul, he stood there, motionless with his hands gripping one another behind him and his head high in self confidence.

[ 06-14-2003 01:00 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by LumbiaSith ]


"I am here to redeem myself. See, The Fate of the universe lies in my hands! I will take up the challenge!"

-Lumbia Whitfield

Posts: 1143 | From: In space... | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:
Xam Ngboohan

Force Sensitive Mercenary

Member # 463

posted 06-16-2003 08:19 PM     Profile for Xam Ngboohan   Author's Homepage   Email Xam Ngboohan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OCC: Xam comes in from "The Stars..." in CSWU thread))

It has been a long time since Xam set foot on Tatooine. Word has it that the Hutts were out of power. Good. With the Ranclaw nicely settled in one of the landing bays, Xam made his way to the cantina.

He could get his information there....


There is a shadowy voice in my heart, telling me to embrace the darkness.....

Posts: 316 | From: Singapore | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:
Xam Ngboohan

Force Sensitive Mercenary

Member # 463

posted 06-18-2003 10:26 PM     Profile for Xam Ngboohan   Author's Homepage   Email Xam Ngboohan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Xam entered the cantina. Instead of going to the bar, he slowly strolled among the other customers. Through the force, Xam caught snatches of various conversations....

"So, how's your daughter?".....

"I don't have the money now, please give me more time.".....

"You got WHAT?! I don't believe it..."....

"....those 2 guys in brown robes. Headed North toward some of them moisture farms."....

Here was the lead Xam was looking for. The only people who wore brown robes would be Jedi. Jedi from whom he could learn and enhance his abilities.

Xam smiled to himself. But then again, the robed men could be B'ommar monks. Oh harm checking it out.


There is a shadowy voice in my heart, telling me to embrace the darkness.....

Posts: 316 | From: Singapore | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 250

posted 06-19-2003 08:10 PM     Profile for LumbiaSith   Author's Homepage   Email LumbiaSith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
After the group had been reaquainted, the two Jedi requested they should see the reason Lumbia had gone to "The Great Libary" for. After situating themselves in some furniture and getting a table in the center for placing the datapad on, the show began.

It was sudden and quick, even shocking how fast the hologram came out. The image was of Luke Skywalker, dressed in his normal black full-suit attire with his hands behind his back in formal stance. He quickly began with the message that the two Jedi had seeked.

"I am Luke Skywalker, the Alpha of the New Jedi Order. I am here to tell you of the Jedi Praxuem. It is an isolated area on Yavin IV. Though you may not know the origin of the temple we lived in, it was Great Massassi Temple.

"In the Great Massassi Temple, there were many areas that involved force users to pass. This made it a more secure enviroment for our Padawan, Jedi Knight and I.

"This is all. Receiving this information will guide you on your destiny. Use it well, and may the force be with you."

And as quickly as Luke came from the past, he disappeared with a sense of mist that only could be created by the Force. The whole time Lumbia stared at the two for their approval of his findings.

"So...?" He finally said.

[ 06-19-2003 08:10 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by LumbiaSith ]


"I am here to redeem myself. See, The Fate of the universe lies in my hands! I will take up the challenge!"

-Lumbia Whitfield

Posts: 1143 | From: In space... | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:
Xam Ngboohan

Force Sensitive Mercenary

Member # 463

posted 06-19-2003 08:22 PM     Profile for Xam Ngboohan   Author's Homepage   Email Xam Ngboohan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Xam managed to hitch a ride to the outskirts of mos eisley. From there, he went about various moisture farm's asking about the Jedis' whereabouts.

It seemed the Jedi came by here and asked the farmers for aid. He followed lead after lead. Finally, Xam came to the homestead the previous farmer told him about.

What would Jedi want with a moisture farm? Xam could sense it. There were 3 men inside, all Jedi. What a lucky break. And they being Jedi probably know he was here now. Xam calmly walked toward the homestead......


There is a shadowy voice in my heart, telling me to embrace the darkness.....

Posts: 316 | From: Singapore | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 250

posted 06-19-2003 08:38 PM     Profile for LumbiaSith   Author's Homepage   Email LumbiaSith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Lumbia furrowed his brows at the tingling sensation triggering his brain. Searching through the Force he felt a strange disturbance. Someone had come to the homestead and now were only steps away from entering.

Though untrained in the arts of the Jedi, he did know the ways of the Force aswell as the lightsaber. Without hesistance he reached for his lightsaber and clasped it.

"Do you all feel it?" He asked, not expecting an answer. Of course they did, they were far superior to he in the knowings of the Force. They were Knights, he wasn't even a Padawan yet.

Heading slowly for the door he opened it with great ease and slowiness, scanning the area outside, only to find a man. Not much younger then he, coming straight toward him with great tranquility in his eyes. It was clear he wasn't here for trouble, atleast not from Lumbia's eyes, but he still was concerned.

"Who are you?" Lumbia asked as he stepped outside, closing the door behind him as he stared at the man, awaiting a response.


"I am here to redeem myself. See, The Fate of the universe lies in my hands! I will take up the challenge!"

-Lumbia Whitfield

Posts: 1143 | From: In space... | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:
Xam Ngboohan

Force Sensitive Mercenary

Member # 463

posted 06-19-2003 08:43 PM     Profile for Xam Ngboohan   Author's Homepage   Email Xam Ngboohan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Xam was just about to knock on the door when it suddenly swung open. The Jedi who greeted him was almost his age.

"Greetings, I am Xam Ngboohan. Sorry to intrude on you but.....ok I'll get to the point. You guys are Jedi right?"

Xam hoped that these would be the Jedi he heard about. If they were, good. Then he would be able to find out where he coulds go to enhance his force abilities. However, If one of these guys were a Jedi Master, that would make Xam's quest a lot easier.

[ 06-19-2003 08:45 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xam Ngboohan ]


There is a shadowy voice in my heart, telling me to embrace the darkness.....

Posts: 316 | From: Singapore | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:


Member # 250

posted 06-19-2003 08:48 PM     Profile for LumbiaSith   Author's Homepage   Email LumbiaSith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Lumbia was confused how anyone would even search for Jedi at this time. The Jedi population nearly had been whipped out once again, with a few spare remants out there, just waiting for the moment of the return of the Order.

Yet still, their could only be a few that could actually master the ability to forsee this day and this one seemed far too young to have that mastery of the Force.

Finishing his musing, he finally began. His eyes darting from the ground up to the man.

"Why are you in search of Jedi?"


"I am here to redeem myself. See, The Fate of the universe lies in my hands! I will take up the challenge!"

-Lumbia Whitfield

Posts: 1143 | From: In space... | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:
Shawn Petrolu

Trustworthy Jedi Knight

Member # 154

posted 06-19-2003 09:13 PM     Profile for Shawn Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shawn Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Merely following the abrupt Lumbia out to meet this newcomer, Shawn at length finally stepped in, raising a hand to indicate that Lumbia stop. “This is a matter which concerns a Master, my young friend,” he spoke calmly, his look nevertheless stern. “Do not let your eagerness lead you into hasty actions.”

For a moment then, Shawn fell silent, his eyes only for Lumbia’s as he let his words sink home. The look in them read, If you want to be trained, you’re going to have to get used to following the lead of Masters and elders.

At length, however, Shawn turned his gaze to Xam, his eyes once more utterly serene, all traces of sterness fading from them as he now reached out to sense the emotions swirling inside this newcomer. His eagerness was evident...

...but Shawn also sensed vague traces of something that approximated anger deep within this one. Throughout this all, however, Shawn’s look never so much as shifted. “I am Jedi Shawn Petrolu,” he said, introducing himself. “Come inside and refresh yourself with us, and then we will speak of just how you have come to us, and why...”

With nothing more than that, Shawn turned slightly towards the homestead and waited for Xam to follow him back inside, where perhaps they would lean why indeed this one had come to Tatooine, of all places, to find Jedi...


Please shoot me, I'm surrounded by idiots.

Posts: 553 | From: See Mara1Jade | Registered: Mar 2002  |  Logged:


Member # 250

posted 06-20-2003 11:50 AM     Profile for LumbiaSith   Author's Homepage   Email LumbiaSith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
When the group walked in, Lumbia decided to take seating outside for a little while. It was a time for reflecting. To search more for himself and what kind person he wanted to be. He had decided the path of the Jedi but in itself came turmoil, aswell as times such as these. Where one would need to sit, rest their mind and reflect on the world but much more so, themselves.

Lumbia walked slowly toward the closest mountain of sand, taking a comfortable seating atop it. Staring into the sunsets before him that excerted the true power of this planet. Anakin, Luke all came from this very planet, both parting in ways that would change the coarse of the galaxy.

He wondered though, would he inherit that glorious strenghts and would other Jedi that entered that Praxuem they would built. His mind asked the world this question, but the wind only whistled past, not paying it a mind.

It wasn't this world that could reply, it was the future. He could very well be the one that would forsee it, but that day of matery wouldn't come soon.

Inhaling he took in the sandy world and followed with an exhale. Closing his eyes, images in his mind went black like in his eyes. Searching through unconsciously through all his memory, he came upon something. Somethiing circled in darkness.

There he kneeled in pain, his hands upon his head as the pains of hatred began infesting his brain. It was becoming one with his personality. Swirming about as he sat there in agony, trying to somehow wiggle his way out of the hatred. The purity once in him was now being bind no one else could do anything about it.

The closest to him actually advocated this. Trying to guide him down the Dark path which would leave numerous dead and the reign of terror strong once more. It was these two who had felt the best concept was for a forceful, strong, Dark government to control the galaxy. Down to the Outer Rim and beyond.

They would become conquerers, not just politicans and leaders.

"You will be great," His Master said in his raspy voice, as the boy stood, stablizing himself. The agony had ended and that was left was a boy no older than 14 years old dressed in dark cloth with a snarl of true viciousness on his face.

Lumbia was this boy's name and he had yet to become great then, but he did fulfil what his Master wanted. For him to become as hateful as any other Dark being in this galaxy and use it to his advatange.

Yet this bind on the boy's strong purity could only last so long. Though years past until he found his own way back to the light side, it did come back....

Lumbia's eyes opened, the scene continuing to rattle in his brain in a replay. The emphasis all around the words of his Master, "You will be great."

He believed that, but now he wouldn't do it as his first Master had taught him, but in the way of the Jedi. To help others, not kill them or conquer their land. Not to be classified as a government offical, but as a Jedi Knight who was remembered for his love for all, even the foes he had to kill.

That was what Lumbia wanted, and he would have to obey his new Masters request if he wanted to become that. The road would be long, but he'd make it. He'd make it...

Finally getting to his feet he headed back to the homestead, while the conversation went on inside.


"I am here to redeem myself. See, The Fate of the universe lies in my hands! I will take up the challenge!"

-Lumbia Whitfield

Posts: 1143 | From: In space... | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:
Lanlif Berayen


Member # 454

posted 06-23-2003 05:08 PM     Profile for Lanlif Berayen   Author's Homepage   Email Lanlif Berayen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OOC: From the thread in Complete Star Wars Uiverse called The Stars... comes Lanlif))

Lanlif pulled the lever after a bit of contemplation, heading back to Tatooine. The main reason wasn't that his friend, Lumbia probably was back on the planet already, but that he could get rid of this ship. In the time that he was selling the ship maybe he could check up on the Jedi and find out what was going on.

The smuggler ship bursted into hyperspace, with the stars running in the same speed the opposite direction. It was a long break that needed to be filled up from Sullust to Tatooine, so the best idea was to get some grub.

Heading in the back he got some food that had been left in here from the origianl owner. It wasn't good snack at all, but Lanlif hadn't ate in weeks.

After finishing he was alerted by the computer that they had entered the area needed for landing. Heading back quickly tot he cockpit he pushed the lever and entered real space. When finally landing about 30 minutes later on Tatooine's main spaceport in Mos Eisley, he began with the work to get rid of this piece of junk and get a new one.


"I hate how life changes all the time.." -Lanlif

Posts: 42 | From: In space... | Registered: Apr 2003  |  Logged:
Xam Ngboohan

Force Sensitive Mercenary

Member # 463

posted 06-23-2003 08:13 PM     Profile for Xam Ngboohan   Author's Homepage   Email Xam Ngboohan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Xam followed the Jedi in to the homestead. The younger Jedi stayed outside. Xam knew that he was getting somewhere. Now if only he could convince the Jedi to take him as a student without revealing his true intentions for enhancing his force abilities through training.

Suddenly, Xam felt a disturbance in the force. A dark gathering somewhere.......very dark.....sith......

Xam did not know if the other Jedi had felt it too......


There is a shadowy voice in my heart, telling me to embrace the darkness.....

Posts: 316 | From: Singapore | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:
Lanlif Berayen


Member # 454

posted 06-24-2003 02:33 AM     Profile for Lanlif Berayen   Author's Homepage   Email Lanlif Berayen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
After a touch of his haggling skills went at work through numerous catina's he finally got his bidder. It was in a catina nearly reaching the outskirts of the city and they'd meet back there in a day to finalize the deal with the credit and ship trade.

When finishing he headed off to find Lumbia. Their is a strong possibility that their wouldn't stick around in the city, especially from the atomsphere he was catching from the town, so he headed to the outskirts. Asking the inhabitants, from Jawa to farmers he came onto only two clues.

Their were mens with robes, aswell as two that were searching for them. They had headed off to a man named Klar R'trel who was known amoung the moisture farming community for his wild dreams he had.

Lanlif never did stay long to converse with them, as he only had a day to rest before he got back to his haggling to get a whole new ship. Something that would be perfect for him and his droids.

The droids though couldn't handle the condition of this moving. They lagged behind in the blow of the sun as the sunset took it's stances. They finally got to rest when they finally came to Klar's house, where they stayed while Lanlif headed off to the homestead that the R'trel's had once used.

Finally, we meet again he thought.


"I hate how life changes all the time.." -Lanlif

Posts: 42 | From: In space... | Registered: Apr 2003  |  Logged:
Paul Arrakeen


Member # 319

posted 06-24-2003 07:02 PM     Profile for Paul Arrakeen   Author's Homepage   Email Paul Arrakeen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Paul eyed the new Force-user suspiciously. He can see the young man's eagerness to learn, but he sensed it was for a different purpose beyond that of the Jedi code.

His attention was soon diverted as Paul felt another, darker presence in the Force...something that was a little familiar from what he felt on Khar Delba.

Paul saw a sudden look of concern on the faces of the other Jedi. "I sense it too."

He swiftly grabbed the datapad which Lumbia had brought from his mission and pocketed it inside his robe. "Hate to see this fall into the wrong hands so soon. I wonder..."

Paul stepped outside, staring ahead. "Is it looking for us?"


"I'm tired of talking, Fuchs. I just want to go up to my shack and get drunk." -The Thing

Posts: 60 | From: The Pit of Eternal Despair | Registered: Aug 2002  |  Logged:


Member # 250

posted 06-25-2003 06:00 PM     Profile for LumbiaSith   Author's Homepage   Email LumbiaSith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Lumbia was confuse at the sudden akward behavior from Paul. They probably were talking about something secretive or just a topic that they all hadn't gotten the chance to tell him.

Turning around, to see what Paul was staring at, he accidently bumped into a blue blurr. Falling down from the collision, he nearly hit Paul on his way down. Bouncing against the floor, his eyes opened in shock from the sudden force.

Staring at Lanlif..

"Well I guess that's the person that's looking...for us." He said as he chuckled.


"I am here to redeem myself. See, The Fate of the universe lies in my hands! I will take up the challenge!"

-Lumbia Whitfield

Posts: 1143 | From: In space... | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:
Shawn Petrolu

Trustworthy Jedi Knight

Member # 154

posted 06-25-2003 09:55 PM     Profile for Shawn Petrolu   Author's Homepage   Email Shawn Petrolu     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Shawn's look didn't so much as shift when Lanlif came careeming in. Rather, his look was thoughtful, his senses stretching out towards that something that Paul and Xam seemed to be sensing. Then after a long moment he replied to Paul's query. "I don't see how anyone could be looking for us specifically; no one should really know we're even here, let alone that there's a movement to begin reconstruction on the Praxeum," he stated, looking at Xam measuringly.

Then Shawn's greeny-blues defocused yet again as he returned to his thoughts. "Still, I agree that I sense something amiss out there."

He paused, pursing his lips. "Perhaps we should lay aside our plans for reconstruction til we have more hands to help...

...cause I've got a feeling that perhaps we might be needed wherever this darkness is growing. After all, the best place to train students who already have basic knowledge of Jedi practices is in real situations...

...and aside from that, we simply can't just ignore this even if we are few in number."

Again Shawn trailed, then he turned to regard Paul. "What are your thoughts?" he asked Paul.

And finally, now thinking to Paul so as not to alert the others of his words, And what are your feelings concerning Xam...?

[ 06-25-2003 10:05 PM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Shawn Petrolu ]


Please shoot me, I'm surrounded by idiots.

Posts: 553 | From: See Mara1Jade | Registered: Mar 2002  |  Logged:
Lanlif Berayen


Member # 454

posted 06-26-2003 06:12 PM     Profile for Lanlif Berayen   Author's Homepage   Email Lanlif Berayen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Lanlif's eyes tweaked as he listen to the Jedi. Helping his friend Lumbia up onto his feet, thinking of some way he could help in this situation. It seemed they might need help in getting flight to another planet and who was better than he.

Well in his one.

"Hey," The blue Squib butted in with a loud projeceted voice, demanding attention. When getting what his tone commanded, the captian continued, "Well, the best way of getting off this planet is through me. Maybe I can help you..since I'm getting a brand new ship tomorrow."

Lanlif ended, always ready to help when a Jedi was involve and find something new in the galaxy worth being curious about.


"I hate how life changes all the time.." -Lanlif

Posts: 42 | From: In space... | Registered: Apr 2003  |  Logged:
Xam Ngboohan

Force Sensitive Mercenary

Member # 463

posted 06-30-2003 06:39 PM     Profile for Xam Ngboohan   Author's Homepage   Email Xam Ngboohan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Xam listened to the Jedi. Not only was he lucky enough to meet jedi on the very firdt planet he decided to search, but they needed help in reconstructing their "praxeum", whatever it is.

Xam turned to look at the blue creature who just came in. He was not familiar with its species.

Turning back to the Jedi Xam said, "So, you guys are trying to reconstruct your "Praxeum" is that it? Well I don't know if you guys trust me or not, but I am willing to help you out in order to gain your trust. How about that?"

[ 07-01-2003 06:38 AM: Message edited 1 time, lastly by Xam Ngboohan ]


There is a shadowy voice in my heart, telling me to embrace the darkness.....

Posts: 316 | From: Singapore | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:
Stella Relak

Broken Back Button

Member # 482

posted 06-30-2003 08:12 PM     Profile for Stella Relak   Author's Homepage   Email Stella Relak     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Stella waited in the alley near the Mos Eisely cantina. What was taking Fiona so long. Was getting an imperial informant out of the cantina and into the alley so difficult?

Her hands were going stiff from holding her gun. The plan was simple. Fiona lures the target into the alley, Stella pops his head open with the blaster rifle and.....instant 7000 credits from their employer.

Suddenly, Fiona heard laughter. She peeped out from her hiding place on the second floor of an abbandoned buillding beside the alley. And there was Fiona and their target, who was obviously drunk. Fiona was in that skimpy black "dancing girl" outfit of hers. Thats right....seduce the target into following you.

They were talking to each other. Stella could not hear the conversation. The man was obviously totally seduced. He must have said something or did something to Fiona. Suddenly Fiona grabbed the man, swung him over her shoulder and slammed him on the floor.

My que. Target in sight.....trigger squeezed....and a bolt of coherent light stabbed into the man's skull.

Stella hurried down to her sister who was already rummaging through the man's wallet.

"Great job Stella, now lets get out of here."

Minutes later, Fiona changed back to her brown flight suit.

"Sis, how much longer do we have to do this"? Asked Stella.

"I told you already, until we get rich enough. Besides I like the job," replied Fiona.

"well I don't," Stella thought as they made their way to the cantina.


I hate my job.... -Stella Relak

Posts: 7 | From: In Orbit.... | Registered: Jun 2003  |  Logged:
Stella Relak

Broken Back Button

Member # 482

posted 06-30-2003 08:30 PM     Profile for Stella Relak   Author's Homepage   Email Stella Relak     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
In the cantina, Fiona went to the bar to get a usual, while Stella contacted their employer.

The screen lit up and the face of their employer stared up at Stella.

"I have already heard of the informant's death. The money has already been transfered to your account. I has been a pleasure doing buisness with you both. Good day."
transmission ended

That was short and sweet. Now the Relak sisters were 7000 creds richer. Now to find Fiona.

Stella found Fiona at a table playing sabacc with 3 others.

"Alright Sis, what did I say about gambling away our hard earned money? Come on lets go. Sorry about my sister gentlemen."

"No need to be sorry", replied one of the gamblers. He held up a stack of credits. I could see that it amounted to 2000. He pointed to Fiona and then to the creds anbd I knew what he meant.

"I was just warming up," said Fiona with a nervous smile on her face.

GAmbling, like drinking and fighting etc were one of the few habits that Fiona will never break.

Now the Relak sisters were 2000 creds short. Minus ship repair bill, damages, fuel and the newly aquired Swoop bikes, that left an extreamly small profit of 300 creds.

Oh boy......


I hate my job.... -Stella Relak

Posts: 7 | From: In Orbit.... | Registered: Jun 2003  |  Logged:
Paul Arrakeen


Member # 319

posted 07-01-2003 12:28 AM     Profile for Paul Arrakeen   Author's Homepage   Email Paul Arrakeen     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Paul made a slight nod in response to Shawn's first question. "I agree. I'm very interested in seeing what this new presence is, and it would show Jedi deal with such situations."

Then he smiled at Xam. "AND as long as you're willing to listen and learn, we will accept your help in the Praxeum's reconstruction. Now if you excuse me..."

Paul turned to head for the back of the homestead. "I'll fetch some canteens for us. The Tatooine heat can dehydrate a man in minutes, and its quite a walk to the spaceports."

Before he continued walking, however, Paul stopped momentarily beside Master Petrolu.

As for our new "friend", well... he thought, directing to Shawn. I doubt a force-sensitive, heavily armed man intends to use his knowledge of the Force for good. But then again I could be wrong. Either way, we can still show him how to use the Force to help others, rather than for his own personal agendas.

At that, he continued his little trip to the back, and returned handing canteens to each Jedi and the blue Squib.

"Shall we leave now?"


"I'm tired of talking, Fuchs. I just want to go up to my shack and get drunk." -The Thing

Posts: 60 | From: The Pit of Eternal Despair | Registered: Aug 2002  |  Logged:


Member # 250

posted 07-01-2003 04:01 AM     Profile for LumbiaSith   Author's Homepage   Email LumbiaSith     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Lumbia didn't say anything in response to Paul, but his actions did. Taking the cateen with a curtious smile on his face, he began walking past the moisture farms and along the desert to the town Lanlif had explained he would be getting the ship. By sun rise tomorrow they'd probably be there by how far his datapad had put it so it was it was great timing for them to have Lanlif come.

When the moon took it's complete stand into the sky around 12:00 standard time, Lumbia set up camp for the group. His scout skills had been attained when young with friends on explores of the forest.

Sitting about the fire, they all rested. Some staying outside as others took guard to point out any vigorous animal heading there way. It was Lanlif who rested though, but still he had an alert aura about him.

It wasn't far after the fire was made and they were completely settle when a duri ran past with a sandcat on it's tail. Lumbia was marveled by this, seeing the dominitant species do it's job in the foodchain. Not that he liked seeing weaker lose, but just the tales of life that was going about him was so attractive.

"Hmmm....Does anyone want to come with me. We need some food and hunting is the only way. If we hav esome stocked food...than that's okay too..."


"I am here to redeem myself. See, The Fate of the universe lies in my hands! I will take up the challenge!"

-Lumbia Whitfield

Posts: 1143 | From: In space... | Registered: Jun 2002  |  Logged:
Xam Ngboohan

Force Sensitive Mercenary

Member # 463

posted 07-01-2003 06:47 AM     Profile for Xam Ngboohan   Author's Homepage   Email Xam Ngboohan     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
Xam was pacing around the fire thinking to himself. When the sandcat appeared, Xam was startled and instinctively went for his blaster.

No! The Jedi would not condone such a violent act. Xam calmed himself.

Just then, the young Jedi asked if anyone wanted to go hunt for food with him.

"Hey sure, I wouldn't mind following you. You will need me to....*ahem*....cover your back." Xam waited to see if the young Jedi would agree.....


There is a shadowy voice in my heart, telling me to embrace the darkness.....

Posts: 316 | From: Singapore | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:
O-B-1 Kenobi


Member # 467

posted 07-01-2003 07:18 AM     Profile for O-B-1 Kenobi   Author's Homepage   Email O-B-1 Kenobi     Send New Private Message   Edit/Delete Post
((OCC: Ken enters from "Searching For Facts" in the CSWU forum))

Ken entered Tatooine system. Alarms were sounding all over the ship, indicating that there was almost no more fuel in the ship.

Ken managed to make it to a docking bay. However while landing the ship just shut down and crashed down 20 meters into the docking bay. Ken hurridly left the ship. He deliberately left it unlocked in hopes that scavengers would take it apart, destroy the evidence.

Having made it safely out of the spaceport, Ken decided to repair his finances.

He did not remember where he learnt how to be a professional pickpocket. It just came to him automatically. Then again, Ken did not know exactly who he was or where he came from.

He bumped into a blurry big man.

"Hey watch it!!" shouted the man
"I'm sorry, please forgive me", replied Ken, acting as humble as he could. When the man left, Ken smiled to himself as he opened his newly stolen wallet and fished out all the creds that were in it.

Altogether, Ken had 400 creds now. He could keep this up the whole night......

Posts: 66 | From: unknnown | Registered: May 2003  |  Logged:
Cartar Grisum


Member # 484

posted 07-01-2003 01:19 PM     Profile for Cartar Grisum   Author's Homepage   Email Cartar Grisum     Edit/Delete Post
((OOC: Coming from "Rogue" thread on Coruscant in "Complete Star Wars Universe" forum.))

"Thank you, sir," Cartar slowly nodded to the smuggler before he stepped from the ship. He tugged down his hood and brought his cloak closer to him as he exited the docking bay. Winding the streets, he made it out of the spaceport and into the surrounding roads, desert, and buildings.
Pacing himself at a farely quick rate through the criss-crossed road patterns of the residences and businesses outside of the spaceport. His eyes focused on a little character speedily walking in the opposite direction of himself.
The fellow suddenly (and to the least observant mind, at least the one of a Jedi... at least a former Jedi, quite deliberately) bumped into a large, burly man. The fellow nodded to his victim and made some sort of apology.Rotten little pickpocket, thought Grisum. I'll teach him to pull a ratty trick like that... even if it wasn't on me.
As if he hadn't noticed a thing, he continued to walk toward the man who now seemed to be counting up in his head. Then, with a quick snap of his right arm, he snagged the fellow by the collar.
"Give the man his money back, you little scoundrel," he menaced.


Do not "use the force." Manipulate it. Twist it. Contort it. That is when you shall learn to become a truly worthy adversary. --Cartar Grisum

Posts: 15 | From: Nowhere | Registered: Jun 2003  |  Logged:

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